#Brotp: Devil May|Never Cry
crimescrimson · 1 year
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Devil May Cry + Lady in Devil May Cry 4 & Devil May Cry 5
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prototypelq · 6 months
YESSS NEROBOI lets goooo
Ember, thanks for choosing Nero. I don't really talk about him enough, or, well, I rarely ever do talk about him at all sadly, and this injustice has to be eliminated! I adore the nephew/son, and he is a precious punk boi who I should appreciate more.
favourite thing about them
ONE-ARMED NERO. I love Nero for many things, but his time as a wounded/disabled is my favourite period of him for real. Boi was truly physically Hurt for the, probably, second only time in his life and he didn't stop for a second when the situation called for all hands on deck. One-Armed Nero literally stared down a demon king that has killed Dante before his eyes, and went 'I can take him'.
Of course, part of it was pure spite, sparda losers are known to be very good at using it as fuel, but also, this takes some fucking Guts and I really respect him for that.
Also the one-handed reload animation. I love many things about DMC5, but one-handed Nero reload animation might be the most underappreciated thing in this fandom, in my opinion.
least favourite thing about them
the fact that he got his arm to regrow. I genuinely wish he didn't. Being disabled didn't slow the boi down even for a second, he was even able to fight properly before Nico invented Breakers, Breakers themselves are very creative tools to help Nero be more capable in a fight, plus he even got two additional gorgeous dt wingclaws!
Just imagine if Nero didn't regrow his arm back:
The twins will have a constant visual reminder how close they were to losing everything they love, that despite how unimaginably bad it had gotten in dmc1 - dmc5 story was much Worse.
Nero himself would remain the same way he was. He could use with wingclaws to help with tasks if he really needs two hands, but he also adapted to living with only one hand. Maybe he could use the wingclaws to wield Red Queen and shoot at the same time.
I know some people enjoy the fantasy of a disabled character finding a 'cure' for their disability, but I am not one of those. I want to see characters suffer, get support from their family and then heal to live on with what they go through.
favourite line
credits cutscene. 'i won't cry (answers phone) devil may cry -fuck'. never fails to make me laugh
Nero and Nico are siblings, they are great. Also Nero and Patty, they are cousins and get along like house on fire and I refuse to believe anything else.
NeroKiri. This is the rare case when I'm mostly happy we don't see much more of a canon Kyrie, cause I do not trust Capcom with any female characters at all, and I doubly so don't trust them with female characters from DMC specifically. So yeah, I'm glad here our fandom hands are free to make up our own version of Kyrie and her relationship with Nero. I do believe Kyrie to be a very capable and strong woman in her own right, otherwise Nero wouldn't have fallen for her.
nOTP fucking incest
random headcanon
He can play guitar and some basic drums, can dance, cannot sing at all, but he can rap very impressively well. Also, I support the 'Italian Fortuna' headcanons for the fun of it - bilingual Nero for the win!
Secretly likes to listen to Red Hot Chilli Peppers when Dante has them on.
unpopular opinion
sorry not sorry for this, but I heavily dislike the common fandom interpretation of the orphans he and Kyrie foster. Nero is a mature boi for sure, but not mature enough to be fostering children. It works for me if the fostering is a temporary solution, then he and Kyrie are more or less like camp counsellors or older siblings role, but I don't like the situation remaining that way forever. Don't get me wrong, I adore found families, it just seems to me like Nero is not mature enough to be raising children, half his age ones at that. At least, nothing I have seen in canon suggests he is mature enough for this.
song i associate with them
favourite picture of them
his classic :T face. extremely adorable and hilarious
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dmc-questions-anon · 6 months
ask game: lady my beloved
(For this)
favorite thing about them: Her story. I just love the emotional weight to it. I feel like of all the female characters in DMC, they've done the best at portraying Lady's emotional depth.
least favorite thing about them: I want more of her Capcom.
favorite line: "Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one. Don't you think?" Is absolutely iconic so I might have to go with that one, but there are so many lines from her I love.
brOTP: Probably her and Trish, but I find her relationship with Dante very interesting and there are some characters I like to think she'd become very close to in the future.
OTP: Verlady
nOTP: I guess NicoLady? Not really though since I don't harbor any strong feelings of dislike towards it, but out of Danlady, Ladytrish, Verlady, and NicoLady (the only ships I've personally seen of her) it is my least favorite, but like I said I don't feel very strongly about it just putting it on there for the sake of it. There are ships I can think of that might exist that would genuinely shorten my life span, but I've never personally seen them.
random headcanon: Growing up she always slept with stuffed animals, to the point she couldn't sleep without them. She ended up deciding this was silly (a false narrative, sleeping with stuffed animals is not silly no matter the age!) and tore herself away from the habit. There are still times she yearns for the stuffed animal to sleep but she doesn't let herself have it most of the time. There are times she does, however.
unpopular opinion: The Sparda family doesn't have a monopoly on being fucked up and pathetic!
song i associate with them: I'm not sure if I have one honestly
favorite picture of them: I have not the slightest clue where to begin so have this
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abla-soso · 2 years
I will never get over this 🥲❤️
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laserdog10 · 5 years
New Duds
-A mall in Vale-
Roman: Well Red, it was nice touring your little weapons shop here, but I think Neo and I should head out, Junior organized a little meet-and-greet later so we can't be late, hehe.
Ruby: You guys sure you can't stay for a bit longer?
Jaune: We got a surplus of some Dust right now, and you're not ceasing the opportunity to practically overload on that???
Neo, popping up from behind Roman: Nope! When you're basically a whole mafia that's basically the entire mentality of Robin Hood, Dust is a commodity to us. But thanks for mentioning!
Roman: Thanks hun. Oh Veronica, dear! *he called out to his daughter, who was currently using her Semblance to make illusory clones of herself ducking behind shelves holding bullets, taunting Ruby and Jaune's eldest kid, Garnet, who was in the process of trying to catch the real Veronica.*
Garnet: Okay this is not fair, and you know it!
Veronica: *pppppbbbbbblllltttttt*
Neo: I don't think she's here...
*Roman gets tugged on his sleeve, there stood the couple's child, eating a sherbet scoop*
Roman: You're getting real creative you know that?
Veronica: *smiles*
Roman: Welp, that's our time for now, see you two dorks later! *he saluted, the three walked, cane and umbrella spinning as the ex-criminals walked out of the store*
Ruby: It was nice seeing you two again!
Jaune: Weird how Remnant's Most Wanted became the one's who saved it, right?
Ruby: Yeah.
*slight pause*
Garnet: You forgot to give him that thing mo-...
Ruby: *slams her hands on the counter* OHMIGOSH THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME! *runs into the workshop, sprints back out* ROMAN!!!!!
Roman: *Stops and spins around, cane clacking in place on the floor* Woah woah, where's the fire, Red? Your kid blow up something back there? *Neo and Veronica stifle a laugh*
Ruby, panting: No, but I almost forgot something, and I've been meaning to give it to you ever since, y'know, you and Neo are good guys now.
