#But I'm happy with what I went with here instead :D I hope you are as well! :3
sysig · 11 months
Art trade request for my darling child Lucifer please!
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Day 21 - Quiet please, you're blushing very loud
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silassinclair · 2 months
Hi! It's me the "Maddox with a sassy y/n" annon. Omg i just saw your post and it made my Whole Week! 😭
Thank you so much!
Anyway, i have a new request (if that is alright). I saw that you have a yandere Boxer but i didn't see to much info on him.
Could we get an introduction or some information for him? I'm really curious.
As always, have great day/night! ✨
Sorry this took a while to answer, just came back from the Philippines and I saw this req in my inbox. I’ve been waiting to write for him so now I have the chance to!! Hope you like it :D Also the beginning of this is really long, boring, and angsty but bear with me ya'll :) Also the Russian is google translate so it may be inaccurate :(
Masterlist Here!!
Next Part Here!!
Yandere Boxer x Reader
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Viktor Markov was not the man you thought he was; well, not anymore. You both were raised in a small eastern European town. Him being the boy next door; always covered in dirt and was the sweetest little boy who would bring you flowers and bugs that he found. And you were the weird little girl who would collect the rocks and flowers that he gifted you with a smile. So naturally the two of you became friends, two peas in a pod.
He always had your back and you always had his. Growing up together in eastern Europe was hard. Both of you came from a pretty rough neighborhood and home life but that didn't stop you two from being happy. After all you only needed each other. It was just you two against the world. And it was like that for years.
Well, that was until high school. Viktor stopped talking to you in Sophomore year. Your calls went ignored, socials un-interacted, and texts delivered. So you just gave up. You no longer chased after him or begged him to tell you what was wrong when all he did was give you a cold shoulder. And honestly, you just didn't want to be around him anymore.
He got in with a bad crowd. Some upperclassmen guys who would just skip class to smoke. And seeing your childhood best friend become one of them broke your heart. You tried, you really did. But instead the blonde snapped at you, telling you to stop acting like his Mother and that he didn't need you anymore. And he was right, Viktor was more grown up now. Hard jawline, firm muscles, and standing at a staggering 6'3 feet tall.
He didn't need your back anymore.
And you didn't need his.
High school was a blur. You kept to your studies and only had a small circle of friends that consisted of all girls who have all been friends longer than before you ever came around. You were the grass friend. They all walked on the sidewalk while you trailed behind to the side; always stepping in the mud and grass. They weren't really your friends, you just didn't want to be alone. And they didn't see you as a friend, they just didn't want you to be alone. Pitiful isn't it?
But none of it mattered. It was all over and done in the blink of an eye. After high school was university and in university was medical school and after medical school was a new beginning. Being a docotor was never really your dream. It was your parent's dream and they just wanted the best for their little girl. You didn't want to disapoint them and go to culinary school like what you really wanted. So you worked and went to med school at the same time.
It was hard. It really was. You have no friends, no social life, and no one has your back. Yet it's your job to have people's backs. Ironic and unfair. But that's life.
Money was getting tight. Paying off student loans and working multiple jobs was getting exhausting. Living? No, it felt like you were dying. But you got offered a job you could not refuse. A patient came into your office. It was an older man in his early 50s.
"You're quite quiet for a doctor." He says. "Shy thing are you?"
You give him a silent nod. Hopefully this conversation doesn't take the turn you don't want it to take. Getting harassed by patients as a woman doctor is scarily common.
"I need a doctor. One like you; diligent, quiet, and quite the eye candy. Work for me krasivyy (beautiful). The pay is better than working in this heap clinic."
You eye him oddlyand whisper, "Why do you need me? Do you want me to be one of those underworld doctors or something? If so then no. I won't be patching up assassins or serial killers."
The man laughs, his voice booming in the small examination room.
"No no. You won't be dealing with any of those type. But this still is underground as you say. I own an underground boxing ring. And I need a doctor to patch up my fighters. Illegal, but good pay no?
You thought about it for two minutes then finally gave your answer.
“When do I start?”
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The man’s name is Radko. And right now you’re in his gym. It’s dark, stinky, and full of shirtless men training for their next match. You thought you felt out of place in school? Nope, this is 100x worse. And some of these guys are acting like they’ve never seen a woman before.
“Stop looking at me like that weirdo.” You think to yourself while walking past a guy on a bench who’s wiping the sweat off his chest. His hungry gaze on you sends shivers down your spine.
“Ignore their stares.” Radko puts a rough hand on your shoulder. “They’re not used to seeing pretty women.”
“Yeah I can see that.” You mutter.
You two stop in front of the door near the back of the gym. It says “Clinic” in front of the door. He opens the door and you’re greeted with a surprisingly clean office. Radko must have cleaned up a little when he knew you would be coming.
“This is where you’ll be. Some guys will walk in pretty roughed up. Just patch em up abd send them on their way. If any of em try anything with you, you tell me right away. Okay?”
Radko was like a Dad and you liked that about him. A pretty intimidating Dad who owns an illegal boxing ring but what does that matter. Doesn’t particularly make him a bad person.
“Okay. Thank you.” You say with a warm smile.
“Ah you’re so milyy (cute)! Please don’t quit within the first week, I don’t think my heart can handle it if you go.” Radko says and hugs you. You give the big man a pat on the back in return.
“I’ll leave you to it now. You’ll receive your pay bi-weekly. See you now.”
And with that you were left alone. You were left in a small private clinic you could call your own. Maybe this job wouldn’t be as bad as you thought? But all positive thoughts flew out the window when your first patient of the day walked in.
Tall, pale, short blonde hair, scarred torso, muscle on muscle, and piercing blue eyes. All features of someone whom you thought you would never see again. Who you never wanted to see again.
“Kroshechnyy?” (Tiny)
God that nick name. There was a time it would make you smile and laugh. But now it just pissed you off. He had the audacity to call you that as if you two were still buddy buddy? No, fuck that. Fuck him.
“It’s Y/n to you now. What do you want Viktor?”
The man’s face creased with pain. Not physical, no, something worse.
“What are you doing here? This place isn’t for you.” His voice was a deeper timbre from when you last spoke to him Sophomore year. He walks closer to you and you can smell his sweat from training but also… Jean Paul Gaultier? Why would you wear designer fragrance at a gym? Weirdo.
Little did you know when he saw you walk in the gym he immediately raced to the locker room to freshen up and see you.
“I’m a doctor. I got a side job from Radko.” You explain swiftly. “If you’re uninjured then please leave. Other patients may come in with actual reasons to see me.”
Rather than face to face you’re face to chest with him. How the hell did he get so tall? You crane your neck up to meet his eyes.
His expression stiffens. His usual cold demeanor returns.
“You shouldn’t be here. This place isn’t for you. It’s dangerous.”
You roll your eyes. “I think I can manage. Now please leave me alone. You’re the last person I ever want to see.”
Viktor ignores the comment and his gaze remains ice cold. You nearly shiver, did the room temperature drop?
“Stop acting childish. Tell Rad that you quit.”
“But I’m not quitting.”
He steps closer.
“I’ll make you.”
“And what are you gonna do?”
He bends down to your level and scoffs.
“I don’t need to lift a finger. You’ll get scared and run off with your tail between those little legs of yours. These men here will eat you alive.”
Did he not think you knew that before you signed up for all this? You were aware of what you walked into. Underground gym, surrounded by men, all physically fit to the max. They could rip you in half. But you needed this job. There wasn’t time to be afraid.
“Yeah yeah I know. I don’t need your lecture. Now get out before I tell Radko.”
Viktor leans closer. His nose mere centimeters from yours.
“Don’t come crying to me when you get hurt.”
“If I get hurt then I’ll just patch myself up. I didn’t go through 4 years of med school just to cry when I’m in pain.”
The tall Russian growls lowly to himself and leaves, not before slamming the door of course.
This new job of yours just got worse tenfold.
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It’s been about two weeks since you started working here. And you’ve met all of Radko’s men. They weren’t as bad as you thought they would be. Yeah they would flirt with you but not in the gross way. They knew when to quit.
Well, all of them except for Vladimir. The same one who eyed you like a piece of meat the first day you came here. Everyday he would come to the clinic to shoot his shot. And everyday you turned him down.
“Little kotenok (kitten) is still feisty.” Vladimir clicks his tongue. He manspreads in the examination chair, flexing his ab muscles and turning his head to the side to show off his impressive jawline. But all it does is un-impress you.
“If you’re going to waste my time like this everyday then I’m going to tell Radko.” You firmly state and cross your arms.
Like a kicked puppy the boxer whines, “Nooooo. I’m sorry please don’t kick me out. This is the only room besides Coach’s that is air conditioned.”
You can’t help but chuckle at that.
“Not my problem, do an ice bath or something.”
Vladimir chuckles and goes to say something else but stops himself when he sees and hears the door open. You also turn your attention to the door, wondering who it is and why they didn’t knock.
“Get out.” Viktor says. His voice like stone, as is his glare. His bloody swollen eye only ads to his intimidating aura.
Vladimir gets out of the chair and groans. “Way to be a cockblock Vicky.” He says mockingly.
You were about to shoot in and say how there was no way you would give him the light of day but Viktor had other plans. His fist makes contact with Vladimir’s abdomen with a mean punch. Making the other man wheeze and keel over in pain.
“Get the fuck out.” Viktor grabs him by the hair and kicks him out of the office. Literally. The door then slams shut, leaving you alone with your heated childhood friend.
“Thanks…” You mutter. Unable to look into his eyes, well… eye. The other is swollen shut.
He grunts and sits on the examination bed. Getting into doctor mode you walk over to Viktor and assess the damage. There’s a few bruises on his ribs but his eyes seem to be the worst. Delicately you touch part of the bruised eye and he inwardly flinches, making you draw your hand back in an instant.
“What happened?” You softly ask.
“Alexei sucker punched me. Dick.”
You stifle a laugh, making your patient deadpan. “Typical Alexi. I’ll tell him off the next time he comes in here complaining about his stomach aches.”
Viktor and you are silent when you rub ointment on his bruises. After the ointment is all done you hand him an icepack.
“Use this for the eye.”
He nods and thanks you with a silent nod. Then, he leaves just like that.
After that you would see more of Viktor and less Vladimir. To be honest you’ve been seeing less of everyone. Everyday Viktor came in with new reasons to come to you. Headaches, head trauma, bruises, scratches, and the worst was a dislocation.
“What is it this time?” You don’t even need to face the door to know who it is.
“He needs help!”
You whip around immediately, nearly spilling your coffee. You see Alexi and Cain at the door and draped over their shoulders is an unconscious Vladimir. You run over to them and tell them to lay Vladimir down on the bed gently while you assess his condition.
“What happened!?” You say worriedly. He was barely breathing. You begin doing chest compressions.
“We found him outside. Some of those bastards from west gym probably did this to him…” Cain says, his eyes are full of rage.
The compressions aren’t working. So instead you ready up the life support. He won’t last long with traumatic brain injuries like this.
“What’s gonna happen to him Doc?” Alexi sounds the most worried. He’s just a kid, only being 17.
“I’m putting him under life support.” And it was damn hard to do it on your own.
“Thank you.” Cain says. He puts a hand on the small of Alexi’s back. “Let’s leave her alone. She’s busy.”
The two men leave. Leaving you alone with Vladimir who has one foot in hell. No offense Vladimir, but no way you’re going to heaven. All day you stay by Vladimir’s side. Other men come in to check on him or get patch ups. And you go about your job, leaving the unconscious man to rest on the bed.
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If I knew she would be stuck to his side like glue then I never would have beaten the fucker half to death. The plan was to kill him but the stubborn bastard just didn’t want to die. I watch Y/n from outside the clinic. The window’s blinds are open. She’s so close yet so far; always out of my reach. Part of it is my fault. I was the one who pushed her away after all.
But I had no choice. I didn’t want her involved with the people I was involved with in high school. I needed them in order to get some side jobs. Hell, a couple of them box for Radko too at this gym. I thought Y/n would be gone from my life for good, but I was wrong. I thought God was punishing me for the things I have done but it seems like he took pity on me just this once by bringing her back to me and letting me have a second chance.
But so far I’m making no progress. What even is love? I know I love her but I don’t know how. All I know is that I need to protect her from all the wolves here. I already staked my claim on her but one fucker didn’t want to listen. Vladimir, that egotistical thorn in my side. The next chance I get I'll kill him for good. It's not like this is my first time killing for her after all.
High school was when I first took someone's life. Some upperclassman bitch was harassing Y/n. I couldn't stand watching her suffer. And I couldn't comfort her like before when we were young; by this time I already cut off Y/n for good. But I knew there was something I could do. So I killed her. And I killed anyone who dared breathe Y/n's name wrong.
I'll do whatever I can to protect the love of my life. Slowly, little by little, I'll win her back. She'll be mine again and we'll be even closer than friends. But for now I'll do what I can to keep her safe from the sidelines. Even if it means she'll find out and hate me forever.
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rowretro · 3 months
𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕿𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖞
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(this is a request I hope this went well!!!)
✧warnings: Yandere/toxic themes, kidnapping, marriage, blood, violence, explicit stuff mentioned (gore etc),Hyper feminine reader, mean af Riki
❁synopsis: The sweet, beautiful human princess married the cold, handsome Vampire prince, for a happy ending in both worlds, where blood shed and murders won't occur anymore. It's perfect, in fact they're such a perfect couple. That's what people believed, but they never understood how broken the couple are behind closed doors...
"Listen... uhm Riki? yeah I think I'll sleep on the couch I mean I'm human- you're vampire, on top of that I really doubt you do want to share a bed with me-" "I don't want to share anything with you not like I have a choice-" He cut her off as she nodded, feeling awkward. He finally owns this girl god damit. Instead of being all scared and obedient, she's here, pink silk flowy nightgown hugging her in all the right spots, making her seem like a trophy wife. Nail's all blingy, with charms and hearts, her lips still tinted from her lipstick from before, and lashes all done spikey and stunning.
Riki couldn't stand it. She's one of those annoying, mean girl wannabes who body shame girls that are living life. So he thought. She smiled as she went downstairs, carrying her pet goat to the garden. Yes a pet goat, it even had pink light pink shoes, and matching pink bows. Riki found her intriguing. Annoying. "uhm... I don't wanna sound rude but uhm can you please not drink Veronica's blood?" she asked as Riki blinked "You have a goat called Veronica.... do you get bullied in school?" he asked as she frowned.
"Uhm I don't know how to respond to that.... Of course I don't- I can defend myself when I need to- and I don't think humans get bullied for their pets... Maybe vampires might but not us humans" She said as she placed her goat in the comfy little enclosure, and brought her pet bunnies in. For a girly girl she sure does own a lot of pets. "can I suck their blood?" he asked half jokingly as she frowned.
"Id rather you suck my blood." she said as she pouted at her rabbits, booping their noses as she locked them in the indoors cage. "Woah there Mrs Nishimura... getting a little too attached to a cold blooded vampire" he teased as she rolled her eyes. "I suggest you sleep in my room if you want to be alive.... not all vampires here are as patient as I am." Riki simply said as he grabbed her waist, teleporting her to his room. "I doubt you had to hold me but uhm... thanks?" she thanked, scratching her head as Riki smiled.
She's such a pretty girl, so cute, especially when she's shy and nervous, he's seen her smile, fake and real smile, and its so fucking cute... he wonders how she looks when she cries... He pushes her onto the bed, catching her off guard, hovering over her as he suggestively leaned into her nick, his lips gently grazing her skin. A smirk plastered on his lips as he could hear, and smell the blood rapidly coursing through her veins. He turned to look at her frightened expression, then got up, satisfied.
"You thought I'd actually fucking touch you.... pfft you're too full of yourself y/n... you really aren't all that you know?!" as she just uncomfortably scratched at her arm. It wasn't enough of a reaction for him. "Why do you think the real reason is behind your parents and not your older sister? want me to tell you why?! you're a weak useless stupid girl who fails her studies focuses on her looks no matter how ugly you truly are. You're so worthless they went all in and threw you in the arms of me. Me who loves human blood, especially the blood of a sad, worthless little girl, preferably pretty... but you're ugly" He remarked.
Y/n's eyes became glossy. he was right for the most of it, she was more creative than academic, she loved doing her nails and makeup, but it's therapeutic, and she wasn't the biggest fan of her appearance and her parents are very disappointed in her... she constantly lived in her sister's shadow. But Riki doesn't know any of that. He didn't know until he read through the thoughts that clouded her mind. She truly wanted to die.
She's absolutely ethereal, even when crying. "But you don't need them.... you're the most stunning woman I've ever laid eyes on so as long as I have you all to myself.... everyone is safe." Though his words were absolutely sweet, he's being genuine, he wants this marriage though she doesn't. Yet she can't help but notice something eerie lacing his words... his eerie obsession...
Since their wedding day, he was always with y/n, in the kitchen, in their bedroom, the living room, outside the restroom, even in his office where he forbids anyone from entering. Y/n pouted as she aired her lips, lying on her front on the comfortable airbed, piled with blankets and fluffy pillows. Riki snickerred at the cute view. She's always a sight he loves to see.
