coconut530 · 10 months
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Wow they really didn’t hold back huh
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aettuddae · 3 months
to that anon who’s also wondering how far is jimin’s obsession w serim’s hands gonna go . . . i got something for you
(1) i can imagine jimin trying to be subtle as she can possibly be, knowing how much effect she has on serim, she’s gonna use that for her advantage! picture serim and jimin casually watching tv, sat beside one another. jimin missing the warmth of serim’s hands (we all know she’s not gonna say that out loud, but let’s just ignore that), holds the older’s wrist to bring one of her hands on top of her thigh, serim’s hand slightly smacking her. jimin’s excuse? a fly. and serim will just look at the younger like 🤨 jimin would probably threaten the older to not remove her hand or else she’ll kill one of serim’s plants, and all serim can do is obey. wouldn’t even question jimin’s actions 😭 NOT AT ALL (from time to time, serim would trace circles on jimin’s thigh and all jimin could do is squirm on the inside)
(2) if ever the two would sleep again in one bed (not sexually!) i can also imagine serim’s sleeping body close to jimin, but we all know they cuddle when they sleep tgt so let’s put it like that. serim’s head trapped in the crook of jimin’s neck, her hand peacefully resting on jimin’s stomach while her arm is trapped between the mattress and jimin’s back, her other hand holding the younger’s waist tenderly. and jimin would still not find that enough 😭✋🏼 carefully, she’ll put the hand resting on her stomach close to her mouth, leaving small kisses as she looks at serim’s face, watching to see if the older would wake up cuz of her actions. and the next day she’ll be like, “why the fuck did i do that?”
(if she’s not leaving pecks on serim’s hand, she’ll probably bring it on her neck and move each fingers as if serim’s moving it on her own)
(3) we do know how their company’s kinda on abt the whole fake dating thing, so i can see them ordering the two to be more affectionate in public. serim sticking beside jimin in a party, following her like a lost puppy. and then jimin would find some other artists to talk to, of course serim’s beside her. serim, remembering the orders of the company, will put her hand on jimin’s waist, caressing it. and the younger would bring her hand on top of serim’s guiding her thru her body, leaving serim’s hand on her stomach, making serim lean closer than she already did. i can imagine jimin caressing serim’s hands even without much people around, and her excuse would probably be “company’s order.”
+++ LOLOLOL i can also see her looking thru serim’s pics and zooming in on her hands and then she’ll be like, “OOOOOHH that’s veiny, i want that.” but of course, she wouldn’t say that 😭 “eugh, why is it veiny?” is what she’d probably say
also jimin watching intensely at serim typing on her computer cuz her fingers are looking too good and are moving so fast LOL
(i’ll be 🍊 anon now if you don’t mind!)
listen i read this anon yesterday right before when i had to leave my house so i couldn't get the time to answer it until now, but swear i haven't stop thinking about, anon you have made me so happy and smiley and blush a lot
i barely even have idea as to what to answer i'm just growling omg this is like fanfiction of my fanfiction
1. THIS IS FIRST OF ALL GRRRRRRRRR RAWR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and secondly, can we talk about how insanely reasonable it would be for serim to have her hand stuck to jimin's thigh whenever they sit next to each other? we literally saw jimin being obsessed with serim's hands and serim being obsessed with jimin's thighs. third, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. fourth, this is so cute this is so cute this is so cute like jimin threatening serim and the small circles where can i read this fanfic does anyone know?
2. i'm going to kill myself. that's it. how ADORABLE, how DOMESTIC, how INSANE is that even when they're sleeping together she needs her even closer so she just starts kissing her fingers? i can't i don't know what to do, this ask is so good it makes me feel mediocre as a writer. i should be better, i apologize. GOOD LORD
+ i can't she has totally done that 😭 the times she has stalked serim she so have paused on one picture where her hands are in all their glory to stare at it, lost in thought, just to realize after a while and be like "i'm so gross what's wrong with me?"
anon you have to kill me even to the last sentence you need to do this more often i'm paying you
i've never been this thrilled about an ask, i feel like i'm the one obsessed with serim's hands. anon i think i'm in love with you.
and yes, there's no problem !!
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radioisntdead · 2 months
(pretty please can we see them 🥺)
-XIN 🩵
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I only have two sets done at the moment but I'll work on more later on!
You can tell where I was trying to mimic the serie's art style and where my own art style won!
None of the heights are accurate together, I did nOT KEEP TRACK of lining them up, I think I'm proudest on how Rosie came out, the roses on her dress were a pain to draw and my wrist still lowkey hurts from it BUT THEY LOOK CUTE, WORTH IT, AND ALASTOR'S HAIR, and The twins, I love Molly so much.
also we don't talk about whatever happened to Adam and Lute, it's the Joja blue! It didn't effect Vaggie and Emily for plot reasons I CAN'T SAY YET AAAAAA
Zestial will [Hopefully] appear in the next set along with a couple others [Like Arackniss, Cherri bomb who's currently away at war, Sera, Camilla Carmine, etc etc!] He was supposed to be in the second set with the Joja buddies but he ended up looking like a melted howl from Howl's moving castle so he was moved away
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speedydestinydream · 9 months
ive got some shallow general thoughts about it before I actually look into it deeper
(spoilers... kinda?)
GODDDDD hailey was so fucking relatable this episode her thoughts of sheer panic are so me fr fr
i was starting to tolerate the jomies/dromies but i think this just makes me want to strangle them to death now 😞 assholes.....
this comic just made me more of a hailey stan and defender like i already was a hailey fan but now I will fight for her for my fucking life
jake was really nice to hailey in the classroom and the way they blushed and AAHAGGHHHHH
the present day bit at the end of the episode was sweet tho. jake admitting to feeling bad.... and saying he was horrible.... hailey giving him his own princess book... HUGGING HAILEY..... AAAAAAAAAAAAA
im ok about jailey I swear
everyday i like jailey a bit more
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White Bread
Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary: Literally all the evidence suggests you and Chris are together, just give up. "No (:" -you Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Fluff, i still used Y/N grrrrrrrrr, actress au, crack fic lol, etc.
A/N: So this is kind of like a part 2 to 'Dude She's Just Not Into You' but not really cos you dont need the context of the first one for this ALSO this is not a series, I just felt there was still inspiration from the last fic so like I'm making another one!!! Here's a p3 i guess lol
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I raise a hand and shake my head, "okay, let's get one thing straight. I do not call Chris white bread because of what you may think."
