#Biology adventure
dratefahmed1 · 5 months
"Uncover the Wonders of Human Biology | The Magical Microscope Exploring the Human Body"
#ScienceEducation #STEMEducation #ChildrensBooks #BiologyAdventure #MedicalScience #CuriousMinds #YoungExplorers #LearningIsFun #EducationalVideos #MicroscopicWorld #ScienceEducation #STEMEducation #ChildrensBooks #BiologyAdventure #MedicalScience #CuriousMinds #YoungExplorers #LearningIsFun #EducationalVideos #MicroscopicWorld #PopularScience #InteractiveLearning #HandsOnActivities #VirtualLabs…
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fefe600 · 5 months
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I love how he puts on this heartless bad boy persona who doesn't give a damn but he is low-key a closeted nerd and highly intelligent
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This big tough guy is really reading books about marine life for fun.
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Look at this dude trying to casually look at the starfish. Careful now Jotaro, your nerd side is showing
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gina025 · 4 months
Swimming seahorses
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its-toast-time · 5 months
Kryptonians are predator species that traditionally hunted using endurance, stalking their prey for days and miles with single minded focus. Evolutionarily, that intensity never really faded. Furthermore, Kryptonians often inherently connected interests to purpose and thus to personality. I mean, in Krypton’s later half of existence they literally started breeding Kryptonians in a caste system that designated purpose at birth, obviously these beings meant for one thing are going to be invested in that one thing with their whole kryptussy. Kal-El might have been a natural birth but his parents weren’t. His grand parents weren’t. He definitely inherited that interests=purpose=personality psychological pipeline.
This is all to say that Clark Kent has been known to exhibit very very normal Kryptonian behaviors and psychology but comes off as wildly autistic to humans. That man doesn’t ever just focus. He hyperfocuses. He doesn’t have hobbies, he has special interests and obsessions. Bless him.
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lilas · 10 months
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extremely attracted to him rn
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marinebioblr · 6 months
A close encounter with a very scarred individual! This is potentially a male, evidenced by the heavy rake marks down his body (it is often assumed more heavily scarred dolphins are male due to mating competitions), though it is possible these scars were caused by his environment at some point. Also of note are his parasites - if you look closely at the edges of his pectoral and caudal (tail) fin, you can see what almost looks like fringe. These are actually dangling parasites, likely Xenobalanus globicipitis, which is actually a kind of elongate barnacle!
Bonus: if you look closely, a black manta makes a low fly-by in the background
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neovagina-evangelion · 10 months
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i have a theory
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cathchicken · 10 months
Thanksgiving art dump
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My arm hurts now
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bedrockfactory · 1 year
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Tovoxran armor lore!!
1. Sun-protective shades, since their eyes are very light-sensitive
2. A tovoxran rifle commonly used in their army
3. A melee weapon, which blade was made of a special material created by Tovoxrans, which is both lightweight and strong.
Also to those, who sent asks recently - yes, I'm going to answer, I just wanted to finish this one first. ^^
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grox-empire · 8 months
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Updated default daybreak grox design, Now with segmentation to portray their weird internalized exoskeleton better! REALLY happy with how this came out, I think i'm getting my artstyle to a point i'm content with :))
This will probably be part of a whole sheet eventually, I'm just a bit lazy at the moment.
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geckosquash2 · 4 months
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Went to the aquarium recently and couldn't stop thinking about the old lad, so I decided to draw him ◇◇◇
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
One of my friends proved aliens existed from a celery sample in our Biology class, but the credit was immediately stolen by Koichi from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
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gina025 · 3 months
Swimming turtles
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rougepancake · 1 year
Ship in a bottle
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Ft. Merman!Yoshikage Kira x F!Reader
Please you guys I love this idea so much you have no idea. I will defend merman Yoshikage with my life 😩. I was also terrified to post this but YOLO AHAHA SELF INDULGENCE 😔
Warnings: slight gore, mentions of killing, interspecies relationship (???), MONSTER FUCKING RAHHH (implied rahhhh), Kira’s hand fetish (also rahhhh), mating??. He’s a beautiful merman leave him be 😭
Summary: You and your fellow researcher Jotaro Kujo are out on the hunt for merfolk, legendary and beautiful creatures that have been believed to be nothing more than a legend. But they are in fact real. And they are twice as beautiful as the stories say.
