#BohRap Imagine
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s their 9 month old baby daughter’s first Christmas and reader melts at the sight of Joe holding their daughter and showing her all of the presents she’s got and their daughter says dada and Joe and reader light up at how much of a daddy’s girl she is and reader thinks about how when she signed up to play an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody that she never thought she would end up falling in love on set?
of course!
pairings: Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader summary: ^^^ warnings: None note: y/d/n stands for your daughters name
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"oh and look at this!" you heard your husband say downstairs.
you walked downstairs and caught Joe holding your little daughter while showing her the christmas gifts she had gotten
she giggled and took it off him, throwing it on the floor
"no, no. don't throw it, play with it" Joe picked up the care bear and put in front of your daughter and waving it around
"well good morning" you yawned.
Joe looked up and you and smiled like an idiot, your daughter looked over and laughed
"good morning, darling" Joe greeted
"Merry christmas" you walked up the them, sitting on the couch, leaning down to kiss Joe who was situated on the floor, next to the lit up tree.
"how long have you been up?" you asked him and they looked like they have been there a while
"i took her down here about thirty minutes ago, I wanted her to see her presents" he shrugged
"and you couldn't wait for me?"
"not really no, you looked to cute to wake up" you looked back down and your daughter and made a silly face at Y/D/N before looking back up at you
"you should've just woken me up" you stated, looking down at your little baby, you've always noticed how much she looks like Joe. a spitting image of him, but she looked too much like him right now and it made your heart swell.
"I'm sorry, I was just too excited" he confessed, holding your daughter against his chest
you let out a breathy chuckle and closed your eyes.
"dada" Y/D/N whined, pointing at more presents under the tree
Joe pulled her away from his chest and looked at her, his mouth was agape and he looked like he was about to cry
"darling, did you hear that?" Joe asked you
you shuffled closer to them and smiled at him even though he was focused on your baby
"I did joe, I heard it clear as day"
you rubbed joe's arms from behind and rested your chin on shoulder, looking down at your little daughter, smiling at her gratefully
"I told you she was a dada's girl" he whispered to you, finally looking away from her.
"I never doubted it"
"I love you" he said kissing you softly
"I love you too" you smiled at him sweetly
"what did you want, sweetie?" Joe asked your daughter
you thought back to when you were an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody and how you two met and what would've happened if you didn't.
you were sitting down on your phone, waiting with other extras to be called on to go on in the scene, you were focused
"hey, you" you looked up and noticed the director standing front of me
"yes?" you smiled politely.
"I need you to go get joe, he's on in 5" he said.
"alright" you stood up and went out to the trailers, looking at the doors for him name written on it.
Rami, Ben, Joe.
you go up to the door and knock three times and waiting for a response
"come in" he replied through the door
he probably thought it was ben.
I opened the door slowly and peeked in, seeing him in his little couch on his phone
"the director wants you to know that you're on in 5" you stated as you entered his view
he didn't respond to you though, you though he was being rude and just ignoring you but the look on his face made you feel otherwise.
his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were relaxed, he looked sort of dazed and off in the clouds, it didn't make you uncomfortable per se, you just felt weak under his gaze.
"excuse me?" you forced yourself to say to snap him out of his daydream
"oh, right ok. just wait there" he said as he saw you were about to leave.
he put his phone away and got up. walking towards you
"who are you, exactly?" he questioned as you waked down the steps with him behind you
"I'm an extra" you responded
"no I meant your name" he chuckled
"oh um, Y/n"
"I'm joe" he smiled warmly
"I know" you took a deep breath
"do you now?" he responded in amusement
"well yeah, I feel like I have to" you smiled sheepishly
"you have a really pretty smile" he told you, looking down at your lips to your eyes.
"oh" you let out an embarrassed laugh as you looked down, tucking a piece of your curled hair behind your ear
"I'm sorry, just the way you're sweet, cute and beautiful at the same time is beyond me"
"oh my god" you muttered to yourself, you felt your cheeks turn warm and your stomach did flips.
"ok so wait other than taking my breath away what do you do for a living?" he smirked playfully. you turned you head away and covered your face with your hands.
"never heard that one before" you laughed, still looking anywhere but at him
"get used to it" he said
"this is the best christmas" Joe sighed happily
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s Christmas Eve and they are sitting by the Christmas tree and Joe surprises reader with a present and when reader opens it, it’s a velvet box and Joe takes it from reader and goes into a speech about how much he loves her and that when he first laid eyes on reader in college, it was love at first sight and he gets down on one knee and asks reader to marry him?
Awww, that's cute!
Again, I don't do requests for longshots but I can do a blurb!
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"Oh, look! Snow!" you cried, running to the window. You felt the chill already from the window.
White flurries by now were falling down so heavily, that it blanketed everywhere. It was so beautiful- and with the fireplace on and the Christmas tree twinkling with lights and decorations, it was quite a perfect Christmas Eve. In the back, the Nutcracker pas de deux between the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier Prince was playing.
"I think having you be me would make it better..." Joe suggested.
You turned around and saw him with a cheeky smile. You then went over and sat down next to him, letting him cuddle you.
"How are you? Was your Christmas Eve busy? I had to do some last-minute shopping..." you said.
"I'm...I'm good...great..." Joe answered.
You looked at him and saw that his ears were bright pink. Normally, he was talkative and confident, but he seemed a little quiet today.
"What's up? Something happened with your mom?" you asked.
"No! She's okay!"
"An audition went badly!?"
"No, not at all! I...it's just I...uh, have a gift for you and it can't wait for tomorrow," he announced.
"Oh! Okay- which one is it?" you questioned, looking after the presents you just finished wrapping up.
He cleared his throat and you returned your head. He had a box that was square and small, wrapped in red and white striped paper.
"Alright, great!" you said cheerfully.
Once you undid the paper and broke open the cardboard box you saw inside was...a small velvet box.
The breath was knocked out of you and your heart picked up.
"Joe, uhm, is...is..."
His eyes, shiny and sincere, looked up at you.
"Y/N, I...I've known you for a while and we have dated for a while and I..I think I have loved you from the moment I met you. I can be myself around you. It was a small love, but a part of me wondered, just wondered...wondered if I met the person who should be my person. I just had to be sure...so I spent time with you. And that little love it grew and grew. I see stars in your eyes, Y/N, and a smile that gives me life. Crap, I'm getting so sappy! I..."
He rubbed the back of his head.
"I don't even talk like this!"
"It's okay, Joe!" you said with a slight laugh. But your eyes were starting to well up.
"But I love you, Y/N and I want you to be happy. I would love it if I could make you happy for the rest of your life, so Y/N..."
Your head spun as he got on one knee. The music surged to it's most romantic.
"Will you marry m-"
It was cut off as you leaned down and planted a large kiss on his lips in answer.
There was a sudden buzz from his phone. It was from Ben.
"Have you proposed to her yet, Mate? Update me!"
Both of you smiled at it. You opened the box and propped the shiny diamond ring on your finger.
"Let's take a picture as an answer!" you suggested.
Taglist: @borhapgirlforlife19 @queenlover05
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xexyromero · 7 months
Pergunta da lora 🎤: Xexy, vc tbm se sente meio "errada" de escrever/ler sobre os meninos? Pq na teoria eu sou a primeira pessoa a defender os famosos que se incomodam com isso de fic e tal, mas na praticaKKKKKKK afs, na prática eu sou o primeiro a ler🤡🤡 todo dia no tumblr procurando "enzo vogrincic x reader" qnd to no tédio KJKKKKK
Não é hate, juro por Deus 🙏eu só fico com peso na consciência e fiquei pensativo aki, beijao xexy!
(ps: posso ser o anon 🏓?)
pong com o anon raquetinha!!!
senta que lá vem textão
quando eu era mais nova eu dizia pra todo mundo que tinha um pacto comigo mesma de JAMAIS em TODA A MINHA VIDA ler fanfic que envolvessem pessoas de verdade pq isso pq aquilo pq eles não gostam e isso não é legal e segui assim até cair com tudo no fandom de queen (sim por conta de bohrap a culpa não foi minha eu sou uma mulher simples)
daí no que eu comecei a entrar de cabeça nesse mundo das fics e imagines e afins, eu fui entendendo que na verdade era uma posição bem boba da minha parte e que, bem honestamente falando, essa parte é provavelmente uma das partes MAIS RESPEITOSAS de qualquer fandom
ninguém aqui fica cavucando informação pessoal dos artistas nas redes sociais (até porque a única fonte que a gente quer e precisa são as vozes da nossa cabeça) e e nem perguntando merda pra eles em live, ninguém manda fanfic pra eles na esperança que eles leiam (até pq eu prefiro morrer que matías recalt sonhar q eu acho q ele gosta de dar o cu) e quando alguém fala ou faz alguma coisa que geral achou paia (tipo fazer fanfic dos sobreviventes) é algo apontado e comentado entre a gente como algo que não se deve/não é legal de fazer
tudo isso e ainda somos totalmente do lema do "não goste não leia", colocamos aviso de conteúdo nas postagens, somos especialmente atentas a possíveis gatilhos para outras pessoas e tal. é tudo tageado bonitinho e dentro de uma plataforma específica (o tumblr) que realmente o artista só vai achar se ele for procurar na internet (o que já foge do nosso controle mas se pipe otaño vier atrás de fanfic dele aqui ele vai saber o q o espera pois SIM está tudo bem tagueadinho seja bem vindo pipe)
essa comunidade aqui do tumblr da gente do BR é uma das comunidades menos tóxicas e mais gentis que eu já fiz parte e olha que eu já fiz parte de fandom grande e pequeno na vida (pois estou nessa desde os 9)
acho que imaginar como seria fazer uma série de coisas com nosso atores (e personagens) favoritos é algo meio natural - e algo que acontece naturalmente quando a gente conversa sobre eles com outras pessoas. "ah eu acho q o enzo tem cara de quem curte belchior" é algo que a gente falaria em uma conversa normal, com uma amiga que também acha ele atrativo. porque não falar sobre isso na internet com uma comunidade maravilhosa que também tem suas próprias opiniões a respeito, sabe?
enfim anon raquetinha eu falei muito mas acho que vc não deve ter vergonha de forma alguma e nem sentir peso na consciência. pense como um grupo de amigas irmãs mulheres conversando sobre algo q elas imaginam/sentem/gostam sobre atores que elas acham atrativos. e muitos dos próprios atores já falaram sobre apreciar o carinho. juani até leu fanfic com o blas em uma das lives.
vamos nos permitiiiiiir
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I read the words emotionally draining and traumatic and I just feel so sad because more than the film itself I think it was about Freddie, and Rami did a really great job and the set designers honestly did a great job the people involved in putting together the whole thing were great if only the script could have been too. Anyways I imagine it would have been pretty jarring to (kind of) step into the past, for a while think you're talking to your dead best friend and then at the same time realise none of that is reality. It would have emotionally wrecked me, personally.
They honestly deserved better choices that were not bohrap script or whatever dumpster fire tabloid-esque stuff SBC wanted.
Yeah, I think describing making the film as “traumatic” was probably referring to something like Brian momentarily forgetting Freddie was dead and talking to Rami like he was him. Just typing that out feels like fan fiction, but it’s not, and that’s tragic. Just seeing a version—even a dumbed down version—of their lives with Freddie portrayed must have triggered so many memories and emotions. I don’t think there was a way for Brian and Roger to have viewed the film objectively It’s been almost 5 years but I’m always going to hate the absolutely wasted potential of that film. It shows how important the script is, because no cast or production value could have saved it. I’ve said many times over the years that the band and Freddie, specifically, deserved to have a script that actually put some god damn effort in instead of giving us the most generic big rock band script ever with a nauseating load of Freddie x Mary fan fiction. It still sucks.