She's grown so dependant on him, such a typical 1950's housewife, except she has a loyal loving husband who drinks her blood of course. "Riki im boredddd can't I got to the living room and play with the bunnies?" she asked with a little pout as he got up. She stared him up, and god was he tall, she envied him for having such a perfect waist, but she loves him so dearly. "Sweetheart.... I can't go a second without youuu-" he whined a little, as he snuggled her.
"I need to pee-" she suddenly said as Riki groaned "no you don't" he said bluntly as he snuggled into her neck "no seriously I need to" "no you don't you're making an excuse to leave me." he said as she frowned "Riki im serious. my bladder can only hold so much. and on top of that, if you don't want your expensive tailored trousers, and this fluffy bed, and this nightgown you bought me to be all wet and gross and stinky I suggest you let me go pee now!" she exclaimed in a somewhat calm manner. He sighed getting up as he waited outside the restroom door, waiting for her to finish.
He carried her once she was done, sitting her on his lap as he worked. "Riki..." "hmm?" "Can I visit my parents tomorrow?" she asked biting her lip as he stopped writing, glaring at her coldly "no. you don't need them." He coldly said as she whined "But they're my parents I miss them!" "No you don't. Y/n you have me and im enough, if you want more company, wait a few years we'll have noisy kids. until then, me and your fluffy pets are enough understand?!" he warned as she frowned.
"Why can't I-" "I said NO. FUCKSAKE Y/N YOU'RE MINE NOW. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TURN YOUR BACK TO ME AND GO VISIT OTHER PEOPLE?! PEOPLE WHO FUCKING HATE YOU?!" he yelled as she flinched, sniffling. Seeing this he snuggled her, kissing her forehead. "awww im sorry for yelling at you babe.... but I love you and you're mine now you know? you're mine all mine."
A/n: this isnt that good but oh well, have a jay ff in the waiting, and im currently writting a sunghoon ff inspired by Leo the movie w vijay (i had a dream)
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khaopybara · 1 month
Hi, first of all, I hope this ask finds you well 🤗
I wanted to ask, what is your top 10 favorite FirstKhao kisses? 🙃
anon, first of all, thank you for wanting to know but also, you're asking the worst person, because i'm so bad at picking favorites 🥲 excuse me because i was inspired hence the length of this answer. i was also trying my best to procrastinate instead of doing what i was supposed to do (study).
thankfully you didn't ask me to rank them, so in no particularly order of preference we have:
sandray's new year's peck
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it's soft, it feels so domestic and sweet. it's just them being happy and content and hopeful for the future. it's great.
sandray's pool kiss
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it's such a fucking statement (despite ray not realizing it). the way sand was all stiff when kissing boeing, but when he kisses ray he's immediately into his touch? and how he reaches out to touch ray? how his hand hovers over ray's throat? 10/10.
sandray's smoke kiss
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what a phenomenal first kiss, we all have to agree. it's hot, it's gorgeous, and it show so much passion and desire from both parts, honestly. the whole sequence was breathtaking, and i love it. (the way sand pulls on ray's bottom lip and when he kisses ray's hip tattoo? absolute cinema.)
akkayan's "what is our relationship?" kiss
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in specific this second kiss out of the three we've got back to back. it's just so cute the way akk keeps saying what aye doesn't want to hear just to get more kisses, and aye happily "punishes" him for it. the way they both smile before and into the kiss. it's for sure one of my all time overall favorite kisses.
sandray's angry kiss
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completely different vibes from the previous one. i don't know, it just has such a good build-up. from the moment ray barged into that room i knew he wasn't leaving sand without either getting punched or getting railed. unfortunately, top got in the way for that second option to happen. it's the way ray just takes a breath between kisses and how disoriented sand looked when they were interrupted that does it for me.
sandray's end of the date kiss
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it was the perfect end for the perfect day if bostonnick hadn't appeared. were they going to have sex in the balcony of sand's apartment? maybe. but it's not about that. their day together had been perfect. they woke up together, had breakfast together, went shopping together, went to a concert, ate, flirted, ray met sand's mom and sang for him. ray opened up about his mom. they were both on the way to let the other in and give each other a try, and then we know what happened.
akkayan's fantasy kiss
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akk has a very vivid imagination. people have talked about this before. how it doesn't start with an actual kiss, but just a cheek kiss, and then it's akk imagining aye wanting him, actively pursuing him romantically, choosing him, kissing him. it's just gorgeous.
akkayan's first actual kiss
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"i want to kiss you. can i kiss you?" "if you want me to stop, if you're not okay, tell me. i'll stop." IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!! i'm in awe every time i watch this scene. it's so gentle and tame, and at the same time, it's so heavy with meaning. the way they both feel the kiss? listen, i'm unwell.
sandray's 'sand almost got that d' kiss
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no one can convince me sand didn't want to get fucked in that car, and i love how ravished he looks when they are interrupted (again) by mew. but this kiss is here specifically because of the this part where ray so skillfully closes the sunroof with one hand while still kissing sand. i love it. when it came out, i watched this part more times than i'd like to admit.
akkayan's bridge kiss
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akkayan's kisses in our skyy 2 were works of art. i lost count of how many times i've watched this kiss in specific. now we know that most of the bridge scene was improvised, hence why akk/first looks amused by aye/khaotung's little pecks before their actual kiss, but it's undoubtedly one of their prettiest kisses. the location, and the sun behind akk's head, the domesticity and sweetness. it's just so so great, i really love it.
special mentions: weed cookie "kiss", cheek kiss after sex and cheek kiss after therapy, because i needed to include them too. they are that special to me.
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captain-mj · 7 months
Okay- You asked for raunchy asks and I'm not sure how raunchy you wanna go but hear me out on this
Ghost fucking Soap until he's basically shaking and overstimulated and incoherent-
Got struck with a bit of inspiration with this one
Ghost knew Soap wanted him. It wasn't exactly a secret. He stared at him constantly and almost drooled over him.
Ghost knew he was no good. Yeah, he had made a ton of progress over the years, but he wasn't built for relationships.
None of that mattered right now. He had taken a few edibles and his hand wasn't doing it for him. His hard cock didn't care that he had used a ton of lube and had already stroked himself until his wrist hurt. All it did was make him more and more frustrated.
So he did something real stupid.
"You up?"
Johnny texted immediately. "Yeah. Mission?"
Ghost sent him a picture of his cock. "Yeah. In a way." Not his best pick up line. But Soap bit into it immediately.
"That an invitation?"
"I can see if someone else is interested if you're busy?"
"I'm on my way."
Ghost gave his tired cock a break as he waited for Soap. With every minute that ticked by, he got closer to calling Gaz instead.
Soap busted in, almost tripping over himself. Just as desperate as always. "Sir..."
"Johnny." Ghost purred at him, watching how hot and bothered Soap was clearly getting from it. "Here's how we're going to do this. I'm going to give you some lube, you're going to get yourself nice and slick, then you're going to ride me until I'm done. Any objections?"
Soap was already yanking his clothes off. "No sir. No objections." He was only half hard, but that wasn't going to last long by the looks of it. His cock was nice. A cute shade of pink. Maybe he'd taste it later. Johnny probably wouldn't tell him no. A quick flick of his tongue and Ghost would probably have him begging.
"Don't touch your cock either. If you're good, I'll blow you afterwards."
Soap almost whined. His cock drooled almost as much as his mouth did. "Yes, sir. I'll be good, I promise."
Ghost smiled and kept himself propped up. He watched Soap fumble with the lube, the normal confidence completely gone in favor of trying to rush through this part. Soap kept glancing at Ghost's cock, swallowing.
"This might take me a bit."
"Give me a show then."
Soap nodded feverishly and sat next to him. He started to finger himself, moaning and groaning. A show indeed. Ghost could tell it was exaggerated, but that was fine. Soap would have his brains fucked out in a minute anyway.
Johnny went to stop at two fingers and Ghost grunted. "Add another." He shivered but did as he was told, sliding a third one in. He groaned a bit, proving it was a good idea. "Fuck, you're hot."
"Thank you, Simon."
Ghost watched those fingers pump in and out, in and out, in and out. He lost track of time until Soap could easily take all three.
"Go ahead and get on top of me." Simon relaxed. Johnny straddled him and his cock rubbed at his thighs until Soap's skilled and still slick fingers grabbed him and lined him up. He watched his face as it twisted in pain. Despite all the prep, Ghost was big and Soap was oh so tight. It barely fit.
"Fuck..." Soap groaned, eyes shutting. He immediately started to bounce. Poor thing was trying real hard to get him off.
Simon smiled, slipping into the happy place he only reached when high. Where there was nothing but his body and what he felt right now.
Soap was warm. The lube made him feel wet. He also clenched every time he sank all the way down. Felt so good.
Ghost set his hands on his hips. "Good boy. Putting so much effort in. You're going to be here a while though. Hope you have good stamina. Real good stamina."
Soap grinned. "Come on, sir. You've seen me on the field. I can go as long as you need me to."
Ghost smirked. "If you think so." He enjoyed it. The pleasure sparking through him. That tight fucking hole. The hot body above him. Soap wasn't wearing his dog tags. Ghost wished he was so he'd have something to do with his hands.
Instead his hands stroked up his sides, up his back, down his thighs. Soap started speeding up, groaning as he got his sweet spot. "I'm getting close. Gonna finish with me?"
Ghost hummed. "No. You're going to keep going afterwards. When you finish, you're going to clench around me and it's going to feel reaaaaal nice."
Soap's hips stuttered and he looked confused. "Are you sober?"
"Probably should've asked before you got on top of me yeah? It was just an edible. I'm still perfectly able to consent." Ghost rolled his hips up into so Soap would shut up. "I should've had you blow me first." He thrust up again and Soap finally got the message to keep going.
Soap sped up and ended up coming all over Ghost's chest. His bounces didn't even stutter. He just kept going.
Johnny lasted longer than Ghost expected, but even he had his limits he supposed. His legs started to wobble as he tried to lift himself all the way up. His cock was leaking all over his chest.
Ghost grabbed him once he was barely even grinding on top of him. He flipped them over and started to fuck into him. He pulled his legs as wide open as they went and pounded into him.
Soap choked as he started to feel it. His precum ran down his chest as Ghost hit his prostate over and over.
"Fuck... Fuck... Simon..."
Soap writhed as he took it. Ghost leaned down and pressed his clothed mouth against Soap's. He sped up and let Johnny just take it. He ignored that he came again. Soap whined from pleasure, digging his nails deep into the flesh of his shoulders. "Feels so good. I can't take it. Can't..."
Ghost slammed into him, making Soap start to sob. "Don't care what you think you can take. You seem to be taking it just fine right now." He was finally getting close. Almost there.
Soap's eyes rolled back as he shook. He started to babble as Ghost finally came in him, burying himself deep inside him to pump him full.
Ghost swallowed as he tried to catch his breath. Soap twitched underneath him.
"Jesus, Simon. You a little pent up?"
Ghost looked down at him, disheveled and sweaty. He thrust into him again, feeling the way he clenched. "Another round?"
"Fuck. Can't you give me a minute?"
Ghost stared at him. "Please?"
Soap whimpered. "Fuck... Yeah." Ghost would worry that he wasn't willing if not for how his cock was desperately twitching.
Simon kissed him deeply and started to roll his hips. He closed his eyes and buried his face in Soap's neck.
Soap couldn't contain himself, crying and whimpering into him. Ghost fell into that blissful state again.
Pleasure. Pressure. Everything bubbling inside him into this warm fuzzy feeling.
All that was there was Johnny. Not Soap. Johnny.
For a moment, he thought he may be in love with him.
Soap tapped his shoulder desperately and Ghost faltered, realizing he came again. "Mhmmm ahhhh...."
Ghost pulled out of him. "Good boy. You did such a good job, you know that? Really. Truly."
Soap whimpered, legs shaking hard.
Ghost got him a drink and then sat next to him. Soap started cuddling him and Ghost ran his fingers through his hair. "Next time I plan to get high, I'm going to message you. We'll start with a blowjob this time. Maybe I won't be so hard on you next time."
Soap clenched around nothing as he nodded. "Yes, sir."
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toiletclown · 4 days
breathless. (part four.)
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spencer agnew x gn!reader
word count: 2602.
there's angst but it's resolved with fluff i promise!
summary: you had confessed, finally, but it was a mistake. so you walk and you walk. then you walk right back to spencer, like you always do.
a/n: i was going to take a break but i'm doing fairly well today and should be able to finish the fic tn at work! :D i went to the gym this morning and i'm just in an all around better mood hehe.
✧˖°.⁺‧˚ ♡ ˚‧⁺ ✧˖°.
You just kept walking. Not having your phone meant you had to listen to the sounds of the city while you wandered, and soon enough the sun was dipping behind the buildings. You were barely sure of where you were at, and you really hoped you could find your way back to the office without your phone. God, what have you done? You ruined your friendship with your soulmate. There was no reason to deny yourself that line of thinking – soulmates – because whether he returned your feelings or not, you knew that’s what he was. And your feelings were out in the open now, anyway. He was your soulmate, handcrafted to love you. Your atoms were within centimeters of each other during the Big Bang, and all these millennia later, you had ruined what the universe had so kindly set up for you. All because you word vomited instead of waiting.
The image of Spencer’s tears was burned into your brain. How dejected he had looked. The entire time you had been walking you had refused to dwell, refused to think about it. But you were walking back to reality, to the office, and, most importantly, to him. You had to face your mistake eventually. Hopefully Ian and Anthony wouldn’t mind you taking a week off. You needed it. There would be no HR relationship papers to sign, no meetings with the four of you to discuss your new relationship. There would be no soft launch, no hard launch. No launch at all. Except maybe your heart into a fucking trench. 
One-sided soulmates had to be a thing. Because even if Spencer didn’t want you, didn’t see the same things you saw, didn’t believe in soulmates, the truth of the matter was that he was yours. There’s not another person on this godforsaken earth that understands you the way he does. No one else who can see through all your bullshit quite like him. No one else who would answer your call or FaceTime on the first ring every time, or text you back within 30 seconds, religiously. No one to cook for, no one to stay up with till the wee hours watching reruns of fucking Family Guy. You had thrown it all down the drain, your heart with it.
As you walked back in the general direction you believed the office to be in, you finally let your mind wander. You shouldn't have left. You knew that. But you had spilled your heart, and he was crying. Whether those were happy tears, or sad tears, you just couldn’t stand to look at it. You had never made him cry before, from sadness or otherwise.
Spence POV
“I’m sorry, I’m… I’ll go.” And they did. Y/N ripped their hands from Spencer’s, and bolted for the door. They were gone.
They didn't even give him time to react. Spencer realized he had started crying, despite him not giving his body permission, and knew that was the reason they launched out of the hallway. 
He heard the door alarm ding, signaling that someone had left. He just hoped it wasn't you.
Spencer willed his feet to move, booking it down the hall after his best friend. But you were gone.
“Where did Y/N go? Did you see?” He asked Kiana, who had been standing in the lobby. 
She wrapped him in a hug, and he just let it all out. Sobbing in the middle of his workplace was not a good look, especially at his age, but he couldn’t keep it in. She led them down to an empty meeting room, sitting him down on the couch and hugging him tightly.
“Spencer, what happened?”
He tried to speak, but his throat was tight with sadness and anger, and he could only cry.
“It’s okay, let it out. Take your time, I'm right here. Do you need anything? Excedrin, another Kickstart? Another hug?” Kiana was rubbing his back softly, doing her best to help him without overwhelming him.
Spencer shook his head, still not able to find his words. After a few more moments of tears, he grabbed a tissue from the table next to him and got into it. “Y/N told me they loved me. That they’re in love with me. I started crying, I guess, and when they saw they just… ran. They said they shouldn't have told me while we were at work, but that they couldn’t hold it in anymore. And I swear, Kiana, I was only crying because I was so fucking happy. You know how I feel about them, how in love with them I’ve been for so long. And I no sooner find out they feel the same, and they're gone. I’m kinda freakin’ out, man.” He took a breath, attempting to calm himself down a bit more. “I can't lose them, Kiana. I can't, they're my fucking soulmate, they're all I’ve wanted for so long, and it was ripped out of my hands as soon as I had it. I’m scared, I’m really scared. Terrified. I wasn't crying because I was mad, I was elated. But I didn't even have a chance to change their mind. They’re just… gone.”
The tears started back up, and Kiana hugged him once more. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry. They’re not gone, Spencer. They're probably just as overwhelmed as you are, and needed a minute. That’s all. Give Y/N some time to cool off and sort their brain out, okay? Let them process this, and then they’ll be back and you guys can talk. If Y/N has really felt this way just as long as you have, that was probably a really big and scary thing for them. And when you're doing big, scary things, a reaction like tears could be misconstrued. I’m sure everything will be fine once they cool off.”
“Yeah, you're probably right,” Spencer supplied, wiping at his tears with another tissue. “But I really don't know how I’m going to be able to get any actual work done just sitting and waiting for them to get back.” His tears had finally come to an end, and he was working on steadying his breathing so he could stay calm. 
