#But I'm here now
jakface · 4 months
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they're married
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delyth88 · 6 months
I was watching Avengers the other day and noticed something I haven't ever joined the dots on before.
In this shot of Barton just before he shoots the arrow at the helicarrier, he's pale, sweating, and has dark circles under his eyes. I can only assume this is due to having been under the influence of the sceptre for the last few days.
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And then there's this more familiar shot of Loki having just come through the tesseract's portal...
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...pale, sweating, and with dark circles under his eyes.
Barton still has those bright blue eyes that indicate he's under the direct influence of the sceptre, and Loki doesn't.
So what I'm concluding from this is that Loki was recently under the direct influence of the sceptre just before he was sent to earth.
This direct control was removed before he was sent, but he remains under the more indirect influence that the sceptre has on people nearby (e.g. the Avengers on the helicarrier). We see his physical health improve the longer he's on earth, which would work with this theory, and this is the same as how Barton recovers after the influence is removed.
I'd never subscribed to the theory that Loki was under the direct control of the sceptre at any point during Avengers, but this makes me think it's very likely he was being directly controlled by it for a period of time shortly before he was sent to earth.
Maybe this was some form of conditioning? Maybe it's easier for the sceptre to influence someone indirectly after they've been directly connected with it? I don't know. Possibly these effects were due to something else, but since Endgame we know it's not travel by tesseract that causes this. Although there's a possibility whatever the SHIELD scientists did on this end of the portal could have had some effect. But it's just too similar a set of symptoms to be unrelated.
I curse it again that we were never given more of Loki's story with Thanos in the series or the Avengers films!!!
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camcastle · 1 year
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No, yeah, I'm fucking delusional. You're right, I'm a fucking delusional idiot seeing things with my delusional mind. Bet. Gotta admit, I'm an idiot, delusional idiot making stuff up. Fuck me, you were right all along there's nothing here. I made it up. Me along my delusional mind made this all up, like an idiot. Delusional.
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ranfused4ever · 13 days
A celebration of dancer yibo 💚🩷
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cyantt-does-stuff · 2 months
I'm like 17 years too late but I got dragged into TF2 Hell by a silly fucker from Boston. Help me.
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thievinghippo · 7 months
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Okay this one is fucking adorable. I can't even stand it
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electricea · 3 months
haaaa, sorry, today ended up being a repeat of last saturday - if anything, i think inside out 2 was even busier today. sorry, guys.
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game-weaver · 20 days
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(( Sorry it was a long day and when I got home decided to introduce my roommate to Treasure Planet because they had never seen it.))
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deepspacedukat · 3 months
also I’m alive! I made it through the first week of the collage summer semester 9:45-4:20 (lol 420) so yeah long days and since my collage professors all had the same mindset of make the first week a light work load I’ve managed to have finished this weeks workload just before dinner. I’m probably going to at least start one of my papers due next week just because I will have 4 papers due by week three and a 7-10 min slideshow presentation due by week eight plus test and quizzes. So yeah 😫 I ask myself why I would do this to myself every day but I enjoyed having a month off instead of starting summer semester A one week after my spring semester finals ended. So I went with a crammed summer semester B.
P.s. cinder is out for revenge because I gave her a bath today and Boreal (betta) was reflecting a rainbow today after I put a plant grow light up over his tank for the aquatic plants 😋 (I also moved my snail Bee into his tank to eat algae you can see her photo bomb in the background)
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Okay, I know I'm super late answering this, but I hope your college work is going well! I hope it's not as bad as you thought it would be and that you are enjoying your classes!
Aww, bless Cinder and her revenge! (Now she a clean, grumpy lil bean 💙) Boreal and Bee are looking gorgeous in this pic as usual!! I hope they're doing well!
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icarusdiesatdawn · 9 months
reading (or rather listening since I'm an audiobook kinda person) the percy jackson books again for the first time in over a decade has me really feeling nostalgic. I barely remembered anything but just hearing the chapter titles and the memories are flooding back in (pun intended)
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leavemetoplaythesims · 11 months
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neshatriumphs · 2 years
Chucky said, "Hi, I'm Chucky, wanna pray?" And the nun dropped dead.
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jottingprosaist · 4 months
told my cabbie for the 3am airport trip that I was feeling a bit nauseous and he immediately took my bag away from me and said "Trip to the airport is 12 dollars. I'll drive slow." and then he did-- no fast corners, very gentle stops at the lights. and I was willing to pay the extra few dollars for it, but when the meter hit $12 he clicked stop and let me ride the rest of the way free. and it might just be the insanity of waking up at 2:30 after 4 hours of sleep but I was really emotional about it. Like ok Mr Sandeep, the world is still good actually.
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kiryuing · 5 months
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mikonez · 6 months
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canisbeanz · 11 months
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Silly doodle bc it was the first thing I thought of when I saw Pomni.
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