#Bossk x Reader
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Bossk x AFAB Reader
Summary: You join a small crew of other mercenaries on the lookout for your next big score, but there is time to kill before the hunt begins and you have an itch to scratch -- one that only a Trandoshan can reach with his sharp talons.
Warnings: NSFW / 18+ for size kink, cumflation, kissing, PiV sex, cunnilingus, blowjobs, alcohol consumption, and straight-up monsterfucking. Includes a little fluff, aftercare, and cuddling. Ending inspired by this artwork. P.S.: Bossk has two dicks.
Word count: 7500+
Notes: This is my first time writing for Bossk. I'm not sure if anyone will even read this or how many Bossk fans there are, but I've had it in my head to write a Bossk smut for a few months now, and I finally had time to do it! I haven't been able to publish anything in awhile, but I'm now settled in my new place and happy to get back into the swing of things.
*Banner and divider by me.
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Bossk'wassak'Cradossk was a mouthful in more ways than one, you imagined. Luckily, to call a Trandoshan by his or her full name was not customary, and you were to be spared trying to pronounce anything but “Bossk.”
You had done your homework, impressing at least one of your new acquaintances, though that did not stop the reptilian-humanoid from introducing himself with a flash of his tongue. His preferred, shortened title was spoken so thunderously that it overpowered the cacophony of other voices in the bar. It was enough to ensure you would not make the same mistake twice.
That one syllable had been expelled between two rows of knife-sharp teeth, your eyes unable to focus on anything but this beast’s mouth -- that was until you noticed his head tilting incrementally to the left. He was regarding you curiously, a snorted breath being discharged from his flaring nostrils. It seems he had asked you a question and you had failed to hear it.
“What’sss the matter, tooka got your tongue?” he snickered, folding his arms as he waited for some kind of explanation as to your odd behavior.
“I-” you began, thinking quickly to cover your increasing embarrassment, “-I’ve just never been this close to a Trandoshan before. Much less the legendary hunter Bossk,” you finished, buttering him up. It may as well have been the truth, the only thing you failed to mention being the trailing thoughts fluttering around inside your brain in regard to his statuesque proportions.
This met with his approval, the mercenary belting out a short, sharp laugh. “Well, today is your lucky day then, issssn’t it,” he stated in a sarcastic tone.
You looked to the right at your partner; she had organized this little excursion. Scoria was a skilled bounty hunter in her own right, but she had convinced you that you would need help for this next job. Currently, she was talking to a man named Dengar who had introduced himself moments earlier. You caught his eye briefly; he had the nerve to wink at you.
Quickly looking away, you returned your attention to the Trandoshan who interrupted everyone all at once, his voice grating, yet somehow soothing to the ears. “We’ll head out at first light. I know how pathetic human eyesight isss in the dark.”
You had the sense of knowing he fully believed that statement.                        
“For now, let’ssss grab a drink,” he practically commanded, no one bothering to disagree with his proposal.
“Bossk, did I eva’ tell ya’ I love the way you think?”
“Shut up, Dengar,” the creature snapped back, causing you to suppress a laugh. He had emitted a growl that was downright predatory. You felt a little something dance down your spine. Fear? Excitement?
Following behind the others at your own pace, you thought it was a miracle this little backwater planet even had a bar, much less a room, your target lurking in the deepest, darkest depths of the forest where he had carved out a special place for himself among the native flora and fauna.
This being was said to be a Jedi sympathizer wanted by the Empire, and worth so much that even splitting the earnings four ways would have you sitting pretty for some time. Your quarry had spent the last several years funneling Jedi and Force-users to safety, the intel he possessed worth its weight in spice.
The worry was he would not be alone, and there would be many parties to contend with, more than you two could handle on your own – that’s where these so-called guns for hire came in.
You could not deny you were intrigued. In fact, maybe more than that.
Truth be told, as soon as you discovered who Scoria planned to solicit for help, you spent hours rifling through said hunters’ files. While Dengar was a notable hunter hailing from Corellia, Bossk was a powerful warrior of his ilk and had quite the track record, both working with hunters such as Aurra Sing, Embo, and Boba Fett, a man you had yet to lay your eyes on.
The sheer size of him, standing somewhere at 6’3” or taller, forced you to have to crane your neck when looking up into his eyes, the color of burning embers, black as pitch pupils swimming in a sea of red.
His talons were sharp as razors, as were the ones on his feet, capable of ripping a man in two should it be required of him, you suspected, yet you wondered how gentle he could be…
Your musings were interrupted when your partner asked for your order, Dengar having already rushed ahead, and Bossk having taken up residence on a nearby stool that barely supported his unique build. You stared unapologetically, having a rather impure thought, suddenly wondering what his weight might feel like on top of you instead.
“I’ll have what he’s having,” you nodded your head in the scaled sentient’s direction, the yellow clad merc turning his neck markedly to stare at you over his broad shoulder.
“HA! So you figure you can handle Trandoshan ale, do you?” Bossk snickered, banging the flat of his hand against the countertop where the awaiting bartender stood with a somewhat apprehensive look on his face. Though the lizard only had three “fingers,” he held up two, demanding his order to be fulfilled.
“Two. Trandoshan alesss,” he instructed with a snarl, seemingly not able to control his natural mode of being despite his intellect. By all definitions of the word, he was a monster. A monster that could walk and talk, among other things. Things you found yourself to be interested in; unsavory things; salacious things.
“What about me, Bossk?” Dengar asked, crestfallen.
The reptilian laughed full-fledged in his face before bothering to answer. “You’re on your own.”
“Well, excuuuse me for breathin’,” he snidely replied, Dengar deciding to rejoin Scoria who had found herself an opening toward the other end of the bar. Perhaps he wanted to continue their conversation, you surmised, curious as to the manner of their talk; Dengar made sure to call out to his partner before walking out of earshot.
“Remind me ta neva’ pick up your tab again.”
“Whatever, idiot,” Bossk shot back, though he had kept that booming voice of his lowered on purpose, making you wonder about the true dynamics of their relationship – it seemed complicated.
“Is this seat taken?” you thought to ask, another cutting breath being fired off from out of the hunter’s snout.
“What does it look like?” he quipped, not bothering to say yes or no. You thought that might be the closest thing to an invitation that you would get. You gingerly took your place beside him just as the barkeep returned with your ale.
The creature passed one toward you, then took up his own mug. He raised it in a toast, then bellowed out, “bottoms up.”
You held your tongue as you desired to turn his idiom into an innuendo. Instead, you collected your drink, hoping you had not gotten yourself in over your head.
After taking the first sip it was clear that you had.  
You coughed, so potent was its taste. Although it appeared normal enough, the hops must have been so aged that you assumed it had been around since the dawn of the galaxy. In fact, it was so strong, you wondered why it was not being used to power starships.
The Trandoshan laughed heartily, pointing one long claw very close to your face to accentuate his words. “Figures!” he taunted. “Never known an ape who could stomach the stuff, much less a hairless one,” he japed as an insult to your kind.
Once marginally recovered, you gave him a look, determined to not give up and for Bossk to label you a sissy. He was little known for withholding opinions, whether favorable or not, or so you had heard.
“It’s just strong, is all,” you rationalized. “I never said I didn’t like it.”
“Strong, like me,” he confirmed with a terse cackle, taking a chug of his own ale before making you an offer. “If you don’t drink it, I will.”
Defiantly, you took another swig, this time managing to not pull a face. Not sure of its alcohol content, you were already starting to feel a buzz. Smirking, you realized your inhibitions were beginning to lower, but you had already been in an impish mood.
“So I noticed,” you said, wondering if he would perceive your words the way you meant them.
His reply was casual and dismissive. “Maybe your eyesss are sharper than I thought.” He was not one to miss an opportunity to flatter himself, as if your complimenting him was not enough.
“So very humble, Bossk,” you stated sarcastically and with some familiarity, as if you had known this sentient for more than ten minutes. The hunter made a sound that was reminiscent of an angry snake; you regarded him out of the corner of your eye.
‘What do you know?” he asked with a somewhat irritated quality to his voice.
“Nothing,” you admitted, taking a chance to amend this by asking him a little something about himself. You were curious, after all, and at the moment feeling gutsy. “So, tell me then: how did you become such a skilled hunter?”
Without missing a beat, the Trandoshan easily proffered an answer. “The Sssscorekeeper, she smiles down upon me.”
Not surprisingly, you knew little about Trandoshans or their home planet, Trandosha, much less about their customs and culture. You felt a bit ignorant, hoping that he would not be offended at your cluelessness about his people. “The Scorekeep? May I ask who she is?”
“The Great Goddesssss….” Bossk began, talons wrapping firmly around his glass. “She exisssts beyond time and ssspace. She watches the hunt-” he said with gusto, “-and rewards us for our killsss.”
“And she favors you,” you added.
“Yesssss, for I am the best!” he concluded, self-assured.
“I see,” you said offhand.
You thought for a moment about what you had learned, not having much in the way to add. He took this opportunity to take a drink of his ale as you came up with another question, this one causing the corner of your mouth to twitch as you moved your stool a little closer to his. “And what do you think of human Gods? We don’t put much faith into them ourselves.”
Bossk turned his head your way and huffed but did not say anything so as to impede your progress. You wondered if he had any idea you were experiencing an attraction to him, or if he was purposely ignoring it.
“Weak!” he nearly shouted, a few patrons rotating in their chairs to stare.  Your eyes darted around quickly, noting that to bring attention to yourselves might alert the wrong kinds of people of your presence on this rocky world. This did not seem to concern the Trandoshan whatsoever. It was possible he enjoyed the attention, or assumed he could handle himself no matter the situation, therefore he did not think about those kinds of things. Whatever the case, he continued:
“Your Gods deal in suffering. Your reward is pain,” he growled. “Sssstupid.”
You could not argue with that and thought he had a valid point. It did feel that way sometimes, as if whoever was in charge of the universe enjoyed chaos and mayhem, strife and discord, or made a game of it and humans their pawns.
Smiling warmly, you scootched a little closer, allowing your elbow to brush against his. “And what do you think of human girls?” you asked, your voice matching your mood, so very tempted to finger the lightweight yellow material that clothed the reptile.
Bossk made a jerking motion and looked squarely at you, a sound being produced by his vocal chords that signified he was taken aback by your query. Blood-red eyes traveled your form; he took a moment before he finally responded, and it was not what you had hoped for.
“Piss off, sissssster… I’m trying to relax.”
You openly pouted, immediately quieting yourself as you took another drink of your Trandoshan ale. Having temporarily forgotten about its pungency, you almost choked, swallowing it down before having another coughing fit.
Bossk shook his head, chuckling darkly at you, perhaps finding you nearly dying to be amusing. “You don’t have to finish that, you know.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m weak,” you confessed. “I wanted to impress you.”
“HA!” the bounty hunter enunciated dryly. “Impress me with your hunting skillssss,” he asserted. It seemed he was making a habit of laughing at your expense.
That did not deter you. Testing the waters, you trailed a finger down the outside of his prodigious thigh, not really knowing what had come over you except you were inexplicably drawn to this… man.
And perhaps it was because he was not a man, or at least not a man the likes of which you had ever seen, that you were captivated by him, though you had been witness to many things this side of the galaxy that were strange and unusual, not so different from a Trandoshan, you thought, and yet --
“--Maybe I could impress you some other way?” you volunteered coyly, that third swig of ale having emboldened you more so than before.
Bossk angled his head like a curious animal, first in one direction and then the other. He glanced down at your finger tracing his leg and blinked -- you presumed he thought you ridiculous, waiting for him to tear you down once more.
“Are you flirting with me?!” he asked quizzically, and rather loudly at that. If you could have read his expression, you wondered if he might be confronting some sort of disbelief. However, his face was all teeth and tongue, his mouth stretching back nearly to where his ears should have been were he a member of your species. It was impossible to tell his true mood, at least as far as you were aware.
You returned a rather nervous, yet daring, “I don’t know, am I?”
He virtually howled, blood rushing toward your cheeks as he slapped his knee with an open palm. “You couldn’t handle me princessss,” he chided once he had calmed down enough to speak.
Feeling rebellious, your sullen temperament was not helping matters, as you were now speaking before you thought things through.
“Wanna bet?” you scowled.
“How much?” Bossk leaned forward across the bar top, not wasting a moment’s time, his face so close to yours you could feel his hot breath on your skin.
“My half of the bounty tomorrow,” you said without hesitation. You mentally slapped yourself.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, ssssweetheart. You’ll be lucky If you can walk.”
Bossk had a ship, the Hound’s Tooth. His modified YV-666 light freighter was more than well-equipped for his dirty deeds, and then some. Parked right outside the seedy establishment you had occupied, the lizard had taken to finishing your drink and the rest of his.
Taking you by the wrist like some ancient, uncivilized being, he had guided you outside, locking his talons around you with a surprisingly careful grip. He had chuckled deviously to himself, as if he had just won a prize, and perhaps he thought he had; you were not sure how often the hunter partook of sins of the flesh, nor did you care to ask. Instead, you planned to win that bet, however much of an excuse it was to get him in the sack.
The moment you stepped inside, the door slid closed, and Bossk was on you like a predator with caught prey, your body tossed like a ragdoll into the hull of his ship. You gasped, yet you would be lying if you said you didn’t prefer things a little rough, already anticipating what would happen next.
“Let’s ssseeee if you’re all talk…” he hissed into your ear, the tip of his forked tongue flitting against your earlobe. You were stock-still, as if caught in his hunter’s snare. You swallowed down your spit, one arm rising in an attempt to touch him.
“Sssssskkkk…”  At once intimidated, Bossk slapped your hand away, his own returning to curl a talon against the crook of your cheek. It grazed itself along your jawline before coming to rest at your chin. He pinched you delicately as a show of good faith; he did not plan to hurt you if he could help it. Then, that same claw slid down, down the line of your sternum and came to a halt at the edge of your lowcut top.
“Some cleavage,” he said derisively, its pointed tip pushing lightly against the fabric that barred your breasts; you were wearing a one piece leotard for range of movement, having left your weapons on Scoria’s ship. Bossk sliced it open with a single swipe, leaving fleshy mounds exposed for his naked eye.
He carefully watched the way they bounced and fought against gravity. Though large, he thought them perky, the apex of his longest finger lightly fondling your quickly hardening nipple. You stood transfixed, panting against the wall and somewhat shocked that he would cut to the chase so fast by nearly wholly undressing you in the airlock of his ship.
“Tooka must have your tongue again,” he teased, inching so close it made you wonder how it would be to kiss him.
“Good thing it doessssn’t have mine,” he finished, and it appeared he was going to address that very thing. The thin expanse of his long tongue delved soundlessly into your half-opened mouth, bypassing your dull, human teeth, Bossk engaging you in such a way that it took your breath away.
You felt a tickle at the back of your throat, the monstrosity having buried himself to the hilt that was his fang-filled maw. You thought he must be able to taste what you had for breakfast at this rate, your hands, tiny in comparison to his, aiming to push against the wide expanse of his chest.
The hunter rasped, that elongated, warm muscle traveling backward as he pulled his head a bit aways, the vertex of your tongue finally able to find his. You toyed with its unique feel, Bossk having no shame as he palmed the round of your breast, squeezing gently at first before he released you from his strangely deep and passionate kiss.
“I’m just getting ssstarted,” he assured you, his large frame dropping down before you to where his head was level with your chest. The sound of his knees hitting the duralloy beneath echoed throughout the entirety of the small chamber as it startled you to stand up straight.
Both of his massive hands took hold of either side of the remains of your outfit, shredding it off your arms and legs, then tossing it idly to the floor at your feet so that you were left with nothing but your boots. You shivered at the sudden breeze against your now bare flesh, Bossk snickering as he admired your human shell.
“Cold? You won’t be for long with me warming you up,” he forewarned.
You had little time to respond. In fact, you didn’t, so fixated on the Trandoshan’s scaled face before you that you couldn’t think of a thing to say. You watched in awe as the tongue that kissed you found the divot between your tits, the lizard licking a path from the base of your breasts to the underside of your vulnerable throat.
You shuddered in delight, closing your eyes instinctively, though your small reprieve didn’t last long as a flicker of something warm and wet darted across both your nipples at the same time. He had pushed your tits together, aligning them, little bolts of pleasure causing a moan to escape you.
The pressure of them being smooshed between inhuman hands, and the soft, nuanced use of his tongue induced a throb between your legs. Bossk suddenly growled, pulling away, having smelled a change in your pheromones that exacerbated his primal instincts. You nearly jumped when one of his hands lifted to disappear below, the back of a claw, shiny and smooth, skimming down the length of your torso to right between your folds.
The curved, rounded arch brushed softly against your clit, parting your lower set of lips as he hissed a bestial sound. You trembled involuntarily, feeling almost ashamed of how wet that had made you, what you thought was a dastardly smile unfurling across the extent of the large reptilian’s face.
“Let’s have a tassssste,” he remarked, dropping your other breast for his now free hand to join in with his other. You felt the sensation of something sharp splaying your labia apart as his tongue, featherlight, dragged itself from the recess of your vagina, all the way to the top of your sensitive cluster of nerves.
You twitched against your will, pinned to your spot as your chest contracted with a breathy exhale. The bastard chuckled at your reaction, your spasming only further encouraging him.
“Barely touched you, doll face. Wait for it…” he lisped suggestively. Your legs nearly gave out beneath you once he really started in.
Fast flicks were administered to your already pulsating clit, your entire body quivering as your breathing picked up speed. The forks of his tongue stimulated you in ways you had not thought possible, the stretch of your lips between clawed digits exposing every nerve fiber to his attack.
Your bosom rose and fell as your breathing picked up, unable to control the pathetic whines and quavering mewls that fell loose on his ears. He only increased in fervor, and before you knew what had happened, you had crumbled into a heap amidst an intense orgasm.
Legs finally betraying you, you slid down the hull. Bossk pulled his muzzle away from you, once more laughing to your dismay. You cursed him under your breath, the Trandoshan at once standing up from off his knees even as you sat in a disarray on the floor. You could feel both the dampness of his saliva and your own secretions dripping down your inner thighs.
“Hmm, what was that? Don’t think I heard you, princess,” he informed you in a gravelly tone. You had no time to recover before he bent down to scoop you up, as if you were nothing more than his plaything and weighed about as much as a child’s toy.
“Come here,” he directed forcefully, though you may as well not have any say in the matter, Bossk holding onto you in his big, strong arms only to lift you up and set you down atop his shoulders -- frontwards.
You gasped, not knowing how you had even made it up there so quickly, finding your crotch to be centered with the lizard’s snout and your knees resting against his shoulders while your legs hung limply along his back. But then, you felt something else. There was a gentle writhing happening deep inside you, realizing he had sunk his bifurcated tongue straight into your core.
You groaned in ecstasy, unable to stop yourself even if you had wished to, that snake like organ massaging your walls as his beak rubbed against your still thrumming bud.
Your thighs tightened around either side of his mammoth skull, breasts pressed firmly against his face as your arms enshrouded the back of his head and drew him in. You subtly shifted your hips to and fro, finding yourself to be fucking his mouth with your cunt as he carried you aloft and down the hall.
He withdrew for just a moment with a slurp, causing you to whimper lewdly. “Watch your head,” he cautioned.
You looked backward and realized you would need to duck, clearing the entryway to the rest of the alien creature’s ship; the airlock shut behind you as you both vacated the area, and for a moment you dared to look around. However, once you had accomplished not beheading yourself, the Trandoshan made a guttural sound, delving back inside your pussy as he snarled predaceously, working his way deeper into the plush confines of your moist heat.
“Fuck,” you panted, hips once more gyrating slowly across his squirming tongue. He was playing with his food, you decided, somehow the man having found your g-spot as he worked it with unmatched patience. Your weight lifted up and off him as you raised your pelvis to meet his mouth; he was incessantly tickling you toward another release, and you could not help but want to get nearer to its source.
“Oh, fuck, Bosssssk,” you hissed out his name as if you were a Trandoshan yourself, a blast of hot breath streaming forth from his nostrils to scorch your skin as he laughed, even while still steeped inside you. You thighs clenched harder until finally you came, your body at once going limp so that the hunter would have to fully support you as he slid you off his shoulders and into his awaiting arms.
“That’ssss my name,” he stated to your annoyance, your eyes darting up as your chest heaved. Your expression alone informed him you were displeased at his attempts to be a smartass, hoping he did not force you to endure the other half of that childish phrase.
The man chuckled again instead. You were abruptly discarded with a thud, finding yourself tossed haphazardly onto what you thought was an oversized bed. You looked up at him, unable to hide your mild indignance. That’s when you saw it -- the size of his erection, jutting out obscenely beneath its cloth restraints.
“Shit,” you muttered,eyes widening. It was apparently time to put your money where your mouth is, and possibly quite literally. Still, you sat agape, having not even laid your eyes on anything but its substantial outline, and already you were thinking of chickening out. But that did not mean you weren’t at least somewhat curious.
