#Brother and I were bunk bed roomies for a bit
ninnosaurus · 3 years
Blanket Fort || Bayverse!TMNT
AN: I got this idea last night and just had to write it down. It includes some of my own hc’s about the brothers as well.
I hope you like it! Comments, reblogs and likes are always appreciated! 💗 Warnings: None. Literally, none at all. It’s just platonic fluff and cozy turtles. Pairing: AFAB/All turts, but it’s not set in stone! Can be read as GN/AMAB as well! Tags: Cuddles, winter, cold turts, Leo is a bit grumpy cause he’s cold, Raph and Mikey also have a cute brotherly moment.
❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ It was cold out, really, really cold. And knowing four boys - and one old rat - living in the basement of New York, they were all miserable right now. Maybe the boys more than the rat. 
Early on during the winter months, you had concocted a plan. A plan you were going to set into motion today. So here you were, trying your best to transport six big electrical blankets down the winding tunnels of the New York sewer system. 
You had by sheer miracle managed to find a drainage pipe where you could push the shopping cart you’d found to put the blankets in through to the Lair. 
The idea that the boys were miserable was correct.
Leo had early on in their life decided to cut back on patrols during winter, being reptiles and all. Not even he could resist staying under a blanket - or fifty - to keep warm and just drink tea to try and keep warm. If he wasn’t moving around during training to generate heat. Right now, however, he was currently buried under three blankets on the couch, having tucked his leg up in his shell, while watching some show on tv. The coffee table was covered with mugs he’d used for tea. 
The energy of all four brothers drastically diminishes during the cold winter months. They still keep to their usual routine, only difference being that the time gets reduced to save on their energy and body heat. Donnie had told you early on that sure, they don’t go into hibernation, but they tone down on patrols a lot and sleep more.
Walking around the lair you noticed Raph and Mikey keeping calm for once. They had decided to huddle together to try and get a bit of body heat off each other and were currently watching something on an iPad strapped to Mikey’s lower bunk. Raph not trying to rip the shell off Mikey’s back, a rare sight indeed.
You couldn’t help but smile at the heartwarming sight. It was such a rare treat to see Raph and Mikey not trying to either murder one another, get on Leo’s nerves, or be in the hashi for being caught sneaking out during peak daylight.
The squeaky sound from your shopping cart didn’t phase anyone as you make your way over to Donnie’s workstation. Where you saw the tree of a turtle hunched over his keyboards, a heating fan whirring under his table, slowly and lazily scrolling through some text. A basket game running on a low volume on one of his screens. 
“Pssst. Donnie?”, you whisper slightly towards him and wave as he turns around to look at you.
“Yeah?”, he whispers back, “What’s up?”
You can’t help but giggle at the way he plays along. “I need your help.” Sneaking towards him he gets up from his chair and leans down, having just as fun as you are right now, and laughs quietly before asking: “With what?”
“Come, come”. You hush out and wave him towards your loot of electrical heating blankets and explain what your plan is. 
With the help of Donnie, you managed to kick Leo off the couch, making him grumble and pout as he lumbered away to the other two brothers to find heat. Even from the spot on the couch you could hear happy, deep churrs and purrs coming from the bunk bed as Leo spread the three blankets he had used over Raph and Mikey before wrestling his own way in there. 
Taking a few steps back, you admired the handiwork of you and Donnie. A big, roomy, cozy, and warm blanket fort.
Having two of the blankets on the floor covered in as many pillows and cushions as you could scramble together around the lair. The rest of the heated softness of the blankets were draped over some chairs, a table, and whatever other big thing you could find. 
Thanks to Donnie, you could make sure the blankets didn’t mess any of the electricity up too much and turned the blankets on, testing to see if your theory worked as you sat inside of the darkened fort before the purple-themed turtle came back with some random fairy lights he could scrounge up.
“Think the guys will like it?”. You say as he crawls into the fort and hums at the toasty warmth welcoming him to set the fairy lights up.
“Oh yeah, definitely. It’ll just become warmer if everyone gets in.” Happily, you sling your arms around him and give him a small kiss on his cheek. “Thank you so much for the help, Don-Don!”
And with that, you’re off. 
You’re met with snoring as you reach the bunkbed where three giant turtles had fallen asleep, huddled in one giant mess of green, blue, red, and orange. Raph grumbles as you nudge him.
“Guys, guys wake up.”. Leo cracks an eye and squints at you, still a bit annoyed that you kicked him off the couch. “What now?”
“Haha, you’ll like it! Come on!”. Grabbing Leo’s arm you pull at it as much as you can to get him and the other two up. 
Mikey gasps as he sees the fort and almost crashes it as he rushes towards it.
“Yo! A blanket fort!”. Crawling inside, Mikey also almost crushes Donnie who’s relaxing in the warmth as his big green hand comes right down on this plastron, making Donnie wheeze. “And it’s warm!”
Pushing at both Leo and Raph you urge them to get in, ready to turn the heat up even more from the outside. “Get in, get in! Me and Donnie worked hard on it!”
“Alright, alright!”, Raph’s gruff voice responds as he gets down and crawls inside. “Oh, this is nice…”
Leo still hesitates, however, but squatting down and seeing how fast his brothers relaxed in a big pile, he can’t help but to crawl inside as you walk around turning the heat up.
Sitting down cross-legged at the entrance, you look in at the boys.
“You guys like it?” Your smile is big as all of them hum contently. Seeing a spot where you would fit, you can’t help but crawl in. You climb over Leo’s shell, push one of Raph’s arms away slightly and cram yourself in-between Mikey and Donnie with your head on Mikey’s bicep, giggling as he hugs you closer towards him.
Mikey can’t help but start chirping slightly at the coziness of everything. Something that started a cacophony of happy purrs, churrs, and chitters from the rest of them. Something you figured was just sounds, not knowing the full-on conversation going on around you.
Even Raph and Leo graced you with their softer sounds.
“Yo, bros, this is nice.” Mikey chitters towards his brothers. Making Donnie jolt slightly, not being totally used to talking to any of them in their native, animal tongue, before replying.
“It is. I have no idea I didn’t think about this.”
“I guess you’re not as smart as you thought, four eyes.” Raph replies before getting flicked by Donnie’s fingers over his head.
“Can we keep her?”, Mikey chirps out as he nuzzles closer to your heat. “She’s not allowed to leave now.”
“Agreed.” Donnie and Raph say at the same time. “Can you guys shut up? I’m trying to sleep.” Leo chitters towards them. Happy to finally have some heat around him. 
It was warm and cozy and just as you were on the way to doze off, another presence makes itself known, making you guess that their father joined the fort to get a piece of warmth. Smiling as you cuddle close to Mikey and drift off to sleep.
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iwantthedean · 4 years
Whiskey-ness: The One With the T-Shirt
Summary: A night of bad weather has Y/N and Dean stuck in the bunker together ... alone.  Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 1535 Warnings: Drinking, implied smut, Winchester charm ...  Challenge: @winchesterxfamilybusiness​‘s Make Me Swoon challenge. My prompt is bolded in the fic -- I’m so sorry this is late! Thanks for the extension! Challenge: @smol-and-grumpy​‘s SuperFriends Title Challenge; my prompt is The One with the T-Shirt. Request: A while back when I did drabbles, @amanda-teaches​ requested Dean encountering a Roomba for the first time. I kept it because I love the prompt and wanted to use it, but couldn’t come up with anything on its own. So, I incorporated it into this fic! 
Happy Reading, lovelies!
“What the hell is that thing?!”
Your brow perked up when you heard Dean yelling from the other room. There generally wasn’t much in the bunker that he couldn’t identify, so his question had your interest piqued; you closed the book you had been reading and went in search of the elder Winchester brother. 
You sighed as you got closer to the kitchen, where Dean was still cursing. You rolled your eyes. 
“Did Sam make some weird green smoothie and leave the extra in the fridge again?” 
Dean shook his head and pointed. “I was eating a sandwich and made a little bit of a mess and that — that thing came rushing in here. The possessed, oversized frisbee won’t stop following me!”
You glanced around the counter and immediately laughed. “Calm down, Dean, it’s a Roomba.”
He frowned. “A what-a?”
Pressing the appropriate button, you sent the little cleaning machine back to its dock. “A Roomba. It’s a cleaning thing. Sam must have gotten one and didn’t tell you or something. Since he’s spending the weekend with Eileen, I’m not surprised he left someone to clean up after you.”
“I’m perfectly capable of cleaning up after myself.”
“Sure you are,” you snorted. “Listen, I’m gonna pack up and go — let you and your new roomie get acquainted. Thanks for letting me make a pit stop.”
Dean nodded, still watching the doorway for the Roomba to come back and attack him. “Yeah, of course, Y/N/N. Anytime.”
You put a couple books in your backpack, yelling to Dean you were taking them for research purposes but would be back through to return them before too long. After donning your jacket, you hugged Dean tight, told him to be nice to the Roomba, and made way for the door. 
Before you could open the door all the way, the wind blew it all the way open and knocked you back a couple of steps. The green sky was blurred by hard raindrops falling in thick sheets over the open Kansas land. Three steps out the door and you were turned around, pounding on the door, begging Dean to let you back in, out of the rain. 
“Dang, kid, you were gone for like thirty seconds,” Dean noted, helping you out of your jacket after you dropped your backpack by the closed door. 
Shivering already, you hugged your arms around your chest to give you some sort of warmth. “Yeah, it’s really coming down out there. We should check the radar.”
“Let’s get you in dry clothes and warmed up first.”
He led you to his room, tossed you a towel and a t-shirt, and showed you how the shower worked. He encouraged you to get warmed up and comfortable, and he would check the weather. 
The water warmed your body quickly; you made a mental note to give Dean shit about keeping the bunker so cold. You weren’t soaked through, but thanks to the temperature inside, you had felt nearly frozen. 
“Maybe if he wouldn’t wear so many layers,” you mumbled to yourself as you dried off. You slipped your mostly dry underpants over your legs, pulled Dean’s shirt over your head, then went to figure out where in the bunker he had landed. 
You found him drinking from a tumbler of whiskey while wrapping up a phone call with Sam. 
“He called to check on us because there’s a bad storm system coming in. Told him we were well aware,” Dean chuckled. “Apparently there’s a tornado warning. Sirens went off while you were in the shower.”
You leaned against the table next to him. “Thank goodness we’re in a fortress, essentially. Want me to whip up some dinner? I know you just had that sandwich.”
Dean gave you a look. “I could still eat. As long as you can do so without making a messing and bringing out the freaky little cleaning monster.”
You laughed and headed for the kitchen. In a little under an hour, you had put together a salad, cooked some chicken, and had cookies baking for after dinner. Once you were finished mashing potatoes, you’d be set. 
Dinner was mostly quiet, with the two of you eating your fill, and Dean getting into the cookies almost as soon as they were out of the oven. He was nice enough to do the dishes on his own so you could go check on your clothes in the dryer. 
“Shit,” you mumbled under your breath. “Helps to actually start the dryer, Y/N.”
Rolling your eyes at yourself, you shut the door again and pressed the button extra hard, waiting to hear the machine start rolling before you left the laundry room. 
“Where’d you go?” you called when you returned to the kitchen to find no Dean around. He had washed the dishes the two of you ate off of, but hadn’t put any of the leftovers away. Sighing, you took care of that, scrubbed the pots and pans and set them to dry before going in search of Dean. 
He was in the Dean Cave, a fresh bottle of whiskey and two tumblers on the table beside his chair. You dropped into the other recliner, snagging the throw blanket from Dean’s chair to keep your legs warm. 
“Is there anyway you could pretend to be a human who doesn’t need to be wrapped in a minimum of three layers of clothing at all times so the rest of us don’t have to freeze our asses off when we’re here?”
He got up to go change the temperature, and you used the opportunity to grab the remote and change the channel to something you could both enjoy watching. Dean gave you a little shit over it but poured you a glass of whiskey just the same. 
Watching that movie turned into a drinking game which turned into the both of you getting plastered. The bottle of whiskey was nearly empty by the time you called it a night. 