Kiana and Spencer sat in silence for a few minutes, Kiana giving him little pep talks here and there and Spencer blowing his nose now and again. When the room felt a little lighter, Spencer was the one to break the silence.
“You know, I was planning on telling them soon. I was trying to figure out how I wanted to do it. They actually took some of the words right out of my mouth. It’s so tiring to come to work everyday and pretend I haven't been dreaming about them, pretend I haven't been missing their cooking and our hang outs. And I know I'm the one who pulled back first, I know I was the one who fucked everything up these past few weeks. I pulled back, I stopped being so touchy, I stopped inviting them over. That was my doing. But I thought I was protecting them. Or myself. I don't know anymore, I guess. I just really want my best friend back, in any capacity. If I ruined everything, so be it, I just need them to be in my life. At the very least as a friend.” He shuffled in his seat, suddenly filled with energy. “Kiana, I love them so much. What if I ruined it all?”
“You didn't, Spencer.” Kiana gripped his shoulders, needing him to hear her words. “Emotions are hard, but you have to feel them to get through them. And so does Y/N. Let them have their time to process, like we’re doing now, and in no time everything will be fixed. You just have to be patient. You’ve waited eight years so far, you can wait another hour or two, right?” 
This evoked a laugh from Spencer, which felt nice. He wanted to laugh with Y/N again. “Yeah, yeah I guess I can wait another hour. Two hours is too far though!”
Spencer sat at his desk, phone face down since Y/N didn't take theirs when they left, a post-it note placed precariously over the time on his laptop. He couldn’t linger on how long it had been since they had left. They’d be back, and they would work this out. He just had to be patient.
Luckily, no one had come over to try and talk to him. He guessed that seeing a grown man break down sobbing in public was enough for everyone to realize he needed a bit of space. He got a few Slack messages of people sending him their thoughts, which made him happy. He didn’t respond to any of them. He couldn’t find it in himself to put a happy face on and thank them for their concern, tell them he’s okay. Because in the grand scheme of things, he wasn’t sure he’d ever be okay again.
Deep in his own head, after far longer than he realized, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Spencer shot out of his chair and hugged them, the tears coming back even stronger. “Y/N, please don’t leave me like that again. I’m sorry I scared you when I started crying,” he took a breath, still hugging his soulmate harder than was necessary. “And I’m sorry I’m crying now. I need you to know I’m only crying because I’m so fucking happy, I promise. I promise you, Y/N, they’re happy tears. I love you.”
Y/N hadn’t spoken a word, but he could feel them sobbing quietly into his shoulder. It was late enough in the day that most people had left, and he knew the pod was empty save for them. He cradled their head with his right hand, his left hand rubbing circles into the small of their back. “I love you, Peach, you know I love you. More than you think, more than you know, more than you love me. I’ve loved you every day for eight years, and I will love you until the light leaves my fucking eyes. Even after that. I’m so sorry I scared you off, I love you, my peach, I love you.”
Y/N broke the hug, a bubble of laughter erupting from them. “I guess it’s your turn to word vomit, huh?” As they both wiped at their eyes, Y/N laughed again. “Oh, I’m sorry. I snotted on your jacket. I hope you can forgive me for that.”
“I’ll forgive you for anything, Y/N.”
“Can you forgive me for dropping that bomb on you and immediately running away?”
“Only if you promise me that you meant it.”
“Of course I meant it, Spinner.” You pulled out a nickname, one you hadn’t used for months, knowing that would calm him a bit. “I love you, with every fiber of my stupid being. And I’m sorry I left you like that. I won’t do it again.”
You did your secret pinky swear handshake, where once the pinkies are wrapped, the person making the promise places a kiss on the other person’s hand. “I love you, Peach.”
“I love you, Spence. Always will.”
Reader POV
After such a painful yet wonderful day, you were ready for a calm night. You wanted to see Spencer, of course, but you knew you both needed some time apart to think about how this was all going to play out. Are you going to tell the fans? Are you going to change how you interact on camera? If you don’t tell the fans, would he be down to give them hints in videos or on Instagram stories? How long did you guys have to wait to move in together? You weren’t even technically dating yet, you had only professed your love for one another.
You should probably slow down. This was all still new, anyway. You both had forever to figure it out, luckily.
You fiddled with your keys till you got your apartment door open, ready to draw a nice, hot bath and destress in the tub. You dropped your bag off on your couch and headed to your bathroom.
God, you looked like shit. Your eyes were red from all the tears and emotions, you had a raging migraine, your dark circles were the worst you’d ever seen them. You set about washing your face, started the bath, and lit your favorite candles. You turned the lights off, turned your playlist on, and undressed.
You sunk into the heat, your muscles letting the tension seep slowly out of them, and reflected on today’s events.
You were extremely happy to have worked everything out in one day. You were aware of how lucky you and Spencer were. Friends to lovers has its perks, you guess. You were so scared that you would have to be without him for much, much longer. Any time away from him was excruciating, though you’d never let him know that. He’d bully you endlessly if he knew how attached you were. Though you supposed he felt the same way, since he loved you just as much as you loved him.
What a fucking day. You hummed along to the end of a Daft Punk song, sinking deeper into the water. Breathless came on next. Entirely unconsciously, you shot up. You splashed some water on the floor in the process, but your heart was going a mile a minute.
“Ugh,” you groaned to your empty bathroom, “Leave me breathless indeed.”
Willing your heart to slow to a normal pace, you decided your bath was over. You just wanted to lay down and decompress. As you were toweling off, you heard a knock at the door.
It wasn’t so late that a visitor would be a problem, but you also had way too fucking busy of a day to hang out with anyone right now. You stood still, silent, hoping they’d just leave you be. You can catch up with whoever it is once your brain and heart are done reeling from the nonsense of your day.
You waited a couple more seconds, silence falling across your apartment. You let out a breath, and then it caught in your throat when you heard the doorknob. You raced to put a shirt and shorts on, not caring about your looks considering someone was trying to break into your home.
You ran to grab a makeshift weapon from the hall when your door swung open. You nearly screamed, but it was Spencer. You had forgotten he had a key.
“Whoa, Y/N. You okay?” Spencer ran to you, clearly catching that you were freaking out a bit.
“I should beat you, Charles Spencer Agnew, how dare you not warn me!”
Spencer threw his hands up in mock surrender, backing away a little. “In all fairness, I texted you. You didn’t respond but I saw on Find My Friends that you were home and I just got worried, I guess.” He rubbed the nape of his neck, sheepish. “I know that today was… a lot. And I know you tend to isolate yourself when you experience big things. I don’t know, I guess I was just scared I was going to lose you twice in one day, you know?” 
You closed the distance between you and your best friend, wrapping him in a hug. He hugged back, tight. “You’ll never lose me, Spence. Ever. Not even if you want to.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
✧˖°.⁺‧˚ ♡ ˚‧⁺ ✧˖°.
taglist: @lokidokieokie @chaoticlizzzzzz @babble28 @starstriker027 @langaslefthairstrand @vc55bughead @kneelforloki @cosmichahn
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collapsedglasshouses · 4 months
HEAVEN KNOWS I AIN'T GETTING OVER YOU || Joakim Karlsson x fem!Reader
picture found on pinterest
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PAIRING: ex-husband!Jolly x fem!reader
SUMMARY: When Jolly visits you unannounced on a Tuesday night, you have no idea what it leads to.
WARNINGS: SMUT [oral sex, female receiving; unprotected p in v], possessive!jolly, ANGST, jolly and reader have a daughter together (y/d/n), MDNI, 18+
TAGLIST: @measuredingold @cncohshit @circle-with-me @jilliemiw86 @justeli6 (If you wanna be added to my taglist in general, leave a comment or message me privately!)
A/N: i wrote this in one sitting and i'm so proud of it that i can't hide it for one second longer. i hope you like it! also this isn't proofread, im very sorry ._.
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[y/d/n = your daughter’s name]
You thought the hardest thing you had ever done in your entire life was the process of deciding to file for divorce from your ex-husband Jolly, but he had proven you wrong. It was that he had signed the papers without an argument or fight. He had just done it.
It had stung, how he came back from a long tour, saw the papers laying on the kitchen counter and just signed them. It hurt but you also knew it was for the best. That he didn’t fight with you was hard, but it also made it in some ironic way easier.
Since you had a daughter together, he came over only on the weekends when he was home from touring and normally, he’d only pick up your daughter and leave again; not really much conversation going on between you except the necessary small talk. He was a good father and human after all, and you were glad for that.
After some time, routine came back and somewhat everything began to feel normal again. You began to date again, and Jolly seemed to live his life to the fullest. You were happy for him.
That changed when your doorbell rang on a Tuesday evening. You were sitting on the couch watching TV when you heard the sound and for the first couple of seconds you thought about not opening the door. After all, it was almost 8 PM and you were kind of scared there would be someone trying to break in or hurt you, but when it rang again you became curious.
“Joakim?” You asked surprised when you saw him standing there.
“Is it true?” He just asked and looked you dead in the eye.
“What?” You answered him confused. He looked like he hadn’t slept properly since he brought back your daughter two days ago.
“On the weekend, y/d/n said you were seeing someone.” He asked, his tone careful, yet you could sense some sort of hurt in his voice.
“Do you maybe wanna come in before you confront me about stuff that hasn’t got anything to do with you?” You grumbled at him in a sarcastic tone, which he ignored while stepping into the place you once called home together.
He walked into the living room, followed by you. There he crossed his arms in front of your chest and looked at you, disappointed.
“What do you want to here, Joakim? I don’t remember that we agreed to be abstinent for the rest of our lives.” You snarled at him and mirrored is gesture.
“Don’t you think it still hurts that I hear that from our daughter instead of you?” He responded in the same tone.
“I don’t know why you suddenly seemed to care.” You grumbled. “Since you didn’t show any interest in me for… how long is it now? One and a half years?”
“You didn’t even let me explain myself and threw the divorce papers at me. How do you think I feel?” He angrily expressed.
“I don’t even need to tell you this, but there is no other guy. I went on two dates. TWO dates, Jolly.” You answered him while ignoring how his statement stung. You knew it had been egoistic of you, but the months before the divorce, he either wasn’t at home or when he was, he didn’t even look at you. You felt unimportant, unloved, neglected. And now he was throwing around these statements. You wished he had done it earlier. You wished he would have opened up to you. The fact that he only did it because he saw the potential danger of another person in your life, hurt you so much.
Jolly took a deep breath. “I feel like we never even talked about this whole separation.”
“You were the one who didn’t ask when I handed you the papers, Joakim.” You said, your tone a lot calmer than it had been before but you still were angry. You were glad that your daughter was having a sleepover at a friend's house that night, otherwise she would have already been downstairs.
When Jolly didn’t say anything for another solid minute, you sighed.
“Don’t you think it is a bit too late to talk now?” You mumbled defeated and ran a hand through your hair. “I hope you know that I didn’t do that to hurt you. We both know it would have ended way uglier if we dragged it out longer than it already had been.”
You saw how Jolly swallowed hard.
“You know I still love you?” He almost whispered and let his hands fall to his sides. When you looked at him like that, he almost looked broken… defeated. For the first time since what felt like ages, you felt like he let his guard down. Like he wasn’t trying to hide his feelings away.
“I know, Jolly.” You answered him. “And I also know that a part of me still loves you and always will, but we both know that this isn’t going to work. At least not like this.”
He slowly took a step towards you, carefully watching your reaction. When you didn’t look reluctant or took a step back, he reached for your hand and grabbed it.
“I am so sorry that all of this happened. I thought about everything that had happened. Long before the divorce. I know how cruel I was to leave you in the dark. To not talk to you when I needed nothing but your comfort. I thought that I would get through everything by myself.” He told you with honesty in his voice.
“You didn’t have to go through everything alone. That is what a marriage is for, Jolly. I would have been more than happy to help you. I still am if you need me.” You whispered out and looked into the eyes of the man you had and still loved so dearly, and you felt how your heart hurt.
“I always need you, y/n. I need you so bad.” Jolly responded and you saw how his eyes became glossy. Without even thinking you wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him tightly. You felt how tears started to form in your eyes and it broke your heart when you heard him sniffle for a second.
When you leaned back to look at him, there was this foolish hope in your heart. The hope that you would be able to find back to each other. But your brain knew, even if you did eventually manage to do that, now was not the right time for it.
“Can I kiss you?” Jolly asked and you felt warmth form in your stomach. You knew you should have said no. You knew you should have been strong, but you still nodded.
Your lips met with a ferocity born from years of unspoken words and yearning. The taste of his mouth a bittersweet reminder of everything you had lost.
It felt like you kissed for an eternity and still, when you pulled away, it felt like it wasn’t long enough. You missed him. You missed everything about him, from his small jokes to the way it felt when you fell asleep next to him. He was what made this house a home.
“We shouldn’t.” You whispered against his lips, and he nodded. Before he could even think about letting you go, you pressed your lips against his for a second kiss. This one being much more eager than the previous one.
Slowly but surely, you stumbled towards the couch and soon you were laying under him, lips still connected as if life depended on it. His tongue slipped into your mouth, and you couldn’t help but sigh into the kiss.
It didn’t take long until his fingers curled into the waistband of your shorts and panties. For a second, he leaned back to look for consent in your eyes. When you eagerly nodded, he tugged them down your legs.
He kissed you deeply before lowering himself down your body. You shivered when you felt his breath against your core and not even a second later you felt his warm tongue sliding through your folds. He drew skillful circles around your clit. A wave of warmth washed over you as you moaned out his name and it felt so wrong and so right at the same time. You had missed him so much.
Your hand reached for his and he was quick to intertwine your fingers. Your nails pressed into the skin on his hand as your back arched in pleasure.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He pleaded as he raised his head for a second to look at you through his lashed and you felt like you could come on the spot.
“I’m yours, Joakim. I always will be.” You whimpered out and it was all he needed to hear as his head lowered again.
It didn’t take long for you to feel the waves of your orgasm washing over you, as you screamed out his name. Your vision blurred for a second as you came on his tongue. He kissed the inside of your thighs until you slowly came down from your high, before he came up to look at you again.
You grabbed his face and kissed him with such force, he feared to collapsed right on the spot. You could taste yourself on his tongue and the feeling of the fabric of his jeans against your naked cunt made you shiver in overstimulation.
In a swift motion, he turned you on your stomach and you heard how he unzipped his pants. The next thing you felt was hot kisses pressed to the back of your neck and you sighed in need. You needed to feel him, even if it was the last time.
“Do you have a condom?” He groaned into your ear.
“You don’t need one, Joakim. I’m clean and on the pill.” – “Got it.”
You clenched your fists into the fabric of the couch as you felt him enter you. A delicate burn formed inside of you as he stretched your walls. He was gentle but still you let out a small yelp as he bottomed out in one stroke. The small groan that escaped from Jolly’s lips, let you clench around him for a moment.
“God.” He moaned. “I wish I could stay inside of you forever.”
You moaned as a response.
“I’ll make you mine, even if it’s the last time.” He groaned as he slung an arm around your torso, making you slightly sit on him as he thrusted into you.
“I’ll be yours.” You whimpered and reached behind you to grab onto his hair. You moved in a rhythm as you felt the knot tighten in your stomach for a second time. One of Jolly’s hands travelled between your thighs and began to rub small circles on your wet clit.
“God, Jolly. I’m gonna come.” You almost screamed out.
“I’ve got you.” He breathed out as you felt the intense sensation of your second orgasm rolling over you. You felt how your body slowly lost strength, but you held yourself together for him.
You fell forward, leaning on your elbows as his hands grabbed your hips. Shortly after that you felt how he was twitching inside of you and he let out a loud groan as he finished inside of you, his cum filling you up until it began to drip. He grabbed the armrest of the couch in front of you to not let his weight drop on you as he mumbled out small love confessions.
For a couple of moments, neither of you dared to move. He peppered your shoulder with small kisses while you both tried to tame your breaths. Even though, you both didn’t want to, he eventually pulled out of you and got up, as you slowly laid down on your back.
After a minute or so he reappeared with a washcloth and gently cleaned you up, before helping you up from the couch and to the bathroom to go to the toilet.
After you finished and came back to the living room, he handed you your clothes and you both got fully dressed again, before looking at each other in awkward silence.
You knew what he was going to say, before he could even finish.
“Maybe, I should-…” – “Stay.”
He blinked a couple of times as his eyes lit up.
“Y/d/n isn’t coming back until tomorrow after school. You can stay.” You almost whispered and hoped he wouldn’t leave you in that state. “I want you to stay.”
“Okay.” He muttered and nodded slightly. “I will.”
As the two of you sat down on the couch, a wave of guilt washed over you. This was a forbidden taste of the past that only solidified the painful truth. You were bound by a love that could never be, at least not now…
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #28
The Battle of Big Wand
Part 3 of reacting to this episode (spoiler-free)!
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They locked the boy who has a darkness phobia in the deep dark pit, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
omfg, OF COURSE the first thing he does is ask for a drink... Good to know that even 8 years ago, I clocked him as growing up to be a guy who relies on the things that get Fairies drunk (sugar and carbonation) to block out his excessive trauma. oh geez, dude...
