#But this ASSHOLE has to go and ruin it for everyone whilst sitting on his ass and doing NONE of the labour he just volunteered us for
rooksnooks · 1 year
Thank fucking god that the human body is 60% liquid because if there wasn't an explanation for how you could cut me open and find burning magma in there I would just die
#Thought life was good but NEVER FUCKING MIND BECAUSE THE ASSHOLE SPERM DONOR DIRTBAG HAD TO RUIN IT AGAIN#my mum and sister are EXHAUSTED from being outside the whole of today and this dickwad piece of shit goes and invites a family of SIX (6!!)#hosting and being around people to study for the biggest exams of my life!! ever fucking mind that people here because some BITCH wanted#to have a tea party with his ASSHOLE FRIENDS#Just trying to have one??? good??? day???#But this ASSHOLE has to go and ruin it for everyone whilst sitting on his ass and doing NONE of the labour he just volunteered us for#a family of SIX (6!!!!) to the house in less than twelve hours!!!!! A family of six visiting from overseas!!#A family of six I am not comfortable near my shit!!!! A family of six with young children!!! (and no hate on them they ain't done nothing)#And when I say young I mean my DOG is heavier than two of those kids for fucks sake!!!!!#he jumps on people and you know who is gonna get mad and scream about a dog going dog on people he invited over with 11 hours warning!!#This entire fucking house needs to be cleaned!! The dog needs to be wrangled!!!#The actually fucking backbreaking labour that is usually done over a week leading to an event like this needs to be done in 11 hours!!#And guess who is gonna sit his ass down on the couch and watch the critical-thinking-eroding-chinese-version-of-fox-news-on-youtube#on the TV my mother paid for??????#WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT??? WHY IS THIS BITCH SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE HERE NOT SLAVES DICKWAD#I WISH HE HAD FALLEN AND BROKEN HIS NECK INSTEAD#FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU#I WANT HIM DEAD I WANT HIM GONE I WANTED ONE GOOD DAY BEFORE EXAMS IS THAT TOO MUCH FOR YOU PIECE OF SHIT?????
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dragonfly92 · 1 year
18th Birthday Party and Surprises Chapter Nine
It was the day of the warped tour everyone was up and getting ready thankfully Sarah and Sky was already dressed ready for the day, they was both sitting on the couch having a conversation when both Andy and Jake make appearances, Andy is the first to ask and he asks, "Hey babes would you help me with my war paint please." Sarah smiles and replies, "Yeah of course, let's go and get you ready for the show." She gets up from the couch and once they was both gone, Jake speaks up asking Sky "Would you mind helping me with my war paint I would appreciate it." Sky couldn't help but smile as well and she replies, "Yeah of course I'll help you." Thankfully Jake has he's make up ready and sits down in front of Sky.
After a little while Sky had finished doing his make up and of course he loved it, but then he speaks up saying, "So I know people have told you that I like you, so I want to say that's true I do have feelings for you and I was wondering if you still do, if so would you like to be my girlfriend?" Sky went quiet for a moment and then had a huge grin on her face saying, "Jake I would love to be your girlfriend." They both have huge grins on their faces but because she has just done his make up neither want to risk having to re do it, so they decided that after the performance and he washed it off, then they would have their first kiss.
Andy and Sarah had reappeared, it took longer than usually for him to get ready because well they wanted them to both think that they was having their first intimate moment and to make it more convincing they both had huge grins on their faces, of course both Sky and Jake had already figured out what they did but was surprised how quiet they both was, but neither wanted to say anything but Sky would probably ask her later on, the four of them left the tour bus of course the guys being gentlemen let the girls go first and then they followed, when they had gotten outside both Sarah and Andy of course held hands, to both of their surprises Sky and Jake held hands as well which causes both of them to having smiles on their faces. 
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Once they had reached the stage and went up the stairs going behind the curtains, the guys was getting themselves ready for the performance of course there was loads of people and they was shouting, "BLACK VEIL BRIDES." repeating, they was almost finished getting ready then it was time to go on stage, both Andy and Jake both gave their girls a kiss before heading on stage thankfully the girls was allowed to stay on the stage at the side to watch the guys perform, whilst the guys was singing for the crowd, Sky finally plucks up the courage and says, "So I guess you guys both figured out that me and Jake are officially dating." 
Sarah who was listening to the guys perform then looks over at Sky smiling saying, "Well yeah the thing is, you both was probably wondering why me and Andy took so long is because we could hear the conversation and we didn't want to exact ruin that special moment between you guys so we stay back and well listened, then we both might've come up with this idea making you both think that something was going on, but we have spoken about this already and this is new for the both of us I mean we've been only dating for what three days now so we're gonna take it slow and see where this goes."
Sky has a pretend shock look on her face which causes the both of them to laugh and then she speaks up saying, "Wow you was both very convincing to be honest you had me and Jake both fooled, we actually thought you two were going at it." Sarah stops laughing for a moment and then says, "Well when we do eventually do it, it won't be in a tour bus full of people." But before either of them could continue speaking they both looked at the stage because the music had just finished, both thinking that the guys was done but nope they wasn't.
It unfortunately turns out some of the crowd are being complete assholes towards the guys but thankfully Andy was dealing with it of course all the fans was behind him the whole way and then they started chanting his name both Sarah and Sky join in to show their support knowing that as Andy shouts to the guys that they can easily leave go and watch another band perform because it's for the fans who as he likes to call them weirdos but they don't mind that.
Apparently people just can't appreciate really good music, so they try and ruin it for everyone else but the guys understandable aren't having it, Once the guys had finished performing they said their goodbyes and started waving to everyone and went backstage, Sky went over to Jake and they started talking, Sarah of course goes over to Andy and he says, "So I'm guessing you heard what happened then?" Sarah says, "Yeah but you and the guys handed it pretty well guess people just don't appreciated good music, but of course you had the BVB Army behind you all the way even chanting your name so did me and Sky show our appreciation."
Andy looks over with a smile on his face and speaks up saying, "Well thank you I am happy that you guys and of course the BVB Army are behind us, it just frustrates the hell out of me but can't let it get on top of us oh I forgot to mention that me and a good friend of mine Matt have an interview with Bryan Stars if you want to join us, you don't have to come on camera if you don't want too." Sarah who's looking up at her holding his hands says, "Yeah alright I have a feeling that Sky will want to stay with her new boyfriend anyways." 
That confuses Andy and he speaks up asking, "Wait what do you mean new boyfriend what about Jake, he's gonna be heartbroken?" Sarah laughs a little which still confuses Andy  that is until she speaks up saying, "Oh if I was you I would at who she's kissing right now." He confused until he looks in the direction that she was looking sure enough both Sky and Jake was kissing he had a surprised look on his face and then turns his attention back to Sarah and he asks, "Wait a second when did that happen?" Sarah sighs and rolls her eyes saying, "When the four of us was in the tour bus and you both was getting ready for the show, that's when." He smiles and replies, "Well finally even though it took them a few days getting together." 
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rafescoke · 3 years
Hiii! I don’t know if you’re still taking requests but how about a rafe fic where he is super sweet and gentle and just soft with the reader in private but an asshole once their in public? Just angst and a lil but of fluff and rafe being rafe, if that’s not too much to ask!
Facade ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: “This whole thing you’re showing to people. . . that’s not you. Fuck you.”
Warnings: Angst, angst, and more angst. Not the ending everyone’s expecting  (I think) 
A/N: I’m extremely sorry if this isn’t my best work but thank you for 700+ followers wtf ily <3 finishing all requests in my inbox this week!
“Don’t leave me yet,” Rafe groans. He places his arms around her waist, snuggling close. Her scent of strawberry wafts into his nostrils, and he closes his eyes against her warmth.
“Work.” she mumbles, and tries to stand up again. But Rafe does not let go, still holding onto her skin as if on his last breath, and she lets out a chuckle at the adorable sight.
“I can pay you twice the amount you’re working for right now,” he says. He finally let go of her, and slumps into the vacant pillows that she had slept in a few hours ago.
“I know, and I won’t give you the satisfaction of doing so,” she smiles, and take the chance of freedom to walk towards the bathroom. She checks the naked boy on top of the bed from the mirror, her heart soaring.
His boy.
She kisses him on the cheeks when she’s finally done, swiping her thumb on his pink lips as he whimpers softly in his sleep. She kisses him again, this time on the lips, for good measures.
(Y/N) never really like the restaurant in the country club, because it’s full of impolite kooks and bratty tourists. But money is money, and she’ll never say no to a good sum of them.
She sighs, clearing another dirty table all while thinking of Rafe in his room. Her insides suddenly beam when his kisses slides through her memory, and she wishes the clock would turn faster.
She slides in the empty back room, pulling her phone out from her back pocket and tapping on the top name of her contact. Her fingers glide effortlessly, her mouth forming a smile.
miss you.
Three seconds later, her phone dings.
Rafe: Disgusting.
Rafe: Miss you more :)
She wants to go back to him as soon as possible.
The door behind her back open before she can stuff her phone back in, and she struggles to appear busy as the manager peek his head in.
“What are you doing here? It’s full house. You got a table.”
(Y/N) look up to him, trying to pretend like she wasn’t just skipping some time to text her boyfriend, and nods.
Okay, maybe not boyfriend. She’s not completely sure. They never really certify anything, but whatever’s going on between them is definitely something more than ‘friends’.
She sighs again, picking up a menu before heading towards the group of friends sitting at the long table by the golf course.
“Hey, welcome to—”
Oh my god.
“Hey, you’re (Y/N), right?”
(Y/N)’s attention snaps back to the blonde boy sitting next to Rafe, and she gulps before nodding slowly. “Um, yeah.”
“You work here?”
Is he stupid?
She refrains herself from rolling her eyes, “Yes.”
Rafe scans the menu, not looking at her, and she feel a tug at her heart. Why is he pretending not to know her? She’s not expecting a sudden hug or a kiss on the lips; she’s thinking of something like a goddamn smile.
“Might come down here often, then,” the boy laughs, and the others follow him. Except for Rafe. “What’s the best order here?”
“Pasta,” she mumbles. He’s still looking at the menu, clearly trying to ignore her piercing stare.
“Which one?” The blonde sighs, flipping through the menu. “You got bolognese, carbonara—”
“Aglio Olio,” she answers quickly. He can choke and starve for all she cares for ruining her day like this. Why would he need her opinion on this as if he has never tasted on every single dish on this menu?
“I’ll take that one,” he smiles, and peeks over her arms. “Did you write that down? Can I see it?”
What a fucking cunt.
“That’s it?” She asks, tilting her head to one side. She takes more orders from the other boys, but there’s only one left.
She looks up to him, and finally, he meets her eyes.
“What’s the best soup here?”
“All of them are good,” she answers, biting her tongue. She never told Rafe before about her workplace, and they had agreed on that, but she did not expect this kind of treatment once he finally found the answer.
“Is this how you treat the customers?”
What. The. Fuck.
(Y/N) bites her lips, and suppresses her groan while the other boys laugh. “We have the best mushroom soup.”
“I’ll go with the mushroom soup, please.”
(Y/N) scribbles down ‘mushfuckingroom soup for the asshole’ down, and gives out her fakest smile. “That’s it? I’ll come back shortly with your food.”
“One more thing—”
(Y/N) turns to them again, still holding onto that smile, “Yes?”
“Try to be nicer to the customers sometimes. That way, we’ll tip you bigger.”
She stalks off, not knowing that person under the same skin she caressed and kissed this morning.
. . .
Rafe bites his lips, sitting on the edge of the bed and pressing the call button for the 17th time tonight.
He sighs when the operator comes on, and throws his back against the mattress again.
Okay. Maybe he was mad at that time. She never told him where she works, and he assumed her workplace to be some kind of a hipster cafe with cats for decoration. He didn’t know she would be serving in the restaurant at the country club.
He texts her again, groaning.
Pick up the phone
The typing notification pops up, and he waits excitedly for her reply. After a few minutes, the notification disappear. He grunts again, and goes straight to his contacts.
He presses the phone against his ear, waiting for her voice to say something; to listen to his pleas and to come back to his arms. He misses her so much, more than anything else in the world.
“Stop calling me,” she says.
He sits up straighter, feeling his blood rushing throughout his body. “Hey, how are you?”
“How’s the mushroom soup?” She mocks, and Rafe raises his brows.
He sees it clearly now.
“Are you mad about that day in the restaurant? I wasn’t even talking shit to you like Topper—”
“Really? The whole ‘bigger tips’ thing? Was that necessary?” She asks, her voice breaking.
Oh god. “It was a joke!”
“Yeah? Congra-tu-fucking-lations, Cameron, it’s a funny one,” she says, and Rafe can hear her slowly distancing voice.
He panics, “Don’t end on me. Look, I’m sorry. It’s just that you won’t tell me where you work, and it appeared as a shock to me.”
That’s the dumbest reason (Y/N) had ever heard. She feels like laughing and crying at the same time, because this is exactly the problem;
Guys like Rafe Cameron would never want to be with a girl like (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
“Suck my dick, asshole!” she yells, and slams the phone down.
Rafe pulls the phone away, his face contorting in anger, and his shoulders slump. He should’ve known better.
It’s just that. . . he’s afraid of what the others would think of him if they knew about him dating a pogue. Ward didn’t take it well when Sarah ran off with John B, and Rafe assumes he would be feeling the same way about (Y/N).
Why does life have to be so fucking complicated all the time?
Two days after, Rafe heard about a party in The Cut, but nothing from (Y/N). He know he’s fucked up big time, and he’s content to make it right with her again.
He doesn’t like stepping his foot onto The Cut, only going to the other side of the island to meet Barry for his medical issues, and sometimes to see how Sarah is doing.
But he’s driving down to the strange place again, so determined to see his girl one more time.
The party is in an abandoned warehouse, and from the outside, Rafe can see how loud and huge the party is. He sighs, thinking about the amount of time he would be wasting to find her whilst going through the throng of bodies.
But he wants to see her and touch her more than anything.
No one seems to notice him, Rafe Cameron, the Kook prince yet, and he’s hoping to keep it that way until he can pull (Y/N) out. Not one person back in Figure 8 could know about his presence in the party, what more the reason he’s there in the first place.
It’s easy to notice her. Black top, denim shorts, and (H/C) hair flowing from her shoulders. He stalks forward, extending his hand, but stops when he notices the boy beside her.
JJ fucking Maybank.
He balls his hands into a fist, and watches the way she laughs at a joke by JJ.
He takes his phone out, dialling her number, and stares as she grabs her phone out of her pocket. (Y/N) sighs, sliding the call button to the left, and keeps it in her shorts again.
Meet me outside
(Y/N) pulls her phone out again, contorts her face at the texts, and finally look up. Her eyes scans the whole area, trying to find a particular brunette. . .
“What’s wrong?” JJ asks, touching her forearm.
“I’ll be right back,” she says, holding a finger up, and heads straight towards the exit.
Her shoes crunches against the gravel as she tries to look for Rafe’s jeep. She stands there alone, crossing her arms, and groans when she realises that he must’ve been tricking her.
Rafe slides his arms around her. “Hey, princess.”
She yelps, pushing him off and looking straight into his eyes. She relaxes when reality hits her, but stiffen again when reality hits her again.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” Her cold voice rings into his ears, but he misses her too much to care.
“C’mere,” he says, extending his hands. “Missed you.”
“Fuck off,” she announces and stalks away, only to be pulled by Rafe’s arms again. This time, she stays in his arms.
“Sorry,” he mumbles against the top of her head. “I’m sorry I was such a dick to you.”
She stays silent, trying to put up a wall between her and Rafe, but it’s near impossible. She misses him a bit too much too.
So she lets him pull her into his jeep, and whatever feud they have before dissipates into the air.
He kisses her on the lips once in the car, and when she pulls away, he groans.
“I’m not going to let you go with just a kiss after 2 weeks,” he says, inching closer to her. She gives him a sly smile, knowing exactly what he’s trying to tell her, and closes the gap.
He pulls away again after finding his hands under her top, and points to the back. She shakes her head, smiling.
“Come on, you missed me too much to say no.”
. . .
Maybe he should say something to his friends to stop them from harassing her.
But he’s glued to the spot, watching as Topper taunts her.
“You lied to me,” Topper pouts, “The Aglio Olio isn’t that good.”
She looks at Rafe, hoping, wanting, longing for him to say something. Anything.
He stays shut, scanning the menu.
“Sorry. Would you like to order anything else?” She sighs, spelling a big ‘fuck you’ on the top of her notepad.
“Do you come with the menu?”
She looks at Rafe again, waiting.
Say something. Please.
She smiles, “I do.”
Topper smiles and the other coos. (Y/N) watches as Rafe’s jaw tightens, and she goes back to her dirty work.
Two can play this game, Cameron.
“Give me your best food, babe,” Topper smiles, and shuts the menu. “Anyone else? Rafe? What do you want to eat?”
She waits. Say something about us, Rafe, please.
“Can we change for another server—” he says, and raises his hand up. “Hey, yo, you, yeah, you the manager?”
Logan gives (Y/N) a warning look before putting on a smile for Rafe, “Yes, sir, is there anything I can do?”
“Can you call someone else to take our order?”
This is way too far. He’s taking this way too far—
“Did our (Y/N) say something?” Logan asks, still smiling. She knows he’s seething inside, and she hates Rafe for putting her in this position.
“No. I just love for a better view.”
That feels like a hard smack across the face. Her throat starts burning, and she can feel her tears slowly appearing.
“That’s no problem, sir, I’ll get you another server—” Logan looks around, “Kate! Yes, c’mere.”
(Y/N) looks at Rafe again. His eyes meet hers, but there’s nothing behind his gaze.
She reaches for the cold water on the table, her head’s so light she can literally faint, and splashes the brunette boy so quick that he stands up immediately.
“Asshole,” she states, and turns to Logan. “I fucking quit!”
. . .
Rafe Cameron is 100% an asshole.
She used to think of so many counterattacks to that statement, but there’s zero now.
She hates Rafe Cameron will all her heart, and wishes to never see him again.
He tried contacting her a few times over the week, to which she ignored heavily. She never thought he would stoop so low to preserve his title as the ‘Kook prince’.
To hell with that.
She would never treat him like that, and she’s just so clueless as to why he said all those mean words to her.
He kissed her on the lips, pulling her close. “My baby. So fucking perfect.”
(Y/N) grinded against him, hearing his soft whimpers, and laughed. She watched the clock ticking, and sighed.
“Forty minutes until I’m off to work.”
Rafe groaned, “Stop talking about work. Work with me.”
“As what, idiot?” She laughed, gazing at him lazily. “As a fuckbuddy?”
He sat up straighter, his face contorting in anger. “You are not my fuckbuddy, okay? Stop saying that. God, I will never do that you.”
She smiled, and leaned to kiss him against his chest. She trailed her lips up to his neck, and stopped right behind his ear. He shivered, biting his lips.
“And I’ll make you mind one day, (Y/N), I will,” he whispered.
Now that’s the biggest lie of the century. She gets it now;
The night dates in the most unknown places, like a fancy restaurant in a fucking town 2 islands away from Obx. Not wanting to hold hands or to be posted on her Instagram.
Why had she been so stupid?
“Fuck,” she groans, laying her back against the pillow.
Rafe Cameron is embarrassed to be seen with her. Something like that.
All the sweet things he would say to her in bed is nothing but a tactic to get into her pants. And she allowed him. God.
“You’re a stupid fuck, (Y/N),” she cries, and bites her lips. And she thought he would be the one—
Riiing! Riiing!
“Stop calling me!” She yells first thing when she picks up the phone, trying to stop her voice from cracking. Like always, she failed.
“Yo? You good?” JJ’s voice rang through the phone, a hint of worry in his voice. “I can call you another—”
“No! No, J, it’s fine, I thought you’re someone else,” she sighs. “What’s up?”
“Wanna come down to the beach with me tomorrow?”
“And do what?” She sighs. She doesn’t feel like swimming in the water, or watch JJ swim, or search for dolphins (JJ told her before that there’s dolphins in Obx), or anything, really.
She wants to sleep.
“Surfing,” he answers, like it’s a fact. “Come on, you got the whole summer to practice surfing. Let’s start with asking the hottest guy in Obx to coach you.”
(Y/N) slapped him in the face, giggling ferociously. He picked her up, twirling her around, and when she least expected it, he jumped into the water with her in his arms.
They resurfaced, still in a laughing fit.
“God, Rafe, you’re an asshole,” she laughed, pushing his chest.
“And the hottest guy in Obx.”
She bites her lips, thinking of the memory, and clears her throat. “Maybe not surfing, J, but I’ll come down anyways.”
“Okay to me,” he says, and (Y/N) can imagine a smile playing on his lips. “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Night, J.”
She sighs, and shuts her phone off.
Whatever Rafe did to her disappears into thin air when she arrives at the beach and see JJ with two surfboards planted in the sand.
He grins at her when she comes close, “There you are. Thought you bailed on me.”
She rolls her eyes, “I don’t want to surf, J.”
“Since when?”
She groans, “Like. Right now.”
“Nah, come on.”
Maybe JJ’s right. She gives him a nudge every time he tries to hold her, but he’s patient. He waits until she’s more comfortable before helping her up on her board, and when she topples over from the small wave, he lets out the biggest laugh.
And she completely forgets about the fight with Rafe for the whole hour.
“God. You’re a dick.”
JJ smiles, stabilising her board again. “Try again. You can call me a dick once you will not fall over a small wave.”
And she tries again.
By the time the sun sets they were laying right next to each other, just admiring each other’s presence and not saying anything.
She likes it like this. No secrets.
She hums in response, leaning on her elbows for support.
“You deserve someone a lot more better than Rafe.”
“Don’t talk about him,” she sighs, and closes her eyes.
When (Y/N) told the pogues about Rafe the night after the incidence, they were all fuming with anger and hatred towards the brunette boy. But (Y/N) doesn’t have an ounce of hate in her for him, even after all the hurtful things he said to her.
What an idiot.
“I can’t watch you get hurt again,” JJ says. “I care about you.”
She looks him properly now, watching as the golden light illuminates his handsome face. “I know, J.”
They lay in silence again, staring at the blue landscape of nothingness.
“There’s someone out there who will treat you better.”
She looks at him again. No. No.
“Yeah?” She laughs, trying to give him the idea to stop right now and not make it any complicated for her. She loves him, more than anything in the world, but not in the way she feels for Rafe.
He’s her Laurie to Jo March. Nothing more but a best friend.
He scoots closer, feeling her warmth. “Yeah. Look around, (Y/N).”
She inches away, “J, I’m not looking for anyone. You know that.”
“Except for Rafe,” he mumbles. “Is that right?”
“He’s different.”
“Why, (Y/N)? He treats you like shit, is embarrassed to be seen with you—”
“Okay, J, fuck! I get it, okay? But I’m not looking for anyone. I’m just not. Leave me alone!” She groans, throwing her arms into the air exasperatedly. She doesn’t need another boy in her life right now.
JJ’s right. Except for Rafe.
“I’m leaving,” she says, grabbing her tote bag and stuffing all her belongings. “This is a mistake.”
“(Y/N), wait—” he tries to hold her, but she flinches away. He crosses his arms, “Let me drive you home at least.”
“I can walk.”
“It’s getting darker. Come on, don’t make this any harder for me.”
“A drive back home, and that’s it, J,” she warns, and sets for the black bike a distance away.
The ride towards her small home takes a few minutes on the bike, and all the time she’s sitting behind JJ with her arms placed on his shoulders for balance, they didn’t exchange any words. There’s an obvious awkward dome between the two of them.
“I’m sorry, J,” she sighs, stepping away from the bike and handing him the helmet. “I didn’t mean to lash out on you.”
He smiles grimly, not saying anything.
The engine roars back to life, and he looks at her again; standing with her hair slowly drying and her shirt still sticking to her body. He looks away.
“J?” She calls, placing her hands over his. He raises his brows at her, waiting.
She places a soft kiss against his lips, so subtle yet meaningful to him, and pulls away after a few seconds. She rubs his cheeks slowly, and gives him another kiss on the cheeks.
“Sorry, J,” she whispers.
JJ smiles softly, and runs his thumb over her cheeks.
Maybe in another lifetime.
Their heads turn towards the voice behind her figure, and (Y/N) swears her heart stops.
Rafe looks at her and back to JJ, his mind connecting the puzzle, and he nods.
“Wait, Rafe!”
JJ tugs on her wrist, his eyes begging. “Leave with me. Come on.”
She looks at JJ, and then back to Rafe, and she hopes for some kind of a way to get out of this. She groans, and pulls her hands away. “Go, J. I don’t need you.”
And that’s enough to hurt the blonde boy.
“Rafe!” She yells after the boy walking to his jeep, but he continues to walk, ignoring her.
She lurches forward and grab his shoulders, turning him to face her. She looks into his eyes, looking for any sign of love for her.
“Rafe, it’s not what you think.”
“Yeah? Were you trying to give him a CPR or something?”
She holds him in her hands again, “No, Rafe, I swear. I was just. . .”
But there’s no proper way to explain why she had kissed JJ. Was it because she feel bad? But why would she kissed him?
“Yeah,” he nods, prying his hands away.
A sudden wave of anger courses through her, because the boy who had hurt her did not just make this look like it’s her entire fault. She pushes him on the chest, and his back hit the car door.
“What the fuck?” He yells, glaring at her.
“So what? You’re making me look like the fucking bad guy now? After all the shit you said to me in the restaurant?
He laughs dryly, “Of course you would point this back at me. Hey, hey, look—” he cups her face, “At least I didn’t kiss anyone.”
She pushes him away, “It doesn’t mean anything! And you’re not my fucking boyfriend.”
He licks his lips, “Yeah. So let me go.”
She pulls him to her again, “Don’t fucking run away from me like this! You didn’t even apologise!”
“Because you won’t pick up my calls!” He yells back, throwing his arms into the air. “You want to fuck JJ fucking Maybank? Then go.”
“Maybe I do want to fuck JJ, Rafe, because at least he’s real. This whole thing you’re showing to people. . . that’s not you. Fuck you.”
“Yeah?” He taunts, staring at her left hand placed directly on his chest. “Then fuck him. You don’t need me.”
“I don’t.”
“Yeah,” he laughs, watching as her chest heave. “I can go to Kie too, you know, to make this even.”
“Yeah? Would you embarrass her in front of your friends too?”
He shrugs, “No.”
She grits her teeth, knowing that he’s just trying to get under her skin.
“I hate you.”
He turns her over, so she’s facing him, and inches closer to her ears. “You don’t.”
“I do.”
He laughs again, pressing himself against her, and Rafe blames the heat of North Carolina in mid July for the sudden tingling in his stomach.
“I hate that stupid smirk on your face right now, and I’ll do anything to wipe them off.”
He presses a soft kiss against her cheeks, feeling her brush against him, and let out a soft whimper. “Okay.”
After 2 weeks of not seeing her, all he wanted was to talk to her at her house, after all the calls that she didn’t pick up. But when he waited for her to come back from God knows where and saw him getting off JJ’s bike, he lets the cold side of him take over.
He lets her go, sighing. “I’ll just go. This is a waste of time. You’re clearly not thinking about me.”
(Y/N) bites her lips, because a part of her wants him to stay, and they can kiss each other again, but another part of her wants him to go and leave her alone.
He hesitates, and nods. The jeep speeds away, leaving (Y/N) alone in her front step, thinking about what she had just done.
She hurt JJ, who wanted nothing but the best of her, and she just lost Rafe. She’s as good as alone in this world, and she’s not sure what to do anymore. She wishes she never let her temper got ahold of her, but it’s too late.
She just wants to sleep it off right now.
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @unfortunatekiwitrash @scottybitch @asimpwriter @amaya124 @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u @badbussylol @savannah-elliott @angelreyesgirl100 @haterpenny @beehappyyy @alwaysclassyeagle @maybankslut @kayleea122 @clearbolts @lovelyxtom @christianaevans @jemimah-b99 @opierdalacz @dangerdolns @wildflowerliv @classygirlything21 @pogueslandia @alwaysclassyeagle @rottenstyx
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delicrieux · 4 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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barzzal · 4 years
between halls and thin walls → part two
summary: friends who fool around almost never work. almost.
↳ pairing: mathew barzal x you
↳ warnings: swearing, sex toys, masturbation, sexual/suggestive themes, and yenno, mathew :(
↳ genre: angst, smut, roommates au, best friend’s best friend, friends with benefits, 18+ minors dni*
↳ length: series; part one, part two (5.9k), part three, part four, part five, part six
↳ masterlist: the barn
↳ track: listened to a lot of beyoncé for this one !!
note: part two’s here!! and i know it’s late for an update but i just wanna thank everyone for commenting on the first part 🥺 really glad that you guys liked it. reading your tags are everything to me it means a lot! happy reading <3 (gif used: mine)
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You come out of your bedroom dressed and ready for work. Your handbag was slung over the depth of your forearm as you headed for the kitchen and the other, scrolling past emails on your phone, admittedly bracing yourself for the mess you know will eventually greet you.
To your surprise, what you see instead were Mat Barzal’s guns rippling through the jet black sweater he had worn last night. A memory that sent your mind to less than eight hours ago, before eventually landing on what happened shortly when the two of you had woken up.
“Thank god you haven’t burnt the house down.” you kid, placing your handbag atop the island.
Mat spares you a quick glance, rolling his eyes whilst he lets you watch him whisk some eggs for breakfast.
“Like it?” he cocks, pertaining to how your eyes were pinned hard on his biceps that he was, for the most part, effortlessly sporting. It’s true, though. He didn’t need to flex because it was just there.
“Coffee or Juice?” he asks, as the kind friend and roommate that he is. 
Anthony, as surprising as it was, takes incredibly long showers. If people hadn’t known him well, they’d easily think he’s abusing himself there. But you’ve got to admit that not having him around felt nice for you didn’t have to feel so seen with Mathew.
‘Course, there’s nothing more, like a fix-in on the side, to your set up. You just appreciate the feeling of not having to lie to Beau about all the ugly concealed underneath all the innocent gazes you and Mathew exchange.
“Coffee.” you answer shortly, realizing that you forgot the material you need for today’s meeting.
“Where are you going?” Mat asks when he catches you receding out into the hallway. You didn’t bother looking back, “Forgot something!”
He gets back to whisking the eggs when a chime comes off his phone. He takes it from the counter, placed just before the plates he left to dry last night, absent-mindedly putting the bowl he was holding onto the island, toppling over the green juice he has prepared for himself. 
“Shit.” he curses as soon as he sees it for it was already spilling all over the place, making the mess you’ve been secretly anticipating the moment Mathew said he’d make breakfast.
Panicking at how you’d see he’s successfully screwed such a no-brainer task, Mat grabs the first thing he sees on the marbled surface and uses it to clean the mess he’d made.
“Huh.” he muses to himself, realizing that the silk fabric didn’t do much in helping him clean up. He tosses it over the sink carelessly and grabs a few napkin rolls from one of the cupboards. 
