#Bruce Wayne
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gotham-at-nightfall · 32 minutes ago
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Absolute Batman #5
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janovavalen · 59 minutes ago
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Gotham , teen titans, titans
ㆍ୨୧ㆍ dick grayson
late on valentine day : dick was late to his promised day with his girlfriend, but she still loved him, even though he didn’t eat her homemade chocolates
ㆍ୨୧ㆍ beast boy
ㆍ୨୧ㆍ tim drake
ㆍ୨୧ㆍ barry allen
ㆍ୨୧ㆍ superman / kent clark
ㆍ୨୧ㆍbruce wayne / bruce wayne from gotham
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rheitais · 2 hours ago
Dp x Dc Prompt - Saving Graces
I mostly wrote this due to the lack of Trans Femme Danny.
When it came to magic the justice league had 2 people they asked. Zatanna, is the most popular option. She was kind but straight to the point. Knowledgeable and quick to answer even with her busy schedule. The other was John Constantine. They only called him if Zatanna was unavailable. He was stubborn rude and most times cryptic. He was about as helpful as a crossword puzzle. If you got ahold of him then you're either lucky or Batman.
The difference between Zatanna and Constantine was how much people knew about them. Zatanna was public, she was an actress and performer while Constantine only had rumors and speculations around him. His reputation was about as much as people knew about Constantine's private life.
On such occasions, Zatanna actually redirected the league to Constantine. She told them that despite her having her specialities, necromancy and the dead was a Constantine thing. She didn't know why or how he knew so much but he was their best option for the current problem the league was having. They were hesitant but didn't really have a choice. Constantine wasn't in the tower like usual so they had to call him.
"This better be important spooky I am kinda busy." There was a lot of screaming on his end. Batman explained their situation and Constantine couldn't help but chuckled.
"I'm not an expert, but my wife can definitely give you advice on a ghost."
Wait wife?!
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l0singsdogs · 2 hours ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Red Robin (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson & Haley | Dick Grayson's Dog, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Damian Wayne, Titus | Damian Wayne's Dog, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Clark Kent, Oliver Queen, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Barbara Gordon, Original Characters Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Skateboarder Tim Drake, Dick Grayson is Not a Police Officer, Vegetarian Damian Wayne, Artist Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain is a Wayne, Damian Wayne Acts Like a Kid, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne Bonding, Dick Grayson Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling, Jason Todd Loves Classic Literature, Gotham City is in New Jersey (DCU), Dick Grayson Loves His Family, Dick Grayson Loves Koriand'r, Good Parent Janet Drake, Mentioned Janet Drake, there's orginal characters but don't worry about them, Good Parent Talia al Ghul Summary:
A world where there were no aliens, no metahumans, and no second chances at life. Where the Justice League didn’t exist, and heroes were nothing more than characters in movies. Where the Joker was just a playing card, and Batman was nothing more than a clever turn of phrase. Gotham was just another city. The police did their best to keep the streets safe. A world without heroes. Without vigilantes. It's a normal world. Or maybe the Batfamily had fallen into another universe—one where vigilantes, powers, and mutants were never real, where there were no secret identities, only family, goals, and dreams. Or perhaps, for just a fleeting moment, Bruce Wayne could dream of a normal life.
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jasontoddsass · 2 hours ago
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he has the range
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riddler-enthusiast · 2 hours ago
Like Father Like Son
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clockwork76 · 2 hours ago
HEY! Drawl is being posted tomorrow for Valentines Day! This is the fic where Clark has a southern accent and abt sends Brucie to the ER! I’ll be posting tomorrow in response to the og post with the link! Stay tuned!
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thegoldenageofxyz · 2 hours ago
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ditzy billionaire plays pool
uhmmmnn yeah!
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fanfic-obsessed · 3 hours ago
A mating of the soul
Here is another one that requires some careful build up beforehand. It has been on my mind for a while and I think it has finally percolated enough to release into the wild to find its forever home. 
As always, ignore any part of canon that contradicts this, for I certainly am.
So this one is going to take some necessary world building facts, then some world building cultural implications, and finally some actual build up to get to the scenes in my head.  Buckle in folks, the ride is about to begin. 
