#But man. Girl you have made EVERY wrong and horrible decision out there!! YOU REPEATED THE CYCLE!!
sammydem0n64 · 11 months
OKAY ALSOOOOOO failure, ghost, and secret for Gleo Jksjkdjs
Born to be a badass bitch, force to wipe or smth idk FGHJKL
This is such a FOUL question because ultimately you know what I'm going to say; the way she raised Guo and treats others around her.
On one hand, she basically raised her son to be a weapon for the mafia, partially knowing what she was doing. She loves Guo. She loves her babyboy so much. But that idea that someone loves her back this uncondtionally, that they'll step in and do anything for her, starting with mauling her shitty ex? It got to her. She was the middle child, largely emotionally neglected in favor of her prodigy siblings (which was entirely purposeful on her parents' part, they wanted to make her as much as a weapon as Donna and Melphis are), so having someone she didn't hold resentment towards and who gave her all the affection and attention she had always wanted... well, she jumped at the opportunity. It just so happened that she used this to make him fight her battles, and it isn't until the very end that Guo realizes that he was a child. He shouldn't have been the one to pick up the bat and smack Zeo around like a baseball. He shouldn't have that burden put on him and he shouldn't have been raised to believe he needed to protect Gleo at every waking moment, because she can fend for herself. He should've been the one being protected, not her.
And also just in general she. Pushes people away with her behavior. Her lax nature and refusal to tell Carot things leads to their relationship breaking, because. Erm. Flirting with people IN YOUR BOYFRIEND'S RESTURANT- even if it's a ploy to get them in a private location to kill them- is not a good thing! He'd be fine if you told him first but no, now he's reliving the cheating trauma!!! And there's also how she treats every interaction with her siblings like a joke which includes insulting Melphis constantly. I bet she insults Donna too for the bit! She's just playing around but has never stopped to consider that she's hurting her family, and that maybe she reveals in treating them like ass because deep down she still holds a small semblance of resentment towards them for stealing attention away from her. It's just so, so messy
She never meant to harm her family and loved ones directly but... her she is!
I DO think her relationship with Zeo haunts her in a way. She married a man who turned out to be very shitty towards her, trying to be controlling and basically only treating her like an object for his pleasure so he'd feel good about himself. And that man went on to harass both her and their son for years until he finally got the memo to stop showing up on their lawn.
That is obviously very traumatizing! Especially since her family never did anything to stop it! Under the guise that Firo would be angry if they got the police involved with their family Zeo got to roam free. And now she's being harassed constantly, her son is being harassed and traumatized by his father, and OH SHIT GUO JUST BONKED THAT MAN!! HE'S BRUTALIZING HIM OH MY GOD!! ...Looks like the police don't have to get involved after all!
She could care less about him nowadays, but learning that he's hot on her and Guo's tails out of spite is... not pleasing. Oh how she needs to deal with this pest who briefly ruined her life. Or better yet, how Guo needs to play exterminator!
Aside from the criminal career...
that she stopped her family from intervening with the Zeo situation once Guo started beating him up. She repeated the rhetoric of not wanting to get Firo on their asses, and eventually claimed that now everything was fine. She let Guo continue to harm Zeo for two more years, let him defend her and stick it to their shared nusance. If Zeo didn't finally stop showing up who knows how long it would've gone on for. Who knows how many more times she'd announce to her son that his dad is back on the lawn and hand him the bat to deal with the issue.
She doesn't know one person knows, and they're the reason Zeo finally stopped coming to their home. Oh well!
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
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A/N: I hope you all enjoy part 1/4 of my pieces for day four of the anniversary collab for the @konoblog-simps​. You can find all the lovely pieces for the day here! Today’s theme was song pieces, and its full of angst. My heart broke after this piece. 😩 Izaya just deserves love. I’ll be spanning my four pieces throughout the next couple of hours so stay turned. You can find all the days of the collab here!
For the best experience listen to the song while reading the piece. The song title and artist have the link for he music video. 😊
Pairing: Izaya x fem!Reader
Song Choice: Without Me by Chvse
Warnings: alcohol consumption, angst, violence
Word Count: 1.7k
Izaya had never felt this kind of pain before. This man had been beaten senseless, stabbed, and everything in between, but nothing had ever really hurt him as much as heartbreak did. He had been the one to end things, but that was only because he didn’t want to put you in danger anymore. He didn’t want to be the thing that ended your life. But that didn’t stop the thoughts from roaming his head.
“And I don't want nobody else but you
You the girl in my dreams every night
You the reason that I let the sun come through”
You had been the best thing in his life, but he had let his life come in between that. He hadn’t wanted harm to come to you. But just that had happened. All this dealing with the Yakuza had made them take you hostage. They wanted to make him hurt.
So when he had finally gotten you back from them. When he had finally gotten you settled at home he had left, running away with nothing but a note on your nightstand. He couldnt’ bear to tell you to your face that you were better off without him.
You were in his dreams every night since then. Your face haunted every single thought that he had. He told himself day after day that he had to move on, but he couldn’t do that. He wanted you, nobody else.
His thoughts always went back to the countless mornings that you would wake up and roll over to tell him the same thing every time. “You’re the reason that I open those blinds every morning, Izaya.” You’d smile and climb over him, straddling his lap and pressing soft kisses to his cheek. “You’re the reason that I let the sun come through. You’re my light.”
Those words were on repeat in his head. He reached for the beer bottle on his coffee table and took a sip, tightening his grip around the bottle as he fought back the urge to let a tear loose.
“Girl, I'm sorry for the things that I've done
Always starting shit and put you in a dumb mood
Always pushing you away, but I pushed too hard
Now you're gone, what a dumb move
'Cause you're the person I'mma run to”
Izaya’s work had always gotten in the way of your relationship, but you had tried hard not to let that bother you. He knew how hard you tried to ignore it. That didn’t stop him from feeling horrible about it. He had tried to push you away some, despite how much he always regretted himself for it after. He wanted you to make the decision on your own.
He would get angry when you questioned him about when he was going to spend some time with you. He tried to understand where you came from, but his work was his life and he wanted nothing more than to succeed. He wanted to make a better life for not only himself but for you as well. He had gone about that wrong.
His anger would always put you in horrible moods. And when you had left him the first time he should have left you alone.
When you had finally decided that enough was enough he should have left it at that. But something inside him said that he had to have you back. He just couldn’t let you get away. He loved you too much.
You were always the person that he ran to when he needed help. You were the person that he always leaned on. And now you were gone.
“Look, I understand why you had to leave
'Cause I was treating you so bad, that your family
Could see through the fake smile that you had with me
I wish you didn't go, but also know you had to leave”
Izaya had heard the words that your family always spoke. He heard the conversations on the other line. You had been sure that the phone speaker wasn’t loud enough, but he heard them say that you needed to move on.
You would object to their statements. You always did, but he knew that deep down you would think for a long time about them.
They would say that you always seemed like the feelings you had weren’t real. They called your smiles fake and said that you only did them to fool the family. You only wanted them to think that you were truly happy.
Izaya wished that he hadn’t pushed you away that first time, but he knew that it needed to be done. He understood why you had left, but his heart wanted you to be with him.
“'Cause I was toxic, found a way to talk shit
Accusing you of things you didn't do, I know I'm not shit
So leaving me to better you, is better than the option
To stick around with me, I just hate that I caused it
I hate that I caused it”
Izaya had done nearly everything to push you away the first time. He was toxic. He was rude. He played every game he could think of. Izaya even went as far as accusing you of being unfaithful.
He claimed that you had found yourself in the arms of one of his enemies.
So you chose to leave. You told Izaya that you needed to better yourself. You needed to get away. You weren’t going anywhere or doing anything with your life being with him.
You were beginning to see that sticking around with him was the worst option.
He hated that he made you feel that way, but he couldn’t do anything about how he felt about himself. He hated that he had wanted to put you in that position. But you would have been better off without him.
“'Cause I don't wanna hurt you
But I know I will
And I'm looking for the reason
For the way I feel
I didn't wanna lose you
But if I'm being real
Then you're better off without me”
He could feel himself slipping away from you and that’s when he knew that he needed to do what he did. He knew that eventually he would hurt you worse than he had ever wanted too. Worse than just heartbreak.
But Izaya never truly understood why he felt that way. He didn’t know why he knew that he would hurt you. He just knew.
So in the note that he left you on your nightstand he said “You’re better off without me.”
And it was the worst thing he had ever written in his life. The worst thing he had ever said to someone. And he truly meant it. No one could change his mind. Your life meant more to him than his own.
“I never really fell in love until I met you
'Cause that day out at the cabin, I felt something special
3 a.m, vibing, drinking beer on the couch
Remember? I was scared to even cuddle with you”
Flashbacks of how you met filled his head, another swig from the beer bottle filled his throat. The small feeling of forgetting starting to take over. That’s all he wanted to do. These memories were too painful.
When you had come to the cabin with a couple of friends of his and they had introduced you, he hadn't expected to be obsessed. But he was.
Everyone had gone to sleep, the two of you had been the only ones left in the living room, and he had never been more nervous in his life.
You hadn’t hidden your attraction to him. You made it very obvious in the hours after you had met.
You had looked at the clock as you both drank the last of the beers that were sitting on the small coffee table. Three in the morning. The fire burned in the fireplace and your laughs filled the room.
Izaya couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this way. The last time he had truly felt love.
Izaya had never been as nervous as he was right now. He was normally the tough guy. He had never had a problem showing affection for a woman he liked. But you were different.
You noticed his hesitation and went in yourself. Before you could even stop yourself, your body moved. You straddled his hips and pushed him back into the couch. Your lips pressing together as Izaya placed his hands on your hips. His fear almost instantly watching away.
“My heart's breaking 'cause I love you and I miss you
I'm thinking about the times where I'd cuddle and I'd kiss you
But I understand that I got a lot of issues
I just hope you know that it ain't easy to forget you”
Izaya shook his head, trying to get the memory to leave him. “Fuck.” He grasped the bottle tighter in his hand and down the last swig. “I miss her.”
Before he even realized what was happening the bottle soared from his hand, a scream leaving him at the same time.
A light switched on in the hallway and a figure appeared in the doorway of the living room. Namie had a sleepy, puzzled look on her face as she checked on her boss. “Izaya?”
Izaya rubbed his eyes and gave her a weak smile. “Everything’s fine Namie. Go back to bed.”
She gave him a worried look before turning back to head to her room. She knew better than to push Izaya when he was like this.
“I just-“ His voice was a whisper as he picked up his phone. He didn’t want to say anything else and have Namie come back out.
Izaya opened his messages, his finger instinctively finding your name and typed out a message he had never meant to send. Alcohol made him hit that button and made him throw his phone across the room after.
So when your phone lit up and you opened the message, your heart broke for him.
Izaya 💞 2:36am
I miss you so fucking much.
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Taglist: @monic00l​ @strangeinternetwasteland​ @rowley-with-ackerman​ @kyu-pine​ @ellechanwrites​ @bonnisimpparker​ @impinthecloset​ @nikiniki743​
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©bakubabes-hatake’s original content, please do not repost/modify without my permission
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: curse words, angst
Chapter 10
My feet were glued to the ground, unable to move. The second I heard her say my name I knew this was a mistake. Why did I listen to those idiots? And what was I thinking about coming here without a plan? What am I supposed to say why I came to see her? To profess my love to her?
I can’t.
Even if my friends were right and she does feel the same way. I still feel too guilty to do anything about it. I have to talk to Bill first. I have to go and see him and I have to confess what I’ve done. If I make it out of there alive, then perhaps I’ll think about it. It depends on how he’ll feel about the whole situation.
The worst part was that due to us not talking and Rhylee not mentioning anything, I had no idea if he ever got around to asking her out or if they were together. I would know if they were, right? But then again, Rhylee was very private about her life in England and Bill hasn’t written to me for far longer than I would like to admit. The only thing I knew is that he was in the Order like I was and that he has taken a desk job at Gringotts, leaving everything behind in Egypt.
The fact that I admired him for it was an understatement. He gave up his job to be closer to home, to help out with the Order as much as he could and what was I doing? Feeling sorry for myself and beating my head over the fact that I am drifting further away from my family every single day.
Bill was the better man, he always was. That’s why I need to talk to him before I do anything else. It’s time to man up, Charlie, and own up to your fucking mistakes.
“Good evening.” I said, grinning like an idiot.
“What are you doing here, Charlie?” She looked exhausted.
We have been pretty busy working on the case but I know she loved every minute of that and I had a hunch that something else was wrong. Her eyes were puffy and she had a handkerchief in her hand. Was she crying?
“The guys missed drinking with you so I came to see if everything’s okay.” It terrified me how good of a liar I was becoming.
“I’m fine. Just…tired.” She tried desperately to hide the handkerchief behind her back.
She smiled weakly and invited me inside.
“Can I make you some tea?” She asked softly.
“That would be great.” Merlin’s beard did I want to ask her what was wrong but I didn’t want to intrude on her privacy.
If it was about the trial or the dragon she would’ve told me by now.
I sat on the sofa cross-legged and leaned on the side of it, observing her making the tea. My eyes were scanning her body, every inch of it imprinting on my brain. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt and pajama shorts and for some reason woolen socks even though it was the middle of May.
Damn, it irritates me that I can’t find the words to describe how beautiful she is. Extraordinary would come close. She was so graceful moving around her small kitchen, even though she wasn’t radiating her usual confidence.
“Here you go.” Her voice brought me back to reality.
“Thanks.” I murmured.
She sat down next to me, one of her legs over my crossed one. Why did she have to be so affectionate and why did I have to overthink it every time?
“You know what I never asked you?” She said, her eyes on her cup.
I simply hummed to make her continue.
“How do you like Fleur?” She blew on her tea.
“Fleur?” I repeated the name.
Who in the bloody hell is Fleur?
“Bill’s girlfriend?” She chuckled upon seeing my surprised reaction.
Bill’s girlfriend? Bill has a girlfriend?
I don’t know what hurt more. The fact that I didn’t know, that he didn’t tell me or that she knew and I didn’t.
“You don’t know?” Regret of telling me formed on her face.
“Emm…” I swallowed hard. How am I supposed to tell her that Bill and I haven’t seen each other since the Christmas I met her? “Bill and I had a bit of a fallout.” Saying that out loud felt like someone pierced my chest with an arrow.
“Oh.” She put her hand over her mouth.
I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to know more but didn’t dare to ask. She knew Bill was my best friend and I hated that she felt sorry for me. I don’t deserve it.
“I thought you were dating Bill.” If I was going to talk to him, I have to get as much information as possible.
Did he ever talk to her like he planned? Did he ever tell her how he felt about her?
“Me and Bill?” She bowed her head. “No. Nothing ever happened between us.” She said, shaking her head.
I felt like a piece of shit. This was because of me, wasn’t it? Because of the mistake, I’ve made.
“He did ask me out.” I could barely understand her words as she mumbled into her cup. “But I said no.” Her voice broke.
“Please tell me that you didn’t do it because we…”
“And what if I did?” She interrupted me.
Rhylee, don’t say stuff like this to me. You know I won’t be able to resist kissing you.
“I said no because I meant it when I told you I only see him as a friend. I always did. I didn’t lie to you and I didn’t lie to him.” She quickly continued when she saw my eyes widen. “And also because,” she swallowed thickly, “because of what happened between us.”
Silence fell upon us as neither of us said anything. She was waiting for me to reply and I didn’t know what to say back. This didn’t make me feel good. I was proud of Bill for gathering the courage and asking her out and I felt sorry for him at the same time because she turned him down. I should’ve been there for him when that happened. I can’t imagine how he had to feel.
“Charlie, listen…” With her head still down, she leaned closer to me.
Rhylee, what are you doing?!
“If you don’t know about Fleur and that Bill asked me out…” Her voice broke again.
What was she not telling me?
“I think I’m the reason Bill stopped talking to you.” A single tear ran down her right cheek but she quickly brushed it away as if I couldn’t see it. “When he asked me out and I said no, I panicked. I knew I hurt his feelings and it pained me to do so because he’s such a sweetheart. I didn’t know what I was saying. I was trying to find excuses why I couldn’t be with him and…”
Oh, please tell me this isn’t going where I think it’s going.
“Rhy, what did you do?” I whispered.
I didn’t have the strength to be louder, my heart beating hard against my chest.
“I told him we slept together.” She pushed away from me and buried her face in her hands. “I’m so sorry, Charlie. I…I know it wasn’t my place to tell and I probably ruined your relationship and I know how close you two were and you have to know…” She sobbed. “You have to know I didn’t want to come between you. I didn’t and I am so so sorry.”
Without thinking twice about it I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight against my body while she muffled her crying with her head in my shoulder.
Everything made sense now. It was crystal clear why Bill wasn’t talking to me. I knew he had to know about us since his letters became rarer and rarer but I didn’t want to believe it.
It might be tearing me apart and I might feel guilty but I would bear all the pain in the world if it meant for him to be happy. I was never the person to hurt anyone, let alone my family, my brother.
“Shh…” I was searching for words while stroking her hair. I had to say something, this was clearly on her consciousness for a long time. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you. He would’ve found out sooner or later.”
She nodded her head and I could feel her body relaxing in my arms.
“The whole thing’s my fault and I know I’m a horrible brother for letting it get this far.” I inhaled sharply. “I’m planning on taking a few days off to go and see him.” I explained. “I want my brother back.” I whispered more to myself than to her.
She lifted her head so abruptly that she almost bumped into my chin. I reacted quickly, jerking my head backward. We were so close to one another. Too close and I was too weak for this. I felt like shaking but I knew I had to keep it together.
Charlie, you can’t. You have to talk to Bill first.
How could she look ravishing even when she was crying? Without really knowing what I was doing I leaned closer to her and she did the same.
Did I try stopping myself?
I did. But I couldn’t.
I didn’t want to.
Not anymore.
Our lips brushed against one another. Touching so slightly that it tickled me. In the name of everything that is magical, I had no idea how deep my desire to kiss her was.
I…I can’t. I have to wait.
If I could resist and torture myself for such a long time, I have to endure for a while longer. The second I come home today I am checking my team’s schedule to see when I can get a few days off. I need to talk to Bill. I need to get my life together and when I come back I need to be with her.
I tried pulling away from her. I really did.
We weren’t kissing, but she didn’t move away either, our foreheads pressed together. I could feel the tension between us. The curiosity of what would happen if our bodies crashed together. I couldn’t make the decision. I was simply not strong enough.
“Charlie, we can’t.” She decided for me.
Her breath brushed my lips as a summer breeze. She hastily pulled away as if remembering something and I followed her lead.
“I’m sorry…I…” I didn’t know what to say. I knew why I wanted to pull away but I had no idea what was going through her head. “I thought you wanted me to.” I breathed.
I had nothing to lose by being honest with her.
“I know.” She looked away, biting her lip. “I know.” She repeated, more to herself than to me.
She took a deep breath and wrinkled her face as if she was going to regret what she’ll say next. “I’m seeing someone.”
If someone was in the kitchen I would say that they dropped something made out of glass and it shattered all over the floor. But it was just my heart, breaking inside my chest. She was seeing someone? And she told me this after lingering over my lips for a solid minute?
What kind of a game was this? What was she thinking? What was she doing or better yet why? This was a new level of cruelty. It was brutal. I felt like someone ripped my heart right out of my chest.
I was still getting over the fact that we almost kissed. How close we were. My heart barely calmed down from that and she throws this bombshell on me?
“His name is Nick.” She continued.
I don’t care what his fucking name is, Rhylee!
“We started dating a month before I started working here.” She didn’t stop.
This was the first time I wanted her to shut up. I didn’t want to hear any details.
A month before she started working here? She was joking, right? This had to be a joke. She had a boyfriend the entire time. All this time I didn’t make a move because I felt so guilty about Bill and she was in a relationship?
Then what were all the mixed signals she was sending me?
All the silence?
Every time I caught her looking at me?
Gazing into my eyes?
All the unspoken words that never left her lips?
What was that about? She’s going to tell me that all of that was just something friends do? Because it bloody well didn’t feel like friendship to me!
What about every time she hugged me or leaned on me? Or the fact that she sobbed into my shoulder when she told me about Kyan? I didn’t see her doing that with anybody else here. Were those just friendly gestures too?
I didn’t know how to feel. I felt numb as if my body was shutting down. What am I supposed to say? How am I supposed to reply? I didn’t know if I was sad, frustrated, miserable or angry. Probably all at the same time. I was mad at her. Furious, to be more specific. She claimed that she’s the type of girl who doesn’t play with anyone’s feelings, then what is she doing to me?
“He’s,” She hesitated for a moment, “nice.”
Is it ridiculous to say that I didn’t believe that? Is it insane that I still had hope? That even though I felt my heart breaking I somehow wasn’t bothered by it at the same time. I hated all these feelings. All the emotions which I can’t explain. I hate that I don’t know what they mean.
This was all too much. I need to get out of here! I can’t sit on her sofa, in her hut and pretend that I am not completely shocked by her words. I can’t be around her. For the first time, I wanted to get away from her. For the first time, I couldn’t stand being near her.
Is it wrong to wish that she told me about this sooner? Why didn’t she? Why did she wait for more than half a year to tell me this? She started working here in September. It’s May, for fuck sake! Why did it come up now? Did she expect something to happen between us again and she waited for the right moment to crush my heart?
I didn’t know how to feel about her right now. She looked so innocent, waiting for me to say something. I didn’t. I couldn’t trust myself not to say something harsh or to shout at her. She had to know I had feelings for her. I know I never said anything but I wasn’t exactly hiding them either.
“He started working in Gringotts last March and we started dating in August.”
Why does she keep pushing it? Why does she think I want to know this?
“I’m happy for you.” I surprised myself at how sincere I sounded. I definitely didn’t feel happy for her. “Look, you’re right.” I got up. “I crossed the line and I’m sorry.” I started walking toward the door.
“Charlie, wait!” My hand was on the doorknob, waiting for what she has to say but nothing came out of her mouth.
“Don’t worry about telling, Bill.” I turned to her and bestowed her with a weak smile. “I’ll talk to him.”
I opened the door and stormed out. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I wanted to go home, change and go for a run but I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to stop running. I had to do something. I felt like my chest was going to explode. I wanted to scream and shout and throw stuff around. I wanted to bang my head against a wall and take my heart out to stop the pain.
I felt sorry for myself as much as I was pissed off. I brought this on myself. I should have never had slept with her. It ruined my relationship with Bill. It ruined me. It ruined everything. I was happy before I met her. I loved my life and liked my lifestyle.
Did I want to meet someone like her? Yes.
Did I long to have a deep connection with someone? Yes.
Did I ever think it would be so hard and so excruciatingly painful? No.
I thought love is supposed to be easy. I thought it’s supposed to bring you warmth and make your brain all fussy. It’s supposed to bring you joy and give your butterflies. Not make you want to be fed to one of the dragons.
I really can’t catch a break, can I?
I turned around and saw Andrew, John, Evan and Theo approaching me, waving.
“How did it go?” Asked John before they even reached me.
“Did you tell her?” Theo wanted to know.
“Did you kiss her?” Andrew smirked.
“She has a boyfriend.” I know I sounded bitter but I didn’t care.
“What?” John’s face sank.
“You’re joking!” Theo said incredulously.
“If you don’t believe me, you can go ask her yourself.” I spat out. “Meanwhile, I’m going to sleep and...” I headed toward my hut. “And if you mention her or my feelings ever again, I will fucking feed you to Ren.” I said over my shoulder, leaving them behind, astounded.
I didn’t care what they thought. I didn’t care how harsh I sounded. I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to be left alone. I didn’t want to talk to anyone.
I took my time walking to my hut. The fresh air made me feel better. My head was completely blank. What would I even think about? Now, more than ever did I miss Bill. Merlin’s beard did I miss him! Is this how he felt when I wasn’t there for him when Rhylee told him everything?
Great, now I feel even worse. How did my life turn around so quickly? How did everything become such a mess? I didn’t know how to get out of this. Perhaps I deserved pain. I just knew one thing. I have to talk to Bill. I have to make up with him. I will beg for his forgiveness. I will kneel before him if need be. Now, more than ever, did I realize how important family is and how foolish I was for what I’ve done that night at the Burrow.
Family comes first and I needed too long to figure that out. I needed too long to see what is important. Nothing matters more than family. Nobody will be by your side as your family when something like this happens. Nobody will get even close to understanding as they will.
And I couldn’t even tell them. I don’t even want to know what they thought of me. I always wrote to them that I can’t come home because we were so busy here. I made up stupid lies to hide the fact that I was a complete scumbag. That I hurt my older brother and I affected my whole family because of it. I know they miss me and I have been selfish for not showing up at home. What a sibling I was for not taking care of them!
I don’t think I was ever so disappointed in myself. Did I really need more than 2 years to realize that this went too far?
2 years and 5 months…
That’s how long I haven’t talked to Bill. That’s how fucking long I needed to muster the courage and decide to visit him and talk to him. Was that how you treat your brother? Was that how you behave when you’re an adult? I was ashamed of myself and if I could I would beat the complete shit out of myself.
I hope Bill will do it. I hope he breaks my nose and sets me straight. I would deserve every punch and I would gladly take it.
This was my breaking point.
I unlocked my front door and shut them behind me with such a force that for a second I thought the windows were going to shatter. It definitely wouldn’t be the only thing breaking tonight.
I took off my clothes and went to take a shower. The water, pouring over me, was so hot that it burnt my skin but I didn’t care. It covered the tears that were running down my face. I didn’t even know why I was crying. Because of the heartbreak or for feeling so guilty.
I just knew I couldn’t hold them in any longer. All of this was too much. Too overwhelming, too painful to handle.
I was a simple man. I wanted my dream job. I wanted a simple life, living somewhere in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature. I wanted a simple girl who I could ask out without thinking twice about it and she would gladly say yes.
Without drama.
Without secrets and regrets.
A simple girl who would love me just as much as I would love her. Somebody that would enjoy spending time with me and have a family with me.
That was all.
And what did I have?
A broken heart.
A girl that will never be mine.
And a brother for which I didn’t even know if he will ever want to talk to me again.
Damn, was I living a different life from what I imagined to have.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Love me Harder-Part 5*
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Summary: Falling in love with your sisters sworn enemy probably wasn’t the best idea…
Note: The time has come and I could not be any happier! I am so in love with this series and just Rafe in general. Mental health is so so important guys, I still struggle with it to this day. If you guys ever need anyone to talk to I am ALWAYS here. Stay safe and DO NOT be afraid to ask for help.
Ok so now that the sad part is over this is my warning that this part will NOT be for the faint of heart as in this shit is about to be so fuckin’ dirty.
Part 4 Part 6
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I woke up completely entangled with Rafe, our legs were twisted in odd angles, my head was buried in his neck, one of Rafe’s hands rested on my ass while the other was holding me close to him at my back, and this was honestly the best I had slept in a while…
I placed gentle kisses from his neck, to his jaw, and stopped on his lips. Rafe stirred in his sleep, his hand on my ass squeezing slightly before pulling me tighter to him. I repeated my process a few times until his eyes finally fluttered open, puckering his lips slightly which made me giggle. He rolled on top of me, settling himself between my legs. His tongue danced with mine despite our morning breath, which neither of us cared about. I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him further into me, feeling his morning wood brush against me. 
“Hey y/n I-oh.” my sister called as she barged into my room.
“Yes Kiara?” I growled, Rafe awkwardly tilted his body to the side as he avoided looking at Kie. 
“Never mind, I’ll um...ask you later.” she stammered, quickly shutting my door on her way out. 
I grabbed Rafe’s cheeks and slammed his lips back to mine, rutting my hips into his. He moaned deeply into my mouth, my hand about to make it way south when John B burst into my room.