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Gifs I don’t want to lose :)
Top Gun + Top Gun: Maverick
The Dog fight Scene
More of the scene
More dog fight scene
Hangman & Coyote
Hangman and his darts
Bob in the sky
Hangman during the dog fight
The one time you see the other pilots
An adorable duo
Fritz during the dog fight
Bob’s move
“Hangman in costume”
“College Jake”
Yale in the sky
TGM cast
Bob and Mickey in college collage
Top gun as troubled birds?
TG and TGM teachers
Bob and Fanboy as besties
Bob, Fanboy, and Coyote
Dagger Squad
Rooster @ Hangman
Hangman @ Rooster
Bob’s hair
Kermit and Lewis
Things associated with BB
The Squad
Quarter of the dagger squad playing jenga
Mav and Rooster
Mav runs to Rooster
Rooster learns Mav is insane
Bradshaw boys // B Boys 
Goose Goose
Anthony as Goose
Iceman, Maverick, Goose, and Slider
Iceman being Iceman
Wolfman and Hangman
“Nerd” boys being proud of Nat
Cleaned up Dagger Squad 
Sassy Bradley
Should have been a real pic in the movie
Wolfman and Hollywood
Slider and Iceman
Top Daggers
Fanboy and Payback
Wolfman and Hollywood
Dramatic Hannix
Sad Hannix
The cast 
Everybody Wants Some!!
Finnegan with his cowboy hat // Cowboy hat
Finnegan dancing // more dancing
Finnegan // Pt. 2
Finnegan and the bull
Finnegan and Coma dancing
Richard Speight Jr fangirling
Jensen *tsk tsk*
Gag reel
The cast and their hair
Dean stealing candy
Dean cleaning himself 
Funny post
Dick Hunter
More Dean
Alternate Dean’s
Swat Supernatural 
Sam and Dean
Jonathon and Glen 
Glen in devotion
Glen in his uniform
Glen in his whites
Lucy and Peter
Tiktok song
Susan w/ Eliza H lyrics
Pevensie Ages
Small timeline
Viva la Viva w/ Peter
Sad times w/ Peter
Moodboard series
Hamilton lyrics x Narnia peeps
William Mosley gifs // Pt. 2
Narnia book remodel
Peter edit
Merlin and poetry
Merlin curses
Arthur’s love language for Merlin
More Merlin
More Gwaine
Merlin edit
Arthur accpeting magic (what we deserved to see)
Non Merlin watcher comments
Rupert Young being cocky
Break my heart // Pt.2 
Arthur learned the truth 
Arthur messing with Merlin
Arthur defying his Father
The End
Arthur undressing
BBC Merlin
BBC Merlin
Character develpment - Anthony
The family dancing
The family
Mentions of the sting
Stranger Things
Equipped Nancy
Nancy and Eddie
Platonic Soulmates
This is music
Ted Lasso
More Jamie
Some more Jamie
Sleepy Jamie
More Jamie
Lot more Jamie
(Don’t judge me) Jamie
Character development
Jamie (cold upstairs, hot downstairs)
The strings
Character arc
Dance Dance
Pass the ball
Dance dance again
Fist bump
Beard and Roy
The Richman Way
Lasso dance
The end
Uncle Roy
Jamie knows Roy
After the poster
More progress
Jamie being mature
Last practice
Jamie and Sam
Ted and Rebecca
Jamie and Sam 
You missed a good one
Wizard of Oz
Father and Son
Will and convos
Sassy trio
The Fashion Police
Team fines
Jamie and Dani
Sweaty Jamie 
Triple Frontier
The boys
Makes me cackle
How I imagined the end in One Shot
The main four
More Will
More Benny
“After” the movie Benny
Menacing walk Benny (future unwritten scene?) 
AU Will 
Marvel/ DC
Zemo dancing
More Bucky
Not Bucky but fits the vibe
Willard dancing
Willard and Ren Dancing
Marko, Paul, Dwayne, and David
Lindsay embarrassing Flack
Shane and Ryan through the years
Shane and Ryan
Salem Saberhagen Icons Pt. 1 // Pt. 2
Salem Saberhagen
Chris Knight deleted scene
Chris Knight
Black Phone
Leatherface (2017)
Numb3rs “date night”
Eric saves Jack
The boys and Lassie
Benny icons for My babysitters a vampire
Bowers gang
(Book) Stan Uris
Stan and Ritchie
Harry potter
Fred and George being adorable
Now you see me
Queen commentary
Tom Hiddleston is a real life prince
James Diamond
Kira Yukimura
Fic edits
BTR vibes
Glen Powell
P & P Trivia
Know your Leatherface
Drew in the puppy interview
Rafe obx 3
“College Student”
Art History meme
American Psycho
Shower AP Scene
AP Lines
Phil Dunster
Dungeons and Dragons 
Aemond Targaryen 
Ken talk
Behind the scenes - HOTD - AT
DPS things
Wolf transformation
The toast
Aemond T
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Band queen x reader : a misunderstanding
Notes : reader is an assistent and a good friend of the group they trust her with a lot of stuff and always ask her for a second opinion on stuff. But what happens if the band suspect her of stealing things from them while its not even true and somone is framing her. Read to find out.
This is my first queen fanfic so please if anything is wrong am sorry im new to the fandom also I have dyslexia so im sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Words : 1464
Warnings: non mabey some cursing oh and Paul prenter being a bitch
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(Gif isnt mine)
"Good morning guys"
"Morning" came the reply from the guys
"So Hows everything going?"
"Everything is going just fine y/n, Fred is doing some overdubes for the song " John replied
"Oh alright, is there anything i can get you guys? Tea, coffee?" 
"Soms coffee would be great" came the awnser from Brian
"Everything ells?"
"No thats it darling"
"Alright i'll be back soon "
Once y/n was gone to get the coffee for the boys Paul walked in to the recording room
"Can i have a word with you all"
"What is it Paul? " roger replied in a snarky tone
"Its about y/n"
"What is it about her?"
"Wel have you guys been missing a few things here and there? "
"Now you say so yes "
"Wel im suspection y/n of stealing and i got evidence"
"Oh really?" Said Fred while walking up to him
"Show me then "
"Here it is i caught her red handed while she was trying to steal something " he handed Freddie a polaroid
"But that can't be true y/n would never steal" said Brian as he aproched freddie
"Wel i got the evidence here so also it might be a good idea to check her bag" 
"We ask her if its poseble"
The door opend and y/n steped back in the room "im back" she put the tray down "four coffee one with 3/7 sugars i brought some milk with me in case anybody wants some"
"Y/n is it posible if we might have a look in your bag?"
"Sure hold on i will get it for you..... But why?" She sat it down on the table infront of them
Freddie opened the bag "i have to check something"
"Alright? "
First freddie grabed a necklace out of it
"Hey thats mine" Roger said
"How did that get in there?"
Next up he grabed a book out of it
"I wondered where that was i have been looking For it the past few days" said Brian while looking sligtly hurt
Then he grabed a paper out of it with some lyrics on it "i wrote that i could't find it all morning" Deacy grabed the paper from Freddie his hand"
And as last a smal picture frame of one of Freddie his cats "y/n im so disappointed in you"
"Fred i have no idea how those things got in my bag i swear"
"Well miss y/n it seems that you arn't quite so honest after all"
"Shut up Paul, look fred i swear i dint steal anything somone is Trying to frame me"
"I don't want to hear it now, please y/n im sorry but we can't trust you we need to talk with the band about this I want you to pack your stuff and go home"
"No y/n please go home"
"Fine but don't come back to me if you need anything" she said while grabbing her bag with tears in her eyes "i can't believe that you don't trust me Fred" y/n slamed the door as she walked out. Once y/n got back to her flat she floped down on the bed
"Hey y/n you back early is something wrong?"
*sigh* "yes Alice something is wrong very wrong" (if Alice is your name you can change it)
"What is it then? " Alice sat down next to her on the bed
"Wel I think somone is framing me for stealing stuff from the band members... I never would steal from them, you believe me right?"
"Of course i do y/n I know you Would never do that" she rubbed y/n her back "give them time im sure they will come around don't worry"
"Alright, is it an idea that we go and eat something im starving"
"Sure come lets go then" Alice grabed her hand and leaded her out her bedroom
Meanwhile with the band
"I still can't believe she stole from us"
"Me neither Fred" said Brian
"But what if she dint"
"What do you mean With that John?"
"Wel what if indeed somone is Trying to frame her"
"What Are you trying to say"
"What i try to say is that somone wants to try and get her fired we have known her for so long she would never steal anything"
"who could that person be?"
"Who do you think Fred its Paul of course i don't trust that bastard for a second" said roger while getting up from behind his drums
"No Paul would never do that"
"You might think that Fred but i believe roger might be right about Paul he's acting really mean to y/n, she does everything for us and he keeps on giving her all his work i think he might be mad about that we keep asking her on second opinions and not him, she has more controle over us even when she's under paul"
"Brian has a point"
"Alright alright, we just have to catch him in the act"
"Lets call y/n so that she can come over"
The phone rings and Alice picks up "hello with Alice how can i help you?"
"Hi Alice its John um me and the band was wondering if y/n is with you"
"Oh yeah she's with me at home how so"
"We want her to come over and talk about what happend this morning"
"Alright, but is it ok if i come with her?"
"Sure but she has to bring her bag as wel we will explain what we do once you two are there"
"Alright i'll let her know" once Alice was done she hang up the phone and y/n steped in to the kitchen
"Who was that?"
"Thats was John he asked if you could come over to the studio And you have to bring your bag with you"
*sigh* "Alright lets go" Once y/n and Alice arived at the studio Brian was waiting for them outside
"Hey y/n" he gave a smal wave
"Hi, so you guys wanted me back?"
"We want to try something"
"And that is? " she raised an eyebrow at him
"We want you to place your bag in the hallway and not go to it for over an hour or so, if something of us is found in there while you Haven't been out the room we can conclude for real that somone is framing you"
"Alright Sure" she sighed and followed him to the recording room where the others were waiting "alright I heared about the plan"
"we want to prove your inocense".
"I know guys i know"
"Come sit lets talk about deacy his new song" said Fred while tugging her to sit down next to him.
About an hour later after talking the new songs and laughing about that time that Roger put him self in the cupboared john stood up "Lets check if the there has been anything put in the bag" he walked to the hallway and grabed it
"Lets see, Ah ha! Look "
"Hey those are my favorite drum sticks"
"Conclusion y/n isnt the one who stole stuff somone wants to get her away"
"But who?"
"Oh look who's back" there in the door stood Paul with his arms crosed
"What do you want Paul "
"Well i wanted to see if me and Fred could grab dinner or something but it seams the thief is back once again"
"Shut up paul it wasn't her we came to that conclusion"
"Oh realy how?" He raised an eyebrow at roger
"She hasnt been out the room for over an hour so it really couldn't have been her somone is framing her," Roger walked circles around Paul "and everyone at the studio likes y/n Exept for one person, you"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think we are dumb Paul seriously i might have a bad eyesight but im not blind" said roger while standing in front of him now
Alice And the others looked at both of them, Paul looked nervous
"Alright i did it i wanted to get her fired so that i would get more controle"
"Wel now that you confesed Paul, you are fired get your stuff and leave" said Freddie angerly
"But fred-"
"No you call me mr Mercury from now on when you see me, now get out!" Paul paled visibly at Freddie his outburst and ran out
"Y/n we are so sorry for Everything "
"Its really alright deacy please don't worry" she smiled softly
"Im glad he's gone now i never liked him" said Alice
"Me to"
"lets go to the pub my treat" said Freddie grining
"Alright to the pub!"
And then she knew no matter what that the boys could trust her once again with everything.
The end
This is my first queen x reader that i ever did i hope you guys like it 😊🌹
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Chapter 5
Gwilym!Prince Charming x Reader
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Summary: After losing your parents, your step-family makes your life impossible. That is, until Prince Gwilym holds a ball. It’s your one chance for everything to change.
