#But be careful! Do NOT underestimate Vil!
sinofthesloth · 10 months
so how do you think Epel, Vil, Malleus, Azul and Jack Howl would deal with a crush who actually starts running at them and hugging them as a greeting after a couple months of knowing the boys? (The hugs only seem to be reserved for the boys. Crush clearly has a favourite. Probably horrifies people when they first do this to Malleus). Like their senses tingle and they bee line for the boys and suddenly the boys are being hugged by this human with golden retriever energy from behind or somehow this person had teleported in front of them and hugged?
Hey Sin here, not sure if you want all the boys together since you wrote, "Crush clearly has a favourite." but I am going to separate so each boy has his own part. Sorry if this is not how you wanted them. Also this is my first time doing an ask, so thank you for sending one in!
Content/Warnings: Jack's part is more of a general day of school, Epel's part is centered around the Song and Dance Competition (Epel's part has slight angst and talks about Vil's overblot) Azul's part talks about his overblot, Vil's part talks about his fangirls, and Malleus part talks about Sebek a good bit. (I love him) Requested: Yes by @nesting-dreams Word Count: At least 400 per boy. Written: December 1st. Characters: Jack, Epel, Azul, Vil, and Malleus
At first the hugs didn't confuse Jack. He took in stride and squeezed back. He had younger siblings and knows that sometimes a hug is just what a person needs to get by. He had known you for quite some time.
He was there for Leona's as well as Azul's overblots. He knows the kind of stress that has been put on you, and he wants you to know he will always be there for you.
Jack started to notice his crush on you when he would make eye contact with you across the courtyard and you started to make a dash to him. At first he thought it was cute, but day after day, he started waiting for you. It was a slow realization, but after Deuce called his tail wagging out at the track field, man was embarrassed.
He also noticed you didn't hug the others like you'd hug him. If he was looking away, you'd softly wrap your arms around him. If he was in a group, you'd make sure he saw you coming first. But every time you'd hug any of the other boys it was always a side hug. You would also press him into yourself as much as you could when you hugged him.
He just hoped you wouldn't notice his tail wagging each time you held him close.
You've seen each other in classes before, but you didn't speak more than a few short sentences with each other. Just enough to know his name and a few facts about him. You two finally got much closer during the Song and Dance competition.
During the first night they all stayed at the Ramshackle dorm, you made your rounds making sure everyone was comfortable. You didn't need Kalim's family to come after you nor did you need Vil's fangirls finding out you didn't bend to the man's every whim. Epel was the last one you checked on before heading into your own dorm room. It was clear he was upset.
That night you sat with Epel into the late hours. He talked about how worried he was. How he felt that he was always underestimated thanks to his feminine looks, and how he knew he would never live up to Vil's standards of him. Of the standards he put upon himself. He talked about how he always put his best foot forward in fear others will never give him a chance if he didn't. He works this hard only to prove he is capable.
That was the first time you hugged him. Since then, every morning you gave him a quick squeeze before serving everyone breakfast within Vil's restrictions. You'd hug him before practice, after practice, during breaks, during lunch, after classes. Anytime you could spare to hug him, you did. You wanted to show him you cared.
At first he'd give you a light tap on the back, but as time passed he fell in love with holding you against him. He was enjoying these hugs these past two weeks. He enjoyed the encouragement and praise you'd give him and it was clear to Rook and Vil how Epel was changing. He was trying harder, he was more attentive, he was doing anything to prove himself to both you and his dorm leaders.
After Vil's overblot, you beelined it for Epel. Grabbing him with one hand in his hair and the other pressing his chest into yours. He wasn't letting you go anytime soon. He could take the whispering comments of the first years and the mumbles of his dorm leaders later.
Azul wasn't nice to you before his overblot. He used you, used your friends, used his friends and did many other horrendous actions. No matter what he said during his moment of weakness was an excuse to do what he did, but that didn't stop you from taking his words to heart. He was a scared, hurt child. Still was in some sense. He was coming down from his overblot when you hugged him. He held onto you as he cried. All you could do was help him hide his face in your chest as whisper sweet nothing as he latched onto you sobbing.
As time passed, you grew closer to him. He wouldn't talk about the overblot and you wouldn't bring it up. No one knew why you started to randomly walk up to him and hug him. Half the time you wouldn't even give Ace or Deuce a front hug like you did him. Azul refused to drop the boss-man attitude but if anyone looked as close as the twins did, they'd see the way he would twist the back of your shirt with how tight his grip on you was.
Sometimes, when you were behind him, you'd run up and squeeze him from behind, taking him by surprise. That was the only time his face would be covered in apple-red blush. He'd clear his throat and scold you, before opening his arms for you to give him a proper hug.
He couldn't hide his crush from the twins. They'd talk about how you wouldn't give anyone a front hug, much less one from behind. Just recalling it made his face explode.
He grew addicted to see you. Especially from afar. If you thought he'd make it out of a room before you could reach him, you'd run up and tackle him into a hug.
Vil was never a hard man to find. Just follow the trail of glitter or the clicking of phone cameras. You don't really remember how the two of you got close. It definitely might have been when you were running from Rook and leeched onto Vil to hide behind. From there, the three of you bloomed an odd friendship.
Vil catches on immediately, and in the beginning of it, he does try to get you to stop. Not just for his image, but yours as well. There have been videos of you running up and jumping on him for a hug. A few of you hold him for just a moment to long and pictures upon pictures of the two of you.
There are multiple theories about the two of you online. Rook loves reading these out loud to Vil while he is getting ready for the day. Seeing his face tint with a cherry red color always puts a smile on Rook's face.
It gets to the point that you'll stop hugging him and instead wave or jokingly bow toward him instead. Which just ignites a fire on the internet. His fangirls want to know if y'all broke up? If y'all were ever together? What happened? Why aren't you hugging anymore? Vil didn't know what to do. He seemingly was going through a mode. Rook called them withdrawals. Epel was just annoyed both for you and because of you.
By the end of a week and the swarm of questions on all his posts, he talks to you about it. Asks what you believed would be best. "No matter what you do, you are in the public's eye. Do what makes you happy." You wouldn't hug him until he made a decision himself. You didn't want to push him one way or another. Another week passed, and he noticed how you didn't hug others the way you hugged him. Ace would get side hugs, and Deuce would get hugs where you wouldn't fully wrap your arms around him. He seemed to be the only one you'd throw your arms around the neck of.
He was glad he was the only one you'd hold like this. His decision wasn't any easier, but he knew he missed your hugs. "Maybe behind close doors."
"You can always just start dating them." Epel commented.
(- He is extremely ooc and I hate it, so I'll be fixing it soon. Hopefully after class)
As soon as you attempted to sneak up on Malleus, Sebek is there to call you out. He would be snatching you off the ground before you made it twelve feet in range of Malleus.
The hugs started the night of Vil's overblot. He visited to check up on you, and you didn't know how to thank him. He talked about it for days afterward. Lilia was the one to bring up sneaking up on him for a hug. You've hugged him at least once a day since. Sebek is distraught any, and every time he sees you hugging. Marching over to promptly remove you from Malleus.
If you can make it to him when running up to him, he will laugh before lifting you up as you jump into his arms. It also takes him an embarrassingly long time to realize that you don't hug others like you hug him. He doesn't fully understand the deeply rooted pride his has over this. He also doesn't notice how much he looks forward to your hugs until you're sick one day.
Lilia has to drag this man out of your dorm because he was trying to cuddle up into your bed with you. He just wanted a hug. You promised to give him two tomorrow and with that he left. Leave you some soup and medicine after Silver explains that since you're magicless, there is no way of telling how your body would handle it.
Sebek was mortified. The prince of fae was crawling into the bed of a human. Lilia was dying of laughter as the prince sulkingly walked back to the hall of mirrors. It was clear to those who were close to him that he had fallen in love with a human, those that weren't feared the upset dragon-fae.
No worries. As soon as you hugged him the next day, everyone was wiping out their phones to capture photos. It was spreading like wildfire, and when he returned to his grandmother for the holidays, she asked where you were.
Hope you enjoy trying new foods and being surrounded by multiple suits of armor.
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Ace: Serious question. How did MC win you all over?
Deuce: *nods* We are really curious!
Epel: Yes! Please enlighten us, Mammon-sir!
Levi: 'Sir'?
Mammon: Ha! Be jealous, Levi. These are my minions.
Levi: *rolls his eyes*
Barbatos: If you want answers, it's better to ask the point of view of the outsiders.
Simeon: Um... Outsiders?
Solomon: We're not outsiders, Barbatos.
Lucifer: Answer his question then, Barbatos.
Barbatos: ...
Luke: I'll answer that question because I'm sure these demons will try to bend the truth!
Luke: All of these demons, except Barbatos-
Belphie: Don't exempt your father-figure.
Luke: H-He's not my father figure! *clears throat* All these demons tried to corrupt MC, but they all failed! *beams* MC is a strong human! And, and! They are loved by all creatures!
Satan: Except some of us tried to kill them first.
Beel: Raise the hands of those who never hurt them. *puts his hand up*
Mammon: *joining him*
Ace: I- Bruh.
Epel: MC is the embodiment of 'I can fix you.' Literally.
Deuce: *nods in agreement*
Belphie: Well... You could say that they're really unique. Or maybe because they're a distant descendant of our dead sister Lilith.
Ace: What did you say?
Epel: So all of you are-
Simeon: No. I assure you, that isn't the case at all.
Ace: But that's wild, man.
Solomon: *chuckles* Right? That's why no one should ever underestimate MC.
Lucifer: Speaking of them, where are they?
Solomon: They're together with Asmo and Vil. They mentioned visiting a spa place.
Lucifer: I see.
Barbatos: Disappointed they didn't invite you?
Lucifer: Don't be ridiculous, Barbatos.
Diavolo: I am disappointed they didn't invite me.
Lucifer: ...
Vil: Potato, why are you the one massaging Asmodeus?
Asmo: This is our bond, hun~ And it's been a while since MC touched my body like this~.
Vil: *frowns* They are here to relax.
Asmo: I'll give them a massage too later~. Right, darling~?
Vil: ...
MC: Haha, maybe next time when it's just the two of us.
Asmo: Kyaa~! Does that mean you want us to do more~?
Vil: *cringes* Potato, I can't believe you love someone like him.
MC: *chuckles* Well, no one can resist Asmo.
Asmo: That's right~. Since I'm the prettiest in every realm~. No one can compare to my beauty~.