Chris bursts into laughter. The interviewer in front of us chuckles and motions that I continue. I shift in my seat, "one day-"
"Oh my gosh," Chris sighs, knowing where it was going.
"I was eating a sandwich with chocolate spread--"
"It was one time!" he says, pitch rising.
I snap at him, "one time is all it takes, white bread."
"Dear goodness, I regret it everyday."
"You better," I raise my brows, "anyway, he took the sandwich from my hand and ate it in front of me."
"I gave it back! It was a joke."
I scoff and cross my arms, "oh, okay, so I'm just a joke to you?"
Chris sighs and shakes his head, "mom, I wanna go home."
"Well too darn bad!"
@cornspice: okay hear me out. if water is a liquid but can turn into solid and gas, chris evans and y/f/n HAVE to be dating @chrisevansdailykrr: Chris and Y/N where spotted walking holding hands. [image attatched] @y/f/nsource: [replying to @chrisevansdailykrr] yes but y/n be doing that to everyone rip @y/ny/nily: [replying to @y/f/nsource] sadly yes, bruv aint special 💔 @marrymeplzy/n: IM GOING FERAL @ChrisEvans JUST WENT ON A DATE WITH Y/N IN A PARK HOLDING HANDS N SAME COLORED TOPS F- @marvelsloot: Okay. So. Chris. And. Y/N. Are. Just. Randomly. Saying. They. Are. Dating. ?. What. About. My. Mental. Health. ? @muricasass: [replying to @marvelsloot] LITERALLY THEY JUST SAY FINE WERE DATING UH WHAT MAAM @buckysthiqthighs: [replying to @marvelsloot] IT HURTS CAUSE I CANT TELL IF THEYRE SARCASTIC OR NOT @wankanda4evah: [replying to @buckysthiqthighs] This is what we get for stanning sarcastic actors 😭
5 minute TMZ video of paparazzi following Chris and Y/N captioned: "We're just friends," yeah right.
One of the guys in the TMZ office explains to their boss, "we found Chris Evans and Y/F/N walking around," the room gets excited, the dude does jazz hands and makes a face, "holding hands, eating ice cream, y'know things friends would do."
One of the girls sat down looks to that man who was speaking, "that's a lot of bullshit."
"Right?" one chimes in.
Another points out, "they even confirmed they were dating in one interview--"
Cut to the narrator explaining that "they're so darn sarcastic, it's hard to say if they were serious or not."
Back to one of the girls, "I think they're actually dating and sarcastically confirmed it to throw people off."
There is a unison of agreement.
Then flashes the actual clip of Chris and Y/N walking around and the TMZ paps meeting them halfway.
The scene is set in a park. I was wearing a cute little baby blue sundress and Chris was looking like a trust fund college frat dude in his khakis. There's an ice cream stand nearby.
"How you guys doing?" one of the paps ask, meriting no response.
The grip I had on Chris' hand tightens as I tug on him. He turns to me and I give him a soft smile, which is honestly more like showing him my teeth, "I wan' ice cream."
"Ice cream?" he repeats then say, "okay."
I break into a smile and do a small hop because of this.
Cut back to the guy in the office, explaining, "when I tell you Y/N is so darn adorable--"
"Yeah, she is."
"--how could he not date her?"
"For real, mans was whipped for her."
Back to the ice cream truck.
I turn to Chris, "I want vanilla."
He does not reply and only pulls out his wallet. He then turns to me and gruffs, "tell that to the guy sellin' the ice cream, doll."
I turn to the said man and raise a finger, "one vanilla, and..." I turn to Chris and ask, "strawberry for you?"
He nods.
The paparazzi asks, "do you two do this often?"
We ignore it but I decide to answer when he clarifies with, "buy ice cream and hold hands?"
I turn to the guy, "if we were friends, I'd do it with you to."
Chris chuckles.
The one holding the camera then asks, "aye, I'm free on Friday, I'm down to chill."
No one gets to answer him because the ice cream man asks for a picture.
20+ mins of Y/F/N talking about her domestic life with Chris Evans
There's an intro of the video:
Hello. I have compiled some of the moments where y/n and chris just weren't slick and basically exposed themselves to the world. Is it far fetched, maybe, but look at this photo [image of Chris looking at each other in the middle of a press photo op] and look me dead in the eye and tell me im wrong oh wait you cant bitch
Chris and I are sitting next to each other. The interviewer asks, "when you're not working, how do you two unwind."
I think for a moment, "I loosen the screws in his head, then I probably make pancakes."
Chris suddenly comes to life, "oh, she makes good pancakes."
---CUT TO---
A clip of one of my solo interviews.
I am read one of the questions, "what is your happy place?"
My eyes widen and I sigh, "dang, that's like a really deep question." I cross my arms and shake my head, "y'know, I'm not going to waste everyone's time trying to answer this properly, so I'm just going to answer the first thing that popped in my head, which is defeating America's favorite white bread in Uno, multiple times."
*A harsh zoom onto y/n's face*
---CUT TO---
It was a long interview and basically it lead to Chris and I talking about ideal types.
"I dunno, I don't really have a type," I say shrugging, then crossing my arms.
Chris purses his lips and nods, "no, I think you have a type."
I turn to him, mildly shocked, "I have a type?"
Chris begins to laugh.
"No, for real, I'm asking. I have no idea if I have a type," I say, which makes him roll his eyes and shake his head. I begin to think, "I- gosh- you know, I watched this thing where they said humans are naturally narcissistic and will go for someone that looks like them, then there was another thing that said, like, if you're attracted to guys, you usually base your standards of your dad and vice versa. I mean, I'm sure this doesn't apply to everyone, but I will say I think guys that are, like, good with kids, patient, and reliable are definitely guys I could categorize as my type. Plus, I am kind of like the mom friend, so..."
Chris turns to me then mutters, "just say you're into dads."
I turn to him, shocked, then burst out, "I COULD SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT YOU!"
"Oh, but you're a big mama's boy."
He nods and whispers softly, "I am a big mama's boy."
I make a face, "too bad your mom likes me better than you now."
"She would leave you in the desert for me."
"Noooooo she would nooooooottttt."
---CUT TO---
A puppy interview.
I turn to the crew on set and coo at the puppies running up to me and being all adorable. "You if Chris were here, he'd cry, spontaneously combust then just cease."
