#Bruce Irvin
strangledwires · 2 months
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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 | Steve & Bruce
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I believe kazuya being pure evil doesn't make any sense because it contradicts his whole character.
He loves his mother,so much he didn't believe she'd sent akuma to kill him.
He respects jinpachi,bows to him as seen in tekken 5 and only kills him in ending when devil gene takes over him. You can see he is conflicted.
He hates heihachi much more than he hates anyone else and that's if he hates someone other than heihachi. But when he finally kills him,which was depicted as a dramatic scene showing a broken man who was traumized and abused in childhood,suffered and humiliated by the man who was suppossed to be his father,the one who is responsible for the deaths of everyone he loved. Kazuya didn't look happy,didn't even smile. Definitely not pure evil attitude.
Kazuya has saved bruce when he lost his memories,when he simply could've ignored him. Bruce kinda considers Kazuya his friend.
Kazuya respects Anna and when she asked him she wanted to take a break for a while, He accepted her request.
When he found out lars is his half brother, kazuya warned him about the curse of mishimas and stopped the fight. You know he could've mopped the floor with lars but chose not to(no lars did only beat jin who was holding back alot and even harada himself stated that 3 main mishimas aka heihachi,kazuya and jin are much stronger than lars is).
Don't want to talk about jun because their relationship is a mystery and kinda one-sided with some statements speculating kazuya might have been in love with her. But damn,kazuya died because angel and devil were battling inside him and that was why he couldn't beat heihachi as he couldn't focus on the fight and go all out. Jun had that much impact on him. (T8 might reveal just what was their relationship like,why kazuya didn't come to meet jun after he was revived,does he at least respect her,etc)
Kazuya doesn't particularly hate jin and only wants to compete with him and take the devil powers. Jin hates Kazuya though and believes everything is his fault(dude is so deluded,heihachi screwed everyone but got away with it).
I mean yeah,he is now continuing a world war and killing thousands but pure evil thing is just BS. Hope they show us his human side once again. My man has suffered way too much😭
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erenaeoth · 11 months
oh please go on about the kazuya team nonsense. from a marketing perspective i get them partnering kazuya and nina together as they're the main guy and girl of og tekken, but it's a nightmare story-wise, almost as bad as nina working for heihachi. but at least with heihachi she was unwilling and fought til her last stand. with feng... i guess a replacement for bruce in his absence was due.
It's infuriating!
It shows a total lack of respect of Kazuya's character and the close relationships he's formed. He's known Anna and Bruce for decades, and they return to him. They know what he's like, they know all his deeply unpleasant aspects, and yet they continue to seek him out and he seeks them out in turn. There is a mutual understanding here that places Anna and Bruce in the category closest to something that you could call Kazuya's friends.
The 'oh, Nina will do', is insulting in this regard, as Kazuya has always enabled Anna's vengeance against Nina. Nina herself is amoral and would work for anyone who paid her, so I don't mind her taking up employ with the rival corporation she'd been against. The only justifiation for Kazuya taking her on is she de facto enters his employ as a Zaibatsu member when he takes over, and she's a useful enough asset that he needs her around since he's lost Anna. But still, he must know he can't trust her, she's tried to kill him countless times.
I don't even know what's happening with Feng. I suppose since he justifies right by might, so he might see eye-to-eye with Kazuya's philosophy, but Feng has always been one of those old school martial arts movie villains/antags, and that personal strength above all else approach is very different to what Kazuya's doing right now. It also doesn't fit with the anti-technology aspects we've had glimpses of in Feng's character. It's wild to me. I don't know why Kazuya in turn would suddenly want to start picking up lone fighters who have no experience in leading troops in warfare. He'd be better off blackmailing Eddy into working for him if Bruce truly isnt around, or even Josie since she was so keen to join Tekken Force and Kazuya presumably now leads the Zaibatsu's old forces.
I understand that probably Bruce won't make a return with all these new Muay Thai characters appearing, even though I think he's indispensible to the story, but why can't Anna have a lead role? With her vengeance renewed, she's going to want to kill Nina all the more, and there's nowhere for her to go but back to Kazuya. Her righteous fury being on Kazuya's side could have continued to lend him that greyscale aspect of his character, and enhanced that side that he, Bruce, and Anna have always shared - of being wronged children, looking out for themselves and trying to make their own justice.
It's very annoying and places Kazuya more easily into the evil villain category.
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rygoespop · 6 days
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Match:
Christie and Ganryu vs Bruce and Zafina
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daikenkki · 8 months
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themessypngs · 1 year
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roro73290 · 1 year
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Bruce Irvin’s nightmare
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thedestinysunknown · 1 year
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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Bruce Irvin:
"Here's one of the few characters that I would love to see make a comeback. Bruce is such a fun and powerful dude. He may not have the most interesting lore in the game, but his moveset is fantastic."
PS: the gameplay used for this gifset is not mine. The original video belongs to the user: Julius Alford, on Youtube.
