#Black butler sebastian michaelis
ciciyup · 2 months
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Headcanons Phantomhive Manor.
Summary: So, you're a new addition to the Phantomhive mansion, how about some headcanons for everyone in this cute family?
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You arrived on a nice sunny and windy day, the mansion was so big that you didn't realize you had knocked on the front door instead of the one in the backyard. A short, blonde-haired young man greeted you, looking at you curiously before introducing himself with a bright smile. Finnian, that's how he introduced himself, but he begged you to call him Finny, he liked it much more.
He couldn't ask you more than your name, since almost instantly a tall and very attractive man appeared there beside him, he could be a model for product brands if he wanted, that's why it surprised you when he introduced himself as Sebastian, the butler.
He began to interrogate you with some questions, after all Phantomhive had certain enemies, he had to be cautious and careful with the people who came to his estate. Sebastian observed you meticulously, even when he guided you through the halls towards his master's office, his eyes watched you carefully.
His master seemed to be... A child, which surprised you even more. He was quite short in stature, his eye patch seemed curious to you, although you didn't say anything about it, his face looked so unmovable and distant, as if he was trying to hide and conceal some kind of pain, he seemed to say a lot without even saying a single word.
When Sebastian left them alone, the boy introduced himself as Ciel Phantomhive, from his chair he watched you as if he was expecting something from you, as if he wanted to know your true intentions.
Why do you want to work at the Phantomhive mansion? They already had their own servants there, what could you do to make a difference? The boy was very harsh and direct with his questions, nothing was clear in his eyes, he didn't even give you a clue.
Would he have noticed the way your words indirectly pleaded for the need to get a job? The way you look so tired from having fought against society itself? Maybe the way you seem to not give up, wanting to prove that you could give more than others believed. Maybe it was that, maybe not, but your eyes look at him in shock and gratitude when he calls Sebastian and asks him to give you a work uniform and show you around.
Sebastian leads you to the kitchen where all the servants seem to be gathered, breaking the news that there would be someone new on the staff. You were part of it now, you would have a job, your coworkers, your own money, something you had worked hard to achieve and you had finally achieved it.
You find it funny how each servant had their own way of introducing themselves, they were unique in their own way. The first to approach was the same boy who had greeted you today, Finny, who quickly welcomed you, apologizing when he almost broke your hand when he tried to shake it, it seemed to you that he had great strength even though he seemed to be quite harmless at first glance.
You help lift a girl with glasses when she slips and falls on your feet, Sebastian shakes his head at her clumsiness and you assume that it is something that happens often. The girl smiles at you as she adjusts her glasses, introducing herself as Mey-rin, perhaps you could help her in the future so that these stumbles don't happen so often.
A blond man with a flamethrower in his arms grumbles when Sebastian looks at him warningly, as if he were telling him to burn the chicken that was on the kitchen counter. He gives you a friendly greeting by waving his hand as he tells you to call him Bard, the chef, proudly emphasizing the word "chef", which made Sebastian shake his head again when he heard it considering that the chicken on the table had been burned.
An old man was sitting on a chair while holding a cup in his hands, giving you a simple "ho ho ho". Sebastian introduced him as Tanaka, telling you that he was the former butler of the mansion, judging by Sebastian's expression it seemed that Tanaka wasn't someone he had to worry about.
You look on curiously as Sebastian pushes a boy who was hiding behind a wall, looking at you shyly. He had scaly skin and a snake coiled around his neck, he looked very peculiar. You smile as you notice that the boy wasn't used to introductions or people, you ask him his name politely and he hesitates for a few seconds before introducing himself as Snake, although it seemed like he wasn't speaking for himself.
Sebastian guides you to where your room would be and hands you your work uniform, he had shown you everything you needed to know and the places in the mansion, also telling you the tasks you would do from the next day onwards.
Once he left you alone you looked at your room and the details, it wasn't very big, it had a small bed, a small dresser and a mirror, but everything seemed perfect to you. It was more than you could expect knowing that the masters weren't exactly the kindest when it came to servants. Maybe it would be different, maybe in this place it could be different.