I make kissy faces to the dogs, "he might also try to steal all of them and I would help."
@mackiesbootie: THIS IS NOT A DRILL. SCOTT JUST POSTED A VIDEO OF CHRIS AND Y/N DANCING WITH THE EVANS NIECES AND NEPHEWS-- @mackiesbootie: YALL SERIOUSLY CANT MAKE ME BELIEVE THEYRE NOT MARRIED AT THIS POINT WTF @chrisevansdailykrr: BITCH [image attatched] @hailhydrax: [replying to @chrisevansdailykrr] @ChrisEvans and Y/N you broke @chrisevansdailykrr, are you satisfied? @Wandas2020vision: [replying to @chrisevansdailykrr] issa mood im dying 👨‍🚀💀 @teaspillzislyf: Chris Evans & Y/F/N are full of shit: a thread @y/ncutebooty: What she says: I'm okay What she means: Chris and Y/N are clearly dating and the only reason why they haven't officially confirmed it is because-- @steverogerswife: yall keep talking sh but just remember y/n has a private account somewhere on twt @poeticb00bs: the fact that y/n knows hers and chris's niche memes is actually kinda scary @steverogerswife: [replying to @poeticb00bs] Evans-Y/L/N is real. Y/N has a private twt. Next question
The said post by scott evans on instagram that made the internet have a meltdown
The caption:
Dont let their size fool you. @ChrisEvans and y/n are about the same age of my nieces and nephews 😂😂
The video is about only 1 minute long. Chris and I were sitting on the carpet in the middle of the Evan's living room. The TV was playing a Barney song but when a kid-favorite started playing, the young ones stood up and starting belting out. This clearly called for a dance break as well.
I picked up Chris' niece and spun her around while we danced. She began to giggle. It was everything
Chris and the other kids began to rip up the dance floor.
And for a moment, Chris and I turn to each other, sharing a laugh. There was nothing said, nothing to say, but still we had a warm, knowing look between us.
Scott, who was filming the whole thing made a, 'oop', sound then ended the video.
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Request for a scenario where Bokuto wakes up with his body swapped with his fem! S/O’s!
Answered this lovely req because one very sad anon wanted some humour!!!! This is dedicated to you sweetie!! Leggo
FREAKY FRIDAY: Bokuto Edition.
In Which Bokuto Switches Bodies With His Fem!S/O ♻️👫
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this fucking loud owl-headass mf 😒
Y’all have been dating for 3 years after high school graduation and it was great
Except today. Cause it was FREAKY FRIDAY
Bokuto woke up to you screaming (in his voice) and when he saw that his body was running around the room in panic, he didn’t even scream himself
He’s really not a morning person so he doesn’t really know if he’s still dreaming or not
He just sat up on the bed drowsily and watched himself run back and forth and have a panic attack
Mans tried to just go back to sleep because he was tired so he moved back under the covers.
When he did that he noticed his body wasn’t sore like a professional athlete anymore because his muscles didn’t protest!!!
Realizing this, he jumped up on the bed and started doing some Avengers battle moves because they didn’t hurt as much
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He jumped off the bed directing himself into your arms and you (still thinking he was bokuto and way heavier than you) you dodged him
Bokuto fell to the floor in your body
“Oh my gosh sorry Bo!!! I forgot for a second—“
Kōtarō‘s usually sore muscles only felt a little bad so he jumped right back up.
and acted like he had just withstood an earthquake
He was so short now that he took over your height and he acted like he didn’t know how to walk because of it
“So this is the view from shrimpville 🍤 ....I can’t say I like it. How does my protégée Hinata do it....?” Bokuto murmured as he looked up at himself you.
“Damn I’m really hot from this angle. You should tell me more, Y/N.”
you tried to attack him because WHY ISNT HE FREAKING OUT but Bokuto stopped you , batting his your eyelashes at him you.
You’re thinking: so that’s how cute I look when I make that faceeee? No wonder Bo gives me whatever I want when I do it!
He smiled
“Whoaaaaaa you stopped right away. that look really does work! I should do all the other shit I can do now seeing as I can probably get away with it as a hot girl?! Remember that time I had to pay extra at the lot but you didn’t ?! Hmmm I’m going to start with stealing my old coaches car—“
Your eyes widened while Bokuto smiled at you with your beautiful smile.
“Come here Owl head. We are switching back now.”
“You are the owl head now! I’m a hot girl that can do no wrong 💅.”
You looked for something else to throw at him and you heard your voice squeal.
You opted to throw a pillow at your dumbass boyfriend like you always do—but forgetting how much stronger you are with Bokuto’s muscles, the pillow hit bokuto your body powerfully, and he went flying
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You kept apologizing
Bokuto got up slowly and rubbed his chest where you hit him
Mid rub....he stopped.
Cue his owl genes causing his eyes to go 👁👁 even with YOUR eyes!
Expecting to feel his normal hard pecs when he rubbed his chest, instead he felt two soft mounds
“I HAVE TITS!!!!!”
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You watched him in disbelief and then felt something weird in Bo’s body moving on its own.
You looked down and shrieked.
“You have my body Y/N. that’s how my body reacts to seeing you massage your tits. Please be mature about this.” He said all pestering-like.
On instinct you threw another pillow at him but this time Bokuto dodged it, running around the room singing
Then he ran to the bathroom whipping his your shirt off to see them naked.
“Bokuto, put my shirt back on right now!” You tried to chase after him but your short legs that Bokuto got to use locked you out faster.
You banged on the door three times and Bokuto answered it with that puppy dog face while clutching your naked breasts (on him)
He jutted out his bottom lip (your bottom lip)
“Can I keep them baaaabe? They are so perfect and they love me! Look! I already named them Fun Bag 1 and 2. Pretty please can I keep em?! With a cherry on top?!”🙏��� he begged as if he was asking to take home a stray dog.
that cutesy face of yours almost got you to give in AGAIN!
“No, Kōtarō! And stop squeezing them like that! Your penis won’t stop twitching, it feels like I’m fucking possessed! I hate it! Switch back with me NOW!”
Bokuto swerved around you. “Not before I get nipple piercings! Now you won’t have to feel that pain baby!”
ohhhh you were just bubbling in anger .
