#Brarg Week 2019
toabelovednightmare · 2 years
A Weekend at the Beach
Characters/Pairings: Brarg. Martin, Luciano, Sebastian, Miguel, Manuel, Maria, Catalina, Daniel, Julio, and Francisco (read the tags after you finish reading). 
Notes: I wrote this for what I think was the 2019 Brarg Week. Something must have happened because I didn’t get around to finish it even though I really liked it. Anyways, here it is. 
Warnings: This is a WIP that will probably remain a WIP forever.
So maybe they all had been too optimistic about the weekend. It was summer, the beach was two hours away, and they were completely free because the meeting for Saturday had been postponed. The South American summit would resume on Monday night, so they had all the time in the world to camp on the beach, and drive back to the city on Monday. They had enough money and time, so a short improvised road trip wasn't that hard to plan.
Of course, they didn't tell their bosses. They didn't have to, since they were simply going to do what they always did: get extremely drunk, party and, maybe, hook up. But that's what they all usually did in their free time, so it was not like they had to explain what they were going to do "while in the city."
Saturday morning, they rented three cars, bought some tents and food, and drove to the beach town, and well...
The sun was shining brightly over his face when Luciano opened his eyes.
It took him a whole minute to remember where he was, why he was there, and why Martin's arm was wrapped around his torso. Then, he heard hysterical shouting in the background. He lifted his head from the sand to look in the direction of the noise.
Then, he jumped to his feet.
The cars were getting towed. Miguel was screaming, making up all sorts of excuses to try to stop the tow truck operators. Manuel was screaming at Miguel for suggesting they park there. Maria jumped in the remaining car and drove away at full speed before anyone could stop her.
And, oh boy, was it about to get worse.
Martin woke up cussing. He was bright pink, like a shrimp. He accused Luciano of letting him sleep in so he would burn like a piece of steak. Luciano argued back, saying that Martin had been the one who wanted to "sleep under the stars" to begin with when he obviously was just too lazy to build a tent. Martin threw his arms in the air and reminded him that he had been too drunk to stand up after Luciano had "playfully" pinned him down on the sand.
The truck was then ready to leave with two of the three cars they had rented.
Martin ran to hold the door of the tow truck driver as the man tried to leave. Two minutes later, the operator was out of the truck and about to start throwing fists at Martin. Martin kept screaming non sensical stuff that made Luciano consider that, perhaps, the Argentinian was still too drunk to function. One second he was going off about how they could sue the towing company for their clear "abuse of power," the next he was screaming about how he was going to find where the man lived, and turn his life into a living hell.
They all had to pry Martin off the driver's door again. The truck left with the cars. Maria was still M.I.A. Catalina had disappeared behind some dunes while trying to get some signal on her phone. Sebastian, who had been sleeping like a baby inside his own tent, emerged to ask if someone had seen his glasses.
Luciano noted the strong smell coming from Sebastian's tent and wondered until what hour of the night he had stayed up smoking weed. Poor Sebby was now blindly searching around the campsite. He was completely oblivious to the mess going on around him.
Manuel and Martin were arguing. Miguel was trying to find something to eat for breakfast, and Daniel and Julio had followed Catalina--it had been a while since she left. Where the hell was Francisco? Great. They were now missing half the group.
Luciano was about to go help Sebastian when Martin stomped back to him fuming and demanding that he help him rub some Icy-Hot on his back before he passed out from the pain. He rolled his eyes and called the Argentinian overdramatic but decided to help him anyway.
They crawled inside an empty tent, and Luciano went on and on about how Martin was like a whiny baby. Martin was lying on his stomach, wincing and mumbling curses. Luciano laid kisses between his shoulders; no one was watching, so it was okay.
Martin stared at him out of the corner of his eye. After a couple of minutes of massaging, he let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. Luciano brushed the hair out of his eyes and whispered a secret in his ear. Martin smiled.
The siren of a police car approaching destroyed their little moment. Two police officers walked towards their camp. Apparently, some blond intoxicated guy had threatened to kill a poor tow truck operator. They gave a quick glance around, and then decided that they were taking Sebastian--he looked intoxicated enough and was kind of blond--to the police station.
