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Reusstal-Bünztal Vollständiger Bericht bei: https://www.als-aargauer-unterwegs.ch/2023/08/15/reusstal-buenztal-33 Habe ich zufällig die Sammelstelle der Jungstörche für ihren Flug zum Winterquartier gefunden? Das GPS registrierte 66.3 KM und 455 Höhenmeter.
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i-miss-faberry · 1 year
Quinn, moments after Rachel gets home: Hey, babe? Do you think I could beat a turtle in a fight? Like, one of those really old ones?
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skullsandpearlsss · 1 year
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reppyy · 5 months
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abba-enthusiast · 1 year
Ich ha de Michel Birri a de Badefahrt gseh (und erkennt), richtige #Bünzli moment
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ilvostrobecchino · 2 years
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Terence Hill in ORG, 1979
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thatrickmcginnis · 5 months
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We all talked about South America a lot in the 1980s, where decades of political tumult had produced no shortage of movies - like Sur, directed by Argentine filmmaker, writer, musician (and very soon, politician) Fernando Solanas, who presented the film at the 1988 Toronto film festival. Solanas co-wrote the manifesto "Toward a Third Cinema", which became very influential in filmmaking on the continent, and he had fled his country in 1976 for Paris after his life was threatened by the new military regime in Argentina.
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Solanas came off very much as an elder statesman when I photographed him in one of the clean, well-lit rooms in the old Four Seasons hotel in Yorkville. He had palpable charisma (and great hair), and in hindsight it's easy to see how he would make a great impression when either running for office or presenting his films at Cannes, Venice or Berlin
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Sur was a film about life after the military coup d'etat, but it wouldn't be the end of Solanas' troubles with his country's government; he was a critic of Argentina's president, Carlos Menem, and was shot six times in May of 1991, which propelled him to start a political career as a member of several different parties, and he even ran for president in the 2007 general election. Solanas died in 2020 in France during the COVID pandemic.
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Writer/producer Evan English and director John Hillcoat arrived at the 1988 film festival with a "buzz" film - their grim prison drama Ghosts of the Civil Dead. It was partially based on the story of Jack Henry Abbott, the criminal who was paroled after a campaign led by writer Norman Mailer, only to murder a man six weeks after being released from prison. The script was co-written by singer Nick Cave, who also starred in the film and wrote the soundtrack, and Cave's participation accounted for a lot of the buzz around the picture.
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English and Hillcoat presented themselves for interviews (and photo shoots) as a unified front, and my memory of them is a lot of laconic humour and dry sarcasm. Looking back I photographed them like musicians for a story that might have run in the NME or Melody Maker. The film seems to have been the high point of English' movie career, but Hillcoat (an Australian who spent much of his youth in Hamilton, Ontario) went on to direct movies such as The Road (2009) and Lawless (2012), as well as the HBO biopic miniseries George & Tammy (2022).
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Vera historia de la primera fundación de Buenos Aires como también de varias navegaciones de muchas partes desconocidas, islas de reinos, también de muchos peligros, peleas y escaramuzas, tanto por tierra como por mar, que nunca han sido descriptos en otras historias o crónicas, extraídos del libro 'Viajes al río de La Plata', original del soldado alemán Ulrico Schmidl, miembro de la expedición capitaneada por don Pedro de Mendoza, quien publicó por primera vez estas memorias, bien anotadas para utilidad pública en la ciudad de Francfort el año 1567.
That's the full title of an early short film by Argentine director Fernando Birri, but it would usually be referred to as La primera fundación de Buenos Aires. Birri was at the 1988 Toronto film festival with his film A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings (Un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes in Spanish), based on a short story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Like many South American filmmakers he was a major ally of the Cuban regime and made two films about Che Guevara, and his first feature Los inundados (1961) won the award for best first film at the Venice Film Festival.
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Birri had a playful public image and his films were full of comedy and "magic realism", but I have to admit that many of my photos of him were inspired by the cover of a recent book of photographs by Roman Vishniac, of life in the Jewish communities of the Baltic and Eastern Europe before the genocides of World War Two. One of these shots has ended up being used (uncredited) on academic websites and in obituaries for Birri after he died in 2017. I've noticed that Netflix is about to air a miniseries based on Garcia Marquez' One Hundred Years of Solitude; maybe we'll start talking about South America and "magic realism" again.
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blakpearlsss · 6 months
As a Traditional Owner. I do NOT WELCOME YOU. Hahaha just kidding, here is our sacred Dreamtime Story - Gubulla Munda Dreaming:
Wadda Moolie - greetings, hello and welcome - from the Birri Gubba people - Traditional Owners of this land. Gubulla Munda is the carpet snake and creator of traditional lands and water during Dreamtime.
