#Booker deserves to find his next path
poebrey · 6 months
not going to lie as soon as Michael started talking about a first officer my mind jumped to Owosekun and Rhys and when Saru said Booker would make a good XO I was offended on their behalf because the man’s not even technically in starfleet
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For the prompt! 1 or maybe 8? If you’re feeling up to it!
A/N: Thanks for the prompt! I’m gonna go 8. A has always liked B and it’s hard for them to see B falling in love with C, not knowing that C actually has a thing for them
James gives him a familiar look that is equal parts frustrated and incredulity, and Booker knows he deserves it. “Don’t, just,” He swallows, waving his hand. “Just don’t, okay? Not tonight.”
The man may not be his best friend but he is certainly showing Booker why he should take that top spot when he merely uncaps the nearest bottle of beer and holds it out to Booker. “Thanks,” Booker huffs. 
“Still think you’re an idiot, though,” James says, clinking the neck of their bottles together. Good to know what he’ll have to look forward to when they head off on their week-long road trip to help James’ sister move her things out from their home state.
It’s Andy and Quynh’s engagement party but no one’s expecting him to be the life of the party and that suits him quite well. Any minute now, James will be swept up into a conversation and leave him to his little corner by the radiator and the window. Booker plans to stay the respectable amount of an hour before making up some excuse, a deadline due midnight perhaps, and escaping the almost oppressive happiness. 
The lovely couple is in the thick of things, holding court amongst their well-wishers and despite the determined cloud of misery that hangs over him, Booker finds himself feeling happy for them. Andy and Quynh are some of the best people he knows and he can only be happy for that unique joy of finding the person you would want to walk the ages of this earth with. If anyone should find it, he is glad it’s them.
James nudges him in the ribs and he doesn’t need to turn to know why.
The music changes just as he hears Andy’s laughter and Joe’s playful growl in greeting. He can’t see the entryway from here, too many bodies, but he can picture it in his mind. That bodily hug, picking Andy up in his arms. It’s how they’ve always greeted each other ever since they started up this friendship and it’s honestly endearing.
Booker’s heart gives an unpleasant lurch at the way Joe opens out an arm to wrap around Nicky’s waist. The gesture was comfortable, familiar like they’ve done it a million times before when Booker knows that they’d only begun to put a name to that unspoken attraction between them just a few weeks ago. It’s a thing so new that it still hurts him to see it.
Joe and himself had had a thing back in uni that fizzled out into a deep and meaningful friendship, and if Booker still harboured some lingering affection for the man, that he had hoped they could one day figure out a way they could work, he thinks he hides it well enough that it doesn’t show. Nicky was someone that entered the picture when they’d dined at his little restaurant and Joe had gone speechless at the sight of him over his Minestrone.
Booker isn’t blind. He knows love at first sight when he sees it and the thing between the two of them was just that. He’d been the one that nudged them along this path, being their touchstone in those early days and even now for the things that frustrated them. Booker was the first person Joe had called when they’d gone on what was their first date and he was the one Nicky came the night before what would be their first kiss. 
It was stupid to be this involved when his heart breaks whenever he sees them both together, but he thinks he can never truly be divorced from them, so a fool he will just have to be.
James sighs from beside him and takes his beer bottle, stealing his attention back to the present. “Do you need to go?” He asks, frowning before shaking his head. “No, wait. Do you want to go?” Damn, Booker can’t help thinking fondly, he is really vying with Joe for that best friend position.
He parts his lips to speak, leaning in to say that it’s ok, that he’ll go in a moment when he sees James’ eyes flick up somewhere behind him.
“Hey,” Joe greets them, bending down to wrap his arms around Booker in a tight hug. The inflection of his voice sits wrong with him, though, and it takes him a minute to pinpoint that this was the same voice he uses when there’s something wrong and he is trying to hide it.
“Why are you guys hiding in this corner?” Nicky asks, eyeing up the way that they’re pressed knee to hip, to shoulder on the narrow seat. Booker doesn’t know what to make of the guarded way those pale eyes regard him and he wants to say that it is nothing, when James wraps a strong hand around his wrist, squeezing tight.
“We’re talking about the trip we’re taking. Next weekend, just the two of us,” James says, the words pouring out of him like silken butter. Booker can’t help but gape back at Joe and Nicky when they turn to him. 
Something almost like cold fury crosses Joe’s warm brown eyes but when he blinks, it’s gone. “Oh? What’s the occasion?”
James laughs, throwing an arm around Booker’s shoulder. “Nothing much. Just plan on showing this guy just how special he is. A lot of people overlook that. I don’t intend to.”
“He’s a very special person,” Nicky agrees with a soft laugh that doesn’t meet his smile. “Very lovely.”
Booker’s stomach coils uncomfortably and he thinks he feels heat creep up his neck at the praise. Joe cuts in, physically angling his body towards him and the insistent press of his presence has him breathless for a moment. 
“Can we speak to you? Just for a minute?”
“Y-yeah, of course,” Booker croaks. Turning to raise his eyebrows at James, he waits until Joe and Nicky have made their way towards the balcony to hiss, “What the bleeding fuck, James!”
In reply, the man merely claps him on the shoulders and cups his cheeks with bottle cooled hands. “Listen. If this goes the way I think it’s gonna go, you owe me beers for a year and you tell them not to cut my throat in my sleep, okay?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Booker whines, clawing out for him as he darts quickly away and towards Andy and Quynh.
Sighing, he hauls himself to his feet, following Joe and Nicky out to the balcony. “Is something the matter? Are you guys ok?”
Joe frowns at him, stepping closer to him to push the sliding doors shut. Out here, there’s nothing but the sound of the city and the muffled voices of the party behind them. 
“Are we okay? Shouldn’t we be asking you that? When did you and Copley get together? Why didn’t you tell me?” Joe starts, only to pause when Nicky grabs him by the arm.
“What Joe is saying in his uncharacteristically ineloquent way, is that we’re surprised, that’s all. Seems to have come out of nowhere,” Nicky gently enunciates.
Booker folds his arms in front of him, feeling defensive for some reason. “We’re not together.”
“We’re not together,” Booker repeats. “We’re just friends.”
Nicky shakes his head, propelling himself forward to grip Booker by the shoulder. “But he said-”
“I’ll be going out of town with him for a week to help his sister move from their home state, that’s all,” Booker shrugs. “I was going to tell you guys tonight.”
“But the way he said it made it sound like you were together?”
Taking a half step back, Booker hides his discomfort by ducking his head. “Yeah, he can be a dick like that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He tries to make his way back into the party when Joe’s hand curls itself to his elbow. “Booker? Booker, I’m going to try something and you can punch me if I’m wrong, but I really hope that I’m right about this.”
Booker keeps his eyes on Joe’s, hardly daring to breathe lest he breaks whatever spell that has been spun between one breath and the next when he feels himself being pulled into a kiss. It’s a featherlight touch, that he arches into with heart-aching familiarity, barely lasting a second before his mind catches up to him and he pushes Joe back in horror. He turns to Nicky, an apology on his lips that sticks in the back of his throat when he sees that there is no anger there, nothing but quiet anticipation that makes his eyes almost glimmer in the city lights.
“We’ve been meaning to talk to you about this, Booker, but you always seem to give us the slip.”
Fingers card through his hair and settle at his nape, drawing his eyes back to Joe. “I never got over you, Basti. I know, at least I hope I know, that you didn’t either.”
“But, Nicky...”
“Nicky was well aware that he loved you when he got into this relationship with him. It was one of the first things we talked about on our first date,” Nicky laughs, closing the distance between them to wrap an arm around Booker’s waist. “Then when we kissed, we knew.”
“Knew what?” Booker stumbles over the syllables, heart racing a million miles per hour at the slow smile that stretches Nicky’s face.
“Knew that we wanted to try this, but only with you. Think you’d be okay with that?”
Joe nuzzles a kiss to his temple, even as he feels his mind short-circuiting at the words. “You don’t have to say anything. We can take this slow-”
“Yes,” Booker breathes, hand over Joe’s heart and the other pulling Nicky in. “Yes, a million times yes. Please.”
He buries his face in the crook of Nicky’s neck. The vibrations of their laughter and their words are lost to him, and he can’t bring himself to care. Whatever comes next will come and he will tackle them as they do. For now, there is just them, on this balcony, and the infinite happiness that fills his chest with liquid gold.
[send me an ot3 prompt]
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lovelikedestiny · 3 years
4. Booker: How shall I win back
Warmth in every curl of lip,
keeping first watch every night.
Finding out that he may have sentenced one of the people who never failed him to final death with his original plan was not on Booker's checklist. Standing up? Yes. Fighting the urge to drown his inner pain in alcohol before noon? Also. Finding his place back in the family he betrayed? Hell yes!
But not that. Never that.
It is true that in his worst moments he looked - poisoned by jealousy - at the happiness Joe and Nicky had with their mutual immortality. That he was angry because he would never be allowed to have something like that ever again. That he hated it when Nicky and Joe were so careful and loving to take him into their family and not to exclude him because he didn't deserve their kindness.
