#Both Bianca and Maddison are mentioned here.
thecandywrites · 7 months
Monster March 2024- Day 14- Minotaur
River and Rane
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This time, I wanted a true Minotaur. But I also couldn't resist- yet another Velvet Spa story. It's my guilty pleasure. Anything with horns and antlers and fur and hooves and just...all the things that make humanoid- animal beings GREAT.
As always, huge thanks to @borealwrites for their Monster March 2024 Prompt List, you're the best.
Monster March 2024 Day 14- Minotaur 
The Velvet Spa Continued Again
“Thank you for calling The Velvet Spa, how can I help you?” Allison answered the call. 
“Hi, this is Rane Surmas, I got a call that there was a change to my appointment?” Rane asked. 
“Yes, your horn specialist had to go on maternity leave early. So we have your appointment with another horn specialist if that’s ok.” Allison offered. 
“Oh ok. Is Maddison ok?” He asked after the specialist who had always worked on him before. 
“Yes, she’s fine. She just ended up needing to go into her maternity leave a few days earlier than planned and that means that all of her appointments have to be picked up by our other specialists.” Allison quickly reassured him. 
“Ok, do I have a choice in who else I can get or are we being assigned?” He asked. 
“Well, there are only two who had the room to take on her clients while she was on maternity leave while three more are still being cross-trained from being purely antler specialists. But the ones currently being cross-trained haven’t finished with their training and won’t get tested and certified until next month. If you postpone your appointment for another 5 weeks, you will have five to choose from then. But until then, if you wanted to keep your appointment for tomorrow, there is only Skye and River.” Allison offered. 
“Ugh, those names aren’t really ringing any bells. Which do you think- does the better work?” Rane asked. 
“Honestly, they both do exquisite work from what I’ve seen so far. I haven’t gotten any complaints from any of their clients. They’re both pretty great at everything.” Allison tried to say. 
“But?” Rane asked. 
“That being said, Skye is more holistic in her approach and most of the products she recommends are the vegan and vegetarian products. Skye also leans more towards aesthetics and the over all appearance. While River is more clinical and is more geared towards pure functionality. And she tends to prefer the best products period. But those tend to have higher price tags but better results as well. So it’s really a matter of what your own personal preference would be. I know from Maddison’s previous notes that you’re pretty middle of the road, wanting both strength of your horns as well as aesthetics and honestly, both of them would be just fine and either or both of them would be able to care for you just as well as Maddison usually would do if she were here.” Allison explained. 
“Get me River then.” Rane decided. 
“Will do. River will be with you at 8am tomorrow morning.” She offered. 
“Great.” Rane nodded with a heavy sigh before he hung up and called Maddison himself. 
“Hi Rane,” Maddison answered. 
“Hey, you ok Maddie?” Rane asked. 
“Yeah, I’ll be ok. I’m sorry, I had to call off today and then the rest of the week. I just… I couldn’t do it. My legs and feet have pitted edema and the doctors put me on bedrest.” Maddison sighed tiredly. 
“Ok, do you need anything?” Rane asked. 
“No, Lucas and the boys and even the girls are all taking great care of me, Lucas is even rubbing my feet and legs, as we speak to try to get the swelling down.” Maddison reassured him. 
“Ok, well, if you do ever need anything, just let me know ok?” Rane urged. 
“Could you be nice to whoever is picking your appointment up from me?” Maddison urged since Rane was very, very particular about his horns and had gone through every horn specialist at the spa before choosing Maddison who was, in his opinion the best, since she had amazing horns herself and all her kids had great horns as well. 
“Yeah, speaking of, who am I better off getting? River or Skye?” He asked.