Word Count: 4.1k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @bensrhapsody, @deakyclicks, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession, @minigranger, @crazyweirdocalledfriday, @the-moving-finger-writes, @assembledherethevolunteers, @rose-writes-prose, @queenlover05, @26-7-49, @drowsebaby, @im-an-adult-ish, @queen-paladin, @rogerina-owns-me, @mirkwoodshewolf, @namelesslosers, @headl0ng, @captvianswaan, @folietracksix​, @baltimoresweethearts​, @killer-queen-87​, @haileymoreolikestupid, @itsametaphorgwil​, @misslolasworld​, @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen​
A/N: It’s the grand finale! Thank you again for all the lovely responses to this fic! I can’t believe I’m almost done with the Disney AUs already! also i barely proofread this because i was so excited to post it so if you see a typo no you didnt
Warning(s): brief descriptions of abuse
Prologue  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4
Chapter 5 here we go!!!
Frank and his daughters came home about an hour after you did. You were already back in your servant clothes and waiting by the door. You took their cloaks and bags, and began hanging them on the rack in the main hall. 
“How was your night?” you asked politely. 
“It was a splendid evening, Y/N,” Frank answered. “More than you could ever hope for.”
“I’m sure it was,” you returned, holding back a smirk. If only he knew. 
“I’m relieved to see you have not stolen anything else from my wife’s closet,” he sneered.
You shook your head. “No, sir. I wouldn’t dream of it. I’ve been thoroughly educated.”
“Very good,” he said, seeming displeased that he couldn’t goad you. 
But nothing could spoil this night. It was perfect. 
“Is there anything you need before going to bed?” you asked. 
“I’m fine, but you’ll of course help the girls get changed,” he said. 
You nodded again. “Absolutely.”
He watched you suspiciously as you followed your step sisters up the stairs. You were calm. Too calm. And you were humming, which you didn’t normally do. Plus the tune was something he had heard somewhere - but no event would have had you in attendance. His frown deepened. Something was up.
Gwilym returned to the palace two hours later, empty handed and broken-hearted. Rami and Ben were waiting on the steps for him, but as he walked up, he only shook his head. They sighed, disappointed for their friend. Thankfully, the remaining guests had all gone home. 
“Sorry, mate,” Ben said. 
“There was no sign of her?” Rami asked. 
“No,” Gwilym said. “Even the carriage tracks just seemed to disappear. It was like she just vanished.”
“So, all we’ve got to go on is the shoe?” Ben wondered, holding it up. 
Gwilym had only entrusted his best friends with it, and they had kept it from his father. 
“It’s made of glass,” Gwilym said. “Which means it only fits her.”
“So what are we gonna do?” Rami asked. “Try the shoe on every woman in the kingdom?”
“Only the single women,” Gwilym said, as if it were obvious.
Rami and Ben shared a surprised look. 
“I hope you’re joking,” Ben said. 
“Far from it,” Gwilym replied. “I’m going to find that girl, and I’m going to marry her.”
Rami sighed. “Very well, then. But let’s start in the morning.”
“Thank you both,” Gwilym said, relieved. They had every reason to leave now. Both had duties at home, and had done what was socially expected. With the ball over, there was no obligation to stay. “Really.”
“Of course we’re gonna help you,” Ben said. “But I’m with Rami. Starting tomorrow.”
“You guys go on up, I’ll be right behind you,” Gwilym insisted. 
His friends shrugged, but did as he requested and went inside. Gwilym remained, holding that glass piece of you carefully in the crook of his arm. He looked out into the night sky, hoping somehow you could feel his desperation. 
“I am coming for you, my darling,” he said quietly. 
You yawned as the sun peered into your room through your curtains. You were feeling unusually light this morning. Like you were still floating just above the ballroom floor. With a contented sigh, you stretched and forced yourself out of bed. Frank and the girls would be needing their breakfast soon, but you knew you had a little extra time today. They’d certainly have a bit of a lie in after the late night. 
You threw your dress and apron on. You did a spin around your room, giggling as you imagined Gwilym there with you. Then you had to slow to a stop. It was a fantasy, nothing more. One glorious night. But now it was time to return to reality and your true life. Still, you could cling to the dream for one morning.
Humming to yourself, you put the pot on to boil and began prepping plates for breakfast. You set a pan atop the stove to start some sausages when you heard the jingle of a bell. You looked at the wall. It was coming from Eleanor’s room, so you guessed she was up. You asked Elsie to start the food and went back upstairs to get your step sister dressed. When you reached the landing, you saw Frank emerging from his room, already dressed. 
“Good morning,” you said kindly. 
“Y/N, what did you get up to last night?” he asked. 
“Why, nothing, sir,” you said. “I cleaned up, as you instructed, changed clothes, and got a head start on some other chores. When those were done, I occupied myself by reading.”
He seemed skeptical. “I see. I hope you weren’t reading anything too fanciful. You mustn’t fill your mind with...unrealistic dreams and fantasies.”
Your brow furrowed with confusion. What was he implying?
“No, sir,” you said. “I try to keep everything practical.”
“Good,” he said. “Now get to work.”
You nodded, a bit perplexed, but continued into Eleanor’s room.
In the morning, Gwilym was the first up. He hardly slept at all. He wrote a decree for his father to send out, that he and Ben and Rami would be making the rounds through town and the countryside to find the owner of the missing shoe. They would begin today, and search until the prince had found his lost love.
To his shock, the king agreed to this. He read over it at the breakfast table, nodding at each point. The ladies were to try on the shoe and if it fit, it must be the girl who Gwilym met at the ball.
“Very well,” he said. “You’ll begin today?”
“Yes,” Gwilym said. “I want to find her as soon as possible.”
“Alright, son,” the king replied. He looked at the prince and offered a sincere smile. “And best of luck.”
Gwilym beamed. “Thank you, Father!”
And so, they began their search within the palace, where the out of town noble guests were staying. Gwilym had his doubts about those girls because he met them before you even came through the door. But he knew everyone deserved a fair chance. When the shoe fit none of those women, they made their way into town, with a few guards along for protection. 
Frank received a letter from the palace early in the morning. He looked it over and you saw a flash of...something cross his face. You couldn’t place the emotion though. It seemed almost like a glimmer of hope. His eyes glanced over at you before quickly turning to his daughters. 
“Girls, get yourselves looking nice,” he said. “We’ll be having visitors from the palace this afternoon.”
“The palace?” you questioned, without meaning to, but you could hardly help yourself. 
“Yes, but that isn’t any of your business, Y/N,” he snapped. “Get my daughters ready and then proceed with your chores as usual. You are not to make your presence known while the visitors are here.”
You nodded apologetically. As you made your way back to the kitchen, you wondered if the visitors Frank referred to could be Gwilym and his father. Was he looking for you? Something in your heart told you he was, but you hardly even dared to hope. Such a thing was the stuff of dreams. And yet, the ball seemed like a dream too, but it was as real as the tea kettle you carried. You began devising a plan. 
As the day wore on, you completed your chores quickly. You wanted to prepare yourself as well. Your gut was telling you Gwilym was on his way to take you away from here. And you had all the proof you needed in that slipper that was hidden beneath your bed. So when you finished sweeping the entrance hall, you ran up to your room to get it. Only, when you opened your door, you came to an abrupt stop. Frank was sitting on your bed, holding the slipper by the heel. One wrong move of his fingers and it would fall, risking a break. 
“Well, well, well,” he said darkly. “I had a feeling you had made your way to the ball. You’ve been far too dreamy to have had as dull a night as you claim.”
Your heart rate quickened. 
“That’s mine,” you said, feeling childish as the words left your mouth. “It was given to me.”
Frank laughed humorlessly. “Oh, likely story. I suppose this is another one of my wife’s things you stole.”
“You cannot stop me from this,” you said, ignoring the accusation. “The prince loves me.”
“Against his better judgement, I believe that’s true,” he admitted.
You blinked, surprised at your step father’s nonchalance about this. Did that mean he would accept it? No. There had to be something else he was getting at. 
“As it is, though,” he said. “You’re spoken for.”
You frowned as your stomach dropped. 
“What are you talking about?” you asked. 
“You’re mine, Y/N,” he said, getting to his feet and straightening his jacket with his free hand. “And mine alone.”
A chill ran down your spine. Was he really saying what you thought he was saying?
“I’m not a slave, Frank,” you said. “I am free to do this.”
“I do not intend to make you my slave,” he said. “I intend to make you my wife.”
Your body went rigid as the blood ran out of your face. The very idea made your stomach churn. The thought of being his wife, sharing his bed, bearing his children...you nearly heaved right there in front of him.
“No,” you said firmly. “I won’t.”
“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice,” he said. 
“It’s sick!” you cried. “I’m your daughter!”
“Step daughter,” he said. “I will have this estate, Y/N. You will do for me what your mother could not. My son will be the true and rightful heir, and start a new line.”
“Are you not happy with the children you have?” you wondered, completely rocked to your core. “Why do you insist on a son?”
“Sons are the only useful offspring,” he scoffed. “Daughters are just mouths to feed until you can marry them off, and even then, what’s theirs will never belong to their family. It belongs to their husbands. Well, I am not going to lose everything because my previous wives were too weak to give me what I want.”
“I will not,” you refused again. “I’ll run away.”
“And leave behind your home?” he taunted. “The one your father built so lovingly with your mother?”
“It will no longer be a home to me if I am trapped in such a marriage,” you said. 
“I’m not giving you a choice, Y/N,” he sighed. “I’ll keep eyes on you everywhere, I’ll lock you in your room, whatever it takes. Or, you can submit to me now and become mistress of this house as you were born to be.”
“I’ll die before I marry you,” you spat. “I’ll die before I bear any child of yours. I’ll -”
“No need to go on,” he said. He was being alarmingly calm about this. “I know the rest. But you will marry me, Y/N. You will have my son, and you’ll do it all without complaint. Just as you have with everything I have ever given you.”
You blinked again. So everything he’d put you through was a test? A way to manipulate you into obeying his every command? He was...grooming you? Your stomach gave another lurch.
“But first,” he said. “We will need to squash your dreams of Prince Gwilym.”
“What do you -”
He cut off your question by hurling your slipper into the wall. It shattered with a crash, which drowned out your anguished cry. You sank to your knees, hopeless. 
“There now,” he said. “I’m only teaching you the harsh lesson of reality.” 
Tears fell freely down your cheeks. You heard loud knocking at the front door, but barely registered it. 
“That’ll be him,” Frank said. 
You snapped to your senses and started to rise for one last desperate escape attempt, but Frank was faster. You felt the blow of his palm against your cheek before you even saw it coming. You fell to the ground, face throbbing. You wanted to scream, or cry, or swing back at him, but you were completely numb from the shock. You couldn’t feel anything but the sting on your skin.
“Do not resist me again, Y/N,” Frank warned. 
With that, he walked out of your room, and you heard him turn the lock. You were trapped. You curled into a ball on your floor and wept quietly. 
Gwilym was relieved when the door finally opened. This was the last house of the day. He saw a man there, whose smile was...unconvincing to say the least. He bowed. 
“We are happy to see you, Prince Gwilym,” he said. “I am Frank Tarleton, and I believe one of my daughters is the girl you’re searching for.”
Gwilym raised a brow. “But you don’t know which?”
Frank blinked, taken aback, and then laughed an empty sort of laugh. “Good one, your highness. Please, come in.”
Gwilym looked at Ben and Rami who both shrugged. They followed Frank inside and into the drawing room, where two young women sat on the couch, looking nervous. Ben explained everything, with Frank nodding eagerly along. Something about the man struck Gwilym as slimy. He was too polite, too eager to please, and it seemed even his own daughters were made uncomfortable by him. Gwilym sighed. 