How long's he been losing his mind down here? He was fine a few episodes ago in "Growing Pains"! D: He was hanging out at his parents' place!
- Oh, I SO called Peri with magical back-up. He's having a rough go of it... Wowza, he's hallucinating about Dev. That's dark. - I really hope they don't send Foop on a bathroom break or my anxiety is going to spike through the roof. Even if Hazel did use her rule-free wish to revive them, would that be f'd up if they killed Peri and Irep off the way the Grim Reaper told Foop he'd die back in "Man's Worst Friend" or what?
I think ginger ale is good for nausea, which is why Peri's asking for it, but it's still funny because... canonically, he can get drunk if he has enough of that.
I like the rainbow sickness. This feels more correct and enjoyable than the rapid inflation and explosion of the OG series. You can tell Peri is sick and gradually expanding as his magic backs up, but I like that we get to see it, especially since it's set up as death in this universe (rather than easy to recover from in the OG).
I like seeing that Peri is VERY clearly ill and definitely not in a mental or physical place to "push through the pain and escape."
I definitely would say "This is dark," and this loops back to what I said watching "Fearless" and "28 Puddings Later" that A New Wish is definitely a tone shift from the OG. I wouldn't say it's Invader Zim dark, but I think the only episode that gave me vibes this dark was "Channel Chasers" during the scenes that were aiming for "gritty adult action with buff hero characters.
I know Poof and Foop got torn out of reality in "Timmy's Secret Wish," but that's still cute and fluffy to me... lmao.
sldkjfsdklfj, I made a joke during my "Lost in Fairy World" liveblog about how Cosmo and Wanda were going to get ants with all that candy in their room. I know Hazel is lying about ants, but I like it.
Her landlord's hair reminds me of Remy's. that's... a unique style.
/glances tiredly and uneasily at my list of Remy's many runaway uncles who scampered off since they weren't their parents' heir and are still pretty messed up...
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I enjoy Wanda comforting her dying son while Cosmo's taking it hard off to the side. Cosmo wanting a moment to himself feels right.
Peri and Irep must not be synced up, presumably because Irep is using magic to grant wishes. Or Anti-Fairies don't get back-up.
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There he is~ Anti-Cosmo "literally only here because I was told I might score a godkid" Anti-Cosma. I hate him! (affectionate).
Anti-Wanda looks like she would bite me and I would let her.
Something is so very wrong with Dev "Instead of wishing my lactose intolerance went away, I'm going to delete lactose from the universe" Dimmadome.
I enjoy Irep constantly bouncing or lightly kicking his feet as he waits for Dev to give him new wishes. He definitely gets that from his dad.
Absolutely on the floor that I clocked Anti-Cosmo as hanging back while Irep runs the show with Dev. They've literally not changed and I'm so happy!!!!
I spent over a year worried they were going to reboot A.C. into some take-charge, full-steam-ahead takeover villain, and you're telling me the local confrontation-avoider is still avoiding conflict??
Take me out now; it's never getting better than this. (The sequel.) I'm gonna be riding this high for months.
I was expecting to see Tibecuador on that map, but they cleverly have the Americas on the other side of the globe. I assume that disappeared when Timmy aged out of Fairies, though we know it wasn't unwished after Season 5 (It gets a mention in Season 6).
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I like that both Dev and Irep enjoy dancing to "So proud of my son" lyrics. They're vibin'. Irep has daddy issues too.
sdlkfjsd, when Jorgen undid Dev's "king of America" wish a few episodes ago, he didn't erase anyone's minds?? I like that the news refers to Dev as "former king of America."
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??? Did Dev and Trev break their friendship after Episode 1 because they both like Bev? That's hilarious!
The news report specifically says "couples are breaking up" due to Anti-Fairy influence, without implying that Anti-Fairies caused these two to get together in the first place. WERE they together? That's silly.
I am once again disappointed we were robbed of the Trev-Dev-Bev friend squad. But this is funny too.
Another waning crescent.
I'mma be honest, but Hazel saying she's had her fairies for about a year just makes me even more confused as to why we're doing a "get a rule-free wish after 1 million" instead of the previously established "get a rule-free wish after 1 year."
I... am gonna un-canonize her 1 million wishes in 'fic unless this ends up being incredibly important. Sorry to keep bringing it up, but I just can't wrap my head around this. "Timmy's Secret Wish" was kind of a big deal. It was a movie and not just a one-off episode, and it's been referenced several times in A New Wish already. Timmy took so much flak for being allegedly wasteful, dangerous, or overly reliant on his wishes. He did make some wild ones, but I'm SO curious to know what Hazel wished for. I wish we'd see flashbacks like we did in that movie, but again... recognizing the limits of a 20-minute episode.
I'm so glad Jasmine told Hazel she wasn't shocked by the reveal that Hazel had fairy godparents, seeing as in Post #10, I said she'd expressed suspicions towards Hazel twice but it didn't seem to be going anywhere and I was disappointed. That's a good callback.
Winn: Your apartment was a hotel and then it wasn't.
That's the other thing I was wondering about! Thanks, Winn. You're my favorite.
It drives me wild that Antony's not going to talk to Hazel about whether she has issues because he doesn't have the context to know fairies get assigned to miserable children. I feel like he'd really want to hear about that.
Antony knows Cosmo and Wanda? Maybe they DID have dinner together. I hope he met Peri. I think they'd be friends. I'll have to look back and see if he was introduced to them by name in "Rattleconda Racers," but... I don't think I noticed he'd clocked them as her neighbors.
They probably crossed paths offscreen while he was home for the holidays. I haven't settled on a timeline yet, but he could've been home for a whole month for winter, so it's likely they've met and he saw Hazel interact with them.
There is something so funny about Winn saying they sussed Cosmo and Wanda out as fairies because of their pink and green hair when they look like this:
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I enjoy Hazel being familiar enough with Dev, Cosmo, and Wanda to know their clothes by heart, but she blanked on Irep-
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- implication being that she remembered his giant square head and not much else. Not even wings.
Hazel 🤝 Chloe Remembering Foop's hair, mustache, and crown, but forgetting he wears clothes
I'm surprised Hazel's friends are ready to go to war against an entire race of evil magical beings famed for bad luck and torture, and they don't have any questions about this? I feel like one of them would want to talk to their parents. Jasmine said she was a fraidy-cat early on, but I guess facing her fears in "Fearless" turned that around more than I expected.
Oh no, Jorgen's in a pit.
??? If we're in Jorgen's office, where was Peri held before the takeover?
I like how Anti-Cosmo clicks his heels.
New shirt design for Anti-Wanda?? That was on my reboot bucket list! I had my fingers crossed for a fancy dress, sweater, or jacket, but I'll take it! This is clever because it's close to her old design.
... I don't look forward to drawing it :'D
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I am OBSESSED with their energy. Anti-Cosmo is so fancy and Anti-Wanda looks like she showed up in pajamas or party clothes. And he loves her so much. That's always been their thing, but it's good to get a reminder since he spends so much of their 1-on-1 time in the OG series screaming and running around. I missed him... It's been 11 years...
... Actually, that makes this my first time ever seeing new (canon) Anti-Cosmo content drop since he was outtie by the time I got to the fandom (back in 2016 when Season 10 was just starting). Exciting!
I actually have an AU called "King Me" that I started in 2016 but have never posted anything for, but it's about Anti-Wanda being raised from birth as the leader of the Anti-Fairies and getting betrothed to some nerd, and seeing them new and shiny and dressed like this makes me want to finish it, because I love Anti-Wanda being in charge when she's so casual and silly. It's one of my favorites <3
omg, it's an anti-Fairy shirt... OH, this makes the fact I portray Anti-Wanda as giggly over puns and wordplay even better...
Anti-Wanda shopping, pointing at the crossed-out crown: It's me.
I like how while Anti-Cosmo is bragging that Anti-Fairies are masters of torture who know all their counterparts' weaknesses, Cosmo looks like this:
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Anti-Cosmo: I'm a master of torture... I know your biggest weakness~ Cosmo: I don't believe you for a second, but go off I guess
Irep knew exactly what he was doing when he sent Peri to the dark pit... u can't make me believe it was an accident he was hyperventilating and rocking back and forth with crossed eyes when Cosmo and Wanda got to him...
Wheezing at the fact that I'm pretty sure neither A.C. nor Anti-Wanda has been addressed by name because the writers gave us Irep and Lezah... They can't drop the anti-names on us and don't want to call them Omsoc and Adnaw.
I DID wonder where that set-up was going, but I think their names not being not acknowledged at all is the funniest direction.
Like?? POV, New Wish is your only exposure to Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda, but you don't engage with the fandom so you sus out for yourself what their backwards names would be and that's how you grow up thinking of them.
I personally have Anti-Fairy kids using names picked by their parents and they only switch to using their anti-names when they become adults, so... if we were to assume Irep is just slightly too young to use the name Anti-Peri, that headcanon would still track in New Wish for him and Lezah. Which is interesting.
..... If Peri is short for Periwinkle, is Irep's full name Elkniwirep, because ouch. I understand where he was coming from when he complained his new name was "much more difficult to pronounce" than Foop.
I like the implication that Anti-Fairy nicknames would come from the end of their names rather than the beginning. Though looking at that name, I think Noir would also be an appropriate nickname for him.
Irep when he has to sign for a package for his parents: Eh, you can come back next week.
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Anti-Cosmo's clothes are spot-on. It's him!! ... Except for his monocle being on the wrong side. I personally made him blind in one eye in 'fics, but I'm pretty sure a real monocle can be used on either eye.
It's kind of funny to me they did that. It must be easier to model this way, but the OG series never depicted him switching to the other eye even when he turned his head. Kind of interesting in an "I wonder if modern fanart will portray it interchangeably or if the right eye is deemed consistent" kind of way.
!!!! They kept his big ol' giant fangs!!! Irep definitely gets most of his personality from his mom, but he's got Dad's fangs <3
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This makes me want to practice drawing him more. A.C. is the hardest for me to draw (between his clothes, hat, hair, and having bat-like ears in Cloudlands AU), but I really like his cravat here and would like to take another whack at him, I think.
skldjf, I'm glad Anti-Cosmo is still Mr. "super weird about needing to hold things in his left hand." Nobody cares, but I care
In the OG show, he threw his wand off-screen so he could switch his teacup to his left hand after picking it up... He does this in multiple episodes, shifting things to his left for no reason even if he picks them up in his right. I'm sure it means nothing, but... why did they draw him doing that? He keeps his wineglass on his left despite Anti-Wanda being depicted with hers on her right... Sometimes he'll even stand next to other characters and hold an item in his left even though his neighbor is holding the same item in their right. why.
?? Anti-Cosmo had to look up "discombobulated" in the dictionary? Wouldn't the taunting have been stronger to prove he doesn't have to look it up?
I like Anti-Cosmo bracing his legs beneath the dictionary the same way Peri did when he was looking at Da Rules.
Heavy book; need better weight distribution or it's killer on the back.
sdfkljsd... oh, poor Cosmo... Listen..... LISTEN........ I know there's no way in heck they would bring back the "77 Secrets of the Fairly OddParents (Revealed)" lore that Cosmo's deepest secret is that he's an "author of distinction" who's written oodles of books, including Astrophysics for Morons from the episode "Shelf Life," but...
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This is SO MEAN... I have a 'fic ("Repeat") where we learn Cosmo's been erasing his own memories for ages because people wanted him in jail or worse for writing about astrophysics when Fairy culture pushes the idea that stars are ancient Fairies (à la "Wishology") and this is how he's protecting himself. My interpretation of him is that he gets upset sometimes because "He used to know what these words mean," like... that is an actual scene I've written, and I'm dying...
Corporate needs you to find the difference between these scenes... lmao.
"We knew it wouldn't be easy, not following the old beliefs… but we're on enough thin ice with the Fairy Council as it is. Let's… not tip the scales by making wild claims about the stars. But if it's any consolation… You can tell me about astrophysics any time of week." "Mm…" He didn't even know what 'consolation' meant. He did once, though… Didn't he? When he read his old diaries, they made no sense because he used to know so many words. His handwriting. His memories. But not all the words made sense anymore. Robin Cosma would be so disappointed in his son. How funny that your father can be a poet known across the cloudlands… and you can't remember how to spell "tinnitus."
Anti-Cosmo, you are being SO mean in my lore right now... Thanks, I hate it. But I like that physical torture wasn't the option they went for. This feels very right to me (Mental torments, preying on fears and paranoia instead of just attacking... This feels right for their species since they're supposed to be dark and creepy).
-> I mean, I don't know what I expected from Anti-Cosmo "avoids confrontation if he might get hurt" Anti-Cosma, but... lol.
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Anti-Wanda: /shoves A.C. out of the way and takes his book Anti-Cosmo: :(
If Anti-Cosmo has to confront anyone while he's in slapping range, he will die, actually. Wait, what did I write at the start of this liveblog?
OG series Anti-Cosmo doesn't even want to take over Fairy World; he wants a godkid. His shtick is "I will literally do anything for a godkid even if it's stupid and I make a fool of myself." And then he makes a fool of himself; it's great. [...] Taking over means confronting magical people, and Anti-Cosmo doesn't, like... do that. He taunts people IF he holds a blatant advantage (like them being locked up or them being a human who can't jump and grab him), but he's also a huge coward <3 He's Mr. Buddy System. He needs his Anti-Fairies. So... He might be here, yeah! But I do get major Irep vibes. Irep's totally leading, and I don't see Anti-Cosmo's aesthetic here, so I think he's playing a small supporting role if he's here at all. [...] He DOES have smug energy and cool lines sometimes… but he's also a tantrum-throwing brat who's scared to stand up to people, and in this house, we love him for it!! [...] I just want Anti-Cosmo to be an awkward nerd pretending to be confident, but also he likes to run around and goof off, but he should also look at people like he's confused they kicked his puppy.
sdlkfjsfdjkl??? oh my fluffin' gee. This is beat for beat "Anti-Cosmo taunting people when he's trapped them under a butterfly net in "Fairly Odd Baby" and then backing the heck down as soon as H.P. tells him "Yeah, we're not doing that." ... This is the same energy as Jorgen's slideshow when he specifically labels H.P., not Anti-Cosmo, the more influential parent of the anti-fairy child they raised to be evil way back when... He's the same person... He's such a sheep <3
I was so worried they'd change you, my doormat nephew, and for WHAT?!! Go king; give us nothing!!!
They didn't give him oodles of sass? That's what I thought for SURE they'd reboot him with. I'm losing it. He really is "just there doing his best" without being the main villain. He's minimally helpful. Basically not at all. I can finally embrace him without a hint of hesitation... My windblown tissue of a boy has come home!!
This is the best! spitting, crying. I cannot believe this. I can finally stop second-guessing if I even read him right in the OG series. He's so cringefail loserboy and always has been and I can finally stop lying low about it! I LOVE HIM!!
I genuinely could not fathom a world where they brought him back and he was still just Like That... How ?? did they do this?? I was so SURE they'd put him in charge and only present his "smug, confident" façade and I'd just shrug it off and try to squint for the parts of him I enjoy the most… omfg… Our anxious, dorky coward actually made the jump?
He's like Anatole Kuragin... Anti-Cosmo would be flawless in the role of "Okay, sing these two songs like you're the sexiest and most confident man alive. And for this other song, cower on the floor wailing about how you're a man of honor and the old man calling you a scoundrel should take it back because it hurts your feelings. You just tried to kidnap the girl you like, but got spooked and ran away. btw, you're everyone's most specialist boy in the world."
The Natasha, Pierre, & the Great Comet of 1812 AU nobody asked for but we know we deserve:
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btw, after years of waiting, I had the opportunity to see this musical (<3) and words cannot express how I felt when - after listening to the soundtrack and always wondering why Anatole backs off so fast when Marya shoos him from the courtyard - I got to experience the shock of Marya bursting onstage with a gun.
I am in such shock that I read Anti-Cosmo right. Like ?? I don't know why that's bizarre to me- I've taken so many notes on him and I was very confident in what I thought about him. I just ?? can't believe he's still set up to be a soggy dishrag?
No one ??? ever portrays him like this ?? We don't do that here! That's not on his Fandom Wiki page, which calls him a "ruthless criminal mastermind" and "far more devious than most other villains in the show." People don't remember him like this... I'm dreaming...
I gotta lie down. What the FLIP do they have written for him in the story bible, if anything?
-> I gotta read the OG series story bible @zachbrightside sent me. I've been putting it off 'til after New Wish, but maybe I'll liveblog my reactions to that too.
-> Fun fact, I collect story bibles due to my days of combing Scribd for early scripts... But the OG series story bible for FOP is one I never thought I'd see in my LIFE. I'm excited.
Okay, I totally got impatient and took a sneak peak at the New Wish story bible for fun (something I glimpsed super briefly about a year and a half ago and then put away because I wanted to wait and see the show for myself, so I didn't see more than a glimpse of Hazel, Winn, and Whispers Fred, but I don't want to look at the OG series bible until I'm properly liveblogging). AND!!!!
