#Brandt x Ethan
doodledraw · 3 months
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well...it's been a HOT SECOND and I almost forgot I hadn't posted this but I REMEMBERED so here we are :)) this is my piece for the @missionzine , which isn't out for the public yet but will be very soon. It's a companion piece to a fic I wrote for @shoesplease through a server exchange, which I also submitted as part of the zine!! :D
Hope you like this silly piece and the words as well, everyone!! <3
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the-woman-upstairs · 1 year
I really do need to compose a much longer, detailed post about the parallels between Benji and Ilsa but am currently vibrating at the sudden realization of how Rogue Nation establishes early on how both are trapped, surveilled, and demeaned within the organizations they’re working for- Ilsa with The Syndicate and Benji with the CIA. Neither of them want to be in that position, with those groups, but have little choice since they’re fundamentally alone with virtually no support.
Until of course, Ethan offers them each a way out.
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friedcheesemogu · 2 months
I've spent the better part of the last four years facedown in "Mission: Impossible" fandom, simping for William Brandt (Jeremy Renner) and Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) so hard I went and got a tattoo of art my partner did of them about to make out and put it on my thigh. So there's that. I have a half-finished fic about them on AO3.
About two weeks ago something broke in my brain and now I'm crawling around "Dungeon Meshi" fandom, which is wild because it's alive and familiar and full of character and ship discord where MI is generally... not. Also Chilchuck is very me coded, both physically (we look similar) and psychologically (he's a little jerk bitch with emotional issues and I love that). So I guess that's a thing now.
I also just got an Eruri tattoo. AOT/SNK will always be my shining anime star.
And that's the state of fandom things. Please feel free to talk to me about any or all of the above, or... whatever.
Anyway yeah it feels weird to be back, but um... look at my Will and Ethan nendos, aren't they cute? I like to take them places and take pictures of them because I'm a grown ass woman and this is the form my life has taken.
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shipperoffanonships · 4 months
It's called SEVEN Minutes.
Benji: Truth or Dare? Ethan: Dare. Do your worst. Benji: All right. I dare you to... play "Seven Minutes of Heaven" with Ilsa. Brandt: This should be interesting.
*A long while later* Luther: How long has it been? Benji: *checks watch* Uh, twenty-one minutes.
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brabe · 1 year
au where people have a countdown to meeting their soulmate, and brandt’s stops the moment he first sees ethan in croatia. the absolute ANGST. the guilt of not being allowed to warn them, elevated at the maximun because that’s his soulmate he’s gambling the life of because of duty (not to mention the heartbreak of having a front-row seat to his soulmate’s basically honeymoon). so of course, when ethan leaves the hotel for a run, brandt doesn’t hesitate following him to watch over him. then disaster strikes, and if brandt was devasted in the og scenario, i have no idea how he would cope in this one.
meanwhile, after feeling momentarily disheartened when his timer didn’t stop after meeting julia, ethan’s whole existence has always been about defying fate anyway, so of course he marries her. years later, ethan’s clock suddenly stops in croatia, but he never knew why, and then there was so no time to think and only to act. 
when ethan pulls brandt’s file after india, everything clicks.
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lokismusings · 1 year
Spy Daddies is now my brain rot of the month and I hate it.
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ladywaffles · 6 months
Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47442676
T | 1/1 | 2.4k
Ilsa tries to make sense of the world, after being welcomed back into the fold.
or: how the IMF learned (to varying degrees) to trust Ilsa.
Title from Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18. I’m particularly fond of Movement II: Adagio sostenuto. Often considered one of the most popular piano concertos of all time, it was used as the score to the 1945 film Brief Encounter, and parts of it inspired Lorne Balfe’s score of Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning, Part One.
After two years at Lane’s side, Ilsa knows she should feel at ease in London. It is her city, her sanctuary; Lane, like her, was MI-6. He didn’t like coming back to London any more than she did, too aware of C’s eyes on him whenever his feet touched British soil.
Ethan Hunt and his IMF team have effectively freed her. Atlee confessed to setting her up; her government has taken her back. She is reinstated, avowed, welcomed back into the fold.
And yet.