Vil: Excuse me? You are forgetting that I exist.
Asmo: No offense, hun. But you don't hold a candle to me.
Vil: ...
Vil: *smirks* I'm sure Potato will disagree on that.
Asmo: What?
MC: ...
MC: I'm just an ugly person, don't include me in this.
MC: *sigh* *just got home after they managed to stop Vil and Asmo from fighting*
Leona: You look exhausted, Herbivore.
MC: Yeah.
Leona: ...
Leona: *smirks* Want us to cuddle with you?
MC: Huh?
Belphie: *shows up, already sitting next to MC* You need some rest. Let us take care of you.
MC: ...
MC: I'm not surprised if you're going to do that for me, Belphie. But Leona?
Leona: Hey, we're friends.
MC: ...
MC: Fine. I'll accept that excuse for now.
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coralinnii · 1 year
Hello to you! I was wondering if you were taking requests. I just had a prompt I thought you might like! Any characters you'd like, with an s/o who can and will get violent easily if someone disrespects the love of their life? Like someone calls cater fake and suddenly a chairs getting thrown at their head. I'm sorry for asking, I just thought this was funny :)
❋ Feral!MC who defends their man ❋ feat: Epel ⭑ Ace ⭑ Cater ⭑ Malleus genre: fluff, humour note: gn!reader, no pronouns used with reader, established relationships, reader is implied to be magicless, depictions of physical fighting and violence (punching, kicking, etc),
So, I usually just randomly pick a set of 4 characters but this worked out so well it was hilarious.
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All his life, Epel feels underestimated due to his fragile-looking appearance and stature. He spent his early adolescence running amok to prove himself a man but since meeting Vil, he’s learning to hold himself back. 
But that doesn’t mean his situation has changed. There will always be one or two schoolmates that continue to demean him for his looks. 
“You Pomefiore wimps are all the same. What, too afraid to get your makeup ruined?” 
Oh, there is nothing Epel wants more than to give these jerks a piece of his mind, but nothing these guys can say would compare to what Vil would do if he starts a fight here so he chose to turn his cheek on their superficial comments. 
Sadly, the offenders did not appreciate that as they started to grow red over being ignored and started raising their magic pens when… 
“Ooff!” One of the grunts fell to his knees clutching his lower half, revealing you standing behind him with a look that could scare the campus ghosts.  
“The hell is manly about picking on someone minding his own business?!” You seethed in fury as you glared at the wounded student and his friend helping him. “Epel has more manly qualities in his pinky than you do in your whole body, including that sad manhood” You sneered at the term, barely believing one could call any part of them “man”. 
You stepped closer to the two male students, one of them covering his already injured equipment. With an air of barely contained wrath, you stomped your foot extremely close in front of the fallen student, right between his legs “Leave before I make sure that you two will be walking weird for the whole school year” Your eyes glinted with not a threat, but a promise. 
With the two bullies running off, you looked to Epel. Gone was the fury in your eyes but rather concern. 
He really shouldn’t be, but darn it if he wasn’t proud of you. He wanted to praise you so much for how amazing you were. He knows now that violence is not the best option but it sure makes you look cool.
If he were his younger self, he’d have been embarrassed that someone fought his battles for him but he knew you do it out of love and never because you didn’t think he couldn’t defend himself. He’s learning new forms of power, and your willingness to fight for him was another side to strength he didn’t have growing up. 
Epel swore to continue growing up, to appreciate the strengths he found such as you, and to someday be strong enough to protect you forever.
“We can’t let Vil hear about this, but that was super cool! Ya sure spook ‘em good!” 
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Ace is a cheeky bast*rd. Sure, he knows when he should shut up but when push comes to shove, he’s not afraid to say how he really feels and doesn’t care how he can come across to others. Due to that attitude, he has made a few enemies that don't appreciate his words and like him, aren't afraid to tell him that. 
“Who are you to say that about us? Acting like you’re better than us, get off that high horse of yours!” 
Ace rolled his eyes over the student’s weak insult but did nothing. Something like this isn’t worth getting hurt over. The redhead was about to put on his fakest smile and ready to satiate the poor kid’s ego but suddenly a blurry figure breezed past him and straight at the student who started this commotion. 
And the sound of something solid hitting flesh rang through the hallways
Loud gasps and curious whispers filled in as students saw that you landed a straight punch on the other student, who’s sitting stunned on the floor.
“If you didn’t do stupid sh*t, then maybe Ace doesn't have to call you out on it!” 
Boy is smug af over you getting all feral and defending him like that. Watching someone he likes fight for him and getting angry on his behalf tickles his heart. How many guys can say his lover would beat someone up for him? Ace felt shivers down his spine seeing you all fiery and angry for his sake, yelling at the dumbfounded student how Ace doesn’t have to be nice to anyone who doesn’t deserve it. 
“And at least Ace has a brain to think before doing something stupid unlike you morons! Talk sh*t, get hit!” Seeing you angrily compliment him is strangely attractive to the Heartslabyul freshman that he rather push to the back of his mind to ponder at a later date. 
As your voice got louder as your fury burned, which Ace feared might catch the attention of a teacher or worse, his housewarden. 
Always quick on his feet both metaphorically and physically, Ace used the chaotic situation to run in between the crowd and escape his enemies before a teacher ended up showing up just as he predicted. When the coast is clear, Ace will definitely tease you on your little feral child moment.
Great job, you really stroked this kid's ego 
“You sure got scary all for lil ol’ me~ You love me that much, huh?”
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Cater knows how some people see him, what they say about him but he doesn’t care since in the end he doesn’t affect him that much. Words from a couple of rando people means little to him. 
It was an uneventful day, when he heard a couple of classmates whisper behind his back, words like “fake” and “clout-chaser” made purposely clear for anyone, including him, to hear. 
“Talk about vibe killers” The laid-back senior thought, a sting of annoyance managing to build in his heart. It doesn’t crush him but still, having someone insult you never feels good. 
He was planning to take the high road, pretend not to hear them and walk away when he heard a commotion from that direction. When Cater turned around, he nearly dropped his phone when he saw you…with your hands in a vice grip on one of the jeering student’s hair. 
“Say that again, I dare you!” You screamed as you looked ready to turn the poor boy bald. “Show off that loser behavior so everyone can see!” 
The student in your grasp was helpless and not even his friend could help him because any attempt made to you only made you tighten your grip on his locks. 
“You don't know anything about Cater, how can you call him fake?! He’s considerate and always makes sure not to make anyone uncomfortable, unlike you motherfu-“
You couldn’t finish your sentence as smoke started filling the space, which sent everyone in the vicinity in a state of chaos thinking a fire had started. Surprised, you released the fool in your grasp and in that moment you felt someone pull you away from the smoky mess. In your angry confusion, you nearly restarted your assault when you recognized the familiar light ginger locks and charming green eyes through the fading smoke. It was Cater that pulled you away from the crowd before a teacher finally showed up and cleared the smoke spell he casted.
You nearly gave Cater a heart attack. The last thing he wants is for you to get in trouble or worse, have a target on your back due to your fiery temper. Secretly, he felt a sense of guilty pleasure knowing how fired up you get for someone like him, plus that wild side of you is scarily appealing to him. 
Even if he prefers to hide things with a smile, he worries for your safety more than anything. He has a plethora of ways to get himself out of a bad situation so he hopes you could trust him a bit more.
He might not be able to stop you from getting into fights for his sake, but at least let him protect you when you do
“Hoo boy, that was a close one! You gotta trust me a little more, you know?~”
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When Malleus saw you walking back to your dorm one late night, thunderous clouds quickly formed as he noticed bruising on your face and hands, obviously from a scuffle. 
“Who is responsible for this?” Malleus spoke calmly but the dangerous strikes of lightning raining down in the far distance spoke volumes of his true emotions. 
You shrugged your shoulders, trying to downplay your injuries as you explained that you got into a fight with a couple of students earlier that day. Malleus was curious but you looked tired and decided to let you rest for that night
Malleus heard later from Lilia that you suddenly tackled a bunch of students when you overheard them speaking ill of the dragon fae, saying how he only earned his housewarden title purely because of his powers and not due to skills or competence. 
Ok, let’s make it clear. Anybody who dares to insult Malleus definitely has a death wish, with the exception of Leona. Being one of the most powerful mages of his time and having a loyal group of guards that isn’t afraid to take someone down, anyone with survival instincts would think twice before talking sh*t about the heir of Briar Village. 
But this is true everywhere, there is always that tiny group of people that dare to speak nonsense, acting as though their actions won’t have consequences. 
Hah, they thought. 
The students who witnessed the fight recalled the sheer rage exuding from you as you continued to pummel on the target of your wrath. You were finally pulled away by a teacher and was sent to Crowley's office, which explained your late return. 
“They don’t know anything! They don’t see how hard you’re trying to understand humans for the future of fae-human relations. The lessons and training you do to someday lead your kingdom, they know none of it. None at all!” 
Malleus has Silver and especially Sebek who would yell at anyone that would even dare to breathe weirdly in Malleus’ presence, so naturally hearing that a fight broke out because someone supposedly disrespected him is a common story for him. But this was the first time he heard it was you who started the fight in his honor. 
He brushed against your cheek, where your bruise was before he quickly healed it. He wondered if humans were all reckless when in love like you were. He should reprimand you, tell you that such violence is unnecessary as petty hate is nothing to him.
Although, supposed if he were in your position, he wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t do the same, perhaps even worse. Afterall, you were his precious treasure. 
This man won’t care who started the fight, he’s smiting anyone for trying to harm you in any way (A red flag but a confusing one) 
“I would prefer you avoid such conflicts in the future, my dear. Not for your sake, but for theirs if I learn of the fools who dare lay a hand on you”
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I was re reading your pool fic bc it’s one of my favourite and I wanted to ask ab how Vil would go over giving you a make over when he finds out you’re a girl or how Vil, Rook and Epel would be involved?
Would Epel finally be happy to not be the only one being tortured by Vil with his 20084 step skin care routine?
Would Vil take you shopping and go full MUA?
Would Rook stalk you so Vil can find our about your current beauty regimen?
