#Blood of Zeus season 2 theories
I haven't yet watched the second season of Blood of Zeus, and honestly, I am a bit scared to do so.
Not because I expect it to be any accurate retelling or anything, far from it. It was fun exploring a different course and not sticking to the mythos and not pretending to stick to the mythos.
I am not watching it for the plot and all its at times glaring insufficiencies, but for the art style and character designs, which are in many cases superb ( yes, I want a curvaceous Aphrodite that is vengeful and can sure as heck yield a sword, yes I want an Ares that isn't half naked and wears armor and a helmet ( no talks abt accuracy here I am not out to get them) a Demeter that looks like everyone's aunt that will force you to eat some more, has a green thumb and a heck of a temper, and frankly one of my favorite Athena designs in modern animated media )
What I do worry about, however, is the plot. Which yeah is all fun and games as far as myths themselves go, but even from the trailer I see Heron suffering main character and plot armor syndrome and I am a bit less than enthused.
S1 was bad enough with Zeus playing favorites among his bastard children, and being like, you are not a mortal you are my son.
Ehhmm sir, what are Apollo and Hermes and Ares then?
And they are present in the scene. So either Zeus is supposed to be an even more huge prick, clearly favoring his mortal offpsirng from the immortal ones. Who have backed him up. In several occasions in the show. Or well, plot.
And then we have the trailer with Heron fist fighting Ares I think, and getting 4 solid hits in. Which okay fun if you like Heron, but my dudes. You won't win a fist fight against the God of War. But he is the son of Zeus! And so is half the Pantheon.
And I am afraid we are going to overlook many 'logical' things, and nerf a lot of gods to make Heron seem as idk the rightful heir to the throne of Olympus or idk and yeah... it ll take a lot from the show.
Because wether we like it or not, Heron is a demigod. Not a God. And he has lived only a handful of years in comparison to the rest. I have trouble thinking that any of the gods would back down from taking the lead and giving it to Heron. Who will? Athena? Ares? Poseidon? Hera?
Especially in a time of unrest. Where supposedly Hades is behind the coup and wants to take over Olympus. Well, buddy, I wouldn't want to be stuck down there and constantly being a footnote, either. I can understand why he snapped within the premises for the show.
And it introduces an interesting theme. Civil War among the gods. Not the first time it has happened, but it has the potential to be interesting. I want to see them struggle, and fight while trying to organize a sort of defense against Hades and Persephone. I want Athena and Ares to fight over how to station their forces and who should lead them. I want to see the power struggle between the Queen of Olympus, the King's brother, and his first son. The power vacuum is delicious.
And I definitely want to see more of Apollo and Artemis and Hermes. Who I feel will more readily accept Heron among their ranks. On principle of their personalities in tandem with their status.
Anyway, bottom line I don't want to see an overpowered Heron for example and an Artemis that misses 3 shots out of 5, and Ares that can barely hold his own, a Hermes thats like a Flash lookalike, a himbo Apollo with little functionality and a goddess of battle strategy that cannot do battle strategy, all for the purpose of making the main character look better.
I might be going off a mile here, but I have learned to expect the worst usually, so forgive me. I d very much prefer to be pleasantly surprised, so fingers crossed for that.
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largemandrill · 2 years
leading theory on Blood of Zeus Season 2 is that Hades is mad Apollo fucked his wife send post
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naidadiamandis · 4 years
Not to be confused with
, the personification of time.For other uses, see
Cronus (disambiguation)
In Greek mythology, Cronus, Cronos, or Kronos (/ˈkroʊnəs/ or /ˈkroʊnɒs/, US: /-oʊs/, from Greek: Κρόνος, Krónoς) was the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans, the divine descendants of Uranus, the sky, and Gaia, the earth. He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own son Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus. According to Plato, however, the deities Phorcys, Cronus, and Rhea were the eldest children of Oceanus and Tethys.[2]
Cronus was usually depicted with a harpe, scythe or a sickle, which was the instrument he used to castrate and depose Uranus, his father. In Athens, on the twelfth day of the Attic month of Hekatombaion, a festival called Kronia was held in honour of Cronus to celebrate the harvest, suggesting that, as a result of his association with the virtuous Golden Age, Cronus continued to preside as a patron of the harvest. Cronus was also identified in classical antiquity with the Roman deity Saturn.
In an ancient myth recorded by Hesiod's Theogony, Cronus envied the power of his father, the ruler of the universe, Uranus. Uranus drew the enmity of Cronus's mother, Gaia, when he hid the gigantic youngest children of Gaia, the hundred-handed Hecatoncheires and one-eyed Cyclopes, in Tartarus, so that they would not see the light. Gaia created a great stone sickle and gathered together Cronus and his brothers to persuade them to castrate Uranus.[3]
Giorgio Vasari
: The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn (Cronus)
Only Cronus was willing to do the deed, so Gaia gave him the sickle and placed him in ambush.[4] When Uranus met with Gaia, Cronus attacked him with the sickle, castrating him and casting his testicles into the sea. From the blood that spilled out from Uranus and fell upon the earth, the Gigantes, Erinyes, and Meliae were produced. The testicles produced a white foam from which the goddess Aphrodite emerged. For this, Uranus threatened vengeance and called his sons Titenes[a] for overstepping their boundaries and daring to commit such an act.[b]
After dispatching Uranus, Cronus re-imprisoned the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclopes and set the dragon Campe to guard them. He and his older sister Rhea took the throne of the world as king and queen. The period in which Cronus ruled was called the Golden Age, as the people of the time had no need for laws or rules; everyone did the right thing, and immorality was absent.
Painting by
Peter Paul Rubens
of Cronus devouring one of his children
Cronus learned from Gaia and Uranus that he was destined to be overcome by his own sons, just as he had overthrown his father. As a result, although he sired the gods Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Poseidon by Rhea, he devoured them all as soon as they were born to prevent the prophecy. When the sixth child, Zeus, was born, Rhea sought Gaia to devise a plan to save them and to eventually get retribution on Cronus for his acts against his father and children.
Rhea secretly gave birth to Zeus in Crete, and handed Cronus a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes, also known as the Omphalos Stone, which he promptly swallowed, thinking that it was his son.
Rhea kept Zeus hidden in a cave on Mount Ida, Crete. According to some versions of the story, he was then raised by a goat named Amalthea, while a company of Kouretes, armored male dancers, shouted and clapped their hands to make enough noise to mask the baby's cries from Cronus. Other versions of the myth have Zeus raised by the nymph Adamanthea, who hid Zeus by dangling him by a rope from a tree so that he was suspended between the earth, the sea, and the sky, all of which were ruled by his father, Cronus. Still other versions of the tale say that Zeus was raised by his grandmother, Gaia.
Once he had grown up, Zeus used an emetic given to him by Gaia to force Cronus to disgorge the contents of his stomach in reverse order: first the stone, which was set down at Pytho under the glens of Mount Parnassus to be a sign to mortal men, and then his two brothers and three sisters. In other versions of the tale, Metis gave Cronus an emetic to force him to disgorge the children.[5]
After freeing his siblings, Zeus released the Hecatoncheires, and the Cyclopes who forged for him his thunderbolts, Poseidon's trident and Hades' helmet of darkness. In a vast war called the Titanomachy, Zeus and his older brothers and older sisters, with the help of the Hecatoncheires and Cyclopes, overthrew Cronus and the other Titans. Afterwards, many of the Titans were confined in Tartarus. However, Oceanus, Helios, Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius were not imprisoned following the Titanomachy. Gaia bore the monster Typhon to claim revenge for the imprisoned Titans.
Accounts of the fate of Cronus after the Titanomachy differ. In Homeric and other texts he is imprisoned with the other Titans in Tartarus. In Orphic poems, he is imprisoned for eternity in the cave of Nyx. Pindar describes his release from Tartarus, where he is made King of Elysium by Zeus. In another version,[citation needed] the Titans released the Cyclopes from Tartarus, and Cronus was awarded the kingship among them, beginning a Golden Age. In Virgil's Aeneid,[6] it is Latium to which Saturn (Cronus) escapes and ascends as king and lawgiver, following his defeat by his son Jupiter (Zeus).
