#Buffy the vampire slayer tie-in books
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As I've mentioned a number of times, I LOVE how the Buffy and Angel tie-in books acknowledge each other. Like, these two bottom scenes are two of the "Wicked Willow" books referencing "Tempted Champions."
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paperbackpurgatory · 4 months
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
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Novelization by Richie Tankersley Cusick
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coraniaid · 4 months
I know India Cohen is a character who exists in the sort-of-canon tie-in books that were being published while the show was still on the air, but I think it's a shame that we never had any sort of flashback to or mention of the Slayer immediately before Buffy on the show (whether that was India herself or if they invented somebody else).
Was Buffy never at all curious about her predecessor? Even before meeting Kendra or Faith we know Buffy wondered a bit about what would happen if she was killed ("I know the drill: one Slayer dies, next one's called. Wonder who she is."), and we know she looks at the past Watcher's diaries and talks to Spike about the Slayers he killed. So then why the lack of curiosity about the girl whose death directly led to Buffy's own calling? What better place to start learning about what it means to be a Slayer than from her?
And was there nobody that previous Slayer knew who might have crossed paths with the Scooby Gang in the present day? If Buffy had died for good in Prophecy Girl, Angel and Giles and the rest of the Buffy's friends wouldn't have just stopped fighting evil on the Hellmouth entirely. Eventually, they'd have met Kendra (who would still have come to town as she does in What's My Line?) too. If Kendra had died, maybe they'd have met Faith too. Nikki Wood had a Watcher who mourned her and a son who grew up to avenge her. Didn't the Slayer before Buffy have anybody like that?
Imagine some vampire or demon or monster of the week showing up in Sunnydale because they have unfinished business with "the Slayer" and they've finally been able to track her down, only to learn that the Slayer they're looking for isn't Buffy but somebody long dead. Imagine an episode in Season 7 where we at first think we're seeing another Potential being attacked by agents of the First, only for her to reveal herself as the Slayer and the show to admit that this is a flashback to the distant past of 1994 or 1995. Imagine Buffy having to finish something that earlier Slayer started; getting a sense of what it must be like to be Kendra or Faith after spending time with people who remember the girl who died so that Buffy come become the Chosen One.
I mean, I sort of understand why the show never did this: it would be kind of depressing and involve introducing a lot new characters for a single episode (which is something the show really shied away from doing after the first three seasons). I know they probably left that to the expanded universe material for a reason.
It just feels a little strange that, watching the show, you could almost convince yourself that Nikki Wood was the last Slayer before Buffy (and indeed, that would have been a lot more consistent with the show's stated premise that there is exactly one Slayer "in every generation" than the later take that a new Slayer is called the instant the last one dies turned out to be).
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You make great art!
Your opinions on Vi’s alternate designs?
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I could stare at her all day. Perfection.
Design wise? Her final one is (chef's kiss) SUCH a good balance of showing and contrasting Violet’s personality.
And the alternates show why!
She’s a nerd. Shorthand for that is usually glasses, as seen in almost all her alternative designs. (Think Velma from Scooby Doo.) Not a bad trope.
But at the same time, does her character need a visual short hand for smartness?
Just the way Violet SPEAKS tells you she’s a nerd. She uses big words, and calls people by their full names. When we first meet her it’s in a LIBRARY and her and Webby instantly start switching between various ancient languages.
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We don’t need glasses to know she smart and a nerd.
So unless the show is willing to commit to some moments or gags where Violet loses her glasses / takes them off specifically not to see something / cleans them regularly as a character tick (think Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Conservation of Character Design says get rid of them.
Which the show creators did.
(also her introduction scene includes Quackfaster, and I appreciate that, instead of them both wearing glasses- a thing that isn't actually about smartness literally it's just wanting to be able to see- the thing Violet shares with the Terrifying Librarian is... hair tie / hair band, including the color thereof.)
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(It's a more personal choice. And it's message is "Practical")
Next is clothing style. Most of her alternates have a more fancy, ‘outfit’ kinda look to them. Like this is something she put together to get a specific Look. Nothing wrong with that. Nerds can be fashionable (Ellie Woods queen thereof).
But… there isn’t anything in Violet’s personality, story, or situation that connects to that idea.
Her things are Books, Learning, Forbidden Magics, Honorable Conduct in Contests and Duels, Adopting Stray Shadow Teens Off The Street As Her New Sister, Brining Pie To A Sleepover, Smacking Invading Moon People With A Spiked Mace, and Using Tibetan Breathing Techniques To Survive Eating Three Bowls Of Deadly Hot Spices In A Row.
The closest she gets to caring about her appearance is when her and Webby (and then her and Lena) put on gruesome costume make up and prosthetics for fun.
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So a snazzy outfit, while cool, doesn’t really… jive with the vibe of Violet Sabrewing.
Nerd clothes, like a vest, isn’t needed the same reason glasses aren’t. Also the details would be a pain to draw over and over again. Even Webby’s clothes don’t have that much little bits in them.
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High collars again look cool… but Lena’s already got that covered. Stand them next to each other, and where’s the contrast?
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Violet wouldn’t “pop” next to Lena if they had that on top of Violet’s dark color scheme and Lena’s dark sweater.
Wearing the same thing (to show characters are connected to each other) works best when either the color or the style DOES contrast sharply
(Huey Louie Dewy and May June wearing basically the same thing as their siblings, but in very different colors)
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(side note I’ll make a separate thing for someday: Lena and Webby with button down collar shirts worn under something, but with different style, effect, and colors)
The leggings are seen on two of Violets alternates and I think that got picked for Meta Simplicity and also In-Character Practicality.
They’re athletic, the kind of thing that isn’t at risk of snagging on stuff (befitting an eventual Senior Junior Woodchuck), and the dark color balances out with her hair. And they’re VERY easy to draw. Very good!