She feels eyes on her everywhere she goes. It is hard for her fellow agents to trust the woman they have not seen in months, years. Some of them—the new ones, fresh-faced Oxbridge grads seduced into espionage by the false belief they could be the next Ian Fleming—do not know her as anything but a ghost story. Some of them—the older ones, her former fellow agents, already on edge and inherently distrusting, given that they are the ones who survived where their compatriots did not—still believe the story Atlee fed them: that she is a traitor to her government, her queen, her country, and she has duped them all into believing she is not, a triple agent waiting to strike.
It’s hard to let go of old habits when everyone acts as if nothing’s changed.
London is her city, it is her base. So why does it feel like she hasn’t come in from the cold until she feels familiar eyes watching her and turns to see a flash of green and a muted grin, a hooded figure that looks too much like Ethan Hunt—
And winks at her, staring her dead in the eyes, and before she can blink, her phone is buzzing with a text she knows will be from an unlisted American number with new mission parameters and he’s gone again—
Why does it feel like coming home?
Ethan believes her outright.
It’s the rest of them that take time to come around.
Despite the fact that he’s survived nearly three decades in their line of work, Ethan is still an optimist at heart and believes the best of people.
(“You know, he once asked me if I remembered being sweet,” Luther tells her when they’re on a sleeper train. Benji is knocked out in the bunk above her, happily snoring away. “If I could remember that far back. Ethan thinks he’s jaded, but he’s the best of all of us.”
As if I need you to tell me that, she wants to say.
“I know,” she replies instead.)
It should be Benji who opens up to her first—he’s the newest field agent of them, the easiest to dupe, the least experienced. Not to mention their shared country, even if Benji foreswore any allegiance to Her Maj when he took that IMF job.
Then again, she did stun him with a defibrillator. And shoot at him.
Brandt, she knows, will trust her when hell freezes over. Luther loves his gossip, and he coughs it up easily that Brandt was a part of the operation Ethan used to go undercover in Serbia that involved the murder of no less than seven people—and Brandt was the unwitting fool whose visceral reaction was used to sell the fact that Ethan really had gone rogue.
He’s as likely to forgive her for playing the double agent as he is to sprout wings tomorrow and start to fly.
No, it is Luther who comes around next; he too know what it is like to be disavowed by your government. There is no announcement, no balloon. One day, Luther goes from holding her at arms’ length to sharing knowing looks with her over Moroccan tea while Benji and Brandt snipe at each other.
Benji may have fooled Hunley’s polygraph for months, but she’s much better than a polygraph, and Benji’s not trying to hide as much anymore now that the IMF has been reinstated.
He openly adores Ethan, and who can blame him? They’re all here because of Ethan. Ethan is the sun they all revolve around, his gravity pulling them in closer and closer until he’s all that they can see.
It grates on Benji, that Ethan likes her and he can barely stand to be in the same room as her alone. He questions himself and his judgment of her.
But Ethan, endlessly kind and much more observant than she thinks others give him credit for, knows.
She’s not stupid. She knows that part of the reason he treats her the way he does—smiling, body relaxed, posture open—is to show the team, his team, that she is one of them. They can bring her into the fold. He is giving her his own seal of approval the best way he can.
They’re in Manila, backing up another IMF team, when it comes to a head.
Ethan is out doing what Ethan does best, which is to say, running down an agent like an idiot chicken with his head cut off, causing thousands of dollars in property damage as he does, and so it’s just Ilsa and Benji waiting for him at the extraction point.
Benji’s shoulders are hunched towards his ears as he guides Ethan through the winding market streets. A chill runs down her spine, and Ilsa puts her hand in between Benji’s shoulder blades and shoves down, just as a hail of bullets rains through the walls. She puts her body over Benji’s; she can barely hear him yelling directions at Ethan, the automatic rifles pounding through her ears.
She grabs her pistol and waits for a moment, but before she can return fire, a bomb goes off and Benji sighs.
“That’ll be Luther and Brandt. C’mon, we should get going before they come back.” Ilsa lets him help her up.
“Thank you,” Benji says.
“For what?”
“Saving me. I guess Ethan was right.”
She raises an eyebrow, and Benji huffs a laugh as he runs down the stairs to the idling van where Luther and Brandt wait for them.
“I can trust you with my life. Sorry it took so long.”