“Y/n I need-” he stopped mid sentence, slowly backing out of the room.
“Probably not best to do this here.” Rafe pointed out, kissing my red cheek.
“Guess I’ll just spend the whole day horny,” I grumbled, pouting as I crossed my arms.
“I think our first time together should be special, not a quick fuck in your room in hopes all the kids don’t barge in here.” Rafe chuckled, kissing my pouting lips. 
I had a short shift today which Rafe accompanied me to since his dad had nothing for him to do today. I made him his own set up in the corner booth at the back of the restaurant so if I just so happened to go steal a kiss or two my dad wouldn’t see. I did cheat a little and took some silverware to wrap back where Rafe was so I could sit with him, and I even put him to work a little and had him help me. 
“So, there’s a party at Top’s tonight,” Rafe spoke, his eyes flicking to mine as I tensed.
“A Kook party, haven’t been to one of those in years.” I sighed, my leg starting to tap nervously.
“I wanted you to come with me, but if you don’t want to go we don’t have to.” he suggested, nudging my foot with his. 
“I don’t know Rafe...the Kooks don’t like me.” I murmured.
“Everyone likes you, don’t be ridiculous.” Rafe scoffed, chuckling when I rolled my eyes.
“Won’t the little Kook girls be upset to see you with someone?” I grinned, Rafe shaking his head as he smiled.
“They can be upset all they want, I got a hot ass girlfriend, and I plan on keeping her for as long as she’ll put up with me.” he smirked.
I leaned over the table to kiss him, tasting the beer he had been nursing the past few hours on his tongue. He chased after my lips when I pulled away, grabbing the back of my head to give me another wet, tongue filled kiss. 
“Rafe, my dad or my sister could come out here.” I giggled, pulling out of his hold.
“I can’t help it, I just want to kiss you all the time.” he mumbled, my heart melted to my toes. 
“As adorable as this is, I need help.” Kiara sighed, rolling her eyes when I smiled at Rafe. 
“You guys are seriously too much.” Kie rumbled as we were walking back to the kitchen. 
“You’re just mad because you won’t admit to liking Pope.” I smirked, her gasp sending me in a herd of giggles. 
“That’s not fair!” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“DAD!” We both yelled. 
“Knock it off you two,” he mumbled. 
“I don’t know about this guys…” I mumbled as I was getting ready for the party. 
“Well I think it’s a bad idea.” JJ imputed, his mouth full of a sandwich he helped himself to. 
“JJ I wouldn’t ask for your advice if the house was burning down.” I scoffed, smiling at his offended look through my mirror. 
“I hate to say it...but I agree with JJ.” Pope sighed, my eyes snapping to his.
“I can’t just bail on him, he’ll be so upset.” I pouted.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” John B asked, Kie shot daggers at him from across the room.
“There are so many things that could go wrong, like-” she started, but I was not going to let her spend two hours with every possible scenario that could happen.
“I’m going to stop you right there Kiki,” I chuckled, turning my attention back to the task at hand.
“All I’m saying is that maybe you shouldn’t go.” she mumbled, rolling her eyes.
“Gotta say after you takin’ that club to the side, I’m not all for this.” Pope said, casting his eyes to the floor.
“I know, but I doubt we’ll stay long. Rafe said he has other plans besides the party.” I shrugged, laughing when they all pretended to vomit.
“Ok I did NOT need that visual.” Kie groaned, throwing her head back dramatically.
“You alright baby?” Rafe asked as we walked to the front door.
“Yeah, totally.” I lied, fidgeting with my fingers.
“You’re a horrible liar, we don’t have to go.” he insisted, grabbing one of my hands to kiss the back of it. 
“No, no these are your friends and I should at least attempt to um...get to know them?” I said as more of a question than a statement.
“We won’t stay for long, I think I have some other things in mind for us to do tonight.” he said slyly, my heart beginning to thump in my chest as he led me into the house.
“My boy, and I see you brought our resident traitor.” Kelce laughed, bro hugging Rafe.
“Watch your mouth, that’s my girl you’re talkin’ to.” Rafe said with mock humor in his tone, Kelce threw his hands up defensively.
“Come on man, I was just playin’” Kelce scoffed, handing Rafe a red solo cup. 
“What do you want to drink sweetheart?” Rafe questioned, giving me his signature smile.
“Whatever you have is fine.” I spoke, shuffling nervously on my feet as I gripped his hand tighter. He handed me a cup, and I took a huge swig, hoping that this would ease my nerves. 
This was definitely the worst decision of my life. Rafe had ditched me not long after we arrived, leaving me sitting on the couch by myself. I wasn’t sure how long I had been sitting there, but I had about had it. I was so angry with him, and I wished more than anything I had just stayed home. 
I shot up from the couch, going to find him so I could leave. I was not going to sit around and only be a convenience to Rafe when we weren’t on Kook territory. I gasped in horror at the sight before me, rage and sadness building up inside of me. Rafe stood with the resident Kook whore Emily, laughing with her, and to top things off, he leaned down to whisper something in her ear. My mouth hung open in disgust, heart shattering into a million pieces. Rafe chose that exact moment to turn around, his face falling when he saw my expression. He made his way over quickly, but I beat him to it before he could speak.
“I can’t believe you,” I hissed, jerking away when he tried to reach for me.
“It’s not what you think, wait, baby please let me explain.” he rambled, but I couldn’t stay to listen to the rest of his excuse. I walked as fast as I could out of that house, not turning back.
“Y/n! Stop baby please!” Rafe called, I could picture him running his hand through his hair. 
“Fuck off Rafe, I’m sure Emily is missing your company.” I spat.
“No,fuck, would you please just let me explain?” he tried, but I was already in my car before he finished speaking. He knocked on my window, pleading for me to talk, but I instead turned on my car and left him standing there.
I slammed on the breaks, tearing out of my car and stomping up the stairs. The other Pogues greeted me at the door, confusion written on their face. I felt the tears come then, my heart breaking even more if that was possible.
“Fuck, you guys were right.” I sobbed, John B threw his arms around me to hug me to him. The other Pogues joined in as well, all of us standing in the doorway as I cried in their arms. 
I sat in my room, staring at the ceiling as silent tears ran down my face. I wanted so bad for Rafe to be different, but he proved tonight that he was just like every other guy I’ve been with. Fuck, I was falling in love with the guy, and now everything is ruined. I had never been so incredibly happy then when I was with Rafe. I felt like I could be myself, and he understood me better than even my own family.
I saw lights appear in my window, but I didn’t bother to get up to know it was more than likely Rafe. I heard the truck door slam shut, knocking on the front door moments later. Since my room was right by the front door, I could easily hear the conversation happening. 
“I told you what would happen if I saw her shed one tear because of you.” John B growled.
“Guys seriously, it’s not what you think.” Rafe sighed.
“So she’s just crying for the hell of it?” JJ laughed humorlessly.
“Look...she means a lot to me. Do you think I’d be here, begging for her forgiveness if I didn’t care about her?” Rafe rambled, no doubt his hair was a disheveled mess.
“Let him go,” Kie piped in.
“What?” all three boys questioned.
“This is the happiest I’ve ever seen my sister... and I can’t- no I won’t let her be unhappy. Even if it’s Rafe making her happy, I will gladly keep it that way.” Kie explained. I heard some shuffling before my door creaked open, Rafe peeking his head in.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” I grumbled, rolling over so I was facing away from him.
“Let me explain myself, please.” he pleaded, and I felt the bed dip down on the other side.
“You were supposed to be different, I-I believed you weren’t who everyone said you were Rafe.” I sniffled, letting out a quiet sob. Rafe spooned himself against me, wrapping me tight to his chest.
“I promise you, it’s not at all what you think.” he insisted, pressing a gentle kiss right below my ear.
“Then what is it when you lean down to whisper in some bitches ear and both of you laugh?” I griped, trying to pull away from him, but he held me tighter.
“I was trying to set her up with Kelce.” he blurted, my eyes rolling.
“Bullshit Rafe,” I scoffed.
“No that’s the honest truth, you can read my messages, and I’ll even call him.” Rafe said, leaning his cheek on my shoulder.
“Well you looked awful cozy with her.” I grumbled.
“I’m sorry if it looked that way, it was not my intention.” he promised.
“There’s also the fact that you ignored me all night,” I griped.
“I know, I’m so so sorry baby.” Rafe sighed.
“You know the Kooks don’t like me Rafe, you practically fed me to the vultures.” I pointed out.
“It won’t happen again,” he insisted.
“You’ll be lucky if I ever go to a stupid party again.” I muttered, turning around in his hold.
“So am I forgiven?” he asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. 
“No,” I chuckled, Rafe groaned and buried his face between my breasts.
“You have to work for it Cameron,” I said, raking my fingers in his hair.
“Okay baby, I can do that.” he smirked against my skin.
“Can I take you somewhere?” he asked quietly, peaking up from my chest.
“Sure,” I nodded.
Rafe drove down the coast line for a few miles until we got to the most gorgeous view I had ever seen in the Outer Banks. Rafe backed his truck in, my feet carrying me out the door as soon as he put it in park. We were right at the break of a spot where you could see the ocean perfectly without having to get up close, and just above the palm trees you could see the beautiful night sky. I don’t know how I hadn’t seen this place before, and I felt a surge of strong emotion that Rafe had brought me here. He took a blanket from the back seat to put over the bed of the truck, leaning against the edge of it.
“I know you like the sound of the ocean.” he mumbled, looking down as he wrung his fingers.
“What?” I whispered, slowly turning to him.
“I-...anytime I’ve seen you at a kegger, you’re always by yourself down where you can hear the ocean.” Rafe explained, reaching out to pull me against him.
“How observant of you,” I giggled, turning in his hold so I could look up at the stars.
“I come here a lot...mostly to get away from my family.” he confessed, leaning his chin on my shoulder.
“I can definitely relate to that,”  I chuckled, relishing the feeling of the warmth from his arms on the rather chilly night. 
“I know, so now if you need a safe spot to go you’ll always have one.” he hummed, kissing my cheek.
“It’s so beautiful out here,” I sighed, staring at the bright stars that stuck out among the millions of others.
“Just like you,” he chuckled.
“If that’s your way of trying to kiss up, that is a very poor attempt.” I laughed, feeling Rafe’s chest rumble as he joined in.
“I’ll try something else then.” he mumbled, moving his hands up and down from my hips to my waist. I tensed slightly as his nose skimmed my neck to my ear.
“L-Like what?” I stuttered, cursing myself for it.
“How about....I eat you out.” he said huskily, biting down on my earlobe. I inhaled sharply, my thighs rubbing together at the thought of it. 
“Hmmm baby? Would you like that?” he asked, trailing his fingers towards my shorts.
I nodded my head, quickly turning to face him. Our lips smashed together, sloppily moving our tongues to taste each other. Rafe lifted me on the edge of the truck bed, his big hands traveling up my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer. I ripped off my shirt, my bra going next. His hands immediately came to my nipples, twisting and playing with them. I pulled his shirt off too, feeling his naked skin against mine. Rafe made quick work of ridding my shorts, taking my underwear with them. He pushed me to lay back, my breathing coming in short pants as I waited for his next moves. 
Rafe placed gentle kisses from the inside of my knee up to where I needed him, leaving love bites in their wake. His tongue took a slow lick all the way up my heat, moaning at my taste. I gasped loudly, my eyes closing tight. Rafe threw my legs over his shoulders, clamping his hands on my thighs so I couldn’t move them. I choked on a moan as he feverishly started to lick and suck everywhere, discovering the sensitive areas that left me breathless. 
“You taste so yummy sweetheart, all for me. Could your other little boyfriends get you as wet as I do baby?” he breathed out against me, even just his breath had me arching my back. 
“No, no Rafey they didn’t,” I whined, moving my hips to get more of his tongue. He took one of his hands to feel me, moving it to collect some of my wetness and spread it around. 
“So pretty, all mine.” he spoke, easing one finger in before adding another. 
“Rafe,” I gasped, my hand weaving through his hair to tug slightly.
His fingers curled inside of me, vigorously moving his tongue on my clit. I squirmed in his hold, feeling my impending release so close. Rafe switched his positions, using his tongue to lap up the slickness while his fingers rolled my clit. He was hitting all the right spots, something no other guy I had been with before could do. 
I moaned so loud when I came on his tongue, whimpering when Rafe lifted my ass in the air to drink up the cum leaking out of me. I pulled on his hair harshly, quickly becoming overstimulated. He moaned into me and I started shaking, already feeling another orgasm spinning down my spine. My thighs locked around his head when he sent me hurdling over the edge again, a mix of a grunt and a moan leaving my lips. 
Rafe sat me down gently, licking around his mouth for leftovers of my cum. My chest was heaving as I sat up to pull Rafe down to my lips, tasting myself on his tongue. My hands felt the hard muscles of his abdomen, slowly making their way up to his chest. I raked my nails over his nipples, earning a satisfied groan from Rafe. 
I scooted myself back, Rafe removing his shorts before crawling up after me. I pushed him to sit down, settling myself between his legs. He was very well endowed, bigger and thicker than any guy I had been with. I grabbed the base and squeezed my way to the tip, watching the precum ooze. Rafe cursed under his breath when I let some of my saliva drip down on him so I could move my hand better. I started twisting both of my hands, leaning to leave kisses up his neck. I bit my mark on the hinge of his jaw, soothing the bite with my tongue.
“Could your little Kook girls get you off Rafey?” I whispered, rubbing my thumb over the sensitive areas to make him moan.
“Fuck no,” he growled, taking a fist full of my hair.
“Mhm, ‘cause this dick is mine right?” I asked hotly, descending lower to lick his tip.
“Yes oh my god, don’t stop.” he grunted, pushing my head down as I took him all the way down my throat. 
I looked into his blown out eyes, fluttering my lashes at him. His pupils widened significantly, staring intently into my eyes as I blew him. Rafe threw his head back when I deep throated him so my nose touched his pubic bone, his breath coming in heavy pants. He pulled me up off of him, a string of spit still connecting up.
Rafe flipped us over quickly, prodding his length at my entrance. I nodded my head at him, and he pushed in. I welcomed the stretch, the feeling incredible because it was him. He gave a few experimental thrusts, my back arching into him when he hit that special spot inside of me. I whined when he pulled all the way out to slam home again, my breath leaving my lungs as he did it again and again. We finally got to a steady rhythm, both of us letting out disgruntled moans and grunts. 
“You feel phenomenal holy shit,” he breathed out, looking down at where we were connected. He brought one hand up so his fingers could rub my clit, tingles shooting up my spine at the feeling. 
“Shit, right there baby please,” I whined, my nails digging into his shoulders.
“Gonna take care of my girl, gonna fuck you so good you won’t know anyone’s name but mine.” he growled, hitting that spot over and over to the point I was seeing stars. 
“Oh fuck, Rafe,” I gasped, my eyes closing from the overwhelming pleasure he was providing. 
“You’re mine,” Rafe grunted, increasing his movements with both his dick and his fingers. 
“Yes,” I rasped.
“Only mine,” he panted, my heart fluttering at the utter possessiveness of his tone. I already was starting to tighten up, Rafe groaning when I clenched around him.
“You’re squeezin’ down on me baby, gonna cum?” he taunted, smile wide as he continued to ram his hips into mine hard enough I knew there would be bruises by tomorrow. 
“Fuck yeah, you make me feel so good Rafey.” I moaned, threading a hand into his completely disheveled hair to bring him down to my lips.
He then suddenly slowed his pace, my eyes popped open to see his smug smirk. I whimpered, pushing my hips up to meet his. Rafe moved his hand from my clit to take a handful of my hair, arching my neck up to expose the smooth skin. He leaned down to sink his teeth right where my neck and shoulder met, then moved a little further up to leave another love bite, and his last one was right at my pulse point. 
“Scream my name, or you won’t cum.” he whispered in my ear, simultaneously as he did that he started to pound even fast before inside of me. 
I’m sure the whole Outer Banks heard me screech his name at the top of my lungs, Rafe’s teeth shining in the moonlight as he grinned down at me. His vigorous circles on my clit came back, even stopping to roll it between his fingers. I came so hard my back left the truck bed, my head even coming up as I arched. Rafe kept his pace, stimulating me through my release. Rafe moved so both his hands came to my hips, chasing his high. 
“Cum inside me baby, I wanna feel you drip down my legs.” I smirked, scratching my nails down his abs.
He came not seconds later, hot moans of my name left his lips as he stilled. Rafe collapsed on top of me, and I welcomed his weight. I loved the safe feeling of being engulfed in his embrace. I kissed all over his face, trying to smooth out his sex hair.
“Y/n?” Rafe murmured, leaning his head up to look in my eyes.
“Yes Rafe?” I mumbled back.
“I’m falling in love with you baby,” he confessed, my eyes widening. My heart took complete flight, my lips not able to keep from forming the biggest smile.
“I’m falling in love with you too slick,” I giggled, leaning up to connect our lips in a sweet, passionate kiss.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x f!reader) pt3
hello and thank u for all ur support with this story!!! i couldnt do it without u guys :) pls enjoy!!
(Y/N) reached her igloo and walked to her room, stalking past Yue in the process. “Your boyfriend’s looking for you,” (Y/N) said before she entered her room and slammed the door shut. She flopped onto her bed and buried her face in her pillows. 
(Y/N) was surprised to see Katara enter the hut where her healing lessons were held, the expression on her face deeply agitated. She spotted (Y/N) immediately and took a seat beside her, crossing her arms. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “Are you okay?” She whispered as the instructor, Yugoda, spoke. 
“That horrible waterbending master won’t teach me because I’m a girl,” Katara whispered back harshly. (Y/N) blinked at her. 
“I could’ve told you that,” She said. “Women in our tribe aren’t allowed to do anything other than healing.” 
“But that’s ridiculous!” (Y/N) nodded sadly. 
“I’ve tried for years and they won’t let me. And I’m a princess,” She sighed. “I thought Master Pakku might give an outsider a chance, but I guess I was wrong.” She noticed Katara’s solemn expression and gave her an awkward smile. “Yue promised that when she’s chief, she’ll change that!” 
“But I don’t have time to wait for Yue to become chief,” Katara whispered. The lesson ended before (Y/N) could say more. She stood at Katara’s side as she thanked Yugoda for the lesson.
“So who’s the lucky boy?” The healer asked, gesturing to Katara’s necklace. Katara looked at (Y/N), confused. 
“Your betrothal necklace,” (Y/N) explained. “I assumed you were getting married to the Avatar.” Katara’s face paled as she shook her head quickly. 
“Absolutely not!” She exclaimed. “My grandmother gave this to my mother, who passed it on to me.” 
“I don’t know why I didn’t realize it sooner,” Yugoda gasped. “You look just like Kanna.” 
“You knew Gran-Gran?” Yugoda nodded. 
“She and I were friends when I was your age. She was born here, in the Northern Water Tribe.” Both (Y/N) and Katara’s eyes widened. 
“She never told me that,” Katara said. Her fingers instinctively wrapped around her necklace. 
“She had an arranged marriage with a young waterbender. He carved her that necklace.” 
“If she was engaged, why did she leave?” Yugoda shrugged. 
“She never told me. She left without saying goodbye.” (Y/N) and Katara bid their goodbyes to the instructor before walking out the hut. 
“I wish Yue would take a page out of your Gran-Gran’s book,” (Y/N) grumbled as their boots crunched in the snow. Katara looked at her, confused. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Yue’s engaged to one of the worst boys in our entire tribe,” (Y/N) explained. “She’s only doing it for the good of the tribe, but sometimes I wish she’d put herself first.”
“It’s very admirable of her to do that,” Katara said. (Y/N) remained silent. 
Sometimes she wondered if she was a selfish person, for wanting to put her own goals and dreams ahead of her tribe’s. She loved her home but sometimes she felt like an outcast in her own house. The only person who really understood her was Yue, but she would never think of ever leaving their tribe. It made (Y/N) feel guilty for daydreaming of a life beyond the icy shores of the Northern Pole. 
She parted ways with Katara and ventured into the city. As she walked around the canals, she heard a voice call her name. (Y/N) turned around to see Sokka running toward her, a bright smile on his face. 
“I don’t know where my sister is,” (Y/N) said once he had reached her. She continued her walk. Sokka fell in step beside her. 
“I wasn’t looking for your sister, I was looking for you.” He rummaged around his pocket and pulled out a small piece of wood. “Do you think your sister would like this?” 
She squinted her eyes to scrutinize it. “Is it a fish?” Sokka pulled it away from her, giving her a bright grin. 
“I knew you can tell what it is! Katara said it didn’t even look like an animal.” He shrugged. “Whatever, Yue will get it. I hear you’re a waterbender, is your sister one too?” 
“No, she isn’t.” (Y/N) held her chin high to maintain her regal appearance as she and Sokka rounded the corner. 
“That’s fantastic! I mean, there’s nothing wrong with being a bender, but I’m not one either.” 
“Congratulations,” She said in a monotonous tone. She hoped that if she kept giving him short answers, he would leave her alone.
“Do you happen to know what her favorite flowers are? Do flowers grow here?” (Y/N) sighed and stopped in her place, turning to face Sokka. He towered over her, but she could see him gulp as he stared at her. Being the youngest daughter of the chief, (Y/N) had mastered intimidation tactics.
“Look. I understand that you’re head over heels for my sister. Get in line, there isn’t a single guy in this tribe who isn’t. But if you’re only going to talk to me to just get to know her better, I’d appreciate it if you never talked to me again.” She stormed off in the direction of her igloo. 
She had dealt with people like Sokka her entire life. Yue was a wonderful person, blessed with beauty and kindness. People had always adored her. But what infuriated (Y/N) was when people only got close to her to get closer to Yue. It was like they saw her as a stepping stone on the way to her sister’s approval. It was moments like these that she wished she knew more waterbending moves, so she could take out her anger on a glacier. 
(Y/N) reached her igloo and walked to her room, stalking past Yue in the process. “Your boyfriend’s looking for you,” (Y/N) said before she entered her room and slammed the door shut. She flopped onto her bed and buried her face in her pillows. She tried to push down the sting she felt as not being acknowledged as her own person. She was always “Yue’s sister,” or “The Chief’s youngest daughter.” (Y/N) had never been herself to anyone else. 
She sat up, continuously pressing down the tears that threatened to spill. Reaching under her bed, she pulled out her paints and papers. She retrieved her easel from her closet and positioned it in front of the window that faced the horizon. (Y/N) began painting, stroking blues and greys and blacks onto the canvas. By the time she finished her painting of the glaciers, the sun was nearly set. 
(Y/N) jumped as Yue entered her room without knocking. She turned around to see her on the verge of tears. (Y/N) rushed to her side, wrapping her arms around her shoulders as she guided her to sit on the bed. “What happened?” she demanded as she kneeled at her sister’s side. 
“It’s Sokka,” Yue cried. She wiped away her tears with the sleeves of her robe. 
“Did he hurt you?” (Y/N) asked. Yue shook her head furiously. 
“No! Goodness, no. He’s amazing and so sweet, and I feel so happy when I’m with him, but I’m engaged to Hahn. I can’t disrespect him like that.” Her hands reached up to touch the betrothal necklace he had carved for her. (Y/N) frowned. 
“I wish you’d follow your heart,” (Y/N) sighed. Yue’s bottom lip quivered. 
“I think you were right,” Yue whispered. She grasped (Y/N’s) hand tightly. “But I’m scared it’s too late.” 
“You’re the princess, Yue. You have the power to do whatever you want to do.” 
“I don’t want to disrespect the tribe.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes. 
“The tribe will get over it. Everyone adores you.” She booped her sister’s nose. “Whatever decision you make, I’ll support you no matter what.” 
Yue swallowed another sob. “Do you promise?” She held out her pinky. (Y/N) hooked it with her own. 
“I promise.” 
(Y/N) and Yue had been awoken by their mother early the next morning. They threw on their clothes and walked down to the common room, where the Chief met with his people to help them with their issues. Her father was already there, speaking to both Katara and Pakku. 
“What do you want me to do?” Her father asked of Katara. “Force Master Pakku to take Aang back as his student?” (Y/N’s) brows furrowed. She was missing an important detail. When had Aang not been Pakku’s student? What had happened since the last time she had seen Katara?
“Yes, please!” Katara begged. 
“He might change his mind,” The Chief conceded, “If you apologize to him.” Katara gritted her teeth. 
“Fine.” Pakku stared down at her smugly, with his arms crossed. 
“I’m waiting, little girl.” Katara’s frowned deepened as she shook her head. 
“No. I’m not apologizing to a sour old man like you!” Katara exclaimed. The pots of water that surrounded them began to crack. “I’ll be outside if you’re man enough to fight me.” The girl stormed off as Yue gasped. (Y/N) wore a bright smile on her face. 
“Finally, something exciting!” She exclaimed. 
“I’m sure she didn’t mean that,” Aang assured the Chief. Sokka gulped. 
“I think she did.” 
(Y/N) darted outside before the others, her family and Aang and Sokka trailing closely behind. Her mother grabbed onto her arm before she could get too close to the battle. 
“Stay here,” Her mother insisted. “It’s too dangerous.” (Y/N) let out an exaggerated sigh, but obeyed. She watched as Katara and Pakku began battling. Her own hands itched to control water like they could. She tried to repeat some of the moves that they were making, but her father looked at her disapprovingly. 
(Y/N) was impressed to see Katara holding her own against Master Pakku. She leaned over to speak to Aang. “Do you think she’ll win?” 
He looked at her, a worried expression on his face. “I don’t think so. But Katara’s strong, she’ll fight until the end.” (Y/N’s) eyes analyzed every single one of Katara’s movements. It was obvious she was a fighter, and a skilled one at that. (Y/N’s) heart sank. She wanted to be like Katara.
Their fight finished as Pakku picked up Katara’s necklace. “This is mine,” He said quietly. Katara, locked in ice, thrashed against her holdings. 
“No it’s not! It’s mine, give it back!” 
“I made this, sixty years ago, for the love of my life,” Pakku explained. The ice holding Katara melted back into water. 
“My grandmother was supposed to marry you?” Pakku nodded. 
“I made her this necklace when we got engaged. I thought we would have a long, happy life together. I loved her.” 
Katara’s face softened. “But she didn’t love you, did she? It was an arranged marriage. Gran-Gran wouldn't let your tribe's stupid customs run her life. That's why she left.”
“That must have taken a lot of courage,” (Y/N) said. Yue’s breath caught on a sob. She darted away from the group, Sokka running after her. 
Pakku handed Katara her necklace, straightening himself and holding his chin high. “Very well, Katara. You have proven yourself as an excellent waterbender. You may join my lessons.” 
Katara grinned at Aang and (Y/N), who cheered excitedly for her. “Master Pakku!” (Y/N) said as she ran up to him. “May I join your lessons with Katara, please? I promise I’ll be just as dedicated as any waterbender you’ve ever had!” 
“(Y/N’s) the best at all of her healing lessons,” Katara added. “There’s not any more she can learn from them!” 
Pakku stared at (Y/N) for a moment before turning back to look at her father. Her own eyes trailed back to her dad, whose anger was apparent on his face. “Absolutely not,” The Chief said decisively. 
“But Father-” 
“You are a princess of the Northern Water Tribe. You know our customs and will adhere to them.” She opened her mouth to defend herself once more, but her father turned around and ignored her.
(Y/N) looked at Katara. The shock on her face told her that she hadn’t anticipated their conversation going that way, either. (Y/N’s) eyes remained downcast as she walked back up to her igloo with her family, hot tears melting the snow at her feet. 
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ask-joyce-byers · 4 years
Can I request a hopper and Joyce trying to help Eleven during one of her meltdowns when she’s told she can’t see Mike anymore?
