#Blue AU-niverse
blueau-niverse · 2 years
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neopinkdiamond · 2 years
So, around this time last year, I drew this pic to try and get out of an art funk.
That funk's back, and wouldn't you know it, Dio of @blueau-niverse happened to join the WD!AU server and I figured it would be good to revisit the concept of "take a MomSwap!AU and give them the NPD treatment"
I didn't make the actual anniversary, despite my efforts but whatever, have some Neo Blue Nora.
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su-revived · 10 months
For my favorite AU - @blueau-niverse i wanted to show my love for their series. between the Blue diamond and rose swap, the gripping new characters and awesome action scenes. I can't wait to see where it goes. Also thank you for all your help and support with my own AU, it has helped me improve it for the better <3
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becauseitsyouandi · 1 month
my personal jalex fic recs because fawk, jalex maaaaan
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Because you can never get enough jalex <3
♡ 𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕤 ♡
OTP by Save vs. Magic ✿ Season 3 ✿ COMPLETE ❀ 'With 'Charmed and Dangerous' set to become a movie, Alex is shocked to discover the books based on her life are wildly popular. Even more shocking is what some fans are reading between the lines. And most disturbing of all? Justin might be one!' ✿ OMG. I love meta and I love Jalex, but more importantly I love realistically written Jalex where they don't want to jump each others bones as soon as the fic starts, so this is my #1 recommendation in a multi-chaptered fic if you think to yourself, wait, how in the F do they even start to realize they like-like (lol) each other anyways? Soo well-written, Save vs. Magic is a stellar author who has wrote plenty of gems for the jalex comm <3 After you read OTP, I recommend reading the Easter special for OTP A Handshake With God. So funny and a cute taste of Jalex's after.
Reflection by TheWolfHourx, TwistedWizards ✿ Post Season-4 ✿ IN PROGRESS ❀ Woooo boy, what to say about this one--- it's sexy, incredible sexy. Risque and full of tension, Alex is stuck in the You-niverse with daaark, eeeeevil Justin, who wants to make her his. She is living my dream! It is unfinished, and I want to give a disclaimer that it ends before they do the deed, so if you're okay with mild blue-balling, this is an awesome read that's not juuust smutty goodness yum, but has well written Jalex that makes you root for our main couple (and sexy evil Justin is there, did I mention sexy evil Justin?)
'More Transparent Than Water And Thicker Than Blood' Series by pandorium ✿ Season 3 to Post-Series ✿ COMPLETE ✿ Ooooooof. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster ride, my heart! Sweetness, and heartbreak, and then sweetness. A series of one shots span from post-movie codependency to Jalex as adults. Don't worry-- a happily ever after awaits with this one, even if the journey to get there for our two siblings is a bit long.
Something like Forever by someryn ✿ Post-Movie ✿ COMPLETE ✿ Two-part series that has Justin's POV Leave The Ashes, it's a look at how Justin and Alex cope, well fail to cope with the traumatic events of the movie. Alex struggles to communicate her emotions in Alex fashion, Justin is her steadfast brother who looks at her for just a bit too long, and there is sweetness and the perfect amount of spice added in (just a pinch). Delicious Jalex awaits with this fic <3
Truth Spell by saveyou ✿ Post-Movie ✿ IN PROGRESS ✿ This is an AU where Justin runs away from home post-movie--and only Alex knows why. It's an interesting set up, but last update was in 2010 and it ends off sorely unfinished. But it is a nice read and I enjoy how Alex and Justin are written.
