#Bojack Stupid Piece of Garbage scene lmao
bonefall · 1 year
i genuinely love your darkstripe. i love that maybe if he had been apprenticed to literally anyone else, he would've been ok. he just wants to cook and help people but was doomed by a poison the minute he was apprenticed to Tigerclaw. he makes me so sad thinking about what he could've been
Sometimes it just takes one bad influence to destroy your whole life, and the worst part is, you won't be able to blame them. They'll make you into someone who does it to yourself. You'll ruin everything with your own two hands, all for them.
Make no mistake; Darkstripe was loved. Sure, he has no father, but he has a mom, Dappletail. His uncle Thrushpelt is the deputy, and absolutely adores him. He was always getting into trouble with his sister Cricketclaw, Bluestar gives up a life killing a badger to save them. He was born into a good family. He wasn't an unhappy child.
But he wanted to please Tigerclaw, more than anything. He wanted to be the best, most noble warrior. He'd do anything for him. He'd be anything. If that meant killing his hobbies, or distancing himself from his family, or sacrificing all of his free time, he'd do it. Anything to strengthen his Clan.
Who could deny that Tigerclaw had raised a fine soldier?
And when he was given Longpaw, in turn, he expected the same of him. And Longtail did it to Swiftpaw. A long line, from Thistleclaw all the way down to the dogs.
There's nothing special about it. And there's not even anything special about Darkstripe. There is no spark of darkness within him, or even within Tigerclaw. Just hurt people, hurting people, who go on to hurt even more people.
Darkstripe wouldn't want your pity, though. Or anyone else's. I think he thinks it's pretty pathetic, really, now that Tigerclaw and the Battle of the True Eclipse are so far away. He threw his whole life away just so he could willingly be miserable. It's fucking embarrassing.
More embarrassing than the satisfaction he gets from cooking a stupid little nice meal for these cutesy happy dumb dopes. So he may as well do this, if he's going to cringe at everything anyway.
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