“If the weather’s clear in the morning, I’ll be out of your hair not long after I’m up,” you promised, yawning at the end of the sentence. 
Dean put his arms around your shoulders. “You don’t have to rush off, you know. Sammy’s gone till Monday, that storm system is moving through …”
“You’ve been here without Sam before, and I’ll be that storm system will be through after tonight.”
“Whatever. It’s just been, ya know, nice to have you around for more than two seconds and without all the monster guts.”
You giggled. “You could have ruined that monster guts part if you had attacked the Roomba. Thank goodness I was here to protect you.”
You went up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek, whispered a Good night, Dean, then headed to find an empty room to crash in for the night. The whiskey had nearly lulled you to sleep, and far be it from you to deny yourself a good, drunk sleep. 
“Y/N, wait!” Dean called, jogging after you down the hallway. 
You turned too fast to face him, so you backed up against the nearest wall, mentally thanking it for holding you up. You raised your brow at Dean, silently asking after his request for you to wait. He leaned against the opposite wall and smirked. 
“I mean to tell you earlier, but then there was tornadoes and food … you look real good in my t-shirt.”
You smirked, too. “Oh, this old thing? It is pretty comfortable. Can’t say I was entirely upset about my clothes not getting dried.”
“Me neither.”
He stepped away from the wall, stopping in the middle of the hallway. “Maybe, for safety, we should bunk together tonight. You know, like … like …”
“The buddy system?” you supplied.  
Dean snapped his fingers. “The buddy system, yes, exactly! Whadda ya say?”
“I say …” You licked your lips and did your best to stand up a little straighter. “If you take another step, I won’t be responsible for my actions at this point in time, with this level of whiskey-ness in my system.”
“Whiskey-ness,” Dean chuckled, indeed taking another long step and closing the gap between the two of you. He leaned against one hand on the wall behind you and caressed your jaw with the thumb of his other hand. “So, these actions you won’t be responsible for — you gonna blame them on the ‘whiskey-ness’ in the morning?”
“Maybe,” you whispered, pushing yourself up to place a soft kiss against his lips, “maybe not. One way to find out. You game?”
Dean pretended to think it over for a few seconds before taking your face in both of his hands and kissing you with an eagerness you had missed in your most recent lovers … which, honestly, hadn’t been all that recent. 
Outside the bunker, tornado sirens wailed over the plains. You tensed up, breaking the kiss and huddling into Dean’s chest. 
“It’s really bad out there,” you commented, eyes wide. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Dean said, sliding his hands over your ass before tugging you up so your legs were wrapped around him and he could carry you to his bed. “I’ve got you.”
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The Whole Shebang: @illisea @ashleymalfoy @busybee612 @mrswhozeewhatsis @sherlock44 @ravenesque @feelmyroarrrr @atc74  @theplaidshirtmadness  @blacktithe7 @moonlessnight14 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @smoothdogsgirl  @melbrandes  @xtina2191 @spnbaby-67 @emoryhemsworth @goldenolaf25 @gabriels-trix @applesugar88 @rainflowermoon @deansgirl215 @thisismysecrethappyplace @calaofnoldor @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @sleepylunarwolf @chances-and-miracles @sandlee44 @foxyjwls007 @cpag7 @deanwanddamons​
Two for the Money:  @jayankles​ @akshi8278​ @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @supernatural-jackles​ @adoptdontshoppets​
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monstaxperiments · 5 years
Monsta X reaction to you confessing to them and they have a a crush on you..~ (pt. 3)
..~ “Ugh! Fine! I’ll go!” You yell in an annoyed voice to your best friend and roommate, Luna. “Yay! I knew you’d come around.” Luna says getting up from your bed and heading to your closet to pick you out something to wear. You weren’t much of a party girl but liked to make an appearance sometimes. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy yourself at parties, they can just be a bit much and is too draining to be an every weekend thing but they never seem to drain Luna. You continue watching your Netflix tv show on your laptop as you nod your head yes or shake your head no whenever Luna held up a piece of clothing for you to wear for tonight. “I also heard that Jooheon was going too...” Luna says nonchalantly while browsing through your shoes. You shut your laptop upon hearing that name. “Seriously?” Jooheon was in your humanities class. He was super popular across the campus and the star of the school’s baseball team. And of course when you are the star of a sports team at an elite university that’s going to come with a lot of attention. Female attention. It was rumored that Jooheon was a playboy and would bang anything. But you just refused to believe that. Ever since the semester started Jooheon was nothing but a gentleman to you and didn’t give off playboy vibes at all. In fact you fell for his charm immediately. “You’re way too naive.” Luna says shaking her head. “That’s how playboys are. First they butter you up by being super nice and gentleman like then when your walls are completely down they make their move! Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” You shrug off everything Luna is saying and help her pick the perfect outfit. You and Luna pull up to the frat house. It was jam packed with people everywhere. In the front lawn, on every floor of the house, the back yard, there were even people partying up and down the street. It would be impossible for you to find Jooheon in this sea of people. You just wanted to at least say hello and hopefully spend a little time with him to get to know him better. A few minutes later you and Luna make it into the kitchen to get a drink. As Luna is handing you a drink you see a familiar face. It was Jooheon. But he wasn’t alone. He was with a girl that you’ve never seen before. She was pretty. They seemed to be getting pretty close. You felt your heart sink as you start to think maybe the rumors were true. You watched them smile and flirt with each other until you couldn’t take it anymore. You turn to leave the kitchen, just then you here a familiar voice call your name. It was Jooheon. He had noticed you. You towards the living room without turning around. You kept hearing your name over the loud music and people as you elbowed your way through the horde of party goers. Out of the living room and into the foyer you kept hearing your name being called, as if he was following you. Down the hallway towards the back of the house you were lucky to find a vacant bathroom, you enter and lock the door behind you. Seconds later someone is pounding on the door “Y/n! Y/n! It’s me Jooheon. You didn’t hear me calling you? Open up!” You couldn’t tell if he was drunk or not, you didn’t care, the only thing you could think about was him and that girl. “Y/n! Can you hear me?” You couldn’t take the pounding anymore. “Yes Jooheon I can hear you.” He sensed the tone of your voice. “What’s wrong? Are you ok? Did someone hurt you?” Yeah. You. You think through the silence as tears threaten to form in your eyes. Jooheon pounds on the door again. “I’m fine Jooheon! Damn just stop pounding on the door!” There’s silence for a few seconds. You wondered if he went away. “Look... whatever you saw back there wasn’t what it looked like.” You lean your back against the bathroom door. “What was it then?” Jooheon leans against the door. “That girl was drunk and flirting with me. I didn’t want to be mean so I just played along. I’m not interest in her. Or any girl for that matter.” You felt your heart sink all over again. “Well except this one girl.... in my humanities class...” You felt a smile tug at the corners of your mouth. “That’s interesting because I’m interested in a guy in my humanities class.” Now a smile tugs on Jooheon’s mouth. “Y/n, can you open the door?” Just before the open the bathroom you look at yourself in the mirror. Fix your hair, fix your makeup, straighten up your clothes, take a deep breath, and you open the door.
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..~ Bugs. Heat. Dirt. Sweat. These were a few of your favorite things. Not. You hated camping. Hell, you hated the outdoors. But when Minhyuk asked you to go camping with him and his friends you couldn’t say no. Laughing by the campfire, eating s’mores, stargazing, cuddling in a tent. These were the things that you were fantasizing about when he asked you. You’ve never been camping before so you just figured it would be just like the movies. Boy how you were wrong, you think as you gather your belongings and follow the others towards the campgrounds. The campgrounds were about a mile mostly uphill from the parking area. Just barely starting the journey you could already feel the sweat forming on your body and bugs already started attacking you from all angles. You felt miserable. Minhyuk, who was a few feet ahead of you turns to make sure you doing ok “Hey y/n having fun yet?” Minhyuk flashes you the brightest smile. You flash him a fake smile “Of course” you even hold up two thumbs up. Minhyuk doesn’t fall for it. He walks down to you and grabs your hand “C’mon. We can’t have you falling behind.” You feel your cheeks getting warm as Minhuyk playfully swings your arm back and forth. He was always like this. So cheerful. So playful. It was this that you fall for him so quickly. He never seemed to worry about anything. He always had a bright smile on his face. You’ve had a crush on him for so long you’ve lost track. Finally reaching the campgrounds the group sets up tents and begins to build a fire. Six people were in the group and there were three tents. Out of the six people there were two girls and four guys. However the other girl was in a relationship with one of the guys so thats one tent down. The other two guys were brothers and wanted to bunk with each other so thats two tents down. “Looks like were roomies.” Minhyuk says as he nudges you playfully. “Try to keep your hands to yourself.” He winks as you before heading to the campfire to add more wood. Lucky for you because your efforts of trying not to smile completely failed. Time goes on and the campsite is finally set up properly. Minhyuk stands up from the tree stump he was sitting on “Alright looks like the campsite is set up nicely. Y/n and I will be back from getting lunch.” Before you’re even able to process what Minhyuk just said he pulls you up from the stump you sitting on and ushers you away from the campsite. You protest the entire way to the lake. “It’s ok y/n. I’m not very good at fishing myself. But I’m sure it’ll be fun.” He flashes you one of his famous smiles again and once again you couldn’t say no. Finally reaching the lake Minhyuk pulls out the fishing supplies, then realizing he forgot something. “Damn. I’ll be right back y/n” Minhyuk leaves you sitting on a log as he hurries back to the campsite. You sigh as you observe your surroundings. It was a nice area with the woods and the water and a few cute little woodland animals running around. Maybe camping isn’t all bad. Just as you finished that thought you felt something on your leg. Without looking properly at what it was you scream and swat at it and hurriedly stand up. Whimpering you kick at a small rock and mutter “I fucking hate camping” “What?” Startled to hear a voice you turn to see Minhyuk emerging from behind a tree with a long skinny branch. You realize it was him playing a prank on you. “Y/n.. you hate camping?” For the first time you see Minhyuk upset. It hurt your heart so much to see him this way and it hurt even more to know you were the cause of it. “Yeah.... I hate camping.” You said lowering your head. “Then why did you agree to come? I would’ve never invited you if I had known.” “Yeah I know that’s why I said yes.” Minhyuk looked confused and you knew the time had come. “I agreed to come because I just wanted to spend more time with you. And I thought that if I did something you liked then you would like me too. Because.... I like you.” This is so embarrassing I look so desperate you think as you kept your head lowered. “I asked you to come with me because I already liked you. I wouldn’t have liked you any less if you said no.” You hear footsteps come closer to you then you feel arms being wrapped around you. “Now I feel bad because now I know you’re miserable.” You lift up your head to meet his eyes. Suddenly Minhyuk pecks your nose with his making you laugh. “How about we ditch those guys and go for ice cream?” You look at him shocked. “Minhyuk how could you just leave your friends like that?” Minhyuk laughs “Well I have a girlfriend now so I want to put her needs and wants first.” Minhyuk says blushing and taking your hand as you both walk back to the campsite. “But I was looking forward to sharing a tent with you.” Minhyuk says wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way. 
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spiritedquill · 5 years
Sonny’s Home For Boys: Chapter 1
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | 
AO3 | FFnet
Summary: He wasn't staying. There was no way he could stay, he had to get back to Sammy. His dad would come back and he'd go back to doing what he did best: hunting. Still... the mysterious blue-eyed boy named Castiel made it really hard to not want to stick around and never go anywhere else again.
Notes: I wrote this RP with @gggghik forever ago and finally decided to turn it into a fic. Enjoy!! Comments encourage me to keep posting new chapters ;)
Chapter 1:
“Dean, I’m hungry.”
The words echoed through Dean’s mind as he walked through the little convenience store, taking long deep breaths and trying to act normal. He saw the shelf with cans of ravioli and smiled a little. Sammy loved the mini ravioli. Almost as much as he loved mac and cheese. 
Dean looked around, trying to keep his breathing even. There weren’t any cameras that he could see and there was just the one cashier. He could do this. 
He grabbed two cans of mini ravioli and stuffed them into his jacket. After closing his eyes for a second to steel his nerves, he started walking as casually as he could towards the exit. 
