#Britney is a severe racist
saturns7moon · 4 months
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hihi everybodyyyyy, astro observations p2, let’s gooo 😋.
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personally!!! i’ve seen that a lot of venusian influence within a family can show instances of having health issues linked back to sweet foods. like for example, my taurus mother is a pre-diabetic, and she’s told me that it generally runs throughout our family. i don’t have diabetes but i’ve noticed how me and my siblings have a really bad sweet tooth. eating too many sweets makes my (7H taurus moon and mars, sidereal libra sun and rising) tooth ache, the youngest (taurus rising, sidereal pisces stellium) has been scolded a lot for eating way too much sugar as well. same as i, lol.
now question for my fellow taurus placements. how do u feel about cooking? are you good at it?
i’m crying, right after i wrote this, i was scrolling on tiktok and there’s this video of this woman, meg deangelis, who says that one thing that she can never understand is when people say they can’t cook, and she’s basically saying how it baffles her. i had an inkling, so i searched up her chart and she’s a taurus sun and aries venus 😭. taurus people are commonly stereotyped to liking food a lot, which makes sense since taurus is the more down-to-earth side of venus, and venus is about comforts, and taureans find comfort in food! aries is ruled by mars, aka planet of war and what-not, and i’ve found that aries placements mixed alongside taurus placements love to cook in the kitchen because the kitchen is known to hold sharp cutlery in there, which commonly used whilst cooking.
i was listening to criminal by britney spears earlier today, and i swear that song is so so 7H mars coded. like falling for someone that isn’t the best of the best or people being against who you love like. i still can’t word it properly, but if you’re a libra rising/taurus rising/7H mars (scorpio/aries/venusian mars can count as well depending on aspects!!) please listen to the song (specifically whilst watching the music video🧍🏾‍♀️) or read the lyrics and tell me you understand what i’m talking bout 😭. like i know y’all would get it 😭‼️
^ also “why try” by ariana grande feels the exact same to me toooo omg.
having an afflicted 3H, 7H and 11H is literally my villain origin story. like it’s either i have no friends, i get bullied/outcasted or i go through the WORST friendship breakups ever like oooooh whoever has it out for me did a good job bro 🤧🤥.
(i have a 3H capricorn chiron, 7H moon and mars, virgo rules my 11H, and my mercury (sagittarius) is afflicted, i was never gonna win bro 😭)
a mutual of mine on twitter said something that i completely agree with, and it’s basically saying how having any ill feelings towards someone like, for example what she talking about, beauty can really damage ur venus personally. like, people who are severely racist for example, do y’all see how they age or look so ugly because they were berating how other people look specifically. or people who hate on women are just naturally nasty to be around. they don’t have to be physically ugly (they usually are tho) but you can tell by how they treat women what rewards and punishments they receive in life.
does that make sense? let me know guys 😭.
i absolutely love when i have my venus return/when venus is in capricorn because i feel so so pretty which makes so much sense considering in sidereal astrology i’m a libra rising ruled by my sagittarius venus, like i love all things venus, and when venus is in capricorn/sidereal sagittarius, i feel so good. which makes a lot of sense on why i don’t really care for or feel irritated when mars returns to taurus (or sidereal aries) because aside from the fact that i never really related to being martian ruled, my natal mars is literally retrograde, so yeah mars returns are not my favourites at ALL 😭.
(actually i take it back it’s not that i feel irritated? i just don’t think anything significant happens to me during my mars returns. i probably need to go check personally in my own time, but yeah. i just backtracked since in both my tropical and sidereal chart, i’m martian and venusian either way 😭.)
what’s ur favourite planetary return?
“bedtime story” by frank ocean (unreleased!!) is the most scorpio venus ass song i’ve ever heard in my life…i love it so so much sigh. the poetic, angsty, yearning that a scorpio conjures up because who could honestly be better at being so deeply consumed by emotions than scorpio? (many many other signs but it’s not about them rn!!)
yknow a while back i did a part one for sos the album by sza as the signs, and i haven’t made a part two but would y’all like another part!? or would you like me to do this with other albums? let me know pls 🧍🏾‍♀️.
this is probably common knowledge amongst other astrologers, but i definitely believe that virgos, specifically the risings, are so mean to their selves is because their 12H is ruled by the sun, and whilst the 12H is the shadow side of ourselves that we choose to hide from, as much as they would like to hide, virgos have their shadow side constantly in their face as the sun shines so hard on everything they aren’t ready to touch or aren’t ready to see. whether it’s their selves personally or others around them, there’s an underlying sense of dread that they live with because they know that no matter where they run, their mind will always remind them of what they choose to hide underneath, which results in the fear that people/society (scorpio 3H) will see the absolute worst of who they truly believe they are, and judge them ruthlessly for it (aquarius 6H).
one thing i’ve noticed is whilst saturn in pisces has been transiting my 5H, is the romantic side of my life has been lacking so much 😭. like coming april would make a year since i last had a crush on someone, which is funny to me since i used to crush on ppl so often. however, it makes sense since saturns main themes are about structure, discipline and what you want to create in the long-term, and i’ve noticed that i don’t just want to even have small crushes or what not on others because not everyone meets my standards (structure) and i want my first relationship with someone to mean something and to become something (long-term plans involving relationships) and nobody around me has given me that, so the lack in my love life is mainly just because i’m sticking to my standards and they haven’t been met yet 🤷🏾‍♀️. saturns job is to make you understand what you truly want and what you don’t want or what isn’t benefiting you, and since saturn had gone direct back in november, i’ve definitely been noticing this, especially since we’re in a saturnian season rn (aquarius) and valentine’s day just passed lmao. so just to give an example or help you understand how saturn has been impacting you, let’s say saturn is trainsiting your 9H and you’re in education, maybe you’re realising the course that you’re on isn’t for you, or your long-term plans just don’t mesh well with what your studying for yknow or you could realise how you’ve started building more around your education in regards to what you want in place for you in the future.i’m also using that example since saturn is currently trining my 9H and i’ve realised university is definitely not what i want to go through with after i graduate college tbh.
thinking about how majority of my planets are in my 1H-7H axis (1H sun and jupiter, 7H moon and mars) and how i genuinely can have the choice to create multiple identities 😭. to explain, when i was born, my mum gave me three names. mae, lola and the last one i don’t wanna disclose lmao, but i saw a tweet a while back talking about how your name(s) can definitely link back to your birth chart, and remembering this again makes me love astrology a whole lot more tbh.
(actually i lied i have 4 different names, but that name is very very close/similar to my younger sisters name as well and i can never tell the bloody difference 😭, but y’all get my yapping.)
feeling tired or like u can’t be bothered to do shit???? the moon is most likely void of course or your mars/moon is negatively aspecting (square, opposite, conjunct) transit mars/moon. when the moon is void of course, it’s basically just a period of time (usually less than a day i believe) when the moon is literally like not aspecting anything in the sky, so she’s wandering around until she transitions into another sign. usually astrologers say that during this time, it’s difficult for ppl to make plans or have any motivation to do anything as ppl are less likely to make solid decisions about anything in general, to summarise, it makes ppl lazy 🤥!!
having 1H synastry with anyone depending on the planet is so interesting to watch from an outside perspective, because you can either see two people adore one another’s energy or be completely revolted by one another. like for example my best friend has my younger sisters aquarius stellium in her 1H and it’s hilarious to me how much those two dislike each other, and then not too long ago my best friend told me how my sister reminded her a lot of herself at my siblings current age and it just clicked for me lmao.
i’ve noticed that people with a mix of aries, gemini with a small dash of water in their chart have such a hard time processing their emotions or are just very abrasive when it comes to their emotions, putting practicality over emotions most of the time, leaving people to perceive them as quite emotionally stunted or selfish to be honest. i’ve noticed that it’s commonly believed that these types of people don’t really care for others as much as people care for them, leaving a lot of miscommunication within these relationships, especially if the other person is water heavy compared to them.
hi yes this is long overdue, i’m very very sorry, i just lost motivation to continue with my stuff and life unfortunately has been a mess to keep up with! i’m not gonna promise anything new cus knowing me i’ll probably dip for awhile again, but hopefully you all liked these observations and pls leave ur thoughts and opinions in the replies, i always enjoy hearing what you guys have to say :)
okay bye bye, lots of love, lola <3.