Also I love your writing so much
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Aforementioned Makeover | Yandere Pomefiore
The thing about the pool party is that everyone knew you were a girl 
You had told them straight up
But they either written it off or the time you casually mentioned it or it just wasn’t a priority
Rook most definitely already knew 
More than willing to share one of his extensive photo albums on you when Vil finally decides you are indeed in need  of a makeover
Whether it’s through Rook or forcefully making Epel ask or just interrogating you himself
He’ll go full steam ahead once he has an idea on your situation
But it gets tricky when he realizes Rook’s has a loooonggg list of things he notices and actively updates about your health and routine
It kind of makes him jealous
So he steps up his game a little and demands your presence in Pomefiore immediately
He might wait for exam season where everyone’s on edge 
And far too anxious to debate whatever craziness he’s imposing on the Ramshackle Prefect
“This is just for the time being, no need to lose your head. Focus on your exams and I’ll focus on you. Got that?”
He’s reworking your entire life routine to fit around and with him in the center
Because Rook get’s to openly patrol and monitor you he’s not upset
He also expected it’d turn out this way but that’s a discussion for another time+
Epel though is at first willing to excuse himself
Leaving you to the proverbial wolves until he realizes what this means
“After the fitting, we’ll polish their elegance training, and then after that we’ll have to do a hearty meal otherwise they’d whine all day–” “I agree!”
“But they told me that tomorrow we’d go to the racing derby together…”
“Hm, well we’ll have to cancel that then. (Y/n)’s incredibly short energy and requirements for tomorrow can’t have them waking up too early to go to that. We only have time for what we’ve planned.”
“Yup sorry, monsieur crab-apple! Now please continue Roi du Poison!” 
If he doesn’t actively include himself or remind Vil of his obsession with training him
He’s going to be left out
Lose more time to get close to you
Less chances for him to win you over
Not to mention the bonding and learning he gets from just aiding his upperclassmen in their endeavors
“Now this Epel is the perfect time to ask questions. In this condition their mental state is still intact, so any questions you ask isn’t immediately going to be met with mindless and incoherent blubbering.”
“But why would I want to ask questions? What good is talking to this piece’a crap gonna do?”
“Tsk Tsk pauvre malheureux you have so much to learn! Consider this prey the beginning of a larger scheme…a member of a conspiracy against notre chéri!” 
“I see…”
Unbeknownst to him he’s prepared to use it all against them when the perfect time strikes
But it’s not wise to underestimate your teachers 
Where do you think that urge came from?
“We at Pomefiore value beauty above most, consider it a privilege we want to highlight yours.” 
“Though the urge to lock it away is palpable; for my Roi du Poison I’ll stiffle my urges just a tad longer!”
“Don’t expect to get too far from me I’m mo’ than set onya heart.”
“I know I know, geez.”
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katskitoshi · 1 year
May I please have this? https://www.tumblr.com/katskitoshi/696416151501209600/sheepy-twisted-wonderland?source=share
But instead of sheep a Bunny and with the other dorms?
Thx Love your work!!!<3
synopsis: you thought you would be prepared to never let another sheepy incident happen again. however, you clearly underestimate your friend's ability to ruin your life. but this time, you turn into a fluffy little bunny rather than a fluffy little sheep.
characters: riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, azul, jade, floyd, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, epel, idia, ortho, malleus, lilia, silver, & sebek x fem! reader
you took extra precautions to try to prevent yourself in an alchemy incident. you watched each ingredient go in, stopped horse playing and petty fights, and double-triple made sure the order of each ingredient was correct. somehow, after a miscalculation or addition of some unknown substance (grim added something without telling you), your body turns into [color] smoke and you shrink down a bunch of feet.
you're no taller than grim now, with cute floppy ears, a fluffy tail, and a cute twitching nose thats flicking especially fast from stress. and just like before, you're left in the hands of the dorms as crewel looks for a way to turn you back. let's see how they do, yeah?
HEARTSLABYUL is a pretty safe place for a bunny like yourself! nice roses, cute animal friends, and nice tea parties you get to be apart of. it's easy to get lost in the twisty-turvy halls, but it's still a pretty dorm for a pretty bunny!
riddle is a pretty suitable caretaker. you're fed each meal, which is surprisingly more than carrots thanks to trey. he'll brush your fluffy coat and keep you looking as proper as possible! a nice, long bath is due after a tiring day of hanging out with the hedgehogs and flamingos, and he's pretty good at restoring your fluffy coat to it's former glory. once bed time rolls around, he'll let you take one half of his bed and he'll take the other. if you hop into his arms while he sleeps, he won't push you away. however, if you nudge at him with cute pleading bunny eyes for a bite of his tart he will. he loves you dearly, but he will not share his tart with you while you're in bunny form. that's a treat reserved only for when you're human.
trey is your sole reason for sanity. you thought you'd be fed carrots and lettuce all day, but he's able to whip your vegetables into anything you wish. carrot cake, sugar free fruit tarts, hay biscuits. any food you could think of, trey will try and most likely succeed in making it perfect for your bunny tummy. besides his amazing cooking, trey's good at grooming and reading you. he absolutely loves your little ear or nose twitches! if you're good, he'll let you help him bake or collect some ingredients. but only if you're good, okay?
pretty predictably, cater is thrilled about your transformation! it's super cute and magicammable. don't worry, he has his phone, a brush, and a cute diamond hair clip on standby as soon as you enter his care. it's time for a makeover! he'll manage your fluffy fur into a nice style with the hair clip and take a bunch of pictures. once that's done, he'll take you out to the rose garden and just talk for hours with you. he takes notice of your every reaction and pets your cute ears in response. if you couldn't tell, he loves them. but it might be obvious due to how often his hands will gravitate towards them and just fondle them. gah, you're so cute! all these pictures might overtake his sheepy one!
ace was supposed to be beheaded for his crimes, but he seems to like punishment. somehow, he got his hands on you and you're terrified. but this time, it's all for nothing. surprisingly, ace was a much better caretaker than before. he fed you and kept you out of harms way enough the survive your time with him. but ace made his time with you special. a little dream of his was to pull a rabbit out of a hat, so he used a small teleportation spell to transport you from his bed, to be slowly pulled out of his top hat. with a "ta-da~!" leaving his lips, you begged to go again! it was fun, and ace was finally not putting you in harms way so its a win win.
sweet deuce always wanted a bunny growing up. he never got one, but perhaps this mishap was a blessing in disguise. he hugged you close to his chest gently when he first got to hold you and smiled brightly. deuce is a great caretaker. he'll bring you whatever you want, even if you shouldn't eat/have it, and he'll let you play outside for a nice long time! all he asks for in return are some cute snuggles and to let him pet your ears. his dreams will come true!
perhaps letting you stay in SAVANACLAW for a bit was a mistake. it was hot and scary. the blazing sun and dry conditions were nice, but the sand blowing in your face and wool was not. oh, and not to mention you were at the bottom of the food chain here. i mean, who's brilliant idea was it to keep a prey and a dorm full of predators?
be lucky leona values human you a bit. if he hadn't, who knows what would've happened to you? maybe a big, scary beastman would snatch you up, tun you into bunny stew, and eat you for dinner with no remorse. leona'll tell you all those things to try and scare you, but sevens forbid once of the losers in his dorm lay a hand on you. then, they'll turn into beastman stew and leona will slurp them up and go right back to bed while using you as a pillow.
how adorable could you get? ruggie will chuckle at your new form, his familiar laugh and smile making you feel a bit less stressed about the situation. as usual, leona will throw ruggie some money to take care of you, only use a bit for you and pocket the rest. he still cares, so he'll even watch you frolic and play around the botanical gardens or fields of savanaclaw.
jack is such a good boy, as always. he always takes care of you and does it pretty well. nice meals and groomings obviously. he'll also let you play around outside if you get bored, or do anything your little bunny brain wants. as long as it's in reason, he'll give it at least a thought. so, to put it short: no, [name], jack will not let you go inside the microwave to see what it feels like.
when approaching OCTAVINELLE, your best decision is to hop as far as you can and as fast as you can. but unfortunately, that cannot help your poor, unfortunate bunny soul for there are eels and octopuses that stop you from going before the fun begins.
dollar signs ring in azul's head as he hears about your form. hooray! marketing! you can either sit pretty in the eating area of the lounge or in his office for private pet sessions. for the cheap price of 1000 madol, a student can pet your cute little bunny ears. besides being a marketing tool for him, he cares for you pretty well.
jade drugs you. nothing more to say than that he wanted to give you some mushrooms and well, bunnies don't fair well with them. next thing you know, you're hallucinating carrots and [favorite food] and begin chomping away at him. jade only laughs. he's an okay caretaker. but he much enjoys seeing you woozy from just a common mushroom. he really wants to see what happens to you with psychedelics.
look, when you said you wanted to go in the microwave, you were joking! floyd attempts part 2 of attempting to cook his crush. it was crazy, honestly. floyd seemed to learn no lesson! but at least your so squeezable in this form! ah, his cuteness aggression is kicking in! he's still harsh, but at least the number of injuries has decreased. so perhaps something has changed. but let's not forget of his crimes. attempted microwave cooking, attempted drowning, yanking your ears, flicking your nose, and quite a few more that will most likely not end up on his record but should.
similar to savanaclaw, SCARABIA is a dorm with great living conditions for bunnies! most of the time, the dorm members are nice and the dry ground is fun to dig in.
kalim had changed a lot since last time. he's a lot better at taking care of you. if it's too warm, he'll make a little oasis. for you to swim in or drink out of. he'll let you hop around the desert planes of scarabia but he'll most likely lose you. and when he pets you, he's a bit rough from cuteness aggression, but he loves you and treats you like royalty nonetheless.
jamil is again your main caretaker, and again one of the best people you can end up with. nice food, well taken care of, lovely head-rubs and all sorts of affections. i'd like to believe that once upon a time kalim or one of his siblings had a rabbit and it turned into jamil's responsibility to take care of it. who would've know that their negligence would help him?
hopping into POMEFIORE was lovely. the scenery was breathtaking and it smelled of fresh fruits and apples. this is one of the only dorms you can hop around and just find food lying there. nice fields to get lost in, nice waters to swim in. this dorm is like bunny heaven!
vil is a great caretaker, and he'll carry you wherever you need to go. you know this little poodle pouch bag things, vil owns one just for you. after treating your wool, whiskers, and paws and such, he'll plop you right into his little bag and stroll around pomefiore to invoke the jealous stares of his dorm mates. now, you're the prettiest bunny with the prettiest man to carry you around!
you know those fields you like to get lost in? yeah, you're never really lost because rook always has his eye on you. he loves you as a bunny dearly. taking photos at every moment or chasing you just to see your ears and nose twitch in fear. it's hilarious to him! and insane for you to think he wouldn't just love to sneak up behind you, grab you, and hold you to his chest while giving you kisses all over your little bunny head and ears. as soon as you're back in human form, he'll give you some real kisses while he forces you to look at all the cute bunny pictures he has!
sweet epel shares his apples with you. back home, he was familiar with bunnies as they'd come into the orchard and try to steal apples. he'll cut them up into cute shapes for you so you don't have to hit the trees to try to get them to fall for you. again, he'll carve you a little apple figurine of you in bunny form. epel'll share some sweet moments of just talking as he rambles into his southern accent, like he used to do back home, but instead he's just rambling onto his crush.