˚ʚ ♡ 𝕠𝕟𝕖-𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 ♡ ɞ˚
Holding Back the Night by Nerissa ✿ Post-Movie ✿ More like hold back my tears when mentioning this fic! This is my #1 Jalex fic recommendation-- it holds such a special place because it fueled my Jalex obsession to unstoppable levels. The ultimate codependency trope fic for Jalex in my opinion. The conversations in this fic are so so cute, tender and emotional. This is the hot-chocolate-your-grandma-gives-you of a Jalex fic. Lemme re-read this fic now <3
so what if you catch me, where would we land by ladytahiri ✿ Child to Adult Jalex ✿ 'Justin and Alex's lives unfold like a butterfly in reverse' ✿ Starts off on an amazing hook with Theresa catching Justin and Alex in a compromising position, and traces back through the blossoming of Justin/Alex's relationship, to when they were just children. Mwah mwah a billion chef kisses!
reach out and touch someone by omens ✿ Season 4 ✿ “Careful, Justin; that almost sounds like ‘what are you wearing territory?’ there.” ✿ AKA Justin and Alex are horny teenagers, Justin is away at college, and late-night husky phone convos ensue. Sign me tf up!
Hands That Touch The Wrong Things by TheWolfHourx ✿ Season 3 ✿ 'This obsession. This painting. Something about this screams at her louder than all her other paintings. Something inside her rips and roars and howls.' ✿ Angst and pain in Alex's POV as she grapples with her feelings post-Puerto Rico. She uses painting as an outlet for her desires she can't express.
Louder than sirens by popsongnation ✿ Post-Movie ✿ 'The feeling stays with her as time goes on, the need to touch him as often as possible. She knows he feels it too.' ✿ Uuuugh author why must you slay me! Codependency trope done so so well it hurts! Secret handholding and rapidly tangled feelings, my heart squeezes in pain for our two sweethearts.
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myrandomsuaus · 9 months
I made another fusion, and just like the last one it's a redesign of a previously made fusion.
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Three years ago I made a fusion between my oc Sophie and Nora from @blueau-niverse and I decided since I've recaught up on that au I'd redraw the fusion, but update it to fit Sophie's updated design, which ultimately meant that the fusion was going to be redesigned. I debated on what to get rid of and what to keep until coming up with this design. I kept the four eyes, but dropped the four limbs and just kept it as two. However, because of indecisiveness, I made the eyes duo-colored. The bluer color is a mix of Nora and Sophie's eye colors while the more purplish color is Nora and Purple Diamond's eye colors because Sophie's eyes were more like Purple's eyes when she was younger and they just got darker over time (and because of subconsciously trying to look more normal despite not being normal).
I kept with giving a new outfit since it was more fun that just mashing their clothes together for the fusion. Kept the color palette purples and blues as homage to the original design (which is still on my main au blog) while making it look like an outfit that people actually wear.
As always when making a Sophie fusion with a Nora I call them Sora since it sounds better to me than Nophie/Norphie (just thought I'd include that)
Anyways, go check out the Blue Au-inverse blog because the au is amazing and should definitely be checked out by everyone. I also made this for pure fun, which means that I'll make more fusions in the future for the fun of it. (Though I'm not opposed to having recommendations since idk which au blogs are still going) As always, have a wonderful like and stay creative!
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A Great Big Phech-niverse Chapter 10
Grad Students AU! Grad Students AU!
The notice of closure for the engineering library that had greeted Tech when he arrived to study was a curveball. He needed to study his materials for his classes today so he’d have time to work on his presentation tomorrow while still having some time for Omega with what remained of the weekend. Now that his usual place for studying was closed for some university event, Tech needed to find somewhere else to study. Taking the bus back home and trying to study amidst his family’s different weekend undertakings would not be very conducive to his learning.
After a few minutes of debating, Tech decided to make his way to the student union. Going by previous experience, the main student library would be overcrowded and there wouldn’t be any spare outlets for his laptop. Other libraries were too far away to justify the walking distance in proportion to his study time. That left the student union, which could go either way and was only a few minutes away.
There were two main locations Tech deemed acceptable study places in the building once he arrived. The first one didn’t have any working outlets to spare, and was playing host to several students that were either hard at work studying or talking animatedly with their peers. So he took off up a flight of stairs to the second place he hoped to study. His heart sank when he saw almost everyone was parked at one of the tables scattered about the space adjacent to the hallway. Nevertheless, he still decided to investigate the space a little further.