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Sweater with turtle neck (unless it’s one of those very loose ones) usually gets used as shorthand for “Comfort over Appearance” (Velma again, contrasting Daphne)
And in this case it’s a contrast with Lena who LOOKS like she doesn’t care at first glance but actually has put maybe the most effort into her outfit (sweater stolen from favorite band, dyed her hair, wears bright colored converse in a world where most people go bare foot)
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and Webby, who is wearing basically a uniform (picked by her Granny or by herself while daydreaming of experiencing Normal School Things???)
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So to balance out Lena’s rebel teen punk look, and Webby’s prim and proper look, Violet has a comfort and practicality look.
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They kept the eyeshadow.
See, eyeshadow on someone who wears an ‘outfit’ (Lena, Daisy) says fashion minded and image conscious.
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(this includes Beakly the former spy taking up the role of grandmother).
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Eyeshadow on someone who wears a non-snazzy turtle neck and legging with her hair tied away from her face in a simple ponytail says something else completely-
It says, Violet likes eyeshadow, and that is the ONLY reason she wears it.
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Either she doesn’t notice that it’s unusual to do this, or she doesn’t care.  
THAT is showing her personality.
If it’s that she doesn’t know it’s unusual, then that fits with her in the Woodchuck Challenge not knowing about smack talk until Lena teaches her, and in Friendship Hates Magic brining a pie to a sleepover, and in The Split Sword of Swanstantine wondering in the middle of a fight if she should change in to more occasion appropriate clothes instead of, you know, running.
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Smart yes, savvy to social norms? Not so much.
If it’s that she doesn’t care, then that fits with her direct and blunt way of getting what she wants out of situations, never mind others' objections-
-Instantly running to Webby’s loft so she can see the picture of the demon lord and confirm the crookedness of his fang, repeatedly pressing for using the runes to try contacting the shadow realm despite Webby’s nervous boggle deflections, happily employing smack talk so she can learn it properly without stopping to ask what it’s effect on her competitor might be..
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So the clothes of her final design all work really, REALLY well telling new parts of Violet’s personality, without just repeating what we’d instantly know from listening to her talk for half a minute.
One of her alternates has loose floofy hair, which I imagine is what canon her would look like without the hair tie, and it rocks.
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But the hair tie is kinda important.
Violet isn’t a book nerd who never leaves the library- She’s active, she gets in the thick of things, she’s happy to jump in a fight, and she’s a Junior Woodchuck. Practicality, again, makes more sense. Keeping her hair out of her face works with her character.
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Her little flop of bangs is really fun to me too because… well…. It reminds me of Lena.  
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Again, it’s different enough to pop while the two stand together, but it’s there. Lena has flopped bang thing. Violet has a curly bang thing. They are sisters. It’s cute!
Also helps her silhouette stand out more against Webby and Lena, who’s hair is pretty smooth and down in general. Gives her this sharp thing that moves around and makes her extra easy to pick out, even when you just see part of her head. Important for a main side-character.
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If you're going to add detail, add it to the silhouette -> very big visual payoff.
Colors! COLORS!!!!
Already mentioned the pants balancing her hair nicely, dark on top, dark below, but then there’s her eyeshadow and sweater!
They ALSO tie her with Lena!!!!
Lena’s shirt, hidden under her sweater, is pale blue- the same color her friendship magic is later- it’s the color of Lena being happy and being connected to people.
And Violet’s eyeshadow, is also blue? And Lena’s eyeshadow is purple! Like Violet!
Eyeshadow! That thing both her and Lena wear, them the Sabrewing Sisters, but Webby doesn’t!
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That’s so cool! That’s a way to show a connection between them AND their personal tastes, before they even become family! And once they ARE family it helps them visually LOOK like one!
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Also, Violet’s green sweater?
Again we’ve got the color contrast compliment thing (huey red dewy blue louie green) this time with Team Magic: Webby pink, Lena blue, Violet green. It helps them feel… individual in scenes they’re all in frame together, while also making them look good next to each other.
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The choice of all of team magic’s colors to be either more pastel or duller than the Primary Colors Trio also lets all six of them work together visually, like in Nightmare on Killmoter Hill.
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But again, LENA.
Lena has two other bright colors tucked into her design, aside from her pale blue.  
The pink in her hair (visual cue to Webby) and her lime green shoes. Green. GREEN. It’s enough of an important color for it to ALSO be in her friendship bracelet.
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And it’s the main color Violet, her adopted little sister, wears.
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Oh my heart….
Finally, it’s looks like they tested out ideas of Violet being some kind of, parrot maybe, or wren, or such.
I love her being a humming bird for one very queer reason.
Female violet sabrewing humming birds are actually green, not purple.
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And Violet.
Is purple.
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Just like her dads.
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(also name puns for the win yeeeeessss)
So on the whole, looking at the designs Violet could have had, I guess I’d say they’d make nice occasional outfits for her...
but if you’re going to make her an important supporting member of the cast and if you have to draw her over and over again, almost always with the same other two characters… and if those characters are Webby and Lena...
Then they picked exactly the right design to go with <3
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sunnydaleherald · 11 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, September 15th
Faith: Let’s have another go at it. See who ends on top.