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warningsine · 11 months
In the second-season premiere of GLOW, which hit Netflix June 29, Ruth Wilder (Alison Brie) surprises her boss, frustrated filmmaker and wrestling-show director Sam Sylvia (Marc Maron), with a dinky promo she filmed at a local mall during a free afternoon. The assembled wrestlers love it, as does network rep Glen (Andrew Friedman). But Sam doesn’t. He yells at his employees, who are all young women: “Who here is confused about who the director is? Really? No one is confused? Because I’m fucking confused.” When Ruth attempts to shield the others from responsibility, he directs his ire at her. “Are you making a move on my job, Ruth? . . . Honey, I don’t need your help. I need you to be a fucking actress . . . You’re not a director just 'cause you take a fucking camera to the mall."
When Reggie (Marianna Palka) interrupts to defend Ruth’s work—and points out that time in the Season 1 finale when Ruth covered for Sam—he immediately, inexplicably fires her. Ruth follows him to his office, and tries to talk him out of the decision. “I had ideas,” she says defensively. “O.K., well, put ’em in your diary,” he responds. “You’re all replaceable. Even you, Ruth.”
Throughout all of this, Maron is fantastic in the role of Sam. His character is a frustrating and frustrated creative leader, well-intentioned but constantly angry, obsessed with his own narrative of failure. Maron’s performance is magnetic; it’s as if every scene bends toward his all-too-period-appropriate aviators and his Burt Reynolds mustache.
In fact, he’s so good as the show-within-a-show’s demanding, exploitative creative lead that he might just be GLOW’s stealth protagonist—which is a problem, because GLOW, created by showrunners Liz Flahive and Carly Mensch and executive produced by Jenji Kohan, is supposed to be an ensemble comedy about a diverse group of women. Brie frequently uses the word “empowering” to describe the show and its ethos; recently, she called GLOW a “feminist oasis”. In Season 1, it was: Ruth, a protagonist who became a heel (wrestling jargon for “villain”), was an unexpected kind of female character—an unlikeable heroine discovering her talents and herself through an athletic, muscle-bound medium. The show’s premise offered its characters some combination of grit and glitter as a means to liberate themselves from the prison of oppressive history—a cathartic, rare feat, still, for women on television.
In its second season, though, the show never quite seems to know who it’s about. There is hardly a plot to be found; wrestling is no longer in the foreground, and what wrestling we do see lacks the convincing stunts or arresting ugliness of the genre. That cadre of diverse women is mostly shunted to the background as well—Ellen Wong and Britney Young get little screen time; Sunita Mani and Sydelle Noel have more material, but their stories still feel marginal. And they rarely, if ever, interact with the lead performers. (That these actresses all play characters whose wrestling personas are racist stereotypes does not help the overall effect.) Instead, the show ends up focusing on easier stories: material about the white male billionaire Bash Howard (Chris Lowell), for example, and Sam’s evolving relationship with his daughter Justine (Britt Baron). The family plot is an opportunity for Maron to play Sam as an abrasive, gruff, good-hearted dad with an unconventional but perceptive parenting style. Both Bash’s and Sam’s story lines are fine, but they take up precious space—and have nothing to do with wrestling or women.
Perhaps this shift wouldn’t rankle quite so much if Sam weren’t such an unrepentant asshole, specifically toward women. After dressing down Ruth in the premiere, Sam spends the next several episodes punishing her—alternating between refusing to give her airtime and giving her the worst spots in the show, and eventually doing what he can to sabotage her flirtation with the new cameraman, Russell (Victor Quinaz). Five episodes later, he apologizes, after Ruth attends a screening for one of his long-forgotten films—an action that essentially reinforces his superiority as a director.
She sits a few rows behind him, wreathed in apologetic smiles. He disdains her careful management of his feelings, calling it “creepy.” Eventually he apologizes—if one can call this an apology: “I’m not angry with you. I’m an insecure old man. I get defensive. Sue me.” Three episodes after that, Sam tries to kiss Ruth.
The show has no trouble casting Ruth as the creative punching bag for Sam’s on-set tantrums, the subject of endless put-downs about her looks and personality. Ruth and Sam appear to be engaged in an abusive dynamic, but GLOW doesn’t quite seem to know that, or care. Worst of all, in its second season, the show trades Ruth’s dignity for Sam’s interiority; by the end, our supposed lead has almost no substance to her character, aside from her constant, painful drive to matter. Brie throws her all into that aspect, but there’s no masking that Season 2 of GLOW has become a show where Ruth Wilder waits for Sam to do something mean to her, before quietly picking up the pieces.
In the show’s defense, there is a subtler story being told here. Ruth’s victim complex is activated by both Sam and Debbie (Betty Gilpin), her former best friend; she’s primed to fall into a relationship where she's taken advantage of. If the show is purposefully trying to explore how Ruth keeps falling into gendered traps, there’s value to that story—especially if its gentle rendering indicates how insidious these complexes can be.
GLOW nods toward this interpretation most obviously in the fifth episode, "Perverts Are People, Too," which we might as well call its #MeToo episode. In it, Ruth takes a business meeting, only to find herself targeted by a studio executive hoping for some flirty “fun” in his Jacuzzi bath. She flees, terrified, before realizing that this experience reflects the dynamics of her industry more broadly; the episode ends with a subtle, profound moment in which Ruth, surveying the male fans crowding around her co-workers, is forced to reckon with an existence built on female theatrics for male consumption.
But Ruth’s journey is separate from Sam’s, and what’s perplexing about the sexual harassment episode is how a plot point designed to critique the patriarchy ends up mainly serving to paint Sam as a good guy. Two episodes later—during the screening, right after Sam’s non-apology—Ruth tells her boss what happened to her. He emotes more than she does: “Fuck that guy! What a fucking sleazebag dickhead!” By the end of the season, Sam has been reborn as both a benign but curmudgeonly white knight whose fondness for strip clubs ends up delivering the team to a much-needed gig in Las Vegas, and a good dad who finds a new way to understand and communicate with his newfound daughter.
But while Sam’s being offered up as the moral guy, the I’d-never-harass-an-employee guy, he already has harassed his employees. He’s tried to kiss multiple women who work for him; he’s withheld advancement from Ruth out of petulance; he ignores Debbie as nothing more than a pretty face when she tries to assert her role as a producer. Maron himself has admitted Sam’s complicity to Deadline: “Can this guy be an asshole? Yes. Was he a guy that was possibly guilty of transgressing in the way of the casting couch, or showing favor to women professionally for sexual attention? Probably. I think that’s sort of established at the beginning. This guy’s no saint, but he also shows up for these women.”
In a way, the suggestion that Sam’s not that bad reveals something significant about the insidious reach of the patriarchy: you can be the guy who knows what bad behavior looks like, and still be complicit in it. It makes sense that Ruth is too naive to see this, and even that Sam’s too deluded to admit it. But it doesn’t make sense that in a season driven partially by a harassment story line—as part of a show ostensibly about women’s empowerment—GLOW would avoid acknowledging Sam’s previous behavior, to the point of failing to honestly reckon with his flaws. Hints of that reckoning are present: it’s significant, if opaque, that Ruth realizes falling for Sam is a bad idea, and instead throws herself into the arms of age-appropriate, respectful Russell. But diminishing her story to the status of background noise—while building up Sam’s backstory and screen time—is an astonishing disservice, both to GLOW’s characters and audience.
In the very first episode of GLOW, Ruth’s terrible, desperate audition for the titular wrestling show becomes sublime—and successful—when Debbie walks in, clutching her infant, screaming obscenities because she’s discovered that Ruth slept with Debbie’s husband. Debbie hands off her baby and steps into the ring; Ruth’s mimicry of aggression turns into a frantic, failed attempt at de-escalation. Debbie slaps her full in the face, and eventually pins Ruth to the ground; a smear of blood disfigures Ruth’s face. On the sidelines, the girl who will eventually become Fortune Cookie (Wong) asks, “Is this real?” The girl who will become Melrose (Jackie Tohn) shrugs: “Who the fuck cares?”