“Hey, can I help you, boy?”
Dean startled and glanced over at the cashier. He froze for a second then shook his head with a smile. “Uh, no thank you. I was just leaving.”
The cashier gave him an odd look and Dean swallowed thickly but kept walking. He saw the cashier wave over the cop standing by the door and his stomach dropped. How had he not seen him there before?
“He didn’t buy anything… yeah, he was just wandering around…”
Dean heard the cashier whispering to the cop and his heart pounded harder in his chest. Don’t panic, Winchester. Just act natural.
“Hey there, son, why the hurry?” 
Dean turned to see a man in a deputy’s uniform standing over him. He gulped nervously. “Uh, sorry sir. I was just, uh…” he trailed off, panic setting in, and turned and broke into a sprint out the door. 
“Hey stop that kid!”
Dean glanced back over his shoulder to see the deputy running after him, but he kept running…
...right into the other deputy. 
Dean lost his balance a bit, dropping the ravioli cans from his jacket, and the deputy shook his head. “Turn around, kid,” he said, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. Dean panicked. He couldn’t get caught. On instinct, he threw a punch at the deputy and tried to run again, but the other officer was there to catch him by the arm.
“Not so fast.”
Dean cursed under his breath as his hands were cuffed behind his back and he was ushered into the back of the deputy’s car. 
As they drove away, Dean could only think of Sam, and how he had failed him.
“Mr. Winchester, hi. We caught your son shoplifting, thanks for coming--”
“What happened?” John asked, looking over at Dean, disappointment in his eyes. Dean swallowed hard, but he couldn’t speak. He deserved that look. He’d been caught. That was one of the number one rules. Be smart, don’t get caught. 
“Now listen, Dean punched one of my officers. That’s a big deal, it’ll have to go on his record. But the store owner isn’t pressing charges. Once I process him, he’s free to go if you could just sign a few papers--”
“No, he can sit for what he did. Give him some time to think. He’s your problem now.”
The sheriff was interrupted by a door slamming shut, and John Winchester was gone. The man sighed. “Officers, take these cuffs off. I’ll call Sonny.” Grunting a bit in protest, the officer with the shiner on his eye, courtesy of Dean, unlocked the cuffs from Dean’s wrists. Dean winced a little as they came off, rubbing his sore wrists.
Dean couldn’t believe it. He had only stolen food for Sammy. He was trying to take care of his brother. It wasn’t his fault dad didn’t leave them enough food for a whole week. And he said he’d only be gone four days. 
Shaking his head, trying not to think about that, he looked down and pretended he wasn’t eavesdropping as the sheriff spoke on the phone again.
“Yeah, Mr. Ellison, I’ve got a situation here… Yeah, do you have the space? No, not that, he was just here… I can’t believe it, he just left… Yeah, I’ll let him know... His name’s Dean. Thanks, Sonny. Bye, now.” 
Dean’s face scrunched with a confused frown. Sonny? What the hell? 
“Listen son, I know--”
“Don’t call me son,” Dean spat. “My dad’s coming back. He’s just pissed off, he’ll be back.” Dean wasn’t even sure he believed it, especially with that sad look the sheriff was giving him. He hated pity. 
“I’m sure he will, but you can’t stay here in any case,” said the sheriff. “For now, we’ve got a nice boys home ‘round here where you can stay. A warm bed’s better than a jail cell.” 
He had a point, Dean thought. 
“Fine. I’ll be gone by tomorrow anyways when my dad comes back.” 
“That’s alright by me, son.”
“Come on, Dean,” Sonny said, and Dean followed reluctantly. Sonny’s smile was so warm and kind. He couldn’t look at it. “Let’s get some frozen peas on those wrists and I’ll show ya to your room.”
“I-I get a room?” Dean stuttered out, stunned, without meaning to. Quickly collecting himself, he shrugged his shoulders and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He only winced a little when the leather rubbed his raw wrists. “I mean, yeah, uh, sure. I guess I can stick around for one night.”
Sonny smiled, amused, and glanced at him over his shoulder as he grabbed a bag of frozen peas. “You’re sixteen, right?”
Dean nodded silently. 
“Oh, yeah,” Sonny said with a low chuckle. “I remember that age. Too cool for school, right?” 
Dean shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t particularly like being psychoanalyzed. “I dunno what you’re talking about.”
Sonny smiled knowingly. “‘Course you don’t.” He handed Dean the bag of peas and clapped him lightly on the back. “You’ll fit right in here, Dean.” 
Sonny led Dean upstairs, down the hall, and to the room at the end. There were six beds, 3 on each side of the room, with a rug in the middle. “The other boys are just finishing up their chores, but you can pick your bunk and settle in a bit.” Sonny paused and glanced at Dean, his heart clenching at the look on Dean’s face. He’d never had his own bed in his life by the looks of it. Clearing his throat, Sonny spoke again. “The first two on the right here are taken. Benny and Chuck. Ash has this first bunk on the left, and the far left corner is Castiel’s bunk. You can take your pick of the other two.” 
Dean took it in for a moment longer before shaking himself out of his haze and tossing his jacket on the middle left bed. It’s not like it mattered anyways. “Thanks,” he muttered, and Sonny left the room to give him some space to adjust. 
Dean looked around. The room wasn’t exactly huge, but it was surprisingly roomy considering 6 boys lived there. It was actually kinda nice, Dean thought. He even had his own night stand. He’d only ever had a bed to share with Sammy in dirty hotel rooms, so this was practically paradise. 
Dean shook his head. No. He wasn’t staying. He couldn’t just leave Sam, and his dad would come back. Of course he would.
His chest hurt at the thought of Sam. Where was he now? Did dad drop him off at Bobby’s, or drag him along on a hunt? Did he even know what happened or why Dean wasn’t there? Or how his dad has basically told him “You’re on your own, rot in jail for all I care.” How all he wanted was to get some food for Sam but he didn’t have any money left. How he was abandoned for trying to be a good big brother. 
He felt tears spill out of his eyes and he wiped them away roughly, squeezing his eyes shut tight. “Don’t cry, Winchester. Crying means you’re weak and you’re not weak,” he scolded himself just before the door flew open. He looked up as a lanky brown-haired boy ran into the room. The boy stopped in his tracks and looked at Dean. 
“Oh,” he said after a moment. “You must be the new kid.” He went to his bed, on the right corner closest to the door, and grabbed an inhaler. “I’m Chuck,” the boy said after taking a deep draw of his inhaler. “We’re about to have lunch. Nice to meet you.”
Dean didn’t even have a chance to speak before Chuck was dashing out of the room again. Strange kid, he thought. 
Dean wiped his hands down his face and shook out his shoulders before heading downstairs. He silently took a seat at the table with the other boys, not in the mood for more introductions. The others seemed to be fine with that-- except for one boy. He was about Dean’s age, with bright blue eyes, and he was staring right at Dean. 
Dean’s temper flared. “What’s your problem?”
That got everyone’s attention. 
“Well howdy, newbie,” said one of the boys. He looked about seventeen and he had an awful mullet. 
“We haven’t had any fresh faces around here in quite some time,” said the boy next to Dean. He looked to be the same age as Mullet Man over there. 
“Yeah, well don’t get used to it, cuz I’m not staying,” Dean snapped. “I’ll be gone before you know it so take a good look.”
Cocky. That’ll get old really quickly, Castiel thought. He looked away from Dean without a word and crossed his arms, scolding himself for so blatantly staring at Dean. 
“So, what’re you in for? Oh, and I’m Benny by the way. And that dick head is Ash, you can ignore him.”
“Hey, I’m not--”
“And you already met Chuck here.” Chuck waved enthusiastically. “And Mr. Personality over there is Castiel.”
Castiel didn’t even look up at the sound of his name. Dean glanced at him curiously. This place was wack job central. 
Dean looked back at Benny. “Well, I can see we’re all fantastic at first impressions.” He paused, trying to think of how to answer Benny’s question. “And well, I punched a cop. So that’ll do it.” 
Cas tried to keep an eye roll at bay.
“Yeah, that would,” Benny laughed. 
Benny stopped laughing and sat up a little straighter as a middle aged woman walked into the room carrying a tray of sandwiches and fruit. 
“You boys been working hard?” she said with a smile just as warm as Sonny’s. 
“Thank you, Ruth,” Castiel spoke up, barely audible to the rest of the room. He smiled thankfully at the women and Dean couldn’t help but notice he had a nice smile. 
“Hello? Earth to Dean?” Ash said, waving a hand in front of Dean’s face and grabbing a sandwich before Ruth could even set the tray on the table. “Trust me, he’s not that interesting,” he said, and Dean’s eyes snapped away from Cas quickly. “He seems all mysterious and deep but you get past that pretty quick.” 
Somehow, Dean doubted that was true. 
As the boys ate, Dean couldn’t help but sneak glances at Castiel. He half-heartedly participated in conversation with Benny and Ash, but he was honestly more concerned with learning everything there was to learn about the quiet blue-eyed boy. 
Cas finished eating before the other boys who were too busy talking to actually eat (except for Ash who was under the implication he could do both simultaneously). He stood stiffly and took his plate to the sink, wiping it clean and setting it to the side. Cas had noticed the new kid Dean staring at him throughout lunch. It was nothing he wasn’t used to. The other boys stared at him the same way. Intrigued, but not necessarily in a good way. There was almost always a hint of fear. 
He never used to get those stares. But that was before. 
He rubbed his hands down his shirt to smooth some of the wrinkles and walked past the other boys wordlessly. He did allow himself a moment to get a better look at Dean.
Green eyes, freckles, light brown hair that almost looked blonde in the sunlight, all wrapped up in flannel and blue jeans. And unfairly handsome. That was what Dean looked like. 
Cas shook his head and left the kitchen, hurrying out the front door before he got carried away. 
As he stepped out onto the porch, he bumped into a girl with dark hair and a guitar case slung over her shoulder. Castiel apologized and looked up at the familiar face, smiling a bit. 
“Oh! Hey, Castiel,” the girl said, blushing. 
“Hello, Robin,” Cas said with a nod and a polite smile. 
Robin’s blush darkened when Cas said her name. Castiel’s heart sank in sympathy. He hated that every time she looked at him with those hopeful eyes he had to shoot her down. It wasn’t exactly his fault, he just wasn’t interested. “Uh, no thank you, Robin. We got a new kid today, though. He might want to,” Cas offered with as little pity as he could manage. 
“Oh really?” Robin asked with a smile, trying to hide her disappointment. “Sounds awesome. I’ll, uh… I’ll see you around then, Cas.” 
Cas nodded and waved to her as he hopped off the porch and headed off to the field behind the house. 
Robin sighed sullenly, watching him go. She only took a moment to feel sorry for herself, though, quickly schooling her features and stepping through the front door. “Knock knock!” she announced cheerfully. 
Dean looked up when the door opened, for a split second hoping it was Castiel. But he wasn’t disappointed by what he saw at all. His eyes widened when a very beautiful girl with a guitar entered walked through the door.
Ash scoffed. “That’s Robin,” he told Dean quietly. “She’s totally head-over-heels for Chatty Cassy but no one knows why. Don’t even bother, bro.”
Dean slapped on his trademark cocky grin, straightening his collar and standing up. “Watch and learn, boys.” 
He sauntered into the living room with his best charming smile. “Hey,” he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “You know, I’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar. Think you could teach me a few things?” 
“That’s what I’m here for,” Robin said, unfazed by the blatant flirtation. She heard that shit all the time, but never from one person in particular. 
She sighed and turned to the boy with a polite smile. “You must be the new kid Cas mentioned. I’m Robin,” she told him, shrugging the guitar off her shoulders and sitting on the couch. 
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s me,” Dean said, taken aback slightly when she didn’t react to his flirting. “My name’s Dean.” 
Sonny chose that moment to enter the living room, smiling when he saw Robin. “Hey there, Robin. Uh boys, have any of you seen Gordon?” 
Dean frowned. The other boys shrugged and said they hadn’t seen him, and Sonny sighed and walked out the front door. 