World building Facts
Soulmates: Soulmates exist, with all the regular mythology and usage as in our world (the universe is saying that we should be together).  However the reality is much different.  Soulmates are two or more people who make a vow during a highly specific ritual that carries over through every lifetime after (This relationship can be platonic, familial, romantic, even adversarial).  This ritual has been lost since before any writing was invented, no one can even be sure that this ritual originated on earth. Part of the reason for that is as part of the ritual itself, the participants sacrifice their knowledge of how to do the ritual. 
Getting down to the specifics, in the initial ritual all the participants (2 or more people) make a vow of some kind. This vow is unique to the pair or group, and in making this vow there is a mystical bond created between the participants, making them soulmates in that life and every life after.  In every life after the soulmates will find each other, and know each other (though specific memories of those previous lives will be of the feelings rather than the events), and they have a choice. They may make the vow, unchanged since it was first made, again reaffirming the bond for that lifetime. They may choose to stay connected but not reaffirm the vow for that lifetime (for instance if they met each other late in that life and one or all the partners have other commitments for the lifetime that mean they cannot keep the vow). They may also choose to dissolve the bonding entirely, painlessly. 
Should the soulmates reaffirm the vow, and one of the soulmates breaks that vow in that lifetime, a phenomenon called bondrot occurs. Bondrot is excruciating pain for the soulmates that did not break their vow, the magic of the ritual trying to encourage the complete shattering of the bond. Should all soulmates in a bond break the vow, not only is the bond forever broken but the former soulmates will live with an unspecified pain of something missing, in every life thereafter.
Magic: A quick note about magic in this universe. Magic functions a bit like chemistry or medication, in that different magic can mix and have strange reactions to each other. Any magic user above rank amateur (like any doctor worth their license) will not cast magic on a person where they do not know all the magic affecting them. 
For the purposes of this, the Lazarus Pit counts as magic. So does the Soulmate Ritual, no matter how many lifetimes ago the ritual was cast. 
World Building Cultural implications  
Now this next bit are not actual facts. However there is a culture that has grown up around these reincarnated soulmates. Even though most do not actually have solid memories of their past lives, they do start to recognize each other through the centuries.  Enough that in the past 200 years or so, there has been a small town of soulmates that has sprung up with enough magic that it is not tied to any one place but is accessible from all over the world. One pair of soulmates in this town have figured out how to bring forward more of the knowledge they have gained about Soulmates over their many lifetimes, and are the foremost experts in Soul based magic. 
Not every soulmate grouping lives in this town, but most come in contact with it in their lifetimes and certain cultural norms have developed. 
The Vow: Every group of soulmates guard their vow and it’s wording with everything they are. The only people who know the wording of the Vow are the people that swear it. Though no one actually knows, most soulmate groups believe that the initial ritual was created by some form of slaves, fearing that they would be separated from their loved ones.  Thus they keep the working a secret so that no one will be able to induce Bondrot or force the bonds to break. 
Current Lives: There is a tendency throughout all the soulmates to be somewhat disconnected from the people in their current lives. No one can really tell if the disconnect comes from the soulmates (not forming connections in the current life because they have connections already) or the non soulmate (that they can sense something strange so never form that connection) or some combination of both.  Because of this disconnect soulmates tend not to talk about being soulmates with anyone in their current lives.
Death: Soulmates do not see death as an ending, and in some cases is the answer to a problem (particularly if that problem is related to Bondrot). Most of the time, once one member of a soulmate group dies, the others die within about 6 months. Generally enough time to put their affairs in order. 
Now, almost three pages in, it is time to build the specifics.
One, Jason and Tim are soulmates. It is and was a romantic relationship.  They reaffirmed their vow (The vow they made was swearing to never willinging kiss another-further reinforcing the idea that the initial ritual was designed by slaves) two months before Jason died in Ethiopia, but had not told anyone in the batfam that they knew each other. 
Tim started to get his affairs in order, but realized that Bruce was losing his shit over Jason’s death. Thus decides that, before he can join Jason he needs to get Bruce back into better mental ground, still never letting on who Jason was to him. By the time Bruce is stable, Red Hood has been revealed as Jason. But here’s the twist. 
Jason comes back, digs himself out of his grave, and is thrown in the Lazarus Pit by Talia. Talia wants him to forge him into a weapon against Bruce, to an extent. She wants to break down Bruce’s psyche so that she and Ra’s can mold Bruce into the heir to the Demon’s head.  If her plan had gone as it was supposed to, Jason would have been wielded to kill Tim and Dick then killed by Bruce (in the midst of a grief fueled psychotic break) only to be revealed as Jason Todd as he died. Talia would then swoop in to the Broken Bruce with the lure of a remaining son (Damian). Bruce would follow after her for the sake of the only child he had left and she would mold him into the person she wanted him to be. 
