#Bubble those spines for funsies
kakusu-shipping · 5 months
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Two Urchins and a Jellyfish; Childhood friends to lovers and also I'm there. Platonically.
Felt like doodling @cakeships tonight for funsies. Having a good time.
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tenjikufag · 4 months
Growing Pains
Laios Touden x Tiefling!MaleReader
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-ANGST, established relationship, anatomy mentions, body image
-for funsies, make your own tiefling self here !! (will redirect to picrew)
-read part 2 here!
This wasn’t supposed to happen, let alone outside of the dungeon. It was in town and happening in your home.
Tears ran down your face, hands in your mouth while you watched as your canines grew and became more sharp.. almost like a vampire.
You wished you had been turned into a vampire.
There was a curse, a dark magic spell, casted upon you and you had no idea from who or how it came to you.
You were turning into a tiefling, a demon as most described them. To many there was no discernment, evil races were just that. Evil. Vile. Shameful.
Paired with the drows, orcs, those society deemed subhuman.
You were a human, a tallman, to have your world turned upside down and forcibly swapped.. your stomach bubbled it’s way into your throat as bile made you hurl over and wretch into the toilet.
Laios was gone, he was exploring the dungeon with his party once again.. he wouldn’t be back for, hopefully, atleast a week..
You wanted to leave, you needed to find something to help you or at the very least.. leave Laios, you didn’t want him to become afraid of you.
Watching him look at you in disgust, fear, anxiety, maybe even apathy? You weren’t sure, you didn’t want to wait to see how he would react.. he adored monsters and while his interest was well known to you and everybody around him.. this was different. It was you. His partner. Not just a random monster in passing, not only just an obstacle in his path and not an organism he could study.
A pang throbbed through your head, a new panic settled in as you reach to the side of your head and your ears grew pointy and horns started to form just above your hairline.
You gagged, unfamiliar sensations around your body felt like poison in your veins and caused more bile to burn at your throat. Nothing came up but bile and spots of blood from the shifting inside..
The tingles in your spine sent waves of discomfort to your whole body.. shaking, you peered behind you.
A tail.
An obnoxious, obvious, tail.
“Please… no..”
Sobs poured out, you gripped the new appendage with disdain, it was freakish, ugly, foreign and terribly scary.
Struggling to stand, a final look in the mirror forced a veil of horror in yourself.
This wasn’t you, but it was. The body you’d lived in was no longer one you recognized and the discomfort made you want to shred your flesh from the bone in hopes to restart, to go back to normal.
There wasn’t a second to lose. You needed to leave, and fast.
Every person around became a painfully obvious nuisance to escaping from here.. not an escape but an abandonment of the life you’ve made yourself.
You were an adventurer, you had all the gear, but you hadn’t gone out for quite some time due to party issues and wanting to be there for when your dear boyfriend came home.. you couldn’t do that for him anymore.. ink glided across a piece of paper, it’s unfair to everyone but this would be for the best. Your heart poured into the inked words, tears staining and spreading spots of the ink.
He needed a goodbye.
It’s what he needed if he were to move on.
It ached deeply to think of him loving and holding someone instead of you, but he deserved someone that wasn’t so… abnormal.
Leaving the note on the table, you hastily packed essential belongings and threw a hooded cape across yourself in attempts to conceal the new body of yours. That left the tail.. the goddamn tail! Arguably the most unsightly aspect of it all, how the hell would you cover that?!
Finding old belts and garters would be your best bet, you’d anchor the appendage to your leg or your waist… pulling down your pants the tail wrapped around your leg and you quickly restrained it against the limb, putting your pants over it, pulling your tall boots to hide the end of it that peaked out.
Making final checks, you looked as normal as any other person here.. snatching the bag of coins, you tied it to your waist and took off.
Away from your home.
Away from your life.
Away from Laios…
“Exits just up ahead!”
Laois called to his group, a soft smile on his face when he looked back and saw how tired they all were. Chilchuck grumbled a ‘finally’, Marcille and Falin talked amongst themselves but acknowledged their ‘leader’.
He was excited to go home, even if the dungeon felt like a second home he knew this recent trial had exhausted him more than usual. The man thought about you, how you always greet him with a big hug and a kiss, a warm home meal, and all the pampering the low maintenance male could ever dream of.
