#But they are not an absolute must like Reinako and harumichi
alevolpe · 7 months
the relationships between each member of the sailor team seems so interesting in your hc! I always love it when people depict that not all the girls get along perfectly with each other.
What does Michiru think about the inner senshi in your version? If it's not too long, what do they think about her?
Thank you! And I really love that too!
I love that some of the girls might have stronger bonds with each other or even others not being that close friendship wise and just happening to be a part of the same team, it makes their team dynamics way more believable and organic!
I’ll make a compromise (since I’m p busy) and share my “ranking” of how the girls see each other. Thank you again :)
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Also small note, but these relationships are accounted for after they spent years together as a team. So obv not say like mid season S where the outers hate everyone and vice versa, but say into their 20s, after letting their bonds simmer during a period of relative calm, Earth-threatening-evil-conflict free time.
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awashsquid · 6 years
First off, a big THANK YOU to @docholligay for organizing this and letting me help out!  Second, thanks so much to everyone who participated this year; you all made some really awesome stuff!
Without further ado, the master post of all submitted works:
@amrynth with “Like the Tide”, an entrancing tale of Haruka, who, while working as a custodian at the local aquarium, stumbles upon Mermaid!Michiru locked away in a cage.  I loved how they communicated in this, and it lends to so many questions about Michiru’s predicament that it really hooks you.
@bailesu with “One Day in Paris”,  a romp with Detective!Haruka chasing down Jewel Thief! Michiru in, of course, Paris.  It’s really cool that you made all the Senshi have their own parts/cameos and you have a real talent for humor; without spoiling, Hotaru’s scene made me chuckle several times.
@docholligay with “Perfection, Oil on Linen, Date Unknown”, a character study of Michiru a few weeks before episode 110.  The metaphor of Michiru as a painting is so gorgeous, and the language so expertly written (Tokyo as a jewel box being my favorite), that this story sucks you in immediately and doesn’t release you until the very last line.
@howmanyheartaches with “That’s What Friends are For”,  where Haruka and Michiru are attempting to help Minako make her debut album a success by providing their own musical talents.  Your Minako is fabulous, and I particularly liked the little exchange between her and Michiru right at the end!
@kumeko with “One Year of Love”, an absolutely heartbreaking tale about Michiru, frozen in time by Setsuna (a really clever idea that I wish I had thought of, to be honest) with one year left to spend before her time runs out.  The weaving of who notices vs. who doesn’t is perfect, and this is so haunting it’ll stick with me for a while.
@seolh with “So Far Away (Adventures in Getting There)”, a really cute story about Haruka’s quest to see a drive-in movie (which, in 2019, is becoming increasingly rarer).  It’s warming and sweet, and it gracefully shows the ways in which Haruka and Michiru are both maturing as they settle into domesticity with one another.
@sittingoverheredreaming with the prompt “Minako and Rei cuddling in a snow storm”, which has a delightful first sentence that blossoms into Minako continually getting on Rei’s nerves until they both hit a tipping point.  The realization in the middle is really smartly done, and the soft, sweet ending honestly just makes me want to curl up under blankets too!
@verbforverb with the Overwatch prompt “Tracer planning a birthday party for Winston”, and it’s hard for me to review this one without spoiling it, but I really liked the implication of the last few paragraphs, as well as the care you put into Tracer and Winston’s relationship as family to one another.
I also wrote a thing with the prompt “Keeping Warm”, an AU of D-Point with Haruka and Michiru there!
@jay-lea with the prompt “Minako ‘helping’ Haruka plan a date”, a combo art/ficlet piece that legitimately made me laugh out loud (Michiru’s second line is so perfect!).  It’s a really sweet story, and Haruka’s horrified expression in the photo is an absolute delight.
@kin-kaze with the prompt “Haruka and Michiru travel Japan”, a beautiful piece done in a traditional style that almost gives it the feel of a street artist having sketched them as they walked through the market.  Bonus points for Haruka being bogged down with all of the bags, which I find hilarious.
@papillon82fluttersby with the prompt “Harumichi rewrite of a fairytale”, a really charming art and ficlet combination that gives the traditional Cinderella story a little twist, set in the modern-day and with these two instead!  My personal favorite touch is that Haruka’s car keys (complete with Whorl Chicken keychain) replace the famous lost shoe.
@rhiorhino with the prompt “Older Haruka and Michiru, married, domestic life”, a gorgeous slice-of-life portrait of the couple having grown old together, still in love, Michiru openly smiling in a way that feels genuine, down to the crinkle of her eyes.  The little background Reinako mugs are an adorable touch, too!
@tabletennishotaru with the prompt “A Michiru piece to Vanessa Mae’s Devil’s Trill”, a beautiful piece where Michiru’s sly smile really sucks you in, but the background details just add to the appreciation of what she must be thinking about as she plays, what it is that makes her smile in that way.  
@vassekocho with the prompt of “Ghost!Michiru”, a drawing that captures something predatory in Michiru’s expression that, quite frankly, creeps me out quite a bit!  I adore Michiru’s outfit, especially that little seashell on the belt, and Haruka’s expression manages to leave me wondering--does she see her? or just sense her?
@wouldntyoulichentoknow with the prompt “Snowball fight”, a cute and funny series of drawings that definitely made me smile!  I really like the little critter on Haruka’s headphones, because of course she would buy ones that look like that, as well as Michiru trolling Minako, a personal favorite of mine!
That’s everybody, folks!  Again, a BIG thanks to everyone who participated in this exchange!!
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