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Ciel Phantomhive:
Since you arrived you had shown that your words had not been in vain, you worked hard from the first day, from the most difficult tasks to the simplest.
He carefully watched each of your movements for a while, he wouldn't say it out loud, but perhaps he had begun to trust you, when he went on certain missions with Sebastian and then returned to the mansion he found it impeccable. From the smallest details to the smallest places they shone brightly.
You were always very kind to him and, although you know that he is your master, you have always cared for him beyond a master and servant way. You always said good morning, afternoon and night to him, you asked him if he had eaten already and sometimes you were able to bring him some dessert, even after Sebastian scolded you upon discovering you, While you told him that Ciel was just a child and that eating a dessert outside of his schedule would not do him any harm.
The time he got sick again due to asthma you were very worried, serving him the dishes he liked the most, putting cold cloths on his forehead, keeping him company before he fell asleep, cheering him up so he felt better.
It was strange for Ciel because, certainly, no one had ever worried about him as much as you, if someone did it was to have something in between, but you simply did it out of concern. You cared about his well-being and looked after him as if he were your own brother.
Deep inside him, perhaps he liked the way you sometimes pampered him or protected him. You had earned his trust and perhaps, deep inside his heart, he appreciated you like every one of the servants in the mansion, but that would never come out of his mouth, he would keep it to himself, because he is Count Phantomhive, the queen's watchdog, someone like him should not show that kind of feelings to anyone.
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Sebastian Michaelis:
How strange and unique humans were. In his millions and millions of years of existence he had seen all kinds of humans, you were no exception, you were nothing special, but there was something about you that made Sebastian marvel at times.
Maybe it was the way you were always so modest with everyone and even with him. You didn't have to, you had no reason, yet you were kind by nature. How strange.
Like Ciel, Sebastian kept an eye on you for a while, trying to set traps from time to time and trying to figure out what your true intentions were. Surprisingly, he saw no evil in you, no bad intentions, he saw nothing of what he had seen in other humans, why? Were you really as good as you seemed to be?
His stress increased when Ciel confirmed that he had hired you, should he deal with another fool who will make disasters? He already had enough with the other three.
It was quite a surprise (and relief) for Sebastian to discover that you weren't causing any trouble, and although he was suspicious at first, he started to get used to it. You did your job perfectly, you didn't break anything, you didn't dirty anything, you didn't bother anyone, you even took time in your free time to help the other servants with their tasks or to justify them when he scolded them for doing something wrong.
You didn't see them as fools who couldn't do anything, you helped them so they didn't do things wrong and you encouraged them when they did something right. You called them friends, family even, it was strange for Sebastian.
But that's how they were, right? When he thought he knew everything about humans, they surprised him again. What strange creatures.
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He always thought you would be good friends, from the first time he saw you there at the door with your suitcase you seemed so warm and nice to him, you treated him so well. Finnian was used to being seen as someone rough because of his strength, an experiment, someone dumb and very hyperactive, but you treated him like a brother and taught him.
The time under the strong rays of the sun you were in the garden, Finny had mistakenly planted some orchids instead of lilies, you planted the seeds one by one and left everything as if nothing had happened. The time Finny destroyed the greenhouse you went to the rescue, cleaning everything and fixing the plants before Sebastian arrived and saw him. The time he almost destroyed the living room trying to fix a sofa you were there and helped him control his strength, always being so empathetic and gentle.
You always seemed to save him from trouble, but there was also something, your sensitivity to the small things, your love for others, how you tried hard day by day. He felt… Inspired? Enthralled? His admiration for you grew as he spent more time with you, as he got to know you even more he seemed more captivating and he didn’t want to leave that side anytime soon.
It was nice to share nice moments with you like chatting while watering some plants, going out to nice places on his days off, laughing and improving when one made mistakes. He knew that if he fell you would be there to help him, you would give him a hand and you wouldn’t let go until he got back to the surface.
