koffeeaddiction · 1 year
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My besties countryhuman oc Mir Leshia Branen (my usual art style)
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I have to many art styles help (my other art style)
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ultranurd · 2 months
Asciinema WordPress Embeds
A few weeks ago I wrote about failed image uploads. In that post I used an embedded Asciinema player, recommended by long-time SCCS friend Branen, to show the console output of atop. I had initially tried ttyrec and ttygif, both of which are available in Homebrew. However ttyrec gave me some weird formatting errors and requires screen recording permissions to capture the Terminal window.…
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Social Security Office Stabbing in Mississippi
Social Security Office Stabbing in Mississippi
McComb, Mississippi – Branen Carter, 21, walked into a Social Security office with his mother and grandmother on July 9, and proceded to stab both of them. A security guard at the building then shot him to death.
The mother, Lee Anna Turnage, and grandmother Ann Carter, has an appointment at the Social Security office. They offered Branen a ride into McComb from Foxworth, about 40 miles east of…
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snowghoul · 3 years
How is Branen
I have no idea what you're talking about
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Jazzin’ The Blues Away [1918], words by Jeff Branen, music by Dick Heinrich
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Preserves and Pickles
Jams and Pickles Preservation
Jams and pickles achieve preservation by combination of heat, evaporation, high sugar (or high salt) and acidic pH to achieve a shelf stable product.
• Heat treatment – destroy microorganisms
• Concentration – reduced water activity
• Acidic pH – enhance heat destruction of microorganisms
• Organic acids – antimicrobial action • Salt – antimicrobial action
Mode of action of pH in controlling microorganisms
Strong acid (HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 = fully ionized in solution)
• Lower the external pH, do not permeate through cell membrane.
• Denaturing of enzymes occur on the cell surface, lowering of cytoplasmic pH due to increased proton permeability when the pH gradient is very large.
Weak acid (organic acid = partially ionized in solution)
• Weak acids are lipophilic and permeate through the membrane into the cell, lowering cytoplasmic pH.
• The undissociated acid affects metabolism, which
amplify the effects of the weak acid.
• • •
pH and proteins structure
Amino Acids have a single C-atom with -NH2 group (+ve), - COOH group (-ve), plus side chain (R- group).
Thus the amino acid has an amphoteric structure, and is positively or negatively charged depending on the pH.
The pH at which the molecule is neutralised is the isoelectric point.
Below the pI (acid) the amino acid is +ve
Above the pI (alkaline) the amino acid is -ve.
Amine group
Side chain
α-carbon group
Effects of pH on proteins
Protein’s stability is dependant on pH
Changes in pH alters electrostatic interactions between charged amino acids, changing protein shape and disrupting enzyme activity
Isoelectric point (pI) is the pH whereby the ionic charges (-NH2+ -COO- on the protein) have balanced and it is effectively neutralised.
Proteins will coagulate at the pI.
Casein protein coagulates at pH 4.5 to form cheese and yoghurt
• •
Denaturing proteins (& enzymes)
A number of agents can disrupt protein structure thus induce denaturation:
changes in pH (alters electrostatic interactions between charged amino acids)
changes in salt concentration (also electrostatic interactions)
changes in temperature (higher temperatures reduce the strength of hydrogen bonds)
presence of reducing agents (break
http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/lab2/ph.html http://www.biology-pages.info/D/DenaturingProtein.html
S-S bonds between cysteines)
pH and microbial survival
• Minimum pH values for pathogen growth and production depends on the tolerance of different microorganisms:
Clostridium botulinum is widely regarded not to grow in foods at pH less than 4.5
Most other food poisoning microorganisms are also well controlled below pH 4.2.
• Much lower pH levels are needed to control spoilage bacteria, yeasts and moulds.
• Lactobacillus are limited at below pH 3, while the limit for yeasts and moulds can be as low as pH 1.5.