Martin tried, he really tried to stand up and stop the officers from taking his dear cousin. But moving hurt. A lot. So he ended up moaning in the sand while he watched the officers grab and push a very confused and alarmed Sebby into the police car. Sebastian was screaming, "police brutality" at the top of his lungs, but the officers wouldn't listen to anyone--since they all looked like a bunch of drunk clowns.
Manuel had given up trying to make sense of the situation at that point. Miguel had made sandwiches. Martin was still rolling on the sand, suffering loudly. Luciano was wondering how they were going to explain everything to their bosses.
He tried to imagine the presidents when they noticed that all the South American nations had gone missing. They were never going to hear the end of it. And they could kiss the rest of their holiday goodbye.
Martin asked if it was his fault that the police took Sebastian, to which Manuel replied yes, Miguel said no, and Luciano kept silent. They were so screwed. It was getting late.
Catalina, Daniel, and Julio returned to the camp. There was absolutely no signal anywhere near. There was, however, a group of sketchy-looking dudes hanging out a few miles from there. They had jumped them and stolen their phones.
Luciano asked if anyone could remember how far away was the nearest "actual town". They would have to find Sebastian before even thinking about how they were going back to the city. Had the cops said where the police department was?
All these innocent questions started another argument, now between Martin and Daniel. Daniel was convinced that Martin had thrown Sebastian under the bus to avoid the consequences of his own stupidity. Martin couldn’t believe he was getting accused of betraying his own blood. Meanwhile, Miguel was freaking out because, apparently, guns had been involved in the whole phone ordeal. Julio rolled his eyes and explained that the guns were probably fake toy guns, but Cata and Dani wanted to "play it safe."
Amid all the fighting, Luciano wondered if he wouldn't be better off disappearing between the waves.
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brargweek · 5 years
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This year we had so many suggestions, we'd like to give everyone a special thank you ♥ There were so many fun cool ideas! Picking between them was hard, but after some discussion we finally chose our 7 challenges for Brarg Week 2019!
24/11 - Day 1: Coffee Shop
25/11 - Day 2: Mermaids
26/11 - Day 3: High School
27/11 - Day 4: Novela
28/11 - Day 5: Road Trip
29/11 - Day 6: Medical
30/11 - Day 7: Angels & Demons
We really wished we could have used all of your suggestions, so to make up for it, this year we'll introduce a new fun feature; a wild card. What does this mean? We're giving you guys the opportunity to take one of the daily challenges and trade it for whatever you like instead. For example, don't fancy Day x? Maybe you'd rather work on some request that didn't make it to the final cut or just something else entirely? Well, this is your chance to go for it! We're giving you guys just one wild card to trade, so use it wisely~
As always, we remind you to please tag your warnings/triggers (ex; #nsfw, #blood, #violence, etc) and to also tag your event entries as #BrargWeek or #BrargWeek2019 to help us find and share your content.
Good luck everyone, and have fun!
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oxiosa · 5 years
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@brargweek - Day 5: Road Trip
Hitchhiking traveler Luciana was counting on finding surprises along the way in her journey around South America. She wasn't expecting fellow adventurer Martina taking her in, nor the feelings that grow deeper and stronger between the two of them day after day on the road. Luciana totally was in for surprises, but she definately wasn't  expecting to find a life partner in her new travel companion.
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zu-art · 5 years
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♥ Brarg Week Day 1 - Coffee Shop ♥
[ Click the images so you can actually read them lol I’m sorry I keep handwriting these instead of typing them ]
I’M EXCITED FOR BRARG WEEK 2019!! I don’t think I’ll be able to draw longer things like this one every day, but I’d love to. I hope you like it~
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helozinha-art · 5 years
“BrArg Week 2019 - Day 1: Coffee Shop
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Luciano: "E aí, Má! Tem cortesia pra mim hoje?"
Martín: "Claro que não, besta... Sabe que não posso ficar fazendo isso, vão me despedir."
Luciano: "Mas eu sou cliente da casa e seu namorado, eu devia ter privilégios, não devia?"
Martín: "Não mesmo."
Luciano: "Aff, eu tentei."
//English translation under the cut//
Luciano: "Sup, Ma! Is there any courtesy for me today?"
Martín: "Of course not, dumbass... You know I can’t keep doing this, they’re gonna get me fired."