“Let’s get this over with,” he mumbled. 
He was beginning to lose hope. Who was left, if not these girls? And yet, neither of them struck him as the one he was looking for.
You listened carefully at your door, not daring to make any more noise. If Frank returned, he might do worse than strike you. But you could listen to what was happening downstairs. 
It was a bit maddening to hear, though. To be so close to Gwilym now, and yet so far. To be a prisoner now in your own home was worse than being a servant. And the worst part was seeing the proof of your identity lying in pieces beside you. You felt like the slipper. Broken. Completely in pieces. Like your dreams too. 
You heard the front door open and close again. You went to your window and watched Gwilym mount his horse, his friends on either side of him, and trot away toward town. Was that truly the last time you would see your love?
It couldn’t be. Now, you could hear Frank’s familiar footsteps coming back up the stairs. You knew you had to make a break for it as soon as he opened the door. You braced yourself. You had no time to pack anything, no time to grab money or valuables. You would have to break away with nothing but the clothes on your back and a prayer. 
You watched the doorknob turn, feeling as if everything was in slow motion. It creaked slowly open and Frank’s body appeared in the door frame. He reached for you, but you ducked under his arm, darted down the hall, flew down the stairs, and straight out the front door. 
You ran. As fast as your legs could carry you, not even daring to look back to see if Frank was in pursuit. You just hurtled toward town, hoping that anyone could help you. You would give up your home, and everything you knew - you would even give up your life - before marrying Frank. You had to escape, even if it meant becoming a beggar. 
You burst through the back door of the tavern, tears streaming down your cheeks, and chest heaving. Flying through the kitchen, you threw open the doors to the dining area and found Zelda behind the bar. She looked up at the commotion you were making, took in the sight of you, and her brow furrowed. 
“Zelda, please!” you cried, frantic. “I need help!”
You went to her, and she took you in her arms. 
“Y/N, what’s -”
She didn’t get to finish her question before Frank came barreling through. He must not have been far behind. You let out a scream. Zelda pushed you behind her and you cowered at her back. She put her arms out to shield you further. 
“Zelda, remove yourself if you know what’s good for you,” Frank threatened. 
“Don’t, Zelda, please!” you begged. “Don’t let him take me! He’s going to force me to marry him! Please!”
She stiffened in front of you. “Oh, no you don’t, Frank. I will not stand by and let you do this.”
“Stand back or you’re fired,” he warned. 
“I don’t care,” she shot back. “I won’t let you have her!”
“I’m afraid it’s not up to you,” he returned harshly. 
He grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to move her, but Zelda was a stout woman with considerable strength. She resisted him, taking hold of his biceps and forcing him back several steps. Her advantage was clearly gained by the element of surprise. 
“Run, Y/N!” she cried. “Get out of here!” 
Panicked, you leapt over the counter and wrenched the door open. You threw yourself out of it, trying to ignore the sounds of the struggle behind you. You darted into the street and sprinted as fast as you could away from the tavern. You had no idea where you would go from here - but you could not stay and be forced into a lifetime of Frank. 
You glanced back. To your horror, you saw that Frank was emerging from the tavern and had spotted you right away. With a gasp, you turned back around and sped up. Only, as you turned, you didn’t realize what was in front of you. You ran right smack into a man’s back. The force of the collision put you on your rear in the dirt. 
Wincing, you looked up. Your jaw dropped. It was Gwilym!
He met your gaze and froze as well. For a moment, you were both back at the ball, when he’d come up to you on the stairs and asked you to dance. He recognized you instantly. 
“It’s you,” he whispered. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but a sudden stinging on your scalp caused you to cry out instead. Frank had fisted his hand around your hair and dragged you to your feet. 
“Your highness!” he gasped, noticing Gwilym. “I do apologize. My servant here has forgotten her manners.” He looked at you and continued through gritted teeth. “And her place.”
He yanked your hair on the last word for extra emphasis. Gwilym’s chest tightened as he watched Frank manhandle you. He briefly imagined himself drawing his sword and plunging it right into Frank’s chest, but he refrained. 
“Release her,” he ordered. 
Frank looked at the prince, bewildered. 
“I’m sorry?” he questioned.
Gwilym’s expression darkened. “I told you to release her.”
Frank hesitated. 
“Now!” Gwilym shouted. 
You relaxed when Frank finally let go. Your scalp still itched with soreness. You desperately wanted to throw yourself into Gwilym’s arms but you were still afraid of what Frank might do. You did take a cautious step back. 
“Your highness, I’m dealing with an unruly servant girl,” Frank said. “But she is mine and I may do with her as I please.”
Your lip trembled and you shook your head. 
“That’s not true,” you sobbed. “You know it’s not, I’m your step daughter and you’re forcing me to -”
“SILENCE!” Frank roared, and raised his hand.
You shrieked and covered your face with your arms. But the blow didn’t come. You peeked out, lowering your shield just barely. Gwilym had taken hold of Frank’s wrist. Rami and Ben, who you just noticed being present, both had their hands on their swords. Now was your chance. 
“Don’t let him take me back,” you begged again. “Please, your highness, don’t let him.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Zelda trotting up the street. She halted when she took in the scene before her. 
“Sir Tarleton,” Gwilym said, releasing Frank’s arm. “We were at your home and I asked you if you had any more women residing there besides your daughters. You lied.”
“It wasn’t a lie, really,” Frank argued. “Just an omission. You see, there’s no way this girl was at the ball when I forbid her from going.”
“If that’s true, then you are still in trouble,” Gwilym said. “All eligible maidens were to attend.”
“She’s only a servant -”
“I know you’re lying, Tarleton,” Gwilym interrupted. “Now stand down.”
Frank stepped away from the prince, shooting glances between him and you. Gwilym turned to Ben.
“The slipper please, Ben,” he said. 
“No!” Frank protested, starting toward you, but Rami stopped him.
Ben handed Gwilym the slipped you’d left behind on the staircase. You wiped your cheeks, clearing away the dirt and tears, and held your prince’s gaze. You smiled at him.
“I knew you were the girl from the tavern,” he said gently. “I knew I recognized you.”
“And the cemetery,” you reminded him.
“Yes,” he chuckled. “I remember.”
“How did someone like you even notice someone like me?” you wondered, amazed. 
“Because you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met,” he told you simply. “Inside and out. And from that moment in the cemetery I saw what you truly are - a princess.”
You flushed, looking bashfully at the ground. 
“I’m not really a -”
“Maybe not by birth,” he said. “But in heart.”
You met his eyes again. Those eyes that from the first time you saw them, told you the kindness of this man’s soul. 
He knelt down onto one knee, holding out the slipper. It made you ache for the lost one Frank smashed, but you were relieved that you had left one behind at the palace. You toed off your boot and raised your leg. Ben stepped closer to help you balance and you shot him a grateful look. Then, you slid your delicate foot into the glass slipper. It fit perfectly. 
Gwilym’s face lit up like a firework. Ben let go of your hand as Gwilym laughed, took you up in his arms and spun you around. You giggled with joy as well. He lowered you gently to the ground.
“Now, will you please tell me your name?” he asked. 
You chuckled. “It’s Y/N.” 
“Y/N,” he repeated, and cupped your cheek in his palm. “How beautiful.”
“No!” Frank shouted again, and this time Rami had to grab him to stop him. “No! You cannot take her from me!”
“The girl does not belong to you,” Gwilym said sternly. He turned and faced Frank. “I see very clearly now that you have been mistreating her. She is free to choose whatever she likes.”
“I’m her father!” Frank insisted. 
“Step father,” you said. Then you looked up at Gwilym. “I choose you, my love.” 
“I’m glad to hear it,” he replied. “Sir Tarleton, you’ll be taken into custody.”
Frank’s eyes went wide as the guards moved to take him from Rami. They clapped iron rings around his wrists. He seemed too shocked to struggle. 
“Take him to the dungeon to await trial for his crimes,” Gwilym instructed. He faced you again. “And you, my darling, may come with me to the palace.”
“For how long?” you wondered. 
“Forever, if you wish it,” he assured you. 
“I could hardly wish for more,” you said happily. 
He took your hand and helped you onto his horse. Together, you headed for safety, and building a life together. In true love.
You and Gwilym married as soon as possible. The whole kingdom was thrilled at the wedding. Frank was tried and convicted for his abuse, but would not serve a life sentence, so instead of prison, he was banished from the kingdom. Even so, early in your marriage to Gwilym, you frequently had nightmares where your stepfather returned. 
Gwilym was as loving and patient a partner as you could hope for. He let you talk through your trauma, and he made sure to never do anything that caused you fear. His support helped you to truly heal. 
Your step sisters had to move from the estate, which was now yours entirely. Eleanor and Miranda were surprisingly happy to take over their father’s first business, the tavern, which they ran successfully with Zelda. They both eventually found merchant husbands and lived peacefully, and you were genuinely happy for them.  
But the greatest joy Gwilym ever gave you was your children. You had two boys and two girls, and they were the light of the whole kingdom’s eye - but especially the king, who lived a long and healthy life with his grandchildren. You had no other description for your life besides happily ever after.
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Request 1
A/N: Hi, everybody! So, I got this request AGES ago. So long ago I honestly can’t remember but I think the person has deactivated their tumblr. I’ve been super busy (because mandatory overtime during a pandemic sounds like a fantastic idea right?), but I FINALLY got it done! Their request was that they wanted something where Joe is doing one of his videos with fanmail. I hope, if they have another account or something, they find this and I hope you all enjoy!
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x fem!Reader
Summary: Joe’s on break from his last film and staying at his mom’s house. You decide to go see him.
Warnings: None
Taglist: @queenlover05 @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhyee @theblossomknows
 You collapsed into your car, already exhausted thinking about the drive that you had to make.
You were going to surprise your boyfriend, Joe, by driving to his mom’s house, stopping at the market, and then you were going to make one of his favorite meals and desserts. He was finally on break from his last job and you knew he needed something to help him relax.
You practically ran through the store grabbing the ingredients. The quicker you got everything, the quicker you could see him.
You pulled up and parked in the driveway. Your heart was beating a little fast. The two of you hadn’t seen each other in almost three months. You originally had plans to meet later, but you liked this idea better.
You were hoping to make it a surprise, but you knew he’d have to let you in as you didn’t have a key to his mom’s place.
That was until you saw his mother coming out, pulling her jacket around her.
You quickly got out of the car and waved to her. “Virginia! Hi!”
She jumped for a moment but then smiled when she met your eyes. She finished coming down the porch and gave you a hug. “Hi, sweetheart, how are you?”
“I’m good, thanks,” you smiled at her. You loved Virginia since the first time Joe had brought you home to meet his family. If you were being honest, you loved all of the Mazzellos. “How are you?”
Virginia just waved her hands in the air, as if batting the question away. “I’m actually headed out for the evening. One of our instructors is in a little production not too far away and she got us all tickets.” She looked you over and sighed contently. “Joe’s inside. Last I heard him he was talking to somebody on the phone. Make yourself at home, honey. The door should be unlocked.”
You thanked her and gave her another hug before you grabbed your groceries out of the car. You went in and started unpacking the groceries. The house was weirdly quiet. Most of the time when you were here it was filled with people and activity.
That was until you heard Joe’s voice.
“...this,” Joe paused. “Came from somebody in Queensland. They drew this! It looks exactly like me. Isn’t that crazy?”
It sounded like he was talking on the phone to somebody because nobody responded. You giggled to yourself. He was probably going through his fan gifts. He loved them so much and they meant so much to him. Maybe he was talking to his mom. He’d done that on occasion. He could also be talking to any of his friends.
You slowly opened the door and saw Joe sitting at his desk, his phone in front of him, surrounded by gifts from people.  You listened to him talk for a few moments before you started to make your way into the room. You figured he was just FaceTiming so you snuck in and just appeared over his shoulder.