He couldn’t see you as anything other than a figure he wanted to follow, his family, the family he had never had, you and the others were his true family and Finny couldn’t be happier to spend every little moment enjoying them.
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He was shy, you had to understand that, he didn't want to hide from you as if he was afraid of you, he didn't want to stay quiet when you talked to him as if he didn't care, the poor boy wasn't used to it and even though Emily and Oscar helped him most of the time, it was still very difficult for Snake.
You took your time giving him his space, respecting the moments, being patient with him when he seemed to not know what to say or do.
Didn't he seem disgusting to you? His scales, his skin, everything about him? Snake couldn't help but wonder why, why were you so kind and didn't look at him with disgust, why did you seem to have fun with his snakes instead of being afraid of them, why did you see him as someone normal. He wasn't used to that, he was supposed to be a phenomenon, something wrong with nature, someone who didn't even deserve to breathe next to others, so why?
It was hard for him to approach you on his own, to talk to you. He had a hunch that you weren't like everyone else and his snakes seemed trusting too. On the manor the others treated him well, they didn't make fun of him, they treated him like a normal person, he could trust you, right? He could.
You helped him read, you showed him the book you'd had for as long as you could remember teaching him the words and notes, you helped him with the hardest jobs, accepting the hard sacrifice and you even got some mice for his snakes in case they were hungry.
His friends adored you, they couldn't be happier with you around them. Snake got nervous when Oscar would playfully curl around your neck or shoulder, he was afraid that he would scare you or disgust you and you wouldn't want them around anymore; however, you seemed to be fine, forming short conversations with the snakes that accompanied you or simply laughing at their antics.
The moments when they were together were kept in his memory, you were someone important to him, his most precious person, someone who didn't judge him for how he looked and appreciated him for who he was, it felt good to be like this. Could he trust and see them all there as a new family? He didn't want to lose anyone again. Maybe everything would be different, maybe everything could change.
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He gave his best, even though the result was pitiful, despite Sebastian's constant criticism of his cooking, even though all his preparations ended up charred and impossible to digest, Bard was still willing to learn and improve.
He was scolded practically every five minutes and in front of the perfect dishes that Sebastian prepared, he found it a little depressing not being able to prepare a meal without burning it in the process. That's why when you offered to help him he was a little reluctant at first, perhaps because no one had helped him before, it had always been him who had to help himself, no one else.
You took it upon yourself to teach him patiently, even when Bard got frustrated by ruining the food over and over again, you taught him simpler ways to prepare an egg without having to use the flamethrower on each occasion. It was nice for Bard, he wouldn't deny it, you didn't seem to mind when he failed at almost everything, you encouraged him when he managed to do the minimum like turning on the stove without it exploding.
He would deny it until the end of his days if someone told him that your proud smile at seeing the dish he had prepared without a single flaw had thrilled him, that your words full of satisfaction “well done, chef” had struck his heart and made him blush. He would deny it, but deep down he was grateful to you because at no time did you treat him as a loser but as someone skilled.
You were pleasant, a breath of fresh air in the face of all the chaos that used to be in the mansion, but it was something delightful to his sight when you also joined in that chaos. You complemented everyone there and that was endearing.
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You became such good friends, she appreciated you so much, your company was something Mey-rin always enjoyed. Of course, everyone at the estate was nice, but she finally had a great friend with whom she could chat about everything, those boy talks she had never had with anyone, those laughs until midnight until Sebastian scolded them because it was too late to talk so loud, that friendship she had never had.
Mey-rin was a clumsy girl, always stumbling and making mistakes, that's why she was surprised and appreciated when you agreed to do some of her chores so she had less work, even if she didn't ask you, even very embarrassed telling you it wasn't necessary, you agreed to do it without any problem, even when she broke some dishes you offered to pay for them even if you didn't have half the money.
It felt good when Sebastian seemed surprised at the end of the day to notice that Mey-rin hadn't broken anything nor had she messed anything up, your help and recommendations seemed to have made her less clumsy, not to mention that you had a tissue handy for her glasses when she couldn't see well.