So much for making an effort to feed Anthony Beauvillier. 
“Now, that was fast.” you say with a smirk once you’ve entered the kitchen, startling Mathew as he continued cleaning up after his mess. 
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” he sarcastically laughs, discarding the paper towels onto the sink along with the used ones. 
Thankfully, your stuff was at the other side of the island so it was very much safe from all the chaos happening at the other end of the marbled surface. However, your laugh dies down the second you realize that your handkerchief was no longer where you’ve last put it.
“Hey,” you call on Mathew, “What’s up?”
“Have you seen my handkerchief? I know I left it somewhere.” you anxiously ask, eyeing every corner of the room hoping to see Nana’s handkerchief, the one she gave to you on your 18th birthday.
“What does it look like?” Mat asks, now holding a pan in his hand as he prepares breakfast.
You proceeded to describe your grandma’s handkerchief in the most specific and perhaps excruciating detail Mathew has ever heard someone talk about something as mind-numbing as a handkerchief.
Despite that, Mat lights up the moment it hits him, not realizing the bigger mess he’s about to walk into. He rejoices at how he knew exactly what you were looking for, “Oh! You mean this?” 
With clueless eyes, you watch Mat go over the sink after he wipes his hands dry, fishing out an all too familiar fabric from the sink. Once your eyes land onto the cream colored silk handkerchief, with details carefully sewn by hand, drenching in what seems to be Mat’s morning drink, your heart falls to the pit of your stomach. 
“What did you do??” The sudden rise in your voice startles an unsuspecting Mathew. You eagerly went over to his side and hastily snatched the smooth fabric off his hands, “It’s ruined!”
“What? I didn’t know it was yours!” Mat’s eyes are wild with confusion. Puzzled at how you were so fixated on the useless fabric. It didn’t help him anyway. There’s nothing much left to do but to throw it. It’s garbage. 
“You ruined it!” you lash out, letting Mat get eaten up by the sudden anger bubbling inside your guts but he was rather quick in defending himself, “I didn’t know it was yours since I grabbed the first thing I could find. Why are you getting upset over a shit-ass handkerchief?” 
Your mouth falls and you shake your head, finding his defensiveness quite appalling. “You’re an ass.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was yours.” he explains, “Come on, it’s just a stupid handkerchief I’ll just buy you a new one.” he tries to laugh the tension off, sporting his signature grin.
Mat take shots of the stunned expression on your face, “Stupid?” you repeat what he said, your eyes already starting to sting with tears. Clearly, you were far too overwhelmed to even acknowledge Mathew’s half-assed apology.
“You’re a fucking asshole.” your words bite and that’s when things took a turn for the worse. 
“I said I was fucking sorry! What the hell do you want from me? Shit a fucking hanky?” he rans a hand through his hair, “Do you realize how childish you’re being right now?”
Outraged, and perhaps disappointed by how he was too high up his horse, your voice takes up a higher tone, entering what seems to be an early screaming match between you and Mathew.
“Could you just–” you breathe, “for one second– stop being so goddamn stupid and get over yourself!?” were words that welcomed Anthony the moment he stepped into the kitchen, towel wrapped around his waist, a grin on his face visible as he poured himself a glass of water, inviting himself in the screaming match you and Mathew have exclusively put forth for him.
“Stupid is not when you’ve already apologized a hundred times! Stupid is being such a crybaby and a bitch about it!” Mathew retorts, gaining his better end of the argument.
“What a beautiful morning, isn’t it?” Anthony chimes in, a hand resting on his chin, adoring his two best friends upon getting used to the best worst duo he’s ever known in his life. 
“Shut up, Beau.” you say, throwing him a glare.
“Well, beautiful is definitely not in Y/N’s dictionary.” Mathew chides with a smirk, enough to earn himself a scoff from you. 
“You know what? I don’t have the time for this bullshit.” you cuss, finally retreating, your already heavy heart taking a better hold on your thoughts, blocking your ability to even come up with a clever remark to come back at Mathew.
You throw the delicate, yet already ruined piece of fabric towards his way as hard as you could before marching out of the kitchen and head off for work.
“Fucking unbelievable.” Mathew curses under his breath once he catches the silk linen, shaking his head as he turns his attention back to the morning task at hand. 
You were fucking unbelievable.
Once the boys were left alone, Tito raises a brow, briefly looking back after your footsteps, “What happened here, anyway?” he asks, having realized what must’ve caused such a heated argument so early in the morning. 
“I used this handkerchief to wipe the whole thing off and she just went ape shit! I mean–” Anthony cuts Mathew the moment he recognizes the thin cloth he was holding.
“Woah, woah. Wait a minute, you used this?” he muses, stressing on the possibility of what might have been Mathew’s biggest mistake of the day, his eyes darting between him and the fabric.
With furrowed brows, admittedly weirded by how Anthony reacted almost the same way you did a while ago. “It’s just a handkerchief, man. I can go buy her a bunch if that’s what she wants.” he says defensively.
Anthony shakes his head wildly, his irises now dilated as he examined the stain already sitting on the material. “No no. Oh god no.” He says, snatching Mathew’s phone from the counter to google quick remedies that might remove the said stain from the already ruined cloth. 
“What do you mean no? You guys spend way too much time together, you’re beginning to be as weird as her.” He scoffs, sipping on a glass of water. 
“No, you dumbass. This was her grandma’s!” Anthony says, eyes fixated on the delicate handkerchief. Remembering how you’d told him how long it has been in your family that having Nana give it to you after all the years you’ve spent admiring it from afar meant so much to you than anything anyone could have possibly given you.
“So?” Mat casually replies, closing his arms to his chest before adding, “Is she dead or something? Didn’t you guys visit her for the Holidays?” 
“What?? Why would you even say that?– You’re such a jerk.” Tito shakes his head, appalled by how Mathew easily shrugged the matter off when he knew full well how sentimental he himself could be.
“Well, how am I supposed to know?? If that thing’s so important I wouldn’t leave it on top of some random shit lying around!” He counters, defending himself for reaching for the nearest cloth he could find when he did whatever he does best when he’s in the kitchen.
Tito clicks his tongue and looks at Mathew exasperatedly, “Tell me, where did you find this exactly?”, to which Mathew only answered with a quiet voice, “It may or may not have been placed on top of her purse…” he avoids Tito’s gaze, finally catching on how he was the one in the wrong. 
“See? Jerk. Now, go figure out how you’ll take the stain off.” Anthony demands, his voice embraced by a definitive tone. One that made Mathew know he wouldn’t be able to persuade him into letting this go. 
Tito takes one good look at Mat’s catastrophic attempt to feed the house, striding his way out of the kitchen, “And make sure you apologize!” he adds, footsteps receding into the hallway, leaving Mathew scratching the back of his head out of guilt and frustration.
You have spent the following days either avoiding Mathew or ignoring his existence completely. Anthony talked to you the night that incident happened and assured you that he would do his best to have it fixed. You didn’t want to bother him nor take time off his already busy schedule, but you were just so bummed to even say a word.
That night, you spent the entire evening in your room, facetiming your mother, saying how much you’re missing home. You can’t bring yourself to tell her about the handkerchief. For some people, and that people being Mathew, it might’ve been just some silly thing but Tito knew how much that small piece of cloth meant to you. 
Mathew, on the one hand, was for sure guilty to his bones. He didn’t see you that night nor the nights that followed. He didn’t think much of it but when he found himself searching for that same handkerchief in the hopes of replacing it only to find out that it was nowhere to be found in the market, was when he did realize that ruining the one thing that held you closer to home was the last push your non-existent relationship with him had to have for you to finally lose any ounce of amour nor civility you once had for him. 
Anthony wasn’t a stranger for said changes either. He began waking up to a still apartment enveloped by a wall you profusely built between you and Mathew. You even unknowingly shut Tito out in the process as well. It was like you were grieving. Like, it was a whole different kind of heartbreak he knew he can’t get you out of that easily. 
You tried making it up for your best friend of course. Knowing that you haven’t been yourself since that day. You thought about the possibility of having taken the whole thing too seriously that you might’ve overreacted a bit. Nonetheless, no matter how much you try to push it in the back of your head, Mathew’s mere presence began irking you in ways it never did back when you used to enjoy the bickering you exchange with him, especially in bed.
“Thanks for dinner, belle.” Anthony politely says, earning a smile from you so effortlessly upon hearing the pet name he uses for you. Something Mat only shrugged off, trying to piece out the same gratitude, “Thanks, y/n.” he genuinely adds. But as expected, he had nothing.
You pick up all the empty plates, including Mathew’s, who was sitting in front of you while Anthony sat at the end of the table. Tito hurriedly wipes his mouth with a napkin and takes the plate from you, “Let me help you with that.” he says with the same kind eyes that has never failed to win you over. 
“Yeah. Okay, sure.” you shortly answer, leading the way towards the kitchen, leaving one Mathew Barzal feeling small and alone at the dining table. 
If there was one thing you’d gladly acknowledge after all the years of watching people kiss Mathew’s ass was that he was is really good. He’s fast and he can do unimaginable damage on the ice. There’s no denying that he deserves to be the face of the New York Islanders. But we know you don’t care about any of that. The only thing you care about was how unbelievably good he is at everything he does that not even you or your pink rubber toy could suffice. 
He was just that damn good. 
As your eyes shut whilst you mount your pleasures on your own, biting your lips to choke in your own moans, Mathew handling you was what circled your mind since you started defiling yourself in the bathroom. You let your arousal be washed away by the warm water trickling down your skin, envisioning Mat’s rough hands grazing your body, touching your core like his hands were meant to do nothing else but that. 
It was wrong and pathetic, but you couldn’t think about anything else. You and Mathew have been avoiding each other for days. The dynamic went so much worse than when you weren’t sleeping together and you know that Tito was bound to notice it soon. Thankfully, the boys were on another roadie for a week so you had quite some time to think things through about your current sitch with Mathew. You didn’t like any of it because it felt like you gave a fuck (which obviously, you didn’t). You just feel obligated to sort things out with the biggest ass that ever lived because you didn’t want to involve Tito into the mess you’ve wrongfully made yourself. 
You hop off the shower feeling unsatisfied. You haven’t gotten laid since the last time you were with Mat. Which is sad, not just for you but also for her. You’d think considering the boys aren’t around you’d bring someone home, maybe even one or two. But just thinking about going on bars alone so you could find a potential bone-mate is already far too tedious and you weren’t in the right state to do so. You had so much going on at work, anyway. And you can always use a wand to scratch an itch. Neither would satisfy you more than how someone-who-will-not-be-named could, but you might as well be pathetic without having to hook up with some random dude whose name you’ll eventually forget in the morning. 
You opted to wear an old pull-over you borrowed (took) from Tito years and years ago and partnered it with some leggings so you’d be comfortable enough for the rest of the night. You have nothing else to do and you are already fed up with your workload that watching a crappy movie off of Netflix doesn’t sound like a bad idea. 
With a giant bowl of popcorn and two bottles of beer in your hands, you march your way into the living room, ready to spend the night binge watching romantic comedies, crying and laughing in between. Or maybe just fall asleep on the couch while your comfort TV series is on. 
The boys won three games out of the four that they had during the trip and you only saw the ones they won so you were thankful that you didn’t have to sit at home alone watching their faces fall after that OT lost against the Flyers. Anthony phoned you that night and you can just feel the relief in his voice that you didn’t have the time to see it. They weren’t playing like they should. Thankfully, they were able to bounce back. 
Your eyes were beginning to grow tired halfway into the movie when you hear the front door open, followed by luggages dragged into the house tirelessly. 
“Y/N?” Anthony calls out.
You hit the movie on pause and hurriedly make your way towards the hallway. “You’re home already?”
They were already taking their coats off when you met them halfway, Tito was putting his away while Mat had just taken off his toque and was running his hands through his hair, unconsciously meeting your eyes upon hearing your voice. 
You quickly break it off when you give Tito a quick embrace and plant a small kiss on his cheeks, “I texted you.” he says, eyebrows quirked, surprised that you didn’t know. 
In an effort to avert any more of his questions you immediately point towards the movie you had on, “Haven’t checked my messages, sorry.” 
“So, you guys ate dinner?” you ask, passing Mat a quick look. One that came as a surprise because he wasn’t even hoping to hear a word from you given the way you two left things a little too on the edge, screwing with the whole thing even more. 
Mat avoids your irises and faintly nods. 
“Big win tonight huh? Told you, you can do it.” you say with a beaming smile, nudging Tito with your hips as you get back to watching your film. “You gotta do what you gotta do, babe.” he winks, lugging his stuff around towards his bedroom. 
“Barz, don’t stay up, Trotz needs us first thing in the morning.” he looks back, reminding Mat who was already standing in front of his door, “Yeah. Sure.” he replies shortly with a tired voice. 
You and Anthony bid your own goodnights whilst Mat mutters a quiet “Night.” when you nodded his way, clearly not enjoying any of the first awkward encounters he’s yet to have with you. Seven days is quite a reasonable time for your anger to dissipate, a short yet seemingly long period of time that’s just enough to kill off whatever guilt Mat had initially felt before you parted ways.
“Alright, I’m off.” Tito casually declares, putting on his watch. “There’s food in the fridge, and tell Mat to go easy on my beers.” he gives you a knowing look as he bends down to give you a kiss on the cheek. 
Tito had been seeing some mystery girl for quite some time now. He hasn’t told you anything spicy in particular but by the looks of it, you could already tell that she has him towed. 
“Good luck, loverboy.” you say, swatting his hand away and pushing him out to the door. The two of you cringe at what you said, sharing one last laugh before you watch him disappear out into the hallway.
The apartment was cramped the whole day because Anthony and Mat had the day off. Tito had plans for the night, obviously. As per you, you had plans lounging in the living room, switching through channels in the hopes of stumbling on a show that isn’t half as bad than the rest. 
Thankfully, a Sandra Bullock film was on HBO.
The Proposal, to be exact.
You decide to dive in the film with a cold bottle of beer on your hand. There was no way you’d be washing down the effects of a naked Ryan Reynolds with a glass of water. You haven’t gone mad. 
The film was already at the part where Sandra was proposing to Ryan when you hear Mathew’s door open. You haven’t talked since the night they came back home other than the small nods you exchange upon passing by each other. All of which are mind-numbing and impossible to swallow. The awkwardness has not dissipated completely unlike what you presumed. You were just grateful Tito was always around that you didn’t need to be alone together. 
Alarmed by another impending awkward encounter, you clear your throat and turn up the volume a little to remain focused on the film, investing your sole attention to it even if you have seen the movie countless times. 
Mathew, in his sweats and a gray shirt on, carefully makes his way out the hallway and into the common area after snatching a glass of water from the kitchen. You see him move further into the room but you make sure that he knows you weren’t paying attention. You take that he must’ve been thirsty and needed a drink but you don’t see him move further in the corner of your eye like he was making his way back in his room. It almost seemed like he was actually waiting for you to look his way.
Hesitantly, you follow your gut feel and see him standing a few feet away from you. “Yes?” you ask when you catch him staring. 
Mat blinks a few times, “Hi.” he takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the awkwardness circling the two of you.
When the only thing he gets from you is a tight lipped smile, he shakes his head and proceeds to walk where you were seated. 
“Mind if I join you?” he asks, his voice deep and clear enough to send your mind elsewhere. 
Regardless, you contain yourself and return a polite smile, “No. Not at all.”
“So, what are we watching?” he sits once you gestured onto the other end of the couch. 
“The Proposal.” you answer before throwing a question yourself, “Aren’t you supposed to be resting now?” you shake your head, absentmindedly chuckling. Not intending to make him feel that you’ve forgotten about what he’d done weeks ago. 
“I couldn’t sleep.” he props his back and lets himself sink in the cloud couch, his legs spread wide eating up most of the space left for the two of you to share. “Oh. I only like him when he’s Deadpool” he points out, cringing at how you were watching another one of your romantic comedy films.
You roll your eyes, admiring how he’s trying to break the tension between the two of you despite his unsolicited sentiments, “I like it when we were on not-speaking terms.” 
Mat mocks you for a while but decides to watch the movie so you let him be and get back to the film, letting a giggle slip every now and then. Something you thought Mat wouldn’t notice.
Watching the remainder of the film went with ease. ‘Course, Mat would steal a few glances here and there (ones he thought had gone unnoticed), but overall the quietude between the two of you was bearable. Almost like it was just two buddies hanging out. 
Although, not long after, your eyes were torn away from the huge flat screen when Mat spoke, “By the way,” he looks at you and calls your attention. 
Puzzled, you watch him take something from his pocket, “Here.” 
Once you see what he has in his hands your heart froze. Mat carefully hands you the cloth with an apologetic smile; his eyes soft with a hint of hope as he watches your reaction. 
“What– How?” you ask in bewilderment, failing to comprehend how he was able to fix the handkerchief. It looked the same as before. All of its details were in place, it was good as new. You were holding Nana’s handkerchief. 
Mathew didn’t bother to dance around and just offered you a quiet chuckle, evidently enjoying the wide smile painted on your lips. “Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.” he apologizes, shielding you from all the strings he had to pull just to get that cloth fixed up.
You hold the smooth and delicate piece in your hands as you look at Mat, letting your feelings get a better hold of you, “Thank you.” you say, unknowingly reaching out, your arms wrapped around his neck as you give him a quick peck on the cheek. 
Mathew’s hand instinctively finds your back to support you, startling himself in the process. Nonetheless, the thought was easily shrugged off by how close your faces were, your smiles fading once you meet each other’s gaze. You feel the same rush you felt the night you and Mat got involved for the first time. Your hand was placed rather endearingly on his cheek, your faces, just like all the other times, unreasonably close to each other. Mat then clears his throat and only looks you in the eye. 
Afraid that the innocent hug would lead to something more, perhaps another mistake to be jotted down on the board, you breathe a laugh and break away, “Uh, thanks again. It really means a lot.” 
Mat must’ve sensed that you were being cautious so he puts his guards up and returns a chuckle, “So… we good?” he asks, reaching out a hand your way. 
Your fingers slide into his, gliding its way perfectly, your hands fitted well with his despite the obvious difference in proportion. His grip tightens in the most comfortable way possible. 
A smile breaks off his lips once he hears you answer, “We’re good.”
“I should probably get some sleep.” Mat tells you the moment you pull your hand away.
“Are you gonna be okay here?” he adds.
You looked at him, not wanting him to be obligated to keep you company, “Oh, yeah. I’m a big girl.” you say, making Mathew grin, shaking his head.
“Alright. I’ll be in my room if you need anything.”
Not picking up on whatever sloppy insinuation Mat has thrown out carelessly into thin air, he hears a simple “Mkay.” 
Thus far, letting him know that his subtle invitation was far from being RSVP’d.
“You’ll be in your room?” Mat scoffs, staring at the ceiling while he lays on his bed, “The fuck was that, Mat?” he scolds himself for always coming up with the worst things to say. 
Mathew would be lying if he’d say he hasn’t thought about you (or doing you) for the past week of not being around home. But he definitely wouldn’t deny that the roadie kind of made things easier for him because then he didn’t have to stomach seeing you walk around the flat looking like the hot piece of ass that you were in his eyes. 
Mat knows he needs to pull his shit together. He wasn’t some 13 year-old boy raging with hormones. He needs to control himself around you and he could only do that once he learns how to push this whole thing between the two of you behind him. 
What happened with you and Mathew shouldn’t have happened at all. It was just a moment of weakness, and he hated that he’d let his dick (and apparently, him being one) ruin the relationship he once had with you. 
Before that night, seeing you do yoga and work out on the terrace was just seeing you drenched in sweat, and in your work out clothes looking icky and constipated. Something he’ll later on tease you about and he’ll end up catching the water bottle you throw in his face. But now, after all that fucking, seeing you sweaty and all worked out in the same yoga pants is just like walking into a porn commercial. Like the ones they show before the actual porn. In fact, he doesn’t even have to watch any of it. Tents and Boners were pretty much sponsored by you from then on. It’s sick, and he knows it. 
However, the tension he feels with you is palpable that he’s even certain that you feel it too. But how can he be wrong? He sees how your eyes blink a few times when he’s fresh out the shower, he sees you follow his trance when you thought he wasn’t paying attention, and you never fail to slide him shadowed hints with every touch you “accidentally” pass at him. The kind that’s short enough to remain innocent but not so much as to keep him at bay. Mat hated everything about it. He hated that he wanted you– and he hated that he thinks he might be right about you wanting him too.
All that self-loathing aside, did he regret it? 
That was one of the things he feels bad about. Because as much as he wants to lie and push it aside, he didn’t regret any of it. He didn’t like you that way and just thought about you sexually but he just wishes that you could push past this and just be friends. He was still sexually attracted to you, yes. But he knows he’d eventually get over it and be back on his game. That is if he can ever find someone who’d be as good as how you were the last three times you’ve let him be with you because it would really help him a lot if he could stop picturing your mouth getting stretched by his cock every time he hops into the shower.
Mat was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door. The shy banging sound made his heart beat rapidly in an instant, knowing full well that the two of you were alone in the house and that Tito was, in no way, going to be home for another hour or two.
A faint knock follows the first one before he gets to the door. 
“Hi.” you greet him, a moment unfolding like it was déjà-vu.
“Did I wake you?” you sheepishly ask, your hands balled into fists before eventually settling down to hug your own build, unsure of where to put your hands exactly.
Mat quickly shakes his head, “No. I couldn’t sleep myself.”
You offer him a smile, acknowledging how he’s been nothing but good to you ever since they got home. Of course you wanted to get your hands on him being that you were completely dry and horny ever since you’ve ignored him completely, but you haven’t gone mad and you weren’t a complete neanderthal. You can keep your hands to yourself and act like a decent human being. 
“I’m sorry for making things weird between us.” you say, your eyes heavy with guilt. “But I’m only apologizing for being so unreasonable for the last couple of weeks.” you reiterated.
To which he only answers with, “You shouldn’t be. You have every right to be unreasonable– and I know that I’ve been a giant prick that day. It’s what I deserve.” he bites his lower lip, scratching his brow as he continues, “That’s why if there’s someone who owes someone an apology, it should be me. What I did was pretty crappy, so… I’m sorry.”
Like all the other times, Mathew towers over you wearing the same confidence he does when you’re around. Your bodies were reasonably apart from each other but close enough to mean something else if someone had walked by. Mathew was still in his room while you were out in the hallway, separated by the thin line made by the door frame. 
You feel Mat’s steady breathing and everything went still. He looks down at you, pretty eyes drowning yours. His messed up bed hair ridiculously makes up for how dressed down he was. No, actually, he looks fine even when he is. And all of that sight instantly makes your throat dry as you feel something curl in your belly, enough to make your hands sweaty as the thought of tasting his lips again cruised your mind entirely.
Mathew was no stranger to the said feeling either. He watched you punish him more at how plump and inviting your lips were. Or how your hand brushed on your clothes as you remain uncomposed under his gaze. 
Mat was becoming accustomed to how the two of you meet. Same time, same place, only this time, a different hallway. He steps further and crosses the line that divides the two of you, making you take a deep breath as his scent floors every nerve in your body. Waking what has been awake ever since that moment you shared back in the living room even more. 
“Yeah, okay.” you gather yourself, “I– I should probably head back.” 
Just by how his shoulders dropped, you knew you had said the wrong thing. And you hated that you did. Mat clears his voice and swallows, breaking off his gaze, “You probably should.” 
“Good night, Mat.” you smile, trying to regain yourself. 
“Good night.” he replies as he watches you turn your back before finally closing the door behind him. 
Frustrated for he was already starting to feel things more than just being “sorry”, Mat leans against the door and runs a hand through his hair. He takes a deep breath and tries to get you out of his head. 
He was about to walk away from the door and sleep off his frustration when he hears your faint footsteps on the other side of the door. He rests his head back on the wooden surface and sighs, “You’re still out there, aren’t you?”
There was a total silence for a moment, devoid of the knowledge of how you had your fist, ready to knock yet again, suspended in mid-air. 
Mathew hears you deny sheepishly, “No.” 
You hear him let out a small laugh, knowing that he was trying to contain himself. 
The door sprung open again, and for a second you thought how what you’re about to walk into will start another mess for you and Mathew. But how could you possibly think about it that way when you have nothing else but this man standing at the other end? 
A friend that took no seconds to waste as he finally lets his thirst and perhaps foolishness, get the better hold of him once he cages your heated face in his hands, crashing into your lips as fast as he’d taken you to his end of that thin gray line that has once irkingly parted him from you. A gray line you’re both willing to cross if that meant sharing another night in between halls and thin walls.
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missallsundayyy · 4 years
Breaking Boundaries
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First oneshot for my first post here and there’s no better ship/pair i’d rather write than Nico Robin & Roronoa Zoro
Things were lively on the Sunny Go as usual. Franky was upgrading the canons on the ship, Chopper and Ussop were being...well...being them as usual. Luffy was bugging Sanji in the kitchen asking/whining when was lunch going to be served and in his words.
"foooooooood SANJIIIIIIIIIIIII!!" the famous straw hat captain yelled from the other side of the kitchen.
Nami was focusing on the weather and the sea behavior, navigating the crew to their next destination whilst Brook was beside her asking if he could see her panties in which he received a punch that sent him flying through the ship's walls. Thus starting a fight with the shipswright that was just beside the wall that was destroyed.
"WATCH WHERE YOU LAND ASSHOLE!!!" Franky screamed out.
"Yohoho!! don't get your panties in a twist Franky-sannn"
Aside from all the chaos was the crew's infamous swordsman, Zoro whom was doing impossible training once again. Lifting weights that no humans could ever lift.
He grunts out in training, muscles flexing, his body coated with sweat. He did this everyday at the same spot the moment the sun starts to rise until Sanji calls them for lunch. Not far from the green-haired man.....well in fact maybe 5metres away from him was the ship's beautiful archeologist Nico Robin. Seated as usual on her umbrella armchair with a book on hand. 
She was wearing her spaghetti strap purple tank top that did no effort to cover her large breast and a very small tight fitting jean shorts. It was a very hot day at that, she had put her hair up in a ponytail which was rare because usually she prefered her hair down. Even though it was scorching hot outside and she could just retreat into her room where it would definitely be cooler but it was out of habit that she situated herself here when she read.
She’s elated to be where she was right now. Doing what she loved and surrounded by nakamas that accepted her, cared for her, protected her and loved her. She would give her life 100 million times over for the Straw Hats without a second thought. Back at Enies Lobby she was afraid that that they would find her a burden, a thorn in the flesh even when they proved that they will fight the whole world fearlessly for her. Comparing then and now she was flabbergasted at how many things have changed. Everyone has gotten stronger, more matured. The bond Robin shared with the crew was strong that not even God can sever it, that she was certain for.
Her mind wandered everywhere and anywhere, she wasn't even focusing on the book she was reading anymore. She summarised everything in her head with a content look on her face.
The sounds of Zoro's grunting and counting snapped Robin back to reality, her eyes diverted to the green haired crew member. Her eyes shamelessly stared at his god like body that was now glistening in sweat due to the monstrous work out he does everyday. His muscles was amazing, his abs was rock hard and his chest looked like steel plates had been implanted in him. His face was fierce and focus, never losing concentration.
Zoro was a very very veryyy handsome man, that was what Robin had always thought even when she first joined the crew. She knew he was a very powerful man and a dangerous one at that, the crew was blessed to have such interesting and indestructible members and Roronoa Zoro was one of them. He had many cons to him...well according to Nami and Sanji's list. He sleeps too much, he was too direct with his words so more often than not he always comes off as an "asshole". He drinks too much when he isn't sleeping or training and to top the icing on the cake, he couldn't find his way to the ship's toilet even if his bladder depended on it.
Robin however found him to be interesting as hell and even charming most times. How he was always the calm one amongst all of them and he was a very wise man that stick by his words. He was a strong man with honour and pride. He will no doubt be the type to keep a promise even if will be his demise. Robin didn't know she had a type until she met Zoro, the more time she has with the swordsman the larger her attraction for him grew.
Having a lover has never came across her mind, not that she wasn't interested in intimate relations before, it just never came up until she found herself glancing at him more than she should. Also the automatic position of their area happened to be beside each other every day so there was not much of a choice in that matter. She snapped back yet again to reality still staring at the handsome swordsman, she wouldn't admit it but internally she was swooning over his very very shredded body.
"Oi oi Robin, your staring is bothering me. You should read at your room today, your face is red from the weather right now."  Zoro called out to Robin who was unintentionally caught gawking at him although being the dense man he was, he of course would have not though that she was checking him out.
Zoro had placed all this training equipments down and was now walking towards the self fantasising historian that still had her eyes glued onto him. He walked a few steps towards Robin and stood beside her, taking her lemonade drink right from her side table and gulping all of it down with greed-thirst sounds.  This was another normal thing between them, she would have her drink but she would never drink any of it because before she could, he would always finish it up unless she had coffee. He never did understood how she could swallow the damn bitter beverage. She also was starting to think that subconsciously she would bring the drink for him instead of her.
"Zoro-kun. Sorry for bothering your training  but I don't mind a little heat today and besides the weather has been quite gloomy these past weeks, don't you agree?" Robin held her face with her palm, her usual signature posture. She now sat upright never breaking her stare.
"Rain or shine won't hinder me from my training." Zoro stated simply.
"Fufufu, yet my staring has disturbed your workout?" Robin teased him.
"Tch. You've been doing that a lot lately woman." he turned his head away, folding his arms. Ever since the crew reunited after being seperated for two years, Zoro had noticed Robin's change the most. She had gotten stronger, wiser and more matured in many different aspects.
She would tease him or outsmart him in their little chats which irate the man but in a good way.
"I was thinking if I could company you on watch today if you don't mind." Robin asked hopefully.
Zoro turned his head back to her "Sure. You can do can do whatever you want woman. Let's go to the kitchen already, bet that love cook will start yelling for us anytime soon." he was already walking towards the kitchen but in a pace that told her that he would be walking with her and not just leaving her like that. She smiled and followed him.
"ROBIN CHWANNN! You're looking veryyyyy SEXYYY TODAY!! The lunch I have prepared for you today is just as hot and spicy as you are!!!" Sanji greeted Robin that had walked in with Zoro whom by the way Sanji had not scoop his share onto a plate yet.  Robin smiled at the flirtatious cook.
"That's very kind of you cook-san, this looks delicious. As always your culinary skills are impressive." Robin replied politely, frankly only Robin would acknowledge Sanji's aggressively manic compliments. 
"Tch. Stupid love cook." Zoro muttered under his breath which didn't went unheard by the cook of course.
The fight between the two men continued while the crew watched on amused, nothing new on the ship.
"Cmmonnnnnn Chopper give me some, I'm lazy to go refill..."
Chopper and Luffy both had their hands on the cup that was filled with the cool drink and they both were playing tug rope with the cup and well unfortunately for them the cup had tipped and all of its contents is now spilling at the person that was sitting in the middle of them. That person was......Robin.