Bokuto tilted his head to look at you while still holding onto your boobs as if they might disappear
You were pinching the bridge of your nose looking like you were having a migraine
You kinda were
Bo shrugged and started getting ready in his clothes to leave for the day. But Once he realized how big they were he tried to slip into your clean pair of thong underwear
He was thoroughly lost and tried to stretch them out first because they appeared so small in his hand
He ripped them.
“Oh well. Guess I’m going commando! Score!”
you had to sit down because if you jumped on your boyfriends back you’d be hurting your own back.
You thought of ways to get him to agree to switching back:
“Bokuto. Akaashi won’t be friends with you anymore if you’re a random female now.”
“Sure he will!!!! I’ll be able to give him your puppy dog face... he was never able to refuse that either.” He slipped your shoes on.
“Well Bo, you know I’m not as good at volleyball so I might lose your spot on the team.”
He shrugged. “No way! I’ll give coach my puppy dog face and say my boyfriend is sick so he’ll just bench me until we feel like switching back.” He dressed you hideously and made his way to the door.
You had one more chance.
Grrrrrrrrrr x2
“Okay...... but....Bo.....if we don’t switch back........................then we can’t have sex.”
this fucking loud owl-headass mf slowly turned around like: wait wahhhhhhhh—
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You smirked
“Yeah. Sorry. I have no idea how to work this thing 🍆 nor do I want to. So you’ll never get to be inside me—or me Uh...I guess... me inside you—er—again!!! Unless you switch back—“
Your small body that your boyfriend was controlling slammed into his and Bokuto soaked his own chest with your tears.
Bo in your body:
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A/N: let the record show that I love Kōtarō with all my heart 😂
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Alright and now for episode 23! Which was a lot more interesting. Still lacking in pertinent ways but at least it got some stuff moving, and there were a few small but very nice character moments.
I took a LOT of Taichi spam this week you guys. The animation was slightly better than normal and my boy was just so good.
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At parkour. He’s good at parkour.
More below!
We pick up where we left off last week, with Devimon arriving in his true form and picking a fight over Poyomon. He’s so threatened by a wad of jelly.
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He does seem a bit weird though. More on that later.
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The quintessential Taichi picture.
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And just a cute one.
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So okay, Devimon makes mincemeat of MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon. Like he wipes the floor with them. Even though they should be a level above him. I was like what’s going on. Clearly dark powers are giving him extra strength, but this still seemed like too much...
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Yamato yells for Takeru to go hide. Taichi then yells for Yamato to go hide xD However Devimon has no trouble destroying all their possible hiding spots and attacking them.
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Takeru worries about his brother :’<
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Taichi quickly tries to think of a strategy but yup “Hide” is all he can come up with.
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They communicate via digivice and Yamato has something of a better strategy but... it still just amounts to hiding.
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Meanwhile their partners continue to get their butts kicked.
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MetalGreymon: Hey watch it I just got this painted!
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WereGaurumon: My nails! I just had them done!
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Taichi: Would you two stop fussing, you’re so vain!
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Taichi: We’ve got more important things to worry about! Like my hair!
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Meanwhile in the real world... the four are together and Koushirou updates Jou and Mimi on the situation, which boils down to Not Good. The tank ships are still on a collision course. On top of that, Koushirou notices that the data being absorbed by Calmaramon’s... idk what to call it, data collection tower? thing, is being sent directly to the digital world. He guesses it’s going to be used to power the creature whose name I forgot they fought before.
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This guy.
Koushirou also guesses this probably means Taichi and Yamato are in some deep shit rn.
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Taichi is pretty smart too... he’s able to tell that Devimon is able to manipulate the dark mists and that’s how he’s able to find their hiding spots and attack them so easily.
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Here’s the evil crystal that I would have thought was from Sailor Moon. Ahhh evil is so beautiful. And purple. Hmmm, the Crest of Knowledge is also purple, and absorption of data is converted to power.... GUYS KOUSHIROU’S GOING TO GO DARK.
Kidding, kidding. I would totally watch it though.
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So the others go to fight Calmaramon and destroy the tower to help Taichi and Yamato. But, uh, they didn’t count on Calamaramon’s tentaclesx ;D
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Kabuterimon makes the classic amateur mistake of DRAMATICALLY ANNOUNCING HIMSELF when he swerves in to rescue the girls...
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... and he gets his just desserts. :P
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Meanwhile Taichi and Yamato... are still losing. So who steps up to the plate but...
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Takeru and Poyomon! Lol!
No seriously, this scene SCREAMED of the one in 99 where Hikari sacrifices herself to protect Yamato and Sora. I was really expecting Takeru to do the same thing here. “Leave my brother alone! Take me instead!”
But, I guess, since he’s a boy, he’s less self-sacrificial and more just... irrationally strong...
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His conviction results in evolution!
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Poyomon becomes Tokomon! THANK GOODNESS. I could not handle another “poyo, poyo!”
Devimon takes one look at this pink-cheeked thing and FREEEEEEAKS OUUUUUT.
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“You remind me... of someone I once knew... you have... the same eyes... GRRRRRRRRR!!!!”
he didn’t say that but he totally should have lol. Now someone please make an edit of Angemon where he takes off his helmet and he has Tokomon eyes underneath x’D
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Data readings on Koushirou’s computer start going haywire! The data is being sent somewhere fast!
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I was expecting some kind of power up but I wasn’t expecting full on evolution. Because yup. That’s what goes down. Devimon evolves.
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And here’s where he gets weird. His evolution seems painful. Unnatural. He doesn’t seem exactly pleased with it, to be frank. He’s really agitated by Tokomon but he doesn’t do much in the way of monologuing and it’s not even clear that the evolution is by his own design. It just kind of seems to happen. Then, once he does evolve, he’s much less talkative. This is generally not the sign of sanity or even sentience. It’s like Devimon is imprisoned by his evolution, which goes on a rampage.
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Neodevimon. Actually, original Devimon is scarier but :P
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Lol and then Tokomon gets blown out of Takeru’s arms and goes for a tumble while Takeru runs frantically after him xD Great moment.
Rollin rollin rollin, though the streams are swollen...
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NeoDevimon is very powerful but y’know... WereGarurumon just STOOD there. This... this is totally his fault that he gets hurt here x’D
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Taichi is displeased with this development, and yet, still cute in his displeasure.
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Finally Koushirou manages to get through! Taichi is too preoccupied to jump for joy or anything but you can see that he’s excited. “Koushirouuuuu please save us!!!” basically that’s what’s going on
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However he’s right away blown over and his digivice scatters and the signal drops...
