#But uh yeah they aren’t going to kill off their child characters. This is a game for kids remember
shima-draws · 2 years
why i have bad feeling this pokemon scarlet and violet dlc gonig to be arven or penny get kill by legendary?
Nfndnfnd WHAT there’s absolutely no way they would do that,, like a 0% chance. I will admit it was surprising to see them actually address the topic of death in the games but Penny and Arven are A. Main characters and B. Actual children, I really don’t think Gamefreak would go so far as to depict actual child death onscreen. You don’t have anything to worry about anon
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I watched the second fma Netflix adaptation. Here’s the best of my notes:
They had the whole fma original soundtrack to use for this movie and tHEY DIDNT??
Purification arts of Xing?? Just call it Alcehestry like they do in the show?? (No I didn’t spell it right I was noting stuff as I went and didn’t look it up)
Okay the weird pause before Lan Fan pulled out the smoke bomb…
Lots of weird pauses and slow-mo’s to mimic anime fights but it reads weird as live action and I don’t like it
Wtf never mind hi envy with your shit ass wig (I forgot they killed off Hughes in the first one 😭😭)
Ed really be like “you do you ig”
“Yeah people exploding today!” Is my favorite line so far. (English Captions with Japanese audio; this was the train hijacker guy from fma 03)
Ed’s expression when Mustang shows up is the most in character thing I will say that (after train stuff)
I will say they did better on characterization this time around I feel like they’re close to the actual characters
But it’s hard to get close to them since they aren’t, well, animated characters. Trying not to judge too harshly.
Not terrible so far actually
Okay nevermind about the cgi WHAT IS WITH XIAOMEI
“I mean, we’re just some decent human beings.” -Ed who wanted to leave Mei behind
Okay we’re gonna have a really awkward explosion-over-short moment that just will not work because it isn’t animated
Mei being a bitch back is warranted
They be running
“You’ll never catch me, tiny rice man!” -Mei (rice man?)
The dialogue being altered where Ed says he doesn’t have a god to pray to before scar kills him bothers me
I like Alphonse’s movements on the ground when he’s incapacitated, I think the cgi works well there
Hi Mustang good on you for saving your pseudo sons
Riza with the side eye lmao
The slowmo’s again like hello
ARMSTRONG HIIIII You look really fuckin weird tho But HIIIIII
Okay the flexing I can do without thanks it looks weird
Yes Breda why is he shirtless
The red eyes don’t look good either. (For scar)
N ow see why wouldn’t you put in a leitmotif for the brothers theme in this scene with Ed and Al and instead just put in sad piano that sounds vaguely similar to it
Riza being the best and putting her coat over Ed >>>>
Mustang go comfort your son’s PLEASE
Okay just ignore that I’m on the found family train
Girlie that looked like a bad PowerPoint presentation WHY WOULD YOU DO IT LIKE THAT?? (The part where the officer shot the ishvallen child)
Gluttony… hi… again…. Can’t wait for your cgi…. (It didn’t look as bad tbh)
Sorry but with the military uniform off and just the white collared shirt he looks LIKE A DAD LIKE CMON (Mustang)
“You’ve grown… at least I think.” -Hoenhiem, observational genius
“I think I like this scene better than canon a bit actually? Cause Ed gets to express his emotions more than just calling him a bastard
Okay Hoenhiem just ignore him??
Uh oh they have to walk back together
“Our hair matches :D” -Hoenhiem
Ed immediately takes his out of the ponytail
Im not gonna lie I chuckled at that
Also I love seeing Ed with his hair down we don’t get enough of that
“stop following me” -Ed
“we’re going to the same place? 😥” -Hoenhiem
Okay we’re talking about Xerxes instead of Ed and Al’s mom or…?
And the bitch is gone
Ooooo love the look of Xerxes ruins
Awwww Winry’s parents :D we get more of them
They’re gonna die tho and I hate that :(
This is gonna be so hard wrenching actually-
5 minutes into Central and you’re already causing trouble, good job Ed
Al I feel like has the weakest characterization so far in this adaptation he’s just reacting to stuff rather than doing stuff as far as I’ve seen
Scar when Winry is having a breakdown🧍
Ruhroh Winry’s got a gun
Okay the slowmo makes more sense here
Ed saves the day :D
Also we finally see scars brother after getting no context on him
Good acting on Lan Fan’s part
Also why is this calling her Ran Fan? Is that a dub thing (they called Ling “Lin” but this was all in the captions so I’m confused)
“King Bradley is a Homonculus” very serious Ling “hUh.” -Ed
Any Mustang and Hughes content is good Mustang and Hughes content I don’t make the rules
Also it’s good they didn’t change the layout of Riza’s explanation montage for Ishval because it works really well in canon and translated pretty well to live action
Riza and Roy’s speeches near the end >>>
Oh great the bros are gonna try and catch scar alone this can only end well
Well they definitely didn’t catch him
Oh hi Riza :D
Mustang’s like “let ur gf speak to him if she wants like damn”
Ed’s like “bb girl if he says anything shitty I’ll fight for you”
“Hell no I don’t forgive you for shit, but I’m gonna patch you up anyway.” -Winry
Okay cool message, someone must endure pain if it means they can prevent further suffering and cycles of violence
Uh oh Gluttony escaped
He be runnin
“Wait I won’t leave you behind” MUSTANG BEING A DAD AHEGWIWNWN
“Colonel your fight is elsewhere” SCREAMING
Oh hi envy
and they got eaten lmao
Yay we’re all trapped in Gluttony’s stomach :D
Envy is so cynical what a bitch lol
“Tf is a portal of truth 🧍” -Ling
Oh great we’re gonna get cgi envy this will go well right?
Could be worse but
Conclusion: it was okay. There were parts I genuinely liked. There are things that also bug me to no end. The soundtrack from the original series would’ve fit way better and a lot of times it sounded like an off brand marvel track. Acting and cgi was a lot better (at times.) An improvement on the first one, and a semi-worthwhile watch if you have nothing else to do and you like fma. Cannot and will never be a substitute for the original obviously. Seems like less of a cash grab and more of a genuine effort this time which I appreciate. Overall? 6.5/10
(Lemme know if y’all want my full notes version because it has way more of me screaming and being goofy)
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So I gave different Percy Jackson characters parts in the campfire song for a fanfiction I'm writing and I want to know what you guys think
Will Solace My dad is Apollo He raises the sun He has lots of kids ‘cause he has lots of … fun We wish he would stop Because our cabin is full Oh no He’s kind of a bro And bi as hell too And all of his kids of daddy issues
Beckendorf My dad’s Hephaestus, forger of flames At least my mom didn’t throw me away he’s busy with blueprints and work every day Oh no I know he’s real busy, but I try not to mind I just wish there were time off in his grand design
Leo Valdez So my dad Hephaestus, he’s the god of forges; Gotta admit, he’s not quite that gorgeous; And he gave me powers that make my hands blaze like torches, Oh no And these powers aren’t as great as you’d expect; Because after my mom, all I got was neglect
Pollux My dad’s Dionysus, God of the vine, He is kinda crazy but I do not mind Maybe he‘ll slip me a glass of wine- Mr.D from far away: Uh no! Pollux: Say what you want, I’m not even mad At least I get to see my dad *mic drop*
Mr. D Random camper: Hey Mr. D, who are your parents? Mr. D: No, I don’t sing. Chiron: It's for the kids. Mr. D: You owe me horse… My dad is Zeus … but he’s also my mother It’s really weird, don’t know why I bother See he killed my mom with his true form Oh no Ripped from my dead mom, sewn in a thigh, was born a demigo- Oh never mind!
Holly and Laurel Victor Holly sung: Our Mother is Nike Goddess of the Games Laurel sung: You'd think it'd be cool But turns out it’s lame Both: Oh no Holly: Cause she won't even look at me if I don't win, Laurel: So I keep training every single day, Both: Or she'll show up and take our talents away
Butch My mom is Iris, she sends Hera’s things You’ll know who’s her kids when we start to sprout wings So you can think of my mom the next time you mail things, Oh no! things can be rough When that’s your mom I mean yeah, she’s all right, but one messenger is enough
Nico di Angelo Will: Your turn Nico: No I don’t sing Will: Please Nico: … Fine Nico *sung flatly*: My father is hades, lord of the dead Shadows surround me ghost fill my head. The others all fear me alone I tread Oh no He sits in the underworld watching me weep Meanwhile, I haven’t slept or eaten in over a week Will *spoken*: Are you okay..? Nico *spoken*: …no (…)
Hazel Levesque So my mother decided to summon Pluto And he gave her a curse before going abroad the good of my jewels always being a fraud Oh no For it was too late when I realized And to save us for then I gave up my life
Piper McLean So my mom Aphrodite the goddess of beauty and grace Her powers let me steal things Like it is a race; All I want Is uninterrupted time with my dad Oh no I went from school to school to be reformed yet all I got was one hell*someone yells Hades* of a storm
Percy Jackson So my dad Poseidon is not really that bad I just wish he supported me as my mother had it wouldn’t kill you to pay your child support dad Oh no But I survived two wars now and that’s pretty cool But I wish the first thing said to me wasn’t that I drool
I got a lot of this from the internet and rewrote some of it so that may be why some of it may be similar.
Let me know if you guys have requests, some of my friends have made requests so there might be some more.
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The Brothers and Side Characters Play the Sims
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but WHATEVER. I’ve been playing the Sims since I was a wee little girl, and I’ve seen my fair share of weird Sims stuff that I feel would fit these bozos perfectly.
My Sims have a Functional Family Life Because I Don’t (Lucifer)
God dammit Levi’s obsessed with another game... ugh.
Spends 5 minutes in Create-a-Sim and hops into a starter home.
Lucifer’s the type to start with all the average stuff and then build their stuff up as his sim gets promotions.
It’s just... so peaceful...
...he’s adopting a dog.
Look at his new little virtual family... his sim-kids are self sufficient and getting A’s in school, his Sim spouse MC or Diavolo take your pick loves his Sim-self, his sim-dog-
He’s fine. It was just a virtual dog. *sniffle*
He’s now spending his free time drinking Demonus and playing the Sims.
What’s a mod? Levi why does your sim have gun?
Behold, My Gorgeous Home... It’s a Box (Mammon)
Mammon, like the rest of the HOL, is mooching off of Levi’s Origin account.
“AW SHIT! This house looks awesome! I’m gonna build it for Sim-me to live in!”
Mammon proceeds to build a box with rooms. Yay...
He just picks the funnest sounding job if he picks any job at all for his Sim. That’s how he ended up making 9 dollars an hour in the criminal career.
Didn’t stop Mammon from buying that solid gold bathroom set from Get Famous... a box with solid gold bathrooms.
His Sim is broke send help-
“Leviiiiiii my sim needs money... the people my sim kidnapped and is forcing to paint aren’t making enough money...” “Ugh... press control shift C and type ‘motherlode’.”
...Levi made a mistake.
His sim’s life is so chaotic, he has a piranha pool that his sim has almost died in twice, the sim is carrying on several torrid love affairs, his sim got struck by lightning, his sim has nearly died in a grilled cheese making accident twice... in the same day.
At least once Sim-Mammon and Sim-MC get married things calm down a little.
Mammon finds out what custom content is and proceeds to download EVERYTHING HE CAN FIND.
And now he’s asking Levi why his computer is running so slow.
Expansion Pack King (Leviathan)
He got into it back when the Sims 2 was new, he’s a veteran fan.
“Bro remember when Agnes Crumplebottom would show up and whack the shit out of your sims if they were flirting?”
“Remember when that witch would show up randomly on the lot you were on if you had Makin’ Magic?”
“Remember when Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and we just... didn’t question it?”
He whines about the Sims4 and how crappy it is but still buys every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack.
This boy watches like 40 hours of built tutorials and ends up sobbing over his weird roofs.
The mod folder is so full istg-
Levi gets custom content for the sole purpose of making his favourite fictional characters.
This is why Henry and the Lord of Shadows are married and Ruri-chan and Sim-Levi are roommates.
Oh my god they were roommates-
Levi also added his brothers to the world and uh... Sim-Mammon died in a tragic pool accident F.
Levi then proceeded to befriend the Grim Reaper.
He’s anxiously awaiting the release of Paralives.
Wait Gameplay? In This Build Simulator? (Satan)
Satan’s here to build and leave. Gameplay who?
Our favourite bundle of rage is a master architect and the amount of followers on the Gallery he has shows it.
He takes up those build shell challenges and always ends up making them look positively perfect.
Asmo’s always using his houses, and Satan often takes requests when he gets bored.
No Mammon, he reserves the right to refuse to build a golden castle for you- YOUR SIM HAS 40 SIMOLEONS-
No mods, no CC, he’s building with what EA gave him.
...and EA gave him debug objects, and he’s not going to explain how to get them.
The one time he did actually play with a family... it was one sim and seven cats.
He tries to play without cheats... and ends up getting frustrated and turns on cheats.
All hail the Pets Expansion Pack.
Custom Content Soap Opera (Asmodeus)
Asmo spends 5 hours in Create a Sim then just... clicks out of the game.
That’s how it goes most of the time, buuuuuut when he gets super invested in a family he’s made, boy howdy is he INVESTED.
Sim A is carrying on an affair with Sim C who’s in love with Sim B who’s married to Sim A but Sim D wants to kill Sim A and C even though they’re the illegitimate child of Sim C-
When Asmo realizes that in the Sims 4 he needs to manufacture all the drama himself and he can’t just sit back with a glass of wine and watch the fireworks, he switches to the Sims 2 and 3.
“...why is this old lady beating up my Sim..?”
He immediately recoils in horror upon seeing how ugly the Sims are pre Sims4.
Ah, there we go, perfect. Custom Content to the rescue!
He ends up remaking the entire world just so he doesn’t have to look at weird looking Sims.
Asmo is the only one to have finished a proper Legacy Challenge, but it gets crazy chaotic after gen 3.
“My sim just got abducted by aliens and now he’s pregnant- WHAT?!”
He has about 40 saves and only two he actually plays.
Just a Big Ol’ Happy Family (Beelzebub)
Beel found the game, proceeded to make everyone in create-a-sim to the best of his abilities, and made everyone get along.
That’s why Sim-Lucifer and Sim-Belphie are on a swing set together, they’re friends :D
“Hey Luke do you think you can make this?” “I-is that a cake shaped like a hamburger?” “Yes. Please make.”
He took one look at the cooking options and decided to max out his Sim’s cooking skill to unlock all the options.
Beel proceeded to drool all over his keyboard. Gross...
Boy howdy did he have some crazy dinner suggestions!
Overall, very wholesome Sim-life, except for the time Sim-Levi died because the toilet caught fire, don’t worry, Sim-Beel knows how to make ambrosia.
All is good in the Sim save...
...until Sim-Beel ate pufferfish nigiri and fuckin died-
Wait Did I Not Pause- (Belphie)
Huh, this game looks fine... I’ll play for a little- *SNORE*
Belphie makes some sims, plops them into a starter home, plays for an hour, then falls asleep.
He wakes up five hours later to absolute carnage.
Three sims have died because someone decided to make Mac and Cheese and the oven caught fire, the kids were taken away by social services, and the dog ran away.
“...heheh, holy shit everyone look.”
He doesn’t play often, but when he does, death occurs. He has found out every death method for every game from Sims 2 to 4.
And that INCLUDES the Sims Medieval! You guys remember that game?
Sometimes it’s not intentional, but Belphie got bored with the totally normal life his sims were living and decided to spice it up.
“Why are the ghosts breaking my showers..?”
Help There’s a Bug- (Diavolo)
The Crown Prince started playing when he noticed Lucifer was playing it.
He was immediately obsessed.
Dia mostly plays the Sims Medieval because he likes the feeling of achievement after completing a quest!
“Barbatos... why isn’t my Sim completing their task? The icon won’t show up.” “My lord it appears the game is bugged.” “:(“
No one thought to tell Diavolo that EA doesn’t plan on offering bug support to a game made in like... 2009
This doesn’t matter! Look at how great his kingdom is doing- oh no his hero has the plague-
He plays through the Pirates and Nobles expansion and manages to get the peaceful ending, he’s so proud of himself.
“MC! Look! My Monarch’s sword is permanently on fire and I’m fighting an evil wizard!”
When he does play the other Sims games he’s pretty basic, though, he does a great job at furnishing!
Dia gets crazy sad when his Sims die... he turns off aging.
Builder no. 2 (Barbatos)
Barbie doesn’t have time for this... but when he does, he builds.
No create a sim.
No playing the game as intended.
Just builds.
It’s relaxing, okay? A nice little suburban house he’s never going to play in, maybe a treehouse, maybe a big Hollywood Mansion...
The only time he actually plays the game outside of build mode is when someone needs his help to fix something in-game.
He does download custom content build items if he feels bored by the current selection.
Oh Crap What Am I Doing?! (Simeon)
Help him. Please.
He’s so confused.
“Luke, why is my sim upset?” “He’s hungry, Simeon.” “Oh, how do I fix that?” “...Simeon-”
There’s a toilet in the middle of the living room.
The fridge is facing the wall.
There’s no bathtub or shower.
The house is on fire- there is no god- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Okay, once he gets the hang of it he’s sitting pretty. His sims have good jobs, the kids are getting good grades, everything’s fine.
But Simeon won’t forget the nightmares.
What Even is This Save? (Solomon)
Solomon’s save is the definition of chaos.
One sim’s a vampire, the other is a spellcaster that really wants to fight the Callientes for some reason, there’s one normal sim that’s always sick for some reason,
It gets weird, confusing, and horrible.
Just how Solomon likes it.
His house makes no sense, like, what even is architecture?
Money cheats are needed because Solomon‘a goal of chaos and confusion is proving to be kind of expensive.
Square up Mortimer Goth, Solomon’s sims are here to steal your weird knight statue that’s worth a shit ton of simoleons for NO REASON.
He joined the scientist career for the sole purpose of getting to the alien planet and kidnapping adding an alien to the household via cheats.
The vampire ended up dying on their wedding day because Solomon forgot that he gave them the sun weakness.
Oh well, the ghost got added to the household! VAMPIRE GHOST!
The Child (Luke)
Before you say Luke’s too young to play the Sims, you should know that I was nine when I first started playing, and I turned out fiiiiiiiiiine.
He’s just happy to be playing.
Look, his sims are gardening :D
Look, two of them are getting married :D
Look, they had a baby :D
Look, his sims are building a rocket ship :D
Look, his sims’s rocket just crashed-
The concept of death hit the little angel right in the face that day.
“*sniffle*... my sims...”
Don’t worry, with tears in his eyes, Luke quit without saving and everything was fine!
Speaking of My Sims, Luke played MySims Sky Heroes and that was when Luke had his first bout of gamer rage.
MC came over to hang out with Solomon and Simeon, and in the distance they could just hear:
Okay, maybe Simeon should take the game away... just for a bit... he should take heed not to be bitten by the incredibly angry chihuahua.
MC: Why are our Sims married?
*Insert Boy Here*: Uh... that’s weird... I have no clue why they’re doing that...
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
JC adopts stray/rouge cultivators after the war au to cope with the destruction of lotus pier. also i love your writing so much!!
Gratuitously Acquired - ao3
At first, he took anyone who would join, needing numbers – needing people. There were plenty of cultivators that wanted to be associated with a great sect. Plenty, too, that were barely more than criminals, wanting to use the smoke and ash of war to obscure the past, to cover up old crimes and wash themselves clean.
Jiang Cheng wasn’t in any position to refuse them. Soldiers were soldiers.
After the war ended, though…
Some he cast out. Others, even more despicable, he slaughtered for what they’d done.
A few –
“Yan Qiao.”
The female cultivator in question, who had been sneaking out of the still mostly ruined Lotus Pier at night in flagrant violation of curfew, froze in her tracks.
“Uh,” she said. “Sect Leader Jiang. Fancy finding you…here…now…at this time…”
Jiang Cheng looked at the basket of buns in her hands. “You’re stealing leftovers from our kitchens to feed orphans among the common people,” he said. “Again.”
She blushed. “No one wants them now that there’s better available, Sect Leader! Really, they’ll only go stale, and then rot – and I never stole when it was the army eating them!”
“That’s not the point,” Jiang Cheng said irritably. “Tell me, how in the name of heavens did you really get branded as a criminal? Distributed too many alms? Did too much charity?”
Yan Qiao coughed, turning red. “I told you before, Sect Leader. I killed a man.”
“He must have done something particularly heinous, then. You’re shitat killing.”
“Now I am. Sect Leader, if you don’t mind…”
“You’re one of the ones who wants my surname, right?” he interrupted. “Consider it granted.”
Yan Qiao – no, he supposed he’d better start thinking of her as Jiang Qiao – gaped at him. “But…Sect Leader!”
“I’ve barely granted it to anyone, so you’d better live up to it, you hear me?” Jiang Cheng said in his best threatening voice. He’d been assured by several people that it was really quite threatening, anyway. “I don’t want any excuses. Now go feed your damn orphans, and in the morning I want a report on how you think we can do it in a more structured manner. I can’t have you sneaking off every night anymore! Now that you’re a Jiang, you’re going to have work.”
When they were done with war and started firmly on rebuilding, the Jiang sect’s name was firmly reestablished as a Great Sect once more, it was the opportunists that came.
Smiling faces, sycophantic voices, cowards one and all – like beetles crawling out of the woodwork, not willing to risk their lives, but willing enough to beg for scraps and advantages later on when it seemed safe enough to do so.
Jiang Cheng wanted to chase them all away, but his sect was still weaker than he wanted to admit, still rebuilding, still more army than civilian operation. They had valiant soldiers by the dozen, but they needed more than that. They needed administrators, supervisors, artisans, smiths, merchants, laundry-women…
They needed workers. The ones they got – well, cowards they might be, but skills they had.
He still rejected most of the worst of them.
“Bo Zhou,” he said, inspecting the surprisingly flush list of taxes they’d collected that quarter, and the man in question turned to grin unrepentantly at him. “You’d tell me if you were a con artist in a previous life, right?”
“A previous life, Sect Leader?” Bo Zhou said. He was still grinning, but then, he was always grinning. He had a crooked leg and an even more crooked heart, and he’d probably steal candy from little children if he happened to have a hankering, but he was amazing at getting people to do what he wanted. Too amazing, really. “Why limit yourself? What about thislife?”
“…Bo Zhou. Tell me you aren’t a former con artist.”
“I may or may not have had a sideline selling snake oil and protective talismans before I became a cultivator,” Bo Zhou admitted cheerfully, and Jiang Cheng pinched the bridge of his nose – less out of actual irritation and more to keep from actually laughing. The only person he knew that was more shameless than Bo Zhou was Wei Wuxian; he couldn’t wait to introduce them once Wei Wuxian stopped skulking around in wine shops long enough to get back to doing his job as Jiang Cheng’s head disciple and right hand. “Who would’ve known that making all those fake talismans ended up making me pretty good at making actual talismans when I became a cultivator? Really, who could have called that?”
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. “Who taught you how to cultivate, anyway? Can I – I don’t know – seek vengeance on behalf of the rest of the world or something?”
Bo Zhou rolled his eyes right back at him. Shameless! “Is this about the taxes? Just be happy I got them all!”
“I can’t just be happy! What if this money is stolen property?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Sect Leader. They’re what we shouldbe getting, and from all the right people. You told me this was the right amount yourself!”
“Yes, but no one ever actually pays the full amount!” Jiang Cheng enjoyed the way Bo Zhou’s jaw dropped. “I just wanted to see if you could actually do it.”
“I’m hurt at your lack of trust.” Bo Zhou paused, considering. “Also a little impressed at you for keeping a straight enough face to trick me. Well done, Sect Leader.”
“Yeah,” Jiang Cheng said. “You too, Jiang Zhou.”
“It’s Bo…” He trailed off, comprehension arriving and speech departing, and this time he didn’t have a quick retort. He’d been nagging Jiang Cheng on and off for the Jiang surname for the last few weeks, more joking than anything else – he knew that Jiang Cheng hadn’t given his surname to the vast majority of the new people in his sect, only the very few he thought were worth it.