IGNIHYDE is freezing! but luckily you have nice thick, fluffy wool to cover you and keep you warm. it's a refreshing change from the warm weather of other dorms, but one things the other dorms were definitely better at was their natural aspects. there was barely any outdoorsy space for you to frolic in!
idia has never considered having a garden in ignihyde, but your pleading bunny eyes and downturned ears somehow convince him. next thing you know, idia's had a small garden built for you to jump around in. he even leaves his room to watch you. when you aren't in his garden, he's sit you on his desk or lap and pet your ears as he games or something. perhaps he'll even give you some pomegranates to snack on. oops! looks like you have to stay in ignihyde just a bit longer~!
ortho is darling, really. he searches the web for how to perfectly care for you and caters to your every need. he even helps convince idia to make you that garden. he'll even take you to the gardens of night raven for you to be able to play around properly, and buy you some bunny feed. overall, good job ortho! he's a good caretaker.
DIASOMNIA is a scary place for a little bunny like yourself. oh, you thought you were being towered over in other dorms? that's funny! people are like giants here, and you haven't been this scared since octavinelle.
of course, malleus was left out of the meeting that explained that you would be passing through the dorm's care. he went to ramshackle expecting you, only to find you were at his dorm! he teleports there immediately, and smiles once he get's to hold you. he didn't think you could get any smaller! malleus was more interested in stone animals than anything, but a cute breathing bunny is fun too. especially when it's his child of man.
lillia should not be left in charge to care for you. well, at first he shouldn't. he'll play the ropes a bit and is quite rough at first. pulling your ears a bit and flicking your nose a bit too hard, but he'll suddenly flip a switch and is super gentle and sweet. nice pets, kind words, the whole kindness bundle. but then, he tries to feed you. and you're certain it was all a act to get you to trust him and for him to feed you his awful food! once you're human again, he'll wonder why you have a little grudge with him, not understanding that he's nearly killed you with his food.
silver is missing in action. not a bad caretaker or a good one. but he naturally has animals gravitate to him so he barely noticed having you hop in. once he familiarizes himself with you and realizes you're not just some woodland creature, you're his friend and his crush, he'll straighten up his act a bit and make sure you're taken care of especially. although it makes the other animals jealous, silver can't help but hold you specifically while he's sleeping. it's so sweet!
sebek is okay. he's not all that familiar with animals, but can hold his own in taking care of you. you're fed pretty nice meals but not given that much affection. his cuteness aggression might kick in, so he refrains from it. he'll also try to watch his voice, because he knows it'll hurt your ears if he's too loud.
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lancermylove · 9 months
Glyph Magic (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Leaders x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can you do headcanons about twst dorm leaders with a female s/o who is magicless and can use glyphs magic from the owl house?
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Riddle would likely show some disbelief at first, as this breaks common rules in magic. And being someone who loves rules, your ability to use magic despite being magicless makes him uncomfortable.
He also can't believe that you, his girlfriend, had not told him this before. Why is he finding this out so late?
It would take him a little while to get used to the fact that people don't need to have magic abilities to use magic. After he accepts this, he would be interested in learning the history behind glyph magic. Riddle would also be curious about glyph magic versus traditional magic.
A part of him is relieved to see you using magic. At least you can defend yourself when he is not around.
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When Leona teased you for being magicless, he didn't expect you to draw unusual shapes in the air and summon flames near him.
No matter how many times you explain to him how you can use glyph magic, Leona can't wrap his head around a magicless human being able to use magic. To him, that's the same logic as a bag of salt with the label 'salt-free.'
However, Leona is fascinated with glyphs as they are nothing like the regular spells he is accustomed to.
If you are up for it, the prince wants to have a magic fight with you. He won't hurt you in any way, but Leona wants to see how glyphs hold up against his magic.
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Malleus didn't care if you couldn't use magic, but he was not expecting you to summon two large stalks surrounded by thorns with a flower blooming on top. The sight reminded him of Briar Valley.
Like many others on the list, he is curious to learn the origin of glyphs and how you, his magicless girlfriend, can use magic. He also wants to know if this is common in your world.
Malleus is now curious to learn how many different types of magic exist. He might be the most powerful mage in that world, but he is still interested in learning more abilities. Maybe he will one day become the most powerful mage in the universe.
However, when you tell him about advanced glyphs, Malleus is a bit wary. If someone with bad intentions learns some of the advanced glyphs, it could pose a huge problem for the world.
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Impressed. He thinks you are like a female lead in an anime who is severely underestimated until an incident causes her to unleash her wrath. Then, everyone suddenly thinks highly of her and wants her attention.
Idia wants to learn the strength and history of glyph magic. His family secretly protects and watches over the world in a sense, so he needs to know about a new type of magic. Just in case it causes any trouble in the future.
If you want to learn advanced glyphs or even create new spells, Idia will be more than happy to help (after some convincing). He has the technology to put in simple glyphs and let the computer/AI create new glyphs for you. Who knows, maybe with Idia's help, you might become the strongest glyph user to ever live.
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The first time he saw you use glyph magic, he looked like a kid in a candy store. It was the most mesmerizing thing he had ever seen.
Unlike the others, Kalim doesn't need an explanation of how you can use magic without being able to use magic. All he cares about is the pretty lights, plants, and ice the glyphs can create.
If you can use advanced glyph magic, Kalim would love for you to teach him how to make it snow. He wants to make it snow for his siblings back home just so he can see their smiles and hear their squeals of delight.
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He is surprised by your ability to use glyph magic but is a bit upset that you didn't tell him earlier. Vil has the same question as many others on this list: how can a non-magic user use magic?
Since he admires beauty and grace, he loves to see you elegantly create the strokes of the glyphs. Even more, he loves seeing the spells, especially the light orbs. Vil finds the orbs to be beautiful and soothing.
Most of all, Vil would be proud of you for being able to find a way to wield magic despite not possessing the ability naturally. He admires your will, creativity, and dedication.
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Wait, didn't you say you couldn't use magic? Then, how are you able to use elemental magic? He has read countless books but has never come across this type of magic. Azul is intrigued and confused.
He will ask you countless questions. What are glyphs, and how do they work? Can anyone with a glyph use magic with it? What magic can they be used to perform? How did you learn to use them?
Azul will definitely ask you to teach him. If he can use magic without touching his internal reserve, this could give him an advantage in many situations.
Not to mention, this sounds like a good opportunity to make money. Cue, rubbing hands together with a somewhat sinister grin.
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➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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cannedpickledpeaches · 8 months
Beneficial Marriage
Jade x Reader
You’ve thought about it long and hard. Yes, this is the conclusion you came to. A way to secure your future.
You slam your hands on the table as you stand, your eyes boring into Jade’s face. He continues writing in the Lounge’s ledger book without moving from his seat. You would have thought he didn’t take any notice of your abrupt action, but the slight upwards quirk of his lips gives him away.
“As I thought, I have to get married to a competent person!”
You think you hear him exhale a quick puff of air, something that barely qualifies as laughter.
“Is ‘competent’ truly the word you are looking for?” He flips a page, eyes still trained on the numbers. “Surely, you must have meant ‘wonderful,’ ‘kind,’ ‘compassionate,’ ‘loving,’ or something along those lines, no?”
“Those would be nice, too. But competent definitely is my priority. A useless partner is just dead weight on my shoulders, right? There’s no way I can marry someone who’ll drag me down.”
What brought this on was the recent success of your clothing brand. Your wares focus on making human fashion trends comfortable to wear for all manner of beastkin. Tails, ears, fur, horns, you name it and there’s a category in your online shop for it. It is not a new concept, but it is still true that most trending clothes are created with regular humans in mind. It certainly did not hurt for Vil to casually mention your shop in his recent Magicam post.
“If my success continues, doesn’t this mean I have the potential to really make a lot of money?” You have a surprisingly good business sense, so you think you have a pretty good chance of keeping your brand afloat. But with great money comes great responsibility. “I don’t want to get exploited by a partner for my money, nor do I want my partner to be an idiot who makes growing my business difficult. So it’ll be best if they’re competent and have no issues with managing their own income. They could even help out with mine, although I’m aware that might be asking for too much.”
Jade notes down some calculations, flawlessly multitasking between managing the ledger and listening to you. He hasn’t looked up at you once, but you can tell he’s finding great entertainment in listening to your ramblings. The barely restrained grin on his lips is a dead giveaway.
“You underestimate the greed some possess. Even a businessman with a flourishing company may attempt to steal yours.”
“Well then, I imagine my judgement of character will be so good that I can filter out those people right away.” His shoulders shake slightly. Is he stifling a laugh? “Don’t laugh at me. I’m being serious here.”
“Don’t you think,” he says, closing the ledger, “the fact that you remain friends with me indicates your poor skills in judgement?”
“Don’t be edgy. It’s making you exude middle-schooler vibes.” You dramatically place a hand over your chest and close your eyes in mock sorrow. “Stay away from me for your own good! I’m dangerous!”
Jade finally chuckles audibly, hiding his grin behind a gloved hand. You open one eye out of curiosity. His sharp eyes dart up to meet yours. There’s a curve to them that only exists when the smile is genuine. You aren’t sure how happy you are to be the source of his entertainment.
“How interesting it is to hear that is how you perceive my words. I will be more careful with what I say in the future.”
“Whatever, we’re off topic.” You cross your arms and shifting your weight from one foot to the other. In your excitement, you’ve forgotten you have the option to sit back down. “I’m still thinking about my requirements for a partner.”
“Why are you in such a hurry?” He leans forward in his seat and tilts his head. He must find your dilemma funny. Certainly, he wouldn’t have any troubles finding a partner, the son of rich parents that he is. “We are still young.”