“I assume you’re headin straight home huh?”
Chilchuck asked, catching up to pace with Laois. The half-foot typically went to the nearest tavern to indulge in proper, tasty liquor after the dry spell in the dungeon,
“Yep! He’s going to be waiting for me and I want to see him as soon as possible!”
“Hm, mind if I stop by to say hi? I haven’t seen him in quite some time and he said he had somethin’ for me.”
That was true, you’d acquired some fairly new and fancy lock picking tools that you assumed would be in better hands with him. The blonde smiled and nodded, finally feeling the fresh air and breeze on his cheeks.
Off he was to your home, to you.
There wasn’t much speaking, the group stayed in a comfortable silence as they surveyed the homey town.
It was typical to stop by the shared home, dropping off gear and such then heading out for a more fancy group meal (after his home meal) and drinks together.
Laois felt giddy, turning the door handle and stepping inside..
It was quiet. Pouting, his slumped his shoulders and moved so the others could pile into the home..
“It.. it looks a bit dusty in here..”
Chilchuck ran a finger across the table, picking up a thin layer of dust.
“Hm.. Y/n? I’m home!”
He wandered around the space, only to be met by empty rooms, empty bathrooms, empty closets..
“Maybe he went out, we can probably find him in town!”
The blonde wasn’t one to stress, but he did feel quite antsy about the unusual homecoming.. as he walked back into the living room, he saw his group huddled around the table.. reading a letter.
“Oh? What’s that?”
Falin had tears pricking at her eyes, Marcille looked like she was going to throw up and Chilchuck looked… bewildered and worried.
Falin choked, running to his side and gripping him in a hug.
“I can’t.. give this to him, Chilchuck.”
Marcille covered her mouth, passing the note. Chilchuck looked solemn and slowly walked towards Laois.
He was confused, and the reactions from his friends didn’t ease any worry he had about you not being here.
“To Laois, the love of my life,”
He gulped, feverishly he continued to read the note..
‘Something has changed here, and I need you to know that first and foremost it is nothing to do with you.. I love you endlessly and never thought in a million years that I would ever leave your side. Not even in death did I imagine having to lose you like this..”
Laois felt his throat close up, he read quicker than he ever had before and before he knew it there were silent tears flowing down his cheeks.
You left.
You were gone and didn’t even say goodbye.. all you left was a letter.
‘I’m sorry, I can’t speak the words to tell you how sorry I am. You don’t need to forgive me, you can resent me, curse me, whatever you need to do to move on.. I love you, I always will and that’s why I have to leave. You are the only love I will have until the end of my days, my soul is bound to you forevermore but I ask of you to forget me.. move on with your life and make sure to take care of your group.. take care of yourself. Continue to be the loving, caring, optimistic and charming person you are.
Thank you, for the love you gave me.
Goodbye, Laois.’
The male frantically flipped the letter over, rereading to find some kind of sign that this was a prank, a bad joke.. you were going to come in as soon as he was done reading to laugh at him!
“Laois.. “
He tensed, feeling a hand on his shoulder. Marcille looked up at him, trying to read the emotions he had or lack thereof..
“It’s not true. He would never leave!”
Chilchuck and Marcille looked at eachother, distressed but not nearly as panicked as their friend.. who still held the letter in a vice grip.
“I don’t know what to say to you.. we will help you-“
“Great. We will search for him together!”
“I don’t think that’s what he would want-“
“What if he was taken! I don’t know if this was him! The Y/n I know would never do this!”
Laois’ voice cracked, it couldn’t be from you.. surely you were forced to do this because yes it was your handwriting and your own stationary but there were too many possibilities-
“Laois.. if he doesn’t come back in a day or two we will set out with you..”
“Yeah.. you know him better than any of us would ever know him.. I’m trusting your intuition but you gotta promise me one thing..”
Chilchuck gripped Laois’ wrist tightly
“If what we find isn’t good, if it was him and he doesn’t want to come back..”
He inhaled sharply, scrunching his nose at his own words.. not believing them himself
“You have to promise to let him go.”
Laois’ stomach churned, it felt like curdled milk in his stomach.. surely you wouldn’t leave him on your own volition.. right?
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