This might be a more prophetic line than GLOW intended. The show tends to skim the surface of its heavy subtext, and is quick to turn drama into a punch line, regardless of where the drama comes from or at whose expense the comedy hits. The show wants to nimbly engage with this stuff, and sometimes it’s able to. But either GLOW can’t see itself clearly, or it’s not communicating well what it’s trying to be about. Take that pilot scene: as Debbie and Ruth fight, GLOW superimposes what Sam wants to see, or what he thinks he can make happen, over their very real angst. In his vision, which is shot as a fantasy wrestling sequence, Debbie thrusts her crotch into Ruth’s face, and gyrates her spandex-covered behind in a slow circle for the audience’s benefit. By the time Sam snaps out of his reverie, the fight is over; he, and the viewer, have missed much of the real conflict in order to look at the manufactured version.
Similarly, in spending so much time inside Sam’s mind, GLOW is missing out on the stories right under Sam’s nose. They’re there—if he, and the show, would care to look.
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septembersghost · 1 year
https://www.pajiba.com/celebrities_are_better_than_you/leave-taylor-russell-alone-you-racist-creeps.php holy shit, the READ
this piece deserves to go viral, it's like the definition of "why would you say something so controversial*, yet so brave?" (*it shouldn't be controversial, it should be basic human decency, common sense and logic, and respect). i knew the racist insults would be coming and be a part of their delusions just like the ageism was before, just like they will find ANYTHING THEY CAN to attack these women. it's severely unwell and i don't know how we fix it or contain it (beyond mass deprogramming because they're the literal definition of a cult). this mentality is something i've read a lot about over the past few years (not only in regards to H, but generally), and it is very frightening, beyond being extremely invasive to the objects of these conspiracies, it's terrible for the well-being of fans who get sucked into it.
"Facts don’t matter. These insults don’t even need to seem true. They’re just the same old insults used over and over again, to be recycled with every woman who dares to approach their beloved."
this part:
"I doubt many of these so-called fans actually care about the person they spend so much time devouring. At the very least, they’re so wholly consumed by their conspiracies that they’ve grown more attached to a delusion of utmost misery than a true desire for happiness for their favourites.
Way too many people seem to prefer imagining these celebrities as victims of abuse and exploitation than well-adjusted and independent people with spouses who make them happy. These ardent L*rries are too beholden to the blatant falsehood of Styles being a victim of over a decade of homophobic hate, and keeping the theory going requires that he always be desperately unhappy in their eyes. What’s the point of even calling yourself a fan at that point?
This mindset also reveals something I’ve written about too many times before: no woman will ever be ‘good enough’ for their favourites. They’re either going to be too old, too young, too famous, not famous enough, too Black, too smiley, not smiley enough, super fake, trying too hard, attention seeking, not willing to play the game, and so on. You don’t know what’s best for these people because the warped version you’ve created in your mind bears no resemblance to reality. Hell, even if all those L*rry shippers were right and one day they got together, they still wouldn’t be happy. They’d keep coming up with more conspiracies because it’s all about the hunt, not the endgame. Just look at all the Free Britney people who are still dissecting her life for ‘proof’ that she needs their help, despite Spears’ own pushback."
it's one of the most disturbing trends of online fandom, and the need to sink into and stew in fabricated misery is awful for everyone involved.
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
I liked some of Lindsay's videos as well (mainly the phantom of the opera ones cause I'm a fan of the material) but even in her other vids it was just too obvious that she was more interested in the self-importance of appearing Aware rather than actually caring when talking about complex racist stereotypes (especially when they were directly tied to her fellow white faves like SMeyer or D*enerys). She also made this insanely tone-deaf remark after JK Rowling made her transphobia even more clear like "hey now, the UK is more transphobic than the US" like??? Miss in what fucking alley are you poking your head in? Are you trans? Just bc you have friends who are does not mean you can make those types of remarks as if the US doesn't have annual higher rates of homicide against Trans people. That's just one of the myriad of weird gross shit I've seen her say on Twitter, she even wrote this incredibly dumb tweet once that I can only hope was a joke, that went something like "oh I wonder if there's some good reylo fanfiction about this black woman slave and this slave hunter" from some movie, she ofc deleted it but there's screenshots of it going around.
That last tweet was exaaaactly what I was thinking about when everyone was like "omg she made one problematic tweet" and acting like she died today. I mean, she also did an entire thread of reaction gifs featuring nothing but Black people... because Georgia flipped to blue during the election... Why is that, Lindsay?
And it's like--everyone makes mistakes, and if you're white you have most likely done some kind of dumbass thing in your lifetime. I've defended Smeyer because I was prioritizing the needs of (white) women without taking into account the inherent racism of her content. That's my bad, and I'm sorry for it, and I'll move forward thinking more critically.
Really, Lindsay could've just... sincerely apologized for that Raya tweet, and lots of people would've definitely given her a pass as if her other behavior hadn't happened. But instead she made a 2 hour long WOE IS ME treatise.
And then this sob story she wrote just had more nastiness? Like "I'm not wealthy" idk Lindsay, you're a web content creator valued at $1 mill who lives in an expensive area by choice, making a viable living as a creative, which happens to almost.... zero creatives. At one point she talked about people dogpiling on her and says "and yet their hearts bleed for Britney". Lol like??? Britney Spears is megawealthy, yes, but the money was made off of exploiting and legally forcing a severely mentally ill person (Britney) to work against her will...? And she didn't get to enjoy the money or make basic decisions about her life or even her healthcare?
Lindsay is just an asshole who was trained by and modeled off another asshole. The wave of sorrow re: her "departure" (which I'm sure isn't permanent) is also treating her like any content creator who bootstrapped her way from obscurity when lol... Despite her tirade again white men in her goodbye essay, she was handpicked to be the female counterpart to one of the most obnoxious white male media critics on YouTube. Lindsay didn't get a platform because she worked her way up; she won a contest and got access to a big (at the time, for the time) creator's followers. He said "go watch her" and so she did, and it has spiraled from there. Fuck off, Nostalgia Chick~.
The transphobia comment was so obviously geared to get her attention, capitalizing off of a legitimate problem suffered by people who aren't her. Like most content creators today, she benefited from controversy--that's why she got in on the Game of Thrones reactions and glommed onto Danielle. I honestly believe that a lot of this latest meltdown has to do with her book deal drying up (it was a 3-book deal, yet the third book, due out next year, doesn't have a Goodreads page from what I can tell) due to a lack of performance against what I assume was a very good advance. Which... honestly? I'm sure her bad press didn't help, but the book got subpar reviews and the summary doesn't sound like an easy sell in the current market. I mean, sucks, but that's kind of the game. She got access to a deal that most writers will not see in their lifetimes, probably in part because she had a big name. Annnnd she didn't handle her media presence well.
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mellometal · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
If you saw the post from earlier, I had to delete it. There were things I forgot to discuss and things that didn't get saved into my drafts. Sorry if you have to see this again.
I've been WAITING to talk about Glee. Not in the good way either. There's so much wrong with the show, and it's sickening. Yes, I've watched the show last year. Against my will, but that's because of other people refusing to put on anything else besides Glee. I can say that I hate Glee with my entire being. (My initial reason for hating it was because they covered "SING" by My Chemical Romance and turned it into a slow, patriotic song when it's a song about rebellion. NOTHING about "SING" is patriotic. I hated the show since I first heard about it...for that very reason. I was like thirteen or so at the time when I first heard about Glee? Despite it being out since 2009.
Though it's been over for several years now, it's a show that many people have mixed feelings about. From what I've seen, you either love Glee or you absolutely hate it. There's no in-between that I've seen. (If you can't already tell, I hate the show.)
The show is a literal dumpster fire, the characters are all fucking awful people and all of them are poorly written, the script pisses me off, it literally makes me feel disgusting, and don't even get me started on the covers. Most of the covers aren't that good. A lot of them sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. The pacing of the show makes NO sense in certain areas (like when Blaine was initially made to be a grade above Kurt, but was then changed to be like the same grade as him so he'd stay). It just feels like everyone in the show is either a Mary Sue, a Gary Stu, their whole personality is just that they're from a minority group or they're EDGY AND HARDCORE DELINQUENTS BLEEEEHHHHH, creepy as fuck, bigoted as all hell, or they're just background characters who occasionally have the spotlight.
TW: The following post and any other posts that I'll make about this show contains subject matter that may be triggering for some audiences. It will go into subjects like racism, homophobia, ableism, outing of a person in the LGBT community, bigotry in general, statutory r@pe (between teachers and students), teachers being creepy towards students, mentioned past child m0l3stati0n and invalidation of the victim's trauma, making fun of su1c1d3, making fun of overdose, making fun of drug addiction....a lot of fucked up things.
