#Borderline Personality
bloomdoom1 · 2 months
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bpdisorder · 1 year
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beautifuldarkmind · 8 months
I just feel like stuck. Every day is the same and I'm just existing not living.
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gh0sti31uv · 5 months
i need someone to literally fvck the anger rage and violence out of me.
make it so it'll hurt I'll love it so much.
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ichverdurstehier · 3 months
Borderline personality people of Tumblr, it is demonizing for my first response to someone saying they have BPD, is to say, "oh like luo Binghe"
Luo Binghe is a half demon harem protagonist from scum villain's self saving system, but after an isekai debacle he becomes nicer, gay, and many fans headcanon him as having borderline personality disorder.
My mom says I'm demonizing people with borderline personality disorder bc luo binghe is literally half demon, on his dad's side. He also has a very big dick, if that matters. Shen Qingqiu bleeds from it
Please reblog for more answers
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lostcitysystem · 1 year
*telling someone I have BPD and the struggles I have with it*
Them: “Oh but you’re so nice! You probably have quiet BPD like you don’t get angry or mean at all!!”
Stop. Fucking. Stereotyping. BPD.
Even if I was a mean, angry person who happens to have BPD, it doesn’t mean I always show it. People with BPD mask their symptoms all the time due to fear of abandonment. If your first thought when someone tells you they have BPD is to say that they don’t because they’re “so nice”, you’re being prejudiced. BPD can make people angry and vitriolic and bitter and it doesn’t make them bad people. Just,,,, hhhhhhhhh,,,, be better to people with chronic mental illnesses.
(Obviously not excusing bad actions made by people with BPD or abuse or anything like that, just saying that you shouldn’t assume anyone with BPD is some sort of horrible person because of symptoms you read about or experiences you had)
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eliserzilber · 11 months
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Use this skill when you are overwhelmed by intense emotions or are feeling the urge to self-injure.
*If you’re in crisis and are having suicidal thoughts please call a Crisis Hotline! (Call 988 in the US)
T - Temperature: To relax fast or distract your mind with sensation, hold an ice pack to your cheeks or eyes or dunk your face in a bowl of ice water for at least 30 seconds to activate your Diver Reflex*.
*If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before trying.
I - Intense Exercise: Doing a few minutes of vigorous exercise will release Endorphins. Try a few minutes of Jumping Jacks or running in place (or around the block). Play your favorite fast paced song and dance it out.
P - Paced Breathing: Breathe deeply into your belly, expanding your lungs as much as you can. Pace your inhales and exhales to 5-6 per minute. Then make your exhales longer than your inhales (5 seconds in, 7 seconds out).
*Try a 60 bpm Metronome track from your music streaming app or YouTube for pacing.
P - Paired Muscle Relaxation: Breathing deeply, tense your muscles (not so much that you cramp up) section by section, move your focus from your feet up your body. Tense up with every inhale, relaxing and melting with every exhale.
*More DBT guides here*
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little-tiffany · 3 months
You are allowed to unlearn who you've been if it isn't who you want to be anymore.
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borderlineonline · 16 days
As vezes, quando estou sozinha, sinto muita falta de mim...
Eu não sei explicar, é como se eu tivesse me perdido a tanto tempo que eu esqueço na maioria dos dias q eu existi.
Essa versão de mim, mesmo sendo a mais forte até agora, se sente frágil diante de situações absurdamente fúteis.
E isso me preocupa.
Me preocupa o fato de sempre estar tão exposta a tudo o tempo todo.
Me preocupa perder minha identidade toda vez que entro nesse paradoxo de "quem eu sou?".
Minha mente é minha pior inimiga. Em todas a coisas ruins que já aconteceram comigo, o golpe final e arrebatador sempre foi dado por ela.
Isso é tão cansativo.
Não conseguir para de pensar... é tão cansativo.
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bloomdoom1 · 2 months
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bpdisorder · 1 year
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☹️ why am I like this yall
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beautifuldarkmind · 2 years
when you're trying to sleep but your brain decides it's time to start listing every awful thing about yourself :)
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bpdincubus · 2 years
Love self sabotaging and splitting and causing all my friends to hate me and think Im a horrible person. I mean at this point I probably am a horrible person. If they all think it then it must be true and I should just die, right?
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gh0sti31uv · 3 months
just k1ll me already, i cant take whatever this feeling(s) is
its driving fvcking insane, even physically.
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1nterstellxr · 5 months
One thing I have learned is that having BPD or being hyper empathetic, or just neurodivergent in any way really, is that it can be the most singularly isolating experience of your LIFE.
Fucking- okay. You feel things very intensely. You hear about how people experience things like sadness, or anger, yeah. But when they’re sad, they don’t seem to GRIEVE like you do. When they’re angry, they’re not INFURIATED like you are. And yes, you know that’s the norm. So you’re still sympathetic when it happens to others, but it’s just. Not. Fair. They don’t understand to the degree that you do. And even the ones that claim to, or hell, actually do? You STILL can’t relate, because you’re not them and they’re not you. And sometimes it’s wonderful, you’re the happiest and most loved you’ve ever been. But in the times when it’s bad? It sucks actually dick and ass. And just once, what you wouldn’t give, to fit into that same “norm” everybody else does. Because god, the way your entire life has been, it’s always been too, too much.
(Side note: this is not to say my low empathy peeps haven’t experienced isolation too! I know it can be isolating that way too, just wanted to express my thoughts for the high empathy people :))
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tasteofcaviar · 4 months
am I manic or am I just in a good mood ?? my bpd baddies get it 🫶
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