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It was gloomy, as to be expected whilst out on the open ocean. The wind whipped around you, howling softly as you observed the waves rocking against your cabin cruiser. Your fellow researcher, Jotaro Kujo, was standing beside you, his eyes transfixed on the radar screen in his hands.
So far there had been no sign of any large fish, which bummed you out to no avail. You had all day out here, which meant there was definitely bound to be something. Even if you didn’t catch a glimpse of what you were looking for, you might get to see a humpback whale or something.
That would make up for it… right?
Wrong. Even if the sight of the whales was beautiful on its own, you were out here looking for something specific. Something so specific that it made searching for it nearly impossible.
Especially since most people didn’t believe in mermaids.
“Hey do you see that?” Jotaro’s voice pulled you from your trance, forcing you to look over at the radar monitor. “I wonder if it’s a school or something.”
“No way.” You rushed over to him, doing your best to contain your excitement. “Do you want to get the diving gear?”
“No thanks.” He shrugged, shaking his head as he put away the monitor. “Just look at this weather. Plus there’s a chance that it’s not even them.” He sighed and looked at you, challenging your will. “Are you really willing to risk it? What if it is them and they’re hostile? What would you do then? Die?”
“I suppose I would.” You crossed your arms. “It’s in the name of science, so I wouldn’t mind dying if it meant that some of our questions would be answered.”
Jotaro opened his mouth to argue with you further, but stopped himself when he caught a glimpse of a uniquely patterned purple fishtail.
“Holy shit.” He rushed over to the side and you followed him.
“Don’t just stand there! Get the camera!” You grabbed his arm and shook him, only to be pushed to the side with a huff from him. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
A lavender colored tail, winding across the surface of the ocean. It looked to have some markings on it, but you were unable to tell what they formed due to how far away it was.
“Place your bets Kujo.” You breathed out, still in awe at the sight of the tail. “Maid or man?” You held out your hand and Jotaro immediately slapped 2,836 yen (equivalent to $20 usd) on it.
“Maid. Just look how elegant that tail is.” He paused, lowering the camera and staring out at the ocean in awe. “It’s too beautiful to belong to a man.” You scoffed and pulled out the same amount of yen, turning around and placing it underneath a nearby cup.
“I think it’s a man.” You sighed and leaned against the railing, watching as it faded out of sight slowly. “I mean did you see those markings? And the sheer size of it too. In the legends it’s said that mermaids are more delicate, as if to seduce the sailors. So it just makes more sense for it to be a man.”
“This isn’t some fantasy novel, L/n. They’re real, and we’ve officially spotted one. Forget everything you’ve ever read about them. We are now rewriting that, got it?” He scoffed and walked past you into the cruiser. You could hear your cat meow as the door opened, a signal that he was scared of the weather. Poor thing.
“Fine. It’s getting late anyways.” You sighed and followed after Jotaro. “I’ll take you back to shore since I know you’re not too fond of boats.”
“Gee you’re too kind.” He said sarcastically and lay down on the couch, his arms resting behind his head as he propped up his feet. Your cat, Killer Queen, eyed him warily before hopping up onto his chest. “It’s that I don’t like them, it’s just that I don’t come out on the water often.” Reluctantly, he pet KQ. “I’m based on the shore, you know that.”
“Yeah yeah.” You rolled your eyes and set things to head back to the shore. It was only about fifty miles back, which was roughly a two and a half hour ride. You looked over your shoulder once you finished programming the location into the gps system. “Be gentle with KQ.” You warned. “He’s a bit of a biter.”
“Yeah.” Jotaro scoffed in response and used his hat to cover his face as he drifted off to sleep.
You went back to the deck and continued to watch the surface, hoping to catch another glimpse of the tail from earlier. Not even that. You just wanted to see at least one of the creatures you had been looking so long for.
Then you saw it.
The same tail from before, which was surprisingly close to your boat. It was surprising, since most sea creatures were scared by the churning water, but this one seemed to not care.
You watched it closely, pulled into a trance by the way it swirled around as it swam. It was beautiful.
And of course, this one was a killer.
Blood tainted the water’s surface, and the tail wriggled back into the water, disappearing from your sight entirely.