Guess who didn't misremember the rumor about the Pixies coming back! I'll talk about that more in a separate liveblog, I'm sure, but oh gosh; oh goodness...
They didn't reboot Anti-Cosmo with sass AND they have a note here about the Pixies "potentially aligning their interests with tech magnate Dale Dimmadome..." Do you understand how close that gets us to H.P. coming back as his sassy, in-charge self... My most beloved character in the series, still snarky... I want him so much... I can taste it... He's one chump door away...
I won't get my hopes up since Season 2 isn't confirmed, but do u understand... Yes I know they might kill him and replace him with Sanderson and it'd shatter me, but do u understand how close we are to the funky guy who's haunted my mind every day for the last nearly 9 years...
Dale, I have GREAT NEWS for you... The prophecy... H.P. and Dale together... My 7-year dream fulfilled at last...
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what are Ben Stein's rates and can we get him for another movie. I think Pixies & Dale would be the thing that does me in; it's never getting better than that... Can you even IMAGINE if we had Musical 2.0. for some inexplicable reason...... My favorite episode, oh goodness... Just let H.P. dunk on Anti-Cosmo again and I'm done; I'm out. retired. deceased.
It's SO over for y'all if they do bring back the Pixies. Unfollow me then because it's all I'll talk about for the rest of my life.
Hey wait a sec- I'VE BEEN ROBBED!!!! They WERE supposed to be here! Dale WAS supposed to be the finale antagonist!
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?? I was RIGHT in my initial assumption that Dale had been set up for this plot. I'm totally justified for going into this finale thinking we were gonna fight Dale. That's... way funny, because I have a whole note over here I was gonna address when I'm done watching about how I don't feel like Dale stalking Hazel and all those notes about Fairy World left on his board even went anywhere...
Did they drop the "Dale stalking Hazel" plot point & this Pixie route because they figured Anti-Fairies would bait viewers in and Pixies wouldn't? So, like... did we only have that scene to upset Dev, and now we're not following through with the implications? :'D I am dev-astated on both accounts...
I probably would've done the same thing in their position (Write the finale for Anti-Fairies instead) because the Pixies aren't as well known (I think) and don't have the same opposite vibe as counterparts (which makes for dramatic storytelling), and maybe increased excited viewers increases chance of Season 2, but...
I've been robbed blind!! D: OH, this hurts so much more than when it was "just a rumor" to me that the Pixies were meant to appear "in the latter half of the season." skdljf, I shouldn't have looked at this; what've I done... PLEASE give us a Season 2 with Pixies in it... I'm beggin'... I've seen behind the curtain and I cannot be reborn in my innocence.
- Extremely funny to me that the Pixies not showing up implies they're not making a move because it hasn't been 37 years since their last big takeover plan. It's the OCD... - HEY WAIT A MINUTE, back at the start, I told y'all taking over Fairy World wasn't Anti-Cosmo's thing and it was actually H.P.'s... oh, this is FUNNY... I wish I had someone I could rub this in the face of. Oh my feathers, I'm SO glad I know H.P. and Anti-Cosmo well enough that I nailed them both like butterflies on display and didn't make a fool of myself [in my mind], sldkfj... #Not a fake fan... You don't spend 8 years writing 1 million words worth of 'fics about each of them without knowing your boys!!! I'm sorry, I just... This has been extremely funny to liveblog. I didn't peek ahead... I didn't know for sure if Anti-Cosmo was gonna be here to take over Fairy World - I really thought they'd reboot him to be confident and suave because why would they read him as an anxious coward?? nobody does that - but I sure as heck knew an Anti-Cosmo based closely on the OG wouldn't be leading the charge! He's a pushover <3 And the fact the Pixies were supposed to be here is KILLING me. Of course it was a plot meant for Pixies... because Anti-Cosmo doesn't do this and H.P. does. That's SO funny... I can't believe this... I'm dying, squirtle... I can't breathe... Please let me infodump about how despite everything I've said about H.P. going against the Pixie stereotype, he is actually implied to have OCD, and by his own admittance seems to want to take over Fairy World because Fairy World's disorder just drives him up a wall... I miss him... I lied about loving Anti-Cosmo; please come back, beloved... Please send him on a time travel vacation so he can come back feeling like he waited his obsessive 37 years... oh my glory, he's within my grasp... It's been 16 years... - The file name on this thing is "FOP Reboot Series Bible Draft 7..." oh, my boys lived up to 7 drafts... oh, my babies...
Oh my GOSH, they pitched an episode where Hazel's parents come over for dinner game night and Cosmo and Wanda are struggling to appear normal... That's the exact kind of episode I was sad we hadn't had yet back when I was saying post-Episode 1 Cosmo and Wanda were giving me sexy lamp vibes! I'm sad we didn't get this one.
Okay... I've seen too much. I won't read anything else in here and I'll save it for a future arc of liveblogging all these resources. Oh, this stings. The finale's cool and all, but I just miss my boys so much, and I want them to come back as their glorious, snarky, finger-gunning, drunk-on-the-job selves so a new generation can fall in love with them like I have, and they are SO CLOSE...... D: Nobody knows the trouble I've seen... nobody knows my
Ooh, what?
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Big Daddy!? Mark Chang? Mama Cosma? Juandissimo?? omg-
IRVING?? They found you too?
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No one is safe...
83 notes · View notes
fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen react to you ignoring them for your cat
requested by anon: "hi best friend could i req an scenario similar to the puppy one u posted but with a kitty instead <3 thank u ily"
notes: literally speed wrote this lmao. the cat counterpart to the dog post i wrote somewhere
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literally does not care the slightest if your cat is the fluffiest, prettiest loveliest little kitten in the world. he is going to be annoyed no matter what. how dare you move your focus away from him to something else. sits there and pouts and whines for your attention to be back on him immediately because it is just unacceptable that you looked away from him for more than two seconds
trails off when your cat comes padding up to you, rubbing against your knee, and has half a mind to pretend to be dramatically upset that you're no longer listening to him but your cat is just. very very very cute so he just lets it be. definitely frowns and pretends to be angry once you finally look up at him though, and demands kisses as apology
your cat is fussing around in your lap while joshua is trying to explain something to you. instead of getting upset that you're not focused on him tho, shua just grins and clicks his tongue and makes all sorts of noises until the cat is coming over to him and within seconds he has it purring in his arms and carries on w his story, smiling smugly
it's!!!! a cat!!!! you have a cat!!!! :D honestly no one in the room is paying attention to what he's saying anymore. not you, not your cat, and not even him. doesn't even remember what he was going to say. sits there and pets your cat and makes all sorts of adorable noises like you're not even there and it's just him and the cat in their own world
when he notices that you're not paying attention to what he's saying, he (gently) grabs your cat, holds it up to his face and says, "which of us is cuter??? huh??" effectively drawing your attention back to him. gets offended when you say your cat is cuter bc he's basically just a hamster. sulks. needs to be told he's the cutest and the cutest tiger otherwise he's not talking to you for the rest of the day
notices your cat before you do, starts ignoring you for the cat almost immediately. scratches behind the cat's ears, making it purr and roll over in happiness and you're just watching in shock bc one minute wonwoo is telling you something stupid that mingyu did and the next you're being ignored by your cat and your bf who seem to be engaging in some sort of telepathic conversation
just laughs as he watches you play with your cat who's getting all fussy and whiny in your lap. doesn't mind that you're essentially ignoring him, and definitely reaches over and asks if he can stroke your cat's fur too once you finally draw your attention back to him
your cat is essentially in love with minghao actually. he's still trying to tell you how his day went but your cat is pawing at his trouser leg and making those whining noises and wanting attention from your boyfriend (not even you???) so like. you can't really ignore minghao for your cat bc he's ignoring his cat for you
is all "hey :((( i'm here too :((( am i not cute enough for you :(((" once you start looking a little too distracted while playing with your cat. you carry on ignoring him tho bc pouty mingyu is lowkey cute. laughs at you when your cat eventually gets bored while you're in the middle of baby talking it. gets hit over the head with a pillow for making fun of you
pretends to get mad at your cat. once you finally look up at him after being distracted by your cat, he laughs and points a finger at the cat in your lap, pretending to tell it off for taking your attention away from him, before his face melts into a smile and he asks with sparkles in his eyes if he can hold your lovely little kitten
sits there all annoyed hoping that you'll look back at him again but when it's clear you're intent on pretending he's not there, he's shuffling over and giving up on your previous conversation to ask you literally every question on the earth about your cat
just smiles and watches you, not even noticing that you're trying to ignore him, because he just thinks it's so cute to see you go all soft with a fluffy cat in your arms. you're smiling down at your cat so lovingly, and he just thinks that it's so lovely to see. asks if he can pet your cat too, falls in love with it immediately
ends up just playing with your cat like fr. wiggles his fingers at the cat in your lap like it's a baby before eventually the cat pads over to him and it's in his lap and purring as he scratches behind the ears. you still try to ignore him to make him jealous but it doesn't work bc your cat is just straight up adoring chan so they're both simply ignoring you instead
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377 notes · View notes
buckys-little-belle · 10 months
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Chapter Two - Backpack, Backpack
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW. 
Warnings - Mentions of Bucky’s ‘Old Life’, talks about slight “Violence” (Bucky’s past), talks of a first aid kit, feeling “scared” about being a little, fluff! Obviously! 
Word Count - 2164
Note - I've finished all of Bub and Buck's story now, and I have to say it's been crazy going back and blending chapters/blurbs together to create a more cohesive story. It's been fun, and crazy, and honestly I missed this little place that I loved so much. Cafe BigNSmall is the beginning of so much, not just this account. It was the first little writing thing I put out that really got traction and that led me to where I am now. Going to school in January for creative writing, beginning the process of writing my own book. This little fic that has brough comfort to so many, myself included, is so much bigger than just a fanfiction or just a writing process and I'm so thankful for everyone who has stuck by my side, who has liked, reblogged, and sent asks about it. I love every one of you, I love who you've helped me become, and I've loved every minute of re-writing this series and I hope you love re-reading, or even reading it for the first time. I just have so so so much love in my heart for this and for you <3
. ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . 
Bucky sat at his same table for the umpteenth time, but this time he sat with a smile knowing someone was on their way to sit with him. For the first time in a while Bucky wasn’t sitting and watching everyone while feeling jealous, instead he watched as a Caregiver hugged their Little and felt hopeful that he might get to have that one day. 
“MR!” Y/n yelled from the entrance like she couldn’t believe he was there, sitting at their table ready for whatever she wished to do. “Hi!” She smiled at him when she got to the table, her usual overalls and t-shirt combo covered by a heavy sweater. He was happy she had covered up more than yesterday, the sky grey instead of blue, and the colder. 
“Hi.” He smiled back, Bucky was sure he looked goofy with how big his smile was but he didn’t care. “Chilly?” He asks as he watches them shiver slightly when the finally sit down. 
“Yeah.” Y/n tilts her head to the side as she seems to contemplate something. “I think ‘m gonna get a hot chocolate.” She rummages around her bag before finding her wallet and pulling out a five dollar bill. Bucky was quicker though, already on his feet and in the line. “What are you gonna get?” Y/n asks as she joins him in the line. 
“Well, I think I’m going to get a hot chocolate too.” He looks down at her, a silly grin on her face as she nods her head. “Their cake pops look good too.” Bucky points to the glass case full of baked goods and premade sandwiches. 
“I know!” Y/n practically jumps. “I had one once.” They frown. “But I never have enough moneys for one, maybe next week I’ll get one.” They nod their head, agreeing with their idea. 
Bucky already planned on buying Y/n a cake pop, but wanted to make sure she actually did like them. Finding out she’s only had one because she can’t afford them has him vowing to always buy her one whenever she’s here. 
The money Bucky got from the government after his treatment went public often sits in his bank account unused, he has what he needs, and most of what he wants, and he hates spending the money on useless things. Yet as he watches Y/n’s eyes flicker to the case full of sweet treats with a frown on their face he’s happy to know he finally has something, someone worth spending money on. 
“Hi, what can I get you today?” The barista smiles at Bucky, giving an extra sweet grin and a wave to Y/n. 
“Can I get two medium hot chocolates, please?” Bucky places his hand on Y/n’s shoulder to get her attention before asking. “What kind of cake pop do you want Bub?” 
“I can’t.” They shrug their shoulders, clearly not aware that Bucky’s already ordering for her. 
“I’m buying you one. Which one do you want, Bub?” He adds some clarification, leaning down slightly to be at Y/n’s height, pointing to the cake pops in the case. “I love vanilla, I think I’ll get a vanilla one.” He says, hoping that him getting one will make Y/n feel less nervous. 
She begins playing with her hands, twisting her fingers together, something Bucky’s noticed she does when anxious. “Um, I like chocolate.” She whispers, looking back at Bucky with weary eyes. “But I don’ wan’ you to buy it, I -” Bucky doesn’t let her finish her sentence, instead he stands and orders both cake pops before paying. 
With both hands on Bub’s shoulders he moves them over to the wait station. “When you’re with me I’ll be the one buying things, okay?” His tone is sweet but also somehow firm, hoping his words make sense and are final, but also hoping he doesn’t seem too overbearing. 
“Like a, like when.” Bub stumbled over her words before turning around to face Bucky, his hands dropping from her shoulders only for her to grab his left, glove covered, hand to fidget with it like she does hers. “Like a caregiver?” She asks, finally meeting Bucky’s glance. 
“Exactly like that.” Bucky nods. “I’ll act like your caregiver when we’re together, okay?” He regrets using the word ‘act’ the moment he says it, Y/n somberly nodding at his words. He wants to be her caregiver all the time, he doesn’t want to just act as one while around her, but he met her yesterday. Neither of them know each other well enough for that kind of trust, yet Bucky seems to feel like they both are on the same wavelength. Like they’ve waited long enough for someone to be their other, why wait a little longer. 
“I’d like tha’.” Y/n nods, turning back around in Bucky’s arms to wait for their cake pop and hot chocolate. 
. ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . 
For a whole week Bucky and Bub met up everyday, getting hot chocolate and cake pops. Y/n kept giving Bucky colouring pages to take home with her signature at the bottom, his fridge now covered in them after a frantic late night trip to buy magnets. Walking into his house and seeing the fridge coloured in pictures made him love the fact that he bought a huge fridge able to store at least another week's worth of pictures without having to remove anymore of the ones he’s already been given. 
“Hi, Mr!” Y/n smiled as she sat down on her booth seat, her backpack placed on the table as she got comfortable. “I made you something.” 
“You did?” Bucky unpackaged her cake pop and placed it on a napkin, sliding it over to her along with her hot chocolate. “Careful it’s hot.” Bucky warned as Bub went straight for her drink the moment it was in her line of sight. 
“Otay.” She blew a breath onto the cup, though Bucky wasn’t sure how helpful her hot puff of air would be in cooling it down, instead pulling it back to himself and blowing cold air on it for her. “Here.” She placed a piece of paper onto the table. 
This picture wasn’t one from a colouring book, but one on regular plain paper, drawn by Y/n and coloured by her to. Two figures stood hand in hand with a box of crayons in the middle. One person was obviously Bucky, the other Y/n. Even if he couldn’t tell Bub had written their names “Mr” and “Bub” below each of their persons. “I love it.” Bucky smiled, sliding the, now less hot, hot chocolate back to Y/n, her taking a sip immediately and humming in content. “I’ll have to put in on my fridge.” He said aloud, though he meant to keep the words to himself, not sure if it was wrong to admit he had grown attached to Y/n enough to want her pictures on his fridge. 
“Really?” Her usually playful voice grew serious, her eyes filled with tears. “My drawing?” 
“Yeah, Bub.” He smiled, glad she seemed happy over the idea. “I have a few of your drawings on my fridge already.” He admitted. Before he could place it in his bag Y/n was up and out of her seat sliding into Bucky’s booth before wrapping her arms around him in a hug. “Oh.” Bucky lets out a surprised sigh. 
“I like you, you nice.” Y/n said as she pulled away, though didn’t leave the booth. 
“You’re nice too, Bub.” Bucky said in disbelief. He knew the two of them were making good steps towards fully being comfortable around one another, Y/n seemed to slip further and further into regression, showing she felt safe around Bucky, and she had even asked him if he was the Winter Soldier and hadn't run when he said yes. But he hadn’t expected her to feel comfortable enough to hug him, yet he wasn’t going to argue or complain. 
Y/n eyed his bag for a minute or so before asking a question. “Wha’s in your bag?” She asked, this being the first time she had truly seen it. 
“I’ll show you what’s in my bag, if you show me what’s in yours?” He offered, having been wondering what she brought with her to the cafe everyday. “Deal?” He asked, and she perked up, agreeing before sliding out and back onto her seat, something Bucky frowned at. 
“Otay!” Bub squealed, opening her green backpack before digging around a little bit. The first thing she pulled out was a small zipper pouch, the fabric printed with frogs and plants. “This has m’ keys, an’ my phone.” She pulled both out, her phone being secured in a bag inside her bag making sense as to why it took her so long to find it when her alarm went off. “An’ it has my tic tacs in it! D’ you wan’ one?” She asked with a smile, holding out tropical tic tacs to Bucky. 