The room was now silent, Sanji and Zoro's bickering was on hold because of the light spill sound that interrupted everyone.
"Oh shit.." Franky muttered
The red beverage was now seeping through Robin's tank top. Her chest and thighs was now covered with the sweet drink and it was dripping. Robin looked down at her now soiled clothing.
"Oh my.." was all she said.
"Robinnn....im sorry!! I didn't..we didn't mean to ruin your clothes!!" Chopper started exclaiming, feeling guilty. "OI LUFFY! This is your fault you know!! APOLOGISE TO ROBIN NOW!"
Luffy had one hand behind his head, scratching while having a goofy grin "Sorry Robin it was an accident...please don't be mad"
"SERIOUSLY. Why can't the men in this crew behave like proper men in FOR ONCE! You guys are barbaric and I don't know how two beautiful women like me and and Robin got stuck with you guys!!" This time the screaming and yelling was now coming from the ship's navigator.
Robin wasn't mad, in fact she enjoyed all their shenanigans. The crew made life fun, they make her feel alive and everyday she will always have a smile on her face. "It's okay Luffy its okay Chopper. I will go and change into a new shirt." she said with a laughter.
"Well there you go Nami, you heard Robin. She's not mad so I don't see why you're all worked up." Franky joined in to which he received a death glare from the money obsessed pirate.
In the midst of the whole conversation Zoro had been staring at Robin's wet stained shirt accident. Everyone was too busy bickering with each other they had failed to notice that the water just made Robin's voluptuous figure even more prominent. The outline of her huge breast could be seen through the god damn tank top and the fruit punch was still dripping down her cleavage and most of it had splashed onto her thick thighs.
He didn't know what he was doing but he liked what he was seeing. Robin was a beautiful woman and he knew that. She had the perfect curves and her assets were anything but small. She had matured into a sexy woman and he could never deny that. The sight that she had unintentionally presented him with was very fucking pleasing to his eyes. His eyes glued to her soft skin and the way the water would drip down her cleavage because she was laughing and causing her chest to move tentalizingly. He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose but she was sexy without even trying. He shook his head and tried to clear the dirty thoughts that was now forming in his mind 'Why the hell am I thinking about her like that' his mind yelled at him.
"Well excuse me, I am going to take a bath since the punch has made my body all sticky now." Robin stood up and walked towards the door. Sanji on the other hand had knock both Luffy and Chopper's head while yelling something like 'Look what you guys did!' 'Robin-chan's lunch is ruined' 'assholes'
A loud crash was heard 1 minute after Robin had exited the kitchen. Zoro and Sanji both had dashed out of the door in a fighting stance-run. 
"Whats' going on now!!" Nami yelled.
"Looks like Luffy fell asleep" Franky muttered in half disbelief and half lazed tone.
"ROBIN CHANNN!! ARE YOU OKAY?" Sanji yelled frantically.
Zoro had drawn his katana out ready to slice anyone whom had dared to attack their ship and more importantly Robin.
"So this is the infamous Strawhat crew everyone has been talking about?? You don't seem much if i managed to cuff your deliciously beautiful crewmate here. If i know you guys had such a sexy pirate lady, we would have attacked you sooner!" The malicious voice came from Captain Deck from the Sink Pirates; notorious for sinking every ship they come across with. He was however not interested in woman and was quick to carry Robin and throwing her off the Sunny Go to everyone's horror.
"ROBIN NNNN!!" Chopper and Nami's voiced chorus together,
Zoro of course had already jumped in right after Robin was thrown into the sea. His first priority was definitely saving his nakama. Slicing every last one of his enemy would later be the second priority. He dived deep and because he immediately jump in right when Robin was thrown in, she hadn't sink too far for his vision. She was still conscious, eyes wide with shocked with everything that has transpired. He could understand her fear, you can be the strongest fighter with the best abilities but its all over if you get thrown into the water. Her hands was desperately reaching for Zoro. She knew she was safe, drowning in the sea or not, she had her nakama protecting her and always having her back.
He grabbed Robin's hand and pulled her into his body and quickly swam back up in full speed. When they reached the surface, he found himself swimming to an island, the Sunny Go and his crewmates were no where in sight. Now he was just confused, how the hell did he got all the way here now. He now carried Robin bridal style whilst walking on shore since she was weakened by the effects of the sea water.
He lay her down on the grass part of the island and stood up to survey their foreign surroundings.
"Oi woman you okay?" he asked her with concern although he wasn't facing her. Robin who now had herself up on her feet.
"Thank you Zoro-kun, i'm better now." Robin said smiling even if he wasn't looking to see it. "However, seems like we're stranded in here. How did you find this island?" she was already walking around surveying the flowers, sand, grass and anything that might tell her where they were. He scratched the back of his head, "I don't know how we end up here, my priority was only getting you out of the sea and next thing i know, i got us here." he said with a tone of frustration.
'ara...so this is how he looks like whenever we get seperated' Robin's amusing thoughts caused her to laugh behind him. He snapped his head to her "What's so funny woman" to which Robin smile "Nothing. Lets explore this island together, i'm sure Luffy and the others are already nearby." she suggested to which Zoro just grunted in agreement.
The both of them then ventured into the thick jungle of the island.
Meanwhile back at the Sunny Go.
"Geez you can definitely count on Zoro to be lost even when the ship was right above him." Franky grumbled while the crew set sailed for the island Ussop had spotted.
"That shitty asshole took Robin-chwann away! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME THAT SAVED HER AND WOULD PROBABLY BE ON THAT ISLAND WITH A VERY WET RO-" Sanji fainted from nose-bleed before he could finish his sentence.
"SANJIIIIII!!!" Chopper ran towards his perverted nakama.
"Leave him to die Chopper, he propably don't mind dying" Nami said while shaking her head.
"YOSH! FULL SPEED AHEAD TO THAT MEAT ISLAND MEN!" Luffy yelled to his crewmates.
"Oi oi what do you mean meat island" Ussop replied, "And we can leave stupidity to our captain. Zoro and Robin are missing and there he goes thinking about food" he finished leaving Nami and Chopper nodding their heads vigorously. Luffy laughed "Don't worry! They're strong and i'm not worried."
"Perhaps the plants here spit poison that could kill you in a second or maybe the soil might swallow you whole the moment you step on it." Robin said voicing her thoughts outloud.
"Oi Robin stop saying things like that." Zoro chastised the historian for always saying dark things.
"Fufufu sorry Zoro-kun." Robin giggled into her palm. 
"By the way......” he started “Robin,i'mgladyou'refineafter2years."
Zoro managed to choke all the words out as fast as he could. He was not one with sweet words but he somehow felt that before the seperation he was very cold with Robin out of all the members of the crew.
It had to do with the whole ‘Miss All Sunday’ business but now when he looked at her, it was as if everything in the past didn't matter anymore.Robin on the other hand was taken aback by his words, she would be lucky to get a grunt out of the swordsman but he was initiating a conversation first and to top that off, he was telling her how he was glad that SHE was okay.
"I'm happy to hear that. You've grown handsomely in two years Zoro-kun" She replied him with a genuine smile. His face instantly reddened from embarasssment. There she goes again, he thought. Always saying things like that and now he looks like a cat just bit his tongue.
"W..we..well you'vegrownbigtoO!"
Robin laughed aloud "Are you saying that i’m fat Zoro-kun?" she stopped abruptly nearly making him crash behind her.
"What!" he panicked. Now these are one of her antics to get him all flustered.
"You said i've grown big, so does that mean I’m fat to you Zoro-kun?" She asked him with an innocent smile, teasing him was her favourite things to do.
"You know what I mean woman." Zoro grunted frustratedly, face still heated up. She? Fat? Farrr from it he thought. Her figure was amazing, perfect if he may be so bold to say.
"So after 2years of not seeing me, thaaat....is the only thing you noticed? I think cook-san has influenced you abit." This has got to definitely get THE reaction Robin was waiting for.
“IM NOTHING LIKE THAT SHITTY BASTARD OF A COOK AND YOU KNOW IT WOMAN!!" Robin laughed at his predictable reaction. "I'm joking Mr Swordsman." And there the nicknames comes again, this woman knew how to push his buttons well.
Then Robin did the unthinkable, she put her hands on her waist and came closer to Zoro and with a low sultry voice with a pose that would drive Sanji into his grave from nosebleed.
"So am I big enough or is there anything else I can change....for you Zoro-kun" Robin said suggestively. She have to admit whilst she finally have people to call her nakama she needed more. She wants that intimate attention just like every  woman. Intimacy wasn’t something she even had time for in the past, it never crossed her mind to romance with men. Now that she’s comfortable and know she has a place to call home, why the hell not.
Now he was just as red a beet, he didn't know why Robin was being flirty with him. She was usually the quiet one, calm, collected and only commented on things when it was necessary. Then again she was the only woman ironically that he didn’t mind invading his personal space. She and him was always in the same room in the ship every damn time and it wasn’t even planned nor did they ever agreed to always have each other’s back. He had always protected Robin, he would be there, ready to cut her enemies. Just like on sky island and fishmen island, as long as he’s around her he will put his life on the line for her
It wasn’t that he wouldn’t do the same for the crew but when he does save her, he feels something for her, he don’t know what he felt but he felt his pride and ego semi boosted from it. It was as if he wanted to impress her and show off how strong he was when she was around him. Maybe because all her life she was used to everyone betraying her or maybe she never had anyone protecting her. If she needed him to tell her that she wanted his protection, he would proudly declare that he will always protect and care for her.
Since she was graciously being so near him, his good eye clearly did not miss everything Robin had to offer. She was obviously testing the waters like this and eventhough he wasn't THAT type of man but he will be THAT if she wants it so bad. He will gladly play along with her game afterall he didn't enjoy being dominated like this.
Zoro grabbed Robin's waist roughly and pressed her figure with his hard and he brought his mouth against her ears.
"You better stop that Robin because i don’t think I can stop myself after this " Zoro growled with his grip tightening on her waist and back. That was an indefinite warning, he was ready to drop the whole ‘nakama’ thing and fuck her right there if she insisted on being a minx. Amazing that they had the whole island to themselves, amazing that his bad sense of direction got just the both of them alone, amazing that his crew wasn’t here to interrupt this moment and lastly Nico Robin was and amazing woman. His mind was flooded with thoughts of her and he thought he was going insane.
“I don’t want you to stop Zoro.” Her voice was filled with want, need, lust and when he looked into her eyes he knew that she only wanted HIM and he was the only one she trusted her body with. Right now her eyes was an open book and he could read every thoughts she had going through in her head.
Mentally he was battling a war, he shouldn’t be indulging in this but he knew he wanted this so bad he could kill someone.
 “Not here Robin.” It had took all of his will power to seperate him and Robin, all that lust and need. Trust him he really wanted to take her right there and then but... “Fufufu, that’s very considerate and sweet of you.”
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kaweeella · 3 years
The Torment Doll
A fic series where the other members of Mankai experience the torment doll! If you have a suggestion for the next one, please let me know!!!
Warning for some mentions of blood (not anything all that serious)
“Watch it, Hack!”
“I’m trying but your stuff takes up so much space!”
“Next play you’re wearing a trash bag!”
The rest of the Summer Troupe watch as the two fight. Muku is cowering with Kumon comforting him. Kazunari and Misumi just watch. They tried to intervene to no avail. Their argument is more heated than any others they had. It’s understandable, they’re stressed. 
Yuki’s designing some costumes for one of Tenma’s productions. They were scouted specifically. The director had seen and loved their previous works. It’s not surprising, they’re talented.
But now?
“Stop doing that, damnit!”
Now they’ve been at each other's throats worse than ever.
“Hey guys…” Kazunari starts in another attempt to defuse the situation. Another futile attempt.
“I have your measurements already so go bother someone else.”
“Fine! I didn’t wanna be here anyway.” He turns to leave.
“Tenma!” Muku tries to get his attention. He doesn’t and so Tenma trips on a spool and falls. Like just about any person who’s falling, he reaches out to grab something. That something is one of Yuki’s dresses. The dress does not help.
Everyone can almost feel the pit in their stomachs as they hear the tear in the fabric.
Yuki stands there blankly as Tenma gets back up, seeing what he did.
“Yuki I’m-”
“Get out.”
“I really didn’t-”
“I said get out!”
Tenma hurries out the door. The rest of the Summer Troupe watch. Muku hides behind Kumon, who’s still trying to help. Misumi shrinks back a little.
Yuki’s gaze snaps over to them, giving their cue to leave the practice-turned-design room as well.
Tenma sighs as he enters the living room, everyone looking at him.
“Dude, we could hear the screaming from in here.” Banri says. “What happened?”
“He’s just being dramatic.” Guilt runs over Tenma. He knows that’s not true. Yuki works so hard on his outfits and to see one ruined… Tenma feels bad. But Yuki kicked him out before he could explain himself or even apologize, and this all is as important to Tenma as it is to him.
“So we should just ignore the loud threats of violence?” Itaru says.
“It’s not good to bitter like that.” Citron says, looking concerned.
“Bicker,” Tasuku corrects. “And he’s right. The Winter Troupe couldn’t perform at our best until we were all on the same page.”
“But we’re not the Winter Troupe, we’ve always fought and we’ve done just fine.”
“Maybe you’ve managed in the past, but it’s clearly gotten worse.”
“Whatever.” Tenma leaves and heads to his room. He’s going to have to deal with Yuki eventually. Even if they weren’t roommates, hell, even if they weren’t in the same troupe. They have to interact at some point.
Tenma thinks about that as he ascends the stairs, not seeing the little blue plushie on one of the steps. He steps on it, loses balance, falls, and hits his nose.
“Woah Tenten, are you alright?” Kazunari asks, going up to look him over. His nose is bruised, bent and bleeding.
“Ow.” He groans as he readjusts himself to a sitting position. “What is this?” He picks up what stepped on. A little blue plush doll.
“I don’t know, but I think Sumi might like it ‘cause it looks like a cat.” Kazunari pauses, thinking. “Or maybe Yukki.”
Tenma sighs when he hears his name. “I just wish… I just wish I could talk to him. It’s so difficult though.” After he says that, there’s a flash of light. “What was that?”
“I dunno, but let’s get your nose looked at.”
“I’m no doctor,” Omi starts, inspecting him, “But I’ve seen a couple of broken noses, and it looks pretty broken.”
“Great.” Tenma sighs. “Just another problem on the pile.”
“Here, I might be able to help, but it’s going to hurt.”
“It already hurts. Whatever it is has to be better than this.”
“If you're sure.” Omi grabs it and jerks it back into place. Tenma doubles over in pain. “Yeah that happens. It should start getting better in a few days.”
Tenma trudges up to his room. He sees the doll, still on the stairs. A few steps above it are stained with his blood. He only just found this thing and it’s already caused him so much trouble. And it’s gonna cause him so much more. But he doesn’t know that yet. He tosses it over the banister and goes up to his room.
It takes a while to get to sleep, with all the stress and pain. He does eventually but the entire time Yuki never comes back to the room.
After Yuki kicks them all out, he quickly goes to mend the dress. He can feel tears forming in his eyes, though he quickly wipes them away. Crying won’t help anything right now.
After some time Omi knocks and enters.
“Hey, you should get something to eat.”
“Not right now. Busy.”
“Is everything alright?” He gets a little closer.
“Well it’s just that we heard some commotion earlier, so we were worried.”
“Oh everything's just perfect.” Sarcasm heavy, he grits his teeth. “Just working my ass off for that stupid hack and his fucking movie and he goes and fucks it all up. I’m doing just fucking fine. I don’t know why anyone would think otherwise.”
“In fact I’m doing even better now that I don’t have an annoying asshole bitching constantly. No, I’m great.”
“You should really take a break.”
“I’m not doing anything until this shit is fixed.”
“Right, but you really should eat.”
“Okay.” Omi sighs before he leaves.
Yuki ends up not getting dinner. He ends up not leaving the room. He ends up not being able to fix it before his body gives out on him. He falls asleep kneeling by the mannequin.
But when he wakes up, he’s back in his room, on his bed, in his pajamas.
Tenma expects to wake up with the same pain he went to bed with, but that’s not the case. There isn’t any pain at all.
He sits up and rubs his nose. Not only is there no pain, there’s no swelling bruising or blood.
“What…” Yuki mumbles.
“When did you get here?”
“That’s what I’m wondering.” He hops down and sees something on the floor. “What’s this?” He holds up a blue plush doll.
“What?!” Tenma quickly jumps down and grabs it. “I thought I threw this thing away.”
“Well you clearly didn’t.”
“Yeah but I never brought it into the room.”
“Really? Then what’s it doing here?”
“I don’t know!”
They’re interrupted by a knock on the door. It’s the rest of the Summer Troupe.
“What are you guys doing here?” Tenma asks.
“Did you forget?” Kumon says. “We’re here to help out with your movie stuff!”
They’d done this yesterday. They went through intervals of helping Tenma rehearse to assisting Yuki.
“Come on guys!” Kazunari says.
Yuki sighs. He kicked them out, but thinking about it rationally he really could use their help. “Alright. Let’s go.”
Entering the practice room, three of them pause. It didn’t look like this yesterday. The dress isn’t ripped, but there’s… less of it. Yuki knows they made more progress yesterday.
“What happened?” Misumi is the first one to speak up.
“What do you mean?” Muku asks.
Yuki inspects the dress. “The rip’s gone, but so’s all the progress we made.”
“What are you talking about?” Kazunari goes to look at it too.
“How could you forget something like that?” Tenma says. “It just happened yesterday.”
Kumon thinks for a moment. “No, they look just like how we left them.”
“Hey, what did you two do yesterday after we left?” Misumi asks Yuki and Tenma.
“I spent all night fixing the dress.”
“Well I went up to be, but I tripped on this doll on the steps. It messed up my nose.”
“Really?” Kazunari asks. “But your nose looks fine.”
“I guess but- hey you were there for that!”
“I was?”
“What does the doll look like?”
“Uh, it’s blue and plush and looks a little bit like a cat, according to Kazunari.”
“The torment doll!”
“The what?” Kazunari has never been more confused.
“If you two don’t make up, you’ll be stuck in a time loop!”
“Wait if it’s just the two of us then how do you know?” Tenma has been more confused. Not by a lot but still.
“I just don’t question the Trianglien anymore.”
“So the days will continue to repeat until they make up?” Muku asks.
“Yeah. Tsumugi and Tasuku went through the same thing when they first got here, though I noticed right away because that day I went triangle hunting and I noticed them disappear.”
“But since you didn’t get to go triangle hunting you only noticed when we came in?” Yuki will never understand that man, though he supposes there are some things not meant to be understood.
“Well I hope you’re not expecting this to end soon. I’m not forgiving that hack for fucking up the dress. I spent all day and still couldn’t get it fixed.”
It’s true. Time and time again they burst out of their room in an argument, Misumi the only other one who understands.
One day they enter the living room whilst fighting.
“You guys! Bittering solves nothing!”
“Yeah, and your bickering is distracting… damnit.” Itaru swears at his handheld.
“Hell yeah.” Banri gloats, hardly paying them any mind.
“Why are you arguing so early anyway?” Tasuku enters behind them.
“The hack keeps messing everything up!”
“Cry me a river.”
“Oh my god, how about you just break your nose again!”
“You broke your nose?” Banri looks up.
“There was this doll on the stairs, that’s not important right now.”
Suddenly everyone’s phones buzz.
“The girls are fighting.” Itaru sent in the group chat.
“Dude.” Banri looks at him. “Poor timing.”
Misumi drops from who knows where.
“Guuuys… you need to stop fighting! This’ll never stop ‘til you make up!”
Tasuku pauses for a moment. “Have you guys got the torment doll?”
“Yeah, and the name doesn’t lie. This has been hell.” Yuki crosses his arms and pouts.
“Oh yeah, Misumi mentioned you and Tsumugi went through this too.”
“The what?” Itaru asks for those in the room out of the loop.
“He’s right,” Tasuku ignores them. “We couldn’t perform at our best until we got on the same page.”
“But we’re not you!” Out of all the repeated days, this one gives Tenma the most deja vu. “We’ve always argued and things still worked out.”
“Maybe it’s worked before, but it’s clearly caught up to you.”
Tenma groans. “I know, I know! I just don’t know how-”
“You can make up for all the lost progress by fixing the dress yourself!”
“I don’t know how to sew!”
They go on like this all day. The next day, Tenma has an idea.
“What if we just avoid each other all day?”
“Are you stupid? It’ll only stop when we make up.”
“I know, but just talking hasn’t helped anything. In fact I think it’s just made it worse. If we take some time apart to cool off we can talk with level heads.”
“That… is a pretty good idea.”
“Right. You work on the costumes in the practice room and I’ll rehearse in here.”
Yuki grabs what he needs and heads downstairs. Before the practice room, he goes to room 105.
“Taichi.” He enters the room, almost taking the door off the hinges. “You’re helping.”
Taichi didn’t waste any time getting up and following Yuki to the practice room. He knows the consequences of doing that on a normal occasion, and he knows this is a big deal.
The two sew in relative silence for a while, Yuki occasionally swearing when he pricks his finger.
“Is everything okay?” Taichi asks after a while.
“Oh, well, it’s just that…” He thinks over his words. “You seem really upset.”
“What gave you that idea?”
“The way you barged into my room, your tone, and you’re making quite a few mistakes.”
“I was being sarcastic, dumbass.” Yuki sighs. “But yeah. I’m in a bad mood. Get the kid a prize.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Tenma and I have been fighting and before you say it I know we fight a lot but this one… this one got more intense.” Yuki’s sewing quickens and grows more intense. “We were already on edge and then he fucked up one of the costumes.”
“And maybe I was overreacting, but this shit’s a big deal and he knew how important this all is.”
“Son of a bitch didn’t even help in the first place. He just kept getting in the way.”
“And he has the gall to try and say it’s my fault- shit!” His sewing kept growing more and more sporadic, not only stabbing himself hard but messing up the stitches.
“Are you okay?!”
He’s not focused on his finger. He’s focused on the costume, now spotted with blood and bunching up a little.
Tenma goes over his lines for a while in his room. It’s not good. He can hardly focus. He keeps stumbling over his words.
After some time, he hears a knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Tasuku.”
“Come in.” He sighs and drops his script.
“Are you okay? You haven’t left your room all day.”
“Yeah, just practicing.”
“I thought the rest of the Summer Troupe were helping you and Yuki in the practice room?”
“There’s been a change of plans.”
“What happened?”
“Me and Yuki got into a fight and I accidentally messed up one of the costumes and he got angry at me. I tried to say sorry but he just wouldn’t listen.”
He thinks for a moment. “I understand this can be frustrating, but just think about what Yuki went through in that moment. Something he worked so hard on, something that he loves doing so much and is the opportunity of a lifetime, ruined just like” He snaps. “That. From what you’ve said he’s definitely still partially at fault but can you really blame him for being upset?”
“No.” He sighs.
“You really should make up. You can’t-”
“I know, I know. We can’t perform at our best until we’re on the same page.”
“I’m trying. Trust me I’m trying.”
“Right. Well, I’ll be leaving now then. Good luck.”
Tenma’s left to think for a while. He can’t blame Yuki for being upset. Hell, he didn’t really entirely blame him when all of this started.
Yuki enters the room quickly.
“Yuki I-” He holds up a bandaged finger.
“We will not be discussing anything until tomorrow.”
And so they didn't; they didn’t talk about it until the next day, which technically is the same day.
“Alright.” Yuki hops down. “Now let’s talk.”
“Why couldn’t we talk yesterday?”
“I messed up one of the costumes and it would take too long to start over.” Yuki rubs his previously bandaged finger.
“Right, well.” Here goes nothing. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t take into account how big of a deal this is for you and how much time, care, and effort go into your costumes. I understand now why you were so upset.”
“Thanks, Hack.”
“You can’t even drop the insult for this?!”
“No.” He takes a deep breath. “But I’m sorry too. You were trying to apologize and I still freaked. I was upset and you’re right, it’s a big deal and I’ve been on edge the whole time, but that doesn’t mean I should have taken that out on you. And thank you for the apology. I accept it.”
“I accept yours too.” Tenma slimes. “Well, let’s get to it.”
The two of them knock on room 203. Inside the rest of the Summer Troupe are playing cards.
“Did you guys make up?”
“They were fighting?” Kumon asks.
“Yeah.” Yuki says, before putting his hand on his hips. “Now are you guys gonna help or what?”
“Misumi said there was a change of plans.” Kazunari sets down his cards.
“Well not anymore.”
The six of them head down to the practice room. They move around some of Yuki’s stuff to give Tenma more room and Tenma makes sure to not bump into Yuki’s things.
They’ll still have arguments. That’s just how things go. But now they understand each other a little better.
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Gotham Comic Con”
The Joker and his girlfriend decided to attend “Gotham Comic Con” this year dressed as The Batman and Cat Woman. It took Y/N some time to convince her boyfriend but here they are about to have fun and nothing could spoil the event. Right?...
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“Oh my God, this is awesome!” you giggle entering the venue designated for the yearly special event “Gotham Comic-Con” dressed as Cat Woman.
The Joker is right behind you sporting The Batman outfit and he flexes his knees a few times, growling.
“What’s wrong?” you ask although you have a clue because J’s been complaining about since he got off the van parked on Lot B5.
“I hate these stretchy pants! I don’t know how that asshole does it!”
“You’re the one that insisted to come as Batsy,” you reveal point out the truth. “You could have been anyone else.”
“Like who?”
“Cinderella,” you elbow him and your boyfriend is not a huge fan of the concept.
“The drama, obviously,” you keep walking alongside him and he’s definitely ready to blow at your insinuation when you gasp. ”Baby, I think that’s Bane!” you gesture towards a massive individual flaunting a Sub-Zero costume.
“How can you tell?” The Joker squints his eyes and the bubbly Y/N has to say it:
“I would recognize his physique anywhere! Plus, he still has the scar between his eyes,” you pucker your lips and The King mumbles a bunch of PG 13 rated things regarding his business partner.
Last week they got into a brawling and almost killed each other.
The reason?
The Joker believes that Bane always flirts with you (which he does since he likes to refer to you as “a breath of fresh air”); stuff escalated until you had to break it up: J ended up with a busted lip, Bane with a cut between his eyes due to The Clown trying to stab him in the head and you ended up with an inflated ego.
“Hello Mister B.,” you tap the pile of muscles and he turns around to see who’s bothering him.
“Y/N!” he excitedly exclaims, immediately unhappy at the sight of his business partner. “Joker…” the low tone greets.
“Bane…” J sneers.
“What are you two doing here?” Bane inquires.
“Having fun; I finally convinced him we should do this and mingle for once. No better way to spend the day,” the bubbly comment pleases your conversation partner. “So we dressed up and here we are.”
“I must say you’re like a breath of fresh air,” Bane admires your skin tight costume and stilettos which prompts The Joker’s disapproval:
“If you want fresh air, go outside!”
“Make me!”
Oh no! Not again!
“Are you here alone?” you change the subject and distract them from getting into a fight. Not that you wouldn’t enjoy it, but… too many witnesses at the packed Comic Con, it could end up in a total disaster.
“With my niece and nephew. I lost them for a second and I’m searching the premises; they can’t be far,” Bane reports. “Which reminds me: I should get going and find them otherwise my sister will go ballistic. I’ll see you later, Y/N,” he acknowledges you and ignores your man.
“Bye Mister B.,” The Queen snickers at the evident teasing.
“Just her, huh?” The Joker grumbles. “What about me? Did you forget we have a meeting next week???”
“Too bad and super sad: I’m not talking to you!” Bane’s attitude emerges.
“I certainly could care less because I’m not talking to you either!” The King strikes back.
“Then what are we going to do?” Sub-Zero’s better judgement brings up a good argument.
“Y/N will translate!” J proudly states.
Oh no! Not again!
That means they will snarl and make weird noises and you’ll have to guess what it means; an absolutely excruciating task that even a breath of fresh air can’t accomplish without losing it.
Maybe you should let them kill each other. 
“Fine!” Bane decides and distances himself from the couple while the Joker shouts since he has to have the last word:
“Mister Batman?” the 5 years old dressed as a hobbit shily tugs on J’s cape.
“Hm?” the fake vigilante looks down. The little boy suddenly sneezes and wipes his nose with the fabric as the mad man is less than lenient at someone ruining the outfit replica he paid a fortune to have.
“Goddamn…” and he can’t finish his sentence because a large group of screaming children surround him in a heartbeat.
“Batman! Batman!” they jump up and down hyped up to see their hero.
“Go away!” J attempts to reason with the sea of kids he has no patience for. Of course nobody can hear him over the deafening sounds that attract more offsprings and parents.
“That’s so cute!” one of the moms gushes and takes a picture. “It’s delightful seeing a guy dressed as The Batman performing such a public service for our town!”
“He loves people, especially babies, “ you lie without blinking and immortalize the moment yourself.
“Awww,” a few people sigh touched by your praises.
“He must be a nice dude,” a kid’s dad concludes and you sweetly smile from under your mask:
“You have no idea.”
Somebody from the crowd places an infant girl in The Joker’s arms and the mob goes ballistic!! Rosie cheeks keeps sucking from her binky, glaring at the interesting person.
Clapping, cheering and whistling intensify whilst J feels compelled by his increasing popularity to lift the 6 months old above his head for everyone to see how cool he is.
This is not bad, The King enjoys an endless string of applause and the sudden explosion occurring in the diaper followed by quite a foul smell puts an end to his exuberance.
“Jesus!” he crinkles his nose, appalled. “Whose kid is this?” he yells and the thrilled parent waves at him, taking back the stinky, adorable bundle of joy. “Uncle Batsy needs to run!!” J makes up a random plan although nobody can hear him: the noise is overwhelming after he hyped them all up.  “Let’s bail before they trap me again! Pretty soon I won’t be able to walk, Princess. Everything is crammed in there, a total mess! I hate stretchy pants!!” he addresses his woman and quickens the pace until an atrocious abomination stops him in his tracks.
A specimen mocking The Joker wearing a purple suit is getting quite the attention: over exaggerated red lips smudged over the lip line, tattoo on the forehead that spells “Cabbaged”, a bunch of cheap golden chains from the Dollar Store around his neck and a sloppy green wig complete the assemble in a cringy manner.
You are equally speechless and The Joker manages to utter:
“What… THE HELL… is that????!!!!”
“Ummm… a Clown?” your sassy remark doesn’t score high marks as expected; you feel his eyes burning holes through you.
“You’re hilarious! Would you like to share your standup comedy talents on the stage??!” his index finger points at the platform meant to host a guest appearance from Bruce Wayne in the next hour.
Courtesy of “Wayne Enterprise” sponsoring the event: free food and refreshments for everyone under 18 years old.
You don’t answer and pout, upset J’s pissed attitude is already ruining your mood.
“I’m going to kill that buffoon posing as me!” he inhales full of spite and reaches for the knife hidden in his left boot.