Sitting down next to Robin on the couch, Dean asked, “Who’s Gordon? I thought it was just the four boys.”
“Gordon is… well, it’s a long story,” Robin said, frowning. “He’s a jerk. Cas always tried to protect people when Gordon picked on them, so Gordon decided to target him instead. And Anna…” Robin trailed off, stopping herself. It wasn’t her place. 
Dean felt an odd sense of protectiveness at the idea of someone bullying Castiel. He couldn’t quite place it. But he knew what it was like to be different, to be treated like a freak. He wouldn’t wish that on anyone. “Sounds to me like someone needs to teach Gordon a little common decency,” he told Robin fiercely, and she scoffed, pausing her strumming to look at him. 
“What? And that’s gonna be you? Look, you’re right. Gordon needs to learn a lesson. But Castiel knocked him around pretty hard and he still didn’t learn it. You’d think with what Castiel did…” she stopped herself again, shaking her head. “Well, you’d think he’d learn to leave well enough alone.”
Outside, Castiel had wandered into the small patch of forest that sat behind the property. He looked up into one of the trees and smiled when he saw a small nest with three baby birds and their mother. He began climbing the tree, settling in with his back against the trunk a few branches below the nest. He watched them with a small smile, leaning back against the tree and enjoying the time alone. 
“Hey, bird boy,” called a voice from below, and Cas stiffened. He looked down with disgust when he saw Gordon standing at the base of the tree. The older boy smirked and taunted, “Got your wings yet?”
Cas rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the birds. “Go away, Gordon,” he muttered. 
“What was that now? Couldn’t hear ya.” Gordon’s eyes darkened and he hopped up onto the bottom branch, beginning to sway and put his entire weight into shaking the trunk. He smirked up at Cas as he struggled to keep his grip on the tree. He continued shaking the tree and taunting Cas. “Don’t feel like talking, huh? Fine by me.”
Castiel gritted his teeth, trying to cool his temper. He wanted to hop down there and shove Gordon’s face into the tree. It wouldn’t be hard. He wasn’t big, but he was stronger than Gordon for sure. But after what happened last time… Well, the thought was enough to cool Cas down pretty quick. He would just ride it out and Gordon would get bored eventually.
It wasn’t until he noticed the bird’s nest teetering on its branch that he finally moved. The mother bird had flown away the second Gordon began shaking the tree, but the nestlings were still there, and they couldn’t fly. 
Cautiously, Castiel stood, steadying himself with a firm grip on the branches above him. He began to pull himself up, gasping and catching his grip when his foot slipped. Gordon began to shake the tree with even more fervor and the nest slipped. Castiel cursed and dove to catch it, falling to the ground with a thud. He groaned as the nestlings chirped in alarm, startled but safe and sound. Cas, on the other hand, was less than okay. 
Gordon smiled smugly and hopped down from the tree, landing inches from Castiel’s head. Cas glared up at him. “Nice catch, bird boy,” Gordon sneered, then turned and shifed his expression into one of panic. “Hey!” he shouted. “Someone help! Cas is hurt!” 
Dean was about to tell Robin that he didn’t care what Gordon did, he could take him. He’d seen worse. So much worse. Gordon didn’t scare him. 
He was cut off when he heard yelling outside and he instinctively jumped up. He followed when Sonny and the other boys ran outside to see what was wrong. 
Sonny ran through the open field, stopping to kneel next to Cas. “Hey, buddy, you all right? What happened?” The man didn’t believe Gordon’s concern for a second, nor did anyone else. They all knew him better than that. But Sonny was more focused on making sure Cas was okay than punishing Gordon. 
Castiel groaned and began to sit up, and Sonny helped him. “The nest slipped,” he said, smiling weakly. “I caught it.” 
Sonny chuckled. “What am I gonna do with you, boy?”
Dean followed the others outside, heart sinking when he saw Castiel on the ground. As he came closer to make sure the boy was okay, he noticed Gordon standing off to the side with a smug look on his face. Temper flaring, he marched out onto the grass and shoved the taller boy’s chest. 
“So you like picking on people, huh?” he growled. “Maybe you should try picking on me, see how that works out for ya. Come on, do it,” he shoved Gordon again. “Do it! Unless you’re scared,” he challenged, eyeing Gordon fiercely. 
Gordon laughed. “Fine, tough guy.”
Sonny stepped in the middle of them before Gordon could throw a fist. “Hey, knock it off, both of you. Gordon, get in the house, now! Dean, help me get Cas inside.”
Dean nodded, taking a breath to calm down but still glaring at Gordon.
Castiel tried to stand, looking at Dean with confusion. Why was he trying to protect him? He could take care of himself, anyways. But still, why would Dean even want to stick up for him?
Cradling the bird’s nest, Cas muttered, “I’m fine, I can take care of myself.”
Gordon laughed again. “Are you sure, bird boy? Your boyfriend here seems more than willing to swoop in. Looks like someone else stepped up as hero, Cassy.” 
Castiel glared at Gordon and lifted himself up a bit. He still couldn’t stand.. Sonny ushered Gordon inside, and Dean walked over to Cas, watching him in concern. “Hey, you okay, man?” he asked. “Looks like you hit your head pretty hard…”
Castiel’s ego softened a bit at the boy’s concern. “I’m fine,” he insisted, but he winced as he sat up straighter, exposing the lie. “I have to get back up the tree. The birds…”
Dean reached out to help Castiel to his feet, not believing him for a second. “No way. You’re not climbing up there again after that fall. You need to rest up, Cas.” 
“I don’t need rest, I need to get this nest back in the tree.”
Dean shook his head, eyeing Cas. “How ‘bout you let me put the nest back, and then we’ll grab you some ice. Lots of ice.”
Cas smiled a bit. “Are you sure? It’s the sixth branch up.”
Dean scoffed, grinning. “Honestly I’m offended you’d even ask.” Grabbing the nest carefully, he pulled himself up into the tree and started climbing higher and higher until he found what looked like the perfect place for the nest. Tucking it into the little nook, he smiled and climbed back down. “Done and done,” he said. “Oh, and I’m Dean, by the way. I wanted to introduce myself personally, instead of as ‘new kid.’” He smiled even wider and shook Castiel’s hand. “Mind if I call you Cas?” 
Meanwhile, Robin continued to watch from the porch as the boys started heading back inside. She couldn’t help but admire the way Dean stood up for Castiel like that. And how he was being so kind to the boy. Honestly, it was extremely attractive. And Dean wasn’t exactly hard on the eyes either, so that helped. 
Despite Castiel’s protests that he didn’t need help (which were discredited when he almost fell over before grabbing onto Dean’s shoulders), Dean wrapped an arm around the boy’s waist and helped him inside. After Dean got Cas inside in one piece, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a few bags of frozen peas. He figured Sonny wouldn’t mind. Then he helped Cas upstairs to the bathroom and found a first aid kit as Cas held the bags to his head and side. 
“Sit,” he told Cas, and Cas listened, trying not to think too much about how Dean’s arm felt wrapped around his waist. Or how he looked when he smiled. Or his hair. Or the way his eyes lit up when he looked at him. 
He hated himself every time his heart pounded just a little too fast. 
Trying to distract himself from Dean’s face, he turned his attention to the amulet around Dean’s neck. “Nice amulet,” he said quietly as Dean cleaned up the blood coming from his forehead. 
Dean paused, instinctively reaching for the necklace Sam gave him. “Oh,” he said, clearing his throat. Another reminder that he couldn’t protect Sam, no matter how hard he tried. “Yeah… it was a gift.” He frowned slightly, shaking his head to clear the thoughts of Sam. 
“Cas, are you alright?” 
Both of the boys jumped as Robin popped into the room, her blue eyes wide with concern. 
“Uh, yes, I believe so,” Cas said. 
“That was so sweet how you saved those birds,” she said, blushing. “Don’t let Gordon get to you.”
“I don’t,” Cas said gruffly.
Robin turned to look at Dean, then, and her blushed deepened. “It was sweet what you did, too…” she smiled shyly. “Standing up to Gordon like that.”
Dean shrugged, smiling just a bit, and Cas couldn’t help but watch him. Perhaps there was more to Dean than Cas had initially thought. 
“It was nothing,” Dean said, snapping Cas out of his thoughts. Cas shook his head, kicking himself mentally. Stop staring. It isn’t right. “I just don’t like guys who pick on people just ‘cuz they can. I don’t care how much your life sucks, you can’t treat people like that.”
Fishing the anti-bacterial spray and some gauze out of the first aid kid, Dean knelt down in front of where Cas was sitting on the edge of the tub. “This might sting,” he told him, spraying the cuts across Castiel’s head, collarbone, and arms. Cas swallowed hard but showed no sign of pain. It was nothing he wasn’t used to.
Robin gently touched his knee, watching the boy carefully. “Castiel, you could always take him in a fight. You did before.” 
Cas looked up at her and shook his head. “No. I… that’s not a good idea.” After what had happened before… Well, Cas couldn’t let that happen again. His father would… Cas closed his eyes. No. His dad had disowned him. What he thought shouldn’t matter. Besides, Castiel didn’t want to hurt anyone. Not again. Not even Gordon. 
At the thought of his father, Castiel lost track of what was happening around him. He vaguely registered Dean and Robin talking softly to each other, but it didn’t matter. He couldn’t help but think of every lesson his dad had drilled into his mind… He was wrong. He was disgusting. He was a disgrace. And the way Dean’s hands felt against his skin only made matters worse. It was distracting. 
His father didn’t understand. It wasn’t that he liked girls or that he liked boys. He had dated a few girls in the past, April and Meg. But it wasn’t their gender he was drawn to, it was their kindness and what he saw in their soul. According to his dad, it was far more important what was between a person’s legs. 
Personally, Cas thought it was more “Christian” to love someone for more than just sex, but that’s not what his father had taught him. Man and woman. Anything else was a sin. 
Castiel’s stomach churned. He believed in his heart that what he felt was real and that it wasn’t wrong, but he couldn’t help but think of his father’s words every time he noticed Dean’s eyes and the way he smiled… and the way he had so gently put those birds back in the tree…
No. Cas didn’t want to think about it. The thought made his skin crawl… or maybe it made him buzz. Either way, he decided right then that he would have to stay as far away from Dean Winchester as possible. 
Breaking Cas out of his thoughts, Sonny came to stand in the doorway, asking how he was feeling. Gordon slipped in beside him and sneered at Cas. 
“Got your boyfriend playing nurse, faggot? You kinky son of a--”
“Gordon,” Sonny stopped him, and Cas glared at the boy.
“That’s odd,” Cas growled, “considering your idea of kinky involves drunk 14 year old girls.”
“That’s enough,” Sonny said, louder, grabbing Gordon by the arm and leading him back to his room. 
Dean frowned at Cas’s words. “What--”
“It doesn’t matter,” Cas muttered, looking down at the floor. 
His frown deepening in concern, Dean began cleaning one of the deeper cuts on Cas’s cheek. He tried to meet the boy’s eyes. “I take it you have quite the history. What’d he do to make you hate him so much? You know, besides being a generally shitty person.”
Looking up from the floor, Cas eyed Dean curiously. He wasn’t fazed by Gordon’s harsh words or their implications. He was only worried about Cas. He really couldn’t figure Dean out. 
Robin stood and cleared her throat. “Well, I hope you feel better, Cas. My dad will be waiting for me at the diner. I’ll tell Anna you said hi.” 
Cas looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you, Robin.”
She blushed and smiled back at him, then coughed and turned to Dean. “Keep him out of trouble.”
Dean winked. “‘Course I will.”
“I am very capable of handling myself,” Cas said defensively, though he was secretly glad to have the light-hearted atmosphere return. 
Robin rolled her eyes and gave him a knowing, affectionate smile. “Obviously. See ya, feel better.” Cas nodded and Robin left.
Once she was gone and it was just Cas and Dean, neither of them spoke for a few moments. Dean’s hand was frozen by Cas’s forehead where he had been patching him up. The touch was one they both tried to ignore. 
“Gordon is part of the reason I’m in here,” Cas finally choked out, softly and hesitant.