Roman: Anti-hero's a bit more proper.
Ruby: Anyway, me and Jaune managed to cobble this little baby right here just for you! *she say happily, pulling a jet-black hat with a blood red stripe around it, said stripe had three red-tipped black feathers of varying sizes on the left side of it, the brim a sharp pointed V shape* I know your main weapon of choice is Melodic Cudgel, but uh...consider it a gift, in honor if us bringing down Salem, and to your reformation to the good guys!
Roman: Hmmm... *The orange haired lad looked at the new hat inquisitively, looking at it from all possible angles, he took of his usual bowler hat and handed it to Neo, and took the new one in his hand. He shuffled it around a tad in his hand for a moment, before finally he flipped it onto his head. Once there, two red-orange threads shot out and burrowed into the collar of his white suit, then what appeared to be a red-orange scarf made of flames billowed out behind him, the two strands flowing elegantly behind him. Suddenly the lights in the mall went out, before a spotlight from above shown over Roman, a funky hip-hop tune playing over the speakers, Roman grunting and "unce-ing" to the beat of the rhythm. He did several kicks and odd hand motions, spinning and whooping, turning his head and nodding, giving a few more kicks and hand gestures. Finally he broke into a moon walk, gracefully gliding along the ground to turn back around to his wife, kid, and friends, pointing up, gave one last kick and finally pointing to his group, tilting the hat forward*
Roman: Yeah! *four geysers of sparks erupted from behind him, disappearing as quickly as they appeared*
Ruby, imitating his pose: Woah, yeah!!! *she claps excitedly at her and her husband's handiwork, Neo just roles her eyes but smiles at their weirdness*
Roman: I'll take that. *he nods to Ruby and walks off, spinning the hat on his finger*
Neo: Someone was eager, and a little over the top.
Ruby: Aw come on, you saw how much he liked it!
Neo: Alright, I'll give you points for the design, but what exactly does the hat do?
Ruby: You'll find out. *winks*
Neo: Weirdo. *fists bumps Ruby* See you around!
Ruby: Bye! *gets hugged by Veronica* Hope your dad likes his gift, bye sweety.
Veronica: *does a two fingered salute and jogs off after her parents*
*Meanwhile, Jaune and Garnet stand there wide-eyed at the...spectacle that just transpired before them*
Garnet: Dad, what in the fresh hell did we just witness.....?
Jaune: At worst? A public stunt. At best? Two friends doing what they best.
Garnet: Like how Aunt Neo gave you those five tubs of ice cream when mom was pregnant with Blossom?
Jaune: Something like that, yeah.
-Later, in a rural part of town-
Roman, still spinning the hat: "You'll find out," huh?
Neo: And I thought she couldn't get cryptic. What do think she did, put a gun on the top of it?
Roman: Knowing her, it's more than likely.
*The two shared a laugh, but were interrupted by the chattering screech of a Deathstalker barreling towards the trio. Roman grabbed the two women, and jumped out of the way in time, the Grimm crashing into a tree*
Roman: *dons the hat* Hope you gave me something good, Red! *he said as the oversized scorpion turned to face the gentleman*
*It reared its stinger back, but in that same moment, Roman felt a odd warmth running down the length of his arms, and as if instinctively he rose them up, his hands clenched tightly. The Deathstalker brought down its stinger, but not before a rapid-fire volley of fireballs shot from Roman's sleeves, battering the tail in a impressive display of hellfire. After the smoke cleared, all that was left was pitiful melted mess that sloughed off onto the ground*
Roman: Oh Red, you have out done yourself! Uh oh... *he exclaimed as the Deathstalker swung its claws at him, but he jumped up and over the Grimm, letting loose another volley of fireballs on its back. The thing went to grab him as he landed, but Neo and Veronica pinned their umbrella's hidden blades into the arms of the arachnid beast, Roman waling up and butting the barrel of Melodic Cudgel to its face, saying the phrase*
Roman: Bullseye.
Roman: I've gotta admit, Red makes a mean Dust infused weapon, and with Fire Dust of all things! And seeing she didn't give you a name, I'll call it "Flamme de Gloire."
Neo: *internally* (Okay she gets MAJOR bonus points for creativity!) Shall we had home?
Roman: Couldn't agree more, darling. *They hooked arms and leaned in to kiss, and both continued on, Veronica doing a retching motion from her parents kissing, then giggling to herself, following in tow with them.*
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cto10121 · 3 years
Mercutio and Romeo’s Battle of Wits: Or, the Mercutio-Romeo-Benvolio brOTP
Or, Mercutio Misses Romeo Something Fierce As His Main Bro Because Romeo Is Not A Whiny Wimpy Stick-In-the-Mud and Is Actually Very Fun To Be Around and Benvolio Is Good and All, but He’s Just Not The Same(tm), You Know?
So the first half of Act 2, Scene 4, when Mercutio and Romeo have a game of wits before the Nurse enters gets cut or abridged a lot, for obvious reasons. The double entendres and witty Elizabethan wordplay are very difficult for even great actors to convey them to an audience, and they don’t seem to serve a narrative or thematic function apart from “two bros just being bros!!!” That bit of the scene just feels like filler safely cut or abridged in order to jump to the Nurse’s entrance and thus the plot. R&J the play, after all, is long; the whole play done completely is usually touching three hours. Cuts are always necessary, and for the most part it’s justifiable.
But I’m not going to lie, I like this bit a lot. Always have. Not only do we get Mercutio’s attitude toward Tybalt and his growing concern over Romeo’s love doldrums, but we get another side of Romeo hitherto unknown to us: Romeo being witty and fun and actually roasting Mercutio good, even besting him in a game of wits. And Mercutio actually being happy about it and just surrendering the battle to Romeo (!!!) What is this cinnamon roll of an exchange, too pure for this world, doing in an otherwise heavy tragedy? Are Romeo and Mercutio out of character just for some punny times? Not at all! The punny times are entirely necessary narrative and thematic-wise, sets up the tragedy, and shows needed nuance and dimension to both characters and the Montacrew in general.
Where the Fuck Is Romeo Seriously, I’m Getting Kinda Worried
So we begin the scene with Mercutio right away wanting to know where Romeo is:
Mercutio. Where the devil should this Romeo be? Came he not home tonight?
Benvolio. Not to his father’s, I spoke with his man.
Mercutio. Why, that same pale, hard-hearted wench, that Rosaline, torments him so that he will sure run mad.
It’s really hard not to read even a little bit of concern in that first question past the bluster, but in case you missed it, Shakespeare makes it explicit by having Mercutio blame Rosaline and worrying that Romeo’s love for her is driving him crazy. Once again, we get the sense that Romeo was not really himself pre-Juliet, and that, according to Mercutio, this is something to be concerned about.