But even then, Booker never wished to destroy their happiness in any way. Because even if the love of the two for each other is obvious, being part of their family meant being loved by them. To bask in the warm glow of their relationship while Nicky prepared humming food in the kitchen and made interjections in the remarks of the day, which Joe told Booker with such funny expressions, fake voices and hand movements that Booker laid laughing under the table. Nicky's and Joe's love belongs only to the two of them, but it gives so much more to those around.
It reminds Booker that he is not completely alone and has support. A home. Every day it shows Booker the good they are fighting for. It reminds Booker how to live when all he wants to do is die.
Congratulations. You did a great job.
He probably even deserves that he not only betrayed his family now, but also started to destroy them from the inside. The agony of knowing he did this to Nicky will burn and burn in his chest, between his ribs for eternity, and for one cruel second Booker thinks that this is only fair if they can't find a cure for Nicky. Because compared to Joe's pain if they should lose Nicky, his guilt is not even a fraction.
Oh god, Joe. His best friend. Bad jokes, stupid but fun actions, joint soccer games, a bright grin. All of this is wiped away like dust and reveals the almost broken mirror underneath, the glass of which is showing more and more cracks.
The silence that follows Copley's revelation cracks in Booker's ears, pushing him down and crushing him with its weight. It would be so easy if Joe showed any sign of anger at him. If he directed angry words at him, hit him and made him bleed because the physical pain would distract Booker from the gash that is opening in his heart.
Booker could handle an angry Joe, shit, that would be exactly what he'd deserve. They let him into their family again, put their trust - at least the trace that existed - in him and now it turns out that Booker is the wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst. God, Universe, you assholes, now would be a good time to strike me with a lightning bolt.
But Joe does nothing, and Booker bites his tongue so hard that he can taste the metallic flavor that has been their companion for centuries. Just like Death, who reaches for them with bony fingers but couldn't hold them. Until now. The idea that death at that moment could reach out its fingers to grab Nicky is unbearable for Booker.
Still completely motionless, Joe sits next to Nicky and looks blankly at Copley, who closes his laptop so quietly as if he were afraid that any noise would tear them out of their silent state. And then Joe turns his head painfully in slow motion. Not to look at Booker with anger and hatred and disgust, but to look at Nicky, which is much worse for Booker than an angry Joe. Because the silent scream that leaps from Joe's face at Booker hits him like a fist in the stomach. It takes a lot of effort not to double over.
Nicky has still fixed his eyes on Copley, his face unfathomable, untouched as a surface of water, but Booker knows that Nicky always tries hard not to let anything out when the rage inside him is all the more violent.
This knowledge is not helpful to Booker's emotional state. Even though Nicky doesn't look at Joe, there is the kind of creepy and impressive communication between the two that Booker has not seen for the first time, and Nicky reaches for Joe's hand, which is already moving towards his. Joe's fingers easily find Nicky's and when Nicky brings Joe's hand to his lips and kisses it, Booker mentally throws himself out the window because Joe was right. He's a selfish asshole and Nicky and Joe pay the price for it...
When Andy finally moves, Booker barely swallows his sigh in relief and Nile's attitude changes too, turning to the leader they all see in Andy and whom they always rely on.
Her ice blue eyes pierce Booker and she jerks her head, carefully controlling her noble face. “Booker, come with me. Nice work, Copley, now at least we know what kind of shit we're up against.”
She whirls around and marches out. Uncomfortably, Booker gets up and follows, more slowly but obediently. Every step drives the splinter of his failure deeper into his body.
They go to the patio door, which Andy pushes open carelessly and she only comes to a stop when they stand in the middle of Copley's garden. Whatever Andy has to say, Booker is more than ready to hear. He knows he got them into deep shit.
With her back to him, Andy stares at some nearby trees, and Booker takes waiting as a form of punishment in itself. "Boss, I-" he starts, has no idea what he's getting at. Only that he can no longer stand the silence that whispers to him traitor, failure, murderer, exile.
Lightning-fast Andy pulls the gun out of her waistband, turns half around and shoots him in the right leg.
The crashing shot startles a couple of birds, and Booker is too surprised when his leg gives way and knocks him half to one knee to make a painful sound. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
He grunts suppressed, but literally embraces the pain. Leaning on his other leg, he starts to straighten up, but Andy shoots him in the other leg and Booker grinds his teeth as he lands face first in the cool grass.
The gunshot wounds burn and Booker soaks in the earthy smell of the ground as he feels the injured tissue contract again and pushes the bullets out of the wounds. It's questionable whether Andy will shoot him again, but Booker is ready to take it.
"Fuck!" She finally growls and after Booker has rolled onto his side, he discovers that she has put her gun away again. With hands trembling and cramping with pent-up emotions, she paces back and forth in front of him, buries one hand in her hair and pulls on the dark strands in frustration. “It should have been one of us, Book. Might have been, fuck!” She kicks a stone that is probably some kind of design in Copley's garden. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
Booker lets her scold and curse and kick the stone and sits up because there is nothing he can say to allay her anger stemming from underlying fear and concern.
"Get up, you fucking asshole!" Andy finally hisses at him and Booker obeys the order with his head bowed. He doesn't blame Andy for the gunshot wounds or her insults, she always tends to speak out when something has shaken her to the bone.
You killed her baby brother.
Shut the fuck up, Booker instructs his inner voice, gritting his teeth, as he has done since he and the others took different paths on the banks of the Thames.
“Why couldn't it have hit me? I'm already mortal, damn it!” Andy gives the impression that she would like to shoot something or demolish one of Copley's raised beds. “Both of us, Book, have been so sick of this endless life and have only seen the burden of many lonely years with no light at the end of the tunnel. And Nicky and Joe, of all people, who saw time as a gift, have now got what we both have always hoped for. Life ain't fucking fair. But why Nicky?"
Why the heart?
Continue reading on AO3 ;)
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vamonumentlandscape · 3 years
Alexandria, VA
After a quick bite for breakfast at our hotel, we took the Metro to head over to Alexandria. We wanted to stop at sites related to African-American history that Rebecca Grawl, the Lincoln assassination tour guide, informed us about. We set out to visit them all on our third day in the area. The first stop was a quick walk over to the site of the Freedom House Museum and the Shiloh Baptist Church. According to the historical sign, the latter was originally a place for free African-Americans to find refuge. A historically Black congregation has flourished at the West Street church and has hosted prominent visitors like Representative John Mercer Langston, Dr. Dorothy Height, and President George W. Bush. Close to the site of this church is the Freedom House Museum, which was once the headquarters for one of the largest slave-trading companies in the entire country, Franklin and Armfield. The company's owners held enslaved persons in pens before shipping the majority South to places like Louisiana and Mississippi, where they could charge for higher prices as the demand for enslaved laborers was high. Until 1861, the brick building that each of us stood in front of was owned by slave trading companies. Though the Freedom Museum is currently closed, they have an important role in sharing experiences from the enslaved that were in Alexandria. These two sites show the progress that has been made in developing better opportunities and experiences, but one also shows the constant presence of a painful past that takes decades to unravel. Getting in touch and learning from that past is possible for all citizens with the Freedom House.
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After a long walk, we had finally reached the site we all had been anticipating most for our trip to Alexandria: The Contraband and Freedmen Memorial. As soon as you walk up to the cemetery, you see the sidewalk has different colored bricks. This symbolizes graves of freed African American men, women, and children under each tan brick. This alone struck a tear from each of us. We all knew this was going to be a difficult monument to grasp. You walk into the gates of the cemetery to see two graves that have created life size interpretations of coffins for an adult and child. The cemetery was dedicated in 1864 by the Union forces for freed African Americans in the area. Due to the amount of enslaved people making the journey to freedom, many had poor health from living conditions, prior treatment, and the journey alone. The cemetery was for those people in this area. Soon after the war ended, the cemetery was abandoned. Over 1,700 people are buried here, but their graves would not be respected or acknowledged again for over one hundred years. On the site, there was once a gas station and office building that desecrated the grounds. The same cement floor that once was the gas station’s floor is still there to house the monument. The archaeologists worried removing it would disturb and destroy too many graves. It is hard to imagine 20th and 21st century people coming and going to fill up their tanks where so many people were laid to rest. Of course those who constructed both buildings cannot be blamed as they most likely had no idea. There are likely more sites like this to be discovered throughout the country. As you go further into the memorial, you see a grand statue titled The Path of Thorns and Roses that breathtakingly details the struggle and triumph of African Americans. On cement panels, the memorial describes life in the area for newly freed slaves. Education, shelter, family, and work are all discussed. One of the most touching pieces of the memorial are the small additions besides names of those buried that say: “Living Descendant Found.” This is encouraging to know that these people who fought for freedom still have survivors today. This memorials' location can describe the perspective for many Americans who do not understand why African American and enslaved peoples history is so important to learn about and is increasingly being discussed. Directly across the street there is a white cemetery that is still used from the 18th century. How does one survive but another doesn’t when both hold free, American citizens? The cemetery was long forgotten about, along with so many other pieces of history that our white ancestors felt were not important, all because of the skin color of those who were buried. This is the case for many “hidden histories'' across our great nation that are finally being told today. We are so thankful that today we are in a place where not only can we learn one side of history, but now we are able to see everyone's side.