Luciano: "But I’m a frequent client and your boyfriend, so I should have privileges, shouldn’t I?”
Martín: "Not at all."
Luciano: "Welp, I tried at least."
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brargweek · 5 years
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Hello everyone!
The brarg tag has been awfuly quietly these past days and we're here to change that with another Brarg Week!
You guys know the drill by now; we'll be open to suggestions to take under consideration for the next week. You've got 'till November 10 to send your suggestions. We'll be posting the calendar as soon as we get it together and give you guys a little head start to get as much as your works done before the week oficially starts the 24th of November.
Come hit our askbox!
¡Hola, gente!
La tag de brarg ha estado muy callada estos últimos días ¡y estamos acá para cambiar eso con otra Brarg Week!
A estás alturas ya sabemos como va la cosa; durante la semana recibiremos sugerencias para tener en consideración. Tienen hasta el 10 de noviembre para enviarnos sus ideas. Estaremos posteando el calendario lo antes posible para darles tiempo para trabajar en sus entradas antes de que la semana empiece oficialmente el 24 de noviembre.
¡Vengan a visitar nuestra askbox!
Oi, pessoal!
A tag de Brarg tem estado terrivelmente parada nesses últimos dias, e viemos mudar isso com outra Brarg Week!
Vocês já sabem como funciona; durante a semana que vem, vamos receber sugestões pra analisar. Vocês terão até 10 de novembro pra enviar essas sugestões. Assim que estiver pronto, vamos postar o calendário e dar a vocês um tempinho pra adiantar seus trabalhos o tanto quanto possível antes da semana oficialmente começar, em 24 de novembro.
Nossa askbox está aberta!
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brargweek · 5 years
Tittle: Bilhetes
Pairings/Characters: Luciano/Martín, Miguel/Manuel (menção); Brasil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Uruguai
Warning: Fluffy
Language: Português
Summary: Martín escreve bilhetes para alcançar o seu "amor de colégio", Luciano está em dúvida e Sebastian está cansado desses dois.
@brargweek | Dia 3: Colégio
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brargweek · 5 years
Firstly, thank you so much for all your messages, we really appreciate them ♥
We'd like to ask you guys to gives a little help choosing between all this awesome ideas. Support the suggestions you'd like to see be part of the Brarg Week 2019 by liking them. The more notes a request gets the higher the chances we'll pick them ;)
Remember we’re closing suggestions this weekend, so come message us if you haven't yet!
Primero que nada, muchas gracias por todos los mensajes que nos llegaron, realmente son muy apreciados ♥
Quisiéramos pedirles una ayudita para elegir entre todas las ideas que nos enviaron. Apoyen la sugerencia que les gustaría que formara parte de la Brarg Week 2019 dándole un like. Mientras más notas tenga una solicitud, más chances tendrá de que la seleccionemos ;)
Recuerden que estamos cerrando sugerencias este finde, ¡así que pasen a dejarnos sus mensajes si todavía no lo hicieron!
Oi, gente!
Primeiramente, muito obrigada por todas as mensagens, ficamos muito felizes com elas ♥
Gostaríamos de pedir a vocês uma ajudinha pra escolher entre todas as ideias que nos mandaram. Apoiem as sugestões que gostariam que fossem incluídas na Brarg Week 2019 dando um like nelas. Quanto mais notas um pedido tenha, maiores a chances de o escolhermos ;)
Lembrem-se de que as sugestões se encerram neste fim de semana, então mandem-nos suas mensagens se ainda não o fizeram!
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brargweek · 5 years
Tittle: Semideuses
Pairings/Characters: Luciano/Martín; Brasil/Argentina
Warning: Mitologia tupi-guarani, menção de morte de personagens menores, um pouco de angst
Language: Português
Summary: Tudo começou com a perseguição do Ao ao.
@brargweek | Day 2: Sereias!Au
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oxiosa · 5 years
Title: Make Your Own Luck Characters/Pairings: Luciano/Martina (Brazil/Fem!Argentina respectively). Warning: Coffee shops and the magical power of love~ Summary: Normally, closing the shop takes half the time Luciano is taking, but that’s because normally Luciano’s father is here with him to help him out. Tonight his father has gone on an errand to deliver some packages and buy some ingredients for his personal apothecary, and while he will be back soon - for they are still missing Luciano’s nightly lessons -, Luciano is left to close the shop on his own.