“What do you mean by that?” Dean asked, leaning in close so he could see the wound better. Cas’s heart skipped a beat and he inched back just a bit. 
“Why don’t you ask someone else? Everyone here knows the story,” he whispered, only a little bitter.
“Because I’m asking you,” Dean stated with a shrug. Pausing, he added, “I wanna get your side of the story, not some bullshit rumors.”
Grabbing the band-aids from the first aid kit, Dean finished patching Cas up, but he didn’t move away just yet. 
Cas just shrugged. “Gordon’s an ass, and I was stupid. That’s really all there is to it.”
He was stupid for letting Anna go out on her own. Stupid for losing his temper so impulsively. Stupid for thinking his dad cared. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
Dean chuckled, and Cas felt his breath catch at the sound. “You know, I can see why most people get the dark, mysterious vibe from you. You’re so… vague. I mean, it can’t be that bad. I’d bet you a hundred bucks I’ve done worse.”
Cas blushed when Dean called him ‘dark and mysterious.’ Was that really what people thought of him? Was that really what Dean thought of him? He decided not to dwell on the thought. 
Dean noticed Cas seemed distracted. Or at least that he didn’t feel like talking. Dean understood that. 
“Hey, I’m sorry for prying,” he back-tracked, clearing his throat and moving away from Cas just a little. “It’s your story to tell, and you don’t have to.” 
“It’s alright,” Cas assured him, missing the closeness for a moment and then immediately dismissing that thought. “It’s not that I mind you knowing, I just don’t like talking about it. Like I said, everyone here knows the story. You can ask them. I’m sure you won’t hear it too differently.” 
Cas was a terrible liar, he knew that. And he didn’t want to be the one to tell Dean that he had gotten drunk and done some stupid shit with Gordon, even if it wasn’t true. But that was the story everyone but a select few believed. It was better that way. If anyone found out what really happened… well, he didn’t know what would happen. But he had to keep Anna safe, even if that meant getting disowned by his family and being stuck in this place. As long as it wasn’t Anna going through it.
Dean nodded, not quite believing Cas but deciding not to push it too much. “Well, whatever it was, I wouldn’t think less of you for it. Anything that ends with Gordon getting his face kicked in is alright in my book.” Smiling, he finished putting one last band-aid on Cas’s forehead. “There. Good as new.” Then, smirking a little, he said, “You know, you look pretty badass for someone who just fell out of a tree. Might get some nice battle scars.”
Cas eyed him curiously. “I’m covered in band-aids. I’m not badass.” 
Dean laughed, genuine and bright, and Cas felt his cheeks flush. “Well it’ll make you even more dark and mysterious, either way.”
Cas laughed too, then winced when he felt a sharp pain in his ribs. He made a pained noise and groaned, “I think I’m going to be dark and mysterious in my bed, if you don’t mind.” Cas protested but ultimately gave in when Dean rushed to help him stand and walk down the hall. “Uh, thanks,” he said. “For everything. And don’t worry about Gordon. He’s got me as a target and won’t let me go, which is good. It means he spends less time hurting anyone else. I can handle him.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you can,” Dean said with only a hint of sarcasm. “But it never hurts to have someone that’s got your back.” Dean led him to a door and reached for the knob but Cas stopped him.
“Wrong room,” he said quickly, grabbing Dean’s hand on instinct. “That’s Gordon’s room. Don’t go in there. Ever.” 
Dean nodded, swallowing thickly as he felt warmth spread from where Cas touched him. “Good to know.” They continued walking to their room, and Dean helped Cas to his bed before sitting down on his own. “Get some rest,” he told Cas. “You’ve earned it, hero.” 
Cas smiled at him, though he was both thrilled and panicked when he realized that Dean’s bed was right next to his. It was obvious he had formed some kind of attraction to Dean, and it needed to be quelled. But… Cas swallowed. 
No, no, no, no, no. 
Gritting his teeth to keep from groaning in pain, Cas gingerly hooked a thumb into the back of the neckline on his dirty t-shirt. He brought it over his head and tossed it into his laundry basket before replacing it with an old, loose-fitting black t-shirt. 
He didn’t miss the way Dean stared at him for just a fraction of a second when he took his shirt off. He couldn’t help but feel… something when he saw the look on Dean’s face. 
He laid down on his back, crossing his arms behind his head despite the soreness in his muscles. He stared at the ceiling as he spoke. “So, what stupid thing really got you stuck in here, Dean Winchester? I get the feeling it was more than punching a cop.” 
Dean had busied himself with his pocket knife and the wooden bed posts, carving protective symbols into each one. He startled when Cas spoke, trying to pretend he wasn’t just distracting himself from the very distracting image of Cas with no shirt. 
“I… I stole some food for me and my brother,” he said, clearing his throat when his voice came out barely more than a whisper. 
Cas looked over at him, baffled. “Then it is stupid. That you were put in here, I mean. That’s no crime.”
His attention was drawn to what Dean was carving and he eyed the boy suspiciously. 
Whoa, Novak, he thought. Way to have a thing for the devil worship boy. Dad would be so proud. 
Dean smiled a little. “I agree.” Anything that was helping his brother couldn’t be bad, not in his eyes. Noticing the look on Cas’s face, Dean’s eyes widened. “Oh, no this isn’t… It’s just… It’s protection,” he tried to say, heart pounding. How could he explain this away? “It’s a… family thing. I guess. I swear I don’t worship the devil or anything like that. The exact opposite, actually.”
Cas blinked, slightly relieved. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, immediately regretting the quick movement, and carefully swung his legs over so he was facing Dean. He leaned in closer to get a better look at the carvings. “Huh,” he said. “These are… really intense anti-demonic Latin symbols. Where did you learn these?”
“My dad,” he answered, heart clenching at the reminder. “He’s… paranoid,” he lied. “I guess I’m a little paranoid, too.” 
Cas wasn’t sure what to make of that, but before he could say anything, the other three boys walked into the room. Benny nodded at Cas.
“You doin’ alright there, chief?”
Cas nodded, his expression becoming more guarded when the other boys entered. Chuck flopped down on his bed, taking a draw of his inhaler. Benny and Ash grabbed some plastic straws and started shooting spit wads at each other from across the room. 
Dean was disappointed when Cas closed off in the presence of the other boys, but he understood. Even as he mourned Cas’s open expression, he felt himself rebuilding his own walls. 
As the two of them fell quiet again, Dean couldn’t help but wonder about Cas’s past with Gordon. Was it really that bad? Maybe he would ask one of the other boys after all. For now, though, he decided to try for some sleep. But between Benny arguing with Chuck over his fantasy romance supernatural novel (“Why would vampires kill for sport? That’s a waste of perfectly good food!”), and Cas humming softly to himself, and thoughts of Sam…
Well, he wasn’t gonna be getting any sleep tonight. 
Snatching his jacket off the floor, Dean pulled out a small picture of him and his brother, curling up on his side and starting at the faded photograph. He frowned. What was he thinking, trying to make friends here? Obviously he couldn’t stay. He had to get back to his brother. He had to keep him safe, like always. It didn’t matter that his dad didn’t want him around anymore. All that mattered was that Sam was okay. 
He had made his decision. He waited for the others to fall asleep and for the sun to set, then grabbed his jacket and started for the door. 
Cas’s eyes snapped open when he heard the door open, looking over just in time to watch Dean slip out. He wanted to stop him… but no. This was a good thing. Cas’s feelings for Dean would only lead to more problems, so Cas let him go, as much as it hurt. 
He tensed, however, when he heard another door open further down the hall, and Cas knew exactly where it was coming from. Cas cursed and slipped out of bed, heading down the stairs as quickly and quietly as he could. 
Dean hadn’t thought it would be this easy to sneak out, but he wasn’t complaining. He slipped out the front door, hopping off the porch without looking back. 
He didn’t hear the footsteps behind him until it was too late.
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day-en-las-nubes · 6 years
“You have been color blind since birth, you can only see in shades of gray. You come across a stranger and he is in color.”  PART 1
I kept my eyes glued to the ceiling of my bunk. If I stayed focused long enough on its rectangular shape, I could see it flicker every couple minutes. The steadiness of it felt sort of grounding to me. Reassuring.
It must’ve been pretty late, but in space there was no night and day, only the awake times and the times to sleep.
I turned my face to the circular window, wide awake. That window was the only one I had. The eerie darkness outside, reminded me of a trip to the old downtown planetarium when I was about six. Even back then, I still couldn’t appreciate its hidden colors. I was no different. No one about my age could.
I got overtaken by buried memories of the past. It was so ironic… Back then people were so eager to explore space, to enter its vastness, and like conquistadors, make it their domain.
We humans… just couldn’t help ourselves… we had to keep taking.
We had to destroy our home. Our only home. But for us it's never enough. So we have to move on to the next thing.
Now floating for who knows how long, the remainder of our existence was destined to perish inside the sophisticated and decaying walls of “Platerra”, our spaceship.
“Are you there ‘Knucklehead’?” I heard the voice of my youngest brother, my only family left, slip through my quarter’s intercom. I rolled my eyes involuntarily.
“What?” I answered grumpily and covered my head with a pillow.
“You’d better let me in, you might be interested in the info I’ve got.” He whispered.
I got up and buzzed him in, pressing my index finger on the tiny screen on one side of the door. All the bunks had a special locking mechanism. You could only open your personal areas using your index fingerprint.
“You violate curfew one more time and they are going to…” I started to reprimand him but he lifted his hand and brought it to the front of my face.
“Going to do what exactly sis?” He frowned. “The brig is full in case you didn’t know” He was right and we were both fully aware of it. Their poor attempts at keeping control had become as unsteady as jello in the hands of a toddler over the last couple of years. People were losing hope, the reality of their predicament had already started to sink in.
“What’s this so called info you have…?” We both collapsed on my tiny bunk bed. He jumped on the upper part, where I slept. I sat at the bottom.
“They found a small ship with a bunch of people.” He said, his leg swigging in front of my face.
“That’s not possible. Nice try Gabe!” I slapped his boot away from my face. ” We were the last ship to leave the earth.”
“Apparently not Knucklehead. This ship we ran across is much smaller than ours, almost shuttle size really. Poor people they look famished. They almost ran out of food and provisions out there. Their food synthesizer went Kaput, apparently.” Gabe explained.
“No way!” I stood up on the bed rail to peek at him.
“They are feeding them and checking them at the infirmary. Tomorrow they will be assigned to their rooms.” He said combing his pitch black hair with his fingers.
“But there are no rooms!” I gulped.
“They will be inventorying each bunk, so I’m sorry to inform you that you might end up with a roomie Knucklehead.” He propped himself up on his elbow. I got down from the rail, feeling anxious. ”If I wasn’t married, I would share bunks with you so you wouldn’t have to open your doors to a stranger.”
“I’m sure they’ll find somewhere else…. I mean… they know about my social anxiety. It’s in my file…” I started to stutter, feeling slightly dizzy. “You are an engineer, you must talk to the council.”
“I will try to do my best, but I can’t promise you anything, ok? There’s just no room.” He hopped down and straightened his olive green uniform.
“I know deep down you’ve always thought I’m making my condition up! “I grabbed him by the sleeve of his jacket.
“Just because I haven’t catered to you like mom did… doesn’t mean I don’t care. I told you I’m going to try.” He grabbed my hand and pressed my own finger on the screen, letting himself out.
I climbed up to the top of my bed to try to talk myself down. My breathing exercises not putting a dent in my inquietude. The different shades of gray comprising my surroundings spun uncontrollably.
After nearly thirty minutes of utter fatigue I gave in. I reached for my anxiety spray and inhaled it in a rush.
Everything melted away…
The next “day” I went on with my ships duties, just like every day. My shipmates seemed incapable of talking about any other topic other than our new “tenants”. By their incessant gossip I found out there were 120 of them, some of the girls were already swooning over the new faces aboard. I had also heard that some of them had been placed already after a clean bill of health. The elderly and some children were still at the infirmary.
Safe to say I had to take couple more doses of my medication to make it through my shift.
I almost ran back to my bunk after the longest ten hours of my life.