In yet another account referred to by Robert Graves,[7] (who claims to be following the account of the Byzantine mythographer Tzetzes) it is said that Cronus was castrated by his son Zeus just as Uranus had earlier been castrated by his son Cronos. However the subject of a son castrating his own father, or simply castration in general, was so repudiated by the Greek mythographers of that time that they suppressed it from their accounts until the Christian era (when Tzetzes wrote).
Libyan account by Diodorus Siculus[
In a Libyan account related by Diodorus Siculus (Book 3), Uranus and Titaea were the parents of Cronus and Rhea and the other Titans. Ammon, a king of Libya, married Rhea (3.18.1). However, Rhea abandoned Ammon and married her younger brother Cronus. With Rhea's incitement, Cronus and the other Titans made war upon Ammon, who fled to Crete (3.71.1-2). Cronus ruled harshly and Cronus in turn was defeated by Ammon's son Dionysus (3.71.3-3.73) who appointed Cronus' and Rhea's son, Zeus, as king of Egypt (3.73.4). Dionysus and Zeus then joined their forces to defeat the remaining Titans in Crete, and on the death of Dionysus, Zeus inherited all the kingdoms, becoming lord of the world (3.73.7-8).
Sibylline Oracles
Cronus is mentioned in the Sibylline Oracles, particularly in book three, which makes Cronus, 'Titan' and Iapetus, the three sons of Uranus and Gaia, each to receive a third division of the Earth, and Cronus is made king over all. After the death of Uranus, Titan's sons attempt to destroy Cronus's and Rhea's male offspring as soon as they are born, but at Dodona, Rhea secretly bears her sons Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and sends them to Phrygia to be raised in the care of three Cretans. Upon learning this, sixty of Titan's men then imprison Cronus and Rhea, causing the sons of Cronus to declare and fight the first of all wars against them. This account mentions nothing about Cronus either killing his father or attempting to kill any of his children.
Other accounts[
Cronus was said to be the father of the wise centaur Chiron by the Oceanid Philyra, who was subsequently transformed into a linden tree.[8][9][10] The Titan chased the nymph and consorted with her in the shape of a stallion, hence the half-human, half-equine shape of their offspring;[11][12] this was said to have taken place on Mount Pelion.[13]
Two other sons of Cronus and Philyra may have been Dolops[14] and Aphrus, the ancestor and eponym of the Aphroi, i.e. the native Africans.[15]
In some accounts, Cronus was also called the father of the Corybantes.[16]
Name and comparative mythology[edit]
During antiquity, Cronus was occasionally interpreted as Chronos, the personification of time.[17] The Roman philosopher Cicero (1st century BCE) elaborated on this by saying that the Greek name Cronus is synonymous to chronos (time) since he maintains the course and cycles of seasons and the periods of time, whereas the Latin name Saturn denotes that he is saturated with years since he was devouring his sons, which implies that time devours the ages and gorges.[18]
The Greek historian and biographer Plutarch (1st century CE) asserted that the Greeks believed that Cronus was an allegorical name for χρόνος (time).[19] The philosopher Plato (3rd century BCE) in his Cratylus gives two possible interpretations for the name of Cronus. The first is that his name denotes "κόρος" (koros), the pure (καθαρόν) and unblemished (ἀκήρατον)[20] nature of his mind.[21] The second is that Rhea and Cronus were given names of streams (Rhea – ῥοή (rhoē) and Cronus – Xρόνος (chronos)).[22] Proclus (5th century CE), the Neoplatonist philosopher, makes in his Commentary on Plato's Cratylus an extensive analysis on Cronus; among others he says that the "One cause" of all things is "Chronos" (time) that is also equivocal to Cronus.[23]
Chronos and his child
Giovanni Francesco Romanelli
National Museum
, a 17th-century depiction of Titan Cronus as "Father Time," wielding a harvesting scythe
In addition to the name, the story of Cronus eating his children was also interpreted as an allegory to a specific aspect of time held within Cronus' sphere of influence. As the theory went, Cronus represented the destructive ravages of time which devoured all things, a concept that was illustrated when the Titan king ate the Olympian gods—the past consuming the future, the older generation suppressing the next generation.[24]
From the Renaissance to the present[
During the Renaissance, the identification of Cronus and Chronos gave rise to "Father Time" wielding the harvesting scythe.
H. J. Rose in 1928[25] observed that attempts to give "Κρόνος" a Greek etymology had failed. Recently, Janda (2010) offers a genuinely Indo-European etymology of "the cutter", from the root *(s)ker- "to cut" (Greek κείρω (keirō), cf. English shear), motivated by Cronus's characteristic act of "cutting the sky" (or the genitals of anthropomorphic Uranus). The Indo-Iranian reflex of the root is kar, generally meaning "to make, create" (whence karma), but Janda argues that the original meaning "to cut" in a cosmogonic sense is still preserved in some verses of the Rigveda pertaining to Indra's heroic "cutting", like that of Cronus resulting in creation:
RV 10.104.10 ārdayad vṛtram akṛṇod ulokaṃ he hit Vrtra fatally, cutting [> creating] a free path. RV 6.47.4 varṣmāṇaṃ divo akṛṇod he cut [> created] the loftiness of the sky.
This may point to an older Indo-European mytheme reconstructed as *(s)kert wersmn diwos "by means of a cut he created the loftiness of the sky".[26] The myth of Cronus castrating Uranus parallels the Song of Kumarbi, where Anu (the heavens) is castrated by Kumarbi. In the Song of Ullikummi, Teshub uses the "sickle with which heaven and earth had once been separated" to defeat the monster Ullikummi,[27] establishing that the "castration" of the heavens by means of a sickle was part of a creation myth, in origin a cut creating an opening or gap between heaven (imagined as a dome of stone) and earth enabling the beginning of time (chronos) and human history.[28]
A theory debated in the 19th century, and sometimes still offered somewhat apologetically,[29] holds that Κρόνος is related to "horned", assuming a Semitic derivation from qrn.[30] Andrew Lang's objection, that Cronus was never represented horned in Hellenic art,[31] was addressed by Robert Brown,[32] arguing that, in Semitic usage, as in the Hebrew Bible, qeren was a signifier of "power". When Greek writers encountered the Semitic deity El, they rendered his name as Cronus.[33]
Robert Graves remarks that "cronos probably means 'crow', like the Latin cornix and the Greek corōne", noting that Cronus was depicted with a crow, as were the deities Apollo, Asclepius, Saturn and Bran.[34]
El, the Phoenician Cronus[
When Hellenes encountered Phoenicians and, later, Hebrews, they identified the Semitic El, by interpretatio graeca, with Cronus. The association was recorded c. AD 100 by Philo of Byblos' Phoenician history, as reported in Eusebius' Præparatio Evangelica I.10.16.[35] Philo's account, ascribed by Eusebius to the semi-legendary pre-Trojan War Phoenician historian Sanchuniathon, indicates that Cronus was originally a Canaanite ruler who founded Byblos and was subsequently deified. This version gives his alternate name as Elus or Ilus, and states that in the 32nd year of his reign, he emasculated, slew and deified his father Epigeius or Autochthon "whom they afterwards called Uranus". It further states that after ships were invented, Cronus, visiting the 'inhabitable world', bequeathed Attica to his own daughter Athena, and Egypt to Taautus the son of Misor and inventor of writing.[36]
Roman mythology and later culture[
]Main article:
Saturn (mythology)
4th-century Temple of
in the
Roman Forum
While the Greeks considered Cronus a cruel and tempestuous force of chaos and disorder, believing the Olympian gods had brought an era of peace and order by seizing power from the crude and malicious Titans,[citation needed] the Romans took a more positive and innocuous view of the deity, by conflating their indigenous deity Saturn with Cronus. Consequently, while the Greeks considered Cronus merely an intermediary stage between Uranus and Zeus, he was a larger aspect of Roman religion. The Saturnalia was a festival dedicated in his honour, and at least one temple to Saturn already existed in the archaic Roman Kingdom.
His association with the "Saturnian" Golden Age eventually caused him to become the god of "time", i.e., calendars, seasons, and harvests—not now confused with Chronos, the unrelated embodiment of time in general. Nevertheless, among Hellenistic scholars in Alexandria and during the Renaissance, Cronus was conflated with the name of Chronos, the personification of "Father Time",[17] wielding the harvesting scythe.