“Honestly, both of them are great. You might like River more- because she’s very- all business and more of a ‘it’s only gonna hurt for a minute, suck it up, take it like a man’ kind of person. Which, is totally your style. Skye is much more sensitive. But when I say - sensitive- I mean, you look at her wrong or you speak to her in the wrong tone and she’s upset and she’s very, very sensitive to your mood, to your facial expression, to your energy, to your aura- kind of thing. She would want to do calming breathing exercises first thing and she is not one that likes to be rushed and you can not get impatient with her. Whereas River’s background is actually in nursing, because she’s a triage nurse when she’s not a specialist. So she’s all about the fast pace and getting it done and being as effective and efficient as she can be because she’s in and out. And she’s of the school that the sooner she does this and does it right, the less any of it would hurt overall. And her biggest thing has been learning to slow down and not rush her clients and developing her softer touch, whereas Skye is nothing but that soft gentle touch and is learning to develop her firmer touch with clients because her Professional Voice is still really soft. Whereas River is rather blunt in her honesty, she’s also very authoritative but also, she knows her stuff and so much more. River is one license away from being just as broad as Bianca is. But that also means that she has the bigger clientele and her schedule is a lot busier and is only taking my clients on as a favor to me and Bianca. So she’s usually just running ragged but on time. Whereas Skye is always running late period because she wants to treat every client like they are her favorite and only client in the world. So while some of her clients absolutely love her for that, those of us who have other things in our day, don’t. So they’ve actually been put in side by side rooms to try to rub off on each other.” Maddison expounded. 
“Then I’m really happy I got River then. I don’t need another girl looking at me and instantly burst into tears because she thinks I’m mad at her for no gods damn reason.” Rane offered. 
“Ooophf, again?” Maddison winced as she sucked in her breath through her gritted teeth. 
“Yeah, every woman I work with just assumes I’m just pissed off, like, all the time. And the last thing I need is for my horn specialist to assume the same and risk her fucking up my one characteristic that does’t involve my resting bastard face.” Rane offered. 
“Well, River would be able to sympathize because she has resting bitch face so you two are practically made for each other.” Maddison urged with a light laugh. 
“I hope so. Well you just focus on getting those feet elevated. Say hi to Duncan and the kids for me. And tell little Penelope to quit kicking you hard.” He urged. 
“You tell her yourself.” Maddison urged before she put the phone to her pregnant belly. 
“Hey Stinker, you quit kicking your Mommy and hurting her back. Her feet are already swollen enough from you. You don’t need to add to it or Uncle Rane is gonna have words with you Young Lady.” Rane urged. 
“And she’s not listening.” Duncan said as he watched Pen kick at the phone before he grabbed the phone and put it between his ear and shoulder. 
“Yeah, that just pissed her off.” Duncan laughed into the phone as he lifted his wife’s leg to rest over his shoulder as he slid his hands up her leg and thigh. 
“I’d love to say she gets that from you, but we both know where she would get that.” Rane chuckled. 
“Hey!” Maddison frowned as she overheard that. 
“Well would you look at the time, gotta go into a meeting.” Rane laughed. 
“Take good care of your girls Duncan, I’ll catch ya later.” Rane urged before he hung up and continued on with his day. 
The next morning, he was at the Salon at 7:30am. 
“Good morning Mr. Surmas.” Gretchen greeted, rather sleepily. 
“Good morning.” He replied as his ears flicked to the back door at the end of the hallway where the specialists were filling in for the day as he overheard the girls in the back sleepily chit chat as they came in and got ready for work before someone came in and- by the sounds of it- had a key chain the size of a bullwhip. 
“Girl! Did you come here straight from the hospital?” The others asked as she seemed to be carrying several things as he heard several large, heavy things slump onto the floor. 
“No, I slept.” He heard a groggy voice defend. 
“For like a whole 15 minutes?” Another asked. 
“It doesn’t matter, I’m here, I’m on time, just let me change and chug this, and I’ll be good to go.” She said as she seemed to be struggling with something as he could faintly hear fabric against a body as he wondered if it was River changing out of her scrubs from the hospital to the scrubs at work as he simply took a step to look down the hallway. 
“Woo! Getting a show this morning.” Bianca laughed when she came in which got the other girls to laugh. 
“Here, let me help.” Bianca offered as she put her stuff down and helped her friend get redressed. 
“I always snag.” He heard a tired voice say as her voice got muffled by another piece of fabric. 