“I’m okay, but thank you Bub.” He smiled, proud of her manners and willingness to share her things. He knew he couldn't take credit for her good behaviour, or her manners. She was a sweet girl even if he didn’t remind her here and there of her manners, yet he was still extremely proud of her. 
“M’kay.” Bub nodded her head, popping a few tic tacs in her mouth before moving on. “Dis, um, dis is my frog.” Bub’s once very confident attitude dulled slightly as she brought the frog stuffie out, like she was waiting for someone to say something rude. 
“He’s very cute.” Bucky reassured her, his hand brushing against the stuffed animal's foot, his fur in perfect condition. “What’s his name?” 
Y/n still seemed on alert, but opened up a little more. “I call him Green Bean.” She pats his head. 
“That’s a perfect name.” Bucky chuckles, loving how creative his Bub is. “Where did you get his outfit?” He asks, referring to the knitted overalls and t-shirt, identical to Y/n’s everyday outfit. 
“I made dem!” Bucky was happy to see her peppy spark come back as she spoke about her stuffy. Giving him the rundown on how she made them, and made clothing for all her other stuffies at home. Then she gave him the rundown on a bunny stuffie she really wanted that was identical to the one she has at home. Though “He’s no’ the same Mr! He’s a different colour!” something Bucky quickly made a mental note of. 
Bub only had her wallet and a sweater stuffed at the bottom of her bag, and a small bag of long forgotten goldfish that Bucky immediately threw out left to show. “Your turn.” Y/n reminded Bucky, gesturing to his backpack. 
“Well.” He started, opening his bag, pulling out his wallet, keys and phone. “These are the things I have on me at all times.” He said, watching Y/n pick up his keys and fiddle with them, clearly loving his accumulated keychain and key combo from the last 100 years. “Then I have a First Aid Kit.” He pulls out a bulky box, a few things banging around inside. 
“In case someone ge’s hurt?” Y/n asks, concern dripping from her expressions. 
“Exactly.” Bucky answers, though he doesn’t admit that he mainly carries it out of fear that he’ll hurt someone and need to patch them up, but he hopes that Y/n’s just thinking about scrapes and small cuts and not the carnage he’s left behind. 
“Do you have princess bandaids?” She asks with all seriousness. 
“I have princess ones, paw patrol, and starwars.” He playful one ups her, the two of them laughing before he continues. “Then I have extra crayons, colouring pages, and a couple water bottles.” He pulls out the extra things, Y/n’s hands immediately going to the colouring pages. 
“Can I do this one, please?” She asks, bouncing in her seat, her frog underneath her arm. 
“Of course, Bub.” He smiles, the frog page she chose the one he printed off last night in the hopes to give it to her. 
After the small show and tell the two of them sat together eating their cake pops and drinking their hot chocolate. Everytime he looked up Bucky realised just how lucky he was, to have found a Little who was as chill as Bub was, and as sweet as she was too. He realised that while he wished he could have met her sooner, he was happy he waited. 
“Why don’t we go to the park tomorrow?” He asked, thinking it could be good for them to get out somewhere other than just the cafe. 
“Yes!” Y/n practically jumped out of her seat at the idea, the two of them chatting about how excited they were for their adventure tomorrow.
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cursedvida · 1 year
SAD EYES, BROKEN SMILE p.II (Buggy x f!Reader)
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Warnings: violence, swearing a lot, reader being a little tsunedere. Little age gap between the reader and Buggy, she's like 25/26.
A/N: i didn't plane this for having more than one chapter but here we go... Again sorry for the typos, English isn't my first language. I hope you enjoy this :D
You don't know much about seduction. In fact, you don't know anything. Throughout your life you've had very little interest in love affairs. You had a pretty rough teenage years, so you were too busy surviving to think about boys. Therefore, the whole thing with Buggy is something totally new to you. Not being in control of the situation gets on your nerves. It's irritating, nauseating. To think that right now you could have collected a nice reward and you could be quietly enjoying your money, but instead you're in that crew thinking about a clown all day is something your pride can't take. You often wonder how you could have stooped so low, but as soon as that red-nosed idiot pops into your head there is only room for daydreaming. 
Now your goal is no longer to kidnap him and hand him over to people who will probably kill him, but to try to make him notice you. But really you, as a possible love interest, and that's much harder than your first mission. It's like ten billion times more complicated. Killing people is a lot easier than attracting them. 
You were trained to kill people, so you're not a person who knows very well how to relate to others. Social skills aren't your strong suit and being nice for more than fifteen minutes isn't either. You've at least tried to be friendly with the rest of the crew, but by continuing to pretend you're a wimp you haven't had much chance to blend in either. 
Today the whole crew went to the nearest tavern for a drink. Buggy claims to have landed a deal that will bring in a lot of money, so he's in a good mood. At first the tavern keeper didn't seem too happy to welcome a gang of pirates to his place, but Buggy can be quite persuasive when he wants to be. 
Now they're all drunk. Buggy is the center of attention, as usual. He boasts of his great wit and everyone around him cheers him on. The alcohol causes all emotions to intensify. You watch him from the bar, this time you're drinking because it's the only way you don't feel ridiculous about being hopelessly attracted to that idiot. 
You have conflicting feelings all the time. You like him, but you think he's a dumbass. You're attracted to him, but at the same time you think he does terribly ridiculous things. You have no idea how to handle all those emotions, but you're also unable to take your eyes off him or ask yourself absurd questions, like how experienced he should be, or how he should look without makeup. You also often think about whether he'll like younger girls, because he's got more than a decade on you and you might not be his type. In fact, what his type is also comes to your mind all too often. 
Fuck, you're a mess. 
You order another mug of beer, turning away from staring at Buggy with an intensity that could break solid concrete. You've always had a good tolerance for alcohol so you're not drunk, just dizzy enough to make it all the same to you. The perfect state. 
"What's a girl like you doing surrounded by this bunch of weirdos?"
Suddenly you see a guy next to you, he doesn't belong to the crew. He's a big man, looking menacing. He must be one of the few people who have decided to stay in the bar despite the pirates. You decide to deliberately ignore him. 
"Hey gorgeous, I'm talking to you.”
You take another swig of beer, completely evading. You decide to turn around again, now Buggy is doing some sort of demonstration. He has detached his hand from the rest of his arm and swings his clenched fist at full speed. You don't know what he's talking about, but he sure has exaggerated the whole thing. You smile to yourself. 
"Who the fuck is that fucking clown?" asks the heavy one, still standing next to you. 
You don't even deign to look at him. 
"Shut the fuck up" You tell him in the coldest voice you can. 
"Don't tell me you're going with him and his whole gang of freaks" The guy lets out a huge laugh "Honey, a beauty like you is wasted among all those creeps."
"And the oxygen you use is also a waste considering it could be useful to someone who isn't useless to society."
"But what the fuck is wrong with you, does it bother you that much that I pick on that loser?"
"I told you before to shut the fuck up" You repeat calmly and without raising your voice. 
"Uh, you scare me" he laughs "almost as much as your big nosed captain". 
"All right, you asked for it”
The guy can't even react, as soon as he wants to realize you've already stuck an ashtray in his mouth, wedging it in such a way that he can barely breathe. And, before the others can even realize what's happening, you grab one of the stools and hit him so hard in the stomach that the guy goes flying towards the other end of the bar, hitting the wall with such force that the ashtray comes out of his mouth. 
You calmly return to your seat, taking another sip of beer as if nothing had happened. But it's at that moment that you come back to reality to realize that Buggy is no longer the center of attention, but you, and that everyone is staring at you in disbelief, including your captain. 
Fucking shit, for fuck's sake. 
Now you've really fucked up. You're supposed to be a rookie with barely any physical skills, not a killing machine. Let's see how you get out of this now, though at least Buggy is paying attention to you. God, you have to be a moron to think something like that at a time like that, you're totally losing your mind. 
"What the hell was that?" Buggy ask to you.
You just answer simply, as if everything that just happened was not with you.
"He was bothering me"
Buggy approaches you, something that makes you nervous. Not because he might be angry, but to have him around. You almost killed a guy just two minutes ago but having the man you're obsessed with looking at you makes your legs tremble.
“You broke all his teeth, Y/N.”
You look at the man across the bar. It's true, you've left his mouth in a mess, all his clothes are stained by the blood that falls on him. But hey, he asked for it, you warned him.
"Why hadn't you said you knew how to fight like that?" He insists, and you don't know if right now he's thinking of killing you, kicking you out of the crew, or both. 
You can't tell him that you were hired to hunt him down and that you've abandoned that task because you have a huge crush on him. Especially the crush part, you would never admit that, so you must think of a good excuse as soon as possible. 
"My parents trained me" and that's not a lie "but they always said to only use my skills if necessary" that's a lie, and a big one at that. 
Buggy looks you up and down, which makes your stomach tingle. You are so close to him that you can almost feel his breath on your skin. So close that it would be very easy to get a couple of centimeters closer and see what red lips taste like. You wonder what his skin must feel like against yours, or how your hands must feel tangled in his hair. You look like the narrator of a romance novel, it's pitiful but you can't help it. 
"You've been swabbing the deck since you came in, how did it not occur to you to say you could be of more use to us?”
"I'm sorry, captain."
Buggy lets out a sigh, there is something paternalistic in his attitude, that condescension that is so typical of him. That makes you relax, he believed everything. Probably because he's drunk, but you don't care about that now.
Buggy puts his hands on your shoulders, making you jump. It's the most contact you've had since you've known him and it's not even real contact because he's wearing the fucking gloves.
"Y/N, look at me" And you obey, although the fact of having him so close to you, being able to smell his alcohol breath mixed with that smell of gunpowder that characterizes him makes you a little dazed. You feel more and more like kissing him. "You can't keep such important information to yourself. But don't worry, I'm going to look for a better position for you. With how good you are at fighting, we're going to do great things together, huh."
You nod without further ado. It's a shitty proposition, he's just telling you that he'll use you as a weapon, like he uses the strongest members of his crew. But you don't care, because Buggy is touching you and because from now on you will be able to talk to him a lot more.
Maybe you should go talk to that guy from earlier and thank him.
Oh, god. Yeah, you're definitely going from bad to worse.
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Teenage Dirtbag - Eddie Munson
A/N: well, this keeps on working so far 😂😂😂 here's Eddie's story! and then is full Marauders, James, then Remus, and then Sirius! I hope you guys like it!
Request - lunamadhatter99 asked: I do have a request, my friend! I'm so happy requests are open😍 Anyway: Henderson!Reader x either Steve or Eddie (whoever works better for you), where the reader is very quiet, not necessarily shy, but still. She's targeted by the jocks too because she's the "loser" sister, you know, and maybe one day, one of their pranks went too far and she's very upset about it (maybe is the process a special possession of hers). Every time she gets bullied, Steve/Eddie helps her comfort her, especially because she doesn't want to tell his little brother, who thinks she is friends with them... does it make sense? I don't know, I'm sorry 😂👋
Warnings: mentions of sex; Billy being an asshole (also, this is kinda between s3 and 4 and Billy didn't die so Jason and Andy are his dumb friends I hope this makes sense) reader is kind of mean to Dustin (not really, she's just grumpy and a loner instead of shy, kind of like Kat in 10TIHAY)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :) gif isn’t mine :D  
Teenage Dirtbag
'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me, ooh
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“DUSTIN! Hurry up! Steve is gonna be here any second! We’re gonna be late!” you smashed your hand against the bathroom door, yelling for your brother to get ready. You had been feeling anxious all day. Something inside you told you that today might not be a good day and, as much as you tried not to, you took it out on Dustin.
“I’m coming! Geez, calm down!”
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the kitchen to finish your coffee and wash the dishes but you tripped over a bag full of garbage.
“Ugh! Dustin!” you yelled as he walked over to you.
“What? What did I do now?”
“The trash is your chore” you complained, grabbing the bag and handing it to him. “When I say take out the trash, I mean outside of the house. To the trashcan!”
“Maybe you can show me for next time” he laughed.
“Maybe I can give your Nintendo to goodwill” you smirked back, erasing the smirk off his face.
“Fine, sorry” he said, grabbing the bag and going outside.
“Let’s go!” you said as soon as you heard Steve’s car parking on your driveway.
“Wait, where’s lunch?”
“Oh, shit!” you said, grabbing some of the money you left near the door in case Dustin needed to order food. “Here” you said, grabbing $10 for yourself and giving Dustin $5.
“Why do you get $10 and I get $5?” Dustin complained.
“Take out the freaking trash!” you replied, mocking his exact same tone.
“Good morning, Hendersons!” Steve smiled as you got in the front and Dustin got in the back.
“Thanks for the ride, Steve” you said. “Robin still out of town?” you asked, confused to not see her there already.
“Yeah, she’s coming back next week-”
“Why are we even going this early? School doesn’t start for another hour!” Dustin asked on the ride to school. “And why do you always ride shotgun?”
“Because I’m Steve’s favorite Henderson” you smirked. “And Steve has an early shift, so I wasn’t going to make him wait for us” you explained. “Plus, I have to get together with Nancy for something about the school paper” you informed him.
“Well, I could have taken my bike-”
“Just say thank you, Dustin!”
“Thank you” he said, rolling his eyes a little.
“Hey, aren’t those your old friends?” Dustin asked as Steve drove into the parking lot. You looked to where he was pointing to see the basketball players hanging outside the school with some of the cheerleaders.
“No” both you and Steve replied at the same time.
“Are you sure?” Dustin asked, confused. He recognized some of them, although he had noticed you never talked to them anymore.
“I’m sure” you said, rolling your eyes. “Just… stay away from them, okay?”
“Okay” he said, unconvinced. “Um, are we having movie night?” he asked Steve.
“Yeah, my house” he nodded.
“Cool. I think we’re going to Mike’s after school, so I’ll see you there” he told them.
“Okay” you nodded. Dustin started opening his door but you stopped him. “Dusty” you said, making him look confused at you. You rarely called him that anymore. “Nothing… I’ll see you at Steve’s” you told him and he nodded before he got out.
You saw him make his way over to Mike, Will, Lucas, Max, and El and you heard him complain about you and all of them saying how you used to be fun and happy all the time. You let out a sigh of frustration, throwing your head back on the chair.
“You know, you could just… tell him” Steve shrugged.
“I’m good” you told him.
“Dustin’s just worried about you” he insisted. “And to be honest, so am I-”
“Harrington, I know my brother’s your best friend now-”
“That’s not true” he glared at you.
“But you were my friend first and you promised we wouldn’t discuss this with Dustin” you told him.
“I’m just… a little confused, okay? Why did you all of the sudden stop hanging out with them like, what, a year ago?”
“You did too!” you argued.
“Well, yeah, because they’re assholes-”
“Exactly” you told him.
“But, now you’re here alone, because I graduated, I just don’t want you to be alone-”
“I’m fine on my own” you shrugged. “Plus… Eddie’s my friend-”
“Oh, right… Munson. That’s another thing. I know something happened last Halloween, okay? You mysteriously stop hanging out with all of our friends, you started wearing darker clothes, darker makeup and you start hanging around with Eddie, the freak, Munson-”
“I told you to stop calling him that” you glared at him.
“Which you also hide from Dustin-”
“Well, I just don’t want him to think that the only reason he and his friends are in Hellfire is because I asked Eddie to look after them-”
“But you did-”
“Steve, it is too early in the morning to have this discussion” you said, rubbing your temple.
“Fine… I’ll drop it” he said. “For now” he added, making you glare at him a little. “You working today?”
“No, it’s my day off” you informed him.
“Cool, want me to pick you up after work?”
“You sure it’s not too much trouble?”
“Nah, you’re my favorite Henderson after all” he smirked.
“I knew it!” you said, kissing his cheek before you opened the door. “See you later, Stevie” you said.
“Have a good day, kid” he waved at you.
He noticed you walking close to the group of jocks and they yelled something at you but you simply flipped them off and kept walking. Steve felt a bit uneasy about it but decided he would ask you about it when he picked you up. Sooner or later, you had to talk to him.
“Hey, princess” you felt a small smile, trying to contain the butterflies you felt in your stomach when you heard that voice. You turned around to see Eddie smiling at you.
“Munson, I thought you were standing me up today” you said as he sat at your usual table in the woods, past the bleachers.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, love” he said, sitting in front of you. “What do you got for me today?”
“I forgot to make lunch, so I had to grab something from the vending machine” you said, putting your cigarette out. “So, pretzels, or Reeses Pieces?”
“You just… happened to pick my two favorite things?” he smirked. “If I didn’t know any better, Henderson, I would think you like me” he mocked you.
“Uh-huh, is that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? And two cokes?” your sked, looking at his bag.
“Grape jelly. Your favorite” he winked at you.
“Huh, if I didn’t know any better, Munson, I would think you like me” you returned the smirk.
“Wanna split it?” he asked and you nodded as you split the three things between the two of you. “So, what are you working on?” he asked, about to grab your sketchbook.