As a result of Cronus's importance to the Romans, his Roman variant, Saturn, has had a large influence on Western culture. The seventh day of the Judaeo-Christian week is called in Latin Dies Saturni ("Day of Saturn"), which in turn was adapted and became the source of the English word Saturday. In astronomy, the planet Saturn is named after the Roman deity. It is the outermost of the Classical planets (the astronomical planets that are visible with the naked eye).
Cronus alias Geb in Greco-Roman Egypt[
In Greco-Roman Egypt, Cronus was equated with the Egyptian god Geb, because he held a quite similar position in Egyptian mythology as the father of the gods Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys as Cronus did in the Greek pantheon. This equation is particularly well attested in Tebtunis in the southern Fayyum: Geb and Cronus were here part of a local version of the cult of Sobek, the crocodile god.[37] The equation was shown on the one hand in the local iconography of the gods, in which Geb was depicted as a man with attributes of Cronus and Cronus with attributes of Geb.[38] On the other hand, the priests of the local main temple identified themselves in Egyptian texts as priests of "Soknebtunis-Geb", but in Greek texts as priests of "Soknebtunis-Cronus". Accordingly, Egyptian names formed with the name of the god Geb were just as popular among local villager as Greek names derived from Cronus, especially the name "Kronion".[39]
A star (HD 240430) was named after him in 2017 when it was reported to have swallowed its planets.[40] The planet Saturn, named after the Roman equivalent of Cronus, is still referred to as "Cronus" in modern Greek.
"Cronus" was also a suggested name for the dwarf planet Pluto, but was rejected and not voted for because it was suggested by the unpopular and egocentric astronomer Thomas Jefferson Jackson See.[41]
Descendants of Cronus and Rhea
Uranus' genitals
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youkaiangel · 6 years
WH Season 7 - Third character theory
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This is an opinion piece so if you don’t like me / my opinions, just keep scrolling.
Warning: some spoilers for Caesar’s route.
After looking at ‘The Night Class’ Spin Off that came out December last year, it’s been fairly obvious who the suitors for season 6/7 would be, up ‘til now; the only character that was introduced in this spin off that hasn’t had their own route is Rembrandt, but somehow I don’t think the last romanceable character from S7 will be the Headmaster. My theory (not sure if anyone agrees with me, but I can’t be alone) is this guy.
Viggo was introduced in Caesar’s route (I think, I haven’t played Al’s, but given that Liz didn’t know him and all the stories are sequential it’s safe to assume this was his first appearance). He’s a Night Class student and is pretty much described as a loose canon, doesn’t hold back, can’t be controlled, etc etc. Supreme bad boy, Caesar admitted he‘s had constant issues with Viggo, and he ends up in the detention chamber a lot (HC this is how Luca knew of the existence of the Night Class). Sounds like a good character for Liz to bring out his good side.
Both times Viggo appeared in Caesar’s route were completely unnecessary and really didn’t add much to the story. His first appearance was in the detention chamber, Liz and Caesar going to speak to Zett and happened to notice a Night Class student in another chamber cell. Viggo and Caesar exchanged words, and I think Viggo subtly hinted at Caesar’s true nature, but not much else was said before Caesar and Liz moved on.
Viggo’s second appearance was when Caesar and Liz were being pursued by the circus goons and ended up backed into an alleyway corner. Viggo showed up and used his magical flute/pipe thing to pound the bad guys into the dust, giving Liz and Caesar the opportunity to escape. While the escape was obviously crucial to the advancement of the story, it didn’t have to be Viggo who came to their rescue, so his appearance here is also a bit superfluous. Why have him showcase his power if Solmare aren’t trying to get us interested in this mysterious new bad boy?
Another clue is the history of the characters we’ve had in other series - they seem to follow a pattern. In each of the previous series (I can’t speak for the Princess of Crystal or Sol Maiden series, I haven’t played any of these guys yet), the characters seem to fall into one of three standard categories, at least when we start the route, things change over time. Not all characters have all of these traits, but there’s definitely some commonality.
1. Cold, tsundere, callous, bit of a prick, very blunt, e.g. Elias, Klaus, Joel, Klaus II.
2. Pretty boy, popular, out going, good with the ladies e.g. Luca, Azusa, Vincent, Zeus, Caesar.
3. Mysterious, quiet, seclusive, very secretive, has a dark past e.g. Yukiya, Serge, Leon, Hiro, Alfonse.
Following this pattern, the last character from S7 has to be one of the first type and Viggo fits this profile pretty well - he’s rude, blunt, cold and callous, a perfect suitor for Liz.
There’s some theories that Hugo could be the last character from this series but I’m not sure on this one. I’d categorise Hugo as a type 3, the mysterious type, and Alfonse already took that spot. Aside from which, all of Liz’s suitors are/were students at the academy (even if they already have a day job - Vincent, Glenn, Mel, Klaus II). I don’t see Hugo enrolling at the Academy any time soon, but I could be wrong, or Solmare could change this.
We’re also due for another character from the Night Class. So far we’ve only been able to date two Night Class students, but we know there’s a whole host more. It seems a waste for Solmare to bring out this whole Night Class thing without actually giving us many hot guys from said class to date.
So the important question, is his route gonna be worth playing? IMO yes. This is going to be the crux of The Poetry series, it’ll answer a lot of questions about Hugo and Mischa (whole other HC going on about these two) and all the talk about the Goddess stuff. Plus Viggo is a hottie, he’s a bad boy, he’s got that devil may care attitude and the wizarding prowess to back it up, all up he’s enough to make any girl’s panties drop. I was sold on Viggo’s route from his first appearance, but this line from Caesar about Viggo during his demonstration fight has really got me:
“The blood rushes to his head and he won’t stop his wild ride til he’s satisfied.”
Another week or so until Elias’ event is over and I think we’ll get the answer regardless...
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collinmeldrum5-blog · 6 years
Unique Diet Points To Consider.
Young boy howdy, what a week. Typically the solids are actually filteringed system from the heavy slurry (it may not be gotten in touch with a 'tincture') leaving the water along with the dissolved water-soluble substances in it. When dried out (e.g. freeze-drying or spray-drying) the down payment that is actually left is actually the last powder remove. Area specialisation ends up being a lot more critical than ever, and http://newgreatbody.info/five-garden-enthusiasts-practices-to-lose-fat-deposits-scientifically-proven/ also altering your property design for each of those cities to merely the requirements will optimize the farm rooms delegated produce troops. Washington, D.C.: National Trust Fund for Historic Preservation. La réalcanisation, une nouvelle approach de conservation des monuments historiques en béton armé: évaluation de l'efficacite ́, de la durabilité et de l'innocuite ́ des traitements = Evaluation of the appli- cation of realkalisation therapies for the preservation of historic monoliths made from strengthened concrete. The Patton houses are actually named after the road that manages between all of them, where manies destitute folks are protected at the Rescue Objective, and also Patton Avenue was actually called after a metropolitan area dad that had slaves (most of our roads are actually called for slaveholders.) The Patton website introduces that they are being available in the winter season 2017" together with the freezing temps that create the blood of our street buddies manage cool.
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Building Heritage: The Publication of the Architectural Ancestry Society of Scotland 16: 72-102. In Twentieth-Century Property Products: Background and also Preservation, modified through Thomas C. Jester, 200-05. ICOMOS: Twentieth Century Heritage International Scientific Board.
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Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation History, Theory, and also Objection 1 (2 ): 42-49. Whether to keep, or even sell right now and lease, is a crucial decision; and also the rationale varies for each family - so our company highly suggest creating it along with the assistance of your qualified monetary advisor. The third president of the USA as soon as explained design as his "delight." He developed the Federal Urban area in Washington, D.C. prior to producing the plans for Monticello as well as the authentic premises of the Educational institution of Virginia later on in life. Industrial Properties: Conservation and also Regeneration. Therefore you need to build one protective urban area as well as deliver def systems to cities that are actually most likely to become dealt with or even support merely when you observe an incoming assault. Journal of Architectural Preservation 18 (1 ): 81-100.
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Potential Anterior: Diary of Historic Conservation Background, Theory as well as Objection 6 (2 ): 3 2 - 4 7. When I left I had a Manti Metropolitan area for Seige damaging and the effort in building all those Zeus Temples and Statues definitely settled and I was actually creating 4 a time. In Twentieth-Century Structure Products: Record and also Preservation, modified by Thomas C. Jester, 102-07. In 2015, one in six houses really did not possess sufficient loan for food. In Structural Researches, Services and also Upkeep of Culture Construction XII, revised by C. A. Brebbia as well as Luigia Binda, 601-14.
