#Bluey media
blurban-form · 6 months
Newspaper (2)
Rewatching some season 1 episodes (“Teasing” and “Chickenrat”), it can be seen Dad is reading a different format newspaper to that in later episodes, this one is a broadsheet format (but still has sports news in the back)
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hiroshotreplica · 3 months
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propaganda under cut
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joyfuladorable · 2 months
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Baby Junior's First Steps (based on a scene from Bluey)
Prompt from my buddy @vadfannypack! Everyone thank them Right NoW!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
'End cringe culture!!!'You guys can't even handle adults who love kids cartoons because they have lgbt representation
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goldensunset · 4 months
i think one of the biggest reasons khux has such a devoted following is bc it was released in staggered episodes over a series of several years as opposed to being an all-at-once thing. granted even people like me who came in after the whole thing was over and binged it all at once can and have fallen in love with it too but the massive amount of love and energy in the fandom that’s been around since the start has played such a huge role in that so it really creates a ricochet effect there
like just in general stories released gradually over time, promising just a little at a time, are perfect grounds for fandom culture to grow. people are more likely to focus in on individual scenes, whether big or small, instead of their mind only lingering on the big plot twist or finale etc, bc every little crumb is a feast when you’ve been hungry for a while. and the more time people spend engaging with the little things they more fall in love with the work as a whole. people make theories and comics and analyses etc while waiting, and those fanworks attract new people to the fandom. like genuinely fandoms are better advertisers than anything official sources could ever put out. when a thing is fresh in people’s minds and they’re hungry for more, and they know they can actually count on getting more, they get infinitely more excited
with most video games being an all at once (maybe twice) thing, which is understandable, and with more and more tv shows adopting the practice of dropping entire seasons at once, you don’t see this kind of delayed gratification in media delivery as often anymore. like everything has become instant and fleeting and people are very unlikely to let something marinate in their mind and process their thoughts when the next installment is right there already and they can get the answer right away
in the context of kingdom hearts specifically khux is so far the only one to do this kind of thing. khdr could have done that but it didn’t give most people enough to really latch onto right off the bat before going into a long hiatus, and then it dropped everything afterwards. imagine the theories and analyses and works we could’ve had after each episode running on limited context! i just hope khml does this right. like if it maintains steady updates, maybe like one new episode every month or two over a couple years, it has the potential to be even more beloved than it already is
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portsinastorm · 5 months
It is wild to me that actual adults on the clock app are arguing with people and posting videos about how The Sign was not a great episode because it didn't 'do what it usually does' which is 'to help kids cope with change'. Bluey is not a change management cartoon. It's a slice of life cartoon, but because it is a cartoon for kids, it will be optimistic and hopeful. (And it will want them to have agency and a voice, even in a situation where they don't normally have one.)
Also, in doing so, they don't even realize they're just parroting Bandit's school of thought at the start of the episode that more money meant a 'better' life. It was not what Chilli wanted, neither was it what the girls wanted.
People are so hung up on the moving part (probably because they relate to it) and the change that comes with moving that they completely miss the bigger lesson it was trying to teach people.
The Sign was clearly trying to teach that:
a) What's good for one family isn't necessarily good for another. For the Heelers, their village was in their city, their life was in that city, and even if Bandit's job paid better, they couldn't bring that to their new place. But for Winton and his dad, moving was 1000% the best move because it signaled that they were moving forward and embracing a different configuration of their family.
b) Big decisions require 100% commitment. And a decision that affects the family requires the family input. If you take Stickbird as a prequel for Ghostbasket and The Sign, then Bandit must have been torn about uprooting his family for his job.