If anything mentioned above is triggering for you, please feel free to scroll and consume safe media instead. I'd rather have you be safe than to be triggered by anything I'm gonna talk about.
Let's start off easy. The characters. It's easy to tear them apart. At least the most problematic ones.
Rachel, the Main Character™️, is textbook definition of a Mary Sue. Instead of calling her Rachel, I'm gonna call her Mary Sue for the whole post. She's almost completely perfect (like too perfect), her flaws are minor if anything, she gets all the special treatment....you get the picture. When Mary Sue does anything fucked up or she says anything fucked up, it either goes unnoticed, people make up excuses for her being a shitty person, or it gets twisted so it looks like Mary Sue is the hero! (I hate her. So much. I cannot stand her.)
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Aaawwww, Mary Sue didn't want some OTHER GIRL (Sunshine) to steal HER spotlight, so she SENT THIS GIRL TO A CRACK HOUSE. A FUCKING CRACK HOUSE, OF ALL PLACES. A PLACE WHERE THIS GIRL COULD HAVE BEEN PUT IN SERIOUS DANGER. THIS GIRL COULD HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY INJURED AT BEST AND KILLED AT WORST. Yes, I'm aware not all drug houses are the same, but still. It doesn't matter what this girl did. What Sunshine did is irrelevant. It's not okay to send people to strange places where they don't know anyone, and are put in danger, even to the point of either getting injured or killed. But it's okay, because at least it's not an "active" crack house you sent Sunshine to, RIGHT, Mary Sue? You still sent some poor girl to a place where she could have been put in serious danger, even to possibly get injured or killed, all because you didn't want her to steal YOUR spotlight. You fucking disgusting, entitled, bratty cunt. You don't need the spotlight all the time anyway. THAT'S HOW THEATRE WORKS. YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET THE LEAD ROLE. YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET THE ROLE YOU WANT. AND THAT'S OKAY. YOU WORK WITH WHAT YOU GOT. Sincerely, a theatre kid.
There are other fucked up things Mary Sue has done, but this is the one thing I could find anyone talking about. If I remember correctly, she hurt her Gay Best Friend™️ Kurt in some way. All I remember is that Kurt was mad at Mary Sue about something. Mary Sue is annoying as fuck. What else can I say about her?
Next, we have Finn, who's textbook definition of a Gary Stu. I'll call him Gary Stu throughout this post. I hate this fucker too. He's the Main Character's Boyfriend™️, the Hot Quarterback™️, and The Good Guy™️. Yet....he's not a good person. He's treated like he's a good person, but he's really not. His flaws are fairly minor and excused (and any major flaws aren't even talked about much), he's almost completely perfect, and every fucked up thing he does is ignored or is justified in some way. Like how he outed Santana as lesbian in the hallway WITHIN EARSHOT OF EVERYONE. HE DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE FOR THIS.
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As a woman who has struggled with her sexuality growing up, this really brought back shit I went through. I "dated" boys when I was younger to cover up the fact that I'm only attracted to other women. I wasn't happy with these guys at all. I acted like I did so nobody would suspect anything. I felt nothing for them, except for in a platonic way. I've been outed twice. Once when I thought I was bisexual with a strong preference for other women (by my dad's girlfriend at the time), and when I came out as lesbian (by my brother). It sucks to be outed. The people who outed me in real life could have put me in danger. They could have made it so I had no place to go back to. They could have had me get hurt. It's a scary feeling. Like, it doesn't matter if you're supportive or if you're in the LGBT community. You don't fucking out people without their explicit permission. You especially don't out people to their abusers or to people they don't trust, let alone out them publicly. That's what happened to me. I don't wish this on anyone.
***By the way, for anyone who's closeted, you're valid, I love you, and I know how it feels to be stuck in the closet. You don't have to come out right now. Come out whenever you're ready to. Whenever it's safe for you to do so.***
Or how about the fact that Gary Stu made fun of Kurt's voice because he's gay? Gary Stu apparently has ✨anger issues✨ and that's pretty much the excuse they use to justify him doing fucked up shit to people.
They treat the characters who are from minority groups (i.e., BIPOC, AAPI, LGBT community, disabled people) like absolute garbage, put them through all this horrific shit, or they put them on a pedestal simply for being in a minority group. The teachers and other school staff are either written to be total bigots (Sue), or they're total pr3dators (Mr. Schue, the school nurse, and another teacher who I can't remember her name off the top of my head).
Sue pretty much only exists to be a poorly written villain who's a bigoted bitch just to be a bigoted bitch. Yes, there were some things she WAS right about (like how "Blurred Lines" wasn't an appropriate song choice for the Glee Club™️, but Mr. Schue The Pr3dator™️ downplayed it). Other than that...that's all I can think of. Because everything else that came out of her mouth was bigoted bullshit. Like these right here, for example:
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Or how she drugged the principal, date r@ped him, and blackmailed him?
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How about them making a tasteless joke about Sue committing su1c1d3 and having her "overdose" on multivitamin gummies?
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DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN HOW FUCKED UP ALL OF THIS IS? I do? Well, first of all, she called people racist, homophobic, ableist, and otherwise disgusting names. She boiled them down to their race, sexual orientation, their disability, and their appearance in general. Second, SHE DRUGGED, BLACKMAILED, AND DATE R@PED SOMEBODY. I don't think I need to explain how that's bad. The evidence is right there. Third, she said she was committing "sue-icide" by overdosing on multivitamin gummies. (Yes, you actually can OD on vitamins in supplement form, and it can cause serious symptoms and even death. Specifically with vitamins A, D, E, and K, and Iron. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. They're a lot harder to remove from the body. The B vitamins and vitamin C aren't as severe if you do OD on them because they're water-soluble, but still be careful. You can't OD on vitamins and minerals you find in food. If you take supplements, vitamins, etc., only take what's on the bottle.) As someone who has su1c1d@l thoughts on and off, this is extremely insulting. Yes, I do use humor and I joke about my own experiences to cope, but this? Nah. Nothing about this is funny or cute in the slightest. Enough said.
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Do I need to explain how fucking terrible it is to make light of a serious topic like this? It was never funny to see Britney Spears' mental health be at that low of a point in 2007. It was never funny to see the abuse the paparazzi inflicted on her. How the fuck was this ever okay? You can dislike Britney Spears all you want, but this was never it.
This is all I have for now. I'll probably make a part two because there are way too many things to talk about.
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Shawmila/ Camila stans were complaining about PopCrave not posting her instagram post about giving to charity, they posted several pics of her party and that picture with Shawn so they were saying they want PC suspended because they never post anything positive about Camila (that’s a lie!) and later they got suspended and now Camila’s bully, racist stans are celebrating.
I don’t know if they actually got the account deleted or not but knowing how psychotic they are it’s possible, I cannot stand them..
——-Update: PopCrave is back and apparently it was because of Britney Spears son, the videos they had on their page is gone.
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zanrai-kid · 4 years
Pride Question Day 10: Write a letter to your younger self.
Hey, buddy. I don’t know how to accurately tell you this, but the signs were there. Whether it was when you lip synced to Britney Spears and Macy Gray at six years old, or started practicing flute in 3rd grade when most boys your age were taking sports (intramural soccer league was still fun, though).
When you were diagnosed with depression in sixth grade, it hurt. My goodness, it hurt. You remember distinctly it was when you couldn’t laugh at Cartoon Network anymore. It hurt to see humor but feel nothing. And yes, this was caused by the fact that sixth grade is designed to make or break people, and if any amount of mental instability is present, you are cast to the winds, forever that weird kid. By the way, challenge classes are for the most part a scam. If you want to challenge kids, have them learn about pertinent American history or financial stability.
You also learned that sixth grade is when the terrors come loose. Some of the absolute worst of human nature can be condensed into one calendar year of education. That’s when kids learn from their parents the most, and that means homophobia. You’re got called gay and kids played playground games with names that upset you. It should upset you. You’re weren’t “sensitive”, and you’re weren’t a “crybaby”; you knew this is wrong.
All the while, you got fed a steady diet of “let’s not talk about the gays” from your parents. You had two uncles who just wanted to show the world what they meant for each other who will eventually get married. You weren’t stupid, and you weren’t blind, but ultimately, looking back, I think high school was a defense mechanism.