“And no longer in school! Meeting people has never been so difficult.” It’s not that you don’t socialize. Networking is important for business, after all. Unfortunately, nobody so far has met your standards. “If I lower my expectations, my successful and worry-free future will be compromised!”
“There is nothing wrong with staying single.”
You look to the side, pursing your lips. A slight flush settles on your cheeks. When you reply, it is barely above a whisper.
“Maybe I kind of, sort of, just a tiny bit, want a relationship.”
Jade doesn’t look surprised. If anything, his grin grows bigger and shows a few too many serrated teeth.
“There is nothing wrong with that, either. If it will ease your troubles, may I propose a solution?” He reaches across the table and reaches for your hand. You meet him halfway. Your fingers rest in his palm lightly, with enough control to yank back at a moment’s notice if he decides to pull something unhinged just to tease you. He doesn’t do so, but his expression puts you on alert. “Wouldn’t you agree that I am competent enough to be a candidate for your partner?”
You blink once. Twice.
“What kind of bull—”
You snap your mouth shut. Upon further thought, it’s not a bad offer. You’ve known Jade for years. He’s shifty but reliable when you need him to be. Despite your wariness around his hidden motives and his constant sense of schadenfreude, there’s an underlying unspoken trust between both of you. If it comes down to it, you’re confident you can, to some extent, counter his schemes. His family is rich, he’s set to inherit the business, and he’s capable enough to run it properly. Actually, isn’t he a pretty good choice?
“I’ll consider it.”
It’s worrisome how his smile looks like that of a cat that caught the canary, but you suppose he’s always been like that. You can cut him some slack this time. You don’t even withdraw your hand when he pulls it to his lips.
“I am very pleased to hear that.”
“Only for consideration, okay? I haven’t made a decision yet. But even if I do,” your eyes drift to the ceiling in thought, “it should be fine. Couples can always break up, engagements can be annulled, even marriages can be broken by a divorce. So really, I have nothing to worry about!”
He presses his cheek to the palm of your hand, his grin seeming about to split his face in half. He murmurs against your skin in a tone that sounds more like a promise than a goal.
“Rest assured that if you truly choose to be mine, I have no plans on letting you go.” His eyes, sparkling in mischief and withheld laughter, curve with his smile. “So do take your time and think long and hard about it. I will patiently await your answer.”
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etheries1015 · 7 months
We know Vil got trained in self-defense and so, and that he lifts (given by the dumbbells in his room). So imagine Leona challenges him to a fight, for whatever reason, and Vil manages to knock him to the ground. Leona lies there with a bloody nose, not knowing if he's impressed or if that's a new crush
Oh anon, we know why Vil won that fight. But I can imagine the look of shock on Leonas face when it happens. He underestimated Vils strength, simply because of his looks! He's honestly embarrassed about such a thing. Although I don't personally really have any ships I care to explore in Twisted Wonderland, I do see where the appeal would come from. Lion falls prey to someone he mistook for a rabbit... So now, when he's on the ground with his hands behind his back and getting reprimanded by Vil, he can't help but either be 1) Embarassed, 2) Incredibly impressed 3(Not a variable I would see, but one I shall throw in for those who do) ) Fall in love???
well this made me think about what if YUU did that to him. That I can get around (I mean, I am a fanfiction writer after all. hehe.) If it was you/Yuu to have him pinned to the ground, I can guarantee he has a bright flushed face. You think it's anger and pride at being taken down by an "herbivore," but in actuality... Leona has never felt more impressed.
Could be the start of a wonderful love story, methinks! Hehe.
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yuurei20 · 10 months
Jack Info Compilation part 24: Jack and Vil
Jack and Vil meet for the first time when child-Jack saves child-Vil from other children who were bullying Vil for his role as a villain in a TV show.
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Vil insists that he didn’t need Jack’s help and Jack apologizes.
Jack doesn’t recognize Vil as a celebrity because he doesn’t watch much TV, but he still tries to reassure Vil by saying his acting must have been very convincing.
Jack says that he and Vil went to the same school “for like a year or two,” and Vil seems to have several stories about Jack from their childhood. Vil relates a time when they went out to play together in the snow and Jack made him a life-sized throne (Vil helped with design and decorations).
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The two also took skiing and snowboarding lessons together and Vil says that as Jack was “already quite skilled at both” he helped Vil learn, but Jack insists that Vil mastered everything with just a few tips and he hardly needed any teaching.
Jack seems to be low-key hiding his past connection to Vil, telling Ace that there is someone in the school that he knew before he enrolled but not who it is.
We see the two reunite at Jack’s first opening ceremony where Vil says that Jack was the only one in their town who would ever say hello to him, as people tended to resent him for being a celebrity. Vil says that Jack left an impression on him “as an oddball who never cared about such things.”
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When Vil is revealed to be the group’s trainer for Fairy Gala IF Jack says he is honored that Vil is personally stepping in to help.
When Vil says that Jack’s catwalk is “passable” Jack responds, “You mean it?! Ah, sorry, stupid question. You never say things you don’t mean…”
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In another vignette Vil scolds Jack for wearing his ceremonial robes in a slovenly manner, insisting that he dresses himself in a way “befitting Night Raven College’s stories history.”
Jack promises to be careful, saying, “Can’t say I understood half of what you said, but…I know it’s somethin’ real important to you.”
Vil responds with “Huh…you really are an interesting one.”
After the performance in Book 5 Jack says that “Vil’s stage presence was incredible,” and when Vil says that he has added something special for Halloween Jack responds, “Now that you mention it, you’ve got more…grandeur than usual.”
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In what may or may not be a regular occurrence we see the two students go jogging together early in the morning, with Jack commenting that he is impressed with Vil’s ability to keep up with him.
Vil says, “You’d do well not to underestimate me” and Jack apologizes. Jack continues on his morning run and Lilia appears, commenting to Vil that he finds it surprising that Vil gets along with an “athletic type” like Jack.
Vil explains, “Anyone who is working towards a goal, no matter what it is, deserves respect.”
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sadtonight · 2 years
"Away, away my thoughts go"
Summary: getting lost in thoughts is nothing out of the ordinary for you: your mind slipping away from reality that is surrounding you while doing mundane things. It's best if he keeps you grounded, else you might fly away into the skies;
Characters: Riddle, Vil, Epel, Idia, Lilia;
Warnings: implications of unspecified mental illness, reader is gender neutral, established romantic relationships;
Side notes: another self indulgent one, I underestimated my capabilities a bit so the work came two days late ha ha. I've edited the notes for the third time and I don't know what to put here! Enjoy? Get better? It's not as bad as it might seem, try to fixate on the positive moments that are happening now instead the ones that occur in your head, my own advice.
— honestly, Riddle did give you benefit of the doubt when you seemed a bit lost by assuming that you are just busy or still yet to get accustomed to Night Raven College. However he undeniably finds it mildly infuriating. Why are you not listening to him anymore? Just so you know, it's mannerless to lose focus in the middle of conversation! Your boyfriend can always come back to what he was talking about, but not all people are willing to do so. Riddle worries about your absentminded attitude, so he directly confronts you;
— at first he didn't sound all that receptive: Riddle, in his usual way, started from matter-of-fact speech only to drop it upon seeing your visibly getting distant, as if you were told off. The red haired boy signed and broke an eye contact he was maintaining so you wouldn't feel so tense and asked if anything was distracting you or if you needed his help. Despite not looking at your boyfriend's face anymore, you could tell that the last phrases sounded a bit stained. Riddle did care about your mental well-being, so instead off brushing it off you shared what you were comfortable with;
— Riddle could relate to your dissociation, but it gave him more anxiety than reassurance: he remembers his times back at home, locked in a room with complicated books pilling up from the floor to the ceiling, dreaming of eating sweets and playing outside with Chenya and Trey again, only to come back to reality and try to get rid of the pesky thoughts that got in the way of his studies. His heart aches when he thinks about negative experience that you could've gone through;
— the very next day, red haired has went straight to the library to get his hands on as much as textbooks as he could handle. Articles that described how to keep grounded were real life savers. Riddle used to do homework with you now and then, but this time it's a permanent activity, especially everything related to memorization and math. Your boyfriend knows he can be scary when he gets carried away with studies, meaning that you get special treatment from Riddle, him being more lax and also showing how proudly smiling and praising you when you succeed;
— something Riddle also took a great liking to is trying new different tea blands and sweets in the secluded area of the Heartslabyul maze garden. Red haired boy tells you to describe the taste, smell, texture and colours of the food. Riddle became generally more attentive of you, thinking about new positive memories he wanted to make with you so that you would spend more time with him instead of somewhere far away, in the back of your mind.
— the celebrity always had to keep himself together despite whatever challenges and whims life throws at him. And naturally, the beautiful male had not-so-beautiful things to share like any other human being and you were amongst the few people he could feel relaxed enough to tell you his worries. Although, recently your boyfriend had started to suspect that his dear lacks a healthy amount of concentration, and not only in regards him but the world around;
— so being a proper partner he has made up his mind to see what was the case: Vil summoned you to his room under the guise of trying out new beauty product that appeared on the market. The tall male sat you on the chair before the vanity while standing behind you, pretending to be busy, and begun talking about the product, gradually shifting to saying outright nonsense to see how would you react. And unfortunately you didn't show confusion or surprise: you only slightly nodded and hummed, signing that you were in fact hearing Vil, however not listening to what he was saying;
— all of the sudden you were snapped back to reality by your face being turned to the side to meet magnificent, amethyst eyes that had disappointment reflected from their owner. Vil expectantly made a remark that sounded more like a plea: did something bother you or did he need to work on your focusing;
— after being cornered like that, you had no choice but to confirm your boyfriend's suspicions. Now healthy amount of self introspection is always welcome but your introspection are borderline hurtful, that's what Vil believed anyways. Beautiful male would attempt to find the root of the problem as to why do you slip away, but if you wish to withhold that information he won't pry, although he hopes you can tell him one day;
— Vil decides to help you with concentration the very same day. One of the ways that helps him to keep himself grounded is by doing exercises or practising dance movements, meaning that you will start participate alongside. Not only will it better your blood circulation but also will help you train your muscle memory and attention to details. Additionally, it's a great way to organically include you into his busy lifestyle and equally great excuse to get to touch you a bit more than Vil usually is able to.
— the boy notices how forgetful you tend to be before getting into the relationship with him. But as time passed, Epel realised you also space out a lot whenever you two are hanging out. His first reaction was to find fault in himself: Epel didn't consider himself to be a capable man for you, but he was selfish enough to crave your love and affection. Could it be that, just maybe, you grew bored of petite boy or found someone better...?