We then segue into news that Tybalt has challenged Romeo via letter. Benvolio expresses confidence that Romeo would fight him, but Mercutio has doubts:
Mercutio. Alas, poor Romeo, he is already dead! Stabbed with a white wench’s black eye, shot through the ear with a love song, the very pin of his heart cleft with the blind bow boy’s butt shaft—and is he a man to encounter Tybalt?
Once again Mercutio switches to troll mode and characterizes Romeo’s love angst over Rosaline as him “being dead” (“the ape is dead!”)—which would be dramatic, to say the least, except that the tone is humorous/satiric. But it does betray an anxiety on Mercutio’s part and gives the understanding that whatever Romeo’s infatuation with Rosaline was, it was not “typically” Romeo, at least according to Mercutio and by implication Benvolio, since he doesn’t challenge it. When Romeo finally enters, Mercutio continues his satiric portrait:
Benvolio. Here comes Romeo, here comes Romeo!
Mercutio. Without his roe, like a dry herring. O flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified!
We get it, we get it, Romeo has turned a lameass pussy by ~love. But unbeknownst to Mercutio but knownst to us, Romeo is not the same guy of previous acts. How will Julietsimplord!Romeo react to Mercutio? This is going to be good.
Mah Bruh is Back and He’s…Fucking Roasting Me?
So we get the first encounter.
Mercutio. Signior Romeo, bonjour! There’s some French salutation to your French slop. You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night.
Romeo. Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you?
Mercutio. The slip, sir, the slip. Can you not conceive?
Romeo’s greeting is polite, open, but unconcerned, perhaps a bit breezy, perhaps humoring. Notice how Romeo before has given Mercutio a ton of slack for his satiric mocking—his only critical comment so far in the play is “He jests at scars that never felt a wound,” which can read almost as dismissive (this in contrast to Benvolio’s worry that Mercutio would anger Romeo by talking about Rosaline lewdly). Either way, he responds to Mercutio’s acerbic queries about him ditching them straightforwardly and without heat.
Romeo. Pardon me, good Mercutio. My business was great, and in such a case as mine a man may strain courtesy.
Mercutio. That’s as much to say, such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams.
Notice how Mercutio doesn’t ask Romeo directly about what his business was, but rather assumes that it was sexual (“bow in the hams,” to flex his butt cheeks). Again, typical of Mercutio, but it does justify a little why Romeo, at this point in the story, does not immediately tell Mercutio and Benvolio about Juliet. And also why he says this instead:
Romeo. Meaning, to curtsy.
Mercutio. Thou hast most kindly hit it.
Romeo is 100% trolling here, doing a Mercutio, in fact by pretending to take another meaning—oh, yeah, you obviously mean curtsying, right???? This marks the first reply in which he doesn’t answer openly, but instead answers slyly. Mercutio answers accordingly with an equally troll-y, “Oh yeah, that’s definitely what I meant, super PG” *snort*
Romeo. A most courteous exposition.
Mercutio. Nay, I’m the very pink of courtesy.
Romeo. Pink for flower.
Mercutio. Right.
Romeo. Why, then is my pump well flowered.
My Burton Raffel edition, infuriatingly enough, only gives one definition of “pump” as shoe, but make no mistake—Romeo also obviously means “dick” (the pump, I think, being the “head” part of the shoe, and thus….you get the idea). Mercutio is immediately excited—Romeo is speaking his language now.
Mercutio. Sure wit, follow me this jest now till thou had worn out thy pump, that, when the single sole of it is worn, the jest may remain, after the wearing, solely singular.
Romeo. O single-soled jest, solely singular for the singleness!
Mercutio. Come between us, good Benvolio, my wits faint.
Romeo. Swits and spurs, swits and spurs, or I cry a match.
Mercutio. Nay, if our wits run the wild goose chase, I am done, for thou hast more of the wild goose in one of thy wits than, I am sure, I have in my whole five.
Barely does the game of wits begin when Mercutio seems to give up, and now Romeo is the one urging him playfully to keep going or else *he* wins. Mercutio could just be joking about needing to be “rescued” by Benvolio, but he does say explicitly that nah, Romeo is just too witty today to continue to “chase” the joke, or the goose (“wild goose chase” eventually became a cliché all on its own, and it’s really just a throwaway line).
And now for my absolute favorite Romeo retort:
Mercutio. Was I ever with you there for the goose?
Romeo. Thou wast never with me for anything when thou wast not there for the goose.
“Was I ever with you for the game?” “Bitch, you weren’t with me for anything but the pussy!!!!!” “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!”
Mercutio. I will bite thee in the ear for that jest.
Romeo. Nay, good goose, bite not.
“I’ll fucking jump you for that” “A pussy jump on me??? Oh no, I’m ~scared” 🤣
Mercutio. Thy wit is a very bitter sweeting, it is a most sharp sauce.
Romeo. And is it not, then, well served in to a sweet goose?
“Your game has some spice, bro” “Like the spice they’ll put on you after cooking your ass????” 🤣
Mercutio. O here’s a wit of cheveril, that stretches from an inch narrow to an ell narrow to an ell broad.
Romeo. I stretch it out for that word “broad,” which, added to the goose, proves thee far and wide a broad goose.
“You’re stretching that joke so damn much it’s going to break” “As much as I’ll stretch your stupid ass out because you’re the joke, bro!!!!!!” 🤣
And then comes the end of the game of wits with the final twist:
Mercutio. Why, is not this better now than groaning for love? Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo, now art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature.
“Jokes on you, bro, I’m into that shit!!! (Seriously, though, glad you’re back, bro, omfg, finally)”
So now for some wrap-up:
Mercutio in the beginning of the scene thinks the Romeo he knew is lost or “dead” by love. This has been established before in the after the ball scene, but here it is explicit—The Romeo he knows is gone and replaced by a pussy all over Rosaline’s pussy. Not good. There is also more than a trace of concern and worry—Mercutio is the one who asks for Romeo, and not Benvolio, the guy’s own cousin.
Mercutio is not upset by Romeo beating him at the game of wits and in fact gives in rather too easily. It’s not too clear why Mercutio does this. Mercutio has been established as a witty, satiric character. Romeo is as verbally dexterous as he is, if not more so, but his wit is warm and expressive, not satiric. His roasts and shade are playful and good-natured for the most part. By all accounts, Mercutio should have won the skirmish. It could be that he is too happy with Romeo actually making witty puns to care about winning, but personally I think Mercutio would be too proud of his verbal acrobatics, to concede that easily and make himself a willing target for Romeo’s roast (especially since he has roasted Romeo so damn hard these past scenes). It’s not like Mercutio to go easy on Romeo or even anyone, as he proves with his roasting Tybalt and even ragging on Benvolio. It could be Shakespeare is slyly characterizing Mercutio as a character who can give it out, but not take it, hence his backing down so easily, (“Okay, okay, you win!”) but usually that type of character responds with impatience and even anger. Mercutio’s replies are too amused for that. Perhaps he was too surprised by Romeo suddenly taking a page out of his book after scenes of him just angsting—to his perspective, but not ours, this does seem to come out of nowhere. But his replies don’t sound like someone who is surprised at all by this show of wit by a good-natured friend—on the contrary, it is taken as proof that the friend is back.