@brargweek - Day 1: Coffee Shop
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brargweek · 5 years
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Queremos agradecer de coração a vocês por termos tantas sugestões este ano ♥ Foram tantas ótimas ideias! Escolher entre elas foi difícil, mas, após debatermos, finalmente escolhemos nossos 7 desafios para a Brarg Week 2019!
24/11 - Dia 1: Coffee Shop
25/11 - Dia 2: Sereias
26/11 - Dia 3: Colégio
27/11 - Dia 4: Novela
28/11 - Dia 5: Road Trip
29/11 - Dia 6: Médicos
30/11 - Dia 7: Anjos & Demônios
Nós queríamos muito poder ter usado todas as suas sugestões, então, pra compensar, este ano vamos incluir uma novidade: um coringa. O que isso quer dizer? Vocês vão ter a oportunidade de trocar um dos desafios diários por qualquer outro tema que quiserem. Não gostaram muito do tema do dia tal? Talvez queiram trabalhar num tema que não foi escolhido, ou algo totalmente diferente? Essa é a sua chance! Vamos lhes dar só uma carta coringa pra trocar, então usem-na com sabedoria~
Como sempre, lembramos a vocês de usar as tags de avisos/triggers (ex: #nsfw, #sangue, #violência, etc.) e também marcar as entradas para o evento com #BrargWeek ou #BrargWeek2019 para nos ajudarem a encontrar e compartilhar seus trabalhos.
Boa sorte a todos, e divirtam-se!
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brargweek · 5 years
Brarg Week 2019 has officially begun! After all your hard work, it's finally time to start sharing your content!
Remember you can either post your event entries on your blogs and tag us or you can go ahead and submit them to us.
We'll be looking forward to see your fanworks!
¡Inicio oficialmente la Brarg Week 2019! Después de tanto trabajo duro, ¡llegó la hora de compartir contenido!
Recuerden que pueden publicar sus entradas de evento en sus blogs y etiquetarnos o simplemente usar la herramienta de submit.
¡Esperamos con ansías ver sus fanwork!
A Brarg Week 2019 oficialmente começou! Depois de tanto trabalho duro, chegou a hora de compartilhar o que fizeram!
Lembrem-se de que podem fazer seus posts do evento nos seus blogs e nos marcar, ou simplesmente usar a ferramente de submit.
Esperamos seus fanworks com ansiedade!
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brargweek · 5 years
Requests have been closed! Thank you so much for all your messages ♥
Stay tuned, we’ll be posting the full calendar soon!
¡Cerramos solicitudes! Muchas gracias por todos los mensajes que nos llegaron ♥
Quedense atentos, ¡próximamente estaremos publicando el calendario completo!
Os pedidos estão encerrados! Muito obrigada por todas as mensagens ♥
Fiquem atentos, vamos postar o calendário completo logo!
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brargweek · 5 years
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Este año tuvimos un montón de sugerencias, muchísimas gracias a todos por eso ♥ ¡Nos enviaron tantas ideas tan buenas! Elegir fue realmente difícil, pero después de hablarlo finalmente seleccionamos nuestros 7 desafíos para la Brarg Week 2019!
24/11 - Día 1: Coffee Shop
25/11 - Día 2: Sirenas
26/11 - Día 3: Escuela Secundaria
27/11 - Día 4: Novela
28/11 - Día 5: Road Trip
29/11 - Día 6: Médicos
30/11 - Día 7: Ángeles & Demonios
Nos hubiese encantado poder incluir todas sus sugerencias, así que para compensar, este año vamos a introducir una nueva herramienta; un comodín. ¿Qué quiere decir eso? Les vamos a dar la oportunidad de tomar alguno de los desafíos diarios e intercambiarlo por lo que quieran. Por ejemplo, ¿no te convence el Día X? ¿Tal vez preferirías trabajar en una solicitud que no terminó figurando en el calendario, o simplemente en algo totalmente distinto? Bueno, ¡esta es tu chance! Les estamos entregando tan solo un comodín, así que úsenlo sabiamente~
Como siempre, les recordamos por favor etiquetar sus advertencias/triggers (ej: #nsfw, #sangre, #violencia, etc) y también etiquetar sus entradas de evento como #BrargWeek o #BrargWeek2019 para ayudarnos encontrar y compartir su contenido.
