#Black Eyes White Agumon
cynderblaze · 10 months
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Black Eyes White Agumon. My favorite Bakugan from Yu-Gi-Oh!
(Context: @zacman103 made a joke about Black Eyes White Agumon last night. 😂)
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laviefantasie · 2 months
Video 3
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“Okay, this thing on?”
You sigh as you see yourself in the video camera, looking at all the current ingredients in front of you with doubt.
“If you don’t recognize the place, I’m currently at my school’s kitchen” you open your arms to showcase the big kitchen you’re at.
You let your arms down to grab some of the main ingredients of the dishes you have planned today, pork cutlet and vegetables.
“So, if you’re wondering what I’m up to… I’m making Satoru a bento box” your eyes move around the place as you feel yourself become flustered, “It’s not what you’re probably thinking though! It’s about my dignity!”
You sigh, “He said I couldn’t cook and that that’s why I’d never marry… and I can’t cook or care about marriage but he shouldn’t talk about any of it! So I’m gonna prove him wrong by making the best freaking bento box ever! I’ll even decorate like Digimon characters”
You grab the white rice bag holding it up proudly towards the camera.
“Let’s get started!”
You put the rice inside the rice cooker with the amount of water stated on the cook book you buy for this special occasion. While waiting for it to be done, you grabbed the pork cutlet.
You take a deep breath, preparing mentally for what you were about to try to do: Tonkatsu.
First of all, you seasoned the meat with salt and pepper before coating it with flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Then, you let it fry.
“If I’m doing this wrong please let it at least taste good” you whisper with a frown.
By the time that was done, you continued by focusing on doing a Japanese potato salad. Semi-mashed potatoes mixed with vegetables, ham, egg and mayonnaise. You had to make sure it is not too creamy, not too rich, but flavoursome. Hopefully the Kewpie mayonnaise makes sure it tastes perfect.
Or at least good enough.
You made sure to put the salad inside the Agumon moulds you bought before storing it inside the bento box.
The rice was soon done and you made sure to use the Patamom mould now. Black sesame seeds with salt sprinkled on the rice forming the shape to make it more obvious what character it was supposed to be.
“I’m not an artist but damn am I doing a good job at this”
Except maybe you were too confident.
You forgot that while you were decorating everything that you’d finish already, you had left some vegetables cooking. Meaning now the whole kitchen was full of smoke after you turned of the small fire caused.
And now you had your three classmates and teacher worrying over you.
“You could’ve died! What were you thinking?!”
“I need to check your breathing!”
“SILENCE” voiced loudly professor Yaga making the other three shut up, “What happened here, Y/L/N?”
You cough slightly, blushing in embarrassment, “I was trying to cook…”
And then laughter.
You frown frustrated as Gojo and Geto’s laughter fills the space. It was bad enough you couldn’t even finish what you started, now you were a joke to them.
Even Shoko was stifling her laughter!
Yaga sighs, “Clean this up and let Shoko check you over… and don’t cook again”
More laughter from the boys.
You sigh and proceed to grab the burnt pan before throwing it into the sink, all while trying to mute the loud voices of both boys joking about your culinary skills.
Shoko stops you from washing the pan, doing a little check up before just to make sure there is nothing serious. You thank her silently.
Your grip on the pan tightens.
Geto stops laughing loudly.
Inhale. Exhale, you remind yourself.
Inhale. Exhale.
“THE ONE TIME YOU DECIDE TO COOK AND YOU ALMOST BURN US ALL” his grin widens, “Why would you ever decide to—?”
Enraged, you turn off the water and go towards the unfinished bento box, grabbing it before walking towards one of your best friends.
Gojo’s eyes widen as they see your upset face, not believing he had truly bothered you with his jokes, before letting out a soft gasp once you push the bento box hard towards him.
“I was making you that, asshole”
And you leave before he can even process what you actually said. Unknowingly leaving the still recording video camera behind.
Which is how it catches the soft look on Satoru’s face as soon as he eyes the bento box in his hands, and the regret his eyes show once he realizes his mistakes.
Geto and Shoko stay silent beside him.
What a day.
taglist: @gumiiiiezzzz @reagan707
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grandagumon/grand agumon
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name: agutamon.
appearance color: yellow orange ball tail body, green/black/white eye, fin.
model based: agumon & reptile & ball tail creature.
level: fresh.
type: reptile.
attribute: vaccine & virus.
family: nature spirits & virus busters & metal empire & unknown & dragon's roar.
next forms: aguromon.
name: aguromon.
appearance color: yellow orange bail tail body, green/black/white eye, fin claw hand, fin claw feet.
model based: agumon & reptile & ball tail creature.
level: in-training/in training.
type: reptile.
attribute: vaccine & virus.
family: nature spirits & virus busters & metal empire & unknown & dragon's roar.
prisor form: agutamon.
next form: agumon.
name: grandagumon/grand agumon.
appearance color: yellow orange dinosaur body, green/black/white eye, white teeth, white claw hand, white claw feet, red scarf, orange/blue/red dragon armor chest, orange/blue dragon forearm, blue/red/gray belt, black/orange/blue/red short dragon armor pant.
model based: agumon & reptile & dinosaur & dinosaur warrior.
weapon: agu claw.
level: ultimate mega champion.
type: reptile.
attribute: vaccine & virus.
family: nature spirits & virus busters & metal empire & unknown & dragon's roar.
prisor form: agumon.
note: agumon got the new prior from & the new next form after him.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
So, I have a question if you don’t mind answering it (I’m curious of your opinion on this). If the original chosen kids had also directly been helping when Ken was the Kaiser to when he chilled out, which order do you the older kids would come around to accepting him and why? My guess is Mimi being first because that’s just the sort of person she seems to be to me, but I wanna hear your take on all of it and why! (Again, only if you don’t mind lol)
This is a fascinating question and I really love it, thank you so much for it!
I would also agree that Mimi would be first, mainly because that's supported in canon! In 02 episode 25, she was between Daisuke and Miyako in terms of bidding for the others to give him a chance to help (to the point she basically had a "you got a problem with that?" stance in terms of recruiting him to help). Her attitude towards the situation was a small factor in Miyako considering overturning her own stance on him, and for all we know, Mimi could have been on board even at the same time as or before Daisuke, we just didn't happen to know her stance until that moment. She has a similar all-loving, pure-hearted mindset as Daisuke, and, as you said, she's also just that kind of person; see her attitude towards Ogremon in Adventure episode 46 or Digitamamon in 02 episode 14. With Ken, who's even more obviously actively working to make things up, I don't think she'd hesitate to put her faith in him.
After that is naturally a bit trickier. This is really just me kind of wildly speculating at this point, but I think the next one would be Koushirou, because he isn't the kind of person who thinks in terms of personal grudges or beefs. On top of that, he's a Crest of Knowledge holder like Iori, and while his interests normally have to do with Digital World lore rather than human psychology, I think he'd also still have an interest in the background behind Ken and what the hell even happened there (see 02 episode 33), and wouldn't have Iori's barrier of grudge and black-and-white morality to have to work through. So once it was clear Ken wasn't threatening anyone anymore, I could see Koushirou being open to looking into him for investigative purposes. When something bothers him or seems like it doesn’t track, he immediately looks into it without hesitation, and I could see him pursuing a similar line of thought of wanting to know more about Ken and his background.
After that, I think Jou would probably be really apprehensive around him at first, because he's the kind of person who constantly fusses about the potential worst-case scenario, but at the same time, he's also kind of a more emotionally oriented person who doesn't really hold grudges, and once he sees how much Ken's changed in person, it might not be long before he becomes receptive. Sora has more of her head on straight, which ironically would probably lead her to be a bit more consciously skeptical, but she's also a fairly observant person (she was the first to actively point out how much Ken had changed in 02 episode 38) and certainly wouldn't be the kind of person to actively advocate for sidelining someone.
So that leaves Taichi and Yamato, and this is the point where it probably really depends on the circumstances behind how they interact with and encounter each other. Yamato is the most explosively emotionally oriented of the older Adventure group to the point he might be the most personally offended at everything Ken had done in the past, whereas Taichi, I imagine, would take a similar stance to his sister in terms of "we should watch him for a while" before immediately accepting him with open arms (not to mention that Ken had offended him in particular by kidnapping Agumon). However, since we're talking about 02 Yamato and Taichi, who are much more level-headed and able to make bird's-eye view decisions than Adventure Yamato and Taichi, I think it wouldn't be long before even they turned around; Yamato managed to already be on cozy terms with him despite having what was implied to be mostly hearsay about him in 02 episode 42, and Taichi is said to be someone who, despite perhaps initially being judgmental, "treated everyone without discrimination, as equals", so his penchant for taking bird's-eye views of the situation and judging Ken's changes in behavior would probably make him amenable.
Ultimately, I do think it really helps that we're talking about the older Adventure group in 02 than we are the Adventure group in Adventure, because, even the fact they didn't get a lot of direct contact with Ken aside, they're definitely much more maturely equipped to think rationally about the situation surrounding him (especially since they didn't have to personally witness the things Ken was doing to the same extent the 02 group did). One might think that if they had more contact with him, they might even have been able to help convince the rest of the 02 group to lighten up on him -- after all, Mimi technically helped do exactly that with Miyako in 02 episode 25. The 02 group was younger, dealing with a lot more intimate and personal emotional baggage regarding him, and, even though they didn't know it themselves at the time, a much higher hurdle to clear. The Adventure group was dealing with the somewhat simpler questions of whether it was practically okay to let Ken help them out, whether they were able to afford him respect as a person after seeing him change so much, and whether it was okay to let him befriend their juniors; the 02 group was inherently dealing with the much thornier questions of the best way to deal with him on a near day-to-day basis, the deeper implications of the trauma he was dealing with, how best to reach out to him in such a state, and, eventually, what it would take to integrate him as one of their most intimate friends in their lives.
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Never Too Late For A Leap Of Faith
Part 1
(Part 2)
Five times Taichi only feels the presence of Digimons and one time he actually meets them (again).
Words: 2126 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Tags: 5+1 Pairings: Taichi Yagami/OC, Sorato, Jyoumi
Inspired by this youtube video talking about how the end of Kizuna fits into the narrative of the Epilogue in 02, posted by TheDigiKnow. It’s in my opinion a thorough and yet personal analysis.
   When there was a baby’s cry from the labour room, Taichi broke down in tears. He’d been pacing to and fro in the hall leading to it, but only after his wife Kana had dislodged some knuckles in his hand by holding it too tight during a contraction and he had to be treated for it. Afterwards he hadn’t been allowed in again because, and that was something he didn’t like to admit, he had been on the brink of fainting before Kana’s force had jerked him back to consciousness.
    A nurse stuck her head out the door and smiled. “Congratulations, Yagami-shi, you have a son!”
   Taichi wiped away his tears, smile a little lopsided, and entered the labour room. His wife Kana, whom he had met at a diplomatic meeting three years ago, looked pale and drained, but smiled broadly. She mopped her sweaty brow with a neckerchief, pushed her long black hair that looked a tad greasy after her exertions behind her ear and leaned forward to receive a kiss from Taichi. Then she pulled away the duvet that had been drawn over her to reveal their newborn son. He had chestnut brown hair just like Taichi but his mother’s bulbous nose and when he opened his eyes they were a startling clear blue.
   “Most children have blue eyes when they’re born”, the nurse explained. “They’ll darken over the course of the first year.”
     Taichi hadn’t said a word yet, he was too transfixed on this small bundle of life that he helped to produce and that he was now responsible for. That realization suddenly felt heavy on his shoulders but when he looked into Kana’s soft yet endearing black eyes, the very eyes he’d been mesmerized by from the very beginning, he felt the weight ease.
   “Do you want to hold the little egg?”, Kana asked and lifted the bundle towards Taichi who’d been instinctively forming a cradle with his arms.   Something at the back of his mind stirred to life, something about a green yard full of cribs with colourful eggs, the way it never had before when the word “egg” was mentioned, but Taichi didn’t give it any notice. Tears were running down his face again as he watched the miracle before him. With a scratchy voice he whispered “Hello Hotaro, welcome to the world.”
   The first days were reserved just for them so the three could get to know each other. After the tiredness of being born had worn off, Hotaro was a very awake child. In every sense. He had trouble sleeping through, which caused Taichi, suddenly becoming self-conscious about his appearance, to use Kana’s concealer. She had taken a year off from work while Taichi went back to the office after three days. His colleagues welcomed him with a round of applause, a light blue greeting card, and a big stuffed and, for some reason, snow white teddy bear. As he looked the bear up and down, suddenly a cold breeze swept over him and gave him goosebumps. He immediately knew how he would name the bear.
     “I am Frigimon”, he muttered under his breath.
   Hotaro loved Frigimon. He had accepted the name without hesitation, affectionately calling him Friggi, and never going to sleep without him. Once Frigimon had entered the Yagami household, something had shifted within Taichi. Usually he was highly alert in his meetings but now he started dreaming away. Dreamt of a tram that didn’t need rails, of an island ruled by an evil bat-like looking creature, and vending machines in the middle of nowhere.
     He also started dreaming away at the kitchen table when having dinner with his family. At some point he was so far gone that it needed a gentle slap on the shoulder by his wife. When he looked at her questioningly, she said “Muchomon”.
   He tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
   “Muchomon was my Digimon partner. He vanished when I was 24 and had just finished my degree.”
   “You were a DigiDestined?” Taichi’s eyes went wide as saucers.
   She nodded. “It’s been a while but since you brought Frigimon here the memories have boiled up again. You should talk to your friends again, and more than just at their birthdays and about irrelevances. I thought you’d been so close? To be a DigiDestined, and having fought numerous battles, welds together – for life.”
   Taichi took a deep breath. He kneaded his hands. He hadn’t wanted all this to happen – to let the contact cool down or even freeze. It had just happened. Because. Because of life, he guessed. At some point work and his little family had become more important than his long-term friends. He didn’t even know how many children Sora and Yamato now had!
   He banged his fist on the table.
   “Dad!” Hotaro exclaimed frightened. He had never seen his father so agitated. Immediately, Taichi regretted his outburst. He had never wanted to scare his son, become violent around him. And now he had. Because of his own shortcoming. “I’m sorry, Hota”, he quickly said, tearing at his hair. He got up, walked around the table, and lifted his son in the air.
   “It’s okay”, the four-year-old said, gently touching his father’s face. “Can you let me down, please?”
   Taichi complied, a bit confused.
   Hotaro took his hand and led him to his room. “Sit down, Dad. I’ve found something while playing in the attic a few days ago.” He handed him a box which Taichi instantly recognized, and his heart ached. He didn’t need to lift the dusty lid, sprinkled with little fingerprints from his son, to know what was inside. But he did it anyway. Coming to light was a round pair of goggles and a smouldered Digivice. He only noticed he was crying when the first tears hit the Digivice, just like they had done many years ago when Agumon had to say goodbye.
   For good.
   Or so he had thought. But Digimons were reborn. He had witnessed that many times. Maybe it just hadn’t been the right time until now.
   He lifted his head to look straight into his son’s open, curious, beautiful face. When also Kana had been a DigiDestined, then maybe their child should also supposed to be one. Or no, no he shouldn’t. He should choose if he wanted to become one.
   They had been thrust into this world without having been asked first. They had had to come to terms all on their when they’d been mere children and the forces who had chosen them had never offered much aid. He wanted this to go differently.
   He noticed that Hotaro held up Taichi’s phone. Koushirou’s name was on the display, it was already dialling. “Call him”, Hotaro said. Taichi shook his head. That kid was much smarter than was good for him.
   “Oh!! It’s soo good to see you all again!”, Mimi exclaimed, as excited as ever.
   Taichi had to dial down the volume of his computer as the audio overmodulated. But he smiled, genuinely, because he felt just the same. Before him, the screen was split into five segments, all filled with bright smiling faces.
   “Jou, come over, they’re here now!”, Mimi called, her face turned away from the camera. In the background there suddenly was the sound of glass crashing on a tiled floor, followed by a stream of swear words. “Jou, I told you not to swear in front of the kids!” She turned back to the screen. “I’ll be back in a minute.” With that, her segment got empty.
  Her friends chuckled. “I see you were cleverer”, Taichi pointed out to Sora and Yamato, who were sitting together in front of the camera and holding their two children on their laps. Their son had inherited Sora’s maroon hair while their daughter was as flaxen-haired as Yamato. They were both visibly bored, wriggling about on their parents’ laps trying to grab office supplies that were clearly not toys in their vicinity.
  “I’m not so sure about that”, Yamato remarked, dryly as ever, as he pulled a stapler away from his son’s hands.
  “Dad, have you seen my hockey stick?”, someone called in the background of Koushirou’s screen segment.