You two were undoubtedly a great duo, always supporting each other and being quite comical when you spent too much time together, that's why a strong bond of friendship and appreciation was created. She saw you as someone she trusted and loved, she was happy to have in the mansion, the closest thing to what a family would be, even if it wasn't really like that, everyone there had accepted her and hadn't judged her.
There she had a place where she could sleep in her own bed, with a comfortable mattress and soft blankets, where she wasn't subjected to work against her will, where the food wasn't cold or moldy, and that was something Mey-rin had never had.
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🏹 a/n: I know some were shorter than others, it really depended on which characters they were since I may have more writing ideas for one and less for another, I also regret not adding Tanaka, I didn't have ideas for him :( should I do the same later to complete it with other characters? Idk.
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coughrat · 2 months
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A WIP I'll never finish
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Can I request Sebastian with a gender neutral s/o (or master) who had a mental breakdown bcs of math and acted like nothing happened infront of him? (I'm gonna lose my mind over math)
My dearie, of course. I know, it has been a while, but now I am here. (That sounded like I'm some sort god-figure.) I'm about 90% sure that I have completely lost my mind over math and have no way of getting it back.
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Sebastian comforting you after you lose your mind over your math homework
When the fuck did math get letters? Why does math need letters? Why must it make a problem out of everything? Who cares at what degree a certain angle of a roof of a weird art exhibition is. Why should you care at what height a discoball is located if a laser hits it at a certain angle? And who even thinks of such ridiculous problems?
Advanced education? More like an advanced headache. You've sat here at your desk for about three hours, longer than you planned to. You were just trying to do your homework, but nothing was working out. The numbers didn't add up, you don't even know where to start at. It is all too much, too much at once, you just can't handle it anymore.
Throwing away your pencil, you start sobbing over that darned piece of paper. What is this supposed to teach you? Well, nothing that matters to you, of course, yet you're still forced to keep up with algebra and geometry and analysis, totally useless in your daily life. If only these problems were solvable with tears. The only thing they do for you right now is smudge your already hastily written tasks and solutions. Oh, how you hate this. You can only hate this. How could you ever do anything else-?
Your door opens. What now? Who has come to bother you at your lowest point of the day?
"Is everything alright, my dear?", you hear, yet you don't look up. You don't have to do so to know who is there. You'd recognise his gentle voice in a crowded room full of people who don't know how to properly adjust their voice volume. You also want to save yourself from the embarrassment of him seeing your puffy red eyes. So you only mumble something into your arm, something along the lines of "Maybe, I don't know, leave me alone.".
But he didn't. Of course he didn't leave, he never really does what you tell him to. Just like his beloved cats, Sebastian does what he feels like doing at any given point. So if he wants to physically see your tears for his amusement, he will watch them slowly run down your cheeks. You hear how he places something infront of you.
"If everything truly was alright, you'd show me your beautifull face. So, look up for me.". That snarky bastard. You'd hate him for that if you didn't love him more. So you slowly look up to him, eyes all puffy and swollen. "See? I'm fine.". You finally realised he placed a batch of biscuits infront of you, freshly made of course. Sebastian looks down at you with that smirk he always seems to have on his face. "Well, I don't believe you. You're a bad liar, kitten. What is troubling you?". He doesn't even wait for your answer, he just looks down and responds with a little "Ah.". He saw everything he needed to see.
"Is your scholarship too hard on you again? Or is it you being too hard on yourself?", he asked while sitting down next to you. He seemingly tries to make out what you wrote, but it is simply incomprehensible thanks to your tears. "I told you already, it's nothing. Just some stupid problems. As if I would've brought them to class anyway..."
"Frustrated, are we?". "Shut it...", you deliberately look away, yet he pulls you into his arms and starts to stroke your head. "Now, no need to cry over silly made up numbers and problems. Rest your head for now.". Sebastian slightly nudges your head onto his chest. Maybe he's right. You should take a little break, just for now.