My finger came down hard on the little identifier as soon as I got to my place.  Once inside I pressed my back to the door, taking in a slow, deep breath, my eyes closed as a way to block out their unending tittle-tattle faces.
“Hello Samantha” A masculine voice greeted from the opposite side of my quarters. I shot my eyes open and there he was.
He was unusually tall, breathtakingly gorgeous, his smile wide and polite.
Those were the things I noticed first… but then… as I stared at him like a fool, I realized it…
I was seeing him in full color…
“How di-di-did you get in her-here?” In any other circumstance I would have been extremely uncomfortable with his closeness, but I found myself too distracted by the intense color of his eyes. I knew human eyes came in a plethora of different shades, but I just couldn’t make out what shade his were.
“They programed my fingerprint to this door.” He told me still smiling, a dimple forming on his attractive chin.” I’m Bill, and I was assigned to these quarters.” He slid his huge hands inside of his white jacket pockets.
“You are… one of them, aren’t you?
“I am, they found us yesterday and brought up aboard.” He commented and as his full lips moved, I felt the sudden need to take a closer look.
“What is this color…? I walked obliviously to him, the soft hue of his lips was the prettiest I had ever seen. But again I was born color blind, like the rest of my generation.
“I'm not… too sure. Flesh toned I suppose.” He shifted awkwardly as I lifted my finger tips to his full lips.
“Pink! This must be the color pink!” I stepped away abruptly, realizing how close to him I had gotten. Bill looked at me a bit confused.
“Did I do something..?” He asked lifting a brow.
“I suffer from a form of acute social anxiety…
“Is that a fancy way of saying you don’t like people too much?” He chuckled, and I felt like a total weirdo. ” I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you!” He pulled a hand out of his pockets and reached out to me instinctively.
“You didn’t upset me, it’s funny really.” I played with the rim of my uniform jacket.” My brother thinks I fake it for attention.” I shrugged.
“Phew I'm glad!” He patted his wide chest relieved” If we are going to stay here, together, I really don’t want us to start off on the wrong foot.” He lowered his face to look me in the eye “Brothers can be such a pain the ass”
“Ugh! I take it you have siblings?” I asked him, his cheerful face turning pale.
“I did. But now it’s just me.” He answered briefly. We had all lost our families, I was one of the lucky ones. I still had Gabe even though we wouldn’t see eye to eye most of the time.
“I’m sorry.” I braced myself.
“I know these accommodations are far from ideal, but I promise you I won’t be a bother.” He said earnestly. If he only knew he hadn’t been a bother, not even from the moment I had found him by my bed. Far from it.
“I call dibs on the top!” I announced gleefully and I hopped to bed.
I peered at Bill. His colorful self, his warm and friendly demeanor. What I had dreaded all day long, had become in just a few minutes, an eternal rainbow of possibilities.
He shook his head, grinning, and I felt a tingling bubbling inside of me. Something I was not fully prepared for.
I laid flat on my back. Biting my lip, I tried to control the beating of my hammering heart.
 To be continued…
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Electric Feel: Part One
A/N: Alright you guys so last night I re-watched the movie ‘Savages’. You know, the one with Quicksilver and Serena Vander-Woodsen in it? Yeah, it totally rekindled my love for Polyamorous relationships and after reading a fuck ton of amazing Stucky one’s this site, I decided I just had to write my own. This is going to be a short series. Only five or so parts of fluff and smut. Smut with plot, but smut none the less lol. Enjoy ya’ll. Steve/OC/Bucky
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Heavy mentions Panic disorder, Anxiety, Depression and use of Prescription Drugs. Mental health/illness will be a heavy topic in this one so if it triggers you, I’m sorry my beautiful buttercups but this story might not be the one for you. Cussing because I have the worst mouth and my vocab is made up of four letter words.
Story Summary: Y/N, an overworked plus size model, is struggling to balance her career and her worsening panic disorder. Moving into Avengers Tower, at her Aunt Peppers request, was supposed to relieve some of the stress. She never expected to find solace in the arms of not one, but both of the Towers resident super soldiers
Dragging yourself across the lobby of ‘Avengers Tower’ you feel absolutely numb. The static in your head seemed far away, like a station you just couldn’t tune into. Not that you wanted to. No, you’d take this reprieve, this moment of nothingness happily. At least you felt like you could breathe, like your lungs we’re actually working again, doing the simplest of tasks.
Jesus. How sad is that? That your actually happy you could breathe normally? The most natural thing a human could do, and yet even that seemed like a heralding task to you lately.
“Hello Ms. Y/N” The receptionist at the circular desk greeted as you passed and on queue you forced a smile on your face.
You’d gotten good at it by now, so good, that the woman didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary and went on with her work. Typing away at who knows what. It was nearly thirty minutes past 10. What could Tony have her working on so late? Whatever, you deduce. Whatever it was, you knew she was probably getting paid beautifully for it.
And wasn’t that the point of it all? What made the world go round?
Money is the reason we exist. Everybody knows it, it’s a fact. Kiss, kiss.
You recite to your self as you push your floor button on the elevator and lean back heavily on the rail. It’s only when the doors shut, leaving you in the solitary, boxed in space, that you let the smile fall off of your face, your cheeks felt relieved. The daily strain on your cheeks from holding that fake, plasticine smile sucked and as your face sagged you feel the most yourself.
“You have one major case of resting bitch face, kid” You remember Tony laughing at you years ago. It wasn’t anything you hadn’t heart a thousand times before. Your features we’re naturally…sharp. Moody. Your full lips instinctively pulled down at the corners unless you were either A)genuinely smiling or B) putting on that mask that you’d perfected.
In your line of work, resting bitch face was both a blessing and a curse. That pout of yours, yeah it had scored you a lot of high end jobs. Shooting for A-list magazines with renound photographers. Making you a bit of a “hot commodity” in the modeling world. But it had also earned you a reputation. Everyone had this image of you; thought you we’re extremely bitchy and stuck up. It was already hard, working in the modeling community. Plus size modeling was just starting to boom, to become a norm but even you didn’t fit some of the major guidelines. At well over two hundred pounds and barley reaching 5'3, you we’re an unusual peice for the industry in the first place.
Having everyone think you we’re a high maintenance, hard to work with cunt- well that didn’t help either.
They just didn’t know you, which you almost laughed at because isn’t that what everyone’s excuse is? ‘They don’t know me, I’m so misunderstood’.
Fuck, you we’re a walking cliché, you chide yourself.
Most who met you tended to think you we’re “stuck up” because a good chunk of the time you we’re so stuck in your own head that you couldn’t focus on anyone around you. Trying to breath, trying to focus on anything but the near constant bubble of nervousness that never seemed to leave your stomach. Running through your therapists guide list on how to avoid your next panic attack.
In truth, when most got to know you they were honestly shocked at your goofy, nerdy nature. Those few people, who tried to delve under the surface, we’re greeted with a girl who could make a joke out of just about anything and would rather stay in bed and binge on Star Wars movies and buffalo wings(well maybe no one would be surprised about that your love of chicken wings, you think humorously. Bitterly)
It hadn’t always been this bad, you recite to yourself. It would get better, you encourage.
When you get to your floor, all you want to do is go to sleep. The thought of having to have to drone through any other kind of human interaction physically made you wince.
Most of the time, you didn’t mind the floor you we’re on. Actually, you quite liked your “floor mates”. Yeah, it had been a little weird at first being “bunked” with all guys, but you’d soon found that you wouldn’t have wanted to be placed anywhere else. Steve, Sam and Bucky we’re good to you, yeah they babied you a little and left messes in the living room, but you had your own hoard of annoying tendencies and still, they never treated you like anything but…family.
Like the older brothers you never wanted- while simultaneously being the little brothers you had DEFINATLEY never fucking wanted because Jesus Christ, who had left the empty Oreo package in the middle of the floor? You bend down, almost robotically, to pick it up.
Steve and Bucky are lounging on opposite sides of the long couch, watching some sports show that you didn’t really care to know. You barley notice them, and you really hope that they’re not going to notice you. That they’re too invested in the game on the mammoth flat screen-
“Hey, babydoll. How was work?”
No dice. Not that you’d really thought for a second they we’re just going to ignore your entrance.
The smile, that smile, you plaster on is almost painful.
They both look up at you, Bucky’s head slightly cocked as he waits for an answer.
“It was fine, I’m really tired though. I’m going to change”
To anyone else your tone would have sounded pleasant. Tired, but normal.
To Steve, it’s a big red flag. Gone is the usual bite in your voice, the giggle. The light. You sound…monotone. Like you weren’t really there at all. And that’s what really makes him look at you, take you in. The bags under your eyes are pronounced, even with the makeup that adorns your skin. Your posture is rigid and you look like you might strain a muscle just from standing there but it’s your eyes that confirm it for him. He’d seen that look in them many a time before. He feels the tug on his heart strings as you hurry out of the room.
When Steve turns his head to Bucky, the mans eyes are still glued on your retreating frame. But the look on his face matches the one Steve knew he himself was sporting.
You’d had another hard one. Another attack. Being ‘roomies’ with you meant that they we’re no stranger to your illness, they’d experienced first hand what you went through on a near day to day bases. Hell, Bucky went through his fair share of his own. But it never ceased to put a felling akin to stones in their throats to see you in that state
“I want to go check on her, man” Bucky announces “She looked real rough”
Steve shook his head. They’d been through this. The trial and error of it all.
“Nah, pal. You know she’ll freak out if you go after her right now…let her go cool off” Steve reminds his friend. Didn’t he remember the last time…it hadn’t gone over well.
Bucky sighs through his nose and nurses the beer bottle in his hand. He knew what it was like, what she was going through and it made it worse, the thought of her feeling even a fraction of the strain that he himself frequently endured had him tied in knots. He felt like he had to get up, and go to her. And check on her and make sure that she was playing on her phone like she liked to do, laughing at some meme he knew she’d show him later and not curled up in a corner.
He still winces at that mental image. When he’d found her in the kitchens with her hands over her eyes and her knees pulled up to her chest.
“I’m worried about her, too” Steve’s voice cuts through the silence. He can see the cogs working in Bucky’s head.
Bucky nodded, chewing on the inside of his lip. Yeah, he knew.
Knew that they we’re both royally fucked.
And had been for a while now. Because nothing good could come from the way that they both felt about you. He’d never really thought about it before. Maybe, even though it was a little screwed up, it was because back in the forties he could run circles around Steve when it came to girls. Back then he’d never be in competition with the him. Plus Steve had always loved dark haired dames and Bucky had a thing for Redheads, so he never really thought there would be a day when they a single woman caught both pairs of their eyes.
And then came you. When Bucky had learned Pepper’s niece was coming to live at the compound he’d never in his wildest dreams could have imagined you. All ass and sass and bambi eyes. All understanding touches and long talks in the middle of the night when neither of you could sleep because your brains just wouldnt turn off. You seemed to understand him in a way that he didn’t even understand himself.
You’d snuck up on Bucky…
Steve was different. He’d met you a handful of times before you’d moved in. You were Peppers niece, after all, so you’d been around the tower. Never staying for long- just long enough to throw him that smile. To flip your sheet of hair over your shoulder and be the sweetest thing he’d ever encountered. You rotted his teeth. You brought out the side of him, the one that was foreign to everyone but Bucky.
You hadn’t snuck up on Steve. You’d hit him like a god damn freight train.
And it yet no one was willing to admit it, even though it was nearly palpable. The three of you went on, holding onto a friendship that seemed to keep all of you a float.
Because Bucky needed Steve. It wasn’t a fact he was ignorant to. He needed his best friend if he had any hope of ever truly getting back to the man he’d once been and Steve needed him back. The only link he had to his true self. To the man behind the shield.
So, they kept it unspoken. They didn’t even talk about it to each other, which if you knew Bucky and Steve you’d know was in-fucking-sane because those two told eachother EVERYTHING. Neither of them we’re willing to risk the century long friendship.
Hell no…
But did they really even have to say it? Steve witnessed the way you touched Bucky, your hands trailing over him in something liken to worship and Bucky noticed the way you sought out Steve. The way you needed him, the way you looked at him like he was the sun.