  He sighed. “I thought you put it in the cabinet beside the shoe rack. You know, where it’s supposed to go.”
  “I did but it’s not there. And Yui and her mom will be here any minute to pick me up for training.” The voice grew whinier and more urgent.
  Koushirou bowed apologetically to his friends. “I just have to help my daughter.”
  Meanwhile, Mimi had reappeared, Jou and their two sons in tow. “Hiroshi, Sasuke, say hello to Mom and Dad’s friends.” Mimi nudged them a little forward.
  The older one, taking remarkably after Jou with his blueish-black hair and the glasses, hesitated but the younger one, sporting a daring chin-long bob with a middle parting, grinned and brightly said “Hi, I’m Sasuke.”
 The DigiDestined greeted him back with a laugh. “Say Sasuke”, Taichi started, “does your mom and you go to the same hairdresser?”
  Sasuke looked at him in surprise. “Yeah, but how do you know?”
  More friendly laughter.
  “My brother’s good at guessing, is all”, Hikari remarked, absentmindedly fastening her hair-clip. She wore her hair the longest it had ever been but subconsciously she itched for a cut. But her daughter always said that she looked so nice with the long hair even though Rika couldn’t stand long hair herself. Hikari had even caught her once as she had cut her middle brown hair with kids’ scissors.
  “Oh, I see”, Sasuke said, tilting his head. “But you don’t look like siblings at all.”
  “Sasuke!” Jou turned red in second-hand embarrassment. “Sorry, my son can be a bit blunt sometimes.”
 “I wonder whom he has that from”, Takeru mused, hand held on his chin as if he was pondering a very difficult question.
  “I heard you are a writer”, Hiroshi suddenly said, nervously adjusting his glasses.
  Takeru’s expression turned smug. “And a pretty successful one at that.”
  “Yeah, but Dad thinks you’re exaggerating at times.”
 Jou turned even redder. “That’s… that’s not what I’ve been saying!”, he sputtered. “You just sometimes spend a little too much time on one detail.”
  “That’s not what you said, Dad!” Hiroshi turned to his father, affronted. “I’m not a liar!”
  “Of course not, my dear”, Mimi said soothingly. Then she leaned in closer and whispered “Sometimes adults don’t like the truth very much.” Louder did she say “Why don’t you two go and get your guinea pigs to show our friends, mmh?”
  “Oh yeah!” They bounded off out of the frame.
  “And where’s your kid?”, Yamato asked his brother.
  Takeru shrugged. “At band practice. Don’t know where he got the musical talent from but he certainly has some. And no, Yama, he hasn’t gotten it from you. Because he’s better.”
  Yamato dramatically inhaled. “You didn’t say that!”
  “I’ve got a round of witnesses who can confirm that I just did.”
  “Sorry Takeru, my connection was a bit wobbly for a few seconds. You said something?” Taichi asked suspiciously innocent.
  Takeru shook his head. “And you call yourself my friend.”
  Before anyone could reply to that, Koushirou plonked himself down on his chair breathlessly. “I’m back!”
  “Did you find the hockey stick?”, Sora asked, glad about the diversion. She had already feared that the mood could be slipping.
  Koushirou nodded solemnly. “Yes, just in time. And it was actually me who had misplaced it because I had cleaned out the cabinet and didn’t put it back.”
  “Tststs, Kou. I hope your daughter doesn’t have to put with too much.”
  Koushirou shook his head. “Of course not. Being a single parent isn’t easy but we have a cleaning   lady who comes in two days a week and I can bring Koyuki to my parents if need be.”
 Yamato muttered something under his breath which earned him a jab in the ribs by Sora. “In this house we don’t judge”, she breathed into his ear, only audible for him.
  He reluctantly nodded.
  “These are Tom and Jerry”, Hiroshi and Sasuke announced, diverting the tension once again.
  Taichi chuckled. “They don’t look like a mouse and a cat to me.”
  “We weren’t allowed to have a cat and a mouse”, Sasuke replied.
 “You wanted a mouse?” Sora could hardly hide her laughter.
  “Unbelievable, right?” Jou seemed to shiver just at the thought of having a tiny and cunning rodent in the apartment. And a slightly dumb but very persistent cat chasing it.
  Takeru laughed, too. “Most certainly.” Then he leaned forward. “But have we just come together to get to know your pets or is there a more pressing matter?”
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Pairing: Post-Kizuna Taishiro (aromantic Taichi)
Summary: Taichi calls Koushiro to his apartment. He has something important to say.
This is not a typical taishiro story, but I hope you like it.
Koushiro got to Taichi's apartment by 9 o'clock, like Taichi had asked. Agumon was the one who opened the door. He had been living with Taichi full-time ever since his rematerialization, just like Pyiomon was living with Sora and Gabumon with Yamato. Koushiro suspected that was due to the trauma of their separation, but never commented on it. He didn't want to remind his friends of their anguish, especially because he didn't think he could really understand what they had gone through. After all, Koushiro had never lost Tentomon.
“Taichi is waiting for you in his bedroom,” Agumon said, smiling largely. “I'm going to watch some TV while you two talk.”
“Do you know what he wants to talk to me about?” Koushiro asked. “Taichi-san was really mysterious on the phone... did something bad happen?”
“No, no! Nothing bad happened! He wants to tell you something good! Something very important!” Agumon told him. “But I'm not telling you anything more than that!”
“Alright, then...” Koushiro said, entering the apartment. After taking his shoes off, he headed to Taichi's bedroom, which was a lot tidier than usual. The sheets covering the bed were clean, his books were organized over the desk and the only things on the floor were two pillows and a short-legged table, on which there was a large plate of rice balls. Taichi was standing up close to the open window, looking at the starry sky as the cool night breeze messed with his hair.
“Hello, Taichi-san,” Koushiro greeted. Taichi turned to him and smiled, which made Koushiro's heart skip a bit.
Taichi was wearing black pants and a white long sleeved orange shirt with buttons; his hair was still a bit wet, indicating that he had taken a shower not long before. Koushiro also noticed that Taichi had put on cologne, which made him self-conscious for going to his friend's apartment straight from the office, still wearing the same dark blue pants, white shirt and tie he had put on that morning. I should've taken a shower and changed clothes... Koushiro thought. But Taichi had such a serious voice when he asked him to come to his place, how could Koushiro not head straight to his apartment? There could be an emergency!
Taichi silently sat on a pillow and waited for Koushiro to sit on the other one, across from him. After Koushiro sat, the other looked into his eyes for almost an entire minute without saying anything, bearing a nervous expression.
“Did something happen, Taichi-san?” Koushiro asked, worried.
Taichi took a deep breath before replying:
“Do you know how in the movies people who are in love act in an odd way?” Taichi questioned. “They get nervous around the person they like, they think about them all the time, they blush and get butterflies in the stomach among other things, you know?”
“Yes,” Koushiro said. That was how people who were romantically attracted to others usually were. Koushiro didn't need to take examples from movies to know what Taichi was talking about, though. For years, he had felt that way towards him. However, Taichi had no way of knowing about Koushiro's feelings, because the redhead had decided a long time ago not to burden his friend with his unrequited love. Taichi had already so many things going on in his life, he shouldn't have to worry about turning down unsolicited affection.
“I never felt that,” Taichi confessed in a pained voice. “I've never fallen in love... I've tried to go out with people since I entered college but never got past the first date with anyone... I don't think I've ever felt the thing everybody else feels... that euphoria... and I'm starting to think I'll never feel that... there's something wrong with me and I can't fix it...”
To see Taichi in such sorrow was breaking Koushiro's heart. There was no need for him to feel bad, ever!
“There's nothing wrong with not feeling romantic attraction, Taichi-san!” Koushiro stated. “There are many people like that in the world, they call themselves aromantic!”
“Aromantic?” Taichi asked, as if he found that word strange.
“A few years ago, when I was trying to figure out if I was bisexual or asexual, I visited several blogs about sexual and romantic attraction and made some aromantic friends,” Koushiro told him. “They're wonderful and loving people. There's nothing to be ashamed about being aromantic, Taichi-san! Even if you don't feel romantic love, I know you're full of love for your family and your friends! You've always cared so much about everybody, you've always tried so hard to do what was best for everybody... I don't know anyone with a bigger heart than yours! You don't need to be fixed! You're not wrong in any conceivable way!”
Koushiro stopped talking when he noticed that Taichi had begun to cry. What had he done wrong? Was he insensitive by accident? What could he do to make the other feel better?
“Thank you,” Taichi told him, wiping his tears with the back of his hands. “You've always been so kind and supportive... I don't know how you still put up with me...”
“I don't 'put up' with you, Taichi-san. I like you and I care a lot about you!” Koushiro affirmed. Right after saying that, he worried that he had let his true feelings for Taichi come to the surface, but Taichi's warm smile put Koushiro at ease.
“This is kind of embarrassing... I had called you over and prepared everything because I wanted to tell you something else... but then I felt so much guilt and ended up saying all that...” Taichi muttered.
“Guilt? Why would you feel guilty?” Koushiro asked.
He gazed at him, studying every aspect of Koushiro's face. Taichi seemed more relaxed than before, but still a little nervous.
“Koushiro, I...” he hesitated, “I never got nervous around you. It's actually the opposite... your presence calms me down... you center me... I don't have the faintest idea what butterflies in the stomach are supposed to feel like, but I'm pretty sure I never felt that... I don't think about you all the time, but when I think about you... when I talk to you... it makes me happy...” Taichi smiled. “Not euphoric, just... it's a calm happiness... I'm at peace when I'm with you... I don't get flustered when I'm with you nor do I fantasize about kissing you or holding your hand... I think you're good-looking, but I don't think you're the most handsome person in the world because... objectively speaking that would be Pedro Pascal...”
Koushiro couldn't avoid but giggle at that last part. But then, he thought about the reason why Taichi was telling him those things. There was only one logical explanation.
“Listen, Taichi-san...” Koushiro said. “I think I know what you're trying to tell me... you must've figured out my feelings for you, right? You don't have to worry about explaining yourself to me. I would never hold against you the fact that you don't like me that way. It's alright, really! We can still be friends!”
Taichi stared at him, perplexed.
“What are you talking about, Koushiro?” Taichi asked. “What do you mean I figured out your feelings... OH MY GOODNESS, DO YOU LIKE ME?” he shouted once he finally understood. “DO YOU LIKE ME ROMANTICALLY? ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH ME?”
Koushiro felt his heart sink.
“You didn't know...?” he asked in a weak voice. “But, Taichi-san, you... you were turning me down gently, weren't you? You had to... why would you say that if you didn't know?”
“Turning you down? Do you think I called you over, dressed nicely and got those rice balls because I wanted to turn you down?” Taichi asked.
“B-But then... what were you... what are you trying to say to me?” Koushiro inquired, confused.
“I'm trying to say that I love you!” Taichi stated. “I love you in a way I don't love anyone else! It's more special than what I feel for my other friends, but it's not like what's portrayed in movies! I love everything about you! Your kindness, your caring personality, how hard-working you are, how I can always be honest with you and how you understand me so easily! I love how excited you get whenever you learn new things and how patient you are when other people don't immediately understand what you're talking about! You are wonderful! Koushiro, you make me so happy! I'm so glad I got to meet you and be your friend! I love you with all my heart... I love you as much as I'm capable! During the time Agumon was gone, you were by my side all the time and I understood that I wanted you to be with me forever... but that's very selfish of me, isn't it?” Taichi frowned. “You deserve more than the love I can give you... you deserve someone who will be nervous around you and blush and be euphoric... someone whose heart beats faster when you're around...”
“Taichi-san, stop saying that!” Koushiro told him, startling Taichi. “Do you realize how nonsensical you're sounding right now? You keep talking about how I deserve better than what you can give me, but have you ever asked yourself what I wanted?”
Taichi kept his eyes on Koushiro, not daring to say anything. The other continued:
“I love you and you love me! Who cares if we don't feel the exact same kind of love for each other? I certainly don't mind that! I don't care if you don't want to kiss me or hold my hand, nor do I care if you don't get nervous around me or if you don't desire me in the same way other people might! I honestly don't care about those hypothetical people! I care about you! And I want to be with you!”
Taichi's eyes widened after hearing that. Nevertheless, there was still a glimpse of fear in them.
“What if my love isn't enough for you?”
Koushiro smiled and told him in an assured voice:
“Your love is everything for me!”
Taichi smiled back at him, which made Koushiro deeply happy.
Suddenly, Agumon showed up at the bedroom's door.
“Taichi, if you're not going to eat the rice balls, can I have them?” the digimon asked.
“Agumon, were you spying on us?” Taichi asked, sheepishly.
“Of course I was!” Agumon admitted. “You were really worried about confessing your feelings to Koushiro and I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.”
“You say that, but it's not as if you tried to stop me from blurting all my insecurities to Koushiro earlier,” Taichi accused.
“I didn't stop you because it was a good thing that you opened your heart to him,” Agumon explained. “That way, you won't have to worry about Koushiro not fully accepting you.”
Taichi and Koushiro exchanged looks and smiled at each other. Agumon was right. Thanks to Taichi's honesty, the two young men could be sure of how profoundly they loved and were loved by each other and of how happy their relationship would be.
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autoplaysdigimon · 4 years
Top Five Villains
#5 Gatomon
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Controversial, maybe, to have her be on the Villains list as well, but she was a villainous character for a while.
I’m a real sucker for a good redemption storyline; failing that, at least a turncoat character. While Gatomon didn’t really commit any real atrocities onscreen to atone for later in the story, she still proved a fun villain while she was one. She was no nonsense, efficient, knew exactly what she was doing... if she’d stayed on Myotismon’s side, she could have been a real force to be reckoned with. One of the things that I’d have really liked to have seen explored more in this series was Gatomon’s time with Myotismon, and how much she’s changed since then.
Plus there’s something so weirdly entertaining about a group of creepy, ominous, obviously evil monsters and then a small white kitty cat who’s just as dangerous as them.
#4 Myotismon
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This guy.
When this guy came onto the scene, the entire show changed. Devimon’s arc was fun, if a little generic; Etemon’s was very similar with a different villain, and then Demidevimon’s arc came along and we got a fun, goofy villain who can’t Evil properly. Even so, we knew he was following orders from a higher power, and Myotismon’s eventual appearance changed the dynamic from “Team Rocket Fools Children Repeatedly” to “oh shit an actual vampire is going to kill us”. And then the whole Eighth Digidestined thing happened... Plus, that #aesthetic, amirite? 
To tie into Gatomon’s thing up there, the Eighth Digidestined arc was one of the best of the season, if not the best. Taking the fight to the Real World made it more, well, real. It was fun as hell watching the parents interact with the Digimon, both good and bad, and finding out exactly what the kids had been up to lately. The kids watching their families getting dragged into the fight was TOP. NOTCH. Plus Myotismon actually knew what he was doing as a villain so.
He knew to go after the one kid without protection. He knew how to cut everything off effectively. He did take a shot at some of the kids when they were on their own, instead of thinking only of killing Kari. Death didn’t stop him the first time. Even when he pulled the classic villain “You Have Outlived Your Use” thing and killed his own minions, it was on Digimon who had already turned against him, like Wizardmon, Pumpkinmon, Gotsumon and (arguably) Darktyrannomon.
(No, wait, they’re still alive because he sent them to his Dungeon, isn’t that RIGHT DUB TEAM.)
(Even though pieces of them were left behind and dissolved on their own.)
(No, I’m still not over that.)
#3 Ogremon
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Another redeemed villain! I just like them, okay
Maybe it’s just me, but just the act of Ogremon turning good at the end made me like him. He was a little bit generic in the Devimon arc, though at least he had the feud with Leomon to make him interesting. (Any logical reason to that, by the way? Was it just that we had these two Digimon who could fill in the character roles we’d set out for them? Nothing mythological about lions and ogres hating each other or anything? No? Okay then.)
All Ogremon really did in that first arc was serve as the henchman. He made some... interesting choices, and then he was absorbed into Devimon for power. And then he came out of the back of Devimon’s knee. Sure. When Devimon was defeated, he ran screaming off into the distance, shaking his fist and yelling “NEXT TIME, GADGET. NEXT TIIIIME.” The very act of bringing him back when he wasn’t employed by the Big Bad of the moment made him an interesting character, who had to atone for what he did. I’m a sucker for redemption, like I said, and the best part of it is watching them go soft.
Plus, how great is it to have multiple conflicting alliances within a group? When Leomon returned, even though Ogremon was firmly on the Digidestined side now, he had absolutely no problems with trying to immediately murder Leomon. There’s nothing wrong with that, right? They’re rivals, it’s just natural! He’s also kind of a shithead in general, even still.