— lavender haired sulks throughout the week, until one day during the lunch break worried Jack tells him to spill the beans. Following brief explanation, beastman suggested that instead of Epel being the problem you could have a lot on the plate, but not wanting to burden your boyfriend and deal on your own. This revelation sprung Epel into action, with him hastily excusing himself and getting from his seat rushing out of dinning hall, typing you to meet him;
— your boyfriend awkwardly stood before you, hands tangling behind his back, head hanging low: he was clearly debating on how to approach the issue, finally meeting your eyes with newfound confidence. Not without stumbling through the words, Epel questioned all sorts of things that could be the case for your dissociation. Since your boyfriend had caught on, you decided to let him on about your "habits";
—it's... hard for Epel to relate, however he tries his very best to do so. Even if his initial guesses turned out to be false, lavender haired boy still set his mind on working to better himself in the relationship department. It's okay, because you can rely on him: Epel will always remind you of everything you need to be reminded of! To eat drink or have a small snack (if you don't mind apples you are never out of apple based foods), to change clothes that correspond to current weather outside, to do your college assignments which he could hypothetically help you with or at least do them together, to take care of your appearance by supplying you with different beauty products from Vil etc;
— to keep you grounded, Epel often tells you about types and sorts of apples and gives you them to see, smell, touch and taste. After that, he asks you if you remember the names, the colours and tastes of each separate type. Your boyfriend lights up when you get the correct answers, not getting frustrated if you don't remember everything — the boy is very proud of you for making progress all the same.
— you both are not the chaty-est couple out there, which made it harder to spot if something was amiss with you. Idia actually became aware of the fact when you were playing video games together by observing how sometimes you would just stand in one place or stall in the inventory menu for a while;
— your boyfriend began wondering if you didn't like the games or found them unengaging, but soon he saw the same thing happening when you were watching movies or anime. Blue flamed male debated whether to do something or just leave you be, maybe that's just how you were. It didn't let Idia focus on his projects or hobbies and Ortho made it worse by listing problems you could potentially suffer from, trying to encourage his older brother to take action;
— ugh, it's really humiliating for Idia to confront you like that, what questions he should ask anyway? By pure miracle you somehow put together what Idia was trying to convey, so you let your boyfriend on what was the situation. After listening to you, he closed his eyes for a moment. Look, Idia gets you very well, maybe too well for his own liking. However, you have so much stuff awaiting you out there, unlike him who is stuck being the Shroud. To drag you down with him to the bottom of the underworld was never an option: you mustn't suffer like him nor you mustn't lock into your own mind;
— your boyfriend wants to support you as much as he can, though only as far as his comfort zone goes. Idia didn't need to go further than his own dorm thankfully, because one of the activities that helped ground himself were engineering. Cold metal tools, weird texture of materials, the smell of plastic etc. You don't necessarily need to be a pro or something —genius male won't make you do complicated stuff, it's not like there is some existing challenge. Due to aforementioned quality, your boyfriend can bite with words painfully at times so Ortho is there to defuse the situation;
— lanky male tries to be a bit more physical with you, like touching your shoulder when he sees you staring into nothingness or awkwardly sets his slander hand on your thigh when the two of you play video games. Idia is not all too pleased but if it helps you keep your mind here somehow....
— hellooo, Twisted Wonderland to his distracted mortal beloved. Lilia can be extremely perspective when he wishes to be, and so prior to you getting together, while the bat had been courting you, he noticed how your mind could wander somewhere else. He understands: you also must have a long history just like Lilia. Sometimes he snapped you back to reality, sometimes he started to reminisce about his own past, saying sotto voce, vague remarks that you usually didn't catch on;
— but what worried your boyfriend was the fact that you were so young yet dwelled on whatever occupied your mind. You would occasionally skip meals and forget to bring textbooks, notes and stationary supplies to classes. Lilia had experienced the same, many times, but he has lived for decades and his memory gets blurry over time. You have to be pulled out of your daydreams or else the fae will lose you — like a candle, you will melt before his very eyes. Experiencing real life sensations what makes one feel alive, Lilia knows that personally, though he doubts you would appreciate real battles for life that he has been forced to go through frequently during his war general days;
— no matter the reason for your condition, Lilia won't pry into your personal life unless you tell him. That's why he never really had a talk with you, opting for leading you straight to the point. Playful old bat flicked his fingers before your face or scared you when slipped from the conversation, popped out of nowhere and dropped his oversized jacket onto your shoulders when it got colder and you forgot to bring something warm, pulled out your college utensils from thin air when you swore you lost them somewhere in your room-
— at any rate, Lilia became very clingy all of the sudden: now short male holds your hand or hangs on your arm all the time. You don't have a chance to get used to the weight pulling your arm because he specifically drags your limb differently every day. Another weird habit that Lilia took up was to constantly make stupid jokes. He doesn't stop at the unfunny ones, no, he continues until you smile or better yet — laugh. Your boyfriend wants you to come back to him, to where he could reach you and where he could bring you as much joy as he possibly could so you wouldn't escape to dreamlands again.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
Magic 3 Voice Lines
As part of the 3rd Anniversary new features, there is a new Magic 3 given to each character, available on each SSR card that has been Limit Broken 3 times. These are the possible voice lines they say when they attack with their Magic 3.
Do you think yourself a threat?
Are you ready?
You've managed to anger me!
I'll hand down my sentence.
You underestimated me, didn'tcha?
Here on out it's my one-man show!
It's my shutout win, no cheating needed!
Too bad, but it's game over.
Don't chicken out on me, punk!
I see you lookin' down on me.
Ain't no way I can be lame and run away here!
Let's let our fists do the talking!
Guess I gotta show off just how cool I am ♪
Just don't go too overboard.
Oh, sweet!
Gotta be careful not to get hurt!
That's why I told you already.
Think I went easy enough?
Let's paint all the roses red.
Don't make this harder on me.
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You wanna be hunted down?
I've had enough.
I'll do what I want, how I want.
You shouldn't turn your back on me.
My fangs are sharp.
I won't let you escape!
Feel my power!
Remember my name!
I'ma flip ya!
I'ma turn you into a sandwich.
I'ma pick ya up and throw you away.
Shishishi, this finishes it.
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Put simply, dialogue is futile here.
Say your goodbyes.
I'll accept your payment now.
Come now, what will you do?
And after I so kindly gave you guidance.
No need to be frightened. Fufu.
You need to be taught a lesson.
Dissolve into seafoam and disappear!
C'mon, how's this? Ahahah!
Don't be scaaared.
Cry and beg for help! Ahahah!
I'ma squeeze you to the bone!
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I'll make you dance for me!
Now I'm serious!
It's a party, now dance!
Party's over!
Disappear to the ends of the earth!
This is the difference in our abilities!
Don't ever get up again.
I'll take everything from you.
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This is the end.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Come, show me!
This is my power!
Let everything freeze over.
If you underestimate me, you'll regret it.
Don't judge me by the way I look.
Sleep for eternity!
This is my bow and arrow of love.
I beg you, let me hear your thoughts.
I hope to see you fall to the ground gracefully.
Adieu, Monsieur!
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It's only halftime.
I just want to be left alone...!
Let's go into sudden death!
It's time for the main event.
Eliminating target.
Destroying obstacle.
Magical cannon at maximum output!
Energy cannon, firing all rounds!
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Behold the power of a king!
Bow before me!
You truly thought you could win?
You fool!
I will not make you to suffer.
I will put you to sleep.
There is something I wish to protect.
Sleep deeply.
I'll drag you in.
Do you think you've cornered me?
I am faster than light!
I am stronger than lightning!
You're goofing around too much, kiddo.
I'll have to scold you.
Time for me to put you to sleep.
I won't overlook a single snag!
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You ain’t nothing special!
Bow down before me!
I'ma gonna can ya and eatcha!
Leave everything to me!
You'll be held back at this rate!
This is my Lash of Love!
Tough love is also a kindness!
This is real magic!
You don’t even know how to sit and stay.
Watch and enjoy the show.
It’s time for your punishment.
What terrible taste.
Even if I have to burn down the whole city!
There is nothing to fear, now is there?
This is so you no longer need suffer.
Don’t struggle so uselessly.
Ah, see, just as I expected.
If this goes well...
From now on, everything'll be alright!
An easy mark.
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Requested by @dida-books.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
*In Professor Crewel's class*
Professor Crewel: Has everyone been informed for the upcoming event that will led by Professor MC?
The class: Yes, sir!
Professor Crewel: Good. Don't embarrass me, puppies. Show what you've got. Class dismissed.
*the students talking excitedly about the event*
Student A: I think we'll be able to catch them very easily.
Student B: I'm not going to say that. I heard from one of the students here that MC-sensei specialty.
Rook, Vil, and Epel: ...
Epel: Vil, I wasn't informed about the event. What are we doing?
Vil: Professor MC will infiltrate our dorms. And we need to catch them before they could steal one item from each dorm leaders.
Rook: Isn't that exciting, Epel?
Epel: Um... I don't know. Are they just going to sneak in?
Vil: *smirks* Are you underestimating our magicless professor, Epel?
Epel: O-Of course not! I wouldn't dare!
Ruggie: So what will be our strategy, Leona?
Leona: *yawns* Nothing.
Jack: Nothing?! It's an event that will help the students a lot in earning credits!
Leona: Huh?
Ruggie: I knew you were not listening, Leona.
Ruggie: MC-sensei had convinced Professor Trein and Professor Crewel to give an exemption to the dorm that would manage to catch them from any projects for this whole month.
Leona: Tch. So?
Ruggie: You need this. Considering how lazy you are.
Riddle: Secure the possible blindspots in the dorm!
Cater: Wow, you're taking it seriously, Riddle.
Ace: Why wouldn't he? It was because of him this event is being held. *laughs*
Riddle: *tries to hold his temper*
Cater: Care to explain, Ace?
Ace: Sensei told me this. Housewarden Riddle has no self-preservation and they compared them to a lone rabbit.
Cater and Riddle: Haha...
Riddle: Trey! How's the preparation going?
Trey: Everything's great.
Riddle: Good. The event will start any minute now.
Trey: By the way, Riddle. *goes to fix his hair*
Riddle: Ah, was it messy?
Trey: *smiles* Just a little bit.