“Nothing!” you quickly said, putting it away before he could get it.
“Oh, that doesn’t sound suspicious at all” he mocked you. “Come on, show me!”
“It’s just… a work in progress” you told him. “It’s not finished yet” you insisted.
“Fine, be all mysterious” he chuckled. “Hey, did you get new colored pencils?” he asked, grabbing one of them.
“Oh, um… y-yeah” you said nervously. “There was a discount at the store where I work and-”
“Really?” he raised his eyebrow at you. “Or were your old ones… broken?”
“Um… there may have been an… incident-”
“Who?” he asked, his tone turning angry.
“It doesn’t matter, Eddie-”
“Yes, it does! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I don’t want you to get into a fight and not graduate with me this year” you told him, making him laugh just barely. “Look, it’s fine. I really did get a discount and…” you said, looking through your bag. “I got markers too” you smiled brightly at him. “Look!”
You stood from your place and sat down on the table with your feet on the bench next to Eddie. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your knee, which was not an uncommon thing for you to do whenever you drew something on him but he felt his cheeks blushing. You quickly drew a small doodle of the Hellfire symbol using different colors and you smiled when you were done, showing it to him. Eddie rarely get to see that smile on you and he loved it when it happened.
“Holy shit!” he smiled, looking down at his hand. It looked cooler than the one in his shirt.
“Do you like it?” you asked, bashfully.
“I love it, princess! This is amazing!” he said, looking back at you. “You’re amazing” he smiled.
“Um, thanks” you said, looking down at his hand and feeling your cheeks burn. You could not ignore the butterflies in your stomach any longer. You grabbed his hand and stroked your thumb against your new drawing. “Uh, a-actually, what I didn’t want to show you is um… kind of… a surprise…” you admitted, not facing him.
You saw Eddie’s hand untangle from yours and make its way up to your chin, lifting your head gently and making you look into his beautiful, chocolate-brown eyes.
“A surprise?” he asked, smiling brightly. You simply nodded, unable to form any words by the way he was looking at you. “What is it?”
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise!” you chuckled. “I just want to finish it before I show it to you” you told him.
“Okay, fine” he said, as his hand suddenly found its way back to yours and you started playing with his rings. “But… you promise you’ll show it to me when it’s done?”
“I promise. I mean, it’s kind of… for you” you told him.
“Really?” he asked, and you nodded.
“Yeah, it’s kind of… a thank you” you admitted. “For everything” you added. “Even for my brother and his friends. Thanks for letting them in Hellfire” you told him. “I know they're a bit weird but… I love them and I'm happy they found someone like you” you said.
“My pleasure, princess” he told you. “They’re cool kids” he chuckled. “Especially Dustin” he added. “Although he keeps asking me why I always have different doodles all over me” he chuckled.
“Yeah, he’s pretty smart” you laughed too. “I don’t think it’ll be long before he realizes about us” you said, without really thinking. “I m-mean uh-”
“Us?” Eddie smirked. “And exactly what would he realize?” he asked, getting up and towering a little over you, placing his hands on both your sides. “That we’re friends?” he asked, with the same smirk still plastered on his face.
“Y-yeah, I guess” you said innocently.
“Would he mind?”
“Um- I don’t think so, I just… don’t want him to think that you’re only his friend b-because of me” you explained.
“Oh, he wouldn’t think that” he assured you, as he gently brushed your hair away from your face. “And… what if he thinks there’s something else between us?”
“Is there?” you asked, as you felt him getting closer. And then the bell rang. The stupid bell rang. “Fuck!”
“Ignore that” he pleaded.
“No! We have a Math test” you said, pushing him away and gathering all of your things. “I told you, Eddie, you’re graduating this year, with me. Let’s go!” you threatened him.
“You’re killing me, sweetheart” he said, as you pulled him with you but he was stronger and he pulled you back. “To be continued?” he smirked.
For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, you smiled. It was a different smile, one that you didn’t think you had in you anymore and you could see Eddie noticed it. You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“To be continued, Munson” you said, before you started pulling him towards the school despite his protests.
You were waiting in the parking lot for Steve. As much as you wanted, you were not able to be with Eddie alone the rest of the day. You were hoping to catch him at the end but, as a surprise to no one, he got detention, so here you were.
“Well, if it isn’t my lucky day?”
You cursed under your breath, silently begging for Steve’s car to appear any moment now. But no such luck.
“Hargrove” you sighed. “Oh, if it isn’t Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum” you smirked at Jason and Andy, standing with Billy.
“Fancy meeting you here, babe” Billy smirked at you.
“Can’t say the same” you said, trying to walk away but he stepped in front of you. “What do you want, Hargrove?”
“See, I have a question for you” he said. “Andy here, says he saw you coming out of those woods with Eddie fucking Munson” he said, getting closer to you and making you take a step back. “Is that true?”
“I fail to see how that’s any of your business, really” you glared at him.
“Well, for starters, I think Munson can do better” he said, making Andy and Jason laugh.
“Lovely” you rolled your eyes, trying to walk away again but they blocked your way.
“Aw, did I strike a nerve there? Do you have a crush on Munson?” he mocked you.
“Just, leave me alone, Billy-” you said, trying to leave but, you felt your sketchbook being taken from you.
“Oh, what is this?” Jason asked, opening the sketchbook. “Do you write your love letters to that freak here?” he laughed.
“Give that back!” you said, trying to get it back from him.
“Oh, it’s even better than that!” he said, showing your sketches to Billy and Andy who started laughing.
“Give me that!” you said as he tossed it to Billy.
“Looks like you’re a bit obsessed with him, babe” he said, looking at your drawings. “I’m guessing you wouldn’t want anything to happen to this, would you?” he said, tearing a few pages apart.
“Billy, give it back!” you yelled, but he pushed you back, making you fall to the ground, your hands aching when they hit the pavement.
“Whoops, clumsy me” he said, tossing your sketchbook on a nearby water puddle.
“Stop it!” you said, getting up and trying to get to it but Andy pushed you away.
“You want something, freak?” Jason yelled, smirking.
“Oh, speak of the devil” Billy smirked as Eddie approached all of you.
“Get the fuck away from her” he said, making his way over to Billy.
“Why don’t you keep walking and mind your business, freak?”
“You know, I gotta say, even for you, it’s pretty low, three guys against one girl” he smirked, erasing Billy’s.
“You really think it’s worth it? Standing up for that slut-?”
Before Billy could go on, Eddie quickly punched him in the face.
“You’re dead, freak!” Jason said, punching Eddie back while Billy got up, laughing.
“Looks, like you got some fire in you, Munson!” he yelled before he punched him too.
“Eddie!” you yelled, trying to get to him but Andy stopped you. “Stop it!”
“You having fun, Munson?” Billy smirked as he landed punches on Eddie before he grabbed him by his jacket. “No one tells me what to do!” he said before he pushed him to the ground again. He then threw himself at Eddie and started landing punch after punch, like a madman. The last time you had seen Billy like this was when he fought Steve and it shook you to your core.
“You really think you traded up, babe?” he smirked, looking at you. “He’s even worse than Harrington!”
“STOP IT, PLEASE!” you said, as tears started welling up in your eyes.
“Aw, you gonna cry, princess?” he said, mocking Eddie’s voice with the last word.
As if your prayers were finally answered, a car reeled in front of you, almost hitting Jason.
“What the fuck, Harrington?” he asked as Steve got out of the car.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
“Come join the party, Harrington” Billy smirked at him, finally letting go of Eddie. “Ready for round two?”
“Yeah, let me just get my friend here” Steve smirked, grabbing his bat out.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Andy said, letting go of you, and slowly walking away with Jason. You quickly ran over to Eddie, pushing Billy aside.
“Ready to go, Hargrove?” Steve said, walking closer to him as he and the other two stepped away.
“You know what? She’s not even fucking worth it” Billy said, throwing one last glare at you. “Let’s just go” he told Jason and Andy as they walked away.
“Eddie! Oh my God, Eddie! Can you hear me?”
“Do I have a concussion or did King Steve Harrington just save my ass?”
“Sorry, I’m sorry” you apologized, taking the cotton ball away.
You were now in Steve’s kitchen, cleaning Eddie up. You carefully pulled his hair up in a messy bun with your scrunchie so you could see him better. You placed your hand softly on his cheek and your heart broke seeing a big purple bruise printed on his left eye. He looked at you with his huge, deep brown puppy eyes and you had to take a deep breath to not lose it right there because you knew he needed you.
“You okay?” Eddie asked, worriedly.
“M-me? You’re asking if I’m okay? Eddie, Billy and Jason just beat the shit out of you, and you’re asking if I’m okay?”
“First of all, I’d like to think that I handled that with dignity. Secondly, you fell to the ground and that idiot Andy was hurting you” he said, grabbing your hand and tracing his thumb gently on the bruises forming in your arms where Andy grabbed you.
“I’m really sorry, Eddie” you said, coming out in a whisper and tracing your thumb against the now fading drawing you made earlier on his hand. A small tear fell down your cheek and Eddie quickly wiped it away before he cupped your cheek.
“Princess, you have nothing to be sorry for” he assured you.
“Yes, I do! You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if it wasn’t for me” you insisted.
“Hey” he said, pulling you closer to him. “I would do it all over again, love” he smiled at you.
“Hey, man” Steve said, coming into the kitchen and making you and Eddie jump apart. “Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I got some clean clothes for you” he said offering Eddie a shirt and some sweatpants.
“Thanks, man” Eddie smiled, grabbing the clothes from him. “I’m uh- gonna go change and I’ll get out of your way-”
“We’re having movie night” Steve blurted out of the sudden. “We’re ordering pizza and Dustin, Mike, and the rest are coming over. If you’d like to stay” he offered.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude, man-”
“You’re not intruding. It’s the least I can do after you got hit for me” you told him.
“You keep bruising my ego, Henderson” he smirked at you. “What are we watching?” Eddie asked, interested.
“Gremlins” you told him.
“Seriously?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at Steve.
“Don’t look at me, man. It was her turn to choose the movie!” he said pointing at you.
“Shut up, you two. Gremlins is an awesome movie!”
“Isn’t that what you call your brother and his friends?” Eddie laughed. “I didn’t know that was your favorite movie, princess” he said. “Well, how can I say no to that masterpiece and pizza, I really can’t” he said, leaving the kitchen.
“So…” Steve started.
“Are we going to talk about what happened today or are we just going to pretend nothing happened?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Well, you can choose between telling me why your sketchbook has smudgy drawings of Eddie” he said, opening your wet, torn, destroyed sketchbook. “Or why Hargrove and his friends were beating the shit out of him in the parking lot” he added.
“Steve, I don’t want to talk about it-”
“Well, tough. Look, we’ve been friends for a very long time now. I told you why I stopped talking to Tommy and Carol and all of our friends but you never told me why you did and somehow Munson knows!” he argued. “I get that you don’t tell Dustin everything because you want to protect him but what is so horrible that you couldn’t tell me?”
“You don’t want to know-”
“Yes, I do! You’re my best friend! You can tell me anything!”
“You’re gonna hate me!”
“What? No! I swear, okay? Nothing you say will make me hate you! We’ve been through enough shit that you should know that already-”
“I slept with Billy!” you blurted out.
“W-what?” Steve asked, hoping he hadn’t heard you right.
“What?” another voice asked, from another side of the kitchen. Dustin.
“Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me!” you said, feeling like you were going to throw up. “What are you doing here?”
“We all just got here, I was looking for you” he said, walking closer to you and Steve. “You slept with Billy Hargrove, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Dustin!” Steve warned.
“You know what? I don’t want to deal with this right now” you said, grabbing your damped sketchbook and walking out of the house to Steve’s backyard. Dustin was about to follow you but Steve stopped him.
“Look, I get that you’re upset but you’re not going out there if you’re only going to upset your sister more. She had a hard day-”
“Well, how would I know that, Steve? She doesn’t talk to me!”
“What’s with all the yelling?” Eddie said, coming back into the kitchen.
“Eddie? What are you doing here?” Dustin asked confused. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“Uh- I am…” he looked at Steve, unsure as to what to say.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on? And what are you two and my sister hiding from me?”
“We’re not hiding anything from you. You need to calm down and we can go sort this out, okay?”
“Fine” Dustin said, unconvinced.
“You promise you won’t snap at her like you just did” Steve glared at him a little.
“Okay” he sighed, rolling his eyes. The three of them walked outside to find you sitting on one of Steve’s pool chairs. Steve and Eddie sat next to you and Dustin sat on the edge of the one you were sitting in. “Uh, hey” he said, nervously. “Um-” he continued when both Steve and Eddie glared at him. “I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier” he muttered.
“It’s fine, Dusty” you said, sitting up and hugging your legs to you.
“Look, Dustin and I are just worried about you” Steve continued. “We don’t want to push you or anything, we just… want to know what’s going on with you” he added. You looked up at Eddie and he softly nodded at you. He really wanted to hold your hand but he figured Dustin might freak out about it too.
“Um…” you took a deep breath. “Look, I know that… I’ve kind of been pulling away” you started. “And I’m sorry, it’s just…” you sighed. “It was a stupid mistake and I didn’t want either one of you to hate me” you admitted.
“What- uh, when?” Dustin stuttered. “Um, no, y-you go” he said.
“It just happened once” you informed them.
“At… last year’s Halloween party?” Steve guessed and you nodded.
“Look, I was… really drunk and, dad had just left and… mom was kind of a mess and… I don’t know, I guess I was too” you said, sadly.
“Wait, I was there that night, why didn’t you tell me anything?” Steve asked, confused.
“You had your own shit going on” you reminded him. “With Nancy” you added. “So, after you left I got drunker and… then I don’t know, Billy was just there and… it happened” you sighed. “And after I felt so awful” you told them. “When I came down I ran into Eddie and he saw I was upset” you explained. “He drove me home and… he stayed with me and he made sure I was okay” you smiled. “That’s how we became friends-”
“You two are friends?” Dustin asked. “I knew I recognized your doodles” he said, looking at the metalhead.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you” you told Dustin. “I just… didn’t want to get into the whole thing and… it’s not really the conversation you have with your little brother” you admitted.
“I get that but… we used to talk about everything” Dustin said, sadly. “We were always kind of a team and for the past year it just felt like… you hated me” he said.
“Dusty” you said, sitting closer to him and hugging him. “I could never hate you” you assured him. “I am so sorry I pushed you away, I was just… so embarrassed about what happened and, I kind of wanted to forget the whole thing and I guess that in the midst of it all I just… ended up pushing everyone away” you explained.
“So, what happened today?” Dustin asked, confused.
“Well, I was waiting for Steve to pick me up and Billy and his friends just started being idiots” you told him. “Eddie saw and tried to help me” you continued. “And then Steve got there with his bat and they went away” you told him.
“So, that’s why you tell me to stay away from them? I mean, I always knew Billy was a dick but… all of your friends?”
“Well, yeah. I told Billy that if he ever said a word about what happened to anyone, I’d tell everyone he cried like a bitch and he had a small dick” you said, making the three of them laugh a little. “And then, either I just stopped talking to them or they would stop talking to me and… it wasn’t just Billy, you know? You were right” you said, looking at Steve. “They were all just… assholes” you admitted.
“I could have told you that a long time ago” Eddie chuckled.
“You okay?” Dustin asked you.
“Yeah” you smiled. “I’m sorry… about… everything” you told him. “Both of you” you said, looking at Steve.
“Don’t worry” Dustin smiled at you. “I love you dumb-dumb” he said, putting his fist so you would bump it.
“Love you too, dumb-dumb” you smiled back and bumped his fist. “No more lies” you promised and he nodded, smiling.
“It’s fine” Steve said, getting up and kissing your head. “C’mon little Henderson, let’s go set everything up” Steve said, patting Dustin on his back.
“Wait, why do I have to go?” he complained, still getting up.
“Just be nice to your sister, man, she’s been through a lot” Steve complained.
“What about me? I have been through a lot too!” he said, dramatically as they went inside, leaving you and Eddie alone.
“Hey” you smiled back at Eddie.
“Hi, princess” he said, moving over to take Dustin’s place in front of you. “How are you feeling?”
“Not so bad” you sighed. “I still would have preferred not to discuss my sex life with my little brother but… it is what it is” you chuckled.
“Sorry about your sketchbook, love” he said, looking at it on the floor.
“It’s okay” you sighed, going through the damped pages. “It just… might take me a little longer to finish your surprise now” you said, sadly.
“Wait, is that… is that me?” he asked, feeling his heart flutter.
“It… was supposed to be” you told him. “I mean, your D&D character” you muttered. “I… wanted to um… I was trying to get it right and I thought you m-might like it-”
“It’s perfect, princess” he smiled at you.
“It’s ruined, Eddie” you chuckled.
“Well, then I guess I need to get you another sketchbook, love” he said, grabbing it from you.
“You don’t have to get me one, Eddie” you smiled as he scootched closer to you.
“Jesus, Henderson would you just let me do something nice for you” he smiled, cupping your cheek with his hand.
“You do nothing but nice things for me, Munson” you smiled.
“What can I say? You bring out the best in me, sweetheart” he smiled back.