~~This Year's Girl~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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First Stage by veronyxk84 (Spike, Dawn, PG-13)
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Sugar Water by thisyearsgrrl (Buffy/Faith, Explicit)
Smoke & Ashes by Grundy (Hunger Games crossover, Spike & Effie Trinket, T)
Swallowed Whole by SomeKindOfADeviant (Spike/Angelus, M)
Now I’m ready to close my eyes by Anewhope303 (Buffy/Faith, Explicit)
I Might Be On To Something by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, M)
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the leather jacket by sapphistically (Spike/reader, not rated)
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First Stage by VeroNyxK84 (Spike, Dawn, anthology rated PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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After Old Friends Leave - Chapter 1-3 (COMPLETE!) by eevol76vamp (Angel, Angel Investigations, Anne Steele, Gunn & Rondell, Angel/Nina, Angel/Spike, not rated)
Buffy Summers’s Baby - Chapter 1-8 by Zetared (Buffy/Angel/Spike, M)
All's Fair in Love and Loss - Chapter 1-2 by Scar_Eve (Buffy & Giles, T)
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Because the Night, Ch. 9 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lost in Desolation, Ch. 8 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Letters You Never Sent Me, Ch. 2 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Out of Time: 1942, Ch. 59 by Jonayla (Harry Potter crossover, Buffy/Tom Riddle, FR18)
Blood of Kings, Ch. 4 by Taskmaster (Young Royals crossover, Buffy, Scoobies, FR18)
The Key To The Future, Ch. 2 by LoneFrog (Dawn, FR15)
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Happily Ever After, Ch. 1 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, R)
What Happens at Willow Creek, Ch. 1 by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, R)
Perfect Clarity, Ch. 29 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Gifs: Spike, Oz, Buffy, Willow, Cordelia Tara, Faith (worksafe)
Buffy/Spike manips by spyder-baby (probably worksafe, some nudity)
Vidlet: buffy hits hard but let's be honest, spike loves it by Tiktok user bloody_awful (Buffy/Spike)
Drusilla and Buffy sketch weeee by mistyintherivers (worksafe)
a sort of. classic movie musical poster style thingy bc i loooove once more with feeling by mistyintherivers (Buffy, Scoobies, worksafe)
slightly happier graduation by mistyintherivers (Willow & Jenny, worksafe)
Ep. 4x09 "Something Blue" by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Ep. 6x13 "Dead Things" by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, probably NSFW)
Buffy gets a driving lesson by slurping-up-grass (Buffy & Giles, worksafe)
spike + textposts by spikespeaches (NSFW text, canon-typical partial nudity)
Digital drawing: Buffy by stateofdreaminn ()
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[Vid] Let Go crossposted by winterevanesce (Angel & Connor, T)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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i feel like if btvs 5x18 “intervention” had not been written by a woman... by lesbianmarrow
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Becoming part two (you have to give David Boreanaz his due) by Trixieswizzle
The Horror Bandwagon react to "Something Blue" and "Hush"
Is this book any good? [Demons of the Hellmouth: A Guide for Slayers] by bkv-hbl
SHE'S OUR SABRINA! Up The Buff! Ep 3 - Witch - Buffy joins a cult! by BigBadLlama
At the end of Season 3 (how timeless the show is) by EnterTheBlackVault
Are The Novels Good and Worth Reading? by friendofathena
The Gift - First Watch by VikTone
How are the tie-in novels? by flandsfroghurt
Whose friendship did you feel was the most genuine to you or really stood out to you in the series? by veganbethb
Which characters were the most perfectly cast? by beeemkcl
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season One - Review by Marisa Quinn-Haisu
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Video rec: Words can't express how much I'm loving these Buffy reactors. Ashleigh is a trip. by mileenaxyz
[Fandom Discussions]
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Re: Hardest character to write/get the characterization correct for? by coraniaid
Headcanons re: being angel's gf and how it would be dating angelus by fedcrypt
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Why isn't Alexa Davalos part of Angel season 5?, Your thought about her character. [Gwen Raiden] by BabyBlueN7
What's on your Spuffy playlist? by Xenonand
If Cordelia Chase was a teenager in the 21st century - would she be a Influencer? by jdpm1991
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Original Xbox game help. It's super difficult! by Goosetiers
What's the most iconic Angel look? by bkv-hbl
If Xander Harris was a teenager in the 2020's - what social media would he use? by jdpm1991
Creative ways to connect Buffy [the Vampire Slayer] and Angel [the series]? by sadhungryandvirgin
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drjohndisco · 9 months
Title: First Encounters
Pairing: n/a
Word Count: 600+
Summary: Wesley and Yarrow meet for the first time, and Yarrow isn't impressed.
Warnings: mentions of blood/potential feeding on a human, minor spoilers for season three of buffy the vampire slayer.
( Ao3 Link )
[ Sunnydale School Library ]
With a quiet sigh, Yarrow took hold of the box. They’d been in the library longer than usual, and the bloodlust (and the fidgety-ness that came with it) was beginning to rise.
(In fact, Yarrow was almost 100% sure that Giles had offloaded Wesley onto them so he wouldn’t have to pay proper attention to his prattling any more - especially since he’d absconded to his office five minutes ago.)
‘You’re cold, are you sure that you’re okay?’ Wesley asked.
Shocked that he’d noticed Yarrow let go of the box -- dropping it directly onto Wesley’s foot. He cried out, and stepped backwards towards the railing behind him. Then, within seconds, Yarrow had caught him by the tie, halting him in his tracks.
(After all, they didn’t want to injure a third watcher (no matter how much he was getting under their skin.) Giles would kill them if that happened.)
But, now that they were closer to him than before, Yarrow was able to sense just how loud (and fast) his heart was beating.
Surely it wouldn’t matter if…?
‘Uh, Yarrow?’ Wesley said awkwardly, breaking their thought process. ‘I think you can let me go now. You’re going to choke me if you’re not careful.’
So, Yarrow let Wesley go -- dropping him unceremoniously onto the hard wooden floor.
‘Oh!’ Wesley groaned. ‘Thank you.’
‘No problem.’ Yarrow replied curtly and (before Wesley could notice they’d gone) Yarrow had disappeared into the shadows.
[ Giles’ Office ]
‘Yarrow?’ Giles asked, concerned. He’d stopped in the doorway, and was watching them thoughtfully. ‘What happened? Are you all right?’
Yarrow shut the door to his fridge, taking a mug of blood (and a pink curly straw) out of it, before turning around to face him.
‘I dropped a box on his foot and then, unfortunately, had to catch him.’ Yarrow replied, nonchalantly.
‘I do hope you didn’t damage any of the books.’ Giles replied.
‘Of course that’s what you got from that sentence, Dad.’ Yarrow laughed, leaning backwards against the wall. ‘Also, it’s not like he didn’t deserve it. He’s very punchable.’
‘I will neither confirm ‘nor deny that statement.’ Giles said, then paused. ‘Do you think you’ll be comfortable enough to join us again after you’re done here?’
‘I will be.’ Yarrow stated, taking the straw into their mouth.
‘Good.’ Giles said, leaning down and quickly pressing a kiss to Yarrow’s head before straightening back up. ‘Then, I’ll see you again in a bit.’