Cater and Ace: *feels something off*
Cater: *whispers* Hey, Ace.
Ace: *whispers back* Yeah?
Cater: Trey was baking in the kitchen, right?
Ace: Maybe he's done?
Cater: That fast?
Riddle: Alright. Be sure to return immediately.
Trey: Okay. *leaves the room*
Trey: *showing up from behind, holding a cake* Riddle, I'm done baking the sweets for the afternoon snack.
Ace, Riddle, and Cater: ...
Trey: *confused why they're staring at him in horror*
MC: *tears their Trey mask* *leaving the Heartslabyul dorm, holding Riddle's favorite book* That was easy, hehe~.
MC: Now... Where should I go next?
Professor Crewel: Is everyone ready for the double the amount of projects you're going to receive this month?
Half of the students: *groans*
Ignihyde and Diasomnia students: *letting out a sigh of relief because they barely managed to win*
MC: *entering the room* Hello~
The class: Hello, sensei!
MC: *giggles* I'm here to excuse the Ignihyde and Diasomnia students.
Professor Crewel: Are they going to join your special class?
MC: I'm afraid they're still lacking. But I don't mind teaching them the basics.
MC: *looks at him* Oh~ I'll be sure to do that, Sebek. Since I've had outwit you.
Sebek: Nghhhh!
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shrimplymoray · 8 months
I saw your writing requests and can I request Vil x Idia?
I always have to push my rarepair lmao
No rarepair is safe from us >:))
I love rarepairs, they've always been my faves on fandoms cof cof Floy'Nya cof cof
Ya didn't really gave me a prompt to work for, so hope you don't mind some general headcanons of them! If you ever want more, or something specific of them, you can request it away!
Vil Schoenheit x Idia Shroud
No one at first believed or understood just HOW those two got together.
I mean, THE Vil Schoenheit, a famous model and actor, with a huge fan base and with products stamped by his face dating Idia? The nerd otaku dude who doesn't leave his room, like, ever?
Some were even concerned if Vil was under some form of course or potion effect, which he responded by an offended gasp.
"Do you think so lowly of me that I would ever fall for a curse like that? Dear Seven, you really underestimate me and Idia, don't you?"
The way they got together is... A rather uncommon one. Idia found Vil doing an advertisement for a game he really liked, and he got a tiny celebrity crush.
Ortho insisted Idia shoot his shot, because the chances of a parasocial relationship becoming unhealthy to someone are higher when there are no sort of communication between parties.
Idia went through the toughest boss fight in his life, which was pressing the send button. That felt like such a normie problem, he almost gave up... Until Ortho pressed for him. Great. This action will affect the main game forever.
Vil was... Low key endeared by the message. It was bold and talked in a lingo he isn't used to seeing. He felt generous enough to give some time to this gloomy samurai person.
They didn't even realized they were so close together until Ortho went thanking Vil for making his big brother so happy.
Cue to Idia's door being kicked open and Idia cowering in his chair almost crying in fear as Vil scolded him about not going to talk to him directly.
They became an odd pair after that. Vil makes sure Idia gets his needs taken, including touching some grass (much to his dismay).
And Idia teaches Vil about technology methods to make his career better. (He doesn't mention about the Vil x reader fanfic tab on his tablet though)
Vil found it obvious how Idia was head over heels for him, but he felt oddly calm about this. It didn't feel like other people crushing on him, where he needed to step on eggshells to maintain this pristine image.
Idia seemed to find him "having max charisma and appearance stats" even when he was a total mess, in his eyes.
It was a new thing for him, letting himself show his "uglier" side to someone, and not being the perfect Vil Schoenheit. And Idia seemed to not care in the slightest, although he did get flustered a lot whenever Vil shared a picture with his hair down. Vil learned from Idia's ling that that was "simp behaviour".
Idia... He never had so much attention from someone so different in his life. And for once, it didn't scare him. Actually, when Vil complimented him for showing up to class, he felt oddly proud and confident.
Ofc Vil was the one to confess first. I mean, Idia was going through the 19th mental breakdown over how to confess at that point, and Ortho was NOT a reliable source of advice on the matter.
Ortho is their biggest supporter, and says that Vil needs to take good care of his big brother, since he is very fragile and also very scared.
Rook was actually very supportive of Vil's choice. He is the biggest Vil fan, but he puts his dear Roi du poison's happiness over his. And to be fair... Their dynamic is enticing. It's unique. A beautiful form of art on itself!
Others were very much confused but grew used to it.
An odd pair, sure, but who said love couldn't be odd?
Their favorite pastime together is casual dates at Idia's room. Where Idia geeks about how this super rare character he summoned had such OP skills that his team two shot the boss, all awhile Vil paints his nails so they have matching colours.
Don't ask Idia why he is showing up to class so much, or he will run away and hide in his room. He is trying! He even wore his uniform 2 times this week!!
They are so silly, I think I got carried away lol. Hope you enjoy this!!
Have a great day/night!
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simplyreveries · 7 months
Hello!! Congratulations on the 500 followers!! Hope you have a good day shrimpyveries! I hope you don't forget to hydrate!
So I’m an INFP, Pisces and an ambivert. My pronouns are They/Them.
Physical features : I am 5’7 ft, long black hair as long as Jamil tied into a low ponytail, tan skin, black eyes
Personality : can be either calm or chaotic, always matching the energy with the people around me, loves to study other people and observe them, flirty and loves to tease just for fun, confident in themselves and their choices, quick thinker, though sometimes tend to doubt their choices after its made, loves to hug and squeeze people though also respecting their boundaries if they don’t like hugs (Humans are squishy). Stubborn and idealistic. Caring for others a little too much.
Interests and Hobbies : Anything related to the world of art and plants. Loves to sing, try out new instruments, dance and acting. Don’t mind performing infront of friends and family. But will be scared to perform on stage. Likes to randomly eat plants, just to see if they taste good or poisonous.
I don't know about likes and dislikes. I like almost everything. But absolutely dislike when someone belittle or underestimate someone. And ketchup. I hate ketchup. Also has the fear of the dark and not being able to wake up from a dream.
i match you with rook hunt!!!
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rook simply adores your love for the arts, he himself is artistically inclined - art is his best subject in school. he wants someone that understands and appreciates the beauty of these things as much as him. he is more than supportive and wants to see and hear everything you do. whether you're in the light music club or choir he is there and is always filled with nothing but genuine praise for you and your talents. he thinks it's absolutely beautiful...! he does tell you a lot you should join vils film club and act there, he'd encourage that if you're willing to try.
he is so keen about nature and plants, like he genuinely knows a lot. so he's not particularly worried ,,, he will playfully warn you if there's plants you should stray from especially here in twisted wonderland.
i swear you two could easily match each other's energy... though he is most likely always going to be the bolder and excited one. before you can even flirt, he's already showering you with it. he isn't ashamed one bit and goes out of his way to show his affections for you. he does tease you as well, but it's all lighthearted- it's ironic because he does it a lot of the time for when you're observing and watching someone; he knows you'll laugh and bite back he does that all the time.
rook is a very affectionate person, especially as a lover... he is more than welcoming at any time for you to hug him-- if anything he's the one coming to you and hugging you from behind. when he is hugging you. he has habit of playfully rocking side to side or putting his fingers through your hair, he loves it.
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therosefrontier · 2 years
TWST Five-Man Band
Something I was thinking about with @pencilofawesomeness a while back, partially inspired by Idia in book 6 giving the overblotters MMO classes, imagining what their roles in the classic Five-Man Band trope might be, if the overblot kiddos from the first five books were an adventuring team or something like that. Like, an AU in which for some reason, they’re together and they’re off on some fantasy quest or being vigilantes or doing a heist or living just another day as part of the local adventurer’s/mage’s guild. Something of the sort.
In my delineation of these roles, I am largely inspired by Overly Sarcastic Productions’ videos on the topic (link is to the first video in the series). I absolutely love their channel, and so, naturally, they are who I think about with stuff like this. So, without further ado...
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—so naturally, this is a bit of a tough call since four out of the five members of this theoretical team are acting as leaders in canon, and one might as well be, and since it is a bit of a vague definition to begin with, but I feel that Vil may be the one who gravitates towards this role the most. He has a vested interest in the advancement, well-being, and excellence of the people under him, whether they want his interest or not (see Epel, and also all the NRC Tribe fun times). He just naturally acts as something between an instructor, an agent, and a parent, seeing to it that no one lags behind.
—He is the one who cares the most about image. He is the face of the team, the diplomatic one, the one who has it all together, more or less. Especially in the case of some vigilante or DnD party kind of action, he will actively try to paint their public image to be a positive one, so everyone sees them as the “heroes.” Of course, given his track record in canon, ten guesses as to how well that turns out. He blames Leona.
—Naturally, he’s going to get on the nerves of pretty much everybody on this team except maybe Riddle with his excessive standards he likes to subject everyone to, so he’s going to have to dial it down pretty early into this adventure to keep this ship from falling apart. At least, canonically, he is not completely allergic to apologizing. 
—However, he also is good at keeping a level head, most of the time. He’d be the one consistently giving orders to the rest of the team, keeping his own stress levels at bay. Which is great, as long as he doesn’t go, say, repressing his feelings into a box until one day he inevitably explodes. Sure that won’t happen :) 
—Also, he’s got a versatile skillset, probably, which tends to fit well into this role. He’s a skill type with a knack for potions, but he also can judo-flip a man no sweat. He fills the role of whatever part he has to play to get the job done.
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—by definition, a lancer acts as a foil to the leader, and I’d say Leona would be pretty much exactly that for Vil. Where Vil sees an emphasis on keeping up appearances, Leona simply does not care. Where Vil focuses on proper form, Leona focuses on practicality. He’s not the type to just roll with a plan that’s inefficient, or which ties their hands in some way. And he’s not about to put as much effort as Vil in his physical appearance, either. He focuses on getting the job done, which is, in a way, a lot like Vil! (Also, according to Idia, they’re both tanks, sooo...dual leadering?) But they will absolutely argue until the end of time on how they should go about it.
—like many a lancer, Leona actively pretends that he does not care about anyone here. He comes across as lazy, which is certainly not wrong, but he also will look out for everyone in subtle ways. Also, foes will be very ill-advised to underestimate him based on his deposition. He is very much a powerhouse, and he will not hesitate to step up to the plate when things go down. Plus, he has very keen senses and is mindful of his surroundings, besides also having good reflexes, which he will definitely use to protect his teammates when danger comes knocking (see, shielding Ruggie in a heartbeat from falling shattered glass, among other things). 