“Shit is right, sssweetheart,” he jeered. “You’re in for it now.”
The man had little in the way of modesty, unhooking the white flack vest from around his chest to let it hit the floor. Then, trusting you enough – not that you were any match for him, and naked at that – he disarmed himself and allowed the remainder of his gear to be discarded in much the same manner, leaving him wearing nothing but his pressurized suit.
Finally, two talons started at the top of a hidden zipper to be cleanly whisked to just below his belly, Bossk shucking off the sleeves to leave his torso bare. Your eyes traversed his rough hide, though it was not unattractive, inquisitive to his very nature as his flesh was so different from yours, or any other species you had thus encountered for that matter.
Bossk’s firm pectorals lacked nipples, perhaps why he had favored yours with special attention earlier, though he had washboard abs that cascaded in ripples, exposing the tantalizing vision that was his rectus abdominis muscles. His scales were multiple shades of green, seamlessly overlapping one another, yet some jutted out more than others and came to tiny points like the ones lined along the arch of his skull. Overall, the Trandoshan’s calvarium was covered in these small, needle-like spikes, part of you wondering what their purpose was besides being a kind of organic armor; you would not bother to quiz him on the subject.
Together, you were skin and scales, now finding yourself to be daydreaming about what his body would feel like pressed up against yours, so frail in comparison; you deduced it would not be long before you found out, yet the grandiose size of his genitalia gave you pause. You were both eager and uneasy about seeing it outright.
He was not one to leave you hanging, his alien phallus springing forth from the gap in his suit where the zipper had parted; it was beyond sizeable, making your mouth water while at the same time putting the fear of God into you.
You were not sure what you were supposed to do with it.
“That’s not going to fit,” you blurted out, your eyes never once leaving the hardened, ridged cock of the creature before you. Its girth was nearly half as thick as your own forearm, an array of ribs and crests protruding conically along its outer edge on either side. The tip of his dick was shaped like the head of an arrow, though more rounded and robust, its entire length tinged an emerald hue that was brighter than his scales; unbeknownst to you, Trandoshan blood was green.
“It will if you want it to,” he sizzed sharply, something akin to a shit-eating grin having overtaken his face. “And you best make room for one more,” he advised, pushing down the remainder of his jumpsuit to reveal what he’d been hiding --there were two?!
You audibly gasped, Bossk placing his foot upon the bed beside you. One elbow came to a rest on his knee after he stepped out of the leg holes of his ensemble. He leaned forward toward you against his arm for balance, leaving nothing to the imagination; you openly gawked at his chiseled form. He waved a hand patronizingly in your direction, deciding to remind you of the alternative.
“Or-” he offered, “- you can give up now and expect to pay me all your hard earned creditssss.”
This simple admonishment was all it took to steel you for what was to come, not about to lose out on a job that could afford you a lengthy stretch of vacation should you be able to pull your own weight tomorrow. Either way, you would give it your best shot, deciding it was all or nothing; you swallowed back your trepidation and took one cock in each hand.
The beast before you made an unusual sound, something between pleasure and surprise. You weren’t even sure if he would like what you were about to try, but you also assumed Bossk was not one to hold back from announcing his displeasure should the need arise.
“Getting braver, are we?” he derided you, pulling his hips back from the hands that clasped his cocks to push them forward again, forcing you to squeeze them tightly in your fist in order to hang on – it seems this was the goal.
Taking the hint, you began to work your dominant arm, fingers traversing and exploring the many truncations of his anatomy. The other you guided toward your mouth, Bossk’s slit pupils dilating in anticipation. His tongue pulled away from wiry lips as his fangs clacked together, a soft, crisp hiss resounding in your ears. You relaxed your jaws, hoping by all of Alderaan's ghosts that you would still be able to breathe once it maneuvered down your throat -- and what an undertaking it would be.
“Good girrrrl,” he growled, causing you to hasten your efforts as you adjusted incrementally to the large invader sliding down your gullet, carefully beginning to glide your tongue and lips around its ribbed circumference. The hunter gathered tufts of your hair in his large claws, turning your head up toward his with a gentle show of force, his stare unwavering as he gazed into your eyes; this in and of itself shamelessly basted your loins, ensuring a smooth entry in the future, and you were becoming all the more eager for it as time ticked by.
“Not so bad, issss it?” he asked, his free hand moving below your chin as he held you steady with the backside of another of his unsettling talons. Although, you were now getting used to them, there being something decidedly sexy in the way a tool - designed to rend meat and flesh into sunders - could be so tender and conscientious as it touched and caressed your skin.
“Mnn mmn,” you voiced in agreement, sucking in air through your nose as you exhaled slowly, allowing yourself to further unwind. You felt your gag reflex trying to activate itself, yet you gradually managed to coax your throat muscles to loosen and go slack, finally intaking his member as far as your body would allow.
Bossk purred another pleasing sound, evocative of the Igua-Jaws that lived on Dagobah, his hips beginning to rock back and forth inside your mouth as the head of his cock plunged as far as your oropharynx. The hand holding his other phallus pumped him steadily, though it was hard to keep pace as the Trandoshan had found his own.
“Ssstay just like that, princesss,” he encouraged, fucking your mouth as if it was your vagina, not holding back even the slightest degree as you moaned and groaned under the uninterrupted onslaught of his cock. You did your best to stay afloat, at some point feeling used and liking it, as if you were nothing more than a squashy sheath to stick his dick in. Somehow, it gave you a sense of power -- he wanted you for reasons; there would be no more pretending it was all for fun and games.
You released your grip on his second cock, unable to accommodate it as you were only human and only had one mouth. You found it somewhat ineffective to keep jerking him, instead placing both hands on either side of the reptile’s narrow waist. You used this position to stabilize yourself, crawling up onto your knees for a better vantage. You could feel every thrust hit the back of your throat, your nails, clean and trim, digging into the hardened exterior of the man who had by this point closed his eyes in bliss.
“Sooo ssssoft and waaaarm,” he complimented, slowing his speed to instead fuck your mouth more deeply. He pitched his pelvis forward and backward, the head of his member edging close to your lips before he drove himself inward again. The meat of his thick thighs tensed, and you could feel his cock flex, indicating to you that he was close.
“Ssssssskkkkkkkkkaahhhh……”  The Trandoshan verbalized his rapture, offloading a torrent of sperm that hit the back of your soft palate and kept on coming. In order to breathe, you focused on swallowing, guzzling down Bossk’s seed to the point there was no more room in your mouth to house it.
You murmured a sound of protest as a white seepage leaked at the corners of your lips, dribbling down your chin for droplets to find their way onto your naked breasts. Still, his semen kept pouring itself into you, as if he were filling a swimming pool, the feeling of your belly becoming full setting off alarm bells in your head; it was as if you had chugged a milkshake all in a few seconds’ time.
Pushing against his hips, the creature relented. You sucked in a desperate breath as soon as his cock exited your mouth. You gasped, intaking another round of fresh oxygen, your hand lowering to hold your now aching gut.
Bossk ran the backside of his foreclaw against your belly, prompting you to remove your hand. Then, he poked it, chuckling morosely as he pushed you backward onto the bed.
“We’re not finished here,” he stated, taking up his unspent cock to wave it at you, though he was careful how he handled it, knowing from experience just how sharp his own claws could be.
You stared at him with wide, timid eyes as you wiped excess cum off your face with the back of your hand; you had never been with a species that had a hemipenis, not sure you could handle one round, much less two. You held your breath as he mounted you, aligning his reserve phallus up against your twat as he prepared for entry; he drew it across your already soaked slit, saturating himself from tip to base.
Still holding your sore stomach, Bossk sibilated filthily into your ear, his forked tongue causing a wellspring of goosebumps to creep across your arms and legs. “Hope you’re ready for the main event,” he sardonically emphasized, causing a shudder to rock you to the marrow of your bones.
Having only a moment to prepare, the reptile entered you, pitching forward so that you were quite suddenly stuffed to the brim. You yelled out, though it felt so good to be stretched so taut, the plush, sensitive tissue of your sex able to feel every inch and then some, including the miniscule protrusions that lined his cock from head to hilt.
Slowly, deliberately, he drew out of you, once more thrusting inside to get you accustomed to the sensation of being split open time and time again. You groaned somewhere between pain and ecstasy, your fingers coming to rest on what was now a second bulge, this one the stout imprint of his lizard’s dick.
“Sssseeee? Told you it’d fit.” He grinned like the horned devil he was, placing his gargantuan hand atop your own. He moved succinctly, not too fast and not too slow, pressing down on your pubic bone with his open palm. This intensified the pleasure of having him sequestered between your thighs, finding yourself wanting to splay your legs wider to reveal more of yourself to him, whether that made you vulnerable or not.
“What a pretty little thing you are,” he praised, bending forward to lap at the edge of your mouth before you supplied him entry, his talented tongue once more diving to the back of your throat as you bashfully twisted and wriggled among the sheets; you were pining for more and the hunter could sense it, rebuking you lightly for being so suddenly desperate, as if he hadn’t known this would happen all along.
“I’ve got your comm frequency, sisssster,” he said between snakes of a split muscle, licking the underside of your teeth before he parted ways with your face so that he could put all his attention into the task at hand. Bossk then began to make use of his powerful legs, each pump of his alien cock into you causing an indecent moan to pelt the air, the tone of your mewling betraying just how good it felt as you urgently tried to curtail your needy cries.
With his semen sloshing in your stomach, you did not seem to mind, having already forgotten his previous transgressions as you crooned to the ceiling of his ship.
“Fuck me, Bossk, fuck me; keep going, just like that,” you begged quietly, reveling in the peculiar experience that was your cunt being tenderized by the knobbed surface of his prick.
“What do you think I’m doing?!” he sassed back, the Trandoshan’s hips driving into you harder with every cast. He managed to penetrate you down to the convergence of your cervix; you had insisted, a shock of what felt like electricity climbing its way up your nerve endings to manifest itself in a yelp.
“Happy now?”
“Mmhmm,” you confessed, your hand cupping the shape of his abnormally large erection as it massaged your innards to your heart’s content. The continual pressure of his dick against the roof of your anterior walls finally triggered your body’s main erogenous zone, Bossk having hit it repeatedly until you exalted his name to the stars and heavens beyond.
“Heh, heh, heh…” he chortled dryly, obviously pleased with himself. He posed a question to you, even as he was working toward his own high.
“Oh, yeah? You liked that, huh?”
The way he phrased it was almost comical. In fact, you may have laughed had he not just given you one of the best orgasms of your life. Instead, you looked up at him with sultry eyes, pushing your breasts together for his viewing pleasure. He took this as an invitation, kneading and groping your right tit with one hand as his opposite held him up so as to not crush you with his weight.
“Mmm, always did love a nice pair of tittttsss,” he acknowledged, trailing off as you tightened your Kegel muscles and wrapped your legs around his lower back.
“Y-You’re gonna make me cum like that,” he conceded, that not stopping you in the least. You crossed your ankles, using the muscles in your legs to seesaw him back and forth inside your slippery crevasse. The Trandoshan was not amused, apparently not wanting to lose his spare load so quickly to the likes of you – a hairless ape.
“You never told me what you thought of human girls,” you whispered, intentionally allowing him to feel your torrid breath against his glossy scales.
“Grrrrmnnn….” he groused, not allowing you to get the best of him. “I love human girrrrlllls, and human girls love me,” he affirmed as if it was an indisputable fact.
This time you did laugh, the lizard canting his head as he glowered over you. You would make sure to reassure him, knowing he ego might suffer. All in all, you had come to the conclusion that Bossk was softer than he let on, despite his tough, leathery hide. “Mn, yes, we do…” You blinked languidly, smiling up at him.
Not knowing what you were in for, that was all it took; Bossk bust his second nut into your tight, mammalian hole. You squealed in surprise as warmth flooded your insides, your body not made to absorb and hold onto his sperm.
The Trandoshan gathered your legs, throwing them over his neck and shoulders as he continued to crank out more and more cum, the stuff spilling down your thighs and ass crack as your uterus expanded near to bursting. You watched in horror and mild fascination as your belly once more extended, as if you were being inflated like a helium balloon.
Once Bossk had drained himself, you were left looking four months pregnant, groaning as he slipped his cock out but held your legs firmly in place. He took hold of one ankle in each hand, then brought them together, looking down to admire his handiwork while not allowing you to spill one drop.
You drooled, sucking your own spit back into your mouth as you gazed up at your lover dumbly. He pat you on your tummy, once more tilting his head to the side. “Good thing humans and Trandoshanssss can’t breeeeeeed,” he snidely remarked.
Then, out of seemingly nowhere, Bossk produced a towel, having reached beyond you to some unknown part of his large bed with your ankles still gathered in his other hand. You hated to think how long that towel had been there, or if it was even clean, at least thankful there was anything at all with which to freshen yourself up.
“Thisss should do the triccck,” he said as he laid the worn piece of fabric out beneath you. Bit by bit, he lowered your legs, graciously permitting his spunk to travel down and out of you, finally taking some of the pressure off your guts.
You sighed in relief, wave after wave of semen trickling out of your sore opening, coating Bossk’s so-called towel in a deluge of his seed. When all was said and done, you weren’t sure how much of his cum you had interred within yourself, and how much had wound up on the bed, teetering somewhere between disappointed and thankful that it was over; you had won.
“Refresher’s down the hall and to your left,” he offered, granting you permission to use the sonic should you require it –- and you most certainly did.
--- Upon reentry to the lizard’s nest, Bossk was curled up in a position he had favored in the egg - knees to chest - having discarded his soiled linens to replace them with new ones.
Knowing that the hunt was to begin tomorrow, you did not expect Bossk to invite you to stay, yet he lifted the sheets as a way to motivate you to join him beneath the covers.
“Ssssleeping here is as good a place as any,” he entreated.
You suspected there was more to it than that, but decided not to deny him a snuggle after he had fucked you so good and proper. You slinked in next to him, your voluptuous rump sidling up against the convexity of his lap. Bossk intoned a little noise of satisfaction then, burly arms encircling your diminutive frame as you settled down to rest.
Who knew Bossk'wassak'Cradossk was a cuddler?
You could only hope that come daybreak you would still be able to walk, as Bossk had predicted otherwise.  For Scoria to find you with legs bowed and crotch aching from being pummeled with an oversized cock that was not meant for you was not how you hoped to start the day. Besides, you no longer had clothes to wear; you assumed Bossk might at least provide you with a shirt, or shorts, figuring he did not expect you to go out naked to meet up with your crew.
Within minutes, Bossk’s light snoring and the sssskkk of his tongue in and out of dreams aided you in drifting off to sleep, the monster of a man not above using you like he would a stuffy, cradling you the whole night through.
Not surprisingly, you would later promise him to keep this to yourself. Afterall, he had a reputation to upkeep.
Reblogs, comments, likes appreciated!
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andy-solo1 · 2 years
The First ‘I Love You’ - The Bounty Hunters
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Featuring: Cad Bane, Bossk, Embo, and Din Djarin 
Warnings: mild violence that comes with bounty hunting [Bossk and Din] 
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ℭ𝔞𝔡 𝔅𝔞𝔫𝔢
Bane wasn’t known for being soft. He was the most notorious and best bounty hunter in the galaxy, and for good reason. However when he met you, things started to change. He’d come around and visit you in his time between jobs. He wouldn’t easily admit to falling for you, so you’d have to say it first before he could even begin to think of it. 
“I love you.” You whispered to Bane softly one morning. You were still half asleep but when you heard him slipping in through the window you’d always leave open for him you just couldn’t help the way your heart soared. You confessed your feeling to the Duros without a second thought. 
Bane tensed at your words. An odd part of him felt warm? at the the words, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. Feelings were something foreign to him before he met you and even now he was no expect and certainly no good at admitting them even to himself. 
Eventually he calmed himself enough to climb into bed next to you and as you curled up against him, starting to drift back off to sleep you can hear him mutter “Maybe I love you too. But I ain’t quitting my job.” 
Bossk is a lot more willing to be open about his feelings than Cad Bane is, at least when he’s alone with you. He does have a reputation to uphold. However, when working with him on jobs, sometimes you do something so surprising to him that he just can’t hold back the odd display of affection in his pride for you. 
You and Bossk were working on a job with Boba and a few others. You knew Bossk liked looking out for the kid and were happy to help out whenever the youth needed an extra team member. 
This latest mission had gone bad however and you were all in a fight to get out. You heard someone yell your name and glanced back to see the ship starting to lift up, everyone on your team scrambling to get back to it. The people shooting at all of you were still coming towards you as well though. Hearing someone yell your name again and telling you to get moving, you unclip a detonator from your waistband and throw it into the crowd of people before running to the ship and jumping to catch the ramp. 
Bossk helped to pull you up just before the detonator exploded, throwing chaos into the group below, allowing you all a clean getaway. 
“Oh I love you.” Bossk laughed, surveying the carnage below as the ramp began to raise. You raised a brow as you looked at him, grinning as the trandoshan finally seemed to realise what he’d said. 
“Love you too big guy.” You replied happily. 
Embo’s way of showing how he feels isn’t with words. He could tell you how he feels, but he’d much rather show his love with little things. Once he realises he loves you, he’s willing to admit it to himself and does things to show you how he cares. 
He’d bring you back small gifts or trinkets from jobs he’s done and worlds he’s visited. He’d use time in between jobs to just spend time with you, or if you wanted, to bring you someplace new in the galaxy you hadn’t been to show you. 
You’d catch on pretty quick to his expressions of feelings and if you return the feelings (I mean how can you not) you try to do small things for him too. Whether it be leaving out a dish for Marrok at all times, or even trying to learn more about Kyuzo culture to surprise Embo. 
Either way, your love language is in gifts and small surprises for one another, though if you need to hear him say the words, Embo would be more than happy to let you know. 
𝕯𝖎𝖓 𝕯𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓
Din knew pretty early on that he had fallen for you. He just wasn’t sure he wanted to drag you along for the life he lived and he wasn’t sure he was ready to show you who he truly was under the helmet yet either. 
You were never really an official couple. He brought you on to help with repairing his ship and watching over the kid, and anytime people saw you together they assumed you were a couple, and neither of you ever bothered to correct them. You both knew what you were and neither of you ever really wanted to push the other into something further. 
However one day Din came back from a bounty gone bad. Innocent people had gotten hurt and the bounty had gotten away. When he boarded the Razor Crest he heard the sounds of laughter and followed it to find you sitting with the child playing catch. 
You were tossing the ball from one of the ships controls towards the child who caught it with the force and  threw it back to you the same way, laughing happily as he did so. The sight warmed Din’s heart and he knew then that he could never let you go. 
“I love you.” He blurted and you turned to look up at him smiling. 
“Well the kiddo certainly loves you too. How was the hunt?” You asked, tossing the ball back to the child once more.
“I was talking to you.” He says, ignoring your question and you look up at him, still smiling, though this time, perhaps a little brighter.
“Oh. Well, I certainly love you too.” 
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blxkstar · 3 months
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I made a Star Wars bounty hunters playlist! This was inspired by the western style the bounty hunters are portrayed in. Please check it out! 🤠🤠🪐🪐🔫🔫
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I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.
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averagehorrorgirl · 9 months
Work in progress 💕
Hi and welcome! I do believe I should introduce myself :) So I'm Cass 21 female ace nerd. I've been writing since 6th grade and use it as a form of therapy and healing. I really struggle accepting people actually like my work so I always have drafts ready to be published but I'm my own worst enemy haha. Anyway stay awhile read some of my work and I hope you stick around :)
Request Rules:
- No non-con/dub-con
- No pedophilia
- No incest
Newest: Angel Wings Pt 2
2) I saved your fucking life (soap x reader)
3) Forged in War ( General Grievous x sith reader)
¤ Legend ¤
Fluff: 💫
Smut: 🔥
Angst: 😨
Author favorite: 💕
• Movies/Shows •
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Miles Quaritch:
A Second Chance
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Cooper Howard:
Cowboy Hat Rule
Then Fame and Fortune Never Could Compete
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Zemo x reader:
Angel Wings [pt 1] [pt 2] 💫😨🔥
Blade x reader:
Lost and Found
Gambit x reader:
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Michael Myers:
Bleeding Boogeyman
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Commander Wolfe x Padawan Reader
Captain Rex x Padawan Reader
Darth Maul x reader: Ferocity
Darth Maul x reader: Laced Chains
Dooku x reader
Darth Maul x reader: I was There From the Beginning 😨💫
Savage Opress x reader: Darkness Takes All 😨
Savage Opress x reader
Bounty Hunters:
Cad Bane x Senator reader: I Don't Follow You
Bossk x reader
Boba Fett x fallen Jedi: I Told You [pt 1] [pt 2] 💫😨🔥
Din Djarin x reader: Flinch
Jango Fett x reader + Cad Bane
General Grevious x sith reader: Forged in War 😨💫
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Billy Hargrove:
Dmitri Antonov:
The Enemy
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• Video games •
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Wired Hideaway
I Saved Your Fucking Life 😨💫💕
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Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn):
Just an Old Cowboy
Legion (Frank Morrison):
Picking up the Pieces
Pyramid Head:
Simple Kindness
Pinhead (Elliott Spencer):
Chains That Bind Us
Trickster (Ji-Woon):
I can Treat You Better
Kissed by Fire
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Nate (SS):
Friend's till the End
Mason (Nuka World)
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Joel Miller:
Tommy Miller:
I Gotcha
Long Time No See
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dindjarins04 · 2 years
Word Count: 1.04k
Warnings: Angst. That's all :/
Summary: You are forced to work a job with the man who killed Obi-Wan Kenobi, the man you loved.
