#Bloodmarked spoilers
crownomancer · 5 months
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Dragons never die.
I will properly ink this and color it later. For now it was just rattling around in my head.
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alondrathegiraffe · 1 year
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Brees family + found family
the dad and mom scenes really got me feeling all types of ways, I love stories about complicated relationships with parents (mothers especially) and Brees journey with her grief and the memory of her mother got me in the heart
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megnificent-reads · 3 months
I think the problem with the whole “Bree is a cheater” argument is that she… didn’t.
The only person that ever refers to Nick and Bree as boyfriend/girlfriend is Sel who is… not a part of their relationship. Actually, Bree is questioning what they are in book one, and that question is never answered.
I’m not delusional and not going to pretend there aren’t multiple times that they share a deeply intimate connection, sure. But that still doesn’t change the fact that you do have to be dating someone to cheat on them.
Additionally, Bree does nothing romantic with Sel until after Nick runs away. Is it pretty soon after he runs away, sure. But the thing is, Sel never once ran away. Nick did. With no indication of if/when he was coming back. How long does she have to wait for him to Maybe come back before it’s acceptable to move on with a person who has made it very clear he’s been in love with her for months?
Tl;dr Bree can do no wrong in my eyes. But in all seriousness I beg of you all to stop putting how Nick might possibly, maybe, potentially feel about something over Bree being able to live her life as a 16 year old girl.
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onthemerits · 9 months
we talk abt sel giving up his humanity to save bree but consider:
bree having no more than ten minutes to speak to her mother— the woman whose death motivated the entire first book— and using a few of those minutes to ask about sel’s mother to try and ease his pain and save his humanity——
there’s so much love and care and growth in that act— even aside from bree’s loyalty and care for sel, she’s come so far from the girl consumed by grief, driven by an obsession with her mother’s past.
she couldn’t even connect with her ancestors the first time mariah tried to help her. she was too overwhelmed with thoughts of her mother and their lineage, scared that her mother wouldn’t want to talk to her, scared of facing her mothers death head on.
now, she gives up time with her mother for the chance of helping sel— and herself by proxy. this is a far cry from the bree prepared to sacrifice everything to solve her mother’s “murder.”
and no one should be shocked by the end of bloodmarked.
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ICYMI!!! Oathbound sneak peek revealed by Tracy Deonn. (⚠ Spoiler for the end of Bloodmarked)
Thanks to the amazing @ashalightwood for always being on top of what's happening on Tracy's Instagram! 😄💜
I thought we were done with all the reveals and surprises this month, but after all it is Novembree ie Legendborn Christmas, so Tracy is spoiling us. 🥰
While the sneak peek doesn't reveal too much (I insist it's an expanded version of the infamous emoji trio 🕴️⌛🥀), the tone is so intense, the imagery so delightfully Scorpionic...
The teaser reads as follows (but please watch the video the reactions are PRICELESS):
The Shadow King could destroy me. I knew this the minute the ancient demon's magic enveloped us. Darkness billowed in on the final images of Nick in motion: his aether armor glinting in the sun, his outstretched hand, his blue eyes burning for battle. Fighting to keep me safe.
So many fights and losses, just to keep me safe. After everything my friends had endured, guilt clawed at my heart.
Then I saw Nick, and shame split it open.
The King grasped my hand. "I'm sorry," I said. "Please know that I -"
Then, we were travelling through shadows. I don't know how much time has passed. Seconds? Minutes? Blackness surrounds us in thick, inky streams. This is what it means to travel with a being of darkness, I think - before I begin to suffocate.
In this here and there vortex, there is no air to breathe. My knees buckle. I wonder if I might die before I've even begun this new life.
Even thinking that word is enough to sharpen my oxygen-deprived mind. I clench the hard hilt of Excalibur to my side. I will not die here.
And then, without warning, we land.
I cannot contain myself someone help meeeee! 🙀😭😱😖🤯
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justbrainrot · 2 years
Okay. I’ve seen posts with google translations of the blood walk convo Sel & Nick have, but here’s some analysis by a human person lol!
(Disclaimer: said human is not a native speaker but they were raised by a linguist & love research so I’m pretty confident that this is closer to perfect than what google spits out)
Sel: "Mae hi'n brydferth." (She is beautiful.)
Nick: "Ydi, mae hi. Yn dragwyddol." (Yes, she is. Eternally.)