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On our way to see the relatively new Loving v. Virginia signage, we encountered another place of worship called the Beulah Baptist Church. We learned from the church’s historical marker that many freed enslaved people sought out the First Select Colored School led by Rev. Clement “Clem” Robinson beginning in 1862. Morning and evening classes were packed with African-Americans seeking a quality education. When the Union began to occupy Alexandria, the Beulah Baptist Church congregation was the first African-American church in the city. Education was central to Beulah’s cause ever since it was set up in the neighborhood. We were trying to find the Loving v. Virginia signage for about 10 minutes before finally locating it on a lightpost. It details the Law Office of Cohen, Hirschkop, and Hall that was located at 110 N. Royal Street. Richard Loving famously told his lawyer fighting Virginia’s ban against interracial marriage to “tell the court I love my wife and it is just unfair that I can’t live with her in Virginia.” Richard and Mildred won their case and similar interracial marriage laws were struck down acorss the entire country after the Supreme Court weighed in. Both places are incredibly meaningful and deserve to be remembered in Virginia.
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Alexandria was full of Easter eggs for us history buffs. On the way to the Alexandria Library, we were shocked to see yet another historic African American Church. The Roberts Memorial United Methodist Church began in 1834 with prominent members of African American society that attended. The church's congregation was originally a part of the white Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, but founded their own congregation and created a space for worship. Not only were they a church, but also offered basic academic education in their Sunday School lessons. Notable visitors to the church were Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglass. We were all very excited when we came across this important site. Next, we were able to visit the Alexandria Library to see the memorial plaque to the 1939 sit in. Five young African American men walked into the whites-only library and requested library cards. When William Evans, Edward Gaddie, Morris Murray, Clarence Strange, and Otto Tucker were rejected, they sat down and began to read. Their peaceful resistance was barely recognized. Instead of integrating services, the city constructed a separate library space called the Robert H. Robinson Library in 1940. In the wake of Civil Rights protests, the library system only began desegregating in 1959. Thankfully, the young men’s efforts are now recognized on this plaque and in the old African American Library, now a museum.
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Though we did not mean to encounter the burial site of at least 30 Confederate soldiers at Christ Church on Washington Street, we did when on our way to our last stop. The engraved stone marker that indicates this was erected in 2002. They were disinterred from the Alexandria Soldiers Cemetery to be placed at their current resting place. Interestingly enough, a Black Lives Matter sign is hung on the fence right next to where the marker sits. It is remarkable to see how quickly the values of the City of Alexandria and its residents have shifted. We saw Pride flags and progressive signs throughout our walk through the area. The Confederate marker just seemed out of place. While the graves should likely not be moved, balance and context are the best way to address their presence. This exists with the placement of the BLM sign. It is not actively disrespecting those that died. It simply allows all to feel welcome at the church and see themselves represented in their values.
Our last stop in Alexandria was at the Edmonson Sisters Statue. Mary and Emily Edmonson were due to be sold in the notorious slave block in Alexandria owned by Joseph Bruin. The sisters, alongside 75 other enslaved people, attempted a rebellion and escape on the slave ship Pearl. Sadly though, the attempt failed and the ship arrived in Alexandria. The fate of many of the enslaved people would be to go deeper south, but thankfully for Mary and Emily, their lives took a different turn. Though the sisters were bought by Bruin and destined for a horrific fate in the deep south, the work of abolitionists changed their lives forever. Abolitionists raised enough money to buy the sisters freedom and allow them both to live a free, happy life. It is stories of triumph like these that allow for all Americans to see the heroism and bravery of our ancestors before us.
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timelessduo · 7 years
Run in War
Hey guys! enjoy this chapter! chapter six might be a little later than next Friday, but that’s only because I can’t get a hold of the girl i’m co-writing with, Samantha. I hope everything is okay, but I cannot do this book alone. 
“On our way,” Lucy was shocked as she hung up the phone. Wyatt awkwardly got off of her and stood up, rubbing the back of his neck.
“What’s going on?” He asked as he helped Lucy to her feet.
 “The mothership has been stolen.”
 “What?” Wyatt looked at her wildly. “How? Or the better question, who?”
 She shook her head at him. “They don't know. Get dressed, we're going back to Mason Industries.”
 They both dressed in record time, blowing past the red lights and swerving across back roads to Mason Industries, both avoiding the topic of the ‘almost kiss.’ The moment they stepped through the doors, Christopher was at their side.
 “What happened?” Lucy followed the agent as she walked through the familiar halls.
 “Well, Mason and Rufus seem to believe that it was Emma Whittmore who stole the Mothership, seeing as she would be the only one able to pilot it with Jiya out of commission.”
 Wyatt picked up his steps, turning to face his superior as they reached their destination. “Emma? She told us she was hiding to avoid them. Now you're saying she was a part of it all along?”
 Christopher opened the door to the briefing room, finding the file on the table and sliding it across the table at them as Rufus entered the room.
 “I ran here as soon as I heard,” he huffed. “What the hell happened?”
 “Agent Carlin, please take a seat.” She continued as the trio sat. Lucy flipped through the file on Emma Whittmore. “We decided to do some further digging since we found out about double agents in our midst.”
 “Emma has been lying from the start. She has no known living relatives. Her entrance card was used to access the machine storage, and was never used to open it again. We don't know how far back this goes, or who her contact were, but she has stolen the mothership. We're tracking where she's landing now.”
 “So, Flynn’s plan to use her to help him, actually backfired? Seeing as she was secretly a rittenhouse agent all along?” Wyatt chuckled. “Justice, if you ask me.”
 Rufus nodded his head in agreement. “Talk about betrayal.”
 At about that moment another Mason Industries worker poked his head in. “Agent Christopher? We have Emma Whittmore’s location.”
 Everyone looked at the young man. “Well, where?” Christopher asked impatiently.
 “Sarajevo, Bosnia. 1914.”
 “The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand,” Lucy gasped. “The murders that caused World War One.”
 “Who?” Wyatt and Rufus asked Lucy in unison.  
 “He was the heir to the Austrian throne, a major powerhouse back then. Him and his wife were killed by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian. Russia defended them, Germany sided with Austria, and so on. It triggered it all.” Lucy motioned with her hands as she walked them through history, Wyatt staring in amazement.
 “You are brilliant..” He muttered under his breath quietly, figuring nobody else heard.
 “Well let’s get going then.” Agent Christopher said. “Get changed and head to the Lifeboat.”
 Wyatt, Lucy and Rufus headed back to the early 1900s era clothing and searched for outfits.
 Wyatt wore a nice suit and jacket with striped pants and shiny leather boots. He also put flat cap and groaned, “I look ridiculous.”
 Lucy smiled as walked over to him and grabbed the collar of his button up suit. “They popped the collar.” She murmured before doing so to his suit. She watched as Wyatt’s face adorned a shy grin. “Thank you ma’am.”
 Lucy nodded to him and picked out her own outfit. She chose a lacy shirtwaist and a narrow blue covering that fell to the top of her foot, flattering her petite body top. Her hair was delicately placed in a padded hairstyle similar to the famous ‘bob.’ She was in the middle of adjusting her bra when Wyatt and Rufus walked by, both looking at her strangely.
 “You okay?” Rufus chuckled, looking at his friend.
 “This was the era bras were invented, and this is an extremely uncomfortable one.”
 “Guys, come on!” Agent Christopher yelled from down the hall. “We’re already way behind. Everyone should be boarded in five.”
Lucy rolled her eyes and tugged at the bra again before hustling after Christopher, the boys quickly following.
 They quickly made their way to the Lifeboat and sat down. Rufus made quick of starting up the machine as Wyatt watched Lucy in amusement try to buckle herself in.
 He leaned over and took control of the situation, taking the belts from her and securing them around her body, not knowing she was watching with a smile on her face.
 Rufus hit a row of buttons and switches on the lifeboat that Lucy couldn't begin to comprehend the science behind. “Okay… 1914 in 3, 2-”
 The wave of nausea. The familiar spins and jolts of their travel. The crash of their landing.
 Wyatt groaned out, pressing his palms into his eyes. “God, I hate that part.” He reached forward to unbuckle Lucy's belt after his own.  He lingered on Lucy for a little bit, trying to piece himself back together after that hit of nausea.
 The three of them stumbled their way out of the Lifeboat and into the surrounding forest of southern Bosnia. This had always been Lucy's favorite part. Seeing the world as it was before her, parts untouched. She took in the sheer amount of green against the deep blue sky, denser than she'd ever seen at home. It was so different from the modern world, everything was filled with life.
 “Okay,” she told her friends, turning away from the scenery. “Ferdinand and his wife were driving to the hospital to visit bombing victims of an attack another member of Princip’s group. An assassination attempt on their way there failed, but on their way back both of them were shot near Latin Bridge and died later in their car.”
 “Wait, hold on,” Rufus shook his head. “What does World War One do for rittenhouse?”
 Lucy lead them through the thinning woods, to a road. She explained as she spoke, quieting her voice when cars passed, walking toward an inn she spotted down the road.