Phew, finally something fresh on my paige. As you can guess, I'm well and alive, more alive than well but alive nonetheless. I'll see how I can get back on track. But until then, I will fulfill the meaning of my name by disappearing suddenly and reappearing again. Like a little ghost.
Until then~
Your Inconsistent Kuroshitsuji Blog~
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faioula16 · 1 year
::to Dark Purple Rose:: I read your short stories, where Sebastian Michaelis x F!reader are interviewed, and both characters are so lifelike. So that I have the feeling. to see them sitting on a couch right in front of me. And Sebastian Michaelis character you succeeded really well. Therefore I would like to express the request. Whether you would not make one of these interview stories with the following key points, per key point. These are very good for you. Drum I would be very happy to read more such stories from you. Thank you. As follows::
Here are questions for the reporter ::'Question for you both, Mr. Michaelis and y/n:: -- how did they each meet the other ?(circumstances, place, time). -- what did you first notice positively about each other (and what, circumstances, place and time)? -- did you give the other time to get used to your feelings? (or did you manipulate, or badger). -- was y/n initially reserved, rejecting, or shy? (did it take a long time? how did Sebastian feel it would cost him more effort?) -- how did Sebastian overcome y/n's initially reserved, rejecting, and shy character?(means, behaviors) -- how did you then return each other's feelings? -- And how different were the reactions of your environment to your relationship? (Agni and Soma must have been annoying) -- when y/n has her period, how do you manage to control yourself?(what means or behaviors help you?) -- how does Sebastian manage to be there for you when he always has to mother ciel? -- how do you manage to be always by your side, when you have to get souls to consume ? -- was there already the situation where they saw the true form of him? (how had it been, and the situation afterwards?) --why they chose their souls without darkness, despair or fear. --(similar to the game '7 minutes in heaven') how did they spend their last minutes on earth? (What doing, what wanting) --how well do you know each other? Their likes, dislikes.
not only Madam (aunt of ciel) is very strict, and can be disciplinary demanding. but also others have their quirks. -- have they ever had to discipline y/n? (if so with what actions?)
::'Question to All Three Mr. Michaelis and y/n and, Claude Faustus:: -- how was their first getting to know each other what did they immediately notice positively about their partner. -- how does the everyday life of the three of them usually look like, in spite of Zwistichkeiten that there may be. -- and how do you live with your two dearest by your side, every day? -- they always do everything together, or each of their own -- and in the evening they fall asleep as a trio. And how does that work between them? And do they know how to name each other's likes and dislikes?' -Are they able to resolve possible disagreements, or are there sometimes tense situations during the day--the more annoying and difficult people in their environment?
Extra scenario: how would a relationship run, if at all, Sebastian found interest. :: Woman born in the constellation 'Gemini' with all the peculiarities of this constellation. And also quick change of opinion or planning, if circumstances or mood change. And just 'INFJ-T' and 'INTP-T(/A)'. Which with 140cm height is hardly bigger than his master Ciel. But is a tomboy who would never wear clothes like skirts, dresses, high shoes, make-up or jewelry. Who even if she also defends her independence, and autonomy, protects a cavalier and gentleman. This but in public rather refuse, for fear of showing weak points evil people. And at first rather rejects attentions. Already rather shyness, and at the same time active in activities can be. -- In addition, a dog phobia has. And especially a medical sector doctors, and shies away from needles. --May not reveal vulnerability to possible 'enemies'. -- Feel free to phrase the question more fluidly so the reporter can better ask these questions. -- And what if she changes plans or quickly discards plans? (Constellation Gemini, with all the peculiarities of the constellation). -- Who holds the cash book in your hands, and who spends more of the two of you, who has the last word in discussions? -- what about family planning? Children desired?
many greetings, and thanks :D i celebrate just now your new stories :)
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My apologies it took me a while to complete and post your request dear reader, however, I think the results are worth your patience and expectations. I truly hope you will enjoy it and please feel free to ask for more requests in the future.