One person speaking for the family (in this case, Radley and Bandit) and making decisions did not help the family in either one of those cases. It's only when Bandit hears how everyone else feels that he realizes that he was just looking at the money and not the bigger picture.
c) A decision doesn't set your life in stone, you can always change your mind. Adults think that every decision they make sets their life in stone, but we can always change the path.
d) More money does not mean a better life. The Heelers' village was in their city--their family, their friends, the kids' schools. That the Heelers choose community over short-term gain is a huge statement for a kid's show to make. Maybe things will be hard because they chose to stay. But Bluey, Bingo, and Chilli will remember that Bandit chose them and what made their whole family happy, not just what made him happy.
e) There's magic in the middle. When Chilli and the kids go on their quest, they don't know what will happen and the very literal butterfly effect shows things unfolding for the better. But even in the uncertainty and chaos, Bluey, Bingo, Muffin, and Socks get to have good experiences. They try new things! They discover something new! Bluey marks a milestone!
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vixymix101 · 9 months
Why Bluey x Jean-Luc Works
So! Sense I've been in a Blueluc mood as of late, I'd like to make an extensive post on why I love this pairing, and why it works so well!
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(Please note this is my personal opinion, and isn't meant to attack or shame other shippers who don't ship this pairing!)
Now! Let's begin!
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First off, where did this pairing even begin?
Blueluc started after Jean-luc's first debut in the episode, Camping. His first and only major role in the show-- but this single episode was enough to spark one of the most popular ships in the Bluey fandom!
The first thing we learn about Jean-luc is that he speaks French and cannot understand English, but despite this language barrier, it doesn't deter these two from playing together and instantly hitting it off! They immediately start to connect without even understanding a word of what the other is saying.
It's just the fact that they connect and bond so fast and become such close buddies in such a short time span, if they get along that well in just a few days, who knows how much further their relationship could go and grow if they were able to spend more time with eachother.
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A thing to take notice is we see the two build a little make-shift hut, and to me, feels like a metaphor of building a home together. Now it could be reachy but it's definitely something to take note of! They made something special together, something only for them.
But that isn't the only thing I'd like to point out--
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Second case in point-- the touches--
These two are already so comfortable holding hands and making physical contact even after, what? A day or two? For most people it can take a few weeks, even months or years to be this comfortable with physical contact like this-- now yes, they are kids and kids usually don't really care but even so, it's still a big leap even for people their age--
Plus, it's just so adorable-- look at them!! Little bbys!! Holding hands!!
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Another thing I'd love to point out is the tree and how it's a metaphor of their growing relationship.
While I could be reaching with the building-a-home metaphor, this one is undeniable meant to be a visual representation of their relationship with eachother, as it holds such a large role in the episode, but I'll go more into detail later after it's done growing!
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For now, let's take a moment to point out why they get along so well, and how it'd work for any romantic relationship that may form for their future.
As we all know, Bluey is a bit bossy when she plays games with other kids-- that trait likely stems from the fact that she's a Heeler, a herding dog, which could explain why she feels the need to take charge.
And not to throw shade, but her personality type just doesn't mesh well with someone like Mackenzies-- they're both hard headed, stubborn and feel the need to take charge when they can. That headstrong attitude just wouldn't work well for a serious relationship.
But it does work for someone like Jean-luc, who was more than happy to follow along with her games, simply just wanting to play and have fun, not even being told what to do-- just saw that Bluey was collecting sticks and went to help her and play with her.
I'm not saying that he's a "follower" by any means, but I am saying is that he's willing to accommodate with her, a true gentleman I must say! Just a wittle sweetie!
(Plus again, they got so close so quickly and easily--)
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And that's not to say Bluey doesn't do the same in return! Again, she can get pretty bossy when she plays, so I think it's worth pointing out how well she handled the minor miscommunications she has with Jean-luc is a pretty big thing for her-- instead of getting upset at Jean-luc or stop playing with them because they can't understand eachother, she instead shrugs it off, and comes up with a way where they can both understand eachother via the drawing on the rock!