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Yamato is very Stressed.
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However, contact with Koushirou has rejuvenated Taichi.
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His renewed conviction becomes power. Yeah, that’s a thing, we know.
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Meanwhile, in the human world, the others have worked out that Taichi and Yamato are fighting and need help, and they combine the powers of their own passionate hearts in a classic shonen anime trope.
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Koushirou gets a special moment all to himself! It’s really fast but still, the episode makes a point of focusing on Koushirou’s desire to connect with his friends and help them. I choose to believe this a nod to Koushirou’s significant role in the show and a way of saying “Sorry they’re not all together right now but they will be soon and characters other than Taichi and Yamato will get to do cool things in the not so distant future!”
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Their partners are then able to defeat Calmaramon and destroy the data collection tower.
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BOOM, baby.
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Meanwhile our heroes who never sleep manage to defeat Devimon. Which, I figured, meant he’d retreat for now, but...
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He freaking dies! Yup, that’s right! Disintegrates!! I was like what the heck?? This was a Boss Battle???? It had none of the signs of being a boss battle other than the boss being present and it wasn’t even that hard...
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However, it’s not over till it’s over...
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... Tokomon looks on NeoDevimon’s death kind of creepily. Like, the episode makes a point of showing us Tokomon’s reaction, not just the group’s. So... I feel like this is gonna be relevant. I COULD BE WRONG. But I just personally wouldn’t stick this bit in without it meaning something. But that something could be pretty much anything so we still don’t know much.
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The sailors aboard the tankers whose control systems are restored at the last second are pretty darn relieved anyway.
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This was my favorite moment in epiosde, Mimi flinging herself over Koushirou and knocking Jou out of the way to hug Sora in her enthusiasm over their victory xD awww Mimi
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Yamato wants to know what’s with Taichi. Taichi’s like, “The others helped us from afar, I just know it...” AND THAT’S WHY HE’S BEST BOY.
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Yamato gives Takeru an adorable pat on the head and tells him good job. Only thing that could have made this moment cuter would have been if he also patted Tokomon’s head. BECAUSE HELLO. KID JUST EVOLVED. SAY HI AND TELL HIM YOUR NAMES AT LEAST.
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But then! Darknightmon uses the dark crystal thingy and...!
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Le gasp! NeoDevimon’s corpse emerges from the ground...
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Taichi has a flashback to another time they thought they won only for their defeated opponent to be infused with dark energy and resurrect...
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... uh I forgot this guy’s name too >_>
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Taichi: “Wow I never saw this coming!”
Well, I did. :P Due to being over ten years old...
We end with NeoDevimon’s mask cracking off!
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Final thoughts... it now kind of looks like Darknightmon is the one pulling Devimon’s strings rather than the other way around. But my guess is that’s not the case. It could also be that Devimon told Darknightmon to do this - after all, Devimon used the stone’s power to evolve Darknightmon before, and this is just the reverse of that. Or it could be they are equals and in cahoots with each other. I definitely think there’s an even greater, bigger Bad out there that they either work for or are afraid of etc something like that, I think we probably all feel sure of that at least. But Devimon in this episode really surprised me in the ways he seems to lack agency. He seemed like a pawn of evil rather than the chessmaster himself.
So next week! Looks lit!
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Devimon’s new evolution? or power up? whatever is creepier than NeoDevimon so that’s a relief.
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BUT THIS IS EVEN CREEPIER HOLY CRAP TAICHI! Get some sleep, your eyes are all red! (And he’s injured. His hand is where he got hurt two weeks ago fighting Splashmon right? He got hit with miasma. I wonder if this is the same wound and if it’s somehow controlling him due to the dark energy getting into his system... But everyone’s more or less been hit with the dark energy at this point so maybe not. Anyway, CREEPY EYES, CREEPY CREEPY EYES.)
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Also Yamato DIES. He DIES y’all. *funeral march plays* Hmm, Tokomon looks hungry...
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Then we got this bit which in case you can’t tell is Takeru being awesome. So I figured, ahh, THIS is the boss battle, and we’re gonna see Angemon again already... weird as that sounds :P
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We also get this???? Taichi silhouetted against a brilliant light????? What does it mean? I mean we know Takeru has healing powers so I’m fully expecting that to happen but uhh are we also going to canonize Taichi next week? lol. Saint Taichi. I love him the best but I will be a bit miffed if next week IS the big boss battle and Takeru’s role is “power up Taichi so he can kill it” and that’s it... But I guess we’ll have to see.
It does rather look like they saved the animation budget for next week, the preview was nuts x’D Can’t wait.
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But You Can Never Leave [Chapter 3: Signed In Blood]
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Series summary: You are an overwhelmed and disenchanted nurse in Boston, Massachusetts. Queen is an eccentric British rock band you’ve never heard of. But once your fates intertwine in the summer of 1974, none of your lives will ever be the same...
This series is a work of fiction, and is (very) loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
Song inspiration: Hotel California by The Eagles.
Chapter warnings: Language, physical frailty, sneaky foreshadowing.
Chapter list (and all my writing) available HERE
Taglist: @queen-turtle-boiii​ @loveandbeloved29​ @killer-queen-xo​ @maggieroseevans​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @queenlover05​ @someforeigntragedy​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​ @joemazzmatazz​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @namelesslosers​ @inthegardensofourminds​ @deacyblues​ @youngpastafanmug​ @sleepretreat​
Please yell at me if I forget to tag you! :)
The cashier blinks at you as he scans the items in your basket: two Cokes, an orange juice, a Mountain Dew, a grape Fanta, a box of Ritz crackers, a KitKat, three packs of cherry Pop Rocks, and assorted bags of Lay’s chips. “You must have, like, a lot of kids.”
“Something like that.”
Terminal E of Logan International Airport is bustling with swiftly-moving businessmen dragging rolling suitcases, tidy-looking flight attendants, careening toddlers and frazzled mothers. The band is waiting at the gate; their plane to Heathrow is scheduled to board in thirty minutes. Our plane, you correct yourself. I’m going too.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, I ran out of paper bags but I can check in the back if you want—”
“Oh no,” you protest, slapping a ten-dollar bill onto the counter and gathering up the snacks. You’ve cultivated a stubborn solidarity with your fellow service industry employees. “That’s cool, I’ve got it. Thanks. Have a great day!”