Also, Ogremon is incredibly hard to draw. I’d just like to bring that up.
Okay, next!
#2 Etemon
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But for real, Etemon is such a fucking great villain. Great character all around, I’d love a version where he was an ally or something, but how else would we get the trademark Elvis-laugh-turns-into-villainous-laugh thing that Etemon has going?! Come on, that’s great.
Devimon’s villainous style was one of corruption; he wasn’t all that powerful on his own, but by using the Black Gears he could build his own damn forces and control small areas. He only managed to control a handful of Digimon in the end. He was also taken out by a single Digimon in a single one-on-one, though you could argue that the others had weakened him by that point, they hadn’t really.
Etemon’s style was drastically different - he was far more comical, but far more dangerous. His introduction scene involved him panicking over the Digidestined already being in the area. He sang a lot, he cracked jokes, he threw childish tantrums, and again, he was a monkey who sounded like Elvis. There is nothing not awesome about this guy. And yes, he was deadlier - his main attack can undo Digivolutions and leave the Digimon vulnerable as hell. He ended up taking a couple of episodes to take out, only losing because another villain tried to sabotage him in the end.
And coming back partway through the Dark Masters arc as Metaletemon?! FUCK YEAH. Every pun he made, I laughed at and I don’t apologise for that. Even starting a series-wide tradition, he was stylish until the end.
Also he called Ikkakumon a goat that one time.
#1 Demidevimon
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T H E  B A S T A R D  O R B
Nobody is surprised that he’s my #1, right? It was a close call between him and Etemon, but ultimately I just like Demidevimon’s arc more. We have Devimon and Etemon, as I discussed above. After that wave of villains who are dangerous because they’re powerful, we have one who is dangerous because he’s just a little bastard.
Demidevimon wasn’t strong. Most villains had their huge beatdown happen in the form of a Digimon Digivolving to Champion, Ultimate or Mega for the first time, Demidevimon had his when Patamon reached Rookie level again. In his debut episode. He was never a threat physically once the kids realised that he was not to be trusted. His arc came right after two arcs of the kids being stranded in this strange world together, only briefly separated - and then everyone was torn apart, and he could manipulate them individually. 
I’ve argued in the past that Demidevimon was a more effective manipulator than even Puppetmon, one of the Dark Masters, and I stand by it. Puppetmon managed to physically manipulate them with the dolls, sure, and he had Cherrymon convince Matt to attack Tai. But, uh, he didn’t exactly have to twist his arm very hard to get that to happen, and that was Cherrymon’s doing anyway. Plus you could argue that physically manipulating someone isn’t much of a social power as it is more a matter of strength. (also Puppetmon is more of a “play with them like toys” type, but still, being a literal puppetmaster, you’d think that manipulation was more of his domain than a BAT.) Demidevimon, however, managed to:
convince TK that Matt didn’t want him as a brother anymore and to ditch Tokomon
 nearly have TK, Tai and Agumon eat poisonous mind-wiping mushrooms
convince Digitamamon to keep Joe and Matt in the restaurant, simultaneously threatening Joe to help keep Matt there and sabotaged them constantly to manipulate them all further
trick Izzy and Tentomon into Vademon’s trap
tell the Gekomon and Otamamon about Mimi’s singing voice, somehow knowing that they’d end up hindering her progress somehow(???)
And, even after knowing that he’s an evil manipulating Digimon, he managed to convince Sora that she’d never manage to activate her crest, causing her to believe it in a self-fulfilling prophecy, even as she worked to sabotage his efforts otherwise.
I mean, apart from all that, I just like Demidevimon as a Digimon. He’s a tiny flying motherfucker and that’s great! He had some of my favourite lines, even his death was kind of tragically funny, and I have a clear bias when it comes to his voice acting, because I just like Derek Stephen Prince. He does it well! I don’t know how Demidevimon closes his eyes like that, though, those appear to be his pupils closing. I don’t even know.
Really, I just find great nostalgia in comical villains. They were all the rage back in the day, especially in children’s media. They’re still around sometimes - Doctor Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb, the Rubies from Steven Universe, the Ice King from Adventure Time, even Team Rocket from Pokemon are thriving still. Good, menacing villains are great and all, but where’s the fun?
Honourable Mentions
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Scorpiomon, who probably benefited the most from the dub’s style - his constant cried of “hey, stop it, come baaaack” while chasing Joe and Mimi are more remnicient of a kid trying to get his toy back from the bully who just took it away from him than someone trying to murder children, and that’s just fucking hilarious.
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Mimi, when she was briefly an antagonist in that one episode. Just as I really like Heel-Face turns, I really like Face-Heel turns, even temporarily, and even as petty as this whole thing was. It was the perfect trap for her, who just craved the comfort of home, and who could be easily confinced to go for more. And it was the perfect trap because she was the jailor and the jailed at the same time, trapped as long as her own selfishness would allow. It was one of my favourite episodes.
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Datamon, who had his own agenda and didn’t care that he was stepping on Etemon’s toes to get what he wanted. Just like Leomon and Ogremon had conflicting alliances on the protagonist’s side, Datamon and Etemon were opposing forces on the antagonist’s side, and multiple villains fighting each other are always fun to see.
Actually, Etemon later fought Puppetmon as Metaletemon, didn’t he? Wow, dude just doesn’t get along with other villains.
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Gizamon. Give them more lines, you cowards.
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The Dark Masters, as a whole. Just as Myotismon changed the entire tone of the show, these guys took the entire first half of the show and murdered every safe thing about it. They immediately started playing with the Digidestined, fully intending to off them all right then and there as a team. They were competent, for the most part - only failing when they were forced to split up, and their dirty tricks could be dismantled one by one. I’ve never seen a more co-operative group of antagonists, who never tried to dethrone each other and take everything for themselves.
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And okay, sure, Kokatorimon. Purely for this.
Dishonourable Mention
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Look, dude, I’m sorry, you’re cool and everything, but where the fuck did you come from? We killed Piedmon, it’s over, no, wait, here’s one last guy, no wait he’s dead, nevermind. What?
The fact that Apocalymon didn’t get any fanfare before being dropped on the Digidestined without warning made him seem like an afterthought, like the writers forgot their own endgame until they got there. Even if there had been a mention of the effect that caused his existence before he showed up - a “hey, did you know that not every Digimon survives Digivolution? Their data just gets deleted or something,” really would have helped, but even then. 
Apocalymon’s existence in the show really highlights how disjointed the series as a whole is - Devimon has no relation to Etemon, who has no relation to Myotismon, who has no relation to the Dark Masters, who have no relation to Apocalymon. The kids face a constant load of “okay, so we beat this guy and we can go home, right? ...no, maybe this guy??” where every new villain is dropped on the like a hot potato, making their first appearance in less time after their existence is revealed in less time than it takes to heat up said hot potato. Myotismon is the only one who gets any decent buildup before his first appearance before the children, and he’s often said to be the best villain of the show, so see how that works?
Digimon Adventure is the story of a bunch of kids who were brought to the Digital World to take care of one guy, and hey, while you’re here, we’ve also got some sort of demon on this island causing trouble, and there’s this monkey threatening us, and also a vampire, and then these four have joined together... It was a fun adventure, and I love that it could be part of my childhood and my life, but wow it really needed a more cohesive throughline for the story.
I hate to leave this post on a negative note, because it was full of mostly nice things, so here’s another picture of the bastard orb.
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Hahahaha, oh you silly little man.
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Digimon Tamer ZERO (ver.2) Chapter 1 The Digimon Phenomenon (part 3)
Misaki lowered her book for a second as she heard their conversation.
“Considering its attitude The Blaster probably spoiled it. Wait...Knight...Blaster...affection...”, Izaki suddenly gasped as he realized something.
Miwa nodded and then put his pointer finger over his mouth.
“What’s with you two?”, Morikawa questioned obliviously.
“It’s nothing.”, Miwa replied with a coy smile.
At Aichi’s house...
Aichi had just put on his white jacket from before and prepared to leave.
“Hopefully, I can find something this time...”, Aichi thought.
His V pet suddenly beeped as a strange circular symbol appeared on his V pet screen.
“The digital world needs your help please answer our call!”, A feminine voice came from the V pet.
“What’s this some sort of event?”, Aichi questioned.
“After the defeat of Lucemon many years ago the other demon lords returned and took over the digital world. There is not many tamers strong enough to face them. So, we urgently ask for you to receive our call.”, the voice continued as yes and no options showed up on his V pet.
“I have time. Okay, I’ll see what this is about real quick.”, Aichi said before clicking yes.
“Take the 5:45 Shibuya bound train from Jiyuugaoka Station.”, was displayed on his v-pet in text.
“Jiyuugaoka Station? Why does it want me to go there?”, Aichi questioned.
Aichi looked briefly at the block. He had about 20 minutes to get there. He looked down at the v-pet still confused. He could just ignore it but...he didn’t know what but had this strange feeling...like he really should go. Aichi sighed not knowing exactly why he headed there despite having much more pressing matters like a planet destroying alien demon thing within him.
“Bye Mom.”, Aichi waved goodbye to his mother before he left through the front door.
“Don’t stay out too long, sweetie.”, his mom replied waving goodbye.
Aichi continued to the destination first walking. He didn’t understand why but he felt his heart beating against his chest increasingly rapidly as he started walking faster. Aichi sweated nervously as he continued to speed up.
“What’s with this feeling?! It’s just like the feeling I had not long before everything with Link Joker started.”, Aichi thought, hardly noticing he was now sprinting.
Aichi noticed this sweat dropping as he passed a car in speed. Aichi promptly slowed down hoping no one noticed that.
“Wow, that was really bad man. If your trying to hide what’s wrong with you you’re failing miserably.”, Imaginary Plane Dragon said in a mocking tone.
“Darn it! Darn it! Darn it! I keep forgetting about Link Joker’s extends beyond cardfights!”, Aichi thought, panicking and mentally hitting himself.
He did not know the extent to this thing’s power. He mentally sighed having a brief flashback. He was in the Cardfight club room with Misaki, Naoki, and Shingo. A cardfight had briefly finished and he had a panicked expression. The others looked at him in confusion. He shook his head waving away the memory.
He came to a stop as he heard...a explosion?! Aichi was beyond confused looking over to the station. He gawked as from out the smoke emerged a large blue t-rex-like dinosaur. It had some sort of organic armor over its head with horns. It had black stripes along its body and yellow eyes. Countless people ran for their lives fleeing from the debris.
Aichi rubbed his making sure this was not some sort of illusion.
“Holy crap!!! There’s a real life kaiju attacking Japan!!!”, Aichi thought.
“What the heck!!! How did these guys show up on Earth so easily?!?! We needed a real convoluted plan pull that off! And this stupid dumb dino did it easily!! Mind asking him his secret?”, Imaginary Plane Dragon said as Aichi sweat dropped shaking his head no.
“Now that I think about it that dinosaur looks like Greymon but blue. But Digimon can’t be real right?”, Aichi thought.
“You thought the same thing about Cray too.”, Imaginary Plane Dragon replied sarcastically.
“Well...I...”, Aichi trailed off knowing he had a point.
Aichi flinched as the BlackGreymon turned to him.
“Nova Blast!”, BlackGreymon called out as it shot a large blue flame ball from its mouth in his direction.
“Run stupid! We can’t destroy the universe if you die!”, Imaginary Plane Dragon said.
“I’m not doing that!!!”, Aichi thought as he ran from the fiery blast.
He suddenly heard BlackGreymon let out a pained cry before he turned around. He gasped in shock seeing the fiery blast had been cut in two and BlackGreymon had crashed against the station as if it was hit by something. It grunted as it started to get up looking for whatever struck it. That’s when Aichi looked down to see another Digimon which was much smaller than BlackGreymon. It was light purple reptilian Digimon wearing kendo gear and holding a wooden sword. The gear covered most of its body besides it’s legs. You couldn’t even see it’s face, only glowing gold orbs which were likely it’s eyes.
“It’s a Kotemon. Just like...there’s no way.”, Aichi thought.
“Rahhh! How did a weak little Digimon like you knock me down?”, BlackGreymon questioned getting back up on its feet.
“Heh, your not strong. All you have is unnecessary size that slows you down. It’s no wonder when your species becomes mega if drops most of its size.”, the Kotemon replied snarkily.
Aichi tilted his head seeming to recognize Kotemon’s noticeable attitude. BlackGreymon growled at Kotemon in fury.
“We’ll see about that before I turn you into a greasy smear!!!”, BlackGreymon growled as it charged at Kotemon.
Aichi gasped as BlackGreymon approached and Kotemon entered a kendo stance. Aichi from behind Kotemon noticed near BlackGreymon’s stomach it had been damaged by the rubble.
“To bring it down Kotemon needs to strike there.”, Aichi thought, not noticing his v-pet glowing.
Kotemon focused on that spot and started running towards BlackGreymon. It raised its wooden sword and struck BlackGreymon in the weak point Aichi saw. Aichi gasped in surprise wondering if Kotemon saw that weak spot too. BlackGreymon gasped clutching its stomach growling. It opened its mouth and prepared another blast.
“Kotemon move!”, Aichi shouted out.
“He’s about to shoot another Nova Blast!”, Aichi thought worriedly as v-pet glowed again.
Kotemon just barely dodged the Mega Flame which burned off some of Kotemon’s kendo gear. Kotemon had jumped back over closer to where he was. The top parts of its kendo gear had been destroyed revealing half of its face, the top of its arm, and its upper right body. He saw it was indeed reptilian like he expected. It had two horns on it’s head and golden eyes. It’s underbelly and the its jaw was black. It seemed to have some strange golden markings on its face, arm, and torso.
“Your not getting any closer BlackGreymon.”, Kotemon said.
“I won’t let some rookie stop me from fulfilling my mission!”, BlackGreymon roared.
“Mission?”, Aichi questioned.
“You won’t live long enough to find out human!”, BlackGreymon said as it fired out another fiery blast.
Kotemon swiped the blast in half when it approached him.
“Grr! Why are you even protecting this little human?!”, BlackGreymon questioned.
Aichi looked at Kotemon curiously who faced BlackGreymon.
“He’s my tamer obviously.”, Kotemon replied.
“Tamer? Me? Wait that means...”, Aichi trailed off looking at his v-pet seeing a sprite of Kotemon fighting BlackGreymon.
Aichi gasped in surprise seeing the fight before him was playing out on his v-pet.
“Then did you really hear what I was thinking?”, Aichi questioned.
“Right. I heard your commands loud and clear through the v-pet.”, Kotemon replied as Aichi sweat dropped.
“He didn’t hear Link Joker did he? I hope not.”, Aichi thought nervously.
“I don’t know what your planning, but I won’t let you go around terrorizing my world!”, Aichi said facing BlackGreymon.
Aichi looked at his v-pet noticing the strange symbol had reappeared. Aichi’s eyes briefly glowed with a rainbow spiral and a light blue aura appeared around him. They all looked surprised as Aichi’s v-pet let out a bright light. The light enveloped Kotemon.
“Kotemon digivolve to DrakeGladimon!!!”
Out from the light appeared a slightly taller figure clad in knight armor. Unlike normal Gladimon it’s body shape was more similar to Knightmon but not as tall. It had a brown vest with brown straps. It’s legs were dragon-like and clad in armor like the rest of its body. It’s boots and gauntlets had claws. It’s helmet was stylized like a wyvern with horns and it’s eyes were red. It’s helmet had the orange fur at the end like normal Gladimon. It now had two real metal broadswords with a golden handle. A light purple tail stuck out from its armor having bits of armor on it as well.
Aichi’s v-pet had changed as well now being a small light blue device with blue buttons and a grey antenna. It had strange markings on it.
“What?! How did he suddenly digivolve like that? Digivolution should take years?!”, BlackGreymon questioned.
“Let’s go! DrakeGladimon!”, Aichi said and DrakeGladimon nodded.
“Yes master! Whirlwind Wheel Rush!”, DrakeGladimon replied.
DrakeGladimon spun itself like a tornado striking BlackGreymon. BlackGreymon gasped in pain as in was struck by DrakeGladimon’s dual blades. Aichi v-pet had a voice come from it again.
“You must now purify it.”, the voice ordered.
“How do I do that?”, Aichi asked.
“Aim your former v-pet towards the fallen Digimon.”, she ordered.
Aichi did just that and a light shot out of the once v-pet enveloping BlackGreymon. When it cleared some dark energy came out of it which disappeared. It then instantly began to shrink into a much smaller orange dinosaur and green eyes. It had became Agumon.
“Woah, what happened? What’s this place?”, Agumon questioned, looking around confused.