Dear ravenlocsworld, I sadly have to inform you that the site doesn't allow me to post all of your questions in a post due to the far too many words number, But have no worries for I will create a part 2 for the rest of your questions and will connect it with links so you will be able to pass from Part 1 to Part 2 or backward if you so desire. Hopefully, I won't be forced to create a part 3 due to the rules of the site. Hope you will enjoy Part 1 from the bottom of my heard and will look forward to the second post with the rest of your questions, thank you.
First interview with Sebastian and Y\N: (Part 1)
You sat comfortably on a fine seat across from the famous Phantomhive butler and his beloved one. On the double couch right before you, the couple stared back at you with polite smiles. Sebastian's arm was resting over Y\N's shoulders, keeping her as much close to him as possible while both of them were listening to your first question.
Questions for you both Sebastian and Y/N: How did you meet each other?
Sebastian: In the most random way possible I suppose. My young lord and I were investigating some citizens for information about a case that concerned her majesty back during those rather difficult days. *His white-gloved hand caressed the side of Y\N's arm and stared down at her in a loving manner*
Y\N: My legs got wings that day, believe it or not, a stray large dog was chasing after me through the streets. I was asking for help but no one seemed to bother even to listen to me, for they were quite busy minding their own business I do believe. I don't like dogs at all from the trauma I got back from my childhood and that's why I got to such a situation in the first place. Thankfully Sebastian scared that beast away and that was my very first introduction to him.
Sebastian: Indeed, in a blink of an eye I knew my darling and I were meant to be. I cannot lie though I was a bit annoyed that a mere human young lady was destined to become my everything. Even for a demon such as myself, it wasn't easy to court her, but then again I always admired feisty kittens~ *The butler cooded in a low tone and chuckled to himself as he bend down a bit to plant a sweet kiss over Y\N's cheek in order to fluster her even more*
What did you first notice positively about each other?
Did you give the other time to get used to your feelings?
Sebastian: My darling's very existence was enough positive to make me realize that my long life gifted me with an extremely rare and unexpected opportunity...my only true life companion. You see, persons like me are cursed to live alone forever, however, there is a 1% chance that might be given only once in a lifetime. I apologize for my explanations might sound a little dramatic, but...I can assure you that a Phantohive butler cannot lie. After all, I am simply one hell of a butler. *He sent you a closed-eyed smile*
Y\N: As for me there wasn't something specific that attracted me to Sebastian, his good looks weren't an excuse for me to like him because I don't tend to like people for such simple-meaningless reasons as good looks or charming behavior. To be honest, I detested him very much for no reason, I mean first, he saved me from the dog, and from that moment on he paid me visits almost every night...in form of a cat. Obviously, I didn't know that the stray cat who followed me over my house that day was the Phantomhive's demon butler, how could I? But I have to admit that in the end, I didn't come to be disappointed in my decision to be bound with Sebastian for eternity. After all, I will be with the one I love without being forced to abandon my soul or my humanity either. Not that I would abandon either of them anyway.
Sebastian: *The demon butler let out a soft yet hearted laugh at his mate's opinion while his hand was rubbing her back gently* Of course, you aren't disappointed my love, after all, I did vow to you that I would do anything in my power to satisfy your every need and desire. And also to protect you at all costs and be utterly loyal to you no matter what. This is a demon's duty to their soulmate, you will always be my priority. You know very well that I am only responsible for your precious soul to find the perfect body host, one after the other once the previous one is sick, destroyed, or ready to pass away. *His arms wrapped Y\N in a warm side embrace* I could never see you as food, not you my dearest *Gentle smooches were placed upon Y\N's forehead as he rested the side of his face on top of her head and looked back to you with a serious expression* Time was all I needed to let my beloved get used to her feelings that would grow for me sooner or later. No manipulation was required either. And when it comes to me, I didn't need time to get used to my 'feelings'. Even if they were emotions I have never felt before, from the first moment our eyes met...I knew my darling kitten would be mine.
Questions for Sebastian: Was Y/N initially reserved, rejecting, or shy?