“You can’t…” you hesitantly halt his movement. “Dozens of people, that’s just asking for trouble!”
“I’m not going to let a prick disrespect me!”
“You won’t, we’ll figure something afterwards. We can wait for him outside in the parking lot and take care of it without drawing attention! Please?” you beg hoping he’ll listen to you. “Pleeeaaaase!!!!“ you insist, perfectly aware he’s about to commit murder regardless. “I have a bunch of VIP passes to take pictures with celebrities. You promised J!” you stomp your high heels, exasperated. “You promised we’ll have a fun date!!”
“Why do I have to take pics with celebrities?! I don’t like anybody!”
The look on Y/N’s face: sheer disappointment; most of her features are covered with the mask yet he can tell.
“But I like you so the most I’ll do is take a selfie with you!” The Joker makes amendments on his own terms.
The Queen sniffles, trying to bottle up her emotions and she can’t help it: she bursts up in tears at her boyfriend’s candor.
Oh no! Not again!
The King of Gotham says nice things maybe twice a year and each time you struggle not to cry but it’s impossible: how can one resist such charm?!
Your complete meltdown makes him roll his eyes while your shaky hand takes a picture of the royal duo.
“Ugghhh…” J’s grimace turns your attention towards him.
“What is it baby?” you wipe your tears with his cape.
He would probably criticize such affront still there’s a pressing issue taking precedent.
“Princess, these tights are making my legs numb. I can’t feel my crown jewelry anymore.”
“Huh?” you forget to weep, startled.
“Cursed stretchy pants! I think I won’t be able to have sex for a month!” The Joker stretches his feet, uncomfortable.
“What??!!!” you raise your voice, panicked. “A month???!!”
Hell no!
Y/N grabs The Joker’s right hand and starts dragging him after her, yelling:
“Out of the way! Out of the way, it’s an emergency!!” whilst everyone is wondering how can someone wearing those 7-inch stilettos can march so fast.
“Where are we going, Pumpkin?!” J is inquiring and you yank at his arm, alarmed.
“To the car!”
Y/N doesn’t have time for explanations: she basically flies across the parking lot to get to section B5, opens the van’s back door and shoves J inside. He lands on his abs as you relentlessly pull on his boots, accomplishing to take them off in record time. Then you heave at his tights, huffing a storm at the stiff garment:
“I’ll be damn if I’ll wait a month for a ride in Funky Town!”
A mother and her 11 years old son pass by and she covers his eyes, horrified at the indecency as she guides him throughout the maze of vehicles.
“There are children here!” the woman protests. “Get a room!”
Luckily, she wasn’t heard by The Clown and his girl because… victory! The stretchy pants are off, J only in his boxers now.
“How are you feeling?” you roll him and he exhales, assessing the damage succeeding Y/N swift actions.
“Not sure, same?... Sit on my lap,” J offers and you don’t need a second invitation.
“Well?” you hold in the anxiety reaching high levels under these dire circumstances.
“Dunno, kiss me and we’ll see.”
You kiss him and he purrs.
“Well?” you interrogate again.
“Kiss me again!” he orders and you put more passion into it since your future happiness depends on it. “Hmm…” J groans. “I believe things are improving.”
“Yeah?” Y/N is about to have another breakdown although J didn’t say sweet rubbish; it’s just that kind of occasion.
“Then… what do you say we go home and celebrate your recovery?” you whisper in his ear.
“What about Comic Con?”
“Screw it!” you hop off his knees. “I’ll drive, you focus on your convalescence, ok baby?”
“Ok,” The Joker agrees and begins to stride around the van as Bruce Wayne’s limousine happens to drive by, the billionaire preparing to attend the event he sponsored.
“Stop the car!” Bruce commands at the weird view in the distance: a man wearing a replica of his Batman suit-- helmet, mask, gloves, cape… but no pants or boots, the bottom part of his attire consisting solely of underwear. “Right when you think you saw it all…” he shakes his head in denial, oblivious about who the person is.
Mister Wayne should at least have some empathy for the man enduring those tights for as long as he could; it might not be a record, but who could ever beat the real Batman at wearing stretchy pants anyway?!
Also read: MASTERLIST   
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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nineteenninety-six · 5 years
Cheater Cheater - Part 2
Here’s part two! I’m not sure I like but eh. I made Tommy into a massive asshole in this but truly speaking, he’s always an asshole so lol
I also watched Knives Out last night and omg!! What a great fucking movie, like holy shit. Fun fact, I’m a film student but I’m not a big fan of watching films lol
TAG LIST: @shadow-of-wonder @stassiebabyy @dayna041101 @kingarthurscat @soleil-dor @gothicwidowsworld @captivatedbycillianmurphy @porcelainjokersmadness @futuristicslimemongerbanana 
(I can’t tag some of the people who asked so I’ll see if I can tag you in the notes or smth)
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(Y/N) strolled into the distillery, Alfie’s men greeting her as she passed by. It was nearly one pm and (Y/N) decided to bring her husband lunch, knowing that if she didn’t, he wouldn’t eat until dinner, where she would force him to eat with her.
Alfie’s tendency to spend all day working and less time eating and sleeping reminded her of a certain someone from her past, one that she had tried so hard to forget about over the past three years but it didn’t help that Alfie was very similar to him.
(Y/N) had met Alfie just a few days after she had arrived in London. She had gotten a room at a boarding house with the bit of money she had left with and was prowling the streets of London looking for a job when she had stumbled into a bakery in Camden after a long day of walking around looking for jobs and getting rejected. She had only initially gone in there to buy herself a snack but in a moment of desperation, she had asked if there were any jobs going and just after the man said there wasn’t, the hulking form of a man who had walked into the shop through the back had interrupted the man and told her there was a job vacancy. The man had introduced himself as Alfie Solomons and he was the owner of the bakery and after a brief meeting, he gave her a job of the bookkeeper for the bakery.
As time went on, (Y/N) found herself getting closer and closer to Alfie and after a few months of not so subtle flirting, Alfie had asked her out to dinner as a date and the rest was history. (Y/N) fell for Alfie hard and fast, she had doubts about being in a relationship after what had happened with Tommy and feared that she would never love someone like how she loved Tommy but Alfie quickly erased those fears and doubts and he quickly became the love of her life. (Y/N) had thought that Tommy was the one for her but after a lot of thinking, she realised that her relationship with Tommy was one-sided, she gave him all the love and affection she could whilst he could barely be bothered to reciprocate. To Tommy, she was a someone who loved him unconditionally and would do pretty much anything for him and of course, he didn’t want to throw that away, his affair with Grace wasn’t probably the only time he had cheated on her and as she spent more time with Alfie, (Y/N) realised that she hadn’t truly loved him, not like how she loved Alfie.
Alfie had treated her like a princess, always taking her out and buying her things and if she hadn’t told him that she didn’t care about those materialistic things and all she wanted was him and his love, he would still be spoiling her to this day, though he still has those moments where he gifts her extravagant and expensive things.
After a year of dating, Alfie had proposed and they married only a few months after his proposal. Their wedding was small, only a few of Alfie’s friends in attendance but (Y/N) had no-one. Despite how much she missed Ada and Polly and how much she wanted them there at her wedding, she thought it was best to cut off everyone from or connected to the Shelby family, it was only way she was going to live a safe and peaceful life, though her opinion on living a peaceful and safe life quickly changed after she was followed by a small group of men shortly after the wedding. Luckily for her, some of Alfie’s men had seen what was happening and dealt with them before anything could happen to her but it meant that night Alfie was quietly explaining about what he actually did for a living and how the bakery was just a front to his distillery business before begging and pleading for her not to leave him. (Y/N) had spent a couple of days locked up in one of the guest bedrooms, thinking about her future with Alfie and whether or not being married to a gangster is what she really wants and after those few days of thinking, she left the guest bedroom and tripped over Alfie who had been sitting outside of her door and she was pretty sure she saw tears in his eyes when she told him that she would stay with him and that she had no plan on leaving, not that he would admit he was tearing up anyway.
(Y/N) was happy and content with Alfie and he never got her involved with his illegal business, allowing her to manage to the bakery instead. Her almost three years with Alfie were pretty much perfect.
“Is in Ollie?” (Y/N) asked Alfie’s assistant, Ollie.
“Yes, Mrs Solomons but he has a meeting in a bit” Ollie gave her a smile.
“Ah okay, I won’t be long then.” With one last wave, (Y/N) left Ollie’s desk and made her way over to Alfie’s office.
(Y/N) knocked on the door before she stepped in, a wide smile coming over her face as she locked eyes with her husband.
“Mrs Solomons, how wonderful it is to see ya” Alfie smiled as he leant back on his chair.
“You’re in a good mood, Alf.” (Y/N) made her way over to him, placing the bag with Alfie’s lunch on it on his desk.
“My lovely wife has decided to come visit me, why wouldn’ ah be?” Alfie pushed himself out of his chair and walked around his desk so he could stand in front of (Y/N).
“Uh-hmm” (Y/N) hummed before she pushed herself up on her tippy-toes so that she kiss Alfie.
“Not that I don’t like to see ya luv but what’s the special occasion?” Alfie slowly walked back towards his chair, dragging (Y/N) along with him.
“I brought you some lunch, I know what you’re like.” (Y/N) allowed herself to be pulled by Alfie.
“Ahh!” (Y/N) let out a small shriek as she was suddenly pulled down as Alfie slumped down into his seat.
“Sorry darlin’” Alfie smiled at her, his large hand running up and down her thigh.
“No, you’re not, you horrible person.” (Y/N) muttered.
Alfie simply grinned at her before pulling her into a kiss.
A knock on the door along with Ollie announcing that the person Alfie was supposed to meet had arrived, had the couple pulling away from the kiss. (Y/N) hopped off of Alfie’s lap whilst the man glared at Ollie- or rather the door to his office that separated them for interrupting.
“Stop pouting Alf.” (Y/N) smiled at her husband.
Alfie good-naturedly rolled his eyes before shouting to Ollie to let the man in.
(Y/N) was too busy saying goodbye to Alfie and making sure that he remembered to eat the lunch she bought him to pay attention to who walked it but when Ollie announced who the person was, she left like a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown over her and when she looked at the man with wide eyes, she found her ex-boyfriend looking back at her with surprise written on his face.
“T-tommy?” “How do you know my wife, Shelby?” Alfie had stood up, his large form standing behind her and a strong, comforting hand resting on the small of her back.
Tommy said nothing, still staring in shock at (Y/N) so Alfie asked (Y/N) instead.
“This is Tommy, I-uh, my ex from when I was in Birmingham.” (Y/N) said, reaching behind her searching for Alfie’s hand, gripping it tightly when she found it.
“The one who had cheated on you?” Alfie tensed up and growled.
“Yeah…” (Y/N) whispered.
Ollie had smartly escaped and (Y/N) was wishing that she too could escape.
“So you left me for another gangster eh?” Tommy scoffed, disbelief on his face.
“No” (Y/N) retorted, feeling insulted by Tommy’s insinuation, “I left you because you cheated on me and treated me like rubbish Thomas.”
“You blew it out of proportion. You know that if a man cheats on you, it’s because you’re lacking and he has to seek elsewhere.”
Alfie growled, ready to shout at Tommy but (Y/N) spoke up before he did,
“So you sought your way into the Irish whore’s bed who also ended up being a spy that got your brother-in-law thrown into jail and in turn severed your relationship with your only sister? Or how about when she nearly got you killed and the business ruined? I wasn’t the fucking problem Tommy, you were. You and your massive ego.”
(Y/N) didn’t know where all that came from but she was glad she spoke up and finally spoke her mind.
Tommy grit his teeth, “That’s been resolved, everything ended up fine.”
“Oh so I guess you’re still with Grace if everything ended up being fine”
Tommy’s jaw ticked as he hesitated to answer and (Y/N) instantly knew what had happened. She guessed that she was able to read him after all those years together.
“She’s left?” (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh, “So she spied on you, betrayed you and left you.”
Tommy just glared at her.
“Good, you deserve it.” (Y/N) shook her head, a small smile on her face.
Tommy was visibly angry and opened his mouth, most likely to yell abuse at (Y/N) but Alfie cut in,
“While it was great to see ya mate,” Alfie says, sarcasm dripping from his voice before he switched to a serious and intimidating growl, “I never wanna see you again, now piss off.”
Tommy opened his mouth to argue but Alfie interrupted yet again, “Any business we might have had is finished and if I see you or anyone from your fuckin’ gang around (Y/N) or in Camden, I will kill you.”
Tommy glared one more time at them before storming out of Alfie’s office, the door slamming loudly behind him.
When (Y/N) was sure Tommy was gone, she turned around and cried into Alfie’s chest. Alfie simply wrapped his arms around and slowly rocked them from side to side, whispering comforting words to her along with pressing soft kisses on her head.
When (Y/N) had stopped crying, she slightly pulled away from Alfie and looked up at him, “I’m sorry Alf.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for luv. Don’t worry about him or anyone else eh, you and me are the only one who matter.” Alfie soothed her
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around Alfie and hugged him tightly, grateful for him and his love and support for her. She was glad she had found someone who loved and appreciated her for who she was.
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hatsukeii · 4 years
hello! could you possibly do a scenario where tsukki has a secret passion for dancing, n one of his favs genres to listen to is like 80's music ?? i prefer it to be like raining n dark, just you two. i want tsukki n the girl to be like rly good friends, but tuskki lowkey likes her jus a bit n the girl is like totes in love with him, but they dont rly know about each other, until they like kiss after the songs stops. wkhsjdbf idk if this is too much but i love your writing sm!! thank you. 🥺❤
Okay that’s super cute so don’t worry lool
80s and indie music are SUPERIOR NO ONE TELL ME OTHERWISE.
I was looking through my playlist bc I have 80s songs but then I realised IT’S ALL ROCK LMFAO SO I HAD TO STEAL SONGS FROM MY FRIENDS JAHAHAH
Like I can’t make them dance to ACDC or like Guns n’ Roses wtf are they gonna do air guitars?
But then I realised I literally have a song called we can get together sooo👀👀👀👀
And I genuinely love it so much SOOOO👀👀
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Earphones// Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Word count: 2000+
Warnings: None lol I’m not even gonna warn for swearing anymore if it’s just swearing then none
Summary: You randomly discover Tsukishima’s knack for dancing.
You always saw him as a calm, or sly person. He was witty, mean, sarcastic, an asshole in every way possible. He was that one person that would call everyone out for looking stupid while dancing at a party, or the one that would remind couples on Valentine's day that it was to celebrate the death of a tortured and beheaded saint. He was pretty much the most no-bullshit person you’ve ever met. It was as if he simply didn’t understand the meaning of enjoyment, and thrived to seek out every opportunity to ruin it for others as well. He rarely went to social events, never showed up at parties, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile genuinely. Ever. 
Yet tonight, you witnessed something you never thought would happen.
You see, every night, you would take a good old stroll around your neighbourhood. Tonight was no different, except it was pouring, the constant pitter patter of your umbrella clouding out any other sound that was coherent. Sometimes you might run into street vendors, other times you would get a bowl of ramen to fulfil your midnight hunger.
Walking along the street to your favourite convenience store, instead of an eerily empty park, what you saw was Tsukishima Kei, the one person you were somehow close to, sitting in a park, with no headphones on. What a shocker.
Ever since you gave him those iconic white headphones, he has never gone anywhere without them. It was as if those headphones were a staple of your friendship, or more so, how much he meant to you. Just saying, those things were expensive. Like eighteen thousand yen expensive. You knew how much Tsukishima enjoyed listening to music, especially whilst doing work. You saved up for months, just to scrape together enough money to get him a brand new pair of headphones to replace his broken ones that only worked in one ear and had shitty quality. You would never admit it, but something in your heart clenched at the sight of the absence of those headphones you spent so much on. Many might have thought you were just sensitive, but they didn’t understand. In fact, no one would understand how insanely in love you were with him. 
“Hey, beanstalk.”
The blond looked up from his phone, his legs crossed on the bench.
“Well, would you look who’s here. It’s the infamous shorty.”
You approached his hunched-over figure, taking a seat next to him on the bench. “So, why are you here? It’s pretty late already.” Shoving your earphones into your ear, you hastily scrolled through your playlist, trying to hold off the urge to ask where his headphones were. “Lost my umbrella while going home from practise, it’s raining cats and dogs, I’m not looking to get soaked while going home, so I’m waiting for the rain to stop. Thank God I brought an extra sweater, my uniform is all wet and gross.” Chuckling, you punched him playfully, muttering a quick “Idiot,” before picking a song. You were very low-key about your feelings towards him. God knows how he would react if you ever told him. He would probably ignore you for the rest of your high school lives. Even worse, he might make fun of you for being childish and emotional. Just the thought of it sent shivers up your spine and a dark feeling towards your chest. Shaking your head, you tried your best to drown yourself in the terrifyingly loud music that was blasting through your earphones. From next to you, Tsukishima could hear every single note that was playing from the internal speakers. He scooted closer to you, much to your embarrassment. You grabbed your phone, pretending to scroll through it when in reality, you were just trying to hide the burning blush that was now painted on your cheeks. He paid attention to every little sound that came out of those tiny little earbuds, as if trying to figure out what song you were listening to was a fun game. Noticing the sudden absence of music in your left ear, you heard a tiny, almost breathy chuckle, followed by a pull on the earphone jack. “Pulp, hm? Nice taste you got there.” your eyes widened in surprise, mouth curling up into a wide smile. “Ahhh, never thought the great Tsukishima Kei would know them.” The blond smirked, shoving the rubber tip into his ear. “What do you mean? I have a playlist dedicated to this kind of stuff. 80s music will forever be superior.” You rolled your eyes, not falling for his shit. “Nonono, no way. Hand it over, I need to see for myself. I’m convinced you’re listening to raptor mating calls on a daily basis.” The blond shrugged, dropping his phone onto your lap. “See for yourself.” Opening up his Spotify, you were bombarded with a huge selection of his playlists. “Right there shorty, that’s the one you’re looking for?” Pointing his nimble finger at a specific one that was labeled “Old Stuff,” you scrolled through every single song, not believing what you’re seeing. “Holy shit, and I thought you would be into indie or EDM or something like that. This is some new information that I have to process.” Snatching his phone back, he wiped the screen with his sweater, turning it off. “That’s enough snooping for today. Come back at snooping hours again.”
It was at that moment, did the song decide to change. 
“Yeah, no. We’re skipping this shit.” You acted sad, fake pouting and huffing out. “But Tsukishima! All Star is God’s work, you can’t just skip it! Here, I’ll sing it for you!” The blond tried to look at you in disgust, but the smile he was holding back was clear as day, biting his lip as he tried not to laugh at your silly antics. “Oh God (Y/N) please no-” 
Too late.
“Absolutely not.” Laughing softly, Tsukishima managed to heave out.
Grabbing your phone and shoving it in front of your face, he unlocked it with ease, navigating his way through the five pages of otome games to find your Spotify. “Jesus Christ, never knew you were this desperate for a man.” The tips of his ears were red, one thought circling his mind. 
If she really wanted a boyfriend, would she pick him? 
Grabbing his arm, you begged for him to let you continue jamming to All Star. You were shaking him, trying to grab your phone, but nothing worked. “Nooo! Kei! Nooooo lemme listen to the Shrek sex anthem!” 
Scrolling through your usual playlist, his eyes landed on one particular song. “Hm? What’s this? You listen to Icehouse? Nice taste you got there.” Your grip on his arm loosened up as you looked up at him in shock. “You know them too! Yes! They’re very much adequate.” You stared in awe as the blond smiled from ear to ear, picking a song much to your dismay. “Yesss I love this song with my whole heart. My dinosaurs make way for this.” Hearing the similar synth, you instantly knew what he had picked. “Seriously? You like this song? It’s like cheesy as shit! This is so out of character for you oh my God Kei.” Tsukishima rolled his eyes, completely done with you. “It’s a good song, don’t come at me. Plus, if you think it’s so cheesy, then just delete it.” You frowned. You liked that it was cheesy. You always imagined someone singing it to you, most of the time this imaginary person being Tsukishima. “I like this song too, it’s fine.” The two of you sat in comfortable silence, your earphone jack being the only thing connecting you guys. The park felt weird. You felt weird. This whole situation was weirdly unreal. It was as if the two of you were stuck in a parallel universe, where you and Tsukishima were the only people that existed in that timeline. The silence was thick in the starry night sky, the streetlamps occasionally flickering as the song continued to play. Humming along to the addicting tune, you don’t even realise your body that’s starting to rock, arms swaying from side to side to the rhythm of the chorus. 
“We can get together,“
“Get up.”
A hand comes into your sight, willing for you to take it as you feel another tug on your earphones.
“You wanna dance, don’t you?”
Never in a million years, would the thought of Tsukishima being able to dance even cross your mind.
 “What? It’s raining, I thought you said you didn’t wanna get soaked-”
“Just take my hand and dance with me.”
Hesitating a bit as you looked up at the blond, you raised a brow, grinning playfully as you let your hand fall into his, pulling yourself up and letting him take your other hand. You felt the cold droplets of water fall onto your skin and rolling off, the fabric of your shirt going damp.
“Just take one step forward,” he instructed, motioning for you to follow along with his dance moves. “Then take another step backwards. Everything else will come into place soon enough.” Lacing your fingers with his, the two of you danced in perfect sync, having the time of your lives. “I am learning so, so much about you right now and I’m all for it. Why’d you never tell me you could dance?” Tsukishima’s cheeks went a light pink, looking away bashfully. “It’s embarrassing.” Chuckling, you twirled yourself around, pulling on his arm as you forced his attention back onto you. “It’s not. I think it’s super cool. Do this with a girl and they’ll be head over heels for you in no time.” You mentally facepalmed yourself for saying that. His blush went from a light pink, to a dark red in no time, saturating his cheeks like paint. “Let’s test that theory out.” Mumbling to himself, he continued to guide you, twirling you around and hoisting you up at times.
“Baby we can get together, we can get together.”
The two of you were just jamming along now, not caring about your wet hair and soaked clothes. Tsukishima’s hair was now a damp mess, sticking to his forehead as he whipped his head from side to side, laughing as water droplets flew off his blond strands. Your hair was no better than his, (H/C) strands reflecting the light from the streetlamps as they hit your face with every sway of your head. The earphones were falling off at this point, but it didn’t matter. The two of you already memorised the entire song beforehand. All you wanted was to enjoy the short moment. Grabbing his wet hand again, you randomly started jumping to the beat, letting the blond follow along.
“Later sometime, you can buckle my shoes, you can pick up my sticks, why don't you open that door.”
You gasped in surprise as you felt a large hand spin you around one last time, before dipping you dangerously close to the floor, rainwater rolling off your face. The song came to an end with its final guitar chord, the reverb still ringing in the background. “So, what’d you think?” Tsukishima leaned down, his face dangerously close to yours. Feeling a Cheshire grin form on your face as your tried to raise your head up, you gave his nose a boop with your own, before falling back onto his hand. “That was amazing.” Giving you a cheeky grin, you could feel his breath on your face as he sighed contentedly. His breath smelled like mints, you couldn’t help but wonder how lips would taste too. “You good now, or do you wanna go home? I think the rain just stopped.
Still in that intimate position, you decided to finally ask him.
“Where are the headphones?”
“I didn’t want to get them wet, they’re too important to me. They’re in my bag.”
And that’s when your body decided to act on its own.
Your mind couldn’t even register what you were doing as you pressed a long, soft kiss on Tsukishima’s lips, feeling the heat radiating off of him.
“Now I’m good. Wanna go home?”
“Did you just-”
Pushing you back up to a comfortable position, he stared at you for another ten seconds, face burning crimson as his mouth opened and shut repeatedly, trying to process what you just did. Finally snapping out of his thoughts, he awkwardly leaned towards you, before pulling himself back. After doing that a few times over, you were properly confused. Grabbing your shoulders, he pressed a firm kiss to your forehead, before grabbing his bag from the bench he was sitting on, pulling his headphones out and hanging them on his neck, handing you the earphones.
“Wanna do this again tomorrow shorty?”
“11pm sharp, don’t be late, and I expect another kiss.”
“Whatever you say cutie.”
@tiger1719 @burnt-tomato @thirstyvolleyballhoe @agentvicinity @izzyphantomgamer @sunshines-and-tatertots @sakusasgarbage @trashcanweeb @kaylacinderella @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @random-fandomlover @bokutokoutarou @for-ests @mariechan123 @justachillgirl @ewfilthymundane @just-another-bored-writer @inlwlevi @tiredgr3mlin @itmekisuu
I’m gonna check over the tags again tmr so feel free to dm or comment if I missed you or if you wanna be in the taglist
Eyyyy this isn’t that great but I hope you like it and feel free to give me feedback both good and bad lol love you guys I’m going to sleep now baiiii
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fanficmarvelchick · 5 years
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Summary: You and Eleven were both experimented on and escaped together to Hawkins. You were in hiding and the last thing you expected was to meet a particularly confident bad boy with a secret heart of gold. (Billy Hargrove x reader)
Warnings: some violence
Word Count: 4.8k
You couldn’t quite tell if you hated being kept away from practically everyone in Hawkins or if it was just being kept away from Billy. It wasn’t like you didn’t understand why you couldn’t talk to him, or be friends with him, but you hated isolation.
It’s taken you years to break out with El. She was the last straw for you. You could handle the experiments. You could handle being locked in a dark cell for weeks at a time, but seeing her go through the same thing broke your heart. Eventually you’d convinced her to break out and the two of you went on the run. Truthfully, you’d have taken anything over being in that place, getting experimented on practically every damn day.
You’re abilities weren’t exactly stress free, and to you they felt generally unhelpful.
You were able to heal anyone and bring things back from the dead (well, only small animals like mice seemed to be able to come back to the real world).
To the untrained eye this might seem like an incredible ability, to be able to stop peoples suffering and take care of the people you love. But everything comes with a price.
For you, the bigger the injury the more pain it caused. Whenever you would heal another person, it was as if you were transferring their pain to yourself. You could feel exactly what they felt until whatever wounds they had were gone.
This still didn’t come close to the time you were forced to bring a mouse back to life. A mouse which they forced you to kill in the first place. The pain you felt was indescribable and dark. You eyes became black as you felt a burning sensation beneath your skin, flowing through your veins.
You’d vowed to never do it again. You’d pretend that you weren’t able to do it anymore. That you’re ability had faded. The scientists didn’t exactly believe you, but you were stubborn enough to stick to it.
When Hopper took you in with El, you told him about it. He promised you that you’d never have to do anything like that again, that he’d take care of you and the people around you.
He was the one who allowed you to go to school, though only under the condition that you spent your time with Steve, Nancy, or Jonathan.
You figured this would be easy. You liked all of them and they knew about your abilities. You also weren’t the most sociable person. Being locked away for most of your life can do that to you.
You remember when Billy arrived. As you were a very quiet person, you were able to listen in on peoples conversations about it.
Only minutes after his arrival and everyone had an opinion on him. All the ladies were swooning and all the men were jealous.
When he strolled into the school with a denim jacket and a cigarette hanging from his lips, you found yourself agreeing with the ladies. The way he walked like he owned the place and the surge of confidence flowing through him had you wishing you could speak to him. You knew you weren’t allowed and due to your gratitude to Hopper, you decided you’d let it go.
Months went by without anything different. You’d continued to spend your time with Steve and Nancy. Two people who definitely did not like Billy. You’d sit with Steve, listening to him complain about the new guy and how annoying he was. You realised pretty quickly that Steve felt threatened in his presence. This was something you’d never understand. You couldn’t really imagine feeling threatened by just another teenager, especially since you’d been faced with much worse in your time.
Your days soon began to change when you were in your English class and your teacher lost it. She’s snapped at this disruptive class and decided on a seating plan. The truth was you didn’t give a shit. It was like you talked to anyone anyway.
You were placed directly at the back of the class and right next to Billy Hargrove. What a surprise, you thought to yourself. Out of all the people, it had to be this boy.
It took only a few seconds before you noticed him open his mouth. He was not going to spend the class actually paying attention so he figured he’d annoy you instead.
“So what’s your story, huh?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and leaning towards you.
“Excuse me?” You replied, unsure of what he meant.
“Oh come on” he grinned. “No one can be as shy as you and not have a story”
“Uhh, I don’t have a story” you said quietly, glancing around the room.
“Why don’t you talk to anyone around here?” He asked, deliberately prying into your life.
“I’m talking to you, aren’t I” you replied quickly, giving him a shy smile as you twiddled your fingers. He gave you a smirk as he nodded in response.
“How’s it feel to be responsible for the seating plan? I mean, you’re definitely the one who caused it” he said with a smile, causing you to let out a chuckle.
“Shh, keep it down” he joked as he gave you a slight nudge with his elbow. You couldn’t even hide your smile if you wanted.
“Be quiet!” The teacher yelled, snapping her head towards Billy, feeling her blood begin to boil as she looked around at the class.
You let out a small giggle as you ducked your head down.
“That’s you she’s talking to” he whispered as he leant over.
“Definitely” you agreed with a smile.
When the class finished, you felt yourself for the first time thinking that the class went well. Being the quiet one and not talking to anyone usually resulted in boredom and an overall feeling like you were going to fall asleep.
As soon as you walked out the door, Billy appeared by your side.
“So eager to get to the next class?” He questioned, letting out a laugh.
“Wouldn’t quite say that” you replied.
“Are you saying you’re not the complete nerd that everyone thinks you are?” He grinned as he looked down at you.
“Maybe the real nerd has been you all along” You retorted with a chuckle.
“Oh shit you got me. Don’t tell anyone or my reputation will be ruined.” He replied, trying to hold onto a serious expression.
The two of you soon parted to go to your set page classes. As you were sitting in your next class you felt yourself smiling, so much so that Steve kept giving you strange looks.
“What’s got you in such a good mood? Not that it’s a bad thing” he asked, giving you a smile.
“She was talking to Billy in her last class” Nancy replied before you had a chance, shaking her head in disapproval.
“Whoa, whoa. Billy? As in Billy Hargrove? King douchebag of the school?” Steve said, giving you a shocked expression.
“You should not be talking to him. Literally any other living thing would be a better idea than that asshole” he continued, pursing his lips as Nancy nodded in agreement.
“I don’t know... he didn’t seem so bad” You replied quietly, keeping your head down as though you were being interrogated.
The weeks began to go by and you deliberately didn’t tell anyone about Billy. You hated how much your friends did not approve of him.
Billy continued to talk to you, chatting you up at any moment with little jokes and flirtatious comments. It had become his new mission to get you to loosen up.
“You still haven’t told me your story” Billy said as he walked up behind you in the car park. “You know I thought we had something special, Y/N” he added, giving you a sad pout and a frown.
“Alright here it is” you said, watching him lean towards you in excitement. “I’m a secret agent sent from the future”.
“I knew it.” He replied. “Everything about you screams badass secret agent, capable of assassination at a moments notice” he laughed as he walked with you.