"He's not good for you," Hopper repeated for what felt like the hundredth time, and Joyce knew that if she was counting into the hundreds, El must be well into the thousands.
"Hop -" Joyce began, looking up from where she crouched next to the curled-up figure of Eleven, the girl’s spine pressed to the base of her bed, legs off to the side, tears tracking her face. They'd gone through the entire gamut, from pleas to beseeching, threatening to bargaining, and the knicknacks on her chest-of-drawers had already rattled more than once in ominous warnings of the adolescent girl's heartbreak. "Hop, maybe I should take over here..."
"And what, undo everything we're working towards? He is gone, mission accomplished, game over. Remind me what you said to him again, El?" From on high, Hopper's blue eyes gleamed with ill-suppressed triumph, hand gestured toward his daughter. "You dumped his ass. You did. Because he lied, and friends don't -"
"I know friends don't lie!" El burst out, the dresser's contents jumping suddenly, Joyce's hand reflexively tightening on the girl's knee. "But boyfriends do, and I want.... to give him a chance."
"Chance to what, lie to you again?" Hopper shot back, palms spread wide. "Guess what, sweetheart, he'll keep lying."
"Hop," Joyce bit out, brown eyes flashing. "Not helping."
"What do you want me to say, Joyce, that boys won't lie and cheat and break the hearts of girls who are too good for them? Won't leave and keep lying and staying away for every reason in the book, because they're just afraid?" Something in his gaze knifed deep into Joyce's lungs as his gaze collided with hers, he caught a ragged breath, and kept going. "Won't start horrible habits meant to keep every damn person at arm’s length, because God forbid -"
"Hopper." Gathering herself up from the floor, Joyce stood, brows drawn, hand finding the top of the crumpled girl's head in a gesture of solidarity as the chief's chest heaved, mustache bristling. "This is about Mike. Stick to the issue at hand."
A deep sigh left his ribs, a hand pinching to the bridge of his nose. "El -"
"No." Her answer was simple, drifting up from the depths of where her face was buried into her arms. "Done hearing you."
Joyce lifted her hands as she shot a significant look towards Hopper. "She's done hearing you."
"I'm not done being heard," the man began, and Joyce stepped forward, hands already reaching to turn him to the door, giving him as much shove as she dared, his protests inaudible, muffled somewhere deep in his throat. "Joyce," Hopper managed at last as she prepared to shut the door on him. "Make sure she knows -"
"She knows," Joyce admonished, closing the door with a click and turning back to the bed, arms wrapped around herself in thought, a long sigh leaving her in the new quiet.
"Boys are dumb, but I have two of them and they're the best part of my life," Joyce began, going to the foot of the bed and grasping El's wrists gently, slowly prising them away from her knees, waiting for the head to lift. It did in due time, with a tear-blotched face, reddened cheeks, and brown eyes still swimming in tears, dark lashes clotted with the grief of a young girl whose entire life seemed shattered on the ground about her.
"Girls are dumb too," she breathed at last, voice catching in her chest, stifling another sob as she lifted her hand to wipe her nose. "Girls... dump boys... without even giving them a chance."
"Chance to what, sweetie," Joyce murmured, hand smoothing back tendrils of brown hair from Eleven's overheated face.
"Apologize." The word was spoken with such profound intent that something panged deep within Joyce, and she forced herself to swallow and lean in.
"Apologize for lying?"
Eleven nodded. "And explain. Maybe he had... a good reason."
"Telling yourself there is a good reason to lie is a dangerous decision, because if you trick yourself into thinking that something that's wrong is right, who do you trust anymore?” Joyce’s eyes were somber. “You've turned your own heart against yourself. And that's never something I'd tell one of my kids to do."
"Am I your kid?" The question came without warning, and Joyce paused momentarily before drawing the girl close.
"Of course you are. You're as much mine as Will or Jonathan, or Nancy -"
"And Mike?" Muffled into her shirt, El's voice held the only hope Joyce had heard thus far, and she felt herself nodding even before the words made their way to her lips.
"And Mike. Because he loves you, and he wants to try to protect you."
"Mike loves me?" Pulling away, Eleven tugged the sleeve of her shirt over her wrist and lifted it to swab her face again, all trace of new tears gone, only the residual pallor of her exhausted grief and the ragged sound of her voice shouted raw in heartbreak. "How... do you know?"
"Because he's trying," Joyce answered simply. "Hopper has told him he wants you two to take it slow. He wants Mike to back off because you're young, because he doesn't want you to decide the rest of your life right now before you've even lived it, when the world is big and there are so many people -"
"Decide the rest of my life?" El furrowed her brow. "With Mike?"
Joyce nodded. "One time I thought that I would marry the boy that I first loved. He loved me too, he said, and even though our parents didn’t tell us not to see each other, our lives changed. He had to leave, I had to stay... and I married someone else."
"And had Jonathan and Will?" Eyes round, Eleven was fully invested in the tale.
"Yes, and had Jonathan and Will. And just when I thought my life was settled, you came along, and everything changed again, and I found so much love when I thought I had finished loving -" There she broke off, the water whelming to her eyes as she pulled her gaze back to Eleven, hand lifting to the soft brown waves of the girl. "My point is, it's possible for Mike to love you even when he's not with you. And it's possible for you to love him while still biding your time, and its possible that your life will change a thousand more times in the coming years, and all through it, you have to make good choices."
"Who to love?"
Joyce shook her head. "That's never a choice. It happens without you meaning it to."
"Like Hopper?" Head resting on the foot of the bed, Eleven's eyes were deep, unfathomable. Joyce felt her gaze return to her lap as she searched for words, and the girl's voice came again. "Hopper told me. He told me he would do anything to keep you safe." The pause was deafening, the faint rattle of a loose shingle on the roof outside the only noise for an interminable moment. "Even lie," Eleven breathed at last.
Joyce looked up. "That's a choice the boys have to make," she murmured. "If they think that lying is going to be alright, is going to help the people they love in the end... that’s on them.  And the choice we girls get to make is... do we forgive them for it.”
Eleven didn't answer, but leaned forward again to rest her forehead on Joyce's shoulder and Joyce pulled her close, head bowing into the girl's brown waves, hand soothing slowly over her back. "You gonna be okay, sweetie?" she murmured at last, and El nodded right away, lifting her head once more only when the quiet had passed, brown eyes round, clear.
"Are you?"
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oureuphoria · 5 years
Worst of You - JJK 08
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but everything feels perfect when you’re with him. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. He, however, is a police officer with years worth of built-up turmoil and an inability to make attachments. Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X  collegestudent!reader
Word count: 2,304
Note: Things get sad in this chapter and :( 
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 
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Jungkook was confused. He was confused about how you had gotten in, who you were with and more importantly, why you were here when this seemed to be the last place you’d want to be. In spite of his confusion Jungkook knew that to his knowledge you were still 20 and definitely underage, so it was his legal obligation to check up on you. It was definitely not because he wanted to talk to you, just following procedure.
“What are you doing here?” You hadn’t noticed Jungkook sit next to you until he spoke but you refused to spare him a glance. You were worried that was all it would take, one look at his wide brown eyes that seemingly held the universe and you’d be putty in his hands. “None of your business.“ “When you’re underage it is.” “It’s my birthday, officer.” You threw your ID card to him which he checked meticulously. You snatched the card out of his hands after he’d had a good look and hopped off the stool. 
“If you don’t mind, I have to go back to Jimin.” Just as you are about to walk away from him, Jungkook lightly grabs your hand. “Wait.” You turned back around to face him but expertly avoided his eyes. “I’m sorry.” It wasn’t much but it was all Jungkook could fathom and yet both of you knew, it wasn’t enough. You gave him a small smile before you replied, one that seemed more sad than polite. “Yeah, me too.” And with that, you walked away, shoving Jungkook and his ridiculously beautiful face to the back of your mind.
“Jimin!” You had finally found your friend who hadn’t been even half as happy to see you as you were him. “Y/N, I know it’s your birthday and I promised I’d be with you but the most gorgeous boy is here and I really need a hook-up. If you’re not okay with it I understand but-” “Go! At least one of us has to get lucky tonight.” You waved him off and he retaliated with a bone-crushing hug. “I love you so much. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Whether that promise was empty or not, you were going to hold him to it because letting him abandon you in this club all alone is definitely a sizeable sacrifice. 
You walked back to the bar where you were relieved to see that Jungkook had left. Against your better judgement, your eyes subconsciously scanned around for him and when you saw him, dancing and having the time of his life while you were there following in self-pity, you realised you definitely needed another drink. 
Perhaps it was your lack of experience or your Jungkook-induced sadness or even your empty stomach but you were drunk. Only 2 drinks in and you had completely lost all sense of rationality. Unfortunately, the bartender was unaware of just how much of a lightweight you were and proceeded to provide you with the tequila shots you weren’t sure why you asked for. 
They tasted horrible and after downing two, you realised you never wanted to drink one again but for the first time in a long time, you had felt entirely carefree. It was nice, for the blissful moment it lasted but when your eyes had landed on Jungkook again, this time sitting at a bar next to some girl who was definitely prettier than you, carefree had turned into careless and you were making your way over there before you could process it. 
“Hi, I’m sorry but I really need to speak to him.” Giving the poor girl no time to reply, you had dragged Jungkook towards the end of the bar where there were far less people and the music was softer. “You, sir, are an asshole.” In between your words, you had made the honourable decision to jab Jungkook in the chest continuously. Drunk you believed you were emphasising your point, sober you would’ve cowered at the mere mention of such an action. 
“Are you drunk, Y/N? Where’s your friend?” “He left me for someone prettier, everyone keeps doing that to me these days…” You pouted as you strayed completely off topic and tears began welling in your eyes. You were an emotional drunk, you found that out the hard way. “I’m taking you home.” “No! I still haven’t finished.” Jungkook sighed in frustration and motioned for you to continue, the girl at the bar was long forgotten and Jungkook didn’t even care. 
“Why are you such a liar?” The waterworks had begun and while it was obvious you weren’t entirely competent, Jungkook felt the sting in his heart all the same. “Please, baby don’t cry.” “Don’t call me that. Stop making me think you care when you clearly don’t and next time grow the balls to say you don’t like me you jerk!” Your words were slurred and your delivery was a little off but Jungkook heard you loud and clear. He wanted to explain, he wanted to wipe your tears away and reassure you that he was enamoured by you, he adored you and wanted nothing more than to be by your side. But you were probably too drunk to remember and it was too late to try. 
“I’m sorry, just stop crying, please.” You tried and you weren’t sure why. The pain in Jungkook’s voice had hurt you and even while drunk, you’d do anything to make that pain go away. So you stifled your tears to the best of your ability, the only thing left behind were tear stains and your quiet hiccups. “Good job, now let me take you home.”
Jungkook didn’t expect you to fall asleep in his car, but then again he also didn’t expect you to berate him at a club. “Y/N, baby, wake up.” You were a light sleeper, he knew that much, which was why he was shaking you softly. You fidgeted in his seat a little before opening your eyes ever so slightly. “I’m sleeping, go away.” Drunk, sleepy Y/N was a challenge Jungkook didn’t know how to face. He also didn’t know how he was going to get you inside or whether or not you had your keys and going through your bag felt like a violation of your privacy so Jungkook decided to take you to his apartment instead.
When you woke up the next morning, something felt off. Your bed was never silk and you never remembered it being this big. You flailed your hand around for your plushie and when you had opened your eyes, you jolted upright in shock. That action was instantly regretful because of the pounding headache you had suddenly gotten and your wincing had captured Jungkook’s attention. 
He was dressed in grey sweatpants and a tight grey t-shirt that left scarcely anything to the imagination. If you weren’t dying from a migraine you might’ve appreciated the view but all you could think about was this numbing pain. “There’s aspirin on the table and a glass of water.” You nodded, reaching for your knight in shining armour as you consumed the medication. 
“Do you remember anything?” You remembered everything but you wanted to spare yourself the shame so you kept silent. “I tried to take you to your apartment but you fell asleep so I-” “I understand. Thank you, I hope I didn’t cause too much of an inconvenience.” You had began wandering around the room, collecting your belongings so you could leave as quickly as possible but Jungkook didn’t want that. “Y/N, slow down. I’ll give you something to change into, that dress can’t be comfortable.” He was right, it wasn’t. But neither was this predicament and every second you spent there was a second spent remembering the night you’d rather forget. You never drinking, ever again. 
Jungkook had come back from raiding his closet with a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. “You can change in the bathroom. Come down and eat breakfast and then I promise I’ll take you home.” “I don’t need to eat.” You shook your head, even tried rejecting the clothing but Jungkook had dropped it into your arms. “Unless you want to puke for 3 hours I suggest you get changed and come down to eat.” You rolled your eyes but complied nonetheless. 
You looked up at your reflection and you were a mess, your makeup was inconsistent, you were assuming it was because of the tears. Luckily, you didn’t wear mascara and after washing your face and tying up your hair, you started to look like yourself again. Jungkook’s clothing, which seemed to engulf your figure, had smelt nice and felt soft. You didn’t want to get used to it so you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind and left the room. 
You could see the stairs clearly from where you were standing so finding the kitchen was straightforward enough. Jungkook was seated on the island, phone in hand with two plates of what looked like omelettes. Jungkook had looked up at the soft patter of your feet and smiled. “You look good in my clothes.” You mumbled a quiet thank you and hopped onto the high chair that was surprisingly comfortable. “You want coffee?” You shook your head and poked around your omelette, you were never a big fan of eggs but you’d never complain. 
“Fuck Y/N, I can’t take this, please talk to me.” You wanted to but you’d already said all you wanted to say yesterday (rather harshly) and you didn’t feel like repeating yourself. “There’s nothing to talk about.” He sighed and got up to pour himself a cup of coffee, when he had returned, you had already eaten a third of your omelette. “Can we go now?” “Can you listen to my explanation first?” You nodded timidly, you wanted an explanation desperately but you were also scared of the truth. That he didn’t like you and never did. 
“My first ever love was in high school. She was my senior, I was a year younger and infinitely less experienced, but that didn’t stop me.” You both laughed, knowing that Jungkook was stubborn when he wanted to be. “She was beautiful, the kind of beautiful that took time to truly process, she was smart, book smart at least and she was kind to everyone, even when they didn’t deserve it. We dated for just over a year, it was nearing my graduation when she passed away. Car accident, drunk driver. Instead of getting the justice she deserved, her parents who barely had a dollar to their name were forced to settle for the equivalent of a used Toyota. The girl who hit her was old money rich, her family had connections with the best defence attorneys in the world. The lawyers she hired, put a price on a person I loved, they tried to tell me how much her life was worth and it wasn’t generous.”
Jungkook wasn’t crying, but you were. You knew the world was cruel but growing up in a middle-income family in a peaceful neighbourhood truly shielded you from a lot of life’s challenging aspects and knowing this had happened to a girl, just like you, really shattered your heart. You felt even worse trying to imagine how Jungkook had felt and how horrible the situation was in general. “I pursued law enforcement for her. She’s the reason I’m where I am today. I’m not asking for your pity, or excusing my actions but I want you to understand. Every time I start falling in love with someone, I pull away because no matter how tough I look, I can’t deal with loss.”
“I thought pushing you away would protect myself and that was incredibly selfish, and I’m sorry. I thought that I could do this, that’s why I confessed but the moment I was alone with my thoughts again, I realised I couldn’t. But for you, I’m willing to try. I’ll put everything I have into this, all I ask is that you forgive me for the colossal asshole I’ve been lately.” Jungkook held your hands in his and you giggled through the tears after he’d insulted himself and Jungkook felt his heart swell at you. 
“Alright but from now on, just give me the worst of you and we’ll deal with it together.” “Deal.” Jungkook inched closer to you, his hands cupped your face as he wiped the remnants of your tears. With your faces barely a centimetre apart, you could really see the pain in his eyes and all you wanted to do was kiss it away. So you did. Dragging his head down by his neck, you gave Jungkook a soft kiss on the lip that barely lasted a second but he needed more. 
Jungkook had opted to rest one of his hands on the back of your stool, the other on your cheek as he kissed you deeper. “I’m sorry I ruined your birthday.” Jungkook whispered out in-between kisses. “Nap with me and I’ll forgive you.” Jungkook chuckled before placing one last peck on your lips. He wrapped your legs around his torso and lifted you up smoothly. You squealed in shock but Jungkook ignored it, his mind solely on getting you back in his bed. You really did nap, and you enjoyed it quite a bit, after all his arms were the comfiest pillow.
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greekgeek21 · 3 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - filler chapters save lives
- your (extremely sorry and depressed) author
Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or the Avengers.
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This was inevitable. Percy was a ball of nuclear energy just counting down to an explosion. It wasn't a matter of if that energy broke free, but a matter of when. The group had thought it had happened when he set off a tropical storm in the middle of Nevada, but they were wrong. He had truly lost control only moments before...
when he killed a man.
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Percy didn't even spare a glance at the crumpled body before he rushed to Annabeth's side. His eyes raked over her body, checking for injury. When he found none, he pulled her into him, hugging her like she was his lifeline (and she practically was).
"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." he whispered in Ancient Greek over and over again in her ear, "I love you, I love you, I love you..."
Tears were slipping down both their cheeks, but they didn't move to wipe them away, likely neither of them had even realised they were crying. The couple was in their own world. One where only they existed and nobody could bother them.
It wasn't to last, though.
Someone on the team had to break the silence, and of course it was Tony, "As much as I hate to break this up, can we please get off this goddamned island now?"
He was speaking with false-sarcasticness, but nobody pointed it out. Everyone but Annabeth and Percy's eyes were on the body, or what was supposed to be one. Instead of a humanoid shape, it was a crumpled ball of bones, tissue, and blood. It was an awful sight, truly. Nothing was natural about it.
For everyone there, including the other demigods, it was eye-opening into the more blood-thirsty side of the divine world. Percy's powers were derived from the gods, and they allowed him to be able to do something like this. It was horrifying.
Ω ♆ Ω
Annabeth was the first of the two to come to her senses. She gently pushed back against Percy's embrace, signaling that it was time to come back to the real world; where they had to address what he had done. But that could wait. For now, Annabeth decided the best thing to do was to get everyone home safely.
"We should go, Percy," she whispered.
"I know. I'm scared, though," he spoke in Greek.
He did that sometimes, when he had a particularly bad PTSD episode. It was his mind's way of protecting itself. Even though he had spoken only English for the first twelve years of his life, his first language would always be Ancient Greek, just like all Greek demigods. It was the same for any type of demigod. They were born that way.
However, this wasn't an episode. This was his actions catching up to him. This was his world spinning on its axis once again.
Secretly, Annabeth had feared something like this would happen eventually. He was pushing down so much power, it was bound to break through at one point. That's why she had slowly been trying to coax him to use his powers fully again. Her theory was that the more he used them, the more control he would have on them, and the less they would be fighting against his willpower. He was a battery, and he needed to let some of the energy out every so often.
She would have to be more direct about her suspicions now. When they got home, that is. After he had time to adjust again.
It seemed like they were always adjusting now.
"I know, Seaweed Brain, I know. Let's just work on getting home, first, though. Ok?" she said.
She felt him nod against her neck before he pulled away from her, only to wrap an arm around shoulders a second later. He needed to feel her against him as a calming reassurance. And she needed him for the same reason.
They faced their team. Because that was what they were now, a team. They weren't the Seven and the Avengers anymore. They had been through too much in such a short span of time for them to be separate teams anymore.
"Let's go home," Annabeth announced, and started the trip back through the tunnel with Percy at her side, just like he would always be.
Ω ♆ Ω
Later, after Percy and Annabeth had disappeared into one of the cabins together, the rest of the team met up on the deck. Hazel would normally not like going behind their friend's backs to talk about them like this, but even she thought this meeting was important. This would decide Percy's fate once they reached the mainland again.
"Ok, who wants to start?" Hazel asked, after they had all just stood there in silence for a minute.
If nobody else was going to speak, then she was going to. She wanted this to be over as soon as possible. She had already made her decision regarding her cousin, and it would never change. That she was sure of.
"I can," Jason answered.
All eyes turned to him, but that did not phase him. He was trained to be a leader from a very young age. Having people look at him while he made speeches was part of the job description.
"I support my family, and Percy is family. What he did was horrible, obviously, but it wasn't anything the rest of us wouldn't have done in the same situation. He probably is going to punish himself more than anything else we could do to him. We need to show him that we are still his team, his family."
The rest of the demigods nodded firmly, agreeing with this. They knew Percy. They knew that what Jason had said was very true. Instead of punishing him, they needed to help show him that he was not a horrible person. Otherwise something like this would just happen again.
Time would just keep repeating itself.
The Avengers all glanced at one another, all unsure where to stand in this. Sure, they had learned a lot about the teen since they had first met, but none of them could be sure that this was just a fluke; that something like this wouldn't keep happening if they didn't do anything about it.
"How can we be sure that he won't do something like this again?" Natasha asked, a firm expression trained somehow on all five demigods present.
"We can't. But we CAN try our best to ensure that there is almost no chance. Percy has SO MUCH power, and he has been pushing it down in himself for months. That caused it to react harshly with his emotions. I'm sure Annabeth and Percy both know this. He needs help, not punishment," Piper answered, almost matching Nat's glare perfectly.
Steve spoke up next, "He killed someone, Piper. That can't go unpunished."
Piper kaleidoscope eyes seemed to flash brightly at the captain, "And you haven't killed someone, Captain? In the name of war? Love? How is what Percy did any different than you blowing up some hydra base?"
"That man down there is the best and most loyal man you'll ever meet. I can promise you that," Frank added in, "He would never do something to hurt a good person, not intentionally, just like the rest of us."
Bruce spoke up with fire, surprising everyone, "But that's exactly our point! He would never do something to hurt a good person INTENTIONALLY! But what about unintentionally?!"
Leo's nostrils flared, "You, out of everyone here, have no right to say that...Hulk."
Bruce looked like he had been slapped at first, but then his expression shifted into something resembling sheepishness.
Leo's flaming gaze (literally, his hair was smoking) passed over the rest of the Avengers, looking for any more objections. When he found none, he gave a curt nod of approval.
"I guess that's that, then, isn't it?" he said, and promptly went below deck.
Ω ♆ Ω
Percy and Annabeth were snuggled as close as possible on the bed in their cabin. Not a word beyond 'I love you' had been spoken between them yet. They just clutched onto each other like the other would disappear again any second.
Finally, after an hour had passed, Annabeth spoke, "We need to talk about it, Perce."
His head childishly shook. The sides of Annabeth's mouth lifted just a bit at the sign that her Percy wasn't completely hidden.
"I know it's hard, but we have to. You have to be ready to talk about it with the rest of the team later. They'll want answers, and I want you to be able to give them. It'll be easier with me first," she said, pushing a hand gently through his unruly raven-colored hair.
"You can answer in Greek if you have to. And you don't have to give long answers, you just have to say something," she reassured, "Does that sound ok?"
Percy took a deep breath before nodding his head.
"I'll start off simple. What are you feeling right now?" Annabeth asked.
He took a second to respond, but Annabeth was willing to give him all the time needed to form an answer, so long as he gave one.
"I'm tired. So tired, Wise Girl. My stomach hurts and I feel like my skin is on fire. But most of all, I feel like I don't even know myself anymore. I killed a mortal, Annabeth! How could I even look at myself again?" he answered in Greek.
Annabeth's heart broke just a little, "Oh, Percy. I know who you are. You are my adorable, powerful, and loving Seaweed Brain. You love your mother and blue food, and most of all, you love your purpose. You were put here to protect people, and that is what you did today. You protected me, okay? You didn't do anything that I wouldn't have done to save you. And I love you for it."
"But I KILLED a man, Annabeth! How can you even stand to look at me right now?!" he shouted, bursted out of her arms and off the bed.
Tears were starting to form on his lower eyelids.
"Because you are the love of my life, Perseus Jackson, and nothing you could ever do would make me love you less!" she shouted.
Good, Percy thought, Yell at me. Punish me for what I did. I deserve it.
As if she could read his thoughts, Annabeth yelled, "No! You do not get to manipulate me into punishing you for doing something that that horrible man deserved! You are not perfect, Percy, and neither am I. If you hadn't killed him, I probably would have! We are not perfect people, and we never will be. We're screwed up in the head, but we have each other! I will NOT let you go back into yourself."
"But that's the only way I can protect you! I have to hold it in!"
She sighed, "Percy, look at the facts. The only times you've put people in danger have been when you were holding your powers in. You need to let them out consistently in order to stop these large bursts from happening every time you get pissed off!"
Percy was silent, staring at the floor and mulling over her words. When he looked up, a tear had slipped down his cheek, "What if I'm too scared?"
"I'll help you. We all will, Perce. The entire team wants you to feel comfortable using your abilities. We can start off with taking you to some uninhabitable island or something. You just need to make sure you aren't pushing your powers down anymore," Annabeth answered, "Okay? Can you promise me you'll try?"
Reluctantly, Percy nodded, "I swear on the River Styx that I'll try to control and understand my powers."
Annabeth's eyes widened, but then she was crushing Percy in a hug, pulling back only to kiss him.
"I love you, Seaweed Brain."
"I love you, Wise Girl."
Ω ♆ Ω
"Well I guess that settles it then, doesn't it? We trust those ungrateful ingrates now apparently," Tony sighed, tacking a swig from a flask he had procured from somewhere and walking away from the Avengers.
You could always count on Tony Stark to simplify emotional situations. His only goal was to make them last less, though, whereas most of the Avengers wanted to talk it over some more. That wasn't on his agenda. Tony had his own agenda and discussing whether or not a teenager killing a terrorist was warrant for serious punishment was not on it.
Steve shared an annoyed look with Bruce before he nodded, "I guess it is. We'll have to discuss it with Percy when we get back to the tower, but for now, let's just get some rest."
"Yes, sir, Captain," Clint smirked, mirth flashing in his irises before he pulled Natasha over to lean against the railing around the deck.
They were no-doubt not going to let themselves get any rest, but Steve knew well enough by now to let it go. The spies ran on their own fuel and it clearly did not come from sleep, if the amount of times he'd actually seen them asleep counted for anything.
Bruce however, he could count on to actually follow orders, even if they were thinly-veiled ones. The scientist nodded his head at Steve, a small smile curving his lips, before he went below deck, likely to find a nice place to take a nap.
Steve, not wanting to seem like a hypocrite, followed after Bruce. He found an empty cabin quickly, and let himself fall into a light nap. If he had to, he could jump right into action, but he had to let his body get some rest.
He only hoped that the teens on board were doing the same.
Ω ♆ Ω
Steve was right, for the most part. Almost all of the Seven were resting. Key word: almost. Leo Valdez, ever the hyperactive inventor, was down in his makeshift shop, working on the design for his newest project.
The idea had come to him that day, when he saw how broken Percy looked. He had seen that look in his eyes before, right after the man had come out of Tartarus and he was determined to never see it cross his friend's face again. After everything Percy had done for him, Leo thought he deserved some peace of mind.
His idea was to design something to allow Percy to sleep peacefully. Something like this could help present and future generations of demigods forever. But if he was being honest, he had gotten the idea from the dreamless-sleep draught potion from Harry Potter. Before he had learned he was a demigod, he was a diehard potterhead. It was something he had managed to keep a secret from his new life for now, but it was coming in handy now.
Since he didn't have magic abilities like the wizards from the books, he had to compromise with what he DID have, which was a genius-level intellect, spare scrap metal, and some duct tape.
He had come up with more from less.
Leo figured that he could make a contraption that could connect with Percy's brain synapses and withhold some from firing, but only the ones in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls dreams. He also had to restrict it to nightmares only, because demigods needed dreams to make sure they didn't die. He just had to make sure he didn't accidentally cause Percy permanent brain damage. This particular part of the brain was vital in his daily function, so it would really suck if it stopped working properly.