Main masterlist here
Obi-Wan Kenobi masterlist here
A/N: I am so sorry guys for being very inactive for over a year now :( I took a long break because writing wasn't coming to me but now it is, very slowly. So if you have any requests, please send them in to me! Requests are open!! Also, if you have sent a request and it has not be done, please re send them so I can do it! Thank you my sweet summer children xox
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You glared at the man with so much hatred you were surprised no one noticed your seething rage. No one but the man himself. The way he looked at you was almost as if he was sympathizing with you. And you hated him so much for that. He killed him. He killed the man you only ever cared about. And here you are, forced to work with him. You hate most beings you have to work with anyway, bounty hunting isn't a fun job. And yes, you would be the happiest person in the galaxy if you could end the life of Cad Bane right now. But he didn't have your current rage. He's never faced it before. No matter how many times you run into each other and pissed you off, you've never felt this angry or upset with him as you are with this man. "Are you oka-"
"Don't speak to me," You growled out. Many people who know you are aware of your short temper and know you're not a talkative hunter at all. You like getting your jobs done. That's one of the many reasons you hate Bane. He presses all the right buttons that make you talk and stall and hesitate and so on. So, no one batted an eyelid at your snap at the man. But Bane knows your sudden dislike for this bounty hunter. He has been teasing you about working with this man since he realized he was going to be trying out for the team.
"I was just starting a conversation,"
"I don't care. Don't speak to me"
"Fine," He scoffed, leaning back in his seat in the transport you were all in. Cad Bane chuckled and leaned against the wall beside the man you hated.
"Don't you get it yet? She hates you because you killed Obi-Wan Kenobi. And our dear friend here," He said your last name in a mocking voice. "Loved Kenobi,"
"I didn't love him," You spat out. "He was just someone who gave me helpful information. That is all,"
"We know your feelings for the Jedi Master," He chuckled. "No need to hide it anymore. Hardeen here killed him. He won't find out now,"
"Shut up," You growled at Bane and watched as Rako Hardeen, the man who murdered the only person you care about, look down in shame. You scoffed at the man and stood up, moving further away from him, forcing Bossk to switch places with you.
Who cares if the man was good in the box and got you all out alive? He still killed Obi-Wan. He was still a murderer and you still wanted to strangle the man and watch the life leave his eyes. You want him to feel the pain you do. After you, Bane, Hardeen and a few other hunters successfully escape the Box, you all go down to the bar to celebrate. You steer clear of them all and went to your little corner with your drink. But then he comes over to you. "Piss off Hardeen-"
"We need to talk…if we're going to work together…you can't spend the next few days hating me,"
"Yes I can and I will,"
"We need to get this mission done. It's just a few days you have to put aside your anger and sadness,"
"Why not? You'll risk the success of this mission?"
"I'm not going to like a murderer like yourself,"
"If I remember correctly, you are also a murderer,"
"I kill bad people,"
"Jedi are bad,"
"No, they are not," He sighed. You were stubborn. He looked down at his drink and then back at you.
"So Bane was right, you loved him?"
"Yes…fuck it…yes, I did. He was the only person who cared about me and I cared about him! And you took him away from me!" He looked shocked. You finished your drink before you left again, stopping the tears threatening to fall. You haven't come to terms with Obi-Wan's death yet. Anytime you or someone else mentions his passing, it's like a saber to the heart. It hurts. And you feel guilty. You shouldn't be hurting but you do. You even managed to worm your way to his funeral. You're upset but you still won't confront your feelings. You can't.
The mission, of course, went terribly. There was a rat within the group and of course, it was Hardeen who only turned out to be Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise. And yourself. You were never going to kill the chancellor nor harm your Jedi 'friends'. You were waiting outside of the Temple after flying back to Coruscant to review the attack you were a part of. Once finally proved innocent, you were told to wait outside until you were given the 'okay' to leave. You and Ahsoka were talking, talking about how sorry she was for trying to kill you and vice versa. That's when he came outside. Ahsoka saw and quickly hugged you before leaving you alone.
"I thought faking your death was illegal," You started as he approached you. You crossed your arms defensively over your chest. He looked guilty and he sighed.
"It was to protect the Chancellor,"
"Ah yes, well, congratulations, you fooled everyone and the day is saved," He let out yet another sigh, saying your name and walking closer.
"I…cannot find a way to apologise for the way I have made you feel…for the emotional damage I have caused…but I am so sorry," He kept eye contact and you saw the guilt and the genuine sadness he was feeling for you. You shook your head at him.
"It doesn't matter anymore. Because to me, Obi-Wan Kenobi is dead," He raised a brow, he looked confused and scared. "You're fucking dead to me,"
"You don't mean that-,"
"I mean every fucking word that I fucking say. You're fucking dead to me,"
"I don't believe it,"
"Well, you have to start believing it. Because you're dead to me," You hissed out. He called out your name and tried to reach out to you but you pulled yourself away from the man you loved and walked off, pulling your cloak over your head, not looking back. Walking away from the man you loved for the second time.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 8 months
Apart from my sideblog where I reblog some to-reads from last year, this is on my list. Beep if I missed something!
But before that, I'm gonna reread the Tiniest Council because it literally is my most favorite ;---;
Skin and Scales - some Bossk love, hnng ;//////; *smooches*
Skin to Skin & Fate's Right Hand (3) - Cad Bane
An Honest Day's Work - Construction Boba eyyyy e////e
Life Day - @kimiheartblade (reserving)
Fireplace - Ayane Arinori
[M] Poets and Painters - Commander Wolffe x Reader {Early Morning} {Midday} {Late Afternoon} {Evening} {Deep Night} {Golden Dawn WIP}
Also, I'm gonna cry at how cute my A03 theme is; MFKN DUCKS.
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
The Portrait ~ part two ~ Boba x F Reader
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Plot: You, a daughter of a former bounty captured by Boba Fett, are asked to paint a portrait of the new Daimyo although you despise him you can't help notice the growing tension. 🖤Enemies to Lovers 🖤
Warnings: second person narration, no y/n, age gap (reader is mid-twenties, Boba is early fourties’ canonically ), lots of petnames (Little one & Old Man), praise kink, rough smut, bathroom smut, fingering, light hand on throat.
Word count: 5.7k
Masterlist part one
🔞no minors allowed🔞
Maybe part three, feeling spicy about Boba right now.
Boba watched you walk away leaving a trail of vanilla fragrance in your wake strong enough he didn't need to see you to follow you. He was thinking about the look in your eyes the shared expression of desire but your words conflicting. He closed his eyes feeing the raise and fall of his chest wondering if you really meant it or if you were baiting him into following. This is my fucking town. Attempting to be discreet he followed after you at a distance, finding you didn't go to a cantina but to the edge of the town staring into out into the vastness of sand. He prompt himself up against a building watching you and the sand if any creature emerged ready to terminate it if it even looked at you.
You felt the hairs stand up on the back of your neck realizing he probably followed you anyway, you groaned. Can't I have a moment of privacy? Would he follow if I walked into the sand? Probably the Tusken's are out there and whatever else. You grabbed handful of sand watching it trickle through your fingers, before tossing the rest into the air watching it resettle below. You groaned picking yourself up, Just go to bed and work longer on it so you can leave but if only paint had been so simple to comply. He might not be the monster you thought him out to be and he’s insanely charming but everything catches up.
"Ride?" You heard him ask from the shadows.
You opted to drive again so you didn't have to touch him but the moment his hands found your hips you almost stopped breathing. Maker, do I want to fuck you or kill you. The answer should be simple. You were thankful he still had his helm on so you didn't have to feel the warmth of his breath against you but the warmth of his body and the closeness made up for it somehow. You practically jumped off of it after arriving back at the palace before he even had time to fully remove his hands feeling them accidentally trace down your ass as he pulled away. You briskly walked to your room his shadow in tow, thankfully he went into his own room when you went into yours. Striping down you found a few new things in your closet with a scowl until your fingers found the tailored pants. Angrily you ripped it off the hanger and put in the floor of the closet slamming it. You opted for your silk pants and shirt, climbed into bed wondering how much longer you could stand to be around him.
Boba went for his usual patrol in the morning greeting those in the streets as the suns began to rise. He knew that to help keep the peoples respect he needed to be seen keeping the place safe but his mind was distracted wondering how he could make it up to you. Bring her the sender but that goes against the code. The code that kept the guild strong and the one rule that Bossk shoved down my throat growing up more then any other. He knew there was only two people he could ask their opinion mattered to him and he resigned himself to asking, pulling off the normal route heading back home.
"Something wrong, Boba?" Fennec asked pulling her riffle off her shoulder.
He raised his hand motioning her to relax, "I have a moral dilemma, walk with me," he said heading away from the guards around the palace.
"Must be important," she chirped following after him.
"I want to serve her the man who ordered the bounty on her father on a silver platter," he admitted, "to see if it... make the rest of her stay tolerable."
"You were paid to forget," she said eyeing him, "but are you technically retired unless you have plans I'm not aware of," she added, "although it could cause some... problems if your caught."
"I'll just have to keep my hands clean then," Fennec was smart enough to catch a double meaning, "It be be a shame if I was set off world for... supplies."
"Speaking of which, I do happen to acquire some more fire power for if the Pykes ever return."
"I'll see what I can do."
Boba smiled finally taking off his helmet and continued walking. He stared down at the helmet, What would you have done, father? I should honor the Guild code yet I should offer him to her for my honor for what I did. He sighed wishing this particular woman wasn't so difficult. He thought of man kissing you and what he was going to do and it made his temper flare again. This is the right decision. He was sure of that, the flame of his father burned in him and his blood was boiling means there was only one opinion to fix it. He stood at one of the many windows wondering how many other things did he have to mend both within himself and for the sake of his honor.
Tapping woke you, your eye's slit open seeing it was dark already. You groaned rolling over but the tapping continued.
"This better be important." You huffed pulling back the covers to pry open the door to glare at whoever was disturbing your reason.
"The Daimyo has a tribute for you," Fennec smiled.
"Do I need to change?"
"No but you might to want too," her smile grew bigger with the annoyance leaving your tone.
"Okay..." you said puzzled closing the door.
"On our way," Fennec spoke into her comm the moment you stepped out the door.
"Why would the Daimyo have a tribute for me?" you asked letting the curiosity get the better of you.
You looked at Fennec but she remained silent. What's going on? The wheels turning in your head made internal gear grinding noises to figure it out. Did he deem me a threat to be eliminated because I turned him down? Although the major disrespect would be reason enough. Good thing I came prepared. Fennec lead you to the throne room, motioning for you to sit on it. Your jaw unhinged and your eyebrow's shot up, you found him standing on the floor below waiting. She's serious. You cautiously walked up the steps and stepped carefully on the stone slab staring the throne and then back at him. You wouldn't show the fear or anticipation. You took a steady breath sitting on throne crossing your legs the pant slits concealing your blaster more accessible.
"I hope my tribute to you will at least mend the wounds that I caused. I too lost my dad young, it wasn't until I found home with the Tusken's that I remembered what pain that caused me."
"This is a surprise," you said leaning forward teeth bared in a grin as Kilas was dragged to the floor draped in silver colored entire, hands bound and a silver chain collared around his neck. Served on a silver platter just for me. You watched Boba take the other side of the chain from Fennec, approaching the throne but never stepping up.
He offered you the chain, "As I see it he was worth far more to you alive then dead as tempting as it was," he said eyeing the disgraced former mayor of your hometown, "I hope this returns a shred of my honor," he whispered as you took the chain.
You pulled the chain watching him squirm. You coiled the chain around your arm dragging him the lip of the throne, "It's nice to see you again," you cackled watching the color drain from his face, "I would say we're going to be great friends but I don't think you'll survive long enough."
"I think you two would have made a great team," Fennec whispered watching you feed the man's fingers to the rancor.
"At least I just disintegrated them," he said watching the scene amused, "I'm not sure if this counts as cruel and unusual punishment... for my rancor," his laughter sounding like turning on your first ship, unforgettable the memory seared into every corner of your mind, "Having fun, little one?" He called down still watching.
"At least you know I won't feed you to your rancor in your sleep, old man, this is to much fun."
Fennec raised her eyebrow wondering if it was a valid threat but dismissed it, watching you apply Bacta gel on the numbs. "Is there a point to that?" She inquired.
"When I get out of here I'm turning into the guild!" The man shouted staring at Fett.
"Unfortunately your not leaving this place," you said pointedly rubbing the Rancor's cheek, "Fett, I thank you for the gracious gesture."
Fett nodded, "I'll accept the gratitude when your business with him is concluded however you see fit."
"How noble," you said patting the man's cheek, "however I have work to do, can I throw him in the cage next to the rancor.. to keep him company?"
"The rancor would be amused," Boba replied.
You grabbed the chain and yanked him into the cage by the chain carefully pulling out your blaster and turning the temp down shooting the chain to the bars sealing him to its, "I'll see you in the morning," you purred, "Make sure your in a better mood for me or I might have to take a trophy in hope that changes your tone." You smiled like a sly loth-cat walking up the stairs enjoying the sound of his pain and begging with every step, "It's going to be a long... long day." You heard the rancor start growling at him. Neither of them try to talk to you as you walked back into your room dawning your painting attire but your heart and mind weren't in this painting right now. You couldn't get your mind off of him. You took your sketch pad out hoping that drawing it would finally let the image dissipate from behind your eyelids. Hearing the door open you quickly closes the pad and pretended to get back to painting, you glanced over seeing Boba had taken the seat next to you placing his helmet on the floor by his feet.
"Aren’t you suppose to be asleep?" You mused at him.
"You seemed to be in a better mood" he said noting the change.
"Careful maybe it won't last," you laughed, "I'm happy with one of two," then horror hit your face when he picked up the sketch book, you tried grabbing it but it was to late he found the page.
His face betrayed nothing but mild amusement in  eyes, he closed it and return it to the floor, "I'm glad I could be inspiration. I could pose next time if you'd like," he said jokingly smiling staring at the painting.
You glared at him making him look at you, "You'd like that wouldn't you," you said pulling your eyes off his hazy gaze but he didn't say anything, "man of a few words," you mumbled.
"I would."
This time you remained silent, "What emotion do you want in your eyes?" You asked.
"Surprise me."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"I'm sure."
"Can you stop with the two word answers farking answers."
"Make me."
You got up and put his helmet on, shoving his chair over. You stood laughing between his legs looking down at him his back to the floor.
Boba gazed up at you through his visor, "That's it?"
You pulled the chair back up still between his legs, "I still don't like you," you said pulling the helmet off.
"I know."
You took your seat again holding the helmet in your lap, staring at it remembering the first time you saw this realizing you didn’t see the same man wearing it. You passed it back and forth between your hands before handing it back, “You giving him to me is almost irony on several fronts. I don’t see why you would care enough, I’m nothing but hostile towards you and the code is our life,” you said flatly looking at him, “It would have to be an important reason for you to do it.”
“Simple, honor.”
“That’s it?” You asked hitching an eyebrow, “I was expecting something more,” you added turning your attention back to the painting.
“Is that your question for today, why did I?” he asked examining it too.
“My honor is everything but I’m a simple man. The comment from earlier that you didn’t want me too either. I don’t care about the hostility, I deserve it but being around you sends shivers down me,” he admitted, “I hope it would at let’s allow us to be… acquaintances.”
You sighed putting down the ain’t brush, that was the final straw. He eyed you as you stood up and stood before him. You wrapped your legs around the chair putting yourself in his lap kissing him. His hands still for moment stunned that you were kissing him he was expecting you to kick him out, not this. Your hands start to roam his body and his start to roam yours. A small moaned escaped you just enough to break the connection.
"I wasn't expecting that," his breath is hot against your throat. The heavy sound of need in his voice makes your heat slick even more and his fingers digging into you caused another small one to escaped. "We don't have too continue," he added pulling his hands off.
"I need this out of my system," you breathed putting your mouth on him removing the cod piece from his suit, “if we’re going to try to be… acquaintances.”
"Me too." Boba grinded into you letting you know the size of his need too sending a pulse through him at the contact of how close he was to you. He moved down your neck placing hot deep kisses tugging on each one wondering if you'd even want to remember but the marks would be there to remind you. Both of you burning without a thought in your head other then getting to feel and see the other. He scooped his arm under your ass picking you up leaving the armor peace on the ground. Neither of you stopped grasping and clawing at each other not caring who saw until he dragged you into the door way of his room.
Letting his hand leave your thighs he pulled away from your mouth, "Are you sure, absolutely sure?" He asked hesitating uncharacteristically looking at how beautiful you looked in his arm.
"Yes,” you breathed panting trying to take some steadying breaths, “or you might not get a second chance,” you add noticing the predatory glint in his eye promised you one long night causing a demanding warm pulsating need through your hips.
Even with the delay he carried you effortlessly to the edge of his bed setting you there, kicking the door sharply with his heel causing it to slam shut. His hand worked it’s way up your shirt feeling the goosebump his touched caused in one quick movement he pulled the shirt off followed by letting his armor clank to the ground. His mouth founds it way back to your neck, hot and heavy going down it just stopping at your bra line before pulling back again to look you in the eye as you tugged impatiently on the flight suit.
“So impatient, I promise it’ll be worth it,” his voice was as velvety as it was course and the flame in his eyes making the shades of brown deepen intensity was enough to make you quiet the retorting joke about his age. The gaze was intoxicating you dropped your eyes down to your cleavage with a smile feeling his eyes trail there, “and demanding” he teased.
“Is the great Boba Fett scared he’s not as good as he once was? Is that why you only admire?” You finally poke regretting it the moment it came out as he stood you up and ripped your pants and underwear down
“I’ll replace those later,” he growled picking you up and dropping you back onto the bed reddening knowing you just got even wetter. He ran his fingers up your leg letting his nails graze the bare skin soaking in the image of you laying there just for him.
You watched his pupils dilate further watching you spread your legs further for him causing a string of words to fall out of his mouth that you didn’t understand, you smirked giving him an puzzled look. He’s before you leaning over his desire with his hands squeezing the underside of your thighs pulling you to his face. You look to see the ravenous look in his face and the smirk on his lips as he slowly bring his mouth to your thighs kissing up them each kiss forcibly deliberate. You whined his touches but not touches driving you crazy.
“I want this as much as you do,” he smiled moving his mouth up your other thigh, “just wondering if I’m going to wake up before I’m done.”
“You better hurry up before I do it myself,” you breathed frustrated. The look in his face fades a little from carnal desire to show some intimacy in his features. “What?” you asked seeing the slip.
He took a breath standing up removing the suit and his underwear pulling you both up on the bed putting your head on the pillow, “I can wait a little longer on what I want to do with you, little one,” he whispered lining himself up at your entrance.
Boba traced you, stroking himself with the wetness that was seeping out letting his tip rack up your clit causing a small grunt to come out at the sensation. You looked up to see that the carnal looked had fully returned. He stared at you pinning your legs open with his deliciously rough hands. He took another stroke in stride feeling your lips open to him and the tip pressed into the knot cause your hips to grind back into him. He lined himself back up slowly pressing the tip into you groaning as felt your walls drag against him trying to adjust to his size. Your fingers dug into his arm as he pressed himself fully into you bottoming out bringing your hips together. You closed your eyes from a moment, the sensation sending signals scattering through out your body. Your eyes opened back up when you felt his hands move off your legs leaving them tender without the pressure of his touch. One hand planted it’s self by your head gripping the sheets and the other right below your belly button.
“Next time the artist becoming the focus for once,” he growled in your ear smashing his mouth against yours, biting your lip and sucking on it gently before positioning himself up. He gently stroked himself inside you lazily moving his fingers to your clit circling it with the usually light tug but slow lying down every time you started getting loud nearing the edge before the sensation deflated. After a couple times he saw you glaring at him, “Punishment for bringing up I’m older then you.” You looked down him admiring the scars on his face and across his body wishing you could use them to rack your body against. Your mouth wished it could trace the muscles outlining his figure chiseled his arms and legs like stone.
“But I like older, if you remember,” you reminded smugly, “or do I need to go out and remind you,” you tsked at him. Your throat let out an unrestrained moan as he quickly pulled out and slammed into you giving you an idea of his strength and how much he was holding back.