This is not what happened. And where Magic enters. 
In the first place, there is no way that Jason does not recognize Tim, Robin costume or not. And Jason has no problem with his soulmate being Robin. Second, death does not mean the same thing to Jason as it would to most, and he’s aware of that.  He’s a little irritated at the Joker for murdering him, but despite the fact that he has no clear memories of his past life he is pretty sure that the Joker is not the only person to murder him (also to a certain extent does not feel traumatized/surprised that the Joker- an unrepentant murderer- murdered him). He is more betrayed and pissed at Sheila but she ends up dead. Jason is also very aware that Bruce has tons of trauma regarding death, so does not come out of the Pit thinking that Bruce should have killed (thus triggering the destruction of the core of Bruce’s being) the Joker.  He also outright, and vocally, disbelieves Talia when she tries to say that Dick deliberately missed his funeral.. 
In short Talia is not able to weaponize Jason after the Lazarus pit. So she finds a magic user. Later opinions will say she found an idiot of an amateur magic user, who she has cast a memory spell on Jason. It is a spell to suppress his happy memories from before his death, and to increase his anger toward Bruce, Tim, and Dick to a very specific level (so he does not go kill Bruce outright).
The Soulmate ritual is soul magic. It is ancient and, save for Bondrot and the bond breaking, is unbreakable.  However it does not need to be broken to be affected. If a person’s memory of making The Vow, and the memories of the person they made the vow to is suppressed, then how will Jason even know there is something to break or that he has. 
The Lazarus pit is magic of the body and mind. It heals and hurts and causes madness that is supposed to fade after a time. It saturates and causes instability, but is supposed to drain from the flesh.
The final spell cast is one of the mind and the emotions.  It is cast to be permanent, but not in the same way that Soul magic is permanent (it lasts unto death or being broken not it lasts unto eternity).  It is meant to exist on the surface and shape a person, but not meant to penetrate deeper. 
As far as Talia is concerned, the memory spell worked as intended, Jason no longer remembered most of his good memories from before his death and wanted to kill ‘The Replacement’. She noted that Jason’s pit madness did not seem to be fading like it should be, but cared very little about it. After all, it would not hurt her plans.  
She released him on Gotham to become The Red Hood. 
When Jason attacked Tim at Titan’s Tower, Tim realized quickly that something was wrong. He managed to knock Jason out and call ‘Doc’, a member of the soulmate group that was the foremost authority in soulmates and soul magic.  Doc was able to examine Jason, read the magic laid on him and their interactions. The magic had combined into a horrific Gordian knot, making it impossible to undo any of the magic without breaking any of the rest (and with that shattering both Jason and Tims souls and sending them into an eternity of agony).  They also could not tell Jason what was going on, for fear that the knowledge would put pressure on the memory spell (which was poorly applied besides), thus back to shattering it and  their souls. Though Tim and Doc discuss death as a reset, they cannot be sure that the magic will not follow them into the next life and make things worse.
Tim makes the decision to not tell the rest of the Batfam either, correctly deducing that they would never be able to leave it alone. He maintains the status quo, never letting on the pain he was feeling as Jason, not remembering their vow, breaks it often. He tell no one about his deeper relationship to Jason. 
Now we have built enough to arrive at the scenes in my head, set a few years after Bruce returns from the Timestream. The Bats (Batman, Red Hood, Nightwing, Red Robin, Black Bat, Batgirl, Robin), two lanterns, along with Zatanna and Constantine are captured by some weird new villain who has a device, decidedly running on science and not magic, that is supposed to transform suffering/ bad memories into  power for the villian. The villain had already drained one of the Lanterns, who was from off world, into a near catatonic state. 
The villain, who doesn’t get a name, they are not important enough, takes Jason to put in the machine, also plugs himself in and turns it on…
Only to begin to scream, which is not what happened the first time. The magic acting on Jason reacted badly to the villains machine.  For the villain. 
The distraction is enough for the group of heroes to break out and capture the villain. Tim goes right to unstrap Jason. 
Jason wakes up and calls Tim by a name the Bats had never heard (a nickname that had stuck around through each lifetime) and as Tim goes still, Jason apologizes over and over for what he was doing, saying that he can feel himself being dragged under again.  After a small amount of time Jason goes silent and when he speaks again it is clear he does not remember anything after being strapped into the machine. 