There you were, online charter school, with no one around but your parents. Of course your views would reflect the world around you. Youth group also does that to people. You said you’re “politically incorrect”, but what does that really mean? It just means you were trying to be an adult. An edgy, stupid adult.
Community college was easy, but it was the first time you realized maybe you aren’t the new hotness. Maybe you should do better. Just maybe.
It wasn’t until university where your whole life stretched out ahead of you that you realized something. There’s something called LGBT, and it basically means that other than straight and gay, there’s a whole host of interesting things you can be. Crazy, I know! So while you shuffled on your way to classes, just remember that towards the end of your college career, you found femme men attractive. V E R y attractive.
And then comes the end of 2015, where you tell yourself, “I think I know what I am. I’m bisexual.” You still like women, and you know it, but you wouldn’t mind dating a man.
So, where are you now? Kinda wishing the world would cool it’s jets and take care of racism, like why are we still entertaining the whims of racists. Also, a plague!
In all seriousness, the next four years will be difficult. Really difficult. But here’s the thing. When you manage to dig yourself out of this hell and find the strength to tell the world, “You don’t dictate me, or my sexuality,” that is what true power sounds like. That is what real strength looks like.
I’m proud of whatever your doing, be it showing off to the world, surviving, coping, using defense mechanisms, or coming to terms with who you are. Right now, things could be better. But you now have the capability and the strength to show anyone that you are more than your depression and anxiety. You are an accomplished musician with several albums released. You are a caring and nurturing friend to those around you. You love your godson. You enjoy DnD and animation. You think Legend of Korra shouldn’t be trashed (shout out to LoK for giving you the world bisexuality). You still practice your religion but know that the dogma does not influence your views. You like men more than women now, but you don’t mind dating either. In fact, you’re good to date anyone regardless of gender! And yes, there’s this neat little thing called pansexuality, but for the record, you like knowing you’re bisexual. It’s the label you fought for, and no one can redefine what you are. Shout out to the pansexuals tho.
You also have a loving friend who wants to take you on a date for the first time, and he’s the same one you’ve had eyes on for two years. You are bisexual. Be proud of that. You’ve earned the right to be proud.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, July 20
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jeffrey Epstein’s chilling prison confessions 
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Page 2: Jennifer Aniston has unfriended scandal-scarred Jimmy Kimmel who has gone into hiding after it was revealed he wore blackface and used the N-word in comedy sketches in the 1990s -- Jen fears standing by him after racism charges could wreck her career 
Page 3: Fading pop icon Cher is living like a recluse behind the walls of her massive Malibu compound -- she’s always been a private person but now she’s verging on agoraphobic 
Page 4: Ben Affleck may be clean and sober but he can’t seem to get the cigarette monkey off his back and his nasty habit is burning up ex-wife Jennifer Garner and she’s demanding he snuff out his unhealthy habit for their children’s sake 
Page 5: Sandra Bullock has been left reeling after her former stepson Jesse Eli James was arrested twice for allegedly violently assaulting his girlfriend, Jack Nicholson has a secret admiration for Adolf Hitler according to his former lover Susanna Moore who said the only time she disagreed with Jack was when he said he admired Hitler for his determination
Page 6: Pauley Perrette has taken another shot at her nemesis Mark Harmon by freezing him out of an NCIS reunion -- she failed to invite Mark when she set up a Zoom get-together with Rocky Carroll and Brian Dietzen and Sasha Alexander and Michael Weatherly that raised money for Project Angel Food 
Page 7: Charlize Theron is the most hated woman in Hollywood after trashing several male A-listers and Tinseltown itself -- she darkens everyone’s day with her scathing opinions and tart-tongued remarks and stubborn refusal to listen to anyone else and she’s losing friends and it’s to the point where no one really likes to work with her -- she insulted Mad Max: Fury Road co-star Tom Hardy and she also bashed ex Sean Penn 
Page 8: Carl Reiner -- life and times of a comedy legend 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, Mama June Shannon near a rehab facility in Florida with beau Geno Doak, Tori Spelling gets the mail 
Page 11: Katy Perry’s soon-to-be baby daddy Orlando Bloom has asked Selena Gomez to lose his number because Katy was never comfortable with his “friendship” with Selena but it was Orlando who cut the cord without any prodding to show Katy he’s serious about her and their new baby, Justin Bieber’s clingy controlling ways are suffocating his wife Hailey Bieber prompting her to call a time-out on their marriage 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Shakira (picture), Lea Michele was difficult to work with long before she became a star on Glee; she was on a 1995 episode of The Sally Jessy Raphael Show called I’m a Kid and Already a Star and she was awful even back then, Iman disappeared from public life following the death of her husband David Bowie in 2016 but now friends are urging her to return to the spotlight, Atlanta Housewife NeNe Leakes wants to push Wendy Williams off her talk-show perch and grab it for herself and NeNe has been pushing Bravo to fire Andy Cohen following all the racist comments made by his network’s stars and replace him with her 
Page 13: Bruce Willis is ready to say so long to Hollywood and has moved to Idaho to raise his family, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are trapped in a part-time marriage -- Kim has been jetting between L.A. and Kanye’s Wyoming ranch where’s he hiding out during the COVID-19 lockdown 
Page 14: True Crime 
Page 15: Wife killer Drew Peterson’s prison rape nightmare 
Page 16: Real Life 
Page 17: Ryan Seacrest and Shayna Taylor are over again and he’s already rebounding with a mystery blonde, Dennis Quaid’s hush-hush wedding to Laura Savoie widened the rift with his 28-year-old son Jack who’s older than his new stepmom 
Page 18: Hollywood’s Worst Serial Cheaters -- Kristen Stewart, Chris Rock
Page 19: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Claire Danes, Tiger Woods, Ozzy Osbourne 
Page 20: Meghan Markle felt Queen Elizabeth snubbed her mother Doria Ragland by not bestowing her with an official title and she’s vowed to fix it herself by buying her mom a title 
Page 22: Health Watch -- cussing up a blue streak really does help ease pain when you get hurt 
Page 26: Taylor Swift facing new stalker nightmare by a religious nut Frank Andrew Hoover who called her Satan and claimed God would kill her and her family, the ex-husband of RHONJ star Dina Manzo hired a Mafia hitman to assault her new squeeze 
Page 28: Cover Story -- Jeffrey Epstein’s prison confession -- cellmate says perv spilled his guts about Prince Andrew and other high-flyers 
Page 36: Dr. Dre was blindsided by his wife Nicole Young filing for divorce after 24 years of marriage and now she’s set to take him to the cleaners, Hollywood Hookups -- Garrett Hedlund and Emma Roberts are expecting their first child, Timothee Chalamet and Eiza Gonzalez are on, Jill Martin and fiance Erik Brooks split 
Page 38: Britney Spears’ little sister Jamie Lynn Spears will likely look after her for the rest of her life -- Britney’s estate and financial assets and some personal assets are controlled by her father and a lawyer in a conservatorship that was recently extended until August 22 but when Britney’s conservatorship is up for renewal everyone thinks Jamie Lynn should take it over 
Page 42: Red Carpet Stars & Stumbles -- Sofia Vergara 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Kristin Chenoweth playing blackjack with boyfriend Josh Bryant 
Page 47: Odd List 
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Magnus 164 Live Blogging. Spoilers ahead, so tread carefully:
4 minutes in and I, a person with chronic eczema and (very mild, mind you) excoriation disorder, should probably NOT be listening to this.
I am absolutely going to keep listening to this.
I mean I'm not triggered yet and I survived Jane Prentiss and her worms so how bad can this be?
Besides I already trimmed my nails yesterday so no harm will be done today that wasn't done last week.
I hate you, Alexander J. Newall.
The villagers are all xenophobic send post.
Jon: "Tiphoid Mary..."
Me: Oh wait I'm supposed to be serious this is a serious podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and liscenced under a Creative Commons attribution share-alike 4.0 international liscence
Jonny Sims really is out there saying fuck bigot and racist lives and commit arson huh.
Pick your fighter: The girl peeling herself alive with a razos vs. me scratching my itchy leg with my feel because I'm too busy typing this with my hands to free them.
Don't worry I cannot hurt myself it's already bandaged and I put jeans on :) but fuck that xenophobic asshole though.
This is gross and I want to puke thank God I did not eat anything before this.
Telling on your neighbours for being "infected" or not "pure enough"... Shoa vibes? Shoa vibes.