“Say that again and I’m binding you to my bed.”
Your moaning picked up as the ferocity of his pounding didn’t let up. Your head sunk into the pillow and you could barely keep your eyes open. Instinctively your hips tilting causing him to press into the right places as he thrusted. “Maker” you moaned taking your knuckles into your mouth to silent yourself.
His hand came up and forcibly ripped it out of your mouth, “I don’t care who hears” he growled biting your wrist before bringing your hand to his neck. You moaned at the comment, the heavy lust that coated his voice not realizing you would love it if this man was rougher with you. Every stroke pulling more of you out with it, making both of you wet messes down to your thighs and creeping up towards his abs. He speared into you harder his tip kissing into the top of you each time. He moved his fingers faster stroking your clit with urgency watching to feel you clamp down on his cock and see the face you would make for him when you came.
“Cum with me,” you pant, “I want to feel you,” you moved your hand from the side of his neck to the back of it letting your nails dance up his scalp.
“Maybe I should have warned you to be careful what you wish for,” he smiled, the molten look over his tanned face made the feeling building up unbearable. “You look so…” he place three rough strokes feeling you start to tremble under him, “stunning, mesh’la,” he got out staring to feelvhis thighs start to tighten. The praise caused unbounded warmth to go down you and he could feel the warmth on his cock, “You like that don’t you,” he smiled, “You’re taking this old hunter’s cock so well,” he purred working his fingers around your clit faster feeling you spasm around him, “I promise you’ll be full,” his voice dropped threateningly.
You cling both your hands to his face, “Boba,” the moan came out like a cry as he finally set you over the depth end knowing that if anyone didn’t know what you two were up they definitely did now with how loud it was. Your hands tremble over his face, your face between pleasure and pain as you watched him finally release in you.
He slowly pulled out as he filled you from the top before slamming it back in cause some of it to slip out. The warm gush made you tighten against his cock holding him there with a vice. You barely heard his groan as he brought his other hand off your pulsating clit to the back of your head pushing your forehead against his still lazily stroking himself with you. Your body feels heavy coasting on his bed trying to find yourself. He finally stills pushing his hips against your groaning deeply, his lung protesting the lack of air your pussy knocked from him. He looked down at your soft sleepy expression, smiling at himself carefully pulling himself out and weak legs walked over to his towel rack and selected a soft one before climbing back into bed carefully moving your legs to put the towel between them noticing the goosebumps that lined your skin.
“So beautiful,” was the last thing you heard from him panting before subconsciously turning yourself into his chest, your head pounding feeling the bliss fading to a warm tingled. Boba started stroking your sides pulling you out of your mind, “Mesh’la.”
“Hmm?” you replied.
“Again or do you want to nap?” He smiled noticing the yawn.
“Nap” you admitted your body drained, you felt him press a kiss to your forehead before drifting for a bit. You woke awhile letting stretching out feeling his absence. You found another fruit basket where he was suppose to be with a note sticking out.
“Bathing join me? Ignore this if I’m back already -Fett”
You laughed prying yourself up noticing a robe laid out for you. You sat up the last little bit of him left in you trickling out over the completed soaked towel. How much is even possible? You laughed again putting on the robe going down the hall with a note attached to another door, “This one -Fett.” You shook your head and opened the door and closing it behind you. The room was steaming with a huge pool tub in the middle with little jets.
You saw him open one eye “You’ll never want to shower again if you step in,” he jokingly threatened.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you said discarding the room to the bench along the wall, seeing his other eye opening taking in the view of you as you stepped into the pool. “You are correct,” you groaned sitting across from him putting the knot in your back against the little jet.
“I warned you,” he chuckled. He eyed you for a moment before leaning his head back on edge staring up at the ceiling enjoying the warmth of the water respectfully noting your decision to sit away from from him. “Glad you got to enjoy this before whatever’s next. Personally I think this my favorite room in the whole palace” he said closing his eyes.
“What was wrong with it?” You inquired doing the same.
“I may have to much spotchka and fiddled around with the plumbing trying to make the jets blast harder.”
“Not so good with your hands?” you snarked with a giggle.
“I’m excellent with my hands she just didn’t enjoy the amount I had to drink first,” he said tossing back the innuendo.
“Can only have so much before you get sloppy.”
He chuckled, “in my case a bottles worth.”
You leaned your head back up looking at how peaceful he looked and how vulnerable with his throat exposed. Your hands probed at your feeling the tender spots remember his kisses. You smirked standing up and walked over to him sitting in his lap putting your mouth on his throat, he didn’t even finch as your teeth grazed him before your lips replaced them tugging on the spot. You could feel his cock growing again but he kept his hands to himself smiling at the ceiling.
“I’ll always want to do it in here if you keep it up,” he warned keeping his arms folded over his chest.
“You want to prove that one too?” You said moving down his throat letting your tongue graze his Adams apple.
He groaned grabbing your hips and lifting you off of him, covering you with his hand setting you infront of the jet, “I warned you,” he said releasing his hand letting the jet hit your now throbbing clit. He held you there letting one hand travel around to your breast and the other to your entrance pressing his cock into your ass cheeks slightly moving up and down, “Now make more of those pretty noises for me,” he said plunging his two of fingers in knowing his fingers were in the perfect position as you immediately grabbed the lip of the bath.
The sensation of the water against and his fingers were turning you into pleasure putty for him. Boba was rough, a little rougher then he meant to bed but the noises you were making were driving him mad. It didn’t take you long to be squirming on his fingers, he brought his hand to your the front of your throat pulling you up towards him, “Say my name and I will fuck you until you forget your own,” he grunted watching your face twitch nearing the high.
“Boba,” the moan reverberated off the walls, and you felt yourself coating his hand and another sensation tear through the lower half causing another moan to come out. He didn’t give you time to ride out the high even a little as he pushed your hips up on the ledge of the bath planting you on the warm ground with your legs still submerged as he slammed into you.
His cock had a mind of its own ramming into you, there was something about how you moaned his name that made it sound so ethereal like the maker himself designed your voice for him. He enjoyed pulling you part on his cock a few times watching you squirm with ecstasy each time. He finally slowed down after the fourth time to see the quivering mess you were. “I think I’ll finally cum in you,” he laughed kissing down your back at your string of nonsense, “I warned you.”
Boba can fuck, apparently you had said it outlet because he started rough again. He pulled your hips back letting his hand find your pulsating pleasure knot, you widened your hips for him making him moan your name as your walls clung to him tighter. Your mind was fuzzy only about to think of him and the feelings he made course through you. Your hips are shaking against his, you practically screaming his name as his hand tightened around your throat. Your whole body burning at his touch.
“Your pussy better enjoy this,” he said roughly fucking you as he exploded in you making sure every ridge and millimeters of your cunt was covered in him. He carefully removed his hands from your throat and clit letting you fall carefully in his hands pulling out of you still semi hard wrapping you in his lap. Boba chuckled as you barely responded, you were gone from this world. He kissed your head standing up patting you dry wrapping you up and covering himself and placing you in his bed again, “Drink the melons when you wake up,” but you were to gone to recognize the words.
You when you woke again he was gone again but this time there wasn’t a note. Every inch of your body ached, then you thought of what you too had been up too and your faces heated. That actually happened. Where is he? You made your way to your room to find actual clothes before wondering out to the throne.
“Lady Kryze!” You smiled running towards her practically slamming into her with a hug.
“Interesting,” you heard Boba say.
You pulled off of her, looking at him and then back at her the red returning to your face, “Sorry it’s been so long,” you smiled at her.
“I was wondering if I could borrow your skills when your free.”
“Any thing for the Queen of Mandalore. How can I be of service?” You asked ignoring the small glare from Boba.
“I need your painting skills,” she said watching Boba relax a little, “amusing your almost done with your current commission.”
“Give me two hours to finish,” you said with a small bow.
“How do you two know each other?” Boba asked.
“Where do you think I learned Mandalorian philosophy?” You said smiling arching a brow at him, “I wasn’t the only person in the galaxy back then you hated you.”
“Should have figured, Princess,” you noticed the endearment wasn’t pointed at you but her before you had time to question if they were a previous thing you dismissed yourself to finish the paint and pack.
“You did this?” Bo said surprised sneaking up behind you as you finished packing up your supplies, “It’s one of kind.”
“Thank you, the Daimyo wanted to be show in a previous light compared to his predecessors so I took some personal liberties to improve it.” The look in his eyes you picked were adoration specifically how he looked at you, you smiled looking at it signing your name and com frequency in the corner. You found Boba waiting for you outside with his Helmet on when the two of you left the room.
“I’ll be at the ship while you to finish up business,” Bo said looking at rigid posture.
“Digital or physical creds?” He asked coldly.
“Either, my frequency is on the painting. You can have Fennec contact me,” you said returning the tone wondering where it was coming from all of the sudden or wondering if he happy to discard you now that you both got what you needed. Your throat tighten, It felt like more to me. Your heart raced confirming it, “Now excuse me, I have a favor being called in,” you pushed out, “by the Princess,” the word came out harsher then you meant it too. You moved away by you felt his gloved hand on your wrist, “What?”
Boba realized he fucked up that you weren’t leaving because you regretted it but because you are loyal, “I… look forward to you coming back,” his words betrayed his composure, his words tender. He saw you relax hoping you knew he misread the situation before releasing your wrist watching you walk off.
Getting on Bo’s ship you were bombarded with questions as she noticed the tension and marks you were trying to hide. You listened as she told you Boba’s story and him helping a friend of hers. You stared at the window of the ship realizing he more then a former feared bounty hunter who you wanted to hated but a reformed man who might be worth a chance.
“She’s been gone for two weeks,” Boba said downing another glass of spotchka.
“I’m sure your precious artist is coming back, at least for the man still in your rancor pit,” Fennec said trying to be uplifting but realistic at the same time, “plus she’s almost done anyway.”
Boba put the drink down and looked at her, “how do you that know that?”
“Cause I reached out to her frequency to transfer the credits? Her and I, are actually friends… Haven’t you? If I didn’t know better your head over blaster for her” She said raising at eyebrow.
“A couple times with short replies.”
A ship crash got there attention and they went out weapons drown towards the smoke. They found you bent over laughing watching it burn.
“I found and stole Kilas’s ship,” you cackled laughing with tears streaming out but you tired to composed yourself, “For a rich man his ship definitely just spare parts.”
The sound of Boba’s laughter brought you back, the sound like liquid gold laced with the sensation of a good nights sleep. He holstered his blasters and walkover to you pulling you against his armor, “Little one.”
“Your crushing me, old man,” you huffed the armor digging into you.
He pulled off lifting his helmet just enough to put his lips next to your ear, “I’ve been thinking about fucking on a canvas covered in paint… with a bath afterwards,” the daydream shot electricity down you with a smile.
“Only if I get to to pick the colors,” you smirked leaving him standing there heading towards the palace with your two surviving bags.
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Savor - Bossk x reader
Pairing: Bossk x reader (attempted to keep gender neutral)
Word Count: ~1K
Tags: requested, NSFW 18+, Bossk is uncharacteristically gentle (somewhat), if you're new here I prescribe to the headcannon that Trandoshans all have Diphallia (two penises) so there's double penetration
It was hot.
Granted, Tattoine was just about always hot.
Probably why the Trandoshan, still fast asleep beside you, enjoyed it so much. He’d gotten in late last night, you were already asleep and barely awoke as he crawled into bed next to you. He snorted in his sleep before rolling over and wrapping an arm around your waist, effectively trapping you.
“Bossk,” you whispered, nudging him lightly, not really wanting to wake him up but you wanted to shower. “Babe, I gotta get up.”
He groaned in his sleep, pulling you tighter against him, mumbling something that sounded like a protest in Dosh.
“C’mon, I stink.” You whispered, nudging him again, this time a little rougher.
“No you don’t,” he mumbled, one of his eyes peaked open, the orange hue glazed with exhaustion.
You rolled your eyes, nudging him roughly, trying to get him off unsuccessfully. He chuckled at your attempt, nuzzling your neck. “Someone is feeling feisty this morning.”
Again, you nudged him but this time he rolled onto his back, pulling you onto his chest. You could feel his heart beating in his chest, the steady, heavy beat comforting and it almost made you want to go back to sleep. Almost.
“You don’t have to get up right now, we have nowhere we have to be.” He protested, a hand moving down to your ass.
“Speak for yourself, maybe I have somewhere to be.” You snarked back but didn’t budge from where you were.
He hummed thoughtfully before roughly grabbing your ass with both hands, talons digging in just enough for you to feel they were there, and pulling you up so you were face to face with him. His tongue darted across the exposed skin of your throat, a moan left your lips before you could stop it. This made him chuckle.
“I think you’re making excuses little one,” he sounded smug.
You glanced down at him, admiring his bare chest, his lean muscle flexed with each movement he made. Finally, you sighed and laid your head on his chest in silent defeat. He trailed a claw up your spine, under your sleepshirt, which you allowed him to pull off over your head.
It wasn’t long before you were naked, somehow still straddling the large man’s waist, but you didn’t think about that much. Instead, you were very distracted by his tongue, which seemed to be everywhere, pausing to mutter quiet praise occasionally, his hands also exploring your body. It was almost too much.
Suddenly he flipped you both, so you were beneath him with his form caging you in before giving a gentle nip to your collarbone and sitting back on his haunches. He grabbed one of your hands and led it downward, his cue for you to touch yourself since he couldn’t without much difficulty. You complied, enjoying watching the flickering expressions on the man’s face as he watched your actions closely.
A small part of you was surprised, usually, he took this time to tease his cocks out but he must’ve been riled up already because they were already standing at attention, precum dripping down both shafts. But he seemed to be enjoying the show so you indulged him.
After a short time, he pushed your hand away and pulled your legs around his waist. He seemed to be taking his time this morning as his cocks gently prodded your entrance, you’d taken both his cocks before so you weren’t sure where his reluctance was coming from.
As if reading your mind he pushed himself into you slowly and you were suddenly glad he did, somehow you always managed to forget the stretch. He took his time bottoming out but it still managed to knock the breath out of you.
“You always take me so well,” he clicked his tongue before leaning down to nuzzle your neck.
He was being gentle which was unusual but not unwelcomed. The rock of his hips was slow and shallow, grazing the sensitive spots inside you which was enough to make your toes curl.
After a few moments, it didn’t seem like he was interested in changing his pace so you wiggled your hips in hopes of encouraging him to speed it up a little bit. His response was to chuckle and stop, fully sheathed inside you.
“What are you doing?” You were utterly confused.
He sat up, holding your legs around his waist. “You’re in such a rush little one. Why not enjoy the morning.”
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. “What’s gotten into you?”
The man didn’t respond, he was focused on trailing his claw along your body. You knew there would be small traces of him later on, from the marks on your body to the stretched feeling from his cocks.
“Bossk, you’re being weird.” You attempted to unwrap yourself from him then he moved abruptly with the speed you’d normally expect from him.
He thrust into you roughly, knocking the wind out of you yet again, before returning to the slow rock he’d been doing.
“Let me savor you little one,” his voice was a low rumble and you felt yourself clench around him in response.
The predatory look you were all too familiar with returned to his face before he leaned down to trail his tongue up the column of your throat again. His rocking picked up, pushing you closer to the edge quicker than you had anticipated.
“Cum for me little one,” he growled.
With another abruptly rough thrust you could’ve sworn you saw stars as you clutched at the sheets hoping to anchor yourself. His proud chuckle brought you back down, you were still panting while he was still completely composed. You felt your face flush before you attempted to push him away again.
He clicked his tongue at you again before digging his talons back into the soft flesh of your thighs, “we’re not done yet, my love. It’s time to go another round.”
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The reptile boys. You know I had to
Tumblr media
Fake date: Cad Bane
Getting paid the big bucks to be the bodyguard of a pretty lady for a week? He gets to shoot any goons that threaten you? And he gets to pretend to be your husband and flirt with you and make you squirm to make things look natural? Easiest fucking job he's ever been offered. Where's he sign?
You're so red that he thinks you might blow a blood vessel. "There's, uh, only one bed."
He doesn't fight the toothy grin that creeps onto his face. "S'only natural dat de happy couple sleeps together, darlin'," he says.
You squirm in your seat and turn even redder. It's hilarious. "I-- Yes, but--"
He slides his hand across the table, laying his fingers on your own. You jump and try to jerk away, but he tightens his grip.
"Easy," he purrs. "Keepin' ya safe means keepin' up appearances." He releases you and leans back. "I want de window side. I like havin' de sunrise come up on me in de mornin'."
Slow burn: Embo
Look man, you can't tell me that properly romancing a Kyuzo wouldn't take a while. And that after thirty chapters of interspecies shenanigans, it finally comes to a head and the readers r e j o i c e.
He pulls you closer, resting his hands on your waist. He presses his forehead to yours, eyes drifting closed. Your heart flutters.
You'd spent all week rehearsing the phrase. Kyuzo doesn't come naturally to anyone, and even though the droid said you had gotten it down, you were still nervous. You didn't want to accidentally call his mother a whore, after all.
「 I love you,」 you whisper in Kyuzo.
His breath hitches and his grip on you tightens. His eyes open, glowing orange in the dim light. He releases your waist and his hands come up to caress your face.
The silence is broken by a croaky voice. "...Ee..." he says, slowly. "...lava... yewtu."
It takes you a moment to realize it's coming from Embo himself. "Pardon?"
He swallows. "Ee lava yewtu," he says again, faster.
You repeat the phrase in your head. Ee lava yewtu... Ee lav you too... Ee luv you too...
I love you too.
Enemies to lovers: Bossk
More like prey to pack member, if you catch my drift. Is he supposed to kill you? Sure. But you hate Cradossk. And he hates Cradossk. And you're both after the same target. And the enemy of his enemy is his friend, sooooo...
You stand above the Wookiee, your boot on his chest, blaster aimed at his face. Blood soaks your clothes, your face, even your teeth, curled into a pearly white snarl. It steams in the cool dawn air, coming off your body in smoky tendrils that glow in the light of the rising sun.
You are not Trandoshan. You know nothing of the Scorekeeper. But in this moment, you are the very reflection of Her. Of Her power. Of Her brutality. She smiles upon you for reasons Bossk can't fathom.
But if She smiles upon you, perhaps it is a message that he should do the same.
To the Mastahpost | Tip Jar
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Thus Always to Tyrants (1/5)
Chapter One: Through Valley & Vale
Word Count: ~5k
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, some “x (ambiguous)reader”, Major Character Death, Implied Child Abuse, Traumatic Flashbacks, Past Child Neglect, Emotional Manipulation
Summary: Bossk confronts his past.
Here’s the fic link!
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itsagrimm · 2 years
The Fire
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Cad Bane X she/her able-bodied reader
Beta read by the amazing @queenquazar , Duros biology got some input by the equally amazing Spoiledyoghurt (Ao3)
Note: kinda forgot that we actually have Cad Bane’s official ship name. Just pretend I always used “The Justifier”. sorry.
CN: violence, mentions of alcohol and being drunk, guns and weapons, bit of stalker-ish behavior, fighting, arson, getting carried and grabbed, biting, tracking, hunting
5k words
The Hat Collection Masterlist
After three rotations of travel, the ship left hyperspace and Nar Shaddaa - the smuggler's moon and heart of the galactic criminal world - was in front of you.
It was an implausible sight. While sitting in the co-pilot's seat you stared at it, yet unable to grasp what your eyes perceived. You had read about Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa and other ecumenopolis, where entire surfaces of planets or moons were covered in urban sprawl. Yet seeing it felt like seeing a droid’s absurd dream.
“Dank farrik.” You whispered.
Boba pushed a few buttons and commenced landing while you had little choice but to watch and wait. You did not know how to pilot and had little experience traveling through space. It was expensive and you were not the type of person swimming in credits.
A jolt went through the ship as it tilted and you finally landed on the plattform. With the gravity shift, you suddenly had to crawl out of the cockpit to follow Boba to the exit where he turned towards you.
“Remember,” he said. “This is just a quick stop to mostly get some attention. Stay close to me. It’s dangerous here.”
You nodded without arguing. At some point he had to look away from you, giving you a chance to slip away. Better to keep Boba in the illusion of your humility.
“Let’s go.” Boba called and stepped off the ship.
The landing platform and local harbor sprawled as far as you could see. Trask had a decent size harbor, bringing in a steady amount of travelers into your cantina. This was bigger than any harbor you had ever seen. Ships landed and started wherever you looked, and people of all kinds moved and scurried around. It was a fascinating sight.
All of them were armed.
Suddenly Boba with his head to toe armor did not appear as outlandish as he had on Trask. Rather it was you who was noticeably off without a blaster or practical protective gear in your simple, unwashed, and partially borrowed clothing.
I look weak.
Instantly you lifted your head up and straightened your shoulders in a sorry attempt to hide that. The last thing you needed in escaping Boba was getting caught by somebody else.