Steve came walking up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder, distracting you for a moment.
“You ready?” He asked, pointing towards his car. He’s being driving you and Nancy to school for the last few months now since you’d never been given the chance to learn how to drive.
Before you could answer, Billy stepped in to face Steve.
“Don’t worry Harrington, I’ll take her home” he said.
“I think she’d rather go with me Hargrove” Steve replied, pressing his eyebrows together as he looked at you.
“Why don’t you let her decide” Billy said, looking at you with a smirk.
You didn’t have time to answer before Steve grabbed your hand and began walking to the car.
“Enjoy your night” Steve said with a big smile as he waved off Billy, causing you to let out a sigh as you were pulled away.
You spent the drive ignoring Steve. You hated that you didn’t have a choice. You hated being forced to avoid Billy and anyone else.
The day Nancy and Steve broke up felt like a small relief for you. Steve has now become so caught up with the break up that he didn’t have time to focus his attention on you.
You’d told each of them that you were spending time with the other whilst you secretly spent a majority of your time with Billy.
Billy had approached you after school at your locker when the bell rang.
“You ready to go?” He asked with a smile.
He’d been driving you home in secret for the past few weeks. Though you didn’t let him take you to Hoppers house. You told him to drop you off earlier and he never pushed to ask why. Truthfully, he was happy that he could finally drive you at all now that Steve wasn’t in the way all the time.
You nodded with a smile as you began walking to his car. He knew you wanted to keep it a secret that you were spending time with him so he was quick and discrete. He was also glad that Max wanted to hang out with her friends after school so he had time to talk to you instead.
When he pulled over at the usual spot he’d drop you off at, he turned off the car and leaned towards you.
“We could just sit here for a while” he suggested, looking you up and down for a short moment.
“You know I can’t” You replied, letting out a breath and you looked down.
“I really like hanging out with you... I just want you to know that” he said quietly with a serious expression.
“I like hanging out with you too” you replied softly, a small smile creeping across your face.
You watched him lean towards you, only a few inches away from your face as he looked into your eyes.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you felt yourself move towards him. He took this as a sign of encouragement before he closed the gap, pressing his lips against yours as his hand rose to cup your cheek. You felt yourself reciprocating, pushing back against him as you reached out, your hand pressing against his chest.
When the two of you parted, you couldn’t stop the smile appearing on your face.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that” he laughed as his hand move to grip yours, allowing your fingers to intertwine with his.
“I couldn’t agree more” You replied with a grin as you squeezed his hand.
“I wish I could show you off to the world” he said, gently biting his lower lip.
“I guess I’ll have to be your little secret” you said with a small smile as you leant forward once again, softly pressing your lips against his.
The two of you went on like this for months. At school you’d act like you barely knew each other, trying so hard to make sure no one knew. It was a nightmare.
He’d always find ways to sneak touches or kisses. He’d find a way to catch you alone during the school day and would immediately be all over you, joking around with you or kissing your neck.
You’d sneak out in the late night and he’d be parked up the street, waiting for you so you could spend the night together.
You’d either spend the night sitting in his car talking until the sun came up, or he’d take you out. Either way, it’s all you could think about every night. You found yourself more and more drawn to him.
When the summer came and school finished, you could barely contain your excitement. Outside of working shifts as a lifeguard at the local swimming pool, he’d be with you. Lucky for you Hopper was often out and El knew how to keep a secret, especially since her and Mike were otherwise preoccupied.
You’d planned a night together after one of his shifts. He said that he’d take you out for dinner and then to a hotel for a proper night out. You couldn’t stop thinking about it all day.
That was until he didn’t show up.
All night you waited for him to pick you up. You couldn’t stop yourself from worrying. He had never once been late to be with you, he’d never even come close.
The next day you went to his work, knowing he had a shift scheduled. When you arrived and noticed he was in the locker room, you decided to follow him.
“Billy..?” You asked as you walked in, seeing him sitting on the floor of the shower with water running over his face.
“Hey...” you said softly. “What’s going in?”
He didn’t look at you but you could see he was shaking. He was curled up, holding his knees against his chest. You reached out your hand to touch him and he quickly grabbed your wrist.
“Don’t..” he said quietly.
“Billy, please tell me what’s wrong” you begged.
“Just stay away from me!” He said firmly as he flicked your hand away and stood up, quickly running out of the locker room.
You just stood there for a moment, your mind raising as a wave of confusion hit you. He’d never acted like this; you were beginning to worry.
Days went by like this.
He refused to talk to you, practically bolting away from you whenever he saw you.
You felt yourself panic, going over everything you’ve done and wondering why the hell he was acting like this.
Eventually you felt so confused and hurt that you told El. You confessed to everything. The secret relationship you’d had and how he’d been treating you lately.
You’d been expecting her to comfort you, giving you some type of comfort but instead it looked like a light bulb lit up in her head.
She didn’t waste a single second before telling you about him, about seeing him leaning over Heather. The blood ridden whistle in his bathroom and the similarities he was sharing with Will when he was possessed by the Mind Flayer.
You couldn’t believe it. Yet it made sense.
He’d never acted like this before and a part of you was grateful knowing that it might not be him doing this.
When El and her friends told you about the plan to lock him in the sauna, you were all for it. If this Mind Flayer piece of shit was in him then you wanted to know and you were going to find a way kill the thing yourself if you had to. There was no way you were going to let Billy be controlled by this thing.
When the door slammed shut on him in that sauna and he turned around, his eyes locking with yours.
“Y/N....?” He asked quietly, frowning as he took in a breath.
“What’s going on? What are you doing?” He asked as he glanced around, his confusion growing even more when he noticed Max.
“Open the door!” He yelled as he began to panic.
“Turn it up, Will” Mike said as Will increased the temperature.
You watched as Billy began to back up, his chest expanding rapidly as he began to breathe heavily. His hands rose to his head as he started to panic before your eyes.
“It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault!” He yelled as he collapsed to the floor.
You quickly walked forward, peering through the small window as you watched Billy sit on the floor.
“It’s not my fault, Y/N!” He yelled, his eyes tearing up.
“I’ve done some... bad things. Really bad things” he said as he looked up at you, his hands shaking.
“What did you do, Billy?” You asked softly, trying not to panic.
“It’s not my fault! He made me do it” he replied as he gripped his knees.
“Who made you do it?” You asked.
“I don’t know, it’s like a shadow” he responded, ducking his head as he tears began to pour down his cheeks.
“Please believe me, Y/N. It’s not my fault!” He pleaded before holding his head in his hands.
You couldn’t stop yourself from tearing up, seeing him like this made your heart ache.
“I believe you, Billy” you said. “It’s gonna be okay”.
You watched him continue to shake and shrink in on himself. You wished so badly you could go in there and wrap your arms around him. You wanted to stop him feeling like this and you wanted so badly to kill the Mind Flayer.
“Step away from the door” Mike chimed in causing you to turn around.
You barely had enough time to process before Billy launches himself your way, his hand smashing through the glass.
You felt Max pulling you way as Billy struggled to open the door. You’d never been frightened of him before but you were scared shitless watching him break out. The anger on his face sent chills up your spine.
It wasn’t long before you felt yourself backed against the wall as Billy came charging towards you. You were frozen, standing there waiting for him to attack you and you couldn’t move a muscle.
If it wasn’t for El, you would have let him kill you.
You hated how weak you felt as El stood in front of you, protecting you from Billy.
She was the only one who stood a chance against him and even she had been struggling. When his hand from gripped around her neck, you finally moved.
You sprinted up behind him. Wrapping your arms around his neck and shoulder as you attempted to pull him away. Though it proved to not be very powerful, it did distract him enough for El to get away.
She collapsed against Mike as Billy turned to face you. Black veins were bubbling beneath his skin as he clenched his jaw. In all the anger in his body, you couldn’t help but notice his tearful eyes.
You noticed his feet planted on the ground as if he were struggling to stay still. If only you had known the battle going on in his head. How he was screaming for the Mind Flayer to stop, to not force him to hurt you. He couldn’t imagine being the one to cause you pain, there wasn’t a chance in hell he’d ever hurt you and he was begging for you to run.
In this moment of him standing still, you used it to move it of his way. He thanked god you didn’t try to come at him, knowing you’d never stand a chance against this horrid version of himself.
He’d never felt so frightened in his life. The fear of hurting you had him cowering in the dark corner of his mind.
When El was able to fight him off, sending him through the wall. He didn’t hesitate before running. He would not fight you.
You refused to accept that he was lost. That you couldn’t save him.
Once the Mind Flayer had taken shape and targeted El, you realised the kind of danger you were all in.
You’d all been hiding in the Mall once Billy appeared in the car park. You were sucked behind the car, sitting closely beside Nancy as the two of you tried desperately to stay quiet.
Due to Lucas and his smart thinking, he was able to distract it long enough for you to run.
He quickly handed out fireworks and you all scattered, firing them off in order to distract it from El... who was clearly the prime target.
When Billy stormed in, you began to truly panic.
He’d been dragging El across the floor towards the Mind Flayer, ready to offer her up. You began running down to the first floor as she began to scream, attempting to fight him off to no avail as her abilities appeared dormant.
You were trying so desperately to get to her. Watching him push her to the ground and lean over her. Your mind was racing faster than you’d been moving. You couldn’t bring yourself to hurt him and yet here he was, ready to sacrifice your own family.
You were stopped in your track as you noticed a change in his eyes. He was leaning over her as she began to speak to him, his eyes softening by her words as he began to tear up. You had no idea what she had been saying, but you could help but notice the tears falling from his eyes as her hand rose to his cheek.
You watched from a distance as Billy began to rise, turning away from El as he looked up at the Mind Flayer. His shoulders were broad, fists clenched and his face full of anger.
It happened so fast. You watched the creature launch at El and couldn’t stop the scream pour out of you as Billy jumped in the way. He was attacked from all sides, blood staining his white shirt as he yelled in pain.
When it ripped through his chest, that was when you finally unfroze, racing towards him.
He collapsed to his knees before you came running up behind him, arms wrapping around him as he fell against you. His head pressed against your chest as you gripped him tightly, tears falling down your cheeks as you stared at him in shock. You didn’t notice the monster beginning to cave in on itself as it died. Your attention being so painfully focused on the man dying in your arms.
His eyes locked with yours as you rested his head in your lap, unable to stop yourself from crying.
“..Y/N” he choked, staring up at you as he struggled to breath.
“I’m s-sorry” he said quietly, his eyes moving towards the ceiling as his final breath was taken away from him.
You felt his entire weight in your arms as your mouth opened, trying to find anything to say. Your eyes moved rapidly over his face, refusing to accept that he was gone.
You pressed your forehead against his as your hand tightened around him. The palms of your hand began to tingle and heat up as your heart rate quickened. Your eyes clamped shut as you winced in pain; the heat spreading rapidly through your body.
You could feel sharp pains in your body, as through your skin was being torn and ripped away from you.
The pain he felt was so horrific, your chest feeling as though it was shattering beneath your skin. El was attempting to pull you away as you yelled in pain, tears rolling down your cheek.
Your vision went black before you could see him. Before you could see the wounds on along his body closing up, before you could feel his pulse coming back. You could only remember falling back against El before you became completely unconscious.
Light was stinging at the corner of your eyes as you opened them to see the ceiling. You frowned for a moment, feeling like everything had been an extremely vivid and painful dream.
You lurched forward in a panic as you looked around the empty room. It was your room for sure, but it was so quiet. You rushed out of the door as your heart races, eyes tearing up as you thought back to Billy.
Your body stopped suddenly, staring up into the eyes of Billy as he stood at the other end of the lounge. His lips parted as he thought of something to say but he came up with nothing.
You were moving so quick yet your body felt numb. It felt like someone was controlling you as you ran to him, jumping up and wrapping your arms and legs around him.
He immediately wrapped his arms tightly around you as he pressed his head into the nape of your neck, his eyes tearing up as he held you in his arms.
Your feet dropped to the floor as you stared up at him, eyes scanning his face. He was okay. He was alive. He was beautiful.
“Billy...” you whispered, your voice cracking as you felt yourself tear up.
His hand rose to your cheek as he sucked in a breath. He leant down slowly before pressing his lips softly and hesitantly against yours. His hands were resting on your waist as he kissed you, touching you as if you were made of glass.
He wanted to hold you so tightly against him, to pick you up and spin you around. He wished him could kiss you with every fibre of his being, but the fear of hurting you was still inside him.
You pulled away slowly, your eyes still closed for a moment as you let out a breath, savouring the feeling of him being right here in front of you.
As the weeks went by, he became slowly more comfortable with you again. But he was still so quiet. He never once talked to you about what he did and what it felt like.
You definitely didn’t want to push him but you knew how much it must be bugging him. There were moments when you’d catch him just thinking to himself, a sad look on his face and you knew he was going through memories of what happened.
The two of you were lying in your bed one night, facing each other and intertwining your fingers.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” You said quietly, giving him a small sympathetic smile.
He just looked away as he took in a deep breath.
“I can’t...” he replied softly.
“Whatever you did Billy... just know it wasn’t your fault” you said, your hand moving to rest on his cheek.
“It doesn’t change anything” he replied quickly as he looked into your eyes. “It was still me. I’m the one who hurt those people”.
“Don’t say that. You didn’t do those things. It was that piece of shit monster” you stared, unable to change your mind on the matter.
“But it was my hands, I could’ve killed El. I could have killed you” he replied, his hand rising to grip yours as he pulled your hand from his cheek.
“You died, Billy.” You said softly. “You died saving our lives”
“If that doesn’t prove you’re a good person... than I don’t know what does” you added, leaning in closer and squeezing his hand.
“I still don’t know how to thank you saving my life.” He replied before his hand loved to your waist, pulling you closer towards him.
“You don’t have to” You said softly. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, unable to understand how you could look pass the things he’d done. He couldn’t change how he felt about you, being more and more grateful everyday that you were here with him.
“God I love you” He whispered, inches away from your face.
You felt yourself freeze for a moment. He’d never said that to you, or anyone else for that matter. Your heart was racing as he stared into your eyes, but you did not need to think about a reply. It was simple.
“I love you too, Billy. So damn much” you replied, leaning in to kiss him again as he arm wrapped around you completely.
You spent the night in each other’s arms, holding onto him tightly, as though he might disappear if you were to let him go.
The two of you had been through too much now for you to drift away from each other. After all... you did have shared trauma.
-Hope you enjoyed! :) Thank you to @ateliefloresdaprimavera for the request!
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anonymous-girl37 · 4 years
Here is my story.
Most stories tend to start with things being normal, however, for this one, it is honestly a clusterfuck of bullshit with a little bit of normalcy thrown in to give me the illusion of stability. Even when I was only nine, I remember fun and family activities were never really with just her and us- it was always with somebody else there to motivate her. I sort of had to raise Katie and Kylie on my own at some points. She took care of us technically speaking; she didn’t starve us or anything, she just wasn’t available for the emotional side of being a parent. The parts that kids grow up to remember, unfortunately for us.
One of the best examples of her neglectful care for us was around that time... Me being around age… eight? Nine? It all blurs together at some points, but the point is I was young.
My mom always takes naps, they last a whole ten minutes sometimes, but she’s always tired, maybe she’s sick. Whenever she’s sleeping, she says I get to play house with my sisters and pretend I’m the mom. My favorite is when she drives to the store for candy for us because then I make the rules for extra long. I get to make them lunch and play outside. Sometimes she lets me read them stories before their nap time, which is mommy’s relaxing time, so I get the whole rest of the house to myself. I get to make all the rules, dad never lets me do that. He doesn’t know, mommy said it’s our secret. I hate when she doesn’t get her naps in because then she’s grumpy. She went away for a whole week and she hasn’t taken a nap or been grumpy since she got back, maybe the doctors did surgery and fixed her. She’s even taking us to the park while dad’s at work tomorrow.
It’s been a week now, mommy was going to take us swimming but she said her head hurt too much, and the next day we were supposed to play in the woods but she needed to take a nap, and it was almost time for dinner when she woke up. Dad couldn’t know she was napping again, or he’d make her go away for a long time she said. She tells me I’m a good secret keeper. Maybe tomorrow she will let us go swimming.
Mommy’s been back home for two weeks and her medicine already stopped working, I wish it worked for longer cause I miss when mommy was fun. Mommy loves when I play house with my little sisters, but sometimes I get tired of it. I have to listen to her anyway. She’s better than dad because she doesn’t have any stupid rules. All dad ever does is work, we only get to play with him for a little bit after work and on the weekends.
It wasn’t something that stopped, her shitty “parenting” if you can even call it that, never improved. I was 12 years old popping Klonopin like candy, with her permission of course. Not only was she okay with me taking drugs, but she also fueled my addiction with her prescription. At least she was generous with her pills, however, she had plenty enough to share. She got a script of 90 a month from one doctor and 60 a month from another. She was good at pretending to have illnesses for drugs, and trust me, it’s extremely escalated since then. I don’t know who else she gave them away to, but when she ran out she always found a way to get more. Pills were more important to her than us having new clothes, and undergarments. She cared more about pills than saving money to do fun stuff with my sisters and me. She only ever wanted to be high, and she was so good at hiding it. She had our whole family fooled for years. She lived and still does live a life of lies. She sucks the life out of everyone she’s near. She sucked the life out of me. She had me becoming friends with kids who dealt drugs, It was a messy situation all around, I hung around people much older than me, I did drugs with men almost twice my age, however, usually Nicole was around for that part. At least she didn’t leave me alone with strange men, before the age of 13, I guess that was the cut-off. She decided I was mature enough, old enough, to hang out with men 8 years older than me. Luckily I had someone to protect me. Anthony tried to at least, to help me become my best. He wasn’t much better off than me in regards to a mother and he had a terrible drug problem. We experienced the same things in different ways. It felt like everything I went through, he did before me. Our lives were nowhere near identical. He grew up with his grandfather who fucked him out of his childhood, quite literally. I was addicted to Xanax, but that was nowhere near strong enough for his need to forget. Heroin was his kryptonite, he couldn’t get enough of it, but no matter how high he was, or how dope sick he was because he couldn’t find any, he made sure I was okay, he told me he loved me. Every day, that was the first thing I would hear him say. Our entire lives were straight ahead of us. He was poetic and artistic, and everything he said to me sounded like a quote from a book. He wanted his story heard, and he wanted me to be the one to hear it. It feels like I’m now responsible for telling the world. He never wanted anyone to know him, just who he was. He wasn’t all happy, and nice, he was a total asshole sometimes, I’m not sure that he was even aware. The love we had was one I’ll never forget though.
I’ve dropped my bottle and there’s broken glass on the ground now. I guess that’s what I get for being lost in these thoughts. It cut my leg but I can’t feel it. The glass reminds me of him. It reminds me of the night all of us got drunk and they were smashing glass bottles on the concrete. He screams “whoever runs through it gets $20 and this” as he’s holding a ½ empty bottle of rum. And some other guy told him he’d give home $100.00 to do it. So he runs through the things, falls, and has glass stuck from his feet to his knees. I’ll never forget that smell, blood, and vodka. I spent damn near two hours pulling glass out of his legs and feet and bandaging them up.
July Summer 2017
Today had to have been the best day of my life. Anthony took me to our spot, and we talked for hours, about nothing and everything, as always. We’re getting sober together. We’re going to do it. We promised. Today marks 1 day clean. Weed is an exception because fuck quitting that. I would do anything to make this man happy. I’ve known for a long time that he loves me, but today made me realize how much I truly love him too. I’m happy with him. My life is chaotic right now, but he’s my calm. He’s my peace. I can’t wait for the day we never have to leave each other again.
August 11 summer 2017
We’ve been sober for a month today. I want to go to this back to school party but Anthony is being a little bitch about it. I’ll convince him to go.
August 12 summer 2017
He died. On purpose. I made him go to the party and he overdosed. I thought he was just drunk. We cuddled on the porch swing until he fell over into my lap. He laid in my lap for 20 minutes before I knew. He had no pulse. He left a note in my back pocket. I can’t bring myself to look at it. I want to get rid of it.
My god damn room is a mess. Today marks 3 years since I lost the love of my life. I'm already drunk and it’s only 10 a.m. and of course, I, the drug addict, would take pills on a day like today. He would be so disappointed, but it’s finally come the time I read his suicide note, it’s finally the day, I’ve worked up the courage, I can do it. I need to do it. I must lock my door again, I can’t have another interruption. The door could’ve become unlocked. It’s locked, I’ve re-locked it twice now. I never imagined sitting on my bed, reading his note, his last words, whilst I’m a high and drunk mess. You’ll have that though, one of the greatest things Nicole ever taught me was to mask my feelings with drugs. I owe it to him. To read his last words. His voice still deserves to be heard.
I’m so sorry. I can’t keep doing this. I still kneel in the shower, and put my face down, letting the water puddle in my hands as if they could grow big enough to protect me from myself. The pain hits me randomly, it’s like I know I have lungs and I must be able to breathe, but I can’t, the air refuses to come. To this day, I get flashbacks, and I hate the feeling. It’s not normal. These are things you can’t forget. You want to rot because it’s better than being beat than being hurt. I have trouble believing anyone when they tell me they love me, but it’s easier with you. You told me I was your happiness and I gave you butterflies. My depression, my struggle, and my addiction gave you the determination to fight to make me happy. I’m sorry, but things are getting bad again. I should have never begun putting you through my pain. I don’t want help, I don’t want you to kill yourself fighting to save me, and I know you would if I didn’t stop you. You may not see it, and I doubt you will agree, but I’m doing what’s best. You have given me the greatest possible love, you have so much going for you, and you’re still so full of life, don’t lose that. Stay clean for me. I can’t fight anymore. Maybe that makes me a coward, but being a coward to the world is better than the pain that never leaves me, I’m tired of living in my hell. My eyes are full of tears writing this, and I can barely read. I owe my temporary feelings of joy to you. Anyone who knows me knows that if someone out there was going to save me, it would have been you. I can’t go on showering you in my pain, I can see the hurt in your eyes when you look at me. I hurt you because I’m so hurt I don’t know how to breathe anymore. If I die tonight, know that it’s for the best. Know that I haven’t truly been alive in a long time, that’s if I ever was at all. Don’t ruin yourself over me. Tell yourself what we had wasn’t real. Repeat to yourself that I never really loved you until you believe it. I treated you like a project, I manipulated you. Fool yourself into hating me. Because you’re going to see me in every single person. You’ll see some piece of me In everyone you meet. I know you, you’re going to look for me, whether you know you are or not, you’re going to seek me. If all of the words you said were true, you’re never going to give up looking for someone like me, you won’t find him. Find someone better. Find someone who fulfills you. You deserve a man who gives you the world even when he is falling apart. You deserve a love that doesn’t end, I want you to have those feelings again. I’m begging you not to look for me, I’m gone. I’m sorry that you’re never going to stop seeing pieces of me. Look for the good qualities, but I’m sure you’ll find the bad ones too. You’ll find my sense of humor in every funny movie, and all the chick flicks will remind you of our love. You’ll find my eyes in the face of a stranger and you’ll see my smile on little kids playing at the park. I’ll always be here for you whether I’m physically present or not. I was never sober. I told you I was because I knew if I got you started I could live with myself for leaving.
In reading this I thought I’d feel relieved, possibly ready to let the last of him go. But now I’m lost, more so than before. Now I’m angry, not with him, but with the world. You can’t hate someone for killing themselves, but you can hate the world for making them do it. You can hate the god or goddess or gods or goddesses you do or don’t believe in for letting it happen. I want to hate him, but I can’t because he’s not here, he took away my power to hate him, and so now I hate everything else. I hate everyone else. He wasn’t lying when he said I would see him in everyone. I see his good qualities somewhere in everyone, I see his bad qualities in every bad person but, I see him in everyone. It’s like when he died he became the universe, the universe swallowed him whole and he left a part of him in everyone. He picked who got his best qualities as if he knew I would find them. I do see his smile on the little kids playing at the park. I see his eyes in the only other man I’ve ever truly loved, they’re not the same, but the feelings in them are similar. I find his humor in every comedy. Sometimes I think maybe what he said was true, that he’d always be there for me whether physically present or not, because sometimes, on some of my worst days, I feel him. For just a minute, I can let myself pretend he isn’t gone. I can let myself pretend he never left this earth. Then my whole world comes crashing right back down. He swore to me he was sober. He promised. I think he only lied so I would be okay. I resent him for telling me to hate him. Because I can’t hate him, I want to so badly, but It’s impossible. Any pain he put me through was nothing compared to how he felt.
That's enough about him for now, as we're going to have to re-open that discussion later. Peach vodka sounds fantastic right now, I'll have a whipped pinnacle and peach smoothie. I could not have possibly made it any stronger than it is. Thank god for mind-altering substances, because quite frankly, I would be dead without them.
Nicole, if you're reading this, how did you do what you did? How were you content with yourself in the way you raised my sisters and me? Did you plan it all, or did you just go with the flow and lie when necessary? You never left a bruise, hell, you never even hit us. You scarred us permanently though, my sisters may not see it yet, but I do. Instead of giving us scars that would heal physically and show your crimes, you gave us invisible ones. The ones that people will deny us having for the rest of our lives. The ones that will always haunt us when we see you. You gave us scars that we can't get covered up with a pretty tattoo. You may not have hurt them as badly as me, but they don't deserve your games. I don't want them to experience even half of what I did.
Her games have left me empty, shallow, broken, and confused. I'm not confused about what she did or who she is, I'm confused about why. Why wasn't I good enough to deserve her love and compassion? What did I do so wrong? Why was I the one chosen to take on her role and try to fix my own life, and protect myself from someone who was supposed to protect and love me? I was forced to grow up so she could go backward. She wanted to live vicariously through me as if she wanted to become me. Everything I did, she did too. All the drugs I did, she just had to try, sometimes do them with me. Nothing was too far for her. She never told my dad though, "don't let your father find out" she would constantly imbed that into my head, it got to the point where I had become two people. One for my mother and one for my father. I remember breaking down one day, crying to myself because I felt like no one knew me and I didn't know who I was, and it was at that moment that I lost my sense of self. I'll probably never know who I am, or why. I have no clue who I want to be. I don't know how to become someone for myself, I've learned to feel as if I must adapt to everyone else.
Nicole told me everything and I mean everything. You may think, "oh that's not so bad, she's being open." Perhaps there are some things you should never tell your children. Some people should never be parents.
She loved to tell me how she was going to be so lost and sad when her "babies"(children all over the age of 10) leave her(by this she meant to grow up and go to school). How she liked sleeping around with all kinds of different men because it was fun and she was good at manipulating them. She told me about her sexual experiences and I wish she wouldn't have sometimes. She told me all kinds of things about her sex life, even asked for my commentary on the experience. Then later she changed many of her stories and said she was raped which had made me feel responsible if that's what had happened because I knew so maybe I should have known. She told me about the men she was dating and even introduced me to some, made sure I knew them well. Her 38-year-old boyfriend talked dirty to me, and the 36-year-old boyfriend did drugs with me, while we were living with him. He was a big mess, but not abusive. However, as soon as she got tired of him she claimed he beat her. She claimed he was abusive so that everyone would pity her. But, she was a liar. He never hurt her. I would have seen it, I would have known. Once again, she had made me question my entire life.
I know about everyone she hates though there aren't many. Now whether it was authentic or a horrible attempt at making me feel sympathy for her, I truly didn't know. I hate knowing everything and having been forced to be her diary, being forced to let her live through me, but she changed me to be what her idea of a kid was. It wasn't a kid at all. She refused to fix any of her problems, no matter how hard I tried to help her, she just wanted to be responsibility-free forever, and I got in the way of that, so she made me her excuse to act like a child. She forced herself to puke and bragged about it. Talking about how much weight she could lose and how quickly. It gave me my sort of eating disorder of feeling strong or like I achieved something by how much I was able to puke up. Still to this day, it's some stupid competition in my head. Drugs are her favorite, they were then too. At Least then it was just Benzos, weed, and hallucinogens. I was the only one who knew, that was stressful, keeping that secret. She constantly made me be someone I wasn't, and she forced me to be someone else for my dad. But I never did know who I was. There was "party secret keeper" me and there was "the most innocent child to exist" me, but I never knew who "me" was without being forced to put on an act one way or another.
chapter 3: The worst of you.
You broke my heart, but I should have known it was coming. It was too often that I looked into your pretty green-blue ocean eyes just to find them glazed over in a drug-induced haze. The last month with you made up for the years of torture. The torture of not knowing where you were or who you were with. Watching you burst into nothing but rage because you couldn’t find your next fix. I never wanted anything but to save you. And when you offered to be sober so long as I was, of course, I took you upon it. I thought you meant it, though I always had my doubts. 3 am is when most of our story was told. You called me every morning at 3, without a doubt, I could always expect that.
July 21st, 2017.
Time 3:00 am
I wake up in your arms and lay there silently as I’m sure you dream peaceful dreams that match the calm state of your face, I still see the shadow of mental exhaustion under your eyes. I breathe slowly, as to not disrupt your sweet dreams. I love you.
July 22nd, 2017
Time 3:00 am
You open your beautiful ocean blue-green eyes to start the beginning of your new adventure. Our fingers intertwined, our eyes locked as if we couldn’t look away. I couldn't ask for a better feeling. I love you.
July 23rd, 2017
Time 3:00 am
The scent of chocolate fills the room. It happens to be your favorite drink, surprisingly, hot chocolate, a drink no one would expect someone like you to like. A half-smile spreads across your face, the smile that tells me at this moment you’re happy. I love you.
July 24th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
I hold you close, but maybe not close enough, feeling the warmth and comfort of your body against mine made me happy though. You make me feel complete. I love you.
July 25th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
You wake me up with a small forehead kiss. You seem to be happy today. That makes me smile. I love you.
July 26th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
The ring sits perfectly on my finger. With it, I promise you I’ll be okay, and I’ll follow our dreams. You have to leave soon, but I don't want you to leave. I never do. I love you.
August 5th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
You're restlessly tossing and turning, I’m sure you haven't slept yet, you’re still withdrawing. I lean over and put my arm across you and place my body against yours. I worry because I wake up to the sound of you crying every time we sleep together. I try to pull you into me and you rest your head on my chest and quietly sob, pretending you’re just sleeping so I won’t notice. You’re stuck in this terrible life. I’m sorry. I love you.
August 6th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
Laying on the couch. I could see you staring at the wall, I felt you caressing my hand, softly. You kiss my cheek softly and then give me a warm smile. I see the pain in your eyes. It shatters my soul more every single second I look at you. You have to leave again soon. I want you to stay with me. I love you.
August 7th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
You look like you've been crying for hours. I'm afraid you’re not okay again. I know you won’t tell me. I love you
August 8th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
you tell me that you don't want to get out of bed today. You tell me that you love me and that you're gonna be okay. I should know better but I believe you because I want to. I love you.
August 9th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
You look like you’re on drugs again, but you won’t tell me that. Your face is pale and you’re always shivering. I love you.