Later, during the debriefing in the Cave with the Bats and the two magic users (the lanterns had left to get the injured lantern medical care), Damian brings up Jasons strange words after the machine was turned off. Damian goes to say what Jason had called Tim, but Tim interrupts, saying that if Damian attempts to speak that term, Tim would rip his tongue out and feed it to him. Completely serious and threatening in a way that is unusual.  
There is a bit of back and forth while Tim tries to not have to answer any questions, Jason is very confused and irritated, and the rest of the table is only mildly less confused. Finally Tim does convince them that saying the wrong thing would have disastrous consequences (Dick: What’s the worst that could happen? Tim: You shatter the minds and souls of multiple people and send them into eternal agony), but they convince him that it is better to give them, including Jason, as much information as possible. Tim insists on calling Doc to explain things.  He also turns to Bruce and goes “Doc knows me as a civilian, we can either invite him to the Cave, and disclose our identities to him, or we can invite him to the Manor and Constantine and Zatanna can stop pretending they don’t know who we are.”
Batman decides to receive this Doc in one of the manor’s sitting rooms. 
Doc arrives, Tim gives him a brief overview of what went on. Doc then surprises everyone by asking Tim if he had any additional pain (since Tim is bearing all of the pain from their Bondrot, he would know better if the machine had done anything to make the bond unstable).  When Tim says no, Doc nods to himself and murmurs that they then have time to do things right. He looks at Jason and asks if he was ok with the rest, barring Tim, knowing what was going on. Dick tries to interject but Doc says that without Jason and Tim’s ok, none of them were learning squat. 
Jason does decide that he is okay with the bats and the magic users knowing whatever was going on. Doc nods and goes “Alright, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to do a quick spell to give an overview of what is going on. Mostly to establish my bonafides with the magic users, so that when I explain the sheer fuckery going on we don’t waste time with what I should or should not know. Then I will tell you what the parts that I safely can.” Jason starts to look even more irate “What I do or do not tell you has nothing to do with your abilities. But I will not risk a 80% of unending agony for your ego. After I explain I will do a slightly deeper check, then you will choose someone, not Tim, to make decisions on your behalf, I cast a spell to ensure that they will make choices with your long term interest at heart, then you and Tim will go somewhere out of earshot so that I can give a more complete explanation.Then see if we can plan on where to go from here.”
Jason let Doc do the overview spell (specifically created to not interfere with other magic), the results of which appear in triplicate on letter sized paper on a nearby table. The Doc goes “The long and short of it is, at some point after your cam out f the Lazarus Pits some moron of an amateur magic user cast a spell on you which interacted weirdly with both the Pit and another piece of beneficial magic that, if broken, is going to result in that eternal agony. Because of the interaction between the magic we can’t remove one without breaking the others. Too much information about the spell effects will cause your mind to break the spell and lead to the aforementioned eternal agony.”
With that Doc moved on to a verbal check with Tim. Things like likelihood of nightmares for Tim tonight (Tim: 100% Jay saw me completely for 1 minute 19 seconds before fading); Tim’s current pain level (Tim: 9.3 out of 10; Doc: That’s lower than I thought. Tim: 1 minute 19 second) and other questions that no one had the context for but the answers were still concerning.  
After that Jason picks Alfred to speak on his behalf, Doc behinds Alfred to make decisions for Jason’s long term welfare no matter Alfred’s feelings on the matter (on the off chance that Death is brought up as an option again). After Jason and Tim are out of earshot, Doc hands Constantine and Zatanna the most recent result of the spell, also summoning the previous results as well to give a more complete picture. 
The first thing Constantine said was agreeing that the memory spell was cast by a moron.  Then he gets a little pale when he sees the Soulmate magic that is affecting Jason. 
Doc explains Soulmates, that Jason and Tim are Soulmates in this sense, and what exactly the combination of magic on Jason is doing. He also mentions in this explanation that killing Tim and Jason had been discussed but put aside and that Jason had broken their vow (one of the contextless questions asked) three times in the last week. 
All of the bats, including Damian, are a little distressed to realize that the only reason that Death was not still be considered as an answer was that they did not know if the convoluted magic would follow Jason into the next life. Also Bruce and Dick were having a bit of a crisis in the realization that Bruce’s breakdown had prevented Tim’s death before they ever met him. 