By the end of the exchange, Mercutio believes Romeo is more himself again. Not entirely, as he does cast further shade on his infatuation with Rosaline, but he is genuinely glad to see Romeo act more like himself again. We are once again reinforced with the notion that the mopey Romeo with Rosaline and even the radiantly lovestruck Romeo with Juliet is not the Romeo his friends have known. We receive proof of this: Romeo can and will throw shade over you for a song.
Not going to lie: I am here for all of this.
So I think it’s fair to conclude, based on the above information, that Mercutio has missed Romeo, perhaps something awful. His constant ragging on him for Rosaline and being mopey (lovers aren’t even supposed to be sad, wtf man) and his asking for him and just generally talking almost exclusively about him (that could just be his supporting character role, though) supports that. His joy at Romeo roasting him also characterizes a key component of their friendship and dynamic hitherto missing or not as present: Jokes, teasing, puns, wordplay, outright roasting when called for.
Not only is bro bonhomie clearly established (brohomie!), but also the macho culture—this exchange is far from locker room talk, more focused on wordplay than crude expression, but it does set up the dynamics of the duel scene and Mercutio’s motivations. Mercutio is most happy when Romeo performs masculinity through puns, wordplay, and roasting; when he doesn’t, or refuses to take stand in the defense of his honor, that’s when Mercutio gets frazzled. This is not because he believes Romeo is inherently a wimp—far from it, as he clearly expects Romeo, once he seems unstuck from the quagmire that is Rosaline, to duel Tybalt. He is unsurprised when Romeo throws shade on him right back, and is even pleased. So it’s shocking and disturbing for him when Romeo refuses to step up as he had done in previous scenes to fight the likes of Tybalt, for seemingly no good reason.
On a related note, expectation is noticeably absent in Mercutio’s own dynamic with Benvolio, whom he sees as helper and abettor of his wit and decisions, a soundboard, and a quasi-sidekick (“come, shall we go?” “Come between us, good Benvolio, my wits faint” “Help me into some house, Benvolio, / Or I shall faint”). When he does rag on Benvolio for his supposed sword-happy temper, Benvolio does not rise to his bait or roast him back, but gives only mildly amused replies, if gently pointed, to Mercutio’s surly displeasure.
Benvolio. An I were so apt to quarrel as thou art, any man should buy the fee simple of my life for an hour and a quarter.
Mercutio. The fee simple? O simple!
Mercutio may want to fight someone badly enough to go after Benvolio, but he also wants a challenge, the excitement of a back-and-forth of wits—hell, even for someone to tell him he is full of shit if so he could hit back. Perhaps that’s what Mercutio needs and perhaps secretly desires: Someone to roast him and tell him to shut the fuck up every once in a while. But would Romeo do this?
Nurse. I pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this that was so full of his ropery?
Romeo. A gentleman, Nurse, that loves to hear himself talk and will speak more in a minute than he would stand to in a month.
The answer is yes. Yes, he would.
R&J Adaptations’ Weirdness with This Exchange
So why the difficulty retaining this fun exchange? Well, Romeo talking about well-flowered pumps and Mercutio just happily taking his roasts goes against the usual romantic!Romeo and charismatictroll!Mercutio characterization of earlier scenes. Even in adaptations that do keep this part of the scene, they tend either to brush it by (Baz Lurhmann) or even mischaracterize it a bit to keep it consistent with the interpretation of the characters as established (Zeffirelli). McEnery’s Mercutio in the Zeffirelli is in control and dominant all of the way through, and one of his lines (“Thy wit is a very bitter sweeting, it is a most sharp sauce”) is given to Romeo instead. The Baz Lurhmann plays it only broadly in terms of group male camaraderie and not so much Mercutio-Romeo dynamics; Benvolio does not participate in the game of wits and is by all accounts just vibing (my personal troll headcanon is he is keeping track of the game of wits on a slate. 2 Romeo, 1 Mercutio, that sort of thing).
Also, perhaps due to Mercutio being on Romeo’s case for most of the play and his being a lil’ shit at points, some adaptations take a weird Ho Yay approach to the dynamic, especially productions that make Mercutio gay or queer. If so, then productions have to do a lot of heavy lifting to interpret Mercutio’s gleeful/amused roasting of Romeo, his lewd blazon of Rosaline, and his anger at Romeo’s loss of honor in refusing to fight Tybalt as signs of romantic love towards Romeo. Romeo’s own emotional independence from his friends and his willingness to roast Mercutio also works against this interpretation. Thus another reason why this exchange is often cut or abridged (although the Globe Theater just decided to go ahead and have Mercutio roll all over Romeo while Romeo is roasting him as a shameless pussy chaser in this scene, because of course that makes perfect sense. Is it any wonder why I don’t like most R&J productions and adaptations?).
The only adaptation I know that gets the camaraderie and dynamics even close to right is the French musical (and to a certain extent, the Hungarian version) through that earworm and evergreen bop, Les Rois du Monde. It captures the spirit of their friendship and youthful zeal so delightfully. Mercutio, Benvolio, and Romeo were so well cast you can identify which is which at a glance—and they are literally as far as from my personal faceclaims for them as you can get, and it’s great. Presgurvic didn’t have to go that hard, but he did and it was glorious.
Mercutio roasts him, Romeo enters, they trade quips and wordplay, Romeo roasts him, Mercutio is too happy to gaf, and everything is character-building fun that will pay off very nicely later on, except that versions and productions can’t make the puns and wordplay comprehensible so they prefer to cut or abridge it (ten points from Gryffindor). And all because Mercutio actually misses Romeo and wants his bro back. Bruh.
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rosekasa · 4 years
your character is... *drumroll* alya!
(from this ask game)
why i like her
i LOVE how confident she is, both in herself and in others that she loves. it takes so much bravery to stand up to someone on your first day of school, and to run head-first into an AKUMA FIGHT to pursue your passion, and to admin a (presumably) nationally famous blog as well as fill so many other roles (she's a full time student, runs an astronomy blog as she said in startrain, is rena rouge part time, is a big sister who has to be a good role model/look after her little sisters). but most of all i adore what a great friend she is. she is so supportive and so caring and you can tell all she ever wants to do is bring people up to her level of Incredibleness TM
why i don't
again this is so hard bc i love alya so much shfjdjjdjd.... i had to rly sit and think about this but i guess i don't always like how she's a very 'say it how it is' type of person? LMAO IT'S BECAUSE IM A CRY BABY but she doesnt really sugar coat hard truths (like when she told marinette off for letting adrien go in the nyc special) and personally if i were on the receiving end of that i'd Cry
favourite episode
favourite season
favourite line
"i can't help myself - life is so interesting!"
favourite outfit
her pyjamas are so cute nwn
alyanette obviously but listen. Listen. CHATROUGE.... theyre just. two sides of the same coin
head canon
she likes learning dance choreos in her free time and sometimes drags marinette into learning them w her hehe.. she probably runs a tiktok or instagram or something where she just posts those clips
unpopular opinion
she is a GREAT friend and VERY supportive of marinette. which shouldn't be an unpopular opinion but apparently it is🙄
a wish
i actually want her to know marinette is ladybug before adrien does 👉👈
an oh-god-please-never-happen
she gets into a Bad argument with marinette... on god i'd cry so much
5 words to best describe her
confident, a little devil-may-care, loyal, supportive, moral
my nickname for her
i dont think i have one for her !! :0
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mobonmain · 5 years
So you gotta do Serizawa, let's be honest
Favorite thing about them:
Everything. Have you ever seen a man so perfect you started crying
Least favorite thing about them:
He was largely absent from two of the three longer arcs following his hire.