“Well, in that case, maybe you can do one more nice thing for me” you said, pulling him by his shirt, well, Steve’s shirt and he pulled you gently, brushing his thumb against your cheek.
“Gladly, princess” he said, smiling before he finally connected his lips with yours. He felt you smiling against his lips as you started deepening the kiss before you were rudely interrupted.
“Hey guys, pizza’s here- what the fuck?” you jumped apart when you heard Dustin’s voice again, with Lucas, Will, and Max standing next to him, trying not to laugh. “You two are together? I thought there were no more lies!”
“Would you believe me that this literally just happened, Henderson?” 
The End
A/N: hope you loves liked it! :D
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snoreyua · 1 year
₊˚ෆ ⁀➷ come back to me // ep. 1
synopsis : you and riki were childhood best friends doing everything together. when you entered middle school, you overheard him talking shit about you to his so-called friends. out of frustration, you moved schools and cut all contact with him. now starting a new year in high school, what will you do when riki unexpectedly transfers to your school? can you rebuild your friendship or will something much deeper will bloom?
word count : 1.4k
warnings : shit talking, lowercase intended, lmk if i should add anything else
yua's notes : this is my first fic so i apologise if it's not v good hope you still enjoy tho! :D
previous masterlist next
story written under the cut
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"catch me if you can!" you taunted the black hair boy who was slowly gaining behind you. "i'm gonna get you!" he yelled back before tackling you in a tight hug. you both giggled as you felt the warmth of the sun on your faces. he let go of you and sat down on the dewy grass, his breathing growing louder by the second. "since when- could you- run so- fast…" he said huffing after each word before letting his body fall back onto the green field. you sat down next to him, smiling from his red face. "you're too slow riki, even with your 'special' sneakers" you said while pointing at his lightning mcqueen sneakers. he rolled his eyes before sitting up again.
you gave him a bright grin as you signalled him to come closer. the black-haired boy edged closer to you, curiously staring at you digging through your pockets, sticking out your tongue while trying to find something. you smiled when your fingers met the braided bracelet, pulling out from your pocket. it was a cream colour, with a blue charm that read "riki". he looked at you as you gently pulled his arm closer to you, putting on the bracelet on his wrist. you put down his arm, looking at him with sparkly eyes. "well? do you like it? i made matching ones with the bracelet kit you gave me for my birthday!" you showed him an identical bracelet, instead of a blue charm was a pink charm which had your name. riki smiled, his eyes barely visible from how happy he was. "thank you y/n i love them!" he said before tackling you in a hug into the grass.
you and riki were inseparable. if you were at school, he would be sitting next to you, using your crayons to draw a portrait of you and him. if you were at the playground, he was copying all your tricks on the monkey bars. if you were at home, he would be in your room, groaning about how your room was too girly. it was like he was permanently stuck on you but you didn't mind. he was your best friend, and as your best friend, he should stay with you until the end. at least that's what you thought.
as you and riki entered middle school, things started to change. for starters, you weren't the best at making friends. seeing that most of your elementary friends were gone, you were often forced to sit by yourself in classes if riki wasn't there. luckily for him, he easily made friends with lots of people and found a group where he hung out with. you often went with him but his group were different. they relentlessly picked on you, saying that you were a freak and that riki had poor choices in friends. he stood up for you most of the time, saying that you were his best friend and they shouldn't be saying those things about you. but one day something changed.
you were waiting for riki beside his locker because you usually walked to class with him. despite for waiting for him for almost half an hour, he never came to his locker. defeated, you walked to class by yourself. you were about to arrive to your classroom when you saw riki with his other friends. rolling your eyes, you were about to approach him when you overheard their conversation. "riki that y/n girl you like," one of the guys said, a tone of disgust in his voice. "she's so weird… like how are you even friends with her," he looked at riki, almost snickering at his own words. "look here, I don't like y/n ok? she's not even my friend she just follows me everywhere, like a lost puppy," riki hissed at the other guy. "i just don't wanna be mean to her and tell her to piss off," he shoved his hands into his pockets before entering the classroom with his friends.
your grip on your books tightened as you felt a wash of emotions crash onto you. before you knew it, your legs directed you to the bathroom, locking yourself inside one of the stalls. your body slumped against the door, still in shock of what your best friend had said about you. his words repeated in your head, like a broken record player. you felt your face was wet with tears, your nose runny with snot. you felt your chest closing up as you buried your face in your knees. did you really just hear that? you slammed your fist against the door, a couple of people mumbling to each other about your bizarre behaviour but you didn't care.
"y/nie~" you heard riki's voice behind you. out of habit, you turned around, your face meeting with a smiling riki. great. he's pretending like he didn't do anything you thought to yourself. "what do you want?" you said coldly, not returning his smile as your gaze pierced his eyes. he tilted his head to the side, observing your face. "is there something wrong? oh my god, did you cry? your eyes are puffy and your eyes are red…" riki trailed off as his hand inched closer to your face before you quickly slapped it away. "you think there's something wrong? stop acting like you're clueless nishimura," you spat before walking away from him, bumping into his shoulder on the way.
since then, you ignored him. as soon as you saw him in the crowd of people in the hallway, you turned the other direction. riki kept trying to approach you, but you always seemed to disappear before he could reach you. he even visited your house, but you told your mother to tell him that you didn't feel well. eventually, he managed to catch you walking back home. "Y/N!" you recognised the voice and started running. the calls grew louder, as well as the footsteps trailing behind you. a hand grabbed your arm before forcing your body to face him. his soft brown eyes bore into yours, an unfamiliar emptiness obvious in his eyes. you tried to pull your arm away but his grip was firm.
"please y/n, tell me what's wrong. you've been like this all week and you're avoiding me." his hand loosened on your arm, desperation in his voice. his eyebags are more noticeable and he looks pale. for a second, you forgot why you were mad at him and felt sorry for him. "isn't it obvious? you're talking shit about me to your amazing new friends," you said coldly while taking his hand off your arm. "don't you understand how it feels when your own best friend backstabs you? do you think i'd avoid you like this for no reason? maybe you do think that. that's what you're telling your friends." before riki could talk, you ran away, ignoring his pleas for you to listen to him.
after a while, you finally convinced your parents to let you move schools. riki would finally be the least of your worries. although it was a rough start, you made friends at some point and your pain from him was healing steadily. you love your new friends but you can't help but feel they can only patch the missing piece of you. the riki part.
"y/n! y/n!" eunchae skipped happily towards you with grin on her face. you looked up from your book, pulling out one of your earplugs. "hey eun! how are y-" before you could finish your sentence, she put a finger on your mouth. "uh uh! I have some big news," she sat down in front of you, leaning on the backside of the chair. "there's a new transfer here! apparently he went to your old school and i've heard he's super hot," eunchae giggles, hitting you playfully. you smiled, wonder filling your mind. "huh? is that so? well i'll go see if he's really 'super hot' for myself," you chuckled before returning her a playful hit on her shoulder.
after your first class, you walked with eunchae, listening her ramble about school gossip. "and you believe what jihyun did to her after it was-" you looked at her, slightly confused at her sudden pause. her eyes widened at something in the crowd. you tried to see at what she was. maybe it was more of a who was she looking at. there stood a tall boy, his hair bleached with dark ends, with his hands stuffed in his pockets. your eyes were glued to a familiar bracelet, disbelief washing over your body. his eyes were locked onto you, shock obvious throughout his body. you opened your mouth, your words barely audible.
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silverbladexyz · 9 months
Christmas Cuddles with Dazai
Sooo here is my Christmas fic for this year :D Enjoy ❤
The image does not belong to me. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: None. Gender neutral reader
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Dazai was in a dilemma. The worst kind of dilemma possible to ever exist to mankind- no, to ever exist in the entire universe.
The day had started just like any other normal Christmas day; with the two of you staying up until midnight the previous evening to bake Christmas cookies together. Then you went around exchanging gifts with your fellow colleagues at the Armed Detective Agency, wishing them Merry Christmas. Lastly, you and Dazai had had a private Christmas dinner together, complete with the lovely sights of Yokohama and each other's company.
Then, Dazai had drawn out from his pocket a small gift for you, and upon unwrapping it, revealed itself to be a plushie that you had been eyeing for months.
The plushie lay snugly in your arms as you cuddled it tight, refusing to let it go for even a millisecond. Dazai wouldn't lie- he did find the plushie cute and all, yet why did you seem to find it much more worth your attention than him? And on Christmas, nonetheless. A special day solely meant for the two of you.
It was partly his fault for getting the plushie, but he just couldn't stop himself from wanting to see that adorable overjoyed look on your face when you saw what he had bought you.
He pouted childishly, opening his mouth. "Y/N-"
"Isn't it cute, Osamu? It's almost as cute as you!" You gleefully held the plushie out to your lover, who blinked.
"I could cuddle it forever!" Bringing it back to your chest, you hugged the plushie tightly against your chest, almost squeezing it flat. You were about to nuzzle into the furry stuffed toy, and sigh in contentment at it's sweet smell.
Only for it to be pried out of your hands and set aside on the couch.
Lean, strong arms wrapped around your waist. Dazai buried his face into the crook of your neck, the soft black locks of his hair slightly tickling your skin. He gave a small exhale, seemingly content to remain like this for as long as possible.
You smiled a little, encircling your arms around him. One of your hands found its way into his smooth tresses, gently stroking his head. None of you said anything for a while- the peaceful silence was enough for the both of you.
"Were you jealous that I was cuddling the plushie instead?"
Your teasing tone caused Dazai to look up with a cute pout on his face again, his hold on you tightening slightly.
"I was not! Instead... I was just thinking how cold my beloved would be if I wasn't cuddling them instead! Especially in this freezing weather!~" He buried his face into your neck again, placing a soft kiss on the exposed skin.
"Sure thing, pretty boy~" You giggled, feeling Dazai slightly smile in response to your reply. He knew that you secretly loved his cuddles anyways.
"Luckily for you, I'm feeling quite generous; so you may cuddle me as much as you want today~"
You planted a small kiss on the top of Dazai's head.
"Merry Christmas, Osamu."
I felt like it was a bit rushed, but I hope you guys liked it! Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone 💖
@circinuus @dazaiyohane @ruanais @sariel626 @oldworldpoolhall @yuugen-benni @ghosak
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yume-chin · 7 months
Hey hey! Could i request rise Donnie x reader?
Where reader’s LOVE language is physical touch but since Donnie is not always happy about it they try their best to not cross the line. Till one day they really needed a hug and asked Donnie, Voice breaking a bit, if they can have a hug.
D is Hella confused but allows it
Anon! I'm so sorry! I misread the request and did literally the opposite of what you asked.
To solve this problem I will leave the text as it is but I will also write a second parallel chapter with the real request you made of me.
The initial part will be almost identical to this one, however the ending will respect your request.
I hope you will appreciate both anyway, happy reading.
Rise Donatello x Reader
જ⁀➴ Here for the alternative chapter
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Request: Yes
Warning: just bad english
Genre: She/her
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Total words: 974
Text words: 836
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Ever since you met Donnie, your boyfriend, you've been fighting your habits.
You have always been an extremely affectionate girl, fond of hugs and walking holding hands with the other person.
All this gives you energy and happiness, the joy of feeling the other person's skin in contact with yours, feeling their warmth and the tranquility that they transmit to you through touch.
All this was like oxygen for you. Or at least I thought so until you met your current boyfriend Donatello.
From the first moments of your acquaintance he immediately told you that he wasn't comfortable with physical contact and this left you particularly surprised, and at the same time disappointed.
You, a person who loves physical contact, would have had to completely change your habits for us to create any sort of discomfort for your boyfriend.
Not that it destroyed you, let's be clear, you would do anything not to make him feel bad and respect his wishes, but it's still difficult to keep your love for physical contact in check.
However, you tried in every possible way not to hug or caress him except when he specifically asked you to.
It was difficult at first, but over time you got used to it.
You had started to appreciate the company much more when you were in the same room talking or simply when he asked you to keep him company while he worked on some new invention of his.
Every time he asked you to follow him to the laboratory and keep him company your heart exploded with pure joy.
You entered the room and sat on a chair next to him, carefully watching everything he did.
And even if it didn't seem like much to you, to Donnie it was the most important form of love you could give him.
The simple fact that you were there to keep him company, getting curious about what he was doing and occasionally asking about the two creations, made him understand how much you cared about him and how much you wanted to get closer to his world unlike his family.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Today too was a day like any other, you had finished class and immediately headed towards the turtles' den.
As soon as you arrived you were greeted by a super enthusiastic Mikey who immediately ran towards you to hold you in a super hug.
Not seeing Donnie around, you thought he was busy with one of his inventions, which is why you decided to only mention your presence.
You approached the door of his laboratory and knocked -Donnie, I've arrived, if you need me I'm here, I love you-
Immediately afterwards you went back to Mikey who in the meantime had also been joined by Leo and Raph.
The four of you remained chatting about this and that.
You had talked about your school day while the three turtles had talked about their last patrol.
As you continued talking, however, suddenly Donnie came out with a more tired face than usual.
You had looked at him with concern but instead of speaking he grabbed your hand and dragged you inside his laboratory.
Once he entered and closed the door however, he released your hand to return to his chair.
Not understanding exactly what was happening, you approached your boyfriend -Donnie, what's going on?- you tilted your head to try to look him in the eyes, but without succeeding.
Instead of getting an actual response you only managed to hear a small huff from the boy.
-Donnie, if you don't tell me what's wrong I can't help you...- you gently place a hand on his shoulder trying to give him a minimum of tranquility to make him talk.
Unfortunately, however, there was no response.
Now totally lost in worry with both hands you grabbed the soft shell turtle's face and turned it towards you so that your gazes met.
-Donnie, I know you need your space but I'm here, I'm your girlfriend and I want to help you. I'm worried. It hurts me to see the person I love in this state, so please, tell me what's wrong- you caress his cheeks with your thumbs.
Viola remained there looking at you with slightly shining eyes and finally, with a trembling and uncertain voice, she opened her mouth -c-can I have a hug...?-
Your heart skipped a beat for fear of not having fully understood what you had just been asked.
However, as soon as you realized that those words had really come out of Donnie's mouth you smiled sweetly -Of course you can love-
You pulled him into a big hug and he seemed to melt.
His muscles, which until a moment before were stiff, had softened and held you in that embrace.
Donnie sighed and seemed to calm down.
-Donnie, remember that you can always count on me-
He nodded in response but didn't say anything, he just remained there, enjoying that embrace full of love and tranquility.
I want to remind you that requests are open, feel free to write to me if you have any kind of idea ♡
A big hug ♡
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t4tgempearl · 11 days
oo could you do 9 for gempearl or treebark :3 (your choice on which one you’d like to do)
[Mwarch ask game | 9: A Joyful Kiss | Gempearl]
It was peaceful afternoon on the Hermitcraft server, which is suspicious and usually implies someone is up to some mischief somewhere, but for now it was nice and quiet.
Gem sat at the docks, swinging her legs back and forth, splashing in the water. Her brown boots were placed on the grass behind her and her indigo pants were rolled up to just under her knees. She closed her eyes and listened to the gentle waves of the river, the sounds of leaves rustling and... footsteps?
"Gem gem gem!"
An excited and unmistakable voice called out from behind her. Gem barely had the time to process the fact that Pearl was here before being tackled in a tight hug from behind and nearly pushed into the water.
"Oh my gosh! Pearl!" Gem said, a little disoriented and trying to keep her balance as to not fall into the river. "What was that for?" She looked behind her, seeing Pearl's bright blue eyes staring into hers, almost sparkling.
"Just wanted to say hello to you, Lovely" Pearl said with a bright grin on her face. Before Gem had a chance to roll her eyes and playfully tease Pearl for the jumpscare she just had, Pearl leaned forward and planted a soft and gentle kiss on Gem's lips.
Gem's eyes went wide for a moment before closing as she leaned into the kiss. It was a simple and short kiss of 'I'm happy you're here', simply another way Pearl could say 'I love you'.
Gem enjoyed the feeling of the familiar warm lips on hers, wishing a little bit that her and Pearl could stay like this forever, even though she knew both of them had many things to do.
After a moment or so, Pearl broke the kiss to speak up again. "Welp, I need to go! The post office won't run itself!" She said, standing up from her crouched position, waving goodbye to Gem and flying off to take care of whatever ruckus was happening in the mail system.
"Bye Pearl!" Gem waved back as Pearl disappeared into the distance. She could feel her heart beating faster than before and her cheeks flushed ever so slightly.
"Boy, does she know how to be annoying sometimes" Gem said sarcastically and chuckled softly to herself.
Maybe peaceful days do exist on Hermitcraft, Gem thought. That was until she saw "GoodTimeWithScar fell from a high place while trying to escape Grian" pop up in the chat. Now that's the Hermitcraft she knew and loved.
Hope you liked it! :D I'm pretty sure this is my first time writing for Pearl, so that's why it's mostly Gem's pov lol (and also I'm getting used to writing fics instead of RP hehe)
I love them both so much!! HC10 Gempearl is so fun <3
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