“Uhh...this is Earth.”, Aichi said as he approached Agumon before DrakeGladimon quickly grabbed Aichi out of the way of a massive figure which suddenly appeared behind Agumon.
“Agumon!”, Aichi called out, paling as a massive foot squashed the rookie Digimon.
Agumon dispersed into pixels which was absorbed by the massive figure. The figure was very buff and green. It had skull-like armor and a massive bone sword. It had red markings and white hair.
“Stupid weakling. He couldn’t even do his job right. You’ve been relieved from your position in the Ebony Squadron, BlackGreymon.” , the big Digimon said.
The massive Digimon held a grey train with yellow horns. It had a single green eyes and was very roughed up. That train wasn’t just a train it was a Trailmon! It threw the injured Trailmon directly at them. It laughed after the Trailmon impacted causing dust to fly everywhere and the ground to tremble.
It stopped laughing as it flinched. It felt a extremely dark malevolent presence. It looked around for where the presence was coming from.
“Is one of the demon lords here!?!?”, the skull armored Digimon questioned.
“You!”, the skull armored Digimon looked over to the source of the voice.
As the smoke cleared the skull armored Digimon could see glowing red eyes. It gawked as it saw that the Trailmon never hit the ground. It was being held by a Digimon. The Digimon was knight clad in dragon-like armor which resembled Knightmon. It’s helmet had horns and it had red eyes. It had a visible tail with pieces of armor and metal spikes down it. It had purple wings and legs like DrakeGladimon. It had spikes on its shoulder armor and bits of gold on its armor. It had a massive shield and great sword strapped to its back.
“WyvernKnightmon, it’s a extremely rare species of Knightmon. This should be fun.”, the skull Digimon said.
Next to WyvernKnightmon was Aichi a faint red and black aura appeared around him briefly.
“I can’t believe you killed your own comrade!”, Aichi said as he glared at the skull armored Digimon.
“Comrade or not that is the law of monsters. The weak must die.”, the skull armored Digimon said.
Aichi clutched his chest trying to contain Link Joker within him.
“I have to calm down this anger isn’t like me but...”, Aichi thought, remembering Agumon being squashed.
It didn’t even know what it was doing it must have been controlled by something. The idea of a innocent little creature being controlled like that and killed. It was beyond horrible. It was the kind of thing that definitely sadden him, but he didn’t get angry often at all. However, he could feel Link Joker’s presence getting more powerful twisting the sadness he felt into rage.
“Take him down, WyvernKnightmon. Aim for unarmored his chest.”, Aichi thought pointing the former v-pet to WyvernKnightmon.
“Berserk Tempest Sword!”, WyvernKnightmon called out as it flew at the skull armored Digimon.
It raised its own massive blade to block WyvernKnightmon much to its shock its own blade shattered upon impact with WyvernKnightmon’s.
“That’s impossible!!!”, the skull armored Digimon said as it was sent flying back into the abandoned station.
Aichi got onto WyvernKnightmon’s back and flew into the abandoned station. In the station more Digimon were inside most of them were champion and ultimate. They blasted WyvernKnightmon with there attacks but WyvernKnightmon created a barrier of wind blowing their attacks back. He charged at the skull armored Digimon and delivered another fierce slash with its sword at it chest.
“Damn. It’s just a ultimate Digimon. How is it this strong?”, the skull armored Digimon questioned.
A green goblin Digimon ran over to it. It had white hair and blue eyes. It held a club and wore black loincloth.
“Commander Titamon!”, the club wielding Digimon called out.
Titamon struggled up looking over to the approaching Digimon. As soon as it came near it grabbed its head and crushed it. It dispersed into particles that were absorbed by Titamon. Titamon now seemed to be a bit healed from fighting WyvernKnightmon. The other Digimon flinched as Titamon looked over to them.
“Give me your commander your power you pathetic weaklings! Soul Core Attack!”, Titamon commanded slashing its own troops with its blade and absorbing their data.
“Stop it! Now!”, Aichi said as he rode towards Titamon on WyvernKnightmon.
WyvernKnightmon slashed at Titamon who blocked with its newly restored blade. It was pushed back into the railway tunnel. However this time it’s blade wasn’t broken. Aichi looked rather confused as they went down the railway tunnel and the area around them completely changed. He could see a unfamiliar forest nearby a station with a strange track. White almost ghost shaped Digimon flew by. As they passed through WyvernKnightmon glowed again changing its appearance once again.
“WyvernKnightmon digivolve to Dynasmon!”
It’s blade disappeared and Titamon laughed cockily as it slashed at Dynasmon. Dynasmon threw a punch that completely shattered it’s sword and as it hit its face completely shattered its skull helmet. Titamon crashed into the forest below and the flying Digimon dispersed to avoid getting hit.
Aichi blinked completely stunned after regaining control.
“Oh crap, where am I?”, Aichi questioned.
“You are in the digital world, my lord the Blaster.”, Dynasmon replied and Aichi let out a sheepish chuckle.
“My real name is Sendou Aichi and you don’t have to call me lord. You can just call me Aichi.”, Aichi replied.
“Great, because you cried over a baby dinosaur we have been isekaied.”, Imaginary Plane Dragon said.
Aichi pinched himself to make sure this hadn’t all been some sort of bizarre dream.
Chapter 1 end
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Taishiro doing a Halloween date!
This turned out more like a date on a Halloween, but I happened to go to my first corn maze this year since it was the only social distancing, outside seasonal activity available and the whole while I was thinking about this haa I hope you like it and have a swell day!!!
Cross posted on Ao3
"It was the first bright idea you've had all day," Koushirou says, hugging the small cup of cider as evenly between his two hands as possible. When Taichi flutters his eyes up to meet Koushirou's questionly, he clarifies, "Waiting three hours in line for hot cider."
Taichi settles him with a withered look. "It was twenty minutes." 
"It felt like three hours."
Taichi rolls his eyes, settling them back on the paper in his hands. He turns it one way, checking their surroundings, then frowning. He tries a different way, but the results are the same. "Maybe we should go back to One," he mumbles. "Get our bearings."
Koushirou looks behind them. At least, he thinks it's behind them. Everywhere looks the same. He has to swallow down the panic rising in his chest. It helps when a family rounds the corner behind a row of tall, green stalks to remind him they aren’t truly lost out here. “We can attempt it." 
"It's just this way," Taichi says, leading them, hopefully, back the way they had just come. It takes a few extra turns than Koushirou remembers, but he eventually recognizes the one way signs leading back into the off-way path where the very first checkpoint had been. "See?" Taichi grins at him, his shoulders rolling back as they stand by the white sign post proudly stating Checkpoint #1. Koushirou quells his own smile. Taichi just looks so proud. "Told you it was here." 
"You certainly did." Warmth seeps from the cup still between his hands. It won't last too much longer. It will be cold long before they make their way through here. 
Taichi goes back immediately to starring down the map. "It doesn't make sense." 
"Can I see?" Koushirou queries, stepping closer. They back further up against the wall of corn as several other groups begin to crowd around the signpost, whipping out their cellphones to record the code written on the sign next to it. 
"We're here," Taichi explains unnecessarily. He points to the One marked on the map. "So if we want to find the second checkpoint, we should go... left," Taichi points to the distant left. 
Koushirou considers the paper and then the proposed path. He frowns back at the map. The lines loop and curve into the shape of a great kraken wrapping its arms about a huge vessel. 
There's a crispness to the wind as it passes around them, teasing the leaves of the corn stalks. Koushirou wonders if they leave some of the corn unharvested for aesthetic reasons, or because they haven’t quite ripened yet. His nose burns from the cold. Taichi shuffles beside him. 
Behind them leaves rustle and the tall stalks bend this and that, pushed by something heavier than wind. Koushirou pulls away first, his shoulder bumping back into Taichi's chest. He would have planted on his rump, Koushirou is certain, if the other had not righted him with a hand to either side of his waist. 
His heart doesn't quite settle as quickly as his momentum. He should be used to these surprises by now, Koushirou reminds himself. Safety had never been promised in the digital world. His odds are more favorable in the realized world, among children at a farm. 
"Agumon!" Taichi chastises at the first sign of the yellow dinosaur emerging out from between the tall stalks. Koushirou must be strange, for he finds relief looking at the familiar sharp canines protruding on either side of his long snout. "You’re not allowed to just walk through the corn." 
"Why not?" Agumon wonders. He tilts his head. 
"The corn is a barrier," Koushirou tries. "They're walls."
If he had a nose to wrinkle, Koushirou is positive Agumon would. "Isn't corn a food?" 
"Not here, buddy."
Agumon makes a confused sound. His bright green eyes trade attention between Taichi and Koushirou for a moment. "Okay," he concedes finally. "I'll go back to Tentomon."
"Don't go--" but it's too late as Agumon retraces his steps back. Still Taichi finishes with, "Back through the corn."
"They're going to beat us," Koushirou comments as he watches the tops of the corn stalks wiggle over the distance until the area about them is still again. 
Taichi snorts. "By cheating." 
Koushirou huffs a laugh of his own, looking back and up to the other man. He freezes. Taichi's eyes are still watching the distance, lips pulled back in an exasperatedly fond smile, dusk drenching his face in a lovely shade of sun-kissed even this far into autumn. Koushirou's face feels warm enough to combat the crisp evening breeze, his nose almost close enough to brush along the broad side of Taichi's jaw. The hands still settled on his side feel warm even through several layers of wool and fleece. 
His heart stutters.
"You okay?" Taichi asks. Concern crinkles the corners of his eyes. 
"You're warm," Koushirou says, dumbly. It answers nothing.
Taichi smiles brightly. 
Wind rushes past them. His fingers feel excessively frozen and sticky. Koushirou looks down. The cider cups rolls against his foot, empty, pushed by the breeze. It's lid lays on the ground. The bottom of his slacks are damp. 
"I apologize," he lets out, looking back up. "I dropped your cider." 
Taichi laughs. Koushirou can feel it reverberate where his back still meets Taichi's chest. He rights himself just as a family comes around the bend of the corn walls. Taichi tells him, "It's fine. I'll have hot chocolate when we get back to your place." 
"So," Koushirou continues, pressing his lips together. "Left." 
"Right." Taichi says. 
"You said left," Koushirou quips. He smiles back when Taichi sends him a nonplussed half-glare. He picks up the now empty cup from the dirt floor, never one to litter on purpose, and follows Taichi along. After a moment the taller boy freezes, looking back to the map. 
"Hold on. There should be," Taichi starts, wetting his lips. Koushirou stares, wondering if the action leaves them feeling colder. He tries not to think of ways to help. "There should be a loop here." 
Koushirou looks down, squinting at the map as he slides up beside him. He feels like the lines should make sense, but his head feels like it's swimming. He scans the instructions on the far side and snorts. "What are we following?" 
"The patches of white."
"The black lines are the path. White is corn." 
"No," Taichi insists, but his face reads as if he knows Koushirou's right. 
Koushirou motions for Taichi to relinquish his map duties. With a deep frown, he complies. Koushirou snorts as he hands over his phone, the website for the corn maze still open. Taichi takes it from his hand, fingers warm where they brush against his skin. To distract himself, Koushirou looks back to the map. They must be a higher left than the first checkpoint and so he decides they must go, "That way." 
It takes them less than five minutes this time to find the next checkpoint. Taichi purses his lips to one side, defeated, as he enters the code on the white post. 
"You're as bad at reading these as you are at drawing them."
"Come on," Taichi complains a second behind him as they work their way to the third checkpoint. Koushirou checks the map at the next looping path. One suction cup of the tentacle. Three more before they turn. "I was like ten." 
Three suction cups; six paths, Koushirou counts. To Taichi he says, "Some traits are immutable I suppose." 
The third checkpoint is crowded. They stand back as the few groups enter the codes on their own phones. Koushirou breathes in. It feels cold all the way down his throat. 
"Speaking of change," Koushirou starts, "have you adjusted to college?" 
Taichi leans in close beside him, his weight steadying. "Different," he seems to decide after a minute. "It's good to be back in Odaiba for a short while, though." 
Koushirou keeps his gaze forward even as his chest tightens. "New friends?" They move forward as the groupings abate from around the sign post.
"I guess," Taichi shrugs. He sniffles a little. "I was actually invited to a Halloween party tonight." 
Koushirou looks up at him. "Oh." 
"I'm, uh, not going," Taichi adds needlessly.
He hadn't meant to mention it in the first place, Koushirou knows. They move forward again. 
Taichi adds the new numbers in. He snorts and shows Koushirou the screen where a small pop up declares, "We never thought you'd make it to checkpoint number 3!"
 Koushirou looks up at him. "Why didn't you go?"
He hadn't meant to ask it. 
Taichi hums. His eyes dart back down onto the phone, even though there’s nothing for him to do at the moment. "I thought this sounded more fun," he says. His ears look red. Koushirou suspects it might be from more than just the cold. His own ears burn. "Plus there's a chance for a free iPad, right? Thought we could win it together." 
"We should pick something up," Taichi suggests as they start walking again, "before we head back home." 
It hasn't been very long since they last met up, Koushirou knows. Taichi is still Taichi, from his charming grin to the way he speaks. He isn't really sure what's bothering him. Maybe, he thinks, it’s that things should be different.
"Watch something a little seasonal," Taichi is still saying. "How does that sound?" He hesitates for a moment, waiting for Koushirou to fall into step beside him.
"You could have gone to the party," Koushirou tells him, quietly. He wishes the moment it leaves his mouth that the wind would carry it away. He looks away when Taichi turns to look at him. "There's only one entry per team for the raffle." 
Taichi hums. "I don't need an ipad."
"Then what do you acquire from this?" 
Silence settles in between them for a moment. "Time with you," he finally admits. When Koushirou looks up this time, it's Taichi who avoids his stare. 
By the time they make it to the eighth checkpoint Taichi asks, "How's school for you?" 
 "I see Hikari in the hallways sometimes," Kosuhriou mentions. "I'm sworn to not tell you she misses you." 
Taichi rolls his eyes, fondly. "You know we spent all night binging the end of this show we started before I left. She was gonna watch it without me if I refused." As if to emphasize his point, Taichi yawns.
"It's been different," he tells Taichi after a moment. They return back to their pace. Familiar one way signs hint to another checkpoint. Koushirou checks the map, eyeing the paths as they walk by them to not miss the turn.
"Senior year's a pretty big change." 
Koushirou looks down. His face burns, simultaneously too hot and too cold. "I suppose," he admits. "But mostly, I miss being able to see you there." 
Taichi stops again. Koushirou wishes the corn maze would swallow him whole. Taichi switches his weight from one side to the next. 
"I wish I'd had the nerve to ask you out before I went off to college," he admits. His voice is quiet, especially for Taichi. Koushirou wonders if it would be easier for his heart, if Taichi were to sound more brazen, more confident. He doesn't quite know what his mouth is doing, can't quite remember how to use it for anything worthwhile.
Several people around them also stop, muttering and gawking. He thinks he hears someone say, "A giant ladybug."
Koushirou looks up curiously and feels a wave of amusement and weariness wash over him at the sight of a dark red creature rising over the corn in the distance. He recognizes Tentomon's silhouette immediately, his wings beating to keep himself up. Clutching to the end of his claws is certainly--
"Agumon," Taichi groans half heartedly. "Those cheaters." 
It feels like the tension snaps all of a sudden and Koushirou laughs. Taichi grins back at him, soon dissolving into a deep, stomach aching chortle of his own. 
"At least we have the moral high ground," Koushirou offers as the two digimon disappear behind the grove of corn stalks once more. 
"At least we have that," Taichi agrees, nodding. He steps back for a moment, reaching out just a bit before his hand finds Koushirou's own. "And more time together," he adds. 
Koushirou thinks his heart might be in danger of hammering out of his chest asTaichi pulls him along the path once again. He blames it on the other boy when they come to a deadend sometime later, for distracting him from the map. 
"Longer time together than I thought, then.”
"Salutations," Tentomon greets them, standing by the giant Congratulations sign off the side of the exit.
"We won!" Agumon calls, throwing his clawed hands up in the air as he runs up to greet Taichi and Koushirou at the exit to the maze. 
Taichi narrows his eyes in a not entirely unkind way. "Flying was also against the rules, bud." 
"No it wasn't," Agumon argues. "You never said it was." 
"I think it was implied." 
Koushirou snorts as he walks over to the last poster. 
"Do you think you'll win it?" Tentomon wonders, hovering nearby. 
"Statistically," Koushirou says, inputting the final numbers into his phone, "it's improbable we'll win anything." The screen flashes a confirmation that they completed all the checkpoints. Koushirou adds in a few personal details where the app prompts him.