“Oh! And this one,” Joe went to reach for another when he must’ve seen you out of the corner of his eye because he finally turned to you. His eyes widened for a moment and you giggled.
“About time that you noticed me here.”
“I um…hi. When did you get here?”
“About two minutes ago. You seem nervous. Talking to your other girlfriend?”
You draped your arms around Joe’s shoulder and looked at his iPad to see who he was talking to. You expected to see somebody else’s face, but you just saw the two of you. Joe was grinning at you and you watched your face contort into one of confusion.
And then you saw the comments start flying in.
‘OTHER girlfriend??? As in SHE’S his girlfriend????’
Then you saw hearts and different emojis appear on the screen.
“A…are you live right now?”
Joe chuckled. “I am. And now so are you.” Joe turned back towards his phone. “So, everyone, to answer your questions, yes. This is my girlfriend, Y/N,” he pressed a kiss to your temple. “Y/N, these are my Instagram followers.”
You waved sheepishly and then backed away so that you couldn’t see yourself on his phone.
You loved Joe, but you had stayed out of the spotlight with him because you didn’t want all that attention and press.
“Well guys, as you can see, I am being very rude to my house guest so, I gotta go. However, I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart want to thank everybody that’s sent me gifts, or letters, or anything. You guys make my day and I will talk to you all soon.”
You watched as Joe waved and then pressed something on his screen, ending the video. He stood up and walked over to you wrapping you up in a hug. You buried your head in his chest, both trying to get closer to him and hide from embarrassment.
“Hi,” he laughed, you felt it in his chest.
“Hi,” you mumbled.
“This is a nice surprise,” Joe kissed the top of your head. He lifted your chin and smiled at you. “I thought we were going to meet in the city later.”
“I thought I’d cook for you. I didn’t realize that you’d be on Instagram Live!”
“I decided to open some more gifts and I thought that might be easier than doing a video and posting it to Youtube.”
“And now everybody knows that we’re a couple.”
Joe smiled and then gave you a kiss on the lips.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Joe teased, after you broke apart.
“It’s not, except I’m sure your other girlfriends might be upset.”
“Ben and Gwil already know about you,” Joe continued pressing kisses to your face.
You hummed a laugh as Joe slid his hands down to your hips.
“You know, I did bring us some dinner.”
“Mmm I think I’d rather have dessert first,” Joe continued down your neck.
You giggled. “Stop it, come on, I’ll make your favorite.” You grabbed his hands and started to pull him into the kitchen. “I’ve got dessert too, and juuuust maybe, I’ll let you lick the spoon.” You winked at him over your shoulder.
Joe groaned, but happily followed you.
The two of you went into the kitchen and began making the meal. You tried to do it all yourself, but Joe insisted on helping.  It all felt very domestic. It made you imagine a time when maybe the two of you could be living together. Maybe even married. Maybe with kids running around and…
“Y/N! The water’s boiling over!”
You snapped out of your daydream and quickly turned the temperature down.
“Are you okay? You spaced out for a minute there.”
You turned to look at him as he continued cutting up the vegetables.
“Yeah, I just…was thinking.”
You felt some heat come to your cheeks. You and Joe hadn’t talked about moving in together yet and you didn’t want to scare him away.
“Nothing, just thinking.”
Joe stopped and turned to look at you.
“Nothing, huh?”
You shrugged and turned away, hoping he didn’t notice the dusting of blush on your cheeks. You felt Joe wrap his arms around your waist, tucking his chin into the crook of your neck.
“Well, if you were thinking about the same thing I was then you were picturing the two of us doing something like this in a place of our own. Maybe a tiny apartment in Manhattan  that we can barely move around in. Or we could buy a place near here. Or, hell, we could just buy an RV  and roam the country.”
You turned around so that you were facing Joe, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You know, if you want to live with me, Mazzello, all you have to do is ask.”
Three Months Later:
Joe Mazzello Is Bored has posted a new video: Moving In- Our New Place
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warriorteam1924 · 5 years
Oh how you want it
Joe Mazzello x femReader (Smut)
Author note : Hi my beauties ! We are all in some kind of shutdown cause of this sh!t, I thought it might be fun to entertain you since no one is coming to my partey lmao. Anyways, this is just something I wrote quite quickly, but I hope you enjoy anyways. English is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes. Thanks in advance for the feedback ^^ 
Summary : Teasing him leads to it, eventually.... 
Word Count: 1,662 Words
 : this is a smutty thing. If you are not confortable with this kind of writings, just pass. (Ideally, only +18 please). Also note that during an intercourse, consent must be given and communication is also required.
Permanent taglist : @anotheronebitesthedick, @reavenedges-lies​​, @thosequeenboys​​, @orionis8689​​, @roger-taylors-car​
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“For god sake, hurry up, we’re going to be late !!” you heard him shout from the living room.
 “Just give me a minute, I can’t zip this damn dress.”, you replied a little bit annoyed by his tone.
 You heard his steps coming closer and after a soft knock on the bathroom door, he came in, frowning.
 “Why didn’t you call me?”, he asked.
 “In fact, I thought I was still young and I stupidly thought my arm could still twist all around my body.”, you sarcastically replied.
 “Come on, you’re not old. It’s just a state of mind. If you feel young in your head, you’re young everywhere....”, he replied with a smile, aware his tone had not been really nice on the very first place. “Come here, let me help you.”, he said.
 You turned around to show him your back and you heard him swallow.
 “What?”, you asked him. “Anything wrong?”
 “No, it’s just.... Your skin looks so soft.”, he carried on. He did not wait for an answer as he was already caressing it. It was really a nice feeling.
 “Hum....?”, he replied dreamily.
 “You said we were going to be late.”, you reminded him.
 “You know I can be quick.”, he replied and you saw a smirk on his face in the mirror facing you. He then started to kiss you in your neck. It was really hard not to shiver with this sensation, but you kept a straight face.
 “Joe.”, you stopped him with your tone. “Zip this dress and let’s go please.”
 He kissed you one last time and zipped your dress properly, sighing.
 “This is so unfair.”, he complained.
 “You know what is unfair?”, you asked him, always very seriously.
 “You’ll have to spend the whole night thinking about this moment and thinking about this revelation of mine.”, you told him getting closer to his ear. “ I’m not wearing any underwear.”, you whispered.
 He looked at you, unable to proceed. His mouth was wide opened and you winked at him and left the bathroom to get your coat.
 “Fuck”, you heard him whisper.
 The car was waiting for you outside and you could not feel more satisfied. You came in, followed by Joe. The driver started the engine and headed to your destination.
 Joe’s eyes were almost looking through you. His leg was jumping, as if he was nervous.
 “Are you okay ?”, you gently asked him. “You seem agitated.”, you innocently carried on.
 “Agitated, hum?”, he repeated, looking at you in the eyes.
 “Yeah, agitated.”, you nodded.
 “Christ, Y/N.”, he said, taking his head in his hands. “You know the effect you have upon me?”, he whispered not to be heard by the driver.
 “What effect?”, you still very casually asked.
 He took your hand to put it between his legs and closed his eyes, still murmuring.
 “This. Effect.”
 “Oh.... I see.”
 He sighed again, but you let your hand where it was, pressing it gently on his body. You came closer to his ear and whispered.
 “Because you truly think you don’t have this effect on me?”, you asked. “Do you think I don’t imagine things when I see you in this tuxedo, looking so incredibly sexy?”
 He turned to you, raising his eyebrows.
 “That’s right, Mister Mazzello. Tonight is yet another chance for you to prove how much of a fantastic actor you are. Hard as hell, but able to keep a poker face, whatever.”, you winked at him.
 “Good lord, you’re going to be death to me, I swear.”, he said, saying no with his face.
 Yet, the conversation had to stop since the car smoothly stopped, letting you know you had arrived.
 This awards ceremony was really like any other really, but Joe was constantly looking at his watch. He was not even nominated, why the hell had he been invited?, he thought.
 “Maybe we could escape sooner?”, he whispered. “I mean before the end.”, he suggested.
 “Joe, you’re supposed to give an award tonight.”, you reminded him.
“Dammit.”, he quietly said between his teeth, making you smile once again.
 Eventually, the category he was presenting arrived. ‘At last’, you heard him say. Yet, he went on stage, perfectly confident and very professionally speaking. You could not help but bite your lips as you were looking at him.
 How could this man be so gorgeous? There he was, standing tall, smiling. His face beaming as he was looking at his audience, and you noticed again his nose. It had been mocked but you actually found his profile absolutely stunning. His black tuxedo was perfectly suiting him and you felt your heart beat faster at the thought of him getting rid of it quite hastily to properly finish what he had started earlier in the bathroom.
 He came back to sit next to you, as you proudly smiled at him.
 “Well done, Joey.”, you told him with a wink.
 “One more category not to be impolite and we take off.”, he warned you.
 You were not going to stop him. This award ceremony was important for sure, but now Joe had done his job, you selfishly wanted him to take care of you. You saw him glancing left and right, and he took your hand and slowly guided you towards the main door to leave.
 The drive back home was even quicker since there was not traffic at all at this time of the night. When you arrived home, you shivered a little because of the cold so you hastily came in as Joe was tipping the driver.
 He hastily opened the door and looked at you with eager eyes, as you were innocently leaning on the wall.
 He almost jumped on you and started to kiss you everywhere your skin was appearing. You placed your hand again between his legs, making him moan loudly. He tried to put his hand between yours as well, but the dress was really tight and prevented you from spreading your legs.
 “This damn dress, I swear to God....”, he sighed again.
 “Just take it off.”, you proposed.
 He did not need to be asked twice. You turned and he slowly lowered the zipper in your back, kissing you all the way down. His hands caressed your skin from your shoulders to your legs as he was gently taking it off.
 “God, you’re so beautiful”, he whispered. “Do you know how hard it’s been for me tonight?”, he asked.
 “Show me.”, you replied.
 You turned to face him again and this time, he smiled in satisfaction when his hand eventually reach out for your groin, making you moan this time.
 “Oh, tell me how you want it, babe?”, he asked.
 “I want it.... Joe’s style.”, you replied.
 “Ask and you shall be given”, he carried on.
 He gently guided you to the bedroom where you laid on the mattress, looking at him with desire. As you had expected it, he took his clothes off quite rapidly, revealing his beautiful body. His muscles were tensed, making you shiver just at the sight of him. He came on top of you to kiss you again and you could indeed tell he’d been hard all evening.
 You looked at him in the eyes, smiling. You knew you did not need foreplay since you’d been dreaming about him during the whole ceremony so you gently guided him inside you, to feel complete, again.
 As he usually did when making love to you, he started with a slow pace, the two of you still exchanging passionate kisses. The pleasure was already getting more and more intense and both your breaths were getting heavier.
 He suddenly stopped and gently pulled out, making you frowned.
 “I would like to taste you...”, he commented as he softly dived towards your legs, still spreading kisses all over your body, making sure to give a special attention to each of your nipple.
 As his tongue was already working miracles between your legs, he took one of your hand and you squeezed it really hard, letting him know he was doing alright. With the other hand, he gently placed one then two fingers inside you, still playing with his mouth. You put your other hand in his wonderful auburn hair, slightly pressing him closer to you.
 You suddenly realized you had been teasing him all evening and that he was still willing as much pleasure as possible. So you grabbed his head and made him face you again to exchange yet another kiss.
 You kindly pushed him on his back and climbed on top of him. You adjusted yourself, his length fully filling you again, your hands on his chest. Again, your motions were like one and he softly grabbed your hips to carry on guiding you. You slowly put your body against his, never stopping your movements, just to feel his heartbeat again your chest.
 He continued to kiss every part of your skin his mouth could reach, closing his eyes because of the pleasure you were giving him. The two of you knew each other perfectly now and you could tell from his body language he was about to reach climax.