Seriously THE FLIES. I. Hate. The. Flies.
I understand why Martin yeets himself into the Lonely in order NOT to hear this. Damn you Jonathan.
Did Rotten Girl's pussy just POP out of her containment hazmat suit? Maybe so.
My hair tie just bursted as Jon ended the recording and the hair I so dutifully kept in my manbun covered my eyes and I SCREAMED because damnit this was a new hair tie but also fuck you Jonny.
God he brings the rest of us down.
Thank God is over.
"YOUR GUIDEBOOK" Martin I love you please don't die.
"It's infectious" this is so sad Beholding play Toxic by Britney Spears.
Martin: How much can you See?
Jon: They're taking the hobits to Isengard.
Jonapedia is my favourite thing out of this season I need to get the App on my phone for work.
Martin Klaus Blackwood?
Martin Krispie Blackwood.
Martin Krystal Blackwood.
Martin Kahoots Blackwood.
Martin... I can't think of anything else.
Basira is HUNTING.
Basira is HUNTING?!?!
Jonapedia is being WILD this episode. GO OFF KING! 👏
Wait what do you mean you don't KNOW?!
Your only JOB is to KNOW things Jon that's what you DO.
You DRINK (not!tea) and you KNOW things what ELSE is your PURPOSE then you SOGGY SOCK.
"How is he?" Martin baby WHY.
Jon can't see inside of Sauron which I guess deserves a "sike"? I don't know I can't think of a meme for this I am brain dead right now.
My god these bitches married! Good for them. Good for them.
Jon can't See Anabelle Cane because her Big Dick Energy is really just that Big.
"What "was" London." Bro you don't have to pretend. We all know London is awful, Fearpocalypse or not.
Jon's wow I can't even he's cute (in a rat kind of way).
"Well go slow for a while."
Me: *Insert Cat Crying meme*
So... y'all gonna use Helen's door as an Uber? Or...
"Crazy kids" he eats rum and raisin ice cream Helen he is 80.
"Brave New World" is a book that severely traumatised me in high school. Thank you Jonathan once again you are a beacon of fear in all the unexpected and ludicrous ways possible.
"All I did was refuse to help." In which I am an Avatar of the Distortion, apparently.
Helen being homophobic is really turning me on I'm sorry Imogen Harris I swear I'm a good person I swear–
Martin DON'T tell on Jon like this you traitor! You meanie! You little piece of gummy bear I can't be MEAN to Martin I physically CAN'T.
Jon is too OP to go into the Distortion. I have to laugh.
Helen really went both "I hate gay people" and "god I love these homo bitches" in this episode huh
Jon stop denying your adorableness you Know there's a lot of thirsty people out there who are incredibly turned on by crusty mediocre looking men who are prematurely graying and look like they haven't slept in a week.
Which is a good thing because I am one of those gremlin people who are prematurely graying and I think it's very sexy of me to be considered attractive or adorable by someone else.
I need a Martin in my life.
God I'm lonely.
My hair's in my eyes I can't take this anymore.
"Cruel, viscious monster"... sounds like Wife Material to me.
Very good episode. I like the gay people. 6/10 because the statement was absolutely disgusting but I can take it if it means I get to hear Martin.
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And the 67 million deaths that followed...all for nothing.
DHU New York Attorney groups told reporters and several NY Attorneys in 1997,  “No, For a Brighter Future and Spears Britney Spears is a real celebrity, not A DHU, not a actress, not a digital illusion, not a mean girl, not a stealth, not dead.” ,”Let’s wait to pay DHU Unions later”.
The FBI and Their New Oddities for family: The Buy or Die Mass Murder Charge of the Britney Spears Forums of Anything to Be “White” and using someone elses  photo to claim the career of the celebrity they were slandering and planning to kill was just the half of it, plus they were caught covering the tracks of the Britney Spears crimes of kidnapping, planned murder of millions of children used to conceal Britney Spears family long family line of Oddities and the endorsement of public approval and FBI assistance to give their relatives a “white” approval ticket too.
The result....they all died animal just like the relative of Britney Spears, from the promoters, to the media support, the real relatives of the FBI falling for the scams of the con-artist groups of Britney Spears, to the real family of Britney Spears stealing millions as losers!!!! No celebrity dated Britney Spears.
Real photos of the racist south eating the scam alive.Tons of musicians really assaulted and murdered, football teams at war..and the real Britney Spears, as seen, was a Nigger Pakistani and Chinese,all she died was brighten her black nigger Pakistani photo 85 color shades, and you fell for her body photos so obviously layered with other celebrities its nuts. 
WOW , you all are losers in the south ,for such hatred ,America will never seen the South the same again,.
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thecrystalsystem · 3 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・
Hi, we're The Crystal System! We're a traumagenic OSDD-1B system of 13. We hope that you find this post as a helpful introduction of who we are!
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★ Rules ★
If you're on the DNI list, please don't interact!
Please try not to spread any hate! If you disagree with the DNI list or something that one of us says, feel free to just block us and move on.
We may need tone tags for sarcasm and things that may be considered as jokes.
★ List Of Alters + Roles ★
Alice - Little (Age 9)
Athena (Not the goddess) - Protector/Caregiver
Bee - Fictive
Britney - Host
Celestia Ludenberg - Fictive
Charlotte - ANP
C - Shell
Serene - Fictive (Doesn't feel comfortable sharing her actual name/source)
Larkspur - Co-Host, Persecutor
Madeline - Fictive
Rosemary - Gatekeeper
Annabelle - ANP
Stella - EP
★ Things To Know ★
We all suffer with severe social anxiety and PTSD. Please keep that in mind if you interact with any of us!
We do not feel comfortable sharing our diagnosis online. We realize that this could get us fake-claimed, however, we are smart enough to know that strangers on the internet can't tell us what we have and what we don't have. We are the only ones who know ourselves.
If Stella is fronting, please be mindful of what you say, and we apologize in advance if she vents. There will be a TW, if she does. She's the one struggling the most with low self-esteem and severe anxiety, and we don't want her causing the body any more harm.
Our sign-offs are our names, if we individually post something. If a general post is made, such as this one or our alter intros, just assume that Athena is making it, as she's in charge of that.
★ DNI ★
Endogenic systems, or those who believe that they are valid
Racists, homophobes, discriminatory people in general
NSFW blogs
People who are obsessed with Genshin Impact or Cookie Run
People who enjoy Anime way too much
Minors (17 and under)
If you think you know us IRL
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・
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cksmart-world · 3 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart              July 6, 2021
OK, hold on, Utah wasn't part of the South, so why do people plant the confederate flag in their lawn or on their pickup? They must be rebelling against something — but what isn't exactly clear. Do they want the return of slavery or just mint juleps and chitlins? Some attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6 were waving the rebel flag right along with Old Glory in a kind of patriotic schizophrenia. Maybe they skipped their meds. With the stars and bars in hand, they called Capitol Police traitors and beat them with bats and flag poles. At least four Utahns have been charged: Willard Jake Peart, Toquerville; Brady Knowlton, St. George; Michael Lee Hardin, Kaysville; Landon Copeland, Washington County. Rebel flag or not, they were attacking the United States of America. A small detail, we know, but kind of important. These days, the confederate flag appears at white nationalist rallies and in the South it's still as common as catfish and sweet potato fries — among white folks, that is. And sales of the rebel flag are up all around the country, especially in rural areas and the West, including Utah. These patriotic rebels don't hate the USA, they just want to replace the government with something other than democracy so they can get their freedom back.
Burgess 'I'm-So-Righteous' Owens has jumped on the Free Britany Bandwagon just in time to... um, let's see... just in time to save the pop star after a 13-year court-ordered conservatorship. He joins Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene — two other patriots who know how to protect freedom when they see good headlines. In February, The New York Times released a documentary on Spears, which showed scenes of #FreeBritany followers demonstrating against her imprisonment (conservatorship). It brought a new round of publicity and the entrance of our three musketeers: Gaetz, who is under investigation on child trafficking charges; Owens, who has filed for bankruptcy numerous times and claimed brain damage to cash in on a suit against the NFL; and finally the newest GOP flamethrower, Taylor Greene, a former QAnon fan who has questioned the existence of deadly school shootings and whether a jetliner hit the Pentagon on 9/11. They have invited Britney to testify before Congress because, like Gaetz, “she has been mistreated by America's legal system,” and, coincidentally, it will kill on TV ratings. This may look like brazen opportunism, but our heroes would never do a shitty thing like that. They are, after all, Republicans.