[ Yarrow’s House - Evening ]
‘What…?’ Yarrow said, opening their door to see Wesley standing there. He’d been the last person they’d expected to see, especially this late at night.
(Thank goodness they were still wearing their outfit (a blue shirt and brown pants) from earlier, and hadn't opted for their sleep clothing - which was decidedly less professional.)
‘Uh, I need a place to stay.’ He replied awkwardly. ‘Giles told me you had a spare room.’
(Ah. Offloaded once again.)
‘I do.’ Yarrow said, knowing they couldn’t (unfortunately) leave him outside in the cold. ‘Please, come in.’
‘Thank you.’ He said, as he stepped past Yarrow into the house. Yarrow watched as he carefully attempted to balance his luggage (a bag and two suitcases) between his arms.
‘Is it okay if I leave my stuff downstairs?’
‘Sure.’ Yarrow replied, knowing that disaster would strike (again) if he didn’t. ‘We can deal with them tomorrow.’
‘Great.’ Wesley mumbled, leaning the suitcases against the wall and shuffling the bag over to his other arm. ‘Now, where am I headed?’
‘Your room’s upstairs, on the left.’ Yarrow explained. ‘You’ve also got a bathroom attached, but I’d advise you to be careful with the taps, as they’re a bit rusty. Cupboard hinges and curtain rails should function perfectly fine, and there’s a linen cupboard in the hall - for sheets and other stuff, since the bed probably isn’t made.’
‘Okay.’ He replied, as he began to slowly trudge his way up the stairs.
‘Oh, and Wesley?’ Yarrow called out, after shutting the door behind themselves. ‘I’m very sorry that we got off on the wrong foot this morning, so to speak.’
This statement was met only with a loud groan, which made Yarrow grin.
(Maybe this unexpected ‘arrangement’ of theirs could turn out to be fun after all.)
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I posted a couple new chapters. Tagging: @austennerdita2533, @crazychicke, @karinanic, @mydarlingklaus @i-believe-in-melinda-may, @sapphic-lottienat, @gh-0-stcup
Chapter 4: Spike leans down and runs a finger down the side of Dru’s face. “Darling wake up.”
“I was dreaming we were in Paris.”
“You hated Paris.” Spike swallowed. He never thought he would be doing this but after last night and his conversation with Buffy, he knows he has to. It’s not fair to any of them, he never broke up with Dru, he distanced himself. Now he’s with Buffy but to do right by both he has to officially break up with Dru.
“Dru, we–” Spike is shushed by Dru who puts a finger up to her lips then to his lips.
“My wise and brave knight is no longer mine. You’re all covered with each other.”
He brings their foreheads together. “I’ll always be your wise and brave knight. You delivered me from mediocrity, I was lucky to have touched such a black beauty. You never stopped surprising me.”
Dru tenderly smiles at him. “Awww my sweet William. I will miss your bleeding poetry.”
“I’m still going to cure you, I’m just not dating you anymore.”
She caresses his cheek and he leaves a tender kiss on her forehead.
Chapter 5:
Spike reaches out and glides his thumb across a spot of blood on Buffy’s lips. He licks it off his thumb. Buffy smiles at him as the dead guy between them falls off a bench.
“We didn’t release.”
Spike kicks the dead body as he moves closer to her on the bench. “He was homeless and nobody will be looking for him. We do have to find someone for Dru. Do you want to pick tonight?”
Buffy points to a random woman passing by.
“Spike, After I drink blood why do I also want sex? Is that still the bloodlust?”
Buffy and Spike are walking back home with Dru’s dinner; he has his arm around her shoulders. “No, you’re past the bloodlust. It’s a vampire thing. The drinking of blood can be very sexual, sharing a person with someone you care about or biting the person you care about is orgasmic.”
“Blood gives us life, makes us something other than dead. It makes us hard.” He removes his arm from around her shoulders, taking her hand and putting it over his Jean-lad groin.
She smirks up at him, rubbing his hard-on through his Jeans. “I care about you too Spike, feels like you need help.”
Chapter 6: Angel walks into his apartment and is punched in the face by Buffy. Caught off guard, he stumbles back, dropping his pig’s blood on the floor.
“Eww, that blood doesn’t even smell good, what’s wrong with it?” All the blood she has ever had has been from a person.
Buffy questioning his blood choices and the punch to the face has given her minions enough time to tie his hands behind his back. “Who are you?”
Buffy puts a finger up to her lips as she puts a gag in his mouth.
Buffy comes into the living room. Dalton is sitting at the table writing and looking at a book while Spike stands over him, waiting impatiently.
Buffy has a pep in her step as she comes in; she is pretty proud of herself. She comes up behind Spike and wraps her arms around his waist and leans up to give his neck a kiss. She bites his earlobe and tells him, “I got a surprise for you daddy.”
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rahirah · 2 years
Gwendolyn: You wanted to see me, Mr. Giles? Giles: Yes. I do apologize for bringing you in at this late hour. Gwendolyn: Please. A good Watcher must be awake and alert at all hours. Giles: Would you like some tea? Gwendolyn: God, yes, please. I'm completely knackered. I spent the afternoon training with Faith. She doesn't lack for energy. Giles: She's your first Slayer, I take it? Gwendolyn: If you're questioning my qualifications... Giles: No, I'm not. I, uh, have the utmost respect for your methods... in my own American way. I also have the glove. Oh, not actually on me, but, uh, I believe it's safe. It's in a mansion on Crawford Street. A-a-a friend of Buffy's is keeping it there. Gwendolyn: Well. We must get to it. Immediately. Hide it before someone else finds it. Giles: Or better still, destroy it. Gwendolyn: Destroy it?
