#Bodhi payday 2
It fucking sucks I can't play Jimmy
Feels like I'm severely missing out
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slavagotchiz · 1 year
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pigeonrocks · 1 year
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think about heisters that you haven’t really written for. and THEN think about reader losing them and havign to deal with that >:)
I’m thinking Dragan, Bodhi, Bonnie and clover maybe
Clover, Bonnie, Bodhi + Dragan grieving their s/o
- Definitely drank and/or smoked a little too much
- Outside of heists she'd be seen either outside smoking, inside her room/area looking at a photo of you or at the kitchen looking for drinks in the fridge
- She can't go to the bar downstairs because the bartender was told by Hoxton not to give her anything
- Would snap at people more often
- If you so much as asked her how she was feeling, she'd just bark at you and storm off
- 'Oh, piss off! You don't know how it feels...!'
- She would spend ages just in her room, looking at a photo of you and her
- No words came out, not even tears anymore
- She'd just stare. And stare.
- If you died because of a heist, her heart would ache so much
- She could've saved you if she was just... better
- She wouldn't go on any long heists, she could just about handle short, simple bank heists
- I think one day she threw a bottle at someone's head (it missed and hit the wall behind) at the safehouse and stormed out
- Hoxton decided he'd go out and talk to her about everything
- Something just clicked, and she'd start handling herself a bit more
- She would stop drinking/smoking as much, and she'd slowly be able to go on more heists
- She dedicated every heist to you, kissing the photo of you before leaving for the heist
- Same with Clover, she'd smoke and drink much more
- Days would go by where'd she just sit and drink in her own area
- She'd wake up the next day, passed out on the floor
- The splitting headaches didn't cover the pain in her heart
- Everything made her think of you
- She's never been this sad over a lover
- It's such a new and painful experience
- She once drunkenly made a vow to Dallas that she'd never love again (so she wouldn't ever feel like this)
- 'I.... will... NEVER.... do this... again...!'
- 'I... I don't want to...'
- During heists, she'd drunkenly take down many cops, slurring insults at any cop she fired at
- She was much more brutal, especially if you died during a heist
- In the van (on the way back), the heisters would try their best to keep the alcohol away from her
- But they'd just be met with shoves and swears
- As soon as they arrived at the safehouse, she'd immediately go back to her seat and drink again, until she either passed out or was put on another heist
- Eventually, Dallas had to talk to her
- She was getting too violent with everyone and wasn't giving 100% in her heists anymore
- Lots of shouting would be heard, but eventually, Bonnie decided to do better
- She started actually confronting her trauma, which worked really well actually
- She's much more at peace with it, talking to you at your grave with smiles and so on
- Much angrier and defensive than before
- Would stay in his room most of the time, just waxing the same surfboard
- If anyone interrupted him for anything other than a heist, he'd just shout at them
- 'Leave me the fuck alone!'
- They'd leave, and he'd just sit down and cry
- 'I can't do this anymore... not without you...'
- He had so many things he wanted to do with you! How could he have let you die?
- He'd just sit and cry for a while, holding and staring at your photo/your jewellery
- During heists, he'd be much less caring to civilians
- He wouldn't kill one, but he'd be much more sour to them
- If you died due to a heist, double that sourness
- He'd overall be way more standoffish to everyone
- Glares at practically everyone no matter what they did
- Might even get into a physical fight with one of the other heisters
- Dallas would probably break it up and talk to both of them about it
- When he talked to Bodhi, he would just nod passive aggressively and pretend to listen
- But once he mentioned you, Bodhi was just about to fight Dallas
- 'Hey, shut the fuck up! Don't mention (Y/n)!'
- Dallas would keep pushing on, and eventually got through to him
- All of those places he was gonna take you... maybe he could just go there himself and spread your ashes there? Yeah, that sounded good
- No passive aggressiveness here, he'd just shout at everyone
- He'd tell the other heisters on how they're doing worse or something, even if they did fine
- He'd just pick everyone apart
- 'Hey, why didn't you get that extra bag?'
- 'I would've died if I went back Dragan???'
- 'How pathetic of you. You should've got it. (Y/n) would've, why can't you, huh?!'
- No one liked him
- He'd just constantly berate the others and storm off
- He'd probably also work out to an unhealthy amount?
- If you died during a heist, he's exercising way more
- He feels like it's his way of proving he could've saved you in a way?