 You carried on moving but speeding up a little. Every single of his muscles suddenly tensed as you felt him having his orgasm inside you. He was softly moaning, whispering your name. Hearing him sough this way and seeing him this way made you reach climax as well, still filled with his length.
 You collapsed on top of him, out of breath and he caught you, pressing you tight against him.
 “Was it worth the wait?”, you asked him, giggling.
 “Everything and anything is worth the wait with you and for you, love.”, he replied, kissing your forehead.
 How was it possible to love someone even more than your proper self, you still had no idea. You thought it was only possible with Joseph Francis Mazzello, the third.
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
Autumn / Freddie Mercury Imagine
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Request: Hello lovely person! Hope you're doing okay! Was wondering if you could write me something with Freddie. I don't really mind what it is, just maybe something fluffy (and male reader as usual). Thanks so much, and take care of yourself! 💕💕💕💕 
Of course love @fandom-star! Sorry if this is awful, I just have quite a few Uni deadlines and exams coming up <3
You were nervous.
First dates always did that to you, you thought, as you wrapped your arms around your waist in some slight form of comfort and peered down the street, waiting for Freddie to arrive. The sun kissed white clouds blossomed in the blue above your head, free to fly with the wind. In the long horizon, they take on silver hues, those deeper graphite tones that promise good rain. Tapping your toes, you start to grow impatient.
It takes him another ten minutes to appear, walking leisurely down the street with a big grin on his face. He runs one hand through his short hair as he spots you, almost skipping over to where you lean against the cafe wall, stopping just before running into you.
‘Sorry I’m so fashionably late, darling, traffic was hell.’
‘I’m just glad you’re here now, Freddie. It’s getting incredibly walk.’
‘Nothing a brisk walk won’t fix, my dear.’
He held out his hand for you to take. You complied, but instead of shaking hands like you thought he might, he brought your hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss upon it. You felt your face flush warm, and the hairs on her neck stand, something fluttering in your stomach as his big doe eyes glanced up at you eagerly. You almost sighed when he let your hand go, choosing instead to hold his arm out so you could interlink it with your own. In that moment, before the two of you set off down the avenue, you knew that if you spoke, your words would fumble and you wouldn't be able to make your usual witty remarks. Right there and then, you were at a loss for everything; no words, no breath, no thoughts. The only thing that came out of your mouth at that moment was his name, and even then it came out shaky and quiet.
‘Alright, my dear, shall we?’
Throughout the walk, Freddie’s focus was scattered, so filled with nervous anticipation, so excited, even giddy. He couldn't hold a conversation for long or keep his feet from jumping while his thoughts danced in infinite directions. All he could focus on, was the feeling of the two of you almost holding hands, a tingling feeling spreading throughout his entire body as he dared to brush his fingers against your own, seeing if you would pull away. When you didn’t, he dared to cover your fingers with his own, stopping for a moment by the park’s duck pond, pretending to take in the view. In reality, he was trying to stop the heat from burning his cheeks. It was the blush of roses, that peek of champagne pink. The colour infused cheeks dimpled with the blossoming smile and his eyes shone in a way that only deep happiness can bring.
His tentative fingers explored your hand, tracing the lines and grooves as if he was trying to remember this moment forever. You tried to look away from him desperately, but the pure joy he exuded was too much for you, breaking the two of you into desperate giggles that gained a lot of confused looks from people passing by. The old woman throwing bread to the birds onto the bench behind grinned - glowing, as the two of you walked on, hand in hand and step in step.
It took a huge amount of willpower for Freddie to calmly say goodbye to you when the date ended, but he managed it, barely. 
‘This time next week, my darling.’
‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Freddie.’
He smiled softly as he walked off. Though the newspapers blew about the street he paid them no mind, they were no more bother than fall leaves. He passed the graffiti and the dinged London lampposts, barely noticing the beat up old cars. This avenue might be falling apart just as much as it ever was, but he'd found his love and not a thing or a person could ever take that away. The air was sweet and there was no hurry, his world had been cast anew and he was savouring every moment. 
He left, with his head swimming with no thoughts other than you.
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glitterdreamsz · 6 years
A Penny for Your Thoughts (part 2)
BoRhap!Roger x reader
Summary: The Reader and Roger have been a couple since they were sixteen. But what would happen to their relationship now that Roger’s dream of being a rock star is becoming reality? A/N: Wow, I really didn’t expect that the first chapter of this series would have had such a positive reaction. I love you guys! xx  I hope you would like this chapter just as much and don’t be afraid to let me know what you think about it. I also made a playlist for this series and you can find it here (any song suggestion is well accepted) Words: 3.8k Warnings: Mention of smut and mention of a car accident
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February 1974
“All that I’m saying is that before closing this stall you have to be sure that you will be able to earn enough money from your music.” You hated to be this harsh with Roger but most of the time you had to be the pragmatist of the couple. Yes, with Queen things were going better than any other band he had ever been in before, they had already an album out and had recorded another one that would be out the following month. They had done many and many gigs since John joined the bad and they just came back from a concert in Australia. Still, you kept open Roger and Freddie’s Kensington stall while they were on tour and you didn’t think that it was the best idea to close it because you and Roger weren’t in a stable economic situation yet. “I am earning money with Queen, and I haven’t been in this stall for so long while we were touring. It makes no sense to keep it open. And Freddie thinks the same” “When you weren’t here working I was.” You said while applying a price tag to a coat. “And Freddie doesn’t need this stall anymore because he’s earning more money than you.” You looked at Roger who rolled his eyes, you didn’t want to be this frankly but he needed to hear the truth “My work as photographer assistant doesn’t give me a lot of money, neither does yours. We need to pay the rent, food, bills, we need this stall Rog.”
*******flashback******** “You know, getting this stall may have been the best idea you have ever had” you joked looking around to the clothes that Freddie accurately set. You were at the end of your first year of uni and you were struggling to get at the end of the month. Both you and Roger had to study for university by day and then by night you worked in a pub and Rog went around playing with his band to earn some money, but all that was becoming too much. That’s when a friend of his, Freddie, told him that he opened a stall in Kensington and it wasn’t too bad as gain, he managed to pay his bills and rent and that’s what you needed. Rog would still play with Smile at night and during the afternoon you both would have worked at the stall while in the meantime you still managed to study for your classes. “Penny, if you keep taking home clothes for free then we would earn nothing because we will remain with no clothes at all.” Freddie said looking at you. “But come on, this fur is made for me.” You replied pouting as you watched at your reflection in the mirror. “I’m sure that Rog agrees.” You grinned looking at your boyfriend “At least, that what he told me yesterday when I was wearing his.” you both chuckled thinking about the previous night when you decided to try one of his fur coat wearing only your lingerie underneath it. It was unnecessary to say that Roger couldn’t keep his hands for himself and that’s how you learned that he loved it and you turned that on one of your habits. “God, I don’t even want to know.” Freddie rolled his eyes. “Still, if you want that coat, you have to pay for it.” “Oh my God, okay…” you said taking it off from you “your majesty” you then mocked looking at Freddie.
“I’m just saying that I’m on the same page of Rog” Freddie stated as he sat next to the register. “Well, did Mr drummer here told you that we are looking for a new flat?” “He did, but I don’t get what that should mean.” “It means that we need money, Freddie. Rents cost a fortune in London and we can’t afford it only with our jobs and without the stall.” That comment made Roger roll his eyes once more. “I told you that we will find a way-”  “Roger” you stopped him harshly. “I don’t want to find myself in the same situation we were on our first year of uni and I don’t want to keep this conversation here.” And just as you finished the sentence someone walked in the stall, you turned around smiling but as you saw who the client was your smile disappeared. It was Betty and you couldn’t stand her at all, she was one year younger than you and Roger and studied Biology when you were at the university. That’s where she saw Rog for the first time, then she started to show up to Smile concerts, then to Queen and of course, when she found out that Roger had a stall in Kensington she would have come there at least three times a week. Anyone who knew even a little Roger knew that he was in a long term relationship with you, but Betty didn’t seem to care, she took any chance she had to flirt with him even if he never flirted back in all those years. “Hi Roger!” she basically squealed and completely ignoring you and Freddie. “Well, hi Betty” you said with a pissed tone and Fred chuckled enjoying the scene that was about to happen. “Oh, hi” she quickly looked at you and then turned back to Roger. “I’ll look around for any new stuff that you have.” “I don’t think that there will be many different clothes from the ones we had two days ago.” You told not letting Roger speak. Betty gave you a small fake smile and started to look through the clothes, you watched carefully what she picked. A dress, a crop top, a skirt and of course a fur, she was so predictable. She always acted in that way, she chose clothes that cover the least skin they could and then asked for Roger’s opinion. You always tried to act more mature than her and let all that go but that was just too much, you already were pissed by the little discussion you had before with your boyfriend and now her, you were all too pissed for that. That’s why you decided to play her own game, while she was looking through the clothes you sat on the desk and reached out for Roger who moved closer and stood between your legs. “I like this new shirt” you said as your hands started to play with the collar “Fits good on you” your finger travelled on his necklace and then hooked on one of them bringing him closer so you could whisper in his ear “I wonder how it would fit on me, do you think it would fit me better than your fur coat?” you could see him biting his lip but before he could say anything a voice, her voice, coming from the changing room interrupted you. “Roger, could you come to help me with the zip of the dress please?” Was she being serious? Roger looked at you not knowing what to actually do, you sighed getting off from the desk and walked to the changing room. As she saw you Betty frowned “The rules are that boys can’t get in while girls are changing and the same for girls with boys” you explained faking a smile as you zipped the dress. “Here you are, everything’s closed.” You walked back to Rog who was hiding an entertained smile “Someone’s jealous?” he whispered so that Betty couldn’t hear “You know” you kissed him “Maybe closing the stall isn’t such a bad idea” you joked as your lips didn’t leave his ones. “So Roger, what do you think about this dress?” Betty asked as she walked out, you felt Rog’s head tilting his head lightly but you put your hands on his cheeks avoiding him to look at her. “You” your lips met his again “you look good” he mumbled even though he wasn’t looking at her. “Freddie, we closed the shop yesterday” The blonde said looking over your shoulder. “It’s your turn now” and with that, he lifted you up laughing as you squealed wrapping your arms around his neck. “You two, where do you think you’re going?” Freddie asked almost annoyed. “I’m taking this jealous lady at home, our shift has officially finished” “And who says that?”  “The boss just said it” you replied chuckling. “Kinky” the drummer joked looking at you and walked out leaving Freddie alone with Betty.
