doubleaabat · 8 months
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Postal if they weren’t FUCKING AROUND
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skraldehund · 1 year
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RIP house & wilson, you would’ve loved gay sex. 🕊️
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bogdreamz · 3 months
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rockthejungle · 4 months
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hi guys look at this
my phone at 1 percent
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peanutlolxd · 1 year
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What even is that outfit
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lenny-link · 13 days
i usually like to piss haters off, if they said that my art is ugly and stupid, then ill make it twice stupider and uglier
bc i found it fun, i liked my ugly stupid drawings, im not making any profit or idk im simply having fun, im not an artist i dont study art, its just a hobby, and usually the hate comments never reached me it usually motivates me to do more
but i feel like they kinda do now, i look at my art and i only see very basic and cringe art
now it seems like im asking for compliments to make myself feel better, its not the purpose really, idk maybe i am, and it definitely makes me feel even more lame but whatev
and idk i feel kinda okay talking here bc iknow i wont get much attention on tumblr, its not like twt or instagram
i actually prefer tumblr over other social media, no one come here to become the next Mr.CoolArtistWith200kFollowers you know what i mean
anyways im just rambling idk whats the point of this post i never hated my art as much as today feeling like i should delete all my socials and never draw again but im sure ill get over
ill see ya soon dw
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crystalmagpie447 · 1 year
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huygtfrd I was gonna color it and make it look pretty But i never got to it ohwell I thought it was silly so im putting it here 💥
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gammagoop · 1 year
compilation of minecraft-related redraws (originals on the right)
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the first two are redraws of things from 2021 (march and febuary respectively) and the third one is from a solidarity stream iirc :]
ive been sinking back into minecraft content stuffs and . apparently cant come up with original fanart ideas seeing how many redraws ive done :P
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Why YOU should get into jethro Tull!!
You’ll never run out of things to listen to, with over 200 songs and 23 studio albums!
Each album has a slightly different genre to the last, you can go from blues to prog to folk to hard rock!
Every single member is so darn cute 😭 that’s like an added extra bonus
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They’re pretty too 🥰
They have about 1,034,264 line up changes, so you never run out of new musicians to obsess over!
You gain a new friend (me!) and a close knit community on tumblr of regular Tull posters (again, me!)
No one else knows them, yet somehow they were one of the top ranking bands in the 70s. Flex on your family and friends with your cool knowledge! For example, did you know Jethro Tull is in fact not a the lead band member, but rather the name of the band? Cool stuff right 😎
1979 😐
They have amazing musicianship! They’re insanely talented, and absolutely blow your socks off in live performances. Give “Bursting out”, their live album from 1978 a listen, or chuck on a concert from YouTube!
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Where should I start?
Well, that depends on you! Because each album is so different, it can be hard to choose. Here are a few helping notes to consider
The 70s were their peak era, any album from this time is gold! Songs from the wood, Heavy Horses and Stormwatch are known as the folk trio. Thick as a Brick and A Passion Play are proggy concept albums. Aqualung is super rocking, Minstrel is acoustic and This Was is blues. Venturing into the 80s and beyond may not be wise for the first time, unless you really like your synth.
Whose who? What’s all this I hear about lineups?
Jethro Tull went through a lot of personnel. Some names you might keep hearing are
Ian Anderson. He’s the main guy, and he’s on every album. Does the flute, singing and weird faces
Martin Barre. Guitarist for almost every album except the first! (And the last 2 but we don’t talk about that.) literal cutest person in the world. His middle name is Lancelot, for crying out loud
Barriemore Barlow. Drummer from ‘72-‘79, insanely talented, loves his short shorts and singlets (in red). Was favoured as a replacement for Bonham in Zeppelin.
John Evan. Piano player, half insane half beautiful mermaid person thing??? His fursona is a rabbit and has a habit of chucking stoves out the windows.
Basically, you can’t go wrong! Enjoy this train wreck of a band <3 (and if I don’t see any Tull dedicated blogs popping up in the next 24 hours I’m hitting someone over the head with my flute)
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buckkyyp · 4 months
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tealares-art · 9 months
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pup-pee · 1 year
they should just die already
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ttheatre-trashh · 9 days
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i just
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moronkyne · 5 months
God. Morgan is just so fucking perfect in every way possible I don’t even understand. I can’t comprehend how calm yet exciting he is. I get that he rants about the seer stuff for lore reasons a lot, but it makes me feel like someone cares to talk to me—like I’m worth having a conversation with and it’s so refreshing. The relationship he has with his listener is so limited yet adorably yearning. You can sorta tell he wants to get to know them, that he is curious about them and their life. The way he never pressured them to say anything about themselves. The way he invited them over when he didn’t have to, the way he joked around to ease nerves. The way he and his listener had that moment at the end of their third video. The way Morgan feels like such a typical guy with a built in “mysterious” side is so cute. He’s so normal about feelings and his work that it’s damn cute. His voice is cute, too. I get it, all the boys are voiced by Erik, but still. His voice is just so… different and normal at the same time. (Again, he is cute)
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oddheadd · 8 months
Frostbite °• : ⁠。 - Chapter II
Wendigo/Skinwalker x Reader
CW: Gore, animal deaths. The religion is made up and in no way do I intent to offend anyone, please don't read if such subjects trigger you.