Though Black Bat is not particularly well versed in magic, she is the one (while peering curiously over Zatanna’s shoulder) that points out there is a difference between the most recent results and the ones from previous overview spells cast. Doc looks and realizes that the machine had shifted something in the spell, in that telling Jason the vow he made would no longer shatter the spells. From the readings it was clear if Jason and Tim made their vow again, it would reestablish their bond, free of the other magic.  
There is still a risk. There was about a 20% chance it would not work and the act of Tim (because Tim is the only person who remembers the Vow) telling the vow to Jason would shatter them both. 
Doc (who had previously, extensively, discussed Tim’s wishes on the subject with him)and Alfred (bound by magic as well) decide that 20% is worth the risk, to Batman’s vocal displeasure.  The call JAson and Tim back in. Because of the way that the machine shifted the magic, they cannot tell Jason what he is vowing or why. All they can say is that Tim is going to tell you a vow that you will have to make, and that should fix things. 
Tim gets no explanation either, but goes along with it. He does insist that they find a room big enough that they can be in sight, but far enough away that no one can overhear their vow. 
They say their vows again (‘I swear not to willingly kiss anyone but you’) and it works, reestablishing their bond. It does not fully break the other spells, though that will come naturally with time.  But the bond being reestablished is enough for Jason to gain some of the knowledge he has again about soulmates and realize exactly how much pain he has been causing Tim.
Jason and tim, now holding hands, say goodbye to Doc (after another brief check to make sure things are as astable as can be) and go to leave to head to Tim’s Nest. The batfam expresses vocal displeasure with that. Jason goes ‘both of us are due about three panic attacks…each. We need to feel completely safe to do that, and the manor has not been safe for us for a long time’.
I have no idea where it goes from there, but anyone who wants to pick it up and run with it is welcome.
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thesulkycroissant · 3 hours ago
Still thinking about, "I don't know how to not trust you," in relation to Bruce and the many ways it could be said by his kids
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geelatinous · 3 hours ago
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happy valentine’s day ! who do you think he’s giving the flowers to???😝😝😝
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anywho I hope everyone who saw this gets flowers and a big kiss.
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christianbalefanatic · 4 hours ago
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Christian Bale as Batman/Bruce Wayne in the Batman Begins (2005) dir. Christopher Nolan
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wowowokay · 4 hours ago
Here are some more fics!!
What Happens in Gotham, Stays in Gotham - Lizzie Raine (particularlygeeky)
Okay so basically really sad fic Tim isn’t really in contact with the batfam anymore and he’s become okay with that and the fact the only family he really has is Kon Bart and Cassie when they finally realize it’s already too late (dun..dun….DUNNNN) but yeah fr really sad I cried a lot lolol
Words: 9,956 Chapters: 5/5
Nothingness - TheYellowHedgehog
Okay not one I would usually read well, besides the fact it’s a sad Tim drake centric fic lolol but also a mer fic!! But also still really really sad so warning I started tearing up bad for this one
Words: 2,658 Chapters: 1/1
Note: I’m so sorry this is all I’m posting for now I’m ngl the old schedule burnt me out so bad I haven’t been in the mood to read and that’s one tragic for me and two super not normal so yeah I’m definitely gonna be sticking to this schedule and hopefully in a couple of weeks from now I’ll be feeling not as burnt out mainly cause I really do wanna be able to post about two to four fic recs every five days anddd I think that’s all enjoy!!!
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l0singsdogs · 2 hours ago
After some time, I’ve finally released my first fanfic for this fandom—and also my first one entirely in English. I usually write more for Marvel and in Spanish, but I think this is something I want to try.
A quick summary: the Batfam finds themselves in a normal world, where life can be happy, and at some point, they can achieve their own dreams in their own way.
Please feel free to check it out! If you have any questions or doubts, my inbox is open.
ao3 links.
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hmslusitania · 4 hours ago
I think the person who would be most upset about a Batlantern situation wouldn’t be, like, Clark or any of the more Bruceward members of the Justice League. I think it would be Ollie, and the argument about it would become just utterly irrational from the word go like
Ollie: well fuck Hal if you wanted that many step kids I’m RIGHT. HERE.
Hal: you’re basically married!
Ollie: and I love my almost wife that’s not the point!
Bruce, smug: I guess I’m just a better sugardaddy than you, Queen
Ollie: whichever of your spawn taught you that is dead to me
[Titans Tower, the game room]
Dick: something just happened
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