#Blanch Peanuts Broker
pdamgroup · 2 years
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camillemontespan · 5 years
friend date [AU. one shot. drake walker x camille montespan]
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@moonlightgem7​ @ibldw-main​ @emichelle​ @katedrakeohd​ @loveellamae​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @burnsoslow​ @saivilo​ @gardeningourmet​ @walkerswhiskeygirl​ @mskaneko​ @dcbbw​  @rainbowsinthestorm​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @pug-bitch​ @flowerpowell​
I was inspired after seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) post a wedding anniversary tribute on her instagram which said that she had been friends with her husband, Freddie Prinze Jr, and they were meant to meet a mutual friend for dinner. The friend bailed but Sarah and Freddie didn’t. 20 years later, they’re married with kids. It was so sweet and pure and I instantly had an idea for this one shot!
ALSO, Le CouCou is a real restaurant in New York. It looks amazing. The menu, not so much. All prices and dishes are real. Is it sad I googled it? Yes. Do I care? No!
Sorry, D. Got to bail tonight. Give my apologies to Camille, we can catch up soon. 
Drake swallowed, staring down at the phone in his hand and the text message Liam had just sent him. It wasn’t like Liam to cancel. Liam always kept plans. Liam was reliable. 
‘You alright?’ Leo asked, chowing down on noodles as he spoke. He was leaning against the kitchen counter in Drake’s apartment, helping himself to Drake’s food and beer.  ‘You look like you’ve had the worst news ever.’
Drake shrugged. ‘Well, not really but kinda..’
Leo looked over Drake’s shoulder at the text. ‘Huh, not like my brother to cancel. What’s the problem? You still get to hang with Cammy.’
‘That’s the problem,’ Drake sighed. 
Leo raised an eyebrow. ‘Okay… not understanding this, dude. Camille’s a babe. She’s fun. She’s also your friend. I mean, I know you guys have this underlying sexual tension-’
‘Liam likes her,’ Drake interrupted. ‘That’s why it’s an issue.’
‘So? Liam doesn’t own Camille,’ Leo replied, not unreasonably. ‘She’s single. You’re single.’
‘I thought brothers were meant to be loyal,’ Drake said dryly. 
‘I am,’ Leo said, shrugging. ‘But it’s been ages since you’ve been laid so excuse me for looking out for my buddy.’
‘I’m not gonna sleep with her,’ Drake hissed. ‘We’re.. Friends. Ish.’
Drake and Camille were friendly, yes, but not close. They rarely saw each other due to living on opposite sides of the city, their working hours and different interests. Camille was friends with Olivia - Leo’s girlfriend- so the four of them had hung out occasionally. Olivia teased that it was like a double date, which Drake swiftly denied. 
He did find Camille really attractive though. He liked her laugh and the way her mouth quirked up at the corners so it looked like she was always smiling. She was friendly and interested in what he had to say, but Drake always let himself down by trying to keep her at arms length. 
Liam liked Camille, see. Not that he had done anything about it - he was always busy working so didn’t have much free time. But whenever they saw Camille, Liam would tell Drake how much he liked her and was absolutely going to ask her out. 
Drake figured that if Camille was given the option between him and Liam, she would go for his friend. That was how it always played out. If the two men liked the same girl, Drake would step back. 
He just didn’t think he could compete with Liam’s classic good looks, high flying job as a Wall Street broker, his penchant for treating women to dates in fancy restaurants and his sleek penthouse apartment.  Drake was more rugged, sure, but he worked as a bartender in Williamsburg, existed on noodles and pasta, took women to dive bars for dates (that never went down well) and lived in a studio apartment that had a damp problem.  
‘I’ll cancel on her,’ Drake decided. 
Leo paused in eating the noodles to give Drake an unamused stare. ‘Why?’
‘Well, it’ll just be us,’ Drake said, ‘and it’s in a fancy restaurant because of course, Liam booked it, so if it’s the two of us it’ll be like a date-’
‘And it’s not a date!’ Drake burst out. ‘It’ll be awkward. We’ve never hung out just us before. What do we talk about?’