"I don't know," Taichi laughs. His hand finds Koushirou's again the moment he drops it at his side. Taichi's smile is blinding as he squeezes his fingers between each of Koushirou's own.  "I already kinda feel like I won."
Koushirou grins back. 
"But you lost to us," Agumon puts in.
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darkjanet2 · 4 years
Drusilla's Soul Chapter 11 Part 2
Davis walked over to get a little drink but hundreds of green slimy Digimon called Numemon swarmed out. TK and Kari turned around when they heard screaming and they saw Davis on the ground in horror. TK and Kari burst out laughing.
“Ha ha, very funny.” said Davis, sarcastically as he got up and continued following them.
Davis asked, “So were those things Digimon?”
Kari nodded, “Yep, there are tons of other ones, a lot cuter than those.”
“And a lot scarier ones, too.” added TK.
“Do they all come out of vending machines?” Davis asked.
There were two creatures that appeared to see their partners and they were happy to see them. The winged-ears creature had blue eyes, orange fur and cream underbelly fur, and stubby legs with black claws. And the white feline had purple tuft tips of her ears and tail, her long tail striped purple and white without a Holy Ring. She must have been attacked by Unimon.
“TK!” Patamon cried, flew into TK’s arms and TK was ecstatic.
“Patamon! Boy, am I glad to see you!” said TK, it had been so long that he and Patamon were partners ever since he was 8. Davis freaked out a bit.
And there was a young man who appeared in the forest. He had big, brown bushy hair attached to his blue headband and black circular goggles, and wearing a green high school uniform.
“Tai! I told those guys you'd be alright!” said Davis.
Tai looked surprised, “Davis! What're you doing here!?”
“ Kari!” Gatomon jumped into Kari's arm and the both of them hugged, causing Kari to laugh with joy.
“Gatomon!” Kari gasped when she saw Gatomon wasn't wearing her favourite accessory. “Your tail ring! Tell me what happened.”
Horn Blaster!
Unimon blasted a ball of energy that engulfed Gatomon. She screamed in pain and slammed into a tree. Gatomon dropped to the ground in pain from the attack. Gatomon opened her eyes to see Unimon preparing to stomp her out of existence. Despite her exhaustion and the damage she had taken, the small cat Digimon managed to roll away but Unimon stomped on her tail ring and was stuck to the ground. Gatomon noticed her tail ring is stuck but her survival instincts kick in when Unimon attacked again.
Horn Blaster!
She went on the prowl on all fours.
*End Flashback*
“A few weeks ago, this bossy human appeared and began making Digimon into his slaves. He said "I'm the Digimon Emperor!" I heard we're all gonna have to punch a time clock, too.” said Gatomon.
“Another human? You mean that someone else comes here besides us? There goes the neighbourhood.” said TK.
Gatomon nodded, “Yeah, and he's got this strange new Dark Digivice that makes us unable to Digivolve.”
Davis took his Digivice out of his pocket and showed it to Gatomon. “Like this one?”
Gatomon pointed a paw at his Digivice. “That's it! The Dark Digivice looked exactly like that. You work for the Digimon Emperor”!
“What!? I don't work for anybody, besides mine's not dark! I just got this thing when it came out of the computer!” Davis was outraged by the accusation.
‘So that's what came out of the egg when I picked it up, 3 new Digivices but why did Davis get one? What's his purpose in the Digital World and more importantly…who got the other 2 Digivices?’ Tai thought.
“The Dark Digivice is draining out power and making us all weak as newborn kittens.
Everything makes sense now as to why Agumon couldn't Digivolve before.” said Gatomon
“That's why you couldn't Digivolve!” said Tai, putting his hands on his waist.
Agumon crossed his arms furiously, “Yeah, if I could Digivolve , he wouldn't stand a chance!”
“What's worse, is now that I've lost my Tail Ring my powers have been cut in half, so I'm just about as useful as Rookie Digimon.” Gatomon turned to Agumon and Patamon. “No offense, you guys.”
“None taken.” said Agumon & Patamon in unison.
A Dark ring which the Digimon Emperor was using to eavesdrop on the Digi-destined flies was undetected.
“The Digimon Emperor uses these powerful Dark Rings to control the Digimon.” said Gatomon.
“Yeah, and once the ring captures you, you're a slave for life.” said Patamon.
“Those collars do everything but get rid of fleas.” said Gatomon.
Kari looked pretty pissed. “Digimon Emperor! I'm gonna slap a Dark Ring on him!”
The Digi-destined were now standing in front of the Digi-egg with Crest of Courage on it.
“Looks like a deflated beach ball, no wonder it's got a spike through it.”
“Yeah, plus it's heavier than my mom's meatloaf.” said Tai.
TK walked over and attempted to lift it up with effort but it wouldn’t move.
“It won't budge!” said TK.
“Move aside, this is a woman's job.” Kari tried to lift it with effort too but failed.
“Too bad we don't have a woman here to help.” said TK
“Guys I pump iron all the time, let me do it!” said Davis.
Davis walked over to the egg and bent down. He grabbed on the egg and expected it to be hard to pick up but it required so little effort he picked it up and landed on his back, shocking Tai and the others.
“ What did I tell ya? Light as a feather, you guys need to work out a little more.” said Davis.
“There's a problem.” said Tai.
Suddenly, an orange pillar of light burst out from the hold that was beneath the egg. A black shape was formed inside the light. It's revealed to be a small blue dragon like creature with a v-shaped mark in between his eyes. He was curled into a fetal position and opened his eyes. He exited the light in excitement.
He hops around a gobsmacked Davis. “Free at last! Free at last! You moved the Digi-egg. He stops. My name's Veemon, but you can just call me Veemon.”
“Hi, I'm Davis.” said Davis, who was in awestruck.
Digimon Analyser (Agumon): I've heard of Veemon. Supposedly he's a fun loving, adventure seeking little Digimon that brings you good luck but I thought he was just a legend.
“Nope, I'm real alright and I've been waiting a very long time to meet ya Davis.” said Veemon.
“Uh…I think you got the wrong guy.” said Davis.
“Nope, you're the one alright because you're the only one who was able to move the Digi-egg of Courage.” said Veemon.
‘That's right, even though I had the Crest of Courage I couldn't move the Digi-egg but Davis could…’ Tai thought.
Tai was taken out of his thoughts when the entire cave began to rumble and rock fell from the ceiling.
The Monochromon the Digimon Emperor sent bashes through the ceiling and roars.
“It's a monster!” screamed Davis.
“No! That's a Digimon!” cried Kari.
“Monochromon!” TK cried.
Monochromon went through the big hole he made and slid down the wall.
Digimon Analyser (TK): Monochromon! His shell is harder than diamonds! His attack, a volcanic strike sends out millions of fireballs.
Boom Bubble!
Pepper Breath!
Agumon and Patamon blast out their respective attacks but they barely faze Monochromon.
Lightning Paw!
Gatomon leapt with her fist clenched and slammed it against his face but as expected, she was pretty much useless without her tail ring. Monochromon wasn’t hurt at all and smacked the diminutive champion level Digimon with his tail. Gatomon screamed in pain and slams against the wall.
Kari ran to her partner. “Gatomon! Gatomon, are you okay?!
Gatomon opened her eyes a bit.
“I'm sorry, Kari, but without my Tail Ring, I'm useless.” said Gatomon.
Volcanic Strike!
A ball of fire flares up within his mouth, prompting everyone to make a run for it.
“Come on, let's go!” TK yelled.
“Davis!” Tai cried.
Davis yelped and followed after them right before Monochromon blasted out a powerful ball of fire. They all screamed as they ran along the cave.d
“Davis, hurry up and open the Digi-egg!” cried Veemon.
“I don't know what you're talking about!” cried Davis.
Davis and Veemon were far behind and Monochromon began to catch up with them. They finally manage to exit the cave and stop by a small Cliffside. Davis turned and couldn't see Monochromon anymore.
“That was close.” said Davis, sighed in relief.
“Davis! Get down here!” cried Tai.
Streams of flames blast out from the cave so Veemon tackled Davis off the cliff in time. Kari on the other hand fell on the ground with Gatomon.
“Davis, tell me what hurts?!” cried Veemon.
“Everything but my ear lobes.” Davis groaned in pain.
“You control the Digi-egg of Courage, you've got to use your courage to open it up.”
Tai ran over to Davis.
“Davis, get up! It's not safe!” said Tai.
Davis lifted himself up and his goggles were badly damaged.
“I can Digivolve if you open the egg but you've got to have the courage to do it!” said Veemon.
Tai nodded, “It's worth a try!”
Everyone but Kari and Gatomon ran over.
Gatomon looked at Kari on the ground holding her ankle in pain.
Gatomon cried, “Kari!”
“I can't move my ankle!” cried Kari.
Monochromon leapt off the cliff and everyone watched in shock as he proceeded to rip Kari to pieces. She gasped in horror.
“Davis!” cried Veemon.
“Have Courage!” cried Tai.
Davis was shocked as his crush was about to get killed. “Kari's in trouble!”
Monochromon got closer and Davis clenched the egg. He stood up and took off his broken goggles. “You want courage! I'll show you courage!”
Veemon cried, “Davis! The magic words are Digi-Armour Energize!”
Davis cried out, “DIGI-ARMOUR ENERGIZE!” He held out the Digi-egg of Courage and it released an orange glow.
Veemon Armour Digivolve to…!
Veemon fused with the Digi-egg and was engulfed by rings of fire that take shape as images of Agumon and all of his digivolutions appear. Out of the fire, claws extend from his fists and then a spike from his helmet.
Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!
Monochromon ran to Kari but the new fighter rammed into his side and caused him to fall over. Flamedramon lands on the ground.
Veemon has Digivolved into a remarkable Digimon slightly taller than Tai. All parts of his body were flaming pieces of armour, the Crest of Courage is emblazoned on his back, his hand and feet were tipped with sharp claws and a sharp blade sticks out from his head.
The Digi-destined are in complete awe.
Tai couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Armor...Digivolve!” said Tai.
“It was the Digi-egg!” said TK.
“Wow! What's that!?” Davis was amazed that Veemon had changed.
Digimon Analyser (Flamedramon): I'm Flamedramon! As Veemon I use the Digi-egg of Courage to Armour Digivolve. My Fire Rocket attack will charbroil the enemy like a well done steak.
Monochromon charged in but Flamedramon gets into a battle stance. Monochromon rammed into the Fire of Courage who merely held him down and stopped him in place. With incredible strength he lifted Monochromon up and flipped him backwards. A loud crash could be heard throughout the forest and the smoke cleared to reveal Monochromon was on the ground a bit weakened. He opened his eyes and roared. Flamedramon gave a battle cry and went on the offensive.
Volcanic Strike!
He blasted out 3 fireballs but Flamedramon ploughed through and cut them to pieces as if they were paper due to being a fire attribute Digimon. Monochromon growls and charges in again. He lands a hit and sends Flamedramon flying in the air. The others gasped but there was no need because Flamedramon recovers and prepares his special attack.
He engulfed himself in a fiery aura and blasted off like a rocket, intent on destroying the dark ring strapped around Monochromon.
“Barbecue that Dark Ring, Flamedramon!” shouted Gatomon.
Flamedramon made a direct hit on the Dark Ring. He flipped up and the Dark Ring was broken off. Flamedramon landed on the ground and was engulfed in a yellow glow. An orange light was released and sent into Davis's Digivice. The light also went into his pocket. Davis checked it and took it out. It's a D-terminal.
“What's this?” He opened it up and the egg was now in his D-terminal.
Flamedramon had de-digivolved to Veemon and Kari had gently rubbed Monochromon who was on the ground in exhaustion.
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
Adventure Rewrite Idea Dump (Again)
Listen I want to talk about my OCs but I don’t have the energy to actually write right now since I feel like literal ass so it’s random fact time! Warning: random mashing of English and Japanese names for Digimon ahead. 
First off, I’m planning on giving one Armor evolution to all of the kids. Regardless of Adventure or 02 affiliation, all of them are getting one Armor evolution. Only Pegasmon and Nefertimon are staying the same while all the others get reworked/redesigned or new stuff entirely. The 02 kids get Armors first while the Adventure kids are later on. 
Also, there aren’t going to be any D3′s needed to open the gate between the worlds. All of the kids are going to have the same original model Digivice from Adventure. For colors at higher levels of evolution on the others it’ll go as follows: Daisuke - Gold, Miyako - Turquoise, Iori - White, Ken - Black, Meiko - Magenta.
Everyone is going to get to have a Jogress partner, but not in the same way that 02 used them. Instead, it’ll be more like Omnimon: an evolution that takes place after the highest level is obtained. Pairs will go as follows: Taichi/Yamato, Sora/Mimi, Koshiro/Jou, Daisuke/Ken, Miyako/Hikari, Iori/Takeru.
As of now, my plan for evolution is going to have Agumon and Gabumon go Mega in the original Adventure while Omnimon shows up during Our War Game. Veemon and Wormmon will go Mega in 02 and Jogress during Revenge of Diaboromon. All other Megas will appear during the first half Tri (which will be rewritten entirely to include the 02 kids) while the second half has the remaining four Jogress pairs. 
Since Jogress is being handled differently, the 02 partners get to go all the way to Mega on their own. The evolution lines are below: Veemon - ExVeemon - Paildramon - Magnamon Hawkmon - Aquilamon - Silphymon - Valkyrimon Armadillomon - Ankylomon - ??? - ??? Wormmon - Stingmon - JewelBeemon - GrandisKuwagamon
The only Jogress evolution that will remain from canon is Imperialdramon. The others will be redesigned entirely due to either not fitting as much (Shakkoumon) or being used already (Silphymon). As for Armadillomon’s evolutions, I’m going to have to design those myself. No matter how much I search, there’s never anything that properly fits in with the theme of Ankylomon, so I’ll just make up mons myself. Fight me on it. 
For the 02 kids, they have the Crests of Loyalty, Passion, Integrity, and Kindness for Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, and Ken respectively. Meiko will also get a Crest, though Meicoomon is special in the way that she has no Jogress partner and will act on her own. In fact, Meicoomon is being handled completely differently than in canon and is not used as a villain because I said so. Tri is being handled completely differently, so nearly everything about the plot is different now. Again, fight me. 
Hurricane Landing is going to be reworked so that it fits into canon. In it, Willis is not going to be designated specifically as a Chosen Child. Instead, he found Gummymon and Kokomon by pure accident, and they bonded to him on their own. Humans naturally have the power to make Digimon evolve at an advanced speed; a Digivice simply refines that power and makes it less unpredictable. Willis is partnered to them in a unique way since has no Digivice but is still able to make them evolve pretty reliably. 
On a similar note, I’m not using the international Chosen. I was never the biggest fan of them, so I’m just cutting them out. I’ll handle things differently during the World Tour segment (assuming it even remains in the final draft) to compensate. 
Mimi won’t be moving away to America either. I feel like it would be best for the sake of the plot if I kept her in Japan, so she’s sticking around there with the rest of the squad. 
I mentioned before that Tri is getting a complete overhaul, right? The first step is axing King Drasil. Yeah. Oops. Instead, I’m going to create a much more direct rival to Homeostasis. For now, let’s call them Havoc (which is a placeholder in case I wind up coming up with something better).
Havoc existed in the times before Homeostasis was created. In between the birth of the Digital World and the arrival of the Harmonious Ones, Havoc seemed to rule over the Digital World from afar. They created Apocalymon as a way of manifesting their chaotic whims, causing a reign of terror over the Digital World. In an unprecedented course of events, Apocalymon caused a severe distortion in the Digital World that caused time to flow faster than on Earth. Apocalymon’s existence caused a rift between the Digital World and Earth as well, and that portal pulled in the original group of six kids in 1980 (Daigo, Maki, Hiroaki, Haruhiko, Kaya, and Chisane). Their partners eventually evolved to become the Harmonious Ones, and they sealed away Apocalymon in the process, though time remained sped up. Homeostasis was born as a result of the Harmonious Ones coming to existence. 
Havoc was mostly left to linger in the shadows, forced back by the arrival of Homeostasis. The Order led by Homeostasis developed Digivices and Crests for twelve children based on manifestations from the original six. Another distortion caused by an escape attempt from Apocalymon opened a gate to Earth where the Greymon and Parrotmon fight took place in 1995. That selected eight of the twelve children, and when disaster struck and the Order was destroyed, the eight were called upon, prompting the events of Adventure to play out. 
During the attack by Myotismon in 1999, Daisuke, Iori, and Ken all witnessed events related to the Digital World. While they were not the only witnesses of these events, they caught Homeostasis’ eye for fitting three of the four traits. This left only Passion lacking in a host, though it found one when Miyako watched the fight between Omnimon and Diaboromon the following year, making her the final child of the group to be Chosen. 