Combined effects of pH and heat, Aw or organic acids on microbial destruction
• Low pH reduces the heat stability of microorganisms
The lower the pH, the less heat required for sterilization.
Bacterial spores are killed by heat more rapidly at low pH.
• Low pH enhances the effects of low Aw for microbial control
• Eg semidry sausages (salami) and cheeses (parmesan)
• Low pH especially with organic acids (ie. citric acid, acetic acid, lactic acid) has enhanced preserving effect, due to lipophilic nature and ability to permeate cell membranes.
• Eg. Pickles made with vinegar
Interacting effects of pH and water activity on growth of bacteria.
Classification of foods based on pH, water activity and heat processing requirements
(From I.R. Johnston and R.C. Lin, In Water Activity: Theory and Applications to Food (L.B. Rockland and L.R. Beuchat, Eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1987, p. 287.)
Effect of pH on vitamins stability
S = stable U = unstable
The stability of vitamins depends on the pH and the vitamin. 11 (Rahman, 2007)
Methods for controlling pH in foods
• Addition of acidulants such as acetic, citric, or lactic acid (eg. pickles, chutney )
• Fermentation (natural or controlled fermentation) lactic or acetic acids are produced by the action
of microorganisms, such as in sauerkraut, olives, cheese, yoghurt, or salami sausages – see next weeks’ lecture
Organic acids permitted in Foods
INS Number
Additive Name
Acetic acid
Lactic acid
Malic acid
Fumaric acid
Ascorbic acid
Erythorbic acid
Citric acid
Tartaric acid
Metatartaric acid
Adipic acid
Alginic acid
Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 1.3.1 - Food Additives, Schedule 8
Acetic acid
• Acetic acid – organic acid found in vinegar • Vinegar produced from fermentation of sugar from fruit or
cereal – malt, cider, wine, rice.
• Acetobacter produce acetic acid as a by-product of their metabolism.
• Antibacterial action beyond that attributed to acidic pH, an organic acid are able to permeate into the cell.
Antimicrobials in Food, Third Edition Edited by P. Michael Davidson, John N. Sofos and A. L. Branen. CRC Press 2005
Concentration effects
• Evaporation plays an important role in the preservation of jams and pickles.
• Review previous lecture notes on effect of low water activity on microbial control
• Plus added salt and/or sugar have additional impacts on preservation of jams and pickles.
Effect of high salt/sugar concentration
• Osmotic shock - semipermeable cytoplasmic membranes only allows water and limited solutes to cross. High concentrations of salt or sugar induces dehydration of cellular cytoplasm.
• Ionic impacts on protein structure. Salt dissociates to Na+ and Cl- ions and attracts the water molecules (solvation). Reduces the water available to interact with protein molecules, disrupting protein structure:
Low concentrations of salt increase the solubility of proteins,
High salt concentrations can induce “salting out”, resulting in aggregation and precipitation of the proteins.
Effects of high sugar or high salt on microorganisms
1. Germicidal effect on microorganisms. • Severe osmotic shock - reduced water availability for
microbial growth
• Ionic changes - denature proteins, including enzymes, stopping microbial activity
2. Some microorganisms are able to survive these conditions: • Halophiles – survive extremely salty solution of 2 to 15% salt, eg. Bacteria
Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, Chromohalobacter beijerinckii and some yeasts. • Osmophiles – survive sugar concentration of 65 to 70%, eg. Most yeasts
(eg. Saccharomyces); Moulds eg Penicillium, Aspergillus, Enterobacter aerogenes.
• •
Other impacts of high sugar or high salt on food quality
High sugar or salt, reduce the loss of loss of volatile flavours and aromas
Saltiness or sweetness modify taste of the product creating desirable or undesirable sensory qualities.
Sugar and salt have functional properties which modify the food the structure or texture, eg.
Salt has a role in dough development in bread dough formation
Sugar has a role in pectin gel setting.
• •
• • •
Origins of pickles and chutneys products can be traced back to ancient Greeks and Romans.