“You too! Good luck with your kids!”
You laugh as you trot away. Yes, my very large, extremely anarchic British children. You could have sent Freddie and Rog for the snacks, but you don’t trust them not to try to steal something and end up getting strip-searched by TSA; Brian is still too weak to go anywhere alone; and John...well, John dissolves into blood-red cheeks and averted eyes if you ask him anything. You weave through the crowded terminal, shifting your arms to keep the snacks centered.
“Wow, you have your hands full there!”
You peer around the heap to see a businessman in a powder blue suit, neatly combed black hair, mid-thirties, benign smile. Your arms are beginning to ache. “Ha, yeah. I guess I do.”
“Need some help?” he asks, still smiling.
“Oh, thank you so much, but I’ve got it—”
“Nonsense.” He cheerfully plucks the chips and Pop Rocks out of your grasp. “Where are we going?”
Oh no. You know this type of man. He’s the guy who flirts with the nurses while his wife is recovering from a gallbladder removal, who tries to impress you with his mid-level accounting job and Marshall Field's neckties, who obliviously—or worse, forcefully—offers assistance when it’s least desired. He’s the type to play superhero so he can get a taste of what it feels like to be someone who matters. He’s not usually dangerous, but he is viperous if his fantasy gets interrupted, bitter and desperate and striking out like a wounded animal. Jesus christ, I do not have time for this bullshit today. The muscles in your forearms are screaming now. “Seriously, I can handle it. Thank you. Can I get my snacks back? My friends are waiting.”
His smile falters; suddenly, Mr. Aspiring Superman doesn’t seem so benign at all. And you can’t help but notice that his grip around your criminally overpriced airport snacks doesn’t loosen. Oh fucking hell. “What the hell’s wrong with you? Are you stupid or something? Don’t you get it, I’m trying to help—”
“Hey, baby!” chimes a voice from nowhere. An arm appears around your shoulders, pulling you in; John lands a series of kisses across your neck and jawline as the businessman gawks, speechless and horrified. “Did you finish shopping? Oh, you remembered my Coke! Thanks, baby. You’re the best. Come on, they’re gonna start boarding soon...” He stops, stares at the businessman, points with narrowed steely grey eyes: “Are those my Pop Rocks?”
“Uh, uh, yeah, uh...” The man hastily shoves the snacks into John’s hands and flees. John immediately backs away from you, clears his throat, casts his eyes down the opposite end of the airport terminal.  
“Oh my god,” you say, stunned. “I’ve never heard you talk that much at once. Ever.”
He flushes and combs his agile fingers through his hair. “Yeah, I’m so sorry, I just thought...I saw that he was...I figured that would get him to piss off without causing a scene...I’m sorry, I don’t know why I did that, I—”
“No, John, seriously, that was brilliant. Thank you.”
“Yeah?” And you think you can detect something in his voice like hope: cautious, fragile hope. More than that, you can still feel his lips against your skin, hot and sure and assertive, almost dominating.
You grin over at him as you walk together towards the gate. “I bet everyone thinks you’re real innocent because you’re the shy, quiet, mysterious one or whatever. But you have some serious game under all of that, don’t you?”
John chuckles out of pure shock, still not looking at you. “I doubt it.”
“I’m onto you, bassist. Those groupies aren’t going to know what hit them.”
Wait, he has a girlfriend, isn’t that what Freddie said? But if he does, John doesn’t correct you.
“Do I see my beloved Pop Rocks?!” Roger squeals when he spies you both. John tosses all three packets to him. Roger rips one open, pours the entirety of the contents into his mouth, then motions for you to pass him the can of grape Fanta. He gulps the Fanta and drums his palms against his thighs as his mouth erupts into sugary explosions.
“Majestic,” you comment.
“Wha...?! I will not be outdone!” Freddie seizes all the remaining Pop Rocks—both packs—and empties them into his mouth, then douses them with Coke. Dark fizzing soda and ruby crystals spew out of his nose. Roger throws back his head and cackles like a hyena as John launches balled-up napkins at Freddie. You ignore them and check on Brian, who is lounged sideways across five seats.
“How you doing, Bri?”
He groans in reply. You give him the orange juice and Ritz crackers.
“Eat, please, Bri.”
“I can’t. I’m dying.”
“You aren’t bloody dying!” Freddie sighs, exasperated, still mopping Coke off his face.
You lay the back of your hand against Brian’s forehead and frown. “You’re burning up, Mr. May.”
“I’ve got aspirin somewhere...” Roger says as he rummages through his luggage.
“He can’t have it. His liver’s still recovering, no over-the-counter meds.” You take two still-cold cans—your Mountain Dew and Bri’s orange juice—and press them to Brian’s cheeks. John, without speaking, lays his Coke against the back of Brian’s neck. “Think you can make it through a six-hour flight?”
Brian’s glassy eyes roam to you. “No offense, but I would literally rather be disemboweled by rabid opossums than spend another night in Boston.”
“Opossums very rarely contract rabies. But your point is noted. We’ll get you home.”
“Thank you,” Brian breathes, drained. “And thank you, John.”
“Not a problem.”
Freddie squats in front of Bri in skin-tight jeans littered with patches, brushes the mess of curls off Brian’s forehead, and pushes a Ritz cracker into his mouth. Brian grimaces but chews it reluctantly. Freddie grins. “You must be truly desperate to trust your wellbeing to Deaky.”
“He’s unexpectedly ferocious,” you warn Brian. “He ran off some creep at the snack stand. Kid could definitely murder you if he tried.”
“Yeah? Well done, Deaks!” Roger gives John a high-five, then aggressively ruffles his hair and growls. “Who’s my favorite little killer bassist?! Grrr. Grrrrrrrrr. Come on. Show me them pearly whites, Mack the Knife.”
John chomps at Roger’s hands in his very best impression of a shark. Roger laughs and yanks teasingly at John’s hair, his face lit up like the Boston Harbor on the Fourth of July.
The next time you look for Freddie, he’s disappeared. You finally spot him several seats away, bent over a notebook and scribbling furiously, snapping his fingers over and over again and murmuring to himself: “Killer bassist...killer woman...killer bitch...killer queen.”
When boarding begins, Freddie and Roger practically carry Brian onto the plane. They drop him into a window seat and Brian promptly drapes a sweater over his head and falls asleep. You sit beside him and flip through a fashion magazine you found in the pocket on the back of the chair in front of you, but Roger keeps interrupting by ranking the pictured outfits on a scale of one to eleven.