Meiko was not a Chosen under Homeostasis. Instead, Havoc was the one who selected her. After the fall of Apocalymon, Havoc tried to concoct a further plan to usurp Homeostasis and take over the Digital World, and they created Meicoomon. By imitating the power of the Digivices seen up to that point (which was only known to evolve Digimon up to Mega), Havoc created another Digivice, the one that would later come to be used by Meiko. Since Armor and Jogress capabilities hadn’t been seen yet, her echo of a Digivice lacked both of those powers. She was given the Crest of Darkness, and Havoc planned for Meicoomon to evolve into another world-breaking monster on par with Apocalymon. During the events of this AU’s version of Tri, Meiko purifies the Crest into the Crest of Balance, and Meicoomon doesn’t slip into her destructive ways, instead finding a place as Rasielmon. 
As for the original Chosen, they split up after their original adventure. Hiroaki and Haruhiko grew distant from the rest of the group while Daigo and Maki went on to attend school together. Kaya and Chisane (both of whom are my OCs; fight me if that’s a problem okay) became romantic partners. All of them went on to live regular lives, most of them in the Odaiba area. Kaya and Chisane moved out to Tottori while the others stayed in Odaiba. When Digimon started to rise to prominence after the 1999 war with Myotismon, Daigo, Maki, and Haruhiko came to work together as Digimon researchers. Hiroaki remained on his own since he had other work at the TV station. 
As for Kaya and Chisane, they established a small restaurant in Tottori. They left Odaiba without a word once they were old enough, tying the knot and living alone while owning and running their cafe. Chisane couldn’t stand the city life due to the noise and crowds, and Kaya wanted to follow her. They avoided much of busy life, staying away from any incidents involving Digimon despite wishing to see their partners once again. 
All Crest bearers are sensitive to influence from Homeostasis, but their connection is on the lower side. Hope and Light are easily most connected due to their angelic links, though Light’s link is the strongest. Keepers of the Crest of Light can communicate with Homeostasis easily while bearers of Hope can still do it but are harder to contact. All of them are also sensitive to the balance of other worlds, but again, Hope and Light are most affected. 
Since Chisane was the original bearer of Hope and Light (all the original six kids had two Crests), her connection is so heavy that it borders on being dangerous. Being near so many Digital Gates in Odaiba can cause sickness for her at times since she has a lacking constitution and immune system. When the worlds are unbalanced, it has a horrible impact on her. To avoid any unnecessary sickness, Kaya moved with her out to Tottori where there were fewer gates. They moved not long after the Parrotmon/Greymon duel in 1995 since the sudden outburst by Apocalymon’s escape attempt sickened Chisane immediately. The destabilization of the worlds always harmed her, but that was the most prominent example of imbalance at the time, causing terrible harm. 
While the two mostly kept to themselves, Chisane was still vulnerable to being contacted by Homeostasis. She seems to speak to herself somewhat often, though this is more often than not Homeostasis asking for permission to borrow her body and mind. It was through her that Homeostasis learned more about how things were on Earth from the Digital World. 
When the Mochizuki family moved in near them, Chisane and Kaya took to avoiding them. Chisane was fine with Meiko at first, but when Havoc placed the Crest of Darkness inside her, being around Meiko for too long began to make her feel nauseous after prolonged contact. Kaya grows incredibly protective of Chisane when Meiko is nearby, coming off as hostile due to her blunt nature. 
The Digital World was created as a mix of three things: digital networks on Earth, the world of dreams shown at the end of 02 (one where everything is possible), and the Dark Ocean. The second of these two worlds is called the Dream Light. When all three of these lands came together, they spawned the Digital World. From there, lifeforms from all three lands were combined to create Digimon. Havoc emerged naturally, starting off as a virus program from Earth before mutating into something much larger and worse. 
Okay. I think I’m done. Also, I have a tag for my bullshit ranting now! You can find my AU junk under ‘Digital’s Adventure Rewrite BS’. It matches my Frontier tag, in other words. Now, I’m going to bed. It’s 3 AM, and I need to sleep. I hope you enjoyed tonight’s Tumblr tangent from Digital!
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sakurarebin · 5 years
Digimon Adventure 03
I’m posting my newest fanfiction project here for anyone interested:
Summary: It's been three years since ‎Belial Vamdemon was defeated and digimon have been slowly incorporated into our daily lives. However, not everyone approves of the digimon in our world. When digimon partners start going berserk in our world, can Taichi and the others solve the mystery and prove digimon are truly beneficial to our world? Taichi/Yamato, Sora/Jou
Notes: In terms of canon compliance, this follows season 1, 2, Our War Game, and the two and a half year break CD dramas. Non-Epilogue compliant. This features the new characters from Tri, but with my own interpretations on the characters, so they may not be exactly what you expected. Please enjoy it! I do not own Digimon.
Chapter 1: The Adventure Evolves Again
Taichi smiled as he strolled into the large field carrying his soccer ball while Agumon, who was excitedly looking around at all the trees, waddled close beside him. The late spring sun shone down on the pair and the cool winds brought the smell of the sea into the park as they casually made their way deeper into it to play some soccer. As they approached the field, they could see a group of elementary school-aged kids were playing tag and laughing with a handful of small digimon. The brunette recognized a couple of the digimon from his time in the digital world; the blue tadpole-shaped one was an Otamamon, while the Yukimibatomon reminded him of a small white mochi bun with mouse ears. However, he didn’t recognize the yellow bug digimon or the small tapir-like one with a hard metal shell on its head.
“Taichi, do you want to see if they want to play soccer too?” Agumon's question drew the teenager’s attention back to his own digimon partner who was staring up at him with wide, innocent eyes.
“That's fine by me, Agumon,” he responded, smiling fondly at his small orange-amber dinosaur-like companion, earning him a wide toothy smile. With that, they headed towards the group of children, some of whom were looking over at him with a mix of curiosity and excitement between the digimon and the soccer ball. A dark haired boy scooped up the yellow bug-like digimon with black lightning-shaped eyes and black lightning stripes down its back before running over to Taichi and Agumon as they got closer. 
“Do you want to play with us?” asked the boy excitedly, approaching the pair, although he was staring at Agumon when he asked the question.
“Nee, Haruto, do you really think you should be asking a stranger to play with us?” asked a girl with long blond hair as she stepped towards them, holding her Yukimibotamon in her arms. She hung a little ways back from Taichi, eyeing him a little suspiciously.  
“It's okay, Keiko! He has a digimon- see!” Haruto exclaimed, pointing at Agumon. The other children and digimon moved closer as well.
“And Taichi is a good person,” added Agumon, who moved closer to the other children, excitement shining in his eyes as he looked back at Taichi. Taichi inwardly cringed for a moment, noting that just having a digimon wasn’t a good reason to trust someone, but he was the one who had approached them and he didn’t want Agumon to be disappointed.
“It’s okay,” he reassured the other kids. “You guys can play soccer with Agumon, if you want to.” Taichi said as the children formed a semi-circle in front of him with Haruto in the middle. Haruto nodded enthusiastically. 
Otatamon looked up at Taichi. “Are you not going to play with us too, Tama?” asked the little tadpole-like digimon, “You’re the one who helped wake up ShogunGekomon-Sama with the princess, right?” Taichi blinked in surprise.
“You’re one of the Otamamon from the ShogunGekomon palace? I didn’t realize that some of you became Digimon partners.”
Haruto’s eyes grew even wider as he listened to Taichi. “Onii-san, you’ve been to the Digital World! That’s so awesome! Can you tell us about it?” Haruto looked up at Taichi with a look of amazement and adoration. Soon the other kids surrounded Taichi, asking him various questions about the digital world, the game of tag and the soccer ball long forgotten. Agumon added little bits of details to the stories, sometimes causing Taichi and Agumon to bicker playfully.
“Augmon can become Wargreymon!” Interrupted Haruto at one point, “Wow, that’s so cool! Hey look what I can do!” He held up his digivice.
“Hey, stop being a show off,” complained another boy with a mess of red hair while the tapir-like digimon sat by his side, “Not everyone can evolve their digimon yet.” 
Haruto looked over at the boy who spoke. “Stop whining Shinjiro. You guys will be able to evolve your digimon soon, too.” A sour face crossed the other boy's face as Haruto held up his Digivice towards his partner digimon.
“Kunemon shinka…Kuwagamon!” Light shone around the small insect digimon and a large stag beetle digimon took its place. Haruto reached out to touch Kuwagamon and the digimon leaned into the touch affectionately.
“See? I can evolve my digimon now-”
“You're still being a show off,” accused Shinjiro, cutting off his friend, which sparked a small argument between the two of them. Taichi couldn’t help but look at them with fond amusement, remembering the fights that he used to get into with Yamato. The look faded when the memories of the dream he’d last night resurfaced in his mind. Yamato had been in it, his eyes closed as the blond leaned further in, their lips almost touching. Taichi’s heart started to race again and he felt out of breath.
“Are you okay, Taichi?” Agumon’s worried voice brought Taichi out of his daze to find Agumon and the kids staring at him intently. Taichi fought down the blush and shook his head.
“I’m fine,” Taichi lied, forcing a smile to his lips before turning his attention back to the two boys in front of him. However, before he could say much more, Kuwagamon stole everyone’s attention once again as the digimon took to the air. Agumon pressed up closer to Taichi as they all watched Kuwagamon fly in awe. The sun glinted off Kuwagamon’s red shell as he flew higher into the air. Then, something happened. Kuwagamon jolted in the air, his entire body freezing before beginning to jerk and contort in weird ways. Taichi put his hand above his eyes in an effort to block the sun so he could see what was going on more clearly. Then Kuwagamon started snapping his pincers and turned, circling back towards the group fast. Taichi’s eyes went wide as he realized that Kuwagamon was going to crash right into them.
“Get out of the way!” he cried as he grabbed Haruto and Shinjiro, who were the closest to him at that moment. The other kids scattered to the other side and Kuwagamon crashed into the ground hard.
“Kuwagamon!” shouted Haruto as he struggled against Taichi’s grasp, forcing Taichi to let go. He bolted straight towards his digimon.
“Haruto, wait!” Taichi tried calling out to the boy as he and Agumon dashed forward behind him, but Haruto wasn’t listening. He reached out towards his digimon as he ran, but Kuwagamon turned towards the dark haired boy sharply. Taichi saw Kuwagamon’s pincers clench menacingly, but he knew that he was too far away to do anything himself.
“Taichi!” Agumon called out, turning towards his partner. Taichi nodded in understanding. The digivice in his pocket reacted as he reached in to grab it and light formed around Agumon.
“Agumon shinka… Greymon!” Agumon’s large orange and blue striped t-rex-like adult form stood where Agumon had been moments before and he quickly moved into action. Stepping over Haruto, Greymon put himself between the boy and Kuwagamon. Kuwagamon’s pincers clamped around Greymon, who grunted at the impact, but stood his ground.
“Get away from here,” said Greymon to the wide-eyed boy, his voice much deeper and more gravelly than before. Haruto was frozen in place, but Taichi had continued forward. He pulled him back to safety as Greymon pushed Kuwagamon back, lifting the large digimon off the ground. Greymon used his massive strength to throw Kuwagamon to the side, away from any of the kids. The kids ran to Taichi, many of them hiding behind him, although their digimon moved forward to help Greymon.
Kuwagamon caught himself before he crashed into the ground, using his wings to pull himself higher into the air before diving straight back for Greymon. As Greymon braced for the attack, Otamamon jumped into the air and shouted “Bubble Lullaby” as she released a stream of bubbles which circled around Kuwagamon, putting him to sleep. Kuwagamon hit the ground, leaving a trench across the soccer field and light shone around the large insect digimon as he reverted back to his child form.
“Kunemon!” Haruto called out, rushing over to his digimon partner’s side, everyone else following close behind. Haruto picked up Kunemon, cradling the sleeping digimon in his arms. Taichi breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Kunemon. Greymon returned to his child form, and Agumon moved back to Taichi, taking his place by his side.
“Onii-san, why did Kuwagamon start attacking everybody?” Haruto asked quietly, still looking shaken-up by the whole thing. “Will he be okay?” His eyes were filled with worry and tears started forming.
Taichi dropped to his knee so that he was eye level with Haruto. “I don’t know, but I’ll find out,” stated Taichi firmly. With that, he pulled out his D-terminal, and started a message to the other chosen children.
There's an issue with the digimon of one of the younger chosen. His digimon started attacking him and other chosen children in his group. Has anyone else encountered anything like this?
Taichi put away his D-terminal and took a deep breath, surveying the situation. Kunemon was still sound asleep in Haruto’s arms, thanks to Otatamon.
“Maemi, how long do you think Kunemon will stay asleep?” Haruto directed the question to Otatamon and her human partner, a girl with long straight black hair.
“I have no idea. Do you know Otatamon?” She looked down at her digimon partner, but Otatamon shook her head.
“Last time I saw someone go to sleep, they slept for over a hundred years.”
“Over a hundred years! But, I don’t want Kunemon to sleep for that long!” Taichi looked over to see Haruto on the verge of tears.
“Don’t worry, Haruto. I think Otatamon is referring to ShogunGekomon in the digital world and that was a different circumstance. I don’t think that Kunemon will be asleep for one hundred years. I’ll bet the effects will wear off soon.” Haruto wiped the tears off with his sleeve and nodded his head. About that time, Taichi heard the D-terminal ping a couple of times, alerting him to incoming messages. Taichi flicked open the screen to view the first message, which was from Koushiro.
I haven’t heard anything like that, but I’ll check within the digimon community to see if anything has come up.
Taichi brought up the next new message, which was from Hikari.
Takeru and I haven’t heard anything like that. Are you still at Shiokaze Park? We can meet you there to help in a few minutes.
Taichi smiled at the message from his sister and created a quick response for both messages..
I’m still there. That sounds good, Hikari. See you two soon.
Thanks, Koushiro. Please keep me updated. Currently, Kunemon is asleep, but we have no idea how long the effects will last or how Kunemon will act once he is awake.
Taichi hit send before a noise drew Taichi’s attention away from his D-terminal. Kunemon stirred in Haruto’s arms.
“Kunemon!" Haruto shouted, relief apparent in his voice. Kunemon however struggled in the boy’s arms, forcing him to let go. Kunemon dropped to the ground and turned around, preparing to use its electric web attack. However, all that happened was a gurgling noise emitted  from his stomach. The small insect digimon retreated from the group, trying to crawl towards some bushes nestled in the nearby trees.
"I guess Kunemon isn't back to normal," said Haruto sullenly. "What do you think is wrong with him?"
“Do you think he could be sick or something?” whispered Keiko.
“Can digimon even get sick?” asked Haruto, turning towards Keiko, who shrugged.
“Digimon can get sick,” confirmed Taichi, remembering Gabumon’s cold in the digital world. 
“If he’s sick, maybe I can help,” said a very soft feminine voice and it took Taichi a moment to realize that it came from the tapir-like digimon by Shinjiro’s side.
“What do you mean, Bakumon?” asked Shinjiro, looking down at his digimon partner.
“I can cure viruses,” stated the small digimon.
“Really?” Shinjiro and Haruto said it at the same time, although Haruto was a lot more emphatic and enthusiastic than Shinjiro.
“Can we try it out then?” Haruto was turning, pivoting his attention between Shinjiro, Bakumon, and Taichi. Shinjiro shrugged.
“If Bakumon is fine with it, I am.”
“It’s worth a shot, if nothing else,” agreed Taichi. Bakumon moved closer to where Kunemon was hiding.
“Virus Delete!” cried out the small Digimon and a giant syringe appeared above Kunemon, inserting itself into the insect digimon. The entire group watched, unable to look away. Haruto was holding on tightly to Taichi’s arm. The syringe disappeared and Haruto rushed forward to reach out to his partner digimon. Kunemon didn’t move for a few moments. However, soon Kunemon started to stir once more. He looked up at Haruto and started rubbing against his arm affectionately. Tears of joy formed in Haruto’s eyes and he hugged his partner digimon tight against his chest.
“Onii-chan!” Taichi turned around at the sound of his sister’s voice to see her and Takeru and their partner digimon, but his heart throbbed when he spotted Yamato and Gabumon. The small group slowed to a stop as they approached Taichi and the others. Patamon landed his chubby orange and white body on top of Takeru's white hat slightly messing up Takeru’s blond hair as the hat shifted, falling over his face. Takeru laughed a bit at Patamon’s antics, lifting his hat out of his face and earning grins from the rest of the older chosen children.
Taichi used Patamon’s antics to snap himself out of his momentary shock and got back to his feet. “Yamato, you’re here too. Didn’t you have band practice today?” Taichi could still feel his heart fluttering in the quick staccato beat of dokidoki, but he put the feeling on ignore. 