“If you need a spot, you can sit here.”
Tech turned towards the speaker, a woman with dark hair held back by a blue band. She had a laptop covered with stickers with a notebook, pen, and water bottle beside it. 
“There’s space,” the woman continued, gesturing to the empty spot on the wooden table next to her. Said table was next to a pillar with an available outlet.
Tech stepped closer. “You don’t mind?”
She shook her head. “I’m not using it. Help yourself.”
Tech slung his backpack off and pulled out his study materials. He connected the plug of his charging cord to the open outlet, and then the other end to his aging laptop. As he fired up the machine, he took out his earbuds to connect to his phone and cued up the studying playlist. As the ambient sounds began to play, Tech pulled up his first article and his class notes on his computer. Then he locked in on the screen and set out to study.
Every now and then, someone would walk past and create a visual or auditory distraction, but Tech found himself about to quickly refocus. He had no idea of who the woman was across from him beyond just a few first impressions. Yet somehow, she kept him on task. He was focused, a feat that would not have been so easy had he gone home and studied.
“Excuse me?”
Tech looked up as he finished typing his sentence and pulled out an earbud. “Yes?”
“Would you mind watching my stuff for a moment?” the woman across from him asked. “I really gotta use the bathroom.”
Usually, Tech wouldn’t have agreed to watch someone else’s stuff. But she had been kind enough to let him use the outlet.
“Great. Thanks.”
As the woman left, Tech glanced at her laptop. He couldn’t see what was on her screen, but the stickers on her laptop depicted different places around the world. There were also a few memes he recognized that Omega had shown him. In her notebook, he deciphered ‘Lake Herrara’, ‘Bacata (S) and Hunza (N)’, and ‘Muisca Confed” from the upside down script. Her field of study was related to South America by his best guess.
Before he could study anything else, the woman returned. “I’m back. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” Tech replied, quickly returning to his own readings.
They continued to study in silence together. Tech absorbed the information he needed from the articles he’d been assigned and put it into his notes. He also worked on setting up the layout for the presentation. Overall, it was shaping up to be one of his most productive study sessions. He would have more time to spend with his brothers and Omega tomorrow with all he’d done today.
People started to walk past the study space dressed in formal wear. Tech assumed there was an event going on somewhere else in the union. Some of them were chattering loudly as they walked past, even with his earbuds in. Tech looked up in irritation a few times. His study partner also looked a little put off by the noise.
More people in formal wear began to appear as a notification appeared on Tech’s laptop. It was time for him to pick up and head home in order to make it in time for dinner. He always set that reminder to give himself enough time to get home from the engineering library. Being at the union put him a little further away though from home. Hopefully he could still make it to catch the bus on time.
“Thank you,” he told the woman across from him as he closed his laptop. “It was generous of you to share the outlet with me.”
She smiled. “No problem. I wasn’t using it. And it was nice to have someone else here with me. It helped keep me on task.”
“I felt the same.”
“Did you now?”
“I did.”
She also began to pack her stuff up. “You know, I usually come here on weekends if you want to do this again.”
“To study and work on our respective assignments in the same location while keeping each other on task with our presences?”
“My niece calls it having a study buddy, but yeah.”
Tech mused over the offer. “That sounds acceptable. What time should I show up next weekend?”
“We can figure that out,” the woman pulled out her phone and passed it his way. “Do you mind exchanging numbers?”
Tech nodded, taking the phone and entering in his number quickly and handing it back with his phone.
The woman picked it up, then frowned. “Got a name? Or should I just put in something like Brown Eyes?”
She held up his phone and Tech saw he had neglected to enter in his name. 
“Tech,” he told her, taking the phone back to rectify his error. “Tech Fett.”