Voting rights, schmoting rights — what is the big deal. The recent Supreme Court ruling on an Arizona law has messed with the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Totally cool if you are a real American white Republican candidate. This is not 1965 and there is no longer any racial discrimination in this country, said Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in 2013, when the court eviscerated Sec. 5 of the historic legislation. If Whitney Houston can sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl, how could this possibly be a racist country. Last week the high court skewered Sec. 2 of the law, so there is only a snowball's chance in Phoenix of challenging any state's voting laws in federal court. What a relief — look at Georgia, if all them African Americans didn't vote, there would be two more Republicans in the Senate. The Arizona law, Republicans said, was necessary to prevent fraud. But the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that there was no record of fraud but that it would impact minority voting. Nonetheless, conservative justices Alito, Thomas, Roberts, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Coney Barrett embraced it because if Blacks and Latinos can't vote like white people, well, then they should go to better schools and get better jobs and maybe take up golf.
Post script — Well, patriots, that just about does it for another week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of Donald Trump's legal fees owed to Rudy Giuliani so you don't have to. Surprise, The Donald is stiffing Rudy because although the one-time New York City prosecutor and mayor sacrificed his reputation for Trump, he failed to keep the former pres in the Oval Office. Oh yeah, Rudy's fee is $20,000 a day — pocket change for cheapskate Trump. By the by, the once and future king hinted to Sean Hannity that he is going to run for president in 2024 — just shocking! But can he seek election from jail? As the world knows, the Trump Organization and it's CFO, Alan Weiselberg, have been charged in a 15-count indictment on tax fraud. Of course, it's all a witch hunt — the biggest in history — so Republicans don't really care. The Big Question: will justice finally catch up to the Lizard of Lawlessness? Stay tuned. On a brighter note, last week the USA turned 245 and patriotism was on display everywhere. On Coney Island before an audience of several thousand Joey Chestnut bettered his own record and wolfed down 76 hotdogs in 10 minutes — 7.6 dogs every 60 seconds. Talk about patriotism. Let's see the Proud Boys do that.
So hey, Wilson, do you and the guys in the band know any Britney Spears tunes? Didn't think so. How about lizard songs? No? Well, how 'bout some Southern culture those rebel flag wavers are always talking about:
Southern man, better keep your head. Don't forget what your good book said. Southern change gonna come at last. Now your crosses are burning fast. Southern man. I saw cotton and I saw black. Tall white mansions and little shacks. Southern man, when will you pay them back? I heard screamin' and bullwhips cracking. How long? How long? Southern man, better keep your head. Don't forget what your good book said. Southern change gonna come at last. Now your crosses are burning fast.
Southern man
(Southern Man — Neil Young)
PPS — During this difficult time for newspapers please make a donation to our very important local alternative news source, Salt Lake City Weekly, at PressBackers.com, a nonprofit dedicated to help fund local journalism. Thank you.
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naamahdarling · 7 years
What's a song you find yourself singing often without thinking about it? | How did you pick your username (I'm assuming you like the Kushiel books but what made it your pick)? | What's a trope or Thing in fiction you've only just recently discovered you are Into? | What's the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
In NO order!
The first movie I for-sure remember seeing in theaters is The Last Unicorn.  I know I went to other movies before that, but that’s the first one I have definite memories of.  I remember the weather, the theater, etc.  It was a watershed experience for me.  Absolutely gorgeous.
This name has been my handle across several platforms.  I picked it before I read Carey’s books, which I do enjoy.  Naamah was my stage name when I did ME dance (aka bellydance), and “darling” suggested itself from the meaning of both that name and my birth name.  I’ve outgrown it but at this point it’s a brand, and because my well-being depends on people from The Interwebs, I haven’t altered it.  I’m frankly afraid to.
A trope or thing in fiction I didn’t know I was into.  Interesting!  I had trouble with this until I realized that podcasts are fiction, and that through podcasts I have rediscovered my love of horror and weird fiction (The Black Tapes, Tanis, Magnus Archives, Limetown), as well as a newfound tolerance and even enjoyment for noir detective as long as it’s really really really fuckin’ queer (The Penumbra Podcast).  Horror, weird fiction, and noir all skew highly sexist and often hideously racist as well, but the podcasts I’ve mentioned are surprisingly light on both.  Please, I beg you, listen to Magnus Archives and The Penumbra.  So good, run by good people, and very deserving of your support.
Songs I sing!
This KILLER version of Britney Spears’ Toxic, which is not a song I really like, but I love this version of it.  It gets rid of everything about the original I disliked and gives it a very different feel.
And if you are not familiar with Audra Mae, please remedy that.  She’s virtually unknown, but so, so good.
Milk and Honey is sexy in an irresistible, full-bodied way:
Come Here To Me will remake your heart if you’ve ever felt unworthy of love (this is not one of her own uploads, but I can’t find it on her channel), but be prepared to cry a little:
I’ve been really into Grant Gustin’s Running Home To You lately, please ignore the inappropriate photo this user added, this is a really lovely sweet, sweet song:
And this Travis Atreo cover of Elle Goulding’s Love Me Like You Do is just wonderful:
I sing those lately.  They’re good tunes.
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ithisatanytime · 4 years
still up thinking about the video for ‘hit me baby one more time’ and the concept of sex selling. did the video really have to be that sexy? will it really sell more albums to young girls than the cost of parents forbidding their children from listening to britney spears because of the suggestive content? the answer is yes. i spend a lot of time talking to middle school girls after buying them mikes twisted teas, and they tell me the number one quality they look for in an idol is if they give their dad raging boners, its like a mark of quality. if this singer gets my dad hard, i know shes worth emulating. i dont know if its the booze or the social media but young girls today are amazing aware of their subconscious motivators. i miss the late nineties, simpler times for sure.
 there was a study that came out some time ago demonstrating that sex actually DOESNT sell, they found that when exposed to ads, both sexual and benign people were no more able to recall the product sold with sexy advertising then the product with a benign commercial. i think they were likely too distracted by the sexual imagery. in fact the only real difference between the two is the companies that used sexually suggestive advertising were viewed more negatively by the viewers. anyway, so sex it turns out doesnt sell, companies must know this as they do extensive market research to ensure their expensive ad campaigns are actually working. so if sex doesnt sell, and companies likely know this, whats with all the sex?
 They are selling a sensibility just as much, if not MORE than selling a product. this also explains why so many companies get woke and go broke. meaning make provocative commercials seemingly to pander onlyy to thhe farthest on the left while alienating a major chunk of the consumer base. it seems like bad business practice, and so often has a company aired a commercial implying most of its consumer base are racists or sex fiends (gillete) and then show massive dips the the stock price, it became a meme “get woke go broke”. it would seem like suicide for a toothpaste company to suddenly start espousing the virtues of feminism, alienate over half their consumer base and then lose boatloads of revenue as a result. but the thing is its not some guy who owns a tooth paste company making a bad choice, basically every company is owned by a series of umbrella companies all owned by a handful of dudes. so they can afford to take the hit in toothpaste sales. if those commercials arent meant to sell tooth past, what are they selling? they’ve sold all of us our sensibility, what offends us or excites us, they draw the lines then cross them making new lines as they go, what was too far last year is fine by you this year, moving in a seemingly arbitrary path towards what exactly? progress? progress towards what? a country thats better for ethnic jews to live in. i know thats a disappointing answer but it is what it is. they are the ones how own these things, and they are the ones who benefit solely from ALL these wacky directions our country has gone down, especially socially in the last several decades. they were at least accused (i think they did it personally) of pulling a similar game in over a hundred different places recorded all through history, we dont cover it in history and if its covered at all its only mentioned to admonish literally hundreds of different peoples spread across geography, thousands of years and cultures. you see all those diff people were lying against the jews, we know this because jews told us so, thats way more likely than the alternative. that during their thousands of years living in diaspora they developed a unique survival strategy that harms everyone around them until they get pissed off enough to expell them from their borders (literally hundreds of examples recorded in history)
 this is by FAR my worst ever justification for believing jewish influence is largely to blame for our modern discontent, i am not 100 percent on most of this stuff, except the last several sentences that stuff im certain of. i was just up late thinking about hit me baby one more time. im not proof reading this shit.