He slides the door open for her, ever the gentleman.
“I can’t say I blame you,” she says with a wry smile. “But I’m happy you’ve realized that. The feeling is entirely mutual.”
“What’re you yapping about? We’ve got places to go!” Brandt yips from the passenger seat.
“Oh, nothing,” Benji says as he slams the door shut behind him. “Just how I’ve finally confessed my undying love for Ilsa, and we’re going to elope in Vegas the second you turn your backs.”
Ilsa grins, toothy and bright, as Luther hits the gas and they all go flying down the road.
Benji is playing barista in the lobby while Ethan tries to break into the building from the roof. It’s been a whirlwind of activity since MI-6 officially “loaned” Ilsa to the IMF. In theory, she still owes her allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and Great Britannia; in practice, Ilsa has made a bubble for herself with Ethan’s merry band of men.
She sits shotgun in the utility van they’ve coopted as their mobile base. Brandt is behind the wheel. He’ll let anyone drive but her.
Ilsa turns off her radio and cuts him off before he can work himself up. “I know you don’t like me,” she says bluntly. “I don’t need you to like me. I don’t care, frankly, if you do. But I do need you to trust me, however little that may be.”
Brandt’s jaw clenches.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” he starts. “You’re too good of an agent. To go undercover for two years, limited check-ins, almost no handling…. It’s hard. You sold it to Lane. You sold it to your country. How am I ever supposed to know if what you’re telling me isn’t a lie?”
“You were an analyst,” she says. “Analyze me.”
“That’s not my job on this team,” he grits out. “I don’t get to judge.”
“You’re right, it’s not.”
It’s Ethan’s, goes unsaid between them.
“But you do it anyway,” she states.
His grip tightens on the wheel. For a spy, he’s doing a terrible job of masking his emotions. Then again, he has no reason to hide the fact that she makes him uncomfortable.
“I keep it to myself,” he mutters.
“You don’t have to. I thought that was the whole point of Ethan’s team. Being open with each other. It’s unnerving, I understand. I’m British, the stiff upper lip comes much more naturally. And in our line of work, trust can get you killed.”
Brandt turns to look at her finally, fully engaging in the game of wits they’re playing.
“Lane trusted you.” Ilsa scoffs. “Lane didn’t trust me. He needed my skillset and my access. ”
“Ethan trusts you.”
“Ethan Hunt is a good man. I would never do him harm willingly.”
“And unwillingly?” Brandt asks.
She shifts in her seat, redistributing her weight. She’s starting to lose feeling in her legs. They never do tell you how much of espionage is hurrying up to wait for hours on end.
“There are casualties. But I do not intend for Ethan to ever be one of mine.”
Brandt tilts his head back ever so slightly.
“You can’t protect him forever, you know,” Ilsa tells him. “It’s not your job to keep Ethan safe. Ethan is more than capable of doing that himself.
“I let him down once before.”
“And you think he holds that against you? From what I’ve heard, he couldn’t care less about that. You played your part perfectly,” she says.
Ilsa quirks an eyebrow. “Unless… You’re still angry that he played you?”
Brandt looks away. Bullseye.
She wants to laugh, but it would be cruel. “We’re all pawns in the game, Brandt. We use each other and burn each other and leave and do it all again the next day. If you can’t handle that, then why are you still here? It’s messy out here in the field. Go back to your desk, be an analyst again. Do good work from there. ”
“Because I believe,” Brandt says. He reaches over and turns her comms back on, and that ends the conversation.
She understands. It’s as good as she’ll ever get from Brandt. Even the most cynical of agents would fall victim to it, Ilsa thinks to herself.
Ethan Hunt is a force of nature. It’s hard to go back to real life, once you’ve had a taste of him.
“I thought you were bad news,” Luther offers. They’re in Miami, fresh off of a flight from the middle of nowhere after thirty-six hours of running down the newest threat to global security. Ethan handed them all hotel room keys and told them to shower, sleep, and eat. Ilsa fell face-first into bed and slept until sundown.
After a shower and a selection of the best street food Little Havana had to offer, she and Luther returned to the hotel bar. They’re sipping daiquiris, watching the night life explode around them.
“I know,” she laughs.