Funny thing? It didn’t make either of them jealous, there was no animosity. No hurt feelings just…need.
Need of what? Neither of them knew.
And so, almost simultaneously, they both tipped their beer bottles back heavily, the screen illuminating their faces. They could lie to themselves. But they never did get the hang of lying to each other.
You stand in the shower for what feels like ages, allowing the scorching water to rush over you. Trying to practice those visionary exercises you’d worked on in therapy. Letting all of the negativity swirl down the drain. When you exit the glass, walk in shower you feel a little better. When you go to your bedside table and pop one of the tiny, yellow pills in your mouth, that helps even more. You’d learned long ago to take your medicine. You would question taking Dayquil when you had a could, so why would you do that in this case?
You didn’t need to feel ashamed for having to use medicine. You repeated yourself that daily, still. It was such a stigma, you we’re still working through it.
You pull a pair of sliky pink pajama shorts up your curvy legs. They we’re your favorite ones, the little cactus’ print always made you smile and then threw on an oversized grey sweater, the one you’d had for years. The littering of holes on the bottom of the sleeves was just proof to your immense love for it. You then brushed through your mess of wet hair, getting out all of the snarls, working through the small kinks before you slathered on your face serum’s and body lotions.
You had to do this.
Because your job required you to take care of your appearance and because your therapist assured you that taking care of yourself even when you felt low was one of the keys to happiness. To getting through it…and you would get through it.
When your finish your nightly routine you stare at yourself in the vanity mirror for a minute or two or five.
You look like a fucking eleven year old without makeup. Your face child like without the sharp eye liner of defining bronzer. But there was a prettiness to you, your eyes seemed even (e/c)er. You shake out your hair, watching the still damp tendrils fall across your shoulder before slipping into a pair of slippers, feeling good enough to go and scower the fridge because your tummy was growling viciously and you knew it was a shit idea to let those pills kick in on an empty stomach.
Your not surprised to see Steve and Bucky still immersed in their game- or maybe it’s a different game because this one looks like hockey and you could have sworn the other was baseball.
“What'er you guys watching?” You inquire, just to start a conversation, as you walk across the living room.
Your voice is still worn out, but you look better. Like you always do after showering off the long day.
“The Rangers game. We’re gettin’ our asses handed to us” Bucky gruffs, taking a look-see at you. Your hairs long down your back, your swimming in that old sweater of yours and your face is bare. Just like he likes you best.
“Hey, have a little faith! We can still pull through” Steve urges and you giggle as you open the stainless steel fridge door.
“We got you an order of those perogi’s you like from Kinga’s” He tells you just as your eyes land on the white take out box and you thank whatever creation there might be for your boys.
“Mmm, thank you kindly sirs” You pop them in the microwave “Sam still on that mission?”
It been a week and you we’re starting to get a little worried. You knew him, Nat and Thor could more then handle themselves but you we’re starting to really miss his booming jokes. His dirty laundry basket in the hallway, not so much. You’d almost killed yourself on that thing in the middle of the night too many times.
“Yeah, don’t worry, he’ll be back on Friday. Unfortunately” Bucky hollers to you and you just roll your eyes and chuckle. Those two pretended to hate each other, but really you’d heard Bucky questioning the bird mans return this morning. No one brewed a pot of coffee like Sam.
When you come back to the living room, your hands full; the take out box in one and a glass of that green tea blend that you could never get either of them could drink because apparently it tasted like grass, it’s no shock that you plop down in the middle of them.
It would have been weirder if you had chosen to sit on one of the empty couches.
It was just normal for you now, your place between them and the comfortable conversation that ensues feels like home. You ask about how their day had gone, wanting to hear details from both about what they’d done for the duration of it. And then, they ask about yours.
To anyone else, even your Aunt Pepper, you probably would of lied. Would have told a wound a nice story about how the shoot had been so amazing. The team, the outfits. The set.
And that was true. Partially. But you don’t tell them the partial truth. You never do.
“I mean it was okay-” Bucky shoots you a knowing look and you sigh “The photographer was really intense. I mean he’s known for that, his crazy antics make for some kick-ass shots but that plus the lights that were set up was all just really…sucky”
You admit, quirking your mouth and swirling your tea. Steve reaches over, his big scorching palm coming to rest on your shoulder. The weight of it reassuring.
“I just feel- ugh fuck, you know? Like I cant go running away every time set gets a little loud or they shine a weird light in my eyes”
“But you didn’t run away right? You stayed and finished it” Steve’s voice is gentle- but not in that annoying clinical way. No, it’s easing the push, it’s encouraging not belittling.
“Yeah. After I had a minor breakdown in my changing room” that was an understatement, you recall the way you’d grasped at your chest. The way all the air in the room had seemingly gone out.
“Then? That’s an impressive feat all on it’s own, sugar” He continues on and you shake your head, poking at your perogi. Unable meeting either of their eyes.
“I’m just thinking maybe I’m not cut out for this anymore” It was so, so hard to admit that. To admit that maybe it was time to change your dreams, to let go of what you’d wanted for so.
Bucky’s chest aches for you, the empathy he feels in that moment is immense, he cant help but reach out. His hand going to you thigh, his thumb rubbing little circles into the smooth, plush skin as he talks.
“Why? Even when you felt awful you stayed put. Listen, doll, anyone who knows you knows how much you want this…I mean you we’re born for the camera, just look at that face- you roll your eyes and he chuckles- Not to mention if you don’t have a professional taking em’ your just going to sit in your room and take a thousand of those selfers anyway. Might as well get paid for your troubles ”
That makes you laugh hard and you tilt your head to him “Selfies, Bucky! God, you’re so old”
They have a way of doing this- making you feel better. Making it all melt away, even if it’s just for those moments when the three of you are huddled together. You dream of this shit, no joke. Of the feeling of both of their hands on you like they are now.
“You wound me, doll” Bucky melodramatically holds his chest leaning back into the couch, not moving his hand.
You continue eating, your stomach feeling more settled. You close your eyes and moan at the heaven sent explosion of favor.
“Mmm, Stevie, taste this” You urge as you stab one of the potato dumplings and hold it out to the lighter haired man, your hand underneath it incase it spilled over. Steve grins and opens his mouth wide and inviting as you pop the entire thing in.
“Amazing, right?”
“Uh, huh ‘real ‘ood” he says around the mouthful of food and you and Bucky both chuckle.
“Don’t hurt yourself there, punk” Bucky teases and Steve reaches across you to swat at his shoulder.
Your more then used to them being hundred year old children “Alright boys let’s watch something that doesn’t make my brain bleed, yes?”
There’s a few moans and groans of protest, from the both of them, but in the end they do what they always do; give you what you want. You’re vaguely aware of your power over the two men and you deviously think how dangerous it is to have them at your beck and call. You end up making them watch ‘The Men in Black’ with you because “It’s a classic, oh my gosh I cant believe you guys have never seen this before” and of course you fall asleep twenty minutes in.
When people talk about anxiety attacks, they don’t ever mention how they physically drain the life out of you. The exhaustion that comes with them.
You end up sprawled out, your head resting on a pillow in Steve’s lap and your legs tangled with Bucky’s as he stretched out on the opposite side of you. Not an unusual positon for the three of you to contort into.
Steve plays with the near dry tendrils of your hair idly, he can feel your short, puff like breaths on his thigh. Bucky’s vibranium hand rests on your leg, where knee meets thigh, the warmth of your sweet smelling skin radiating off of you. It’s peace, the one sliver of peace it seems that you all will ever find.
“Steve” Bucky speaks first. He’s always been the bolder of the two. He’d known he was going to have to be the one to speak up sooner or later.
“Yeah?” Steve can hear it in his voice. Knows what’s coming.
“You love her” it’s not a question or an accusation. Just a statement.
“So do you” Is all Steve can think to retort and Bucky just sighs and nods wordlessly.
Will Smith fights aliens on the TV screen as they both acknowledge what they’d known wouldn’t stay unspoken.
“Ya’ know our lives would be a hellava lot easier if these guys really existed” Steve’s eyes narrow as he drinks in the film. Bucky’s snort fills the room. Aint that the truth.
There’s a moment of silence where they let the movie play, where your little wheezes and extraterrestrial battle sounds fill the living room.
“Your Agent K and I’m agent J” Bucky smirks, knowing his little comment is going to grate his best friend. Steve’s head snaps in his direction.
“That’s a load of crap, your older then me!”
“In years, yes. In spirit-”
“Fuck off, Bucky”
And even in your sleep state, you manage to be a smart ass. Because even though Steve cursed around you plenty, you’d grown up on those tapes of him that they played in school. And the cussing one had always stuck with you. “Language cap'n” you mother incoherently.
They both look like their eyes might pop out of their heads.
Okay guys I hope you liked this first part! I’m still trying to figure out the dynamic I want for the three of them, but I think I’ve got it. Please give me feed back, because I live on that shit. It’s the air I breathe. If you want to be tagged, let me know!😬💛
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Roomies; Part 3
A/N: Okay, so I this is the next part, I hope you all like it, please tell me what you think, I’ve tagged the original people who asked, I hope that’s okay, if you don’t want to be tagged in further parts please let me know, and if you do want to be tagged, please let me know! :)
Part 1: Here
Part 2: Here
Pairings: Steve x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, that’s really about it.
Word Count: 3,100+
Blurb: Tony fucks up, causing half the tower to relocate – you get to bunk with Steve for a few weeks. Then you go out dancing for your birthday, get drunk, try to sleep with Steve and pass out. After facing the aftermath of what you assumed would be Steve never wanting to talk to you again, you ended up having the most mind blowing sex of your life with him, and you can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Light filtered into the room, your eyes fluttered open. It was Monday morning of the third week of room sharing with Steve.
A big strong body was spooning you; an arm was draped over you, holding you around your waist. You looked over your shoulder and smiled, Steve was sound asleep and he looked so beautiful, so peaceful. You tried to wiggle a little, until his grip loosened and you rolled over until you were facing him. You watched him breath for a while. You were so happy.
“Why are you watching me sleep Y/N?” Steve muttered, looking at you with sleepy eyes.
“Because you’re beautiful” you said. And with that, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug, his head resting between your breasts, your hands in his hair.
“You’re the beautiful one” he mumbled against your skin. Before moving to look up at you. “So beautiful” he caressed your face, before bringing his lips to yours. You pulled away.
“Ewww” you giggled when he made a face.
“Ewww? I kiss you and you say ewww?” he whined.
“Morning breath”
“Oh yeah” he was smiling at you, and then started tickling you, you started thrashing and giggling.
“Steve” you yelped, “stop, please” you swatted at him, so he did, kissing your neck instead. His hands running up and down your spine. Then he rolled over onto his back, putting his arms under his head. You leant over, pecking his jaw, and then rolled away, standing up and stretching.  
“Where are you going?” He asked, slightly alarmed.
“To brush my teeth, then for a long hot shower” you announced, “care to join me?” you wiggled your eyebrows.
“If I ever say no to that doll face, get Bucky to shoot me” he whispered, getting up out of bed. God that body, he was chiselled and perfect. His hands went to your hips and he started walking you towards the bathroom. You flicked the water on to heat up and then brushed your teeth, Steve standing beside you, smiling at you in the mirror.
You climbed into the shower, and Steve followed you. He backed you against the wall, kissing you. The hot water pulsing on your skin, you wrapped a leg around the back of his; he kissed down your neck and to your breasts.
When you arrived at breakfast that morning, you were holding Steve’s hand and you had a smile from ear to ear; the entire room just started cheering and clapping and you blushed.
“Well it’s about fucking time!” Bucky bellowed.
“Hey, language Buck” Steve said.
“I’m happy for you two” Nat said.
“Star Spangled Captain! Celebrations are in order; you’ve got yourself a fine woman! Odin smiles upon you!” Thor yelled, from on the couch, with the biggest smile on his face. Honestly, was anyone sure he wasn’t just a giant puppy?
The rest of the team smiled, or gave you the thumbs up. You walked to the table, and Steve held out your chair, and pushed it in once you sat down. Nat leant over and whispered.