“Rane, you can sit down. River will be right with you.” Gretchen urged. 
“Right, yeah.” He nodded with a blush as he slowly turned away but kept his ears towards the hallway to listen to the girls laugh and giggle while they got ready as he chose a seat as close to the view of the hallway as he could manage as he just leaned over and kept his eyes trained on the end of the hall where the back room was. 
“There you go, let’s get this wild tangle under control.” Bianca offered once she brushed out River’s hair and put it up into a pretty messy bun for her. 
“Thanks Mom.” River cooed happily as she sat down and slipped her feet back into her shoes. 
“You’re welcome Hun.” Bianca giggled. 
“There, and it’s about time to get our first clients, Actually your first client should already be here.” Bianca murmured. 
“Another perfectionist that will take one look at my broken horns and think I couldn’t possibly know what it’s like to take care of pretty ones?” River grumped. 
“Well, yes, but Rane is otherwise a great client, he’s a professional. He’ll care more about his horns than your own.” Bianca reassured her. 
“If you say so.” River offered before she opened up an energy drink and started chugging it. 
“Girl, I swear, you’re gonna collapse on me if you keep this up.” Bianca murmured worriedly. 
“It’s just the busy season. And it’s only for another month until the other girls get certified, I could use the extra income to get those damn credit cards paid off so my credit score will increase so I can get a place of my own. I can’t do this- sharing a bedroom with a roommate and sharing the apartment with 7 others. I can never get my laundry done because the washers and dryers are always full with everyone else’s laundry and my mugs are always being borrowed by everyone else. I gotta get out of there. But I need a down payment first.” River groaned as she let her eyes stayed closed as she continued to chug her energy drink before she drank the last of it and crushed the can in her hand. 
“Alright, lets do this.” River took a deep breath and got up and picked her stuff up before she carried and dragged it to her room to set up her room real quick before she came out and came up to the front desk, feeling someone watch her, but was too tired to care. She tried to shake her sleepiness from her head and got the file that was in the cubby for her room number as she took a moment to quickly glance over it before looking at the name. 
“Good morning. You must be River. Maddie had quite the song when she sang your praises.” He greeted charmingly as he offered her his hand. 
Rane on the other side, while he could see how tired she was, she was also- too damn cute. Like, naturally, gorgeous. Didn’t need any kind of makeup to cover up that natural beauty she practically glowed. He was in trouble. Bianca sure did know how to pick ‘em. This girl was just as beautiful, if not more so than any other woman in here. She was of good height, but also the girl was large and incharge and so his type. She had that- mess with me, and I’ll fuck your shit up’ vibe that he was digging. And she carried her weight like she knew exactly how to throw it around. Hot damn. He could see those powerful thighs rub together through her scrubs and those big breasts that jiggled with her gait- looked big enough to nurse an orphanage. And that belly? Oh, he wanted to see just how big those waves would be if he were to pound into her and figured he could watch those waves ripple all over. Oh he was down. And best of all? No wedding ring. Meant she just might be single. Hopefully she’d be into taking him by the horns.
“Rane Surmas?” She called out before she looked up to see him already looking at her with as friendly and charming of a smile as he could manage as he gracefully got up from the seat and came up to her as she blinked in surprise to see him tower over her. 
“Lucky number 13?” He offered. 
“Yeah huh. Hi.” River offered as she seemed to take a moment to register that he was her client as she offered her hand to shake as she shook it while looking him up and down as she seemed to try to wake up in a hurry.
“Well if you’ll just follow me to room 13.” She offered as she withdrew her hand and then walked him back. 