At the moment, Leo was drawing out his designs on some paper he had pulled from his belt. His mind was working faster than his hand could, so it was taking longer than he would have preferred.
After an hour of careful and deliberate strokes of a pencil hitting paper, his head popped up from the desk, with a loud shout of "aha!", signalling his completion.
"Gods, I really am a genius, aren't I?" he muttered to himself in awe had he inspected the blueprint for mistakes.
"Talking to yourself again, Leo?" Jason commented, startling Leo as he entered the room, "That's not helping your case claiming sanity."
"Sweet Circe! Don't DO that, Sparky!" he shouted, nearly jumping out of his seat.
"If you were paying attention, you would have noticed me knocking on the door for the past two minutes, weirdo," Jason responded.
Leo rolled his eyes. His best friend knew very well that he lost himself when he was working, especially when it was something this important.
"What are you working on?" The son of Jupiter asked.
Leo grinned, eager to present his project, "I can't build it here, not without the proper equipment to test it, but I already designed it. I call it Papa Leo's Nightmare-restricting Device, or P.L.N.R.D. It's to make it so demigods can sleep without having nightmares. Like it?"
The son of Hephaestus wished he had a camera to take a picture of Jason's face at that moment. It was priceless.
Just when he was contemplating trying to pull on out of his belt, Jason pulled him into a rough hug, squeezing him until he couldn't breathe.
"Jace, I. Can't. Breathe!" he wheezed out.
He was ignored.
"Oh, you beautiful genius! I could kiss you!"
He was spun around in a circle.
"Please don't, it would suck to explain that to Piper," Leo joked once he had been allowed to stand again.
"I gotta tell the others! They're gonna be so excited!" he went to rush off, but Leo grabbed his arm before he could.
"Let's not...yet, okay? I just want to make sure that I get it finished and working before I tell the others. I don't want to let them down if I can't make it work," he said to explain his actions.
Jason looked like he didn't believe that would ever happen, but he gave Leo a brotherly pat on the shoulder, "Ok, McShizzle. I'll keep it to myself for now."
"No problem, bro."
"Gods, you are such a bro-boy. It's like living around a frat house."
"You take that back!"
Ω ♆ Ω
Sorry for how many time skips/section separators I'm using. I guess it's part of my writing style now. This is on FF, Inkitt, Ao3, Webnovel, and Wattpad too. Like, reblog, & follow!
- your (extremely apologetic) author
other chapters :)
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nxsmss · 4 years
Movies I watched in February
fyi, I have zero knowledge on how to professionally rate or review a movie. I am not gonna pay attention to every little detail. these rating are simply based on how much I enjoyed/liked the movie
Follow me
In Time
Avengers Age of Ultron
Star Trek
Step up all in
Project Almanac
Ant Man
Space Sweepers
Christiane F.
Jurassic World
Jurassic World the fallen kingdom
1. follow me
A social media personality travels with his friends to Moskow to capture new content for his successful vlog. Always pushing the limits and catering to a growing audience, they enter a cold world of mystery, excess, and danger. 
starring: Keegan Allen, Holland Roden, Denzel Whitaker, Ronen Rubenstein, Pasha D. Lchnikoff
the end was very predictable and i pretty much already knew halfway through the movie what was gonna happen. but it still was quite thrilling and I did enjoy watching it
2. unhinged
After a confrontation with an unstable man at an intersection, a woman becomes becomes the target of his rage. 
starring: Russel Crowe, Caren Pistorius, Gabriel Batemen
hm idk, I didn’t really like it, my sister didn’t really like it but my mom did, I think. it just seemed so, no overdramatic but just too much in a way
3. in time
In a future where people stop aging after 25 and need to buy time to live, the rich become immortal while others cease to exist. So, Will is on the run with a hostage in a desperate bid to survive. 
starring: Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Alex Pettyfer
yes, such a good movie. Ireally like the concept. can recommend
4. avengers age of ultron
When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go horribly wrong and it’s up to Earth’s mightiest heroes to stop the villanious Ultron from enacting his terrible plan. 
starring: Robert Downy Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johanson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Paul Bettany
hell yes, one of my favourite marvel movies. Wanda and Pietro.. Hawkeye.. all the little jokes throughout the entire movie and of course the scene where everyone tries to lift thor’s hammer, what’s not to love about this movie
5. songbird
In 2024 a pandemic ravages the world and it’s cities. Centering a handful of people as they naviagete the obstacles currently hindering society: disease, marital law, quarantine, and vigilantes. 
starring: K.J. Apa, Sofia Carson, Demi Moore, Bradley Whitford, Peter Stromare, Alexandra Daddario, Craig Robinson
I really enjoyed watching this. yeah sure, the ending was obvious but I was still glued to the screen. I also felt super weird watching this, kinda surreal because we are basically living a more harmless version of this rn. I really liked seeing sofia carson in such a movie, I’ve only seen her in the descendants so this was a bit of a change haha. I’m not that big of a fan of kj but he was great as well and i really loved his characters style.
6. star trek
The brash James T. Kirk tries to live up to his father’s legacy with Mr. Spock keeping him in check as a vengeful Romulan from the future creates black holes to destroy the Federation one planet at a time. 
starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Carl Urban, Eric Bana, Bruce Greenwood, Zoe Zaldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Anton Yelchin
I put it on because I wanted to have some background noise while playing sims but I ended up playing like 20 minutes and then just watching the movie haha I forgot how good it was, and the others as well, aaand I totally forgot carl urban was in it, so that was a little surprise. anyways, can recommend watching them if you’re into sci-fi action movies but at the same time, if you’re into that I’m pretty sure you’ve already watched them.
bonus: I also watched star trek beyond the other day but this time I was barely paying attention so I can't really say too much, but it's also quite good👍🏻
7. step up all in
All-stars from the previous Step up installments come together in glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define their dreams and their careers.
starring: Ryan Guzman, Briana Evigan, Adam Sevani, Misha Gabriel Hamilton, Sephen Stevo Jones, David Schreibman, Mari Koda, Alyson Stoner, Izabella Miko
definetly one of my favourite dance movies. highly recommend it!! I’d like it more without the romancde but it’s fine, I guess, I can live with it haha and the last performance... wow just wow that’s all I can say to that. y’all go watch it
8. project almanac
A group of teens discover secret plans of a time machine, and construct one. However, things start to get out of control.
starring: Jonny Weston, Sofia Black-D’Elia, Sam Lerner, Allen Evangelista, Virginia Gardner
okay... I did enjoy watching it! the beginning was a little slow imo but then it just got more and more intense which was kinda nice. god, at some point the main guy kept making the wrong decisions and that was very frustrating to watch. the ending was alright, spoiler ahead (I guess) I would have liked the ending more if it was the exact same as the beginning, meaning that the movie is just one big time loop and the events from the movie were about to repeat themselves. but that's just my opinion🤷🏻‍♀️
9. ant man
Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, cat burglar Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his Mentor Dr. Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.
starring: Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Michael Pena, Bobby Cannavale, David Dastmalchian, T.I.
another one of my favorite mcu movies. it's just fun and easy and doesn't have a lot of pain in it. the giant ant it's my favorite part haha I want it as a pet
10. space sweepers
Set in the year 2092 and follows the crew of a space junk collector ship called The Victory. When they discover a humanoid robot named Dorothy that's known to be a weapon of mass destruction, they get involved in a risky business deal.
starring: Song Joong-Kim, Kim Tae-ri, Seon-kyu Jin, Hyang-gi Kim, Richard Armitage, Ye-Rin Park
I really loved this movie. I cried like 6 times haha, which came unexpected. (or maybe it's because I'm suppose to get my period any day now) I did not think I was going to enjoy this movie as much as I did, at all. it was fun, it was exciting, it was sad (even my dad said that) the plot was good, the visual effects were amazing, it did feel like I was watching this movie for like 5 hours but not in a bad way and I am now kinda emotionally attached to the characters haha (I might do a rewatch). another thing I really liked was the language/synchronization. in the original version they speak mostly korean and english but also some other languages and it's the same in the synchronizations. the dialogue of the main characters is in the language you pick but every other character (I guess) is a different language and I absolutely love that. I highly recommend watching this!!
also, its was super weird seeing Richard Armitage not as a dwarf hahaha
11. christiane f.
A teen girl in 1970's Berlin becomes addicted to heroin. Everything in her life slowly begins to distort and disappear as she befriends a small crew of junkies and falls in love with a drug-abusing male prostitute.
starring: Natja Brunckhorst, Thomas Haustein, Jens Kuphal, Christiane Reichelt
I binged the series the other day and after the last episode this movie was in the "watch next" thingy idk and I thought "well, why not" and watched it. good movie, definitely!! I really liked that they didn't show the highs of doing heroin but focused on the negative effects it has on someone and what it's doing to your body. it is a super realistic but very very dark movie. the actors were all about 15/16 years old and looked very young which was a good and kinda disturbing thing because christiane and her friend were like 13/14 when that all happened and it made you realise that there were kids doing all that stuff
12. jurrasic world
A new theme park, built on the original site of Jurassic Park, creates a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex, which escapes containment and goes on a killing spree.
starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty simpkins, Nick Robinson, Irrfan Khan, Vincent D'Onofrio
13. jurassic world fallen kingdom
When the island's dormant volcano begins roaring to life, Owen and Claire mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from this extinction-level event.
starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Rafe Spall, Justice Smith, Daniella Pineda, Isabella Sermon
I am tired and don't really want to say all that much other than both of them are very good and I do like them. good action/adventure movies. can definitely recommend them. I definitely like the first one more because it feels like (just a little bit) that the main story in the second one is the same as in the first one, someone creates a new dinosaur species to make more money and something goes terribly wrong along the way. but it's still entertaining!
jurassic wolrd: 7.5/10
jurassic world fallen kingdom: 7/10
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angelic-holland · 5 years
TMO Epilogue
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“Love, that is the only thing that can occupy and fill eternity. In the infinite, the inexhaustible is requisite.” - Victor Hugo
Warnings: fluff and mild angst
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: You and Tom attempt to navigate your shocking revelation. 
A/N: wowie! thank you all for the love and interest in this series! I’ll be posting the alternate epilogue soon but I hope you all enjoy this one <3
The Birth
“Good job, love, keep pushing, oh my god, okay, I think I see the head,” Tom says, pulling away from your hand.
You let out a shrill cry, pushing with all of your strength, “you think?”
You start to panic, feeling overwhelmed as your body feels like it’s getting torn up from the inside out.
“That’s it love! You got it! He’s, oh my god, he’s here,” Tom shouts, looking up at you with wide eyes as you finally push your baby out, small cries filling your guest bedroom. 
“Oh my god,” you sigh, your head falling back onto the pillow and your eyes closing shut as Tom cuts the umbilical cord, swaddling your child in a blanket as he continues to cry.
“He looks just like you,” Tom says as your knees fall shut and Tom brings the baby over to you.
You force your eyes back open, smiling as Tom sits next to you, holding your kid in his arms.
“Tom, oh god we don’t even have a name for him yet,” you whine as you take him into your arms, a part of you, 50% of your DNA, a beautiful child that is yours, yet you haven’t even come up with a name for him yet. Your mind starts to race with intruding thoughts, that you’re going to be a bad mother. That going through with the pregnancy was a horrible idea. Even your mother probably had a name for you before she gave birth to you.
“It’s okay, he won’t even remember today, what do you think we should name him?” Tom asks, slowly wiping your forehead with a towel. 
“Trevor,” you reply. The name comes out of nowhere, you aren’t even sure you said it until Tom repeats the name twice.
“The name we came up with when we first met,” Tom smiles, “it’s perfect.”
“Hi Trevor, I’m your mommy, and this is your daddy, and we love you so much my sweet boy,” you smile, feeling tears well in your eyes.
You finally felt like you things were falling into place, even though you had worries, that you might fall into the same rut your mother fell into, that Tom is 10 times the man your father is, and he would be there for you in a way your father never was. 
Looking down at Trevor with Tom’s arm around your shoulder, you feel like your life is just beginning. 
9 Months Old
Tom and you are sitting on opposite ends of the living room, you with Trevor’s soft blue blanket, Tom holding onto Trevor as his legs begin to kick up.
You’ve been waiting for this day for a month or so, Trevor’s first steps. 
“Come on Trev, you got this,” you praise, watching as Trevor gets solid footing on one foot, his hands reaching out in front of him to pick himself up.
“Should I let go? I don’t want him to fall on his face,” Tom worries, his eyebrows turning in.
You nod, “doing so great sweetie,” you praise Trevor, “come to mommy!” 
Tom let’s go of Trevor, letting him begin to walk on his own.
“Mom-ma!” Trevor shouts, feet padding along the carpet, hands reaching out toward you.
The space is small and Trevor gets to you in no time, both of you falling into a fit of giggles as he crawls into your lap, tugging at your shirt.
“Do you want to try walking over to daddy now?” you laugh, helping Trevor stand up again.
“Dadda!” Trevor shouts, clapping his hands together as he begins to walk toward Tom.
You both watch in glee as Trevor continues to walk across the room toward Tom, clapping happily when he got to him and Tom snugly wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into his chest.
“Next step, swimming,” Tom chuckles, both of you grinning as Trevor gets up and starts moving around the living room again. 
“If the ocean tide doesn’t wash us all away by then,” you murmur, knowing Tom nor Trevor can hear you. You say it in a joking tone, but you can’t help but feel the smallest part of yourself wonder how life would be different if it was actually Tom that you killed. 
3 Years Old
“What are we supposed to do, Tom? We’re wanted by the FBI,” you say with a low voice, trying not to wake up Trevor. 
He’s sleeping soundly with his blanket curled in his fist, the first day on his big kid bed, one that’s still low on the ground but with only a bed rail instead of four sides like his old crib.
“You’re the one who tried to kill me!” Tom shouts as you shut Trevor’s door quietly, scolding Tom for being so loud.
“Why do you think I tried to, Tom?!” You shout back, stalking down the hallway toward your bedroom.
“I don’t know,” Tom groans, his hand running across his face in frustration as you sit on the bed and he follows.
“I knew something was wrong the moment we got back to Idaho. It wasn’t confirmed until I booked a room at the hotel across from my place and I saw the agents setting up shop in my house.”
“So you should have told me! We could have run away together!” 
“Why are we talking about this now?” You grumble, turning away from him.
“Because this is the first time we have had a chance to talk, to really talk since Trevor was born. And every time, every single time I attempt to talk to you about it, you ignore me, you change the subject.”
“Why do you think I change the subject Tom?” you cry, feeling his arms wrap around you from behind, pulling you tight into his chest as you sob.
“Shhh, it’s okay, we don’t have to-,”
“You tried to kill me first. You think I- you think I didn’t stay up night after night trying to come up with some way to keep you safe, make sure you didn’t suffer that didn’t end with me killing you?”
“I never meant to hurt you, y/n, to try to kill you. That day, you have to understand, it was the worst day of my life.”
“It wasn’t by chance, you know, loving you,” you reply, turning your head to kiss Tom’s cheek, “it was both the best and worst decision I’ve ever made.”
“What do you mean?”Tom asks, furrowing his eyebrows as you turn in his lap, resting your head against his chest so you can feel the rise and fall of his heartbeat. 
“Do you think I-, when I met you, I knew I shouldn’t have done anything. I know I shouldn’t have let myself get caught up in any feelings. I fucking knew this but I chose to fall for you anyway,” 
“Why would you chose to fall for me of all people?” Tom asks, feeling himself fumble with the idea of all the reasons why you should love someone else.
“You- you treated me not like I was some fragile broken girl, not like I needed to be fixed or put in place. You treated me, you still treat me with respect and dignity and that’s all I’ve ever asked for.”
“That’s just being a decent human…” Tom trails off.
“Shhh, ‘m not finished!” You kiss his nose as he falls back against the bed and takes you with him, “and the way you talked to Harry, about Harry, I know we’re both bad people and have done horrible, inexcusable things no matter the reasons we try to dig up, but the way you talked to him, I was sure that you’re not just a decent human, you’re an amazing one.”
“You don’t need to boost my ego, it’s just, I thought that we had things figured out, in the lake on the way back from Boston. I thought that no matter what happened when we got back from there, we would be together.”
“The FBI, I knew they were onto us after the fire… But when I talked to Jake one day, in this small coffee shop bakery thing, this guy was looking at us, I knew he knew exactly who we were. I was honestly surprised we lasted so long before they tracked us down completely. Before they found our places and were going to arrest us.”
“So why didn’t you tell me?” Tom pleads, cupping your cheeks and rubbing his nose against yours, a small gesture he does to calm himself down from time to time. 
“For my entire life I was never able to trust anyone. I was always alone in this world. Alone when my parents treated me as a burden, alone when I got caught up with Jake and that mess. When I met you, for the first time in my life I wasn’t alone.”
“Y/N, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because! For the first time I wasn’t alone. Do you know how fucking terrifying that was for me? My entire life I went thinking I was always going to be alone, that I’d never be able to find someone who loved me, who I could love back. And you come along and change my entire mindset.”
“I did that?”
You swallow thickly and nod, “you did that. God, Tom, I love you so much I was terrified by it.”
“I love you,” Tom replies, “I love you, I love you.”
You smile softly at Tom’s repetition, knowing it makes him feel safe, makes him feel whole, and in return, it makes you feel safe.
“But you aren’t terrified by it anymore?” Tom asks, brushing a strand of hair from your eyes.
“No, it’s… It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me… Other than Trevor,” you pick your head up to listen to the gentle snores of your child as Tom grins.
“When do you think it’s too early to teach him how to swim?” Tom chuckles, holding you tight to his chest as you begin to fall asleep.
“The water right outside our back door probably means we should teach him now,” you mumble sleepily.
“Now?” Tom says, the skin of his knuckles brushing up and down your back, “I think it’s a little late for that.”
“Shhh,” you squeeze your eyes shut, “we need to get him swim trunks.”
“How about Scooby doo ones?”
6 Years Old
The best part about going into hiding as a fugitive, nobody was looking for a mom with a child. Trevor was the best thing that has ever happened to you. He looked so much like Tom when he was born, it was insane. He had his eyes, his nose, his uniquely large ears. When he was born, in the bathtub of the house you bought, Tom cradled him in his arms and neither of you really thought of names before that moment. The moment when you rested your head on Tom’s shoulder and he held your child in his arms for the first time. The name came to you easily, as you remembered the first few days you and Tom spent together. You remembered Tom’s smooth midwestern accent, his alias. 
“Trevor,” you whisper, one hand cupping the back of your baby’s head as he cooed.
“Trevor, Trevor Samuel Johnston, has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” Tom says later that night as you fall asleep to the sound of ocean waves.
“Sounds perfect.” 
You bought this place after you found out the FBI was tracking you and Tom. Inconspicuous, creaking blue shutters and an eggshell colored exterior, a porch with a rocking chair. It was tucked away amongst other houses that all looked the same but slightly unique in the small village in the Marshall Islands. Nobody questioned the three of you, one small happy family starting their life here.
Tom is out grocery shopping while Trevor does his morning newspaper run, ending back up at your house. 
You press the cool glass of the pressed flower into your palm as you wait for Trevor to come riding back down the cobblestone path. 
“Mom! What kinda flower is that?” Trevor shouts, waving at you as he tosses his bike to the side. 
He holds out his hands and you let him cup the flower in his hand for a moment. He took in the dark purple that curled along the curve of each petal, the pinkish red as it neared the core, turning to a light greenish yellow.
“It’s called a black hollyhock.”
“What’s it mean?”
“It’s about taking a situation in which you feel powerless, and letting the energy of the flower transform you.”
“It’s pretty,” he smiles, handing it back to you.
“Come on in, let’s get you something to cool down, how was the newspaper run today?” you press the cool glass into your palm, flipping it over a few times.
“It was good, can I have an ice pop?” He asks excitedly as you run your hands through his curly brown hair.
That was something you missed about Tom, ever since that night he kept his head shaved. He was gorgeous either way, but you understood why he needed to keep his head shaved.
It helped him feel safe, your names were still on the FBI’s most wanted list, any second they could show up at your doorstep, arresting both you and Tom. 
So if Tom wanted to shave his hair, hell, you’d let him shave it.
“Of course, what kind?” you ask, following Trevor into the house.
“Blue raspberry! Duh! Our favorite!” Trevor laughs, holding his arms up when you reach the kitchen counter. 
You lift him up, nodding, “our favorite.”
His legs swing out in front of him as you search the freezer for two ice pops, tearing both of them open for the two of you.
“Cheers!” Trevor laughs, tapping his ice pop against yours.
“Cheers,” you laugh along, finding comfort in the blue food dye that stains both of your lips as you wait for Tom to come home.
8 Years Old
“What’s all this?” You giggle, squeezing Tom’s hand as he pushes open the sliding back door of your house.
“A date,” Tom says, picking up the picnic basket from the porch after he dragged you outside.
“But Trevor-,”
“Trevor is asleep, plus, I got the baby monitor out of the attic and if anything happens, if he wakes up,” he shakes the picnic basket, indicating that the other part of the baby monitor is inside of it.
“Date night,” you grin.
“Been wanting to do this for years,” Tom chuckles, guiding you down to your private beachfront, “so, I’ve got sparkling cider,” he says, pulling out a big beach towel, the one you always lay on while Tom and Trevor swim.
You take a seat next to Tom, shrugging off your cover up and tightening your bikini top. 
“My favorite,” you smile, and it’s genuine. You didn’t keep alcohol in the house, it was a small argument and an issue after Trevor was first born, but you knew what Tom needed. He needed a place where he didn’t have to think of alcohol and the thing that took his family away from him. You could give him that, god, if there was one thing you could give Tom, it would be a safe space.
Tom pours both of you a glass, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
“What’s this?” you ask, peeking at the fruit tucked away next to the baby monitor.
“Papaya,” Tom smiles, “your high school, uh, was it English?”
“History teacher.”
“History teacher said this place has the best papayas, ‘fraid we’ve been running around like crazy trying to start a life here for us, to make us as inconspicuous as possible, that we never got the chance to have the one thing that made you buy this home in the first place.”
“Thank you,” you mumble as Tom starts to cut open the papaya.
He feeds you the first piece, raising an eyebrow as your eyes crinkle and your face scrunches up.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Tom asks, sitting up and bringing you with him.
“Mrs. Meade was so wrong about papaya being good,” you shake your head, placing the fruit down.
“No way,” Tom grabs a piece, wanting to try it for himself.
When he swallows his piece he coughs, clutching his chest as you rub his back.
“Told ya.”
“Mhm,” Tom groans, pulling you up.
“Where’re we going?” You ask, turning back to the baby monitor, “Trevor is-,”
“Trevor is fine,” Tom assures you, squeezing your hand three times.
“One second,” you say, breaking away from him and grabbing your glass, finishing off the sparkling cider.
“What’s that for?” Tom asks, pulling off his T-shirt and throwing it back on the towel.
“Papaya was incredibly disappointing,” you laugh, handing him his glass so he can wash away the taste as well.
You don’t shiver as you step into the water, it’s warm and inviting as Tom follows you out.
“I’ll never get over how great this ocean is,” you laugh, splashing around at the very clear water as Tom pulls you into his arms.
“It is pretty great huh?” Tom rubs his nose against yours, letting you rest your forehead against his shoulder as he holds you tightly to him, drifting further out to sea.
“How’d you know?” You murmur, “how’d you always know?”
“I know you better than you know yourself,” Tom replies, he knows what you’re talking about, neither of you need to voice it, “you’re the one person I know more than myself. You let me know you more than I know myself. Thank you.”
“Thank you.” 
You’re grateful for him, for always being one step ahead of you, for choosing to be by your side after everything that’s happened. 
Tom pulls you in for a papaya and sparkling cider flavored kiss, something you haven’t stopped thinking about since the cold lake in Utah almost nine years ago. You’re grateful that the rather repugnant fruit taste is almost disappeared from your taste buds.
“I love you,” he murmurs, keeping his lips against yours.
“I love you,” you reply, holding him tight in the warm water, the moonlight rippling off the waves.
“I love you,” Tom repeats, pulling you tight into his arms like he wishes he did that night almost nine years ago. Both of you wonder what your life would be like if he kept you safe all that time ago instead of pushing you away. But looking back on it, with one happy, healthy boy and the love of your life you wouldn’t have changed any of the moments leading up to get you to where you are right now. 
Taglist:  @gioandreolli   @honeymoonparker @itsjusttor @averyfosterthoughts @worldoftom @angelhaz11 @rebekkah4766  @murdermornings
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ljnuwu · 5 years
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summary: heartthrob!jeno wants his habits to die but all his attempts to show you always seem to go wrong
genre: fluff(?), angst
warnings: cliche, like SUPer cliche, horrible grammar, cursing, kinda long(?) depends the kind of reader you are ig, not proofread
lee jeno amirite
alr so naturally being lee jeno everyone loves you
like how could you nOT love him its like impossible
now there are like a few people who don’t and that’s ok just live your life yknow
now lee jeno is like really really loveable
you know those situations where people are so nice that you want to kill them? that’s like everyone @ jeno minus the wanting to kill
instead it’s wanting to protect him at like all costs which is reasonable
ok so onto his dating life
jeno has a record of dating someone for like a solid one to three-ish weeks maybe the longest he’s ever dated anyone was like five weeks everyone thought he’d stay with them but it ended up breaking up so like :/
no one knows why jeno is like this like he drastically changed like kinda in the middle sophomore year 
like he went from a shy boy who couldn’t even look at a girl without blushing to this like confident boy that could make anyone’s heart flutter by just breathing
ok so like onto you
you actually were partners with jeno on a project in like the first half of sophomore year so like you know the og jeno yknow 😔
you also had like a minor crush on him at that time but we don’t talk about that
at first, you didn’t believe the rumors but then you saw/heard it with your own eyes & ears
you remember it so vividly like woah 
it was like maybe march or april of sophomore year when you were late to class and just didn’t bother going lmao 
so you were wandering around the school building and you thought you were the only one bc everyone had a class at that time so like you were kinda shocked to hear some voices in the hallways
so you wanted to be nosy bc like why not jsjd 
alr so this is what you heard 😳
“hyejin, what don’t you get? why do i have to repeat myself so many times to you?!”
“because i don’t get it! we’re literally perfect for each other!”
at this point you kinda regret eavesdropping so you try to leave quietly 
“it’s simple i don’t love you, i never did and i never will. please, did you think this would last forever? i only date for the thrill and when it’s gone so am i”
as much as you hated to admit it, you felt a little pang in your heart when you heard the boy’s words
how could someone live like that? but then again, who were you to judge how someone lived their life 
“screw you, lee jeno!” 
your eyes widen when you heard the name that was yelled out by the girl 
lee jeno?? the shyest boy on earth broke someone’s heart???? really??
at this time you didn’t know jeno was gonna be a new resident heartthrob at your school cause you’re kinda slow with news 
your friends weren’t even surprised when you asked why there were so many sad girls, seeing as you can be pretty oblivious sometimes :// me too dw 😔
so they were like jeno became like a fboi/heartthrob/heartbreaker something like that over night 
and you were like :0 bc you knew as jeno as the like really shy and nice guy who’s smile was like so adorable and made you want to protect you know 😔
alr so now to the present like two-ish years later it seems that jeno’s goal is to break like every girl’s heart at least in your grade yknow he’s going a grade at a time guys ghksd 
so you were his next target *sad emoji* how did you know this? well it seemed that he popped up next to your locker like everyday since school started back up after summer break lol
he’d usually greet you with a good morning or pickukp line
today’s was “aside from being absolutely breathtaking what do you do for a living?”