“You remind me of a woman I used to know,” he says. “She was brilliant and smart, and Ethan loved her.”
“He’s too kind for the likes of us,” Ilsa replies.
“I didn’t like you. I didn’t want to. I’ve watched Ethan go down this road before. The last time I had to pull him out of it, I ended up scuba diving in the San Francisco Bay to retrieve an unexploded nuclear ordnance that nearly ended life as we know it.”
Ilsa sips at her daiquiri; the rum is making her cheeks flush. Benji told her this story on one of the long flights they took, crossing from one corner of the world to the next. She knows how it ends.
“I’m flattered that you think that, Luther, but—”
“I’ve known Ethan longer than anyone. Don’t tell me that I’m wrong. I’m not. Ethan doesn’t let people in like he used to. I knew him when we were fresh-faced kids who didn’t know a goddamn thing. So when I tell you that Ethan has kept you here for a reason, I am telling the absolute truth.”
“Of course he needs me,” Ilsa says. “Otherwise you’d only have Brandt left to help keep him and Benji out of trouble, and where would that leave us?” she jokes, smiling easily with the alcohol in her system.
But Luther is stoic. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I know.”
“Don’t hurt him,” he says. It’s not an order, more of a request—an entreaty.
“I don’t mean to.”
“And that’s why you will, eventually.”
Ilsa watches the boats on the water, bobbing through the tides. The sails stand out bright against the inky darkness of the night.
“You all love him so much,” Ilsa says. “He can take care of himself.”
“He can,” Luther agrees. “But we care about him enough that he doesn’t have to do it himself.”
In her line of work, there is no such thing as personal space. Close quarters are simply an occupational hazard.
Why she’s ended up in the trunk of the getaway car, pressed on top of Ethan as they brace themselves against the walls with every wild turn that Brandt takes, she could not explain.
“Are you okay?” Ethan asks. “I’m not squishing you, am I?”
“Ethan, I’m on top of you. I should be the one asking that question.”
“But I’d never tell if you were,” he says with a toothy grin. “I was married once. I know better than to say anything.”
In the space between breaths, he becomes solemn again. He’s probably seeing his wife’s face.
“Is she safe?” Ilsa asks.
“As safe as she can be, after being married to me,” Ethan answers.
“Not as safe as you’d like her, then.”
He smiles sadly. “If I had my way, I’d know where she was, locked away in a part of my brain that no one else could get to. Just for my own peace of mind, to know that she’s happy and alive. Thriving. That’s all I wanted for her.”
“But you can’t.”
“But I can’t.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” “Still,” she says. “I’m sorry. Our lives are not easy. But there are people who love you.”
“The best people in the world,” Ethan agrees.
“Doesn’t it ever grate on you? How they hover?”
He shakes his head. “No.” He stares at her. Even in the dark, his eyes are bright. “I understand why they do it. They mean the best, in their own ways.”
Brandt hits a curb, and Ethan’s arms circle her waist, pulling her to his chest to keep her from hitting the top of the trunk.
“Thank you,” she tells him.
She means it.
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lukesvangelista · 3 days
i want you guys to give me the most heartbreaking, angsty scenarios to write about. don’t mention a specific player, just give me the scenario and i will see what player i want to match it to!
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love2write2626 · 1 year
Our Love in a Rogue Nation 7
Sorry for the delay! Please comment and let me know what you think!
Chapter 7
I sat in the room listening to the group discuss their next plan of action. Ok honestly I was tuning them out, at the moment I am admiring my beautiful engagement ring, I can’t believe I am getting married to Ethan. We had never discussed marriage, there was a small part of me that worried, that he was interested in marriage.
“You ok baby?” Ethan whispered to me, I looked up and smiled
“Yeah, just admiring my ring” I whispered back. He kissed my cheek, and just as if nothing happened, he went back to his conversation with the guys. As I tuned back in, it seems we had hit a speed bump, when it comes to the red box which meant that the drive is double encrypted.
