#But El Hombre al Piano was basically what made me write Dan's backstory like it is so I couldn't not include it
random-meme-bot · 1 year
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I saw the OC single-! What do your ocs where on a daily basis ( ie formal or casual or sweater) what is your oc favorite color/color you a sign them with And what music do you associate them with.
That’s all.
What do they wear:
Elly: she usually wears any of her many Black t-shirts, these often have different designs related to things she enjoy, from different media, to more general aesthetic. Along side any of her conveniently identical to draw trousers. The jacket she only wears when she's going to explore ghost stuff, it was from her mother when she was her age and she thinks it brings her luck. On winter she does like to wear hoodies.
Trucy (ghost): She only wears the one dress.
Trucy (human): She was from poor family, most the clothes she used to wear where from her mother when she had her age and usually had some stitches here and there.
Dan (Ghost): Technically he only wears the hat...
Dan (Human): Without revealing much, he did like to wear formal.
OC's favorite color(s)
Elly: Black, Dark Blue, Purple & Dark Green.
Trucy: Used to be blue, but spending years of your death surrounded by the same color makes you start to dislike it a bit, so now it's orage.
Dan: Green‚ Brown, light blue.
What music do you associate them with.
Elly: Honestly If we're talking songs then Elly definitely would be "All my friends sre ghost" since that song is basically ligated to her creation. (leaving the remix version here since it's also really good and I already liked the OG in another ask)
But if we're talking more in the sense of music she would listen to normally, Id actually say some jazzy tunes, definitely anything with trumpets, but she knows she doesn't look like the kind of person that would be into that and if she ever got asked for a song from her playlist she would respond with one from Trucy's.
Trucy: I honestly don't associate her with any song in particular, but she does love Rock from many different genres, songs I can think of she would actually sing along are "terror time again", "La frontera", "I need a Hero".
Dan: I associate Dan so much with the song "El Hombre al Piano", that the chapter about his backstory is named after a line from it.
This in my mind also made me associate Dan with Piano music, Dan knows how to play piano, but he hasn't played one for a long time...
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