- During heists, he'd probably be much less professional and stuff, shooting cops when they're running away, shouting and shoving civs
- He sees you everywhere by the way
- Absolutely everywhere
- Any reflection has you standing behind him
- He doesn't cry, at least not in public
- He just... puts on an apathic face and moves on
- But deep down, it's really tearing deep in his soul
- It's kind of difficult to talk to him at all without him shouting at you to back off
- But Dallas manages to get a few words in
- After talking to him, he probably walked into the bathroom and cried
- It did feel better letting it all out, but it did hurt
- I think after a while he stops being as standoffish but would shout at others if they even mentioned you in any way
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chrisredfield73 · 10 months
Can I request Jimmy x Bodhi please? Not enough in the entire world
A/N: Yes omg I love them both sm. They might be a bit ooc but I live for the comfort to confession trope! (I also don't know how to portray Bodhi very well, I'm gonna be honest.) Lmk if you want more of these two!
557 words :D I'm tempted to start writing using more than like.. 1000 I just feel like I'd get repetitive.
Jimmy sighs, sitting outside of the Payday safehouse. He’s smoking a cigarette, something he does to keep his mind off doing other things like other drugs or sporadic heists. He gets lost in his thoughts as Bodhi approaches. Bodhi looks over at the lanky man and smiles, “You okay, Jimmy?” Jimmy snaps out of his thoughts, looking over at Bodhi. “Oh. Yeah, I’m alright. Just thinking.” Bodhi nods and sits next to Jimmy. Jimmy is a little nervous, he doesn’t want to say something that could possibly scare Bodhi off so he just stays silent. Bodhi gently rubs Jimmy’s back and sighs, “It’s okay, y’know? You’re not going to weird me out or scare me off.”
Jimmy looks over at Bodhi and gives him a small smile, “Alright.. I was just thinking about our heists and the money we’ve been making..” He’s definitely not going to mention the drugs or liking Bodhi, not wanting to make things awkward. Bodhi nods in return, looking out at the cars driving by. “I get you.. Seems like we haven’t been making as much or really doing as much as we used to.” Jimmy nods and sighs. After a few moments, he leans his head on Bodhi’s shoulder, he can’t help it. He needs comfort right now. Bodhi sighs as well and wraps his arm around Jimmy’s shoulders.
Jimmy felt his stomach tying in knots, his face feeling warm as he blushes. He didn’t expect Bodhi to comfort him, let alone hold him this closely. He loves it. Jimmy closes his eyes and scratches at his facial hair, basking in the feeling of being held so tightly by the cunning surfer. He takes a shaky breath, trying to build up his confidence to confess to Bodhi, but Bodhi speaks first. “You know.. I like you, Jimmy. I.. I like you a lot,” Bodhi laughs nervously and continues after swallowing hrd, “I don’t want to make things awkward between us.. I just.. I thought you should know.” Bodhi feels his face flush and he looks away.
Jimmy lets out a small gasp, looking up at Bodhi. “You do..?” He was ecstatic but he tries not to let that show, “I like you too. I was too scared to tell you..” Bodhi let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and looks at Jimmy, smiling softly. “I never thought you’d like me back.. Especially since I’m a guy and all.” Jimmy shakes his head and sits up, turning to face Bodhi completely. “Of course I like you.. I don’t care that you’re a guy, I mean, I swing that way anyway.” Jimmy laughs and Bodhi does too. Bodhi is silent for a moment before he speaks softly, “I’ve been meaning to tell you that for a while, I thought you were gonna judge me.”
Jimmy snorts and shakes his head, “Of course not. I think the one to judge you would be Chains.” They both laugh and Jimmy takes another drag off his cigarette. They sit together for a long while, talking about little things and enjoying each other's company. When it gets dark, they turn to head inside. Bodhi, being his cocky and cunning self, pulls Jimmy in for a soft kiss before heading inside. Jimmy is left speechless and his heart races.. He fell harder than he did before.
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metalgrateeater · 7 hours
Paydauyy 2 doodies
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jacket-enjoyer-69 · 1 year
Dumb thought. NSFW Payday content.
Hoxton standing on a chair while being steadied by Wolf and screwing in a light bulb.
Bodhi and Dragan:
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Duke, Sokol and Houston:
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Jacket to Sokol "By Accident":
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biframes · 2 years
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I was inspired by https://s-citrus.tumblr.com/post/662014127114469376/ive-been-thinking-about-these-fuckers-all
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manekinoodle · 1 year
unexpected payday friendships to explore (1/?)
john wick and bodhi.
i mean sure, basement gang, but i think we can do better than that.
keanu reeves was john wick and johnny utah... would bodhi not be reminded of that one fbi dude when looking at john?
john is obviously not bothered by the heist thing so their dynamic would be way different. but i think these two could connect pretty well spiritually. john doesn't express himself well but bodhi can just tell what kind of guy he is.
bodhi is named after the bodhisattva. buddhism is a philosophy that requires you to know the self but also realise that it is an illusion. lose yourself and know yourself. sound familiar? and john wick is a character known for not really having a self. do we know what he's thinking deep inside? not really. john wick is marked by the boundaries of those around him.
and the idea of john wick learning to surf is pretty sick.