Jiang Cheng enjoyed the newly dubbed Jiang Zhou’s moment of speechlessness thoroughly, since he was moderately sure he wasn’t going to get another one anytime in the next – ever, possibly.
“You proved your worth and your trustworthiness,” he said, patting Jiang Zhou on the shoulder. It occurred to him that he should probably come up with a courtesy name for the man, although he wasn’t sure the man would want one. “Also, congratulations, you’re now the person in charge of tax collection. See if you can think up some new thoughts about supplementing our income, will you? We have so many costs, and I don’t want to rely on Lanling Jin more than I can help it, not like Gusu Lan…”
“Oh, really?” Jiang Zhou interrupted, abruptly excited. “I have so many ideas! How ethical do you want to be about this?”
Jiang Cheng paused. “…very?”
“Be reasonable, Sect Leader!”
“…moderately?” he tried, a little more desperately.
“I can work with moderately. I don’t suppose you’d accept ‘thin and barely plausible veneer’?”
“Oh well. Moderately ethical it is!”
Most of the Jiang sect was slaughtered during the attack on the Lotus Pier. Disciples Jiang Cheng had grown up with his whole life, had expected to see by his side in the future, his friends, his family, even his petty childhood enemies – all gone.
Well, not all gone. There were some Jiang disciples that had been away from Lotus Pier at the time, whether on some errand or a night-hunt or other reasons; they rushed back to his side as soon as they could, of course, and formed the core of Jiang Cheng’s new Jiang sect. When he’d felt utterly alone, when even Wei Wuxian was missing, they had been there for him. They’d preserved their lives and then they’d promised them to him, and it wasn’t until they knelt before him that he really felt like a Sect Leader.
There was no way he could give any of them up now.
“Jiang Meimei, you can’t go,” he said, having completely abandoned all shame in favor of clutching at her robes as if he were a child. “I need you!”
“I’m not even a proper Jiang disciple!” she exclaimed, exasperated – or possibly just annoyed that her grand plan to sneak out in the middle of the night had been stymied by his ambush. “Just because my surname is still Jiang doesn’t mean I didn’t get kicked out, remember?”
“I thought you just left,” Jiang Cheng said, temporarily distracted. “No one ever really talked much about it, actually, but to the extent anyone did, they said that you’d decided that your inclinations were more suited to being a rogue cultivator. That you didn’t want to be weighed down by sect expectations –”
“Hah!” Jiang Meimei tossed her head. “As if it wouldn’t be better to be a roving sect cultivator than a rogue cultivator! I won’t deny that I had a fair bit of wanderlust in my youth –”
“You’re only ten years older than me, you’re not that old.”
“Shut up, brat.”
“You can’t tell me to shut up, I’m your sect leader.”
“You’re my baby cousin is what you are, and, again, I’m actually not part of the Jiang sect!”
“That’s ridiculous,” Jiang Cheng argued. “You’ve been at my side during the entire Sunshot Campaign.”
“I wasn’t going to let my baby cousin get himself murdered, now was I?” Jiang Meimei sniffed. “But I’m still a rogue cultivator. They kicked me out when I wouldn’t accept a marriage, and I’m still firm on that.”
Jiang Cheng blinked. “Wait, you don’t want to be married? Really?” he asked, concerned. “But what about poor Liu Lingling? You shouldn’t be sleeping with her if you don’t intend to be serious about it! I’m pretty sure she’s just waiting for the current project you’re working on to finish to find a matchmaker to exchange birth characters –”
“They wanted me to marry a man,” Jiang Meimei clarified, but her habitual frown had eased considerably; she looked almost on the verge of a smile. “A-Cheng, you’re being dense again. You’re the Sect Leader of a Great Sect now. You know that that means you need to have alliances, marriage contacts with other sects, and that means using your subsidiary branches.”
“Jiang Meimei, you’re the one being dense,” Jiang Cheng said. “You think I’d force you into a marriage? I don’t have subsidiary branches. I barely have a sect, even after all this time. I’m not Wen Ruohan, handing out my surname to anyone who wants it – I only give it to the ones that matter, the ones I want to keep, and those of you that actually share my blood are even rarer, even more precious. How could I give you away?”
Jiang Meimei pursed her lips.
“I really do need you,” Jiang Cheng said quietly. “You weren’t part of the Jiang sect at all, not really, but you still came to help me – you were there from the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign, and you’ve never strayed, never left. You’re my right hand. I can’t do without you.”
Jiang Meimei turned her head away. “It’s not that I want to leave you,” she said. “But becoming a rogue cultivator was hard enough the first time. I couldn’t rely on any of the things that I had always had, everything always changing. I was young and angry then, I could handle it, but things are different now. I’m less flexible, less compromising, older, more tired – I can’t just walk out on a whim and just rough it anymore. I have a girl who, yes, I want to eventually marry; I want to have children. I need certainty. Are you going to give it to me?”
Jiang Cheng looked down at his hands. He’d known it was going to have to come to this, but he’d been dragging his feet, not wanting to succumb to a reality that already existed. Had existed for longer than he wanted to admit, as if simply denying it would mean that it wasn’t the truth.
Like a child.
“Yes,” he said, though it tore his heart out of his chest to do it. “I will. Jiang Meimei…will you take the position of Head Disciple?”
Wei Wuxian wasn’t coming back. Jiang Cheng had already cast him out of the sect, just like Jiang Meimei had been, except in Wei Wuxian’s case it had been something that Wei Wuxian himself had demanded. He was living in Yiling now, and by all reports was quite happy there with his little Wen sect family that he’d picked over Jiang Cheng and all his family.
He was never coming back.
It was time to move on.
“Yes,” she said, and shoved her pack into his chest. “Now go unpack that for me. Consider it payment for driving me to extreme measures!”
“I’m your sect leader, you know,” he grumbled. “Officially, now. You could show me some respect.”
“Would you rather pay for my wedding down the line?”
“I’m going, I’m going!” And then, as he scurried over away, he shouted over his shoulder: “As if I wouldn’t be paying for it anyway! You think my Head Disciple’s going to be married in anything other than top style? Better start planning…”
“Don’t rush me! Brat!”
Jin Ling wasn’t surnamed Jiang, but he was the most important person in all of the Lotus Pier – and Jiang Cheng wanted to make sure everyone knew it. It hadn’t been easy for him to get the chance to help care for Jin Ling, especially here, so far away from home; Jiang Cheng had expected to barely be allowed to visit, to have to cool his heels outside of Lanling City begging just for a glimpse of him. Being able to take him home to raise for half the year, even if it was due to the dangerous infighting amongst Lanling Jin, was more than he’d ever dreamed.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t clear that Jin Ling himself agreed.
“He’s still crying,” Jiang Cheng muttered, rubbing his eyes. “Surely he’s got to stop sometime? I mean, just – physically?”
“They say a boy resembles his mother’s brother,” Jiang Meimei said, echoing the gesture. “If he’s got your lungs and stamina, Sect Leader, we’re doomed.”
“I’m rethinking the whole having children thing,” Liu Lingling said blearily, having fallen asleep on her soon-to-be wife’s shoulder several times, only to be woken up by the next round of crying. “I need sleep.”
“Go get some, both of you,” Jiang Cheng ordered. When his cousin scowled at him, he scowled back. “I’m serious. If he keeps this up, we’re going to need to go into shifts. I can last a bit longer.”
“That’s a filthy lie.”
“It is not. Your sect leader has given you an order – get to it!”
It was a filthy lie.
Jiang Cheng opened his eyes when the crink in his neck grew too irritating to ignore, at which point he realized he’d been asleep – and, more importantly, that Jin Ling was somehow not crying.
He sat up with a start, suddenly terrified: had something happened to him? Had he been silenced forever? Had Jiang Cheng failed this one last duty he had to his sister?
“Shhh, little one,” someone was whispering, not far away. “Let me tell you the one about the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd, yeah? You seem like someone who’d appreciate stars. It all started –”
Jiang Cheng went to go look.
A teenage girl was rocking Jin Ling in her arms and telling him a story in murmured tones, and Jin Ling was yawning and trying to gnaw on her shirt. She wasn’t even a cultivator, as far as Jiang Cheng could tell. Her clothing suggested some level of poverty, her accent the countryside – how’d she even end up here?
He wasn’t sure he cared.
Jiang Cheng didn’t want to disturb her, but he did anyway; a shift of his weight, a scuffling of his feet, and the floor creaked. The girl jumped, startled, but luckily Jin Ling was already most of the way asleep and just grumbled a little instead of starting to screech.
“How’d you do that?” Jiang Cheng asked, nodding at Jin Ling. “Make him stop crying.”
“My mother had seven kids after me,” the girl said, answering automatically. “And her sister had six. Someone had to learn to deal with all those babies, and it ended up being me. Think it’s just habit after this long.”
Jiang Cheng couldn’t handle one baby. He couldn’t even imagine.
That’s when the girl seemed to remember herself, and bit her lip. “Uh, sorry,” she said, hanging her head. “I heard him crying and I couldn’t resist...I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to be here. It was an accident.”
“How did you get here?” Jiang Cheng asked, because accidental or not, a security breach was still a security breach. “And who are you, anyway?”
“My name’s A-Hua. I’m here to work in the kitchens, just got hired this morning; the fourth cook is my uncle’s wife’s cousin, she got me a job, said it was a good place to start – I was trying to find my way out so I could go to the servant’s quarters to get some sleep, but then I got lost…”
More likely she’d decided it was better to try to stay somewhere indoors than go out in the pouring rain to try to find her way to the right set of quarters, Jiang Cheng thought to himself. “Give me your hand.”
“Uh. What?”
He ignored her stare, took her hand and felt her pulse. There was a little bit of natural talent there, though not much; she might, if she tried hard enough, become a cultivator, but she’d never be more than a servant.
Unless, of course, she did something unusual to impress someone.
“Forget the kitchens,” Jiang Cheng told her. “You’re hired on a provisional basis to keep an eye on Jin Ling.”
The girl nodded, eyes wide as saucers. “Can you – do that?”
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. “Yes, I can. What’s your surname? You can’t go around being called A-Hua, we have at least seven people that I know of that go by that name.”
The girl looked distressed.
She probably didn’t have a proper surname. Some people in the countryside didn’t.
But they really couldn’t go around shouting “A-Hua” every time Jin Ling was crying, which was basically all the time.
“Fine,” he said, giving in. “Do well, and I’ll consider letting you use mine. But only if you do well!”
Jiang Cheng was covered in mud thanks to a successful-but-at-what-cost night hunt and angry about it, stomping around the lotus pools on his way back to town, when he heard the familiar sounds of someone having a panic attack.
He slowed, involuntarily, and took a look: it was some teenager dressed in black, heaving miserably by a tree.
Jiang Meimei had once said that Jiang Cheng was a bit weak when it came to teenagers.
Jiang Cheng said that was nonsense.
Jiang Hua chimed in, quite loyally (if perhaps not with the best timing), and said he wasn’t.
Jiang Cheng yielded the argument at once to keep Jiang Meimei from laughing herself sick.
In view of that, he was better off ignoring the kid. After all, what was it to him that some kid was having a fit of anxiety right next the same old lotus pool that he used to have his own teenage fits of anxiety next to, under the shade of the same old tree that had sheltered him – one of the few places that remained untouched by the Wen sect’s aggression, one of the few places that was exactly the same?
Jiang Cheng groaned and walked over. “Okay, fine. What’s your problem?”
The kid looked up at him. He had dark circles under his eyes. “I think my heart’s about to explode.”
“That’s just the anxiety,” Jiang Cheng said, and sat down next to him. “What’s causing the anxiety? Don’t say that someone is better than you and your parents are disappointed in you.”
“What?” the kid blinked. “No, it’s not – it’s not that. I’m about to screw up the very first job I ever got.”
Jiang Cheng considered that. It was just different enough from his own issues that he didn’t suspect a plot, and yet close enough that he might actually be able to offer some expertise.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked reluctantly.
“Not to some mud-man,” the kid said, and – hey! It wasn’t that bad. He thought, anyway. Actually, it probably was that bad. “I just…I’m the only one left. I have to make something of myself!”
Jiang Cheng’s eye twitched. “What do you mean, you’re the only one left?”
The kid stuttered through his story. It wasn’t as bad as Jiang Cheng had initially feared, but it was still pretty bad – his small village had had bad harvests, and there had been starvation, a bad winter; the kid had been sent out to get help, but it had taken too long and he’d arrived back to find them all already gone. He’d been lost, but some traveling cultivator had agreed to take him on as a disciple provided he proved himself, had taught him all sorts of skills, cultivation and talisman-writing and music –
“Music?” Jiang Cheng asked. “Not the sword?”
“There was only the one,” the kid explained. “Obviously he kept it for himself.”
Jiang Cheng didn’t think much of that – surely this cultivator, whoever he ws, could have shared, just long enough to teach? – but he didn’t comment. It seemed fairly clear that the kid didn’t actually think very highly of his teacher, although he was very earnestly trying to be appropriately filial.
It was a little cute.
“…and I was supposed to wait here for someone when they came by here, some fancy rich person, and then get them to follow me, but it’s been ages and no one’s come by at all!” the kid wailed. “I’m such a screw up!”
“You don’t even know who you’re waiting for?” Jiang Cheng asked, and the kid shook his head. “How were you supposed to get them to follow you, then?”
The kid scratched his nose. “My master said that if I showed off some of my cultivation, they’d follow me right away.”
Jiang Cheng suppressed a smirk. “It must be very impressive cultivation, then.”
“…not really. I only know one trick,” the kid admitted. “But it’s not that hard, and it looks impressive – here, see, wait; give me a second, I just need to whistle –”
Zidian crackled to life on Jiang Cheng’s finger before the kid finished the first stanza.
“Stop that!” he cried out, leaping to his feet, and – startled – the kid stopped, blinking owlishly at him. “Is that what your master taught you?!”
“Yes?” the kid said. “Did I do it wrong?”
Jiang Cheng gnashed his teeth. “That’s demonic cultivation. Never do that, okay? Ever.”
“But then how am I supposed to get the fancy rich person to follow me, assuming he ever showed?”
Jiang Cheng’s eyes narrowed. If he hadn’t tripped over that branch and fallen into the mud – if he hadn’t taken an extra half-shichen to struggle out of the mire – if he’d walked by in all his usual finery, rich person that he was, and seen some kid practicing demonic cultivation…
He’d have given chase in a heartbeat.
More to the point, everyone knew he would. His reputation had been pretty much set in stone by this point.
“Let’s go find that master of yours,” he said. “Right now.”
Of course, that ended up leading Jiang Cheng straight into the bastard’s trap, which would have been a problem except that he’d taken the time to send someone to tell Jiang Qiao, who’d been waiting for him back in town, that he’d be a bit late and not to worry, just wait where she was.
She’d ignored his instructions and arrived just in time to knife the demonic cultivator – a human trafficker whose operations Jiang Cheng had shut down with extreme viciousness only a few months before – right in the belly, gutting him like a fish in a swift easy motion.
“I think I’m getting the hang of it again,” she said, smiling at the knife, and Jiang Cheng made a mental note to ask exactly how manymen she’d killed to get that criminal brand of hers, except the poor kid was sinking down to his knees with a horrified look and, shit, that horrible bastard, evil as he might have been, was probably the last person the kid had in this whole rotten world, wasn’t he?
“Does Jiang Hua still have those beginner manuals we dug up for her?” Jiang Cheng asked, and Jiang Qiao nodded. “Good. Tell her that starting today, Jiang Jianwen here’s her little brother. She’s been pining over raising someone ever since Jin Ling got to be too old to snuggle.”
The kid looked up with wide eyes.
“No, you don’t get a choice on the name,” Jiang Cheng told him. “Whatever name this piece of crap gave you, just forget it, you hear me? You can do better than him. But no more demonic cultivation!”
“I wish I could visit the Lotus Pier,” Wei Wuxian mumbled, looking wistfully downriver. They were very close by, but he still didn’t dare, even though Jiang Cheng had grumpily extended an invitation through Jin Ling. So much had happened – he just didn’t know where to even start.
He didn’t want to get into all that messy history with Jiang Cheng.
He just wanted to visit, that’s all.
He missed Jiang Cheng, but he missed the Lotus Pier, too. The food, the places, the air…
“I just need a secret way in that even the sect leader doesn’t know about,” he sighed. He’d once known them all – but there was a different sect leader now, and a different Lotus Pier. He couldn’t risk it: Jiang Cheng might find out that he’d snuck in and feel hurt, thinking that Wei Wuxian was avoiding him, when he was just avoiding the conversation; that would just make everything worse.
Lan Wangji would have distracted him, but Lan Wangji himself had been distracted – some man in Jiang sect colors with a heavy limp and an excited sort of air had rushed over, shouting something about wanting to talk about tax policy and possibly also games of chance, and Lan Wangji had all but fled. It had been so funny that Wei Wuxian had nearly laughed himself sick.
“I know one,” someone said, and Wei Wuxian glanced over: it was a young man in Jiang sect disciple robes, little more than a teenager – only a few years older than Jin Ling, if he had to guess. He was smiling, ducking his head a little; he looked proud of himself. “I mean, if you really want. But only if you don’t mean any harm!”
How adorable, Wei Wuxian thought, and grinned at him. “I just want something spicy without having to go through the whole process of greeting people, is that a crime?”
“Not at all!” the kid exclaimed, beaming, and Wei Wuxian almost felt bad for conning him. Almost.
“Do you really know a secret way in?” he asked, pretending to be doubtful. “Really?”
Sure enough, the kid – Jiang Jianwen, apparently, he must be the kid of one of the ones that survived the massacre – was easily lured into insisting that he did know, and then to agreeing to act as guide.
And, moreover, it turned out he really did know his way inside, which made this the easiest infiltration ever.
Or so Wei Wuxian thought right up until he felt a knife point touch his ribs.
“Well done, Jianwen!” a young woman – also in Jiang colors – said, reaching out and ruffling Jiang Jianwen’s hair.
“Aw, it was nothing,” he said, just as bashful as he was when he’d been talking to Wei Wuxian. “I couldn’t have done it without shixiong luring off Lan-er-gongzi.”
Wait, that’d been part of this, too?
That was worrisome.
“Hardly nothing,” the older woman standing behind Wei Wuxian said. She had a certain sort of rock-hard steadiness that was more worrying than the knife she was holding on him – she was a powerful cultivator, familiar with killing and scarred with a criminal’s brand, and yet she seemed entirely at ease in a way that suggested a strong sense of righteousness, with no guilt or weak points he might exploit to make an easy out. “You successfully conned the Yiling Patriarch into following you right into a trap.”
Wei Wuxian wondered if he could deny it.
“I don’t know, shijie, that doesn’t seem that hard,” the first woman said. “Isn’t he the kind of person to run head-first into danger at the first instance?”
“Head-first into danger, and like his tail’s on fire away from dogs,” the older woman agreed, and – damnit. There was clearly no denying it; they actually knew him. Though from where, he had no idea. “A-Hua, Jiangwen, let’s go – we don’t want to be late for our meeting.”
“I don’t suppose I can convince you to tell me who we’re going to go see?” Wei Wuxian tried, putting on his most charming smile. “Or, perhaps, who you are, and what you have against me…?”
“Jiang Jianwen you know,” the woman said, rather unexpectedly. “I’m Jiang Qiao, and this is Jiang Hua. Our shixiong is Jiang Zhou – he’s the one that makes Lan-er-gongzi lose his wallet every time he’s forced to visit Yunmeng.”
Wei Wuxian was almost distracted with the tantalizing prospects of stories about Lan Wangji. Almost.
“You’re all surnamed Jiang?” he asked, surprised: he might have believed it for Jiang Jianwen, maybe, he was young enough to be the son of someone in the last generation. But Jiang Hua and Jiang Qiao looked absolutely nothing alike either to each other or to Jiang Cheng, and at least Jiang Qiao was old enough that he should’ve recognized her if she’d been a Jiang. There’d been a lot of people in the old Jiang sect, even if you limited it to those surnamed Jiang, but he’d been Head Disciple back then – he’d known almost all of them.
“We’re adopted,” Jiang Jianwen said. He looked very proud. “Sect Leader Jiang took us into the family as part of the branch lines.”
Wei Wuxian had never once in his life wanted to have the surname Jiang, not even when he’d been mocked for not having it. He’d never even thought about it. Not ever.
He felt a stab of envy at the word family, though.
“He gave you his surname?” he asked, and tried not to feel jealous when they all nodded. “Oh.”
It made sense, he tried to tell himself as they walked through the back streets of the Lotus Pier. The Jiang sect had been demolished, and Jiang Cheng practically the only survivor but for whoever happened by coincidence to not be at home – the Jiang sect would need branch family members, and adoption made sense. There was no reason to resent the idea of Jiang Cheng giving the name he had always treated as being so precious to a branded former criminal, to a con man, to a commoner from the countryside, to a –
“You were a what?” Wei Wuxian exclaimed.
“A demonic cultivator,” Jiang Jianwen said bashfully. “Not a very a good one, though.”
Wei Wuxian wanted to say something to that. He didn’t know what, but something.
“Enough chatter,” Jiang Qiao said. “We’re here.��
Jiang Hua opened the door and Wei Wuxian stepped inside.
Then he tried to step back out, only to be crowded in by the others.
“No, no, no,” he said. “No, I was willing to play along until now, but this is a step too far. You don’t understand! She’s going to eviscerate me!”
Jiang Meimei – older than the teenager he remembered her being when she left the sect, but still unmistakable – grinned with her teeth bared.
“Oh good,” she said. “At least your brain is still working. Now come on and have a seat, and we’re going to talk about how you’ve been treating my baby cousin recently…”
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
HCs for Peter dating a weird girl
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: weird stuff lol uh murder, bugs, jeffrey dahmer talk, spiders, scary movies let me know if i missed anything
literally ive been thinking of this for so long now and get this. peter parker x weird girl reader. i made a post abt this earlier today and like,,,kinda like wednesday addams kinda girl yk??? lydia from beetlejuice, nancy from the craft, i digress
because GOOD LORD IVE BEEN WILLING TO SELL MY SOUL FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS,,, im like really weird by other peoples standards yk the kinda person who loved bugs as a child and still does (definitely doesnt have taxidermy moths on their wall lol why would i have that obviously not hahahhahah ?????????) and i genuinely need to know what a bitch like this would b like with that bug boy
would show him taxidermy spider collections because they do exist
point being, thoughts and onions. (if this can be counted as a request, hell yeah so be it) lol
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
Author’s Note: this is so me except i hate spiders with a burning passion. I hope you enjoy babe!
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- nerd boy weird girl supremacy!!!
- you probably become friends because you don’t really have anywhere to sit at lunch or something cliche like that
- people like Peter. It’s just that people aren’t really friends with him
- you like Peter though
- you thought he was cute, in a nerdy kind of way, and you liked making him stutter when you talked to him
- he thought you were really pretty <3 <3 <3
- the weirdness didn’t really stick out to him at first despite the fact it was at the forefront of your entire personality. He just thought you were really pretty
- then it hit him full throttle like omg okay wait wait when did we start talking about taxidermy and why did he think it was kind of cute
- you were really passionate about things many people thought was odd
- he understood that
- he could talk about photography for days on end and so he got to taking pictures of you
- the two of you started to date after that because it kind of made perfect sense to the two of you
- it was kind of like emo girl golden retriever boyfriend vibes
- he would get really excited with you about really random ass things
- when he found out you liked spiders he was surprised. Not many people were like that. He was even more surprised you had some stuffed ones. That was weird. But also awesome
- he almost broke down and showed you he was spider man right then
- is dying to do photoshoots with the weird shit in your room
- Why do you have so much stuff? This is all really random. Is this a fake ax?
- oh he has to use this in a photoshoot
- he would absolutely do lighting and all this filmbro shit, make sure you looked perfectly odd
- you make him watch scary movies and he’s kind of too scared of them but he does it. For you
- (more on that here)
- you totally dress him up sometimes all gothy
- he looks hot. He thinks he looks like he just walked out of a hot topic but you think he looks great
- skinny jeans, band t shirt or something like that and you obviously smudge eyeliner on him too
- you like to talk about dark shit sometimes
- Peter now knows a lot about Jeffrey Dahmer
- but you’re just so passionate he can’t get you to stop
- sometimes he talks about how like, Dahmer tried to be a scientist but he was wrong because x y and z
- you are slightly concerned if Peter ever goes off to kill people that he might be able to reanimate them
- you also try and do stuff he likes too
- you’ll go to the science museum together or something and you kind of have no idea what's going on but he enjoys himself so that’s good enough
- when he eventually tells you he’s spider-man you’re dumbfounded and also slightly in awe
- your peter? Spider-man?