Based on the use of vinegar (added or fermented), salt, spices and sometimes sugar (reduce water activity) to achieve shelf stable preserves.
Types of pickles
Clear style - Vegetables in plain or spiced sweet vinegar; packed in jars, eg. cucumber, peppers, cauliflower and onions.
Fermented - Vegetables fermented in salty brine, which undergo a lactic acid fermentation, eg. sauerkraut, kimchi and olives
Chutney and relish - Vegetables (and sometimes fruit) chopped and combined with spices, vinegar and cooked.
Pickled onion practical
White vinegar, salt, sugar and spices (eg. peppercorns, mustard seeds, cloves, chilli)
Steep onions in boiling water, drain and peel
Blanch peeled onions in boiling water, drain
Prepare spiced vinegar pickling liquor, bring to boil
Pack onions and hot pickling liquor into jars, hot seal
Heat treat in hot water bath for 25 minutes at 78oC
Mango Chutney Recipe
1.5kg mangoes, peeled and diced 2 large red chillis, de-seeded and chopped 60g fresh ginger root, peeled and finely grated juice and finely grated rind of 1 lemon 500ml white wine or cider vinegar 750g brown sugar 1 teaspoon cumin powder 1 tablespoon salt 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon allspice powder 1 teaspoon turmeric (optional)
Method: Place all ingredients in a pot and bring to the boil,
Key controls for pickles safety and shelf life: acidity, salt, concentration and heat process
Handbook of Vegetable Preservation and Processing, Edited by Y. H. Hui , Sue Ghazala , Dee M. Graham , K. D. Murrell and Wai-Kit Nip, CRC Press. 2003
CIMSCEE model for the preservation of emulsion products using acetic acid
• Comité des Industries des Mayonnaises et Sauces Condimentaires de la Communauté Économique Européenne (CIMSCEE) model
• http://www.dairyscence.info/newCalculators/preserve.htm
• Formula based on pH, acetic acid content, salt, and sucrose content, for predicting the shelf stability of acid preserved foods.
• Predictive micro models http://www.campden.co.uk/services/predictive-microbiological- models.pdf
• • •
Jams and preserves
Jams, marmalades and jellies originated as an early effort to preserve fruit for consumption long after the fruit season had ended.
Based on high sugar concentration and low pH to achieve shelf stable preserves.
Definitions: Jellies - only strained fruit juice is used Jams - made with crushed or ground fruit Preserves - whole fruit or large pieces in syrup.
Jams and preserves
• Jams, marmalades and jellies, preserve fruit by combination of evaporation, high sugar and acid pH to achieve a shelf stable product.
• Process involves cooking the fruit to extract pectin, adding sugar and cooking to 66oBrix.
• The firmness of the set depends on pectin level in fruit.
High = apple, blackcurrant, plum, citrus
Medium = apricot, blackberry
Low = strawberry, pineapple, cherry
• The key to creating a fruit gel is pectin • Pectin is composed of long chains of sugar like sub-units ‘D-
galacturonic acid’ residues linked via (1-4) glycosidic bonds.
• Pectin is extracted from the plant cell walls – achieved by cutting up the fruit and boiling to extract pectin into solution.
Pectin content of different fruits
Pectin gel formation
• Fruit is cut-up and heated to extract the pectin from the plant cell walls.
• In solution, pectin molecules are negatively charged and repel each other, and thus are unable to form a continuous network.
• The formation of a continuous gel network of pectin to form jam is achieved by concentration & acid pH
The fruit is boiled to evaporate and concentrate the pectin
Large amounts of sugar is added to further increase conc.
Acidity is raised (naturally present citric acid in fruit or added) to change the electrical charge on the surface of the pectin chains and allow them to coalesce together.
Pectin test for fruit
• Heat fruit juice to a boil. Remove the juice from the heat and allow it to cool to room temperature.