August 10th, 2017
Time 3:00 am
I have yet to see you smile. You look at me over video chat and I know that you're fighting it, you can’t wait to congratulate me on one month of sobriety, and I can’t wait to congratulate you. In-person. Your kisses are always soft but lately, they have a chill to them. The warmth from you has disappeared, I’m worried that you want drugs again. You told me “I’ll always be here for you whether I’m physically present or not.” That makes me feel better. Maybe a party will cheer you up, I have a surprise planned for you tonight. I love you.
August 11, 2017
Time 6:00 am
You died at 1:53 am
I tried to wake you up but you don't stir. The party went silent. The pain in my chest is excruciating. I shook you and your rubber-banded bag fell to the floor. I hugged you harder as if it could bring you back. There is nothing I could do but cry. 15 minutes later I dialed 9-1-1 but I couldn’t speak, I cried so hard that no sound could even come out anymore. The sobs were so quiet they were loud. The ambulance got there, they put you on a stretcher. At first, I refused to let go of you, holding onto your hand, hugging your body with mine as if I could give you the life in me. It was so cold. D.O.A. I love you... The bed feels empty with you gone. The couch feels too big without you next to me. And the porch swing looks like a grave. I can’t go to the party house anymore. My hands feel cold without yours in them. I cried all night. The tears stopped coming out after a while, but I still sobbed. Your scent fills my nose and I cry more. I could have saved you. I'm empty without you. I should have known better. Your last words haunt me. I’m not sober anymore, I’m sorry. The note you left, I don’t think I can ever read it. I love you.
August 3rd, 2018
Time 3:00 am
I had a dream about you. You looked so happy, your wings matched your darkness. But Seeing your smile, your real one, made me feel good, so good that you are no longer only a dark spot in my memory.
August 5th, 2018
Time 3:00 am
I made your favorite, hot chocolate, and a bacon peanut butter sandwich. I wish you had a grave, but they turned you to ash and put you god knows where. Even though you aren't here, the universe still reminds me of you. Even though I know you won't be waking up this time. I love you.
August 10th, 2018
Time 3:00 am
I went to our spot today. I cried when I got home, I hurt so bad. I miss you more than anything. I love you. It's almost been a year.
August 11th, 2018
Time 3:00 am
The first anniversary of losing you. I refuse to accept that you’re gone. Just tell me you’re coming for me. Tell me you’re in some 3rd world country just hiding out like we always talked about, and you’re gonna come find me when I’m 18. I want this to all be a bad dream.
August 12th, 2018
Time 3:00 am
It's getting too hard to sleep. I slept in one of your t-shirts. It smelled just like your favorite cologne. I held it just like I would have held you. I love you. I miss you.
August 13th, 2018
Time 3:00 am
Your mom called to make sure I was okay, your parents are back in New England now. They miss you, it hurt to hear her cry. I guess she did love you in her way. I love you.
August 14th, 2018
Time 3:00 am
I'm going crazy without you. This isn’t allowed to be real. I miss you. I miss your smell. I want you back. I love you.
August 15th, 2018
Time 3:00 am
I visited our spot again yesterday. Remember what you told me? “I’ll always be here for you whether I’m physically present or not”. Those words haunt me, you spoke them the day before left me forever. I should have known. I wish I knew. Maybe then I could have saved you. I love you.
August 16th, 2018
Time 3:00 am
I can't stand being without you anymore. I love you.
August 11th, 2019
Time 3:00 am
It’s been two years. I miss you more than I ever thought was humanly possible. Please come back. I think I’m in love again. It scares me, but I know you’d like him.
August 12th, 2019
Time 3:00 am
No one gets that you weren’t the best thing in the universe, that you were an asshole sometimes, you weren’t always a good person. But you were good. You made life something more than it was and you showed me who I could be. You showed me who I am, in your own fucked up way that included you dying. And for that, I owe you.
August 3rd, 2020
Time 3:00 am
I've finally read the note you left me. I read it over and over. I’m crying so much writing this I can’t even see. Come back. I miss you. I love you.
August 5th, 2020
Time 3:00 am
Why did you have to go and do that? This all must be a fucking joke. I love you.
August 8th, 2020
Time 3:00 am
The day that marks 3 years since you left me is coming up quickly. I don’t want it to come. I don’t want it to happen. I don’t want to accept this. I miss our talks at our spot. I love you.
August 11th, 2020
Time 1:53 am
It’s been 3 years. Today is terrible. Come back. I love you.
I guess your anger is just as much a part of your story as your love. You loved me, that much everyone who knew you knew, but you had a funny way of showing it sometimes. The drugs clouded your memory, or at least you wanted me to think they did. Like the time you shot at someone who stole off of you. Your excuse was being high, but not until you knew how much it scared me. I’m not sure what you thought would happen had you shot him, but I don’t think you cared regardless. Maybe you always knew what you were doing, and you were too tired to control yourself. No matter what, a part of me will always be infatuated with you and a piece of my heart will always belong to you. Our story is one I can never forget, but as time goes on I see more flaws, I find more wrongdoings, and I learn to love you less.
Chapter 4
How have we gotten to this point? I woke up today in a great mood, but of course, Nicole couldn’t allow that. It’s been months since I spoke to her, but she’s pinned my best friend and his mother against me. She and her so-called husband say I told them I was going to turn them in. My best friend who deals drugs, and his mother who condones it and takes part. I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck are you, friends, with these people? Quite frankly, I don’t know, I guess I always have been. My best friend, Aaron, was the first guy I ever had a crush on. He was the only person who showed up to my 13th birthday party and he never did me wrong. He took my weed virginity, and he stuck up for me. He didn’t let kids bully me, though they sure tried. He didn’t back down, sometimes it felt like he was the only person on my side. If it weren’t for him my middle school experience would not have been nearly as mediocre as it was. At some points in life, he was all I had, and still, to this day, I can go to him with whatever and he does his best to help. Though, ever since Nicole started her bullshit and I told the police about her abuse, she has been trying to sway him to take her side. She’s good at doing that, she knows how to manipulate just about anyone. She had our entire family fooled for years, had them convinced she wasn’t a terrible person or on drugs.
I guess now is a good time to bring up Josh, the man who took my virginity, if you want to put it that nicely. By that I mean the 19-year-old who forcibly had sex with 13-year-old me, whilst I was high on pills in Victoria’s closet. Victoria was my BFF, we did everything together, mostly drugs. Sometimes random friends of friends would stay at her house, and one time we made a huge mistake. I still remember the feeling, being dragged from bed and onto the ground, through the closet doors. I can still hear how loud the sliding door shut. I remember how it felt, my clothes being ripped off of me, sloppily and just good enough for him to get to where he wanted. He clasped his hand around my throat to keep me pinned down as if I wasn’t already paralyzed by the pills he offered me. Surely I took them, I was too high to know better. I didn’t feel anything, but that was the torture of it. I knew what was happening, and I was unable to stop it. My body was motionless, but he got off on it. His evil grin and cold eyes are permanently ingrained in my brain, I’ll never forget his face because that’s all I could look at. I’ll never forget it because I’m forced to remember. Good thing I never felt it, I’m sure that would be a whole other nightmare. I’m sure you’re wondering how this relates to Nicole, but let me tell you, I told her about the invasion of my body, and she doubted me. I told her what happened and she told me I was wrong. She told me I wasn’t that high, I could have stopped it if I didn’t want it. She told me I wanted it. I the 13-year-old, of course, believed my mom, only to figure out it was sexual assault 2 years later. Nicole of course did absolutely nothing, as per usual. She could have saved me that night. I called her, I wanted to go home because I didn’t feel safe and I thought I was too high, she came and saw me, she told all the people there I was fine, even went as far as saying I was faking it. Maybe she’s the reason I got raped that night, maybe he took my silence as consent because he thought I was sober. Maybe he was rough because he thought my silence meant I liked it. Maybe I only imagined saying stop, perhaps it never came out of my mouth. Or perhaps my pleas to stop convinced him to continue. How could I know anyways? I was in a drug-fueled haze, maybe I remember wrong and I never said stop. I guess that’s the downfall of getting high, you never know what happened. Everything is foggy and the details are blurry. It’s like trying to remember a dream after you wake up, you wonder what happened and the longer you’re awake the blurrier the memory gets. The longer you’re sober, the blurrier your high adventures become. Just because I’ve been thinking about this long enough to write it down, anxiety is jolting through my veins. It starts at the back of my throat, pushing its way up from the inside out, a sting that becomes so much more. The line between what is fear and what is real is becoming blurrier by the second. It feels as if my words are stuck in my throat, stopping me from screaming, from letting my feelings out. This is my brain's way of telling me my words aren’t worth much right now, quite frankly it’s not wrong. He tore my soul to pieces as my pleas ran through his mind as “convince me” “keep going” “I like it”. I can still see his cold, hungry eyes in my dreams sometimes. Imagining his face sends shivers down my spine as I continually play what he did to me over and over again as if something could change the more I think into it. He broke me, crushed my being, my soul, and outright stole my voice. I can’t possibly continue to look at myself in disgust over this man, because it is he who should rot, not me. I’m worth more than becoming the perfect victim, I choose to be a victor. Sometimes I don't think I can do it, my motivation is wanting to be further in life than anyone who has ever hurt me, and I'm already there.
Chapter 5: The Man Who Loved Me Once
The man who loved me once, the one who broke my heart into pieces. Leo tore me to pieces, but I thought I was in love with him. It took a month in a psychiatric facility to conclude that he never loved me. I was 15 with a 21-year-old man. He convinced me it was okay along with Nicole constantly praising me for it. “Damn haha you are just like me”
February 3rd, 2018
I told him to stop, I told him no. I told him I didn't want to do this. I begged and pleaded but that meant nothing to him. He didn't stop, he didn't understand “no”, my begs and pleads for him to stop rang through his ears as “convince me”. His right hand roamed my body, It made me shiver. His left hand went between covering my mouth to shut me up, and pushing me back up against the brick wall. He kissed my lips roughly to silence me, pushing me hard against the wall. His fingers scratched into my skin, making me squirm. I couldn't move much though, the pills he put in my drink prevented me from doing that, what a lovely redo of the last man who hurt me. This one at least did not do it with people around, though it was dark, we were in a public place. He called me baby girl and told me "I am going to fuck you so good". I showered 3 times today, and no one questioned it. I did not eat anything for a few days, and no one questioned it. Maybe you did not mean to hurt me, maybe you thought I liked it. I still love you.
February 27th, 2018
He hit me today, it's not the first time. Hell, it is not even the second or third time, honestly, I have lost count. He loves me. He apologized and then we cuddled and watched a movie. He will change, I know I can fix him. He never means to hurt me. He is a good man and people do not want to try to understand. I have to cover the bruises, good thing it is winter and I can wear a hoodie every day. He makes me sad but he does not mean it. He loves me and I know it.
March 15th, 2018
Today he took me to meet his parents. I had to lie and say I was 18. I pretended I was in college. He made me. He just did not want his parents to give him shit like they always do. He said it was fine that we had an age difference. I trust him, I would do anything for him. I love him.
March 28th, 2018
Today he tried to drown me. It was my fault. I remember passing out and waking up with no clothes. I guess he put them in the dryer because they were wet. He wasn't himself when he did it, I am sure there is just something going on mentally. I can fix him. I can help him. I know he loves me. I know he can get help, I want to help him.
April 3, 2018
I saw him today, our visit was cut short because Nicole wanted me to come home. She knows about him and me, she just missed me because I have been at friends’ houses and with Leo all week. He was pretty mean today, he grabbed me by the throat and I am beginning to think that he needs more help than I can give him. My throat is sore and it is bruised on the side. I will have to wear my hair down. He loves me so much that the pain is worth it. I do not want to lose him. The way he strokes my hair and holds me, while he is apologizing after he has done something that harmed me is so sweet. I love it when he buys me flowers and sometimes he is good for a while. The pain is worth it for the love.
April 8th, 2018
He raped me. He put a glass bottle inside of me, and my vagina bled. He got me drunk, and we started making out, then he fucked me, relentlessly, roughly. He bruised me. In between my legs. My dad picked me up, it was the worst experience of my life. I still love him and I do not want to anymore. I am being punished for it because Nicole will not tell my dad she knew everything. I am being punished for being raped. I am broken. I need help.
April 24th, 2018
I spent nearly a month in a psychiatric facility, it has helped me a lot. My roommate was awesome. I had a nurse in there, a youngish, beautiful, and kind African American woman, she is the reason I am still alive. I am so grateful to have met that woman and another one of the therapists there. It has helped me so incredibly much. I hate that I am still being punished for being raped because I was not, not allowed there. I had permission. I did not do anything without my mom's permission, yet she and my dad punished me for being raped. As in it was my fault. As if I did it to myself. How was I supposed to know any better with Nicole telling me it was okay? I have grown to hate my dad, I make sure he knows it and I feel no remorse for what I say. He sucks and I wish I was just with my mom. I still love Leo, but he never loved me, except once.
I have grown so much since then. I used to think so highly of Nicole. I thought it was awesome to have a mom that helps you sneak around and break rules. I thought so highly of her and I wanted to be exactly like her. I wanted to smoke and drink and be high all of the time because I thought it was so cool. I thought it was normal at that. I just could not realize that she was no good. My dad was the only one who wanted what was best for me, and still to this day he does. He was the one who saw how poorly I was doing and made an effort towards getting me better. He did not even know half of it and from the time he found out and forward, he gave me all of the acceptance and care and love I needed. I regret ever being so mean to him. I know you are wondering what the hell I said to him, so I will make a list.
-I hate you
-You are a terrible dad
-I will never speak to you again
-You are the reason I am so messed up
-I never want to see you again, you suck and I fucking hate you, don't you dare tell me to watch my mouth, you don't get to tell me what to do because you aren't my dad anymore {then I called him by his first name}
-I do not want you in my life
I hate myself for the things I said to my dad. He is one of the kindest, most caring, and genuinely good human beings I know. He does everything he can to make sure my sisters and I can have what we want. He has a job therefore a steady income. He gets us any reasonable thing we want. I am so lucky to have a dad like him because not everyone gets a good dad, I love my dad. He and I finally have an amazing father, daughter relationship and I feel so much better. I wish I never said those hurtful awful things to him, I wish that Nicole never ingrained my brain with lies about him making him seem bad. Now my sisters are saying very similar but even meaner hurtful things to my dad. He does so well for them and they hate him because Nicole is good at brainwashing.
Dad, if you are reading this, I want you to know, it was never your fault for anything that happened. You could not have known, Nicole manipulates well. I love you and you are an awesome dad.
My mind is in a muddle. I can not seem to think straight for some reason. Nicole manipulated me so much I question my trauma. she told my dad and me that I faked being raped so I would not be in trouble. When I went to the party, she said it was real for a while, until it was no longer convenient for her to use. "My poor baby, I feel so bad seeing my daughter shower 5 times a day". Then when it was not getting her attention anymore, she said I was lying.
I wish I knew what to do with the thoughts that are flooding my brain right now. Once you become happy, and you come to be at peace with yourself, you can be okay. However, your demons stick with you forever. Once an addict, always an addict, but that does not make you a bad person. It shows how strong you are when you get sober. Your demons follow you, but you can restrain them, you can imprison them and throw them into the back of your brain. That alone makes you a survivor. Being a victim of rape and having PTSD is just the same. It is hard to suppress the memories, and it is even harder to work through them, but it is possible, I know it is because I am doing it. Your demons follow you, you have to realize that they do not own you.
Nicole is part of the reason I am mentally ill. I hate her for that. I hate her for many things. I wish her the worst. However, I am not going to let her win. I do not hate her, I hate what she did, I hate the way she groomed me into her idea of a good daughter. I hate how she manipulated me into believing my dad was no good, and he drank too much and he ignored us on the weekends for shooting/hunting. I regret not letting my dad have a relationship with me for years. She is not winning this one. I hate everything she did, but I will leave it to someone else to hate her because I am sure other people do.
I have always been in love with Leo, but as time passes by, I realize that nothing he did was good or okay. He was only ever "nice" to manipulate me. I wish I had known then what I know now. I am slowly getting over him and trying to ignore the intrusive thoughts about him. He was like a drug, and I got addicted.
My current boyfriend is amazing, and I could not have asked for someone better.
Chapter 6: This Is Today
Hypomania can be nice, I was hypomanic for like a month, keyword fucking “was”. I’d like to clear the misconception that mania means you’re happy, it doesn’t. I can’t be confrontational right now because no matter what it’s about I’m approaching it like a fight even if you’re approaching it like a discussion. It’s one hell of a fucking high and if you’ve ever done hard drugs you know that it’s usually not good the whole time you’re on a binge after a week or so. You know it’s more intense the more you do and the less you can function. Mania is such an intense thing that it makes you feel like you are on drugs when you aren’t, and as someone who used to do a lot of them, that’s scary, because it brings back so many memories, and for me, that fuels the mania more, it is just feeding the fire. Okay, so imagine like a 2-month long drug binge or drinking (alcohol) binge with the given random withdrawals and mood swings, The comedowns, and the intense parts where you think you’re on top of the world and life could not possibly get better.. Okay? Now imagine having no control over when you feel like you’re coming down when you feel high or drunk when you feel hungover when you are high or drunk at all. Imagine 24/7 constant torture of not knowing what’s next. Don’t fucking romanticize mania, don’t romanticize this. Here I am, in my bathtub, with a bottle of cheap vodka that tastes more like the smell of hand sanitizer than any alcohol at all, and I’m on 2 bars of Xanax (I was coming up on a year sober). Here I am, hot water pouring onto my trembling body in hope that it will ease my trembling, it feels like I’ve been in here for days and it’s only been hours, yet all of my tears are gone. I’ve drained myself of tears and I can’t seem to cry anymore. It's just a dull sob, heavy breathing, shaky hands, a blotchy face, and a trembling body. You think my symptoms would be numbed but I feel like they’re more lifelike now. I feel trapped within them, as if they own me, just like he owned me. I wish I could say he never did but for a while there I was stuck in his abyss. I haven’t slept in way too fucking long. Yes, I am on meds, no they are not working. I’m talking to my psychiatrist as soon as I can. Last night and these past few hours(it’s 3:48 a.m.) have been terrible, I’ve been up talking and pacing and shaking and crying all night in utter paranoia full of what I'm self-aware enough to know are only delusions, going from laughter to crying excessively to panic attacks that feel like the end of the world, to pouring my heart out to a girl I’ve been friends with for a week and telling her all of my trauma(shout out to you dude thank you) to trying to buy fucking animals(specifically a monkey) off of the Internet. Even though I only collectively have $6.00. Mania is embarrassing yourself publicly or even just within your household and not fucking remembering what you did or how you did it or why. Mania is bad life choices and excessive cleaning and exhaustion and impulsivity, for example: “wanna get drunk” yeah I’m drunk rn but sure why not. “Wanna have sex?” Yeah okay “ I don’t have a condom” that’s cool just pull out or don’t I don’t care. Mania is hurting the people you love because they can see how lost you are and how broken you are and how you can’t see that you need help. Mania is researching, stalking, fucking obsessively trying to find your abuser/rapist on the internet because you’re curious as to how he’s doing. Mania is trying to convince everyone around you that you’re fine because you want to be fine because you don’t want it to happen again until you’re so not fine you can’t avoid it anymore. Sometimes you just get stuck in fucking mania and you can’t get out. Sometimes you get hypomanic and start a book then as it progresses into mania you write more and more *cough* me *cough*.
Life has never exactly been easy, and I’ve always had difficulties concluding that nothing that’s happened is my fault, and truly it is not. However, blaming myself has always been easier than blaming everyone else. In complete honesty, Nicole ruined so much of my life and damaged my psyche. The way I view the world will never be innocent, my innocence is gone and I’m not sure I could get it back if I tried to. How much of my life would have been different had I not been an addict? What if Nicole never was abusive? What if I was never raped? What if I did fewer drugs? What if I never told my dad about Nicole? I could go on with the questions, but that probably won’t get us anywhere. It’s funny to think of who I could have become. Maybe I would be a sheltered little bitch with no sense of humor or sense of self. Maybe I would still to this day be a drug addict. The what if’s don’t matter, because they are simply that, what if’s. They don’t mean anything, but my past means everything. I don’t hold grudges against anyone for anything, I try not to hate, but I do strongly dislike Nicole. I do wish she wasn’t such a raging bitch. I wish she could just stop being a piece of shit. I wish my life wasn’t destroyed, yet I am beyond thankful for how beautifully broken I am.
I'll have such loud intrusive thoughts that they feel like voices. It's like there are two people in my head sometimes 3 or 4, constantly talking over one other, and then me trying to get them to stop long enough for me to hear myself think. I will also have snippets of words, phrases, phantom sounds, or music. I begin to hear whole words, phrases, even random sounds, and parts of songs. Sometimes I don’t even know the songs. “Just shut up, no one likes you”
“do it anyway, don’t be a pussy”
“they’ll think you’re crazy, be careful who you tell”
“secret secret secret”
“stop thinking about him”
“don’t stop thinking about it”
I’m sure the thoughts, the voices I’m hearing don’t sound all that terrible, but they are. You’re probably wondering why I let them bother me.
Just imagine constantly hearing the same things over and over and over and instead of letting the voice become a redundant muttering, it becomes more meaningful every time you hear it. They become more hurtful. They become louder with every waking breath. This form of existence is painful. The world wants me to be the same thing I want to be, but I don’t know if this is even me.
I struggle a lot with that. It makes me feel like I led two lives and honestly you’re one of the only people who heard about a lot of my “high adventures” I’ll call them, and I do apologize for telling you about me doing drugs and stuff, you were too young to be hearing about that(you aren’t too young now). However, because I am an addict I’ve made a lot of mistakes. And I did drugs to cope with my existence and how secret I had to keep anything that had to do with Nicole.
The voices in my head won’t shut up. They scream and yell, and go in circles taking turns talking, seeing who can be the loudest. My head is constantly racing. There is constantly something going on in my head. I just want it all to stop. The only things to drown them out are drugs. Maybe I will start taking benzos again, that calmed them last time.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Spread your wings and fly away; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay guys well here we go with a long fic (sorry not sorry) but a lot and I mean A LOT happens in this chapter so I apologize in advance but this one is a tear jerker as well (hopefully not as much as the ‘family torn apart’ chapter) but I hope you all get the feels for this chap. ALSO PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG I HAVE TOWARDS THE END IT’LL REALLY SET THE MOOD. Thank you and enjoy my darlings, one more chapter I have for you guys before the next hiatus.
Okay so warnings: angst, fluff, also Roger is kinda an asshole in this so fair warning (just for a bit). 
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*September 6th, 1984*
It all went by so fast.  The ferry ride back, the flight from Italy all the way back to London.  We had landed back to my home at around 12:45pm flying in first class.  As we were waiting for border guards to check our passports and approve us back into England, the man stamped our passports and he said as he handed them back to Jack and me.
“Here are your passports back Mr. and Mrs. Kline. Hope you both had a pleasant honeymoon.”
“Thank you.” We both said.  We walked through the airport and low and behold the press ambushed us with flashing cameras and tape recorders in our faces.
“Rock angel! Rock angel! Any comments on Freddie’s health status?”
“Mrs. Kline have you and Mr. Kline any comments of the rumors of Queen breaking up?”
“Are you breaking your ties with Queen?”
“Did you and your husband engage in any sexual orientation whilst you were away?”
“Any chance of you contracting something? Is your husband affected by any of it?”
“Why wasn’t Freddie Mercury on your wedding list?” I grabbed Jack’s arm and we raced off trying to get away from the press.
“Could you possibly be pregnant in order to not answer our questions?”
“FUCK OFF THE LOT OF YOU!!!” I cried out as I turned towards them and grabbed Jack’s arm and raced out of the airport.  When we were finally rid of the buzzards I sighed heavily and muttered, “Back to the pests that is the press. And now they’ll involve you a lot more than when we started dating. I’m really sorry Jack.”
“Hey, I know who I married. I wouldn’t have stuck around this long if I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.”
“Aww~ I do not deserve you.” I cooed as I wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Yes you do.”
“No I don’t.”
“You do, you do you do.” He kissed my lips and we went on out to the front desk to order us a cab to take us home but Jack stopped for one moment and said.
“Oh no.” but the way he said it threw me off. It didn’t sound alarmed or shock, his tone was light and happy?
“What?” I asked.
“Look who came to greet us.” I looked ahead and a smile spread across my face.
“Unbelievable.”  For there just a few yards away staring right at us was the one and only John Deacon.
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“Mr. and Mrs. Kline! Welcome back to London you two!” he cried out with a smile.  Jack and I picked up our bags and we raced towards him.  I took notice that Deacy’s hair had definitely changed since the wedding.  It appeared like he was growing a mushroom on his head at this rate with how fluffy it was, like a sheep’s wool.  As we now stood before him he said as he stared right at me, “Get into these arms, sister dear.”
“Brother mine, I can’t believe it!” I dropped my over bag and soon Deacy and I wrapped our arms around each other as he picked me up and spun me around.  He kissed my cheek multiple times before setting me down.
“Oh Jack I hope you gave this girl a lousy honeymoon, because you are not taking her away this long again, I missed her too much.” He brought me in a one armed hug as he kissed the top of my head.  I giggled and Jack said.
“Sorry. But it’s been the best 8 weeks she’s had.”
“Good man. Always treat the new wife like a queen during the honeymoon, just like I taught you.” Deacy and Jack soon hugged each other and that’s when he turned back towards me and said, “Hang on. What’s happened to you (y/n)? Something’s changed.” I giggled softly.
He placed his hand at the top of my head before bringing it towards his chest.
“You getting taller?”
“Unfortunately no.”
“Good, but something about you has definitely changed, what is it? Hmm?” I fiddled with my hair and said.
“What do you think?” he leaned down getting right into my face as he observed me closely.  His brow arched as he kept looking over my face.
“Still can’t figure it out. But something has definitely changed about you.” He teased.  I shook my head at him giggling softly before he stood in the middle of us with an arm wrapped around each of us as we gathered our luggage and headed out. He kissed the top of my head and ruffled the top of Jack’s as Jack said.
“So what’s new Deacy? I mean how’s Veronica, the kids and the guys?”
“Great. Everyone’s great. Kids can’t wait to see both their aunt and new uncle again. Eight weeks really is too long you two, a lot’s been happening around here.”
“Yeah a lot’s happened to us too Deacy, I mean we feel like a we’re practically a—new couple.” I praised.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of Deacy and he took notice as he separated from us and asked me.
“What I cut myself shaving or something?”
“No, no. Just seeing you for the first time…I mean you know in so long.” I started off as I felt him stroke my cheek lovingly. I giggled and just had to ask him, “Okay Deacy but did you seriously grow a mushroom on your head while we were away?” He gave me one of his well known funny looks and he playfully shoved me head downward, as any brother would do as he said.
“Alright squirt. Let’s get you and your new husband back home.”  He got between Jack and I once more wrapping his arms around our necks and we continued further into the parking lot.
We placed our bags in the trunk of his Volvo and Jack cleared his throat as he opened up the backseat and held his hand out.
“Thank you.” I said in a posh voice as I entered inside the car.  Deacy proudly placed his hand on Jack’s shoulder before getting into the driver’s seat and Jack came in and sat beside me.  Deacy started the car up and soon we left the airport and headed on home.
As we drove on ahead, Deacy soon spoke up.
“Oh Jack by the way, thank you for the down payment on that personalized AMP you were just dying to have.”
“And why wasn’t I told about this AMP?” I asked.
“I-I-I-I was going to give it to you before your next tour. But now the surprise is ruined.”
“Oh Jack you know I’m messing around with you.” I pecked his cheek and said, “But since you are now officially apart of this family you’re gonna have to get used to that. Deacy’s terrible wit and tongue that can lash out either a secret or tear down someone’s spirit with only two words. If it benefits him then he’ll burst out whatever comes to his mind. Ye ol dark horse.”
“But thy fair lady loves me for mine strong wit and clever silver tongue, doth she not?” Deacy teased me back looking at me through the rear-view mirror.
“That I do Deacy.”
“By the way I do love the new haircut.”
“Ahh Deacy, so you did notice!” I proclaimed.
“Of course I noticed. I’ve known everything about you since I met you.” He said.  “Also, why do you keep saying my nickname in every sentence?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was doing that Deacy.” I choked up a chuckle as Deacy once again gave me one of his looks as I apologized. “Sorry Deacy.”  There was a moment of silence for a brief moment before I finally said as I leaned up against the seat so that my head was near his, “Do you wanna know why I keep saying your nickname. The truth?”
“Because you missed your true favorite Queen member so much, right?” Deacy said as he placed his hand over his heart before briefly turning toward me.
“Exactly.” I said as I lightly poked him. “It’s because for my whole life, I mean you know for the past eight weeks. I tried to not say any of your names, never not once.”
“That true? So needy to forget us already?” Deacy mocked.
“Never for that reason. But it turns out that it was just too hard. And if you ask me; you’re the most unbreakable force that always keeps the peace together but knows how to stand up for yourself. Think about it. What would life have been like if I never got to know the bassist of Queen as more than just ‘the quiet guy’? Never getting to come up with new bass riffs with you. Never sitting down to have a family-friendly conversation. Never being able to say ‘hi Deacy’ or ‘what’s new Deacy?’ or ‘save me a dance Deacy’. I mean you even allowed me to meet your kids sooner than the guys, didn’t you?”
“Let me see if I got this right. You’ve missed being able to be with me?”
“Yeah. I’ve said it many times and I always mean it but this time it’s more. You’re really, really important to me big brother Deacy.” I softly said with a smile.
I placed my hand on his shoulder and I felt his hand go on top of mine and I kissed the top of his fingers before leaning against his fluffy hair.  When I opened my eyes and saw the familiar pathway that we had missed my house but we were heading towards a house that was still close by.
“Oh my god. We’re going to Roger’s!?”
“And there’s the love for Roger I was waiting for.” I playfully scowled at him and leaned back.
“Just asking any particular reason we’re here?” asked Jack.
“Well Roger planned out a welcome home party with just all of our families to welcome you both home to London. Figured since he had the biggest house, he’d want to be the host this time around.” Deacy pulled up into the long gravel driveway that led up to Roger’s palace-like mansion.
When we finally reached up to the garage and Deacy shut the car off, we all got out of the car.  As the boys went to grab the bags from the trunk, I got a good look at Roger’s place.  I was so entranced that I didn’t hear the sound of footsteps racing toward me and I was suddenly spun around in the air.
“Look at you, you’re glowing!” I heard Roger’s voice rang out.  I laughed as he finally put me down before bringing me into his arms for a tight embrace rocking me back and forth as he said, his voice muffled through my shirt and neck, “Ohh darling I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you too dad.”
“Alright listen to me,” he separated from me cupping my face into his hands and said, “Just because you’re married to an American doesn’t mean he can make the decisions for you. You’re a full grown lioness now, you still have independence to spend.”