Roger was humming all the drive back to your flat, one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh, you couldn’t help but smile widely at his behaviour. Once the car was parked and you both got off your feet were lifted from the ground as Roger picked you up back in his arms “Are you really thinking about making three flights of stairs carrying me?” You chuckled. “Are you really questioning my abilities?” h ereplied in a cocky tone. But you were right, when you reached your door Roger was panting. You didn’t let him catch his breath though, as soon as you opened the door you kissed him pulling him inside by the collar of his shirt. It didn’t take you long to walk to the bed and pushing Roger lightly so that he could sit on it and you straddled his lap. Your fingers started to work on his shirt and unbuttoning the first buttons as your lips kissed the skin of his neck, when he stopped you holding your hands. “Wait” he said still panting “Wait a second” he laid his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as he tried to make his breath regular again. “About the discussion we had before-” “For the stall? Really Rog, we can talk about it later” your fingers started to work again on his buttons but once again he stopped you. “(Y/N), for once in your life, please listen to me” a grin formed on his lips as he looked up at you. “I’m sorry if I sounded moody before, it’s just that I really can’t stand the fact that everything is going well with the band but we still can’t make enough money to close the stall. I want to buy a new fucking flat and not having to worry about not making it to the end of the month. I don’t want to make you work two different jobs ‘cause your boyfriend is trying to be a rockstar-” “Rog” you stopped him cupping his cheeks “I don’t care. I don’t care if we still live in this small flat. I don’t care if our bed is still an old mattress, I don’t care if in the morning I have to go to my shitty boss who makes me take shitty and boring photos that no one will look at and then late in the afternoon I switch to my hot boss who works in a hipster Kensington stall and all his clients flirt with him. I don’t care if after coming back home we sit down on the couch and looks at the bills and try to understand where we have to put our saving. Because at the end of the day I will be falling asleep next to the most amazing man in the world whom I love more than anyone in this planet, and that’s what I care about.” His hands laid over yours as his thumbs stroked them softly. “It’s just” he sighed looking down but you lifted his chin making him look back at you. “It’s that I have been promising you that I will be this famous rockstar who will give you an amazing life for nine years and nothing has changed.”  “That isn’t true, look at us, we moved in together, we had our degrees and you have a new band which is going well, as you said just a few minutes ago. You have been working hard for nine years and you won’t let anything blow away Mr Taylor.” “But Freddie already has this new flat with Mary and he even bought her a pretty nice engagement ring and it just makes me so angry that I can’t give you the same things.” “I don’t need a ring to remind me every day that you love me. I think that putting up with me for nine years is enough proof because I know that sometimes I can be a bitch” you laughed softly earning the same reaction from Roger. “So don’t ever doubt that all of this isn’t enough for me. Of course, I hope that things will get better for us but until that all of this, all of you, is what I will ever need.”
*******flashback******** Your back was against the headboard of your bed as Roger was positioned between your legs, you were breathing heavily with your eyes closed. He came to your house and you were in your room watching a movie which then transformed in a heavy makeout session with Roger’s hand buried under your skirt. It wasn’t the first time it happened, you were now dating for three months and, already after the first week, it happened when you went on a date at the cinema, after he had a small gig with his band at a local pub, at the park, in his room etc, etc… But it never got any far, you knew that Roger had done that with other girls before you but never went after the “second base”. That meant he was still a virgin and so were you. That day your father was working at the record shop and wouldn't have been back home before dinner time, so you knew that you and Roger had the whole afternoon for you two. You climbed on his lap and started to kiss him deeply, his hands found your hips but when you started to unbutton his shirt they went up stopping your fingers “Wait” he whispered against your lips “What- what are you doing?”  “I want to make love to you” you whispered back in his ear. You could feel him gulp and his hands trembled a little. “Penny, we...we don’t have to do this if you-” “I want to” you replied leaning back so that you could face him. “Do-do you want to?” “Yes.” he said almost immediately, just as if it was the most obvious thing. “But if you don’t feel ready we can wait. There is no pressure at all.”  “I’m sure about it” your eyes reassured Roger who with a smile started to slowly unbutton your yellow floral dress. “You are so beautiful” he whispered once you were completely undressed, it was the first time that both of you saw the other one without any clothing item on. You bit your lip looking at him. “I can say the same thing about you.” As he looked for the condom in his wallet you could feel a small knot forming in your stomach, you were nervous, who wouldn’t be after all? Questions started to compose in your mind, and Roger could sense that. “(Y/N)” he called you by your name only when he was about to say something really serious. “I’m not doing this just cause I want to have fun, not just ‘cause I want to get over with that.” He smiled caressing softly your cheek. “I’m doing this because I care about you, because I love you. I don’t want you to think that this will be a fling and that I will go away whenever I will get bored. Because I already know that I will never get bored of you, and I want to stay with you as long as you want to, even forever if that’s what you want.” And those words magically made all your nervousness and doubts magically disappeared. And at that moment you understood that Roger Taylor was like your medicine, a remedy against all your sadness and anxiety in life. ******************
You were both laid in bed covered by the bed sheet, your head laid on Roger’s shoulder while he was cuddling you. When the phone rang you groaned softly not wanting to break up that moment but Rog got up not caring of putting any clothes on him. “Hello?” he asked as he picked up. “You’re not joking, are you?” a big smile appeared on his face and it looked like he could start to jump around the room from any moment. “God Brian, this is it.” You kept looking at him from your bed wondering what Brian could have told him to make him so happy. “Yes, yes, we’ll be out in a half an hour” You didn’t even need to ask him what the call was about when Roger hanged up “Get dressed, we’re going to celebrate” he said climbing to the bed and making you sit on his lap. “Our manager booked us a tour of America for the next month.” You smiled widely and immediately kissed him running your hands through his hair. “This is huge.” You were proud and happy but then another emotion hit you suddenly and you felt the worst girlfriend ever when you understood what it was, you were afraid. Besides your father and your brother, Roger was the only other person to stay by your side for such a long time and that would have been the first time that he would have left to go overseas. Yes, he had already been on tour, but it had been around the United Kingdom and you could always jump on a train and go meet him on weekends when you didn’t have to work. This time you wouldn’t be able to pay him a visit whenever you wanted. After your mother left your family when you were only five years old, it became hard for you to let people be part of your life. You were always afraid of letting yourself close to a person and then watch them leave you just like she did. But all changed when you met Roger, he suddenly made disappear that fear and you let him walk in your life easier than you had ever let anyone else.  He was able to fill that hole that your mother left in your heart and he made you feel safe. That, though, made you grew an attachment to him and hardly you would spend more than two weeks without him because you would feel too alone. You were just so afraid that you would have lost him.
*******flashback******** It was late at night, almost three in the morning, when your father walked into your room. You were sleeping, Roger had a gig that night and told you that he wouldn’t have been back sooner than midnight so it would have been better if you would have seen each other the following day at school. “Penny” your dad shook your shoulder softly. “Penny” he called again trying to wake you up. You stroked your sleepy eyes as the sound of the rain and the wind from the storm kept hitting your window “What?” you mumbled still not opening your eyes. “Darling-” you could feel him sit on the bed next to you as his hand grabbed yours. “Roger’s mom just called me, he was coming back from the concert and he was driving the band’s van when he had an accident.” And in that exact second, you could feel your world collapse under your feet, your lungs stopped working and your eyes filled with tears. “W-where is him?”  “He’s still not home, the police just called his mother.” “The police? I-is him okay? Is it serious?”  “I don’t know love, they said it was pretty serious.” “I-I need to go to him” you said getting up from your bed and looking for some clothes as tears ran clouded your sight. “Penny, it’s dangerous, there’s a storm outside.” “I don’t care” you almost screamed. “He just had an accident and I have to go to him, he-he might be serious” a sob escaped from your lips. “I need to see him.” The whole car drive to the accident place was filled with the sounds of your tears and your dad trying to reassure you. As soon as the car stopped you jumped out of the car and ran toward the van who was laid upside down by the side of the street. “Miss, you can’t stay here” a cop blocked you. “My boyfriend is here, let me go.” You said pushing the man away and walking closer to where the accident happened, and that’s when you saw him. Roger was sat up against a tree as a doctor was checking him. “Roger” your voice broke as you ran toward him and kneeled down next to him, you wanted to hold him as close as possible but you knew that he might have been some broken bones and would have been in a lot of pain. After that night he went through a lot of trouble more mentally than physically. He wasn’t able to fall asleep without having horrible nightmares, almost every night you could hear him knocking on your bedroom window. You would get up from your bed and after opening, he would step in “I couldn’t sleep.” “Come here” you would just say while laying back again on your bed. He would cry in your arms blaming himself for what happened but you reassured him that it wasn’t his fault and that anything would have turned up fine for him and the rest of the band. He would cuddle on you and you would talk about anything that happened during the day while playing with his hair, you would talk about music, about new records, about new bands and singers, about anything that would keep his mind away from that car accident.  And that’s how he realised that he couldn’t live without you, how you became the medicine that could ease all his pain. ******************
“Everything’s fine?” Roger asked looking at you as he put a lock of your hair behind your ear. You nodded smiling softly, your finger traced the line of his jaw. “I’m happy for you.” “We will tour America” a huge smile on his lips and the look in his eyes was the same one that a kid has after they told him he would get his favourite toy. “Yes, you will.” But you didn’t sound just as excited as he was. Taglist: IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED TO THE TAGLIST PLEASE SEND ME AN ASK. ANY COMMENT OR DM WON’T BE COUNTED, I’M SORRY BUT IT’S EASIER FOR ME THIS WAY
@closertothesunwhenimwithyou @heda-mikaelson @pietrorunsforme @espresso-and-a-cig @everybodyplaythegame @borhapqueen92 @oxuminaa @heartsforhoran  @thewinchesterchronicles @hissom1933
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where Joe comes home from college for the holidays and brings his girlfriend to meet his family for the first time and reader is super nervous but Joe reassures reader his family will love her and reader has the best time with Joe and his family and they have a great Christmas together?
Pairings: Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader summary: ^^^ Warnings: nothing
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your family had gone to London for Christmas, leaving you alone for the Holidays.
but your boyfriend, Joe, who just came back from college begged for you to stay with his family.
which brought you here, in your room, going through every piece of clothing you own.
"there's nothing!" you panicked, seeing whole mountain on the floor.
"nothing in your closet anymore? yeah" he laughed
"I'm have having a panic attack on what to wear, can you not laugh at me!" you rushed
"I said almost every outfit was fine" he shrugged, coming closer to you
"I don't want fine, Joe, I want, good, great, perfect" you sighed
"you're thinking too much of this, they're not going to care what you wear" he stated simply
"yes they will, I can't wear a dress, they'll think I'm trying too hard, but if i wear something baggy, I'm not trying at all" you fell back on your bed, rubbing your face
"so go with jeans" he sat next to you
you took a deep breath, closing your eyes as Joe laid next to you, warping an armaround you
"I just really want this to go well" you spoke quietly
"and it will, don't think too much of it. they're gonna love you!" he replied encouragingly
"how can you be so sure?" you questioned
"because I love you, and that's all that matters to them" he kissed your cheek
you hadn't seen much of him lately due to him studying and focusing of school but you talked pretty regularly. so the Holiday would be the most you would see him in a while.
"are you ready?" he asked, holding on to your hand supportingly
"not really, no" you sighed, squeezing his hand and flowers you bought for his mother
"it's going to be fine, they're all going to love you" he reasures you
"I hope so" you muttered
"I love you, ok?" he turned you around to meet his eyes
"I love you too" you smiled nervously
he leaned down and placed a light kiss on your lips in hopes to calm you down
he knocked on the door and waited for it to open.
the few days flew by as you had fun with his family, they adored you, asking questions to know you better and make sure you were right for their son and brother, and you were.
His family thought Joe couldn't have found anyone any better than you.
they took care of you and make sure you were always comfortable and full after eating.
and by Christmas night, you were all huddled up in the living room watching a movie.
Joe resting on the corner of the couch with you in his arms as his niece and nephew laughed at the Grinch.
"I like this, this was nice" you whispered to Joe
"I'm glad you thought so, darling. I told you they would love you" he responded quietly
"you're gonna have to get used to it" he winked, seeing him mother looking at the both of you with a smile on her face
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may I request something where joe mazzello is married to a lead singer of a band and has been for a while and she's brought up in an interview and he talks about how they met💞
Sure thing!
A/N: sorry these have been coming out slow. It's just lately I have been losing motivation to write for Queen and BohRap Cast members and I got distracted by other fanfic writing projects. Anyways, here ya go!
No warnings minus an accident where a dog is almost harmed but ends up safe (inspired by The Gilded Age)- just fluff!
Reader here is female, per the person's request.
Buy Me A Ko-Fi!
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"Good Morning, Y/N! Tell us- isn't today your anniversary with Joe Mazzello?"
You nodded in the chair of the morning show. Your eyes adjusted t the glare of the bright lights. From behind one camera, leaning against the wall was your beloved husband. His hands were in his pockets and he was grinning, beaming as he watched you.
You looked at the lady with heavy pink lipstick and pearls for eight in the morning and nodded your head.