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thevioletcaptain · 7 years
13.03 Patience
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A play-by-play recap with meta-adjacent notes is under the cut!
Cas is dead!
Dean is SUPER FUCKED UP over Cas being dead!
Look at him screaming! And saying Goodbye, Cas!
And kneeling over his dead body!
Jack has big scary nephilim powers
Wraiths exist!
Jack’s big scary nephilim powers also work to save Winchesters sometimes because he’s a lil nugget of nougaty sunshine!
Dean is expecting Jack to turn evil any day now
Sam has a stress headache because of it
Sam used to have a demon blood addiction
Dean told Jack he’d kill him if it came down to it
(It was way harsh, Tai)
Right off the bat, we have a poster on the wall of the psychic’s shop that reads The power of self manifestations. Self-awareness and self-actualization is key, a theme that was recurring last season and is carrying over into this season.
This wraith kinda looks like a low budget Dean Winchester. Look at that maroon shirt!
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At first I thought the tarot spread looked like a simplified Celtic Cross, but the order in which Dede lays down the cards is a little different to how I do it, so I may be wrong. I haven’t been able to figure out a more likely spread though, so if anyone thinks they know one please tell me about it! 
For now, I’ll just assume it’s one of the many variants of a Celtic Cross and go with a basic reading based on that:
Card 1 - The present - This card reflects the enquirer’s current situation or state of mind. Ten of Pentacles (reversed) can indicate financial failure, loneliness, or loss. Considering the current storylines of the show, and that the wraith is wearing his best Dean Winchester costume, I’m going to go ahead and assume that he’s a particularly horrendous Dean mirror and that the card is not talking about finances in this case. Card 2 - The challenge - This card represents the obstacle that needs to be overcome. The King of Cups in this position indicates a need for compassion, consideration, and honesty with regard to ones own emotions. Basically, it’s the “quit repressing and projecting” card, and the fact that it’s here is making me believe my wraith-as-dean-mirror theory even more. Card 3 - Below - This card represents the enquirers underlying feelings about the situation. The Hermit in this position indicates self-discovery, introspection, and desire for a new direction. Card 4 - The Past - This card shows how the current situation or challenge came to be. The Hanged Man appearing in the past position indicates stalling, indecision, restriction, or martyrdom as the root cause of a current challenge. Card 5 - Above - This card represents the enquirer’s goal or best case scenario for the situation Card not visible Card 6 - The Future - This card represents the next step in the enquirer’s journey Card not visible
You can clearly see Dede laying down the last two cards, but the angle of the shot means that we can’t see their faces. Which is infuriating! Because those two are the ones with the really juicy stuff!
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But whatever, the rest of the cards are all… surprisingly a lot more relevant than I expected them to be. I was kinda expecting to find that the cards were utter nonsense, and that the wraith’s shirt was just a shirt in this case. But nope, these tarot cards are very Dean.
Also, while we’re on the topic of tarot cards—here’s a fun but largely irrelevant fact! A picture inspired by the Hermit tarot card appears on the inside cover of Zeppelin IV.
I actually really wish this wraith was not dressed like Dean, because he’s creepy as fuck and I don’t much like the idea of looking for Dean in him. But here we are. I don’t think there’s really anything else about him that’s worth analysing, but I’ll keep an eye out anyway.
Aaaaaand there he goes, stabbing poor Dede through the hand and then jabbing her in the back of the neck. That fucker >:[
Alriggghht, cold open is over! And I already have close to 800 words here. Sweet merciful Zeus.
Alright. Three seconds of actual episode has just happened and I need to write another hundred words about what is going on on the screen. Even though we’ve already seen this bit in the S13 promo, it’s still A WHOLE LOT. So here we go.
Dean has eight empty beers on the floor by his bed. Three Margiekugels—the “Mom” beer—and five bottles of Flathead Nation—Cas’ failed apology beer from S8.
There’s literally zero chance that these two beers were chosen at random. Drinks on this show, especially beer, have always been symbolically important. And Dean is drinking his feelings about the two people he’s just lost. And like the then sequence told us, the one that’s really messing with him is not his mom, but Cas.
Which is… wow. Like, they’re really going hard now.
Subtle who? I don’t know her.
Dean’s listening to Rip This Joint by The Rolling Stones, which is sadly not the Zeppelin mixtape we’d all been hoping for (presumably because Zepp are terrible when it comes to granting the rights to use their songs in things) but it’s basically a road song that takes you across the US.
It’s off Exile On Main Street, which means I’m forced to think about the episode with the same name, and therefore forced to think about Dean’s djinn-hallucination Azazel saying “The big daddy brought your pal Cas back, right? So why not me? Add a little spice to all that -- that sugar.”
Honestly, send so much help.
Dean legit thinking of Cas as sugar was over half the show ago.
When will my suffering end???
Anyway. Lyrical content and tangential associations of this song/album aside, this is some Grade A juxtaposition here. This is one of the Stones’ fastest songs. It’s the sort of song you jump around to. To put it simply, it’s fun. And Dean is listening to it alone in his room, looking like this:
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He’s at breaking point. He’s been at breaking point for days. He kinda looks like he’s been crying. Ugh, my heart.
Back when the S13 promo was released, I briefly mentioned that the shelf above Dean’s bed was missing the cross that had been standing and falling in time with Cas’ waxing and waning grace. But now I’m noticing that it’s not just the cross that’s missing. It’s basically everything.
There are a few lore books stacked over toward one side, but all of Dean’s weapons & assorted lived-in looking clutter is gone :(
This wounds me because the shelf over Dean’s bed (and just his room in general) has been something he’s taken pride in in the past. He never had his own room before, so since he got this one he wanted to make it his, make it awesome. And he’s had stuff on that shelf the whole time. But now it’s bare. And I’m crying about it.
Timestamp now says we’re 02:59 into the episode lmao
Jack’s hand on the wall here… oh my. This really is going to be a long scorecard.
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Jack + walls has definitely been established as a thing at this point. 
We saw him touching the wall of the jail cell in 13x01, saw him with his back to the wall in 13x02, and there are multiple instances in this episode—starting with this moment, and recurring later when Sam finds him sitting pressed into the corner of the room. 
Symbolically, there’s also the barrier between worlds that Jack broke a hole in before he was born. The wall painted with his name in the nursery he never got to use. 
It’s probably too early to tell if this motif will end up being about confinement, protection, the destruction of barriers, or some other angle I’m yet to pin down, but whatever the meaning, there’s definitely something about Jack and walls. Watch this space, I guess.
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Also, given that we shift from a shot of Dean’s misery, directly into this one of Jack appearing to ~sense something, my gut feeling is that there’s a connection there. 
Considering that he’s seemed pretty sensitive to emotions (both his own and other people’s), I can’t help but wonder if he’s got some kind of supernatural empathic abilities.
“Who is it?” “It’s me… uhhhh, Sam.” 
This made me laugh a lot. Jack’s door-related-manners which have apparently been included as a key characterisation aspect for the writers seeing as they’ve carried over from last week.
I also appreciate it when Sam gets to be a bit awkward.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet today that Jack is adorable. He’s adorable.
He’s wearing white here! Blank slate Jack! His costuming is proving to be rather important.
Jack has his own room! Number 22. This places it in between Sam’s room and the kitchen (in theory, given that the bunker is a shapeshifting labyrinth)
Interesting that he’s been given his own room, when Mary and Cas both used room 15—what seems to be a random guest room. Presumably because the guys never really expected them to stay. And now I have feelings about that again. Dammit. @ Dabb please let Cas have his own room when he comes back this time.
Sam showing Jack how to watch the video is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen
Jack is so polite. What a nice boy!
Knowing that Kelly had always wanted to be a mom has fucking destroyed me, jfc. And Sam’s face when he’s listening to Kelly talking & watching Jack being sad is TERRIBLE. The pain of losing a mother you never got a chance to know is something he knows all too well (even if Mary did come back)
So… the turducken slammer on a wagon wheel ciabatta bun is BACK! INTERESTING. Gotta bring back the grief sandwich to really hammer the pain home. But just for a limited time!