• Place 1 teaspoon of the juice into a 100ml beaker. Add 1 tablespoon of 70% ethanol (or methylated spirits) and gently stir the ingredients and let it stand for 2 minutes.
• Use a fork to spear the jelly that forms. • If the juice is pectin rich, it will form a clump
of jelly that you can pick up with a fork.
• If little pectin, there will be a few small blobs of jelly instead of a thick, substantial mass.
Pectin gels
• Optimum conditions for pectin gelation is: • pH 2.8 to 3.5 (0.5% acidity by weight), • pectin concentration of 0.5 – 1.0% • sugar concentration 65%.
Plum Jam
Ingredients 1.2kg plums, 1 lemon, 500ml water, 900g sugar
Clean plums, drain
Cut into halves and remove seed.
Combine with 500ml water and boil for 20-30 minutes
Clean and then sterilise jars and lids in oven
Test pectin, pH
Add sugar, cook until set
Hot fill into jars, seal.
The sugar has been added, the jam commences cooking
• Jam is boiling rapidly - rolling boil • Stir regularly so that it does not stick to base of pan • Skim off the foam that forms at the surface
• See video in class lecture
Half-way cooked
• Jam is less foamy while boiling • Jam is starting to thicken • Keep stirring to reduce sticking
• See video in class lecture
Jam is ready for bottling
• Jam is bubbling • Thickened and falls as sheets off the spoon • Check for set on cold saucer, or 66oBrix on refractometer
• See video in class lecture
Bottling the jam
• Scoop hot jam into sterilised glass jars • Fill to within 11⁄2cm of top of jar • Firmly close lid, as it cools it will form a vacuum seal
• See video in class lecture
Effect of pH and oBrix on the gelling properties of jam
• • • •
Changes in jam quality during due to heat & cooking
Increases the concentration by boiling out some of the water
Destroys enzymes and microorganisms on the fruit.
Allows sugar to penetrate into the tissue of the fruit
Inversion of some sucrose in the presence of ‘heat and acid’ into glucose and fructose. Prevents crystallization during storage, as glucose and fructose crystallise with difficulty.
Inversion of sugar
Sugar inversion increases with boiling and acid pH.
Fehling's test for sugar inversion
Fehling's test for sugar inversion
Things that can wrong in jam making
No set – if solids or oBrix too low, plus risk of mould growth
No set - if pH too high or too low.
Excessive inversion of sugar – over cooking, the sugar breaks down in presence of acid into glucose and fructose (invert sugar), syrupy jam that won’t set.
Carmelization of the sugar - creating dark colours and strong caramel colours
Volatilization of fruity aromas – resulting in loss of flavour (can be retained by vacuum cooking)
• Degradation of pectin by excessive boiling and low pH
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saulsplace · 6 years
Wisten onze voorouders hoe ze poorten naar andere dimensies moesten openen?
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In 2012 maakte de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA bekend dat er verborgen doorgangen of poorten waren gevonden in het aardmagnetisch veld.
Deze poorten zijn extreem onvoorspelbaar en openen en sluiten in een oogwenk, zei natuurkundige Jack Scudder van de Universiteit van Iowa.
Met behulp van sondes is vastgelegd hoe elektronen door deze poorten gaan en vervolgens voor poollicht zorgen op aarde.
Hogere bewustzijnsstaten
Deze ontdekking doet denken aan de legendarische poorten op aarde die naar verluidt leiden naar andere dimensies.
Schrijver en onderzoeker Freddy Silva merkte op dat een aantal gothische kathedralen zijn gebouwd op plekken die voor de heidenen heilig waren.
Op deze plekken zou je hogere bewustzijnsstaten kunnen bereiken en een verbinding kunnen maken met extradimensionale entiteiten.
Schrijver Graham Hancock verwees naar de vele verhalen van sjamanen die door middel van ayahuasca een andere bewustzijnstoestand bereiken.
Poort van de goden
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In deze staat kunnen ze naar eigen zeggen leraren en gidsen ontmoeten, die vervolgens advies en wijsheid met hen delen.