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wh1ny · 2 years
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surfer guy from heist game
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horangislittletiger99 · 9 months
Hey guys
I found an ai website that's filter less that needs a jimmy bot
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They already got bain,Dallas,Huston and hoxton
They still need sokol,jimmy,duke,bodhi and maybe one more jacket one
Please help
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pigeonrocks · 1 year
WOAH!!!!!! me actually having a mini art dump to post? craaazy
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starr-finn · 2 years
Bodhi tickling the hell outta his S/O while taking off their soaking wet shirt
Author’s note: Bodhi being a dork, surfing, and tickling
Bodhi had taken you surfing that day. You were in no way prepared, none of the gear he had, were possessed by you, leaving you with one of his muscle tees and some swim shorts. Bodhi thought the little outfit you had thrown together with some of his clothes was cute. He spent the whole time you both were surfing giving you pointers, helping you with balance, and cheering you on from the sidelines. you fell off, many, many, MANY times, and every time you did, he kind of laughed but would cheer you on and helped you out and helped you get back up. later on, when you guys got home, Bodhi decided HE wanted to take off the soaking wet shirt you had worn. Then he heard you start giggling, and he immediately caught on.
Later, while you were laying in bed, Bodhi suddenly pounced on you, ticking your sides and stomach. You squealed and started trying to push him off while gasping for air. after a couple minutes, Bodhi finally stopped tickling you. leaving you struggling to breathe, he chuckles and kisses your head 
“Sorry hun, Can’t expect me to find out your ticklish and not use that to my advantage.” he says laughing
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velathetanager · 2 years
Player AU Lore: Kay’s thoughts on the heisters
Houston: Loves him. He’s her vessel and... maybe not friends, but they certainly get along, and he can get her to use her “power” to do all sorts of things.
Chains: Thinks he’s alright. As long as he doesn’t treat Hous badly, she’ll leave him alone.
Wolf: Thinks he’s crazy. Is honestly scared of him and hopes for his kids’ sake that he doesn’t get to see them, but doesn’t outright hate him.
Hoxton: Hates him for being a dick to Houston. Houston doesn’t want the two to talk because of how vicious she would be to him. She would put him back in his prison outfit if Hous would let her.
Dallas: Do not get her started. She does not think highly of him because of how he lets Hoxton treat Houston (his brother), and Houston doesn’t let them talk much, either.
John Wick: Wants to mod a heist where a bunch of his enemies try to kill him because an escort mission for literal John Wick would be fun.
Clover: Is aware of Houston’s crush on her and keeps putting him in situations where the two interact hoping that he’ll confess. Thinks they’d be adorable together.
Dragan: Not much of an opinion. She does love his pager line, though.
Jacket: Thinks he’s creepy. Would very much like it if he stayed away from Houston, and to this end she’s working on a coding modification to him that makes him unable to get within 6 feet of him.
Bonnie: Thinks she’s cool. Would like to add stuff to the gambling room, but won’t push her luck for now. Most of the Gang is scared enough of her as it is.
Sokol: Thinks he’s funny. Mimics his accent a lot, and she’s worryingly good at it. Hous likes him, so he’s safe, and she sometimes gives him stuff.
Jiro: Doesn’t understand a word he says, but she does say the katana is cool.
Bodhi: Thinks he’s fun and is making a custom-heist so he can get his adrenaline fix.
Jimmy: He found out about her once, but she dropped a flour sack full of coke in front of him, and he got a bit too... invested in it, resulting in him forgetting. She sometimes feels bad for that.
Sydney: Thinks she’s a weirdo, but she doesn’t start anything with Houston, so she’s safe.
Rust: Dislikes him somewhat. One, he sold out his old group (so she doesn’t want him around Hous). Two, he keeps stealing Houston’s wrench. She’s got a surprise for him next time he touches said wrench.
Scarface: She doesn’t care for him, but she doesn’t hate him. Generally ambivalent. Sometimes she jokes that his name should go to Hoxton, though.
Sangres: She wishes he had more content/info about him.
Duke: She likes him and all, but she’d love to make a mod where the more times you use the Flask, the more distorted your vision gets (because drunk). She is aware that this would negatively impact him.
Joy: Finds a kindred spirit in her because of their shared computer knowledge and gaming hobby. If Kay didn’t control Hous, she’d control Joy.
Bain: She knows she makes him nervous, but she makes it clear that if she wanted to kill him, she has his model and all manner of painful deaths she could inflict on him.
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remusmiro · 2 years
jimmy and bodhi will get those big containers of mixed popcorn but jimmy despises caramel corn so bodhi eats the caramel corn so jimmy can have the cheese and butter.
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metalgrateeater · 2 months
TRIPLE ARTWORKS!! One is Minecraft the musical doodles, one is bodhi from PAYDAY 2, and one is some Athf doodles cause I know that’s all you guys love me for… jk
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