 “Well, it's really responsible for a lot of our technology. The Wars advanced our need for medicine, vaccines, planes, modern warfare, and our modern alliances. It was the Great Depression after the war that caused the communist rise and gave us our current economic structure. Without the war, who knows what level our technology would be at. We could easily be in the sixties or seventies, we'd have no feminism movements largely spurred by women's contributions to the war-”
 “So basically chaos.” Wyatt interrupted, summing up everything Lucy just said.
 “Well, if you really want to water it down, yeah.” Lucy crossed her arms. History deserved respect.
 Wyatt smirked at her comment, “Well c’mon then, we can’t have Emma breaking the damn world.”
 The team headed to a small and quiet hotel to set up a base area where they could pull all their ideas together.
 “So, how exactly do we stop Emma?” Rufus asked his teammates as they got settled in a room, ignoring the look they got from the booker at the three of them sharing a single room.
 “Well I'm all in favor of finding her and dragging her ass back to Mason.” Wyatt shrugged off his jacket. “But I assume we need a backup plan.”
 “Yeah.” Rufus chuckled at his friend, “We all know anything to do with rittenhouse isn’t that easy to take down.”
 “The only reason this assassination happened was because of a wide array of miscommunications between the Archduke’s security and his driver. He wasn't even supposed to take the bridge route after the earlier attempts. We need to make sure those stay in place. And it has to be linked to Serbia, so Russia can join and the alliances we know can form.”
 “So what, we talk to the driver and make sure he stays on the right path? I don’t think that will stop Emma, she’s sneaky. I think it will take more than that.” Rufus said.
 Lucy nodded, and Wyatt watched the gears turn behind her eyes. “Until we figure out how she's planning to stop this, there's nothing we can do except plan around the basics. We know when and how he dies, and all we need to do is preserve that.”
 Rufus glanced at his watch hidden beneath his long overcoat sleeves. “Well, it's seven in the morning here. What time is the bombing?”
 “Around ten,” Lucy did the quick math in her head. “That gives us about three hours. Long enough for a shower, because I'm still covered in popcorn grease.” She raised her eyebrows at Wyatt before walking across the room to the bathroom. The showers weren't great, but they had running clean water and that was enough for her.
Rufus glanced at Wyatt. “Showers? Here? Is that even sanitary?” Wyatt just shrugged. Lucy was the one who studied this kind of thing.
 Suddenly there was a loud scream from the shower and Wyatt took out his gun before breaking through the locked door.
 “Lucy?!” He said panicked, gun out, “What’s wrong?”
 She screamed again and Wyatt slammed the curtain open, seeing a very naked Lucy. In the place of a murder, or bomb, or any imminent danger was… a spider.
 “Oh you've got to be kidding me, Lucy.” He put away his gun, looking at the ceiling. He heard Rufus take one step forward, let out an ‘Oh my God!’ and turn right back around.
 “Wyatt! Do something!” Lucy couldn't even think of the modification as she stared at the spider, unable to look away. If you look away, they strike. Little devils.
 “Oh for the love of-” Wyatt turned around, grabbing a wad of thin toilet paper. He kept his eyes low as he grabbed the spider, trying to look anywhere but her legs, and her hands trying to cover what they could.
 Lucy watched Wyatt pick up the spider and throw it out the window before standing up and closing Lucy’s curtain. “There you go ma’am.” He said before taking a deep breath and walking into the other room.
 He took a seat on the edge of the single bed, leaning to press his forehead against his palms. Rufus, in a chair next to the bed, and chuckled awkwardly.
 “You okay man?”
 “Mhmm..” He murmured, running a hand through his short brown hair, “Just peachy.”
 Rufus just showed a knowing grin. “I bet you are.”
 That comment earned a pretty good glare from Wyatt needless to say, and a mumble of “shut up Rufus..”
 They waited for her to finish, listening to the pitter of the water. She came out in a thin robe, face red, and both men turned so she could change.
 Once she was done, they had to move forward with what they were going to do next.
 “Well, Fernand is staying in a hotel and then is supposed to tour around the city with his wife. I think we should go watch his hotel, make sure that Emma doesn't  mess his original assassination.”
 “Oh, that simple?” Wyatt said sarcastically.
 “Isn't there a bombing we should be worried about?” Rufus looked from Wyatt to Lucy. “I don't know about you guys, but I really don't want to get blown up.”
 Lucy shook her head. “Ferdinand wasn't close enough to be killed by the bombing. If we stick close to his entourage, we should be fine.”
 “We just have to make sure that his death stays the same, if Emma changes one thing, it could change the course of History. Who knows what we would come back to. So that’s why I say we just stick to Ferdinand, make sure he dies the way he’s supposed too, as tragic as it is. It was actually him and his wife’s fortieth wedding anniversary.”
 “Let's go then.” Wyatt muttered, standing up and placing another gun in his holster.
 Rufus raised an eyebrow, “Dude, how many guns do you need?”
 Wyatt smirked slightly, “You’d be surprised. And I always come prepared. Now, let’s go.”
 Lucy and Rufus chuckled as they left the small hotel room. Rufus hot wired a car for them to drive to Ferdinand’s hotel, if course choosing a vintage classic he was too excited to be stealing.
 “Aww man,” he whistled. “Haven't driven one of these yet. Let's see what she's got.”
 He laughed as they drove toward the hotel, distinguishable by the guards at the door.
 They arrived at the hotel about fifteen minutes later, and kept a distance. They couldn't be spotted, to be lurking like that would mean to be arrested if any guards saw them. For nearly an hour they were squatted in the bushes in wait for the heir to load his car but nothing came.
 “Something is off.” Lucy muttered, looking around. There was no guards, the Archduke wasn’t even there. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
  “What’s wrong?” Wyatt asked.
 “The prince should be here, ready to leave for the hospital.”
 She looked at Wyatt and Rufus, “But nobody is here.”
 Rufus looked at her, “So what? The bombing never happened?”
 Lucy bit her lip, she had a bad feeling that Emma had already changed history.
 “Have you heard an explosion? It should have happened already.” She looked at the sky, past noon. Lucy looked to Wyatt, a silent question of what to do in her eyes.
 He looked back at her, understanding the unspoken words before standing up. “We should check the group out. You said it was a Serbian terrorist group? You know where they are?”
 Lucy nodded. She picked up the edge of her skirts and began walking with the boys flanking her sides. “It should be…,” they rounded another corner a half hour later to meet a clay and wood cabin, “here.”
 “Each one of them was set up at a different area of the road for the archduke, that way if one of them failed, the other assassins could pick up and carry out the murder.” Lucy glanced around at the silent woods. “We've been passing the others along the way. I thought, since those seemed empty they had all grouped here. But it seems as empty as the rest.”
 Wyatt noticed the partially opened door, and the spots of red along it. Maybe it was rust, or cheap paint, but maybe-
 “Lucy,” he called, pulling his gun and stepping closer. He pulled the second out of his other holster and passed it to Rufus. “Stay here. We're going to check this out.”
 Her eyebrows immediately scrunched, paired incredulously with pursed lips. “What? Why do I have to stay out here?”
 “Because I don't have another gun, and if what I think happened here did, you shouldn't see it. You faint at the sight of blood, right?” Lucy’s eyes widened, he remembered. Wyatt looked to Rufus and nodded at him as they began their treck to the cabin.
 Lucy crossed her arms. When they were out of earshot, she began muttering under her breath. “Bullshit. Stay here, Lucy. You faint too much, Lucy. Hmph.”
 She kept on a for another moment, muttering and pacing. Everything was quiet, too quiet, she turned to follow Wyatt and Rufus, to prove them wrong, when she suddenly felt someone wrap an arm around her, a gun pressed against her head.
 “Don't. Make. A sound.” A gruff and unfamiliar voice ghosted into her ear.
 Her heart beat so fast Lucy couldn't even feel it. Her eyes were wide and wild. She felt as though she were shaking and unable to move at the same time.
 “What do you-” A click. Gun cocked and ready.
 “I said not another word.” The gun felt modern, unlike the wooden under handle of the era. She knew now that he had to be one of Emma's agents.
 “You are going to keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut and listen to my every word-”
 There was another gun cocked, and Lucy shakingly opened one eye to see Wyatt standing there, his face emotionless.
 “I suggest you release her and drop the gun.”
 The guy laughed, and Lucy felt sick to her stomach, she had a feeling that sound would haunt her tonight.
 “You’ll have to kill me, but wait, how could you do that without hurting-” A gunshot went off and Lucy was violently thrown away from the man, she vaguely heard herself scream. She looked over to see the man holding her, dead. He was older, slightly balding and was huge, and also had a huge hole in his neck from Wyatt’s shot.
 The moment reminded her of their first mission, when Wyatt hit Flynn in the shoulder, barely missing her head. It took Wyatt only seconds for him to reach her. Her shoulder burned, and her mind couldn't seem to work, but her body was able to become controlled within his embrace.
 “Lucy? Lucy are you alright?” He had one hand on her neck, putting her face in his shoulder, his other wrapped tightly around her waist, holding her tightly to him until her breath returned to her body and she nodded.
 “F-fine..” She murmured before Wyatt pulled away. She tried to give a laugh, to lessen the tension, but winced.
 “Where does it hurt?” He pulled away to scan her for imminent injuries, before noticed the red at her shoulder. His heart caught in his throat as he gently peeled away the cloth.