‘Her job, your job-’
‘Yes, I’m sure she’ll be impressed by the stock of whiskey,’ Drake interrupted. ‘God, I’m gonna cancel-’
Leo grabbed his phone and hit Drake gently on the head with it. ‘No!’ he scolded. ‘That’ll be rude. She’ll know something’s up. Look, just bite the bullet. Meet her at the fancy restaurant, impress her with your knowledge of whiskey, be interested in what she has to say. It can be a quick meal and if you’re really suffering, then make an exit right after. But don’t bail because she’ll know you don’t want to hang with her. Don’t be a dick. Do you want to be a dick, Drake? Did your mom raise you to be a dick to beautiful women?’
Drake blinked. ‘What the fuck has Olivia done to you?’
Leo reddened. ‘She’s shown me the error of my previous womanising ways. But that’s beside the point! Go to dinner tonight.’
Drake sighed. ‘Fine. I’ll go. Whatever.’
Leo rolled his eyes and said through a mouthful of noodle, ‘Don’t act like it’s your bloody execution, Walker..’
‘Don’t act like you’re bloody British, Rhys,’ Drake shot back. ‘Now give me my phone back.’
Drake agonised over what to wear to the fancy restaurant. Knowing Liam, it would be starched white table cloths, French waiters, views over New York and a wine list Drake couldn’t pronounce. 
He eventually settled on a brown leather jacket, green henley shirt, dark blue jeans and brown boots. Suits were not his thing, but this outfit was much more acceptable than his usual denim shirt and jeans combination. He looked smart like this; like he had made an effort but not too much. 
Camille had texted him to say she would be at the restaurant for 8pm. They were both on. This was not a date, this was just two sort of friends hanging out at a fancy restaurant. 
Drake took the subway to Lafayette Street where the restaurant, Le CouCou, was located. Just from the name alone, Drake knew he was in for a French affair. Fantastic. He hated French cuisine but he remembered Liam saying he had booked the table weeks in advance because it was a popular restaurant, so a change of location wasn’t on the cards.
He entered the restaurant. The walls were of exposed brick, chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the tables were covered in white cloth. Drake pushed down the fish out water feeling he was experiencing and puffed his chest out, trying to look confident. 
‘Hey there,’ he greeted the host. ‘We had a table booked under the name of Liam Rhys, but he cancelled so it’s just the two of us.’
The host smiled. ‘Your friend arrived a moment ago, please follow me.’
Drake followed her through the restaurant towards the back where he could see Camille sitting at a round table by the window. She stood up to greet him, reaching out to give him a hug. 
Her hair smelled of coconut, which was delicious and enticing and distracting at the same time.
‘I was so sure you’d bail on me!’ Camille said, giving him her megawatt smile. ‘Honestly, I’m surprised you’re here.’
Drake sat down and blushed. ‘Nah, Montespan. I’m a gent. Never leave a lady hanging.’
Camille looked down at her menu. ‘So, looking at these prices.. It would be cheaper to order a bottle of something.’
‘Sure,’ Drake agreed. ‘Champagne?’
He didn’t like champagne but he knew that women did. 
Camille reddened. ‘I actually don’t like champagne.. I know, I’m so not classy.’
Drake let out a laugh. ‘Same actually. I only suggested it in case you liked it, plus this place looks like champagne is all it serves..’
Camille bit her lip, her eyes scanning the menu. ‘Wine?’ she suggested. 
‘Sounds good. What do you like?’
‘Sauvignon Blanc.’
‘Chile or New Zealand?’
Camille blinked at his question. ‘Uh, New Zealand.’
Drake grinned. ‘Expensive taste, Montespan.’
Camille giggled. ‘How do you know about the countries?’
‘Well, I do work in bar..’
Camille grinned. ‘Of course! Amazing, you can be my drink guide this evening! Shall we order wine then?’
‘Let’s do it,’ Drake said. ‘Let’s be not classy in this classy place.’
With wine ordered, they studied the food menu - studying being the loose term for it. Unable to read it was more apt.
‘What the fuck is Lotte au jambon, potee de chou et fruits de mer..?’ Drake asked in haltingly slow French.
Camille frowned and looked through the menu. ‘Ah, here’s the English translation! Um, monkfish roasted with-’
‘Nope,’ Drake interrupted. ‘Where’s the steak? There has to be steak here.’
Camille looked down the menu before her eyes lit up. ‘Found steak!’
