#Black Cat Darling
canisalbus · 2 months
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I realize youre probably more of a dog person, but can i offer fuzzy kitty tummy in these trying times?
(Wall-E sends his love <3)
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crimsonteaaddict · 1 year
Yandere!catboy harem… just imagine~
You recently moved into an apartment in a new city, you knew nothing about the customs, the language, or the culture of the city and only moved their because they had a large following and a lot of respect for your very niche hobby in this city. That and you decided to go to university here, taking classes in your language.
Over time you noticed that after class and work starting around six all the locals would go out causing a bustling nightlife. You didn’t know anyone and decided that joining in on drinking a beer as the sunsets overlooking the river next to your apartment was a good idea. Of course you sat alone but the neighborhood catboys who were often fed by the locals who came and left as they pleased began to noticed you all by your lonesome <3.
(Warning Yandere, Talks of real animal abuse scenarios, Minors DNI)
It started with a somewhat small excited calico, he saw you drawing by the river once and came bounding over to you before brushing up from behind you. This first interaction startled you massively but was full of energy. The kind cute seemingly innocent cat boy made you extremely happy. Finally you got to meet someone so you wouldn’t be alone… little did you know he and the others had been keeping you company from afar this entire time and not in the way the other locals coexisting with you were.
After this meeting Soda Pop as you learned his name was came up to you more often, though you didn’t speak the same language between your interactions with Soda Pop, your teachers at the university, and what you learned from grocery shopping, you were beginning to understand their language.
Soda Pop soon began meeting you in the lobby of your apartment after your classes and somehow wandering his way up to your place while you made supper. You may not have spoken the same language yet but from the words he often repeated and the words you often repeated you slowly but surely got a totally wholesome tag along-who was very good at getting his way (in less than wholesome manners).
It was only Soda Pop at first but as you hung around the catboy more the attention of a certain tough black cat was caught. Salem was originally purchased to be sacrificed, but he was lucky that after the mistreatment he had faced he managed to escape, unluckily though he developed a certain dislike for humans, even the locals who fed him. But seeing Soda Pop stick to one person for so long really made him curious, he’d already been watching you, but now he just craved to know you more.
Salem wasn’t exactly keen on talking to you right away though, so instead he followed, and soon he found his way to your doorstep where he left birds, mice and even a snake he had hunted (it was the pet snake of your neighbour, good luck explaining that to her) It took a couple weeks for you to realize these gifts weren’t from Soda Pop, and from then on you began leaving a bowl of water and food out only enticing Salem to visit more often.
Your finally kitty companion came in the form of Leo, affectionately being named by the locals after a lion, because he slept, a lot. Leo found his naps gravitating closer and closer to you as the weeks passed and it wasn’t until Salem whacked him in the face for napping too close to you and Soda Pop that he realized you must be something special. Naturally unlike Salem, Leo has no problem walking up to you and plopping himself onto you. He expects you to stay there and be his pillow. You do stay there, how could you move?
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mirandaviian · 9 months
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This is my best ever it’s will makes you happy 😊
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artistryaffinity · 3 months
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vientitobb · 7 months
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*die of love*
They're cute 💕
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
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entropiasgift · 9 months
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Moranna: La Dama de Emoth o Tata Allswell.
Los niños de todo Kaelkoth saben quién es ella, aunque luego cuando llegan a adultos se les suele olvidar y la convierten simplemente en una historia que pueden usar a su favor.
Porque en los cuentos que cuentan los adultos, ella es la Tata Allswell, la bruja que llega por las noches cuando todos duermen y se lleva con ella a los niños que se portan mal y desobedecen a sus padres.
La verdad no es tan simple como en los cuentos, pero el fondo es el mismo: Allswell no tiene reparos en hacer desaparecer a los niños "maleducados" de sus camas, aunque desde su punto de vista, los que son malos son los padres, no los niños.
Las historias dicen que al llevarse a los niños los convierte en monstruos terribles que luego quedan atados a ella, pero eso tampoco es verdad. Es el mundo el que hace monstruos, y también el que luego los mata sólo por ser como son, así que ella se los lleva lejos, los oculta... Y trata de enseñarles a existir en un mundo que los odia.
A ella también la odiaron hasta el punto de casi matarla, así que entiende lo que se siente. Quizá por eso su corazón pertenece a los desamparados, a los pisoteados, a los corazones rotos, a las almas en pena, a los niños que temen a las manos de sus padres... Todos aquellos que necesitan refugio lo pueden encontrar con Allswell.