“It’s just the room number Sir. But, with as superstitious as most people are, I’ve had clients outright refuse to come into the room.” She offered as she got the door open and gestured for him to come in before he came in and took of his suit jacket and hung it on the hook as River could only stare at his shoulders and back as her jaw dropped to see the bulging muscle and the broad shoulders and then that pinch of his waist and that ass, good lord. Fuck. neither Bianca or Maddie told her that Rane was fucking gorgeous as she tried to shake off her nerves as she really didn’t want to fuck up this guy’s already perfect aesthetic. Even as badly as she wanted to mount him in that chair. She needed to be a professional. Maddison would kill her if she dared to screw up a perfectly good client just because she was all kinds of horny just looking at the epitome of sexy and the epitome of ‘blow your back out’. Shit, if he was as hung as the bull he appeared to be, she’d be good to even walk after. And she still had a full day ahead of her. 
“Ok, I’m looking at your file, and other than maintenance, is there anything in particular you need or are wanting?” River asked as she flipped through the SOAP notes from Maddison.
“Just maintenance.” He answered. 
“Cool. Well you know the drill, sit down, lay back and let me keep up the great work Maddison laid the groundwork for. I’m pretty sure if I managed to fuck your horns up, she’d came and beat my ass with a chancla with Pen half birthed.” River offered which got Rane to bark a loud laugh as he laid back in the chair. 
“Oh, you and I are gonna get along great.” He beamed. 
“Yeah, my brand of brutal honesty doesn’t leave room for pussy footing around.” River giggled as she slipped some gloves on and then got her tools out and her supplies for his horns on her trays before she scooted over to work on his horns, washing them and scrubbing them so she could appraise them in their natural state. 
“Huh.” She hummed as she used a brush to really scrub them against the grain. 
“Have you been using filler?” She asked as she scrubbed the now gooey filler out of the grooves on his horns. 
“Guilty as charged.” He freely admitted. 
“Has Maddison talked with you about poly resin to fill it in?” River asked. 
“She told me that the resin would cause more damage than it’s worth.” Rane answered. 
“My man! Yes! Yes it does. Like veneers on teeth. It would absolutely wreck the soundness of your horns to dig and drill these grooves out and drill down to dig a foothold into them to anchor the resin- then they’re worth. These are so superficial you can’t see or notice them unless you are this close to them, and practically riding them. And honestly what you’re doing, is keeping the grooves from getting any bigger or wider and keeping the grooves from getting any deeper either.” She offered as she offered her fist for him to bump before he chuckled and fist bumped her, as his ears perked up to her comment about riding them. So at least, from that cue, she might be into it. 
“Plus, once you start filling in with resin, you’ll be chasing the edge until your whole horn is nothing but resin. There’s a girl in here who actually ground her horns down to the base and has multiple sets of horn enhancements. Like a set of wigs for hair. Problem is- is that now the bases are so pissed off from all her tinkering that it’s really painful for her and she needs to give those poor bases a rest, but now, she can’t stop wearing them and feels naked without them. But she continues to wear them because she’s one of those- ‘never leaves the house without a full face of makeup and all dolled up and put together’ types. Because her mother was that kind of woman who would get dolled up just to get her mail from the mailbox and wouldn’t leave her bedroom without a full face of makeup.” River noted. 
“But not you?” He asked as he really took notice that she was bare faced and was sporting- actually really cute glasses too that brought out the brown of her eyes gorgeously. 
“Which would be what?” He asked curiously. 
“Nope. I don’t got time for that shit. I’m either working or eating or sleeping. My coin is way too precious to pour into makeup that’s just gonna go bad before I would have the chance to use it more than twice.” She snorted with a shake of her head.
“I mean, I used to- in like highschool and stuff but now that I don’t have my parents paying for everything for me and I’m on my own? Not worth it. I’d rather save it for something I really want and need and not spend it on an aesthetic that no one gives a shit to notice or care about.” She offered. 
“A place of my own and sweet independence. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers and currently- all of my brothers are still with my parents, two of my 4 sisters are getting divorced and have moved back in with my parents too. And I am still in my college dorm, and still have a roommate in my bedroom and still share the 4 bedroom duplex apartment with 7 other people. I would kill for just a one bedroom place with a washer and dryer that I can just wash and dry a single fucking load of laundry in that I don’t have to lose an hour and a half at a laundry mat to do because the washers and dryers at the apartments are always, constantly full and constantly being used.” She complained as she scrubbed the other horn and made sure she scrubbed all the filler out so she could get the horns a thorough cleaning. 