“We’ll walk around a bit. Do some shopping first.” Boba explained and took you by the hand.
It was an odd gesture, nearly like a child gripping their parent’s hand.
You squeezed reassuringly to not betray your plans of getting away from him the first moment he would let go.
Boba led you through several streets and alleys until you reached a huge place on the surface full of neat market stands offering every imaginable or unimaginable thing in the galaxy. Droids and sentiments with the ability to fly, moved above your head, carrying around packages of what must be goods from the market. And voices called around you - some in Galactic Basic, Huttese or Ryl but most foreign and unknown to you.
Boba elbowed his way through, while dragging you behind him.
At a market stand for fruits and meal kits he stopped, ordered a bunch of things to be delivered to the ship, before turning towards you.
“Do you need anything?”
“Oh, I have a say in that?” You stared at him in disbelief.
“What?” He shrugged. “Do you think after 3 rotations of you shivering and borrowing my clothes, I won’t ask? No, my dad taught me to treat women better.”
“Oh, Boba,” You could not help yourself teasing him. ”Are you worried about me or about running out of clean socks?”
Boba tilted his head. With his helmet it was hard to tell what he was thinking.
“Both,” He finally admitted.
“How chivalrous. Your dad must be proud.”
He paused. “We will travel on for a while after this. If you need something, now is the time to get it.” He finally explained.
“Do I get a permanent toothbrush spot in the refresher too?”
You felt like you accidentally developed x-ray-sight for you could see how Boba rolled his eyes under his helmet. “I have a few things I need.” You returned to a more casual tone, dropping the teasing. Best to leave Boba the illusion of you staying close to him.
Boba nodded as you listed a few plausible things - toiletries and some clothes. Again, like a man on a mission, Boba took you by the hand and moved you to one stall after another to get your things. Silently, he paid for everything and ordered it to be delivered to the ship before pushing his way out of the market area and into a darker alley. Dutifully, and without a chance to escape his iron grip, you tagged along.
“Now that we got everything,” Boba started, “Let’s get us some attention.”
“Have you come up with something?” You inquired, hoping it was something to help you get out.
“Yes.” Boba swallowed audibly through the modulator. ”We're gonna pick a fight in a cantina.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Pretty sure just a cantina fight will not draw enough attention. They happen here every day.”
Having seen all those weapons everybody on Nar Shaddaa wore around so casually, you weren’t particularly keen on starting a fight.
“We will have to make it convincing then. It will work.” Boba stated without much room for argument.
Stars help me.
Cad Bane had promised himself only to pass through the market where TODO had claimed to see her. Bane swore that he hadn’t packed up quickly and wasn’t actively looking for his lil’ loth cat. And, he nearly persuaded himself that he didn’t take a detour to his ship just for the chance of catching a glimpse for her.
No, this was ridiculous and he needed to get it together. He needed to return to his life as a bounty hunter and ban all thoughts of her into that sorry little corner of his mind, where he ventured only during especially dark, lonely or drunk moments of his life.
He stalked through the shadows of the backstreets; always on the lookout and avoiding being seen out of habit for all those enemies and unfriendly acquaintances he had made on the long way to becoming who he was now.
“I wonder how she got here to Nar Shaddaa?” TODO babbled right next to him. ”I accidentally passed her and would not believe my photonic receptors, so I scanned her just to make sure but-”
Bane growled to shut the droid up. The last thing he needed was a droid giving input about the woman he tried to forget. Already being here was a vulnerability Bane hated to admit to.
Pushing his hat down, he made his way nearly to the space harbor before coming to an abrupt halt.
Right in front of him, only a few short steps out of the shadows, and about to enter a sleazy cantina, was the lil’ loth cat. Gravity pulled him towards her like she was a massive star and he - nothing but a little rock drifting in space, getting crushed and set ablaze just by her presence.
He stared at her, unable to move.
She walked with her chin high and her back upright. As always, she punished the world around her with a gaze that could melt Hoth if the glaciers there gave her a reason to. Combined with it, was the nearly ever present teasing smirk on her lips, ready to laugh even Death in the face. And yet, with his sharp Duro senses he saw her little human heart beat and that delicious spot at her neck move rhythmically.
Brave lil’ one.
He could not suppress his admiration for her. Even being in one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy and with her heart beating in fear, lil’ lady proved herself admirably stoic from the outside.
Someone called her and grabbed her by the hand.
It irked Bane how harshley this stranger grabbed her, suppressing a disapproving growl to not draw attention to himself. He followed the armored arm up with his eyes to the face of the sorry creature Bane briefly considered tearing into pieces for touching her like that, before he froze in motion.
It was Jango’s helmet.
You glanced around the cantina. It was not much different than the one you worked at back home.
What a funny thing to think of now. There was no way you could ever return there, it would be the first place for the bounty hunters to look for her.
Another thought you pushed away to concentrate on the here and now.
The room was mostly lit by the rays of natural light falling through the transpari steel windows and illuminated screens showing bounties and the local menu. You rolled your eyes at the menu.
3 brands of cheap spotchka and thinly brewd kork beer.
The professional barkeeper in you was disappointed. The people of Nar Shaddaa deserved better drinks.
“You want a drink?”, Boba asked and pushed you softly towards the counter.
“Hoth, no.”
He tilted his helmed head in question, making you sigh.
“Kork beer is basically just water,” You explained. “And ‘Blue Yonder’, ‘the Spirit’s Spirit‘ and ‘Abyss’ are famously bad spotchka brands. I would even be hesitant calling ‘Blue Yonder’ spotchka.”
It was true. As a barkeeper you had tried basically every liquor brand tolerable to humans at least once. You had to know what you were serving to your customers after all. But as much as cutting costs was necessary in every cantina you worked before, all those brands and especially the most affordable ‘Blue Yonder’ was known to be no more than ethanol mixed with a bit of meiloorun juice to give it some flavor and coloring. It tasted like someone mixed ship fuel with sweetener. You vividly remembered the burning, nearly painful sensation of the little sample. You had shared it with your boss, before collectively deciding that even the cheapest way to get to blue yonder was not worth ‘Blue Yonder’.
“That bad, huh?” Boba concluded.
“Oh, yes. Drinking this feels like aging a thousand times faster on the spot.”
“Well, you will know more about aging,” The teen chuckled.
“Oi,” you protested playfully, “Have a little more respect for your elders.”
Boba just chuckled more and leaned against the counter.
“Okay, who should we start with?”He asked.
“Boba,” you asked carefully, eyeing him with worry. “Are you suggesting you just beat one of them up?”
“Why not?”
You were at a loss of words.
“Boba, no…” You tried.
“What? Are you scared?”
“Don’t dare me like a kid,” Annoyance dripped off your words. “This just feels a bit … excessive. Is that really necessary?”
“It will give us the attention we need.”
You looked around the sorry cantina guests staring into their cups, mumbling with each other or sleeping in varying positions of comfort.
“Are you sure this-” You stilled as a tall shadow appeared in the entrance.
Bane retreated more into the shadows of the alley to consider his next steps. The Duro hunting instinct pushed him to just get into the cantina, blasters blazing and get his woman.
But she wasn’t his. He had pushed her away. He didn't even know how she got here. Maybe she wanted this.
His mouth sunk into a disapproving curve. It was rude and invasive of him to perceive her this way, but something pushed him to check if she was okay and find out how she got here. And then he would back off and leave her be.
Yeah, just check. This means nothing. But this armor…
“TODO,” he growled, “Get to the Harbor and request the list of ships currently docked.”
“But I am not a protocol-” 
Bane groaned in annoyance.
“After you get it, send it to me before returning to The Justifier and preparing my ship for take off. Got it?”
“Of course, Master Bane.” The droid chirped and went off.
Alone, the bounty hunter leaned against the wall and collected his thoughts. The last news he had of Jango Fett, his former partner, was of his death. And yet someone was here, wearing exactly that armor right next to his - no, the lil’ lady. He was sure it was the same armor, even with the change in color. He had seen that armor so often, memorized every dent, every scratch, every clasp he had to open to get the skin beneath it. Bane was ready to swear on his life and a considerable amount of his fortune that this was Jango’s armor.
But how?
and why?
He snarled disapprovingly. Jango had left years ago only to get himself killed by a Jedi. Damn Jedi. Another reason to hate them. They had taken the chance from Bane to ask Jango what had made him leave and then, considering Jango’s reason, maybe beheading the old rattle box himself. But Jango was dead. And yet someone was there wearing the armor and dragging the loth cat lady around.
Bane felt his Duro hunting instincts tingle. He took a deep breath not to get lost in the deep detached and concentrated Duro-on-the-hunt-state. As much as he enjoyed the simplicity of the fight, he needed his mind clear and present.
He peeked under the brim of his hat and considered his options.
Cold sweat gathered on your temples at the sight of Aurra and Bossk entering the cantina. Aurra stalked closer with steady and determined steps while Bossk stopped and leaned next to the only exit in sight, guarding it.
“Well, well, well,” Aurra purred in a strange friendly voice as she reached the bar. “Look who we got here?”
“Aurra, good to see you.” Boba greeted equally superficially before casually stepping in front of you and getting his armored body between you and the tall armed bounty hunter.
“Hi,” You managed, already regretting speaking up. You really needed to learn how to shut up.
Aurra shot you a look and you suppressed a flinch, instead smiling politely.
“Boba,” Aurra continued while leaning casually against the bar. ”Care to introduce us? I recall seeing this human on Trask before you left us there out of the blue…”
“Yeah, about that.” Boba continued. “This is my aunt. You understand that in my circum-”
“Your aunt?” the woman sneered. “From your mothers side?”
With fast and strong fingers she grabbed Boba at the side of the helmet and slammed him on the top of the bar counter before Boba could reply anything.
“Don’t give me this bantha crap, Boba.“ Aurra hissed. “Who is this woman? Does she have a connection to Bane? Did you get her away from us so that you would not have to share the reward from luring him out and bringing him in?”
Boba staggered and gripped the counter to recover from the hit.
He groaned.
You stared at the two bounty hunters in front of you. Boba might be your kidnapper but he was effectively a polite, somewhat troubled kid. Aurra on the other hand… You felt a rush of deep seated fear surfacing as she looked up and stared at you with piercing eyes.
“Enlighten me,” she challenged. “Who are you and what do you have to do with Bane?”
“Oh,” You managed while stepping backwards before being able to stop yourself. “Sorry for causing so much trouble. I haven’t seen my nephew in years. His mother and I drifted apart so I did not recognize dear little Boba first. Hadn’t seen each other in years.”
Aurra smiled maliciously.
Shit, You said something wrong.
You felt yourself lean against the counter to get closer to anything you could use as a weapon.
“Oh yeah? So Boba is your sister's son?”
Boba huffed and straightened up again.
You peeked over the counter. Just big spotchka bottles, cups and a few boxes of matches. Kriff.
“U-hu. One big happy family reunion” You managed.
“Touching. Family truly is something special.”
Aurra drew her blaster from the holster on her thigh and aimed at you.
You stopped breathing.
“Stop playing around. I hate being lied to and I retaliate on principle for it.”
“Aurra.” Boba spoke up again. “I can explain, lower your weapon. Please.”
A part of you registered the teens pleading tone for your life. But most of you could not think about anything other than the massive blaster trained at you. You were going to die. You felt yourself getting shaky and weak in the knees before you took a quick breath.
No, kriff them all. This ain’t the end of it yet.
You smiled at Aurra, not averting your gaze from her, and pushed down your fear.
“It was disappointingly easy to predict you would go to Nar Shaddaa, Boba.” Aurra hissed. “It's always Coruscant, Tatooine or Nar Shaddaa with the beginners. And Nar Shaddaa was the closest. But now tell me who this woman is, for she sure as Hoth is not your aunt. Or, I'll shoot her.”
Before Aurra could trigger the blaster, she stumbled. Boba had tackled her, using her being distracted by you. A blaster bolt hissed past you and you crouched down to avoid more shots.
You looked around, everything fell apart around you. Aurra and Boba rolled over the floor and fought to get the upper hand. Other customers of the cantina drew their weapons and encircled the two fighters on the floor while others crawled under the table to hide from more possible blaster bolts.
Someone grabbed you by the neck from behind.
“Tell me, why are you so much trouble? You must be valuable.” It was another customer. A tall, human and unfortunately strong man had picked you up as if you weighed nothing.
“Let me go!” You demanded, kicking and shoving against him.
He only laughed at you before you lashed out at him, scratching at him and aiming for the eyes. In surprise he let go of you, dropping you onto the floor. Disoriented, you tried crawling away from him but he caught you by the leg and pulled you closer. You cried out in surprise and kicked at his hand, hearing an ugly sound of some bones breaking. The man yelled in pain yet did not let go. You kicked again, aiming at the other hand grabbing onto your leg.
Before you could land another hit someone jumped over you and crashed into the man. You did not waste time checking who it was and stumbled up, turning to the door. The cantina had completely fallen into chaos with customers brawling, Aurra holding Boba in a headlock while the teen kicked his head back up to land a hit at her jaw, Bossk and your attacker behind you interlocked in another violent mess of limbs and heavy breathing. So it must have been the trandoshan who had intervened for you.
With Bossk gone from guarding the door, there was nothing stopping you from fleeing. You made a short step in the direction of the door before reconsidering and grabbing a few bottles of cheap spotchka and matches. With the heavy load in your hands you stumbled through the fighting mess, before making it to the door. Quickly you opened the bottles and started pouring them out in the doorway. You needed to gain time to flee, making it hard or impossible for the bounty hunters to follow you.
Determined you lit up a match and threw it at the blue liquid.
Instantly the cheap spotchka caught fire, roaring high and hungry and - most importantly - making it pretty impossible for anyone to follow you outside this way.
You stumbled away from the flames and into the alley. Smoke was rising up and you coughted, first time becoming aware of how heavy you were breathing and how hot you felt from the fight.
You turned around and started to run as fast as possible, leaving the angry shouts behind you and ignoring the pain in your lungs. As fast as you could you made through the alleys - further and further into the deep dark streets of Nar Shaddaa - running, stumbling, crawling. At some point you left the surface and went down using the stairs and lifts in the hope of shaking off any possible pursuer and even jumping over a few chasm’s between walkways just to make sure. 
After you felt like you would pass out from your lungs hurting, you dared stopping at a little, secluded corner and leaned against a wall. 
Tired and defeated, you slid down. You took a few deep breaths of air to help the pain in your lungs subside. After a while of controlled breathing you started to feel better, your legs still shaky yet not as boneless as the last few desperate jumps you made to escape.
You bend your knees who had gotten bruised at some point, and hug yourself before finally allowing yourself to feel. Tears started to roll down your cheeks and little gasps escaped you, fighting for air again as everything came crashing down on you.
You had fought.
You had fought for your life and then you had set a fire to help you escape. You had been kidnapped, attacked, threatened, insulted, yelled at - all for a man that wasn’t even there.
Frustrated, you punched against the wall next to you.
Kriff, that hurt.
You wanted to go home, back on Trask to crawl into your bed and sleep. You wanted to take a long hot bath, get some fresh clothes and then lament about the whole experience to Luna while stealing some of the good spotchka from the cantina. You wanted to have a good cooked meal with some time to enjoy it and be alone for a while. You wanted to forget that boy Boba who talked about hurting people as if it’s nothing. Or Bossk who stared down at you like you were nothing. Or Aurra who’s piercing stare made you feel looked at like a little insect under a magnifying glass.
But instead you had become the perceived key for all of them to a man who obviously was gone - yet everybody was out there to remind you of him.
Cad Bane, if I ever cross your path again, I’m gonna slap you for this.
You allowed yourself a few more luxurious moments of wailing and self-pity. As the tears washed away a little bit of that burden resting on your shoulders, you hugged your bruised knees closer to your body and started thinking about what to do now.
Cad Bane would have starred at the lil’ loth cat lady doing arson with raised eyebrows if he had any body hair. Watching her splashing and pouring the spotchka generously into the doorway and then torching up the place took guts. And it had been an effective way to stop anyone following her, maybe even killing a few of her pursuers.
He felt himself nodding silently in appreciation for her displayed work. Maybe the lil’ loth cat had it under control, finding her path through the galaxy and doing what needed to be done to ensure her safety without his help. She clearly did not need anyone as far as Bane was concerned. He had seen professionals doing worse. Maybe it was time to leave; do some work, whore around and get drunk to forget her.
He was about to leave as he watched Bossk finally shoot through the reinforced transpari steel window and stumble out of the burning cantina. Right after him was Aurra, a bunch of people Bane did not recognize, and the person in Jango Fett’s armor. All of them coughed, wretched or collapsed into the street.
“Where issss she?” Bane heard Bossk yell between coughs. “Where did ssssshe go? Can’t sssseel a kriffing thing due to the sssmoke.”
Aurra coughed violently and shook her head.
“Boba!” The huge trandoshan managed to call between coughs before getting up to his full size and grabbing the person in Jango’s armor.
“Who issss that woman, Boba?” The trandoshan growled, squinting his eyes. “Tell me now or I sssswear you will die here on the ssssspot.”
Boba, the person wearing the armor, stayed silent. Bane had to give the stranger some credit for not whimpering and breaking instantly under Bossk’s angry gaze.
The trandoshan sighed, ripped off the helmet and pushed Boba against the next wall.
Bane felt like something was off with gravity. The revealed face under Jango’s helmet was Jango. Younger maybe. But it was identical.
Anger, rage and regret roared up their ugly heads inside of him, clawing from his mind at his sanity. This was impossible.
It can’t be Jango.
“Okay, okay. I’ll talk” said the boy with Jango’s face and voice. Bane flinched at the sound.
“The woman is connected to Bane. Maybe his lover or girlfriend. Not sure what exactly but worth a try to draw him out this way. That's why I brought her here.” The boy coughed. “By causing enough ruckus he would hear about her being in danger and show up. Let me go and I’ll find her.”
Bane felt gravity shift a second time. He was the reason she was in danger. Instead of ensuring her safety he was the reason his lil’ loth cat was in danger. And from none other than his closest colleagues and competitors Aurra and Bossk.
And whoever that miniature-Jango over there was.
But why? Why this interest in finding him? Bounty hunter came and went. And he just had taken a bit of time off. 
Something wasn’t adding up.
Bane closed his eyes, listened to Aurra, Bossk and Boba coughing their lungs out in the hopes of gathering more intel only to hear nothing except more painful and dry gasps.
Impatiently Bane drummed with his finger against the brim of his hat.
He had to find her first, he was sure of that.
Just to make sure she was safe, nothing more of course.
And he had to apologize for causing her all of this.
This mess with the Hutts, the wrong Jango, Aurra and Bossk had to wait.
He needed to track her first.
His mind calmed as Bane slipped into his predatory hunting state of mind, thinking of nothing but her, remembering her warm human skin, her hair, her proud gaze and most and foremost - her smell.
Bane stalked through the streets of Nar Shaddaa tracking the lady. It was rare for him to tap into his duros predatoriness this much. He liked using his mind more instead of relying on purely his tracking instincts. And in a world full with spaceships and racers they rarely were useful anyway. But now, he needed the sharpness of his senses focused to find her despite the many distracting smells around him, the smoke from the arson, or her attempts to loosen any pursuers.
He crouched down.
She had touched the ground here, maybe stumbled and rolled over the floor before getting up again to run.
Bane made a face at the thought of her hurting herself and lifted his hat. He needed to get close to get her scent. Pushing all the thoughts away thinking about how odd it was and how rarely he did this, he licked. A few molecules of her scent danced on his tongue and he closed his eyes to concentrate on it. It was a sweet smell, making him remember more pleasurable things than crouching in the dirt. It was a smell that made him want to bite. 
He got up and put his hat back on to calm himself. The excitement of the hunt was dangerously close to overcoming him.
She wasn’t his prey.
Bane started moving to follow her, driven by the will to find her. Her smell was a beacon in the dark. He chased her while passing people that quickly gave way. He must look ferocious with his eyes gleaming and his bared teeth. She had gone far away, running deeper and deeper into the maze-like structure of Nar Shaddaa but Bane stalked her with a steady pace, sometimes close enough to hear her steps running and running and running away from him. Sometimes she was nearly gone. Bane growled and listened for her, his sharp senses ignoring everything but the target, no not target she was not-
Her heartbeat was close by, on the other side of a chasm between walkways. He jumped after her without much consideration for himself.
He picked her scent again, her smell being close by.
She had touched the wall to catch herself, the humidity and heat still visible on the permacrete for his sharpened eyes. Bane put his own long hand next to her’s on the wall to ground himself.
She was so small, so human.
More of her smell made it onto his tongue as he licked the wall in instinct for more of her.
She was close and her smell was…
He started running.
Something was hurting her. The agony a bitter taste in his mouth, making his teeth grind painfully and drawing blood from biting into his lips in a sorry attempt for control.