Did you feel it would cost you more effort?
Sebastian: *Sights* I must admit that my love was and she still is quite a stubborn human. Even nowadays, once she gets something in her head is nearly impossible for me to make her change her mind. In the end, I can't help but fulfill her wishes. I do believe her utter stubbornness is one of her bigger charms. To answer your question more specifically, yes, it took me quite an effort and time to grow closer to her and win her favor and trust. It was worth it of course as you can see. After all...I always loved a good challenge. As for your other question, I thought of her rejecting and dare I say a bit of a shy personality quite adorable and amusing. Just like some kittens would react to me when I would try to pet their fur and ears or generally play with them, by the end of the day however I would always succeed to make them purr in absolute satisfaction. Isn't that right, my little kitten~? *The butler whispered to Y\N's ear, making her cheeks take a dark pink color tone, her spine sliver as a result, and her expression turn into a quite flustered one as the demon's soft lips began to kiss all over her ear and so ever lovingly*
Y\N: W-would you cut that off, please? We're in front of a guest if you have forgotten about this matter already! *She placed her palm against Sebastian's cheek and tried to push the butler's closed-eyed smiling face away, only to manage to move him aside a few inches away. Causing the head butler to let out a soft chuckle and stare back at you in amusement*
Sebastian: See? I was right. My darling is simply adorable when she tries to deny me. *He sighed deeply in satisfaction and embraced Y\N warmly in his arms* I am so lucky to have you, darling. *You could have sworn you bearly heard what he just said as if these words came out from him in a form of a faint whisper*
Question for Y\N: How did you then return each other's feelings?
Y\N: Well I don't know how to explain this but it just happened. After I realized every night's cat visitor's true identity, I was beyond angry but Sebastian's every night visits turned to extra visits during the early morning as well. Honestly, he would sneak into my house like it's a pretty normal thing to do and bring me breakfast in bed, do house chores for me, clean all over the place, and very often give me gifts. I'd keep trying to get him out but it was no use. And to think he calls me the stubborn one. *Y\N took a deep breath* Anyway in one of my flustered tantrums we kissed and that led to a passionate make-out session and...you know better where this is going to so...I won't spit more details.
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emmy-renee · 1 year
 "I don't know if I could do this." the young girl said in a shaky breath as she peeked out the violet curtains. The people that surrounded her in the darkened area watching her shake in a panic and disquieted state. 
  "Sweetheart, you performed in front of about one thousand people for eight nights. One hundred shouldn't be that bad, love." Marie hummed as she ran a hand through her daughter's (H/L) (H/C) hair. "Yes, but most of them were in the back so I could only see about four visible rows!" she squeaked clutching the curtains tighter as she turned ghostly pale shade. "Hey, it's going to be alright. You got this!" a boy seemingly older than the girl by a couple of years encouraged, giving her a thumbs up. (Y/N) just gave him a small smile in return, focusing  back to beyond the curtains. 
 Two women had on set been seated at a glass table with their white coffee mugs in hand, waving their perfectly manicured hands in the air as they laughed like hyenas. One was wearing a white CHANEL sheath dress with gold necklaces layering on her neck. The other was wearing a deep blue button-up shirt and red pencil skirt, also wearing layering necklaces. The women seemed to be in their late thirties, both fitting into the bright white and sky blue background; a bit too bright for (Y/N)'s taste. 
 "And to think these two bimbos are going to be the ones interviewing me." she scoffed as she shook her head. "Oh (N/N), there's nothing wrong with going big, this is New York's biggest talk show ever, after all." an old woman said in a soft and elegant tone as she folded her hands together; Unknowingly realizing she that those words just raised her granddaughter's social anxiety higher than it needed to be. "Ma stop it, your going to break the poor girl." Mr. (L/N) said to his mother as she just dismissively waved her cold wrinkly hand. 
 (Y/N) was just trying to control her breathing before it worsened while her father fought with her grandmother. She winced as she saw the crowd laughing about something the hostesses just said, the voices in her head getting louder and louder as she just tried to shoo the 'what ifs' all away.