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“Jack, don’t let anyone tell you who you’re supposed to be. Because who you’re supposed to be isn’t fate. It isn’t me. It isn’t your father. You are who you choose to be. And I know you’re gonna be okay. You are gonna be amazing. You have an angel watching over you.”
First of all: *points emphatically at that thing I said about self-awareness and self-actualization*
Themes, themes, as far as the eye can see!
Second of all: the fact that Kelly had complete faith in Jack, but she’s GONE, is utterly heartbreaking. Somebody give this kid a hug.
And here comes Dean, wandering out into the library with dead eyes and another bottle of Flathead Nation. I’m fine. This is fine.
(I can’t even appreciate Sam being on the phone with Jody because I’m so upset. And that’s my jam, right there.)
“I got a call from Missouri Moseley.” “Wow—what’s it been, like a decade?” “More.”
I’m sorry, I just need to take a moment to consider that this show has been around for thirteen seasons and that there is even a character that we met at the beginning who can just TURN UP AFTER A DECADE IN REAL TIME. Like. What the frick. What the frickety frack.
“She said she got out of the life for a while, but something happened, and she needed help with a case. So I put Jody on it.”
“We need to stay here. We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers. Jody can handle this.” “Yeah, maybe she can. Or, maybe she ends up dead because you wanted to skip out on her to babysit the antichrist.”
“If you wanna stay here and Mr Miyagi this kid? Knock yourself out. I didn’t sign up for that. So I’m gonna go to work.”
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Dean’s face in this moment? AWFUL.
He seriously spends this entire episode of the verge of an absolute breakdown, and I really hope that Jensen took some time to breathe between takes because this must have taken a hell of a lot out of him
Also, IMO, Dean telling Sam this? It shows a lot more emotional maturity than Sam is giving him credit for. Sam is legit just sitting there rolling his eyes as though Dean is being unreasonable here, but… man. Dean’s right. He never agreed to look after Jack—and he’s made that clear from day one. Sam trying to force him do do some pretty fucking heavy emotional labor with this kid who is (unfortunately, and unwillingly) responsible for Cas’ death and the presumed death of Mary? That’s… honestly, it’s the most John-like behavior Sam has displayed in a while.
I feel like this season’s parallels with S1 just smacked me in the face. I’m pretty sure I’ve already talked about them (and other people definitely have) but like. Yikes.
This whole episode is very Sam-being-John, tbh
Where’s that gifset of Henry and Sam when I need it? Oh, here it is.
“I always did love that car.” Missouri knows whats up
“Oh, honey. I’m sorry for your losses.”
Oh look, an almost identical line to the one she delivered to Sam re: Jess back in season one.
This is fine
“How’re you doing?” “Dandy.”
“Victim was found with a hole in the base of her skull, and her brains—sorry.” Awkward, Jody
“Train me… to what?” Look at Jack in his grace-blue shirt, as Sam tries to teach him to use his powers.
Sam should give Jack a copy of Matilda if he wants him to try and move stuff with his mind. It’s impossible to read that book without at least giving it a shot.
The way he’s just sitting there and staring, waiting for Jack to do as he’s told—it’s so pushy.
As much as we all flinched last week when Dean referred to Jack as it, in this moment Sam is treating him as little more than a tool. It’s… honestly, it’s kind of awful. The kid is only a few days old.
The way Sam is treating Jack here is all a part of how he is processing his grief, imo, and I’ll talk more about it a bit later.
Missouri spoke to Sam for two minutes two days ago. She spoke to Dean for seventeen minutes yesterday. Hmm.
Google maps tells me that Buckhead, Georgia is a fourteen and a half hour drive from Omaha, Nebraska. Dean and Jody roadtrip! We were robbed of the long conversations they must have had.
“James won’t have anything to do with me.” “Why not?” “He has his reasons.”
Dean’s face here—
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This is the expression of a man who wants to argue, who wants to say “screw his reasons, you’re family and he’ll regret it if you never see each other again.”
But it’s like he doesn’t even have the energy right now. When he does put up some resistance about Missouri staying behind (“I don’t like that at all.”) it’s
“You don’t have to like it. You just have to do it. You save my family.”
I’m lowkey annoyed at Missouri for putting this kind of pressure on him when she knows how much he’s hurting, but also she knows she’s gonna die, so I can’t be too annoyed.
But like.
Look at him.
He looks like a frightened child.
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“I can’t. Nothing. I’m useless.” OH JACK HONEY, NO :(
He really is a mirror for all of team free will :(
Listen to Sam here, though—he’s not offering compassion. Jack called himself useless, and instead of saying “you’re not useless, you’re just learning” or something to that effect, Sam is hyperfocused on just making Jack’s powers work. This is such a John behavior.
I know you’re not great with your own feelings, Sambulance, but grief is making you far too practical and insensitive for your own good.
Related note: god, i love sam and i love how much bobo gets him
because he can be so self-centered as a direct result of the “sam is the most important” environment he was raised in but failed to see that he was raised in. and so a lot of the time when he needs something, or wants something, that’s final for him. This gets magnified when he’s under duress, as he is right now. We saw a bit of it in the last episode when Dean said he didn’t want to babysit Jack, and Sam responded in a way that implied that Dean was just overreacting because of his grief, while he considers his own “use the magic nougat baby to rip a fucking hole in the universe and maybe save mom” plan to be perfectly reasonable.
Sure, it might work. We obviously know that Mary is still alive, but Sam’s going on a pretty big maybe here. The whole “save Jack” plan is at least half as much about his grief for Cas and his denial about Mary as it is about just helping, but he’s attempting to reframe it as wholly altruistic because he needs to feel like he has the moral high ground.
Which he needs to feel that he has because of all of his issues surrounding the demon blood arc, etc etc. That severely fucked him up, and so he does have this thing about morality now, where he needs to assert himself as being on the right side to prove to himself that he’s not on the wrong side.
Fuck, I love Sam. What a complex and excellent character.
Also, anyone who wants to come and yell at me for calling him self centered can bite my entire ass because 1. He absolutely is self centered, 2. that doesn’t make him a bad person, it just makes him a PERSON with a flaw, and 3. being self centered doesn’t make this glorious moose a bad person by any stretch of the imagination, and denying a character’s flaws exist just because you don’t like them says more about you than him. So.
(Sorry if I seem defensive, but I’ve seen some utter horseshit from an ugly subset of fandom over the past few days, so I figured I’d get that out of the way now)
Anyway. Back to the scene.
Jack says that when he used his powers before, “It was like… breathing. Blinking. It just happens.”
So far, he’s used his powers six times, and each time—aside from the instance where Asmodeus got into his head—it’s been because of a strong emotion. - When Dean tried to shoot him in the nursery (fear) - When angels started screaming inside his head (fear/pain) - When Dean approached him again at the police station (fear) - When Dean called him evil in the hotel room (hurt) - When Asmodeus made him think he was doing something good (manipulation) - When Asmodeus tried to hurt the Winchesters & Donatello (fear)
At this point, it’s been pretty well established that Jack’s powers are directly wired to emotions. Actually, I discounted the time with Asmodeus, but though it was through manipulation, it still kind of falls under the same category—Asmodeus convinced Jack that he was doing something good, something heroic. After overhearing all the talk of him being bad… the desire to do something good, something that God wanted him to do, must have been overwhelming for Jack. He opened the gate to hell out of hope, out of wanting to help someone who he thought he could trust. Someone who manipulated him.
And now here’s Sam, trying to make him use his powers. And though his intentions might be good, his aforementioned grief is making him lose all tact. “It was like he was in my head.” “Okay, then um… imagine him doing that.”
Sam. Babe. Asking him to relive a traumatic experience where someone manipulated him into using his powers, just so that you can make him use his powers for your own means? Kinda fucked up. Like, I get it. But Sammy. No.
“No? Why not?” WHY DO YOU THINK, SAM?
“I can’t do this, and you keep staring at me, waiting.”
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The face of a man who doesn’t yet realize why he’s not getting anywhere
…which room is this scene taking place in? Have we seen this room before? Have they had this table and chairs the whole time????
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Missouri :(
I assumed she wouldn’t make it to the end of the episode pretty much as soon as I heard she was coming back with a granddaughter for the spinoff (figured that if Patience still had anyone connected to the supernatural world in her life, she would have no need to go join Jody’s home for wayward girls.)