“well, i don’t really have a job but i am a student which means if i spare you any more of my breath i’ll be late to class. see you later heartthrob!” 
with that you zoom up the stairs and to your next class 
so class is over and it’s the ONLY class you share with jeno and like a third of his friends
the class was,,, overwhelming to say the least
from the girls swooning at literally everything jeno does to his friends being loud
yall know how loud like three of the members in dream are so 😔🖐
ok so this teacher is pretty chill and lets students like sit wherever which you at this moment realize is a mistake so you’re just hoping some girl at least tRiES to grab jeno’s attention and convince him but it seems luck isn’t on your side and all of the girls just seem to starstruck by jeno breathing
so he sits next to you surprise surprise 
and every time he’d tried to talk to you you’d ask the teacher a question, pretending not to hear him every time
at this point jeno got kinda annoyed but he just inhaled and exhaled, he could do this
when he was going to ask you something or flirt with you the bell rang
you didn’t pack up quickly like jeno expected- no you wanted to confuse him or maybe annoy him furthermore so when you’re practically done packing up you turn to him and say, “i miss the old shy and sweet jeno, don’t you? isn’t this whole heartthrob thing kinda tiring at times?” 
and jeno was like shook no one’s ever said that to him like woah yknow
he just kinda stayed frozen looking at you he was like: 👁👄👁 lmao jskfdj
so you just offer a smile and rush to your next class instantly regretting all your life decisions and when you get to your next class you sit down and your shoulders slump and you just bang your head on the desk yknow like jinsoul in that one live yeah :/
meanwhile jeno is still in the classroom stuck standing at that same spot and just staring at space
“hey jeno you alright bro?”
“jun shut up i think he’s having a realization moment”
“wtf is that?” 
“idk i just wanted to tell you to shut up”
and so renjun and hyuck start fighting and then jeno was like
“guys, do you miss the old me?”
“you mean the shy guy in freshman and like the first half of sophomore? nah you’re way cooler no-”
“hyuck literally shut up for oNCE oh my god”
“why should i”
“he doesn’t mean it you know we all miss the old you jeno, but who you choose to be is all up to you”
“woah that’s some deep shit renjun”
“i know bro” 
so like time skip to lunch everyone starts whispering when you enter the cafeteria and you were confused but then you sense a presence next to you and you can’t help but roll your eyes
does this guy just not give up?
so you sit at your table with your friends who give you pity looks and they eventually scoot a bit away from you and jeno 
some friends they are 😔
and you just start eating ignoring jeno because you don’t really know what to say?? like ok jsjf 
you’re kinda awkward and don’t know how to start a conversation with someone who wants to break your heart so it’s obviously gonna be a bit awkward yknow ://
then jeno just like clears his throat and is like “we were partners for a project in sophomore year, yeah?” 
to say you were surprised that he remembered that is an understatement but like your pride got the best of you and so you were like, “you can remember that but you can’t remember the last three girls you dated? interesting”
jeno poor boi chokes on his food like jaemin in that one video yknow 
but he just nervously laughs and decides he should just give up but like his pride man
“why don’t we go somewhere after school?” 
“are you asking me on a date lee jeno?”
“yes i am, you do know i’m not as shy as before, right?”
“trust me, i know that all too well” you mumble giving a tight smile you think jeno didn’t hear but he did and he thinks back to your words, it has gotten quite tiring and not to mention lonely doing this whole heartthrob thing
“well, are you going to answer my question?”
“hmm sure why not”
jeno was surprised by your answer but you just gave in knowing he won’t stop annoying you until you give in and you’d rather have a very peaceful school year
so time skip school is over and everyone collectively sighs in relief when the school gates are open 
you’re not surprised when you see jeno at the school gates waiting for you,,,,, with a bunch of girls surrounding him, asking him questions in their honey voices so you just stand there and watch him suffer at his attempts to tell them he’s got somewhere to go or smth like that 
he catches you looking at him and his situation laughing, i mean you were pretty amused by his situation but eventually you got bored and walked out of school and on your way to a cafe where you usually go to study
you don’t expect jeno to show up next to you out of breath, looking like a lost puppy
“finally got out of the hands of your adoring fangirls i assume?” you ask
you couldn’t help but smile at your own comment
“wouldn’t you like to know”
“actually i wouldn’t”
“so where to now?” jeno asks looking ahead changing the subject
you giggle again and quicken your pace
jeno finds your giggle,,, what’s the word... cute? 
no impossible
all the girls he’s been with had cute giggles
so why did he feel butterflies erupt in his stomach when you giggled? werid lmao
so yall made your way to the cafe and once you get there you immediately get your notes and stuff out
once you got everything settled and stuff you mumble a quick stay here to jeno so you can order and jeno can save your spot bless him 
so you order and stuff (i don’t really go to cafes and places like that often so that’s why i’m so awkward sorry)
once you settle back down in your seat you offer a sip to jeno and he reluctantly takes the cup and sips the drink he’s surprised at how good it is tbh same 😔
so once he sets your drink back down next to you you look up at him expectantly
“good, right?”
he simply nods and looks like he’s trying to solve all his life problems (me too bro)
you quirk your brows which jeno found REALLY CUTE LIKE REALLY REALLY CUTE HOW IS SOMEONE SO CUTE but shrug it off and go back to reviewing your notes while jeno contemplates the world’s exsistence
“so was that indirect kiss intentional or?”
you look up at him while you’re drinking your coffee with wide eyes but unlike jeno, you don’t choke you just set your drink calmly at least that’s what it looks like but inside you’re screaming 
“if we’re going to be talking and possiblly even dating for two weeks might as well become more friendly” you respond looking at him dead in the eye 
and at this moment jeno realized you had guts like bro no one he’s ever dated was that bold
and so he just smiles yknow that smile i’m sure you know that smile 
and so once you’re done studying and stuff idk you go back home and jeno offers to walk you home and you were like sure bc it’s not like he’ll take no for an answer
so the next day ! 
and on his way to school he thinks about all his life choices so far
and one of them is this heartthrob thing
is it really worth it? does he really want to continue committing to his goal i mean is the goal that important
deep shit like that yknow
and then he decided he’ll continue his goal bc why not
so when he got to school he waited at your locker for a WHILE
jeno almost gave up waiting but when he saw you rushing through the school doors his face literally lit up and he stood a little straighter
he’s whipped wbk
so he looks down at his phone rereading the pick up line he found on the internet 
when you opened your locker you were like, “sorry to keep you waiting, i missed the bus and just made for a run for it. sorry for being late, babe.”
hfhsjk i just cringed typing that hNGn ok 
so boi jeno was like shook and made that noise yknow the eH  
and you just smile and it seems your timing is always perfect bc then the bell rings 
so time skip to like a week later
by this time you’ve gotten used to jeno and jeno has gotten used to you and how you can sometimes be bold like REALLY bold lmao
and you get used to jeno being awkward and cute and his pick up lines but i mean you got used to it immediately bc that was how the old jeno™ 
so you guys are just walking with ice cream (cliche i know 😔)
so there’s this ice cream parlor that’s pretty close to your school and a lot of students go there so that’s why you’re not that surprised to see a bunch of familiar faces as you walk out of the parlor but you become aware of the fact that you are walking and holding hands with the lee jeno™ and so you kinda loosen your grip on jeno’s hand and look down at the ground
jeno notices this and immediately grabs your hand again, lightly squeezing it to reassure you everything is fine :)
and that’s when you hear it
“lee jeno got a new girlfriend already? guess i was too late” 
“don’t worry they probably won’t even last two weeks”
“how much you wanna bet they won’t even last one week”
and then your mood drops even more :(((
you think that jeno doesn’t hear it but he did and he’s >:(
and that’s when he decides that you will be first person he will love and no one else his first and last amirite
it’s not like he’s forcing himself to love you bc he’s well one his way 
everyone can see how he’s whipped for you but they still doubt it’ll last :/
so while he’s deep in thought he doesn’t realize that you’ve just stayed in that same spot after hearing those girls and when jeno realizes this he rushes to your side and takes your hand in his
then you look up at him in somewhat surprise and he just smiles
“i promise you that i will love you and only you, you’ll be my first and last love” (can you hear me dying and cringing while typing this?)
you can see the sincerity in his eyes and voice when he says this to you and you were like, “ayyy that’s a bit cringe even for you heartthrob no?”
he just chuckles softly and you can’t help but smile
believing him at that time may have been your worst mistake 
“soooo, how would you feel being my girlfriend?”
“why not, heartthrob” 
scratch that, that was you’re worst mistake
so a week later everyone is surprised to see jeno pursuing a girl for that long yknow i don’t even know what this is anymore shfjls ok 
so when it’s revealed you are official the whole school starts placing bets to see how long yall would last and although you’re kinda :( you immediately go :) bc you remember jeno’s words and decide no one needs to believe yall would last only you two. yknow cliche and cheesy stuff like that bc love has you blinded sis 
and so when you finally get to your locker you see jeno,,,, followed by a bunch of girls begging to break up with you and get with them and he just smiles and nods 
cause that’s all the poor boy knows, smiling and nods and then he spots you and his face immediately lights up and you just give him a tight smile and a questioning look bc how are you gonna get to your locker with all these girls in the way
you don’t want to be rude or anything so you just try your best to push through the crowd
when you finally get to your locker jeno’s attention goes to you and what you start doing, ignoring all the girls trying to get his attention lmao
eventually the crowd thins out and you just look to him with a slight smirk
“the heartthrob title seems to follow you everywhere, huh?”
“i really wanna drop it for you, yknow”
“hmm i can tell” 
you both just share a knowing smile and it’s so cute omg uwu
and so time skip to like lunch and you’re sitting with your friends after you had an agreement with jeno to let you sit with your friends this time around and he just obeys like a little puppy jskj
“what did he tell you that has you so whipped?” your friend finally starts with a slight smirk 
and you’re just like hmm? and look up from your food 
you aren’t necessarily into love but neither are you heartless you get me?
so you explain to them what jeno said to you that day in the shortest way possible and they just look at each other 
and you’re left clueless like, what?
and finally one of your friends speak up
“you don’t believe him right? he says that to like every girl when they’re unsure if they want to get with him”
and you’re just like ‘oh’ and look at your food
you can’t believe you actually believed his words
you’re mad at jeno, sure but more mad at yourself for believing him so you just nod at your friends
as if to tell them you understood
so skip to where you confront jeno :0
“you think you can lie to me and just simply get away with it?” you look jeno dead in the eye and he’s just caught off guard by your words and your voice 
“w-what do you mean?”
“don’t play games with me lee jeno. you know i thought something could actually come out of this, if not a relationship then at least a friendship! all you know is how to lie to someone jeno. i’m not going to waste my time on a relationship built off of lies.”
jeno is left speechless, what did you mean? why are you suddenly acting like this? wasn’t everything fine last time you guys talked
you seeing his confused face you decide to explain furthermore
“that whole first and last speech was just something you recited to every girl, wasn’t it?” 
jeno doesn’t respond for a while and just looks at you, searching for what you’re feeling but it seems he can’t figure out what it is you’re thinking
you take his silence as him agreeing with your question
you scoff and decide you’ve had enough of lee jeno today and start walking home
you weren’t surprised when lee jeno didn’t follow you 
the next day at school you don’t see jeno at your locker and you just shrug it off 
when you open your locker an envelope falls out and you hesitantly pick it up
you open it and start reading it because your curiosity got the best of you
dear y/n, i’m sorry for not following you home when it’s pretty dangerous for a beautiful girl like you to go on your own. not that you aren’t perfectly capable of protecting yourself but it would calm my heart a bit if i knew you got home safely. i just want you to know that i wasn’t bluffing when i told you that. i may have said something along the lines of those words but that doesn’t mean i didn’t mean it with you. you are probably the only person that has told me they missed the new me. when you told me that you really put me through a spiral of thoughts. one of them being what happens if i just drop this whole heartthrob thing? then what will happen. maybe i can actually find love in this highschool, highschool sweethearts are always interesting stories to tell. that’s when i realized that it could be you. someone who has seen the old me and even misses it. which, if i’m being honest i kinda do too. this is getting too long ahhhh. what i’m trying to say is that i will truly love you and only you. 
sincerely, lee jeno
you hear someone clear their throat next to you and you look up to see jeno himself with a single rose which you gladly take lmao
“give me another chance?”
“three dates starting tomorrow, all at the diner we went to. don’t be late”
“r-right of course”
the next day was a saturday and you were waiting for jeno
“hey! i know you said not to be late but something came up with my family and i couldn’t get out of helping-”
“i get it, it’s fine jeno” you smile, letting this slide
you get it, family situations are always hard to get out of
the second day was sunday and you were waiting for jeno
you start regretting ever talking to that boy, it seemed like he didn’t even care at this point
maybe that letter was nothing but lies as well
you hear a bell ring, signaling someone had entered the diner 
you look up and see jeno searching for you with worried eyes
he was about to open his mouth to give you a reason but you just nod and smile, “it doesn’t matter right now, what matters is that you’re here now”
jeno just nods his head and reluctantly agrees with you
the third and final day was monday and you were once again, waiting for lee jeno
it just so happens that he ended up getting detention today so he was going to be late
at least that’s what he texted you
when you hear the door open you see jeno and you decide he’s not worth your time anymore
jeno tries his best to explain to you why he’s got detention but all you can look at are his crinkled clothes and the lipstick stains all over his face and neck. 
he realizes you’re staring at his face. he raises his forefinger hesitantly up to his left cheek and looks down at it, only to realize what you’ve been staring at this whole time. 
when he looks up to where you stood, he tries once again, to explain but it seems the words are just stuck in his throat. 
“it’s okay, old habits die hard.” you spoke, offering him a smile and walking out of the diner, leaving a defeated jeno.
he really wanted this to work
he really wanted to give you all the love you deserved 
but nothing seems to go his way
being known as a heartless boy who gives up on trying to love or even having a relationship seems fitting for him, right?
a/n: this is crap and the ending was kinda rushed sorry :( this is my first bulleted scenario and i really enjoyed it! it turned out to be longer than i expected it to be lmao but please do drop some more requests!1! hopefully this will be a filler til i get my phone back jsjdf (part two? i’m jk skks)
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Wild Heart
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko/Katara
Status: Complete
Words: 2,805
AO3 Link 
Desc: Sometimes Zuko wonders if his horrible Agni Kai and banishment or his struggles - with his nation, his destiny, and himself...if all his hardships were worth it. But then he sees her smile.
A/N: Hello all! I'm obsessed with Bleachers, and so many of their songs fit Zutara. So I challenged myself to write a fic for every song. Here's the first one! These fics are ordered in the track order, not in chronological order. Cont...
Basically everything in here is like canon level, except it goes into a bit of detail about Zuko's scar and the healing process. Some of the flashback dialogue/information is taken directly from the show, or Zuko's prequel comic and "The Search". (Which aren't canon, but it's easier to steal from them than to try to get a read on Ozai or make up Fire Nation traditions lol.) I put a lot of effort in to keeping literally everything canon except the very ending, the only difference is that you see Zuko's thought process throughout. This was tough, considering in early season three he's pretty WACK and like ridiculously OOC, especially in "The Beach", and I hate it, but I wanted to show all those little ways that Zutara is still pretty damn canon. Bryke just made Aang their self-insert so he HAD to get the girl. 
Anyways, enjoy!
The Fire Lord sits in his study and looks over a proposition from the Earth Kingdom to impose sanctions on the Northern Water Tribe until they agree to help their sister tribe with rebuilding. He knew the first year after the war would be the hardest, but Spirits was this terrible. Every move, every decision, every little choice he made seemed to have boundless political repercussions. Was he endorsing this? Shaming that? At the last big meeting with the Fire Council and various noblemen of the country, he’d served wine to the attendees and apparently picked sides in an argument between two men who owned neighboring vineyards and both claimed the same bit of land between them.
Zuko sighs and rubs his eyes, dropping his head in his hands.
He was tired, he was confused, and he was more than a little fed up. Trials for those involved in the war were still ongoing, and he knew by the end of them all his army would be small and his prisons overflowed.
The other nations needed reparations, both in money and physical assistance as they rebuilt. He was happy to provide all the aid he could, but they needed so much help and the Fire Nation had to rebuild as well. The village his friends had described to him, the one destroyed by pollution from a Fire Army factory, was far from unique. It was clear to Zuko that his predecessors didn’t care very much about their people, or at least not at an individual level.
Was it all really worth this new life?
Zuko had lost his mother and his cousin when he was only eleven. He’d then endured abuse and manipulation from his father and sister ten times worse than before. He’d been indoctrinated into a culture of imperialism and superiority, hearing all throughout his childhood that his nation and his family were superior and deserved all the glory in the world.
Even with the presumption and arrogance he was surrounded and seduced by, he’d still been a source of shame for his father, and suffered for it. Azula was born lucky. He was lucky to be born. It was what his father had reminded him day after day when he couldn’t master firebending like Azula could, when he cared too much, when he spoke out of turn, when he expressed himself, whenever he was less than perfect.
He knows now, perfect in his father’s eyes is something he could never achieve. And if he had? Well, that would be a real reason to be ashamed.
And then he’d just wanted to go to a war meeting. He’d just wanted to show his father he was capable. That he was worthy of love and respect.
When he’d heard the general’s plans to send new recruits into battle as a diversion, like koala-lambs to the slaughter, he’d spoken out before he knew what he was doing. What he had known was that it was wrong, and that he’d hated it.
“You can’t sacrifice an entire division like that! Those soldiers love and defend our nation! How can you betray them!?”
“Prince Zuko! How dare you speak out of turn and oppose your superior! It is not your place to dispute General Himura’s plans, and to do so is an act of complete disrespect. There is only one response to your insolence, an Agni Kai!”
Zuko turned to General Himura, who must be a cowardly man to sacrifice their new recruits as a distraction instead of launching an invasion honorably.
“I am not afraid. I accept.”
At sundown, the Agni Kai began. Zuko may not have been as powerful as his sister, but he knew he could take a cowardly, and likely weak, old man. He had been confident, but when he turned to face Himura, he saw a face he’d never expect to oppose in a dueling arena. His father, Fire Lord Ozai.
Zuko fell to his knees, both in shock and submission. He couldn’t believe his father was prepared to duel him. Everyone knew who would win. But of course it was Ozai, he may have spoken against a general, but it was in the Fire Lord’s war room. Any disrespect in the Fire Lord’s sanctum is disrespect to the Fire Lord himself.
He could feel tears begin to well in his eyes as he bowed to Ozai, “Please Father! I only had the Fire Nation’s best interests at heart. I’m sorry for speaking out of turn!”
“You will fight for your honor!”
“I meant you no disrespect! I am your loyal son.”
“Rise and fight Prince Zuko!”
“I won’t fight you.”
“You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher!”
All Zuko could see as he looked up with tears rushing down his cheeks, was his father’s angry face. And then he raised his fist with white-hot flames blazing, and Zuko felt the worst pain he could ever imagine.
He woke up in the Palace medical chambers. He reached up to feel his damaged eye, and hissed at the pain of his bandages rubbing against the skin edging the burn. He couldn’t see anything from his left eye, and he prayed to the Spirits it was only because of the bandages.
His father stood above him, looking disgusted.
“Prince Zuko, you have shown yourself to be unworthy of the crown and unfit to stand upon the land of our noble ancestors. You are therefore stripped of your birthright and banished from the Fire Nation until you can prove your worth.”
Ozai turned and made his way to the door. Right before exiting, he turned back to his son, “I hope you will not be arrogant enough to keep your full head of hair after losing to the Fire Lord,” he sneered in cruel amusement, “No one likes a sore loser.”
Zuko pulls himself out of his memories and shakes his head to clear it. That was a long time ago. His father’s barbarism could no longer affect him.
Well, it did, but only in the ruined economy and society of the Fire Nation. Zuko no longer flinches when he enters the war room, nor does he feel the stab of pain and resentment in his chest when someone describes him as lucky in any capacity.
But his new life as Fire Lord, somehow boring and hard at the same time, and even all the strength he’d gained, doesn’t quite seem worth all his pain. Those three, almost four, years of searching desperately for the Avatar all across the globe, they weren’t fun. He’d had to face his father and his sister, two people who should have loved him unconditionally, and realize that they were twisted, evil people with no hope of being saved. He’d struggled with, and eventually accepted, the fact that nearly everything he’d learned throughout his childhood about the Hundred Year War and the man who started it was wrong. That what he was doing was wrong. He’d fallen into anger and hatred of himself more than once, despising himself for his actions, and the world around him for driving him to make them.
Really, was all that worth it?
And then his wife strides into his study with a smile on her face and makes her way to his side to give him a kiss. Katara settles into his lap and strokes his cheek tenderly, then snuggles into his chest and rests her head on his shoulder as she reads over the documents in his hand curiously.
“How’s my favorite Fire Lord doing today?”
He closes his eyes and leans into her hand. He can’t feel anything where Ozai burned him nearly five years ago, but he thinks he can always make out a ghost of his wife’s touch. She doesn’t even have to use her healing, there’s just something about her that makes the impossible seem otherwise.
“Better, now that you’re here,” he answers with a smile.
Thinking back, that’s sort of always been the case. His day has always been made better when Katara was around, even if that just meant Aang was close by. Really, even his past self, angry and stupid as he may have been, could appriciate her glowing brown skin and fierce blue eyes that never lost the love in them.
Even throughout his stupid decisions, his betrayal, and his repeated attempts to hurt them, she’s always seen right through him. She may not have trusted him, but she’d always known that beneath all the anger and hatred and animosity, he was really a scared kid who wasn’t sure what was right. Even when she’d yelled at him beneath Ba Sing Se, called him a terrible person and declared that as the Fire Lord’s son he was only capable of evil. Even when she blamed him for her mother, she knew. This time, she’d been the one covering things up with her anger, because she’d known that all he needed was to see the light. And honestly? She could have been just the person to help him.
When he’d offered up the story of his mother, desperate for her not to hate him, not even knowing why, she’d remembered the truth she’d always known. Her heart and hand reached out to him, and he took it. And really, he’d never let go. She’d apologized, and he’d confessed that he was considering choosing his own destiny. She’d even offered to heal his scar. And when she’d brushed her fingers across it, he’d known she was special, that she probably could heal it. Especially with that Spirit Water. Uncle had told him in their weeks at sea that the water from the Spirit Oasis could reverse death if the soul hadn’t left the body yet; he’d never imagined they’d give that away to the Avatar’s waterbending master.
But despite all this, he’d still been weak. He’d longed for his father’s love, convinced he had no one else’s. And he’d betrayed her. He’d fought her and the Avatar, and he’d stood aside in horror as Azula killed him.
“I thought you had changed!” she had yelled as they fought.
“I have changed,” he’d responded, and he had. He finally knew the truth, he just forced himself to ignore it.
“She has the Spirit Water,” he’d thought, trying to excuse it all. He’d get to go home, see the people and land he missed. His father would welcome him back with love, perhaps even hug him. His honor would be restored. It was everything Zuko had wanted.
And yet, it still didn’t feel right. All he could see when he went to bed every night was Katara, holding the Avatar’s body with a look of pure despair. He knew, even if he was loosening his grip on her hand, he still grasped her finger tips.
He’d kept a hold on them as he made his way through the beginning of the life he’d always wanted. Terrified of losing it if the Avatar resurfaced, he’d hired an assassin. And as soon as he’d gotten home, he’d collapsed on his bed and screamed, “Stupid stupid idiot why would you do that it’s not right he’s a child-”
This had run through his head on repeat, even as he’d tried to make it work with Mai. But she just hadn’t got it, hadn’t got him. He hadn’t been sure he’d made all the right choices, but she hadn’t seemed to care about his inner turmoil. Whenever he’d been concerned, her emotionless face had seemed to say “Why do you care so much? Why are you so freaked out? You’re the Fire Prince, what do you have to worry about?” She’d mostly wanted to kiss and laze about in that privileged way only royals could. He’d given her gifts, tried to be thoughtful, just like a boyfriend should. She’d just disregarded it, hadn’t even cared that he’d wanted them to be happy, he really had. And even though he’d fought with her and had no fun throughout their tiring relationship, he’d still gotten jealous of Ruon-Jian. She was the one who’d really wanted it, she was the one who had a crush on him when they were kids. And she still couldn’t keep her eyes off some idiot jock at a house party? She’d been chatting with him! She never chatted with anyone! He’d gotten angry, and he’d shoved Ruon-Jian. And then she’d yelled at him for not keeping his temper under control, and declared their relationship over. If he had been honest with himself, he would have known that it was a relief, a weight off his shoulders. But he’d still been deluding himself, and he’d still thought he wanted a perfect Fire Nation girlfriend.
The thought occurred to him once or twice that he needed Katara to lecture some sense into him, maybe smack him with a water whip a few times.
But he tried to make up with her, with Azula, with Ty Lee. They’d attempted to have a group therapy session, like they were normal teens with normal problems just contemplating their place in the Universe instead of four of the most important teens in the world at the time, each with a crucial role to play in the war they’d had no choice but to fight in.
He’d told them he was angry at himself, which was true, but he’d told them he didn’t know the difference between right and wrong anymore, which was a lie. He’d known the difference, but he’d still purposely chosen wrong and he was furious at himself for it. He’d silently cried himself to sleep that night, aching to reach out and take Katara’s hand properly, like he should have before, but knowing that he didn’t deserve to hold it then.
His uncle’s disappointment had hurt the most. And even though Iroh was so, so disappointed, he’d still sent that letter. As Zuko read the history of his great grandfathers, and heard Iroh explain the truth, he’d known Uncle was right. There was good and evil at war in him, confusing him, the good in his heart, and the evil forced into his mind over and over again. He’d known then his true destiny, to repeat this fight between good and evil carried out between two people who should love each other. Roku and Sozin were best friends and battle brothers. He and Azula were brother and sister.
And yet, selfishly, he’d stayed just a little bit longer. Mai was being good to him again and it was just so nice. He’d even let himself have a petty little Fire Court problem: he hadn’t thought he’d been invited to the war meeting. But he had! He’d gotten to sit at his father’s right hand and give his opinions without fear of getting a flaming fist to his good eye.
But then his opinion had led to Ozai and Azula deciding to burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground, and he had to admit the time for being selfish was long since past. He’d packed his things and prepared for the Day of Black Sun, writing a note to Mai explaining everything and timing his confrontation with his father so he’d have to listen instead of giving his son another scar.
And finally, he’d grabbed Katara’s hand properly. She pulled him up to his feet...and then tried to pull her hand away in fear of him gaining her trust again just to break it. He deserved it, obviously. But he fought to prove himself to her, and he did. Now her hand grabbed his tightly and pulled him close.
He would never let go again.
And now as they hold each other close once again, thoughts of family dancing at the back of their minds, he decides, definitively, that it was worth it. He’d do it all again, ten times worse, if it meant he could still have Katara.
“I will need your help on this one though my love, I’m afraid I’m far from understanding Water Tribe politics.”
She tosses her head back and laughs, and for the millionth time he memorizes her every detail. Her big, beautiful blue eyes, her long mahogany tresses she wears in Water Tribe braids pulled up into a Fire Nation top knot that holds her crown perfectly, her golden brown skin that always has that magical glow to it, the slope of her nose, the way her full lips curl in when she genuinely smiles...he could go on. He knows every little bit and bob of her body and he adores each one. Every night in their bed he lays a kiss to every inch of her, thanking the Spirits again and again for blessing him with this goddess.
He would do anything to keep them perfect like this, he knows it.