~~Buffy Episode #41: "Revelations"~~
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[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sides (Giles, Tara, G) by imsavannah2
[Chaptered Fiction]
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System Error: Identity Manager (Part XI) (Xandder, T, Iron Man xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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Dawn the Power Ranger 2: Shift Into Turbo CH.1/6 (Dawn, T, Power Rangers xover) by BrennaLynn
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If There's A Hell Below CH 1 (Ensemble, T) by michael t
Buffy Summers: Was Not The Vampire Slayer? Ch. 11 (Buffy, T) by LadyJDee
All That Is And All That Seems CH. 62 (Faith, OC, M) by
Chain of Ascension CH. 59 (Xander, M) by GraeFoxx
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Favor, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by EllieRose101
I Violently Dislike You, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by scratchmeout
Aphantasia, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, M) by ClowniestLivEver
Ghosts of Savannah, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, M) by tbd
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Waiting On My Spaceship, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, ) by Chelle
Kaddara Hade, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hostile17
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Buff Spike (nsfw) by dirtyaimfanstuff-blog
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy S04E01: The Freshman by the-watchpost
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Video: Buffy Season 4: The Harsh Light of Day and Fear, Itself () by borednow5838
[Fandom Discussions]
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idk if buffy isn’t bisexual then why... by becomingpt2
i love a lot of the btvs wardrobe choices by silvermars
All Angel does is like brood and wait around till Buffy comes to makeout with him by wolfstrong
this is such a small headcanon and it makes me so happy by someonefantastic
The thing about the Cordelia/Xander weird hate makeout relationship by wolfstrong
willow is (amazing, wonderful, an amazon) an incredibly tragic character by buffyandwillow
thinking about how it’s both buffy and spike’s curse to love too much. by silvermars
There’s the perspective that Willow was never warned that the magicks would corrupt her by girl4music
So, in one of the Buffy tie-in books I’m reading now by oveliagirlhaditright
The sixth Buffy the Vampire Slayer Dark Horse comics omnibus by oveliagirlhaditright
okay spike fans. do you think in ‘fool for love’ he actually told buffy the truth about william? by nintendocialism
Angel and Faith friendship by all-seeing-ifer
i just think there is so much wasted potential in the fact we never got canon fuffy by harlcyquinzcl
What if Willow and Xander never talked about Jesse because that’s what you do in Sunnydale. by confusedguytoo
can you elaborate on what you perceive as male characters angel and spike being into by buggerthis
there’s probably some deep story thing/meaning, that Wesley wasn’t able to have a perfect day by oveliagirlhaditright
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Discussion of The Vampire Slayer #10 - Released 1/18/23 (Boom! Studios) by Buffy Summers
Discussion of The Vampire Slayer #1 by Plasma
Why do so many people dislike Tara? by Multiple Authors
Robin Wood, yay or nay? by Multiple Authors
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Characters you suspected - successful fake outs or falsely accussed innocents? by Stoney
Buffy is my favorite character in Buffy by FaisalAli_91
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Since the first one was a hit, I made a part 2! by emerald447
The Boy just irks me. by Dr_Mrs_TheMorpho
In season 7 bring on the night why the scoobies don't bring Buffy to hospital? by ThickPeanut136
Payphones by Emergency_Proof4706
Favourite Cordy moment? by torilost
Spike doesn't want to miss Passions! by EvitoQQ
The mall by Tuxedo_Mark
Just Realized something about those season 1 promo shots. by EmotionalPhysics2038
my heart by spuffy4life
Alexis Denisof Appreciation by caffeinespeaks2me
[S1E3] Amy might have known exactly where her mom was... by Mishaaargh
I believe in Anya Supremacy by Toenailinfection
Dead Man’s Party: S3E2 by RocketCat287
Anybody else not really a fan of Bangel or Spuffy? by EnvironmentalLaugh62
How would you write Wesley climbing out of the dark in season 5? by LightBlueSky55
This whole episode was eerie, but that specific scene is so haunting to me. by MynameisntWejdene
just this side of forever by brian5mbv
Why was the show so dark? by Physmo55
Breaking Angel's curse kind of annoys me by a_different_pov_85
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PODCAST: 173 - Blondie Bear by I Ship It
PUBLICATION: Jeff Shuter Dies: Producer Of Motion Comics For “Invincible” & “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” Was 41 by Deadline
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motownfiction · 1 year
Lucy loses a sandal in Lake Huron on a breezy day at the end of April.
She’s back home in Michigan, coincidentally there for a guest lecture at her alma mater. It pays off to stay in contact with your very first professors (and your parents, who are their colleagues at a different university, but Lucy’s still a bit too shy about that, a bit too reluctant to admit it). The lecture went well enough. You can only engage students about Victorian Gothic mores for so long, even if you do tie it to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show’s only been off the air for about a year, and already, its core demographic seems over it. Things move too fast now, even for Lucy, the most impatient person in the world (or at least on the East Coast).
But they’re home – at least, she and Will are. Emma wants to get back to New York, but Lucy, who knows there’s almost nothing more beautiful than the Great Lakes. They can’t make it over to Lake Michigan, so Huron will have to suffice. She and Emma run over to Old Navy for cheap sandals, just for a walk at Lighthouse Park. It’s out of their way, but Lucy doesn’t care. She wants Emma to know a little bit about why she and Will have so many stories about home.
She wades in the water. It’s still bitterly cold from the winter, which takes too long to end. But Lucy doesn’t care. While she’s usually logical enough to stay close to the sand, especially when the water is still this cold, today is not one of those days. She lifts the skirt of her dress above her knees and wades deeper and deeper. She wades until she feels one of her cheap sandals slip right off her foot.
At first, she goes to pick it up, but she doesn’t want to get her dress wet. There’s nothing worse than a cold car ride, especially all the way back from Port Huron. So she just lets the sandal float away. A little guilt stabs her in the heart in all the right places, but it doesn’t change anything. What’s gone is gone; done is done. There’s nothing she can do about it anymore, even if she wants to.
Lucy wonders what will happen when the sandal washes ashore. If it ever washes ashore. She doesn’t know how long it will take, but she thinks about how different the world might be. Emma’s age will be in double digits. Elenore will have a college degree. Will might have a few extra gray hairs. And she might have another book to her name. She takes a deep breath of the lake air.