- cute!
- amazed at how much blood that boy has in his body that he can bleed that much tbh
- overall the two of you work out somehow. It’s weirdly perfect. Peter thinks it’s picture perfect but he’s just cheesy
Marvel Tag List: @dpaccione, @demonchick1, @karasong, @elisaa-shelby, @lov3vivian, @russian-soft-bitch, @alexxavicry, @valentina-luvs-u, @demigirl-with-problems, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @caswinchester2000, @mads-weasley, @torresbarnes, @gxrlwithluv, @allthingsavenger-y, @navs-bhat , @inas-thing
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bi-bard · 3 years
Please Say That You're Joking (Pt.1) - Chuck Shurley Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: Please Say You're Joking (Pt. 1) [You can read part 2 by clicking here!]
Pairing: Chuck Shurley X Winchester!Reader
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 2,930 words
Warning(s): mentions of sex, threats of violence
Summary: (Season 4; Season 11) (Y/n) had a single one-night stand while coping with loss in a not healthy way... if only they had a clue about the weight of their actions.
Author's Note: I was recently going back through some of the "lighter" episodes of Supernatural because I wanted to watch something I could chuckle at. That's where this came from.
This might be the most crackheaded thing I've written in a while.
Also, the amount of things I had to bullshit my way through this is actually ridiculous.
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
Sam, Dean, and I walked into the motel room. We were all confused and slightly scared.
We had gone to a comic book shop to do some work on a case. However, we were then called fans.
Fans of what?
Well, fans of a series of books about our lives.
I was the middle Winchester child. Two years younger than Dean, two years older than Sam. I was beyond confused when I saw some weird, romanticized version of me on the cover of a book.
"This is so weird," I mumbled, plopping onto one of the beds in the room.
Sam jumped onto his laptop and started researching. Dean was holding one of the books, reading through it. I didn't even want to touch it.
"I don't like how he describes (Y/n)," Dean commented. "It's weird. It's like he's in love. Listen to this..."
Dean dramatically clears his throat and starts to read in an even more dramatic voice, "'Even after a hard hunt, (Y/n) could easily be seen as the most beautiful of the siblings. They mimicked the beauty of their mother more than their brothers. There's no bruise or cut that could take the loveliness away from the natural curves of (Y/n)'s face. If only they could see how everyone else would stare-"
"Okay, ew," I muttered, walking to the table. "What'd you find?"
"Well, it seems like Carver Edlund is a pen name," Sam shrugged. "And the fans are intense."
"As in," Dean asked, closing the book and joining the two of us at the table.
"Well," Sam handed me the laptop so Dean and I could look at it, "there's fanfiction. About all of us."
"What's this, 'Sam/Dean'," I asked.
"It's... me and Dean... together."
"They just don't care that we're related," Dean asked. Sam nodded.
"God, this is so weird."
"So, how do we find this guy," I asked.
--time skip--
We managed to find the publisher of the novels and found her house.
"So, you published the 'Supernatural' books," I asked as we walked in.
"Yep," she nodded. "Yeah, gosh. These books... they never really got the attention that they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap."
"Could not agree with you more," I said. "We're hoping that our article can shine a light on an underappreciated series."
"Yeah, because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press, then maybe we can start publishing again," she replied excitedly.
"No, no, no," Dean immediately shut her down. "I mean, why... why would you want to do that? It's such a complete series with Dean going to hell and all."
"Oh my god, that was one of my favorite ones," she rambled. "Dean was so strong and sad and brave. And Sam... I mean... the best ones are when they cry... like in 'Heart' when Sam had to kill Madison; the first woman since Jessica he'd really loved. When Dean had to call John in 'Home' and ask him for help. Or when (Y/n) went back to the motel room after getting kidnapped and just had to sit in their own head and had to truly process not only the death of their mother but now their father. The mixed feelings were amazing."
"You're a really big fan," I noted. She nodded.
"Gosh, if only real men were that open about their emotions."
"Real men," Dean asked.
"I mean, no offense," she replied. "How often do you cry like that?"
"Well, right now I'm crying on the inside," he muttered.
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"Lady, this whole thing is funny."
"How am I supposed to know this is legit?"
"Oh, trust me," Dean mumbled. "We're legit."
"Well, I don't want some smart-ass article making fun of my boys," she snapped as she sat in her chair.
"Oh, never," I replied quickly. "We actually are big fans."
"You read the books?"
"Cover to cover," I promised.
"What's the year and model of the car?"
"1967 Chevy Impala," Dean smiled proudly.
"What's May 2nd?"
"That's my- uh... Sam's birthday," Sam replied.
"Sam's score on the LSAT?"
"Umm... 174," Sam said nervously.
"(Y/n)'s first hunt?"
"Vampire in Washington," I answered. "Dean was at the motel sick and (Y/n) almost chopped John's head off when he scared them."
"(Y/n)'s favorite memory that's not related to hunting?"
I smiled, "Helping Sam get ready for a date when he was a teenager because Sam didn't trust what Dean had told him."
"Dean's favorite song?"
"It's a tie," Dean replied. "Between Zep's 'Ramble On' and 'Traveling Riverside Blues.'"
She finally laughed and smiled again, "Okay, okay. What do you wanna know?"
"What's Carver Edlund's real name," Sam asked.
"Oh, no. I can't," she shook her head.
"We just wanna talk to him," Sam continued. "You know, get the 'Supernatural' story in his own words."
"He's very private," she shrugged. "Like Salinger."
"Please," Sam tried again. "Like I said, we're um... big fans."
Sam unbuttoned his shirt enough to show his anti-possession tattoo. Dean pulled his shirt to the side to do the same. I rolled my eyes and yanked the arm of my jacket down and pulled up the sleeve of my t-shirt. I don't wear as many layers as them and I had opted to put the tattoo on my upper arm because I thought it looked nicer.
"Awesome," the lady mumbled before standing up. "Y'know what?"
I looked away as she pulled her pants down.
"I got one too."
"Wow, you are a fan," I slapped Dean's arm. The lady fixed her clothing before grabbing a pen and paper.
"Okay," she said. "His name's Chuck Shurley-"
And I stopped listening after that. I knew that name... why did I know that name... oh... oh no. I'm gonna kill him. We're going to meet this man and I am going to end up killing him.
I followed Sam and Dean as they started walking out of the woman's house.
"Excuse me," she called as we reached the door. We looked back at her. "I'm sorry, but you look exactly like how I picture (Y/n) when I read the books."
I chuckled, "Thanks."
"He describes (Y/n) with so much detail," she smiled. "You could play them in a movie."
"Thank you," I waved as we walked out.
"'You could play them in a movie,'" Dean teased.
"I know who Chuck is," I said, ignoring him.
"What," he asked. I nodded. "How?"
I pointed to get into the car. I got in the back seat and Sam and Dean sat upfront. Dean started driving to the address the lady gave us before I started speaking.
"Okay, when you went to hell, Sam's not the only one who ran off," I explained. "I wasn't gone for four months... just two weeks. In those two weeks, I got involved in a single one-night stand. The name he gave me was Chuck Shurley."
"You screwed the man who wrote books about us," Dean asked, sounding angry.
"Do you think I knew he was writing books based on our lives?"
"He had to have known who you are," Sam added. "This isn't an accident. He has to get visions or something."
"Yeah, I know," I nodded. "He made money off of my name and then screwed me."
"Damn," Dean mumbled. "I missed a hell of a lot."
I rolled my eyes.
--time skip--
I knocked on the door loudly. Sam grabbed my arm, shaking his head at me. The door was opened and I smiled obnoxiously as Chuck. He was in a robe, his boxers, and an old white shirt. He looked tired and like he hadn't had a goodnight's sleep in days.
"Chuck Shurley," Dean asked.
"Chuck Shurley that wrote the Supernatural books," Sam added.
"Nice to meet you," I said. "This is Sam... Dean... and I'm (Y/n)... the ones you've written books about."
Chuck sighed and went to shut the door. I stepped in, stopping it with my foot.
"Listen, I appreciate the enthusiasm, I really do and I remember you," he motioned at me, awkwardly grinning before seeming to shake the memories out of his head. I almost slapped him right then. "But please... go get a life."
"You see," Dean followed me, helping to force our way inside. Sam made sure the door shut behind us. "We have a life... and you're selling books about it."
"Okay, this isn't funny," Chuck mumbled.
"You're right," I said. "We just wanna know how you're doing it?"
"I'm just a writer, I'm not doing anything."
"Then why do you know so much about demons and tulpas and changelings?"
"Is this some kind of 'Misery' thing? Ah, it is, isn't it? It's a 'Misery' thing!"
"No, it's not," I shook my head. "Believe me, we're not fans."
"What do you want then," he asked.
"I'm Sam... and that's Dean and (Y/n)," Sam tried again.
"Those are fictional characters," Chuck yelled. "They aren't real!"
Dean grabbed him and pulled him outside.
"Wait, wait-"
"We aren't kidnapping you, calm down," I rolled my eyes. Dean opened the hidden compartment in the impala's trunk.
"Are those real guns?"
"Yes," I nodded. "And real rock salt, real fake IDs."
Chuck let out a laugh at it, "Well, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really are my number-one fans. That... That's awesome. So, I-I think I've got some poster in the house."
"Chuck, stop," I rolled my eyes, grabbing his arm as he went to walk away.
"Please don't hurt me," he begged.
"How much do you know," Sam asked. "Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?"
"How do you know about that?"
"Have you not been listening," I asked. "The real question is how do you?"
"Because I wrote it," he explained.
"You kept writing?"
"The books never came out because the publisher went bankrupt," he furrowed his eyebrows.
I stepped back, letting go of his arms.
"Okay, wait a minute," Chuck crossed his arms. "This is some kind of joke, right? Did Phil put you up to this?"
"Oh my god," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. I grabbed his robe. "I'm sorry but I'm really tired. Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n) Winchester, these are my brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester. You wrote and published books about us, probably knew who I was, and then you still slept with me."
He stared at me in shock.
"What," I asked.
"The last names were never in the books," he mumbled. "I never told anyone about that. I never even wrote that down."
"Then I guess we have a lot to talk about," I let go of his robe.
The three of us followed him inside.
--time skip--
"I got a visit from Cas," Dean explained as he walked in. "I've some important information."
After talking to Chuck and getting a draft of what was supposed to happen, we were all panicking. Dean told us to wait here. Lilith was going to come for Sam and we both thought it'd be harder if there was more than one of us here at all times.
Now, Dean was coming back from seeing Chuck.
"And that important information is...," Sam trailed off.
"He's a prophet of the lord," Dean said, smirking at me.
I shut my eyes, letting my head fall forward.
"Please say you're joking," I mumbled.
"Nope," Dean replied.
Sam looked over at me. He only started chuckling after his brother broke.
Dean was laughing his head off within seconds, "You screwed a prophet!"
"Shut up," I groaned. "I'm gonna kill him!"
"Archangel will kill you."
"I'll happily pay that price," I muttered. "I slept with a prophet."
"At least that means he didn't write himself to sleep with you," Sam tried to comfort me.
"Yeah, God just decided I was supposed to sleep with the guy publishing books about my life," I replied sarcastically. "That makes me feel so much better."
"Come on, it could be worst-"
"Sam, love you, but don't finish that sentence if you even kind of value your life," I muttered.
I was desperate for this conversation to just end.
--time skip--
After all was said and done, and Chuck accidentally helped us chase Lilith away for a while, we gave Chuck a lift back to his place.
I followed him up to his door, offering to look around and make sure that he's safe. He shook his head.
"I have an archangel protecting me," he reminded me. "Can't get any safer than that."
I nodded.
"I'm sorry, by the way," he said. "About us. I didn't recognize you until after... it all... and I didn't say anything because I didn't really know how to explain it. The whole event makes me feel all scummy."
"It's alright," I replied with a chuckle. "It's fine, I promise."
He offered me a nervous smile, "Y'know, in all of my visions, you're the most vivid thing."
With a grin, I leaned over and kissed his cheek gently. I stepped back and headed back toward the impala. I made sure to take note of his nervous and flustered face.
"See you around, Chuck!"
"You... You too," he called after me. I got in the backseat and got comfortable.
"So... screwing the prophet wasn't that bad," Dean asked.
I just rolled my eyes, waving through the window at Chuck as Dean pulled away from the curb. Leave it to a Winchester to end up in a situation like that.
--time skip (season 11)--
Sam and I followed Dean with our guns ready. Dean was following the amulet that he had owned for a long time without even knowing it could show us where God was.
Everyone had been infected by Amara only minutes ago but now it was okay and Dean's amulet was glowing.
"Holy shit," I mumbled, seeing who was walking over to us.
He was supposed to be dead. That's why Kevin's prophet powers had been activated.
"No way," Dean said.
"Hey," Chuck... or God said. "We need to talk."
Despite our understandable hesitation, Chuck reached forward, teleporting all of us back to the bunker. I stepped away from him, slightly overwhelmed.
"(Y/n)," Chuck walked over and tried to grab my arm. I instinctually slapped him. I was nothing but confusion and anger. "I deserved that. Just, please?"
I stepped away again.
From behind Chuck stepped Kevin's ghost. My breath caught in my throat. The poor boy had been through so much shit because of us.
Kevin told us about how we looked stressed and that we should listen to Chuck.
Then, Chuck waved his hand. Kevin turned into a ball of white and blue light before ascending beyond the bunker.
"Where'd he go," I asked.
"Heaven, where he deserves," Chuck promised. I nodded.
I listened to the rant about how Chuck had abandoned us all and how awful things were. Then, the conversation turned to the plan to stop Amara. The boys talked about needing Lucifer and Chuck got incredibly upset. In a fit, he went to leave. I stepped in front of him.
"No," I said bluntly. "Even if you want to avoid the subject of your estranged son, you can't just leave."
"Sam, Dean," I looked at them. "Give us a minute?"
They both nodded, glaring at Chuck on their way out. I tried to ignore the instincts that were telling me that Chuck was just selfish.
"(Y/n)," Chuck mumbled.
"Just answer my questions," I said. "Then we can discuss what to do with Amara without you storming away recklessly. Okay?"
He nodded.
"Have you been God the whole time," I asked.
He nodded.
"You wrote all of our stories?"
Another nod.
"Did you write that I was going to sleep with you?"
I felt manipulated and angry. I was desperate for an answer. I knew that this could've made me feel like dirt, but I needed to know.
"No," Chuck said. I clenched my jaw, ready to call him a liar. "I told you. I had been pretty much hands-off for a long time. Did I know who were? Absolutely. I'm sorry I lied to you about that. But I didn't plan anything between us. We weren't some divine plan."
I nodded, looking down.
"You know how Dean and Amara are connected," he asked. I nodded, looking back at him. "We're like them."
"And that's not a divine plan-"
"I'm not doing a good job explaining this," Chuck shook his head. "It feels like we're like them. Like there's this bond that just happened as soon as we met."
"You lied to me, for years," I said. "Saying we have some bond isn't gonna fix that."
"I know."
We both fell silent. Slowly, I started laughing. Chuck furrowed his eyebrows, "My only one-night stand... and it was God."
Chuck started laughing with me while I really processed what I had done.
I slowly stopped laughing.
I didn't notice until it was too late that Chuck had slowly gotten closer to me. As soon as his lips brushed mine, I pushed him back. Not hard, but enough to get him to step away.
"No," I mumbled. "Not that, no."
Chuck nodded, "Got it."
"Now," I sighed, "we need to actually plan to stop Amara, and if we need Luci-"
"We don't," he said bluntly. "We can do something else. We don't need him. Okay?"
I nodded. In my gut, I trusted him. Maybe that was me being an idiot but I did trust him. For now at least.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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Also I was expecting “The Birth of Kitaro” to be more full of feels, and it likely will be in the 2022 movie, but yeah, the manga version is hilariously brisk and not very sympathetic to Kitaro lmao... Basically goes like this, paraphrased...
Mizuki: Shit dude. Yokai blood got into the blood bank somehow and it turning people into monsters. This could hurt the company’s reputation! It’s up to me...
Mizuki: *IMMEDIATELY realizes he got way in over his head and isn’t gonna stop realizing this for like 6-7 years apparently lmao*
Mizuki: Okay so this tainted yokai blood came from... MY OWN ADDRESS?! I guess there’s that rotten old temple out back--*goes to check it out*
Mizuki: Dude I really gotta tell the blood bank about you guys mixing your yokai blood into the supply, I get you needed money for medicine, but this is legit harming/killing people, it’s my ethical responsibility...
Kitaro’s Dad: Oh sweet! Cool, thanks bro. :)
Mizuki, comes back 9 months later to find they’re both dead: Oh thank god that worked itself out! Guess I should bury these things. but... Damn that’s a lotta hard work. And that dad is already super icky so uh... Look I’m just gonna bury the mom, okay? Okay.
Mizuki: *hears noises coming from the grave 3 days later* Sure, I’ll check this out I guess... OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, KILL IT, KILL IT--Oh wait, it’s a baby. Sorry about that, kid! *fucks off*
Kitaro’s Dad: *the eyes that should have rotted first are apparently the last thing to go for this dude so he just straight up turns into a giant eyeball-dude and goes to help his son, apparently never once regretting fucking his zombiefied wife who was in no shape to get pregnant, jus finds his son and puts him on a leash like a dog and drags him to Mizuki’s house lmfao??*
Mizuki: *having a nice peaceful slumber--LOL NOT ANYMORE* EW OH MY GOD IT’S THAT MONSTER CHILD I TRIED TO KILL BEFORE, IN MY BED!!! ...You know what I’m just too tired, fuck it I give up, I guess I’ll “raise you as my own”, or whatever... *is totally not going to do this lmao*
Mizuki’s mom: Um... What are you going to do with that child? *a very very VERY legit question*
Mizuki: Oh mother... Can’t talk! Late for work! I’m off!
Mizuki’s mom: ...Fine. (IT LITERALLY WENT LIKE THAT LMAO... XD Like the last few lines and the next few lines basically aren’t even paraphrasing, it’s straight from the book... XD)
6 Years later... 
Mizuki’s mom: Dude that creepy Kitaro kid you took in keeps going places at night...
Mizuki: Yeah, I know...
Mizuki: *comes back* I have no idea where he went, I lost him in the graveyard--
Mizuki: Kitaro! I followed you last night, but lost you by a tree in the graveyard! Where did you go?
Kitaro: I was playing in the world of the dead...
Mizuki: Quit yanking my chain kid, as if such a place really even exis--
Kitaro: It’s where spirits live...
Mizuki: WAIT I SUDDENLY BELIEVE YOU, WTF, CHILDREN SHOULDN’T PLAY WITH THE DEAD?! Okay I am so over this whole “raise you like my own” thing by now, my mom was right, you’re an abomination and you gotta go man...
Daddy Eyeball: Oh hey, Kitaro! You’re totally not being kicked out buddy, lets go see the world! 
Kitaro, apparently: I will forever help humans because of all that you have done for me, Mizuki. I am truly grateful.
Me: And I am truly grateful... That you didn’t realize what an asshole Mizuki’s character really was and decide to never help humans ever... XD;;;;;
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stardusttrashed · 3 years
Drunk In Love
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Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Swearing, Drunk reader, Fluff, Angst (if you squint), Brief mentions of NSFW
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!reader
Summary: Katsuki comes to pick you up from a hangout after you drunk called him 
A/n: loosely based off drunk me... yes I hogged all the watermelon jolly ranchers by putting them in my bra, don’t judge lol. Also all characters are of drinking age
“Where’s my little dumbass,” Katsuki grumbled as he stood outside the door. The bitter cold was slowly beginning to seep through his numerous layers. He jammed his hands into his pockets, hunched over from the cold and out of annoyance. It was three in the morning and beginning to snow, yet here he was miles away from his warm, cozy house because you had drunkenly called not once but five times. 
“Over there hogging all the Jolly Ranchers,” Sero laughed, nodding over his shoulder. The cold outside air was hitting him like a truck, killing the little buzz he had. He stepped aside, making room for Katsuki to come inside. “She won’t let me get one until she’s done.”
Katsuki could hear your carefree giggles from inside the room, followed by delighted squeals. “What does this one say?” You asked with childlike curiosity as you shoved the piece of candy into Mina’s view.
Katsuki sighed and shook his head, holding back a laugh. “Tch, figures. Damn idiot,” he muttered under his breath as he stepped inside, shutting and locking the door behind him. 
“How’s it going outside?” Sero crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall, casually huddling up to regain the warmth he just lost. “Heard it’s supposed to get colder.”
Katsuki shrugged nonchalantly, “started snowing on my way here.” The small two-bedroom apartment felt like a warm summer’s day compared to the frigid weather. It was like being thrown straight into an oven after spending so long in a freezer. He shrugged off his coat and shoes, “couldn’t exactly ignore her calls, though.” His eyes scanned the small, open room for you. 
“Denki,” you giggled loudly, immediately getting Katsuki’s attention. “I said only watermelon flavor dummy.” Katsuki watched as you pulled a Jolly Rancher out of your shirt. “This isn’t even red, dumbass,” you slurred before throwing the purple piece of candy at Denki’s chest.
“Yeah, dummy,” Mina teased with a smirk. She leaned forward, hunching over to look over your shoulder. You were comfortably situated in between her legs, sitting on the floor in front of her while she sat on the couch. “That’s another cherry, sweetie.”
“Thanks, doll face,” you beamed, blowing her a kiss before tossing the piece into the pile on the coffee table. 
“Here’s another,” Kirishima called out, holding a piece up in the air. Unlike Denki and Mina, Kirishima had mainly kept to himself. He was sprawled out on the loveseat, legs hanging over the armrest. It was comfortable, but he’d be lying if he said part of him didn’t want to be closer to Mina and Denki, helping you stuff the candies into your bra. You were cute; there was no denying that, nor was there any denying that he had the biggest crush on you in high school. But you were dating Katsuki now, and no amount of drinks could make him forget that.
Katsuki watched as Mina and Denki drunkenly scrambled to grab the piece from Kirishima. It was like watching an intense tug of war match between toddlers. His eyes wandered away from them, taking in the empty bottles and candy strewn across the room. 
“Got it,” Mina shouted with a wide grin, grabbing Katsuki’s attention once again. She sat back down on the couch, allowing you to settle between her legs once again. She stuck her tongue out at Denki like a child before focusing on you. Giggles spilled from her mouth, fueled on by your giggles as she reached in your shirt and tucked the piece of candy into your already full bra. 
“Touch her boobs again, and you’re dead raccoon eyes,” Katsuki snapped as she pulled her hand out of your shirt. He let out a huff of satisfaction as Mina and Denki scrambled away from you. “The same goes for the rest of you!” Despite the vagueness of his words, his eyes bore holes into the side of Denki’s head, who refused to make eye contact.
“Is that my Katsuki baby,” you squealed, scrambling to your feet. You could barely stand, your legs wobbling like jelly as you made your way towards him. “Hi, baby! I missed you tons,” you slurred with a dopey smile on your face. You threw your arms around his neck partially to anchor yourself, but mostly just to hold him close. “I haven’t seen you in forever.” 
Katsuki shook his head with an amused chuckle. There was no doubt you were drunk, and as much as he wanted to be upset, he couldn’t be. You were like a child in a candy store, eyes wide and full of awe as you looked up at him. “Hey princess,” he cooed quietly as he wrapped his arm around your waist. “I’ve missed you too.” His free hand cupped your cheek gently, his thumb gently tracing your cheekbone. The way you leaning into his touch brought a loving smile onto his face. “But, I see you’ve been having fun.”