He jumped down a few more stairs, leaning into his instincts to track her and protect her from any possible attackers, before rushing down a longer secluded corridor and scanning for attackers or a sign of her.
He growled, pacing around and looking for his loth cat lady. Her scent was so strong she must have been here.
Something moved in the corner of his eyes between some pipes so he jumped with bared teeth and his hands up for attack, slamming into whoever it was.
The smell of her hit him like a wall, her heartbeat fast like of a little animal, little fearful sounds escaped her as she struggled against his iron grip and his teeth -
He stumbled back while letting go of her.
She was there in front of him. Starring in surprise with teary eyes and her hand raised on her shoulder where he had bit her.
He felt his mouth go dry at the sight of the wound.
“I am sorry. I-”, he started while raising his hands in a soothing gesture.
“Bane?!” She yelled with a voice dancing between anger, pain and the incoming shock. “ Did you just kriffing bite me?!”
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I can’t decide.
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andy-solo1 · 2 years
They Stop Someone From Hitting On You - The Bounty Hunters + Aurra Sing
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Featuring: Cad Bane, Bossk, Embo, + Bonus: Aurra Sing 
Warnings: 18+ just for suggestive material, death of the creep, mentions of alcohol / drinking  
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𝕮𝖆𝖉 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖊
It wasn’t often that Bane took you out to places that he would frequent. Both because of your status as a senator and because he knew the kinds of lowlifes that would go to places he would. However, you had been on break from the senate and were with Bane on his ship when he got a call about a new job. 
Rather than allow him to drop you off back home you begged him to take you with him and he finally relented. Now you sat at the bar of some seedy looking Cantina while Bane sat in the back waiting for a contact that he wanted you nowhere near. You’d begged your way into getting off the ship and even getting into the bar where he told you to stay put where he could see you. 
Now you sat tensely waiting, enjoying the thrill of doing something like this, even if you weren’t actually the one waiting on a contact. Maybe you’d have to consider retiring from the senate to join Bane on more missions, as much of a heart attack as that would give him. You almost didn’t notice when someone slid onto the seat next to yours. 
“Hey good looking, what’s a beauty like you doing in a place like this.” The man flirted, turning your attentions towards him. 
“I’m with my boyfriend.” You told him plainly before looking away again. 
“Really? Well I don’t see no boyfriend around.” The man said, scooting his seat over closer to yours and placing a hand on your knee. You looked over towards where Bane was to silently plead for help only to see he was gone. 
Suddenly the man beside you yelled as he pulled off his seat and tossed to the floor. 
“Leave. Now.” Bane drawled, pointing a blaster at the man. He quickly scrambled to his feet and ran off. However, before the man could even reach the door, Bane put a blaster bolt through his back. 
“Thank you.” You breathed out as Bane turned to look at you. 
“Dis is why I wanted you ta stay on the ship, which is where you will be staying next time you come wit me.” 
“No, I’m not sitting alone on your ship with Todo. Next time just teach me to use a blaster and I can handle anyone myself.” You replied and Bane gave you a long measured look before handing you one of his blasters. 
“I want dat back when we get back ta the ship. After dat we’ll get you your own and I will not go easy on training you.” 
You were out with the rest of your group celebrating yet another job completed. Latts was already stumbling around drunk and giggling with Dengar. Bossk had gone with Boba already to secure a job that the young bounty hunter had gotten a call about before they’d come back to finish celebrating with the rest of the group. 
You weren’t in a rush to get yourself as wasted as Latts and Dengar were so you were slowly nursing at a drink when a Rodian male slid into the booth seat across from you. You rolled your eyes. 
“Taken.” You said sharply before he could even talk. 
“I don’t see anyone and those two you came here with seem just fine without you so they wouldn’t notice if you came off with me.” The Rodian said instead, not at all deterred by your attitude. 
“Listen, kindly screw off, I have a boyfriend. One who would kill you if you tried anything.” 
“Well I don’t see any boyfriend around so I don’t think I’m in any danger.” The man replied smugly. Before you could reply with threatening to just kill him yourself if you had to a shot rang out and the man fell over dead. 
Turning around to look behind you, you saw Bossk and Boba, the latter of which was just putting away his blaster while Bossk looked on proudly. 
“Are you okay?” Boba asked as they walked over. You smiled gratefully at the boy. 
“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks kid.” You replied and he nodded before going off to get himself a drink. 
“He beat me to it, but I would have ssshot that guy if he hadn’t.” Bossk told you, shoving the Rodian’s body away before sitting in the seat he had previously occupied. 
“I know. Thank you for that.” 
Working in a Cantina, you were used to drunks who would try to flirt with you. Usually either their girlfriends or wives would show up to drag them home angrily or they’d take the hint and leave you alone. 
This guy however was just not taking the hint and you were getting fed up with him. Technically, as long as he was a paying customer and wasn’t starting up any fights, you couldn’t kick him out, especially since he was drinking a lot which meant he was paying a lot. 
“I don’t care what he tries, if he’s paying then you don’t kick him out.” Your manager hissed when you tried to complain. Rolling your eyes you want to behind the bar and instantly the man called out over. 
“Hey beautiful, how about another round?” The man purred, holding out his glass towards you. You sigh and take the glass, refilling it before bringing it back. 
“Thanks pretty thing.” The man said, taking the glass from you and winking at you. 
“Okay look, this needs to stop. I have a boyfriend. I am not interested in you, and if I had it my way I would have tossed you out onto the street by now.” You hissed at him before turning to walk away. 
The man smacked your ass when you turned and whistled. “Playing hard to get. Well that will change.” He laughed. You growled low in your throat and turned around to face the guy. Before you could retort to him you saw the Cantina door open and the familiar frame of Embo walked through it. You let out a breath of relief and hurried over to him. 
‘What’s wrong?’ Embo asked as you came up to him. He could tell something was off the moment he saw you. You gestured towards the patron and told him everything the guy said and did. 
Embo was silent before snapping his fingers and the door to the Cantina opened once more, Marrok trotting inside at the behest of his master. Embo sicked the annuba on the man and you watched as the pup dragged the man screaming from the bar. 
Everyone inside watched in silence, even your manager had come out to watch when he heard the man screaming. With everyone still watching Embo grabbed your arm and lead you outside. 
“What’re you doing? My shift doesn’t end for another few hours.” You said, confused, though also grateful. 
‘You’re not working there anymore if that’s how the manager wants you to be treated.’ Embo replied and your heart swelled. You never liked that job much anyways. 
𝕬𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖆 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖌
Somehow Aurra convinced you to come along with her to one the parties being thrown by her ex, Hondo. You weren’t entirely sure why you agreed to come, you knew she was only here to gather intel for a job she was trying to do, and you supposed that maybe she was trying to make a date out of it as well. 
You couldn’t really see where Aurra had gone off too, having lost her in the crowd of pirates and lowlifes, as hard as that might seem. 
“All by yourself?” A female twi’lek purred as she slid up to stand next to you. 
“No. I’m here with my girlfriend.” You replied, taking a step away from the twi’lek to put some distance back between the two of you. 
“I don’t see any girlfriend. Besides, it’s her own fault if something happens for leaving someone like you all alone.” She pouted, moving in closer to you, close enough you could smell the alcohol on her breath. 
“Look, I’m not interested all right.” You said sternly, taking a step away from her again. 
“Let’s go dance.” The twi’lek replied, ignoring you as if you hadn’t spoken. She grabbed your arm and tried to pull you towards the dance floor but you stayed firmly rooted in place. 
“Let me go.” You hissed, trying to pull your arm away from her. You got your arm away the same moment a shot rang out and the twi’lek dropped dead before you, revealing Aurra standing behind her. 
Aurra calmly put away her blaster and stepped over the body before coming to stand right before you. 
“She didn’t hurt you?” She asked, looking you over.
“No I’m fine.” You replied. “Thank you.” Aurra hummed and placed her hand under your chin, tipping your head up to look at her. 
“Good. Because nobody hurts what’s mine.” She purred. 
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Sins of the Father - Master List
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AO3 Link (Din Djarin x OC)
Chapter 1 - The Palace         |   Chapter 2 - The Mechanic   
Chapter 3 - The Agreement   |   Chapter 4 - The Beginning 
Chapter 5 - The Voyage         |   Chapter 6 - The Planet 
Chapter 7 - The Quarry          |   Chapter 8 - The Fortress 
Chapter 9 - The Dinner           |   Chapter 10 - The Shipment 
Chapter 11 - The Meeting       |   Chapter 12 - The Delivery
Chapter 13 - The Story            |   Chapter 14 - The Village
Chapter 15 - The Clarification   |   Chapter 16 - The Memory
Chapter 17 - The Realization     |   Chapter 18 - The Chaperones
Chapter 19 - The First Step       |   Chapter 20 - The Twi’lek
Chapter 21 - The Gift                 |   Chapter 22 - The Riduur
Chapter 23 - The Past                |   Chapter 24 - The Detour
Chapter 25 - The Unexpected    |   Chapter 26 - The Retribution
Chapter 27 - The Perception       |   Chapter 28 - The Explanation
Chapter 29 - The Preparation      |   Chapter 30 - The Confrontation
Chapter 31 - The Revelation 
Chapter 32 - The Waiting          |   Chapter 33 - The Reckoning
Chapter 34 - The Request         |   Chapter 35 - The Inheritance
Chapter 36 - The Negotiation    |   Chapter 37 - The Unwanted
136 notes · View notes
sp00kworm · 2 years
Tatooine Nights
Pairing: Cad Bane / Female Reader
Word Count: 6887
Warnings: Female Reader, Shoot Outs, Violence, 18+ Mature Content
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Tatooine was a cess pit. You knew that when you decided to set up shop in Mos Espa. There was a hell of a lot of sand, and not a lot else. The desert stretched on for miles and miles, and you knew better than to venture out into the dunes without a guide and a speeder. Thankfully, the desert also meant that Tatooine was the best place to lay low. That was what most business people knew, and that’s why most of the cheaper cantinas were filled with the sorts that no one wanted to be mixed up with. They were also, as it turns out, well paying and defensive of their little holes in the wall when they were established. The number of times there had been trouble, and it had then been thwarted by the local criminals was overwhelming. There was honour among thieves, even if those thieves also murdered people for money. Where their money came from, however, was the least of your concerns. So long as they paid their tabs, you didn’t care about their lives. They could have killed the chancellor for all you cared, so long as the credits came across the bar, free of actual blood on them. That had also happened, more times than you cared to count.
 A Rodian male sat at the circular bar, his antenna bobbing as he rapidly told you a story about his latest bounty, his drink spilling over the edges of the counter.
“Greedo, be careful. I’m not pouring you another one, again!” You warned the Rodian as he chattered nonsense in your ear.
“I know, beauty, I know!” Greedo teased in his native language.
You only rolled your eyes, “Also, I know you can speak basic! Stop whittling away in Rodian! It’s hard to understand when you start flailing your arms.” You tutted as you wiped away the beer from underneath his arms.
“You’re so boring when its busy!” Greedo grumbled as he tipped his head back and chugged the remainders of his drink.
“I’m boring because I deal with little shits like you.” You smirked as you snatched his empty glass, “And for that, make sure you give me your unmarked credits. I don’t want to deal with your stealing habits today by fighting off an angry trooper.”
“Your loss!” Greedo shouted as he slid the unmarked credits over the bar top to you, “I’m heading out!”
 “Good riddance.” You muttered as the young Rodian slipped out of the cantina and into the setting sun of the desert. There was always trouble that followed Greedo so it was best that he left early on, before someone caught him stealing their credits and started a brawl.
“Can we get a round of whiskey, please?!” A male shouted from the other side of the bar and you hummed as you span to fill in for one of the serving droids which was currently ensuring that a drunken Calamari paid for his tab with a little persuasion from a thin needle like arm.
“Sure thing.” You told the customer as you pulled free the glasses for him and his friends, “Ice?”
“No thanks.” He told you as he pushed the credits across the bar for the drinks. You prepared the shots and stacked them on a tray for him before sliding the credits into your apron and giving him his change. As he staggered back over to his group with the whiskey you headed back to the register to deposit the credits safely in the machinery. You would take the lump sum out later for counting.
“Mistress, the Calamari refuses to pay your prices for his drinks.” The droid hummed before it pointed a long needle like arm back at the customer in question. The Mon Calamari snorted at your stare before he crossed his arms over his chest. You rolled your eyes and tossed your towel over your shoulder as you headed over to the huffing fish humanoid.
 “Pay up, Kish.” You told him as you stood there, arms crossed in an intimidating act, “You complain every time you’re in and then you pay up like a good paying customer.”
“You charge nearly double for that whiskey!” He complained.
“Yes, because I import it. Tatooine whiskey tastes like shit, and you know it.” You pointed at the Mon Calamari with a snarl, “Pay up or I’ll call the troopers in and have you shaken, don’t test me.”
“I don’t believe you.” Kish blubbered before he reached for his side, where a small, thin blaster was stored in its holster.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” You warned as you watched Kish warily, watching as his eyes drifted down to your hand below the counter, “Its not just me in here that would paint you against the wall.” The click of your shotgun made the Calamari flinch.
The customers laughed and shouted from all corners of the bar, watching the confrontation like avid holovision viewers. You smirked at Kish with the noise behind you. They always paid up in the end.
 The noise behind you silenced. An eerily quiet fell over the bar as the door slid open and a shadowed male moved into the doorway. He moved to lean against the side of the door, his hat dipped to shadow his gaze from the setting sun. You knew who it was as he twirled the toothpick between sharp, pointed teeth, his red eyes flashing from under the large brim of his hat. Dust swirled from his duster and boots as he walked inside the door, his heels thumping against the tiled floor. As a sign of good grace, he had the decency to wipe his boots on the map, watching under the brim of his hat as the patrons turned to look. He walked over to the bar and stood, looking between you and the Mon Calamari for a moment, chewing the end of his toothpick thoughtfully. His red eyes shifted down, looking under the counter. A smirk crawled onto his blue lips, drawing them back over his dangerous teeth as he looked at Kish and then the shotgun pointed at him.
“Take it from me, this lil’ lady doesn’t do handouts.” There was a purring chuckle from the Duros’ chest, “Especially not when she’s got a shotgun pointed at your cock.”
Kish peered down and seized at the barrel of the gun, which was, as the Duros said, pointed directly at his genitals.
 The Duros clapped Kish on the back and droaned, “I’d pay up if I were you.”
Kish shuddered at the cold bloods hand on his shoulder but reached for his wallet and pulled out the credits for the whiskey he had necked over the course of the past few hours.
“Give her a few more for the trouble too, or you’ll be fish bait before you can run.” He added with a sneer, his fingers tapping one of his, slim bolt blasters.
Kish grabbed another handful of credits and threw them on the counter before he turned, backed away, and scuttled out of the sliding door.
 You huffed and let go of the gun strapped beneath the bar before you looked at the red smirking eyes beneath the large brim of the customized ranch hat.
“Cad Bane. Didn’t think I’d see you here again any time soon.” You looked the bounty hunter up and down, noting the I jury under his ribs, but saying nothing as he sauntered over to the seat Kish had once occupied.
“Did you miss me, darlin’?” Cad asked as he pulled his toothpick from between his teeth and set to turning the wooden end in his mouth, his eyes set on the door where the Calamari had escaped through, “Unfortunately this ain’t a leisure call. I need to lay low, and I know you’ll put me up for the night.”
The drawled pleasantries leaving his mouth made you scowl, “What makes you think you’re even welcome here? I remember the last time you were here, you ended up shooting six troopers dead in my bar.”
Cad scowled back at you as he held his toothpick between his large fingers, “That was an accident, and I paid you for damages.” There was almost a tone of desperation in his voice.
“It still brought heat down on here and lost me customers.” You shrugged as you turned back around and placed away Kish’s credits in the register.
 Cad grumbled from the other side of the counter before his coat flapped and there as a slap of his credit pouch on the bar, “How much?” He asked as he twirled the toothpick between his sharp teeth. You turned nonchalantly, looking the bounty hunter up and down, noting the press of his pointed tongue at the back of his teeth.
“How much?” You parroted back at him as you tucked your hands into your apron pocket and hummed, “Two hundred, unmarked, credits, and a bottle of that expensive spotchka you always buy.”
The Duros growled and took the toothpick from his mouth, “If you were anyone else, lady, you’d be in a grave.”
“Take it or leave it, Bane. I have customers to serve.” You shrugged and turned, only to have your arm grabbed by a cold blue hand.
“Fine.” He slid the credits to you and pointed to the bottles on the back wall, “Just make sure that you keep the clones out and we’ll have ourselves a deal which doesn’t result in corpses on the floor.”
“Keep yourself out of trouble, Cad, and we'll have no issues at all.” You pulled him his drink down and smiled sweetly as you swiped his credits from the bar, “No clones dare step in here anyway.”
Cad bared his teeth in a side snarl before he grabbed the neck of the bottle and strode away to a back corner booth. He situated himself with his hat brim low over his face and his boots up on top of your table. He made sure to peer around before he pulled his blasters out and set to cleaning them with a kit from inside his duster.
 No one dared to approach the famous bounty hunter, even the women who frequented the haunt didn’t want business with one of the galaxy’s greatest killers, despite the sizeable amount of credits they had seen him throw at you. Cad Bane was a mystery no one wanted to put their fingers into, not even for all the credits in his pockets. You watched him every now and then, keeping an eye that he wasn’t trying to use your cantina for something more sinister than he was letting on. It wasn’t until Bossk walked in the door that you finally relaxed a little. The Trandoshan hissed, scenting the air as he lumbered to the bar, his claws twitching with the smells. He was another hunter that few would dare cross either. Trandoshans could not only regenerate limbs, but they could also kill you with a singular well placed bite. The bacteria in their mouths were deadly. Paralysis occurred within thirty minutes, then the Trandoshan came along and collected their prize. You smiled at the reptilian, waving gently as he leaned over the bar and looked underneath, as though he was searching for something, or someone. His blaster was strung across his back and his mouth dripped with saliva.
 “Bossk?” You asked as you blocked his sight of Cad in the back of the cantina, “Anything I can help you with?”
Bossk hissed, gurgling before he wiggled his clawed fingers and peered around you with bright orange eyes, his slitted pupils widening at the prize behind you.
“I didn’t know you harboured fugitives, missssssy?” Bossk hissed as he grinned at the other bounty hunter.
“I don’t. What he’s done is none of my concern, but I have been told to keep quiet about him being here. Can I expect the same courtesy from you?” You asked as you slid the reptile his favourite, “On the house.” You told him sweetly.
Bossk looked between the drink and Cad before hissing and laughing, “Sure thing, princess, let’s have a little chat hmm?”
You smiled at Bossk, and held your finger up, “Let me get some more drinks out of the way and then I’m all yours.”
The Trandoshan hissed happily and perched himself on the end of the bar before he set to fixing one of his ports on his suit, his large eyes peering all too closely at the material. You set to serving drinks quickly, topping up a few people before you returned back to Bossk, leaning over in interest as he smiled with razor sharp teeth, teeth made for goring prey, and placed a long chunk of metal on the side.
 Your eyes widened as the metal clicked and sang against the top, “How the fuck did you get Beskar?” you dropped your voice low next to Bossk.
“I had a very good friend who happened to not need it anymore.” Bossk purred as he dragged the metal back to himself and placed it away in his satchel, right next to where his poison spurting grenades sat, “Mandolorians aren’t so scary when they’re paralysed on the floor. It took one little bite and then I followed his blood right back to his little ship. Poor guy didn’t stand a chance.” He clicked as he reached for his drink again and the spines on the back of his head flexed. You looked at the mottled orangey colour of the Trandoshan and noted the green throughout his skin.
“A pretty impressive kill.” You told him as you gave him another drink.
“The new empire pays well for them dead.” He told you as his eyes ran over the booth where Cad was sat once again, “And others pay well for murderers as well.”
“How well?” You joked as you blocked Bossk’s vision once again, smiling as he put a hand on the chunk of beskar.
 Bossk licked his snout, his forked tongue flicking in the air as he scented the room. There were far too many people here for him to sense your unease, nor the fury radiating off the Duros behind you.
“He’s worth triple alive than what he is dead.” Bossk hissed as he leaned forwards.
“Is that enticing enough for you?” You asked the Trandoshan as you refilled his drink.
Bossk hummed, “Maybe, if he’s had enough to drink. Could use the credits.”
It was then that Cad’s hat tipped upwards, revealing his blood red eyes, “Maybe if ya thinkin’ about it, ya should come over here and try.” The Duros drawled as he knocked back the rest of his drink, his LL-30 pointed over the table, straight at Bossk’s skull.
Bossk hissed, his mouth open wide, before he levelled his own blaster at the other bounty hunter, “I would, Bane, if I knew you wouldn’t put up a fight.” He snorted, “You’re too healthy for me to bother. I like living, and I like my trophies on my wall.”