It’s not that it’s better here. It’s that this will never stop being home. It’s that this will never stop being the place where Lucy is the most herself. She always thought Sadie was bullshitting when she said that as a water sign, there was no better place to think than at the beach.
Turns out she was right.
This is Lucy, on the shore, and this is where she needs to be.
(part of @nosebleedclub poetry month challenge -- day xxii!)
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margoteve · 2 years
Slayer and her Watcher, bonus chapter: The Reveal.
Ok took me a while to remember I wrote these so I might as well post. I got few more of these for our fanged librarian.
Summary: The other Scoobies find out about Giles's fanged secret.
First part
Reblogs are much appreciated! Comments too.
I'm gonna tag you @fanged-whores since you helped Beta the original piece XD
There wasn't a big reveal of any kind on Rupert’s side. Mostly because he didn’t care much and also because he wanted to see how long it would take everyone to figure it out. He was certain that Oz knew straight away but a strange understanding has been developed between the vampire and the werewolf. The next was of course Buffy during the Cruciamentum.
The third one was Willow and because she found out, so did Xander during an emergency Scoobies meeting.
When Giles was out mingling with other teachers, she called everyone to the library. Buffy, Xander and Oz were sitting around the table, watching Willow pace in circles. She was wringing her hands and having the ‘Willow is torn’ expression.
“Willow, are you gonna spill the beans any time soon or are you hoping one of us will get sick watching you spin around like that?” Xander finally spoke up.
“Okay, just, don’t freak out, okay?” She finally stopped and took a deep breath in. “I think Giles may be a vampire.”
“What? How?” Xander’s eyes went wide. “That’s impossible.”
Buffy caught a glance from Oz. They looked back at Willow.
“I don’t know! I-it’s just that-! He hasn’t been outside school in a long time!” The nerves were taking the best of her and she gestured with her arms around, her voice raising. “Usually, he walks with us a-and I, maybe, was in his office…” she went a bit quieter for a moment, looking at her feet,” looking for some books, you know and- there was blood! In his teacup!”
“Maybe he’s a good one?” Oz suggested. “Angel is.”
“Angel has a soul and I don’t remember casting any other soul spell!” Willow used a counter argument. It wasn't very effective.
“Well, sometimes a soul might not be needed?” Buffy said, looking at her notebook and doodling.
“Buffy! How can you say that- wait!” Willow glanced between her boyfriend and best friend. “You guys knew! You knew and said nothing!” She pointed her finger at them
“Knew about what?” Giles popped up behind Willow suddenly.
The girl yelled and Xander jumped up from his chair.
“The secret’s out,” Buffy said, grimacing a little.
“I see.” Giles took off his glasses and tucked them in the pocket of his jacket. “Any conclusions to this revelation?”
Willow and Xander exchanged looks.
“So, um,” the boy spoke first. “Are we all unclear on staking him now?” He looked at Buffy.
“No, he’s cool,” she told him.
This moment Cordelia chose to enter the library. “Do you have a book on behavioral psychology?” She immediately went to Giles.
He nodded and went behind the library’s counter to retrieve it. Cordelia looked at the two shocked faces, one guilty face and one stoick. “Not that I care but what’s going on so I can avoid it?”
“Giles a vampire,” Willow said quietly.
Cordelia looked almost confused between them then back at Giles. “You just now find out?”
“You knew too?!” Xander gaped at her. “How?”
“Yeah! Have you seen how sloppy he was dressing lately and not to mention avoiding all the sunspots around school?! I know he is British but sheesh." She rolled her eyes. "I swear you’re so blind,” she frowned thinking about her own life mistake of dating him.
Giles brought her the book and she left shaking her head. The remaining teens looked at their mentor, whose state of dress if anyone asked them didn’t look any different…. Maybe the rolled up sleeves…. The unbuttoned top of the shirt and lose tie… Okay maybe they should have paid more attention.
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alansbookdevblog · 1 year
I just realized something about the world building for my main book im writing.
Okay, so my vampires are different compared to the typical vampire you see in like twilight or buffy the vampire slayer, etc. because I made it that the mechanics of the vampire is that they don't feed on blood, they feed on lifeforce which can contain in blood (has to be drained directly from human/animal) but also in plants as well because they're living things too. Also seeds, nuts, fruits and eggs contain lifeforce in them and is a better way for vegetarian and vegan vampires to get their lifeforce and for just any vampire in my world that doesn't or can't hunt. The thing with those is that they have to be consumed raw because cooking or roasting those things will burn off the lifeforce out of it.
Now, if you think about it, seeds and nuts and fruits and eggs are products of reproduction of animals and plants and uh...theoretically a vampire in my world can survive by being a total slut. Only works if its a slut that likes men but yeah its theoretically possible.
Once I release this book on wattpad pls don't do smut fanfiction of the protagonist bc he's two weeks old and is literately a fucking baby. Wait till I do the second sequel of this bc then he'll be 18-19 and you can do as much smut as you please. No, aging him up does not count.
Read more on an apithany I have to allow this theory work with transmen as well
Ok. So the magic system I have works with not only various gods but also the elements that are associated with the gods. No its not god of fire god of water no no no. We have god of sodium and god of iron and god of silver etc. Yes that includes those elements that have a tiny ass half lives. Anyways.
The goddess Luna is the goddess of souls and her element is silver (based on what metal in alchemy correlates to the moon) who also lives on the moon. Lunarian magic is very popular in medicinal magic because it solves the issue of having to get organ donations asap. Now, in this world you can let the organ die (including a 100 year old arm from some random mummy) and with lunarian magic bring it back alive because you can tie the patient's soul that needs the organ to the dead organ/body part and it will be good as new. This includes dick donations. that's right bitch in this world trans men's bottom surgery is you ask for a whole ass dick and they stitch it up and use moon magic to make it work. This also works for tiddie donations for the girlies.
Now the question you may have: Alan! But what about the genes in the transplanted dick? Wouldn't it not match with the new owner? And the answer is: Reproduction in this world focuses more on souls than actual biology but biology still plays a factor. Trans men's children wouldn't exactly look like the trans father but closer to the father than if the original guy did the fathering. And tbh if bottom surgery was like this irl, I wouldn't mind if my biological kids didn't really look like me bc they'll still be my kids and I say that as a trans man which is not every single trans guy's opinion.