She was willing to think of a different way to communicate and get over their misunderstanding so Jean-luc could get it. Most people don't do that, especially for someone they've only known for around a week--
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Now, let's talk about THIS scene, now this? This just simply broke my heart on first watch, and even harder on rewatches--
It truly amazes me how they fit so much genuinely good chemistry between two characters in the span of a single episode that most shows can't even do in the span of 2 seasons--
The writers truly out did themselves, there's a good reason so many people cry at this scene and after--
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Speaking of after! The time skip!
Now ik many debate if this scene is even canon but there isn't any indicator it isn't a flash forward, so I'd say it very much happened.
Now remember that tree I was talking about earlier? Here's where we pick up where that left off--
It shows that their relationship stayed strong even when they were apart, the tree fully grown and in bloom, symbolizing how their relationship only grew with time, even as they got older.
It's one of my favorite aspects about the episode, and my favorite piece of symbolism for these two.
I could go on and on about them and why their relationship just simply works, but I think just simply watching the episode will do all the talking for me-- that and the fact this is the most popular ship in the fandom lol--
But I think I've made all my points clear! If you'd like to discuss further, go for it!
Thank you for reading!
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littleguyzdaily · 2 months
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Little guy number 123: this freaking sketchbook i decorated. B4 i got my grubby pawz on it it waz just plain ol green
(Plz clik on the imagez 2 see the full thing or... or else)
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toastedclownery · 3 months
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I'll be joining artfight this year with my monkey wrench ocs! You might have seen some of them if you're in the mw oc server, and some of them are new :)
I'm still setting them up right now
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blurban-form · 6 months
Dad likes to relax and read the newspaper from time to time. Sometimes to get some time away from Bluey.
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(Here’s an example of an error in “Bluey”, the newspaper’s blocky-font name is reversed in these two images)
It looks like it is based on the Sunday Mail / Courier Mail newspaper in Brisbane, one of the highest readership newspapers in Australia.
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The newspaper is tabloid-format as opposed to a broadsheet paper size.
It has a lot of photos and colour ads
It has a prominent sports section at the back
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peikonlainen · 2 months
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Original colored sketch I was planning posting and started to like more of the colored layout. I still wanted to put both versions separately. Both have charm and make me smile 🐚
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franki-lew-yo · 11 months
It says so much about Ben Shapword as a person that he was threatened enough by Bluey to greenlight Chip-Chilla.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but nothing about Bluey is striving for being ''progressive'', at least not by rightwing standards. It's no Owl House or Steven Universe. Outside of the ep where Bluey makes a French friend and the Heelers celebrating Easter I can't ever recall the concept of religion, ethnicity or heritage being important in the series. Don't think I've ever seen a gay couple or pride flag in the background, neither. Obviously I don't think the show being made for little kids and/or about anthro dogs means you can't talk about concepts like that, it's just that Bluey doesn't even attempt that. In fact because it IS made for and about small children I would argue that's the reason there's no big talk about money problems in the show and all the characters seem well-off.
My point is, unless Steiner/Waldorf schools became a tool of the left when I wasn't looking (they're not; Waldorf schools teach pseudo science and are sometimes antivax. Hopefully not in Calypso's class but yeah now you know what to look for when you google 'waldorf school controversies'), Bluey is about as 'woke' as modern day Peanuts or Illumination. It's inherently nonthreatening and non-confrontational of bigger concepts outside of what's universal to kids and the kid characters. It'd be interesting if they had a LGBTQ character or a talk about (dog?)race and culture, but overall the show seems 'safe' from that stuff that makes conservatives cringe. So at first glance you think Chip-chilla is just a "want to cash in/draw people away from sinful mass media"-thing. Still disgusting but honestly par for the course. Christian programing meant to be a 'safe' alternative to nasty secular shows isn't new.
And then, it dawns on you:
Bluey gets confused for a boy by those who don't watch the show, kind of like how people misgender Bambi, Tweety or Peppermint Patty sometimes.
Chili and Bandit both work and have equal time to be the at-home parent with their kids.