Favorite line:
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I'll be honest I laughed out loud when I read this
him and Mob should hang out more
Serizawa x Touichirou! Bad!
Random headcanon:
He found the people he wants to be with for the rest of his life, and he knows he's never going to have to feel so alone again. He takes so much joy in sharing his life with his new family.
Song I associate with them:
The Devil and a California Burrito Are Raging Inside Me -Sledding With Tigers
The title may be... confusing, so I'll include some of the lyrics. It's a gentle bop
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Favorite picture of them:
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FanFiction Questions
I’m so bored right now, so I’m just gonna answer these instead of waiting for someone to send me a message. I’ve given my answers to ya whether you wanted them or not.
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? Oh, man. I’d have to say Yu-Gi-Oh! probably, or Yu Yu Hakusho. They were around the same time, so I can’t be 100 percent sure.
2. What is your latest fandom? Friday Night Lights. I came into the show very late but instantly fell in love with Tim Riggins. I already own the entire series, a Dillon Panthers t-shirt, and I’ve written a Tim Riggins fanfiction. I went hard into FNL.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Um, they’ve all been pretty great, honestly. When it comes to my writing, my experience in the Harry Potter fandom has been great. People responded to my Bill Weasley story positively and I’m nearing 13K views. It’s crazy.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? Not really. I more or less regret things I’ve written. I used to write really bad (like it was horribly written) smut-based things. I got caught by parents in my life and just felt bad it was even an issue. I’ve avoided writing it since. I don’t shy away from writing about sex, just the detailed experience of it.
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Wolf’s Rain, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Marvel, Friday Night Lights, Lord of the Rings, Ouran High School Host Club, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, Big Hero 6, Devil May Cry, The Hobbit, Assassin’s Creed, Star Trek, Kingdom Hearts, Halo, Chuck, Maximum Ride, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and who knows how many in notebooks scattered around my house.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. Usually the character I’m interested and the original female character I create. Every time. I don’t usually ship fandom characters with each other when it comes to the one I really like. It doesn’t mean I don’t, I just don’t read or write for the traditional ships.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. I don’t like same-sex pairings (that’s just my preference). Those are usually the only ones I avoid.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? I saw Tim Riggins and thought, “He needs a lady who isn’t going to try to change him and just accept him and love him with everything she’s got.” Then I wrote Catherine Barton.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? The fact that it’s an older fandom. I feel like writers for older fandoms are more practiced in their writing and make some pretty great fics. That’s not always the case, but I love that FNL is older.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? Not usually. I look for fics in a lot of fandoms, but they’re usually obscure and don’t have a lot that I enjoy. I don’t usually write for them though.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP? Tim Riggins with my oc, Catherine Barton. I freaking love their dynamic so much.
12. Who is your current OT3? Should I know what this is? Cuz I don’t. Is it like three characters together? I don’t really ship those.
13. Any NoTPs? Stucky. I know that’s a very unpopular opinion, but I don’t care too much for them in a romantic relationship. Now, both of them with an oc/reader character, that’s fine as long as their focus is only on them, not each other.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? I like Steve and Bucky as bros. I’m digging Tim Riggins and Jason Street as bros. I haven’t read much else lately with more obvious BroTPs.
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? Bill Weasley with an oc/reader. I never really liked him and Fleur.
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? I prefer Tyra/Landry over Tyra/Tim. Like I said before, I’m not fond of Bill/Fleur. I hate Hiei/Kurama and Steve/Bucky. Those are the ones I can think of right now.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favorite? It was probably me as a character with someone from Yu-Gi-Oh!. It’s not really one of my favorites now, but I like ocs with those characters.
18. What ship have you written the most about? Uh, maybe an oc with Logan? I have more fics with him. Though, Tim/oc is a lot of fics. I think it beat my Bill/oc story.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? Most of the popular ones people go for I guess? I really don’t care enough because I can search with specific keywords and avoid them.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Tim/Lyla. I don’t write or read it, but I can accept it.
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? I think it was a group effort fic with an oc character who was very much like me with like Kurama or Varon (Yu-Gi-Oh!). I wrote a lot of group fics with my friends, so I honestly couldn’t tell you.
22. Is there anything you regret writing? Smutty things back from middle/high school. It was mostly middle school when it happened, but it shouldn’t have happened. I had a lot of friends who looked up to me and me writing smut wasn’t a good thing to do as an example for others.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. I’m particularly proud of my Spike Spiegel twoshot I wrote recently along with my Tim Riggins story.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? Like all of my old stuff. I try to edit every time I post it somewhere, but sometimes they need more work.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? My Bill Weasley Collection. It’s in a high-traffic fandom, so it doesn’t surprise me. I just wish my other stuff got more attention.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles? I think for a really long time and then it comes to me. I like things that mean something to the story more so than something random.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries? I have a harder time coming up with titles than summaries. Both suck though.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? Honestly, I’d rather have someone do fanart for my original story (I know this is a fanfiction thing). I wouldn’t mind something for one of my many Marvel fics, or my Spike one.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? I don’t because I really haven’t looked into it. I’ve considered it for original fiction, but none of my fanfictions.
30. What inspires you to write? My interest in certain characters mainly. Or when I can’t find a fic that I really like.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? Someone mentioned my original story not having enough views, which they thought was weird. Also, my creative writing teacher told me my dialogue feels natural.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? I have YouTube on most of the time. I’ve been listening to an FNL playlist on Spotify while I’ve edited my Tim fic. I don’t have a specific thing I prefer to listen to though.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? Oneshots and multi-chapter fics usually. I don’t have the patience for huge epics.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? Uh, 20-30k words? My longest written piece overall has been my original fic at like 72k. That doesn’t seem like much, but it felt like a lot.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? I haven’t in a long time, but they’re usually sad.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? Romance.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why? Both. I like to flip flop with different stories.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? As I’ve said several times in this, I prefer OCs over anything else.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer? My dialogue. I feel that it’s actually natural and not weird.