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Truth > Cancel Culture
     I am well aware I will get annihilated by internet trolls and well-meaning spirits alike, but I believe Michael Jackson is more likely innocent than guilty. Before you decide to type a long comment about how I am supporting a pedophile and don’t care about victims, I would like to say I thought he was guilty. I am not coming at this as a fan. All I ask is that you hear me out. I believe Hollywood’s response to the allegations against him was completely racist. My fellow white people don’t like to admit it, but racism and character lynching are still very much active processes in this country. 
     When Leaving Neverland premiered at Sundance in 2019, another documentary was also premiering - Untouchable. This was a documentary about Harvey Weinstein. I saw very limited press at the time about this documentary. I saw loads about Leaving Neverland. Let’s not forget a name Ronan Farrow mentioned in his famed expose, Weinstein’s Complicity Machine - AJ Benza. You may or may not know who he is, but he was on Weinstein’s retainer to report gossip about celebrities in order to cover up for any potential scandal Weinstein might have been a part of at that time. One of the names listed for a brief enlightening second was that of the famed singer, Michael Jackson. Take away from that what you will in today’s context.
     I thought Jackson was guilty upon watching the 2019 documentary - but something didn’t sit right with me. It didn’t sit right that the film insinuated the audience shouldn’t look at the other side of the story. And to be frank, as the inquisitive child of a former Fed and current investigator, the body language of these two individuals didn’t seem genuine. Relentless researcher that I am, I decided to give it a couple days and let the stink of the disgusting story I had heard - true or not - wash off my consciousness and look into this story as dispassionately as I could. What I found was astonishing.
     My research began with simply watching conflicting interviews. Some from Dan Reed, Wade Robson and James Safechuck. Others from Taj Jackson (Tito Jackson’s son) and Brandi Jackson (Jackie Jackson’s daughter). I took every word with a grain of salt. Both sides had motive. I just needed to figure what they were. The first egregious mistake I noted in my research was that the documentary didn’t even distinguish between the Jackson Estate and the Jackson family. The Estate is represented by executors John Branca and Howard Weitzman for the interests of Jackson’s mother, Katherine, and his three children. This means that Taj and Brandi Jackson do not make money off of his royalties. The argument that they were monetarily-motivated Estate puppets fell apart. Not only that - the Estate and the family don’t even get along. This was possibly the most easily researchable fact the documentary filmmaker could have found, and it was openly neglected. The second thing I found that interested me was Taj Jackson as well as his brother, Taryll, are CSA survivors - not of Michael, but an Uncle on their mother’s side. Not only that, but Michael was the one who supported them while they were struggling with the repercussions. Taj is on record saying if he thought for one second this is who his Uncle Michael was, he would be the first one screaming it from the rooftops. You can find this in the Good Morning Britain interview he did shorty after the doc aired in the UK. This doesn’t prove anything, but it certainly casts doubt on the popular narrative. 
     It is also important to note that Macaulay Culkin contradicted Neverland’s narrative on the Inside of You podcast, and again this year in an Esquire interview. Brett Barnes, who’s name was included in the doc against his will, sued HBO for spreading false information about him and including his name in the documentary. He also continues to insist that nothing ever happened. Both of these men testified in 2005.
     I googled more interviews. Some of them were more extensive than others. I came across one that piqued my interest and changed the game entirely. It was a podcast interview with Brandi Jackson, and a journalist I had never heard of named John Ziegler. This is where the documentary’s case started to break down entirely. Brandi Jackson dated the accuser, Wade Robson for over seven years - during the period the alleged abuse was happening. She was never mentioned. She wasn’t asked to interview, and several television outlets canceled her appearances because her story didn’t fit their narrative. Wade met Brandi in 1991. The documentary argued that Jackson pitted the boys against women, which is a lie because Jackson apparently introduced them. The reason they broke up was because Wade cheated on her with Britney Spears, simultaneously ending Spears’ and Timberlake’s relationship - and here is where I looked into Robson a little more.
     He burned a bridge in Hollywood, and there is no coming back from that. After Jackson’s widely watched memorial service, Wade begged the Estate for a job choreographing the Michael Jackson One Show in Vegas. When he didn’t get that job, he started shopping a book deal about his alleged molestation. When no one picked it up, he then decided to go on network tv in 2013 alleging he was molested by Jackson. He followed up by suing the Estate for well over millions of dollars. So yes, it is about money - and a lot of it. Safechuck piggybacked on the lawsuit after his family had been sued, leaving his motive questionable as well. The reason their case got thrown out of court was because Wade lied about not knowing the Estate existed, about the book deal, and frankly, about the molestation itself. He didn’t start selling this story until the billion dollar Jackson money tree ran out. There are court documents, deposition transcripts and an entire FBI file consisting of pieces of information that seriously call into question the motive of all of Jackson’s accusers. They are available to the public, and easily researchable.
     This doesn’t prove Jackson didn’t do anything, but it does call into question the motive of the accusers and the competence, or lack thereof, of journalists reporting on this issue.
     What does this have to do with racism? Here’s the kicker - the raging, fuming hypocrisy of it all - the cofounder of the Sundance Film Festival plead guilty in April of 2019 of child sex abuse, and I don’t remember hearing one fucking self-righteous word about it from Hollywood. The mainstream media seems perfectly fine with dragging the name of a black man through the mud, as we saw with the Gayle King interview about Kobe Bryant. They also don’t seem to care whether or not they are reporting the truth. So before you subscribe to cancel culture, ask yourself this - Is this really about justice? Or am I taking part in modern America’s watered down version of lynching?
Summary of Robson’s Case (at the bottom of the e-book are the sources, which I encourage you to look at yourself): https://themichaeljacksonallegationsblog.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/the-wade-robson-allegations-ebook-format-v2-0.pdf
WATZ Charles Thomson Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL3rzFJn9tU
WATZ Brandi Jackson Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT64RdTQ8jI
WATZ Tom Mesereau Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnP7sx4smoc
Interview with Taj Jackson on RolandMartinUnfiltered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i5MkC9Ncao
Interesting interview with Corey Feldman about pedophelia in Hollywood (4:49): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL_mA9nZBDc
Emmanuel Lewis interview (5:43): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5-EzEQGLQ4
Rageaholic Rebuttals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pnoQqlygQs&list=PLmirOw7JCi826i_J_xsWhtY7jh2sqIlpX
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princess nokia / rico nasty
notes from podcasts 
tim westwood and princess nokia:
- sugar honey ice tea song - inspo; she stood up for xenophobia, helped young boys that faced racist comments. 
- prayer and self affirmation: country and culture
 passionate about culture and heritage. 
women = strength 
- song brujas - embodies carrying on traditions and gifts of her country that have been passed down fro generations. 
- album is a coming of age , references to heartache and healing.
- lauryn hill - has so much to say and add. 
- emo music 
radio show podcast with princess nokia: 
- pays her homage to the music she grew up on - emo and punk - moulded her 
- SZA , CTRL album changed music for her. 
Skull candy podcast with Princess Nokia:
- bronx community and glass root community 
- she uses her platform to educate others
- peer sex educator, lgbtq right activist. 
- communal / feminist movement activist. 
- rebellion is a main theme behind her music. 
- identifies as a polysexual 
- severe masculine energy, mixed energy influenced her music. 
- created fluid music that explores queerness - song tomboy 
Ideas from this maybe to take forward: 
 What I liked about the song brujas is her how heritage is at the heart of this song. What is an interesting theme is the idea of preserving traditions as she avoids to conform to whiteism that is toxifying the music industry especially for poc artists. 
Skull candy podcast with Rico Nasty:
- inspos; beyonce, mariah carey, britney, amy whinehouse, Nas, Duffy
- from the Bronx 
- joan jett showed her how to be aggressive 
- Good Godess - looked up-to punk radical feminists- made zines 
- wanted to bridge the gap between feminism and the people/women where shes from. 
- fusion between urban feminism and black feminism 
- inspo - gloria steyner, womens liberation. 
- borrows from mainstream feminism. 
- ideas around colourism and classism 
Ideas from this maybe to take forward:
I think an interesting point that was mentioned was the idea that rico wants to introduce to feminism to the area in which shes from. Areas like urban feminism and black feminism are very interesting aspects that narrow down the broad subject of feminism; these are two main areas that I could take further. 
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