“I would’ve had more if you were here the whole time,” you huffed with a pout. You swore you could feel yourself becoming drunker and drunker from him. His touch. His crimson eyes. His warmth. The sweet burnt caramel smell. Everything about him was intoxicating. He made you drunker than any drink could, and the scariest part was just how addicting he was. You needed your little gremlin more than you needed the air in your lungs. “So pretty,” you muttered under your breath. Before you could stop yourself, you leaned forward, pressing your lips against his. 
The kiss was shorter than you both would’ve liked, feeling more like a tease than anything else. Katsuki was the first to pull back, causing you to whine quietly.
“Taste?” you asked worriedly, reaching up to wipe away the crinkles of disgust on his nose. Katsuki was never much of a drinker for as long as you have known him. The most you’ve ever seen him have was two shots, so he usually ended up being the designated driver between the two of you. Out of all the conversations you’ve had with him about it, you could never figure out which part he hated more--the taste or becoming impaired. “‘M sorry,” you continued without waiting for an answer.
“It’s okay, baby,” Katsuki reassured you, forcing himself to give you another peck on the lips. Out of everything that came from you drinking, this was always his least favorite part. He hated how the alcohol took over until it was all he could taste on your lips. He missed your naturally sweet taste that would get him drunker than any amount of shots he could ever take. Yet he loved how needily affectionate you’d become, showering him with love and compliments--not that he’d ever tell you. “See, no need to apologize,” he cooed, kissing your forehead. 
“I can kiss her for you,” Denki drunkenly shouted, the alcohol providing him a scary amount of courage. The stupid grin on his face quickly vanished as Katsuki glared daggers at him.
“As If,” you quickly cut in before Katsuki could rip him a new one. “Only kisses I wan’ are from my honey bunches of oats right ‘ere.” You smiled up at him, “right, baby?” You weren’t sure what exactly you were asking about—everything you just said barely processing in your head.
“Good answer, sweetheart.” He leaned in to reward you with a kiss but stopped short at the squeak that sounded from you.
You pressed your finger against his lips, stopping him from coming any closer. “Hol’ on.” You dug around in your bra and pulled out a Jolly Rancher, promptly popping it into your mouth. “Ta-da! Now I’ll taste yummy,” you slurred with a giggle as you sucked on the hard candy.
Katsuki chuckled proudly, hooking his finger under your chin, “you always taste yummy to me.” He pressed his lips against yours, gentle at first but growing increasingly possessive once he notices Denki stealing glances your way. He teasingly sucked on your lower lip, eliciting a soft moan from you. Katsuki took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, caressing your tongue with his until he grabbed ahold of the candy in your mouth, taking it for himself. Despite the hunger in the kiss, when he pulled away, all you could make out in his crimson eyes were complete adoration. “Now, let’s get you home, yeah?” 
You cupped your hand around your mouth and drunkenly whispered, “can we fuck when we get home?” 
“Some other time,” he gently kissed your lips once more, “you need water and rest.”
“Cuddles?” You asked with a pout.
“Sure, sweetheart-.”
“And head?”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you squealed before throwing your arms around his neck. “Bye, guys! Katsuki and I are gonna fuck!”
“No, we aren’t.”
“Denki, I’ll call if we don’t!”
Katsuki growled as he wrapped a protective arm around your waist, “like hell, you will!” His hand holding your waist began to flicker as sparks were being created like little poopers. “You’re mine! I’ll kill-,” Katsuki shouted. 
“I’m kiddin’,” you giggle, giving his cheek a peck. “Totally kiddin’ dummy. Y’know I’d only call cutie pie Kiri.” You could feel Kirishima snap his head towards you, his eyes boring into your side. With a shrug, you ignore Katsuki’s shocked look, “he’s cute and sweet. Oh, and easy to make hard!”
“Shut the hell up,” Katsuki snapped as he angrily put his jacket on you. 
“Cause his quirk,” you continued.
“I said shut it!”
“He’s like my dream boyfriend, and you’re my dream husband, y’know.”
“Another damn word, and you won’t get cuddles.”
You gasped, bouncing on the balls of your feet a few times before losing balance and falling into Katsuki’s chest. “Cuddles and fries?”
“No. I’ll see you guys later,” Katsuki called out over his shoulder as he ushered you to the door. 
“Kiri woulda said yes,” you shrugged as you followed him out into the cold. You clung to his arm for dear life, trying to keep him warm and help yourself stand upright. 
“I’m going to blow you to bits if you don’t shut up.”
“Nah, uh, you love me too much.”
“I swear I’m gonna murder you.”
“With love?”
“Rude! My husband Katsuki wouldn’t treat me like this. He’d give me all the cuddles and fries I wan’.” 
“Sure he would,” he huffed as he opened the car door for you. His cheeked grew warm at your new name for him.
“He would! Cause I love ‘im fuck tons and he loves me-,” you gasped, just now realizing the thin white sheet on the ground. “It’s snowing!”
“Y/n, if you don’t get your ass in the car,” Katsuki groaned. “It’s snowing, it’s cold, and I have to drive home to give you cuddles and fries. So, please.” 
“Okay, hubby,” you smiled sleepily, complying almost instantly and earning a chuckle from him. Your eyes followed him as he leaned over you, buckling you in before handing you the bottle of water from the cup holder. “Y’know, I think you’re cuter than Kiri, and I love ya a lot more.”
Katsuki didn’t reply to you; instead, he closed your door and walked around to the driver’s side. He had buckled in and already began driving before he placed his hand over yours, “I love you too, little dumbass.”
“Your dumbass?” You asked as you took a sip of water.
“My beautiful, drunk, dumbass wifey,” he confirmed with a teasing smirk. 
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
I'm sorry, didn't Jensen say Chaos Machine was working on something SPN related with SPN alum in their virtual pannel? It's not like JP was completely blindsided. He said he was doing it months ago, just didn't give details. Also, isn't JP working on Walker? Didn't he say he wanted to work close to home? Didn't he say that overworking himself lead to his breakdown? Doesn't he already have like 4 other side projects going on? Like, why would Jensen involve him if JP was already busy enough? Doesn't he have a family to worry about? J and D are working together on this so it makes sense that wherever the might have to go for it, the kids will be with them, but Gen would most likely not be involved, so why bother? Is he itching to get away from his family that bad?
And you are absolutely right. It's a little (a lot) hypocritical for JP to hijack the spnfamily and turn it in to the walkerfamily, use spn easter eggs and actors to promote his show and get views, claim that his show will last longer than the show that gave him a majority of his fame, then get butthurt when Jensen ( who was equally involved in said show) makes his own spn project. Do the people who are pissed honestly think JP consulted Jensen about all the SPN junk he used? Also,it's a prequel about John and Mary. Dean and Sam weren't even born yet. "Sam Winchester won't be involved whatsoever" yeah no sh*t sherlock. He didn't exist yet. Jensen said he wasn't going to talk about it (again in the virtual panel) until he got the ball rolling. The other cast members made jokes about being on the show because they knew their characters weren't even involved in the story at that point. No one was except, John and Mary.
Like, the two of them worked together for 16 years, they are allowed to do their own thing without involving the other.
And as for the people saying " Well I guess Soldier Boy isn't going to be such a big role after all if Jensen already has another project lined up"... uh yeah..no shit. For a group of people who were complaining about h*llers joining The Boys fandom for Jensen, y'all sure act like you don't know how that show works either. I've read the comics so I knew SB wasn't gonna last long ( it could change idk) but like, no one is safe on that show except for The Boys themselves and select members of the Seven. Literally everyone dies. Have they even watched the show? The killed a main supe a few episodes in. Did they join the fandom for Jensen? Were they projecting? The character they made a big deal about last season got torn to shreds in the season finale. Like, c'mon pay attention. The supes are the bad guys.
And how does JP know Jensen wasn't going to involve him later? He doesn't. Instead he created public dramathis fandom is absolutely ridiculous sometimes, I swear.
You win the award for best ask today because you have brought ALL the points!
I doubt Jared asked Jensen's permission or anything like that before using SPN for his show, using the "family" thing for his new projects, or using his face for views and interest for his own personal gain. I can see him being upset if it was about Sam and Dean because of course he'd need to be involved, but a prequel before the boys' time? Why would Sam or Dean be involved?
We don't know if Jensen tried to tell Jared behind the scenes, but knowing what we know about Jensen, I don't think he did this as a dick move. He probably figured he wouldn't need to warn Jared considering SAM AND DEAN AREN'T EVEN INVOLVED. Also, HE ALREADY TALKED ABOUT IT WITH JARED. So him acting like this is some big surprise is shitty and manipulative. Can't let the CW golden child be outshined, now can we?
Maybe he's just worried that this show (if it even gets picked up, I think it's just in the works right now, no?) will do better than Walker and will further prove that Jared can't seem to hold his own. You can't sit there and distance yourself from the show to try and make yourself a big star (except when it comes to using it for your own personal gain) and then get pissed off when someone else takes the opportunity you didn't want.
Jared could have done something with SPN, a prequel, a sequel, whatever. He chose to take the job that was handed to him on a silver platter instead and wanted to try and be the next big thing. Jensen decided to do something with the show and that's his right.
The stans trying to downplay Jensen's role on The Boys seems like they're just looking for things to use against him. I don't think Jensen was acting like this was going to be his next big break and that he was going to be on a 15 season arc (cough cough), so the only people who thought that were the stans. Jensen has talked about being behind the camera for years, no? So it's no surprise that he's going to try and do something behind the scenes, and why not have it be SPN related for that debut?
Also, it was easy for Jared to just piss off to his new life as long as the fans keep lining his pocket. Jensen seems to want to do something for the fans that have been there since the beginning. Just comparing their behaviors since SPN ended, Jensen seems to want to do something for the fans rather than seeing them as dollar signs.
Again, Jared knew exactly what he was doing with those tweets. He doesn't have a very good track record with handling things privately, and I'm just glad he didn't doxx the Ackles' for being mean to him like he does with customer service workers.
I don't want to make assumptions about Jensen talking to Jared or not until we hear from him because it seems out of character for him. If he really didn't reach out, then yeah that's kinda crappy, but Jared is also getting karma for his shit behavior lately so it's a catch 22.
All in all, this might be the thing that officially makes me anti Jared.
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wille-zarr · 4 years
The Mandalorian: “Kissing is Disgusting”
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In Fields of White ~ Chapter Eight ~ “Kissing is Disgusting”
masterlist / previous chapter / next chapter
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x f!reader
warnings: rated M for language; angst; threats of violence; alcohol consumption
word count: 12.7k
chapter summary: after waving goodbye to life on arvala-7, you anxiously continue along your journey to nar shaddaa... but when tensions erupt and dangers arise, your bond with the mandalorian is put to the ultimate test.
story summary: fleeing from the life you wish more than anything to forget, you are left to navigate the galaxy alone as a wide-eyed wanderer. in the process of evading the dangers linked to your previous life, your destiny is forever altered when you cross paths with an intimidating mandalorian and his unusually gifted child.
a/n: fluff and angst awaits!
also found on: Ao3
In Fields of White
Chapter Eight: “Kissing is Disgusting”
Well, so much for promising yourself to behave around the Mandalorian… Only ten days since you were gutted like a colo claw fish, and you’re already back to flirting with a vengeance.
You will never learn, will you?
“Not bad, Ka’r’ika.”
You stare at the target, your brows creasing as you assess your hit.
“Not bad? Kriff it, Din! Look at that!” You fling your arm out in the direction of the target. “My vibroblade hit the inner target ring this time! Almost the bullseye!” You spin around, glaring daggers at him. “How about you give me just a little bit of positive praise for once?” You cross your arms tightly across your chest, a smirk tickling on your lips. “Or would that kill you?”
The Mandalorian tilts his head to the side, hooking two fingers in his belt as he stares over at you. “I did give you praise,” he grumbles through his vocoder. 
“Not bad? You call that praise?” You purse your lips, a smile threatening to break the character you were playing. “Din Djarin, have you ever taught anyone anything before? Positive praise is a crucial part of the learning process.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing at the heavy, long-suffering sigh that slips beneath his helm. 
“Fine. You’re doing… okay.” His voice is dry, utterly unbothered by your grievances.
“Well, if I’m still not meeting the Mandalorian’s standards-” you march over to the target, yanking out your vibroblade from where it juts from the board- “you’ll just have to show me how to throw the blade again, step-by-step.” 
You casually stroll towards him, twirling the blade between your fingers. Flashing Din an impish grin, you hold your vibroblade out expectantly.
The Mandalorian sighs, heavy and tired. But you’ve spent enough time with him that you could now detect the jest, the amusement layered within his tone.
Spinning around to face the board, it takes every ounce of your willpower to keep from giggling like a schoolgirl as his hands curl around your shoulders, pulling you back against his chest. 
Maybe it was a tad conniving of you, but…
You’ve been, uh… faking bad throws… Lots of them.
In fact, you really didn’t require any training from the Mandalorian in vibroblade throwing. A few days prior, you took the initiative to do some independent practice. It only took a few initial swings, and your muscle memory kicked back in, each one of your throws hitting the bullseye, true and center.
But, well, let’s just say you have a reason- a good, though admittedly mischievous reason- for feigning incompetence at the moment… 
“Okay, Ka’r’ika-” Din’s gloved hand glides around your shoulder, gently inching its way down your right arm. He pauses at your wrist. “Relax this,” he rumbles right above your ear, his left hand lightly squeezing your shoulder. 
“And stop tensing.”
Oh, karking hells. You clench your teeth, trying to ignore how big and warm and close he is. How the kriff are you supposed to just not tense with the Mandalorian glued to the back of your body like a blasted Mynock? 
“I am breathing!” you squeak. Okay, maybe you had been holding your breath, but, again, he’s glued to your back like a Mynock leeching off electromagnetic energy. How the hell are you supposed to just blasted… breathe?
“Loosen your stance,” he whispers in your ear, releasing your wrist. He takes a step back, and you frown at the loss of his comforting- though admittedly distracting- presence.
You stare at the bullseye, letting your eyes drop-drop-drop down to the outer ring. 
Your target. With one last little smirk, you fling your arm back, shift your body weight forward, and give a sharp snap of the wrist.
You hit exactly where you intended, the outer ring. Holy shavit, your dad would be proud! 
“Hell yeah!” 
You catch Din staring at you, head angled curiously at your elation over an apparently even worse throw than before. “Oh, um-” you shrug, flipping your grin for a scowl- “Din, I, uh, I’m just really bad at this. Please, let’s practice hand-to-hand defense now. I’ll have more use for that anyway.”
“No,” he grunts, stalking towards the target to yank your blade out. “You aren’t healed enough.”
“Come on, Din!” You drop down into a fighting stance as he slowly strides back towards you. “I am perfectly healed. Omera’s slathered me in enough bacta to heal a chopped-in-half dewback.” 
He moves closer, and you playfully reach out to slap the back of your hand against his Beskar-armored chest. 
“Come on, Mandalorian, what are you- WHU- HEY!”
He’s bent you over backwards, trapping you against his side with an arm wrapped around your waist.
“This is what you wanted.”
“Let me go! I wasn’t ready!” 
“You weren’t?”
Stars, you hate that stupid smugness in his voice! You wiggle against his hold, but he only presses you tighter under his arm.
“Blast it, Din!” You fling out your hand, landing a sharp smack against his ass. “Let me go, you rusted tin can!”
He drops his hold, and you stumble out from under his arm. You promptly flip around, shooting daggers into his darkened visor. He just stares right back, resting both hands on his hips, all cool and calm against your fire.
You reach up, bunch your hat in your hand, and smack it down against your thigh. “Din Djarin!” you snap. “You take too much pleasure in dominating me!”
He does not answer. Just… stands there- his visor latched on you. 
You open your mouth to speak, but you slap it shut when he sharply angles his head to the side. “Ready to try the blade again?” His voice is gruffer than usual, gravelly. Deep and, blast it, okay! 
Fucking sexy.
You yank the hat back on your head, crossing your arms tightly across your chest. “Yeah, sure,” you mumble, averting your eyes from him. “And I will hit that karking bullseye.”
You will. Kriff it. You’re done playing your little flirtatious game for attention. It’s time to show the Mandalorian what you’ve been holding back. Make him bloody well proud of you…. Not that you care to make him proud or anything…
You dig the heel of your foot into the dirt, marking your distance from the target. “Watch and learn, Man-do.”
A hand slips under your arm, gripping your elbow from behind. “Relax this time,” Din rasps, low and deep, into your ear. He releases your elbow as swiftly as he had grabbed it. You swallow, ignoring the little lurch in your stomach.
Stars, this man is a menace.
You shake your head, trying to clear it of… uh, distraction. Sighing under your breath, you stare out at the target.
The bullseye.
Pull back.
“Pablo!” you yelp, watching as your vibroblade flings well above the target, missing the board altogether. “You absolute dune worm!” Spinning around, you stomp straight up to where Pablo stands a few feet behind Din. 
Pablo leaps back, hands forward in surrender. “Wait, what did I do?” He points a finger at himself.
“You-” you slap his hat back- “made me miss!”
With a sharp snort, he leans down to stare you directly in the eyes. “Maybe you just need more practice, sweetheart.”
“Oh, look who’s talking!” You push against his chest. “A man encased in carbonite until I saved-”
“Oh, here we go again! I told y-”
“Din kicked your ass.”
“I was distract-”
“Froze your ass.”
“He was lucky-”
“And I melted your ass.”
“Now look-” 
Pablo stills, slapping his mouth shut.
At the same time, a heavy shadow drapes over your body, cloaking you within a protective cocoon. You look to the right.
“Mando,” you smirk up at Din. “I’ve changed my mind. Teach me to use a staff. Then I can keep Pablo six feet away at all times.”
You hear a puff of modulated air. “As you please, Ka’r’ika.” The words are husky through his helmet’s vocoder. He hooks a finger in his belt. “But not until you’re completely healed.”
“Works for me,” you grin, letting your lazy outer rim accent slip forward. “Pablo, scram, blurg-brain. But get my blade first.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Pablo sighs, throwing you a half-hearted salute.
“You did well today.”
The grin on your face grows, practically ear-to-ear. You peek out from under your hat’s brim, meeting the Mandalorian’s dark visor boring into your eyes.
“You’ll be as good as me one day.” The Mandalorian says it so low, so quiet that you could barely hear it over the breeze whipping through the homestead. He doesn’t wait for a reply, just turns to watch Pablo walk up, your vibroblade extended from his hand.
Pablo winks as you take the blade from him. “Later, sweetheart.” Chuckling, he strolls towards the hut, thankfully leaving you and Din alone once again.
“Come on now-” you turn back to Din- “I could never be a professional such as yourself.” You snort before continuing, “I mean, how long have you been learning all this Mandalorian stuff? Years, I imagine.”
Din drops his hand from his belt, slowly turning, pausing upon finding a few of the children running in the distance. “See the children?” 
You nod. 
He drops his visor away from your face. “I wasn’t much older than they are now-” his voice slows, warming with each word he speaks- “when I was taken in as a foundling.” 
You blink. “Oh.”
You might not be able read his face, but you recognize the raw emotion hidden in his tone all too well.
“I owe them my life,” he rasps, the words scratchy through the vocoder. “After my parents died, the Mandalorians took me in as one of their own.”
You- you hadn’t realized. Din mentioned his parents died during the Clone Wars, but not that the Mandalorians had rescued him, taken him in. The thought of a young Din, alone and scared, trapped in the middle of a war a child could never comprehend…
You swallow the lump in your throat. It… hit too close to home.
“We really do have a lot in common,” you mumble, your eyes drifting along the gleaming sunlight crowning his Beskar helm.
He barely nods at your words.
Then the air turns… awkward, tense… neither of you knowing what exactly to say or do next. You mindlessly flip your vibroblade over in your hand, afraid any words would make the air even more uncomfortable. I mean, what do you say? Hey, Din! It’s great we can bond over our dead families?
“To be honest-” you nearly drop the blade at Din’s voice- “I… didn’t learn much about blade throwing from the Mandalorians.”
You raise an eyebrow, questioning the hesitation in his voice.
“When I was younger, a woman... a Twi’lek…” He shuffles his weight back and forth, looking everywhere, it seems, but at you.
You raise an eyebrow. 
“A woman?” You smile a bit too sweetly, nudging the Mandalorian with an elbow. “A lover, perhaps?”
He stares out at the distance, but you think you notice a slight shrug.
You force a laugh, more a bark, to be honest. 
“Was she pretty?” 
You lean forward, tapping his armor with the end of your blade. 
“Did she… break your heart?”
He looks at you. 
“She tried to stab it.” 
You sheath the blade.
“Well,” you puff, “that’d certainly kill a relationship.” 
Yanking your blade back out, you fling it over and over and over in your hand, trying to ignore the burn searing up your throat. 
Whoever she is, blast her.
Kriffing blast her.
You gasp- a glove shot out, gripping your wrist before you can toss the blade again. 
“Are you trying to lose a finger?”
You rip your hand away, twisting around to hide the warmth exploding across your face. “Don’t coddle me, Din. I’ll never learn if I don’t face peril.”
He makes a noise you cannot decipher. 
“My dad taught me,” you blurt, eager to change topics. “With knives, a little bit, I-I mean.” You slowly turn back to the Mandalorian, finding him still, patiently waiting for you to continue.
You bite your lower lip, picking at the edge of your sleeve with the blade. “But I never took his lessons very seriously. I…I just wanted to make him laugh at my stupid antics, which, of course, he would.” You smile wryly. “But, still, I wish I’d taken a lot of things more seriously back then... I was too busy being a terror.”
Din makes a noise. A breathy “not surprised” slips out from beneath his helm.
You crinkle your nose, choosing to pretend you didn’t hear that. 
Spinning your blade a few times, you stop, sheathing it once again. “You know, he’d sneak me up into the ice caves sometimes. Stars, from as young as I can remember. Taught me to use vibroblades and, eventually, even how to swing a staff. I guess he had it in his head he could turn us into little snow warriors or something.” 
You throw Din a cheeky, lopsided grin. “But then me and my sister started beating each other with big sticks when we’d get angry at each other. Then we’d gang up on my middle brother- two sticks against one.” You burst into warm laughter at the memory. “Kriff, did we ever get a long lecture. Even longer than the time I taught my siblings to use the curse ‘kark’.” 
“Doesn’t sound like you’ve changed much.” The Mandalorian’s tone is layered with amusement, and a hint of… something else.
“No,” you snort. “That’s the problem.” You crouch down on the ground, pretending you’re aiming in the distance with a weapon. “But he loved showing me how to use his hunting rifle the best, even though I had horrible aim…. Uh, still do, actually.” You let your eyes droop closed, releasing a heavy breath into the air. “That thing was his baby.”
Damn it.
Damn it. 
You miss him.
The clank of Beskar forces you to open your eyes. The Mandalorian’s standing in front of you now, a hand stretched out.
“I thought he was a herder.”
Taking Din’s hand, you let him pull you back up. 
“Oh, he was,” you chirp. Bending down, you brush the dirt off the knees of your pants. “But weapons were his hobby, practically his religion, as my mother would tease.” With a small smile, you toss the Mandalorian a pointed look. “I think he would have liked you. Or, at least, your big-ass rifle.”
The Mandalorian just shrugs.
“Well,” you sigh, staring out at the target again while simultaneously removing your blade from its sheathe. “I think I’ve gotten the hang of this now.”
Pull back.
“Not bad,” you sniff, staring at your blade protruding from the center bullseye. “You’re a good teacher, Din. We’ll have to find something else for you to teach me.” You slap him on the back. “I have a few ideas.” You turn to walk away, biting back your giggle.
You hear him make a noise, barely audible with the distance.
“Looks like you could teach me...”
You’re gunna throw up.
You can’t believe you’re leaving this- this haven tomorrow… for kriffing Nar Shaddaa.
Holy Hutt. Nar Shaddaa-
The planet you actually just fled from with only the clothes on your back…
Oh, flutterplume at a festival feast! 
You’re insane. You’re actually insane.
You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting hard to restrain any sign of outward distress. After all, if there’s one lesson the galaxy beat into your brain, it’s that you never, ever show any sign of weakness. Got to keep the upper hand. Got to stay ten steps ahead… Or, in your case, at least appear to be… 
No, as far as anyone on Arvala is concerned, you’re excited for Keolith.
…Kriff Keolith.