“You have sex face, tell me everything” she teased.
“One word Nat, just one,” you started, “WOW!” and with that she grinned, a huge smile spanning her face, before whipping her head around to look at Steve. He blushed.  
You all started chatting and having breakfast. Bucky cooked again, today was mixed berry pancakes. Who knew he was so good at cooking, or enjoyed it? But he was, and he did.
Everyone started to filter out of the room after breakfast, different things planned for their days, Thor had to go back to Asgard for something Loki related, Peter was off to school, much to his disgust, Tony and Pepper were going on some trip somewhere, Nat and Wanda were going to the compound upstate to train with the recruits, Scott said something about seeing his daughter and you weren’t sure what anyone else had planned.
Just as Bucky began to leave; Steve smiled at you and stood up.
“Hey Buck, wait up” he called, Bucky turned around and without warning Steve punched him square in the jaw. Bucky’s head flew backwards; before turning back to Steve and frowning, you jumped up from the seat with a yelp and ran over to the two of them.
“Steve?!” you cried.
“That’s for smacking my girl and bruising her pretty face, even if it was to get my attention” he said to Bucky, who was now grinning like an idiot. “and that’s” he pulled Bucky into a macho bear hug “for getting my attention and making me finally go after her” the boys were smiling and laughing.
Fucking men, punching each other and then hugging each other, so confusing.
They looked over at you, and then pulled you into their bear hug. In that moment your heart was full. You had Steve, the man of your dreams on one side and Bucky, the annoying big brother you never asked for, on the other side. You were a lucky girl. After your bear hug, Bucky left and Steve and you went to the gym for a bit.
“Let’s go to dinner tonight” Steve said to you between punches. After everyone had left the tower, you decided to ask Steve to train with you, so you would have a better chance against Bucky next time.
“Where?” you asked, ducking his punch and coming up on his blind side.
“Somewhere nice, for your birthday” he said, turning to face you “I never got you anything, and I feel terrible about it” he took your feet out from under you and you fell, hitting the mat hard. You swiped your feet out and brought Steve down beside you. It was your best move, probably your only move. You rolled over and straddled Steve’s hips.
“Steve, you already gave me something much better than a present” you smirked, rolling your hips just a little against him. He groaned throwing his head back on the mat.
“Yeah, but –” he started, before you ground down on him a bit more and his whole body tensed. He was starting to get hard between your thighs. Your panties were soaked.
“It was perfect Steve” you whispered, leaning down next to his ear, giving it a light nibble. “You’re perfect, I don’t need a present.”
In a flash he had flipped you over and he was on top of you, careful not to crush you with his weight.
“Please let me take you to dinner Y/N” he whispered, kissing your throat, neck and travelling down your body slowly. He stopped kissing you, and looked up from near your hips. “Please?”
“Okay, yes” you smiled at him. And then he stood up abruptly, dragging you with him. “Wait, where are we going?”
“Oh we’re finished sparring, but I have something else in mind for a good workout doll face” he winked, looking back over his shoulder at you.
When you reached his room, he started kissing you, needy, hungry, he slammed the door and then hoisted you up against it, your legs instinctively wrapping around his hips.
“Dessert before dinner? Bold Rogers” You smirked against his mouth. He just rolled his hips against yours and when you moaned, he smiled against your skin. He was already hard between your legs.
You were lying against him, sweat glistening on both your bodies, he was rubbing up and down your back, and you were drawing with your fingers across his chest. You were smiling.
“I love you” you blurted, before you could stop yourself. Steve tensed against you for a second, before moving to look at you. You were nervous now, unsure of how he’d react.
“I love you too Y/N” bringing your face up to his and kissing you sweetly. And you melted against him.
“So, dinner?” you asked smiling at him. “Where are we going?”
“I have somewhere fancy in mind.” He rolled over and looked at the clock; it was six o’clock in the evening. “We should start getting ready” and with a pout, you rolled off him and he stood up walking towards the bathroom. You couldn’t help yourself, you wolf whistled at him. He just chuckled before shaking his ass a little at you. It was a nice ass.
You grabbed his tee shirt off the floor and pulled on a pair of baggy pants. The water clicked on and you entered the bathroom, grabbing your makeup bag.
“Care to join me?” he winked through the glass.
“I do, but no, I’m going to get ready in Nat and Wanda’s room” you said.
“What? Why?” he asked you, alarmed.
“Because Captain Rogers, this is our first official date and you’re going to be a gentleman and pick me up outside my apartment at eight o’clock, tell me how beautiful I look, and then we’re going to go to dinner” you winked at him before leaving the room.
You showered in Nat and Wanda’s room. When you emerged from the bathroom in your panties and bra, Nat had laid a beautiful red silky dress on the bed for you. There was a pair of beautiful, killer heels on the floor and some makeup on the bed. Nat motioned you over to the table with the mirror. You took a seat and Wanda started on your hair while Nat started on your makeup.
“So, tell us everything” the girls mused. You blushed.
“What’s the sex like, is he vanilla, or is there a little kink to the Captain we don’t know?” Nat asked, she was never afraid of speaking her mind.
“No kink, but not vanilla either” you teased.
“Is he –” Wanda asked, holding her two pointer fingers up with a small space between them, “or is he” and the space between her fingers grew a little more. You held up your fingers and the distance was huge. Wanda gasped and Nat just got this flirty gleam in her eye.
“I knew it!” She yelled, “Pay up Maximoff!” and with that Wanda waddled over to her desk and grabbed some money and threw it at Nat.
“Seriously? You were betting on how big he was?” you asked, slightly shocked.
“Yeah, for ages, since we first realised you had a crush” Nat said smiling, going back to your makeup.
“We even had a bet on how long it would take you to admit your feelings for him” Wanda said. You scoffed, turning to glare at them. Nat just smirked.
“Wanda won that one, said it would take you a little over a year; and here we are”
“And you Nat?” you asked.
“Hmmm?” she poked you in the ribs. “Relax; we were rooting for you the whole time!”
And with that, the girls set to work on making you look pretty.
You finished with the girls and headed for the elevators. You were done up to the nines, beautiful, short red dress, killer heels that made your legs look they went on and on and made your bum look amazing. Your hair and makeup was elegant, and chic.
The elevator door dinged and the doors slid open. You stepped out and rounded the corner to the front lobby. You could see Steve leaning against a beautiful old Chevy; he was looking at his feet. He was dressed in light brown slacks, a nice blue button down top and he had his old brown leather jacket on. You smiled.  
“Captain Rogers?” you asked walking through the doors and outside. Steve’s head whipped up and he stared at you, intense blue eyes roaming all over your body. You shivered under his stare.
“Wow” he said, hoping up from where he was leaning, and walking towards you. “You look so beautiful Y/N” he reached you, bending down and giving you a quick kiss on your cheek.
He opened the car door for you and you hoped in, he closed it before jogging to the driver’s side and getting in. He started and the engine purred to life. He put it in gear and you took off, leaving the Tower in the rear view mirror.
He reached over and grabbed your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips and kissing them.
“So where are we going?” you asked looking over at him.
“Somewhere nice” he said smiling at you.
When you arrived at Per Se, a beautiful French Restaurant in Manhattan overlooking Central Park, you couldn’t believe it. You and the girls had been trying to get in here for ages, but the waiting list was ridiculously long. Even with Nat’s connections and persuasiveness.
“How?” You looked up at Steve as he opened your car door.
“Dropped a name, got a reservation in a heartbeat” he smiled, taking your hand in his.
“Seriously? What did you say ‘this is Captain America, I’d like to bring my date here’?” you teased, trying to imitate how he speaks and stands.
“No, I said the booking was for Tony Stark” he smirked. You started laughing. You walked into the place, Steve gave his name and reservation number and you were whisked into a little corner section near the window.
“Nine courses?!” you squeaked, looking up at Steve. “I’ll need to spar with Bucky from now until I die and I still won’t be able to work all that food off!” Steve smirked at you.
“Yeah, I didn’t really do any investigation, I just remember hearing you, Nat and Wanda talking about it, so I thought for our first official date, this would be a good place” he smiled. Your heart fluttered.
Dinner was over, you and Steve were walking back towards his room, chatting and laughing.
“I’m so full! All I want to do is change into comfy clothes, scrub my makeup off and maybe hibernate for eternity” you groaned, leaning into Steve’s shoulder.
“Me too, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much in my life!” he smiled.
You arrived at his room and you immediately kicked your heels off and threw them into the cupboard.
“Can you help me please?” you turned around and pulled your hair over your shoulder, Steve unzipped your dress for you and you stepped out, turning to face him. “I had a lovely time tonight Steve” you said, standing up on your tip toes to kiss him.
“I’m really glad Y/N, I had a wonderful time tonight too” he kissed you back. “Y/N?” he asked after you started to walk to the bathroom.
“Yeah?” you turned to look at him. He was standing in the middle of the room starring at you.
“I love you” he whispered.
“I love you too Steve” you said.
After the pair of you had changed into comfy clothes and brushed your teeth, you climbed into his huge bed and snuggled together. He kissed you forehead, and with that, you drifted off to sleep.
The rest of the week went in a blur, you went hiking on Tuesday, where you managed to trip and sprain your ankle and Steve had to carry you all the way back to the tower; he then proceeded to coddle you the rest of the day, he put ice packs on your foot, he carried you wherever you needed to go, and you had to beg him to tone it down a little.
You spent all day Wednesday wrapped up in blankets on the couch, resting your ankle and watching movies. A little bit of touching, a lot of kissing.
Thursday came and Steve took you on another date, this time breakfast, followed by a light walk in the park. He showed you all his favourite spots from when he was growing up. You loved getting do dive deeper into his life and know more about him.
Friday you did some light training together, and then spent the afternoon in bed. You were almost positive you weren’t going to be able to walk at all tomorrow. But it was the best sex you’d ever had in your life.
Saturday rolled around and Steve took you on your third official date, the two of you went to the museum together, he pointed out all the errors in the history section, he was so passionate about it, all you could do was smile. He also got in a fight with some drunken idiot on the way home that smacked your ass. The way he was so quick to defend your honour had made you horny. You grabbed him by the wrist and basically ran all the way home, once there and in his room you rode him, hard. Afterwards he said he’d have to get in fights and defend your honour more often.
And then on Sunday, Bucky stood outside your door, pounding on it, demanded that he and Sam and Thor and Peter and Vision and Tony and Bruce be allowed to have some boys’ time with Steve. They were feeling like they hadn’t seen him in months. Although you’re pretty sure it was only Bucky who really wanted to spend time with Steve. Tony and Steve were still on the outs since the events of Civil War, Peter was a little intimidated by Steve, Thor had been in Asgard for a few days and Bruce barely left the lab. But you told Steve to go anyway, and have fun and you’d see him later. By the time they –Bucky– had brought him back to the tower, you were already asleep. He came in and kissed your forehead, before wrapping his arms around you.
Week four of room sharing was horrible, you were PMS’ing and moody and emotional. You woke up and Steve had asked what you wanted to do for the day and you burst into tears. He was freaking out and kept asking you what was wrong and what he had done wrong, and then after the tenth time of asking you, you snapped angrily at him, he realised what was happening.
After you calmed down a little, and went for a shower and got back into one of his shirts and curled up in bed, he gave you a foot massage and back rub; he brought you a hot water bottle when you were crampy and chocolate when you were moody, but otherwise he tried to stay out of your hair as much as possible.
You would be demanding a do over week next time you saw him. Monday of the fifth week started with you being woken up abruptly by FRIDAY.
“Y/N? Captain Rogers and the rest of the Avengers are requesting your presence in the debriefing room as soon as possible, it appears to be urgent” FRIDAY said over the PA system linked into Steve’s room.
@vivianbabz, @bunnymother93, @mannatgalhotra, @jonsnowisnotdeadthough, @coffeekeyboardsss, @labyrinth-of-thoughts, @polarbearnamedpanda, @i-see-a-tiny-light, @irepeldirt, @phoenix21love @magellan-88 @swtwtrgin
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