40. What do you struggle the most within your writing? Descriptions between dialogue. I want it to be simple, but it’s sometimes too simple for what I’d expect for what I already have.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: I’m actually not reading any right now. Crazy, I know.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: @bucky-on-a-bike , @zer0pm , @justsomebucky , TykiWife, and blueeyedjade
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? Not really. I just really like reading the works of so many of them.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention? I don’t know. Maybe more oc ships. :)
45. What is your all-time favorite fanfic? Right now, I’m loving blueeyedjade’s Tim Riggins fic. I read it in two days. I’ve almost gone back to read it again (I’ve been working on other things currently). I probably will soon. I’ve reread almost all of zer0pm’s V fics, too.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? My Marvel ones, some of my anime/video game ones, and my FNL one.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? Ao3 right now. I’ll eventually got to FFN. Tumblr is broken for me, so I’ve stopped posting here.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? I try to when I really like a fic. If I don’t leave a review, I leave a like or vote or something like that.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not? A little of both is great. I really like getting critical reviews that are there to help me out rather than bring me down.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? I think I just perused Quizilla (remember that site?) and found it. I was hooked pretty instantly.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! I just love the people in fanfiction. The writers especially for putting in the work they do for their readers. Like, they take up so much of their time to provide for the people who love their writing and it’s amazing. I can’t thank the writers enough (I really need to leave more comments). 
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skylights422 · 6 years
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Review
[Cross posted on pillowfort and dreamwidth]
A little while back I finally purchased Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. I had been wanting it for some time since it was another castlevania game on the PS2, and because I was very interested in the different playstle (various weapons, the innocent devils you summon and evolve to help you fight, the diverse landscapes), and I must say I wasn't disappointed! So let's go through and analyze it section by section. PLOT/CHARACTERS While the castlevania series tends to have simplistic plots, and in certain ways curse of darkness does as well, I found myself really enjoying the cutscenes for this one. The subplot with Saint Germaine and Zed gave an interesting air of mystery, and the main plot had characters that were charismatic enough to keep you invested despite the fact they don't really bother to explain much of anything in regards to backstory or lore. Plus, even with the lacking explanations it still felt like it had more going on than in LoI, which I appreciated. For those unfamiliar with the plot of the game, it follows a man named Hector who used to be one of Dracula's generals before betraying him once Dracula started killing humans indiscriminately. Hector was one of two 'Devil Forgemasters' in the world, humans who could summon creatures known as Innocent Devils to do their bidding. We're told they are also more easily swayed by Dracula's curse, and that it is considered dark magic, but that's all we ever learn about them. The other devil forgemaster, Isaac, remained loyal to Dracula and had Hector's wife killed in return for Hector betraying him. So the game starts out with Hector charging into an abandoned castle and demanding to fight Isaac to the death, even though at this point it is unclear if Hector has any weapons on hand and has not returned to devil forging. I gotta say, I really loved Hector as a protagonist. He was bold but courteous and had a righteous fury and determination that was a ton of fun. He also just had a very cool design, and I liked that he could use so many weapons (I think in nearly all the cutscenes he only fights hand to hand though, and I really love the mental image of him taking down Isaac with his beam sword and devils, Dracula, and Death with his bare fists xD)and he overall just worked as a lead character for this type of game. Isaac was a wonderfully over the top villain, and while none of it was elaborated on there was enough hinted at backstory/depth that he still felt interesting even if the main appeal was how deranged and sort of flamboyant he was. Isaac also apparently had a younger sister who looked exactly the same as Hector's dead wife, named Julia. Both of these facts are never explained (how did Hector never learn Isaac had a sister before? Why do the two totally unrelated women look identical? Who knows), but I really liked her as a character anyways. She was the shopkeeper of the game and the support character and she did all that with a lot of grace I thought. Oh right Trevor Blemont was there too. I'm sure he's great in Castlevania 3 when you play him, and I did enjoy his character in this game, but he was also very much a walking plot device. He was against you when the game wanted tension and supported you when the game needed you to use his Belmont magic, but then he sends you off to fight all the final bosses alone despite his entire reason for being there was to fight the final bosses and spent most of the game insisting he would beat them first. He was like a weird rival character who dropped out of the rivaling business for no apparent reason. I mean the reason was Gameplay, but a better in-story reason would have been appreciated. The end of the game was pretty decent, it wrapped everything up more or less, though I thought Hector deciding to move in with Julia in the middle of the mountains was a little weird. I love them as a brotp but I did not appreciate the romantic nod they were trying to include, she looks just like his dead wife for crying out loud! Overall though I thought the plot and characters for the game were Good and got the job done, so good job game. GAMEPLAY I LOVED the gameplay for Curse of Darkness. I liked getting to run around and fight the monsters, I liked leveling up my Innocent Devils and watching them learn new moves to help me destroy stuff, and the Chair Side Quest was the greatest thing the game gave to me. Honestly, it only added to my love of Hector, because you could interpret the whole thing as him having some kind of mind-room thingie where he collects chairs/benches/other things you can sit on (I laughed more than I should at some of them I'm not gonna lie). Like he just poses dramatically on all these chairs and its amazing. And the weapon crafting and combos were a lot of fun (he can apparently use the electric guitar very enthusiastically lol). The only downside to the gameplay was there was no sprinting feature (you do a lot of backtracking through confusingly designed areas, it got a little headache inducing at times), and I wished there was some kind of projectile weapon or something to make the fighting more varied than just the combos (which I admittedly took forever to discover) since you do so much excess fighting to level up in this game. But overall I really enjoyed the gameplay even with its flaws. The levels, I might add, while confusing and a bit ridiculous in layout at times, looked fantastic and all felt pleasantly different from each other, even the ones that were thematically similar. So if the maps had just been designed better the levels/areas would have been perfect. MUSIC/AESTHETIC The music was absolutely fantastic in this game! Castlevania usually has great soundtracks and this one is no exception. It was all very energetic and catchy and fit the mood of the game really well. Could have maybe had more stylistic variety, but that's a very minor complaint given how well composed all of it was. And i really liked how all of the levels looked! The graphics were pretty good, maybe not as shiny as LoI? But it captured the vibe of the game perfectly and still had some great visuals so it worked out. CONCLUSION To sum up, I really only have a few critiques of this game. Mostly it was an awesome experience to play, I had fun watching the cutscenes in both languages and seeing where the plot was going, and the chair side quest, as mentioned, gave me unparalleled joy. It was appropriately paced and about as long as it needed to be (unless it wanted to explain more, which would have been  nice, but also would have made it a much bigger game potentially). The maps were fun to go through when you hadn't explored much of it yet but eventually became a nightmare to maneuver, but the jamming music sort of made up for that. The characters really spoke to me despite all the unanswered questions about them. Actually its prime fanfic material, I may have to get on that sometime. But basically I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes popcorn gothic vampire slaying games (which is pretty much the Castlevania series in a nutshell, there's a reason I want to buy all games released during or before the PS2 era). 8.5/10
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sniperspys · 7 years
Venture Family + 11 + Rick & Morty & Summer (just cuz you sent me a lot on that last one 0c': ))
Sexuality Headcanon: bi ? gay ? he likes menGender Headcanon: he’s a nonbinary/agender trans guy but usually just says he’s a guy for simplicity’s sake [pronouns: they/them or he/him]A ship I have with said character: Brock + Rusty obviously they’re already marriedA BROTP I have with said character: Pete + Rusty !! or Rusty + SheilaA NOTP I have with said character: uhhh Rusty + Sheila [they’re just friends @ the devils please stop making Rusty creepy]A random headcanon: He really likes looking at the stars + nature in general and Brock takes him on a lot of dates like that [Brock never really cared for it before he met his boyf but he loves seeing Rusty happy so that makes him appreciate it more]General Opinion over said character: he’s trying his best ;; sometimes i get really emotional thinkin about his childhood he really didnt deserve that
Sexuality Headcanon: gayGender Headcanon: nonbinary !! [pronouns: he/him]A ship I have with said character: Brock + his husband RustyA BROTP I have with said character: Brock + ShoreleaveA NOTP I have with said character: Brock + Warriana or Mol or Amber [esp. since this one is. cheating]A random headcanon: Brock’s the only person to really call Rusty “Thaddeus” [which makes Rusty happy bc that’s His Chosen/Real Name] and also Brock’s the more easily flustered out of the twoGeneral Opinion over said character: LOVE OF MY LIFE!!