Nadie sabe exactamente dónde está su casa, pero la puerta suele aparecer en los bosques en forma de una cabaña en mitad de la nada, o en una casa de apariencia abandonada en la que no habías reparado antes en alguna callejuela de tu ciudad; y se dice que tan sólo los ojos de aquellos que lloran más amargamente pueden encontrar su morada.
En realidad, los Nocheterna saben encontrarla en Emoth, una montaña de las Tierras Sombrías, y se cree (o al menos ellos creen), que ese es su verdadero hogar, y a donde lleva a sus niños para ocultarlos del mundo. El resto de puertas que aparecen y desaparecen por el resto de Kaelkoth son simples ilusiones, portales que ella usa para moverse a su antojo.
No se la llega a considerar una Vesta Oscura porque su alma (si es que la tiene) sigue siendo muy suya, y tampoco hay registros de que ningún miembro de la Caballería haya intentado alguna vez meterse en su cama; así que si alguna vez ha pasado, el caballero en cuestión no ha vivido para contarlo.
Eso sí, no es extraño que algunos de sus hijos e hijas se afilien a Lúnnera al crecer y entren a formar parte de sus filas, así que de alguna forma sí que se le concede cierta reverencia en ese sentido, pese a que ni siquiera Lúnnera parece estar segura de qué grado de afinidad tiene Moranna con su causa.
Es Ukthus el que la protege. O al menos, son las bestias las que patrullan Emoth y parecen cuidarla para que ella y sus niños no tengan nada que temer.
Quizá los únicos que se la solían tomar más en serio eran los Cazadores de Monstruos, porque varios de ellos acabaron con sus cabezas decorando los dinteles de las puertas de su morada como represalia por atacar a sus hijos; aunque hace mucho que nadie consulta el tomo dedicado a ella y a sus actividades en la Fortaleza.
Una de las últimas entradas (de hace unas siete décadas o así), señala que Moranna tiene especial debilidad por los Sinluz; y el autor se pregunta si tras sus acciones aparentemente erráticas y desorganizadas no habrá algún tipo de plan o de intención oculta que él esperaba poder desentrañar pronto... ¡JA!
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casinotrio1965 · 11 months
Disney Descendants : List of Canon character Parental ships in my au
Tiger Lily x Lampwick
Alice x Pinocchio
Princess Eilonwy x Alexander
Melody x Taran
Aquarianne the mermaid x Smitty x Princess Marie
Honest John x Gideon
Shanti x Jane Darling
Jenny Foxworth x Nibs
The Blue Fairy x Ray the firefly
Robin Hood x Maid Marian
Cavin x Princess Calla Arthur x Hazel Guinevere (Squirrel Girl ) Fabiana x Sir Kay
Katrina van tassel x Brom Bones
Slightly x Emma
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party-at-jacurutu · 4 months
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Snake in all his Finery
(psst @godblessyoublackemperor)
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simder-talia-blog · 11 months
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Had to share this glorious baby from r/blackcats, posted by u/Margaretcatinspace. This is Taco 💗 taken with an Instax camera, "apparently he is just a dark void and lips" 😄🥺 I love him!
original post
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gender-darling · 9 months
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(⠀🎀⠀) : ❝ Your word and my word and her word is ... ❞
— ❝ Stimothyboard w blankets (some knitted) , kitys cats , and lights ! ❞
🕯️ | 😸 | 🕯️ 😸 | 🕯️ | 😸 🕯️ | 😸 | 🕯️
  — Crismus gift for @nottlefluff ^ ^
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Please read my rentry before interacting ! ♡
Like what i do ? Consider donating to my Ko-Fi !
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the-rejected-princess · 7 months
Black Cat x Flash | CLOSED | x
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✧ ˚ · . SILENTLY THE THIEF SLIPPED INTO THE EMPTY BUILDING the area of the room she slipped into had glass around it. This glass closed it off from the rest of the room. In front of the silver haired thief was a painting of a woman, under it a beautiful necklace. The silver haired woman grinned slowly moving closer to the painting and necklace. Her leather suit half unzipped made a 'squeak' sound from the leather rubbing against leather, while her boots clicked quietly against the marbel floor. "Come to momma --" The thief licked the corner of her lips the grin on her lips spreading.
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moonauu · 13 days
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Absolute creature, cold blooded killing machine
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mocalo167 · 1 month
He was made on the idea of the normal tabby cat but he is your...NEW FRIEND if you feel scared, upset, or sad he will help! He is scared easily so ~whisperer~
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Hope he helps!
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seithr · 6 months
i have to unlock. all three paws... ffor the ocs,
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demigodwitchdw · 8 months
So I got a cat. Her name is Chai. When she is hungry, she is the most affectionate cat in the entire world, in order to tell me she's starving.
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