“I know.”
“Is that the long awaited returning Mrs. (Y/n) Kline I’m hearing?” we turned around and coming around was Brian.
“Hey Bri.”
“Oh welcome home love.” I walked up to him, his arms extended out for me and I went into his arms and he hugged and kissed me. “Did you have a good time love?”
“The best, Capri was so beautiful.”
“And what’s this? New haircut?”
“Yeah, a woman who owned a beauty salon was having a sale and when she saw me she offered to do it for free. Do you hate it?”
“No I absolutely love it.” Brian said with a smile as he stroked through my short hair.
“That’s what I told her, oh and Roger thanks for renting us the Villa, it was beautiful.” Jack said as he spoke up.
“Anytime Jack. But you better have treated this girl like a goddess while you were there.”
“Don’t worry, he did.” Deacy spoke up.
“Took plenty of pictures for us?” asked Brian.
“Oh lots of pictures. As well as some videos.” Jack answered.  Well the ones that are appropriate of course, but I knew better to not answer that out loud.
“Uh-oh, Jack brace yourself my love.” I said as I stepped out of Brian’s arms hearing the sudden thunder of various footsteps racing towards us.  
Jack and I soon got not position as I was tackled by Laura, Felix and Robert while Jack was embraced by Michael, Jimmy, Louisa.
“Auntie (y/n)! Uncle Jack!” we soon heard a choir of voices.  I hugged my munchkin army.  I rapidly kissed all of them on the top of their heads or their cheeks and I saw Jack giving his new nephews and niece the same treatment.
“Switch!” I cried out and then the kids switched and I got to hug Michael, Jimmy and Louisa while Jack got my lot of kids.
“I thought I was hearing your voices.” Veronica soon spoke up as she held baby Joshua but baby Joshua definitely got bigger than last I saw him.  Soon Chrissie and Dominique came up behind her and the girls welcomed us back with hugs and kisses.
Veronica even let me hold Joshua and I gave him multiple kisses.  After greeting the rest of the family, Roger led us all inside and we all gathered in the living room where a welcome home barbeque was made.  
Of course to the dismay of Rog, Brian brought the vegetarian stuff and he was almost about to just throw it in the trash but I convinced Roger to allow Brian to cook his stuff on the grill.  Once the food was ready we all gathered out in the backyard and ate our meal.
“Alright I propose a toast is in order; Jack and (y/n) we welcome you back from your long honeymoon. We know that having a singer for a spouse isn’t easy, but Jack you managed to snatch a good one and you’ve made her happier than we’ve ever seen her. Keep each other close and always find the time to make your marriage work. To the Klines.” Roger spoke out.
“To the Klines.” The rest of the guys raised their wine glasses or beer bottles in the air and we drank to the Roger Taylor toast.
As the day went on, the girls had pulled me aside and Deacy asked.
“And just where do you ladies think you’re going?”
“Wives circle talk. No husbands allowed.” Dominque spoke up as the ladies took me towards the basement.  “So, c’mon (y/n) tell us.”
“Tell you what Nique?” I asked.
“Oh don’t you lie to us little missy. The boys may not see it but we most certainly do. This glow that you’ve been emitting that glow only goes with one thing and one thing only.” Veronica spoke up.  It was then I realized.
They knew.
“Oh my god girls it was…..” I groaned out a sigh and they all laughed as we all gathered around the furniture down in the basement.  Dominque got some wine from Roger’s cellar and refilled our glasses and Chrissie said.
“So I have to ask; how many times?” I choked out a laugh feeling a bit tipsy from my three previous wine drinks already and I said.
“Every day, sometimes twice or three times a day. Hell sometimes we just did it all day.” The girls all hoot and hollered and even howled as Chrissie said.
“So Kansas boy performed well for you?”
“Chrissie, I bet the whole island knew what we were doing.” I sputtered out a laugh as the girls all laughed along with me.  We continued to have our wives talk until it was sunset and Brian and Deacy thought that it was best to get the kids to bed.
We all said our goodbyes and since Jack and I didn’t really have a way back home just yet, Roger actually offered us one of the many spare bedrooms for us to stay in tonight and then he would drive us home in the morning.  As Jack and I stumbled our way into the bed, my drunken mind was fuzzy as I nuzzled myself into my husband’s neck.
“I love you Mr. Kline.”
“And I you Mrs. Kline.” I felt him kiss my neck and soon we both passed out.
“Rise and shine you two!” I painfully groaned as I saw a bright light hit my face.  I pulled the sheet over and heard Jack groan as well. “Wake up yah lazybones. I don’t want any drunkin sex in this house understood! I want hands where I can see them!”
“God Roger would you lower the volume a bit. This is a house not a rock concert.” I groaned out.
“You’re lucky I don’t have an amp in this room as well as a guitar. Then that’d be a wakeup call.” I groaned and said as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
“What do you want Taylor?”
“Came to tell you that breakfast is ready. So hurry up and come down before Felix and I claim it for ourselves. You know how that kid gets around pancakes.”
“He gets his eating habits from you.” I teased as I got out of bed and rubbed my face with my hands.  I smugly looked at him and stood up before playfully bumping into him and headed on downstairs.
“And there she is, was about to think you’d never wake up.” Dominque said from the oven.  I saw Felix already eating his breakfast and the second he saw me he waved at me and said with his mouth full of food.
“Mornin auntie (y/n).”
“Ah-ah Felix don’t talk with your mouth full, I didn’t raise you to be like your father.”
“And what’s wrong with that?” Roger spoke up as he walked up to Dominque and pecked her cheek.
“I can manage only one Roger Taylor, I don’t need to handle a second one.” Roger rocked her back and forth as he kissed her again before I felt Jack’s arms wrap around me.
“Morning gorgeous.”
“Morning love.” I giggled as I felt him kiss my temple.
“Tone it down you two.” Roger’s voice rang up.
“Oh leave the happy couple alone. They’re married now they can do what they want.” Nique said as she winked in my direction. Finally we all sat around the dinner table and had our breakfast.  Once we were done; just as Roger promised us, he helped back our luggage in his car and drove us home.
Of course he had me sit up front with him and had Jack in the backseat.  Even when we’re married he still has to act like the overprotective papa lion.  Soon enough we arrived back at my house.
“Made sure to keep it clean just how you liked it.” Roger said.
“Impressive, never knew Roger Taylor could keep a house clean.” I teased him.  He playfully scowled at me and said.
“Alright we’ll see you at the studio later love.” I nodded then just before I got out, he stopped me and said, “Oi. Payment. You know the rule.”
“C’mon Rog really?”
“Yes. Come on. Give your dad a kiss.” I just looked at him before leaning forward and gave him a peck on the cheek and he gestured for me to go on.
“Thanks for the lift dad.” I said to him as I got out and Jack thanked him as well.
“Anytime love.” We both shut the door and grabbed our suitcases and bags and once Jack banged on the trunk letting Roger know we were good, we stepped onto the sidewalk and Roger drove off.  We both waved goodbye and I sighed heavily and solemnly.
“You okay?”
“Oh it’s gonna break his heart when I have to tell him. This is probably the most happy I’ve seen him since before—” I trailed off not wanting to think about it.
“I know babe, I know. But we both agreed, remember?” I nodded and he said, “Then he’ll understand. Now come on let’s get this stuff unpacked and relax for a bit before you have to head to work.” I nodded and then we walked up the steps to my house.
I grabbed the key from under the mat and unlocked the door and opened it when I was suddenly picked up bridal style.  I let out a series of giggles as Jack walked me in through the house and he silenced my laughter with a kiss before setting me down.
“You know I never did understand that ‘tradition’. I mean why can’t both couples just walk in the house together?”
“Because it’s more romantic. After all that you do, you deserve to be carried like a princess once in a while.” I shook my head at him as he went back outside and grabbed the luggage.
After unpacking, we settled down for a bit and cuddled then by the time it was noon, I had gotten changed, showered and freshened up for my day at the studio.  I grabbed my bike and was now sitting along the driveway with Jack standing beside me.
“So you gonna talk to the guys first?”
“Miami will be notified first. After all managers and companies need to know whether their singers are transferring. It makes much more sense cause there’s all these legal papers I need to sign and phone calls that need to happen. Messy process and long but the guys will be told as I’m doing it.”
“Okay, hey.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and he said, “It’s gonna be okay. They’ll understand.”
“I hope you’re right Jack. I really hope so.” We kissed each other and I turned my bike on before driving out into the streets heading towards the studio.
*3rd Person POV*
The three members of Queen arrived at the studio at around 1pm and as they walked through the corridor they saw through Jim’s window their beloved Rock Angel talking to him.  Through the window they could see Jim’s expression appear to be solemn almost heartbroken.
“What do you think she told him?” asked Roger.
“I don’t know.” Answered Brian.
“Maybe we should step in, see what’s going on?”
“No. You know how she gets when we invade on her privacy. Which unlike you Rog, I respect.” Deacy stated.
“Oi I respect her privacy.” Both guitarists looked at the drummer skeptically, immediately knowing that that was a lie. They watched as Jim handed (y/n) some papers and the two shook hands with each other before quickly retreating backward as (y/n) left Jim’s office.
“Thank you Jim. For everything.”
“It’s no trouble at all (y/n).” Jim placed a hand on her shoulder gently squeezing it, his eyes shining with sorrow but also pride.  Letting her know just how proud he was of her for all that she’s accomplished in these past 4 years since he’s known and managed her.
“What the bloody hell is going on?” muttered Roger.
The next few days went about as normal as the guys would come in as normal into the recording room to be apart of (y/n)’s upcoming record.  Since this was her 6th album to date, she wanted this one to be truly special as she had her boys on the album once more.  Sure they were missing a queen but he was off doing his own thing in Munich at the time, and plus they were all still very upset with what had happened back in March.
The recording lasted pretty much from morning to night with minor arguments here and there but nothing too extreme, except when it came to either speeding up the tempo or complaining that there didn’t need to be as much guitar riffs for a certain song.
When a break would occur to either edit lyrics or practice a section of the song, (y/n) would secretly take the time to look over the papers that Jim had given her in his office.
*My POV*
I was re-reading the papers again thoroughly to make sure that this was official and that I would be getting a fair deal in my upcoming future in the music industry.
“(Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n)!” I shot my head up and there stood Brian.
“Hmm? You say something Brian?”
“Only that it’s midnight and that we’ve decided to call it a day.”
“Ohh, okay you guys can go on ahead. And since you all have done your parts on all the songs, you three can take the rest of the time off. Thank you for everything you guys have done to help me.”
“No problem. You want to head down to the garage with us?”
“Oh no I’m gonna stay here for a little while longer. Catch up on some stuff, call for interviews and all that to make up from the time that I lost.” I tried to cover up a lie.
But I could tell that Brian was seeing right through me.  My heart was racing erratically and nervously. I smiled softly at him trying to make it seem like I wanted to do it and he said.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything you want to talk to me about, love?”
“Wha-what’s there to talk about?”
“Well, you’ve been a little—edgy with us lately. Like there’s something you want to tell us but, you’re afraid on what we’ll say.” He said as he walked closer to me.  Without trying to make it too obvious, I tried to hide the contracts within my lyrics sheet.  I kept my eyes on the curl haired guitarist and said.
“Brian I swear, I’m okay. Just—a little stressed cause the press have been on my back ever since I got married. Wanting to know if I’ve had any kinky sex videos stashed away.” His brows raised skeptically as he stared down at me.
God please just buy it Brian, please I’m begging you just take it.  Finally after an intense stare off Brian sighed heavily and said.
“Okay darling, if you say so.” Thank god. “But so you know; when you’re ready to talk. You can always ring me up.”
“I know.” I said solemnly.
“Okay, I love you, you know that too right?” I nodded and I felt him embrace me from behind as he said, “Don’t overwork yourself too much. Give yourself another hour, hour and a half maximum then I expect you back home with Jack. I’ll even call him to make sure you do just that.” I felt him kiss the top of my head and rub my arm before he walked out of the booth.
Goddamn you Brian Harold May! He always does that to me and every time I fess up to what’s really bothering me. One of these days it’s gonna stop….unfortunately today wasn’t that day.
“Brian wait!” I swallowed heavily and continued, “There—there is something that I….need to tell you.” I refused to look at him because I knew if I did, then I’d just break down crying.
“What is it love?” I felt his hand take my free one that was just lying against the armrest of the chair I was sitting at. Hesitantly I looked up at him to see his face was full of nothing but pure concern.
“Brian what gives? You’re supposed to be my ride back and—oh sorry was I interrupting something?” Deacy’s voice spoke up.  The two of us looked up and Brian said.
“No. In fact I’m glad you’re here Deacy, have a seat. This…..actually involves you too.” At hearing my statement Deacy closed the door as he entered the studio and he said.
“This doesn’t sound good. Are you okay (n/n)?”
“I’m fine. It’s just I…..” I sighed heavily running my hand through my hair as I choked out an icy chuckle, “God damnit why is it so hard to talk to you guys about this?”
“Didn’t know we were so difficult to talk to.” Deacy spoke up.  Brian glared at him before turning back to me.
“Just take a few deep breaths love.” He assured me. I did as he told me to do and when I was finally calm I said.
“Jack and I; we’ve……we’ve been talking about this topic a lot throughout the honeymoon. It came up briefly in conversation but then we had to really discuss this thoroughly and that both parties agreed to this. While it is true we could just keep having his family fly out here to London for visits, it’s just not fair for them to keep wasting their own money. Not to mention that I strictly forbid any of them being hounded by the press should it be leaked out that they are the family of the Rock angel’s husband. I refuse to do that to them. So—Jack and I talked and we’ve both decided that…..”
“That you should live in America with him.” Deacy finished for me.  I looked at both of them sadly and said.
“Yes.” I then tossed my lyrics sheets aside and showed them my transfer papers and explained. “Jim has been making some calls and I’m going to do a partnership with Hollywood records. But even though I’m transferring main recording labels, I’ll still be able to come here and record my albums here in England should I feel like it, it’s just Hollywood records will release my music from now on.”
“Any idea on where you’ll live in the states?” asked Brian.
“Well not yet. But Kelly’s offered for us to stay at the family home until Jack and I decide where we want to live.”  There was silence as the guys looked over my contract transfer papers.  Then finally they both looked at me and Brian said once more.
“So you’re really leaving England?”
“I know, I know this is all so fast. And this wasn’t easy for me to admit to you guys, after what happened with Freddie I didn’t want to make you guys hate me for leaving or making me think that I’m abandoning you guys because I’m not I—” my sad rambling was stopped as Deacy came up to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.  My chin resting on his shoulder as he softly said.
“You should do what makes you both happy love.” I sat there bewildered.  I placed my hands on Deacy’s shoulder blades and muttered.
“Really?” He separated from me and he said.
“You’re my sister (y/n), what more could I possibly want from you?” he tucked the strand of hair out of my face and he continued, “I know it’s never easy to confess something like this. Leaving family, but when a new chapter of your life happens, like marriage, you need to find a compromise that’ll make both husband and wife happy. Marriage isn’t easy and not a lot of people are cut out for it, but you and Jack seem ready to make the plunge. Even if it means breaking a few hearts along the way.”
“So I am making you guys think I’m abandoning you.” I choked out.
“On the contrary love, and I think I speak for Brian as well when I say this; we’re more proud than heartbroken.” It was then Brian came up to me and cupped my face in his hands and he said.
“You’ve been in Queen’s shadow long enough here in the UK. Time for the Rock Angel to truly shine in America. You’ve proven to us that you’re finally ready to take the chance to grow fully on your own, without the three of us hounding over you 24/7. Maybe you can achieve the one thing we hadn’t gotten yet. And that’s #1 album in America.” I softly laughed as tears fell down my face.
Brian wiped them away and placed his forehead against mine as he whispered.
“Time to finally look after yourself our brave lioness.”
“Time for you to finally spread your wings and fly away.” Deacy said with a soft smile.
“Aww you guys.” I whimpered as the two guitar players hugged me sandwich style.
“That doesn’t mean we won’t miss you love.” Brian said.
“Not as much as I’ll miss you guys.” I whimpered as I buried my face into their chests.  After a moment of silence of just being in their arms my mind suddenly came up to one last obstacle.  “But what about Roger?”
“We’ll help you with that if you want us to.” Suggested Deacy.
“You guys would do that? For me?”
“You should know by now that we’d do anything for you poppet.” Said Brian.  I nodded and held onto them tighter.
“I just hope he doesn’t hate me. He’s been the one I’ve been most nervous about telling.”
“We know love, but we’ll be there as back up in case things get out of hand. Because you know Roger,”
“Next to Freddie, he’s the most hysterical queen.” We all said together.
The next morning, Jack and I arrived at the studio. We entered inside and there Brian was by the table tennis playing by himself as he hit the ball up against the wall, while Deacy was fiddling around with his bass.
The only voice that spoke up was Roger’s as I took notice that he was on the phone with someone speaking French.  Jack and I were confused and Brian whispered.
“House realtor.”
“For who?” I asked. He then pointed to me and I groaned. “Oh god.”
“We’ve got to do it baby.” Jack said.
“I know. But I guarantee he’s gonna be pissed.” I took a deep breath and walked towards him as Roger sounded like he was finishing up.  He hung up the phone and when he saw me he smiled and said.
“Ahh (y/n) bout time you got here. Here I want you to take a look at a few of these houses that might be best suited for a vacation house in Paris. Dominique and I just put a down payment for one so I was asking if there was another one in case you and Jack want a nice little French vacation. Which one do you like, hmm?” His arm came around me as I sat beside him and he handed me the magazine with all the houses available in France.
“Honestly Rog, we’re not ready to settle on a vacation home just yet.”
“Okay that’s fine. Just thought we’d get a better deal on buying two houses at once.” My leg was softly bouncing up and down from the nerves that were coursing through my veins.  My adrenaline was pumping and I felt like I was about to dry hurl all over the floor.  “Are you okay love?”
“Hmm?” I squeaked out.
“Bloody hell (y/n), you’re visibly trembling. C’mere love.” Come on (y/n) just spit it out.  As Roger held onto me stroking my arm up and down I suddenly blurted out.
“JackandIaremovingtoAmerica!” I felt Roger froze and he looked down at me but I refused to look him in the eye as he asked.
“Jack and I—we’re…..”
“We’re going to live in America.” Jack piped in. I slowly looked up to just see Roger’s face stoic.  His blue eyes just staring Jack down, and I swear to god I know this is crazy but I think if he stared at him any longer, Jack would be 6ft. under right about now.
“Tell me he’s joking. You’re joking right?” He said as he gripped my arms forcing me to look at him.
“Roger it’s all true. She told us about it last night.” Deacy spoke up.
“I wasn’t talking to you John! I was talking to (y/n).” Roger snapped.  He cupped my chin, his eyes glowing with worry as he said, “Please tell me it’s not true (y/n).” I only looked at him before saying as I lowered my eyes.
“It’s true.”
There was nothing but dead silence throughout the studio except for Roger’s heavy breathing.  The type of breathing that only happened when he got pissed. Very pissed.
“You son of a bitch! I knew you’d try this!” Roger suddenly got up and headed towards Jack about to beat the shit out of him. Had it not been for Brian getting between them and holding him back, I guarantee Roger would’ve followed through and beat my husband.
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“Roger take it easy! Take it easy! Take it easy.” Deacy pulled Jack back a few feet and stood in front of him as I shot up and said.
“Roger please! We both agreed to this. This wasn’t just Jack’s decision.”
“Your home is here, with us! Why can’t he move here?!” he shouted at me as he pointed to Jack.
“Because I won’t take him away from his family.”
“So what are we to you?! A bloody joke!? Have you been edging us on this whole time!?” Oh he did not just say that to me.
“Choose your next words wisely Taylor. At this point you’re going down the same path as Freddie did.” I sneered at him.  His breathing shallowed as he turned away from me and placed his arms against the wall trying to calm down.
“I won’t allow this. No. You’re staying here in London. You both are.”
“That’s not your call Roger. It’s already done. I’ve applied a transfer to Hollywood records….”
“I’ll cancel that transcript.”
“You can’t make that call, you’re not my lawyer!”
“But I am your father…..”
“YOU’RE NOT MY DAD!!!” I screamed at him.  “I was never related to you to begin with. Not to mention that with this ring I’m classified as an adult so I think I can make my own decisions. God you’re just like everyone else in my life!” I stormed out of the studio, getting into the car and slammed the door trying to control my breathing as the tears came down my face.  
I soon heard the door open and close beside me and I looked up to see Jack sitting beside me.
“I fucked things up forever.”
“No.” I glared up at him with a ‘get real’ look. “Okay things did turn to shit. But you told him, and that’s all that matters. How he acts is up to him. And if he can’t support your decision then you were right. He’s no better than what your aunt and uncle and ex-boyfriend Adam tried to do to you. At least Bri and Deacy support your decision.”
Jack brought me into his arms and kissed the crown of my head before telling Louis to take us back home.
When we got home as the day went on, Jack and I were packing up some of my stuff when I came across the picture of Roger and I after my Hyde Park concert, the same picture I knew that he had.
“Hey baby so what all are you thinking about getting rid of? I know records and posters are a definite take but what are you thinking about donating or selling?” I didn’t respond to him. “(Y/n)? Babe you okay?”
“Maybe this was a mistake.” I muttered.
“What do you mean?” Jack asked.
“Making the choice to move to America. I mean we should’ve better prepared the guys for it, especially Roger.”
“So that it huh?” I turned towards Jack and said.
“What are you getting at?”
“You don’t always have to fold every time he doesn’t agree with you. Sure you told him off but then you succumb to his ways.” He snapped.  “Why must you give in to him every time? Why? I really want to know.”
“I just—look Jack all I’m saying is…..”
“Is that you wish to keep Roger controlling you. Letting him make the decisions, continuing to baby you?”
“Don’t you raise your voice at me Jack! And don’t you dare try and make me the bad guy here!”
“You know what, maybe we need a little space.”
“What’s that mean?”
“It means until you figure out what you want, what you truly want. Don’t bother trying to find me.” I watched as Jack left the house slamming the door behind him.  My breathing shallowed and I dragged my fingers through my hair before knocking over my small dining room table that held my lamp.
It exploded and broke as I screamed out as loud as I could.
“FUCKING HELL!!!” I slammed myself against the wall and just wept.
This was not how things were supposed to go. I’m pathetic.
*3rd Person POV*
Back in the studio Roger was still high off of anger when Deacy said.
“Well that was nicely handled you twat.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? And why didn’t you two back me up on this?”
“You’re joking right? Roger you were way out of line to say that to her. She’s married now, she can live her own life.” Deacy snapped.
“Don’t you guys see?! She practically doing the same thing that—” Roger stopped talking before heavily sighing out and turning away from his bandmates. It was then Brian and Deacy began to understand where Roger was coming from.
“We loved and cared for her, we gave her her dreams, and now she wants to leave us just like that. It’s like losing Fred all over again.” Roger choked up as he sat back down on the sofa.  Deacy and Brian sat around him with Brian by his side on the sofa and Deacy on a chair that stood beside the sofa.
“I get what you’re saying now Rog. But what she wants is something totally different than what Freddie wanted.” Deacy said to him.
“And it’s not worth losing her love over.”
“But what if she chooses to never speak to us again?” Roger choked out.  Brian shook his head immediately disagreeing with that statement, “I get that she wants to live her own life. But there are ways, and then there are ways. And I want her to live her life here at home.”
“Living her life her way or your way Roger?” asked Deacy with a quirked brow.
“You guys don’t understand. I made a promise to her father and I intend on keeping it.”
“Oh Rog I know how badly Freddie’s leaving affected you. And I know that you want to keep your promise, but what would (f/n) say if he saw you keeping his daughter like this?” Roger’s eyes were brimmed and red with tears as Brian spoke out the truth to him.  “See, as parents we have to—let go. And let (y/n) make her own choices in life. Even if it hurts us, don’t you see? She’s helping us because one day the time will come, when our own children have to make their way out into the world. And if we can’t learn to let go of (y/n), how can we learn to let go of them?”
Roger took his best mate’s words to heart as he leaned forward into his hands and wept out.
“I’ve fucked things up.”
“There’s still time for you to fix things.” Brian said as he gave Roger a comforting, brotherly hug.
“How?” Roger whimpered out.
“You’re her papa lion Roger. You’ll find a way.” Deacy said as he reached over and rubbed his brother’s back.
*My POV*
*Play video*
I sat there on my chair with tears in my eyes unpacking my things and placing them back to where they were when a knock came at my door.  
Was it Jack? No it couldn’t be him. Could it?
I raced over to the door and opened it but my heart sunk as standing there was Roger.
“If you’re here to try and convince me without my husband around you’re too late. You got what you wanted.” I said as I walked back into my living room to unpack my stuff.
“It wasn’t fair of me to try and control you like that. I was no different than your uncle or Adam. I was a selfish wanker and I shouldn’t have snapped at you or Jack like that.” He spoke solemnly as he came inside.
“Well apology not accepted. Because of you my marriage might have just ended. Jack he…he hasn’t come home at all. I have no idea where the hell he is, so papa lion wins. I’ll stay your little lion cub and never leave London.”
“I know there’s probably nothing I can do to fix this, but I would just like to try one thing. Do you remember when you were still in school. How Brian would make you those flashcards to help with your finals or midterms?”
“Roger I don’t have time—”
“Please, just hear me out, or rather just read me out.” I rolled my eyes.  I can’t believe he thinks he can fix this all up with something as stupid as flashcards.
He held up the first card which read out the most ridiculous word I had ever seen (and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t even a real word), the word was FLOCKULOUS.
“Roger don’t.” I pleaded softly.  He ignored me and turned the card over for the definition which read; ‘When Roger Taylor fucks up.’
“Really not helping.” He held up the next card which read DISCOPULANT. “Dear god,” I rolled my eyes.  He turned it over and the definition read out; ‘Please forgive your papa lion?’
“Still a no.” But the third card was probably the most pathetic word I would ever see, RAPPLEPOP. “Rapplepop, really Taylor?” But when he turned it over, my anger ceased as the definition read out; ‘I will love my lioness, no matter where she is in the world.’
My heart stopped and I shifted my position as my arms crossed.
“Even if I’m in America with Jack?” he answered with a card. YES he then flipped it over and it continued to read, ‘It’ll kill me but yes.’
I kept my tears at bay until I finally choked up.
“You swear you’ll be okay with me leaving?”
“A parent is never ready to let go of their child. Blood or not. But I do know that if there’s one thing that’ll never change, no matter where you are. Is how much I Rapplepop you my brave lioness.” My lip trembled and I whimpered out.
“I Rapplepop you too papa lion.” I walked up to him and the two of us embraced each other tightly.  Roger buried his face into my neck and I could feel his tears drop onto my neck.
With his help, we soon found out that Jack had actually gone to Deacy’s to cool down.  I waited by the front door waiting for him to come to the door, he soon came to the door and we just looked at each other silently.  Until he embraced me and apologized for how he reacted, and I told him that I was sorry for folding the way I did.
After making up to each other, we kissed each other softly.
*Roger’s POV*
As I watched Jack and (y/n) make up to each other from the car, the reality finally hit me at last.  (Y/n) was no longer the shy, quiet, intern at the piano, she was now a full grown, independent woman.  She wasn’t (y/n) (l/n), she was (y/n) Kline. The Rock Angel.
She needed to be on her own without me hovering over her.  I was just fortunate that I managed to fix this before it was too late, I wouldn’t know what to do if she never forgave me.  Guess Brian and Deacy were right, if I couldn’t let her go now, then how was I gonna do it for Felix? Or any other children I may have in the future.
But for now I was happy that Jack and (y/n) were back together again.
In the weeks that followed, Dominique had worked on selling (y/n)’s house and it was currently on the market and already potential buyers were lining up.  Jack and (y/n) had packed their most important things for transport while the rest with a little help from me and Deacy we sold in the markets.
Then on Oct. 8th the time finally came for them to leave London.  We were all gathered at the airport saying our final goodbyes.  (Y/n) just got done hugging and kissing the kids telling them that she’d visit as much as she could and that this wasn’t goodbye forever.
She then hugged our wives goodbye and they each told her to keep in touch about everything that went on in her life.  She then turned to Deacy and Brian.  The first one she hugged was Deacy, he wore a proud but heartbroken smile across his face as he embraced his sister.
“Keep being your awesome self Deacy. Don’t let anyone underestimate you.” She told him.
“Good luck love, have a good life in the states.” She kissed his cheek and he stroked her cheek before kissing the top of her head. She turned to Brian who hugged her now.
“You know where to look whenever you feel alone right?”
“Yes Brian. Even though we’re a world apart, just to the stars and there you’ll be.” She answered back.  He nodded before looking down at her and cupped her face in his hands before giving her nose a kiss and placing his forehead against hers.
“Gonna miss you love.”
“And I’ll miss you, Dr. Brian May.” She then turned toward me.  Brian gave her one last kiss before stepping aside allowing me to have my final goodbye.
We stood face to face with each other and I reached into my pocket as I said.
“Close your eyes.” She looked at me confused but I told her again to do it and she obeyed.  I then took out my parting gift to her and placed it around her neck. “Okay, you can open your eyes.” She opened her eyes and felt around her neck and saw what it was.
I had given her my medallion necklace that I have worn to practically every concert, rehearsal or photoshoot dating back probably 10 years ago.  She looked up at me shocked and she said.
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“Oh Rog, but this—you love this necklace.”
“Yeah. But I love you more.” She smiled sadly as I saw tears forming in her eyes.  “Promise me you’ll always wear it.”
“I will.” I rubbed her arms and cupped the side of her face and said with a soft smile.
“Give your dad a kiss.” She softly laughed and kissed my cheek before hugging me as tight as she could.  I embraced her back with just as much strength as I could.  I almost didn’t even want to let her go, but I knew I had to.
“Last boarding call for Flight 43678 to Chicago. Last call for Chicago is now boarding.” I let her go and thumbed her cheek gingerly as she slowly walked away from me and took Jack’s hand and the two of them showed their tickets and passports to the gate keeper and she let them board.
As they entered the gate, (y/n) turned toward us one last time.  We all waved goodbye to her.  She smiled warmly and gave us one final wave before she disappeared down the gate and boarded the plane with Jack.
The gate keeper closed the door and locked the doors and we all took our seats, waiting to see her flight take off before we would all leave the airport.  After about 10 minutes, we saw as the plane left the gate and soon took off into the air.
She was gone.  Just like that, leaving off on her next adventure with the man she married.
I felt hands at either of my shoulders and when I looked it was both my bandmates.  Each of them feeling the same way I was right now.
“You did the right thing Rog.” Said Brian.
“I know I did; I know.” I muttered.
“Who knows, maybe we’ll see her sooner than we think.” Said Deacy.
“One can only hope.” I sighed and kept my eyes to the heavens as I whispered, “Good luck (y/n).”