Further notes: For the record, my family and I had a huge debate on what degree Zuko's burn was and what level of damage it would have caused. It's weird since the scar's appearance suggests 3rd or 4th degree, but he can still hear and move his eye, suggesting 2nd. Eventually we settled on moderate 3rd degree and concluded that he lost sight in the eye but not movement. He's got a good amount of nerve damage, and his skin is likely leathery and tight. With modern medicine and skin grafting, he would have had a much better time, and if treated quickly enough he may have been able to eventually regain sight. Frustratingly, there isn't much documentation of thermal burns to the eyes and their effects, seeing as a burn like Zuko's is extremely rare. Generally, if your eye is burned your whole face is burned and they're usually more concerned with your ability to breathe.
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fairymadnessyeah · 5 years
Birthday Boys
Chapter 3: Sibbling
Shouto Todoroki liked to think he took good decisions. At first, it might not seem like it, but he swears that they were. Telling Midoriya about his home situation was a good decision. Becoming Bakugou’s friend was a good decision. Ish. They all sounded like terrible ideas that could end horribly wrong. But they didn’t. So he was pretty much sure that going to his brother’s work place after being rejected by said brother was one of those ideas of him. It sounded stupid and dangerous but he knew it was a good one.
He stepped out of the bus and walked for fifteen minutes to Inferno. When he entered an electric guitar echoed instead of a bell and he heard someone telling him to wait for a moment from another room.
The place was dark, with giant murals in each wall, lighted by ulta-violet light above them that made some parts of them shine. At the front of the store, with their backs to the window, was a couch and a couple of chairs with a coffee table that had different portfolios on it. At the back, there was a gateway with a courtain on the right corner, a door on the left and in between them a counter with a cash register on it that displayed a thousand different piercings. A constant buzzing mixed in the background with some rock music he couldn't place, bringing the whole place together.
As soon as Shouto sat down on the worn out couch, Touya stepped through the courtain and locked eyes on him.
“What are you doing here?” He asked angry.
“I want a tattoo” Shouto told him as he grabbed a portfolio filled with tattoo designs.
“You are only sixteen, you need your tutors consent, which you don’t have” He explained to the younger guy “Leave.”
“Then I want a piercing” Shouto told him, leaving the portfolio and getting a closer look on the display, ignoring his brother’s stare.
As he was looking, a woman with purple and black hair came out of the room with her forearm wrapped in film paper. She had an intricate design of vines and flowers that wrapped around a skull with red seeds in its mouth. The lady paid and left.
Shouto kept on looking at the piercings display feeling his brother’s glare on his back. Touya would have to deal with it, because Shouto had a plan and if he had to take his damn time looking at piercings, he will.
Yesterday, on Sunday, after seeing his sister so broken over Touya and what happened at the grill, Shouto decided that he was not going to let his brother walk out of their life again.
Not without doing something about it. Not this time.
The guitar door riff sounded again and both brothers turned to look at the newcomer. It was a red haired guy with a white uniform. “Hey Dabi, got your hair dye right here” She said and waved a box that she left in the counter.
“Who’s this little fella?” She asked as she pulled the sunglasses she was wearing to look at him better.
“I’m Shouto” He told her.
“Well, I’m Magne, I work at the salon next door.” She took out a flyer and have it to him. She looked towards Dabi to say something to him but came to the receiving end of the ’icy glare’ “Au revoir” She waved and blew them a kiss as she left the store.
“She seems nice” Shouto told his brother as he folded the paper and put it in his pocket.
“Are you done yet? Or are you going to keep wasting my time?” Touya asked him glaring at him.
Shouto pointed to two pendants, one with a flame and other with a snowflake. Dabi rolled his eyes with a sight and took them out of the display. He placed them on the counter and crossed his arms.
“Which ones you want?” Dabi asked him as he let him take a closer look at the pendants.
“A two and a six”
“Same ear?” Dabi asked as he walked to the doorway with the curtain.
“No. The snowflake on the right and the flame on the left” He followed his brother behind the curtain with the two pendants.
The room was like the rest of the place with murals decorating every wall, though this ones were more muted and less dark. There was a seat, like one would find in a dentist office but black and leathery. And next to it a machine Shouto had never seen. He guessed it was the tattoo gun.
Dabi rolled the machine to a wall next to a full length mirror and exchanged it for a rolling table with a piercing gun. He took out a bottle of alcohol as Shouto sat on the chair. He gave his eldest brother the two pendants as he started to disinfect his ear.
He took the gun and pierced one ear and then put the pendant in. He repeated the action on the other ear and when he was done, Shouto went to the mirror to look at it. It looked great. Would Midoriya like It? Would Yaoyorozu like it? He though as he stared at them. The two brothers heard the guitar/bell go off and Dabi left without a word. Shouto took a picture with his phone and as he was sending it to his friends, he heard his brother speak.
“Look Mist-man, I get it that you want to take care of the guy, but I need you to stay out of our problems.” Shouto stepped through the doorway and saw that his brother was talking to a guy in a suit with purple blackish hair, that stood up as if it was floating. “Whatever happens between Mophead and I, is our business and our business only.” The other man sighted.
“You’re still mad at Shigaraki?” Shouto asked and both men turned to look at him. He stared at the new guy and streched his hand for him to shake. “I’m Dabi’s younger brother, Todoroki Shouto”
“Kurogiri” The man said surprised as he shook his hand “It’s a plasure to meet you”
“Dabi and Shigaraki are fighting because of me and my other siblings. Shiagaraki contacted us and tried to surprise him but Dabi didn’t take it very well and left.” Shouto explained to him and recieved a flick to his recently pierced ear. “OW”
“Shut up, Shouto” His brother hissed at him.
“I see” Kurogiri said as Shouto held his ear, feeling as if it was going to come out. “Very well, Dabi, I will stay out of it, but I do believe you should talk with Tenko. Young Todoroki” He bowed his head to Shouto as then left the shop.
“Pay for the piercings and leave” Dabi told him.
Just as Shouto was taking out his wallet, the guitar riff went off and a blonde guy came throught. He said he had an appointment and Shouto told his brother to go ahead and that he could wait. He sat on the couch and started looking at the portfolios. Dabi sighted and asked the guy for his ID before leading him to the back room.
Three hours later, the guy left with a pegasus on the back of his left shoulder. Shouto spent the last hour answering his phone since his friends had seen the picture he sent of his new piercings. The coments varied from surprise to joy.
During those hours, he could only hear the buzzing sound of the machine and some punk song that he didn’t recognise. He liked it here, it was soothing.  
When the guy left the shop, he paid Dabi and left with a ‘See you tomorrow’. He walked to the bus and after an hour, made it to the dorms on curfew.
The next day, after school, he went back to the tattoo place. He took his books and schoolbag with him this time. When he entered, Dabi was talking to a girl with messy buns that was sitting on the counter. When she saw him, she jumped out the display and went to his side asking him a million questions at a time. Aperently Kurogiri had told all of Dabi's friends about Shouto.
“Hi, I’m Toga, Are you Dabi’s brother? How many does he have? Ooohhh was he prick when he was younger? And when did his emo phase start? Was he a good brother? I love your hair, where do you dye it?” The girl spoke fast and only breathed again when she finished asking.
“Umm…” Shouto blinked confused, not accustumed to the girls mannerisms. “Yes. Two more, a brother and sister. He was. When he was 10. He was. I don’t dye my hair” Shouto answered all her questions in order.
“You don’t?” She asked cofused and started to mess with his hair.
“I have vertiligo in the right side of my body and it mutated with my mother’s albino genes that she passed me. So… Half white, half red” He explained to her.
“Cool” She complimented him. “Can I take a closer look?”
“Sure” He shruged and Toga pulled him to the couch were she started to take a closer inspection at his hair.
Meanwhile, Dabi was confused and pissed off. This was not starting to be a good year for him. First, his boyfriend, the guy he thought would understand his decision to leave his family out of his life, went against his back and brought them himself to him. Second, all of their friends, who he thought would tell Tomura how wrong his accions were, took his side and told Dabi he was being ‘paranoid’ and ‘stupid’. And third, his stupid baby brother, who was only 16 at the time, was staying at his shop for the second time, and something deep inside him told him it would not be the last.
Both brothers, without noticing, took out their notebooks at the same time. One started sketching while the other writing. Toga chuckled at it and watched as the two got lost in the pages.
“What are you writing?” She asked the younger brother.
“I have homework. I need to write an essay for my English class.” He told her and showed her the paper he started. “It’s about the moon landing”
Toga snorted at that. “You are so much like Dabi. Everytime he gets drunk he starts telling us all his theories of how the goverment fakes everything and how they are going to implant devices in our heads to control us.” She told him, giggling. “One time he got so drunk, he left to prove that he was right and came back with twelve books about politics.”
Shouto laughed at the memory with Toga until Dabi closed his notebook loudly, making them stop. Toga kept on chuckling and stood up to puch Dabi in his arm. She left telling Shouto to come visit her at Killer Queen for a makeover and waving like crazy. Shouto waved back confused at the strange yet nice girl.
The two brothers spent the rest of the day in silence. A couple of costumers made an appearance, but nothing too time-consuming. Just some piercings and a wrist tattoo of the word ‘Ohana’. As the hours went by, he could see his brothers patience running out.
Dabi sighted and massaged his temples. “Kid what are you doing?” He asked him. “I know Tomura told you about One for all and the gang. Do I have to explain to you in how much danger you could be for just being here?”
“No” Shouto told him. “But you are being stupid. Isn't the guy in jail?" Touya didn't respond to that and the two spent the rest of the evening in silence. When Shouto's alarm went off,he packedhis things and left, telling his brother he would come by tomorrow too.
Days passed, and by the second week, Dabi and Shouto had unintentionaly created a rutine of their own. Every evening, except on weekend or if he had too much homework, Shouto would stop by Inferno and spend the entire evening with his brother and, sometimes, his gang. He would stay behind the register helping his brother with costumers or making small talk with Dabi's friends. His brother for the most part ignored him or asked him to leave, but Shouto stayed. He liked the Tattoo parlour.
He also liked Dabi's friends. After Toga meet him, everybody else wanted to too. And they all gave him insight of who his brother was now and who he hanged out with.
There was Magne, that got kicked out of her home when she came out; Toga, that also run away from her home; Spinner; that worked with Dabi one day of the week; Twice, that had a personality disorder; Kurogiri, that was hired as Shigaraki's caretaker. He knew there was some things they weren't telling him, but he understood why. The past hurt.
Besides, they kept each other safe, and he was kinda glad that his brother was able to find a place where he could belong.
Maybe he should've felt more jealouse about it. Hell, this people were more like Dabi's family than his blood family had ever been. But he knew feeling like that wouldn't help at all. He can share his brother. It was only a matter of time before he broke him and Dabi accepted his love.
It worked on Bakugou, so it should work on him. Spend as much time as he could with him to create a bond and before he realises it...BAM, family.
He missed going out with his friends a little, but he was nothing if not determined. He was not going to let him run away this time. He wanted his brother back, he needed him. The whole family needed him.
After what happened at the grill, things changed. Natsuo and Fuyumi had fell back into their coping mechanism, yet agreed to leave Mom blissfully unaware of the situation with Touya. Fuyumi was represing every bad emotion, faking her smile till it became real. While Natsuo became angry. But now that their father was gone, he got no one to redirect that anger to. And he didn't want to redirected to his sibblings, so he was stopping by less.
But Shouto was going to fix it. Everything. They were never going to be the perfect little family, he wasn't that unrealistic. But they were going to be a family. He didn't know how, but the least he could do is try.
The only thing that he didn't know what he was going to do about was Dabi's and Shigaraki's relationship. The two had not made amends since Touya's birthday, even after all the presure his friends put on Dabi. The last time Shouto had asked, Dabi threatened him to kick him out of the shop. He hasn't brought it up ever since. He hopes that after the problem with his sibblings end, both men will get back together naturally.
When Shouto first started visiting Dabi's Tattoo parlour, he figured if he ignored him, he would leave on his own. When he didn't, he simply gave him a job to do, so that he wouldn't want to be here. Now he had been coming and spending time with him for three weeks, so it was time to take extreme measures. Was he going to hurt Shouto? That was the idea. He didn't want to do it, but it was better than the alternative.
When Shouto came into the shop, at the same time he had everyday for the past weeks, with his school things, Dabi fired.
"Why do you care so much about someone who doesn't give a shit about you?"
Shouto paused at that. He was in the middle of sitting on a old stool Kurogiri had given him when he started working at Inferno. He blinked three times at Dabi before answering. "That's not true. You do care. You just like to pretend you don't to push me away."
Dabi stared at him with a stupefied look, he was not expecting his brother to read him so well. "If you didn't care about me you would have kicked me out of the shop a long time ago. Or listen every time I talk about Fuyumi and Natsou. Or mom" The young man continue.
"Shouto, I ran away without any of you for a reason..." Dabi tried to reason with his baby brother.
"Maybe, but you still thought about us." The dual haired boy told him.
"And what makes you say that?" Dabi asked, trying to hide the fact that he was somewhat right.
"Because when I tried, I thought about them too" At that, Dabi shut up. He was really not expecting that. "It was before UA. One day, after a bad section with dad, I just started packing and thinking how everybody's life would be better without me. Fuyumi could move out, Natsuo wouldn't have to stop by anymore and mom... didn't have see me anymore. Everybody would be okay..." Shouto explained, his voice breaking at the thought of his mom.
"What happened?..." Dabi asked scarred of the responce.
"I was too scarred. I almost never went out of the house, Dad had me home schooled when you left. I didn't know how the world worked, so... well..." Shouto didn't continue, the memory still fresh in his mind.
Dabi opened and closed his mouth, looking for the right responce. But what do you say to that.
The guitar-bell went off and a girl came in throught the door. Dabi welcomed her into the store and asked her what she wanted. Shouto, while Dabi talked to the girl, took out his phone and started chatting with his friends. The girl got a phrase from a book and an infinity tattoo. Dabi drew on her on automatic, they weren't so difficult. He was in the tattoing room for half an hour.
When he came back out, the girl was already paying Shouto. The guitar-bell sounded of again, this time with the costumers departure. A tencion filled with anxious energy covered the whole place. It felt like if he did a wrong move, everything would implode. The two brothers didn't like it. Dabi knew he had to say something, but he didn't know what he wanted anymore. If he said something encouraging, Shouto would stay and probably bing Fuyumi and Natsuo with him next (Which was bad all on it's own). But if he said something bad, Shouto would probably never return (but did he wanted that anymore? Three weeks and he was already looking forward to Shouto coming to the store and telling him how his day went). So, instead, Dabi decided to explain things to his baby brother.
"You're right,..." Shouto looked up at him when he started untangle his thought to him "I do care about you and Fuyumi and Natsuo and.... But... I don't ... I changed, okay? The Touya you remember,... I'm not him anymore. I'm not the same kid that run away years ago. I'm Dabi now. And I don't... I don't think it's someone you would like..."
"But I do" Shouto declared. "I spent all this time getting to know the real you, and I..."
"And Fuyumi would like Dabi? And Natsuo? Or... Mom?" He interrupted. "Can you really look them in the eyes and tell them that ...this....is allthat remains of Touya? And that they would be alright with them?" He voice cracked at the end and his eyes were rapidly filling with tears, that he stopped with sheer willpower.
"I...I do't know..." The teen said as he looked down. "But you're not gonna find out like this..." The two brothers shared a longing look, realising they had finally come to an understanding. They stopped when another costumer came in, the guitar distracting them when it went off.
Dabi took care of the guy, while Shouto half listened and half played with his phone. This guy was a booked appointment, one from his friday parties at the Black Mist Bar. He checked ID and lead him to the Tattooing room. Soon, the only sound was the soothing buxxing of the tattoo gun and the background punk-rock playlist that Dabi had put on today.
Three hours later, the guy left with his collar tangled in vines and wires that looked as if they were holding his torso to his head and neck. The rest of the day went by in confortable silence, neither brother felt the need to talk. They had already said what needed to be said between the two. An hour before Shouto's dorm curfew, his phone's alarm went off, signaling the start of his return. The teenager picked up his things and wentfor the door.
As the guitar riff went off, he noticed Dabi was following him. He didn't comment on it and let his brother walk him to the bus stop. They only had to wait for the bus for a couple of minutes. Before it did, Dabi told his brother that he would think about what they talked before and parted with a pat on the back. Shouto went in to the bus smiling. Today he had made progress. Today he was one step closer to getting back his brother.
Dabi, once he left Shouto and returned to the shop, decided to close early. He didn't have any other booked appointments for the day and his head was not in it after today. After locking up, he went directly into Kurogiri's bar. Once inside, he plop down by the bar on a stool and banged his head against it. Compress, that was the only one inside, made him his usual drink (Fireball Whiskey on the Rocks), and he grunted as a thanks.
This was too complicated for him to process. He didn't realize how easy everything was when his family was only a background thought in his head. And now he had to what? Decide if his psyche could handle his family rejecting him? Because that was going to happen. Shouto may be okay with him now, but the guy was a stupid, hormornal teenager. All teens thought piercings, tattoos and anarchy was cool at this age. But when he grew up? When he became an adult? All that fascination he had with him now was going to fly off a widow.
And Natsuo and Fuyumi? They were already adults. Fuyumi was a kindergarden teacher. What was she going to do? Bring him at 'show and tell'. "Look kids, this is a erfect example of a disappointment" . What a sick joke. Fuyumi was the one that remembered Touya the most. Was he really believed she was going to be okay with him now? And Natsuo... His brother, first partner in crime, playmate. Was he going to be okay with Dabi? He was going to be a doctor... And Mom... He was going to make her go crazy again.
How was he supposed to mix into their lives now? Go to Shouto's graduation?(Bet the school would call the cops when they see him), Be there when Natsuo received his P.H.D.? (Sure, bet all the resently degreed shrinks would love to make a book about all his issues) Attend Fuyumi's wedding? (Right, he was never going to get invited to it anyway) Visit mom in the hospital? (Of course. He could even see it now. Appearing through the door to see how his mother cowering in fear at the meer sight of him as she pleaded for mercy and tried to stay as far away as she could). Dabi let out another groan in frustation. He needed to smoke.
As he placed the cigarette in his mouth and took his lighter from his pocket, Compress took the glorified death stick from his lips. "You know the rules Dabi" The masked bartender started telling him as he twirled his smoke addiction in between his fingers and made it disappear. "If you want to smoke do it outside" The older man pointed with his fake arm at the door. Dabi grunted again as he let his head fall to the bar again. "I'll refill"
Dabi barely heard him, too busy arguing with himself in his head. He knew reuniting again with his family was going to hurt him. Last time he was the one that walk out of it. He knew if he didn't, then they would walk out on him. And if he learned anything from his shitty life was that good things didn't last. Washe really going to put himself out there for his family, just so that he had to deal with the truth that he had always avoided? They were better without him.
He had kept tabs on them, so he knew they didn't need him.
Yet, he couldn't stop thinking about these last weeks. With Shouto's constant pokerface and how he acted like a little child without noticing. How he would pout everytime he lost at his phone's game, how his eyes got a tiny bit bigger as they filled with amazement after listening about something he did, how his eyebrows would knit in confusion everytime he was too naive to understand something. It was endearingly adorable. And it made him feel this stupid warmth, he hadn't have felt in years.
He wanted more of that feeling. He wanted to see if Fuyumi scolded the same way, and if Natsuo still woke up at the middle of the night to grab all the left overs from the fridge, and if mom still gave the same hugs. He wanted all of that and more.
He was about to ask for another refill when the door of the bar opened to reveal a skinny, malnurished-looking creep that Dabi had been avoiding since his birthday. Tomura and him locked eyes for a moment, stopping his inner mental fight and Tomura from his scratch-fest. The two hadn't seen each other, which was a life achievement when you lived together and shared the same group of less than ten people as friends. Tomura sighted before walking to where he was and sitting in the stool next to his.
Dabi did't look away from Tomura. And when sat next to him, he saw how rought his boyfrieds neck looked and how big his eyebags were. Tomura's anxiety had not taken their fight well and had made his boyfriends life very painfull. Dabi raised his hand slowly and carefully reached to the graynettes neck, grazing his fingers against the scratched up skin soothingly. Tomura hissed in annoyance but leaned into his touch anyway. The two locked sight again.
"I'm sorry..." Dabi mummbled as he petted the others neck more confidently.
"And?" Tomura asked to continue.
"I'm a jerk..."
"...and an idiot"
"I love you"
"We both know I'm not going to say that" Dabi told him with a blanck face.
"Forget about me sucking your dick anytime soon, then" Tomura huffed as he leaned his back into his chest, bringing their stool right next to each other.
"Please," Dabi chuckled as he placed his hand on Tomura's hip, "You love kissing my prince adam and climbing my jacob ladder with your tongue" Tomura grunted and took a sip out of Dabi's glass.
Both adults stayed like that for a while, with only the music of the bar surrounding them. Their minds had finally shut up and the couple could be at peace in each other arms. But that peace didn't last long. Ten minutes later, their friends came into the bar making a ruckus as usual and when they saw them together, Toga yelled 'THEY MADE UP', causing a bigger uproar, that included clapping, wooing, and chanting 'Make-up sex'.
The couple didn't stay for long, at some point, Dabi pulled Tomura out of the bar, that abruptly started the 'make-up sex' cheer again. The two walked hand in hand to their shared appartment, going in through the back. Only when they reached their shared bedroom, that Tomura had been banned from, did Dabi stop. Tomura looked up at him puzzled.
“Why did you look for them, mophead?” Dabi asked out of the blue.
Tomura looked bewildered, as he raised his hands to start assaulting his neck once more. "I... I thought we were alright...?"
Dabi, catching on what he was about to do, grabbed his hands and lowered them as he reassured him. "We are, we are..." He sat both of them on the bed and stroke his thumb on the other's palm. "I need your help figuring out something"
Tomura took a deep breath. “I knew it would make you happy and you are very bad at hidding how much you miss them.” He said as he looked at Dabi dead in the eyes. “I know you check on their school pages. That is how I found them” The two remained silent after that, Dabi trapped in his own head and Tomura trying to guess what was going on in his head. “You told me that if I testified against him, I would finally be free to do what I wanted, to choose for myself how my life should be… You changed my life and... I wanted to make you as happy as you make me... ” Tomura finished, as he got flustered.
Dabi let out a low chuckle and laid his head in Tomura’s shoulder. "You already do" He mummbled into his shoulder. The two started to slowly lay down on the bed, Dabi on top of Tomura, while the greynette massaged the raven’s scalp. They stayed like that for a while until Tomura cut the silence to ask: “We are gonna have sex tonight, right?”
Touya laughted a little and moved to kiss him. “Of course” The two shared a tender kissed as they started to get lost on each other.
The next day as Shouto went in Inferno again, he didn’t see his brother behind the register, but Spinner with his tattoos that looked like his skin had been ripped off and he had a scales under it. His hair was liliac and styled upwards and he was playing on a switch. When he heard the door bell go off, he looked up from his video game and with a smirked greeted Shouto into the store.
"Hey Spinner" Shouto said as he went to his stool "Where's Dabi?"
"Upstairs" The lizard man told him as he went back to his switch. "Don't count on him going down, tho. Yesterday, him and Tomura made up and they plan on having a day in..."
"Ew" Shouto commented as he texted his brother that he was at the Tattoo parlour. "Have they eatten anything at all today?"
"Yeah, they got burgers delivered to the store and bought me one so I would get it up to the appartment" Spinner told him
The two heard steps coming down the stairs from the door, and Dabi came out with of it holding two helmets, one black with blue flames and the other silver with cat ears and whiskers near the visor. He looked at Shouto before thowing him the cat helmet. Shouto caught it with ease and looked dazed at his brother. Dabi just walked past him, took some cash of the register and gave it to him.
"You've worked here for two weeks, that's your payment." Dabi explained to him walked to the door. "Now, c'mon, I'm spending the day with Tomura. I gotta leave you at your school"
"Wait, you're letting him ride on High End. Unfair." Spinner complained. Dabi merely shrugged and looked expectantly at his brother.
Shouto followed him, starring at the helmet, out of the store and into the alley next to it. Dabi oppened a wire door fence and took a motorcycle out. The bike was a cruiser type, black with a leather seat and blue flames at the sides. The words High End in the back. It was the same bike that he took to the grill on his birthday. Shouto glanced between the helmet and the bike in badly-conceiled excitment as Dabi shut the fence door and moved the bike out of the alley and into the street.
"Hey, Shou" Dabi called him to get his attention. Shouto looked so excited, like a kid about to open a giant christmas present, he was almost bouncing on his heels. "About yesterday,... I'll call Fuyumi and Natsuo and... well... I don't know, we'll figure it out." Dabi patted his head, messing with his hair. Suddenly, the older sibbling almost got tackled into the ground by his younger sibbling. Shouto was hugging him. Dabi returned the hug, for a couple of seconds before he separed them. " Alright, that's enough. Remember, I got a reputation to maintain"
Both brothers put on their helmets and got in the bike
33 notes · View notes
sondepoch · 5 years
XVII: Saeyoung's Route (Saeyoung)
Where Futures Begin
Life used to be simple for you. Peaceful. But the Savior had other plans for you, and in moments, she ruined what you thought was your one shot at happiness. Blinded by anger, you escaped the Mint Eye, but that triggered a series of events that would bring you further into the world of brothers Saeran and Saeyoung. And further into the twisted world of your love for them.
Neutral Route: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ✔
Saeyoung’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ✔
Saeran’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ✔
(Y/N) hadn't moved.
Arguably, she had been moving the whole time, her entire body shaking with a ferocity Luciel had never seen in a human before, but her position hadn't changed even once.
"Feel like shit, yet? Or need me to beat it into you?" Vanderwood called from behind Luciel. The brunette male hadn't said a word to him since they found Saeran and (Y/N). He was too pissed with the redhead. Luciel had consciously refrained from telling Vanderwood that their 'reconnaissance trip' was really a hostage exchange because he knew how the older man would feel about it.
Then again, older men, in general, were usually right. Lived a couple more years. Smarter. Wiser. 
Luciel now wished he had spoken to Vanderwood before following through his plans, regretting his every decision.
"You can beat it into me," Luciel offered. He did feel like shit, worse than shit, actually, but he thought he deserved pain after what he realized he was putting (Y/N) through.
Vanderwood was quiet for a moment, watching as Luciel stared at (Y/N) while she trembled on the bed. The room was dark, and for once, Luciel wasn't fiddling away on his laptop.
Luciel heard Vanderwood sigh. "You can talk to me, you know? You don't need to pretend."
Luciel ignored Vanderwood's words, staring forward as (Y/N) kept trembling. "Fine," Luciel heard Vanderwood say before walking forward. "See if you can get her to drink this water. It might help."
Without waiting for a response, Vanderwood left the room, leaving Luciel awkwardly holding the glass of water. "Uh, (Y/N)?" He murmured, awkwardly trying to get the girl's attention. He knew she was conscious; her eyes were scrunched tight, and she had groaned something incomprehensible on the way back to the cabin every time someone touched into her. But conscious doesn't mean aware, Luciel remembered dully, unsure of what to do.
He shifted himself half onto the bed and tried to pull (Y/N) into a sitting position, and the girl's eyes fluttered open for a brief second. "Drink," Luciel whispered, putting the glass to her lips. He wasn't even sure if the girl had processed what he said, but he saw her sip from the glass ever-so-slightly and sighed in relief.
"Shit, (Y/N)," He began, "I'm so sorry. Fuck. I don't know what I was thinking and-"
Luciel saw (Y/N)'s eyes open, her irises dilated to give them a glossy look. "S...Sae...." Luciel's ears perked up. (Y/N) could speak? Was she going to say his name? Does she even know that my real name is Saeyoung? Luciel thought to himself, staring intently as (Y/N) struggled to speak.
"Saeran?" She finally said, opening her eyes.