“Crawl back into your little hole then, Trandoshan, or you’ll never go back to it.” Cad hissed back at the reptilian before he placed his blaster on the table and reached for the bottle of spotchka again, pouring himself a new glass.
 “Watch him, princess.” Bossk told you as he slipped his Beskar prize back into his pocket, “He eats trusting people for breakfast.”
“Don’t worry, Bossk, I know.” You smiled as you flipped your towel over your shoulder, “You look after yourself, alright?”
The Trandoshan hissed before sticking his forked tongue out with a soft purr, “Only if you’ll let me look after you.”
“Nice try, lizard.” You shot back with a laugh as you walked away from him and started to tend to the thirsty guests who were, once again, clamouring for new drinks and refills. As you walked up and down the bar, the neon lights above casting a rainbow of lights over you and the bar top. You could feel the blood red eyes of the Duros following you as you served, and then as you picked up a platter and loaded a round of cocktails onto it for a group of Gand. They were huddled in a booth at the back, chuntering over some of their latest prizes, and you smiled politely, laughing at their jokes as they handed you the credits and returned to their quiet conversation. The Gand were always friendly folk, even if they were mysterious.
 The bar was quiet as you rounded the corner and looked to the doorway again, just as a group of clone troopers entered the bar, their blasters holstered and their holo-pads active. The bar went silent, and you swallowed at the sight of the new issue helmets. They were still phasing clones from the programs, but the very new trooper helmets shone brightly, however their commander was an old T-helmet wearer.
“Good evening.” The Commander started as his troopers held up their pads, presenting the hologram of Cad Bane. It was an old prison picture and you tried not to snicker at his naked head, devoid of his hat, “There is a handsome reward out for the turning in of criminal Cad Bane, wanted for murder and possession of empire intelligent. We have been ordered to search the city, please have your identity cards out for inspection.”
You were quick to rush over and block the trooper’s paths with a smile and a fling of your arms, your serving tray blocking their sight of Cad as they jumped and paused to look at you, “Sorry, Commander, but can I please see your city warrant?”
The Commander sighed, his dust mask whirring as he pulled his holopad open again and presented the signed copy of the city warrant before your eyes, “Of course, Miss.” Polite as always.
“Hmm, could you enlarge that a little please? Sorry, my eyes aren’t so great under these lights.” You laughed and the Commander sighed again and enlarged the text.
 With a few more hums and several squints at the fine print you didn’t really care about, you let the troopers into the bar, smiling as they nodded and started around the tables. You smirked as you looked back in the corner, and noticed the empty table, the bottle of spotchka and the glass were also gone with the bounty hunter. You heard the office door click behind you and knew he’d been quick to get out of sight. You had to try your best in convincing the troopers not to go searching through your bar and all the back rooms. A few patrons grumbled at the troopers, and a few larger pirates hissed and spat before they were dragged away.
“Hey, hey, hey!” You snarled as the troopers dragged open your bar drawers and set to pissing off your clientele.
“These are our orders, mam.” The Commanding officer told you with a drawl, the tone of the clone’s voice marking his annoyance.
“I understand that, but you know, sir, that this bar is full of bounty hunters, right?” You told him with your hands on your hips.
“I know, but I have orders, and my higher ups scare me more than you.” He jabbed his fingers at your chest, “And they scare me more than the scum you have here as well.”
 There was a thick and tense silence in the room as the troopers turned and looked to their commander. The criminals seemed to look between themselves before they looked back at the troops. There was another pregnant pause before Bossk hissed from behind your elbow before he stood up, towering over you as he reached for his blaster and grinned at the troopers.
“I don’t think you really understood the lady.” The Trandoshan hissed before he pointed the end of his blaster at the nearest trooper’s helmet, “So let me show you.” He purred.
There was another sinister silence before Bossk’s blaster bolt ripped through the trooper and the plastoid armour slammed against the stone floor. Your mouth hung open before you regained enough wits to dive against the floor behind the bar top, rushing to drag your expensive bottles of alcohol into safety as Bossk ripped apart the new plastoid with his claws to gouge at the injured trooper’s shoulder with his teeth.
“Let’s tear these new shinies apart!” Bossk hissed happily as a few more patrons jumped up, blasters drawn as they threw down the tables and crouched behind the slabs as shields. It was yet another shoot out in your cantina. You scowled as you crawled along the floor behind the bar, clutching your precious bottles of Coruscant alcohol as you shimmied out and under a set of tables.
 The back of the bar was your safest bet, and you worked your way under the tables, worming around on the floor as the blaster fire grew heavy and smoke clouded the air from the weapon’s cooling systems. There was little else you could do as you crawled over a wheezing trooper and slammed the button to your office. A whirr sounded as it slid open, and you rolled inside to avoid another hail of blaster fire. Panicked, you slammed the button again and watched the door slide closed again. The small panel underneath let you lock it, and when it beeped, you finally relaxed against the wall, your bag of alcohol bottles in your hand, safe and sound, at least until the troopers were dead or the men involved arrested. You let out a shaky breath and slowly stood up with your hands against the wall.
“Bit of a commotion isn’t there, darlin’?” Cad’s low rumbling voice sounded from across the room, his breathing apparatus whirring quietly in the background of his voice. You looked at the blue skinned Duros and glared. He had his boots and spurs kicked up on your desk while he lounged in your chair, a toothpick clutched between his sharp teeth, the wood twirling with his teeth grinding. He looked at you from the shadow of the brim of his hat and smirked as he plucked the toothpick from between his teeth.
 Fury ran through you as you dumped your bottles in the chair across from him, the glass clinking sharply in the bag. You turned, soiled apron flying as you rounded your small desk and stood in front of the bounty hunter, glaring down at him, your hands on your hips.
“What’s with the pose?” Cad hummed as he leaned back and uncrossed his boots only to recross them the other way, the spurs jingling with the movement.
“You planned this somehow, you blue reptile.” You hissed at him, pointing your finger at his noseless face, right between his bright red eyes.
Cad smacked your hand away before he flipped his hand quickly and grabbed you by the wrist. He snarled before he dragged you forwards, pushing up from the back of the seat so your faces were merely inches away from each other. The bounty hunter huffed in your face, “Careful what you say missy. You’ve only got accusations, no evidence, and I don’t like being called a liar.”
 “A liar?�� You seethed in front of the Duros, “After last time I’ve got every right to call you a liar!”
“Oh, for kriff’s sake.” Cad sneered as you snatched your wrist back from his cool grasp, “Are you still talkin’ about when I ran out on you last?”
Your face lit up with anger and embarrassment, “You knew the clones were after you, snuck your way into my bar, swore blind you were home free. We…we…”
“We had sex.” Cad droned, rolling his red eyes as he leaned back in your chair and placed his toothpick back in his mouth, rolling the wood over his dark tongue.
“You finished and jumped out of my window!” You growled, sizing the Duros up from where you stood between his legs.
Cad rolled his eyes and recrossed his ankles, his spurs jingling as he shrugged his shoulders, “I don’ know why you’re surprised. I’ve always been a wanted man. You just liked what you couldn’t have, darlin’.”
“No! I liked a smooth-talking asshole who rained the damn military down on my bar, not once but TWICE!” You told him as you leaned down over his thighs, ensuring he couldn’t look anywhere other than at your angry face.
 The Duros peered at you from under the brim of his hat before he tipped his chin upwards and met your gaze properly, chewing the wooden toothpick in his mouth, exposing his sharp, dangerous teeth. You looked down at him as well, watching for his reaction as he digested your angry words. There was a tense pause as you waited for Cad’s vicious response, vindictive, swift and cold. Then you felt yourself tugged forwards, and you were sent flying into the Duros’ lap. Cool, smooth lips met your own as you were shifted over Cad’s lap, your bottom against his hips and your head back against his arm, rather like a damsel that had fainted into her saviour’s arms. He hummed against your lips, and you enjoyed the feeling as your eyes fluttered closed and you wrapped your arms around his neck. The brim of his hat tipped down, hitting the top of your head as Cad’s teeth nipped at your bottom lip, the sharp fangs making your lip throb as blood eased to the surface of the small scrapes. A gasp fell from your lips as you pulled away from him, the sharp pain in your lips making you reach up to touch the tiny cuts. Cad licked his lips, drawing your red blood into his mouth with a hum as you pushed against his chest to stop his advance for another kiss.
 “What the…” You uttered before you huffed at Cad, “Why did you do that?” You asked him.
“To shut you up, you mouthy lil’ tooka.” Cad growled as he hoisted you up properly and seated you firmly over his lap, letting you settle in against his thin legs.
“Shut me up!?” You fumed before your mouth was occupied again with another searing kiss, Cad’s teeth tearing open the scrapes again to have another taste of you. You flinched but wound your arms firmly around his neck. Your fingers grazed along the breathing tubes attached to his face and neck. All it would take was a tug, you knew, to cause him major discomfort, but you merely ran along them, stroking the tubing before you ran your fingers up the back of his head and pushed his hat forwards again. It tapped the top of your head, but Cad didn’t move to correct it as he consumed your mouth, ravaging the insides with his cool tongue before he pulled away to see the blood-tinged spit string between you both.
“Yes, to shut you up.” Cad growled before he leaned in again and squeezed your hips, feeling the flesh there before he scooped them around to hold your bottom, kneading the flesh in his strong hands, rolling the fat viciously hard.
 Spiteful. It felt spiteful, like a soft punishment as you squirmed and bucked forwards into his lap, rolling your hips against his as your brain churned into mush, remembering the last time before you had screeched under the covers, embarrassed as clones slammed open your door. This was much more than last time, and you felt yourself pant as he pulled away and grinned, smirking like he had gotten something amazing. You pouted and reached down to tug open the button of his bottoms, tearing the chaps away far enough so you could stick your warm hand down the front of his briefs. The Duros growled, shifting back as you gripped his half hard cock and stroked with a blistering smirk. He swallowed as he looked you in the eyes, uncharacteristically quiet as you traced his cock in his trousers.
“Shut me up, huh? How about this, Cad.” You threatened, smiling at his upset sneer and growl, “This time, you get me off first? Then I’ll be less pissed when you cum and leave me with the clones who are currently destroying my bar.”
 Cad’s red eyes looked you up and down again as you held his cock hostage, massaging the soft skin as he fought with himself, “What is it that you wanted, darlin’? To cum first?”
You smiled pleasantly and purred almost as he shifted his hips forwards, “Then you can have what you want.”
A click of his tongue sounded before he had your wrist in his grasp, “Don’t play wit’ fire, girlie.” He hissed before he snapped his teeth near your face.
“If you’re the fire, Cad, I’ll always play.” You teased as you extracted your hand from his grasp, stroking the outline of his cock once again, “But you really do owe me for last time.”
“I don’t owe you...” He moaned as you grabbed at his crotch again, “Kriff! Fine, fine.” He only took another breath when you relented, and he opened his red eyes with a snarl before he lifted you up by the bottom and placed you on your desk, pushing aside holo-pads so he could lay you back.
 The items from your desk clattered loudly, but was drowned out by the blaster fire and screeching outside. You paid it no mind as Cad’s cool fingers traced down your sternum, and then twisted, moving quickly to drag your top off and reveal your breaststroke. You’d forgone a real bra in favour of something comfortable, but Cad only licked his lips as he snapped open the sports bra and ran the cool fingertips over your nipples. The stark contrast in heat made you squirm and the Duros only chuckled, chewing his toothpick again arrogantly as you moaned, your head thumping softly against the wood of your desk. His fingers didn’t relent. The cool tips slid from your nipples so he could grab handfuls of your breasts and need like a cat. You twitched again before he pressed a single cool kiss to your sternum, in the valley between your breasts. It tickled for a moment with the cold before he travelled down your stomach, his fangs grazing the skin with cold marks as his lips placed soothing kisses on the grazes. Your stomach clenched as he kissed over your clitoris, his cold tongue tapping the bud before he caught your hips and pinned you down.
 “You’re going to take what I give ya’, darlin’.” Cad purred as he leaned over again and licked his teeth. The fangs snapped in front of your pussy before he dove back in, cool lips and tongue quickly making a mess of you with tingling spit.
“Take what?” You asked, breathless as Cad looked up from between your legs, his lips still tinged with red.
“Certainly not my cock.” He teased as he blew a cold breath over your genitals, enjoying the buck of your hips towards his face, “More of that attitude and I’ll leave ya’ ‘ere, just like I said I would.”
Your face twisted as he pressed his fingers tight into the meat of your thighs, “Fine, please.” You whined, shifting your hips up towards his face, “I want you to make me cum first.”
Cad rolled his red eyes, “Of course.” He acquiesced before he licked a stripe from your ass to clit, enjoying the roll of your head and the soft moan that escaped your mouth.
“Cad…” You moaned as your hands shifted from the back of his head to his neck. With a bite of your lip you dared to wrap your hands around his neck, your fingers meeting around the back of his neck.
 Cad’s eyes looked up at you as your fingertips touched at the back of his neck, grazing against one another. He let out a growl before you dared to squeeze, softly, enjoying the way he swallowed against the pressure before he stuck his pointed tongue from between his lips and licked at your clit, drawing a circle against the bud before he sucked the flesh into his mouth, ignoring your hands wrapped around his throat in favour of eating you out like a man starved. His fangs grazed your skin again before he kissed along the hot flesh softly, enjoying your moans as he traced your entrance, dipping his tongue in and out softly. The wet squelching of his tongue made you lose your grip, in favour of clutching at his head, dragging him as close as you could get him to devour your pussy. The Duros purred against you as his tongue pushed inside of your entrance, writhing against your walls as you bucked upwards against him once again, thrusting your hips in a gentle rhythm against his face. Cad seemed to enjoy your squirming as he pulled his tongue from you and replaced it with two of his cool, long fingers. They stretched you much more than your own, and Cad pushed the pads upwards with a long stroke, hitting the spot inside of your spongey walls that made you see stars.
 “Desperate, darlin’?” He asked with a raspy chuckle, wheezing for a moment before he leaned over and silenced your haughty reply with a suck of your clit, licking the bud between long sucks as his fingers brushed against all of the right spots inside of you.
“Cad!” You warned as you pushed your hips against him.
“What?” He asked as he slammed his other hand against your stomach, holding you flat as he pulled his fingers free and looked at the strings of lubricant between his long fingers, holding them tauntingly in front of your face, “You wanna cum, girlie?”
Upset, you pouted and bucked your hips, tauntingly at his face, before you stuck your own hand between your legs, desperate to finish yourself off.
The bounty hunter caught your wrist and growled, “You can cum when I let you.”
“Not a chance!” You growled back at him before you were silenced with a handkerchief in your mouth.
 The Duros smirked as you as he tied the gag behind your head, the red and white handkerchief firmly in your mouth, preventing you from spitting it out as he reached between his legs. He palmed himself gently before he stroked the length of himself, tip to root, from the lightest shade of blue down to the dark colour at the base. The tip was angled upwards, pointed lightly and bulbous underneath. You chewed at the fabric in your mouth.
“Now, now, darlin’, can’t have you makin’ loadsa noise.” He growled before he leaned in and pushed the head of his cock against your entrance, “You still wanna play? Or do you want what you actually came for?”
With a whimper, you nodded, tugging his hips forwards by the loops of his bottoms. The cool chaps slid against your thighs, making goose pimples rise under your skin. Cad purred at the noise that your Cad purred at the noise that escaped you as he nudged his hips forwards, the tip of the head pushing into your entrance.
 With a soft moan, you watched the Duros as he peered between your legs, watching his cock disappear inside of you. Entranced, he didn’t notice your hand until it had snuck under the fabric of his shirt, and he didn’t see your other either until you had one of his LL-30 blasters in your hand, pointed under his chin for fun. He didn’t flinch, in fact, he didn’t stop thrusting as you turned the blaster under his chin. You hummed before you let out a breathy moan against his lips, muffled through the material of the gag in your mouth.
Cad leaned over, kissing you soundly as he pushed the barrel of the blaster away, down onto the desk, enjoying the lack of resistance he got as he bit your lips again, leaving them sore and puffy as he pulled away.
“I know you, darlin’.” He purred, “And I know that killin’ me wouldn’t give you any lick of satisfaction.” Cad grumbled before a chuckled haughtily, “In more way dan’ one.”
You cursed at him as you let go of the blaster, and Cad took the blaster hanging from your fingers before he holstered it again and smirked before picking up the pace.
 The crash of the bounty hunter’s hips against yours was worth the tease, you decided as Cad’s cock teased the back of your vagina and pressed against your cervix. A tightness squeezed in your stomach at the smack of the head of his cock, and you winced harshly. Cad soothed his hand down your torso, over your stomach before his cool fingers drew a circle, calming you as his hips thrusted at a steady pace, halting before he touched too deep inside of you. You moaned behind the gag as sparks flew up your spine, enjoying the ectasy that muddled your brain beyond thought. The pleasure rippled through you, quickly, repeatedly with the burning need to cum on the Duros, to have what was denied you last time he was here. You didn’t have long, and with a moan you shifted your hips, matching Cad’s pace with thrusts of your hips upwards, enjoying the pleasure that rippled through you as Cad grunted into your neck, holding your hips tight as he thrust his hips to yours.
“All it takes is a bit of cock to get you to shut up, huh?” Cad teased meanly, “Even if you talk big game, you’ll always just be a little mouse who wants to be caught.”
You groaned through the gag, eyes fluttering as you felt the pressure in your stomach knot and coil, threatening to burst.
 Cad felt you tighten around him, and snarled, “Oh no.” He hissed, “You don’t get to cum first after the mouth you’ve given me today.”
You smirked through the gag as you clenched again, purposely controlling the muscles in your pussy, enjoying the groan that it got out of the bounty hunter. He was a man, after all, and his hips twitched forwards violently as you dared to clench a little tighter, moaning wantonly.
“Lil’ tooka.” Cad snarled before he dragged his teeth down your neck, leaving more grazes as his hips crashed against yours with abandon. He flicked your clitoris meanly, enjoying the upset on your face before he registered the gurgling moan and your thighs clenching. Your orgasm washed through you quickly, sending your mind reeling as Cad snarled above you, his hips pounding against your own as the blaster firing outside grew quieter and quieter. The Duros snarled again as you wiggled against him, overstimulation burning your muscles as he snapped his hips four more times and grabbed at the desk, pulling our far enough that his green cum spurted out of you and over the desk, painting the wood luminous green.
 “Kriff!” Cad cursed as he looked at the glowing cum between your legs, stroking his head, only to realise that his hat had slipped off his head some time during your tryst. You grumbled behind the gag at the mess, just as Cad found his hat behind your chair. With a huff, you sat up, and reached to untie the handkerchief. Cad smoothed the rim of his hat before he placed it back on his head and reached into his duster for a toothpick. Tucking himself back away was a second thought, and he cringed before he found a tissue on your desk to wipe his own cum off himself. You fumbled with the gag and eventually undid it, clicking your tongue in your dry mouth before Cad returned with a sneer and wiped away the cum from between your legs.
“Can’t leave a lady dirty, can I?” He grumbled before cleaning you up best he could and finding your underwear and bottoms.
“You have before.” You teased with a mean smile before Cad dropped the tissues next to you and snorted.
 He opened his mouth only for there to be a violent bang on the door. You jumped on the desk, your underwear halfway up your legs, and turned around in time to see Cad do his belt up tightly. He grinned, chewing the end of the toothpick before he drew one of his LL-30s lazily and shot the door controls, locking the door from the inside.
“Cad!” You seethed before he was close again, smirking before he leaned down for a kiss, stealing it like a bandit before he knocked open the window. The laser cutters whirred to life outside of the door, the metal groaning as they started slicing, and you cursed him for the money he was going to cost you again as you slipped your underwear on and found your bottoms.
“See you around, darlin’.” He tipped his hat as he stuck his leg out of the window, “It’s been a pleasure.”
You rushed forwards to give him a piece of your mind, his handkerchief in hand, before his rockets blasted and he was gone in a rush of smoke.
“You owe me, Bane!” You screamed after him before you turned around to face the music.
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Sex, Drugs, and Blasters
A Cad Bane longfic
Previous Chapter
*CN* Mild sexual harassment, criminal activities.
4.5k words
AO3 link
Chapter 4
Aurra Sing walked with a lazy confidence as she made her way through the dingy cantina in the underworld of Coruscant. She had traded in her orange prison garb for her trademark look: an orange catsuit, dark eye makeup, and beads in her hair, along with her gear. As she walked, she fiddled with a braid that had been woven into her hair. It was black, a slight difference in color from her auburn ponytail. Memories of heavy drinks and weequay pirates swam to the front of her mind as she strolled ahead. Behind her, holograms projected the news of her escape from the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. Had she been a lesser hunter, the criminals and scum in the bar might’ve attempted to cash in on the bounty on her head that had undoubtedly just risen by a considerable amount. But no, as she passed by, the various species of crook averted their gaze and hurried out of her way. Although, that didn’t stop them from staring once her back was turned, some in lust, most in fear, and a few in disgust. She took her seat at a table, across from her coworker.