—on certain occasions, he could step up as leader for the team. He just usually chooses not to. Again, he acts like a loner. He wins the ‘most likely to up and leave the team one day because he got in a fight with someone’ (probably Vil) award. Classic lancer.
—people-smart in, naturally, the most aggravating of ways. He’ll be the one who, less than midway through some job, figures out that their client is actually some bad character who is definitely going to betray them later, so he will propose with a tired groan turning a whole 180 on their entire plan in spite of all the time and resources they already put into this and in spite of the fact that they probably need the money from this job. Cue more arguing with Vil, and also Azul.
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(or as per the classic trope, the “big guy” role of the team, kind of, but “powerhouse” runs by a slightly different definition which I think fits him better. Leona and Vil are already the tanks; they got that covered)
—He’s the reliable one, or rather, the one that everyone relies on. He’s keeping this ship afloat by sheer stubborn will, against his better judgment that says he should have walked away from this circus act long ago. He keeps track of all of the little things and makes sure that everybody is fed and not doing anything dumb, while also being the one who ends up at the crux of every operation, trusted to keep a level head and not diverge from the plan on a whim or do anything too risky. And when things do go wrong, he steps in and fixes things like a pro. 
—On that note, he is also, indeed, quite strong. He has a ton of power with raw skill to back it up (also in game being the only one of these five to make us fight him in OB form twice since he yeeted us into next tomorrow the first time), even though he tends to be low-key about it. He’s this particular brand of powerhouse that gets habitually overlooked, in part by his own design. He doesn’t have the same commanding presence as Vil or Leona, or so he thinks. 
—so yeah, definitely going to be a problem later: he gets underappreciated. People just expect him to do things, and he does them. Doing things is in his instincts, born from his background of probably still being attached to the Asims in this AU. Whatever’s up with that. So yes, could absolutely snap one day. Maybe he’ll join Leona in running off and having a solo arc somewhere else before he inevitably crosses paths with everyone again and maybe bails them out of some situation in the process. Or maybe it would be more thematically impactful if he’s the one getting rescued for once... 
—However, all that aside, he probably would low-key enjoy the adventuring. He gets to actually go out and travel, and get a bit of the freedom that comes with being a rogue (which is what I’ve decided these guys are, at this point, much to Vil’s chagrin. They are absolutely operating on ‘rogue’ vibes, whatever they’re doing). He’s just...not exactly on vacation because he’s dealing with an increasingly high pile of problems along the way. He should have a vacation, though. He deserves it.
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—he takes on the smart guy role of being planner *supreme*. He involves himself the least in open fights out of the five, instead relying more on his wits to get through situations as if his life were a heavy Euro board game actually. He’s all about collecting as much data as possible to formulate strategies, and tricking making deals with people to get them to do things and cough up information. He has few qualms about using whatever means necessary to get what he wants. Also, he’s the one to actually pay attention to things like finances and the sustainable logistics of what they’re doing, probably alongside Jamil.
—that said, the theoretical team he belongs to here is actually quite adept at scheming overall, so it wouldn’t all fall to him to strategize. I’m imagining that his role here would be the gatherer of information as well as the manager of the playing board during whatever mission they’re on, seeing to it that everything and everyone is in place and that all of their foes and neutral characters alike are right where they need them to be. He’s the people-hacker. Did the randos trust him? Probably not. But he works with it anyways.
—so with that, he would definitely be prone to way too much stress if things don’t go as planned, which with these guys, is probably often. As much skill as they collectively have, I cannot imagine life treating these guys so kindly. Things will absolutely go wrong. And Azul is going to have to learn to roll with that. He’s also going to have to learn to stop trying to scam his own teammates.
—if the team needs to do reconnaissance work, I think that Azul and probably also Jamil would be the go-to ones for the job. The two of them argue a lot in general, but the two of them work way better together than either would care to admit.
—And lastly, Azul could fall into that sometimes smart-guy trope of being very much underestimated in a fight. Since he stays in the background, people assume that he is weak, and that is true to an extent, as he is certainly not athletic, but he is very strong, actually. He’ll crush your wrist with the grip strength of an octopus. Do not try him.
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—because his name is Rosehearts no, really, he’d be the heart, by the definition that he is the emotional center of the team. It’s because he’s the passionate one. Whatever he’s doing, he does it for its own sake, not necessarily for some specific self-serving goal. He has the determination to see things through to the end, because that’s the thing to do, regardless of whether or not the act is actually in his best interest. In this way, I think he’d be the least pragmatic of the team. Especially in the heat of the moment, he’s not out there running cost-benefit analyses on whether he should or shouldn’t. If he gets hit by a high-voltage paralyzing energy beam, he gets back up again and sets the whole field on fire like a maniac, before they strike him down yet again. He is absolutely the reckless one out of the five, which will certainly give some of the others grief, but also, in the sense of team dynamics, he balances them out, as the heart does. Sometimes, they need a little bit of reckless.
—But at the core of it, he sticks to his principles and has a strong moral code (the ‘moral compass’ brand of heart rather than one of the peacekeeping varieties, for sure). The heart is the emotional center because they have a strong conviction in why they’re doing what they’re doing, and that conviction spreads to those around them, becoming the reason why they’re choosing to stick together at all. In this case, it would definitely be more subtle, with perhaps no one, Riddle included, realizing that he has that kind of effect at all, but he’s just...very steadily always there. He’s consistent, in his resolve and in his quirks alike. However annoying those quirks may sometimes be, they all know what to expect from him, and that kind of stability could be very good for the team, again with balancing out the others.
—So, I said he’d do what he does for its own sake ultimately, but also, I could absolutely see him having some strong overarching personal mission driving him to be here at all. Maybe he has some task given to him by someone else to complete, like searching out an important artifact or getting a very important sword from point A to point B, or maybe something earth-shaking happened to him to get him to go rogue. Maybe in this AU, he was actually friends with the other four Heartslabyul peoples first, but something happened to them, and now he’s out on a mission to ‘get his card soldiers back’ because that’s the rules he cares about them. (Sorry this is just where my brain goes haha). There are many possibilities!
—On that end, there really could be so much conflict in that scenario. He abides by the rules religiously, but if he goes rogue, then he’s kind of...well...not doing that. He’ll try hard to stick to a very specific standard, even if it doesn’t make practical sense actually, and when that doesn’t work out for him or when other people don’t have interest in the same rules that he does, he goes into a rage. Maybe he gets to have some character development before the onset of this team-up so things don’t completely fall apart on day one, but still, issues to work through.
—And....all of that aside, he fits nicely into this role because the heart is traditionally often the ‘mage’ class type, or in other words, the glass cannon! Riddle has high power but a very poor constitution, naturally making him very reliant on his teammates, although he often does not particularly see it that way. When he gets his sights set on something, he’ll do it with or without them, and to an extent, he can handle himself, but he really is best off in a group.
Anyways that turned into a long post but saying all that to say, these five would absolutely be a disaster of a team, but I think they would also have the potentially to be pretty dang cool as a squad. I want to see them do a heist now. Which, maybe I will...? I’m writing this literally right before the release of book 6 part two on the English server, and I have a feeling that we’re about to actually see these guys work together maybe, so I’d be curious to see how well the headcanons hold up. So yeah, what do y’all think? Would you assign their roles differently? 
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jellyfishrunaway · 1 year
Finally creating my yuusona/yuu insert bc I'm bored
(Notes in parenthesis are things not known by the other characters bc they forget to tell people stuff, + prev. = in their home world, cur. = in twisted wonderland)
PS: the home world/language section is under the impression that twst common tongue is English, including in NRC and that Latin is a dead language there
Slight chapter 5 spoilers in extra!
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<Basic info>
Name: Yu (they haven't told anyone their last name, so just Yu.)
Birthday: During one of the school breaks (July 12, cancer)
Pronouns: he/him (will also respond to they/them) but creator usually refers to him with they/them
Age: 18
Height: 5'2 / ~ 157.48 cm
Dominant hand: right
Homeland: unknown land (US)
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, unnamed older half sister
Voiced by/ voiced claim: currently n/a
Other names: Yellowtail rock fish (floyd), Trickster (rook) (couldn't think of anything so... yeah)
Grade: freshman/first year (but previously mentioned on how they were a third year before coming to twisted wonderland, but because of their magicless-ness, they have to stay a first year, not that they really care all that much)
Class: Class C (no. 15)
Club: n/a or literature club (also debating if they should be in art club, but to my knowledge, neither of these clubs have been confirmed, so...)
Favorite subject: prev. N/A, science cur. Potionology/alchemy
Best subject: prev. Math, social studies cur. Potionology/alchemy
Hobbies: Most forms of art including: painting, sewing, jewelry making, Keychain making, ect. Walking in a circle for hours and day dreaming.
Pet peeves: abuse of power, people that make him uncomfortable
Favorite food: prev. Those mf rice n' roonie microwave things cur. Steak
Least favorite food: Moose/chocolate Moose
+ allergic to hazel nuts, avocados, and almond
Talent: if interested enough, can quickly find ways around seemingly impossible things / problem solving
<extra info>
PERSONALITY (as described by creator)
People pleaser, if you're rude to them, they are rude to you, could beat someone's ass but is literally to nice, madilaptive daydreamer, procrastinator, severely underestimates them self, probly has self esteme issues, but they loyal and genuinely a nice person to people thye like, thinks there is a basic line of respect and people have to earn to be more respected by them/respect is earned, not given,
PERSONALITY (as described by oc)
Pretty boring, procastintor, an asshole sometimes, annoying ig
Past relationships: n/a
Friends: 4 unnamed, mentioned best friend nicknamed Alph but actual name is unknown, old friend named Ellory
Living status: was upper middle class before coming to twisted wonderland
Language: Everything is basically the same, but Latin (the dead language) replaces English. This doesn't interfere with the past, but basically, language developed to swap Latin with English, so English speaking countries (America, Canada, Britain, ect?) just speak Latin instead.
"Then how does Yuu know English if it's a dead language?"
Yuu took up learning English because they were interested in it, and they had nothing to do, so they picked it up as a hobby
During SDC, once Vil was done overbloting, they passive aggressively lectured him in Latin, and to this day, nobody knows what they said
I will answer questions in comments/reblogs, may add to this later (and maybe, I'll draw them them if i feel like it)
+ will add relation chart later
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