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I stare at my laptop screen, wanting to bang my head against the wall as I observe the blank page.
Yesterday I actually managed to fall asleep. The tapping didn't continue, but that's probably more disturbing. I would've brushed it off as the quirk of the cabin, but it was so random.
I sigh and close the laptop, lazily lifting myself off the couch and deciding to make myself another cup of coffee. I go outside and sit on the porch, drinking the steaming, bitter liquid. I watch the forest and I feel it drawing me in.
I keep watching the hypnotizing sway of the trees with the gentle wind, before I bring the now empty cup into the house and head out again, walking straight into the forest.
I wonder if it's still there.
As a child, I'd always wander into the forest, making mud pies, finding big sticks and hopefully searching for the animals. In my child, naive mind I thought I'd hop on their backs and they'd take me away into the wonderland.
Then I saw it... Not a cute, big eyed, furry animal, but the monstrously enormous monastery. What once used to be a praying space was then broken down and abandoned. And despite my fear, I went in.
The walls were painted with blood, carcasses of small animals hung loosely from the ceiling... In the very edge of the room, what I assume a recently killed deer was hung on the wall, its body was cut from it's neck to it's stomach, as if showing off it's insides.
I ran home crying and mom never brought me here after that. I assume it was something ritualistic. I shouldn't have wondered into the 17-19th century broken down catholic church anyways.
I sigh and kick around in the snow.
Looking down I see something. I furrow my brows and lean down, looking at what I assume is a deer footprint.
Then I hear shuffling behind me. I immediately turn around and-
"Oh, hi..." - A man waves at me awkwardly. He has dark hair with a matching pair of almond shaped eyes. Lashes, longer than my own rest on his eyelids under his thick brows. His hair is a little overgrown and he has a bit of stubble. He's wearing warm clothes and there's a hunting rifle in his left hand.
"Ah- You scared me." - I chuckle sheepishly.
"Sorry." - He smiles. - "What are you doing here?"
"...Taking a walk, I guess?"
"All alone? These woods are dangerous." - He furrows his brows a little.
"Really? I used to play in here all the time when I was a child..."
"You live here?" - He tilts his head and rests the rifle on the snowy ground.
"Not really, me and my family used to come here in summer. Now I'm here to uh, work, I guess?"
He smiles again. - "I just moved a few months ago."
I eye his rifle. - "You like hunting?"
"I hunt for food." - He corrects me. He then gives me his free hand to shake, and I do so. - "...Nathan."
"Y/N. You said the forest is dangerous? I've only seen deer so far..."
"Wolves." - He answers Shortly. - "But yes, there are lots of deer in here. Check this out," - He comes closer and leans down, pointing at the footprints I was observing before. - "I've never seen a footprint of a deer that big. If I manage to catch it, I won't have to hunt for a few weeks, maybe even a month. I swear to God I've been trying to hunt it down for days." - He sighs.
"Oh wow." - I tilt my head. - "Hunting seems intense."
"It's not as hard if you know the basics. Just long... And I'm impatient." - He chuckles. - "I could show you."
He looks at me with a smile and I find it hard to decline his offer. I smile back and nod.
We walk for a while, getting to know each other. He then lays down behind a fallen log and motions for me to do the same. We wait for a while and then two deer walk into our view. Nathan looks at me and brings his finger to his lips to hush me.
It all happens fast, there's a bang and the deer falls as the other runs away. Nathan gets up and approaches it. "You gotta be humane when you kill them, try aiming where it would have vital organs so it dies fast."
I hesitantly follow him. I look at the deers hooves and only then do I realize the huge difference between these and the footprints I saw earlier. The footprints were three, if not four times bigger.
I start to get bad vibes from this. - "...Have you seen big deer before?"
Nathan looks at me with a puzzled expression. - "Huh?"
"You said the footprints we saw earlier were big." - I say and sit on the nearby rock. - "You see them often?"
"...Not really."
"That's... Disturbing." - I sneer.
Nathan grins. - "Why, you worried for me?"
I snort. - "No, I'm worried for myself. I live on the edge of the forest." - I joke and he chuckles.
"It's totally a deer, I'm sure nothing to worry about." - He shrugs and starts tying the rope around the dead animal. - "If you're too worried, though..."
He stands up straight and approaches me, placing his hands on the rock, trapping me in-between. - "I could give you my number."
I chuckle and he backs up. - "The service is shitty but we can text. I don't like calls anyways."
"Okay." - I grin and he smiles. I write my number in my notepad, tearing the paper out and giving it to him after.
"You should go now, it's getting dark. Want me to walk you?"
I shrug. - "Nope. Just lead me towards the main path and I'll return myself." - I instruct him.
The walk home isn't too long, and I find myself attracted to the man as he waves at me. I walk into the cabin and sigh, happy to be embraced by warmth.
Then the deer footprints float up into my mind and I feel uneasy. How can Nathan be so calm? The deer is probably humongous, why? Is it a type of anomaly?
My worries wash away as my phone buzzes and I see a text from an unknown number.
"So you live on the edge of the forest? If you see a seven foot deer, text me asap ;P"
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skullzy20 · 3 days
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it took me like a million years of procrastinating but I finally got a solid look down for these two
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