“So, what your saying is there is no Ledger, which means we have no proof that the Syndicate even exists… so now we’re back to square one, except now we are all wanted by the CIA… I am so proud of us” Brandt said
“I have a question” I butted into the conversation. “Why is there a Redbox sitting in a private data base in Morocco?” every one looked at me pondering my question “and for that matter why would Lane want it, if he can’t open it?” I added
“Well, if Lane wants it you know he was a plan to open it” Benji said, Luther looked back at Ethan and I. My eyes got wide when it clicked
“He’s going to kidnap the prime minister” Luther said
“Yes he is” Ethan said
“Do we need to warn somebody?” I asked
“Yes, MI6” Brandt answered, he grabbed his phone when Ethan said
“Brandt, wait put the phone down, lets just think about this for a minute” I stood up walking closer to Ethan and gently placed my hand on his shoulder
“Ethan…” I mumbled
“Let me think a minute” he said
“No, Ethan we need to warn the British government, and not gamble with the prime minister’s life… just so you can beat the guy who has beaten you at every turn.” I saw a slight look of hurt in Ethan’s eyes
“Is that what you think this is?”
“I think, you are incapable of seeing another way right now. I think you need to maybe take a step back”
“Brandt, think about what you are saying” I stepped in “Sometimes Ethan is the only one who can see the way things need to be done” I said
“You, have no right to say anything right now. Ashley, you are smart but you are too close to Ethan, which means you will defend him at every turn, and that can lead some serious problems.” I cowered back a little in all the time I have known Brandt he has never once raised his voice at me, and I hate confrontation
“Brandt, you better watch your tone, Ashley is here to help just as much as everyone else here. You don’t ever raise your voice at her again” he stood up and got closer to Brandt “Am I clear?” Brandt didn’t reply he gave a simple nod of the head
“Ethan, we need to warn the British” Brandt said
“Maybe, that’s exactly what Lane wants us to do” Ethan said, now yelling
“Ethan enough! We are going to warn the British”
“No, we are going to find Lane, and we are going to get him, before he takes the Prime Minister” Ethan said. As I was listening to them argue, I started to feel pain run through my body… Damn the pain medicine must be wearing off. Ethan saw me stumble back a little, and rushed to my side “Baby sit down, you still need to rest… do you want some more pain meds?” he asked
“No, I don’t want to become dependent on those” Once I was sitting down, I leaned over a little to where Ethan is kneeling next to me and placed a light kiss on his cheek, which made his smile a little
“Ok, fine Ethan how exactly do you plan on finding Lane?” just as he asked the question the tablet next to Luther beeped, indicating his software had picked up on Ilsa’s most recent location, and Ethan turned to Brandt and gave him a cocky smirk. Brandt sighed
“Who’s going to drive?” Brandt asked in defeat
“Baby, I need you to wait in the car” I sighed
“Ethan I can help”
“You are still healing, and I just don’t want anything to happen to you… please wait in the car” I nodded knowing Ethan wasn’t going to let this go “I love you” he mumbled. I leaned over pulling his face closer to me and bringing our lips together. We both moaned into the kiss, this is the must real kiss we have had since I woke up in the hospital bed. After a minute, we broke apart
“I love you too” I whispered. We rested our foreheads together for a minute but jumped apart when we heard a banging on the window.
“Quit snogging my sister, and lets go” Benji said, I rolled my eyes, and Ethan pulled away from me
“Make sure you lock the door” Ethan said before getting out and walking away
Once Ethan left, I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes and I was honestly close to sleep when there was a tapping on my window. I jumped awake, and was scared to see a very large man standing there. He used his hand indicating he wanted me to roll my window down. I rolled it down only a little so I could hear him
“Hey, any chance you can give me a jump? My battery is dead, please? I’m desperate.. my wife just went into labor and I need to get to the hospital”
“Oh, sorry! Of course” I got out of the car, so I could walk to the drivers side “Where are you parked?” I asked
“It doesn’t matter” he said
“What?” I asked confused, then before I could do anything else he grabbed me and put a white cloth over my face… and the last thoughts that went through my mind before I blacked out was ‘How could I be so stupud?’
Ethan’s P.O.V
I ran as fast as I could to the parking garage, Brandt and I got to the black van where Ashley was just in time for the ‘Bone Doctor’ to speed off
“I lost her in crowd” Luther said as he ran up behind us
“No! Only Lane knows what’s going to happen” our conversation was interrupted by my phone ringing, I quickly answered it having a good idea of who it was.  “I swear Lane, if you hurt her in anyway” he cut me off
“I have a job for you Ethan” I let out and angry huff but said
“I’m listening”
“Your Mission should you choose to accept it, is to bring me the unlocked disc by Midnight.” He paused for what I am assuming was for a dramatic effect “Now say the words please”
“I accept” I mumbled before the line went dead.