In Peru bevindt zich Puerta de Hayu Marca, wat ‘poort van de goden’ betekent. Hayu Marca is zeven meter hoog en breed en lijkt een deur naar niets te zijn die in de rotsen is uitgehouwen.
Volgens een legende ontsnapte een priester genaamd Amaru Meru via Hayu Marca toen de Spaanse conquistadores Peru bereikten.
Veel theoretici geloven dat we in een multidimensionaal universum leven. Zij zeggen dat er geen drie, maar 10 of 11 verschillende dimensies zijn, met allemaal hun eigen natuurkundige wetten.
Wetenschapper Michio Kaku vergelijkt het met een vis die in het water zwemt. De vis kan omhoog, omlaag, naar links en naar rechts zwemmen en het water is je universum, je realiteit.
Maar wat als een mens je vangt en uit het water trekt? Plotseling bevindt je je in een nieuwe dimensie en wordt je buiten het water vastgehouden door een wezen dat ademhaalt zonder kieuwen.
Dit wezen beweegt zich zonder vinnen voort op een vaste ondergrond, een hele andere realiteit.
Op dezelfde manier zijn er mogelijk meerdere dimensies die wij niet direct kunnen waarnemen, maar wel indirect.
Vijfde dimensie
Volgens natuurkundigen Lisa Randall en Raman Sundrum leven we in een ruimte die in ieder geval nog een vijfde dimensie heeft.
Hun theorie stelt dat de zwaartekracht mogelijk een kracht is op een andere zogeheten braan dan die van ons. Die andere braan zouden we niet kunnen waarnemen tenzij er een soort poort zou zijn.
Is het mogelijk dat we op bepaalde plekken via zo’n poort naar één van die andere dimensies of branen kunnen?
Randall hoopt haar theorie te testen met behulp van de Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
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brickstory · 6 years
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45 Bishop Street is an old-style, Colonial home that rests atop a hill in Richmond Town, Staten Island, NY. The home was built in 1925. Mr. Daniel Branen(originally from Illinois) and his wife, Mrs. Alma Branen (from New York) lived here during the 1930’s. Mr. Branen worked as a buyer of wholesale sportinggoods. The Branens were likely the first owners of this home. The Dolan family - Mr. Franklin Dolan, Mrs. Marion Dolan, and their 3 children, Franklin Jr., Eileen, and Joyce, moved here around 1940. Mr. Dolan worked as a manager in the insurance industry.   Decades later, Ms. Corneilia Wagner lived here from 1974 to 1989. She moved to Alexandria, Virginia and passed away in 1993 at the age of 83. In 1990, the Goldbaum family moved to 45 Bishop Street before selling the home in 2015, 25 years later. Today, 45 Bishop Street is owned by Richard Losardo and Jennifer Ward. Although the home has been occupied by many families over the years, it hasn’t changed much, except for some minor renovations and a porch roof addition. 45 Bishop Street still has the original fireplace, hardwood floors, wainscoting, and staircase it did when it was built almost a century ago.  Images from 1980s (last), 2013 and 2017. Share your house images and story at BrickStory.com Tell us your story and share your homes' photos at BrickStory.com. #BrickStory, #storystylesoul, #architecture #historicpreservation, #househistory, #architecture, #designer, #preservation, #historichome, #oldhouselove, #realestate #americanhome, #vintagelife, #americanhistory, #americanpride, #thisoldhouse, #ancestry, #statenisland, #newyork, #myhouse, #colonial, #oldstyle (at Staten Island, New York)
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alithedragonslayer · 7 years
#Blogival ~ Soho Honey by A.W.Rock #GuestPost @gilbster1000 @authorightUKPR
#Blogival ~ Soho Honey by A.W.Rock #GuestPost @gilbster1000 @authorightUKPR
This is my second stop on the #Blogival trail for this year .. featuring Soho Honey .. I read and reviewed this book last year which you can read Here This contemporary crime story takes place over three weeks in November and unfolds against the multi-cultural backdrop of Soho, London. Branen had to leave the UK six years before to escape his complex clandestine history and the consequences of a…
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haraj0911 · 7 years
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Thanks @elev8hawaii for introducing me to these....I'm addicted! Thank you to Branen from Huff 'n Puff for the honor of letting me sample these yet to be released Furikake Arare Okoshi. 😄 Check @huffnpuffhawaii for info about the release date, upcoming events and locations. (at Honolulu, Hawaii)
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hdltd100-blog1 · 8 years
Philosophische Gedanken #2
Unsere materiell-energetische Realität, deren grundlegende Bausteine, sind die ausgeprägte Form, angeregt von den Schwingungen des dimensionslosen kosmischen Urgrundes, der alle vorhandenen Naturkräfte beinhaltet. Wie die Schwingungen auf den Saiten eines Instruments, das dann einen Ton hervorbringt. Der Ton ist dann sinnbildlich äquivalent mit den einmal ausgeprägten Formen von den Dingen in unserer Realität. 