“I’m Phee Genoa,” she introduced as they exchanged their phones again. “Thanks for studying with me.”
Tech gave her a nod. “It was a beneficial arrangement for the both of us.”
“You mind if I ask what you’re studying?” Phee asked as she loaded her materials into a shoulder bag.
Tech zipped up his bag. “Aeronautical engineering. I’m in my second semester of the graduate program.”
“That sounds cool,” Phee said as she stood up and pushed in her chair. “Also a grad student. Working to get my masters in anthropology.”
Tech nodded. “Is there a certain area you’re focusing on? I saw something in your notes.”
“I’m focusing on indigenous archaeology. One of my classes has me studying pre-Columbian cultures in the Western Hemisphere.”
“Is there one for the Eastern Hemisphere?”
“I’m planning to take it next semester. Hey, which way are you heading?”
Tech pointed from the direction he’d come from hours before. “South entrance.”
“Me too. Is there a focus you have in your program?”
They both took off together, conversation flowing between them.
The next Saturday, Tech’s phone pinged as his family prepared to go to Omega’s soccer game.
It’s Phee. You free to study later today?
Tech quickly checked the calendar.
I can be available from 1 to 4. Union again?The response came back as he was getting into the car. See you then ;)
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stevenblueniverse · 5 months
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Little blue steven trying to sit on his mum's throne
Yesterday I did the longest and most intense chapter of steven BLUE-niverse basically it was blue and yellow fighting for 3k+ words
I'll probably write more of the selkie au soon I'm sorry I haven't I have basically planned the entire story already is just I'm lazy
I will be posting some of the mini arcs of BLUE-niverse here too, I've only posted the first couple chapters here and my later stuff is way better!
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jsalim-art · 1 year
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Is it bad that I would like a plushie version of this little gem oc? Because I'd so have a plushie version of this character. 
This cutie is a fan character from a Blue Diamond/Nora Universe Au webcomic @blueau-niverse and created by DemonDionysus
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flomp-void · 4 years
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I drew some of the stevens(and a nora) and two connies from AUs that I follows. This is part 1. 
Amalgam steven belongs to @amalgamau
Feral belongs to @feralbeaststeeb
Hibiscus steven belongs to @hibiscus-steven-au
False and Connie belong to @topazillustrates
Perfect belongs to @perfectstevenau
Revived au steven belongs to @su-revived
Nora and Connie 2 belong to @blueau-niverse
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blueau-niverse · 2 years
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I haven’t been feeling the best lately, but seeing these kids and their smiles helped motivate me to draw for the first time in a minute. They’re Summer-Fun Buddies!
Credit to @lazulistevenau for the first post Linked here , who inspired me to draw a follow up of these kiddos!
We have River from @lazulistevenau
Nora from @twiniverse
And my Nora from @ask-nora-blue-niverse !
Check out these great AU’s for some good content.
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lazulistevenau · 4 years
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So I was bumbling around Discord and noticed an ask box request for Twiniverse’s Nora in a swimsuit. Two days of procrastination later, and here we are.
From left to right;
@lazulistevenau​‘s River, rocking a life jacket since he still can’t swim.
@twiniverse​‘s Nora, wearing a pearl-fect dress for the summer weather.
@ask-nora-blue-niverse​‘s Nora, showcasing my attempt at a Blue Diamond outfit (that I didn’t need to erase after I thought I’d finished only to realize there WAS an image of her with a ponytail I could reference.)
Go look at these beautiful AUs.
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harmonytre-reblogs · 3 years
Steven Universe AUs
Blog names are the same or in parentheses if applicable.  All on tumblr, and if not, then on Deviantart.