Dailywire is offput by a girl character not being definitively feminine from first glance. Dailywire can't stand the idea of a man being a home husband. They not only see these standard lifestyles as threatening, but that this alone is trying to 'push' something on them when it's just, you know, trying to depict accurate home life of most kids.
What hope do trans people have even existing in the world when a cis girl without eyelashes is a threat to you? What kind of person looks at a dad (who isn't even a fulltime homehusband) having a nurturing relationship with his kids and thinks "DEGENERATE!"
I don't have to answer. You all know the kind of person.
On a happier note: I'm very curious how Bluey would go about addressing that real world representation I was talking about. I think that could be done well but, considering how the exercising episode was received by some adults, no doubt there'd be controversy. And I mean controversy inside the communities they're talking about, not pundits like Ben who'd have a heartattack over a progress flag being in the background that's never even addressed by anyone. I can see an adult character walking off with their same-sex partner or maybe a new classmate who's muslim and wears a hijab just being there and some people being concerned they're not handling it right/well enough. Which is probably why the writers just have steer cleared of it, I think.
If there's one gift Benny boy gives us all it's making us realize that that kind of discourse is always preferable the one where garbage people have no care for others.
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jacepi-time · 4 months
Why is it always the shows that promote the value of friendship and healthy close bonds between friends and have barely any romance that are the ones that have the most vile shipping wars
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t4tails · 5 months
what media are these people consuming
hit video game snake for nokia phone
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mariatesstruther · 8 months
okay just hear me out modern au where tommy ends up picking up ellie from pre school almost everyday since joel is busy but he keeps meeting teacher maria
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okay bestie as a preschool teacher you GOT me with this one. like you got me SO GOOD. this might actually get published to ao3, you got me soooo fuckin’ good right now. i have so many unnecessary details for such a simple plot so here’s a cut
tbh i feel like even as busy as joel is, he’d prioritize picking up and dropping of sarah as much as he can, so maybe he and tommy would alternate???? so on days when tommy drops off, joel picks up and when joel drops off, tommy picks up. sarah goes to a public preschool with a lot of kids, so she gets easily overwhelmed and sometimes needs extra cuddles or kind words in the mornings to make it out of the car.
one monday, a couple months into school, sarah is particularly VERY anxious because there’s a new teacher to replace ms. doherty, who quit unexpectedly on friday “because she said we gave her alooooottt of headaches, daddy.” now, sarah knows nothing about the new teacher except that shes a girl from a place called new york—and sarah doesn’t even know what new yawk IS like, thats So Far Away??? (“it’s not really that far, baby,” joel says to her. “and it’s new york. with an o sound.”) still, sarah is VERY concerned:
is new yawk like another planet???? (no, babygirl.) but what if she’s an alien???? (the school only hires human teachers, baby. they promised.) but what if she’s a SECRET alien??? (she won’t be, i promise.) okay but what if she’s mean???? (if she is, you tell me or tommy and we’ll talk to her about it, okay? she shouldn’t be mean to you.) what if she doesn’t play good music at quiet time???? (you can ask her nicely and i bet she will, baby. just say please and thank you, okay?)
still, even with her questions answered, sarah is very nervous on monday. both joel and tommy go with her in an effort to start her day off extra good, especially because joel can’t pick her up. they reassure her that new york has plenty of nice people and her new teacher will probably be one of them. she also gets TWO WHOLE extra minutes of cuddle time with BOTH of them before she and daddy have to leave the car—it’s half for her and half for them, because they’re honestly pretty anxious for her to like her new teacher too
joel is the one to hold sarah’s hand and walk her inside, because the school prefers only one guardian to drop off at a time. tommy’s nervous, but joel actually seems pretty pleased when he gets back to the car with no sarah in tow. surprisingly, he’s back faster than any time they’ve ever dropped sarah off before. with a proud smile, he tells tommy is that miss maria seems really nice. more importantly, she’s Black, which joel says Sarah got really excited about. tommy pries for more details, and he’s glad he does: apparently miss maria has locs, a few even blue and purple, and the first thing sarah’d said to her was an emphatic “😲😍🤩 i like your hair!!!!!!!!,” to which she had responded “thank you! i like your hair! what’s your name, sweets?” and that’d been that
later, when tommy does pickup that day, he doesn’t know what to expect. most times at the end of the day, sarah is super reserved and a bit cranky, eager to get home to finally have time to herself. tommy’s goal is usually to try and get her to at least wave goodbye to her teachers like joel asks—but, more often than not, she opts for reaching for uppies and hiding her face in his chest until they leave.