You release a heavy sigh, continuing to bounce the child up and down on your knee, a small smile growing on your face with every little giggle that falls from his mouth.
“Make sure to take it easy, not overdo it,” Omera calls at you from the other side of the room.
“Mhm,” you mumble, barely paying her any mind.
“I mean it. Din, make sure she obeys, okay?”
He makes a noise. “I’d wager-” the Mandalorian lays his rifle down on the table- “it’d be easier to wrangle a varactyl.”
“Din Djarin-” you keep your eyes focused on the baby, wincing as he yanks on your hair- “did you just call me a varactyl?”
“… No.”
“I give up,” Omera groans, taking the chair across from where you sit. “I learned a long time ago; patients never listen-” she sighs- “until they’ve reinjured themselves.”
You lift your eyes to meet her own. “Wait, Omera, you were a doctor?”
She laughs at the question. “I suppose it’s safe to say so, now that the Empire is gone.” She rests her elbows on the table. “I was a nurse in the Rebellion, which is where I met my late husband, a patient of mine. When I found myself expecting Winta, we felt it was time to step away together, leave the battle behind.”
“Pin two ears on a gundark!” You lean back in your chair, laughing in amazement. “No way! I knew I liked you!”
The Mandalorian angles his head to the side, eyeing Omera up and down. 
“Don’t give me that look, Din,” she chuckles, giving his shoulder a light shove. “You never asked.”
“Maker-” you shift the baby to your opposite knee- “sounds like a story straight out of a holo. Meeting the man of your dreams in a rebellion, nursing him back to health.”
“I suppose,” Omera smiles, that certain gleam in her eyes you’ve seen before.
Uh oh.
“What about you?”
“Me? What about me?”
Omera smiles, not about to let you get away with your game. “You can’t tell me you’ve never been in love before.”
Oh Maker. 
This conversation is dangerous. 
“Maybe,” you grumble, bouncing the baby on your knee again.
Oh kriff.
“Well, maybe one day you’ll find someone.” You can see Omera is trying her absolute hardest not to laugh, but she’s obviously failing. 
As if answering your plea breathed into the force, Winta dashes over, pulling on her mother’s hand and whispering for assistance. Omera nods at you, that sly smile still etched on her face, and steps away from the table.
Oh, thank the Maker! Bless all the little children. 
With a weary sigh, you sneak a glance over at Din from the corner of your eye. He’s watching you… intently, helmet angled to the side in that curious Lothcat way of his. He begins to lean forward, as if he’s about to ask you a-
No. Kark that. 
Kark that shit!
You’ve had enough awkwardness for one day!
You burst up from your chair, cradling the baby against your chest. “We’re going to take a walk,” you speak to Din as much as to the baby. You shoot him a quick glance.
He’s still leaned forward, visor still trained on your face. He’s motionless, but relaxed, shoulders slightly slumped forward, the way they do when he’s tired. You read his silence as permission, and so you turn and walk out the door, trying to ignore the lingering sear of heat on your back, that lingering prickle of being watched.
Once you are through the door, you put as much distance between you and Kuill’s hut as quickly as possible, worried the Mandalorian might try and follow you outside. Grumbling under your breath, you stop at the fence line. You point up at the moon and stars, whispering for the baby to look up at them along with you.
“See those?” you whisper, grinning as the child’s large, soulful eyes fill with the reflections of hundreds of sparkling stars. “You’re just as special as those stars. Your force abilities are special, a gift.” You feel your heart swell with familiar, motherly warmth. “Special- just like you are to your father.” 
You tap your finger against his nose, and he bursts into a fit of giggles. “You little womp rat, quit laughing.” You shoot him an exaggerated frown. “It’s against the law to laugh.” 
He laughs even harder. And so you start laughing.
“The child’s grown fond of you.”
You startle at the voice, relaxing when you see it’s just Kuill, limping forward to stand beside you at the fence. “Yes-” you turn your eyes back to the baby’s face- “I suppose, like most children, they’re drawn to whomever shows them the most attention, ya little attention-seeking womp rat.” You caress his ear, smiling wistfully. “Mando doesn’t hug you enough, does he?”
“You’re very good- with all of the children,” Kuill rasps, leaning his weight forward on his cane.
“Yeah, well, I had four little siblings.” You throw Kuill a pointed look, and you continue on with your ramble. “They were such little monsters.” You grin. “And then there’s all the children from my village. Oh, and I often helped the other mothers with the children in the camp and-” 
You freeze. 
“…I- I mean-”
“Labor camp?”
Your eyes widen, your breath catching in your throat. “H-how did you-”
“Omera described the tattoos on your arm to me. I understood their meaning, immediately.”
“Oh, no,” you breathe, panic bubbling, swelling up in your chest. “I- I can explain-”
“I did not tell Omera- their meaning, and I suggested, for your privacy-” Kuill waves his hand aside- “she should not discuss them with anyone else.” 
No. No.
Blast it. 
Blast it!
Kuill reaches out, resting a hand on your arm. “Do not concern yourself. It is your story… to tell when and if you wish. I myself- have spent time in such places. You were a victim of the Empire… as we all were.”
Raw emotion… grief… guilt- bubbles up your throat, threatening to cut off air. Choking. Suffocating. 
“No, Kuill,” you mumble, barely audible. You place the baby down on the ground and use your free hand to tug up your sleeve.
Kuill brushes his fingers, gentle and light, across the marks, lifting his eyes to meet your face. “A life sentence.”
You rip the sleeve back down, resting both hands on your hips. With a sharp intake of air, you pull on a mask- the tough, outer rim girl persona: the same one that’s simultaneously kept you both safe and in trouble for far, far too many years. 
“And I did what the Imperials sent me in for.” Your voice is hard, tired. Hells, you are so blasted tired. 
You shake your head. “I didn’t deserve to have my sentence commuted by the New Republic, once they took the camp over-” you rub your eyes a little too hard, filling your vision with blurring, swirling lines- “b-but I guess they figured it’d be easier to release everyone than to try sorting between the political prisoners, innocent families, and… actual criminals.”
Plus, there was the issue of the children to consider…
“I’m-” your words catch in your throat, sticking against your tongue, afraid to emerge fully from your lips. You force your eyes closed. “I’m… not as a good a person as you think, Kuill.”
Kuill grunts, tapping his cane against the fence. “I’d think your recent sacrifices-” he motions the cane towards the child, toddling beside your feet- “would contradict that statement.” 
“Maybe,” you mumble, avoiding looking Kuill in the eyes, “or maybe I’m still the same.”
“I think not.” Kuill rests against his cane. “For when you’ve lived as many years as I have-”
“-you learn to recognize patterns in behavior.” You smile wryly.
“It seems the galaxy has smiled upon you… given you a second chance.” 
“Well,” you sigh, pressing your forehead against the top of the fencepost. “I’ve been doing a fine job of botching it up already, I’m afraid.” 
“I’d say you have one path open to you at this moment,” Kuill grunts. “But what will you do with it?” 
“I appreciate it, Kuill, but… I can’t stay here.” You give him your classic, lop-sided smile. “Gotta keep exploring this big galaxy, ya know?” 
Kriff the galaxy.
Kuill chuckles under his breath. “That wasn’t the path I was referring to.” He reaches out, patting the top of hand. “I wish you luck… my child.”
You blink, watching as Kuill moves away. You wait until he’s just far enough in the distance before releasing a strained breath of air. 
A light coo, a tug on your pants, shifts your attention away from yourself, away from your tumultuous thoughts. With a small smile, you reach down and pull the baby up against your neck, letting him nuzzle there as you glance back up at the stars.
Always running. 
You’re always running.
But one day- one day, you will choose your own damn path.
“Wipe your eyes, Birdie-” you ruffle the top of his head- “or you’ll flood the planet and put Kuill out of business.” 
Birdie launches straight into your legs, knocking an oof from you.  
“But- but what if I n-never see you- you again?” He buries his face in the fabric of your pants.
Dropping down to your knees, you peal Birdie off of you, holding him back by his shoulders. “Of- of course I’ll see you again, hm?” Your heart throbs as you speak the lie into the air, wishing it would just carry away on the desert wind.
Karking hells.
Your heart explodes, pain seeping from every new little crack. You tug Birdie into you, wrapping him up in your embrace just as new set of arms snakes around your neck from behind. 
“We-we’ll miss you!” Winta says between sniffs.
“Come now,” you chirp, straining your voice to be as easy and care-free as you can muster in your compromised state. “I’ll have a thousand new stories to share when I come back, hm?” Your empty promises are apparently working, the heaviness easing off of their shoulders before your very eyes.
An approaching presence shifts your attention away from the children.
“All of us, the parents, felt like you should have this.” You blink, eyeing the satchel in Omera’s outstretched hand. “We owe you so much more, but-” Omera’s face tenses- “it’s a thank you to remember us by, to help you get started on Keolith.” She slides an arm around Winta’s shoulders, pulling her against her skirt.
You can’t do anything but… stare at the bag, stunned by the absolute generosity of the gesture. “I-I can’t take anything for-”
You don’t want it. 
It feels… wrong to take it.
But you won’t risk insulting them by outright refusing their kindness. 
“Go into town-” you give Winta and Birdie a sly wink- “and buy the children something fun. To remember me by. To make them laugh.” You wiggle your hat back and forth, pulling it tighter against your scalp. “That’s my payment.” 
A good decision, or so the little sunny grins on Birdie’s and Winta’s faces tell you. Omera hesitates- then smiles. An agreement. And so, you return the expression with equal warmth. 
“Kekthar, Rukia.” 
You gasp- eyes tearing over to discover… Kuill?
A Sularian farewell.
You haven’t heard your native language spoken by another in, well… years.
“Kekthar, Sudbia,” you return, a small smile tickling at the corner of your mouth. As you share the smile with him, a silent understanding, a knowing, passes between your eyes:
You are always welcome in my home.
You will never deserve such kindness.
“Thank you, Kuill,” you whisper, bowing your head with respect.
As you continue sharing goodbyes, your heart grows heavy with each one spoken aloud. Part of you wants to just barrel into the Razor Crest, dive into the bed, and hide under a blanket just like the baby. 
Stars, goodbyes reek.
“Be careful, Din.” A faint conversation to your left shifts your focus away from your misery. “Come back as soon as you can.” You turn, eyes widening as you watch Omera wrap her arms around Din, enveloping him in a warm, heartfelt embrace. He returns the gesture, going as far as to… rub her back… affectionately.
A pang.
A punch in the chest.
Just… shavit!
Spinning around on your heel, you stomp towards the Razor Crest, grumbling under your breath like some bitter old man.
Blasted seven Corellian hells- just-
Stoopa. Stoopa!
Kriff everything a-and-
You stop.
Kriff, wait, what is this? Corellian hells, what- 
You blink, gritting your teeth.
You’re… jealous?
You’re jealous.
You groan, yanking your hat low across your eyes. You have got to stop bantering so much with the Mandalorian… flirting. You’re- you’re getting too attached. And there’s only one way this could possibly end:
Like a nuna at a Hutt roast… 
Uh, not so good, in other words.
You turn and frown, watching the pair speak in the distance.
Omera is… incredible. That Beskar idiot should marry her. Settle down. Have a family. He… deserves to have that. To be happy. 
He’s a good man.
“We really need to get going,” Cara grumbles, walking up beside you to stack a crate next to the ramp. “I’ve gone way, way over schedule, and Karga is breathing down my neck, even though he knows I lost my ship.” Cara pauses to sigh, leaning forward against the stack. “He says the town has gone to hell without me.”
Blinking away any lingering physical signs of your jealousy, you slip on an indifferent, bored expression. 
“Why so, Cara?” Your voice hardly veils the tension brewing in your head, but Cara, thankfully, does not seem to notice.
“I’ve been acting as a sort of-” she waves her hand in the air- “part-time Marshal, in a sense, on Navarro. Cleaning out a lot of the criminal rings scumming about,” Cara sighs, rubbing her face. “Still have a long way to go, but-” she lifts her eyes, giving you a sly smile- “I think I’m going to talk to Karga about dropping the Guild work completely, instead working full-time cleaning the streets. Maybe get a school up and running. And a doctor’s office; we need that too.”
“Cara,” you chuckle, stooping down to sit on a crate. “You surprise me. A dreamer lurks under all that brawn.”
“Maybe,” Cara chuckles. “But even so, my reason for visiting Arvala is dead, and I’m needed on Navarro.”
You blink. “Dead?”
Cara shoots out a hand, pointing at a lone Pablo approaching with his satchel. “Dead, according the Guild registry, that is.”
A bright grin bursts across Pablo’s face. He throws his hands out at the side, spinning around until he is facing the approaching Mandalorian. “Hey, shame you and Cara lost such a priceless bounty, right, Mando?”
The Mandalorian saunters up to Pablo, pausing to stare him directly in the eye.
“I was paid for killing you.” 
The Mandalorian knocks into Pablo’s shoulder as he moves past.
One glance at the panicked expression on Pablo’s face, and you burst into loud, obnoxious laughter. He twists, shooting you a murderous look, which you happily return with only sweetness and a smile. 
At least, on the bright side, you now have someone new to torment besides Din.
After all, it’s the little things that matter.
“Dad!” You climb up on top of the huge fallen log, waving wildly to your dad in the distance. “Look! Watch!”
He pauses at your words, giving you a cheeky, lop-sided grin. “Okay, Starlight-” he leans forward against his rifle- “I’m watching.”
“You’re watching?”
“Okay, don’t look away!”
“I won’t.”
“Still watching?”
With a grunt, you spin backwards off the log, landing a perfect backflip… 
…straight into a hidden snowdrift.
“DAD!” you shriek, buried up to your hips in snow. You continue to wriggle, desperate to free yourself… to only sink down further with every shift. “Dad!” you yelp. You hear a rustling noise, and you jerk your head up.
Your dad- ever the helpful, supportive parent- is leaning over the top of the log… 
laughing at you.
“Starlight,” he chuckles, “very impressive. Ten out of ten for style.” He crosses his arms across the log, angling his head to the side as he stares down at you. “But you made that fatal flaw we’ve talked about before.”
“Dad!” you growl, in no mood to be lectured nor teased. “Get me out of here! I don’t care!”
“What’s that fatal flaw?” 
“I don’t care!”
You shoot him a pathetic frown. “I didn’t observe my surroundings first.” You twist your head away, pouting your lips. “I acted before thinking.”
Gloved hands wrap around your arms, lifting you up out of the snow drift.
“Good girl-” your father pulls you up against his side, rubbing your back. “Remember-”
“-think first, show off second.” You release a puff of air, watching as it crystalizes in front of you. 
Your dad laughs and slips you that characteristic sly wink.
“My little snow warrior-” he grabs your hand, leading you back towards the mountain path- “such a little show-off………”
“I’m not a show-off!”
Pablo flashes you a grin. “Come now, princess-”
“Okay, fine.” You crinkle your nose, lifting your hand up, two fingers spaced closely together. “Just a little bit. But still, it’s true.” 
“Oh sure.”
“Yes! I could out-drink both of you, and ten Corellians on top of that.” You shove against Pablo’s shoulder as you move past, sitting down beside him.
“Speaking as a Corellian man, that’s big talk, sweetheart,” Pablo slides his glass of whiskey back and forth on the table between his hands. “But are you willing to try and prove it?”
“Pour me some of that-” you tap your fingers on the table, smirking at Cara- “before you and Pablo wipe out our supply.”
Cara pours and slides you a glass, a questioning expression on her face. You take a deep breath, lean back, and down the whiskey in one shot.
“Oh-” cough- cough- “wow, that’s-” cough- “that’s defi-” cough- “de-definitely Corellian.”
Cara smacks her hand down on the table, clutching her stomach as she doubles over with laughter. “Oh, dank farrick, your face!”
Pablo snorts. “Still think you can out-drink ten Corellians?” Resting his elbows against the table, he slides the bottle towards you. 
Feeling your face flush with warmth from the shot of whiskey, you can only grin and tilt your head. “I’m certain of it.”
Pablo leans back, chuckling as he crosses his arms behind his head. “Fine. The minute we land on Tatooine-” he points at you, raising an eyebrow- “I’m dragging you into the first cantina we find.”
Your smile plummets.
“Tatooine?” You fling around in your chair, gawking over at the Mandalorian on the other side of the hull. “Tatooine?”
He stops cleaning his blaster, lifting his helmet to meet your eyes.
“He didn’t tell you?”
You spin back around, now gawking at Cara. “Obviously no. I thought we were heading to Navarro!”
“No.” Cara shrugs, leaning back against her chair. She lifts a brow, a hint of amusement in her eyes. “Tatooine is closer than Navarro. We’ll jump transports from there, letting you and Din continue on to Nar Shaddaa.”
“Hell,” you breathe, flopping back against your chair. 
“I’ll be loath to part from you all.” Pablo lifts his glass in the air. “I’ve grown so attached to everyone…. Well-” he raises a brow at you- “minus one.”
“You know, Pablo-” you jump forward, slapping both hands down on the table- “you’re being awfully rude for a man who’d be cargo right now if it wasn’t for me.��
“Oh, don’t start on-”
“I will!”
“You know good and well-”
“You’re so rude!”
“I am not!”
“Carbonite man.”
“Don’t call me-”
“HEY!” You both rip your heads towards Cara. 
She slowly leans forward. “Are you two done?”
“Absolutely,” you sniff. Leaning into the palm of your hand, you release a long, heavy sigh, choosing to just ignore Pablo. 
“Stars,” you whisper, staring up at the ceiling, beginning to reminisce. “I haven’t been to Tatooine in, well… years. Pretty sure I still owe some people money,” you grumble. “Dank farrick, I got into so much trouble there.”
“As an exceptional speederbike racer.”
Your eyes rip up, trailing the Mandalorian as he sits beside Cara. “That is, if I remember correctly.” His tone light, almost… airy compared to his typical grumpy snaps. 
Oh. He’s teasing you. 
You raise an eyebrow.
You know you should stop. Stop teasing him back. 
“I’m better than you, Din Djarin-” you lean across the table, smiling slyly as you stare him down- “that’s for certain. I’m the damn best, too.”
He shifts back, folding his hands against his stomach, just…. gazing at you.
“Damn best, huh?” Cara takes a shot of her drink. “Then you should have joined the Nar Shaddaa professional circuits. High risk, high reward.” She slides the bottle of whiskey towards you. “I imagine the violence, death, and insanity would have been right up your alley.”
“Well…” With a small sigh, you drop your eyes, beginning to play with the edge of your shirt. “Actually I- I would have.” You lower you chin. “But… uh, had someone I needed to stay alive for,” you discreetly add under your breath.
Cara grins and lifts her glass at you. Din, on the other hand, stretches his neck, dark visor pinned to your face. You snap away, staring over at the slightly tipsy Pablo instead.
“Boyfriend?” Pablo mumbles, taking the whiskey bottle for himself.
You only smile.
“Well, either way-” he sloshes his glass high- “to Tatooine!”
“Hell,” you grumble.
You lift your own glass.
To Tatooine.
Dank farrick.
The darkness moves in. Closer. Suffocating. Gnawing away at the light.
“I know why you chose this.
You love power. 
Crave it.”
You bury your face in your hands. “Shut up! You know nothing!”
“You can’t hide forever.
I know what you’ve done.
And you’ve seen what I’m capable of………”
Something presses into your neck.
Your eyes blast open. 
Can’t breathe!
Wriggling and squirming, you claw at your neck, kicking the covers off Din’s bed as you twist and turn and push and fight.
“Urf! C-Cara,” you hiss, slapping at her arm slumped across your neck. “Move!” 
Cara snores louder, oblivious to the fact that she’s, you know, smothering you. She mumbles something in her sleep, pulling her arm back to flop over to her side of the mattress. Launching up from the bed, you gasp, sucking in deep gulps of air. A few more seconds, a few more gulps, and you glare over at Cara.
You can put up with snoring.
But you draw the kriffing line at actively trying to suffocate you in your sleep.
“Stars…” you hiss, pressing a palm to your forehead before pulling it back, blinking at the sweat dripping from your hand. 
You’re… drenched. Trembling, shivering- your soaked nightshirt and pants stinging like ice in the cool air. Sliding down to the foot of the bed, you wrap your arms across your chest, squeezing tightly in a vain attempt to slow the trembling tearing at your body. 
You groan, your head sloshing with exhaustion and fatigue and tension, but then… the threat from your nightmare slips past it all, the memory growling in your head-
You can’t hide forever…
Your throat catches.
Oh hell.
Oh hell.
You slap both hands over your eyes.
You’re dead…
Some people turn to religion. 
Some people talk to a therapist. 
But your newfound cure for anxiety?
Apparently, the smell of Andorian Mountain Roses. 
Specifically, the faint scent of Andorian Mountain Roses lingering on the Mandalorian’s flannels.
After Cara’s murder attempt, you waited several minutes on the edge of the bed for the trembles, the shakes, to dissipate… but no such luck. Desperate, wet, and cold, you had peeled off your soaked nightshirt, swapping it out for a flannel shirt stolen from a heap on the floor.
You bury your nose into the sleeve of the thick shirt, inhaling deeply as you pad gently across the floor of the Razor Crest’s hull. 
It smells like Din.
You’re safe with him.
He promised.
You freeze, dropping your arm at the faint voice, low, barely a rasp.
You tiptoe closer to the base of the ladder leading up to the cockpit. “Din?” you whisper, staring up into the dark void above.
“Come up.”
Biting your lip, you tentatively rest your foot on the bottom rung. One hesitant breath, and you scamper straight up.
“Din?” you question again, poking your head up into the space above. You blink, your eyes shifting towards the cockpit windows, smiling as you admire that familiar sparkling, dancing hyperspace light bouncing off everything within the cockpit.
Your eyes follow the streaking lines… forward… straight to the Mandalorian. He’s turned around in his chair, studying your every move.
“Hi.” You smile, a bit… shyly. 
Hm. That’s new.
Resting back against in the pilot’s seat, he folds his hands- gloveless hands- across his stomach.
Fiddling with the edge of your shirt, you gently pad into the cockpit. A sharp glance to the left- you smile. The pram is sealed again, cocooning the child as he sleeps. 
You glance back to Din, and as you step closer, you notice his right pauldron is missing. “Hey-” you slip into the right co-pilot’s chair- “I hope I didn’t wake yo-”
“I was already awake.”
“Oh.” You blink, chewing on your lower lip. He seems so… close. Stars, you didn’t remember the cockpit being quite this… uh, tight. 
“Um, I couldn’t sleep,” you whisper, not wishing to risk waking the baby. After all, from the looks of Din and his missing pauldron, it must have taken quite some time to get the baby to sleep.
You slide forward, resting on the edge of the co-pilot’s seat. “Between Pablo’s and Cara’s snoring-” you grimace- “it’s like trying to sleep in a kriffing zoo down there. They’re both drunk off their socks.”
Din makes a noise. “Really?”
“Yeah, Cara tried to smother-”
“No-” the Mandalorian dips his helmet at you- “…is that really why you can’t sleep?”
“Am I really that easy to read?” you huff, raising a brow.
“…You’re afraid.” 
You blink, falling quiet. Of course you’re afraid... 
You’re terrified.
You hear him shift in his chair, but you do not look up. 
“…Why did you leave Tatooine?”
How can his voice sound so gentle, so soft, even when modulated? Stars, you can only imagine it without the distortion… You glance down at the floor, spinning the chair back and forth, unwilling to meet his gaze.
“Grandpa yanked us off overnight,” you blurt, a bit surprised by how the words hurt as they emerge. You continue spinning in the chair, this time in full circles. “…Because I was a damn idiot.” You stop rotating, and face Din’s seat. Your eyes trail down his helmet… down his arms… to those hands.
And warm- so warm… 
Karking hells, you’ve spent too much damn time thinking about how warm they felt that day… How he brushed your chin- confident, no hesitation. And so blasted gentle, like you were made of glass.
…Oh, seven Corellian hells…
You’re done for. 
Thank the Maker your warming face is hidden in the dim light. 
A shift of movement draws your focus back over to the pilot’s chair. Din leans forward, resting his elbows against his thighs- a silent invitation.