What if they ask me something personal?
What if they make fun of me in front of my face and laugh along with the audience?
What if I just freeze?
What if-
"Hey," Christopher said putting a hand on his little sister's shoulder. "You're going to do great," he said in a comforting tone. "Calm down, your getting worked up over something you don't know is going to happen."he finished as Mrs. (L/N) just chuckled and squeezed her daughter's shoulder. "He has a point you know." she crooned. The young Miss (L/N) just gave her family a gentle-slightly forced- smile. "Thanks, Chris. Thank you guys for being here and not making me do this myself." The three adults gave her a small smile and the teenage boy gave her a toothy grin. "We're proud of you sweetheart, really," Stella said as her thin lips curved into a smile. Loosening her grip on the curtains alas, she turned her whole body to face her family. "Thank you guys, really. If it weren't for you I'd be having a giant breakdown." (Y/N) lightly laughed. "We're always here for you, remember that." The boy said pulling his sister into a hug.
 "Excuse me," a worker wearing a black shirt and pants with a clipboard and earpiece said walking up to the (L/N) family. "You on in one," he said pointing the clipboard at the youngest member of the family writing down on his clipboard as he got a call on his earpiece. "Good luck." Chris whispered in his sister's ears, to which she returned "Thanks."Pulling away from the hug, she took one last look at her family. Her mother's eyes became soft and glossy as her father had an arm wrapped around her waist with a giant smile, and her grandmother gave a joyful expression as she walked over. "Your grandfather would be so proud of you, you know that?" she spoke, tucking a lock of (H/C) hair behind her granddaughter's ear as she cupped the young girl's face. Soon, the set light dimmed a bit, and the audience got quiet. The brunette woman got up and brushed her pencil skirt, then finally cleared her throat and turned to the murmuring crowd.
 "Ladies and gentlemen," a smooth voice said coming from the set. "Now, I believe I speak for all of us when I say that the Broadway show last week was definitely a sight to see."The woman with the button-up said as the audience squealed in excitement, before waving a hand signaling them to quiet down. "However, there was one performer who stole the hearts of us all, with perfect exaggeration, grace, and voice." she exclaimed a the crowd was slowly beginning to go wild once again. "Ladies and gentleman, please welcome (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)!"
You can read the rest here
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luchigeon · 5 months
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he spends most of his time trying to make them presentable...
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lesbisoka · 3 months
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the fact that this matches their faces exactly
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pizzat-i · 2 months
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Often the humble kind, but he can't deny he was born to blow your mind
guys please look at my wife he's so pretty
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grown ass man going ✌️😊✌️ whats wrong with him , go pay ur kid's taxes
anyways im giggling over the rough sketch i did of this???
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he's so incredibly unserious
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wynntermelon · 5 months
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that butler, sick of his shit
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questtneo · 3 months
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A butlers day starts early
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airinn · 6 months
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happy almost black butler day to those who celebrate
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Send help
Ok, way out of pocket again, but help. Due to the new season, I get so much Sebasciel content flooded onto my page and I HATE it. I literally saw an art piece of a 13 year old getting head.
No amount of words in both the German and English language are enough to make room for my sheer hatred of that ship. I hate so much you might as well call me AM.
What makes you look at those two and think: "Oh, yes, this is very ok to ship and make sexual content of"? My siblings in Satan's name, I can't even think of that without heading into an existential crisis. I had to recover solid 10 minutes after seeing that. I wish I could unsee what I saw. I'd bleach my eyes out if I wouldn't still need them. (Yes, I know that I can block tags and I even did that, yet it still ends up on my page...)
Can someone please come and pick little Inco up from the playground? They're scared and scarred.
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ena333333 · 29 days
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pov: you summon sebastian by offering kitties
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mafuyuh · 6 months
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His Butler, In Disguise
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goodkoji-kun · 5 months
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One more meme and then I’ll draw something serious 😌
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