Unsere Welt ist eine Ausprägung des Kosmos. Unsere Daseinsform (Realität) ist eine in gewisser Weise in Schwingung gebrachte, hervorgebrachte Form des unendlichen Kosmos, in dem alle Ereignisse aufsummiert werden, grenzenlos, dimensionslos und zeitlos. Die Branen (Weltlinien/Saiten) des kosmischen Weltraums werden für uns zur Sphärenmusik in Schwingung gebracht. 
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ORANGE PARK, SOUTH END OF BLANDING BOULEVARD, NEAR BRANEN FIELD ROAD, RESTAURANTS, WALMART, HOME DEPOT, VY STAR. WELL-KEPT HOME. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED $400, PLUS $100 DEPOSIT. NO COUPLES, PETS, DRUGGIES. MINIMAL ALCOHOL. NO SMOKING INSIDE HOME. EMPL [...] from Craigslist http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/roo/5962958373.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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ORANGE PARK, SOUTH END OF BLANDING BOULEVARD, NEAR BRANEN FIELD ROAD, RESTAURANTS, WALMART, HOME DEPOT, VY STAR. WELL-KEPT HOME. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED $400, PLUS $100 DEPOSIT. NO COUPLES, PETS, DRUGGIES. MINIMAL ALCOHOL. NO SMOKING INSIDE HOME. EMPL [...] from Craigslist http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/roo/5960205796.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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ORANGE PARK, SOUTH END OF BLANDING BOULEVARD, NEAR BRANEN FIELD ROAD, RESTAURANTS, WALMART, HOME DEPOT, VY STAR. WELL-KEPT HOME. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED $400, PLUS $100 DEPOSIT. NO COUPLES, PETS, DRUGGIES. MINIMAL ALCOHOL. NO SMOKING INSIDE HOME. EMPL [...] from Craigslist http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/roo/5957429502.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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ORANGE PARK, SOUTH END OF BLANDING BOULEVARD, NEAR BRANEN FIELD ROAD, RESTAURANTS, WALMART, HOME DEPOT, VY STAR. WELL-KEPT HOME. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED $400, PLUS $100 DEPOSIT. NO COUPLES, PETS, DRUGGIES. MINIMAL ALCOHOL. NO SMOKING INSIDE HOME. EMPL [...] from Craigslist http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/roo/5956255202.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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ORANGE PARK, SOUTH END OF BLANDING BOULEVARD, NEAR BRANEN FIELD ROAD, RESTAURANTS, WALMART, HOME DEPOT, VY STAR. WELL-KEPT HOME. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED $400, PLUS $100 DEPOSIT. NO COUPLES, PETS, DRUGGIES. MINIMAL ALCOHOL. NO SMOKING INSIDE HOME. EMPL [...] from Craigslist http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/roo/5954733216.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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