Ok I'll eventually write a whole arc in this world about 1) a trans man character and 2) have one of my characters have a medicinal magic elective to learn about this.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 3 months
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A cute Bangel moment from the book "Seven Crows," that I've been meaning to post for a long while.
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rhodrymavelyne · 2 years
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coraniaid · 10 months
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The short answer, I think, is no. Especially not if Faith didn't realize that that's what actually happened to her.
It's not stated either way, but it's possible that the Council don't normally confess to their role in the Cruciamentum at all if the girl taking part in it survives (fanon seems to be that the Council do let the Slayer know after the fact, but I don't think anything Giles or Travers says in Helpless backs this up). If she did know about it, there's the same question of why she wouldn't have warned Buffy, of course (I don't think Faith is the type to consider herself bound to follow the rules about these things and not reveal something like that), and I'm not sure she'd be quite so upset about her first Watcher's death. But if it happened and she never knew it was a test, I imagine she'd be reluctant to admit to once having briefly lost her powers for no reason, yeah.
Faith was presumably called in mid-May 1998 and didn't get to Sunnydale until October. That means, I think, that's there time for Faith to go through the Cruciamentum a couple of months after being called, with her watcher not dying until August or even September. We don't know how much time passed between Faith's watcher dying and Faith getting to Sunnydale, but it only has to be enough time for news of her watchers death to somehow make it back to the Council. Maybe it was only a few days. The only other obstacle I can see is that it's a bit surprising a Slayer called that recently would be able to survive the Cruciamentum at all. But if anyone was going to survive a vampire without any powers, I suppose Faith is as likely as anyone.
(For that matter, and with much the same reasoning, it's also possible that Faith went through her Cruciamentum in Sunnydale, while Giles was acting as her Watcher. That would at least explain where Faith was during one of those random early season episodes she's not around for. For that matter, it could even explain where she was during Helpless. I don't necessarily think it's likely, but it's possible.)
The biggest case against this idea, I think, is simply that I don't believe Faith really is older than Buffy. She certainly could be: a line of dialogue in Graduation Day suggests she is (when she describes Buffy as "all dressed up in big sister's clothes"), and I've heard that the tie-in book Go Ask Malice states it outright (but I don't know if the writers consider this canon and I do know I don't). On the other hand, Eliza Dushku is a few years younger than SMG, nothing other than that one line on screen suggests Faith is older, and surely the default assumption is that sucessive slayers generally get younger, not older? A lot of the way Faith acts suggests she's younger than Buffy, too, to me at least (e.g. the fact that the Mayor wins her over with cookies and a new Playstation and generally treats her as a child and not a legal adult) but I don't think there's anything conclusive.
But yeah, that's definitely a possibility, I think.
Although, if Faith did go through the test before Sunnydale (and Buffy knows she's older than her and won't have to go through it herself in the future), I guess the question becomes: how does Buffy feel about the fact Faith didn't warn her about it before it happened to Buffy? Did they talk about that?
(Ultimately the answer to all these questions is "the writers probably didn't spend any time at all asking themselves how old Faith was or what the practicalities of the Cruciamentum were", but it's fun to speculate as if they did.)
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freecave · 2 years
Sabrina family secret
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Penn Jillette plays Drell, head of the Witches' Council.Clips of the video are shown in The Stinger for the episode too. Melissa Joan Hart had a movie coming out at the time that was titled Drive Me Crazy after the song - and she and Adrian Grenier appeared in the video as a tie-in. Britney Spears guest stars in the Season 4 premiere to perform "(You Drive Me) Crazy".Robbie Benson just had to do The Beast's voice when he showed up.This is not the first time Phil Fondacaro has played a troll.David Lascher previously played a character called Josh in Clueless - which had a crossover with this, featuring Sabrina.Buffy even says during the episode "she's our Sabrina". Around the same time she also starred in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Witch", where she also played the mother of a witch daughter or so we think as the episode goes on. Robin Ricker plays Cousin Marigold, the mother of a bratty witch daughter.Her magical gesture in both? Crossing her arms. Aunt Irma is played by Barbara Eden, who also played in another supernatural sitcom.When Tim, played by George Wendt of Cheers fame, walks into Hilda's coffee shop in a later episode, everyone raises their mugs and greets him, "Tim!".Salem also received his own series of books where he would get into his own adventures. There were also several novelizations, some of which tended to be more action-packed and adventure themed. While the show was airing, it received an Animated Adaptation in Sabrina: The Animated Series - produced by DIC Entertainment, this time with Melissa Joan Hart voicing the two aunts and her sister Emily Hart (who had a recurring role on the sitcom as Sabrina's bratty cousin Amanda) voicing Sabrina. Notable for its frequent guest stars, including Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Tara Lipinski, Daniel Bedingfield, *NSYNC, Usher, Backstreet Boys, Johnny Mathis, Dick Van Dyke, and Barbara Eden. Reruns aired on The Hub before the channel became Discovery Family. There were also two additional TV movies, Sabrina Goes to Rome and Sabrina Down Under featuring Tara Strong in a very rare live action role as a movie-exclusive character Gwen.įirst ran on ABC's TGIF line-up, before being picked up by The WB. The show was extremely similar in characterization and plot-structure to Out of This World (1987), but was in fact based on material which predated that show by several decades: the same Archie Comics as the series Sabrina and The Groovie Goolies - though the animated show went in a very different direction. Other fixtures in her life were her talking cat Salem (a witch punished for his megalomania by being trapped in an animal body), her oblivious love interest Harvey, and her mortal enemy Libby (former Trope Namer for the Alpha Bitch). She moves in with her witch aunts Hilda and Zelda, and learns to survive the pratfalls of high school with a little magic on her side. On her 16th birthday, Sabrina Spellman, resident of Westbridge, Massachusetts, discovers that she is a witch and has magical powers. None of the cast members carried over onto the show except Melissa Joan Hart as Sabrina, and Michelle Beaudoin who played Marnie in the movie and Jenny in the show. It was preceded by a Pilot Movie that aired on Showtime but had a different setting and continuity to the show (the movie was set in Riverdale, while the show was set in Westbridge). Sabrina the Teenage Witch is a live-action sitcom that ran from 1996 to 2003, based on the Archie comic book. That Sabrina character certainly gets around, doesn't she?