So I managed to emotionally prepare for this eventuality
But still :(
That said, look at her standing her ground and basically telling this jerk to go fuck himself
“Well, I guess it’s time to, y’know. Scream.” “No, there’ll be none of that. I’ve seen how this turns out. I run? You catch me, I die. I stay, I die. But this way, my people? They’re going to murder your ass.”
“Y’know, this’d be a lot more fun if you screamed.” “Tough.”
What a fuckin’ line
This has just made me realize that I’m up to 4k words. Fourteen minutes into the episode. I’m a mess. Gonna try to get through the rest of this episode in a reasonable and timely manner, because otherwise I’m going to be here for hours.
So I just want to say here before I start talking about Patience (I love her!!!!) that her bff Ronson? One of the most realistic depictions of a teenage girl I’ve ever seen on television, especially for a presumably one-off character. I already said this on twitter, but the single serving characters this season have all been brilliant. Last season, I got used to seeing particularly well developed side characters in Yockey episodes, but I’m thrilled to see them across the board so far this season.
Anyway! Patience! Is a nerd! I love her!
This is a particularly unpleasant nightmare that she’s having D:
Look at all those trophies!
“I had a nightmare, actually. Grandma was there.”
Dean buying more Mom beer (and some super healthy road snacks in the form of jerky and potato chips) as he learns about Missouri’s death :( while at a Gas-n-Sip :( which I just accidentally typed as Cas-n-Sip because DUH
“It’s about your mom. Missouri sent us, she’s—“ “She’s dead.” Yikes, Dean.
So continues his complete lack of energy to deal with anything gently.
Also: sadness stubble :(
Also also: his eyes look glassy at literally every point during this episode and I’m in agony
Patience is not even into Crazy Hot Ahmed who’s been drooling all over her in class, and I’ll tell you why:
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Yep everyone on Wayward is gonna be queer, I don’t make the rules
I love her sunshine yellow tshirt and her lil space backpack and her [gestures vaguely at her entire existence]
Aaaannd there’s the creepy wraith dude, back to be a skeeve again
I’m so thrilled that she snapped off his gross wraithy proboscis spike
Wham bam Deody!
…that really doesn’t work as well as wham bam Jam (and for good reason, tbh) :P
“I lost him”
Bobo how dare you make Dean say that particular sentence right now, we’re all fragile
Patience really got first psychic visions in the most disturbing way :(
Sam, spying on Jack via a camera after he just told you that being stared at was upsetting him is probably…. not great.
But look. Though Sam is acting out some shitty behaviors, his heart is definitely in the right place. The book he’s reading—The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self—shows that Jack’s wellbeing does matter to him for reasons beyond what Jack can do, but man he’s struggling to act like it. Grieeefffff.
For reference, the description of this book on Goodreads says; “As charming performers who skillfully reflect their parents expectations, far too many children grow into adults driven to greater and greater achievements by an underlying sense of worthlessness. Never allowed to express their true feelings, and having lost touch with their true selves, they act out their repressed feelings with episodes of depression and compulsive behavior. They in turn inflict the same legacy of repression on their own children. This poignant and thought-provoking book shows how narcissistic parents form and deform the lives of their children. The Drama of the Gifted Child is the first step toward helping readers reclaim their lives by discovering their own needs and their own truth.”
The chapter he opens the book to is titled “Depression and Grandiosity: Two Related Forms of Denial”
Just…. fuck.
Honestly, Sam and Dean (and Cas, when he comes back) need to read this book for themselves just as much as they do for Jack.
Sam tossing the book when he realizes that Jack has disappeared is the Giffable Comedy Moment of the episode. It’s right up there with Dean throwing that broken coat rack (was it a coat rack? i can’t quite remember) in Lost and Found
Jack is breaking my heart more and more with every moment. Alexander Calvert was an excellent casting choice.
“I know this isn’t exactly fun—“ “No. It’s the opposite of fun.” :((((
SAM, listing all the horrible things that Jack’s powers have done!!! Is probably not helpful!! He’s already scared of himself and what he could do!!
(I realize Sam is about to figure this out but SAAAAMMMM) :P
“It makes sense if I’m evil.” BABY :((((((
“Why do you think you’re evil? Because when I look at you? That’s not what I see.” c’mon sam, you’ve almost worked it out
“Well, Dean sees it. That’s why he says… he said he’d kill me.” :((((((((
“I’ve only been on earth for a few days, and I’ve already hurt people. I’ve already done bad things. And no matter how hard I try, I can’t— I can’t do the one good stupid thing that you want me to. So… I must be evil. Like Lucifer.” oh honeyyyy
“I think that uh, after everything that’s happened, you’re probably scared to use your power. And me pressuring you certainly isn’t helping.” YES, SAM FINALLY GETS IT
And look how guilty he looks about what he’s been doing. Ugh, Sammmmm. You’ve just gotta work on the tunnel vision, love.
“What d’ya say we call it. Until I find a better way. How does that sound?” “Good.” :’)
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
SWEET MERCIFUL ZEUS this kid needs a puppy in his life as much as Sam does
“I know what it feels like, to feel like you don’t belong. To feel like there’s this darkness inside of you, to be scared of who you are, what you can do. Dean, Cas… my family helped me through that. So now I wanna help you. Because you’re not evil, Jack.”
Okay, Sam now hug your nephew, because the kid needs one
I actually rambled on twitter about Sam’s approach to Jack earlier, so here’s what I said there:
Sam’s approach to Jack has so many layers that I could (and probably will) spend days picking them apart. There’s empathy there, of course—because Sam knows exactly how it feels. Because he’s struggled with the fear of innate evil, of wielding a power he’s unprepared for.At the most conscious level, Sam is trying to do for Jack what he wishes someone had done for him then. But! Because of who Sam is—someone who is, for better or worse, much more adept at dealing with other people's issues than his own—he seems almost unaware that he's using Jack as a means to an end.
When he realizes what he's doing? The guilt there is palpable. Because Sam is a good person, who wants to lead, to set an example, to help, but he struggles with power even when the power is not his own
And of course, it's all compounded by the loss of Mary & Cas. He so clearly needs to save Jack not only to find a way to save Mary, but--also to make sense of Cas' sacrifice. Because if Jack is predestined to be evil, then not only did Cas die for nothing, but literally nothing any of them have ever done has had meaning.
If Jack is predestined to be evil, free will is a lie, and Sam's entire worldview collapses.
Just... man. Sam's got some layers, & I saw every single one in this episode. The nuance in Berens' work is brilliant.
Patience is so hurt by her dad trying to protect her from the life by lying about her grandmother, and I’m :(((
The parade of parenting mistakes is just never ending tbh
“I always believed in her powers, I had total faith in them, but— they were wrong.”
He couldn’t forgive Missouri because she promised that Tess would be fine, but she died.
(Dean can’t forgive Jack because he promised Cas that everything would be fine, but he died.)
I’m 1000000% here for all moments of Jody comforting Dean. The difference in her relationship with Dean (maternal) and her relationship with Sam (adult equal) has been growing more and more stark lately, and it’s so interesting even from a non-Jammy perspective, because logically you’d think she’d be more maternal to the younger brother. I should dig into this subject more at some point.
[weak laughter as I think about all the things I need to dig into at some point]
James is a good guy and that makes this whole thing even more upsetting :(
“My dream last night? I saw what happened before it happened.” James is so afraid of what this means for his daughter and her safety :(
Thanks to this brooch and how it was just presented as a kind of talisman connected to memories of Missouri, I wonder if there’s a chance that we’ll still see Missouri in Wayward—as a kind of guide in Patience’s mind or something.
Did I mention yet how good Jody looks in this episode? Because whoa. Give me a break, Kim Rhodes, I can only handle so much.
Ahhh, I love when they use magic!
Oh, creepy wraith, talking about how you feel strong and clear and focused after feeding on psychics. You’re definitely a mirror of Dean’s past few years (the MoC, demon!Dean, Amara’s thrall) and I’m super glad you’re gonna die at Dean’s hand. The last thing we need is more dark Dean. We just crawled out of that Miserable Pit and into this refreshing Pit of Misery.
(There is absolutely a difference)
“First? Gross.” Perfect. Patience is the best.