 He gave a sigh. “Just a scrape. You'll be okay. You weren't shot.”
 He slowly stroked back her hair from the area to catch a better look at it. “Yeah, you’ll be fine, barely a graze if anything.” He couldn’t stop himself from placing a quick kiss on her head, not thinking much about the action at the time, relief flooding through every cell in his body.
 Lucy could truly say in that moment, despite the burning pain in her shoulder, she felt safe.
 Wyatt gently pulled away from her and helped her stand up. “C’mon, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”  
 He slung her uninjured arm over his shoulder and walked with her to the cabin. Rufus was immediately at the door, concerned and pale.
 “What the hell happened? Are you okay?” Lucy found herself with only enough energy to nod.
 Wyatt helped her sit in a nearby chair, telling her to close her eyes. When she was able to open them again, she was facing a blank wall of wood. “One of Emma's people tried to kill her. He won't be a problem anymore, but her shoulder got grazed. She's still in shock I think.”
 “It was my fault, if I just would have tried to figure out a better aim..” His voice trailed off, he wounded her. The bullet he shot grazed her shoulder. This was his fault. He felt sick.
 Lucy tried to turn around, to tell him it wasn't his fault, that he saved her life. But as soon as she turned a scream burned it's way through her.
 Nine bodies laid across the room, each with a dripping bullet hole in their head. Some held guns in their viced grips but some remained unarmed laying across the furniture.
 She couldn't look away despite the churning in her stomach.  Wyatt was by her side in a minute, practically picking her up and forcing her away from the bodies. “This is why I had you facing the wall Luce..” He murmured.
 Lucy gulped what air she had left, the image of all those bodies burning in her mind. “A-are those the assassins?”
 Rufus nodded, pale as he studied the corpses around the room. “They're all dead. Must have been done right before we got here.” He looked around the room with wide eyes. “What now?”
 Lucy's hands were shaking, and she tried to keep bile from rising as she spoke. “This war happened because of Ferdinand's assassination. And we need to war to push for technology and human rights.”
 Wyatt’s grip turned to ice on her arm. “You're saying we need to assassinate him?”
 She slowly nodded, “I have a pretty strong feeling that Ferdinand isn’t dead, and without his death, who know’s what will happen. We need to kill him. We need to start World War One.” Her voice was grave as she looked at Wyatt and Rufus.
 They didn’t want to, this was the worst outcome. It was assumed that Wyatt would be the one that would step up and do it, but it was actually Lucy. She pulled the gun from his holster as they arrived at the bridge.
 “Lucy, are you sure you want too?” Wyatt murmured. He put a hand over her wrist. This wasn't supposed to fall to her.
 Lucy nodded, holding the gun in her hand. The metal was so cold it burned. They watched as Ferdinand’s carriage slowly started by, him and his wife waving. Lucy took a deep breath, her hands shaking horribly. Wyatt stood behind her, before slowly placing his hands over hers.
 “Aim a little lower than where you plan to shoot.  When you shoot the bullet, the impact will force it a little higher.” He murmured into her ear. Slowly he moved away, but watched as she couldn’t stop shaking.
 “Lucy, we’re running out of time. You have to shoot.” Rufus muttered as they watched the royal couple.
 “I’m trying.” She whispered back frantically, trying to force herself to breathe. In and out.
 “I-I can’t do it.” She got tears in her eyes, she couldn’t end two people’s lives.
 The couple started to go by, the window of opportunity closing, if they didn’t do this, World War One wouldn’t happen.  Wyatt cursed, taking the gun out of Lucy’s hands. He looked at the two targets, took a deep breath, his face turning neutral, then shot.
 There was a scream, Ferdinand’s wife was shot. Rufus winced, but before any of them had time to truly react, Wyatt shot again, hitting Ferdinand. He placed the smoking gun inside of its holster. “We have to go.” His voice was emotionless, chilling Lucy to the bones. Already making his way out of the bushes they were hiding in.
 He was quiet the whole walk back to the Lifeboat, caught up in his thoughts. Rufus and Lucy exchanged concerning looks.
 Lucy gently grabbed his arm, making his eyes meet hers. “Wyatt, I’m so sorry. I should have sucked it up. I was just so-”
 “It’s fine Lucy. It had to happen.” He cut her off, offering her a weak smile that didn’t meet his eyes, “Let’s just get home, yeah?”
 She nodded at him, and they climbed in the Lifeboat. Wyatt, like the gentleman he was, helped her in her seat and buckled her seatbelt. Not another word was spoken in the lifeboat. Lucy was wondering if he was thinking of what his grandpa Sherwin would say. He was Wyatt’s role model, his father figure, a soldier, and Wyatt pretty much just started War World One because she was too scared. She wondered if he felt like he disappointed him.
 Lucy hated when Wyatt was like this. She couldn’t read him, she couldn’t help him. As soon as they got back to 2017, Rufus debriefed Christopher, and they had found out that World War One still happened, but it wasn’t seven assassins. They had never caught the murderer that started the war, but blame arose to the Russians out of anti sentiment from Serbian territories.  
 Wyatt was quiet during this whole process, and it was finally over, he was the first one to stand up and walk into the changing rooms.
 Lucy quickly followed after him, changing out of her own clothes, and then waiting for him by the men’s changing room door. When he came out, he glanced at her, and she tried hard to keep his gaze so she could try to figure out what was wrong with him. But deep down, she knew.
 “Hey, you ready to go? I’ll drive.” She murmured, holding her hands out for his keys. Wyatt quietly handed her his keys as they walked out and got in his truck. Lucy backed them out before going down the road, but she had enough of the silence. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?”
 She felt Wyatt’s ice blue eyes on her, then he sighed. “Just thinking about my grandpa.”
 Lucy glanced at him quickly, before returning her eyes to the road, but she grabbed his hand off his lap, and squeezed.
 “He wouldn’t be ashamed of you Wyatt. You did what you had to do. You helped save 2017. Who knows what might have happened if Ferdinand survived.”
 Wyatt nodded, using his free hand to rub his head. “Thanks, Luce. I know.”
 Lucy shot him a smile before slowly taking her hand back and pulling into Wyatt’s garage space.
 “Alright, how about I order some pizza and we could watch um.. Star Wars or something.”
 Wyatt chuckled. “You’ve never watched Star Wars?”
 She shook her head with a smile. “Nope. Bits and pieces with Amy. She loved the fantasy stories. I loved documentaries more. Why don't you go turn it on, I’ll get the pizza.”
 Wyatt smiled at her before heading into the living room. Lucy hurried up and ordered his favorite pizza, cheese with green olives, and walked back into the living room.
 “Alright, it’ll be here soon. Tell me about why I’m going to love Star Wars.”
 Wyatt grinned, not only did he tell her why Star Wars was amazing, he told her how it changes lives.
 Needless to say, they were up till 2:00 in the morning, eating pizza and enjoying Star Wars; all seven movies. Lucy’s head fell on Wyatt’s chest, his own on her head as they slept with pizza crust still clutched in Lucy’s hand. It was paradise.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
05/29/2019 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 14:1-15:22, John 18:1-24, Psalms 119:97-112, Proverbs 16:8-9
Today is the 29th day of May. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is great to be here with you today on hump day as we cross through the center of our week together. And we’ve been spending our time, at least in the Old Testament, as you know, getting to know King David and we’re in the part of the story where things have begun to really fall apart in his family. One of his sons, Amnon, raped his sister Tamar. Her brother Absalom, also David's son, killed Amnon for this and then he had to go on the run to the north near the Sea of Galilee to the city of Geshur where he was in exile for several years and that's where we pick up the story today. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Second Samuel chapter 14 verse 1 through 15 verse 22.