“Shit! Come back!!” You swore and leaned over the side, and right as you did the boat rocked and you fell over and into the water. You let out a scream, internally fearful of the beautiful beast that had just vanished from sight.
The harsh waves forced your head under, and you struggled against the current. Occasionally you’d resurface, and each time your boat was farther away.
You struggled and kicked violently, doing your best to fight against the strength of the current. But you were just pushed back under again.
However, this time you were met the face of a merman, who was staring at you rather intently.
He was even more beautiful than his tail, his blueish purple eyes staring deep into yours as you held onto him for dear life. His hands rested on your waist, his tail swirling around you as you began to feel lightheaded.
It was like he was able to sense that you were in need of air, and he took you up to the surface, holding you tightly so you wouldn’t be washed away by the current.
With a frantic gasp for air, you looked around for your boat, which appeared to be miles away now, just barely a spec in the distance. You felt your heart sink as you turned back to the creature that was holding you.
His eyes were focused on your hands, observing them as if they were the best thing he had ever laid his eyes on.
“Thank you!” You shouted, your voice being whisked away by the harsh winds. It was about to storm, and that scared you even more. You patted his shoulder so he would look at you, and once you made eye contact, you pointed at the boat in the distance. “I need your help getting to the boat!” You made sure to speak slowly and clearly, but he just stared at you with wide eyes.
Shit. Did he not understand you??
“Boat…” He repeated you, his voice deep and raspy. Your eyes lit up and you began to nod enthusiastically.
“Yes! Yes! Boat! I need to get back to my boat!” Thunder roared in the distance and you shivered, wincing at the sound. “Can you help me?”
His eyes had trailed down to your hands once again, his own hands meeting yours. You wriggled your fingers and he snapped back to reality, his expression unreadable.
“Please…” Your voice was weak, and you felt yourself getting lightheaded once again.
Then- everything faded to black. The last thing you remembered was the salty cold water washing over you as you clung to your inhuman savior.
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“L/n what the hell?” Jotaro grumbled as he picked you off of the deck, stumbling slightly as the boat rocked harshly. The shore was in sight now, and you were only about fifteen minutes away from the base, which meant that Jotaro would be getting off and you’d be heading right back out to sea. “Don’t tell me you tried to swim in these conditions.”
“Oh fuck off.” You rolled your eyes and pushed past him, shakily walking into the cabin of the boat. “I fell in. And you owe me 2,876 yen.” You grabbed a towel and began to dry yourself off, turning your back to him to give yourself some privacy.
“What? Why-“ He stopped. “You saw the merperson from earlier??” His tone changed entirely, seemingly more excited now. “Wow. I can’t believe-“ Jotaro shook his head and sighed. “Never mind that. Your dumbass fell into the water during a storm. How did you even get back to the boat??”
“Pay up.” You looked over your shoulder with a smirk, sticking out your hand expectantly. “I fell in while observing him, and he saved me. Simple as that.”
“No. It’s not that simple.” He argued, handing you the money with a sigh. “Merfolk tend to make promises, something similar to a contract.” He paused and sat down on the couch, petting KQ gently as he spoke. “That merman you ran into will expect something from you in return, especially since he saved your life.”
“Aren’t you the one who told me to forget everything I’ve ever read about merfolk?” You turned around, giving him a glare. The boat rocked, a sign that you were now back at the base. “Whatever. We’re at the dock, so get off and log our information.” You waved him away.
“I’m serious L/n. You’d better be careful.” He began to pack up his things. “Just don’t die. You’re the only field operator that I can tolerate.” He grumbled and headed off the boat.
You sighed and began to strip yourself of your wet clothes, tossing them into the hamper as you made your way to your room. Once you pulled out a dry change of clothes and got changed, you programmed the location you were at earlier back into the navigational system and waited.
KQ seemed restless, but you couldn’t blame him. The wind was howling outside, forcing your boat to rock against the violent waves as you sailed back to where you had seen that merman.
You had some music playing in the background to ease your mind, but you just couldn’t stop thinking about what Jotaro had warned you about.
Merfolk wanting something in return? It was odd but you weren’t overly surprised. You just wanted to know if it was true.