She pointed to the dish. Drake paled. ‘Camille, it’s $65.’
Camille’s eyes widened. ‘Ah shit.. Okay, scrap that.. Um.. it’s pretty expensive here. We’ll be paying $29 minimum and that applies to the oyster starter..’
Drake groaned. ‘Oysters, really?’
‘They are said to be an aphrodisiac..’ Camille teased. 
Drake blanched at her words. ‘Uh.. uh, yeah they are..’
Camille let out a throaty laugh, the laugh he liked. It was a laugh she used whenever something seemed to really tickle her and it made you feel special for making her laugh that way. ‘I’m kidding, Drake,’ she said. ‘Look, we’re here. Let’s just order something and grin and bear it. Who cares about the price? We’ll just have Liam refund us. This place was his idea, after all.’
Drake grinned. ‘Liam can reimburse us! Awesome, so shall we order the most expensive dishes and laugh when he is presented with the bill?’
Camille shrugged. ‘He does work on Wall Street, I’m sure this amount of money is peanuts for him.’
Drake raised his wine glass. ‘To Liam, for funding our dinner.’
Camille laughed again, her eyes sparkling. She raised her glass and clinked it against his. ‘To Liam.’
They both settled on the chicken and foie gras. The wine was going down a treat and conversation was easy. Drake couldn’t believe had considered cancelling. They got on really well! There were no awkward silences and Drake found he could open up to her easily about things he never spoke about, like his father.
‘My dad passed away when I was fourteen,’ he told Camille, pouring her another glass of wine. ‘He worked as security guard for a bank - he was involved in a robbery and was shot.’
Camille studied him with her chin placed on her hand. Her eyebrows were knitted together in concern. ‘I’m sorry, Drake,’ she murmured. ‘That’s really sad.’
‘He died an honourable death,’ Drake replied. ‘He made sure all the customers were out of harms way. My mom was in pieces, as was my sister.. So I became the man of the house.’
‘That must have been hard for you,’ Camille said. Drake’s eyes locked with hers. He could see the gold flecks amongst the brown; owl eyes. They were gorgeous.
‘It was,’ Drake said, finally, after a long moment. ‘Sorry for bringing the chat down.. I just.. I’ve never really talked about my dad to people before. Not even Liam.’
‘How come?’ Camille asked, reaching out to take his hand. Her thumb rolled over his palm, soothing and gentle. Drake looked down at their joined hands and swallowed. 
‘I guess I don’t like to be vulnerable,’ he muttered. 
‘Sometimes it’s good to be vulnerable,’ Camille told him. ‘It’s healthy to talk about feelings, share the weight of them. When my parents died, I retreated into myself and my grandma worked so hard to bring me back to life-’
‘Your parents died?’ Drake asked, his eyes widening in shock. ‘Shit, Camille. That sucks.’
Camille smiled weakly. ‘Life has dealt me shitty cards,’ she replied. ‘But what matters is how you deal with it. You can either let it break you down or you keep going. Talking when you’re feeling broken makes you stronger’
There was an unspoken understanding between them. Their eyes were steady on each other and Drake wanted to say so much more but he couldn’t find the words. How had she managed to break down this wall he had built? Camille tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and cleared her throat. ‘So, shall we get the bill and head somewhere else?’
Drake smiled. ‘I know we’re not keen on this place but I did see that there’s a bar upstairs.. Fancy it?’
Camille grinned. ‘Lead the way.’
Drake ordered two glasses of whiskey. They sat at the bar under the chandeliers that cast a golden glow down on them; Camille simply shone. She had chosen to wear a tuxedo dress with pearl buttons and silver strappy heels; it was a date night outfit. Drake was now pretending they were on a date, while Camille was oblivious to his sudden change of heart.
I really like this woman. I already did but she’s so different to how I imagined. She’s kind and funny and warm. I could talk to her all day. 
As Drake toasted Liam yet again, Camille smiled and studied him. He was rugged, just her type. He was easygoing and funny with a dry sense of humour. He was also surprising. 
I really like this guy. He is different to how I imagined. He’s thoughtful and kind and genuine. I could listen to him all day. 
The conversation became silly, with  Camille asking Drake absurd questions and laughing at his answers. It soon turned to Never Have I Ever and Drake ordered more whiskey. 