“Yeah, but practice got cancelled because our drummer caught a really bad cold,” Yamato replied. 
“That bites,” sympathized Taichi, but Yamato simply shrugged.
“Shoganai. Anyway, where is the digimon now?” the blond asked, looking around and noting the calm atmosphere. Taichi put his hand on the back of his neck and a sheepish look crossed his face.
“Actually, we just solved the issue. Kunemon is fine now.” Taichi was all too aware of the cheesy grin on his face, especially as Yamato arched an eyebrow at him. Haruto held up Kunemon for the others to see and Kunemon made happy chirping noises at the new arrivals.
Hikari gave her brother a slightly reproachful look as Patamon moved from his perch on top of Takeru’s head to get a closer look at Kunemon. 
“Kunemon looks like he’s feeling much better to me,” Patamon noted flapping his orange wings as he circled around Haruto and Kunemon, who was making more happy chirping noises as he watched Patamon.  
“What happened?” asked Tailmon, Hikari’s white catlike digimon, who was currently standing by Hikari’s side.
Taichi crossed his arms over his chest. “Apparently Kunemon caught a virus that made him start attacking people.” That statement made the others frown.
“How do you know it was caused by a virus?” asked Yamato, turning his attention away from the small digimon and back towards Taichi.
“Bakumon has an ability to cure viruses and it worked on Kunemon,” Shinjiro explained.
“But we have no idea what caused the virus,” clarified Taichi. Yamato nodded at Taichi and turned towards Haruto.
“Did anything weird happen lately before this?” Haruto looked thoughtful for a few moments before shaking his head.
“I can’t think of anything.”
Taichi’s D-terminal beeped once more and Taichi flicked it open, seeing Koushiro’s reply.
There is one other report of a similar case with someone in Osaka. I gather some of the chosen children from that area are dealing with the situation already. How are things there for you?
-Izumi Koushiro
The others checked their own devices, which pinged with Koushiro’s message. Taichi quickly responded to Koushiro’s message. 
We managed to resolve the situation here. Some sort of virus was affecting Kunemon after he evolved into Kuwagamon. Greymon and Otamamon stopped Kuwagamon before he was able to cause any damage and Bakumon was able to cure the virus. 
“Another digimon in Osaka is having the same issue, huh? What could be causing the digimon to act like this. In the Digital World, digimon have attacked,but it was always something like the black gears or the black rings,” Taichi wondered aloud and bit his lip slightly as he pondered the question, oblivious to the fact that Yamato’s gaze was drawn to the movement.   
“It can’t be an effect of the digimon staying in the real world, or else it would have started with our Digimon,” Takeru noted, also pondering the situation.
Taichi turned towards Takeru. “I was thinking the same thing. This whole situation seems weird.”
“Could the virus be coming from the Digital World, somehow?” Gabumon asked, looking up at Yamato. 
“Why would a virus from the Digital World be affecting digimon in our world,” Yamato mused, as he stroked Gabumon’s white and blue fur, absentmindedly.  
“Maybe some sort of digital virus is spreading and affecting the digimon here?” supplied Keiko, as she clutched her Yukimibotamon tighter to her chest. 
“That’s possible. But it doesn’t really explain why there are only two digimon affected…”  Takeru noted. 
“Taichi, I’m hungry,” Agumon whined pulling at his partner’s blue t-shirt and was confirmed by a loud growl that emanated from Agumon’s stomach. 
“Getting some food for lunch isn’t a bad idea. We can discuss what is going on more while we eat,” Taichi noted. Yamato and the others nodded. Their D-Terminals pinged again alerting them of a new message. 
Are the kids still there? We need to see if there are any lingering effects on the digimon. I’d like to copy the data from his digivice. If Kunemon only started attacking after he evolved into the next stage, perhaps his digivice has something to do with it. I’ll send a message to Gennai to see if he knows anything about the situation.
-Izumi Koushiro
“Gennai should be able to let us know if anything is going on in the Digital World or if the digivice is being affected in some way,” noted Taichi as he read through the message. Yamato and the others nodded. 
“Who’s Gennai,” asked Haruto, looking up at Taichi. 
“He’s a… servant of the Digital World,” Taichi had to think for a moment. Had Gennai ever given them a straight answer about his role in the Digital World? He was definitely a servant or follower of the entity that sent them into the Digital World in the first place and possessed Hikari. 
“The Digital World has servants?” asked Shinjiro, disbelief apparent in his voice and face. 
“Maybe servant isn’t the right word,” Taichi admitted, but no one had a better description for Gennai without a much more detailed explanation. That gave Taichi an idea though. 
“Ah! My friend, Koushiro, wants to check your digivice and digimon to make sure everything is okay. Can you all stay here and wait for him? He’s also spent more time than anyone else with Gennai, so he can answer your questions when he gets here.” 
All four of the kids nodded in excitement at the prospect of learning more about the Digital World. 
“Are you sure it’s okay to just dump that onto Koushiro?” Yamato hissed quietly as he leaned in closer to Taichi. Taichi steered his thoughts away from how close Yamato’s lips were to his ear as he shot back a comment.   
“Koushiro wanted them to stay here so he could find out more information about the incident with Kunemon. At least now they are all excited about staying here and waiting for Koushiro. And it’s true. Koushiro has spent more time with Gennai than anyone else in the group. If anyone can answer his questions, it’s him.” Yamato still frowned a little bit, but acquiesced to Taichi’s statement. Agumon’s stomach growled again, breaking the moment of tension between the two and Taichi laughed merrily at his digimon partner as he complained about being hungry again. Taichi shot a quick message to Koushiro, confirming the kids’ decision to stay there at the park.
“Let’s go get some food,” Taichi said with a bright smile directed towards Agumon, who gave Taichi another wide toothy grin in response. 
Taichi and the others left the park with their digimon partners in tow and headed towards a small family diner located nearby. They settled into one of the large booths to fit them and their digimon. 
“So, I know that Sora is seeing a new movie with Mimi and one of Mimi’s classmates and Koushiro is at his office. Any idea where everyone else is?” Taichi asked as they made themselves comfortable in the booth. Taichi eyes were drawn towards Yamato during the comment, hoping for some sort of reaction. Yamato’s and Sora’s break up had been several months ago, but neither Yamato or Sora had spoken much about what had happened. They didn’t seem to be on bad terms though. 
“Jou’s at a medical science convention that is lasting through the weekend,” responded Yamato, 
“Miyako is at a computer programming class with some of her classmates, Iori is at a Kendo tournament, and Ken has an important event going on at his private school today,” Takeru started after the waitress came around to take the orders and Hikari nodded, “No idea where Daisuke is, do you have any idea Hikari?” 
But, Hikari shook her in response after the waitress came by to take their orders. “As far as I know, Daisuke didn’t have any particular plans today.” 
“Well, we can always try contacting him more if necessary. I’m kind of curious about how everything is going in Osaka at the moment and what caused all of this to start…” Taichi sighed as they all waited for their orders to arrive, “If Koushiro doesn’t hear anything from Gennai, soon we should make sure everything is okay in the digital world. With all of our digimon in our world, we don’t really have a clear idea if similar things are happening in the Digital World.” Taichi looked up at the others at the table as he spoke. 
“But wouldn’t Gennai have contacted one of us if something happened?” Gatomon noted, from her perch on Hikari’s lap. 
“Probably,” Taichi admitted, “But it is better than sitting around doing nothing.” 
“We aren’t doing nothing,” Agumon interjected, “We are having lunch with our friends.” 
“That’s true,” Taichi said with a smile, patting Agumon on the head as his digimon happily chowed down on his lunch, “But, we need to come up with some sort of plan of action. Koushiro is handling the situation in our world. But, we haven’t heard from Gennai in a long time, so we don’t even know if he’s okay. We can’t leave everything up to Koushiro.” 
“Do you have a plan?” Yamato asked, eyeing him with a classic Yamato look, although he was fighting down a smirk and the teasing tone to his voice. 
Taichi flashed the blond his trademark grin. “When do I not have a plan?” a Yamato’s face dropped to an actual frown. 
“You do actually have a plan, right?” Yamato asked more than a little bit concerned. 
“Hey!” Taichi squawked indignantly, “I always come up with something, even if it is on the fly.”
Yamato sighed. “So that is your way of saying that you don’t actually have a plan.
Sweat drops appeared on the back of their sibling’s head and all of their digimon as they listened to the two of them lightly bicker. 
“I didn’t say that. But we need more information before we can come up with a good plan. If we can talk to Gennai in person or one of the Digimon that lead the areas, then we may be able to find out more. Or we might be able to tell as soon as we get there, if it is really bad. Although I hope that isn’t the case. If we don’t find anything there, then we can rule out there being a problem in the Digital World and focus our attention here on Earth.” Taichi paused for a moment as the food was served. The table was fairly quiet except for the sounds of eating as all of them considered Taichi’s small speech. 
“My dad is away on a business trip right now, we can go through a computer at my apartment,” Yamato said once they were done with the meal. Taichi grinned in response. 
Taichi turned to the rest of the group. “Now, that is settled- let’s go to the Digital World!” 
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rdmfavcpls · 6 years
Hidden Moments - Chapter 2
Title: Hidden Moments
Category: Digimon
Rating: T
Pairing: Ami/Arata *fugitive shipping*
Summary: The story retold with hidden moments between Ami and Arata who are secretly dating throughout the game.
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Digimon franchise
Chapter 1 - http://rdmfavcpls.tumblr.com/post/183085826412/title-hidden-moments-category-digimon-rating
~~Story Begins~~
Chapter 2 - Kowloon
Arata could’ve stayed by Nokia. He could’ve tried to put the scaredy-cat at ease, but he didn’t. Ami was late and she’s always early. The location also changed when Mr. Navit called them and told them to go to Kowloon instead.
He walked away from Nokia to explore the area he already knows quite well. Thanks to his hobbies. He never used his imitation and prestige before, but he planned on using them for the first time to make sure Ami would walk around safely here. He also wanted clues over Mr. Navit and the so-called ‘Ghost of EDEN’.
No one was around Kowloon.
He tried to call Ami but his calls and messages wouldn’t go through. It was like the signal was being jammed or interfered with.
He felt a whoosh behind him as he walked back to Nokia’s location. He turned his head to look at the source and Ami flew by him. Something didn’t feel right. How could she have gotten the URL?
Nothing was making sense to him today.
He eavesdropped on their conversation a little. Nokia couldn’t help him with his questions last night because she hasn’t met Ami in person. Their science project was done in EDEN as a test for Nokia’s school. Of course, he didn’t expect her to scream as loud as she did or that Ami would notice that someone was watching them as a Digimon Capture was loaded onto their accounts.
“Nu-huh,” Nokia said. “I’m not going. I wanna go home.”
“Nokia,  Arata could be in trouble,” Ami said. “We need to go after him.”
“No way. Hackers are bad news,” she said again. Nokia had her eyes closed so she didn’t see Ami flinched.  “I want nothing to do with them.”
“Fine,” Ami said. “Just stay here and keep yourself hidden. I’ll be back as soon as I find him, okay?”
Ami left Galactic Park and while every instinct in her was telling her to run, she took her time. She walked calmly through Kowloon in order to take in the sights. She found everything to be beautiful and something about Kowloon just drew her in.
It was like she’s been here before somehow.
“Huh?” she said as she saw a glitchy figure appear before her. It teleported to different spaces and got closer to her. She took a shaky step backward. “Hey. Who are you?”
Ami felt all energy escape her and collapsed onto the ground. The last thing she remembers seeing is a young man with black hair and a white coat touch her forehead.
“We need to get out of here,” Arata said as the ‘Data Monster’ moved closer. “I’ll break the lock and you need to log off immediately!”
“Nokia!” Ami said as she held onto her little Terriermon in her arms. “Move!”
“I’m working on the lock as soon as I break it, you need to log out,” Arata said to Ami.
“No. I’m not leaving you or Nokia behind,” Ami said with a shake of her head. “She’s frozen.”
“Ami! Please, Ami,” Arata said. “Please do this  for me.”
“Agumon! Gabumon!” Nokia said as the two Digimon stepped in front of her.
“Not this time, Arata,” Ami said as her Terriermon joined the action.
Nokia logged out and Arata looked at Ami. “She’s out. I’ll go next and you had best be behind me. I don’t want to lose you.”
“On it,” Ami said as she picked her injured Terriermon up and ran for the logout button.
The log out button that she will never be able to use.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 30, the alleged halfway mark, at last!
I’m fresh out of jokes so let’s hop right into the review!
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Pictured above: Characters who supposedly exist in this series
More under the cut as usual
So last week I listed the things episode 30 needed to do to make me not hate it. They were: 1) Sora had to stay with Taichi and be part of the action, 2) the other characters had to feature here and there to progress their storylines even if the main focus remained on Taichi, and 3) WarGreymon’s appearance needed to be dramatic.
Well... guess who didn’t get Bingo this episode -_____-’
I am... seriously... mind-boggled. This is bizarre. Yes, we all understand that evolutions just aren’t the big deal they were in 99 Adventure, BUT this episode DOES try to convince us that WarGreymon IS a big deal. It just fails at it spectacularly, in my opinion at least. As for the rest: Sora stays with Taichi, but he tells her to take the helpless Digimon to safety and then we don’t see her do anything but stand around waiting for Taichi. Most of the other characters don’t even get a cameo, let alone story progression. Taichi reflects on them briefly at one point but it’s unbelievably stupid. Only Koushirou has anything to do and he is STILL JUST STARING AT HIS COMPUTER.
My expectations for episode 30 weren’t super high, given the current storyline, but I’m honestly slackjawed by how BORING this episode was. They really seem to have decided to rest the entirety of the show on Taichi, and much though I love him, I just don’t think he CAN carry it by himself. Not only has he long been unbelievable as a grade school kid even for shonen anime standards, he doesn’t crack jokes, he doesn’t show personality... all he does is fight. Like, the show isn’t ALWAYS like this - I’ve legit enjoyed it a various times, and I know why - it was always when the team was together and we learned things about them and the fighting was balanced out. So I never know from one week to the next how I’m gonna feel about the new episode. But I do think this is the episode I hate the most to date. :/
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We had a promising start with Garudamon still actively fighting several Megadramon at once, simultaneously barbecuing Sora.
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Fortunately it’s magic so she’s not dead, nor has she fallen to death.
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Taichi and MetalGreymon continue fighting the Allomon on the ground.
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The mysterious Lopmon looks on with a judgmental glare, wondering why he isn’t currently being carried like a baby. Walking is hard, he wants to be carried. Taichi do your job
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Taichi: cmon lopmon you have to learn to do things on your own
Lopmon: no I want to play video games
Taichi: well then I refuse to buy you any more games. if you want them you’ll have to get a job and earn the money
Lopmon: daaaad! youre ruining my life! uggh!
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Koushirou keeps an eye on the misbehaving satellites.
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Taichi and Sora debate what to do. It’s difficult to protect the forest Digimon while fighting at the same time, so Taichi tells Sora to bring them to safety while he fends off their enemies on his own. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PLAN. Since it’s a shonen anime, I normally wouldn’t whine about this but... it was just last episode that we were shown Taich cannot cope with the combined attack of that many enemies at once on his own. He needed Sora’s help. Why he now thinks he can do it is a mystery.
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Taichi can maybe handle the Allomon and Megadramon on his own, but last episode Tankmon also appeared, and this time, lo and behold, in comes Parrotmon. Sorry Taichi but you brought this on yourself.
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Meanwhile Koushirou communicates with “someone from the Internet” and learns that the satellites are all rerouting to converge on the same location:
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The freaking International Space Station!
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Which will then surely explode! And cause lots of trouble both in space and on earth!
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^Pictured: Koushirou’s “oh shit” face
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^Pictured:MetalGreymon’s “oh shit” face
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MetalGreymon proved to be weak to the lightning Parrotmon emits. If there’s a reason, they don’t explain, but I like the idea that he’s particularly weak to it because he’s a cyborg and the electricity disrupts his... circuits :P Then Parrotmon gets hit with a beam of dark energy and evolves!
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Into Klosmon? Krosmon? IDK, IDC.
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^Pictured: Taichi’s “oh shit” face
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They get their butts handed to them. Taichi and Agumon fall unconscious. Rather than take the chance to deliver the finishing blow, Klosmon or whatever politely waits for them to wake up.
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Taichi’s consciousness is swept into a white empty world...
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where he finds the Crest of Courage looking weirdly sentient... or maybe that’s just me...
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MetalGreymon just looks possessed
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Taichi: Are you alive?
Agumon: Yeah... you okay?