Cad Bane was utterly unperturbed by the appearance of a high profile fugitive taking the seat across from him. In fact, he hardly looked up at all, his expression unintelligible, hidden behind the wide brim of his hat pulled down low. His shield from probing gazes. His arms were crossed with his feet on the table, a cig held delicately in his knobby fingers.
“Yer here a bit sooner d’en expected.” he stated simply. 
“Yes, well, there were some…unforeseen circumstances.” She addressed with a slight smirk. The loud chatter from the bar prevented their conversation from being heard by anyone except for them, yet she still looked around with fearsome glare to ward off any potential eavesdroppers. 
“You mean de girl.” He corrected, his tone impervious.
“Kiara Scarr. Those laserbrains decided to make her my cellmate, thought I could scare her into squealing. Luckily I had already gotten almost everything I was going to get out of Tinisa. Stupid Twi’lek was spiced out of her mind.” Aurra recounted in disdain. She doubted that the twi’lek girl she had been sent to extract information from even remembered the interaction. “However, Scarr did prove surprisingly useful.” She added, pondering. Bane scoffed.
“Surprisin’ly great at gettin’ herself caught.”
In his book, anyone who couldn’t outrun a few droids in a speeder chase shouldn’t even ride one in the first place.
“I mean it, Bane. Girl’s got guts.” Aurra defended. “And a lightsaber.” She continued thoughtfully. “Said she killed a Jedi for it.”
Bane perked up imperceptibly at that, though remained in his neutral position. His mind went back to the footage of the woman leaping off of her speeder to tackle the Jedi in mid-air.
“Probably stole it. You can find ‘em on de black market if y’know where t’look.”
Unmotivated to argue the point, Aurra relented.
“Could be. You should still check her out though, she might be a useful contact in the future.”
“Already did, trust me.” He drawled with a smirk, lifting his hat to eye the mugshot currently plastered on every billboard that side of the planet.
Kiara had big, upturned, thick-lashed amber eyes and full, pouty lips. A strong jawline and defined bone structure were framed by hair so platinum it was reminiscent of molten silver. Her expression was casual, defiant. How he longed to see what was underneath the frame of the photo, to see if the body matched the face.
His brief fantasy was interrupted as Aurra made a sound of disgust, crinkling her nose. He turned to regard her with a sneer. 
“Ain’t gettin’ jealous now, are ye?” He lilted. Aurra chose not to dignify that question with a response.
“If we could get back to business, please, it would be appreciated, honey.”
He scowled, looking out over the crowd in the bar once again. He supposed the Twi’lek barmaid would have to do for the night.
Kiara stepped out of the sonic shower, thankful to scour away every last trace of that god-forsaken prison. She and Darius were holed up in the motel that they had started renting out a couple years back, nestled in slums of 1313. While their surroundings were gloomy and filthy, their little motel was not. It had two bedrooms and a bathroom, as well as a small living space. The walls were painted in bright colors of blue and yellow, with nice carpets that must’ve been stolen from a company topside. Everything was impeccably clean, with little floating ceiling lights. But most importantly, it was secure. The windows, despite being several floors up, were boarded up with sheets of metal that were drilled into the walls. The door was heavy, with three different locking mechanisms. The place was a hidden gem that Darius had discovered a few years back, its high quality being maintained by its hidden nature, as well as a few shady business dealings by the owner. 
She sat down on her bed after putting on her clothes and sighed, rubbing her temples. All of it had been for nothing. Their spoils were gone. Her anonymity was gone. Sidious knew exactly what she had done, and by the Force she knew he wasn’t going to let it slide. The only thing she had to her name was notoriety. 
Her commlink beeped. She wondered who it could possibly be, as she had not given out her new comm frequency to anyone other than Aurra. Warily, she answered the call.
A falleen male dressed in purple and gold robes stood in the life-sized hologram. His stout, pale green face was pulled back in a scowl, his purple eyes narrowed. 
“Xomit Grunseit.” Kiara addressed as she shot up, fighting to keep her voice even.
“Kiara Scarr,” the Black Sun leader said back in a deep voice, “Aurra Sing was very useful in helping me to get into contact with you. I hope your little stunt that you pulled means that you have the credits you owe to the Black Sun.” 
She swallowed, dread and embarrassment mixing into a toxic solution in her stomach, barely even registering the small betrayal by Aurra. There was no way out of this, other than to lie. This had been her rarely-given second chance.
“I do have items that cover the cost, but they’re not credits. I need to fence them. I just need a little more time.” She lied slowly, careful not to let anything give her away.
“And what ‘items’ would these be?” He countered, looking utterly unconvinced as he crossed his beefy arms.
“They’re precious gems from within the vault. My partner escaped with them. They’re worth millions.”
The falleen was silent for a moment as he considered her, and she prayed to the force that the Black Sun would show an uncharacteristic bout of patience, before he spoke again.
“You have three weeks to fence the goods. If I don’t see eight million unmarked credits on Ord Mantell before then, I’ll set every bounty hunter on you with a price so high even your little partner will turn you in for it. Don’t be late.” He declared. And with that, he disconnected the call. 
Kiara raised a shaking hand to the comm and placed it carefully on her end table. She sat on the bed in silence, staring at the wall. She imagined she was standing on a platform, high above an abyss. It began to crumble away at the edges, leaving her less and less standing room. Before she could fall, Darius’ voice cut into the silence. 
“I’m really sorry I lost the gems, Kiara. I’m going to do my best to make it up to you.” Darius said softly, stirring her from her stupor. She turned her head to look back at him, standing in the doorway of her room. His dark brown eyes were wide, a frown on his full lips. Part of her wanted to blame him, to be angry. But deep down, she knew the truth.
“Don’t apologize, Dari. You were doing me a favor by even getting involved in this mess anyway. It’s my debt, and I’m the only one responsible for it.” She assured in a hoarse voice. He didn’t respond, his eyes downcast. He didn’t understand that she couldn’t accept his help—she wouldn’t. It had been drilled into her her whole life. If she couldn’t break away, be independent, If she couldn’t prove herself to Xomit, and to the galaxy, what would that make her? Her eyes traveled back to the commlink on her desk. Her last and only option.
“I need to start making some connections.”
Landing on Tatooine for the first time in over a decade was a strange experience, to say the least. It looked exactly as Kiara had left it: Barren, dusty, and hot. Even the city of Mos Eisley did little to liven the place up. It seemed that the heat sucked the energy out of every being in the daytime, including her. Darius had stayed behind on Coruscant at her request after much insistence, as she was unwilling to drag him further into harm's way at her behest. This was her responsibility, and hers alone.
She stepped out of the transport, paying her due. Sentients and droids of different types roamed the streets. Although Mos Eisley’s crime problem was just as bad, if not worse as the lower levels of Coruscant, Kiara felt oddly safer here. The open streets and the bright light from the suns as well as the lethargic market culture made her regard it as 1313’s golden twin. Although, the heat was becoming too much. Her body was covered from neck to toe in her leathers, but her face was very much exposed. Not wanting to burn (or even worse, prematurely age), she placed a new helmet on top of her head. This helmet was without the skull and crossbones, her not wanting an outward identifier to the scum and villainy who resided here.
She seamlessly blended her way into the crowd. Masked or otherwise concealed figures seemed to be common here, she noted, as she passed several people who wore various manners of cloaks and helmets. She picked her way through the crowd to the cantina at the end of the street. 
According to the notes Aurra had plugged into her comm, Kiara would be able to find multiple high-profile bounty hunters there who may be able to get her higher paying jobs than the usual slop. 
The cantina, in contrast to the outside street, was full of chatter and socialization. It seemed to her that there were no two beings of the same species, the place a cacophony of talk in different tongues with a steady tune from the band in the corner. Similarly to the outside, hardly anyone spared her a second glance. 
She made her way through the crowd, not bothering to excuse herself to people that would probably take it as some sort of offense anyway, and took a seat at the bar. She ordered a shot of spotchka as she examined her contact list.
Dengar: Corellian Human male, early 20’s. Wears bandages, carries a DLT-18 heavy blaster rifle. Usually found on Tatooine in the cantinas in Mos Eisley or Jabba’s palace. Typically knows about a couple good jobs.
She scanned the crowd for anyone who seemed to fit the description. There were sparse humans in the establishment as it was, and those that she could see didn’t seem like the man she was looking for. She caught the attention of the ithorian bartender, leaning over the counter so she could speak to him over the volume in the bar.
“I’m looking for Dengar, where is he?”
“Information ain’t free ‘round here, missy. What you got in exchange?” He replied, voice warbled by his translator.
She scowled underneath her helmet. 
“Your life.” She growled as menacing as possible, gripping him by the collar of his shirt. He laughed, slapping her wrist away, and turned back to serving the other patrons. Not to be deterred, she jumped up from her seat and chased her way around to his side of the bar, cutting through the crowd like a shadow. She stopped in front of him, blocking his path. “I won’t ask again”, she snarled. Before he could say anything, she pulled the hilt of her blaster out slightly from her cloak, brandishing it to him. His eyes narrowed.
“You really think it’s wise to threaten the man who’s pouring the drinks?” He retorted, jerking his head to the side. Sure enough, the patrons at the bar had stopped their conversations and were watching their exchange, some with their hands resting on their blasters. She stayed her hand. It wouldn’t do for her reputation to disrupt the flow of alcohol.
“Fine.” She let her cloak fall back into place, hiding her weapon. “I’ll ask nicely, one more time.” She reached out with the Force, picking out his mind from the dozens in the room. She pressed against it, testing its defenses. 
It was weak.
She eased her way inside, careful not to break anything on the way in. She lowered his defenses, making him perfectly susceptible to her every wish.
“You will tell me where Dengar is.” She commanded.
“I…served him a drink last night…haven’t seen him since…somewhere on the planet.” The bartender muttered, his face slack and tranquil.
She retreated out of his mind, leaving him in a daze as she stormed away from the bar. 
Fat lot of help he was. He didn’t even have hardly any information to ‘trade’.
She threw herself into an empty table in the corner in defeat. The information that Aurra had given her was probably useless anyway, seeing as she had been so quick to give up her location to the Black Sun. The next time they met, Kiara was going to give her a piece of her mind. 
“You left your sssspotchka.”
She sat up ramrod-straight, startled by the unexpected voice. A trandoshan in a yellow jumpsuit placed her shot that she had left behind on the table in front of her with his heavy claws. He slid into the booth in the seat across from her. He looked her up and down, but was unable to glean much from her being covered from head to toe. 
“What do you want?” She demanded, more than a little on edge from her previous confrontation.
“Careful with your tone, greenie. Ssssaid you were looking for Dengar, eh? I may know where he issss. What do you want with him?”
Her mood changed faster than the flip of a switch on a switchboard. Excitement coursed through her, her senses snapping to give him her full attention. She cleared her throat.
“I’m looking for work. A friend of mine said Dengar’d know where to find some.” She blurted, not caring if she sounded flustered. 
“Work issss a hot commodity around thesssse partssss. Who wassss your ‘friend’, and why should anyone give a rookie the time of day? What’re you bringing to the table?”
Why is it so obvious to everyone that I’m a rookie?
She contemplated for a moment, weighing her options, before deciding to take a risk. She lifted her helmet off of her head and placed it on the table. At least now she could finally drink her shot.
“My ‘friend’ was Aurra Sing.” She stated, downing the spotchka.
The trandoshan’s pupils contracted in surprise, his tongue flicking out. 
“You got a lot of gutssss doing that in here with ssssuch a high price on your head.”
She could tell  that he was contemplating whether or not to try and claim the bounty on her. She had to move quickly.
“I got a lot of skills to back up these guts too. I want work—I can make things happen, and I’m resourceful. What you saw on the holo is just a taste of what I’ve done.” She rattled off, looking into his eyes intensely. 
He leaned back in his chair, his browline raising in a way that doubled both as faux-surprise and mockery.
“Think you have what it takessss, eh?” He replied jestingly. He pulled a comm off of his belt and held it up to his mouth. “Dengar, get in here,” he said, never taking his eyes off of her. He took a swig of his own bottle of liquor, slamming it back down on the table a bit harder than necessary. “Well, if you’re ssssuch hot sssstuff, we may have potential information for you.”
“You’re right about hot stuff, mate.”
Kiara turned to look as the man whom she had been searching for for the better part of the afternoon came swaggering up to their table. He matched the description Aurra had given him, but on top of his bandages he wore a lopsided grin. He looked her up and down, settling his gaze on her lips.
Kiara arranged her face into a cold, professional demeanor. She ignored his remark and turned her nose up at him slightly, appraising him in turn.
“You’re Dengar?” She scoffed. Not that she was surprised at all, but she didn’t want him to think she was going to be friendly to his advances.
“The one and only, sweetheart.” He quipped, sliding into the booth next to the trandoshan. She was glad he at least had the sense not to try and sit next to her. “So, what’s all this about Bossk? To what do we owe the pleasure of this lovely lady’s company?”
“I’m looking for an in into the scene. I want bounties, and Aurra Sing told me that either one of you knows some contacts.” She answered before Bossk could, not wanting him to speak for her. Now that Dengar had said the name, she remembered reading it on her list of contacts. Dengar raised his brows slightly, before appraising her again, as if he did not expect this request from a person such as her. He then chewed on her words for a few seconds, before speaking again.
“Aurra Sing eh? She say anything else about me?”
Bossk shoved him hard in the ribs, and seeing as the lizard was probably five times as strong as the average human, Dengar had the wind completely knocked out of him. “Blast it, Bossk, alright.” He coughed. He composed himself, side-eyeing Bossk again before he continued. “Well sweetheart you certainly came to the right people. Mr. Grumpy over here is the son of the Bounty Hunter’s Guild’s leader, Cradossk. You should head over to their headquarters on Carajam, they always get plenty o’ work.”
At the mention of his father’s name, Bossk soured even more. He folded his arms over his chest and darted his tongue out. 
“Dengar makessss it ssssound too eassssy. They don’t let jusssst anyone into the guild, even if you’ve made a … sssspectacle of yoursssself.” He hissed.
“I didn’t know there was a guild for you people,” She inquired, choosing to ignore Bossk’s slight.
“There’ssss a lot of thingssss you don’t know, greenie.” Bossk retorted.
“Now now Bossk, play nice.” Danger chided. “Don’t worry about it too much sweetheart, there’s no harm in trying.”
Bossk scoffed at that, but remained silent.
“Although, if it doesn’t work out, you could always join the Obsidian Sphere.” Dengar added thoughtfully. Bossk turned sharply to glance between her and Dengar, his slit pupils flitting from side to side. Now that piqued her interest.
“The Obsidian Sphere?” She queried.
“It’s a competition that’s sponsored by the Hutt crime families and the Guild. It’s a bit of a bloodbath, but basically the goal is to wheedle out the best of the best when it comes to hunters and mercenaries. The Guild often takes their new recruits straight from the winners. It’s being held in a little over two weeks. If the Guild won’t accept you now, try and win a spot. Nice cash prize for it too.” He explained jovially.
“Cash prize?” She repeated slowly. 
“Ten million unmarked creds. Pocket change for the likes of Jabba. Ol’ slug sure does like his entertainment.” He chuckled.
She blinked, soaking in all of the new information. She had a lot to think about.
“Thanks for the tip,” she said suddenly, standing up. 
“Now wait jusssst a moment, you don’t get ssssomething for nothing around here.” Bossk snarled, clasping a claw around her wrist. Scowling, she fished through her bag, pulling out a small sack of credits that she dumped on the table.
“Next round’s on me, boys.” She deadpanned. She turned to leave before she was stopped again, this time by Dengar. 
“Sure you don’t wanna hang around a little longer, sweetheart? I’d be happy to share a couple o’ drinks with a pretty girl like you.”
“I’m good.” She shook him off, waving her hand dismissively. She placed her helmet firmly back on her head to avoid any more unwanted approaches, sexual or otherwise. 
Once she had gotten outside of the cantina, she leaned against the sandstone wall to collect her thoughts. 
Ten million credit cash prize.
She pulled her comm out of her belt, and called the frequency.
“Darius, I think I may have just saved our skins. Meet me on Taris.”
Kiara descended the steps of the club carefully in her heels (which she had stolen from the nearby clothing store), a haze of smoke filling the air and dulling her senses. Finding a transport from Tatooine to Taris hadn’t been difficult. Taris was a city planet, like Coruscant, with the exception of being in the outer-rim, and as such was much poorer and much more polluted. That didn’t seem to dull the quality of the nightlife, as young beings of a multitude of species were dancing and drinking in tight outfits and heavy makeup. As she looked for Darius, she thought about how best to tell him all of the information she had learned. Darius was a thief and a pickpocket, not a bounty hunter. Thus he probably would not be too eager to enter a death competition, even with the promise of ten million credits at the end of it. But then again, he did love money. 
Grinning, she located his head of black locs in the crowd and eagerly made her way over to his table, walking as fast as possible. That is, until she saw who was sitting with him.
A red twi’lek man with tattoos covering his face and arms sat opposite Darius at the table. He wore black leathers, a vibroblade, and an unpleasant grimace. Darius looked equally as uncomfortable sitting across from him, choosing to look anywhere but at his table mate. Her boyfriend.
It was too late to turn around, they both had already seen her. Darius with a look of utter relief, Jagar, her man, with a look of anger mixed with sorrow. He stood up to greet her.
“Kiara,” he said, his voice husky. “I’ve been trying to reach you for almost a week now. What the hell has been going on? The bank, and then you were arrested—”
She held up her hand to stop him, and he fell silent. Disjointedly, she drew him forward into a warm embrace. In spite of not looking forward to having to explain herself and her whereabouts to him, his appearance and concern still made her feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. 
“I told you I needed the cash, Jag.” She whispered into his ear, nuzzling into his neck. As she did so, she glared accusingly at Darius. He cringed apologetically, and mouthed ‘he made me take him’. In response, she motioned to Darius in a manner that clearly said ‘scram’. Rolling his eyes, he got up and promptly started chatting up the nearest cute guy. 
Taking their seats, over the next twenty minutes she relayed to Jagar all that had transpired over the past several days. As she spoke, it was visibly clear that his blood pressure levels were rising by the minute, but he retained a relatively calm composure. As she finished her tale, he stared into the bottom of his drink for a few moments. 
“And you didn’t think to talk to me or tell me about any of this?” He accused finally, glaring at her over his cocktail. She cringed, choosing to stare at his forehead instead of his eyes.
“It all happened so fast, and I didn’t want you to put yourself into danger by trying to help me.” She mumbled. 
“But you would put Darius in danger?” He countered hotly.
“Darius and I have been running jobs together for years now. We know how the other works. I just wanted to protect you.” She implored.
His gaze softened, and he took her hand in his own.
“I know you’re struggling right now, Ki. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I get that. Next time, just talk to me, alright? I want what’s best for you.” She nodded numbly, biting her lip. “Now, about the Obsidian Sphere.”
“You know about it?” She cut in. 
“Yeah I know about it. I used to tune in and watch it for a couple years. It’s pretty well known in my part of the galaxy. You can’t compete in it, Kiara. It’s too damn dangerous.” He stated matter-of-factly. 
Anger immediately flared up inside her, as she stared at him incredulously.
“Too dangerous?”
“I’ve got contacts in the guild. They’ll let me in, easy. I’ll win the money for you, Ki. You’re not going to put yourself in danger anymore.” He replied, his tone betraying confusion and defensiveness at her response.
“That’s not your decision to make. It’s my debt, and my money. You aren’t going to get involved.” Why could no one understand that if she didn’t dig herself out of the hole she had gotten herself in, she would never be able to do it again on her own?
“Oh really? Well what is my decision to make, anyway? You got yourself sent to prison on your decisions. Maybe you should start listening to your goddamned boyfriend once in a while, who’s sitting up at night worried sick about you ‘cause you don’t answer your karking messages?”
She stared at him in bewilderment, taken aback at his admission. She did feel guilty that she had such little thought or communication for him, but there was nothing to be done about it now. A calm coldness took over her. 
“And maybe you should be reconsidering this relationship, Jagar, if I’m such a bother to you.” She snarled.
For what felt like hours, they stared icily at one another, but she would not be the first to break. She never would be. 
He relented under her gaze, looking down to stir his drink.
“Why would you say that, Kiara? Don’t you know how that makes me feel?” He finally said, looking up at her with a broken expression. Guilt began gnawing at her stomach almost instantaneously. Her anger was still simmering under the surface, but its passion had been sucked away. He leaned forward slightly and took her chin in his fingers, gently. He tipped up her face to meet his.
“Let me take care of you,” he murmured. “Let me play for you, and then we can be happy.”
She met his gaze steadily, and saw the sincerity behind it.
“Alright Jag. You’ll play in my place.” She lied.
Next chapter
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