“Why eleven?”
“Because I gave that neon yellow coat three pages ago a ten, but now I like these rainbow pants even more. So they have to be an eleven.”
“Okay Roger.”
Freddie and John sit in the row in front of you and alternate between scrawling in their notebooks—song lyrics for Freddie, sketches of some kind of amplifier for John—and tossing peanuts into each other’s mouths. John doesn’t speak to you, but he keeps glimpsing back between the seats like he’s considering it. When Roger gets up two hours in to take a smoke break and chase down extra peanut packets for Freddie, John finally turns around and peeks over his seat.
“Why don’t opossums get rabies?” he asks.
“That’s what’s on your mind?” you tease, sipping Mountain Dew.
“Okay. Buckle up. It’s technically possible for opossums to get rabies. But they have naturally super low body temperatures, like 94 or 95 degrees Fahrenheit. So the virus usually can’t survive in their system. Thus, squeaky clean opossums.”
“Well. Minus the ticks and fleas and dirt and rubbish and all that.”
“Most of the cute things in life are at least slightly grubby.”
“Like Roger Taylor.”
You laugh. “That man has definitely been submerged in garbage at some point.”
“You have no idea. But you have to learn to be a Londoner now. We wouldn’t say grubby, we’d say dodgy.”
“Dodgy. Got it.”
“Show me. Use it in a sentence.”
“Roger is super dodgy, while Brian is much less so. Jury’s still out on John.”
“Well done.” He applauds.
Now you reach out to touch his hair, like Roger did earlier; it’s impossibly soft and downy, comforting, almost homey. John smiles patiently. “You have fantastic bone structure, you know,” you tell him. “You should cut this off one day so people can see it.”
“Absolutely. But in the meantime...” You gently thread your fingertips through his locks, twirl a strand, observe that those blue-grey eyes that seemed steely back at the airport are now as soft and innocuous as morning fog. Roger reappears with his loot of peanut packets and gasps, pretending to be scandalized.
“What’s going on here?! Jesus, Deaks, I leave you alone for three minutes and you’ve got her all enamored with your soft cuddly exterior and latent homicidal tendencies.”
“It’s a winning combination.” John catches the peanuts that Roger hurls his way and turns to split them with Freddie.
You gaze up at Roger and beam. “Hey, dodgy Rogey.”
“Oh, you think that’s charming?” He slinks into his seat and drapes an arm across your shoulders. “You realize you’re one of us now, right? That makes you dodgy too.”
“As long as I don’t have to participate in any scandalous naked photoshoots.”
“Oh my god, that was one time! Freddie, Fred, hey, Freddie, why would you show her those...?!”
Hours later, when the plane hits the runway at Heathrow, Brian jolts awake and clutches for you like a staircase railing. He’s cooler to the touch now, appears less feverish, insists he feels better; nevertheless, Freddie and Roger escort him all through the airport like intense and sunglasses-armored Secret Service agents flanking Nixon, steadying him on escalators and dragging his luggage. As the five of you descend into the arrivals area, Freddie points to a group of young women and shrieks in delight, waves, blows flirtatious kisses all the way down the steps.  
“Freddie!” the blonde one calls, leaping in her heels and grinning enormously. She’s holding a large, glittery sign that reads: Welcome home, Queen! Freddie races to meet her, sweeps her off her feet, dips her halfway to the floor and kisses her deeply, theatrically. The blonde woman in his arms giggles and buries her fingers in his mane of shining black hair.
“Darling?” Freddie says, spinning to find you, flourishing his artful hands. “This is Mary Austin, the love of my life. Mary, this is our new best friend, Florence Nightingale.”
“Well,” you confess. “That’s not my actual name, obviously. It’s—”
“I quite like Florence Nightingale,” John says. “I’ve always fancied the name Florence. That’s where Dante was from. He was exiled during some political conflict and ended up bouncing around all over Italy. He eventually landed in Ravenna and finished The Divine Comedy there. By the time he died, he hadn’t seen Florence in twenty years. But Florence was always home.” He smiles at you in an off-kilter, crafty sort of way that tells you you’ve at last been admitted into the diminutive, highly selective circle of people that John calls friends; and you feel like you’ve won the lottery for the second time in forty-eight hours.
“Hmm,” Freddie replies, puzzled. Mary nods uncertainly. Then John turns to greet a petite auburn-haired girl in a simple turquoise sundress and with long, bone-white legs.
Brian pulls you away to introduce you to his girlfriend, the one he was always trying to call on the hospital phone. He rests his hands on your shoulders as he presents you. “Chrissie, I love this woman.”
Chrissie glowers and crosses her arms. “Oh.”
“Wait, no, sorry, I mean she saved my life. She was my nightshift nurse in Boston. I was completely lost before she found me, tremendously depressed. You know how I get. She’s come to London to look after me. Then we’re going to convince the record company to hire her as our travel nurse.”
“Oh!” Now Chrissie softens. She has wavy brunette hair, plump cheeks, marvelous wide-set blue eyes, a completely uncomplicated presence. She embraces you kindly, gratefully. “Thank you so much, love.”
“No, please, it was my pleasure! Bri is a perfect gentleman. And a genius. But you already know that.”
“Chris, I was hoping she could borrow our couch for a few days until she finds her own place...”
“Of course!” Chrissie replies, fussing with your hair, studying you, her mind roiling. “What’s ours is yours. But it’s not much, I’ll warn you.”
“I’ll pay rent. And cook and clean. I’ll be a certified house wench.”
Chrissie laughs, then screams as Brian staggers and collapses to the floor. “Bri—?!”
“He’s alright,” you announce calmly as everyone crowds around. You claw through your luggage, pull out an instant cold pack, crack it and press it to Brian’s forehead. He stirs and mumbles something about New Orleans. “Rog, can you flag down a taxi? We gotta get him home.”
“Sure, you got it.” Roger darts off. And as Chrissie, Freddie, Mary, John, and John’s girlfriend—whom you gather from their conversation is named Veronica—scuttle to reassure Brian and fetch him water, you lock stares with Josephine. Roger’s girlfriend—super casual, not exclusive, that’s what he told me—is beautiful and slim and tan and dark-eyed and, worse than all of that, palpably clever. She considers you silently, and what crosses through her pristine, heart-shaped face is not mere suspicion but knowing; and perhaps there is acceptance there as well.