“Well Maddison told me that you work two jobs?” He asked. 
“I do. I’m a Registered Nurse in the ER and I do Triage and ride in the helicopter, stabilizing patients if we ever have to fly them out to other hospitals, and I’m cross training into Labor and Delivery because- helping Bianca and Maddison with their pregnancies, hell half the staff is either pregnant or just gave birth or something in between.” She answered. 
“Something about pitted…her feet are swollen.” He recalled. 
“And you work here on top of all of that?” He asked, impressed that she would take on all that.
“Yup. This place lets me have the flexibility in my schedule to roll with my nursing rotating schedule. Granted going from the hospital at night to come in here in the morning and early afternoon is less than great and working 18 hours straight sucks but the paychecks are more than worth it. And I get off, just about when my body demands sleep. So I’m able to get out of here and get take out, eat it on the way home, get home and crash and sleep too heavy for my roommates and their social lives to interrupt. Plus, did Maddie tell you why she had to cancel?” River asked. 
“Yup. It’s called pitted edema, it’s a pretty serious thing for pregnant women, I noticed it the day before yesterday and the LMT and I sort of ganged up on her and told that she needed to either get out of here and get home and get those feet up or I threatened to take her to the hospital and check her into Labor and Delivery myself because her health and her baby mean more than her clients getting their favorite specialist to work on them. I don’t think anyone would forgive themselves or each other if they were the reason she pushed herself past her limit trying to see everyone- one last time before she would take the time off.”
“Amen, and you’re absolutely right. We wouldn’t I know I wouldn’t and I’d want to gore anyone who did threaten little Pen.” He offered. 
“Awww. That’s where I know you from. I’ve seen your picture at her house. I couldn’t make it to her wedding, I had a full cardiac arrest come in 20 minutes before my shift was supposed to end and I was supposed to walk out the door and head there, but instead I stayed and did compressions to try to keep him alive so he didn’t go brain dead. Poor geezer took one too many viagra and ended up stroking out. And after, I just didn’t have the heart to go and crash a wedding in my blood covered scrubs. I just wanted food and sleep.” River recalled. 
“Sounds like you’re pretty close with her.” River offered.
“Yeah, her late husband was one of my best friends. I was a groomsman in her wedding. I helped her move into her house when she moved to the country. And I was in her second wedding to Duncan. I was one of her groomsman then too.” He offered. 
“But, with Maddie having pitted edema, I told her that I would pick up her shifts and her clients and practically double book myself for the next month until the three others got licensed. It’s only a month. I can handle it. Plus the LMT promised that she’d give me a full body massage once a week until then to help my body manage my workload. And Bianca of course, was in agreement that Maddie needed to get out and take care of herself and her baby first. And that all of us would pitch in to help. But, for the last 2 days, I’ve had most of her clients take one look at my horns and assume I don’t know my shit or I do shit work period. And outright refuse to let me anywhere near them and instead, push their scheduled appointment back until the three are available. Whatever, less work for me. I stopped giving a shit about people assume about me based on a just a look. And instead, just let my work speak for itself. You know?” She offered. 
“Yes I do. So, if you don’t mind me asking, what did happen to your horns?” He asked as he studied them. 
“Oh, I had to use them to restrain a combative patient who was as high as a kite on ketamine and who knows what else, and he broke them as he tried to pick me up by my horns and throw me against a wall. And instead, my horns broke in his hands and the minute my head was free, I ducked my head under his- used the broken horn to move his head to the side as he picked my body up to body slam me into the wall and I was able to shove a whole syringe full of demerol into his neck once the narcan had taken what it could out of his system. He may or may not have knocked himself out when his face colidled with the wall when he hit it head first and then may or may not have hit my knee on the way to the floor though.” River shrugged. 
“That is the most epic, badass-motherfucking- thing I’ve heard all year.” Rane praised as he lifted a fist to fist bump her again, impressed that she had such an epic story to tell as she laughed and fist bumped him. 