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dailydccomics · 3 months
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the Bats and co by by Irvin Rodriguez
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strangledwires · 2 months
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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 | Kazuya with Anna & Bruce
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holygayrightsbatman · 4 months
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Filth (2013) dir, Jon S. Baird
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erenaeoth · 2 years
Hello! Bruce is one of my favorite Tekken characters. It's sad that he's been replaced several times, especially when he has ties to Kazuya in the story. If they do bring him back for Tekken 8, how do you think they'll handle him and his story moving forward? Would he still be on Kazuya's side?
Bruce, Kazuya, and a Future for their Story
I'm sad that Bruce didn't make it to Tekken 7 too, and worried that with other representations of Muay Thai, he may not make a future return. Whilst Fahkumram does more of a service to representing traditional Muay Thai, complete with doing wai khru ram muay and himself being the first Thai character in the game, Muay Thai is a huge, internationally practised martial art, and I hope the games lean into representing that rather than eject Bruce. It's true that a lot of characters have been replaced with newer characters and have rarely returned for canonical titles since those replacements, but I still hope Bruce will return, especially because of his importance to the story. Any of the replacement Muay Thai characters don't carry nearly as much importance to the story as Bruce does.
I would like to see the old team back together for Tekken 8. Anna has been deeply hurt and has nowhere left to go, and Kazuya always respected her and had a place for her. Since Kazuya found him after the plane crash, Bruce has never voluntarily left Kazuya's side, and the moment he discovered he was alive again, he sought him out to work for him. Anna and especially Bruce have a really important narrative role in showing dimensions to Kazuya. Whilst he is someone who always plays into his own villainy, the loyalty and comraderie in his close friendships is one of the only windows we have into a different side to him.
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Bruce discovering Kazuya is alive in Tekken 5.
We in turn don't have a huge amount of information on Bruce, but his relationship with Kazuya also brings dimensions to him as well. With Bruce, the greyer areas to his character were better established - he's someone hard, ruthless in his training of soldiers, and protects all of Kazuya's insidious interests, but he's also someone with a clear sense of justice, who desires to look after the vunerable and those unable to protect themselves. The kind of people Bruce wants to protect is the kind of person Kazuya used to be, before he had to grow up alone without that kind of care. That Kazuya keeps Bruce close to him, and that this is an aspect of him that does not clash with working for Kazuya, speaks to a complexity both in their relationship and in who they are as people. They understand and respect one another.
In terms of where they left off in Tekken 6, Bruce's ending features him successfully winning a skirmish for G Corp. It is likely Kazuya that he is speaking to in English on his radio. I've made this argument more substantially on Bruce's wiki page. As we have had no further information on Bruce, it is likely that he has been in the field for all of Tekken 7. Since G Corp have now won all meaningful warfare (they were previously outnumbered and worse equipped than the Zaibatsu), it would make sense for Bruce to be recalled to Kazuya's side. I doubt he would ever leave Kazuya or substantially question his intentions. He has known him a long time and is aware of his moods, as well as his pain, and how stubborn he can be. If Bruce wanted out, he would have done so a long time ago, and he wouldn't have returned to Kazuya's side and helped him take power between Tekken 5 and 6. He knows what he's getting into with Kazuya and works for him despite that.
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I've mentioned elsewhere in various posts about Kazuya, but he's someone who is too paranoid, proud, and controlling to have 'friends'. Instead he has employees, and the power difference between them is something that allows him to lower some defences. They are not a threat to him, they choose to be with him, and they are people he can confide in, and who's company he can enjoy. Anna and Bruce are people who understand that one can never 'just be friends' with Kazuya, but see whatever relationship they do have with him as something valuable despite this. Bruce in particulr has no ulterior motive for working for Kazuya, and came to aid him even when he was someone without power or wealth. Whilst Kazuya isn't a sociable person like Heihachi or Lee, he, unlike, Heihachi or Lee, actually has a much closer circle of people he trusts and who trust and are loyal to him in turn.
I would like to see Tekken 8 work to bring Kazuya's complexities to the game's story, and Bruce is in an ideal place to help make that happen. I also would love to see Bruce interacting with other G Corp employees, especially Chloe. She's someone younger and bratty, and I can see Bruce having a tired but very generous spirit towards her. I always think Tekken is at its best when it shows the greyscale of characters and lets them feel more human. It also brings much greater tragedy to their downfalls and failings. Watching a villain be brought down is a momentary feeling of justice, but watching someone who became a monster out of pain still have gentle relationships with others fall because he became what he hated, strikes much deeper.
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letsgofullpogue · 2 years
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via ig - wildtuck
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daikenkki · 4 months
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blue-dissolve · 24 days
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clownprince · 1 year
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ik i just used this in my last post but i'm posting it again separately bc this shit has been absolutely fucking haunting me since i read it. the bits about joker in riddler's gambit are emotionally devastating in general esp the part abt bruce missing an obvious pattern bc he didn't want to admit joker was gone and the part near the end where he basically refuses to let himself mourn joker bc gotham needs him. but this paragraph specifically makes me want to tear all of my hair out. bruce clinging to the chance that joker's still alive and believing that he should be happy that joker is gone and the city is safer but still not being able to shake the feeling that he lost someone close to him because he DID lose someone close to him!!! ggghhhh pain
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