Groaning, you pull a foot up into your chair, tucking it under your chin. “After… after it was just me and Grandpa-” you wave your hand in the air- “I, uh, had a talent for getting into… situations.”
You turn your eyes away, fearing you might not have the strength to continue if you shared even just one glance with him. “Grandpa- he kept having to pull us off planets. I’d always get mixed up with the wrong crowds, gangs, whatever. We could never stay one place too long.” With every word you speak, your throat tightens- constricts.
Your… your Grandpa deserved so much better than you.
“I just… kept acting out more and more the older I got.”
So stupid.
Flopping your head back against the chair, you stare up at the ceiling. “By Tatooine, I was pretty much… unmanageable. He tried- he really did- but, in a way, I think- I think he had given up on me. He stopped asking so many questions when I’d be gone for hours, sometimes days, at a time. He was… he was so used to me running off.”
Biting the inside of your cheek to keep the burning in your eyes at bay, you continue. “Remember the boy I told you about? The speederbike racer?” You venture a glance at Din, finding him in the same position, leaned forward against his thighs. He gives you a light nod.
“He…he was part of an illegal racing club. He got me in- I was good, great at it.”
“Damn best?”
You smile at Din.
“Hell yeah,” you chuckle, pulling your second leg up into the chair, tucking it under your chin. “I pulled a lot of ill-advised stunts. Got me noticed by the right, or rather wrong, people. A Hutt sponsored me as his challenger in the biggest speeder race Tatooine had seen in years.” 
You groan, burying your face in the palms of your hands. “And, under no uncertain terms, I was to win… or else. And, of course, my stupid self thought-” you throw both hands in the air- “‘Great! I’ll win, no big deal! Win lots of money and fame! What an honor to be a Hutt favorite!’”
You shoot Din a knowing look.
He sits back, tapping his fingers against his thigh. 
“What… happened?” His words are hesitant.
 “I karking won, of course.” You cross your arms. “What else did you expect?” 
He just stares at you- tilts his head to the side.
You make a noise. “Grandpa flipped when he found out. He knew how’d things would inevitably end- entering those kinds of races, working with the Hutts.” You let out a dry laugh. “He yanked me off that planet, kicking and screaming. I thought he was ruining my future. Turns out, I did a fine job of that on my own.”
Stars… you can’t think about Grandpa right now- don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry-
“A-anyway-” you force a laugh- “um, enough about me.” You lift your chin, tossing Din a forced grin. “Tell me something about yourself.”
“Such as?” 
A slight smirk grows on your face. Actually… there is something you’ve been dying to ask him, but… it just never felt appropriate- you felt too intimidated to question. But here, draped in the dancing blue hue of hyperspace, he somehow feels less like a Mandalorian and more like… just a man.
“Can you ever take that helmet off?” you blurt. You instantly cringe, regretting the words the second they leave your lips. “You don’t ha-”
“I can.”
You blink.
He spins around away from you, facing the console. “For my children.” He flicks a switch. “And a… a wife.”
You tilt your head to the side. Huh.
“Stars, wait-” you shoot up in your chair- “does that mean you’ve never kissed anyone before?”
He freezes. 
One second-
Two seconds-
Three seconds-
“Sorry!” You press a hand against your cheek. “Sometimes I- I blurt before thinking.” You flop backwards, sighing heavily. “Anyway, you’re not missing a thing. Kissing is disgusting. Think about it- swapping spit? Touching tongues? With another person?” You crinkle your nose. “It’s nasty.”
You lean forward, eyes widening. “Oh, my Maker! One time, I was dared to kiss a Gungan, and I think I’ve had lingering trauma ever…. uh, since…” You press your face into your knees, your face warming. “Ah, um, you know what? Never mind.”
Kark- maybe try thinking before speaking just once- JUST once?!
The Mandalorian resumes fiddling with the switches on the console, as if you hadn’t been speaking at all- thank the force. 
After all, the Gungan story was rather hard to explain.
 A few minutes pass, no word spoken aloud, and the cockpit falls into a stillness.
A calm stillness.
Just… tranquility.
You suck in a deep breath of air, sinking deeper into your chair. Even with your awkward blunders, you feel more comfortable, safer in this moment than you have in far, far too long. 
Eyelids drooping, time begins to swirl around you, mixing, blending with the hyperspace light. Lost in the realm between consciousness and sleep, you are barely aware of a lingering presence that looms beside you.
You drift away from sleep, sailing closer to consciousness. Parting your eyes just enough to see, a small smile slips onto your lips. He- Din- hovers over you. He reaches up, removing the cape from his back, and drapes it over you as your eyes slip back closed. You feel the weight of it pause halfway. 
A slight tug- a pull- on the edge of your shirt.
Your eyes part, your groggy smile returning.
“Keep it,” Din rasps, barely a whisper. He continues rubbing the fabric of his shirt you wear between two fingers. “Looks… nice.” 
The weight of the cape moves up, fully cocooning you, safe, warm, much like his son that sleeps beside you.
“Sweet dreams… Meshla.”
“Mmf,” you mumble. “What’s… th-at… mean?” 
Skin traces the outline of your ear.
“Kriff… you.”
“Go to sleep.”
You smile, letting your mind sail back towards the shoreline of sleep.
“HEY! Get away from there! You know he doesn’t like droids!”
You lumber down the ramp after the Mandalorian, squinting against the unforgiving rays of the twin Tatooine suns. You lift a hand to your eyes, blinking as a woman- head full of tight curls- marches towards the Razor Crest. 
“May as well let them have at it,” the Mandalorian grumbles. “The Crest needs a good once over.”
“Oh! So, he likes droids now. Well, you heard him.” The woman waves at a crew of droids. “Give it a once over!... I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos Eisley.”
The Mandalorian pauses in front of the stranger with Cara, Pablo, and yourself gathering around him. 
“Well, looky here! You’ve made new friends!” The woman narrows her eyes, leaning in towards Pablo. “Hopefully you three won’t try and kill me like the last one this Mandalorian dragged in here.” 
She leans into you this time. “If you ask me, I think your Mandalorian here needs a good group of friends,” she whispers under her breath. “The man doesn’t live well.”
You slap a hand over your nose, pressing to muffle your burst of laughter.
But then Pablo laughs, and you just can’t hold it in.
The Mandalorian sighs, not sparing the two of you a glance.
“I’m Peli.” The woman nods again, oblivious to the effect her words have had on you and Pablo. “I am a very- OH ho!” Peli launches forward, swooping the baby out from the Mandalorian’s satchel. “I’ve missed this little one! Let me guess, I’m needed for babysitting services? Don’t ask! Yes!” She rocks the baby against her hip, and the baby, delighted by the attention, grins and giggles- clearly very pleased to see Peli again.
“If it isn’t too much trouble.” The Mandalorian reaches out, stroking the child’s ear. “The girl and I need to resupply. I’d rather leave the child here.”
“I have a name, Mando,” you grumble under your breath, shooting him a glare.
He keeps his head straight, focused on Peli, ignoring your protest.
“Of course!” Peli shouts, walking several feet away as she rambles away to the child.
“Mando-” Cara touches his arm- “I’ll catch up with you later today before we leave Tatooine. I’m taking Pablo with me.” She eyes Pablo, a suspicious gleam in her eyes. “He claims he has a contact, can get Navarro hooked up with a good supplier.”
“Of course!” Pablo flings his hands out, grinning ear to ear. “Old Bolbo is a close friend! He completely forgave me for that incident with his sister in Anchorhead!”
Cara stares at him.
“Oh, hell.” She adjusts the rifle on her back. “Let’s get this over with.”
You chuckle to yourself, shaking your head as Cara and Pablo walk off towards the exit.
“Peli-” the Mandalorian walks after her- still dashing back and forth, rambling to the child. “I want you to keep the doors secured until I get back.” He hooks a finger in his belt, his helmet following Peli back and forth, back and forth. “Don’t open them for anyone you don’t know.”
“Oh!” Her eyes brighten. “I actually have a defender droid now! 4PO!” she shrieks, waving her hand in the air. “Come on! Come on! Wa-iting.”
Your eyes widen, watching with a mixture between disbelief and dismay, as a silver droid stumbles forward- red light radiating from its joints. “Um,” you bite your lip, fighting against the laughter swelling up your throat. “Isn’t… isn’t that a protocol droid?” 
“It’s been refitted!” Peli slaps the droid with her free hand. “4PO! DEFENDER MODE!”
The droid wobbles back and forth- bolts and screws raining down, bouncing across the floor. You blink. “Is- is th-”
The droid’s head snaps to you.
“<death is but a relief from our meager existence>”
The Mandalorian looks at Peli.
“Keep the doors secured.”
His hand wraps around your upper arm, pushing you towards the exit.
“Blast it, 4PO!” Peli’s shouts from behind, pulling a giggle from your lips. “I can’t believe you’ve embarrassed me like this! What do you have to say for yourself?”
“<i am trapped in this shell. i cannot die.>”
Ah, Mos Eisley Spaceport:
Dangerous? Yes.
Scummy? Yes.
Entertaining? Also yes.
You grin beneath the scarf wrapped around your face, gawking at all the activity and interesting faces that swarm past you on the street. You are so enraptured with the sights and sounds that the Mandalorian is occasionally forced to grab your arm and pull you against his side.
“Stay close,” he’d grumble… before you’d inevitably leave his side again five minutes later.
“Mando!” you call from the top of a store’s steps, waving across the street for him.
He sweeps forward, stopping beneath you just at the bottom step. 
“Stop disappearing.” 
His voice is hard, all bounty hunter.
“What?” You grin, skipping down the steps to stand beside him. “The bounty hunter can’t hunt me down? Keeps losing me?”
He releases a heavy, long-suffering sigh and angles his head down at you.
Giggling under the scarf, you allow the Mandalorian to lead you inside the store. You don’t wait for instructions nor directions- you know what you want, and you’re going to get what you want. The Mandalorian finds you a minute later. He doesn’t say anything, just stands on the opposite side of the rack as you claw through the hangers.
You stop long enough to give him a look. “The baby needs clothes, Mando.” You continue clawing through the limited selection. “That sack he wears is ridiculous. Now go, leave me alone. I don’t need you hovering.”
He throws his head to the side, a small sigh slipping out- but he obeys your command.
You sneak a glance from the corner of your eye, a lop-sided smile stretching across your face. He’s off to the side, trying to appear occupied, but you know what he’s doing:
He’s not letting you get further than ten feet away.
The hovering- the lingering, keeping an eye on you…
It’s… kind of cute.
…But irritating.
Still, considering the incident on Arvala, he has good reason to hover… You’d do well to remember that yourself.
After making a few selections, you spin around, expecting to find the Mandalorian where you left him. But he’s gone.
“Hm.” You twist your head around but spying him nowhere in the store.
Guess he took your command seriously this time. You make your purchases and step outside the door. Just as you go to sit on the top step, the clank-clank of Beskar jolts you around.
“Mando!” You throw both hands on your hips in mock frustration. “You left me.”
He rests a hand against his holster, and chuckles. “Make up your mind, Ka’r’ika.”
You drop the frown, trading it in for a blooming grin. “Fine. What was so important that you left me behind?”
His helmet angles down, his hands fiddling with something hanging off from his belt.
“I was next door… I… saw this.” He reaches out, presenting you what’s in his hand. “Thought it… suited you. Better than the one I have. Mine’s… too long. This suits your size. Suits your height… better.”
You tentatively take the plain metal bar, no longer than the length of your hand. “Ah, thank you, Mando! I… love it.” You blink. “Um, what is it?”
He points to a switch on the side.
“Is tha- OH!”
A blade slices out from the end. “Seven Corellian hells!” you laugh. “This is- wait, what’s this do- OH KRIFF!”
You nearly throw it from your hands. One flick of a switch, and the bar the length of your hand grows to be three, maybe even four feet in length
“Din!” you hiss, tapping the staff down onto the ground. “You bought me a weapon to kill people with!” You flick the switch again, grinning as it collapses back to the size of your hand. “I’m going to cry!”
The Mandalorian grunts, angling his head to the side. “Weapon to defend.”
You flick the switch again, grinning as the blade slides away, hidden within. “Well.” Hooking the bar onto you belt, you look up at him with an impish smirk. “Now you’re trapped. You have no choice but to train me with a staff.”
“That’s the idea.”
You can’t help but grin like an idiot.
“Where are you going?”
“Refresher,” you shout, continuing to march away from the Mandalorian and straight towards a cantina. You step inside, grimacing at the smack of stench that punches you in the face.
Uhg, what’s with cantinas and unwashed masses?
Shaking your head, you let your eyes sweep around the dim, dingy, and nearly empty cantina. Ah, there’s th-
“OH!” you squeak, pulling away from the hand grasping your shoulder. “Din!” you hiss, pushing against his arm.
“I said stay close.”
“You can’t use your bounty hunter voice on me and expect it to work.” You march away. “Unless you’re coming with me into the refresher, wait for me out here.”
You are only gone a few minutes, but you are frustrated to find yet again- yes, again- the Mandalorian has disappeared within that time frame. With a heavy sigh, you sit down at the bar, ignoring the other patrons beginning to trickle in as Tatooine’s work hours for the day come to a close.
“Hello there, miss.” A young man sits next to you at the bar. He throws you a smile. 
Ah, he’s cute.
“Never seen you here before. Mind if I buy you a drink?”
A sly smirk tickles at the corner of your mouth. 
An idea.
“I never refuse a free drink.” 
You flick your eyes back towards the cantina entrance. “Come on, Din. I want to have fun with you.”
“Say,” the man leans towards you as the bartender slides you your drink. “How about we go somewhere, hm?”
You crinkle your nose, lifting the drink to your lips. “No thanks.”
“But I bought you a drink-”
“I don’t remember leaving with you being part of that deal.”
The man’s facade drops, his expression twisting into irritation. “Girl, you hav-”
“Unless you want to talk to my husband into letting me go with you, I just can’t.”
You bite away the grin that begs to explode across your face as you watch the man’s eyes widen twice their typical size.
You twist your head, and stare across the bar-
-directly at a looming, hulking, intimidating, Beskar-donning Mandalorian.
The man leaps from you, his eyes not leaving the Mandalorian- not for one second. “Uh, um, look I- I didn’t mean anything.” He throws his hands up.
“Honey-” you take another sip of your drink- “could you watch the kids so I can go with this gentleman?”
The Mandalorian’s visor is glued to the man- searing him to the ground. 
A bird stalking prey.
“You know the kids don’t listen to me, Cyare.” His voice is quiet, dangerously contained. “So, you chose.” 
He stalks around the bar, slowly, deliberately… 
“Do I string him up for the rancors… or do I shoot him now?”
“I like rancors,” you chirp, twisting to look up at Din. “They’re kinda cute.” You turn back-
“Hey, he’s gone!” You groan as the Mandalorian wraps his hand firmly around your upper arm, pulling you off the barstool. 
“Let’s go.”
“Just when I was making friends.”
“I’m getting you back before you get yourself shot.”
“But I have my stick now!”
“Staff, Ka’r’ika.”
“Yes, staff- a big stick.”
A beaming grin bursts across your face at the pained, long-suffering sigh that erupts from his helmet’s vocoder. He continues to lead you in silence through the streets of Mos Eisley, only coming to a stop after pulling you aside in an alley.
“I can handle myself, Din,” you teasingly smile, pressing your back up against the wall.
He hovers over you, tilting his head forward. “You’ve yet to convince me of that.”
You bite your lower lip, mischief tickling in the back of your mind.
“I’m fast, remember?”
He leans forward, closer into your face. “So you always say.”
You let your smile slowly drop… drop… drop…
His hands shoot out-
You lean back-
You laugh as Din stares down- stunned- at the staff held sideways in your hands, blocking him from grabbing you. You push the bar against him, ducking sideways to escape his grasp.
“Nice try!” you growl through your gritted teeth as you bolt down the alley. “Race you to the hanger!”
Burning every drop of adrenaline flooding your bloodstream, you blast through the twisting turns of the alleyway labyrinth, hissing each time you think you see a gleam of Beskar from the corner of your eyes.
You slide sideways across the dirt, narrowly avoiding bursting through a vendor’s cart, cackling as the vendor hurdles curses at your fleeing back. Taking a sharp turn, you speed into another alley, sliding across the loose dirt as you stumble to a halt- unable to continue another foot without passing out.
“K-kriff!” you pant, twisting your head back and forth, spying for even just a hint of shining Beskar in the empty alley. 
“I’m out- out of… shape! I- I can’t- AHRG!”
You fall forward, hard, against the ground to escape what dropped from the roof behind you.
“DIN!” you shriek, baring your teeth at him.
“Keep up.” 
He spins around.
Kark that! 
You launch forward, grabbing onto his cloak, and- yank! 
“Bitch, get back here!”
  You stumble into his back and wrap both arms tightly around his neck- bursting into a fit of giggles as Din lifts you up and keeps moving forward. He reaches his hands back, pulling your legs up around his waist- essentially carrying you piggyback.
“Din!” you yelp between barks of laughter. “I-I’m slipping! OH!”
You plummet to the ground. You roll over on your back, rubbing the tears from your eyes. “S-stars! Oh.. oh kriff! I- I’m hu-hurting! From… la-laughing! Oh, ouch! O-Ouch!”
Your eyes finally clear of the blurring tears-
There he is- kneeling beside you- looking down- laughing at you.
“Din!” you giggle, slapping a hand up against his chest. “Jerk! You dropped me on purpose!”
His laughter gently fades away- and he stands, reaching a gloved hand out for you.
“Come, Ka’r’ika,” he rasps, his tone… deeper than usual. “Let’s get back to the hanger.”
You grin, looping your arm around his. 
“Anywhere you say, Din.”
Truly, anywhere.
At this point, the man could lead you straight into a rancor’s din, and you’d jump in if he did too.
Something’s wrong.
You know how he normally walks- confident and striding.
…Something’s wrong.
“Din?” You tilt your head to the side, raising a brow. “What did Peli tell you? What’s…?”
He stops- pausing just before the cockpit ladder- and angles his head at your voice. 
“There’s a Mandalorian to the north. Mos Pelgo.” He turns around and starts slowly walking towards you.
You lower yourself into a chair, not exactly sure where this is going…
“That’s… good, I guess?” Crossing your arms together, you chuckle. “Sometimes it’s hard to imagine there’s more than one of you.”
He rests both hands against his hips, turning to face the hull wall.
“I’m going out there.” He throws you a quick look. “After Cara returns to keep you safe. I’m… taking the child with me.”
“Ah, sure?” 
He’s leaving something out… 
“But… why, exactly?”
“I’m hoping a Mandalorian can… lead me to someone. The child-” Din’s voice quiets. “He’s… special.”
“Is this about his force abilities?”
“Force?” Din rips his head around. “You mean… Jedi?”
With a small smile on your face, you pull both legs up into the chair with you. “Jedi use the force. Think of it as-” you wave your hand in the air- “like an energy thing. The force binds all things, connects all things… real mystical stuff.”
Din does not move. Just… stares at you.
“What do you know of the Jedi?” His voice is quick.
You grunt, shifting your eyes to the floor. “I know they’re all dead now, for the most part. Hunted like animals by the Empire." You force a dry laugh. “They- they didn’t stop at the adults. No-” you shake your head- “slaughtered the children too. Kriffing creeps. Hunted down each last survivor- any force user- one by one.”
“How… do you know this?”
“My Mom.” You release a heavy sigh. “She wanted more- more excitement than what life on Sularia offered. She was intelligent, and her intelligence earned her a job as a civilian contractor with the Republic during the Clone Wars.” You smirk at Din. “Grandpa was not happy with her.”
You tilt the chair backwards, staring up at the ceiling as you speak. “She worked among the Jedi. Friends with many of them.”
You hear Mom’s weeping in your ear… her eyes radiating such… pain and loss. You dig your fingers into your palm, willing the memories away, your eyes sliding closed-
“He must be trained.”
Your eyes blast open, flying straight to Din. “What?” 
“After Arvala- what he did to the woman on Arvala-” Din lowers his head, avoiding your glare- “I knew he was strong, but… 
“Din,” you grit your teeth- “you must forget he’s special.” You throw your hand out. “Forget Arvala ever happened.”
“A Jedi can train him.” Din is speaking more to himself than to you. “After I leave Nar Shaddaa, I will return to my quest. Find the kid a Jedi.”
“What?” You launch up out of your chair.
“If what you say is true-” Din’s voice is level and even, barely audible even in the silence- “I can’t protect him. He… needs to be trained.”
“Trained?” You voice strains in your throat, tightening with every word. “Didn’t you hear me? It’s too dangerous to let him follow that path!”
The Mandalorian faces you. “Danger is all he’s ever known.” He turns and begins to stalk away. “I was wrong to not follow my quest. I… must follow my creed.” He stops. “This is the way.”
“The way?” You race over to his side, staring up into that emotionless visor. “To give up a child that loves you? That you’ve called son?” You grab his arm. “Refuse him a happy, normal childhood?”
“His life with me is not normal. It’s no life for a child.”
“And- and life as a Jedi isn’t either!” your voice raises. “They aren’t allowed to express love- hold attachments!” You clench your fists, willing your breathing- and voice- to level back out. “That is no way for a child to be raised.”
“That is their way.” The Mandalorian rests a hand on a ladder rung. “And… this is mine.”
Blood explodes in your ear.
“How can you be so cold!”
The Mandalorian’s head shoots to you. 
“If you cared about him, you’d- you’d keep him- fight for him- love him every day- thank the Maker he’s there every morning when you wake up!” Furious tears sting the corners of your eyes, but you wipe them away with your sleeve- refusing to let them fall. “Grateful you have more than just your memories and dreams of him to hold!”
“I do care about him.” The Mandalorian’s voice cuts dangerously calm. “But unlike you, I can’t be selfish.” He steps forward, forcing you to take a step back. “Doing whatever I want; whatever I please.” He stops, his voice quieting. “I… I cannot give him what he needs. He… needs more than me.”
Selfish? Selfish?
The decaying stench of Nar Shaddaa wafts down the streets as you walk lower, deeper into the underbelly of the rotting city center. The tears have now dried on your cheeks, but you know the streaked mascara staining your cheeks will give their existence away. You will have to duck into the sink first before heading into your dilapidated apartment- you can’t let her see any evidence of your suffering.
It’s all for her, and that’s all that matters.
“You-” you swallow the lump cutting off your air, pressing your hands behind your back to hide their trembling- “You know nothing of my life! And frankly, you know nothing of me, Mandalorian.”
“I know enough.” His tone matches your still, quiet coldness. “You’d put your feelings and attachment over what’s best for him.”
“How can you say that while I stand here-” you jab at your side- “carrying scars I took for that child!” 
He takes a step forward, his hands raised almost as if in regret, but you cut him off.
“You sound just like a Jedi!” you shout. “Maybe you would be the perfect teacher for him!” 
His hands drop.
“I… will not dishonor him by denying him his way- his people.” He lowers his head to the floor, almost as if speaking to himself again. “I can’t let the way you are influence me.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” you hiss, the blasting blood deafening in your ears.
“You make rash, impulsive, emotional decisions.” The Mandalorian’s words slice your heart, cutting you down to the core. 
“You never take the bigger picture into account, the greater implications of your actions. Some things are more important than you or I want.”
“What about what he wants? You’re his father!” you yell, giving up on restraint. “That is more important than anything!”
“He… he will forget.”
You blink.
“A child-” your voice drops, quiets- “never forgets love.” You shake your head, nausea brewing in your stomach. “How can you be so cold? So… callus?”
He scoffs at you.
“You’re being foolish.” 
He turns to leave.
“Mandalorian-” your eyes are on fire, burning- “You’re the only fool I see. You’ve been given a gift; do you know what I’d give to have that again?”
He stares you down.
“But- but because you’re scared- you’re scared of failing him- you want to just dump him off on the first Jedi that crawls into your path!” You shake your head, using every ounce of control to keep from exploding.
You fail. 
“You’re the one being selfish, Mando! A coward!”
“I’ve sacrificed everything for him.” His voice takes on that dangerous tone again- warning you with every word spoken. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” 
“I thought you were more than a heartless bounty hunter under all that armor-” you sneer, tapping a finger against his chest- “but I guess I was wrong!”