No, not acceptance, you realize. Resignation. Disappointment. Powerlessness.
You tear your eyes away from Josephine and turn back to Brian: tilting a bottle of water against his lips, pulling him to his feet, fanning him with airplane tickets, leading him to a bench to wait for the taxi. The others help, oblivious to the shadow that has marauded through the room like an eclipse.
I won’t end up like her, you think to yourself with savage determination. I won’t let myself love him.
Brian sinks into a plush orange lounge chair as you and Chrissie cart the luggage inside. You get a tour of their tiny apartment, shove your few remaining belongings beneath the couch where you now live, and drop into the plaid cushions, covering your face with your hands.
“Oh my god. I can’t believe I did this. I quit my job. I left Boston. I’m living on some random couple’s couch in London. Oh my god.”
“Hey,” Chrissie says warmly, lifting your chin. “We aren’t so random. We’re your friends. Maybe we’re even your destiny.”
“Jesus, you’re something out of a fairytale.”
“You’re the one who’s going to be cleaning my house, Cinderella.” Chrissie tosses a bag over her shoulder and heads for the door. “I have to swing by work and see if my students killed the substitute teacher today, will you two be alright here?”
“Of course,” you say. Brian gives her a groggy thumbs-up.
“Okay. Bye for now. Love you lots, Bri.”
“Love you,” Brian replies weakly. Chrissie departs into a bright London summer. Brian looks over at you sorrowfully, guiltily. “I miss New Orleans.”
“What do you miss about New Orleans, Bri?” You know Queen stopped there before they came to Boston, before they came into your life.
“Can I confess something to you?”
He stares at the wall, vacant, acutely distressed. “I think I’m in love with a stripper called Peaches.”
“Oooookay.” You snatch up your purse and dash for the apartment door.
“Wait, no, really, I—”
“Don’t tell me about it. Call Roger or someone. Or, better yet, write a song about it and make some money so we can all have mansions with swimming pools one day. Do you need anything from that grocery store on the corner?”  
Brian sighs mournfully. “I suppose not.”
“Alright. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Then you’re getting homemade chicken noodle soup. Everything will be better now, Brian. I promise. Everything will go back to the way it should be. Now that you’re home. Now that you’re here.”
Brian echoes quietly to himself as you open the door and sunlight floods in: “Now I’m here.”
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Hetalia: World Series Episode #27 Transcript
This episode has the Nordics selling products and Germany refusing to drink beer.
{Caption: In order to make good products in Northern Europe}
Finland: Hm hm hm hm…hmm…
{Caption: Finns should do the planning and design}
Finland: Okay, dog, what do you think about this?
Hanatamago: Arf!
{Caption: Oh my <3}
Sweden: Ehmp ehmp…
{Caption: Swedes should manufacture the product}
{Text on paper #1: Make it look like this!}
{Text on paper #2: Please make it cute}
{Text on poster #1: Now on Sale}
{Text on poster #2: Lisa}
{Text on poster #3: Heks Historie}
(Heks Historie: Witch story → Norwegian/Danish)
Denmark: Brand new, just got these in! How many would you like to buy?
{Caption: Danes should sell}
Denmark: Come on, you know you want them!
Norway: The product is decent enough, but that salesman is annoying as hell.
(Denmark: I'll make a special price just for you! Limited time offer!)
Denmark: How many was that?
{Caption: And Norwegians nitpick}
Iceland: Nom! Nom nom nom…hm…surprised? Well, what did you expect?
(Mr. Puffin: Hueah?)
Germany: Eh! Auah. I am much more exhausted than usual today. Guess I'm not used to being so hard on Japan.
German soldier: Germany! You look awful, man! Have a beer; that will help!
Germany: Hey, you know what? That does sound good! I think I will have one! Aighah! Auh…auh…hhh…ahuh…
Japan: Nomnomnomnomnom…
Germany: No. Thank you, but…give it to my big brother instead.
German soldier: Auh!
(German soldiers: What?!)
Germany: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
German soldier: Guys, we are in trouble!
German soldiers: Huh?
German soldier: Germany just told me he didn't want beer!
German soldiers: Whaaat?! Das ist schlecht!
(Das ist schlecht!: This is bad! → German)
German soldiers: Life is useless! The world is coming to an end!
Prussia: Calm down, freaks! He and I share the same awesome blood, which is made of beer!
(German soldiers: Auh?)
Prussia: No way Germany turned it down! I'll check on him and show you. Watch and see, losers! Hey, brohas!
Germany: Hm?
Prussia: Rumor has it you're not drinking beer; what's that about? Hahahahahahaha! Did someone threaten you? How fun.
(Gilbird: Meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep!)
Germany: Don't take it personal, but could you please stay away from me with that?
(Gilbird: Meep meep meep!)
Prussia: Euaah! But today's beer is better than it normally is! Come on! You at least have to have a taste!
Germany: No, please, I can't even look at it. Just go away!
Prussia: UAAHH! Wait! How can you turn down a perfectly good beer?! BEER! BEER! Don't try to deny it. Nope, it's beer. Your favorite thing in the whole world! Okay, stop it…now you're really starting to freak me out! I can't take itttt! Gulp! If you don't drink any, I'll have to make a new rule! One that will have you running through the streets naked! I can't believe that didn't work on you! You hate all things that are nudey and fun! Gulp gulp!
Germany: Go away. Just leave me alone---
Prussia: PFFFFFFFFFFF! Germany's refusing to drink beer! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Oh my god! Haha!
(Germany: Grrrrrrrrr!)
Prussia: You know, part of why I'm so awesome is because I drink beer! The awesome taste of the stuff almost brings awesome tears to my awesome eyes. Yeah. It's so true. I love it. This one's salty, though.
{Caption: Japan and America}
Children: Japan and America!
{Text on building: Matsuda Books}
America: Uh…
{Text on Japan’s book: Let's go to Kyoto}
{Text on America’s book: Hero! Mysterious Guy!}
America: Hey, Japan, dude? You're saying “ah” again.
Japan: That's okay, America. You always say “oh”, and don't get me started on “dude.”
Germany: Nomnomnomnomnom…
Japan: Nomnomnomnomnom…you know, Mr. Germany, it is not necessary for you to join me in this endeavor.
Germany: It is. I was the one who started it, and I will be with you until the very end.
{Caption: To be continued}
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