adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
Big Mommas Like Father Like Son (2011)
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Did I really see Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son twice in one month? What kind of monster have I become? This is one bad movie, but as far as an installment of the cross-dressing comedy trilogy, it might be the best of the bunch by being so undeniably atrocious. It’s ridiculous, contrived, poorly written, not particularly funny, and frequently puzzling. At least it’s never boring.
FBI agent Malcolm Turner (Martin Lawrence) and his son Trent (Brandon T. Jackson) witness a murder at the hands of Russian mobster Chirkoff (Tony Curran). While they look for a flash drive that contains evidence to put him away, they are forced to go undercover as women at the Georgia Girls School for the Arts.
It's almost admirable the way this movie has to be seen to be believed. It’s like an essay on a historical figure done without any research and written on the morning it was due. Not only is the paper oriented in landscape instead of portrait, but the copy is centered, the font is 16 points in size and there’s a large photo taken straight from Wikipedia at the top. It’s almost better than something that tries and fails.
The biggest disappointment with Big Mommas House 2 was that with our protagonist married and happily anticipating a kid (the pregnancy isn't mentioned but I could've sworn that was a thing...) there weren’t as many cross-dressing shenanigans. Here, we get ALL OF THEM. It’s a double bill of men dressed as women. You get Big Momma being hit on by an extremely clingy horny guy while Trent as Charmaine constantly slips and yells “Damn!” at the hot co-eds at this... high school? College? It's unclear. On the one hand, they have dorms and nude models in art class. On the other, Trent is clearly described as underage (Despite the actor playing him being 26 at the time) and they offer beginner’s driving lessons. This film is already starting to fall apart and we haven’t even started examining it!
Like Father, Like Son is utter desperation. it's padded out with several musical numbers that come out of nowhere. I’m not talking about brief numbers either. We hear close to the entirety of Ke$ha’s Tick Tock, complete with impromptu choreographed dancing from the students. The plot with the Russian Mob? an afterthought. It’s simply an excuse for our two heroes to go undercover. Some plot points in that story never even get resolved. The supposed leak in the FBI for example. We never find out what that mole was. Did director John Whiteshell think we wouldn't pay attention? I’ve scrutinized this film to infinity; no detail has escaped me.
I don’t think anyone sitting down with this film expected it to be good (and if you did, I hope some day they manage to surgically remove that pick-ax from your skull). Nonetheless, it takes a lot of bravery to suck this much, and in public. I laughed frequently at Big Mommas House 3. Never in the way that it was intended for me to laugh, but I couldn’t help it. You can’t make a travesty like Big Mommas Like Father, Like Son on purpose, and that makes it fascinating. (Extended Version on DVD, June 3, 2016)
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thecaduceus · 11 years
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Por: Larissa e Luiza. 
Hoje mais cedo foi realizado um webchat com o elenco de Percy Jackson e o Mar de Monstros. Faltando apenas 7 dias nos EUA e 16 no Brasil para a estreia, Leven Rambin (Clarisse), Alexandra Daddario (Annabeth), Logan Lerman (Percy), Brandon T. Jackson (Grover) e Douglas Smith (Tyson) respoderam algumas questões enviadas pelos fãs através do Twitter. Entre as várias questões estive o assunto de vir ao Brasil, Brandon falou que sua namorada fala portugues, e Logan, Alex e Douglas disseram que adorariam vir para visitar os semideuses brasileiros. Alem de perguntas sobre o que eles gostariam de fazer caso não fossem atores, sobre seus personagens favoritos e até um comentário sobre a roupa que Douglas estava usando. Leven ainda disse que entre Glimmer (sua personagem em The Hunger Games) e Clarisse, ela escolheria Clarisse La Rue. Enquanto Alex explicou a ausência de Jake Abel (Luke) no chat, Douglas explicou a sua ausência no Twitter durante esse ultimo ano. O video mostra um clima de descontração e tem partes muito engraçadas, pode ser assistido na integra clicando aqui. As fotos foram postadas no Instagram pelos atores Brandon e Leven, e pelo Cambio que realizou esse webchat.
Fonte: Twitter | Instagram
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (2011)
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There aren’t enough ‘u’s on Earth to correctly convey how much Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son suuuuuuucks. To be fair, it stood no chance. Big Momma’s House was bad, but I guess it had to happen at some point. The sequel was puzzling but I can at least understand it on a business level. A third film? It’s so insane, so terrible fans of bad movies should sit through it just to say they did.
FBI agent Malcolm Turner (Martin Lawrence) and his son Trent (Brandon T. Jackson) witness a murder at the hands of a Russian mobster (Tony Curran as Chirkoff). While they look for evidence to put the bad guy away, they are forced to go undercover as women at the Georgia Girls School for the Arts.
It's nothing but the same jokes we’ve seen before regurgitated. Once disguised, Trent has to help his new female best friend try on underwear while hiding an erection powerful enough to punch a hole through steel. Big Momma becomes an unexpected man magnet and plays along with her role until she must do something so outlandish she breaks cover in a resounding “Awww Hell Nah!” These gags and the like are essentially all the "plot" we get. Some plot points, like the fact that there’s a mole in the FBI that is feeding Chirkoff intel are never get resolved. The whole Russian mob thing is introduced at the beginning and then promptly disappears. You forget about it and suddenly, it rears its ugly head again when there are about 15 minutes left.