“Skye offered to resin them back on and back into place. But I actually like them this way. It lets others know to not fuck with me in the ER. Gives me street cred.” She giggled as she then put a glob of polish on her polish head of her polish tool and turned it on and started to polish his horns. Using the larger, but broader head to polish his massive horns. And managed to do so- in less than half the time that Maddison usually took as she even paid special attention to the bases, instead of the tips  before she used some more filler on those fine lines and used a smaller buffer to fill them in before giving them one more coat of shine to make his horns look absolutely fabulous. 
“There, sit up and tell me what you think.” She invited before he did and looked up in the mirror and used the panels to look around his head. 
“Well hot damn, you do amazing work!” He praised happily. 
“Thanks, I try. Plus, you gave me a ton of naturally good horn to work with. You’ve done all the work in maintenance. It’s obvious that you care about them and keep them practically pristine. Just keep taking care of them and they’ll take care of you.” River smiled as she cleaned up her tools. 
“Want to take home the extra filler and polish?” She asked as she held up the still only partially full containers of them since she had opened the biggest containers she had of those things since he had huge horns to use them on instead of opening and using up several of the smaller containers. 
“Really?” He asked happily. 
“Yeah, let me just get you lids for these. Otherwise I’d just have to throw them away and I hate to be wasteful. Plus, you know how to use this stuff. You will actually use it.” She offered as she got the lids put back on and wiped the containers clean so he wouldn’t get this stuff on his hands or anything else before she grabbed a little gift bag she usually used to gift samples to and put them in. 
“Well, obviously, you know what you like and what works for you, if you need more, they have it up at the front counter, otherwise, you should be good for another 6 months.” She offered pleasantly as she got her gloves off and then started to mark up the worksheet of what she had done. 
“Ooh, and because you were early, that means I get to be early for my next one too.” She smiled when she saw the time on the wall when he blinked to see that she had done an hour’s worth of work in only half an hour. And because he was early, it was now- only 8:30. 
“Tell you what, in a month when those other girls get licensed, and you’re able to take a breath, call me. I’d like to take you out some time.” He offered as he took out a business card and put his personal number on the back of it as she took it and looked at the number on the back of it, ignoring the front completely. 
“So, here’s the deal. Technically- we can not date active clients. Which is ok because you’re still Maddison’s client that I just happened to fill in for today. So we’re good there. However, there is a really firm- no sex at work and respecting the professional sanctity of the chair which I absolutely must uphold because if this ended up being more than just a one time thing, the last thing I would ever want my partner to worry about is who else I would be riding in that chair-which has been no one and will continue to be no-one. Because I’m a stickler about that. I’m a professional, you’re a professional and we both should respect the other’s profession- Because, again, otherwise, I’d be having you sit back down so I could ride the bucking bronco that I’m sure you are, but that’s only because I’m really tired and my filter isn’t working which makes me even more honest and transparent than usual. However, this is not the time or the place for that. However, later today- will be. How late are you working today?” River asked. 
“Deal.” He readily agreed before he dipped his head and kissed her as she practically melted and then deepened the kiss. 
“However early or late that you’d need me to.” He offered.
“Great, well I get off at 4. Pick me up, either have food ready or be ready and willing to feed me an obscene amount of carbs, starches, fats and animal proteins and we will see where it goes from there. Deal?” She asked. 
And she didn’t know how, but suddenly his big hands were roaming her body and then suddenly he was picking her up and pinning her to the wall, next to the shut door. 
“Fuck, you are really tempting me beyond what I can bear.” River whispered. 
“Turn around and find out.” He murmured in her ear before he nipped her earlobe. 
“Well, it’s not the chair. But you did get me done early. Don’t you have the rest of the hour?” He asked.
“Could you fuck me quietly enough to not get caught?” She breathed. 
“Fuck, we could get in so much trouble, you better make it worth it.” River offered as she turned around and dropped her bottoms before he did the same and then used his hand to cover her mouth to keep her from making any noise as she could only breathe heavily through her nose and whimper when his huge cock began to rise between her legs before he pulled a condom from his wallet and ripped it open with his teeth and then put it on behind her but looking down she rather liked the bright blue color. 