Sel: "Mae hi'n gweld dy eisiau di." (She misses you.)
Nick: "Mae hi'n gweld dy eisiau di hefyd." (She misses you also.)
<lit. “she sees the need of you” but if someone wanted to say that exact phrase they’d probably say it differently to avoid the idiomatic translation>
Sel: "Mae gen i ofn amdani, Nicholas…” (I’m afraid for her, Nicholas...)
Nick: "Dwi'n hyderus y medri di gadw hi'n ddiogel.” (I’m confident you are able to keep her safe.)
Also, not that it matters, but “Mae gen i” is a Northern construction, and “eisiau” is a Southern spelling. I don’t know how much fluidity there is with speakers, especially in border areas (and Wales is actually considered to have 5 main dialects, which is ridiculous). The Southern “I have” construction would be “Mae ofn amdani gyda fi” and the Gog spelling of “eisiau” is “isio”. This language is bananapants.
(The Welsh word for “banana” is technically “ffrwchnedd” but no one says that, they say banana.)
@paigeagainstdamachine @mediumbloodcrafterscion @ashaligtwood
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ghastlylover · 2 years
“‘Cariad’ can mean ‘sweetheart,’” I whisper.
He nods, and leans down to graze his lips across my cheek. “Yes.”
His eyes on my face as he moves to my other cheek. Kisses it lightly. “Yes.”
His lips are warm against my forehead. “Yes.”
“Also… it means ‘love.’”
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Context: I wrote a ‘quote analysis’ for my English class. It’s basically a challenge where you pick a sentence or quote and write as much about as you can in a given amount of time.
I chose “You have always been the Scion of Arthur, and neither of us can afford to forget it.”
And oh boy I had thoughts.
1. This feels VERY interesting. It feels like it’s going back to Sel Who Doesn’t Care About Anyone, but at the same time… Bree says it’s ‘almost an accusation.’ She nearly starts crying. I think it’s much closer to ‘You are the Scion, and I am your Kingsmage, and anything else is forbidden on every level.’ Yes, at this point they’re barely flirting. But Sel is infuriatingly careful, and this is also probably a self-reminder.
2. Saying that neither of them can forget it seems particularly poignant seeing that Sel knows what happens when Arthur’s Scion does abandon their post. I don’t think Nick is a bad person, to be clear. (I don’t like him either, but still.) No matter what you think of him, though, he walked away from his responsibilities. We don’t know if-had he been Called while he was still AWOL-he would have fought. I doubt it. And that is dangerous.
2a(?). It’s bad that Bree’s absent… But not only do the other Legendborn know that she’s still fighting, she is at the very least trying. She doesn’t get it right all the time. Hell, she probably doesn’t get it right half the time. But she is giving her all to being the best king possible-a title she doesn’t want, one given to her by violence and prejudice. And I think everyone can see that. Even when she breaks down, it’s not ‘I want to quit’ or ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ Maybe it’s ‘I wish I wasn’t the one doing this,’ or ‘I’m not strong enough,’ but she’s almost always more worried about just letting her friends down, about someone getting hurt! That is a true king. You’re allowed to have bad days, you’re allowed to be selfish. But you cannot quit when (I’m not gonna count them rn) people and potentially literally the entire world is depending on you.
I’m doing these analyses every class apparently so I might have more if this was even comprehensible, see y’all later!
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faithayc · 9 months
“Play nice, children.” William holds up a hand. “Adaptability is the name of the game if we’re to start coloring outside of the lines.” Alice chuckles nervously. “Lines. Get it?” She turns back to us, eyes bright with amusement. “Get it?” “I get it.” William winks. “Everyone gets it,” Sel says with a deep sigh of resignation.
I love them so much 😭
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Bloodmarked Characters as Troubled Birds
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alondrathegiraffe · 2 years
favoritsm towards them? siempre porque con ellos puedo escribir todo una pagina
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alternative : nick kissing bree
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megnificent-reads · 6 months
Can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this before but I have big big feelings about women and mothers within the Legendborn cycle.
Every woman that The Order touches is hit by some sort of tragedy. It’s part of the point. They’re not Supposed to be there, let alone in power.
“Nick’s mother, Sel’s, mine. How many mothers has the Order taken?”
Even Cestra as a Regent is outnumbered as one out of three. If you count the Seneschals it’s one out of 6. She is the token woman in a historically male power system. So historically male that any woman that rose to power in the earlier ages was killed.