Luciel felt himself shrink inside, realizing that while the girl before him was conscious, she wasn't herself. She thinks I'm my brother, Luciel thought, trying not to let himself feel saddened by the realization.
Too temporarily stunned to speak, Luciel gazed into (Y/N)'s eyes and saw the glossy look in her pupils. She was seeing, yes, but not seeing. Aware, but not aware. (Y/N), but not (Y/N).
"Y-yeah," The redhead stuttered out, willing to play along with (Y/N)'s hallucination if it would make her feel even a little better. "It's me, (Y/N). Saeran."
(Y/N) chuckled a little, coughing as the light breaths left her throat. "I've missed you...so much."
"Yeah, I know," Luciel whispered, stroking the girl's hair tenderly. "I've...missed you, too."
"Really?" The snowy-haired girl's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Saeran, these past few days have been horrible. I...I think I swallowed the Elixir again somehow. I don't remember anything. But everything hurts."
Luciel tore his gaze away from (Y/N).
I'm sorry, he wanted to say, but didn't. If he apologized now, while (Y/N) was in such a delusional state, it would only be for his personal sanity. It would be a selfish act, done out of self-preservation. The girl was too confused to do anything other than forgive him, and Luciel wasn't sure he deserved forgiveness.
"The pain will go away," Luciel whispered, but he couldn't be sure.
When Vanderwood's car had finally caught up to Saeran, the boy had struggled endlessly before he allowed the group to take (Y/N). Even then, he had insisted on coming along and refused to say a word to Luciel, ignoring the redhead completely as he rode back to the cabin on the top of Vanderwood's car, whereupon he set up camp outside the cabin so that he could be close to (Y/N) at all times but wouldn't have to tolerate the sight of Luciel.
When asked if (Y/N) would be okay, Saeran had only turned his head away, unable to answer.
"Will it, really?" (Y/N) said to Luciel, gazing at him with eyes full of hope. She didn't wait for an answer. "Thank you, Saeran. You're always here for me."
She reached a shaky hand out from her spot on the bed to rest a palm on top of Luciel's. "Lay with me on the bed," She whispered to Luciel, and he was too weak to refuse.
As he brought an arm around her, though, she had already fallen asleep in his arms, murmuring a soft, 'thank you, Saeran,' before she had drifted off completely, the quaking of her body ceased.
Luciel groaned, his stomach twisting.
He had fucked everything up.
(Y/N) was in pain. Saeran wouldn't speak to him. Vanderwood was pissed. Even V, who had a million secrets of his own, felt that Luciel had made the wrong decision in going through with the hostage exchange.
"If I could do it all over..." Luciel mused out loud, wondering.
If he could change his actions, what better course was there to take? Luciel at least had Saeran now, that was a huge step. His eyes flicked downward to (Y/N), where a light perspiration had broken out on her forehead. Was it worth it? He wondered.
"Luciel!" He heard Vanderwood shout.
The redhead darted out of bed, not wanting the elderly man to misread the situation. "What?" Luciel asked.
"It's...your brother."
Luciel's eyes widened, and then he was out of the room, heading straight for Saeran.
"Stay ba-" Saeran tried to shout, holding a hand up to stop Luciel from coming any closer, but couldn't complete his sentence as he began vomiting into a bush. "S-stay back!" He repeated weakly, his entire body shivering.
"Please," Luciel pled, "You need help, Saera-"
"Don't call me that!" Saeran shouted, further edged on before he continued retching on the ground. Luciel stared in shock. His brother wasn't throwing up any solids, it was all liquid - a sick, neon blue-green liquid that smelled of at least eight different chemicals.
Shit! The Elixir! Luciel thought to himself. That's what's Rika's been forcing Saeran to take? That's what (Y/N) has in her bloodstream?
The situation wasn't good. Vanderwood pressed a hand to Luciel's shoulder, holding the boy back before he could run to his brother like he wanted. "Don't, Luciel."
Luciel wanted to respond, convince Vanderwood that if he just had some time alone with his brother, he could explain—but Saeran started speaking before he could open his mouth. "Luciel?" His tone was mocking. "You didn't just abandon me, you abandoned everything. Your name. Your past. You were even going to abandon (Y/N)!" Saeran's voice rose, and he stood up, steadying himself against a birch tree. "Don't you know what they do to people in the Mint Eye?!"
Luciel didn't respond. He couldn't.
"Well?!" Saeran's angry tone would have been enough to make anyone flinch, but Luciel stood unmoving as his brother lashed out at him.
"You don't know anything! You're dumb! Useless! A jerk! You're such a fucking asshole! It's been years, years, and you can barely even talk to me! What the fuck were you thinking when you left?! How did you think I'd be happy?! Or was that a lie? Was it all just so that you'd be free of me, happy to do whatever you wanted without your little brother to weigh you down?"
"No!" Luciel shouted in response, horrified by the idea. "I-I didn't do it for me," He said, desperately hoping for Saeran to believe the words.
"You expect me to believe that you did it for me?!" Saeran shouted, furious at the prospect. Luciel saw his brother's jaw clench, his entire face contorted in unmasked anger.
"Yes," Luciel whispered. "I...You...I couldn't let you stay! You wouldn't have been happy!"
"You didn't have to leave!" Saeran shouted, and for a moment, Luciel thought he saw tears in his brother's eyes. "How the fuck did you expect me to be happy without you?!"
Vanderwood had gone back inside the cabin, giving the two Choi twins their privacy as they sorted out years of misunderstandings, resentment, and anger. Luciel took a step toward his brother, and then another when he realized that Saeran wasn't backing away.
"I..." Luciel didn't know what to say. "I saw pictures...Rika sent me pictures. Of you. Smiling. Happy."
"You saw two pictures where I wasn't frowning and concluded that I was living a life of rainbows and sunshine?! A life of happiness?! You couldn't even send me a message?!" Saeran's words were growing in volume, the younger brother growing angrier with every word. "You abandoned me. For no reason! The Savior...Rika...she...she couldn't replace you! No one could! Not her, not MC, not even (Y/N)!"
Luciel's eyes widened. "Saeran..." He murmured, now standing only a foot from his brother as he saw that his twin was crying. "I'm sorry."
Saeran looked away, unable to meet Luciel's eyes. "You think one apology changes anything?" The younger's tone was hostile, but it was no longer shouting, the previous anger every word was dipped in no longer present.
"No...but I won't ever leave again. I promise. I swear," Luciel fumbled around his neck, searching for the chain he had never taken off. The chain Saeran had given him for his seventh birthday. "I swear to God, Saeran, I won't ever leave you again. I swear to God, to you, to me, to everything."
Luciel noticed how Saeran's eyes settled on the silver cross around his neck. There was no doubt, they both remembered the day they had purchased it.
"Saeran, don't cry! Here, look, it's candy!" Seven-year-old Luciel exclaimed, trying to cheer his brother up as he wept on the sidewalk. The boy waved a lollipop in front of his brother's face, hoping to distract Saeran from the predicament they were in.
"B-b-b-b-but m-mommy said..." Saeran trailed off, barely able to form the first half of his sentence before breaking off into wails of distress.
"Mommy didn't mean it, Saeran," Luciel murmured, sitting next to his brother.
Their mother, abusive as ever, had shouted at the two of them to leave the house and to never come back, that they were the reason things were so tense between her and daddy and that everyone was better off without the two redhead twins.
"How do you know?" Saeran murmured, burrowing his head into his knees, horrified at the prospect of not having a home.
Luciel pondered for a moment, before jumping up. "Wait here, Saeran!" He called, already dashing off.
Saeran blinked, confused, but didn't cry. He had utter faith in his elder brother; Luciel would never leave him, he knew. They were twins. Two halves that were only complete when together. When all else failed, he knew his big brother would always be there by his side.
And he was right to trust in his brother! Luciel had returned, holding something shiny in his small hands. "Here!" He exclaimed, flashing Saeran a blinding grin. "This is how I know that everything will be okay!"
Saeran stared at the pendant. "A...plus sign?"
"No!" Luciel laughed. "A cross!"
"Oh," Saeran said, remembering the giant cross that decorated the church they sat in every Sunday, right next to V and Rika.
"God is watching over us, Saeran," Luciel said with a smile, trying to put the necklace around Saeran's neck, but the boy refused.
"You wear it," Saeran insisted stubbornly. Luciel arched an eyebrow, and the younger was quick to respond. "You'll watch over me, so I'm all taken care of. So you need someone to take care of you! So you should wear the necklace so God can watch over you!"
Saeran laughed, and in the moment, everything was okay. Mommy's words were forgotten, and daddy's abusive habits were bygones, because Saeran was being protected - by none other than his guardian angel big brother, who, in turn, was being shielded by God.
"Who...who's been protecting you all these years, with Rika so mental?" Luciel asked, regretting that the answer wasn't him.
"I've protected myself," Saeran whispered. "And you? Do mom and dad still beat you, or did you leave?"
"I..." Luciel swallowed. He doesn't know? He thought to himself, before recalling how controlling Rika had become. The woman wouldn't leak any information to Saeran that he didn't need.
"What?" Saeran's voice was sharp, sensing the hesitance in Luciel's tone. "What did you do, Saeyoung?"
Luciel bit his lip. It had been so long since anyone had called him 'Saeyoung.'
Luciel couldn't force the words past his lips. They were simple. Three words that he'd already confessed once to Vanderwood before.
"Saeyoung." Saeran's tone grew serious. "What did you do."
Luciel swallowed, trying to keep the growing pit of anxiety in his stomach from rising. "Mom and dad...they...it's...it's why I gave you to Rika...I..."
Saeran said nothing as Luciel stammered out fragmented phrases, waiting for Luciel to say the words that would mean something. The white-haired boy was staring straight into Luciel's eyes, mint greens meeting gold in a confusing exchange of emotion.
"I killed them," Luciel whispered, his voice soft enough to have been carried away by the breeze.
Saeran held his silence, saying nothing.
Luciel tried to read the expression of the boy he once knew so well, hating that the mint green was like a mask that kept any true expression from showing. The redhead wanted to say something more, break the silence, but he knew that task was up to his brother.
"Do you...regret it?" Saeran asked.
Luciel was thrown off by the question.
"Do you think you made the wrong choice?" Saeran explained.
"No," Luciel said. "I did the right thing. The only thing I regret is...not keeping you with me afterward."
Saeran sighed, looking up at the sky. Only then did Luciel notice that it had darkened considerably. "Have you forgiven yourself for killing them?" Saeran murmured, not meeting Luciel's eyes.
The redhead looked down at the ground, noticing a trail of ants each carrying small pieces of leaves on top of their bodies. They were such small creatures, holding such a large burden over their heads as they worked together. He noticed the ants amalgamate into a small cube formation, protecting them as the sky let loose its first few drops of precipitation before the rest came tumbling down, turning into a full rainstorm within seconds, but the ants had united. They were protected, shielded from the rain.
"Yeah," Luciel said, not caring that he was getting wet. "I have."
"Good," Saeran said, meeting the redhead's eyes. "Why didn't you want to tell me?"
The way he asked the question, so innocently as if Luciel were keeping something trivial as a crush from Saeran, broke Luciel's heart. "It's...not something you want to admit, you know? It's like saying it out loud makes it more true. It's been so long since I've seen you, talked to you...I didn't want you to know what kind of person I'd become."
Saeran stared at the ground, not saying anything for such a long time that Luciel almost thought he had forgotten that they were in the middle of a conversation.
"I've killed people, too," Saeran whispered above the tumult of the rain.
"Fuck," Luciel said out of instinct, not noticing tears streaming down his own face as droplets of water mixed with them. "I was trying to protect you from that kind of life when I gave you to Rika."
Saeran chuckled, a sound Luciel hadn't heard in years. His golden irises widened as he gazed at the boy in front of him. "No surprise there, eh?" Saeran said with an amused smile. "We're two halves to the same whole. If you're a killer, so am I. When you're miserable, so am I. When you're happy, so am I. Funny how life has worked out."
Luciel ran a hand through his hair, swiping back red strands that clung to his forehead. "Does that mean you're happy right now, Saeran?" He asked, desperately hoping that the answer was a yes. "Cause I know it's fucked up, but the fact that you're even here....makes me happier than I've been in a long time."
Saeran's response wasn't immediate, but he eventually did open his mouth. "Yeah, Saeyoung. I am...happy." He flashed a lazy grin at his brother, a smile that Luciel had missed in their time apart. "Should I call you Luciel from now on? That'll take some getting used to, bu-"
"No," He said firmly. "I...I'm not Luciel. Luciel didn't have a brother. He didn't kill his parents. Luciel was a good kid."
"Then Luciel sounds like a boring fuck," Saeran said, chuckling.
"He was," The redhead said, smiling. "I'm ready to be Saeyoung again."
Saeran smiled. "Good." He offered his hand out for Saeyoung to shake.
"A handshake?" Saeyoung scoffed. "We haven't seen each other in half a decade, and you want a handshake? Fuck that." Saeyoung said, pulling his brother in for a tight hug.
"I didn't consent to this," Saeran grumbled before grudgingly wrapping his arms around his brother in return, sighing as the rain beat down around them, weighing down every spot in the world except the ground where they stood: two halves united as one for the first time in years. In their tight embrace, they didn't notice time passing, the rain stopping, the ants on the ground moving onward.
To the Choi twins, the world had finally stopped for them and given them a break. A chance to breathe. A chance to be with each other. Nothing would ever be able to convince them otherwise.
Neutral Route: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ✔
Saeyoung’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ✔
Saeran’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ✔
Word count: 3.1k
Notes: Soo we actually ended up tying with 2 votes for Saeran and 2 for Saeyoung, that's why this chapter was so late. I kept thinking that someone would come along and break the tie...but it's not fair to those who are reading, so I flipped a coin and ended up going with the Saeyoung route. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next update!
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Next Update: 03/05/20
I do not own the rights to Mystic Messenger or any of the characters within it.
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oliviaadamswrites · 5 years
Plus Signs - Chapter 10
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[Part of Souvenirs Series] [Read via AO3]
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Prompt: Chris and his new lady brought back a souvenir from Disneyland and now begins the fun of telling their families. Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut... all the things. Word Count: 7,086
[<<< Chapter Nine] [[<<< Chapter One]]
CHAPTER NOTES: This chapter has been years in the making. Literally. It has been through many iterations, many mood changes, many "this is garbage I'm completely starting over" hissy fits... and everything in between. I've been sitting on this version for over a year now, terrified to publish this much ANGST. But, it's past time. Chris and the Reader have so much more to experience and, I want to get there. To get there meant I needed to get past this hurdle. Maybe this could have been two chapters, or even three, but... I digress. THE HURDLE... If you are still reading this, after so long... I am so thankful! If you are getting into this fic series for the first time... I am so thankful! I just hope you won't have to experience multiple year long hiatuses, like your for-readers! HA Ok... please enjoy!
Chris and I had spent Thanksgiving in Boston and would be spending Christmas with my family. The simple fact that Chris was worried about me traveling “so late in the pregnancy” had settled the deal, despite the fact that my doctor had given the go-ahead to travel much further along.
I had quickly found that when it came to me feeling the slightest bit of discomfort, in any way shape or form, it was simply easier to let Chris make the decisions. His constant worry was ever present yet, thankfully, adorable and hadn’t driven me crazy. On the other hand, figuring out a name for this child was going to drive us both absolutely bonkers.
“Please tell me you are joking,” I glared at Chris’s image on my phone.
“Seriously? You don’t like it?” he laughed.
“No, absolutely not. Our child will not be named Christopher Robin.” I propped the device against the decorative bowl on my kitchen table, freeing my hands to cut a piece of chicken in half.
“Fine,” he scoffed, taking a sip of his water. “How’s your chicken?”
“Delicious,” I mumbled with my mouth still full. “Yours?”
“I ruined it, I really did.” He shook his head, staring at the plate in front of him, just off camera. “I just can’t figure out what I did wrong.”
“I told you to be careful to not cook it too long,” I teased, taking a dramatic bite of food.
“You be nice!” He pointed at me with his fork, squinting his eyes. I smiled back mockingly, my lips tight across my teeth. “Don’t make me cut you off from date night!”
“You wouldn’t dare!” I pulled my napkin to my chest in mock horror. “You like this too much.”
“I do,” he conceded. “I definitely do. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world?”
“Except actually being here with me… right?” I raised one eyebrow to him.
“Of course! I’d give anything for that!” His eyes went dark as he pursed his lips.
“Hey,” I urged softly. “No crying on date night.”
“I’m not,” Chris shook his head, smiling. “I promise.”
“Good… because we have business to attend to,” I sighed out, pushing my plate away.
“You sound so excited,” he teased.
“I’m sorry, I’m just tired,” I sighed again.
“And?” he pressed.
“And… I’m worried that we’ll never agree on a name.” I felt my face twist in worry.
Hiding my emotions and true feelings from Chris was something that I failed at continuously. It wasn’t just that I was bad at it, it was that he seemed to read between the lines. Always watching the smallest of facial expressions, listening to my tone and inflection. He well and truly heard the things I said and even more so the things I didn’t say.
“We have time. We have so much more time,” he soothed my worries with his low voice.
“Not really,” I countered.
“Really? We have like…” he paused and looked up and to the side with his eyes. “… Seventeen more weeks? We will totally nail down a name before then. Way before then.”
“I guess we don’t really have another choice, do we?” I laughed at the realization.
“No, no we don’t,” he chuckled. “So what’s on the short list?”
“We don’t even have a short list!” I cried out, lifting my hands into the air, exasperated.
“Ok, ok!” He raised his palms to me in surrender. “It’s ok. It’s fine. What’s on the long list?”
I pulled my notebook around and flipped it open, settling on the page littered with scribbles, doodles, lists, scratched out names and notes about people we didn’t like and therefore couldn’t use their names.
“We have roughly sixty five million girl names that we love, forty million girl names that we like… and… exactly 3 names for a boy that we ‘don’t hate’…” I finger quoted the air.
“Well, maybe that means she’s a girl.” Chris was grinning at me from the screen.
“Maybe.” I smiled back. “But we still need to narrow down the girl names and get some more boy names on board.”
“I still say Christopher Robin.” His eyes lit up, knowing that he was pushing my buttons.
“Not only is that silly, but its way too close to your name,” I scowled at him.
“Well, if it is a boy… maybe we could name him after me?” Now his face twisted in an adorable questioning way, one eyebrow up, one scowled, his lips pulled to the side in a smirk.
“I am so glad we are having this conversation on facetime!” I nearly squealed at the sight of his face.
“What?! Why?”
I watched his face turn to innocent concern.
“Just to watch your face right now. In this moment. To see how you’re really feeling, behind what you’re saying, showing on your face!” I leaned forward, layering my arms on the table in front of me, inching closer to my phone.
“Don’t you start talking about my eyebrows right now! Don’t do it!” he play shouted, covering his forehead with one hand.
“I love you,” I laughed the words out. “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” he sighed back.
“You really want to name your boy after you?”
“I do,” he nodded, smiling.
“I can tell.” I took a deep breath to settle myself and continued. “So, we will name our son, if we have a son, after his father.”
“Really? You mean that?” His face lit up with joy.
“Of course I mean it, you silly man! I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.” I leaned back, crossing my arms over my chest. “Naming this baby is stressful enough, I’m not going to joke about something that clearly means something to you.” I looked down at my ever expanding belly and ran my hands over and over, smiling. “Tiny Christopher Junior.”
“Tiny Christopher Junior,” he repeated.
“Junior… or the second?” I looked back to the phone now.
“Junior, for sure. Our kid can’t walk around Boston thinking he’s some prince or something, with the second,” he shook his head roughly, chuckling to himself.
“Boston?” My heart fluttered at the thought of moving.
“I’m sure he’ll visit there, at least once in his life, right?” He winked at me, quickly easing my worries. I wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet and he knew it.
“Of course he will,” I agreed.
“Ok, so we have a boy name picked out,” he cheered. “Air high five!”
We mimicked a high-five between our phones and both erupted into a fit of giggles.
“We are going to be horrible parents!” I roared in laughter.
“No, no no no! We are going to be fun parents!”
“Well, that’s for sure!” I agreed, whole heartedly.
“Alright,” he popped a piece of chicken into his mouth and immediately made a sour face. He turned his face from the camera to swipe the offending food way into his napkin.
“That bad huh?” I pulled my lips between my teeth, attempting to maintain composure.
“Ugh, yes,” he grumbled. “I’m picking the recipe next time.”
“Oh come on! You can’t blame the recipe! Mine turned out just fine.”
“Yeah, well… I’ll pick something that I know I can cook for next time.” He fidgeted with his plate, obviously moving his chicken away from the rest of his food.
“That sounds fair. Just no barbeque. You know I can’t barbeque.”
“Deal.” He poked around his plate some more and then settled his eyes on the screen again. “I’m gonna see you in a few days anyway. Maybe I’ll barbeque for you while I’m there.”
“I like that idea.” I smiled at the idea of Chris cooking at my house. Moving around my house, like he belonged here. Because he does belong here.
He had started to leave things at my place, here and there. A shirt one time, left behind for me to sleep in. A toothbrush another time, after forgetting his own and needing to buy one. The next time he bought an entire set of toiletries to leave behind. I had surprised him by clearing out space in the master bathroom for his things to take up residence. Now, it seemed that each trip his luggage was getting smaller and smaller. He had a small selection of button down shirts hanging in my closet. A handful of t-shirts, some pants and workout clothes, were neatly folded in my dresser. One pair of flip flops, a pair of running shoes and a pair of casual shoes were lined up in the corner of the closet. A spare charger was permanently plugged in at the nightstand on “his” side of my bed. His toiletries now co-mingled with my own in the bathroom. He even had a favorite coffee mug, which I secretly used nearly every morning that he wasn’t there.
“So what is on the baby check list while I’m home?” he interrupted my thoughts with a quiet question. I smiled at the mention of “home” and his face lit up as he registered my delight.
“Well…” I started, turning pages in my notebook again. “Besides picking a girl name? Finish painting. Assemble the crib. Decorate. Pick out some bedding to put on the baby registry.”
“Ooh, do we get to use one of those beepy things at Target?” He was nearly bouncing in excitement.
“If you want to,” I laughed. “But if we find something that we like online, then we’ll just add it to the Amazon registry.”
“I say we check Target first. I really want to use one of those things.” He shook his head as his own ridiculousness.
“We can check Target first,” I assured him.
“When is your shower, again?”
“The first weekend in March.”
“So loooooong. I want to buy stuff now,” he whined.
“I do too… but they’re really excited about this. We should let them have their fun.” I really was so glad that my family was being so supportive. Mom had a not-so-secret stash of baby things, “hidden” in the guest room closet. Dad gave me updates each time Mom or my sister added to the stash. So far it seems that it was mostly clothes, for both boys and girls. Dad said Mom was going to save the un-needed clothes for the next baby. When Dad confessed all of this to me I laughed so hard that I cried.
“I know, you’re right,” he conceded. “We’re still doing the nursery decorations ourselves, right?”
“Yes, we are. So get your butt back out here so we can work on it!” I was suddenly sad, missing him so much it was nearly painful.
“Hey,” he urged gently. “I will be there in a few days. We will decorate and paint and I will cook for you and rub your feet and…”
“And cuddle in bed?” I raised my eyebrows to him, simply missing his touch. Missing his presence in the house. Missing his laughter echoing off the walls.
“And cuddle in bed,” he agreed. “And do other things in bed.”
I snorted a laugh in response.
“Hey now, the doctor keeps saying that these hormones are supposed to make you crazy for me!” His eyes went wide in exaggeration.
“I’m already crazy for you,” I argued.
“You sure about that?”
“Of course I am!” I cried out. “Are you complaining about the frequency? Or is the quality not up to your expectations?” I squinted my eyes at him.
“Neither!” He surrendered his palms again, laughing. “Neither, I swear. I was just teasing! I promise!”
“I was just teasing, too.” A smile broke across my face and I burst into giggles.
“Oh man, you got me… I swear. I’m so scared to make you mad. Supposedly these hormones are supposed to make you like…”
“Crazy?” I interrupted, still laughing.
“I didn’t say crazy!” He held up a finger in protest.
“No, I did.” I took a deep breath and sighed, calming myself. “I’m not crazy though, right?”
“Not at all, honey. Not at all.”
… … …  … … …
A few long and tiring days later Chris arrived, letting himself into my home with the key I had forced into his hand the last time he left. The argument was laid moot at my insistence that if something were to happen, he needed a key.
Nothing bad had happened, but I was thankful that Chris had his key when he found me snoozing at my desk in the studio
“Good morning sunshine,” he crooned as I blinked my eyes open.
“I can’t believe I fell asleep,” I groaned, lifting my head from the desk surface, a paper sewing pattern coming with my cheek. Chris chuckled gently peeling the paper off.
“Is it time to take maternity leave?” He joked and looked around the room. The clutter made my exhaustion obvious. On the cutting table, a pair of dressmaking sheers lay open, topping a pile of cut fabric, with scraps littering the surrounding surface. A new pattern lay nearby, only half taped together. Both serger and sewing machine stood proudly lit, still switched on. Piles of old and new fabric, haphazardly hanging from their shelves, bolts threatening to fall over, near ones that already had.
My eyes followed his gaze around the room, landing on my laptop that I had pushed to the side, still brightly lit with my webhost back end on the screen. I shook my head and clicked ‘save’, hoping that my edits hadn’t timed out. With confirmation of my changes I checked my phone, noting five missed calls. Three from Chris and two from Kate.
“I need to call Kate,” I rasped, before clearing my throat.
“To talk to her about maternity leave?” Concern was etched across Chris’ face.
“No… not yet,” I scowled as I clicked through my phone. E-mails from a fabric designer filled my inbox. I winced. “Remember that conference I skipped to come to New Mexico?”
“I do,” he nodded slowly.
“I was supposed to meet with a fabric designer…”
“A big one, right? Your sister told me.”
“Yes,” I sighed out disappointment in myself. “Basically, I lied and told her I was sick and needed to reschedule. Then later told her that I’m pregnant.”
“Ok… and?” Chris didn’t hide the confusion.
“She assumed the illness was morning sickness and was actually really cool about it,” I felt my eyebrows raise and I filled him in.
“That’s a good thing, right?”
“It is! Yes… but… it pushed back the design. It was working out to be an exclusive fabric design for me. For my clothing line.”
“That’s amazing, honey!” Chris beamed at me, then scowled. “Wait, so what it wrong?”
“We haven’t found time to get together, so everything has been through email, which pushes back the timeline. With the fabric design pushed back, the clothing design gets pushed back and I just really want this line to AT LEAST be in manufacturing before the baby is born.” I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes. Chris was right, I needed a break, but there was no way I would enjoy maternity leave, knowing my company was left hanging. And to be fair, it seemed way too early for maternity leave.
“Ok… alright… we’ve got this. It’s ok.” Chris turned my desk chair toward him and knelt in front of me. “So, what do we need to do to get to that point… or to get to a point that you can leave it to Kate?”
“I can’t leave it all to Kate. This is my company!” Tears welled in my eyes. “I can’t do that. This is my design. This is what I’ve been waiting for! An exclusive fabric for such a small company… it’s so hard! I can’t just walk away! I want to enjoy this. I’ve worked SO hard for it!” I could feel my emotions taking over. These damn hormones.
“Oh honey,” Chris pulled me into a hug. “You will! It’ll be ok!”
“No!” I wailed. “It won’t! I have to take maternity leave at some point… I have to take a break! I’m losing my mind, I swear! I’m exhausted all the time and then when I sleep, I dream of sewing!”
“Let’s take a little break, get out of this room, go put that crib together!” Chris looked at me expectantly.
“I was dreaming about sewing the baby’s bedding, when you woke me up,” I nearly whispered, shaking my head slowly.