Sexuality Headcanon: pan/biGender Headcanon: nonbinary trans boy !! [pronouns: he/him or they/them]A ship I have with said character: Hank + his s/o Sirena OngA BROTP I have with said character: Hank + Dean !! Best brothers !! also Jared + HankA NOTP I have with said character: ?? Maybe Hank + Nancy/Drew since he was into themA random headcanon: Hank’s a huge crybaby who get’s really upset easily :-( but his family is really good with him being sensitive !! dw !! he’s happiest when he has a lot of physical affection [tho words are good too !! he just loves feeling loved]General Opinion over said character: good boy !!
Sexuality Headcanon: gay !! gay gay gay!! this boy LOVES boys!! girls ? he’s heard of themGender Headcanon: trans boy !! [pronouns: he/him]A ship I have with said character: Jared + Dean !!!A BROTP I have with said character: Hank + Dean !! And Sirena + DeanA NOTP I have with said character: Dean + Triana [just pals !!] / Dean + any girl! !!!! big no no no noA random headcanon: Dean has really bad social anxiety [the worst out of all his family, except maybe Brock (Brock’s just better at hiding it)] so he and Hank would hold hands to calm his nerves [especially when they were younger !!] they don’t do it as much anymore but they still sometimes do bc Hank’s Gotta Be A Good Big Brother and look out for his Baby Brother whom he loves with all his heartGeneral Opinion over said character: GOOD BOY I LOVE HIM !! he deserves the world
Sexuality Headcanon: pan [w/ a preference for guys]Gender Headcanon: trans guy [nonbinary leaning ? he just knows hes a guy] [pronouns: he/him]A ship I have with said character: Rick + Happiness / Rick + BirdpersonA BROTP I have with said character: Rick + Morty + SummerA NOTP I have with said character: Rick + Unity A random headcanon: Rick really does love his grandkids and would do anything to make them happy !! don’t tell them of course !! He may complain about Morty sometimes but he really does love taking him on adventures and seeing how excited Morty gets. It makes him feel better about himself knowing that there’s someone out there who looks up at him and genuinely likes spending time with himGeneral Opinion over said character: i love Rick !! please let him be happy
Sexuality Headcanon: biGender Headcanon: trans demiboy [pronouns: he/him or they/them]A ship I have with said character: Morty + Jessica ?? i want them to be palsA BROTP I have with said character: Morty + Rick + Summer / Morty + JessicaA NOTP I have with said character: ??? a certain one comes to mind that Shall Not Be Spoken Of bc some of ya are NastyA random headcanon: Morty has a strained relationship with his dad [mostly from coming out as trans] and it wasn’t till Rick got there [and made some threats] that Jerry really started treating Morty like his sonGeneral Opinion over said character: he’s also a good boy !!
Sexuality Headcanon: bi [preference for girls]Gender Headcanon: trans magigirl [pronouns: she/her]A ship I have with said character: ??? idk but get her a good girlf or boyfA BROTP I have with said character: Summer + Morty + Rick / Summer + BethA NOTP I have with said character: Summer + being sadA random headcanon: Summer loves her brother with all her heart !! They argue sometimes but she’s really the protective older sister at heart and if someone really does hurt Morty she’ll defend him. Sometimes she scolds Rick for being to mean to Morty bc Morty is a sensitive soulGeneral Opinion over said character: SUMMER IS GREAT !! KEEP SUMMER SAFE
Sexuality Headcanon: panGender Headcanon: agender [pronouns: they/them preferred but any]A ship I have with said character: Eleven + EggosA BROTP I have with said character: Eleven + The Boys / Eleven + Hopper / Eleven + Joyce / Eleven + Nancy + Jonathan A NOTP I have with said character: Eleven + Mike [they’re PALS]A random headcanon: Eleven cries easily but has learned to hide it bc they were often punished for crying when they were experimented on ! They also love physical affection + have problems with self confidenceGeneral Opinion over said character: Eleven is a good kid. please protect them
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crimescrimson · 1 year
Welcome to my gifset blog! Here is my one and only rule from my previous post:
First and final warning guys! Don't tag my stuff with any type of Cleon tags please! Someone just did and the ship makes me very uncomfortable! I don't like blocking people because of this kind of thing but I have and will do so if you refuse to listen to me. It's the one and only boundary I have for now when it comes to my gifs, please respect that!
Gifset Masterlist Tag: #Red's Gifset Masterlists
Below is my tag masterlist! Happy viewing!