The staBSTABSTABSTAB when the wraith kills Dean in Patience’s vision is so visceral jfc
I absolutely ADORE the fact that Patience used the powers that her father feared to rescue everyone (Jack mirror, much?)
Remember last week when I said that Dean’s fighting style is notably different this season? I meant to write more on that (I have an ask about it from @magess that I have not forgotten about but just haven’t had time to give it a proper response) but for now, I’ll just add this:
He’s using his environment to fight. Which is, much like the general physicality of how he fought last week, generally something that women do. This is really damn interesting and also just… really cool. He really is Wonder Woman!
My heart aches over Jody trying to chat casually with Dean and compliment him on a hunt well done, but he’s just… going through the motions. He’s post-Heaven Buffy. His attempted smile of encouragement for Patience is tight and forced. He’s dying inside. I’m dying inside. We’re all dying inside.
Oh no, it’s Dean’s family dedication theme D:
“This life… hunting, monsters. There’s no joy in it. There’s nothing but pain, horror, and death. So if you get a chance at normal? You take it.”
He’s got so much regret that he didn’t get to keep the good thing when he had it (“You know, it wasn't long ago I thought we had it made. We saved the world. We got Cas back. We had Mom back. I mean, it wasn't perfect, but still… we had ‘em.”)
And then he has to walk away. Fuck. Why can’t I crawl into the screen to hug him?
“You don’t have to listen to him. To either of them, if it’s not what you really want. I got a… daughter, I guess. Claire. And I asked her to stay in line, to fight who she really was ‘cause I thought it would keep her safe. It didn’t work. It never does.”
Goddd this arc that Dabb is crafting is the whole show’s central thesis in technicolor and I’m ecstatic
“If you try to force it down to make someone else happy, you will only make yourself miserable.”
Also I wasn’t expecting Patience’s dad to survive (figured she’d have nobody left & go with Jody at the end) so I’m especially happy with this outcome that puts the power to choose completely in her hands
“How’s the kid, he go darkside yet?” (“It is a little absurd, though--Superman going to the dark side. I'm still just Castiel.”)
“No, Dean, he’s messed up because of you.”
[warning siren]
“See, you think you can use this freak. But I know how this ends. And it ends bad.” “I didn’t.”
As Sam blindsides him with this argument the moment he gets home, Dean is cornered by the framing:
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“You saved me, so help me save him.” “You deserved to be saved—he doesn’t!” OOF
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I’m so sorry you have to hear this, Jack. You’re a precious nougat baby and we love you and Dean is just very very sad right now.
“Look, I know that you think that you can use him as some sort of an inter-dimensional can opener, and that’s fine. But don’t act like you care about him. Because you only care about what he can do for you. So if you wanna pretend? That’s fine. But me? I can hardly look at the kid. ‘Cause when I do all I see is everybody we’ve lost.”
“Mom chose to take that shot at Lucifer, that is not on Jack.” <—Sam’s primary grief is with Mary, even though he thinks she’s still within reach, so he assumes that Dean feels the same.
“And what about Cas?” “What about Cas?” FUCKING HELL SAM. “What about Cas?” is literally the worst thing you could have said to Dean right now.
“He manipulated him, made him promises, said paradise on Earth, and Cas bought it. And you know what that got him? It got him dead. Now you might be able to forget about that, but I can’t.”
It’s been obvious from the outset, but this right here is some flat out textual admission that Cas’ death is the thing that is affecting Dean the most. Which makes sense, because even though he loves Mary, she was dead for so long before that Dean’s already grieved for her. All of the extra time over the past year? That was just gravy. So yeah, he’s hurting over the loss of her, but it’s a loss that he’s largely already come to terms with. Cas? Not so much.
Dean’s grief is presenting as basically... nihilistic despair (this life--hunting, monsters... there's no joy in it. there's nothing but pain, horror, and death.) He’s really going full post-heaven Buffy.
i s2g Sam, this had better be your realization face, because Dean is losing his goddamn mind here
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Jack, who over the past two episodes has been shown to be preoccupied with the fact that Dean hates him, has just now finally realized why Dean hates him, and immediately reached out into the fucking void to resurrect Cas by saying his name.
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I’m just.
W o w
I suppose there’s an argument there that Jack using his powers to reach out to Castiel in this instance could be related to his own hurt over what Dean is saying, but… idk, you guys. Jack has been wanting to find Cas since his first words to Sam in the nursery, and he’s been plenty scared and hurt and lost since then.
But he hasn’t done it until now. When Dean’s grief came spilling out in this outburst because Sam just didn’t get it.
Honestly, I’m kind of reminded of Amara using Cas to find Dean.
Anyway… this is. I’m.
I don’t really have words at this stage. So… moving on… to…
MY LOVE!!! Look at him on the screen!! Existing!! (in an endless void)
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Interestingly, Cas appears here in the position of the Hanged Man tarot card, which we saw in the spread at the beginning of the episode. As a refresher, this card in that spread indicates stalling, indecision, restriction, or martyrdom as the root cause of a current challenge.
The current challenge? He’s dead. And that list of root causes is… fucking apt.
Passed Bechdel-Wallace AND the DuVernay test!
The starkly different ways in which Sam and Dean are processing their grief is super interesting to me and I’m SO EXCITED that next week is going to explore it more deeply
I absolutely adore Patience and I can’t wait to see her again. Bring on all the #Wayward episodes <3
Missouri lived in Omaha. Missouri’s son goes by the name James Turner. Rufus Turner lost his daughter in Omaha. WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH TURNERS AND OMAHA? IS THIS JUST A COINCIDENCE OR IS IT THE RARER, SEXIER COINKYDINKS?
If you think I’d forgotten about the significance of the GnR song Patience to the DeanCas fandom, you’re super wrong. It’s been in my head for weeks, and I hope that wherever ex spn writer Adam Glass is, he knows that I’m squinting at him from the other side of the planet.
This is six and a half thousand words long lmao 
Thanks for destroying me again, Berens
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psmith73 · 7 years
Hey so your meta about Magnus being an unreliable narrator re: his mother's suicide is really interesting, as is the idea that his stepdad killed her instead of her committing suicide. I have another theory, and that is that his mother killed herself not because of Magnus, but because she discovered that she'd been raped by a demon and couldn't handle that. Cause canonically in the show, that's how demons are made and because Magnus is biased, he never thought of that being the reason why.
Hi! Yeah, I’m aware of that theory about the demonic!rape thing. I think it’s actually a rather popular semi-canonical theory within both the book and the show fandoms. Also, I have to disagree with you about Magnus – IMO, deep down, he already thinks that’s one of the reasons why she killed herself. He agreed with his stepfather calling him an “abomination” (which can stand for both the “demon spawn” and the “child of rape”). And it seems that this knowledge also added even more to Magnus’ self-haltered.  
So, I do think it is a viable theory… and, at this point, it is a semi-canon narrative.
But I’m not a huge fan of this theory, because I’m extremely tired of Asian female characters getting randomly raped in various forms of Western fiction and media since forever. It’s a really old and tired trope; and it’s still a thing – just few examples off the top of my head – Priya Tsetsang from Dollhouse and Mia from Humans. [Joe raping Mia in 1x04 has ruined the show for me (and yes, it was rape). I still watch it because I love Gemma and Ivanno, but it has turned into a pure hate-watch at this point, because the show has continued hitting the stereotypes with Mia in season 2.]
Anyway, as far as I’m concerned, in the books Asmodeus, Magnus’ father, glamoured himself as Magnus’ stepfather, thus deceiving Magnus’ mother. That’s clearly a direct or indirect reference to ancient mythology, namely the various Greek myths of Zeus sleeping with mortal women (and conceiving children with them) by taking appearances of their husbands. Obviously, it’s still rape because these women didn’t give their consent.
On the other hand, Asmodeus from the books is based on the Christian demonology. And Christian theological philosophy is much different from the philosophy of the ancient Greeks. The Greek heroes and Greek gods pretty much didn’t have free will – their lives and decisions were ruled by the ever-present Fate.
The biblical ground for free will lies in the ”Fall” into sin by Adam and Eve that occurred in their “willfully chosen” disobedience to God. Although Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent, they still knew that eating the fruit is wrong, and they gave their consent to the serpent’s seduction.