“You were wrong to assume anything about me,” he rasps under his breath, leaning into you. “I don’t have to explain myself or any of my decisions to you. We’re done here.”
He jerks around, sweeping up into the cockpit of the ship
“And I’m- I’m sorry I ever assumed I could know you, trust you!” You shout from the base of the ladder, hands trembling against the rungs. “Y-you don’t deserve the light you have been given!”
You burst away from the ladder, racing straight into the sleeping quarters and slamming the doors closed. You slump down into the corner, clutching a pillow tightly against your chest.
The nightmares, the memories, the voices, echo- scream- in your ears…
You stare straight ahead.
You’re… exhausted. Emotionally. Physically.
Just- exhausted.
Ever since the Mandalorian left with the child for Mos Pelgo, you’ve been stewing alone in the cockpit, trying to make sense of your tumultuous emotions.
You- you just don’t understand. How…?
You lean forward in the pilot’s seat, burying your face in your hands.
How could he-
You gasp, tearing your head up. The blue hue of the holo-display showers the dark cockpit in twinkling light.
A man- a stranger- stands in the display.
“Answer the holo, Mando.” He places both hands on his hips. “It’s important.”
You blink.
Hesitantly, you reach forward, flicking on the switch.
“Hello?” you question.
The man stares at you, taking in your unexpected appearance.
“I need to speak with the Mandalorian.”
“He, uh, he’s not here, and I don’t know when he’ll be back.” You lean forward, raising an eyebrow. “Can I… give him a message?”
“I assume you’re the girl from Taek?”
You slowly nod.
“I wasn’t going to talk with you about this-” he glances away, his voice lowering- “but it appears I have no choice… Do you know who I am?”
“Ah, no.” You lean back in the pilot’s seat. “Should I?”
“My name is Greef Karga-”
“Oh, yes!” you interrupt. “Cara’s spoken highly of you.”
“Then you know my line of business.” He takes a few steps to the side, as if considering his words. “I was just visited by three individuals that should be… of interest to the Mandalorian… and you.”
“Oh no,” you breathe. “Is this about Taek again? Stars! They- more trouble from Nar Shaddaa?”
Greef slowly crosses his arms. “Not exactly.”
You blink. “Then I don’t… understa-”
“They sought you.”
Your blood freezes.
You- you can’t breathe.
“I told them nothing, of course. I informed them the Guild had no files, no information whatsoever. That you had never been on our radar.” Greef leans forward, his voice falling low. “They left most displeased.”
“No- don’t tell me this.” You press your head down into your knees. “Don’t tell me this.”
“I suggest you tread carefully, my dear-”
You lift your head.
“-they were Mandalorian.”
You slip around the corner of the stone building, sliding right past the dumpsters lining the Mos Eisley street. You tighten the scarf around your face as you tip-toe into an alley- jumping at any hint of movement like a Lothcat on spice.
“Stars,” you hiss, tightening your arms across your chest, collapsing in on yourself as you walk.
Your life-
-is a disaster.
But it’s your disaster, for you to face. You will not endanger the child, put anyone else in the line of fire. 
With Mandalorians after you… Leaving- running away- it’s your only choice.
A sob erupts, and you slap a hand across the scarf covering your lips, pushing against the fabric.
You can’t give in. Not now. Not now.
You sink down into the dirt, pressed up against the wall tucked back behind a stack of boxes.
Trembling… You can’t stop trembling.
Something hard presses into your leg, and you glance down.
Your staff…
You take it off your belt, pressing it against your cheek. Groaning, you slide your eyes closed.
You’re- you’re going to miss him. All of them. You- you-
You part your lips, all the pent-up fear and heartbreak and pain and frustration bleeding out in in one long wail, the tears flooding, drowning your cheeks.
You’re all alone.
You’re all alone again.
You’re all fucking alone.
masterlist / previous chapter / next chapter
taglist: (in the comments)
a/n: I know what you’re thinking: OH NO! I forgot to get wille-zarr a Christmas gift! 
No problem! You can leave me a comment instead lol!
But seriously, OH. MY. STARS. The comments on chapter 7- you have NO IDEA how that pushed me to write this. I’ll be honest, this chapter probably would have taken another 1-2 weeks to write if it wasn’t for the love and comments last chapter! I spent countless nights staying up till 3AM trying to get this done. Again, thank you so much. You have no idea what it means to me- your comments fuel my writing! I love hearing from my regular readers! 
Special thanks for @sana-katarn​, whose endless knowledge of Old Republic terminology I inquired of endlessly while writing… really this entire story! She’s actually the best.
Also, this story will NOT being following season two. At times (such as in this chapter), some events from chapter two may pop up. But not often at all.  We’re going  for an ✨original plot✨ here. ;)
One last thing before I move into season 2 finale spoilers: next chapter, the action/angst kicks up- AGAIN. Like wow, I am so excited for everyone to read it! Things are kicking into gear! (And don’t worry, we will see the Arvala family again very soon!)
SEASON 2 FINALE SPOILERS BELOW YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: ------- Okay, so W O W. That finale. Let’s talk.
I am 100% serious, I had this chapter, the scene where Din and reader fight over the child training to be a Jedi, planned out WELL before the finale! So, imagine my shock that this chapter and that particular scene in the finale happened to fall so close together! I felt a bit bad leaving chapter 8 on a sad note so soon after the finale, but it couldn’t be avoided. So, I’ll just say: trust where I’m going with things! It’s going to be surprising- in a good way! :)
302 notes · View notes
dodo-begone · 3 years
Btw, I’m like 90% sure that I fell asleep while writing so it just stops. Like, there’s no ending/summary/whatever word I’m looking for but can’t think of at the moment and my bird is currently chewing on my phone case oh my god can she please stop—
I believe the concept of yanderes ft. a isekai-d reader has been mentioned by Shepard and her anons, tho it’s been mainly for Origins SMP. So, I come to you with ideas for the Dream SMP because that’s all I’m familiar with HAHAH—
Also, I apologize in advance because this thing is borderline an essay with how long it is. I’m so sorry—
For example *cue dramatic lighting and a cheesy flashback monologue thingie* oh my god I think I’m losing it, I’m so tired
Y/n and their younger sibling, Frisk, had just finished up another press conference regarding Monsters being back on the surface. All seems to be going well until the ground beneath their feet vanishes and they fall unconscious a few moments later. When they awaken, they notice they’re surrounded by humans—wait they aren’t all humans, what the fuck, since when are there hybrids? They knew everyone from the underground—by name, no less—and had never heard of any currently living hybrids. Only of ones from before the war. Besides, Monsters have been on the surface for a month at most, so there is no way for... oh boy, their head is spinning.
After some very...tense...introductions (“Hi, I never saw you guys Underground, nor have I heard of you, no offense. So, uh, which monsters are you guys related to?” “OI, I’LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT TUBBO IS NOT A MONSTER!”) they come to the realization that y/n is most definitely not from this world, or even this universe. Y/n’s adamant refusal to fight the “real monsters” that roam this land (“I did not spend countless timelines weeks putting my life on the line to befriend every monster, break the barrier that trapped them Underground, and defend them against my own god forsaken race just to turn my back on them.”) was a pretty big sign, after all. That, along with species of monsters that the SMP members have never heard of and how y/n talked about Souls as if they were a tangible thing.
It’s a rocky start before any sort of friendship is formed: y/n, wanting to be cautious, (and also not having Sans there to CHECK for them) decides to ask everyone what their LV is. It’s risky, and they had no way to prove if anyone is (or isn’t) telling the truth, but it was worth a shot. “Our levels?” A small goat hybrid asked, his head slightly tilting to the side. Everyone assumes that y/n is talking about enchantment levels. “I’m at 26! Ranboo, you’re at 30, right?” “I’m at 37 now, actually.” “Well, I’M at 58. Clearly I’m the superior one here. A real big man, a very manly man, aren’t I?” And a few others pipe in. Color drains from y/n’s face and they take a few steps back, hands shaking as their eyes dart between each person in the room and the exit. ‘How many lives have they each taken to make their LOVE so high? Why do they seem so proud of it?’ Yeah... that was an interesting experience.
- even though they have been reassured multiple times that the monsters of this world are nothing like the ones from their home, y/n still refuses to kill a single one, as I had mentioned earlier. They also refuse to kill animals. It takes a couple tries at explaining LV or LOVE—Level Of ViolencE—along with EXP—EXecution Points—but eventually everyone is on the same page
- Y/n is hesitant to bring out their SOUL when asked. First off, though they’re now friends with those from the Underground, they can’t help but be reminded of every spear, knife, bone, petal, gaster blaster, and fireball that has been aimed at them with the intent to kill whenever their SOUL was drawn into an encounter back then. Second of all, showing your SOUL is something you do with those you trust with your life—after all, you’re literally putting your lifeline out on display when you do so. There are so many different ways that the SMP members can see it
- Perhaps a monster appears
- Eggpire or Dream attack
- Someone forces y/n into an encounter because everyone is too curious to just let this opportunity slip by
- When y/n discovers that the people of this land have more than one life, they’re confused. There is no way that all of these people have SOULS of Determination, and there’d definitely be some issues if people kept rewinding time to their last save point. Besides, only one Determination SOUL—the strongest one—should be able to respawn. Then again, they only know what Frisk had explained to them. They were never able to see the save stars that Frisk would interact with in the different sections of the Underground. So they only have so much to go off of.
- Battle for them is completely different. Despite being in a different world, the mechanics from their world still apply. They can FIGHT, ACT, use an ITEM or show MERCY.
- They use Frisk’s tactic and flirt their way out of a fight or two. They never understood why Frisk did it until now... ‘I mean, I...wow. That was actually effective.’ They’re impressed.
- Oh no, maybe that wasn’t the best idea...they might have some yanderes after them bc of it...
- They probably have accidentally called Philza ‘Asgore’ and Tubbo ‘Asriel’ because both hybrids remind her of the two males from her world. Similar personalities AND Tubbo is a goat hybrid. The poor child is going to be so confused
- If Tubbo’s a yandere oh boy it’s going to be so easy for him. Y/n will probably be constantly at his side and telling him stories about the first fallen child and how they were adopted by the royal family, who are goat monsters! And just explaining the history of the underground and how important the goat family is. Talks about Asriel a lot as well. Probably makes him butterscotch cinnamon pie and tries to recreate golden flower tea to share with him as well. Or, they do that and he’s not yandere and it’s just wholesome.
- If we follow the headcanons that some fans have made, perhaps Frisk (and/or y/n) gave up half of their SOUL to give to either (or both) Chara or Asriel so they’d have another chance at life
- Not only does y/n refuse to kill, which leaves them vulnerable, they also only have half a SOUL, which means they’re incredibly weak. Someone needs to protect them, someone needs to keep them safe, someone needs to—
- Y/n is incredibly agile thanks to all the battles they’ve faced Underground. With their SOUL always out in the open during an encounter and the fact that they refuse to harm anyone, it’s required. I’m imagining them moving like a dancer, using jumps and spins to help them avoid any weapons swung at them.
- This is gonna be annoying for any yandere that wishes to lock y/n up. Even if they won’t physically hurt someone, they WILL put up a fight and make it as hard as they possibly can to be dragged into isolation or imprisonment
- When it comes to who goes yandere, I believe what color of SOUL y/n has (their personality, in summary) would play a big role. Here’s a few of my ideas, feel free to move people around or add to it, I’m really tired and can’t think of many characters LOL
- Red (determination): Wilbur, Technoblade
- Orange (bravery): Technoblade, Dream, Tommy
- Yellow (justice): Sam, Technoblade
- Green (kindness): the kids of the server, Fundy, and Ghostbur
- Cyan (patience): Ranboo, Ghostbur, Karl
- Dark blue (integrity): Tubbo, Philza, Sam
- Purple (perseverance): Dream—this man would love to see how long it would take for your perseverance to run out. I wouldn’t be surprised if your perseverance is the only reason he’s interested.
From what I saw of the end of what I wrote, it is DEFINITELY cut short. At least I mentioned every SOUL type lolol.
Also, I found a whole other note that’s a continuation of this concept but for y/n being from another game what the hell was I doing—
Expect that to come in another ask once I eat dinner
Sorry i took so long to answer!! I kept getting distracted!
That stuff is so pog man!!!! Puffy might be called “Toriel” once in a while because mom energy and she sheep,,, close to goat!
Gosh all the flirting will bring in so many yanderes or make ppl like “yo wtf??” And there’s a very small amount that are inbetween.
OKAY BUT WITH THE MONSTER STUFF ON THE DSMP- they’d keep the monsters in their house. They’d give them food and everything. Some def become very friendly and will defend. Haha giant spider go prrrrrr
I’d write more but there is so much amazing stuff I don’t think I could add to some of them anyways!!! Plus my mind is just racing other places rn haha
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Ayo Cr1tiKal you’re a father now lmao [Cr1tiKal x Reader]
You heard it here folks!
Sorry if it’s bad- still new to this. 
Summary: Y/N has been dating the iconic moistcr1tiKal for a whole year now. You expected the best, Charlie was a nice guy. What you didn't expect was getting pregnant- to his child. You were very nervous to tell him, but you did. And thank god he was muted on his stream. A/N: I apologize for this
You cursed to yourself, looking at the positive pregnancy test in your hand. Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! You had no idea what to do, you didn't see Charlie as the father type, and you didn't see yourself as the mother type. You were pretty sure raising a child around random ass sex toys wasn't a very nice thing- and parent teacher conferences would be awkward. What would the teachers think when they see what the kid father does? Speaking harsh profanities and being 18+. There would be CPS at their door- she couldn't do this. But.. maybe he wanted to be a father?
You were nervous, very nervous. You needed to tell Charlie because he's gonna be pretty suspicious when your stomach begins to grow and you start to put chocolate on your pizza rolls and eat pickles even though they aren't your favorite thing. You breathed in, looking yourself in the mirror. You were trembling, you felt it scratching at your skin. You needed to decide how the hell you were going to tell Charlie. How was he gonna react? Would he leave you? Be mad at you? Ask for an abortion? You.. didn't want to kill the kid because they didn't do anything wrong. You had suspicion when you began to eat more often and get morning sickness- and Charlie was getting nervous as well. He literally locked you in the bedroom and said if you get up there will be hell to pay.
Well you snuck out when he was streaming and got a pregnancy test. You remember the cashier looking you in the eye and saying "Tough times man." You chuckled and replied with "Damn right." You walked back and forth in the bathroom, holding the test close to your chest while thinking of ways to tell him.
"Charlie, I'm pregnant- no no no, too casual.."
"Hey Charlie, can we talk? mm.. no. He'll think we're gonna break up."
"Maybe I'll just-"
"THATS BIG!" You heard Charlie scream from the bathroom.
You couldn't help but chuckle. You honestly loved listening to him stream and make his videos. He was always so funny and had no care for YouTubes family friendly bullshit, that's what you loved and admired about the man. You breathed in, you gained some confidence and walked to his door. When you got to the door, you went over your lines.
"Charlie, I'm pregnant."
That was it. Easy.
You opened the door- well more like burst it open. He flinched and look at you. Without even thinking, you threw the test at his face and screamed
"I-I-I- yOU'RE pREGNANT!" You paused, and he just flinched again, nearly falling off his chair in surprise.
The chat on his stream was going insane. People were tweeting, screenshotting, and making memes at this very second. He looked at you, picking up the test that sat on the ground, and looked at it. He looked at his screen, looked at you, at the test, and back at the screen. A big smile wiped on his face as he said "Hey guys guess what I'm pregnant."
You stared at him with a look of disbelief. "You're not mad?"
"I knew you were pregnant Y/N it was kinda obvious when I looked it up." Charlie said, looking you in the eyes.
You just stared at him before speaking. "Do you wanna keep it..?"
"What the fuck kinda question is that? Fuck yeah I wanna keep it!" Charlie threw his arms in the air, not really caring about the stream and the chat freaking out. His little character in Among Us sat at the admin controls looked hella sus.
You smiled and went over to hug him, you were super happy that Charlie wanted to keep the child and how he wasn't mad you. You sat on his lap with your legs hanging off the arm rest as he got back to his stream.
"Uh well that just happened." Charlie chuckled, and so did you.
"Chat, do you think Charlie will be a good or bad father?" You asked.
The chat answered with many "No"s and "F"s.
"Wha- fuck you guys then!" Charlie said, and you bursted out laughing.
Suddenly, an emergency meeting was called.
Felix spoke, "OKAY but Grease looks mad sus at those admin controls."
"Oh I'm not the imposter, I just found out I was pregnant." Charlie said as casually as he could.
There was silence before the lobby erupted in screams and questions.
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luckysliceofbread · 3 years
Genshin Characters Reactions to you having the powers of someone from another world
(Aka: yet another excuse to talk a bit about Honkai imapct)
Tw: talks about fighting but I think that was a given, swearing
Oh also just know that I’m barley ever serious, it’s not enough to be a whole crack fic buuuuuut...
Quick explanation/ the best explanation I can make about Honkai imapct and how the fighting stuff works:
People called Valkyries are trained to fight these things called Honkai beasts and use these things called “battle suits” to fight them, but there are the gods called Herrschers, they don’t count as Valkyrie’s but some fight Honkai beasts.
One person can have multiple battle suits and depending on the battle suits, they can control elements, there are no elemental reactions, but the elements are still in the battle suits.
I’ll assign you a random battle suit, with pictures of said battle suit and the stats, of course (Although the weapon stats are the stats of the weapons when you first get it).
Oh, and I should also add:
SP is like the energy that’s used for ultimates.
Some cost less than others some cost more. You get SP from hitting monsters and stuff.
Now onto the headcanons!
You loved Genshin Impact, playing the game when you felt like it, trying your hardest to get a good team and then build them up, you hated the constant grind, but you put up with it because you were having so much fun playing the game.
Recently you’ve heard about another game MiHoYo released a few years back, Honkai Impact 3rd, you saw a video of one cutscene from inside the game and immediately went to download the game.
Now you’ve been playing for a while and you’re also having a pretty great time there too, you’ve pulled for quite a few characters and found it fairly easy to build a team.
One night, you stay up to late playing Genshin and you wake up literally inside Teyvat. You soon discover that you have the powers and abilities of the Valkyrie you were building up.
Cool part is, you look exactly like the Battle suit, the only things you kept were your skin, eyes, hair colour and body shape, pretty cool that you somehow magically also took their fighting reflexes, fighting style, weapon and powers/abilities.
(No seriously, fighting like the Valkyrie does in the game feels like second nature to you.)
You spend a few weeks in Teyvat, and make quick friends with a few people, however you only tell one about- uh- this mess.
Battle suit: Stygian Nymph
Let me clarify that the more SP Stygian Nymph has during her ultimate increases her damage output. That’s why she’s op.
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Oh wait that makes a lot of sense.
He knew you came from another world, you told him that
But to also imitate that person’s abilities?
How interesting
He studies you a lot, asking questions about the Valkyrie herself
You tell him that Seele (the Valkyrie that uses this battle suit), also uses her ‘other self’ to fight in battle, but you haven’t tried to summon her because you literally have no idea what would happen
Which is pretty reasonable
Albedo asks you if you’re okay with trying it out for the reasearch
You go “fuck it” and call upon your ‘other self to lend you their strength’ just like Seele does
It works, but you still have full control, no ‘other you’ sadly
You test out the fact that your sythe had turned into these giant floating claws and tenticals
You have SO MUCH fun bulling the hilihurls
Poor them
Then after clearing through many, many, many camps (listen this battle suit can solo anything), you remember Stygian Nymph’s Ultimate
You figure that you’ve definitely maxed out your SP and that the damage is going to be humongous
So you go to bully that poor cryo flower (I forgot what it’s called)
Albedo is unsure, but after you tell him that this battle suit has solo fought a god, a killing machine, a giant dog and more stronger things in Honkai impact, he agrees, completely ready to step in, only just in case though
You just run in, and Albedo goes to find a safe spot to sit down while he watches you fight for a while
He’s like ‘this’ll probably take a while’
So it took less than a minute
You used your ultimate when the boss slouched on the ground
That flower is very dead
You collect your rewards and leave
Albedo’s like wtf was that
You’re like idk man, I had a lot of SP
wtf is an SP?
Battle suit: Herrscher of the Void
Side note: you also evade and float around like HotV I just couldn’t find a way to bring it up here without getting off-track.
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This is the only acceptation to the ‘your eyes stay the same too’ bit
Your eye colour looks the exact same now
Aether looked you in the eyes and went ‘hey that looks like the person who kidnapped my sister’
He attacked you and you were like ‘Aether wtf’
You tried explaining the situation as calmly as you can while almost being stabbed
He calms down a bit and is like
“So, can you use her powers?”
“The Herrscher of the Void and that unknown goddess are probably not the same person.”
“But I’m pretty sure they’re like, alternate universe counterparts?”
“Really? Cool.”
You joined his party after a few weeks of Paimon BEGGING Aether to just “Invite y/n, already!”
Paimon is getting tired of watching your semi-awkward interactions
So they hope bringing you on the team will stop making things so awkward
It kinda worked?
After gaining enough SP you used your ultimate, knowing that the missiles(?) couldn’t hurt anyone on your team
You scared the FUCK out of everyone
I mean you helped a lot but like
Give a warning please
Wait no he’s not mad at you don’t feel bad
Battle suit: Motolov Cherry: Augment Core
Let me tell you what an augment core is. I don’t know if they have a canon explanation because I skipped a lot of the HI3rd text, but it’s like a battle suit inside a battle suit.
They usually work similarly but in this case the battle suits aren’t very similar.
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The way he met you was unique
He heard a ruckus around Wangshu inn and went to go see if it was trouble
It was but you were taking care of it
He was about to leave because you looked more than capable of handling this
But then he saw that you dual-wield greatswords (or claymores, as they’re called in Teyvat)
You were just flinging them around like it was nothing???
Curious, he stuck around to watch you fight from afar
Then you used your ultimate
Great, now there’s even more pink and blue paint every—
Wait what it all disappeared after the fight wtf
See, the thing is, you actually expected him to be there
That’s why you were clearing out any remaining hilichurl camps around the inn
But you didn’t tell him
So now your talking
You trust him a lot, considering you literally lured him out to talk to him
He sticks around, and of course he asks questions
“Are those horns?”
“Uh, I think?”
“You think?”
“How do you dual-wield strange looking claymores, and then fight with them like they’re regular blades?”
“They’re not actually that heavy.”
“Yeah, you can hold one to test it out.”
He then dropped it on the ground, and fell down with it
Obviously it was kinda funny, but this is Xiao, so you try to hold back your laughter in order to keep Xiao as your friend
He then disappears out of embarrassment
You make a mental note to visit him at the inn sometime
Oh, and don’t forget the Almond Tofu
Battle suit: Starlit Astrologos
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Yeah she’s a support-dps
She’s my child and I love her
So it all started when you went to the adventures guild to find a place to stay
That’s where he heard you say “I have an anemo vision, but it’s in my coat.”
He surely didn’t remember giving you a vision, he’d definitely remember someone who looked as pretty as you
You got away with it and you were allowed into the adventurers guild!
Suspicious, he goes all like
“Hey, I couldn’t help but over-hear that you have an anemo vision! Let’s be anemo buddies!”
After he says that your just like oh no he’s on to me
You feign obliviousness, pretending like this man isn’t the literal anemo archon, and you agree
So you’re doing a commission and he tags along
Mainly because he doesn’t believe you have anemo powers and he waits for an excuse to come from you
“I’ll stay a bit behind and shoot a bit.”
“Ok, be careful.”
“I will.”
You dig your weapon into the ground, it made a musical bum sound
Wait do you actually have anemo powers
You used your charged attack and deal MASSIVE amounts of damage
And you use your normal attack to heal yourself when you get hit
He’s already amazed
Then a hilichurl is about to attack you from behind, but he can’t shoot it in time
Luckily, you dodge it in time, activating your ultimate evasion
Now, ultimate evasions differentiate from different battle suits
But the most common one is literally stopping time
But an extra thing this battle suit does is release a large burst of wind at the enemy who cause the evasion in the first place
Venti is so confused because he can move, you can move, but the hilichurls are slowed down by a lot
You yell at him to come step in the formation on the ground after time stops
So you continue attacking the hilichurls, and Venti makes his way to the small formation on the ground
The entire time he’s like
‘What the fuck, is y/n actually a human? What’s happening??’