Just then, something hit the side of the boat, resulting in a hiss from KQ. You hopped up from your seat and ran out to the deck, searching for what had just hit your boat, and sure enough, you were met with the face of your mer-savior.
“Well hello.” You let out a slight sigh of relief and walked over to where he was laying, his tail draped over the side and floating atop the water. Now you were allowed a better look at him, and oh boy was he a looker.
You debated on helping him onto the deck, but he seemed content sitting there, staring at your hands as if they were his next meal.
“Can you understand me?” You leaned down to his eye level, bracing yourself just in case the boat were to rock again. If he couldn’t understand you right now, then that’d be fine since you were bilingual.
However if he spoke his own language then you’d be fucked in terms of trying to understand his species.
Thankfully, he nodded, his gaze returning to your hands.
“Great! Oh uh…” You trailed off and put your hands in your pockets, hoping he would then be able to focus on your words. But as soon as you did so, he glared at you. “S-Sorry! I just want to as you a couple of things! That’s all..!” You stammered and brought your hands to your sides.
And like clockwork, his eyes returned to them.
You watched as he slowly reached out and took one of your hands in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing the top of his softly. Then, he moved to kiss your fingertips, closing his eyes with a sigh as he allowed his tongue to graze your skin.
“H-Hey.” You tried to pull your hand away but he stopped you, crawling up further onto the deck and looking you in your eyes.
“Quiet.” He spoke, seemingly annoyed by your response to his actions. You huffed and shut your mouth, watching in slight fear as he ran his tongue along your fingers.
His eyes met yours once again as he sucked on your fingers, letting out a pleased hun as he removed them from his mouth. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but struggled to find the right word to do so.
“Is this about you helping me earlier..?” You asked slowly, inching away from him slightly. He gave you a ‘how did you know’ type of look and nodded slowly, pulling himself closer to you. “U-Uh… so you like my hands..?”
He nodded enthusiastically, his eyes shining at the mention of your hands.
“What’s your name?” You paused and searched his eyes. “Do you have a name?”
He nodded again and made some form of clicking noise, as if trying to communicate with you in his own language. He then realized you couldn’t understand him and stopped halfway.
“Yoshikage.” He sounded unsure of his human pronunciation, but felt relieved when you nodded in understanding.
“Well Yoshikage, my name is Y/n-“ You brought your hand to your chest to emphasize your name belonged to your face- something similar to what a mother would do to a learning child.
But he stopped paying attention at the movement of your hand. And to your surprise, he reached out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to him without a second thought. He brought your hand to his face and forced you to caress his cheek, relishing in the warmth of your touch.
“You see Yoshikage, I have some questions about your kind.” You began to go along with him, your thumb gently rubbing against his cold skin. “Would you be willing to answer them for me?”
He ignored you.
“Yoshikage?” You stopped moving your thumb and he gave you an annoyed huff. “Fine, fine.” You continued to pet him, your hand moving up to his damp hair, your fingers running through it in a calming manner. Yoshikage let out a pleased sigh and leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut.
You opened your mouth to speak again, but you were interrupted by him pushing you to the floor of the deck. And naturally, it was wet, which meant your fresh change of clothes was too.
“Quiet.” He repeated the same word from earlier and began to strip you of your clothes.
“H-Hey wait if this is about you saving my life and all then maybe we can talk about this-“ You put your hands on his chest and pushed him back, but he resumed his position and stared into your eyes.
“Quiet.” He repeated, and this time it sounded like he was trying to… comfort you..? Either way it was odd, but you couldn’t help but shiver as his cold hand met your bare stomach, slowly trailing up to your breasts.
“Well I’ll admit you are quite handsome.” You sighed and relaxed slightly. “But I have to ask- do merfolk go out before they get busy or do they just get right to business?” You teased and brought your hand up to his cheek, watching his face flush with a smirk.
“Quiet…” his voice was softer, but still stern, as if his resolve was slowly slipping away. It was as if he didn’t know what to do as far as your body. He really only seemed to want your hands, but hey, if he was willing to take more then you’d let him.
It’s in the name of science, of course, so you don’t mind it one bit.
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itz-hinato67 · 3 months
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(In reality my friends that are also studying for marine biology took me to the South Carolina Aquarium lol)
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