‘Never Have I Ever… gone skinny dipping,’ Drake suggested. Camille blushed and reached for her drink, taking a long sip.  Drake let out a hearty laugh. 
‘Montespan, you minx!’
‘I was eighteen and drunk, okay?!’ she protested, laughing back.  When they calmed down, Camille considered her question for Drake.
‘Never have I ever.. Cheated on someone.’
Drake didn’t drink. Camille grinned. ‘You’re a nice guy.’
‘I am indeed,’ Drake said, giving her a smirk. ‘Clean record. Now, Leo on the other hand…’
Camille let out a groan. ‘Oh god, Leo. He is something else.’
‘Hard to imagine he and Liam are related,’ Drake said. ‘They’re both so different.’
‘Yeah.. Leo’s wild, Liam’s boring-’
‘What?!’ Drake cried. ‘Liam’s boring?!’
Camille turned red. ‘Don’t tell him I said that!’ she said. ‘Oh god, I feel so bad!’
‘Harsh words, Camille,’ Drake warned, shaking his head. ‘Harsh words.’
Secretly, he was pleased. Liam had no chance.
‘So you wouldn’t date him?’ he asked, sipping his whiskey. Camille shook her head. ‘No way. He likes.. Fancy restaurants like this. I like bars. I know we’re still in the same restaurant, but right now, this, Drake, is the highlight of my night.’ 
Drake could feel the heat rising on his cheeks. Camille gave him an earnest smile and tossed back her whiskey before checking the time. 
‘Shoot, I’m up early tomorrow,’ she said. ‘Help me find a cab?’
Drake said yes and paid their bill. He helped Camille put on her coat, letting his fingers brush hers. She smiled secretly.
Drake hailed her a taxi. When it pulled up to them, Camille turned to say goodbye. 
‘It was really nice seeing you,’ she told him. ‘Thanks for not bailing on me. I know you were tempted.’
Drake stepped back at her words. ‘Montespan, no-’
‘It’s okay,’ she said. ‘But I’m glad you still came along.’
She leaned up to hug him. Drake’s arms enveloped her body, holding her close. As they parted, her eyes looked up into his and before Drake could react, her lips were on his. The kiss was soft and warm; she tasted of whiskey and caramel. Drake groaned against her mouth and parted her lips with his tongue.
Whiskey, caramel, burnt sugar. 
That was what the kiss tasted like. 
Their tongues twisted together, urgently now. They were trapped in those moment, the bright lights of the city fading around them, their senses only on each other. When they pulled away, Camille’s eyes were dark. 
‘Come home with me,’ she murmured. 
‘Aren’t you up early tomorrow?’ Drake asked.
‘Yeah,’ she said. ‘But I don’t care.’
The next morning, Drake woke up in a tangle of bedsheets. Camille’s nude body lay curled up beside him as she slept soundly. She looked so peaceful. 
Drake smiled. 
His phone buzzed. Checking the screen, he could see it was 7am. Liam had texted.
So… how’d it go last night?
Drake frowned. Good, he typed. She’s fun.
Liam replied instantly. 
I’m glad you had a good time. Thought you would. Leo and I are of the opinion that you need to get laid. 
Drake bolted up. His fingers worked quickly on the keyboard, his mind full of questions. 
But you like Camille?
Liam texted back, clearly enjoying this exchange.
Yeah but you clearly like her more. I just needed you to be pushed together.  I’m fine; I’ve got a date tomorrow night.
Drake grinned, relieved. He had been wondering how to explain his current bed situation. Now, it looked like he didn’t have to. Camille rolled over and sighed as she slept. Her hands reached out for him, as if she knew he was there. Drake settled back down and pulled her against him, holding her close. 
‘Morning, Drake..’ she murmured, her voice thick with sleep. 
‘Morning, Camille.’ 
‘This is nice,’ she mumbled. 
‘I know, right?’
‘I need to get up though..’
Drake chuckled against her hair. ‘I’m not stopping you.’
‘But you’re warm and comfy..’
‘Guilty as charged.’
Camille giggled, turning to face him. ‘Want to join me in the shower?’
Drake smiled, watching as she dragged herself out of bed. He watched her naked form as she padded through to the en-suite. He felt his cock harden. 
Drake would definitely be joining her in the shower. 
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