“Oh honey,” Chris whispered, pulling me into another hug.
“I don’t know what to do right now. I’m so tired, I can’t think.” I sniffled, wiped my eyes and pulled my head up to look him in the face, for what seemed like the first time since he woke me. “And I need a shower, so bad.”
“Alright,” Chris stood abruptly. “I’ve got this.”
“You do?” My face twisted in amusement and confusion.
“Yep. You need a shower, a break and some help. I’ve got this.” He straightened up, putting his hands on his hips and surveyed the room again. “Go get in the shower. I’m going to get Kate in here to clean up… AH!” He held up a finger when I tried to protest. “I will pay her for her time today and then I think we should maybe talk to her about either changing her schedule, or taking on more hours.”
“And then what?” I sighed, knowing he was right.
“Then, when you get out of the shower, you’re going to answer those emails,” he motioned at my phone. “Then we can eat something or you can take a nap, but you’ll decide that AFTER you shower. Alright?”
“Alright.” I agreed, succumbing to his help. “Let me get you Kate’s number.”
“You’re silly if you think I don’t already have it,” he chuckled, retrieving his phone from his back pocket. “Get in the shower, now. You smell.”
“I do not!” I protested, standing with the assistance of his free hand.
“You don’t,” he smiled, kissing the top of my head. “But, I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“I hear it’s worse once the baby comes,” I teased.
“I won’t like that either, but I’ll do whatever I can to help. I can promise you that.” With a gentle push I was out the door and walking across my back yard. Simply being outside in the fresh air was already a welcome change. I glanced around, imagining playing with our sweet little girl that was yet to come.
“We should get a swing set back here,” Chris called from the doorway of the pool house studio.
“I was just thinking that,” I called back.
“Shower first. I can smell you from here!” His chuckle almost choked off his words.
To say I took a long shower would be the understatement of history. I started with the shower, steaming hot, standing under the cascade with my eyes closed. When my legs tired I longed for a bath and switched to the tub faucet, plugging the drain as I sat down to enjoy the bath.
Chris knocked softly on the door as he opened it slightly.
“Did you fall asleep in there?” His voice was low, as if he didn’t want to interrupt me, had I actually been sleeping.
“No,” I giggled. “Just reveling at how my belly sort of floats in the tub.”
“Just your belly?” I heard his tone change.
“Well, no, but… my boobs always floated,” my giggle bubbling into a laugh.
“I’m sad I never noticed that.” I could hear the smile in his voice before he peeked around the curtain.
“Cool, huh?” I smiled up at him, my hands running down my stomach.
“Very,” his smile turned and he tipped his head to the side. “Is she moving?”
“She’s movin,” I stopped my hand, attempting to feel her kicks from the outside. “Wanna try to feel again?”
“Eh… I’m kinda worried I’ll just be disappointed again.” He shrugged his feelings away and sat on the edge of the tub.
“I have a good feeling this time,” I grinned as I felt a tapping from my belly, on my hand.
“Oh do you now?” He shifted his weight and moved his hand to hover over mine, in a silent request for permission to touch me.
I took Chris’ hand in my free hand, sliding it under my opposite palm. We waited, our eyes locked. I felt a small bubble of movement, deep in my belly and frowned.
“I don’t know…” his face fell completely, dejected and disappointed.
“Shh, give her a second,” I scowled back at him. As if on cue, the tiniest of kicks made my eyebrows shoot up. “Did you feel that!?”
“No.” Chris exhaled through his nose as tears welled in his eyes. “I swear I’m never gonna….”
He was interrupted by jab, straight to his hand, as if to say “DAD! Shut it! I’m here!”
“HA!” I yelped. “You felt THAT!” My face split into a grin and tears spilled over with no warning.
“I did… I… Wow… Oh my god!” Another kick stopped his speech. “I swear, everything she does… it all makes me cry!” Tears streamed down his face, dropping into the tub.
“Well, you’re a daddy,” I spoke softly, my voice cracking with my own emotion.
“I’m a daddy,” he whispered.
“Now you’re really never going to take your hand off my stomach,” I smiled away my happy tears.
“Nope, never!” He straightened up. “Have you even washed yourself or have you just been enjoying the water?”
“Just enjoying the water,” I sighed contentedly, taking his free hand to place next to the one already on me.
“You’ll need to do that. I don’t want to hear any whining about tangled hair or being itchy from the water.”
“I will. As soon as you’re out of here,” I looked up at him through my eyelashes.
“OH, I’m not leaving!” His eyebrows lifted in a i-dare-you-to-tell-me-to-leave look.
“What? Then how am I supposed to wash myself?”
“Oh, don’t let me bother you. I’ll stay out of your way as best as I can!” With that, he grinned and abruptly barrel rolled over me, into the tub, landing between me and wall. Water sloshed out over the edge in a tsunami, soaking the rugs and bath mat.
“Christopher!” I yelped, trying to sit up.
“What?” He feigned innocence, then winked. “Like I said, don’t let me bother you… but I’ll wash your belly for you if you’d like.”
“Your clothes are soaked!”
“Uh… everything is soaked,” he nearly cackled, his hands still firmly on my round stomach. “Lucky for me, I’ve brought extra clothes!”
So there he stayed, while I drained the tub, stood and restarted the shower. I washed my hair and face, all while his hands stayed put. I poured soap into my loofah and eyed him, holding out the sponge, only to be met with a shake of his head and a laugh.
Once my entire body, minus my stomach, was clean, Chris took the loofah from me and began to wash my belly slowly, gently, almost as if I were made of glass.
“Can you still feel her moving?” I nearly whispered.
“I can,” he grinned, washing with the loofah as his free hand trailed behind it, never missing a spot or an opportunity to feel his little girl move.
“This has been simultaneously one of the weirdest and best days.”
“It’s only weird because you fell asleep on your desk,” he teased.
“Uh… and my baby daddy jumped into the tub with me, fully clothed,” I reminded him.
“Baby daddy,” he repeated in a sarcastic chuckle, scowling.
“Hey,” I called to him gently, blatantly ignoring his attempt at letting the moment pass. I lifted his chin with my fingers and felt my face twist in worry. “Hey…” I nearly cooed.
“It’s fine.” He shook his head from my hand and went back to washing.
“Not, it’s not. You’re not fine.”
“No… I’m not.” He stood and rinsed the loofah in the running shower behind me, one hand still on my soapy belly.
“Talk to me?” I nearly begged, standing on tip toe in an attempt to get eye level with him.
“I don’t want to fight.” His voice was low, pain dripping from every word, as he set about hanging the loofah, closing and putting away soap bottles, all one handed.
“I don’t either,” I was taken aback. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. He’s tired of the baby daddy joke. Shit.
“Then we won’t.” He forced a smile and turned me away from him, to rinse the soap from my body. His hands moved as slowly and gently as before, with no hint as to how he was feeling.
“Chris, don’t…” I could barely get the words out. Would this be our first fight? Shit! “Please talk to me.”
“No, not right now. Not while you’re naked and we’re in the shower.”
“And you’re fully clothed in the shower?” I wasn’t sure if I meant it as a joke, to lighten the mood, or if I just didn’t know what to say. I knew immediately it was the wrong thing to say, when he recoiled from me, both of his hands coming off of my stomach.
“I said I don’t want to fight… not that I want to joke about it.” His body went rigid.
I spun around in his arms that still formed a barrier around me and reached for his face. He recoiled, again.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my hands falling to my sides. It didn’t seem appropriate to rest them on my stomach, no matter the fact that my stomach was still my body. It didn’t seem appropriate to put my hands where his had just been, in such joy.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” His voice was hollow, his eyes filling with angry tears, where there had just been happy tears. “I don’t want this conversation to go like this. Not now, not here, not because I got angry. Not like this.”
“What conversation!?” I was suddenly terrified that my worst fears were coming true. Shit.
“Let’s get out of the shower,” he proclaimed, pulling the curtain aside calmly and stepping out.
I exhaled sharply, my hands flying to cover my mouth. I tried to hide the sob, to hold it in, but it broke through. I surrendered to the desperate crying that took over and looked down, placing my hands on my belly. No, no no no no. Did I just screw things up THAT bad, THAT fast?
“Chris?” I choked through the tears, frozen in the shower.
“Out of the shower, please?” He reached in, twisting off the tap and held out a bath sheet.
That fucking towel. THAT towel? That huge towel you bought for me when I complained that my belly got so big that I could barely get my towel around me. That towel, that you surprised me with!? That’s the towel you’re going to hand to me right before you break up with me!?
I stood shaking, naked, wet and cold, staring into his eyes. I could read nothing. There was nothing.
“Y/N, please!” He thrust the towel towards me as a reminder of its presence. Yet, I couldn’t move. I couldn’t take the towel. Not THAT towel. Not any towel, from him. So I stood. He sighed in frustration and began to dry me off. Squeezing out my hair, gently pressing the terry cloth to my face, my neck, my breasts.
“Stop,” I pleaded through a sob. He continued, gently drying my arms and legs. He turned me from my shoulders, to face away from him, and dried my back and butt. I felt my body heave with emotion as he turned me back to face him. “Stop, please.”
“No,” his eyes stuck on my stomach. “I told you, I can’t do this with you naked, not here, not like this.” He took the towel to my stomach and gently dried my skin of every last drop of water.
“Chris!” I struggled to regain composure.
“Do you need lotion?” A single eyebrow raised on his face and I came undone.
“No, I don’t need lotion! I can’t do this, Chris! Don’t do this to me!” I sobbed, covering my face.
“You can’t DO this?” He nearly yelled, standing up. “What does that mean!?”
“I don’t need lotion! I need YOU!” I wailed now, with no care in the world of the fact that I was naked, no care of who heard me. I couldn’t do this.
“You need ME?” He nearly bellowed the words. “You NEED me? Then why can’t you do this!?”
“What!?” I cried out, nearly in physical pain from the emotion. “Yes, I need you! I love you! You are the father of my child! I need you! Why are you leaving me!? Over a joke!?” I was angry now, ripping the towel from him and throwing it on the ground. I eyed the linen closet, intent on getting myself a different towel.
“It’s not a joke!” He shouted back. I flinched away from his anger, startled and covered my chest with my hands and arms. His face softened and bent to pick up the towel, whispering with a shake of his head “It’s not a joke. It hurts.”
“So why didn’t you tell me? Instead you’re just going to break up with me? You’re going to leave me… you’re going to leave her!?” My hand went protectively to my stomach, forgoing my modesty.
“I’m not breaking up with you!” His face broke into a million emotions. “Why would you think that!? I promised you I’m not going anywhere! WHY would you think I’m breaking up with you?”
“You’re not… you’re… not?” I gasped for air. “I… you’re NOT!?”
“I’m not…” he stepped towards me cautiously and when I didn’t move away, he wrapped the towel around my shoulders.
“You’re not,” I shivered into the towel, feeling my body ready to give way. “I don’t understand… you said this conversation… and… you… you went so cold!” My breath quickened again, my heart racing.
“I just meant about us… about where we are and where we’re going and… I didn’t want to pose it as I’m tired of being called the baby daddy, no matter how much that hurts… I wanted to just have a conversation about our relationship.”
“I didn’t know it was hurting you,” I nearly whispered, holding back tears. “I really didn’t know. I’m sorry, Chris. I’m so sorry.” I gave in as he pulled me to his chest, sobbing into his already soaked shirt. “I am so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, please. Please, don’t. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. I should have said something sooner. I realized that after I talked to my mom about it and…”
“You talked to your MOM about it!?” I cut him off.
“I talk to my mom about everything, honey… I… ” he trailed off, realizing his mistake.
“So, something that I was doing was hurting you… and I had NO idea… and instead of telling me that I’m hurting you… you tell your MOM that I’m hurting you!?” I was officially hysterical. Hormones be damned, I was angry and sad, furious and broken. Have I really failed him that much as a… a what? A girlfriend? A lover? A… baby mama? Damnit, that word really does hurt!
“I realize now how stupid that was… and I’m sorry.” He pulled me out to arm’s length and crouched to see eye to eye. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry this got so bad.”
“She must hate me now!” I whispered, leading into screeching “Oh my god, she must HATE me! Chris!!! I’ll never be able to look her in the eye again!” I threw my face into his chest again.
“She doesn’t hate you. I promise.” He rubbed circles on my back, shushing me. “She told me to talk to you about it, that I was making a bigger deal out of it that it really was.”
“Not if I was hurting you! I don’t ever want to hurt you!” I mumbled into his chest, then pushed off to stare him down. “Damnit Chris! Your FACE, when I said it in the shower! I thought that was it, that we were done!”
“We are not done,” he reassured me.
“But you can’t DO that! You can’t let things get that bad, without talking to me!”
“I won’t. Never again. I promise!” He cupped my face in his hands, caressing my cheek.
“This sucked,” I began to cry again. “Now we can’t ever talk about where we are, without it being tainted by this… this…” I motioned at the shower and let my hand fall back to my side, pressing my forehead to his chest.
“It really did suck,” he sighed the words out, cracking with emotion. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” I couldn’t stop the tears.
“Can we try to talk though? Can you put some clothes on and stop distracting me with your naked body, so we can really talk about it?” I felt his impish smile against my head and couldn’t keep a straight face, even through the tears.
“You’re a brat!” I laughed, wiping my face.
“Your brat,” he grinned, drying his own eyes.
“Yes, my brat. Is that what you want me to call you?” I pressed my lips together, fighting a smile.
“Staaaaahp!” He threw his head back, his weight on his heels and came back with a true smile. “Come on, naked lady! I want clothes on you for this conversation.”
Chris led me by the hand, to my bedroom. There I found two loads of laundry washed, dried and folded neatly on the bed. The bed was made, with fresh tulips in a vase on the nightstand, coupled with a cup of tea.
“I assume that was still hot, before you jumped in the tub?” I teased, motioning towards the clearly room temperature mug.
“That is was,” he nodded and led me to the cushioned bench at the foot of my bed. With swift determination of someone that knew exactly where I kept everything, he set to bringing me clean panties, a bralette, tank top and leggings. “Socks too?”
“No, no socks. Thank you.” I smiled, unwrapped myself from the towel and waited, knowing he would not allow me to dress myself.
“No fight over who puts your clothes on?” He smiled down at me.
“No, no more fighting.” I lifted my arms and let him dress me. Each article of clothing was punctuated with a sad, slow, desperate for affection, please don’t ever leave me, deep kiss.
I smiled and fought back tears until I was clothed. When all was said and done, Chris asked if I wanted to lie down.
“No… I was told I have to attend to my emails before I took a nap,” I joked, poking him with an elbow.
“I’d like to talk first?” He smiled, his easy going nature back in full force. I nodded pointedly in agreement, blowing all of the air from my lungs to clear my head.
“You are everything to me and everything to this tiny girl,” I peeked down at his hand, already on my stomach. “I will call you… or not call you… anything you want. I don’t ever want to go through what just happened, ever again.”
“I think you took the words right out of my mouth,” he smiled. “But… before marriage and between dating… there is exclusivity, which usually means calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend…”
“Seriously? You think we’re not exclusive? I know I’m not seeing anyone else… and if you are, I swear to god, Chris…”
“I’m not!” He chuckled, moving his hand to gently cover my mouth. “I’d just like to call you my girlfriend and for you to call me your boyfriend, because I feel like that is the last step before being engaged.”
“I’m not ready to be engaged…” my eyes went wide at the thought and I grabbed at his hand.
“I know you’re not and that is fine. If you are not ready, then I am not ready.” He took my hands in his and squeezed. “I hope I know when you’re ready though… because I want to surprise you. I don’t want it to be a conversation that ends in a decision. Is that selfish?”
“Not at all,” my eyes squinted nearly shut with my smile. “I want to be surprised.”
“Ok… I think we are on the same page?” Those eyebrows, they danced with concern.
“So long as you don’t plan to ‘surprise’ me on Christmas or New Years,” I finger quoted the air and smiled.
“I do not. I promise. No major holiday proposals.” He kissed my knuckles and laid our hands together on my stomach. “And I promise that if something is hurting me or bothering me, I will talk to you about it first.”
“Unless it’s someone else bothering you,” I joked.
“Even if it’s someone else,” Chris smiled and shook his head. “It’s you that I should be going to for help. You are the number one woman in my life. My mom is my mom and I love that woman to death, but this… this is my forever and I need to treat it as such.”
“Don’t tell your mom that!” I giggled at my own joke.
“Ha… well… she knows. We’ve been betrothed since I was six, if you remember,” his smile went crooked as he cocked an eye at me.
“I love you,” I whispered, dropping my eyes to my hands.
“I love you,” he tipped my head up with his finger tips to kiss me gently. I smiled into his kiss at the groan of relief he emitted.
“No moaning!”
“That was a groan,” he insisted quickly, then slid his hand behind my neck to pull me in for a deeper kiss. My voice betrayed me and Chris chuckled. “That was a moan!”
“Do it again,” I quietly begged. And he did. Again and again, each kiss more feverish than the other.
“Why did I even get you dressed!?” he mumbled against my mouth, fumbling with my tank top in an effort to pull it over my head.
“Because I was distracting you with my naked body!” I slid my hands under his shirt, eliciting a true moan from the man before me.
“Distract me again,” he begged. So I did, first removing his grey thermal shirt, then assisting with my own shirt. His eyes went wide at the sight of my chest, nearly bare to him in the lace bralette. “I swear they grow by the second.”
“And get more sensitive,” I pouted.
Chris’ face feigned surprised innocence as he sat back on his heels, drawing a hand to trace the edge of my bra. His eyes met mine in question and I whimpered in response. I knew what he wanted to do. I wanted it too, more than I could describe, but feared for the possible pain.
I was not prepared for the searing pleasure as Chris pulled the fabric aside and took my breast into his mouth. With my gasp as an answer to his unasked question, he continued with fervor. As his right hand cupped my breast, his free hand was left to explore and explore he did, until neither of us could take the wait any longer. Our clothes were nearly ripped apart in the sudden fever of desire. We tangled to the floor, our bodies a writhing heap of passion. I cried out with each climax of pleasure rolling into the next, lost in a daze of lust until Chris met his end, roaring out his euphoria like I had never heard him before.
There we laid, panting and gasping for air, on the floor beside my bed. “Was that make up sex?” Chris mumbled, tucking a tendril of hair behind my hear.
“I think so,” I huffed, still regaining my breath.
“You ok?”
“Yep, just… I had no idea an orgasm included uterine cramps until my uterus got so dang big!” I shifted my weight, away from Chris, turning to my back.
“Cramps? Not like, contractions, right?” He was up on his elbow, peering down in concern.
“No… not real ones I don’t think. They’re just… tight. Really tight.”
“But no pain…” his hand went to my belly, sending those eyebrows up in Surprise. “Wow, that’s… that’s firm.”
“Right?” I laughed away the discomfort. “But no, no pain.”
“Good.” He pecked a kiss to my forehead. “We don’t have time for a hospital visit today.”
“Uh… ok. I didn’t really want to go anyway?”
“Liz should be here any minute… unless she’s already here…” He trailed off, sneaking a look over the bed, out the window, to the back yard.
“What!?” I yelped, struggling with my attempt to leap up into action.
“Slow down lady, you’ll hurt yourself,” he grunted as he got himself upright. “C’mon,” he rolled his extended hand towards me. “I doubt she heard us anyway.”
Our clothes were collected, mine being put back on after a trip to the toilet, and Chris’ hung over the shower curtain rod to dry. All the while, my eyes were leveled at him in judgement.
“What?” He chuckled, avoid my glare by carefully selecting a clean shirt from the dresser.
“You knew. You brat.”
“Maybe I did,” he pulled a black t-shirt over his head and grinned when his face reappeared.
“You DID!”
“I did,” he giggled to himself, slipping on a pair of khaki colored jeans. With his zipper and button in place, he strode over and held my face in his hands. “Are you mad?”
“No…” I smirked. “It’s fine, it wouldn’t be the first time she heard me with someone.”
“What!?” Shock streaked across his face. “Are you serious?”
“No, you crazy man! I just had to get you back!”
“Oh thank god,” he pulled me in for a hug. “Because you know there were NO men before me.”
“Of course not,” I giggled.
“Promise you’re not mad?”
“About Liz hearing us? No. But, let’s try to not ever do that again. Ok?” I spied Liz emerging from the studio, through the window.
“Ok,” he smiled with his cheek against my head before noticing Liz and promptly erupted into a fit of giggles.
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stardyng · 6 years
How can u support sansa? she sold arya out in the first book she didn't need to say how arya had traitor's blood and not her while cercie was pressuring here to write the letter but she still did even though she was smart enough to know how dangerous the situation was.
For starters, Sansa never sold Arya out in the books (or in the show for that matter). In fact, she has done almost the opposite more than once. In the chapter where we are introduced to her, Arya gets mad, and start talking loudly which catches the attention of Septa Mordane, but Sansa lies in order to cover for Arya, saving her from criticism. Then later on, Sansa is asked about Arya’s whereabouts and what she was doing but Sansa doesn’t divulge any substantial information, saving Arya once again from any kind of criticism. That being said, Sansa and Arya do not have the most positive of relationships, and they end up disagreeing with each other on practically everything and even though the narrative urges you to be on Arya’s side, if I had to be honest, Sansa’s actions are really valid, even when they aren’t the right ones. 
For example, at the Trident, her deciding to not choose any side in the conflict between Arya and Joffrey made perfect sense. She was Joffrey’s betrothed so in theory she should support him in every circumstance but Arya is not only her sister but has told the truth. However, siding with either of them would have serious repercussions. Siding with Joffrey would have caused Arya to be severely punished and would generally just made it so that blame ended up attributed to the wrong people. However, siding with Arya and supporting her version of the events would still have led to Arya being punished for hitting the crown prince, would have later led to Joffrey making even more irrational decisions due to his hate of the Starks, Cersei wouldn’t have been able to kill Lady now, but she would have found another way to dispose of her later on and the fact that Robert didn’t punish Joffrey for his actions even though he knew that his son was lying, is literal proof that he wouldn’t have received any substantial punishment for his actions even if Sansa told everyone what happened. All in all, her not siding with Arya (nor with Joffrey) made perfect sense seeing as she had no good choice available to her.
Then, people vilify Sansa for her constant conflicts with Arya as the book continues, and I think it’s unfair to degrade her for that. Sansa is in an incredibly delicate situation, is given no explanation to anything and is practically left alone to emotionally deal with all that went down because neither her father or septa Mordane are willing to put in the effort to help guide her through things. Plus, her beloved pet just got unfairly murdered which caused her to feel even sadder and angrier about everything. Essentially, being put in that specific situation led to her retconning the events at the Trident to make it fit with her worldview more, and some of her later decisions like going to the queen. It’s easier to just blame Arya for what happened to Lady than to accept the fact that not only is the man she is set to marry a horrible person, but that the way she viewed life is completely wrong. So because she pinned Arya as the one who caused all the bad things that went down at the Trident, all her anger including the parts of it that was directed at Joffrey, at Cersei and at her father, ended up being directed at Arya. Of course Arya didn’t deserve to be seen as the one at fault. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m trying to make it clear that the ones to blame for Sansa feeling this way are not just the people who actually caused Lady’s death but  also Ned and Septa Mordane for not helping her navigate her feelings (about Arya, about her family, about Lady dying, about the Lannisters, etc) in a healthier manner especially when Ned helped Arya deal with her feelings  earlier in the book. 
To add to this, not only does Sansa have to deal with her problems alone unlike her sister, but is later told that her engagement with Joffrey will be dissolved and that she will have to leave this city that contains everything she dreamed of having and experiencing (again, with no one explaining to her why that is the case). Not to forget that she had to see her father clearly favor her sister (Arya was allowed to bring Syrio home and got to have one last training session before leaving whereas Sansa was given no compromise or last meeting). All of that only add to the completely understandable bitterness she is feeling that is aimed towards her sister and her father. Plus, while Sansa wasn’t the nicest person to Arya, it isn’t like Arya was any better. Arya was internally resentful and jealous of Sansa for their entire childhood, she vilified her sister even when Sansa was covering for Arya, she publicly humiliated Sansa by pummeling her to the ground in front of everyone including the people she desperately wanted to impress, she ruined the dress that Sansa spent days making and acted as if Sansa was the one at fault for several of the horrors that happened at the Trident. What I’m saying is that it isn’t like Sansa was the only one who was unfair and mean, as Arya was too. Both were too harsh on each other, and it’s unfair to only criticize Sansa for something that both have done. 
All of this finally leads to the moment where Sansa says that Arya has the ‘’traitor’s blood’’ rather than her. It’s important to consider what happened to Sansa before that moment as well as what brought her to say that. Sansa has been isolated in a room for days all while people were fighting and killing each other outside of that room. She hadn’t seen any figure of authority (more specifically her father or Septa Mordane) for days. This is not forgetting that she didn’t even know who was fighting who or even why people were fighting in the first place. Sansa was incredibly stressed out and confused, and she had to deal with these feelings for many days. Following that, she ends up being brought to Cersei and the men of the small council, who proceed to manipulate her. She is told that her father betrayed the king, and that the Lannisters may decide to annul her engagement with Joffrey (that engagement represents everything she dreamed of) due to her father’s and sister’s crimes. This is especially important because in her perspective, Lady died precisely because of her sister’s mistakes and she’s still angry at her sister for that. In her head, she was punished because her sister was doing something wrong, and no one would listen to her when she argued that she hadn’t a hand on the bad things that have happened. For her, this is just a repeat of these events, so she’s desperately saying anything that might convince Cersei to make sure that she isn’t once again punished for what her sister has done wrong, and saying that she should not be held accountable for her sister’s mistakes is only one of these things. What Sansa said may have been harsh, but considering all that has happened to her thus far since leaving Winterfell, it is comprehensible why she would say such a thing. She’s desperate, she’s angry, and she’s alone. I also want to remind you that later in the story, Sandor Clegane and Arya have a conversation about Sansa and what went down at the Trident where Sandor lies to Arya about what Sansa did that night, (he told her that Sansa sided with Joffrey by agreeing with his version of the story instead of Arya’s). In that scene, even though Arya was there and knew that Sansa (publicly) stayed neutral in that conflict, instead of pointing that out, she ends up degrading Sansa for doing something that she never did in the first place. Again, the point isn’t to shame Arya, but rather to point out how unfair it is to criticize Sansa for things that Arya does as well. 
I think that with all of that in mind, it’s rather easy to see how I could possibly support Sansa. I support her because she’s been shamed for doing things that make complete sense considering her age, the circumstances and what she knows. I support her because her sister often does similar things yet it’s only bad when Sansa does it. I support her because her father and her supervisor have been completely negligent of her through out their entire stay at King’s Landing. I support her because she had to watch as her father favored and prioritized her sister over her at every single turn. I support her because her pet just died and yet no one helped her deal with her grief and her anger. I support her because she just saw as everything she thought was real ended up being untrue. I support her because she was a child being put in an incredibly stressful situation with no good option. I support her because even though all of that was happening, she still found it in her heart to comfort and sympathize with a man who was tormenting her. I support her because her father told her that he was going to rob her of all of things that she loved by forcing her to leave the capitol all while never bothering to explain anything (including his reasoning as to why he thinks she should leave) to her. I support her because he wouldn’t even make a compromise with her about leaving despite making one with her sister. I support her because the people whom she thought she could trust were lying to her, manipulating her and gas-lighting her. I support her because even though she’s angry at her father and sister, she still very much loves them, and puts in the extra effort in order to save her father from a possible execution. I support her because she’s a young girl who was failed by everyone around her, and yet instead of blaming these people, readers have decided to blame her for all of the things that went wrong in the story. I support her because she deserves that support. 
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