Gubulla Munda travelled from the South into the Whitsundays where on dry land she created the mountains, rivers, streams and trees. When she came to rest in the Whitsundays watersher droppings created the islands. As s Gubulla Munda shed her rainbow skin the blues, greens, yellows and browns dispersed through the water and formed our reef.
The brolga was her native companion and they passed down the stories, song & dance to our people young and old.
Gubulla Munda Dreaming has been passed through the generations and forms a connection with mother nature and the people of this Country.
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neoncat666 · 2 months
Do people on tumblr know that Birri is a fandom oc do they know about how just a few days before Birri was revealed in Canon Hula was posting Birri x Vhaeraun art before Alpha made their relationship family zoned in canon
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canesenzafissadimora · 2 months
"Lei è all'orizzonte" dice Fernando Birri.
"Mi avvicino di due passi, lei si allontana di due passi.
Cammino per dieci passi e l'orizzonte si sposta dieci passi più in là.
Per quanto io cammini non la raggiungerò mai.
A cosa serve l'utopia? Serve proprio questo: a camminare."
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Eduardo Galeano - "Finestra sull'utopia"
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tomonoyume · 15 days
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Rock and Daiya drawn by @birries
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Reusstal-Knonaueramt-Limmattal Vollständiger Bericht bei: https://agu.li/26J Diesmal habe ich meine noch unbefahrenen Gegenden eher östlich des Reusstales gesucht. Das GPS registrierte 94.8 KM und 800 Höhenmeter.
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i-miss-faberry · 1 year
Rachel: Realistically, I know I shouldn’t find this so endearing, but…
Quinn, laying on the couch with her mouth full of french fries while she’s singing along to the music video she has playing on the TV: I can see you up against the wall with me.
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skullsandpearlsss · 1 year
The Wild One - Official Trailer
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nimonaaaa · 4 months
happy pride or whatever
Damn what a strong start😍I luv katy birri
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happyqalb · 2 years
Intelektual Profetik
Intelektualitas tidak boleh diceraikan dengan profetik. Mengapa? Karena begitulah tuntunannya. Surah al-Alaq adalah jawabannya.
Surah pertama yang diturunkan Allah ialah perintah membaca, iqro.
Iqro' inilah sumber intelektualitas dibangun, tetapi tidak hanya sampai disitu bunyi ayat pertama ini, bunyinya :
Iqro' bismirobbikalladzi kholaq (bacalah dengan nama Tuhan mu yang menciptakan).
Ayat ini tidak hanya perintah agar muslim punya intelektualitas tetapi sepaket dengan ruh keimanan.
Iqro' simbol ilmu pengetahuan. Bismirabbik simbol keimanan.
Jadi kecerdasan yang dibangun oleh manusia adalah kecerdasaan yang bernafaskan wahyu dan memiliki ruh keimanan.
Pikiran manusia yang tidak diikat dengan nalar wahyu akan menjadi rusak dan liar.
Dalam dunia kampus, mahasiswa harus punya keduanya, sebab intelektualitas itu ciri khas mahasiswa, tapi mahasiswa terutama muslim gak boleh berhenti sampai intelektual aja, ada nafas imani dan spirit wahyu yang mengikatnya. Kecerdasan yang dibangun adalah kecerdasaan imani, bahasa singkatnya sholeh spiritual, sholeh intelektual dan sholeh sosial. Begitulah Nabi kita mengajarkan, syumuliatul islam.
Nah, tugas seorang intelektual profetik ialah, menyebarkan nilai-nilai islam dalam setiap gerak perjuangannya dalam keilmuan masing-masing mengikuti jalan Rasulullah, tuntutannya jelas Al-Qur'an.
Selanjutnya, intelektual profetik adalah mengembalikan nilai kemanusian dengan tulus, bahwa nabi menyebarkan Islam tidak dengan paksaan, dalam perang selalu menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaan, wanita diselamtkan, anak-anak, orangtua dan yang menyerah tak diperangi.
Lihat saat islam datang nilai kemanusiaan tinggi. Rasulullah lahir Tahun 571 atau ke 6 dan abad itu merata seluruh muka bumi kejahiliyahannya saat itu Eropa dalam kegelapan atau yg disebut the dark age. Tapi saat islam hadir nilai kemanusiaan menjulang tinggi.
Definisi lain dari intelektual profetik ini juga, terlibat aktif dalam penyelesaian masalah rakyat, ya jelas tugas kemanusiaan dan risalah Allah itu ta'awanu alal birri wattaqwaa. Makanya setiap ayat sholat (Ibadah) selalu bersanding dengan perintah zakat, menyelesaikan permasalahan ummat. Bagaimana kisahnya Umar bin Abdul Aziz, zaman khalifah Umar yang begitu sejahtara dan bahagia rakyatnya.
Sungguh islam, rahmatal lil alamin. Alllahumma sholli ala Muhammad.
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