He was hung like the stud he was. He reached around and slipped his hands into her mound and opened her up as she nearly cried in a whimper because she had forgotten how long it had been since the last time she got laid. 
But Granted, she didn’t want to get fired, but considering every single person who worked here, if they started working here single, they usually ended up falling for the clientele at some point. Bianca was the prime example of that. It wasn’t just the rut, it was- All. Year. Long. 
He managed to find purchase and she was just the right height for him to mount her comfortably like this. But between his hands- either groping her large bosom, or raking up her thighs and caressing her belly in between both holding her closely to his chest and pinning her between himself and the wall, she was just grateful that there wasn’t anything on the wall that could be knocked off of the wall because the mirrors were practically bolted to the walls. 
And his snarling, and heavy breathing in her ear and nips to her neck and shoulder as she braced her hands against the wall was heaven. And, right in the nick of time, she was clawing at the wall and scraping her own horns against it too as her body writhed as she felt her body happily embrace the orgasm as he nearly popped the condom, filling it up as he had to reach down and clamp his hand around the base to keep it on and so her pussy wouldn’t threaten to suck it off of him. Like he thought he filled out a condom pretty well and got ones that fit. But her pussy was about ready to suck it off all by itself. 
And granted, he was usually not this kind of guy, but he rarely got to meet women who weren’t intimidated by him. So he took his shot and frankly was floored that she took it, and not only took it but accelerated it too. And he couldn’t be happier about it as he slowly got his hand from her mouth to let her catch her breath. 
“Hot damn, I’ll be lucky to walk out of here, my legs are practically jelly.” She grinned as she let her hot cheek rest against the wall before he slowly pulled himself from her but didn’t pull away just yet. 
“Nope, never.” He shook his head no and kissed it. 
“Thank you for this.” He thanked her as he hugged her.
“Thank you. I don’t…shit…I’m not usually this kind of girl. But, I just couldn’t resist you. Now, I just gotta trust that this or you won’t burn me.” She offered as she fixed him with a look but a pleasured grin all the same over her shoulder as she slowly turned around to face him. 
“Why’d you…want me? You could have any girl you want, why me?” She asked once she turned around to face him. 
“Because you’re awesome and a badass. And I don’t instantly like a lot of people. In fact, very few even like me or are attracted to me. I exhale through my nose too hard at work and nearly half the office shits themselves, thinking I’m gonna go on a rampage or something, even though, I’ve never done that. Plus, I work with mostly wafer thin chicks that I’m pretty sure I’d snap like twigs. You on the other hand, are big enough and strong enough to not break if I want to use just a little more force than a feather light touch.” He offered as he kissed her again before he had to pull back and take the condom off and clean himself up as she helped him get put back together after she slipped her own pants and underwear back up from the floor. 
“Big enough to put up a good fight huh?” River asked. 
“Well not knock out brawls…” He offered. 
“No, but enough to do this.” She offered as she grabbed him by the horns to kiss her again. 
“Exactly! And frankly, if anyone was going to get up close and personal with these things, I’d want them in the hands of a good professional who knows what to do with them.” He winked as he tipped her broken horn with his own with a wink as she started laughing before she just hugged him as they got to stay like that for a few long moments before they heard the telltale signs of the other specialists opening their doors and leaving with their clients. 
“Time’s up. You still gonna pick me up after work and feed me?” River asked. 
“Hell yeah!” He boomed before he gave her one last kiss. 
“See you after work Babe.” He offered before he kissed her cheek and then left the room together. 
“See ya handsome. Can’t wait for you to bring that rain to my river again later.” She offered with a wink as she handed his file over and then exchanged it for her next client. 
“Mrs. Cassidy?” River called before an elderly pronghorn minotaur came up. 
“Right this way Mrs. Cassidy.” River beamed happily as she brought her next client back while still giving Rane another wink over her shoulder.
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