Taichi: Yeah... uhh... well... sort of...
Not being dead = I’m still ok
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So here’s where the episode really loses me... After visiting the blank world, Taichi is suddenly able to recall what happened after Devimon ate him.
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This makes little sense since he seemed pretty KO’d at the time, but okay, find, he woke up long enough to see WarGreymon and now he’s remembering it, sure why not. But I hate that they did this whole “ohh he doesn’t remember!” thing and then solved it like this. Presto! Now he remembers! It’s maaaagic!
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And as ADORABLE as the two of them holding hands like this and resolving to keep fighting is... I just can’t be impressed by a battle with Parrotmon. Or Klosmon or whatever it is now. There’s a reason most shows save dramatic moments and big epiphanies for battles that actually progress the storyline. It makes a much bigger impact. This just feels like someone saying “Woohoo it’s Tuesday!” and then you ask “what’s special about it, is it your birthday or something?” and they say “Nope I just felt like being excited that it’s Tuesday!”
I mean points for optimism and all but it doesn’t make a very good story.
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Taichi helps Agumon walk x’D They are planning to keep fighting even like this.
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And I get that the “never give up!” attitude is essential to the shonen anime protagonist, but when you literally can’t walk by yourself anymore, it’s important to take care of your health is ALSO an important message this show might consider teaching kids once in a while -.-”
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In spite of his unsteady legs, Agumon’s still able to evolve again and powers up to fight Klosmon.
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It uh... doesn’t go well.
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The one cool thing here is the way Taichi sets about attempting to make MetalGreymon evolve. Although we already knew the children play an important role in evolving their partners, Taichi seems to really understand it now, and focuses deeply. It’s a much more active role than we’ve seen before - it seems like more than the usual “encouraging thoughts and emotional ties” spurring the evolution.
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At least he’s still super cute.
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So we have already seen the Crests many times, I knew that... but my theory was that, in order to reach the final evolutionary stage, they would need the help of the physical Crests. So that’s what I thought Mimi was doing with those crystals.
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But Taichi is indeed about to call WarGreymon. So... I have no idea what use Mimi’s gonna find for those crystals x’D I suppose she’ll make herself and Palmon matching necklaces. Or sell them on the black market.
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From her super safe hiding spot, Sora watches in awe, wishing she too were a real character on this show and not just an inconvenience as far as most of the writing staff are concerned
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I love WarGreymon’s shield.
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BAM. He appears. It’s dramatic. But only just.
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WarGreymon defeats Klosmon and explodes the forest... Uhhh, weren’t we supposed to be protecting it?
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Taichi and WarGreymon then join Sora and the forest Digimon and uh... that’s the episode.
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Oh yeah, we get one more hint that Lopmon is more than just some random idiot. Lol. This episode hinted at Lopmon, reminded us that Hikari’s been abducted, and told us that the International Space Station might explode, and then addressed none of those.
The message on the bottom says that the next episode will be on January 10, meaning there will be no episode next week as per usual due to New Year’s holidays.
Next week’s episode:
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Turns out Lopmon is one of the holy Digimon or something. Honestly not a surprise, I mean, it’s Lopmon. Should have occurred to me earlier.
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Also we got what I think is our first named mention of Millenniumon and it looks like Hikari might find out somethig about him. So that’s cool. The rest of the episode seems to stick with Taichi and Sora’s group... The only thing I can say hopefully is that, since WarGreymon’s appeared, MetalGarurumon ought to be not too far off. So that should mean we at least get a Yamato-centric episode in the not too distant future.
Okay, a couple weeks ago I said I had some stuff to say but would wait till episode 30 to do it... so stop here if you don’t want to read me ranting :P It mostly amounts to what I complained about in the beginning: This season is just so hyper-focused on the fights and seems to treat the team aspect as an afterthought. Which makes no sense to me. Honestly, I don’t mind the excessive fighting - that’s common in shonen anime and grown up me can’t expect to be interested in the same stuff that interests 8 year old boys.
I don’t even mind the idea of Taichi’s role as main character getting an upgrade - like, in 99, he was the main character, but it was felt a lot less. Better balanced with the others’ roles, I mean. I think it’s totally okay to make Taichi a more central character and the plot focus in the new season - it wouldn’t be my choice, of course, but that doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad. But the way they’re going about it just doesn’t make sense to me. Even Taichi isn’t interesting half the time. He just fights.
Like I said before, this isn’t the way the show always is. There have been some highlights. I truly loved a few episodes, and the show does seem to have fallen into a pattern of being good for a while and then degrading into something like today’s episode. I don’t know why: budget? pandemic? or is this really, legitimately, what the show producers want to show kids? I guess, in the end, this show really may be about selling toys and selling toys only. (But, if that’s the case, I’m even more surprised that they don’t make a bigger deal about all the evolutions...)
A lot of things I liked the most happened in the very beginning - the first three episodes in particular. The characters interacted with each other. Their feelings and actions influenced each other. Fighting happened, a lot, but it wasn’t the only thing happening. I was pretty excited then. I didn’t expect to love this show like I love 99 - that’s just not possible, I’m too old and 99 is too special to me for me to trust my judgment - I was just happy to see the Adventure kids back and entertaining a new generation.
But since then it’s been a roller coaster with few highs and a lot of lows. Although it’s hard to imagine how the pandemic would have changed the storyline, episode 4 was where they paused the show for Japan’s lockdown-but-not-really, and once they picked back up the tone just seemed kind of different from the first three episodes. Not right away - I think the intro episodes for the rest of the team were pretty reminiscent of “Digimon Adventure” - but that makes sense, they had 4 ready to go and probably had made headway on the next few episodes before they closed down the studio. Anyway, that’s just a guess, since it seems like everything’s been affected by the pandemic, but with a few exceptions we have all been back to work more or less normally since June...
The thing is, there are lots of fighting shonen anime - tons of protagonists who never give up and never fall in spite of how hurt they get, and who get unlimited “evolutions” in return for their tenacity. That’s all fine. It’s the genre. But the thing is...! The thing is, those other shows, they all tend to have humor, to care at least marginally about character relationships, and understand that that’s how you build up a main character: just winning fights alone doesn’t cut it. So I just don’t know what to make of this new Adventure show. It’s FINE when the team is together. We get cool character moments and insights and even some joking around. But they KEEP SEPARATING THEM. This time they didn’t even have more than a single episode together before they were all split up again! I wonder if it’s because they’re having trouble getting all the voice actors in due to pandemic-related issues and budget issues etc. If so, HUGE bummer. Of all the years for Digimon Adventure to get a reboot... why did it have to be this miserable excuse for a year...
Le sigh.
But there’s nothing we can do about it. I’m just going to like what I like and hope for the best in the future. I really would love for the new Adventure to be popular with kids and keep that cast going. I don’t expect it to compete with the lids of Kinmetsu no Yaiba or anything. I just hope that, when we hit the final episode, we look back and say that the season was overall worth the reboot. I hate the thought of looking back and saying “well, that sure was dull.” It’s just an insult. 99 Adventure wasn’t the most unique storyline in the world, but it had a lot of uniqueness IN it, and what made it special was its treatment of the team and the child-partner relationships. The reboot doesn’t need to be exactly the same, but it shouldn’t be forgettable.
That’s why us being at the 30 episode mark concerns me. At this point we know how the show is paced and what’s it like. We can’t really argue that we just don’t know enough to make a judgmenet yet. It’s hard to believe things will suddenly change. If they do, assuming the change is for the better, I’ll be thrilled, but I’ll also feel sad that we missed out on so many chances for cool things to happen in the first half.
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simonaott904-blog · 4 years
20 Resources That'll Make You Better at digimon world dawn
Digitize PSP Cheats And Methods ~ Cheathunter
Following a success of Disney's 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Japanese domestic anime market confronted severe pressure from international filmmakers. Nelson Chitty can be a Venezuelan expat residing in Argentina. He's a writer and translator passionate about background and foreign cultures. His ideal weekend is definitely spent between leisurely games of Civilization VI and looking for the next seinen anime to marathon. Not only was it a switch of pace when it comes to the Digimon themselves, however the human heroes also get a lot more tale than most seasons. There are some actual heart-tugging occasions and hints throughout of impending tale beats that produce rewatching a lot of fun.
Honestly, there is little reason to play this title today. Regularity with the parameters established initially by the series redeems Digimon Globe to a certain extent, emboldened in the eye of fans who appreciate simulation type games; however, that is easily one of the worst titles to try and grab today. Online. A players shuffled deck is placed face down right here. Cards drawn into the player's hand are extracted from the Online pile. I love the Assassin's creed series along with both Dead Space games. In modern times, butterflies are extremely common in Japanese anime and manga. Most often, butterflies represent a character's fleeting thoughts or dreams.
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Digimon Globe for the PS1 is a great game if you enjoy Tamagotchi style gameplay. You need to raise and train them carefully in fact it is better to follow a information so that you can train the correct stats to make sure your Digimon digivolves into the particular monster you want. Once you have them digivolved you possess a certain amount of gametime before they will die and then you have to retrain the hatched Digimon. The main storyline revolves around you exploring to find a specific Digimon and recruit it back again to the village.
The English dub cast is fantastic and they are the reason I blind bought this anime without seeing it on legal streaming in Japanese. In the movie, Digimon Adventure which was a prelude to the Digimon series, no one knew the way the gateway between the Digital World and real life was activated. All they saw was just a moment when Digimon could travel from one to the other. Pokémon fans will immediately recognise the gameplay method of Best Fiends and can enjoy what it has to offer. When you begin out, you'll have the option between three different starter creatures (audio familiar?), and from there, you will http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=digimon start your journey to be the best.
Digimon Globe: Data Squad exists predominately as a tie-in for the recent Digimon: Data Squad anime series, so it shouldn't be too astonishing that the overall game spends short amount of time on character introductions and cuts straight to the flimsy plot. There's a great evil in the digital globe that's causing Digimon to do something all crazy, threatening to break through to the real world, and it's really up to the spiky-haired, androgynous Data Squad to investigate. Making things personal, younger sister of one of the associates of the info Squad, along with a bunch of additional young girls, has gone missing, plus they believe there's a connection. Characters will occasionally pop-up to shout some awkward dialogue, but once all the parts are set, the rest of the game is mostly simply a long, tiresome dungeon crawl.
It's hard to just go through the game at start state and realize the scope of what it was doing, the way that it had been forcing the industry to rethink several long-held assumptions about grouping and leveling. Certainly it wasn't noticeable to the devs at Blizzard, who (if memory serves) implemented the solo-friendly leveling framework because they wished to allow players in to the raiding endgame quicker and more efficiently. It had been only later that they realized just how much people recommended a more accessible framework and what that actually meant for the game's development.
I've only performed the first Digimon Globe, so I have no idea how it prices alongside the others. But I could say it's lots of fun. You teach up your Digimon, travel the island discovering new Digimon to provide to the town which grows the more people join. You must provide copyright attribution in the edit summary accompanying your translation by providing an interlanguage link to the source of your translation. A model attribution edit summary Content material in this edit is normally translated from the existing Russian Wikipedia article at :ru:Digimon Adventure; see its history for attribution.
On the Android side, Google's fiercest competition originates from - who else? - Samsung. The Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus had been released at the start of the year, and they utilize the same Snapdragon human brain as both of the PIxel 2s. Beyond that, their expansive Infinity Displays are almost beyond reproach and conveniently outshine the panels Google used this year. Both likewise have excellent cameras, even though I prefer what Google has achieved with the Pixels, the S8s have hook edge in low-light photography. Honestly, the decision boils down to software program: The S8s still run a version of Android 7.0 Nougat painted over with Samsung's custom interface. It's swimming in Samsung apps too, including the lackluster Bixby virtual assistant. Google's cleaner approach, coupled with the guarantee of software updates for three years, can make the Pixels more attractive to some.
I by no means claim this is a blacks versus whites issue. Multiculturalism could be applauded by blacks, since they get black background month, etc etc etc. Nonetheless it was created, promulgated, trained, and defended by whites who are ashamed of their own competition; ashamed by their very own country; and who would like everything America has stood for to become turned upside down-deconstructed. If you feel "popular 'old college' samurai anime," you imagine Rurouni Kenshin. The anime adaptation was manufactured in 1996, and was directed by Furuhashi Kazuhiro. Originally a manga (Japanese comic) series, Rurouni Kenshin follows the tale of Himura Kenshin, a wandering samurai through the Meiji period who utilized to be a skilled assassin working for the Bakumatsu government.
Digimon Globe Championship on the Nintendo DS is sort of like an upgraded type of the original Digimon games that were virtual-pets. You feed and care for your Digimon, and help them digivolve into more powerful forms. Championship is also very, very, VERY dull. There is very little gameplay in this game; your Digimon pals do all your work for you. All you have to to do is be sure that they are taken care of, which isn't exciting whatsoever. Championship looks wonderful for a game on the DS, and it does provide good nostalgia for individuals who grew up with the original Digimon virtual pet playthings. Notwithstanding that, Championship is certainly virtually Digimon for babies.
Stingmon is one of the more recognizable Digimon to anyone who was raised viewing the anime. Stingmon 1st showed up in the anime in Digimon Adventure 2 where he served as an antagonist for the 1st part of the time of year. Although Stingmon seems to be a Digimon with a cool head that's ready to battle at any time, his rookie type Wormmon is certainly a wimp and may never state what's on its mind. One of the major factors that produce Stingmon so cool is the drastic transformation in personality after digivolving. Stingmon's character is a key factor down the road when Stingmon becomes an excellent man and pairs up with his former rival Veemon creating an ideal balance between the two. Stingmon may not become the coolest Digimon on appearance alone, but he is certainly one of the coolest in the Digimon Universe all together.
What does inspire though, may be the video game that accompanies the cartoon. You play it in real life pretty much exactly as you see it performed by the individuals on the TV. Minus the huge battling monsters. The game includes magnetic transforming Bakugan monsters that start out as spheres, but when they encounter the magnetic Gate cards they unfold to reveal the creature inside. If you want to discover ways to play Bakugan, you can try the official website. There are all types of trick shots and in depth strategies you can devise when playing this video game. It's so popular Toys R Us provides been hosting tournaments around the US.
The anime is based on a Capcom video game group of the same name, and takes place during the digimon world 4 agumon digivolutions Sengoku, or the Warring States Period, in Japan. Two young warlords from rivaling regions form an alliance to bring down Oda Nobunaga, the Devil King. A Chinese manhua was written and drawn by Yuen Wong Yu (余 遠鍠 Yu Yuen-wong), who based its storyline on the television series. This adaptation addresses Digimon Experience in five volumes, Digimon Adventure 02 in two, Digimon Tamers in four, and Digimon Frontier in three. The original stories are seriously abridged, though on rare occasions events play out differently compared to the anime.
In Japan, nine Digimon anime movies have been released. Seven of these are related to their anime series. Of the nine all but two have been released worldwide. Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode and X-Evolution are the two that have not really been released internationally. Minato Sahashi is an intelligent son, but because of his inability to deal with pressure he's unemployed and failed university exams twice. One day he meets a girl named Musubi, who actually falls from the sky. Minato learns that she is a Sekirei who chose him as her Ashikabi: a human which allows a Sekirei to bring out her full powers and participate in life-threatening battles.
0 notes
Digimon World Re:Digitize (2012)
Emilie de Rochefort, also known as Lili, is a Tamer partnered to Catherine.
Lili originates from the Tekken series, and is, along with Sebastian, the first character from another franchise to appear in any Digimon material.
Appearance Lili is a teenage girl with fair skin, purple eyes, blonde waist-length hair with full fringed bangs that cover her forehead, and a large bust. She wears a short, white Victorian-style dress, a red and black gingham-patterned ascot tie with a red orb and a metallic, eye-shaped ornament around it. She also wears white and red fingerless gloves, white and red boots, and red socks.
Source: Digimon Wiki
Digimon World Re:Digitize is a 2012 video game for the PlayStation Portable developed by tri-Crescendo and published by Bandai Namco Games.
Taiga is the main protagonist of the game. His digimon-partner is Agumon. Nicolai Petrov is Taiga's best friend. His father works in GIGO company. His digimon-partner is Gaomon. Akiho Rindo is a mysterious girl that follows Taiga around. Her digimon-partner is Biyomon. Mikagura Mirei is the girl who sends an email to the Digital World. Her digimon-partners are Angewomon and LadyDevimon. Yuya Kuga is the heir of GIGO company. His digimon-partner is Black War Greymon-X. Rina Shinomiya is a new tamer who only appears in the Decode 3DS version of the game. Her digimon-partner is Veemon.
The game also contains a number of guest characters from other games, including Lili from the Tekken series.
Source: Wikipedia
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