“What does he want, Ethan?” Luther asked
“He wants the unlocked disc by Midnight”
“Ethan, there is only one person on this earth who can unlock that disc”
“I know”
“Ethan…” Brandt started
“We have to take the Prime Minister”
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I watched MI:6 the other day cause I went and saw MI:7 for my birthday (it was fucking awesome by the way I loved it, would recommend it) and I haven’t actually watched the last three mission impossible movies, so I’ve been catching up in reverse.
But anyway! MI:6, with Ethan and Walker and all that jazz. If you’ve seen it you know the amount of gay ass tension in that movie between those characters but for some reason! The fics are non-existent.
Like I love me a good Ethan x Brandt or Ethan x Benji, they’re great, lovely. Love the tension and angst and post mission relief of finding each other alive, it’s cute.
But all I’m asking for is a fic of Walker railing tf out of Ethan and then giving him the best aftercare that broken fuckin man has ever seen and then feeling guilty as fuck cause he’s supposed to be taking over the world or whatever but he’s falling hard for the stupid imf agent and he suddenly isn’t as sure about everything as he once was.
I’m still stuck in Cobra Kai hell so I can’t manage to write this right now (never mind the fact my smut is just abysmal) but maybe I’ll give it a shot one day.
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agentsinlove · 1 year
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so i remember now why benji x will was my first m:i ship. they were easily the most fun in ghost protocol, the first one i saw.
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fuddlewuddle · 1 year
Wrote some more of these two
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A more pressing concern
Will's in his office doing paperwork.
Ethan distracts him.
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julesnichols · 3 months
Hi hello may I offer you the Benji/Ilsa/Ethan fic that took me ~5 months to write and edit in these trying times
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basilette2 · 1 year
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ghost protocol!!!
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polikszena · 2 years
Okay, this came out when I thought of the opera scene from Mission: Impossible 5 today. This is when Brandt feels robbed of a ticket to the opera, and more importantly, of the chance to see Benji in a tuxedo:
"So, I sent Benji two tickets..." Ethan said when Brandt interrupted him.
"Two tickets?" he echoed.
"They come in pairs," Benji shrugged his shoulders.
"He sent you two tickets, but you went to the opera on your own?" Brandt burst out.
"It would've been suspicious if both of us had left to watch Turandot in Vienna," Benji pointed out.
"On the top of that it was Turandot? I can't believe it!"
"Didn't know you were such a huge fan," Ethan said.
"You wouldn't have seen much of it," Benji told him.
"But you got to wear a tux!" Brandt continued. "And I couldn't see it!"
"It wasn't a big deal," Benji said. He was a little surprised that Brandt was upset about not seeing him in a tuxedo.
"He looked great in it," Ethan said.
"Very elegant," Ilsa added with a small smile which made Brandt even more upset.
"Isn't there a picture of that somewhere?" He wondered.
"A picture? Why do you want to see me in a tux?" Benji asked, getting more and more confused by Brandt's reaction. Why did that matter this much to him?
The other agent let out a sigh and as he looked at him, Benji saw weariness in his eyes, and perhaps even pain.
"You really have no idea?" He asked.
"Not really, no," Benji admitted. He was clueless about Brandt's behavior. Off all the things that could have annoyed him about this whole mission, he was upset about not seeing Benji wearing a tuxedo? What the hell was going on?
With another sigh, William Brandt left the room which made Benji even more confused. He looked around, hoping that someone could tell him what was this all about. Ethan just opened his arms, seemingly as clueless as he was, while Luther did a facepalm, shaking his head, and Ilsa just nodded.
"I think he likes you," she said.
"I thought he was just being a drama queen," Benji said.
"The two things don't exclude each other," Luther said.
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the-woman-upstairs · 1 year
Look, I’m a Benthan warrior for LIFE, but rewatching Ghost Protocol reminds me of what a good ship Benji/Brandt is. Their banter is still so fucking cute.
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