This is a fascinating mess; the kind of picture that makes less sense the more you think about it. It almost reaches the same level of insanity as 2012's Branded. If you'll permit me to tell you a bit more, here is your
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The most cerebral-exploding scene happens once Trent and Malcolm are firmly planted in the school. Trent’s love interest, Haley (Jessica Lucas), walks into the art class and announces that she’s the nude model for the day. Yeah Right. I went to art school. No student would ever volunteer to pose nude for their peers. I don’t care if it’s one of those all-girl schools where no one does anything at night but compare bras, practice making out, and frolic in their nighties. It doesn’t happen! That’s not the crazy part though. The moment that will make you tear off your ears in frustration is when Big Momma offers to take the young woman’s place to shield Trent from seeing a woman naked. Next scene, Big Momma is posing nude. This means when Malcolm put together his fat black woman suit, he put the care and detail, just in case he would have to be naked, of realistic-looking breasts and a vagina as well. It’s madness!
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There’s nothing I could do to properly describe the sanity-grinding experience that is Big Mommas House 3. At one point, the plot literally screeches to a halt to show us a full-length music video, complete with choreographed dancing! It's one of those movies that’s better because it’s so much worse than you think it’s going to be. If you're brave enough to look into the abyss, then do it And I checked if the extended version contained any traces of Nia Long it does not. I guess two times was enough for her. (Extended Version on DVD, June 3, 2016)
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thecaduceus · 11 years
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Por: Luiza.
A rede de fast food Carl's Cool Kids está com um material especial do filme Percy Jackson e o Mar de Monstros para promover. O material consiste em brinquedos como dracmas com personagens, miniatura do Princesa Andrômeda e Arco-Íris, o hipocampo. Além de uma espécia de cubo-mágico com os personagens Luke (Jake Abel), Annabeth (Alexandra Daddario), Percy (Logan Lerman) e Grover (Brandon T. Jackson). As embalagens das comidas também trazem, além de um poster novo (na primeira imagem), uma com a foto de Percy.
Fonte: PercyBrasil
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thecaduceus · 12 years
Brandon T. Jackson (Grover) concedeu uma entrevista ao site The Flywire, durante sua passagem pela cidade americana de Baltimore, em sua tour de Stand Up Comedy. 
Fonte: PercyBrasil
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thecaduceus · 12 years
Divulgada uma entrevista do Brandon T. Jackson (Grover) no Stiks Arcade Benefiting Hurricane Sandy Relief. Ele falou um pouco sobre seu próximo projeto, Beverly Hills Cop.
Fontes: TeamALBBrazil
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thecaduceus · 12 years
Foi divulgado um video que Brandon T. Jackson (Grover) fez em 2009 junto com outros artistas famosos para uma campanha de uma ong chamada One, que luta para acabar com a pobreza extrema e tentar acabar com o alto índice de doenças em países subdesenvolvidos.  Essa não é a primeira vez que vemos Brandon ligado a uma boa causa!
Fonte: TeamALBBrazil 
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thecaduceus · 12 years
Novo trailer de Detona Ralph, animação da Disney que contará com a voz de Brandon T. Jackson (Grover) na versão em inglês. O filme estreia aqui dia 4 de Janeiro. 
Fonte: IMDb
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thecaduceus · 12 years
Hoje a conta oficial da Warner Bros. liberou no YouTube o Behind The Scene do filme Thunderstruck, próximo filme de Brandon T. Jackson (Grover) que teve o trailer liberado algumas semanas atrás. No filme o jogador de basquete Kevin Durant que interpreta ele mesmo, troca suas habilidades com a de um adolescente (interpretado por Taylor Gray), o personagem de Brandon tenta ajudar a reverter a situação. Segundo o IMDb o filme ainda não tem previsão de lançamento no Brasil.
Fonte: TeamALBBrazil
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thecaduceus · 12 years
E bem, saiu outro trailer de outro filme do Brandon T. Jackson (Grover). Dessa vez é do filme Thunderstruck que ele fez com o jogador de basquete Kevin Durant. No filme, Kevin troca suas habilidades de basquete com um garoto de 16 anos, e uma das pessoas responsaveis para tentar desfazer essa troca é o personagem de Brandon, Alan. O filme parece ser bem engraçado, como da pra ver no trailer. Infelizmente ainda não tem data de lançamento. 
Fonte: @Team_ALB
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thecaduceus · 12 years
Eu não tenho idéia se isso é uma noticia velha ou nova, mas, saiu o trailer da animação Wreck-It Ralph, que ganhou o nome de Detona Ralph aqui no Brasil. Você pode estar se perguntando no que isso nos interessa, certo? Interessa porque Brandon T. Jackson (Grover) emprestou a voz para o personagem Coily, the Snake (traduzindo: Coily, a Cobra). O filme conta a história de um vilão dos games que está cansado de ser apenas o vilão, então ele sai em uma aventura para tentar se tornar um mocinho. O filme é da Disney Pixar, a mesma que está lançando em breve Brave (Valente) que tem como um dos dubladores Kevin McKidd (Poseidon). O filme dublado por Brandon sai nos EUA no dia 2 de Novembro desse ano, mas só deve chegar nos cinemas brasileiros dia 4 de Janeiro do ano que vem.
Fonte: @Team_ALB
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thecaduceus · 12 years
Aqui está o segundo video que me passaram agora a pouco da cena de Brandon T. Jackson (Grover) lutando contra alguns atores e Grey Damon. Nesse sim, podemos ver Thor Freudenthal. 
Fonte: CityOf-Monsters
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