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sunnydaleherald · 1 month
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, August 23rd
JINX: We have found that the signs of the alignment are moving faster than expected. GLORY: (primping in mirror) Meaning? JINX: If you are to use the key, you must act quickly. GLORY: Fine. (puts mirror down) I have been cooling my heels in this crappy little town long enough. (lies down on bed) Sunnydale's got too many demons and not enough retail outlets. (Picks up a pair of shoes)
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Inappropriate Favour by forsaken2003 (Spike/Xander, R)
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Dean’s Failures by mmooch (Buffy, Supernatural crossover, T)
a habit that's happened before by explosionshark (Buffy/Faith, T)
Injured by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, T)
Inappropriate Favour by forsaken2003 (Spike/Xander, M)
Red Fruit Punch by Foxxzilla (Buffy/Spike, M)
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Dean's Failure by mmooch (Buffy, Supernatural crossover, FR13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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A Different Path, Chapter 19 by Anaxilea (Buffy/Faith, M)
In the Company of Witches and Slayers: Chapter 140 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) (Willow/Tara, E)
Slayer & Rose Bride, Chapter 14 (complete!) by acpendra, Sparkle 94 (acpendra) (Buffy, Shoujo Kakumei Utena | Revolutionary Girl Utena crossover, M)
A Slayer's Greatest Weapon- Book one- BTVS, Chapter 7 by KHandE11 (Ensemble, Wolfblood crossover, T)
Less Is Not Enough, Chapter 6 by Passionpire88 (Buffy/OC, Spike, Once Upon A Time crossover, M)
Further From Home, Chapter 7 by zombiesam (Buffy/Giles, E)
Stupid Thing, Chapter 3 by mistigrisunshine (Buffy/Spike, T)
Supply Issues, Chapter 2 by wickedrum (Buffy/Spike, T)
If You Ever, Chapter 3 by Mirrored_Illusions (Buffy, Stargate crossover, T)
Free to a Good Home, Chapter 1 by though_you_try (Buffy/Spike, M)
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The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 124 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
To All We Guard, Chapter 27 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Along Came Two, Chapter 8 by LilithSwan (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Like A Feather, Chapter 8 (complete!) by Willow25 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork (+meta): cordy surviving season 4 by artsying-ifer (worksafe)
Vidlet: Buffy is taking it by yeomar645
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Fanvid: Spike & Buffy - You Don't Have To Love Me by Sheebz D
Fanvid: Buffy l Where did it go wrong? by Dacy Toxic
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - Dream Away by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - Seventeen by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Window To Your Soul - by Delerium - 04x13 - The I in Team by NessaKins91 (Buffy/Riley)
Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer but with Like A Prayer (Choir Version, Deadpool & Wolverine) by Jess Wilson
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - Endlessly Yours (with Lyrics and Arabic subtitle) by Vision Dream Media
Vidlet: “For You” || BTVS || @makky_cc by Makkyyyy
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: Buffy S02E20 "Go Fish" Spoiler Review by LGRN - Entertainment
Podcast: Buffering the Vampire Slayer | 8.01 The Long Way Home by Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4: Episode 6 - Wild at Heart by The Cheshire Kiwi
Video: Buffy and the Inherent Flaw of Media Tie-In Novels by Another Booktube Channel
Podcast: Re-Broadcast: Buffering the Vampire Slayer's 3.19 "Enemies" by Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure
Video: Analyzing Buffy’s “Restless” by Sky James
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Fic rec: Learning Curve by Kateykakes (Buffy/Angel, G) recced by I Will Remember You Marathon
[Fandom Discussions]
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When Willow and Tara moved into the Summers house after Buffy died by lindseymcdonaldseyelashes
I wish that Angel got the attention Spike does on Tumblr by putinskremlinqueen4palestine64
I wish that Tumblr had less of Cangel and more of Bangel and Xandelia by putinskremlinqueen4palestine64
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What would happen if people outside the Watcher's Council discovered the existence of the Undead? continued by AlphaFoxtrot
To the older ones!! B&A question! 😈 by NNix
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Bad Girls & Dirty Girls continued by multiple posters
Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
Riley's outfit in As You Were continued by MoonLight SY-3
Watchers - how were they ‘chosen’? continued by Stoney
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Stinky Parker by Littledittydee
Would Faith had been openly bi if Buffy had been on TV today? by jdpm1991
I'm rewatching Buffy/Angel again and Buffy season 4 has to be my favourite by Hong-Kwong
I’m watching Season 7. Just finished Episode 8 - Sleeper. When does the season get bad? by Caydenas
James as Spike is pulling a “Ben/Glory” on my brain by Federal-Beautiful427
Another reason Jonathan is better than Andrew: Jonathan has the respect of the butchers of Sunnydale & Andrew doesn't by KneeHighMischief
Let’s not talk about Ford and his shady ways by alarmedlittlefroggy
For once I feel kind of bad for Xander by nota-banana
Señor, your mustache provides you great strength and dignity [Angel Season 4] by midnightmeatloaf
Faith and Xander in The Zeppo by LightBlueSky55
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Podcast: 0.42 Welcome to the HelenMouth: Linguistics in Buffy with Helen Zaltzman by by Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Podcast: Buffering the Vampire Slayer | Interview with Amber Benson and Christopher Golden by Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure
Podcast: 0.38: A Conversation with Amber Benson by Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure
Podcast: Buffering the Vampire Slayer | Interview with James C. Leary by by Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure
Podcast: Buffering the Vampire Slayer | Interview with Laya DeLeon Hayes [who played Indira in the Slayers audio drama] by Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Finally Gets Updated Funko Pops by comicbook.com
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