The Order of the Rose exists to let women still pretend they have a hand in anything. But even then, they’re there to support chapter events rather than actually have a piece of anything worth something.
All of the trio’s mothers interfered, and they all paid for it. You can say this is just what The Order does to people who threaten their system, but even if you look at Martin - I genuinely think some action would have been taken against him for letting someone take his child without him noticing, if he were the mother.
I seriously doubt the council of regents actually believed Natasia opened the gates. She was absolutely just an easy scapegoat to cover up the actions of the scion of Arthur as a woman and a Merlin. Can’t even get into the way that The Order treats Merlins right now.
This is really long but. I hope the women of the Legendborn series all have some part in tearing shit down. They deserve it
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wizardteampod · 3 months
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Ready to cuss out b*tchass King Arthur!
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“Honey wine. Amber. Green things growing. The tiniest hint of copper, like fresh blood. Something else…” A deep inhale, and I feel him shudder. “Power.”
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our-king-bree · 2 years
I really wanna talk about how Bree told Sel that she needed to feel safe and he immediately told her to do a bloodwalk to Nick AND THEEEN Bree asked Sel if he felt safe with Nick and took him too !! to see him !! bc she knew how important it was after everything!! omg I'm crying again, that's love
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thoughtfulbearpanda · 2 years
its not about the ships...
BUT i can't help but feel as though The Legendborn Cycle is going to end up with Bree & Sel.
Like we are introduced to Erebus in BM, who is set to be an important player in both Bree & Sel's life. Erebus watched Sel grow up, and in the early pages of BM is hinted that he holds a form fondness, almost fatherly toawrds Sel. With Bree, well he is the one that her ancestor made the curse to to protect her bloodline. In the beginning, Erebus tried to separate Bree/sel by placing charges on them, & the whole time he was chasing him he tried to get Bree to leave him and see him as a monster. I feel like erebus knows something that we the audience doesn't when it comes them. like why he is so scared and so determined to keep them separated?
Nick/bree i don't see happening? because their entire realtionship is coated with potential betrayal. 1st it was the whole scion of arthur thing -> nick believed himself to be the scion of arthur, but it turns out that is was bree along. 2nd, bree is starting/has started to fall for sel, who is a merlin and LB & the BM exclusive story made clear that nick has deep hatred for not only arthur but merlins as well. 3rd, i think the erebus was the one who mesmered nick's mom, and bree just made a deal w/ this guy to save a merlin's life. not to mention that all of bree/nick's encounters took place on battlefield's, while bree/sel had more domestic moments (the bathroom scene, the meadow scene, them setting the table at volition, him celebrating her bday w/ her) -> if that's not foreshadowing then i don't know what is
a lot of people are hoping for bree/nick/sel but i honeslty do not think that's happening. not only did tracy have sel reiterate twice that he holds no romantic feelings for nick, nick also has not shown any romantic interest in sel at all. but also i sense nick becoming the antagonist/villain arc. he separated himself from them when he had a chance to go w/ them. he says he has a way of taking down the order & i cant help but feel as though this erebus feeding him these ideas (cause in BM exclusive erebus (if it was him) attacked both anna & nick, so maybe he planted a mesmer chip/bond in nick's head) * & if erebus is behind all these events happening, if he did plan all of this w/ bree/nick/sel then why?
finally i feel as though this is a bree/sel story. like yes this BREE'S story, lets not forget that. but the way tracy went out of her way to give sel more depth, like in LB we the sel POV, then in BM we get mostly sel POV from chptr 51. both covers are a mixture of blue & red which are bree/sel color. also, i think bree/sel are bonded -> i think sel has some leftover root (bree describes it as her beinf wrapped around him) in him like alice when they were fighitng erebus in the woods. if sel does have some root in him then i think this will come into play in the next book when they got to rescue him.
so i think if nick's mom makes an appearance in the next book, it will end in her dying. i got an image of the trio going against erebus, he summons nick's mom, he kills her right in front of him & that sends him over the edge. then he turns against bree becuz he probably will blame her for putting them in this position. sel steps in to protect her.
idk, these are just my thoughts. again The Legendborn Cycle is BREE'S story, her journey. i just wanted to come spew my thoughts. who knows what tracy is going to do. let me know what y'all think
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