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tricksters-captain · 6 years
FP Jones/Andrew’s Family/Riverdale imagines - Oh Dear Part 30
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A/N: My last update was the 19th of May. That was 4/5 months ago. I am so sorry I’ve been gone that long. I haven’t started season 3 of Riverdale yet so don’t ask me about it. I’m writing for season 2 and then I’ll decide what happens to my character from there. 
There wasn’t much I could do with a musical chapter so here is what is going on outside the world of Carrie the musical. 
Overall Summary: You’re Archie’s older sister and you have a thing for a certain Serpent.
This chapter: Based on season 2 episode 18 - You have to deal with your father knowing you’re a serpent. Meanwhile, things feel off with Fp as Alice visits him more. 
Pairing: Reader x FP Jones, Sister!Reader x Archie Andrews, Daughter!Reader x Fred Andrews
Word count: 2,160
Warnings: None really. Some strong language.
Previously: Fred, on the other side of town, was upset that neither you nor Archie showed but it still had to continue. Mary was there and that’s what mattered. 
“My name is Fred Andrews. And I stand before you today, a humble resident of this town - to announce my candidacy for Mayor.” 
There was a loud cheer from the audience but it was ruined by a certain mystery member. 
“Tell us, Mr. Andrews, what does it feel to have you only daughter a member of the Serpents?!” 
“What?” Fred furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” Fred told the crowd. 
Surely, it couldn’t be true. 
But when Fred got home, he walked past your car to see a black item of clothing hanging out from under your seat. 
You had forgotten to tuck it under the seat properly so it was on show to anyone who walked past. 
Fred unlocked your car, took out the item and it was your Serpent jacket. 
He sighed, closing his eyes as he felt a mixture of anger and disappoint stir inside him. 
“Care to explain?” He asked as he entered your room without even a single knock.  
Your eyes met the jacket and you felt your heart drop. 
You were sat in your room when you received a text from Archie. 
Archie: Dad knows
You felt a mixture of nausea, confusion and anger as you tried to figure out what that meant. You automatically assumed the worst; that he knew about you and Fp.
You texted Archie for an explanation and he told you that one of his bulldog friend’s had texted him asking about you being a Serpent as some guy called it out when your dad was announcing his candidacy for mayor.  
You immediately dialled Hiram’s number. 
“You ratted me out?!” You growled before Hiram could even finish saying hello. “After I did what you asked?!” 
“Your father is no longer on my side, why would I want to protect his public image?” Hiram simply responded. 
“How––?!” You went to respond but Hiram had hung up the phone. 
“Asshole!” You threw your phone against your bed and placed your hands on your head. 
That’s when your dad entered your room without a single knock. 
“Care to explain?” Your dad held your Serpent jacket in his hand and you felt your heart drop. Well, if he didn’t believe it before, he certainly did now. 
“I––” You tried to speak but Fred didn’t let you. 
“The Serpents?! The Serpents?!” Fred grew red with anger. “How could you have joined a gang, (Y/n)?!” He threw your jacket down on your bed and you just tried to stand your ground. 
“You don’t understand...” It was difficult trying to find the words and your father’s anger certainly wasn’t helping. 
“No, (y/n), I don’t understand!” Fred scoffed. “I also don’t understand how Fp could let you do this!”
“Leave Fp out of this...” You tried to say but Fred wasn’t having any of it. 
“Leave him out of this? (Y/n), Fp is the leader of the Serpents! I can’t believe he would let my daughter join the Serpents––” 
“––It was my choice! The Serpents, they support me and protect me. I joined because I wanted to. You know I’ve been trying to hide the fact that I’m not this perfect daughter who goes to college and gets perfect grades and works all the time. The Serpent’s let me be who I want to be. They don't push me to do things I don’t want to do.” 
“You have no idea what you want! You’re still in High School!” Fred objected. 
You stared at the man in disbelief and bit down on your lower lip to bite back any further retaliation. 
“It’s late. We’ll talk tomorrow.” Fred said after the door opening downstairs signalling Archie’s return cut the silence. 
“Yeah right.” You stormed past your father, snatching the jacket out of his hand and leaving the house. 
You drove your car straight to the trailer park and straight to Fp. 
Your fist ratted against his door and he opened it with a confused look on his face. 
You looked up at the man with tears threatening to spill from your eyes and shrugged. 
He sighed, pulling you close to his chest as you broke down in his arms. 
He didn’t need an explanation right then. He let you crash in his bed and him on the couch as Jughead was in. You wore one of his shirts which had some comfort but it wasn’t as nice as the real hug, nevertheless, it helped you sleep. 
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“About the election, do you really think Fred has a shot?” Hermione asked as she and Hiram sat at the breakfast table. 
“In our favor, he's essentially running on a platform of family values with none of his family by his side. I mean, Mary's gone, thank God. His only daughter has turned Serpent. And well, Archie and Fred, they've never been so distant, have they? We just need to keep it that way.” Hiram had an evil glint in his eye. The images of (Y/n) and Fp ran through his head for a moment. In the end, he always had those. 
In the morning, you returned home. You knew that no one would be in as Archie would be at school busied by the musical and Fred should have been at work. 
You bundled up a bag of all the things you felt you needed, clothes, wash things, a picture or two and then left your house with no intent of returning. You hated leaving like that but you knew you couldn’t stay under the same roof as Fred because as long as you were there he could still control you. 
Fred should have been at work whilst you were busy packing up your life however, he was at Pop’s. 
“Fp, we need to talk.” Fred proclaimed as he strutted into the diner. 
“I’m working, Fred. Can we do this later?” Fp asked as he threw a dish towel over his shoulder to pick up some plates. 
“No, Fp. Now.” Fred demanded, causing a slight scene which had Pop frowning at the two men. 
“Fine. Outside. Two minutes.” Fp grumbled as his eyes darted towards his boss who was watching him. 
Fp placed his dishes into the kitchen and left via the backdoor which Fred was waiting, pacing, impatiently. 
“Fred, what’s going on?” Fp asked, holding his arms out as if he had no idea. 
“You let my daughter join the Serpents!” Fred didn’t hold back. “How could you do that?” 
“Do what? (Y/n) joined on her own accord.” Fp argued, defending him and the Serpents. 
“Aren’t you some kind of leader now? You should have said no. You should have come to me and told me.” Fred exclaimed, furious that Fp clearly didn’t see a problem like he did. 
“She’s 19, Fred. She’s an adult, she can do what she wants!” Fp scoffed. 
“She’s in high school! She’s still my child and I still get some say in what she does with her life! She’s meant to be going to college, not joining a gang!” Fred snapped. Fp had pushed it too far by saying you were an adult. It was just like the conversation you had last night. 
“Well, Fred, maybe you should talk to her and see what she wants for once! Maybe then you’d know she doesn’t even want to go to college!” Fp barked back which riled Fred up even further. Fred grabbed Fp by his uniform and slammed him against the wall behind him. 
“This is my daughter! My daughter!” Fred growled. 
“Let’s settle it down, fellas.” Pop suddenly emerged by the door just in time to calm the two. “Don't wanna do something you’ll both regret.”
“This is you. You did this.” Fred was referring to the fight and the hate he now felt for the man for letting this happen. Fp ran his hands over his face and had to stop himself from punching the wall. 
“Back to work.” Pops encouraged him inside. 
You didn’t see Fp again until much later in the day. Jughead was in his room. He had tried talking to you about your dad but you weren’t having any of it from him. He’d only persuade you to go back because of Archie or something similar.
It was late when Fp got in and he didn’t seem quite right. He avoided eye contact with you when you greeted him from the arm chair and he went straight to the kitchen and opened up a root beer. 
“What’s wrong?” You questioned as you leant on the counter that separated you both. 
Fp sighed, waiting a minute before answering. 
“Your dad came to see me at work today.” Fp took a swing of his drink. “We haven’t argued like that since High School.” He admitted, walking out of the kitchen to sit down. 
“Well, what did you say?” You asked, sitting back down opposite him. 
“Nothing. I said it was your choice to join the Serpents and that you were old enough to choose your own path and––” 
“––And that clearly didn’t go down well?” You assumed. Fp remained silent. “I’m so sorry about all of this.” You whispered, bringing your knees to your chest. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it.” Fp rose to his feet and placed his hand behind your head, bending down to kiss the top of your head. You closed your eyes as you felt his lips against your hair. 
You could sense that wasn’t all that was bothering him as he made his way to his room to change from his uniform but you left it alone for the night. 
You tried to push that feeling to the back of your head as you busied yourself with extra work from Pop’s and helping out with the musical. You said you could help with costume and make up however you never really stayed for long once Kevin had critiqued your chosen make up and costume for each character. 
As the next few days went by, opening night rolled around pretty quickly. 
You smiled and shook your head as everyone pranced and sang around, warming up for the show. You hadn’t really been involved in a school commitment since you quit cheerleading and you had to admit you missed the atmosphere of a group of people coming together like this. 
You hadn't really spoken to Fp to see whether he was coming to the show or not but you assumed he might since you and Jughead were somewhat involved. 
You left the cast to continue getting ready once you had done your part and you found yourself a seat in the audience. 
You kept your eyes on the door to see who was coming to watch and most importantly to try and avoid your father. You were still furious at him for blaming Fp. 
You made a statement of wearing your serpent jacket that evening as everyone in town was buzzing about the news. That was made very evident whenever you worked in Pop’s due to the stares and murmurs around you at all times. 
You peered down at your programme for a moment and almost rolled your eyes at the shameless promotion on the back for Hermione for mayor. Currently you weren’t sure who would be better as mayor; the devil’s wife or your father. 
You glanced back toward the doors just in time to see Fp enter and you almost jumped in your seat to call him over but suddenly remembered your place. You couldn’t act like that with so many people around. With Hermione and Hiram. 
You wanted to catch his eyes but his attention was elsewhere. You followed his gaze to Alice and Hal. And then he left. 
You felt your heart drop. 
You clenched your jaw and lowered your eyes to the programme once again. 
‘I see now’ You thought, feeling your heart ache slightly. 
“Hey, everything okay?” Kevin asked you as he, Jughead and Cheryl sat beside you. 
“Yeah.” You lied through your teeth as you flashed a smile. 
Then the curtains rose. 
You couldn’t help but feel the green monster of jealously bubble inside your stomach as Alice entered the stage and started performing. It almost made you feel nauseous. 
But what did you expect? You were just a girl. You were just (Y/n) Andrews.
Suddenly, the set changed and before your eyes was Midge nailed to the wall. 
‘I am back from the dead, all those who escaped me before will die... - B.H’ 
You felt your skin go cold and your lungs stop for a second. 
All those who escaped...
It took a shrieking scream to snap you from the shock and then all you could think about was getting Archie and getting the hell out of there. 
@jugheads-lawyer @shannon-posts @montgomerydeladempsey @amycarstairs @geekoftv@forsytheserpents @treblebeth @sweetvengeancee @immortalmurphy @rln108  @twilight-loveer @ri-verdale @audreyxhorne @lefoutoir @riverdalehipsters @itsgirl17321@shewalksinstarlightx @cutesnakemum @juliet12345678 @oldschool-aye @bluexangels@esmiestyles @lifeisforlosers @janellemonaenae @negansxlucille @hellboundblogger @im-everyones-type @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag @aliceswonderlandblog@youvebeenwinchesterd @uncharte-dlove @illinterrogatethecat00 @angelicaleonamichelle@thealipower @hyuk-chan @photoastucess @onceitoowasinnocent @anthonystoner @isak-lovelies @willow-days02 @john-and-mary-husband-and-wife @imaginationss @hey-assbutt6-6-6 @itsfangirlmendes @littlemisscaptainfandom @tudorsloth @whyugottabsorude@brooke-supernatural16 @itscalledfandombitches @writings-of-a-girl @mona-stay @rhyxn@deangirl1992 @shadok2015 @herchroniclesofbeinghuman @always-blame-jefferson@itsthemidnightblog @13-reasons-whyyy @iwannadiehere @phanchopsticks @sour-kangaroo1998 @thats-so-rhyan @goghadventuring @http-ken-tani @asouthsideserpent @nijiru @someone959 @princess-of-the-fandoms @rickky-grimes @cutelittlepurplesouls @gublerandbands @ee17s @fxcking-negan@thesecretlifeoflila @thecraziestcrayon @montgomerydeladempsey@lucifers-embodiment @southsideprincessx @jupiter-leo @antisocial-psychotic-life @jxhn-mxrphy @holding-onto-youth @floralchlxe  @anton-shudders @motherofdrgons @nicole-stokes21 @thatwinchesterchick  @littleladdty @sleepylunarwolf @baasooreexiiaa @bombcheryl@destielschild @awesome-georgia @cry5t4l-w4rri0r @damagedbrokenbuthappy @dbtvluv @meganlpie @ivanna6026  @lucifers-khaleesi  @flashgunashton  @imagineimuptonogood @saved-by-fiction @morkookie @superheavymetalunicorn @avengersbabe13 @strngervibes@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @iicouldnotcarelesss @spikensummers @falloutboywifey @daisy-is-a-fandom-whore @thegreat-annamaria  @yourphotographyteen16 @jade-cheshire3303 @lysax96 @kathe @michellejonesisawesome @unaveragewriterfreak @southern-girl45 @destineeee5h @raegan-hale @serpentwarriorprincess @baileythepenguin@evyiione @aya-fay  @thed4rkr00m @fuckunrequitedlove @thequeerishere555 @multifandomtrash67 @hailqueenconquer @queenslandlover-93 @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @derangedcupcake @jdm-is-dad @sellymarie97 @southsidemistress @southside-serpent-princess @shine-dont-shadow @okay-people @lightrain-loudmind @sincewmyb @lovableah @lizmalfoywayland @multifandom-fangirl4 @artistwithinspiration @marie-lestowell @cantfallasleephelp @valeria-winchester @slowly-but-shurley @dont-stop-keep-walking @tblyler @stansmyth @namelesslosers @squadkyoya @irishgirl1613
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sinsofafangirl · 6 years
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Chapter Three.
"You're just a stupid little girl who has done nothing but ruin everything I've ever worked for - your father would be ashamed"
"I'm glad your father's dead, he doesn't have to see what a wretch and a cancer you've become"
"Police Academy?! Ha! Maybe I'll get lucky and someone sensible with half a brain will shoot you like your failure of a father"
Ava woke with a start, her body jolting upright, her eyes still heavy with sleep unable to focus on her unfamiliar surroundings as her heart pounded erratically and her chest heaved as she struggled to shake off the remnants of the all too familiar dream. Too caught up in regaining her composure she never noticed the bucket of water or the person throwing it until she was drenched and spluttering. Her hands came up to rub her eyes in an attempt to once again clear her vision before throwing a glare at the offending person "'bout time you woke up, almost thought you'd died and saved me a whole lotta trouble" a roll of her eyes indicated she'd heard him, she just refused to give him a reaction. Of fucking course it'd be Jacob Seed to get her wet in the frosty early morning air and not in the good way. "Fuck off, Seed" came her irked reply mentally slapping herself for actually responding to him "someone wake up on the wrong side of the cage this morning?" a question asked without an ounce of genuine care and a smirk so fraudulent it made her old Barbie dolls seem a hundred per cent real in comparison. Ava didn't reply and instead huffed in annoyance; she was exhausted and her entire body ached from having to sleep on the dirty floor all night so she was in no mood for being patronised by an asshole choosing to focus on trying to untangle the mess of brunette hair with nothing but her fingers - unsuccessfully I might add which only worsened her already sour mood. Refusing to give up her hands continued as best they could to untangle some of the easier knots and avoiding the still tender area of where she'd been struck a few hours earlier.
Cerulean blue eyes watched as she stubbornly refused to give up enjoying the small huffs of frustration he'd hear occasionally. If he was any sort of gentleman he'd offer her an extra set of hands but he found watching her struggle much more entertaining. Instead the former army marksman took the opportunity to study the young woman sitting awkwardly in his cage; always know your enemy he thought as his gaze wandered over her. Now that it was daytime he could get a good look at her; hair a chocolaty brown and even though it was currently a mess you could see she took care of it, she must have been about 5"2 and a hundred and five pounds if that which surprised him considering she put quite a bit of force into the kick to his face last night - not enough to hurt him too much but she still managed to draw blood. That didn't mean anything to him though, she was still weak and he looked forward to putting her through her paces and beyond but for now his studying continued now noting her eyes that were a sea green "you getting off on this, Seed?" then there was that mouth of hers always too quick with a smart remark and a sarcastic comment - that would soon change, he'd break that bad habit first. "You could have avoided all of this if you and your friends had just walked away" which was true but Ava wasn't about to admit that especially not to Jacob who currently sat upon a metal chair, his large arms folded across his chest whilst his legs stretched out before him crossing at his feet; dickhead came to mind as she finally gave up on trying to tame her unruly hair and turned her attention to the eldest of the three siblings. Easier to see him properly within the early morning rays of sunshine peeking through. The photos provided within the manila folder didn't give much detail; too grainy to actually make anything out but now in the morning light she noticed just how beautiful his eyes were and yes, she hated herself for admitting it and yes, she almost threw up in her mouth but she couldn't deny that they were strikingly beautiful and one of the first things she'd noticed. His scars and his burns weren't even on her radar as she casually studied him whilst his attention was momentarily elsewhere, of course they were noticeable and of course she was curious about them; how had he gotten such severe scarring? Did they bother him? Then she snorted realising what a stupid thought that was - it was Jacob Seed as if anything bothered him.
Her snort caught his attention and his eyes snapped back to her making her look away "somethin' funny?" completely ignoring his question Ava rose to her knees and shuffled until she was at the front of the cage "to answer your previous statement. If you and your freakshow of a family acted like decent human beings none of this would have happened" she spat venomously, her facial expression twisting into something that conveyed hatred. Within an instant Jacob's demeanor changed from one of mild amusement and boredom to that of white hot rage, his hands came up to slam on the bars of the cage as he shot forward making the young woman fall back in fear and shuffle as far back as possible - everyone knew not to slander his family in anyway but apparently Ava didn't get that memo and instantly regretted running her mouth as she saw the sheer anger in his glare and the way his hands gripped the bars hard enough to turn his knuckles white. She wasn't afraid to admit that she was terrified right now but her wide green eyes couldn't look away "don't ever talk ill of my family" his voice despite being low was filled with rage and a fierce protectiveness that almost sounded like a growl, it made a chill run down her spine. If making situations worse by running your mouth was an Olympic event Ava would get gold everytime, it was a talent and right now it was one she wished she never had.
His gaze lingered on her for a few more moments as if contemplating his next move and Ava just prayed to whatever higher power that existed that it didn't involve him opening the cage. Instead Jacob released his grip, stood swiftly from the chair and moved towards two of his Chosen; unable to hear what he was saying Ava closed her eyes and made a mental note not to mention his family again. When she reopened them she noticed Jacob had headed inside the Veterans Centre and the men he'd been talking to heading her way "time to get cleaned up little lady, brother Jacob's orders" cleaned up? Wonderful she thought knowing it wasn't about to be a warm bubble bath waiting for her. When she hadn't moved quickly enough the cage door was wrenched open and a dirty hand grasped her hair making Ava his in pain as he dragged her kicking and screaming across the compound "quite ya flappin' girly, it ain't doin' ya no good" she didn't listen and despite her ankle throbbing she managed to get a lucky hit on the shin of the second man who cursed loudly before regaining his composure and back handing her for the trouble making her head swing back, almost seeing stars from the impact.
Ava was thrown unceremoniously onto the hard floor of a dimly lit concrete room, her hands and knees stinging from taking the brunt of the impact, this made her glance over her shoulder and glare at her two 'knights in shining armour' but they'd already left leaving her to her own devices for the time being. Her mind wondered what their version of 'getting cleaned up' was because judging from the state of them and the smell she had to endure on the way over they hadn't bathed in quite some time; hypocrites.
Ava noticed the medium sized drainage hole in the middle of the room and the large hose pipe hanging neatly on the wall near the door but her muddled mind didn't put two and two together and paid no attention to it, instead she focused on the door and wondered if they'd been stupid enough to leave it unlocked. It couldn't possibly be that easy to get off here, right? As if she'd be able to just open the door and go? Seeing as she was cold, exhausted and hungry Ava didn't think she had much of a choice and even with a bad ankle she could suffer through the pain long enough to get away from this place.
Without hesitation she slowly pushed herself up off the unforgiving floor and hobbled towards the door; her ankle protesting every step she made but she wasn't about to let that stop her when her freedom was so close that she could almost taste it.
A shaky hand reached out towards the handle, her fingers brushing it gently but to her horror it moved and the door began to open making her recoil from the fiery haired brute who had just stepped inside "goin' somewhere, pup?" he asked, his face showed no emotion and neither did his voice which didn't bode well for the brunette now sat on the floor - the momentum of trying to move away quick enough meant she fell ass backwards and her ass had no padding so no doubt that would be yet another bruise for her.
"Strip" came his clipped demand, his gaze fixed and hard on the woman in front of him. His arms were folded across his chest again and Ava wondered if that was a natural stance for him or if it was to stop him from possibly murdering her. Her brows furrowed in confusion at his demand "what?" "you heard me, I said strip" again, his tone was short and clipped but that didn't stop Ava who scoffed and point blank refused. There was no way she was going to strip for him "and if I don't?" she asked raising an eyebrow as if to challenge him which with all things considered was probably pretty stupid on her part but up until this point her life had been a series of stupid events so why not continue?
It was then she realised her mistake and her eyes widened in absolute fear as Jacob stormed across the room and it was in that moment she saw that rage within his eyes from earlier and prayed that whatever death was coming it'd be quick. All of a sudden she found herself pinned to the cold, harsh floor with one of his hands around her throat, his grip hard enough to leave bruises whilst his other hand pinned both her wrist above her - she had nowhere to go because her legs were useless at this point and even they weren't she doubted she'd have enough strength to fend him off long enough to reach the door. His face was now right above hers, his breath hot on her face as she struggled to for air "you'll learn why I'm the best at what I do and you'll either play nice and fall in line remembering that you're nothin' more than meat that's expendable" as if to emphasize his point his grip around her throat became that much tighter that she'd started to squirm beneath him, panic mode had kicked in as her vision became cloudy. She truly thought she was about to die and in the back of her mind she found she was okay with that because that would mean she would finally meet her father. In her current situation she was completely powerless to stop him from choking the life out of her and snapping her neck like a twig but apparently he wasn't feeling that murderous today and released his grip just enough for her to gasp for air " - or you'll be culled, tied up and used as live target practice for my Chosen, so what will it be, princess?"
Ava gasped and spluttered again fighting for air unable to give him a physical answer Ava weakly nodded as much as his grip allowed making a cruel smirk replace the scowl he'd been wearing previously" good girl, you know what to do" within an instant he'd relinquished his grip on both her wrists and her throat and had returned to his previous position. His gaze hardened and cold as watched her pathetically regain her composure.
With no other option but to do as she was told the young brunette cautiously and fearfully began to slip out of her deputy uniform as shaking hands fumbled with zips, buckles and buttons. His never wavering gaze didn't help her much either and not knowing if he would strangle her again also didn't help but soon enough she'd managed to discard her uniform leaving her in nothing but her bra and underwear; surely I can keep these on, right? This made Ava look over towards him and in return he merely nodded making tears spring to her eyes as she tentatively reached for the clasp of her bra at the back to unhook it before letting it drop to the floor. Ava gulped down the feeling of nausea before scrunching her face in pain as she winced - her throat would be sore for a good while and no doubt the bruises he left will last weeks before they fade.
Refusing to let him have the satisfaction of seeing her cry, Ava thumbed the elastic of her underwear before tugging them down over her hips, thighs and legs before discarding them with the rest of her clothes. Every part of her was open to him, she felt extremely vulnerable wished she was anywhere but here. Her earlier bravado had been stripped from her and now she naked and exposed in front of him. A face full of cold, harsh water soon broke her train of thought as the force of the pressure slammed her against the nearest wall making her cry out but this only resulted in more coughing and spluttering from the woman. Not that she could see but she could already tell that her skin had probably turned a nice shade of red if pain was anything to go by.
No matter how hard she tried to cover herself from the onslaught of water it just never made a difference, instead she gave up and pressed herself against the cold wall waiting for it to be over.
After what felt like an eternity the water stopped and she was left sore, drenched and very, very cold if her shivering was anything to go by. It's the type of cold that works its way into your bones and then it's icy tendrils wrap itself around your core and you genuinely wonder if you'll ever feel warmth again. "Get dressed" a flurry of definitely used clothes that consisted of ratty dark jeans and a fade flannel shirt hit her but Ava was that cold she would have worn a garbage bag to get warm at this point so she hurriedly threw them on making a note of just how big they were on her, not that she was about to complain especially if it meant being stripped again.
By now Jacob stood in front of what he could only assume was a drowned rat, her hair now forcefully untangled hung dripping onto the flannel she wore as he grasped her jaw he noticed how she flinched but said nothing, his grip just hard enough to have her attention and possibly leave bruises "when you behave yourself you get privileges like clothes but if you keep running that mouth of yours and misbehaving those privileges get taken away and you'll get punished. I'm sure my men out there would love to see the sight that I just saw and I mean, who knows what would happen if I'm not around" his not so subtle threat was quickly understood; the possibility of getting raped wasn't something she wanted "have I made myself clear?" "y - yes" Jacob quirked an eyebrow and gripped her jaw that little bit harder; more bruises to add to the collection she thought as she painfully cleared her throat "y - yes, sir" her voice was hoarse and it hurt to talk but her answer seemed to satisfy him because relinquished his grip and strode to the door, an arm keeping it open as he glanced at the sorry state of a deputy.
"Time for your trainin', let's go, pup" Ava meekly nodded; too tired and too fearful at this point to put up a fight. Her stomach filled with dread as she made her way towards the door.
It couldn't get any worse, right?
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imaginespplwrite · 6 years
EXO FicRecs
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All Members
Exodus mall ♔ ✎ @yehet-me-up ✎ Seattle, 1997 The Kingdome still stands and Ken Griffey Jr. knocks out home runs night after night. Bill Clinton enters his second term as President. Pop music is edging out the grunge scene. The technology boom is taking over. And for the employees of the Exodus Mall, it’s a year of romance, longing, and misconceptions in the Emerald City.(ongoing)
The Cartel ♔ It’s 1970′s Florida and the most wicked cartel on the eastern seaboard is at the peak of crime and thievery. Each member designed to execute exactly what they’re meant to - each a cog inside Byun Baekhyun’s well-oiled machine. Every king needs a court though; a worthy entourage to ensure his continued power. In order to deal the cleanest product, sometimes you have to get your hands dirty.
Exordia Academy  It’s 1980′s middle-of-nowhere, and Exordia Academy is full of its most talented class of students yet. Whether you’re looking for a place to hone your skills, develop or just fit in – there’s something for everyone within our hallowed halls. Class is in session (discontinued)
EXO Mafia Boss ❀ ✎ @juliea-moon​ ✎ Each member will get a scenario about them starting a relationship with an OC, who later finds out what their real profession is.
Junmyeon (Suho)
Incipient ✎ @suho-mochi ✎ Roommates!au 
A Dangerous Game ❀ ✎ @xxprincessjewelsxx​ ✎ Suho wants to gain more territory and marring you is gonna help him get it. (22 chapters)
 Dichotomy ❀ ✎ @forexcapism​ ✎ Marring your father’s associate was his dying wish 
10/10 (M) ♔ ✎ @taetaetrashhh ✎ party games + drunk confessions lead to something that Chanyeol definitely wasn’t expecting. 
Truth (M) ✎ @bread-jinie ✎ You meet Chanyeol at a club, and you force yourself to be honest with yourself - about your wants, your needs, and who you really could be.
Pusher (M) ♔ ✎ @bread-jinie ✎ Kyungsoo is the city’s most notorious club owner. You are the most in demand drug dealer. You both want each other dead. But then, doesn’t everyone crave un petit mort?
Cupcake wars (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ “Frost the damn cupcakes.”
Voyeur (M) ✎ @8bityeol ✎ You want to surprise your boyfriend, so you don lingerie and wait but things don’t exactly go the way you expect. Is it that bad to watch him?
Audiophile (M)   Enunciate(M)  Articulate(M) ✎ @8bityeol ✎ How does one function upon knowing that their next door neighbour, Citrus134 (Kyungsoo) is the audio porn star of their dreams?
The Problem (M)   ✎ @8bityeol ✎ Listen, you really hadn’t meant to think of your friend whilst you got off, but it happened.
Across the Way (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ Kyungsoo has always been a guy who abides by the rules. He makes decisions based on logic, not impulse; he is the type of guy who wears a suit to work and plans his meals out for each week. Which is why it’s so strange, when Kyungsoo’s neighbor moves in and, rather than be turned off by her games, he finds he can’t look away. Worse, sometimes he even plays along. 
Jongdae (Chen)
Amber ✎ @oh-ottoke ✎ FriendstoLovers!au 
Collision course  ✎ @yeolology ✎ You were the typical girl with big dreams who moved to the city as soon as she had the chance, and somehow ended up in the wrong part of town - but you manage to get swept up in an entirely different situation than you’d planned (5 parter)
How bad could he be (M) Part2 (M) ✎ @3kpop2jagi1 ✎ Bestfriend’s brother!au 
Little Devil (M) ❀ ✎ @thong-in-the-twist​ ✎ Jongdae truly is the devil 
Jongin (Kai)
You didn't deny it (M) ♔ ✎ @turtletaemin ✎ “But you want Jongin to fuck you.” Running a hand through your hair, you glare at him. “Are we really having this conversation right now?” “You didn’t deny it.” 
Minseok (Xiumin)
(B)romance (M) ♔ ✎ @brokeandjetlagged ✎ the guy who always comes in during your shift is kind of an asshole. But also really, really hot. “Don’t ruin your pretty little figure with all that booze.” Minseok works his jaw like it’s a miracle of God he hasn’t leapt over the counter to duct tape your mouth shut. He’s cute when he’s angry.
Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold ❀ ✎ @narika-a​ ✎ He saved you but that doesn’t mean he owns you.
Pink (M)  ✎ @soobadnoonecanstopher ✎ You run into your attractive neighbor in an unexpected place.
Of the super and the fantastic ✎ @high-on-food ✎ you applied to the prestigious Mount Academy of Supers on a whim and surprisingly you get accepted. however, there’s only one teeny — slight — problem. you’re an ex-supervillain.
A Lesson (M) ❀ ✎ @8bityeol​ ✎ By all accounts, asking your childhood friend of many years, Baekhyun, to teach you how to give a …. is odd, however in the grand scheme of things, it’s better than learning with a stranger. - a rewrite of ‘teach me’
Friends help each other out (M) ❀ ✎ @turtletaemin​ ✎ just sit down and let me take care of you” & “i just want to help you relax
Diamond freckles (M) ❀ ✎ @fairyyeols​ ✎ You love him, he knows that much. and baekhyun could give you everything. so why does it bother him so much that you have male friends?
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