|| = RE || = TEW || = DMC
|| = SR || = TWAU
Basic Tags:
Crimson's Gifs: Resident Evil
Crimson's Gifs: Devil May Cry
Crimson's Gifs: The Evil Within
Crimson's Gifs: The Wolf Among Us
Crimson's Gifs: Saints Row
Relationship Tags:
Pairing: Encantado - Romantic Pairing of Ashley Graham & Luis Serra
Pairing: Keeping Score - Romantic Pairing of Leon S. Kennedy & Ada Wong
Pairing: Billy Coen Is Dead - Romantic Pairing of Rebecca Chambers & Billy Coen
Pairing: I've Got You Super Cop - Romantic Pairing of Jill Valentine & Carlos Oliveira
Pairing: Come On Supergirl - Romantic Pairing of Jake Muller & Sherry Birkin
Pairing: See You Around... Wolf - Romantic Pairing of Bigby Wolf & Faith
Pairing: Is This What You Want? - Romantic Pairing of Nero and Kyrie
Pairing: From My Gunsmithin' Days - Romantic Pairing of Lady and Nico
Pairing: I Need My Partner Here - Romantic Pairing Of Joseph Oda and Sebastian Castellanos
Partnership: Fill Your Soul With Light! - The Dynamic Duo that is Trish & Dante
BroTP: Ashley and Leon - Platonic/Siblingly Pairing of Ashley Graham & Leon S. Kennedy
BroTP: Claire and Sherry - Platonic/Siblingly Pairing of Claire Redfield & Sherry Birkin
BroTP: Devil May|Never Cry - Platonic Pairing of Lady, Trish & Dante
BroTP: I Had A Hunch Myself - Platonic/Familial Pairing of Nero and Trish
Relationship Type Tags:
Theme: DMC Ships - Red's Preferred Devil May Cry Pairings
Theme: Red's RE Ships - Red's Preferred Resident Evil Pairings
Theme: Minor Pairings - Any pairing between secondary characters in a game
Theme: Pairings With History - Pairings that obviously have had previous history off-screen
Theme: Sparks In Dystopia - Romantic Relationships that grew further in apocalyptic settings
Theme: The One That Got Away - Romantic Pairings that end up losing one another or one party assumingly passes away
Theme: LGBT Pairings - All sets with LGBT relationships
Theme: Pride 2023 - All sets related or made for Pride Month 2023
Theme: Like Father Like Daughter - Father-Daughter relationships or Parallels in sets
Theme: Soulmates - Platonic or Romantic Pairings that have so much dynamic chemistry that they cannot be separated and come as a set
Theme: Saviour And The Saved - Sets featuring somebody saving someone else and the dynamic of that!
Theme: Power Pairings - Platonic or Romantic Duos that kick ass together
Theme: Iconic Duos - Famous character Duos in sets!
Theme: DMC Power Duos - Powerful two-person team-ups in DMC
Theme: DMC Power Teams - Powerful team-ups in DMC
Theme: DMC Interesting Dynamics - Sets studying dynamics between characters in DMC
Theme: DMC Mentor/Student - Sets studying the relationship between a person setting an example for someone else in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Platonic Relationships - Sets exploring platonic or familial relationships in Devil May Cry
Misc Tags:
Theme: Dedicated To Friends - Sets I've made for my friends
Theme: PTSD - Sets exploring canon depictions of PTSD in games
Theme: Grief - Sets exploring canon depictions of grief in games
Theme: Insanity - Sets exploring imagery or games where the characters lose their minds
Theme: Introductions Aside - Sets that introduce characters
Theme: RE Parallels - Sets that compare Resident Evil scenes
Theme: RE Set Pieces - Sets featuring Resident Evil Scenery
Theme: Classic RE - Sets featuring Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, CVX, RE0 or RE1R
Theme: RE Romantic Parallels - Resident Evil Romantic Parallels between multiple couples
Theme: Jill Valentine's Fashion Sense - Sets involving Jill Valentine's Outfits
Theme: Umbrella's Legacy - Sets depicting Resident Evil Characters affiliated with the Umbrella Corporation
Theme: RE Dream Cast - Red's Preferred cast for a new Resident Evil game
Theme: Pieces On The Board - Resident Evil Sets depicting each faction or Affiliation within the games
Theme: Hidden Gems - Relatively unknown or unpopular games I've made sets of
Theme: Character Death - Sets featuring the death of characters
Theme: Faked Character Death - Sets featuring the false death of characters
Theme: The Heroes - Sets featuring main characters or heroic characters
Theme: Supporting Cast - Sets featuring NPCs or side characters
Theme: City Of Ruin - Raccoon City Tag
Theme: Blood and Gore - Game typical Gore tag, can range from horror game typical to mortal kombat typical
Theme: Infection Spreading - Sets that involve zombie/zombie-adjacent behaviour or infection
Theme: Morally Grey - sets that feature Morally Grey characters
Theme: Morally Sound - sets that feature Morally Sound characters
Theme: Take My Breath Away - Scenes that are very attractive or aesthetically pleasing
Theme: Women Of My Dreams - Red's Favourite Female Characters Of All Time general tag
Theme: Favourite Female Characters Of All Time - dedicated tag to this set series
Theme: Feminine Power - female empowerment! Typically found on female-only sets or sets that display women at their best!
Theme: Masculine Strength - male empowerment! Typically found on male-only sets or sets that display women at their best!
Theme: Character Development: found on character sets displaying a change in behaviour or a comparison to the past and present!
Theme: Red and Redder - Characters affiliated with the colour red for my namesake
Theme: Colour Palette Blues - Sets with Blue tones
Theme: Colour Palettes - Rainbow - Sets with multicoloured tones
Theme: Resident's Fashion - Resident Evil outfits tag
Theme: Game Interface - Depicting game title screens, menus etc.
Theme: Dream Cast - Red's Dream Casts for any game
Theme: Truth and Lies - Depicting paralleled scenes where a lie is told and a truth is revealed
Theme: SR Parallels - Saints Row Parallel Sets where scenes are compared
Theme: TWAU Pairings - Pairings I prefer from Telltales: The Wolf Among Us
Theme: TWAU Set Pieces - Scenery from TWAU
Theme: Dream Dream Dream - Sets that feature dream, nightmare or hallucination sequences
Theme: Red's Favourite DMC girls - Devil May Cry Women I adore in gifs
Theme: DMC Alternative Costumes - Ex Colors and Alternative Costumes in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Parallels - Scenes in Devil May Cry compared
Theme: DMC Iconic Moments - Famous Moments in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Hilarious Moments - Funny Moments in Devil May Cry
Theme: Domesticity of DMC - Domestic Bliss in Devil May Cry
Theme: Favourite Male Characters Of All Time - Favourite Male Characters Tag!
Theme: Favourite Characters Of All Time - My Favourite Game Characters
Theme: Best DLC Of All Time - My personal favourite DLCs in games that are the best of the best
Theme: Aesthetically Pleasing - Gifs based around the beauty of what's featured in the set
Theme: TEW Set Pieces - Set Pieces from The Evil Within
Theme: Gothic Horror - Gothic Horror in video games
Theme: Goth - Gothic elements in video games
Theme: Demons and Devils - Demonic related content in video games
Personal Tags:
Theme: Red's Personal Preference - Anything to do with my own interests, basically a get to know me tag!
Sorry for the wall of text. Thanks for reading!
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abla-soso · 4 years
The tragic irony of Dante and Vergil's relationship
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I mentioned it before, but I love this detail= Vergil and Dante were too shocked and traumatized by their mother’s death that they couldn’t do anything except to weep silently. That’s why they didn’t notice each other and assumed the other was dead.
Their shared trauma and their similar response to it was what separated them physically in the beginning.
And when they were reunited 10 years later; their different response to their shared trauma is what kept them emotionally separated afterward (Dante embracing his human side and rejecting his demon side. Vergil embracing his demon side and rejecting his human side).
Ugh, this makes their iconic rivalry so ironic and so deeply tragic.
As much as I love how light and goofy DMC's story and characters are, I still wish it had a more "serious" tone overall. Because the story and the characters could turn into something truly phenomenal if only the writers choose to give it more serious depth and exploration (case in point: "Visions of V" manga!).
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