*: Favorite
!: Friends
Personal and Friends
!Griffen Universe SU AU
!*Being Monster AU
!Corrupted-BabySU AU Gone Wrong
!Shattered AU (Axolotluv)
!Griffster Cafe
!SU New Beginnings Comic
!SU Rogue Comic
*Tiny Perfect
*Ask-White Pearl-And-Steven
*Feral Beast Steeb
*Peacock-SU AU
*Chutsu AU (Emositecc)
*Half Dragon Steven
Disarmed AU
Su AU Disruption
Fragile Steven AU
Pearl Steven-AU
SU Brothers AU
Perfect Steven AU
Swapped SU AUs
Diamond Duo-AU
Drift Swap
Pink Steven AU
Fully Corrupted AU
Theorist Steven AU
Fugitive Steven AU
SU AU Blueblood
Sneople AU
Raspberry Guardian
Cactus Steven AUs Blog
Egress Steven
Dormantpandadp (Fairy AU)
Masked Corruption-AU
Deer in Headlights SU AU
SU AU-Grey
SU Fae U
Steven Team-Forager
Amalgam AU
SU Wanted AU
SU Mac-Comic
Feral Stevens Crew
LISTEN ALL NIGHT (suf-fering)
Steven Squared
Fracture AU
The Eldritch Gems AU
Anti Gem Steven
Little-Sapphire Boy
Droid Steven (nightmergost)
Boneless Peridot
Mothhawk SU AU
Mom Spinel (moonstone210)
SU to the Future
Growth of a Pumpkin
Perfect Harmony AU
Ask Soda Lime
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stevenblueniverse · 4 months
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Random doodle of what blue looks like in the selkie au
She's very anxious and quite sickly looking
Yeah I kept the hairloop to make her look less human
She kinda looks like a fusion of blue and bronagh haha
The next selkie au and BLUE-niverse Chapter will probably take a while to come out because my mother had surgery yesterday and I need to take care of her for a week I hope you all understand
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ask-black-diamond · 4 years
Faq of Ask-Black-Diamond
-What is this AU and What will it be about-
This AU is about Black Diamond and her troubles she has along the way until, before and after, she meet’s Steven. This ask blog will remain as close to pg to pg-13 as possible depending on the ask. This will also be a story told in a similar fashion as Avatar: the Last Airbender, meaning there will be books, chapter’s, comic's and page’s to help with the story of Black Diamond. There may be some comic's done in the similar fashion if I am able to find an artist who can help with that. Any more will be spoiler’s on what is to come.
-Will Black Diamond go to Earth-
It is planned for Black Diamond to go to Earth though unsure at which point it will happen. Anymore about he will be spoiler’s or intended for an ask.
-Will you reveal anymore about Black Diamond’s future/past-
Future: Spoiler’s
Past: Just ask a question about her past and depending on the subject, it might be answered.
-Do you have a discord-
Yes, it is called ask-black-diamond’s Discord and if you wanna ask one of the people, running the ask then go ahead, though only one person is running this ask blog and discord for the time being.
-Will you draw anyone from the story either as fusion or together-
As of at this moment, there is only one person in charge of this ask blog and while I am not a very good artist, I was fortunate enough to get what Black Diamond looks like from @ask-nora-blue-niverse. And I am Very Fortunate to have what Black Diamond looks like in picture form thanks to the aforementioned artist. What this means is that there is at least two way’s for art of gems to happen and those ways are either through adopts or commission’s.
-When will this blog be updated-
When this blog get’s question’s that are deemed appropriate. There might not be questions or asks that are answered right away only because said questions or asks may need an artist to help answer it. The story may continue if not enough questions and/or asks have come through.
*FAQ will be updated as seen fit or if repeated question’s are seen. Friendly reminder that the people behind this blog will answer most questions as Black Diamond if it is appropriate.*
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twiniverse · 5 years
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For all the help he’s given me with Twiniverse, from drawing hands and poses, to letting me talk through plot points with him, this is a great big THANK YOU to Order!
Order runs the @steven-blue-niverse​ blog, though his main for art is @art-the-hivemind​! He’s got a really good grasp on colour and anatomy and I really suggest you all check him out!
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