today??? no. it takes sarah a full two minutes to even notice tommy’s there because her and this drop-dead-fucking-gorgeous woman in a soft-looking lavender pants and blouse set are finishing up a painting at the easel wall. they’re working on what looks like a brown and purple butterfly, probably the most carefully shaped sarah’s ever made.
tommy’s heart stops when this goddess miss maria finally looks over at him and smiles with perfect pearly-whites, waving him over behind sarah’s back. when she says “sarah honey, i think someone’s here for you!” in her sing-songy toddler-tone, tommy swears an angel gets his wings. sarah turns around, shrieks with joy upon seeing him, and runs down to him with her arms out, yelling all the while: “THOMMYYYYYYY!!!!!”—because sarah’s still working on her hard ts—“thommy!!!! thommy thommy thommy come look!!! i made a butterfly for u!!!!! look!!!!! it matches ms. maria!!!!!! it’s gorgeous!!!!” (she’s been obsessed with calling things gorgeous ever since she heard tommy say it about a harley motorbike last week. joel especially thinks it’s cute, especially because of how she over-emphasizes the j-sound: gor-Jus.)
tommy’s never seen her so excited to show her art off at pickup-time before; usually, she waits until they’re home and she’s feeling less shy to start showing off, but she’s babbling and pointing to it as he picks her up and sets her on his hip: “it’s brown and purple like miss maria!!! isnt it so gorgeous, unca thommy??? do you like it???? aren’t they SO gorgeous????”
and now miss maria is looking at him. and he’s looking at her. tommy knows he’s blushing, and he hesitates—which sarah does NOT appreciate, so she says: “unca tommy!!!!!!! don’t be WUDE! thell miss maria she’s gorgeous!!! she is!!!”
luckily, miss maria saves him by explaining, in a slightly firmer teaching voice: “sarah sweets, that’s okay! we’re only just meeting, and that’s not really something you say to a stranger, okay?”
“but why noooooooot?? you are gorgeous! like my butterfly! isn’t she so gorgeous, thommy?”
“well, yeah, of course,” tommy agrees easily, because she obviously is—and shit. now miss maria is looking at him like he’s a fucking bonehead, because he obviously fucking is. “but—uh, i mean—she’s right, hon’. you gotta listen to your teacher, and that’s not somethin’ you say to a stranger, okay?”
but then, after thinking to her tiny self for a few seconds: “well if she stays my teacher then she’s not a stranger, is she???” sarah asks tommy, then turns her conniving little head towards maria, too. “and you said you’d stay! so can he say you’re gorgeous tomorrow?” then, without waiting for an answer, she’s back towards tommy to finish: “i think you should call her gorgeous tomorrow.”
“i think we should go home, s’what i think,” tommy says, finally deciding to save himself from four-year-old torment. he sets sarah down and pats her on the end with a gentle but firm request to go get her stuff from her cubby, which she goes to do without her complaints of being too tired to walk. maria watches them closely with a close-lipped but relaxed grin. when sarah’s out of earshot, he apologizes. “sorry ‘bout that, ma’am.”
“don’t be,” miss maria teases, crossing her arms. “you did call me gorgeous, after all. i’ve had worse introductions.”
“tommy miller,” he offers, moving to shake her hand. he notices her nails are done-up, a sparkly blend of pretty shades of purple that look tie-dyed on somehow. her hands aren’t soft, not really, but they’re smooth enough to make him shiver as he pulls away. “sarah’s uncle.”