Okay. So, from the Old Testament and in the story of David we see that family matters never did settle down for King David after the issue was about Bathsheba and this continues to become more and more apparent as we move further into the story. So, David’s son Absalom had been in exile for three years for the killing of his brother Amnon who had raped Absalom's sister, David's daughter, Tamar. David allow that rape of his daughter to go relatively unpunished, but Absalom didn't, and the result was loss. Absalom lost respect for his father and was sent away from his home. Tamar forcibly lost her innocence and then Amnon violently lost his life. So, in today's reading, David's general, Joab, concocted a plan that brought Absalom back to his home in Jerusalem, but for the next two years he wasn't permitted an audience with the king. So, five years have gone by without father and son not seeing each other. And once they did, Absalom's contempt for his father deepened. So, Absalom used his good looks and his status as a prince to undermine his father David, and he did this by spending time among the people making them feel heard. And, so, over the course of four years he won their hearts. Then he asked permission to leave Jerusalem and go to Hebron. Hebron was the place that David was first coronated as the King of the tribe of Judah. So, Absalom's asking to go there to sacrifice to God, back to the original capital city of before David conquered Jerusalem and made the city of David. So, then once Absalom's in Hebron he stirs up a direct rebellion against the king, which is gaining momentum as we leave our reading today and the news reached Jerusalem. And, so, all of those old instincts, right, all of those instincts that David had to learn while he was running from King Saul rose within David and he fled the palace in advance along with much of the government going into exile as this coup that Absalom is stirring up is moving forward. And, of course, we’ll continue that story tomorrow, but it's important consider the ways that King David allowed this erosion to take place in his life and family, right? So, we were going along through first Samuel and into second Samuel, following the story of King Saul and watching David's story become intertwined with that story. We followed all the way until David was the king of all Israel, and we watched him act honorably and we saw that the hearts of the people were for…like David had won their hearts, they were loyal to him. And then we watched the systematic dismantling, right, that began with David taking another man's wife, and then having that man, who was loyal, loyal, loyal to David, having him killed. That’s where this story began that we have watched the disintegration of much of the royal family of because of these systematic choices. So, the choices we make have an impact and they reverberate in unpredictable ways in our lives as they did with the king. So, when we allow offenses to fester they become poison within our relationships and the poison can destroy the bonds that tie us together if it's just left unchecked. This is what we’re seeing happen to the king and his kingdom but it's no different for us. We will make mistakes. We will fall short. Some of them will be small, some of them will be big and the aftermath can be devastating. But in that broken time were still making decisions, right, and they're still compounding. We’re either drawing up battle lines or making the problem worse or we can own our actions and repent. And when there's broken relationships full restoration isn't always possible. It’s a broken world. But humility and repentance and the hope of grace are miraculous forces within a relationship and they cover a multitude of sins. David didn't do any of that. So, let's consider David's path as we reflect on our own paths today. Just being aware, just being awake and aware and willing to repent rapidly could push back massive amounts of conflict in our lives. Truly, if we think about. Like, if were able to say, “okay, I’m getting you mad. I'm feeling this...like…I know what's about to happen here” and stop ourselves or if we've already said that thing in response and it’s already turning into a battle, if we stop and say, “this is gonna go nowhere, this is…this is taking us nowhere…we don't need this conflict between us, we could save ourselves so much in the present and in the future.
Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for the way that it will speak to us and penetrate our lives. And even as we spent some time talking about the story of King David, we also recognize the story that is happening in the Gospel of John as we watch Jesus freedom be taken and the questions beginning. And we recognize that this will be the last retelling of this story this year. And, so, we invite Your Holy Spirit to give it the gravity that it deserves in our lives as we prepare to move forward in our year and in the story of what comes next. Come Holy Spirit we pray. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop, where there are resources for this journey that we are taking together and ways to go deeper. So, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, I could not possibly thank you enough. We would not be able to be here doing what we are doing in community and taking these steps forward every single day if we did not do this together. So, thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi, good morning, this is Valerie calling from south of Atlanta. It is Sunday, May the 26th and I just heard the grandmother’s prayer for her grandchild that was delivered early. You didn’t leave a name, but I did want to pray for you. I wanted to pray for your grandson. So, dear heavenly Father I just thank You for the opportunity to be able to come together as a family and surround this baby with prayer. Lord, she mentions that this baby has been in the works for 10 years. So, they have prayed over this baby. They have prayed, and they have struggled, and they finally have been blessed with this little baby boy and we just want to give You the honor and the glory and the thanks for that Lord and we thank You that You protected the family Lord during the attempted home invasion. We thank You for You being there and putting a hedge of protection around this family but now the Lord we just come, and we just ask the same thing for this little baby. We ask Lord that You will just touch him and gird him up in Your strength, give him an extra boosting of Your power Lord and give the doctors wisdom and knowledge and comfort the mother and the Father and the grandmother as they’re watching this little bitty baby struggle to gain weight and to be healthy and to breath. We pray for the liver Lord, that it will start functioning and that it was formed completely Lord, but regardless we just pray for Your will in his family’s life Lord. They have come through so many struggles to bring this little boy into the world and we pray Lord that You will just continue to reach down, hold them in Your hand, gird them up in Your strength and surround them with Your love. In Your name we pray. Amen.
This is Laura Booker from Southern Illinois and I want to give a shout out to Candace in Oregon. Candace, I also have had hip surgery. I have had three of them. The first one, my husband Jim was with me. The second one he had passed away and you feel really lonely and you want them around so bad it’s just…your heart just hurts. I’m praying for your hip to heal. It’s a slow process so I’m sure it’ll be a long six weeks, but Candace I am praying for you and if you need anything, please reach out to me and I would love to help you. And I pray that God will take care of you and He will heal your hip and your broken heart. Thank you very much. Bye.
Good morning my Daily Audio Bible family, this is Leonora, I’m calling from the Florida Panhandle. After listening to Janet from the UK, I believe her name was, who was kind enough and caring enough to call in for her friend, another nurse and both of you are new nurses. And my heart went out to both of you. As a nurse myself I remember very well the first death that I had to deal with. And the fact that your friend was so affected by that just shows that she has the heart of a nurse. And the fact that you called in shows that you have the heart of a nurse who cares for others. And it’s a gift from God to be able to be at a bedside of a dying or very ill patient, any patient. And your presence is something they will always remember even if they can’t communicate your comfort, your…your just…your love and your caring, it will make her and you, all of us better nurses. That’s what we’re there for and there are things we learn along the way and that’s just the way it is. But you will…it just gives you a strength and a faith to be there for these folks and their families and that’s the other half of it because you’re there for them as well. So, God bless you both and hang in there. We need good caring nurses just like the both of you.
So, I called a few weeks ago in the midst of worrying. The Holy Spirit put it on my heart to let my brothers and sisters know not to worry as He was giving me the word not to worry. And I want to praise God because He’s brought me one step closer to the situation that I’m currently going through to be resolved. Thank You, heavenly Father. Thank You, eternal Father. Thank you. And I also want to encourage those who heard the Holy Spirit through me, don’t worry, God will take care of you. He always has, and He always will. Just hold on a little longer. Sean 316.
0 notes
Chicago Artists To Watch 2017
Each successive year here in Chicago has been marked by a string of breakout artists since the 'renaissance' truly kicked into gear back in 2012. In the time since, we've seen one act after the next ascend to the loftiest of plateaus in the music industry and as we look back on a record-breaking 2016, we simultaneously are prepping ourselves for the next wave of talented artists ready to follow in their contemporaries footsteps. While last year may have seen the rise of acts like Joey Purp, Towkio, Eryn Allen Kane, Saba and more, 2017 appears to lay the groundwork for a similarly eclectic, talented crop that should well be pacing the national scene by this time next year. Want to know who they are? The TheseDays team has you covered, with all of our picks for who's slated for a breakthrough 2017 in our humble opinions. Let us know your opinions on who you think will be killing it this year and make sure to look back on our 2016 predictions for added insight. 
Jake's Picks • The O'My's, Ravyn Lenae & Phoelix
The O’My’s • Admittedly, The O’My’s are a band that has probably been on a list like this for me several times over the years. While it’s undeniable at this point that the local outfit led by Maceo Haymes and Nick Hennessey are a soulful force to be reckoned with, they’ve yet to truly breakthrough the glass ceiling of the city and find the widespread success their talent deserves. A year largely away from the public was spent working on a new project with more depth and thought than anything the team has tackled thus far in their career. A launching pad for musicians like Carter Lang, Boyang Matsopola, Nico Segal and many more. One of Kids These Days’ first gigs was opening for The O’My’s and that trend of looking out for the next up continues as 18-year-old wunderkind Eddie Burns has taken up drumming duties. At this point, the band’s place in Chicago music is unquestioned and with a new look, a renewed spirit and an intense year of steady work under their belt, expect big things at long last from the city’s ‘Purveyors of Soul’.
Ravyn Lenae • Perhaps no artist I’ve seen in the last five years has seemed to encapsulate all the good of contemporary teen celebrity while staying undeniably grounded than 18-year-old Ravyn Lenae. Since stepping out with her impressive and genre-bending debut, Moon Shoes EP last year, the Chicago High School for the Arts senior has made huge waves across the city and country. The bubbly, talented Lenae has all the tools to become a name we talk about for a long time, possessing a sort of real disposition and laid back demeanor that seem almost impossible given her innate talent and creativity. Having linked up with Monte Booker, Smino, Jean Deaux and the Zero Fatigue crew, with Classick Fam at her back, the girl seems primed for huge things in the very near future. Having just headlined her first tour with none other than Sahar Habibi handling DJ duties before heading back to high school for finals, the world is only just beginning to open up for young Ravyn Lenae.
Phoelix • I went into 2016 knowing just a little but about the producer known as Phoelix. Save for some loosies and varied production credits that scattered themselves around the Internet, it was really only the Internet trolls who harvest the internet and rarely leave their homes who seemed to really be up on the fairly new face. A few months into the year and it seemed he was everywhere. From having worked extensively on NoName’s long-awaited debut project Telefone to Saba's critically-acclaimed Bucketlist with appearances alongside the likes of Zero Fatigue, THEMPeople and many more, it's obvious that this beatsmith has certainly found himself in the right company. More than that, he utilized 2016 to effectively prove he had the ability to stay there and perhaps take things even further heading into 2017.