"Yes, I am! It's our third anniversary!" you answered.
She tilted her head, but you could tell that her pink, made-up smile was genuine. Although she was more accustomed to being glamorous and dressed nicely in the morning than you were, there was a real curiosity in her- like talking to a new friend, not a news show host.
"Congratulations!" she cried.
"Thank you!" you said.
"Is it hard with Little and Fierce touring so much?"
"Yes, I will admit, it does get hard. Sometimes I get so hoarse the next day I can't call him- all the singing you know. But he understands that even just texting is fine. Joe loves me and he supports me- this was always a dream of mine to be a singer in a band and he wants that for me..."
"Awww, how sweet!" she cooed.
You noticed Joe himself turned a little pink and folded his arms. You threw a look at him and he gave you a wink.
"How did you two meet?" she asked.
You let out a little laugh. Your eyes went up to dig the memory from your mind and then you began.
"You see...you know my dog Bean?"
"Oh yes- the corgi, right?"
"Right! He's still my baby! Well, I had just gotten him. He was just a little puppy and the apple of my eye- still is! And I was out in the city, walking him. Suddenly, I tripped over something on the sidewalk- something on the pavement, I, uh, think. And uhm...it surprised me so much I let go of the leash and Bean ran away- right into the street!"
"What! No!" she gasped.
"I had a heart attack- there were cars coming and they couldn't see the little guy! Then I saw a flash of red hair and...uh, Joe ran in."
"Into traffic?"
"Yup! He managed to dodge around the cars, scoop Bean into his arms, and get him to safety! Then he met me and Joe gave this...this smile. And...I, uh, I don't believe in love at first sight but...when he looked at me..."
Joe's own hazel eyes shot up. His face softened.
"I just knew he would change my life the moment I met him and he handed Bean to me. We then went out together. And the rest is history..." you finished.
And what a happy, blissful history you two had and had yet to create!
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harleysarchive · 6 years
Car Accident - Ben!Roger Taylor x reader
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Fandom: Bohemian Rhapsody Warning: Car accident, angst? FLUFF Pairing: Roger Taylor x reader
Requested by @killerqueenbucky
Summary: You get into an accident and it’s played out in the hospital after it happened.
A/N: It’s short and I’m sorry about it, but I hope it’s okay anyway. I didn’t want to write the accident when it happened because I didn’t feel comfortable doing so.
You woke up in the hospital, feeling a bit disorientated, confused and scared. How did you end up in the hospital?
Then it all came back to you. You were in an accident, something had hit you in the side and you had fallen to the ground. You and your friend were out to eat lunch and you had walked over the road when someone hit you in the side. You begun to panic, what if something happened to her? You tried to get out of bed but a sharp pain in your hips made you consider otherwise. 
You look around to find a nurse to talk to, and almost on queue a nurse cam into the room to check upon you.
“Oh you’re awake, wonderful! How are you feeling?” she said and smiled, looking over my IV bag and my eyes.
“I’m fine. Where is (Y/BFF/N)?”
“Looks like you had a concussion, just rest a couple a days and you’ll be better. She is in the room next door. She’s resting.” She said.
“Is she okay?”
“Yes, she’s fine, the car never hit her. ”
“Oh thank god.” You breathed out.
“It was you we were worried about.”
“We were scared that you would be unconscious for a long time, beacuse we ddin’t know how hard you had hit your head or of you had damaged any other organs. Luckily the driver didn’t go too fast when he hit you.”
The door flung up and a panicking Roger came into the room. Cheeks all red and he was breathing heavily.
“Roger, what are you doing here?” you ask as he attacked you with the biggest hug ever.
“I was worried sick when I got the call from (Y/BFF/N). She told me that some idiot driver hit you on the road and you were unconscious. I thought… I thought…”
He was shaking so badly in your arms.
“I’m okay, Roger. Look at me. I’m fine.” You said and took his face in your hands to make him look at you. “I’m fine.”
He kissed your forehead and looked over to the nurse. “Is she alright?”
“She has a concussion and a lot of bruises. A sprained an ankle and a cracked lip, as you can see. I would suggest that you be careful the next two to three weeks to let everything heal properly.” She said and left the two of you alone. Roger took you hand carefully and kissed you knuckles.
“When I find the bloke who hit you I will kill him myself.”
“I swear to you. He could’ve killed you, love.” He said it with a broken voice. “I’ve never been so scared in me life.”  
“Roger, baby. I’m fine.”
“I love you so much, love.” He said and kissed you on the lips. You winced in pain due to the cracked lip.
“Sorry.” He said.
“No worries. I just have to let it heal a bit more before we can kiss properly.”
The door flung up once again and in came Freddie with flowers in his hand and the rest of the band members behind him. He touched Roger out of the way to hug you tightly.
“Darling I almost passed out when Roger told me that you got hurt in an accident. You can’t do that to us again, we love you too much for you to get hurt like that. Here.” He gave you the flowers in his hands and you just laughed at him.
“How are you feeling?” Brian asked and looked at you with a worried look.
“Better now actually. But my head hurts and so does my body, especially my hip.”
Roger went over to you again and held you carefully around you. You snuggle up into his neck.
“I’m glad your okay.” Roger said.
“Me too.”
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Roger.”
A/N: I’m sorry if it’s shitty...
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x-ximenas · 6 years
Can I Be The One (Preview) - Brian May
A/N: So this is a small peak-a-boo of the thing that I’m writing for the amazing @yourealegendfred ‘s writing challenge. I’m just publishing this to tease maybe (?), I don’t know really. Consider that this is not finished yet and it’s not even fully read through, so there might be some mistakes which is okay, it’s not my mother language after all. So here you go, inspired by: Can I Be Him - James Arthur.
Every good story starts with a blank sheet of paper or at least that's what people tend to say. In the end, everything starts with nothing. And nothing is exactly what Kathleen has written for over four months.
Her patience was running thin and as of late frustration seemed to be the only thing that she felt. Her mind was clouded with ideas that sometimes kept her up at night, thanks to the constant need to write them down, the sad part was that when she read them in the morning they were awful. When sat down on the piano she imagined melodies that when written down looked beautiful but when played sounded a bit off, rhymes that did not rhyme and the ones that did sound like they were written down by a one-year-old, incoherent.
To put it simply she was suffering from a very severe kind of writer's block.
Suddenly, the distinctive sound of the phone ringing pulled her out of her stressful state. She got up from the piano stool and walked to the phone with heavy steps, her feet dragging on the carpeted floor creating a small bit of current.
"Hello? This is Kathleen speaking". She said after picking the phone up, tiredness quite noticeable in her voice, dripping from every word.
"Hi sweetheart," the unmistakable voice of her life-long friend, Freddie, rang through the speaker "how you've been? You sound exhausted, darling."
Sigh. "I've had better days, but I'm just frustrated that's all."
"Still can't write?" He asked her, clearly worried. It had been a long time since he had seen her so emotionally and artistically blocked.
"No, and it's truly getting me, Fred. " Just from thinking about it, she was starting to get stressed all over again.
"You know what you need, darling?" he reflected, "a night out or to get fucked, anything is good, truth be told."
Kathleen laughed. "Fred, you know that's not really my vibe."
"I know, but you truly need to go out and have some unadulterated fun" he paused yet again, but just as Kathleen was preparing herself to answer, he proceeded. "Tonight my roommates are doing a show on a pub near the Uni, come with me you'll have fun, I swear! You'll like them, they're pretty good and kind of cute if I do say so myself."
"Fred." She reprimanded, a smile tugging on her lips.
"What?" he said with a small glint of playfulness. "Come on, darling. I'll be there the whole time and you'll finally meet the guys that always seem to answer your calls before I do."
Kathleen chuckled. "Fine, fine I'll go just tell me the time and what should I wear, you always seem to know better than me, you have a way better sense of fashion."
"I do, don't I?" he laughed. "Be there at 7 pm. Oh! And wear that dress that I bought you, you know, the white one that I got you for your birthday last year," she just hummed in reply.
"See you there, darling!"
"Bye." She replied, even though Freddie had already hung up.
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justiceformeplease · 2 years
Ben hardy x reader beach day
Warnings:kinda bad description of getting stung by jellyfish (i never got stung so uh ye)😭 and fluff
Word count: 843
I know it's autumn but there's still a heatwave in my country
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You and Ben were at the beach Because of how hot it was, even though you had an umbrella, it felt as if your skin was melting into the blanket you were lying on. While Ben was gone, probably in the water swimming trying to cool off, you really wanted to go ahead and jump into the water, but because of the heat, you felt too exhausted to even get up.
A few minutes went by and you saw Ben run up to you like he wanted something. "Everything OK?" You asked casually, "oh ye ye, you know everything is fine." It went silent for a second. You were about to speak again but you got picked up by Ben bridal style and you squealed in surprise, "what are you doing baby?" You didn't want to go to the water, you didn't want to swim, and you were trying so hard to get out of his tight grasp on you but it was impossible and as he got closer to the shore you held on to him tighter "Ben nooo pleasee!" you begged him to let you go but he didn't budge and all of a sudden you were falling and landed in the water "BEN!" You shrieked trying to chase him down.
You were wrapped in a towel because of how soaked you were, and you had Ben hugging you from the side, laughing lightly. You grumbled, "It's not funny, I look like a wet rat." You grumbled, "It is kinda funny tho." You were pouting and looked at Ben and he just smiled and booped your nose.
After a little bit of drying off, you dragged Ben along with you as you strolled around the beach, stopping frequently to pick lovely shells that you would then show him with a wide grin "Benny!" Ben was admiring the shell you had gathered when you said, "Look at this one, it's so gorgeous" "So pretty." Ben replied admiring the smile on your face. You and Ben continued to walk the beach hand in hand while you both collected shells and you didn't realize he was talking about you, not the shell and how pretty you were.
As you were picking up shells, you were going to pick up another one when all of a sudden you stepped on something and it made your foot sting. "Ouch!" You yelped as Ben, who was a bit behind you, came rushing to your side asking if you were OK. "What happened?" "Did you get hurt?" You looked down to see what you had stepped on, and it was a jellyfish! Ben followed your eyes and saw what you stepped on, so he asked you to sit down on the dry part of the sand so he could see your foot. It was a reddish-purple colour and it was a bit swollen. You were trying to keep it together in tears as it did hurt quite a lot. "Yep, we'll have to cut the leg off, babe." You shrieked, "I'm kidding." Ben laughed, "but we have to get you home so I can put an ice pack on it."
The car ride home was about 20 minutes, so Ben put on some music "Ben this song is so bad change it please" Ben gasped dramatically and put his hand on his chest like somebody had shot him, you giggled "how dare you y/n y/l/n say that this song is bad it's one of the greatest songs to ever be made in history!" You sighed"fine but after this song I'm putting on my song which will be so much better than this weird grandpa music" "GRANDPA MUSIC!" Ben gasped shockingly again "i have never heard such fool language" he tutted, which made you and him laugh together.
When you got to Ben's house, he helped you walk to the couch because it stung anytime you put pressure on your foot. You layed down on the couch, and Ben went to the kitchen to get a pack of ice. When he came back, He sat himself carefully under your legs so your legs were perched up on his lap and he could slowly put the bag of ice on your foot, and as he did, you winced a bit, but you were overcom with the soothing feeling of the ice on your stung foot. Ben decided to turn on a movie to distract you from the pain a bit, maybe.
two hours later, the movie was finished and the sun was already starting to set. Ben looked over at you, about to ask something when he noticed that you had dozed off to sleep. He decided to not disturb you, so he carefully put the ice bag on the coffee table and lifted you up, bridal style, very slowly as to not wake you up. He got to his bedroom and put you down on his bed. After he put you in bed he also got in bed himself and fell asleep with you cuddling together.
I'm thinking about making a Joe mazzello fic maybe?? Idk how do you guys feel about that 🤨
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