Buena suerte, ¡y diviértanse!
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brargweek · 3 years
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Hello everyone! Hope you haven’t missed us too much ♥
We’re happy to announce our inbox is officially open for suggestions for Brarg Week 2021’s daily challenges! You’ll have until October 10 to visit our inbox and share with us all those juicy ideas and scenarios you’d love to see our favourite couple get thrown into.
If you’re looking for inspiration, we invite you to check out previous years’ suggestions - just remember we’ll only consider prompts that haven’t made it to the final cut in previous editions. You can find the previous promptlists here: 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020.
We like to keep innovating ourselves with every edition and this year is no different; we thought adding some neutral voting system would give brarg shippers outside tumblr a chance to have their voice heard. Instead of picking the posts with more notes, we’ll do it with a poll we’ll share with you once we close our inbox. The poll will remain open for a week, so make sure to stay tuned so you don’t miss it!
Go hit our ask box!
¡Qué tal, gente! Esperamos no nos hayan extrañado mucho ♥
¡Nos complace anunciar que nuestro inbox oficialmente está abierto para recibir sugerencias para los desafíos diarios de la Brarg Week 2021! Tendrán hasta el 10 de octubre para mensajearnos y compartirnos las situaciones y escenarios en los que les gustaría ver a nuestra pareja favorita.
Si andan en busca de inspiración, los invitamos a darle un vistazo a las sugerencias de años anteriores – solo recuerden que solo vamos a tener en consideración prompts que no hayan sido ya explotados. Pueden checkear las promptlists de años anteriores aquí: 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020.
Nos gusta innovarnos con cada edición y este año no es excepción: pensamos que agregar un sistema de voto en terreno neutral les va a dar a los brarg shippers fuera de tumblr una oportunidad de ser escuchados. En vez de elegir las publicaciones con más notas, este año vamos a compartirles una encuesta una vez que cerremos nuestro inbox. La encuesta estará disponible por una semana, ¡a estar atentos para no perdérsela!
¡Vayan a visitar nuestro ask box!
Oi, todo mundo! Espero que não tenham sentido muita saudade de nós ♥
Ficamos felizes de anunciar que oficialmente abrimos as sugestões para os desafios diários da Brarg Week 2021! Vocês terão até 10 de outubro para mandar em nossa inbox as suas ideias e cenários nos quais gostariam de ver nosso casalzinho favorito.
Se estão buscando inspiração, sugerimos dar uma olhada nas sugestões dos anos anteriores - mas lembrem-se de que só vamos levar em consideração os temas que não entraram na lista final das edições passadas. Podem encontrar as listas de temas anteriores aqui: 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020.
Gostamos de inovar a cada edição, e esse ano não será diferente. Pensamos em usar um sistema neutro de votação para dar aos brarg shipper de fora do Tumblr uma chance de serem ouvidos. Ao invés de escolher os posts com maior número de notas, vamos fazer uma enquete que vamos compartilhar com vocês depois de fecharmos a inbox. A enquete ficará aberta por uma semana, então fiquem ligados para não perdê-la!
Vão visitar nossa ask box!
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brargweek · 5 years
Hello everyone!
After all your hard work and lovely entries, today we close 2019's Brarg Week. We thank you for participating and sharing all your amazing works from the botton of our hearts ♥
Happy Argentine-Brazilian Friendship Day! We hope too see you all again next year!
¡Hola a todos!
Después de todo su trabajo duro y sus bellas entradas, hoy cerramos la Brarg Week edición 2019. Muchas gracias por participar y compartir todos sus increíbles trabajos, agradecemos desde el fondo de nuestros corazoncitos ♥
¡Feliz día de la Amistad Argentino-Brasilera! ¡Esperamos volver a verlos el año que viene!
Oi, todo mundo!
Depois de todo o seu trabalho duro e seus posts lindos, hoje encerramos a Brarg Week 2019. Agradecemos do fundo do coração por participarem e compartilharem todos os seus trabalhos incríveis ♥
Feliz Dia da Amizade Argentino-Brasileira! Esperamos ver todxs vocês novamente ano que vem!
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