Eric's Picks • Knox Fortune, Cam O'bi & Appleby
Knox Fortune • A couple years ago now, ahead of the release of their album Season, I ran into Joey Purp & Kami who excitedly told me they found the secret third member of Leather Corduroys. Once the singles started to roll out, the production was gave it away - that third member was none other than Knox Fortune. As great as the overall sound he helped create was, what really caught me was his vocal part at the end of "Remember" as it was the first time I realized this fool had the voice of an angel. As time marched on, Knox continued his behind the scenes work, executive producing both Purp's iiiDrops and Kami's forthcoming album Just Like the Movies, while lending his talents to others along the way. The whole time keeping pretty quiet about the fact he had an album of his own completed. Then one night Knox had me & Pat the Manager over to Chiller's Paradise to hear some of his solo material that we had been hearing whispers about. Knox proceeded to play hours worth of incredible material. Last year, he provided fans with a taste with "Seaglass" - which, while an enjoyable track, really only skims the surface of the gold this man is sitting on. With Kami's album ready to drop and his feature on Chance the Rapper's "All Night" making his name more recognizable than ever, 2017 will be a huge year for Mr. Fortune. 
Cam O'bi • Similarly to Knox, Cam O'bi's most notable work is that in which he's done for others. In fact, many of the songs where we hear the stars of this Chicago Renaissance (Noname, Saba, Chance, Mick, Vic, etc) at their best are with Cam behind the boards. Outside of Chicago, Cam's production resume is no less impressive - producing tracks for Big Sean, J Cole & Isaiah Rashad to name a few last year alone. However over the last few years, Cam has been working on an opus of his own. Entitled Grown Ass Kid, it will be O’bi’s debut album, and will see him as the lead vocalist. Now if that catches you off guard, you've likely heard him sing before and didn't realize, as his vocal features date back to Vic Mensa's 2013 fan favorite "Orange Soda" to more recently Noname's Raury-assisted collaboration "Diddy Bop" - both of which he also produced. When transition from solely being a producer, Kanye once said he had an advantage as a rapper because he gets to hear his beats first, and that logic applies here too. Paired with the fact the album is shaping up to be sonic self-portrait of one of the most kind, caring and positive people I've ever met in music, "Grown Ass Kid" is on the top of my 2017 wish list.
Appleby • To date, it's always been a personal rule of mine when doing these types of lists to never include an artist that I've said was one to watch in a previous year. In 2015, I included Appleby in a list of the same sort for Hypetrak, however with the turn his music has begun to take I'm making an exception. When Appleby began to release material in 2014, the metaphorically masked musician was giving fans moody R&B sounds, made in a dark bedroom to be listened to in dim basements. Despite receiving a solid amount of buzz with that approach, Appleby decided to take a step back and pursue a different path. Looking ahead to 2017, it's a literally a night and day difference. This transition presents itself best in the form of a song,  "Miss Sunshine”. Unfortunately, he's currently holding this song hostage from fans, but I’m working on that. Bright and energized, the song connects to a different point on the emotional spectrum than Appleby has tapped into in the past, and the results are incredible. If you look closely, there are breadcrumbs in Apple's career that show the potential for things to head in this direction - at first in features with the likes of Litany and Raven Lenae, but around the time he began to work with Elias Abid the vision began to come into focus. With Abid at his side, a new sound locked in and a new batch of material, this should be the year we're properly introduced to Appleby
Brent's Picks • KAMI, L.A. VanGogh & Joseph Chilliams
KAMI • Aside from his work alongside Save Money brethren Joey Purp as one half of Leather Corduroys, most of the world is still unfamiliar with KAMI and his solo efforts. Releasing just three singles in 2016 may not be enough for some to rank him as one of the promising artists to be on the lookout for in 2017, but each single was stronger than most releases by KAMI's peers and contemporaries. A result of KAMI's powerful rhymes, vocals and curated production by another up and comer on the verge of breaking out, Knox Fortune. Knox has played a role in each of KAMI's recent releases and is rumored to have a prevalent influence on KAMI's upcoming solo debut Just Like The Movies.  What we've heard from the project thus far foreshadows a sharp stray from what we already know about KAMI, but an exciting stray nonetheless. Something different. Something experimental. Something his Save Money cohorts Chance The Rapper, Vic Mensa and Joey Purp haven't touched. Truly blazing his own trail. KAMI's debut is sure to have ears perking up and all eyes on the Chicago collective once again. 
L.A. VanGogh • We've quickly come to appreciate this south suburban native in the past year. Originally from Dolton, Illinois and currently residing in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood, we were introduced to L.A. VanGogh's musical talents with the release of safeNsound Presents L.A. VanGogh alongside producer and bandmate Ambi Lyrics in early 2016. Since, L.A. has proven to be a talented emcee, producer and performer, his charismatic personality and ambitious work ethic has placed L.A. on a short list of who you should know in the coming year. Having recently released Friends First and headlining his first local performance at Wicker Park's Subterranean, L.A. VanGogh closed out the year strong and set the foundation for his takeover following the release of his upcoming sophomore project Everything Is Subjective. While still early on in his career, his music and the team behind it has L.A. on a fast track to notoriety in 2017.
Joseph Chilliams • Pivot Gang's Joseph Chilliams has been tested in 2016, but everything is on an upward swing for him in the new year. Brother of the buzzworthy Saba, Joseph Chilliams is doing anything but following the trail his sibling has paved for himself. While the rhymes are of equal caliber, Chilliams uses his music to paint a picture of his experiences growing up on Chicago's west side. Both Joseph and Saba grew up in the same home, but everyone's experiences are slightly different and how they choose to express their experiences can vary as well. Joseph finds comfort in using humor to tell his story. Watching Joseph perform his music live can often be confused with a stand up comedy set, comedic intermissions substituting brief talking breaks while he catches his breath. Joseph has only released a couple tracks this past year along with an amazing video for "Buck", but everything is leading up to his still untitled debut. Rumor has it that the project is complete, but we're waiting patiently on the final cut. Regardless of the limited content over the years, Joseph Chilliams has constantly proven himself to be worthy of our attention and when he decides to officially step out, we know you'll agree.
Ray's Picks • BigBodyFiji, UG Vavy & Lud Foe
BigBodyFiji • Where to begin. By the end of the year BigBodyFiji had become my favorite rapper of 2016. Some hip-hop fans may take time to acclimate, but the sooner the better because when it does, you’re getting hit like a ton of bricks. He’s got a perspective, a funny motherfucker weaving a wild web of suburban street fairy tales (“growin up rich, I ain’t never struggled bitch”) with the chops to match. He knows who he is, and is probably waiting for a thank you. Figuratively and literally, he’s got a voice, and knows how to deliver. And what a voice it is - to be honest, I’m not sure if I’ve heard anything like it, a rubber band that’s stretched out, hit the blunt and forgot to bounce back. His ear is crazy, the way he combines hook-verse-and-beat is so intuitive it's borderline effortless. But that would be cutting him short. His work ethic goes crazy, and I’m sitting on a deep playlist of BigBodyFiji tracks and verses from the last 12 months  that still gets daily play. He performed what is easily the best 30 person show at a soccer field I’ve ever seen (sounds sarcastic but not, it was fucking awesome). But if there’s one takeaway, it’s this; there’s no gimmick behind Fiji, and if you draw that conclusion you aren’t listening closely enough. Expect very big things in 2017.
UG Vavy • UG Vavy, a hitmaker in the flesh. In 2016 he began peppering Chicago with singles, and fighting his vibe was an exercise in futility. There was stopping power in every track, each a stepping stone in the local music ecology. No small feat, with so many artists, so much static noise to break through. UG Vavy set his sights on a big year and got it done at the most efficient level, never even dropping a project. And don’t get me wrong, we want a project. But shit, he rode these singles far because he could. The fact is, his tracks were just too damn catchy, and with every release he was able to show a new side of himself while simultaneously fleshing out the various corners of both his sound and persona. Catch a live show and you’ll understand, his energy moves effortlessly and the audience rushes closer to the stage at the opening measures of each consecutive track. No denying good music, and as a producer / rapper / singer triple threat he’s able to write songs that are 100% UG with 0% compromise. It’s why every single sounds a little different, and yet when you press play you know exactly who you’re listening to. It’s a common trait you’ll find with all our 2017 artists to watch and it’s why he belongs on this list.
Lud Foe • Lud Foe put out a mixtape called No Hooks that, from what I can tell, literally had no hooks, and that’s fucking cool. It almost feels cheap to call him an artist to watch in 2017, because he’s got thousands of eyes and ears on him already. But the fact is, in 2016 Lud Foe has been regarded as a local phenom, yet his potential has a ceiling far higher than that, way beyond “outwest, 290 shit”. Yes, Lud Foe has bars for days and attacks each rap like it’s his last (although his recent Chance feature showcases his ability to switch it up). Most importantly, he has something to say. Every verse has endless lines and wordplay to unpack, and even subject matter which a surface judgement could deem 'played out' is described with loving detail. Take Lud Foe on one of my favorites, “Ambitionz Of A Rider”, discussing cars - “26’s blow kisses / Forgiatos and candy paint”. That’s a damn near perfect two lines, crazy imagery packed into seven words. His delivery is dripping in drive. He barely reaches for air. He’s got it, he’s hungry, and he’s going places.