Asmodeus also is referred to as one of the seven princes of Hell. He is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people’s sexual desires. He’s nothing like the lower-class demon that tried to rape Clary in 2x05. So, theoretically speaking, he doesn’t need to rape people, when he can twist their sexual desires. Personally, I also don’t see a point in posing as a husband, when the main point of falling into Sin, according to Christianity, is knowing about the “sin” and giving your verbal consent to it – otherwise there’s no point for the devil. For example: the dynamics between Goethe’s Faust and Mephistopheles.
Another thing is that, according to the books, afaik, Magnus’ mother and her Dutch husband were deeply religious Christians, hence their repulsion and hatered of Magnus’ demonic blood. They (the stepfather) even tried to “exorcise” him or something? So, the question is: why would such a deeply religious Christian woman commit suicide, when, according to Christianity, suicide is an “unforgivable sin” and an “act of blasphemy” - not to mention that “people, who fall to Asmodeus’ ways, will be sentenced to an eternity in hell.”
Of course, if the show follows the books with the whole rape / suicide plot, it wouldn’t necessarily be Racist or Problematic, but it would follow the pattern that already exists - the pattern that is dangerously close to the “Chinadoll” stereotype.
I mean, obviously, being murdered isn’t much better (there really isn’t any “better way” in the given situation), but at least, imo, it gives her a bit more agency, if she died fighting [for her child], instead of  giving up on her child, and “dying of despair” a la the main heroine in “Madama Butterfly.”
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carrickbender · 7 years
Hi I'm Geoff, here's 7 because it's Sunday.....
-So this week was a serious mess. We fished on monday, delivered and got ice on Tuesday, did bait up on wednesday, fished thursday....... and that's when I got hurt. Lemme preface this- I'm ok. I'm not missing any essential body parts, and I will be fine. So lemme set the stage- we left at around midnight because my boss was (is) antsy about getting his fish caught before he has heart surgery next month. So he says yeah, we are going to go to (insert place name here) in the AM, I'll pick you up around midnight. Now, the other deckhand and I know how to read the weather map and use weather software, and we know it's going to be borderline miserable/f-ing awful weather in the am, getting worse in the afternoon. We are AK guys, and if we say it's gonna suck, it's not nice for anybody. So fine, get picked up, cast off, do a few chores, NAP, then we get up around 5 to get ready and he says, "I'm sorry guys, I messed up, looks like it's going to blow 35 tomorrow, so it's just today for these fish". We already knew this, and we have him a pep talk because he's such a nice guy, honest about pay, that I hate seeing him get down. Got our gear in the water, and it was getting nasty. Had a bite, relaxed a bit, got the deck ready for the ensuing malay, and started to haul our first set back. And it kept getting worse, but there was gear in the water. So we got it hauled, 1300lbs of beautiful white bellied halibut. So far, so good. As we were in building seas, my boss looks at us and says, "this really is not my style of fishing". 2 thoughts popped into my head- 1. I've fished with him for 6 years, and he always gets the weather wrong a lot. So of course it's his style; and 2. There's thst scene from the hangover 2 where there in the elevator and somebody says, "does everything always end up in a standoff with you Chow?", to which he replies, "of course it does! I'm an international criminal, I met my wife at one of these things!". If only my boss would have see that..... so my injury? Oh yeah, sorry. Remember that bit from wide world of sports, where the announcer says, "and the agony of defeat!", and the skier pretty much kills himself and half of China wiping out a ski jump? So my big ass is pretty stable on deck, but combine being in a 10 ft trough and the deck being slick from herring and other fish oil, and I fell. I tried catching myself, but it did the splits, banging my right knee on the rail and I felt two rips in my thigh muscle and a pop in my lower back. Scarry part? I couldn't get up. I manouvered myself onto the bin boards, sat on top of them, and then I realized I couldn't stand up, and all I could say, and I'm quoting here, was: FUCKSHITASSBALLSPISS, because that's is what you say when you hurt, right? I hobbled like an old man into the cabin, got my raingear off, but I was done for the day(and unbenownst to me, the season). I could barely move. I propped myself up, and thank God my other deck mate is a rock star because I was done. I could barely walk, let alone anything else. They finished hauling gear a bit later, and my boss told me it was some of the worst crap he'd ever fished, but they got it done. And he felt horrible about me pretty much being cut down on deck. We hobbled back to towne, and it was so crappy we couldn't do more than 4 knots because we were pounding into the waves so hard. Got in at 2, and the next day I went to see a doctor. No breaks, but SEVERE sprains, and he put the kibosh on fishing for 2 weeks. Which, I understand. It's sunday, and I can't even bend over to pull up my pants effectively without being in pain. It's going to take time...... - I'm headed back to Washington on Wednesday to get started on getting my summer in order. But most importantly, family stuff. Mom is still ill, but after 2 cancer scares, that has been ruled out. Dad had his heart restarted in a pharmacologically way the other day to try and fix a rhythm issue, and it failed. This was time number 3, so being a retired medical person, he makes a joke about it. "Probably need a new wiring harness, check the points, and make sure the battery terminals are making good contact". My dad, turning cardiology into working on his El Camino. So, I think I need to stick around close this summer. Mom's will be good once she gets the damn puss pocket out(plus she's headed to Canada for the summer), but dad doesn't get this idea of taking it easy. So, one of his offspring has to help where my stepmom cant. - music- I have so much going on here. Too much. All over washington state. That being said, I hate dealing with managers and promoters who are only out for themselves. Why can't the business be kinder to musicians? Oh, and speaking of being kind to one another, how many of this tribe of followers are musicians who have a band shirt? Because I'd love to trade! I'm having some made up when I get back, and would love to swap one of ours for yours! @voxtacular, wanna be the first? - Speaking of music, Chris Cornell......I Honestly dont know what to say. I feel fortunate that I grew up in the northwest where the music known as grunge was "born"(more like sprang forth, like Athena from Zeus). Mind you, I grew up in Spokane, Seattle's developmentally delayed and much more socially conservative sister across the state, so we didn't have many places like the sit and spin, the ok hotel, the crocodile cafe to see soundgarden or mother love bone on any given weekend. But there was one place , the big dipper, that welcomed everybody. My introduction to the big dipper was as a 16 year old kid, whose 17 year old lead singer booked our group, the midnight poets, to a Sunday night gig supporting a group called seeking the elephant. They had this "green room" where all of the musicians hung out before they played, and it was expected that the musicians would sign their names on the walls. Fugazi, mother love bone, and a little seattle band called soundgarden were amongst the ones I remember. My band didn't last, but what did last is the memory of those bands playing a serious dive like the big dipper. Paying dues. As the "seattle sound" got bigger, I got to see Nirvana, Candlebox, Stone Temple pilots, Alice in Chains, The Melvins, Pearl Jam....but I never got to see soundgarden. I put fishing before a life, and I made a poor choice. Because while you can buy stuff, you cannot buy moments. And the number of moments in my life that are attached to either a audioslave, a soundgarden, or a Chris Cornell song are staggering. For A folkie, yeah. So stay tuned for a cover tomorrow. :-) -Speaking of summer, I've been talking to my non blood cousin who is like a little sister and we are planning a meet and greet in Montana this summer with her man and babies (!), her not brother brother (my actual cousin) and his small tribe, and my people. I'm so excited to even start to pull this off. Huckleberries, I'll bring salmon, music, their kids, family.....fingers crossed, I need this. -So because I'm going to be in the close proximity of both of my parents, I'm probs going to wait on a tug job till November to really give it a go. I'm going to do my first bit of necessary school right when I get back, then do flagger training so I can work till everything gets resolved with folks/music stuff gets done, and hopefully, I can come back up for 3 weeks in August to go pink salmon fishing here. Fingers crossed, this summer could be really amaxing..... -But enough of my crap! Seriously, I just want y'all to know that you guys are really great. I love reading about your lives, your triumphs over adversity (because you all are pretty tough and amazing people), your funny stuff, amazing playlists.....and sometimes I go a bit crazy with the hearts, and I'll admit it. But my theory is this- I'd rather you know that somebody appreciates you for who you are, where you are, instead of feeling alone. I've listened to my mom tell me how alone she is for the last month, and I just want y'all to know you are appreciated like bacon and tacos..... and that includes you too @tacosandsweettea (ps-that made her laugh. Hope it did you too!) Take care, and stay tuned!
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