“oh, i know,” she reassures, then nods her head pointedly towards sarah. the little one is coming back towards them with her lunchbox in one hand and her water bottle in the other, walking extra careful so she doesn’t trip over herself like she did last week, tommy guesses. clearly fond, maria continues. “she spent all day telling me about you and her daddy. you’re doing great with her.”
“unca thommy! i’m ready to go!” sarah sing-songs, interrupting whatever miss maria might’ve said next. internally, tommy thanks his niece—the you’re doing great was already enough to make him cry, and he’d rather not do so in front of either her or her amazing new teacher. plopping her lunch and bottle at tommy’s feet, sarah gives not one, but two eager waves to miss maria, hands flapping madly up towards the woman’s face. “bye miss mariaaaaa!!!! i’ll see you tomorrow!!!!”
“bye sarah sweets!” maria says back, waving just as enthusiastically. to tommy, she raises an amused, teasing eyebrow. just loud enough for him to hear as he turns away, he hears her say “bye, gorgeous,” and laugh, giving yet another angel a pair of wings.
it takes everything in him to not fall straight to the floor, toppling his own precious niece, right then. he doesn’t think he even breathes until both he and Sarah are secured in the car, him in the front and her in her carseat. she’s already babble singing mary j. blige’s “just fine,” which they usually play and sing on their way home from school to help her regulate. when he plays the song this time, sarah smiles bright at him through the rearview and says “i already feel just fine, unca tommy!!! but can we still play it, just for fun?”
“of course, baby,” he says, and start singing along with her. he’s feeling just fine, too.
tagging some homies (btw just let me know if u wanna be tagged in this kinda stuff or not guys! im never sure lol): @becomethesun @clickergossip @boilingcowboy @bumblepony
#tbh i might edit this and put it on ao3#im so sorry i didnt get ti the falling in love part at all but i LOVE a good meet-cute#*to#and this is i think my favorite one i’ve put on this blog???????#anon. bestie. you did so well i love u thank u#if yall didnt know already im a preschool teacher so#and​ have i dreamed abt a rich hot younger single parent/gaurdian falling in love with me???? you fuckin betcha#preschool au#im 100% gonna try to connect this with the one rose and i already made#idk where ellie is in here but she’s here!!!! she loves miss maria too!#miss maria loves kids and especially loves embracing neurodiversity and all the different ways kids brains works#miss maria provides brain breaks and shows you how to do body checks to check in with your body#miss maria understands the importance of diversity in her book and media selection#miss maria recommends tab time and bluey#tommy x maria#tlou au#the tipsy bison#ugh I LOVE THISSSSSS BROOOO IM PROUD OF THIS 🫶🏾#yeas i have plans for tess and joel YOU BET I DO#when ur kids having play dates turns into u dating their mom#tess and joel: who am i gonna date??? i have no time. im a parent#ellie and sarah: hold my juicebox#like theyre fully setting them up with no clue that they’re doing it I LOVE MY LITTLE GIRLS#she calls them sarah sweets and ellie enchanted#she’s referencing ella enchanted but elie doesnt care about that so she explains it means ellie is magic#and ellie is down for that because in her brain magic equal dragon. ellie LOVES dragons#sarah miller#toddler sarah#baby sarah#neurodivergent miller tag
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sourgecko · 9 months
So I was thinking about the lack of female animal characters in media that don't look conventionally and stereotypically feminine (e.g., without eyelashes or conventionally feminine accessories), and how Bluey was pretty much the main example of a female character I could think of that doesn't fall under those norms.
So, I decided to make a Google Doc (link here) compiling all the fictional animals in TV shows, movies, and games, that look completely androgynous/gender non-conforming in appearance. It's uh.. Not a very long list so far, but have a look at it if this is a topic that interests you and let me know if you can think of any other characters you'd like to be added!
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