Patrick's Picks • wheathan, Bunny & Emily Nichols
Whethan • I firmly believe that an artist is as great as the team they've built around them. 17-year old DJ/Producer Whethan (aka. Ethan Snoreck) shares management with fellow Chicago DJ duo Louis The Child, whom rocketed to success as streaming and festival darlings in 2016. He's also signed to booking agency powerhouse AM Only. Whethan started off mid-2016 with his single "Can't Hide" which is over 5 Million streams on Spotify (2.3 on Soundcloud) with the follow up single "Savage" featuring Flux Pavillion and MAX coming in at over 2 Million in just a few months. Whethan starts of 2017 by graduating high school early before he heads up on a 15+ date national tour including an all ages hometown Chicago show on February, 10th at Lincoln Hall.
Bunny • Despite just a handful of bite sized releases since their founding in Feb. 2016, Bunny is still an artist I'm optimistically going to be watching this year. Bunny wrapped 2016 recording some new material with Joyful Noise recording artist and fellow Chicagoan J Fernandez. The band is fronted by the Jessica Viscius, who is also a Senior Designer at Pitchfork. Considering that Bunny's artwork and visuals are what first hopped in front my eye, I'm excited she and the rest of the design heavy band pulls off as music and mixed/media come together. Having designer Drew Ryan (illustrator/branding behind the fantastic Chicago tiki bar Lost Lake) as your drummer helps. Guitarist Tim Makowski has a stunning collection of mixed media online. Bassist Alexa Viscious is the band's in-house photographer too! The band has played at Coles, Beat Kitchen, East Room, The Observatory, The Hideout - all the first right steps for a Chicago band. Simply put - Bunny is some visually pleasing, plain 'ole Chicago rock n' roll. I think we could all use a dose of that!
Emily Nichols • I was fumbling between a few acts for my third pick and was swayed by a familiar voice in the final hours. I caught a live set from Emily Nichols over the New Year's Eve weekend. Despite an early set time and small crowd - she absolutely crushed it. Nichols was a part of my artists to watch last year, as lead singer of the funk band Woo Park (who soon after took an abrupt hiatus). She's taken that already confident front woman spirit and applied it tactfully and tastefully toward her solo stage performance. Emily peppered 2016 with local live shows and a sonically graceful 6-song EP called Strange (which got a glowing review in the Chicago Tribune from one of my favorite music tastemakers Britt Julious). She also lent her vocals to few electronic pop songs and popped up on the road with festival powerhouse DJ Manic Focus. I have a feeling that in 2017 Nichols takes everything she's learned over the past few years and applies it toward those next big steps an artists needs to take. My favorite part about Emily is that she let's her freak flag fly. You can genuinely see it (her style is sui generis) and hear it (her voice is voluptuous) - I love that.
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vamonumentlandscape · 3 years
Rustburg: Rosenwald School and Brookneal: Patrick Henry’s Red Hill
Rustburg Rosenwald School
As we were on the way to Patrick Henry’s Red Hill, Dr. Sherayko suggested we make a quick pit stop at the Rosenwald School being restored in Rustburg. According to SavingPlaces.com, there were over five thousand Rosenwald buildings, but now only 10-12% of them survive. The schools were built in the early 20th century by Booker T. Washington (African American educator) and Julius Rosenwald (President of Sears Roebuck) to educate and advance Black education across the south. With Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes, and systemic racism across the south, finding academic education for African Americans was next to impossible. Washington and Rosenwald put forth the first large-scale effort to bring widespread education for African Americans.
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None of us expected more than a drive-by to see the progress undertaken thus far at the old Campbell County Training School. We were pleasantly surprised when we saw a full crew out and very welcoming to us curious visitors. We got the chance to meet Lorenzo Megginson, descendant of Lynchburg’s Megginson Rosenwald School founder, who oversees the site's rehabilitation. He was kind in allowing us into all of the buildings for a closer look and to give us a personal tour. The Rustburg school was one of the largest Rosenwald Schools ever built. When it was at its height, the campus had six buildings. Dormitories for teachers and students and another classroom space for home economics were victims of fire or just were torn down by the county. Thankfully, four buildings remain and we were able to see them. The auditorium and gym space, the four room high school, another classroom space, and the two room elementary are currently being renovated. The spaces were owned by Campbell County Schools for a while and were used as offices and storage. Megginson walked us through each building to provide wonderful information about what was and what is to come.
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First we got a look inside the auditorium space. In the large room with vaulted ceilings, there was a stage and what seemed to be where a basketball goal once hung from the ceiling. Megginson explained to us that this space was a multipurpose room used as a classroom, cafeteria, gym, auditorium and much more when it was a part of the Rosenwald system. Later when it was owned by the school system, it was an office building. You can still see on the unfinished floors where cubicles once were. The best part of this space were the wooden floors that they were able to save. They are just a reminder of how the past is not so far from us. This space will be a community center for local organizations to use. Community is very important to Megginson - just as important as saving the complex’s history.
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After looking in the most newly renovated auditorium, we walked into what was the four room high school. From where the space was briefly used after being a Rosenwald School in the 1960’s and 1970’s, there was wood paneling everywhere and the faint smell of cigarette smoke. It was truly a blast from the past. Megginson told us this space will be transformed into a museum and education center. What was most exciting and what we must keep a secret about are some of the wonderful artifacts that will be displayed in the old school. We cannot wait to be able to come back to visit this space and see the changes that have been made.
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The last two stops were in the other building. Within this space, additional classrooms were renovated to house administrative offices of the Campbell County Training School Complex (CCTSC). Sadly, an electrical fire broke out after finishing the renovations and part of the building is in disrepair. Thankfully, the team was able to save most of the important documents and files. Part of the building still stands renovated and acts as an office and visitor center. We hope that it will also be fixed up again so the deserving staff can have a space of their own. We walked to our last stop on our impromptu tour, the elementary school. This is the most untouched building on the campus. The original green paint, pencil sharpener, and furniture are still there. It was so incredible to be so close to such rich history. This space will be a continuation of the museum and education center. As of now, it is acting as a storage space while the other buildings are being renovated, but it will be brought back to glory someday.
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Meeting Lorenzo Megginson and being able to have a personal tour with him was a miracle. We were truly in the right place at the right time. We cannot thank him enough, or the extremely kind staffers, for allowing us to get an intimate look at the CCTSC. If you would like to learn more about the CCTSC, head to their website at: https://campbellcountytrainingschoolcomplex.org/ . We all would strongly encourage you to place a donation to the complex if you have the means. This wonderful organization seeks to provide a community centered education complex for all to enjoy. We cannot wait to be back in the future when it opens to the public!
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Campbell County Confederate Monument (Please see next post for more pictures)
Another out of the blue stop on the way to Red Hill was the Campbell County Confederate Army Statue. Dedicated on September 17, 2016, the Lost Cause narrative is dripping from each side of the obelisk.
Fate denied them victory but crowned them with glorious immortality
This monument is dedicated to commemorate the courage and patriotism of the men from Campbell County who served honorably in the Confederate Army
Proved themselves worthy of the cause they were defending
The monument was erected by the Sons of the Confederate Veterans and, according to them, is in memory of “those who fought in the war of northern aggression.” The donors are all listed proudly on this very problematic monument. For the research team, this is one of the most problematic sites we have encountered. In a rural neighborhood, on private property, Confederate flags flying high, and engulfed in the Lost Cause narrative, this monument is one to question.
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Red Hill - Brookneal
After our short stop at the Rosenwald School in Rustburg and a very random Confederate monument on private property, we commuted for about an hour to Brookneal to Patrick Henry’s Red Hill. As the last home and resting place of one of the founding fathers, the site presents Henry’s story through interpretation at the reconstructed main house, kitchen, and gardens. Henry’s law office has mostly remained the same as it is the only building to have survived a fire in 1919. The piece that we sought to see the most at Red Hill was the isolated cemetery utilized for African-American burials, which sits about half of a mile from the visitor’s center. It served as a reminder to us that Red Hill has a history tied to the enslavement of human beings, just like Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. Though he owned slaves, our discussions with staff members at the visitor center depicted a fraught relationship between Henry and the institution. He supported legislation in 1782 during his governorship to allow Virginia slaveholders the ability to free their enslaved persons. As a Christian man, Henry stated in a 1773 letter that “a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil.” Though his rhetoric does not excuse his participation in the abhorrent institution of slavery, it does set Henry apart from men like Thomas Jefferson, who never expressed similar views. He was a moral man who played an integral part in the fight for American independence.
Red Hill is worth the trip for Virginians. A man of his time, Patrick Henry was a slave owner but was on the right path until he died in 1799. Though some remodels and additions were made to the modest site by John Henry, Patrick’s son, the grounds are interpreted as authentically as possible to the time of its most notable owner. As evidenced by the newly placed signs surrounded by dug-up red clay and our conversations with knowledgeable staff, interpretation covers the lives of the enslaved persons at the Red Hill plantation better than it ever has. We even learned that the orientation video shown in the visitor center is currently being edited to show the presence of enslaved persons in its narrative. Visitors need to know of the hardships endured by the enslaved throughout the life of Patrick Henry, as well as after his death. Many parents were separated from their young children after being sold to other slave owners. If historical interpretation at other similar sites follows the example of Red Hill, society will be more likely to understand the context of the past. We can then address the current issues of inequities that lay before us.
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