Time goes back to normal and he steps in the forma— AAAAA EVERYTHING IS FROZEN AGAIN
Then the cherry on top to the cake of confusion was your ultimate
Hoo boy
Your ultimate is a giant formation with a tornado inside it
“Ok what the fu—“
After that you tell him that your from another world and about the whole situation blah blah blah
“So, you come from a different world, and then you took the powers of someone else from a different world?”
“Yeah, she’s like, really strong.”
“Is she a god?”
“Then what are the gods in that world like..?”
“You don’t wanna know.”
“I wha—“
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
Lee Wen Hai Character Story
Minor Y0 Spoilers
Alright it’s been a little bit but I was doing other nonsense like ripping all the substory text out of Y0. Anyways!
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Sotenbori’s God Hand, Lee Wen Hai. I really love this dude. 
Summary: Lee is attempting to leave his life as a hitman behind for good, but a local organized crime group’s executive is asking him to do one more job. Things get messy, which is exactly what Lee was worried about.
<A few months after Makoto began working with Lee Wen Hai> Lee: Ya don't gotta push with much force. Just let your body weight handle it.
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Makoto: Don't use force, use my body weight... umm, like this?
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Lee: Nah, you're bein' too timid about it. Don't worry about hurtin' your old man none. (Tl note: I had to re-read this line a LOT but I’m like 90% sure Lee is just straight up calling himself her dad) Makoto: Y... Yes sir! Lee: ....Oh, that's gettin' a bit better. Now, your palm is one half of a conversation with the muscles. Makoto: There's a lot to massages, isn't there...! I'll study hard! Lee: Though, why do ya wanna do massages anyways? You're my guest, ya know it's fine if ya don't work, right? Makoto: You've done so much or me, I can't help but feel a little guilty... So I'd like to be helpful to you Lee-san, even if only a little. Lee: (After all the awful shit she's gone through, she's still a good kid...) Makoto: I've got a an older brother. He's really smart, and a hard worker so... I hope I can become more like him. Makoto: ....Lee-san, you remind me a little of my brother. Lee: Heh... So this brother, ya came over to Japan together? Makoto: No... when I was just a child, my brother disappeared... I haven't seen him since. Makoto: However, for some reason he showed up in Japan... Eventually, somewhere in Japan, I'm sure I'll meet him again. Lee: ...Alright. I'll help ya look for him too. It may not seem it, but I got some connections I can pull scattered all over. Makoto: Th-That's... I could never ask you to go that far... Lee: I'm your stand-in dad... nah, I'm standing in for your older brother. It may be corny, but you can rely on me for anythin'. (Tl note: the term Lee uses here is actually foster father, but it was hard to word well with the bit about her brother) Lee: So let's get lookin' for your real brother then.
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Makoto: Lee-san... Lee: ...Huh? Y-You're cryin'!? I wasn't tryin' to make ya cry! Makoto: It's just... Since I came to Japan, I've never been treated this kindly... Lee: Geez, uh, I'm really no good when girls cry! I'm beggin ya, don't cry any more! Makoto: Okay... sorry... Lee: I was seriously... Organization Executive: Yo, am I interrupting? (Tl note: They’re pretty vague on things for a long time, but he’s part of the yakuza, so I’ll use appropriate terms so I don’t have to say “organization” over and over to stay generic) Makoto: Ah... welcome! Lee: ....Makoto, today's lesson is finished. How bout you head on home first. Makoto: Ah, yes sir. Thank you for today... Exec: That girl, seems like she can't see. Where'd you find her?
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Lee: It's got nothin' to do with you. Why'd ya come here today anyways. If it's about a "job", you're barkin' up the wrong tree. I ain't in that business anymore. Exec: Haw? What do you mean? Lee: I mean exactly what I said. I ain't takin' "jobs" anymore. Exec: And would that possibly be... because of that girl? Lee: That ain't related. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that I've already decided that I ain't gonna do it! Exec: ...Well, you do have the freedom to go from a hitman to a civilian. In the end, however, you'll agree to take this contract. Exec: In the same way that blood and law are tied together, so too is our organization and its members. ...Still, your case is pretty straight forward. Lee: What do ya mean? Exec: You know too much of the underbelly of the organization. You know what that entails. Lee: .......... Exec: As a talented hitman, you could leisurely stroll around Sotenbori. Now that you're a civilian however..... Lee: The well informed acupuncturist will get erased, is what you're sayin'. Exec: That's it exactly. Lee: Heh, I already knew I was riskin' getting snuffed. Ain't the first threat of it, and it don't change how I feel. Exec: You're a stubborn bastard huh... Well, ultimately you'll help me with my job. Lee: What makes ya say that? Exec: Despite how I look, I'm an executive in the organization. I can talk to any of the higher ups directly. Exec: All I have to say is that this civilian's been meddling. Of course, I'd rather you just clean up this job. Lee: I've already decided I ain't killin' anymore. How many times do I gotta tell ya, I ain't takin' that job! Exec: It's fine if you don't kill. Really, I just want you to get a little violent. Lee: Huh....? <They head out> Exec: Inside this bar is a gang that I want you to knock around. Of course, it's fine if you don't kill them.
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Lee: ...Is that really gonna be okay? Exec: Mhm, this job will be a cinch for you. ...Of course, I tried to tell you that. You just didn't want to listen. Lee: When it's a job from guys like you, it's never been simple... <he goes inside the bar> Lee: Pardon the intrusion.
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Goon: Eh? Geezers ain't allowed in this bar. You can go drink cheap booze with your own family.
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  Goon 2: We're renting the place out right now. Before you get scared shitless, don't you think it'd be a good idea to head on home? Lee: Heh... you brats sure have a mouth on ya. Too bad I went and grew a conscious before I could bury ya. Goon: What the hell did you say! You want us to throw you out on your ass!? <fight, Lee crushes them> Goon: G-Guh.....
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Lee: What, it's already over? That gang was all bark and no bite. Exec: Finished? Lee: Yeah, they won't be standin' up any time soon. I stopped before it got to anythin' dangerous. Exec: As expected, you did everything exactly to the letter. It'll be quick to get them to cough up what I'm after. Exec: Oi! You two, do you know a man called Iwai? That asshole has something he was supposed to be watching. Goon 2: I-Iwai, it's been a long time since we've seen him..... Exec: Covering for him isn't going to be good for you! If you don't want to die, hurry up and spit it out! Goon 2: Honest! I'm serious, I don't know any more than that! Exec: Tch...... Hey, what do you think!? Is Iwai going to come here!? Goon: He won't...! He ran off to join some family and totally cut ties with us! Exec: ....Lee, these bastards, do you think they're lying? Lee: Hmm. Well, this group ain't exactly fearless. The whole crew is already pissin' their pants. Exec: Looks like they really are separate... <they head back outside> Lee: This job's done. Well, I'm headin' home.
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Exec: No, the job isn't over yet. I know it's a bother, but I'll need you to stick with me a little while longer. Lee: Oi... you're changin' our deal. I just did your damn job! Exec: I told you this job was to tidy things up. That was supposed to clean things up, but the plan went off the rails. Lee: Piece of shit... Exec: Let's get going to our next destination then. Or would you rather I speak with my higher ups? Lee: That's different than what ya said earlier. You're a real weaselly guy. Exec: Let's say that you don't continue with this job, this world wouldn't speak kindly of that, right? Lee: You're gettin' ahead of yourself. Whackin' some chinpira is one thing, sniffin' after the Osaka yakuza will land ya in a world of hurt. Lee: Even if ya take me along as a body guard, there's nothin' stoppin' your business partner from pumpin' ya fulla lead. Lee: The jobs ya bring me are always this way. Without exception they're a pain in the ass that I get tangled up in. Exec: And yet you always get them done in the end, don't you? I'm going to buy that arm of yours once more. Exec: I'm begging you, Lee. Lend me your power one more time. Lee: ......I had just stopped stickin' my neck out like this and ya had to go and say stuff like that... Lee: I just gotta know somethin'. What is it that you're chasin' down? Exec: Our group's stolen cash... 200,000,000 yen. Lee: Hmm... that is a hefty sum. Exec: The amount doesn't matter to our organization, it's our pride that's been wounded. We absolutely must get that money back. Exec: If the money is returned via your cooperation, then my organization will no longer be able to touch you. Doesn't that sound like a good job? Lee: Keh, so that's your game. Awful patronizin' to say it that way. Lee: ....Eh, whatever. This is the last time I'll be workin' with ya. <END PART 1>
Exec: Ora! <punch>
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Exec: Cough it up already, Iwai! <punch> Iwai: ......... Exec: There you have it. No matter how many times he's beaten he's not talking. Hmm... I guess these fists just aren't going to cut it. Exec: These guys that don't squeal, they really know how to take a hit. Well, no use beating on him for no reason. Lee: And this guy, he's the mastermind that ran off with your cash? Exec: Mhm, by the time I caught wind of it, he'd already hidden the money. Lee: What a lousy job. Exec: My kyoudai was preparing our payment to the government. To get him out of that jam, I have to keep looking. (Tl note: I’m assuming it’s a bribe, but I’m not actually sure! It might be a tributary payment up to the main branch but I can’t find much one way or the other on that) Lee: So you're coverin' for your kyoudai, huh. Exec: I agree that this job isn't worth it. But, for my kyoudai's sake, I'm going to keep searching for that cash. Exec: This guy's in a totally different league from that gang. No matter how much you torture him, he's not going to cough up the location. Lee: Hey, lemme have a go at squeezin’ it outta him. Exec: Sure, be my guest. I'm going to go ice my knuckles.
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Lee: Well then... Iwai-san, let's get started. Nice to meet ya. Iwai: .............. <fade to black> Lee: Ya don't wanna know what kinda torture I got. Ya should talk fast. Iwai: ................. Lee: Do ya intend to stay quiet till ya croak? If that's your decision, ya gotta know you'll be tortured the whole time. Iwai: ............... Lee: If ya really ain't gonna talk, you've got some guts. Unfortunately no amount of guts or backbone is gonna get ya outta this. Iwai: .............. Lee: Eh, I get the picture. Well, let's get started. First off the nerves in your shoulder. Give ya a taste of the painful death you've settled on. Iwai: .............. Lee: (.....Hm?) Iwai: ...........? Lee: I couldn't recognize ya with how bad your face is swollen. You've been to Hogushi Kaikan before. I recognize the feel of this. Iwai: ............ Lee: Yeah, your shoulder was always real stiff. I'm rememberin' it now. ...Say, didn't ya always come by with a skinny lady? Iwai: ............. Lee: Ya both came in durin' the middle of the day smellin' like cheap soap. In the middle of the dry skin on her back, there's a bodhisattva inked in. Iwai: ............. Lee: Yeah, a soapland worker. Think I outta make her aware of this? Iwai: She's got nothing to do with this! Lee: Finally ya gave me somethin'. Though it wasn't very clear. Seems like that cash, well it must be hidin' in the same place as that soapland worker. Iwai: She really has nothing to do with this! Believe me! Lee: Seems I'll have to go hear that from her myself. Once I get there, I'll do some lookin' around. Iwai: I-I'm begging...! She... That woman, please forget about her! Lee: Man, you're a real fool. Not only did ya fall for a soapland worker, ya went and gave her all the family's cash too. Lee: And what, ya planned on stayin' silent till ya got beaten to death? Iwai: With all that money... she wouldn't have to work that job anymore... At least, that's what I thought... Lee: You really are a dang idiot... But, I'm the same kind of guy.
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Iwai: Eh...? Lee: Hang tight. <Lee leaves> Exec: Oh? Did you get him to spill?
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Lee: He said he left it at a soapland. Exec: Haw!? Of all the stupid shit. That bastard, does he think this is a game! Lee: Yeah, he probably does. Still, only one way to be sure. <Lee leaves> Barker: Sir, sir, would you like to spend some time playing today?
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Lee: Yeah, I think I will. I think I'll pick a lady who's inked up with a bodhisattva.  Barker: Huh...? Lee: It's a pretty flashy tat. I'm sure ya know which shop she's in. Barker: Wh-What are you saying! Do you think I know every single soapland worker around here!? Lee: If that's the case I'll just have to search through 'em all myself. I might as well start with your shop and give it an examination. Barker: A-A weird customer is on his way over! Please, get the conflict resolution people! Yakuza: Hello, we're this area's "conflict resolution" people. Sir, I'm afraid you're making a bit of a scene.
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Yakuza 2: If you're determined to play anyways, how about you play with us instead? Though, our play time might get a little rough for an old timer like you.   Lee: You got some soft 'n' green asses. I'll have to work 'em over a lil. (Tl note: Lee says their asses are green and mochi-like, and that he's going to 揉む them a little which is. uh. usually rub/massage. fellas the homoeroticism of this posturing is pretty intense) <they fight> Yakuza: Wh, some other family's messing with us! Someone, phone HQ for reinforcements....!
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Lee: Aww, don't go kickin' up a fuss. We were just playin' around. Lee: I ain't gonna cause another racket on your turf. I'm just looking for a soapland lady who's got a bodhisattva tattoo. Yakuza: Bodhisattva tattoo... Lee: Seems like ya know her. Which shop? Yakuza: The discount shop on the first corner.... Her name is... Niru, I'm pretty sure.... Lee: Niru, huh. Thanks, that helps. <he goes> Lee: Pardon me.
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Niru: Eh....?
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Lee: So you're Niru-san, huh. This shop seems to be pretty empty. Niru: Who are you... you’re that massage shop's... You're... not a customer, are you. Lee: Hey, Iwai told me to come here for somethin'. Niru: ............. Lee: He gave ya somethin' to hold onto. He needs ya to hand it over to me. Niru: I-I don't know what you’re talking about... I'm not holding onto anything... Lee: Well that's a lie. Right now there's gonna be a mess of problems if ya don't hand it over. Niru: Problems... Lee: Do ya wanna end up fish food in the Sotenbori River? Niru: .....! Lee: That's the kinda thing you're dealin' with here. If ya understand that, just cooperate and hand it over. Niru: ......... <suitcase hits the ground> Niru: That person, he brought that suitcase and promised he'd be back to see me later... but, it's been more than two days since I've seen him... Lee: Did ya look inside it? Niru: No... Lee: That's good. See ya. <Lee leaves> Niru: Th-That man, what happened to him!? Is he okay!? Please! Don't kill that man! Exec: Ohh, you got it all back! What kind of torture did it take to get it!?
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Lee: It took something much more painful than torture. Exec: Hehe, well, as long as the money's returned, it's all good! Though, was it really being held onto by a soapland worker.... Iwai: ......... Lee: I've got somethin' I need ya to do. Help this man out. Exec: Huh? After this guy took my family's cash? There's no way I can keep the blame off of him. Lee: I ain't askin’. Exec: Oy oy, what's all this about. Whether this jackass lives or dies, that doesn't really affect you does it? Lee: He made a promise to his girl. Exec: A promise....? Hahaha! Man, are you a weirdo or what!? Iwai: Ugh.... Lee: Huh...! Exec: Of course I'm going to kill him! And I'm going to kill that soapland worker too! And then... <pistol noise> Lee: Guh...! Exec: I'll kill you too. Lee Wen Hai. <END PART 2>
Lee: Guh... Exec: Hehehe... The professional killer Lee, putting another person's life above his own. Are you getting senile? Lee: Mother fucker! Exec: Uh oh, looks like you can't move. Must be from that hole through your stomach. Lee: You planned on killin' me from the start...! Exec: I'd heard you'd stopped taking jobs after you picked up that girl. It was pretty clear that you wanted to wash your hands of this business. Exec: That made this the perfect time to ask you to do this "job". Lee: ....... Exec: This cash really was stolen from my organization. But, it's not my kyoudai's cash. It was being prepared by an asshole I despise. Exec: That arrogant bastard came preaching to me about preparing his 100 million. I got so mad that I wanted to kill him. Exec: So that got me thinking. Who was stupid enough that I could tempt into stealing the payment? Lee: That idiot, he was... Exec: Mhm, and that man, he's the driver for that arrogant bastard. He's stupid and always having money trouble, so he was the ideal piece. Exec: I went to talk to him at his hideout with his crew. Exec: The suitcase I had with me had around 100 million yen in it, but I was being pretty careless. Lee: ................. Exec: And then of course that moron really went and took the money and fled. After that, I had to figure out what bait to use. Exec: He'd be captured wherever he was hiding. After he was disposed of, I'd use that money to gain favor in the family. Exec: That insufferable bastard would be disgraced... and everything would be perfect for me to advance. Exec: I didn't expect him to hand two hundred million yen over to that soapland worker... That guy, he's really a bigger idiot than I could have imagined. Lee: That's a shitty picture you've just painted. I did learn one thing from it... Exec: Ah, thank you. ...Well, that's enough of my bragging. Exec: I'll be sure to pass along the information about you. "He became a civilian and has run off somewhere" is what I'll say.
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Lee: Ya really don't get it. It turns out, you're the one with no end game here. Exec: Oh...? Are you going to be a sore loser right at the end? Lee: Earlier, why didn't ya follow me when I went out? Exec: Nobody would believe that all that money had been entrusted to a soapland worker. But, with that in mind, how is my endgame a problem? Lee: When I was out I called your organization. Exec: Haw...!? Lee: When an organization is tryin' to retrieve cash, they don't make moves by themselves. Normally, they use foot soldiers. Lee: Plus, I was angry that I had already gone back on my promise to stop doin' this sort of thing. I figured I should know what kind of shape the family was in. Lee: And ya wanna know what one of your boys over there told me that really surprised me? <stabbing sound> Exec: Y-You piece of shit...! How did you...! Exec: Guh! Shit, the gun...! Lee: C'mon ya amateur, yer gettin' shaken and flustered. If it's me throwin' needles, it's more accurate than any gun.
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Exec: Flustered...? That stuff about calling my family was a lie!? Lee: I really did call 'em. In fact, they're gonna be here soon. Exec: Wh-... Lee: I didn't expect ya to put a hole in my gut though... Ah well, I can handle a handicap. Exec: Handicap....? Lee: I'm gonna kick your ass before your organization shows up! If I'm workin' with this sorta handicap, it should make for a good fight! <they fight, Lee does in fact kick his ass> Exec: Gah....
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Lee: Guess a single hole wasn't enough of a handicap. The guys from your organization haven't even shown yet. Lee: ...Hey, Iwai, you still alive? Iwai: G-Guh... Lee: Seems like bein' that stupid has made ya real tough. The members of your organization will be here soon. Ya better scram before it's too late. Iwai: I-... Is that okay..? Lee: Ya made that lady a promise. If ya break it you'll never sleep easy again. I'll smooth talk the boys. Get outta here. Iwai: I-I'm in your debt! <Iwai leaves> Lee: That guy also had a hole through his guts... He really is powerfully stupid. (Tl note: the line kind of implies he’s powerful because he’s stupid) Exec: Heh..... People sure do change when they get involved with a woman... Lee: Ah? You're already awake. Ya lookin' for round two? Exec: Don't even joke about it... Though, it is a relief... Lee: What is? Exec: That softness... it's going to kill you one of these days... I think before too long, we'll meet each other again in hell...
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Lee: Say what ya like. I ain't dyin'. <door opens and the family boys come in> Goon: ...Oh, ouch. Our backstabber looks like shit.
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Goon: You're an executive too. When someone betrays our organization... I'm sure you know what happens...? Exec: Shut up... Just do whatever you like to me, I don't care... Goon: Fine by me! Boys, end him! <beating noises> Another Exec: You're the hitman, Lee? Where's the money?
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Lee: Here it is. Seems like it's all accounted for. Exec 2: ...Sure enough. Where is the man who took the money? The kid who drove for me. Lee: Ah, that matter has already been cleaned up Mr. Executive. If ya'd like to find him, maybe try lookin' around the mountains next year? Exec 2: ...That's good. You've done me a favor. If you ever need one in return, you need only ask. Lee: I think I got one thing ya can do for me in return. Exec 2: What's that? Lee: I'm becomin' a civilian. I'd like for ya to square that away. Exec 2: Is that all? Lee: Yep, just that. Exec 2: ...Understood. I’ll handle it. I'll stake my honor on it. Lee: Well, if that's all, I'm gonna head on home. <Lee starts to leave> Lee: ...Ah, if ya ever have any aches and pains come see me. I'll fix ya up at Sotenbori's Hogushi Kaikan.
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Exec 2: Haha... Yeah, I'll stop by next time I'm in the area.
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<A few weeks later>
Makoto: Press with my own body weight...
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Lee: Oh, that's feelin' just right. Ya got some surprising talent for this. Makoto: Do you really think so!? I've been practicing on our regulars during lunch hours, so maybe that's why I've improved this much. Lee: Heh, and now we got even more regulars. Makoto: Yeah, like that one lady. She always smells like really nice soap. Lee: ...That customer, has she been comin' in alone? Makoto: Yes, by herself... Why do you ask? Lee: Nah, it's nothin'. I'm always happy to get more regulars. Makoto: This time she did say she wanted a massage from you, Lee-san. It sounded like she might be someone you've met before. Lee: (The soapland worker? I wonder if she'll ask me about that idiot man next time we meet...) Lee: ...Next time that customer comes in askin' for me, tell her I ain't gonna do it. Lee: I'd rather my apprentice get in some more practice. Makoto: Hehe, sure. Lee: Outside of that, anythin' odd happen? Makoto: Anything odd? Hmmmm, nothing recently. Lee: Alright. That's good. Though, if anythin' does happen tell me right... OW!? Makoto: Eh...!? Lee: That's where the gun... I mean, that's where I had a surgery! The wound opened! Makoto: I-I'm so sorry! Lee: I got a serious request... Let's start this from the beginning! Today's trainin' will be tough! Makoto: Yes sir! I'm ready to go!
Bonus time: man, Lee just can’t catch a break! it’s really interesting seeing this and the sugoroku event, Lee keeps sticking his neck out for people because he’s a good dude and it always goes to shit but he just keeps doing it anyways! I love him. After years and years and years of Kiryu dancing around ever saying he’s Haruka’s dad I was so taken aback by Lee just saying it outright. It hasn’t even been that long! 
also ouch! what a called shot by that exec! I hate that he’s completely right
I’m not really sure what happened to the other 100 mil, since 200 mil did get mentioned twice, or if I just misread something? It’d make sense if it were 100 mil from each executive but it was not super clear to me. I’m also not sure if Makoto saying that Niru smelled like really nice soap implies that Iwai did get her 100 mil still, or if it’s just a difference in world view where Lee thinks it smells cheap and Makoto thinks it’s nice. Iwai wasn’t with her, and she still smells like soap at noon, so I’m leaning towards her not getting the money
during the Y0 event they had The Grand as a location you could send teams to so they’d gather items for you. I sent Lee and..........
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Lee. Lee I think they need those. Lee c’mon. 
actually... were... were those just lying around in the Grand...? 😳😳😳
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Top 5 Character Deaths That Made Me Side-Eye the Writers
There are a lot of character deaths in TWDG... obviously. It a series about the literal dead walkin’ around and eating people, so as you’re playing, one of your favorite characters is bound to meet such a fate. To give this series credit, it does have quite a few well-executed deaths that, while I hate them, they have a purpose in the story that works. 
The best example of this is Lee’s death-- we all hate that Lee dies, but it’s well-done. It serves its purpose, it acted as both a shock and a slow-burn for the player, and left us all an emotional mess. 
However, we’re not talking about the “good” deaths today. No, we’re talking about the character deaths that are poorly executed, cheap, lazy, and just plain dumb... they’re the deaths that make me side-eye the writing team and wonder what the fuck happened there. 
By the way, it was reeeeeeal fun narrowing it down to only five deaths, because it seems like for every great death, there’s at least two bad ones.
5. Mariana and her death that ruined ANF’s potential story
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I’ve talked at length about Mariana’s death and how much I hate it. Like, I get it TWDG... you love your sudden deaths and you’re so edgy for killing off a child character because you’ve never done that before... but maybe consider things a little further before pulling the trigger?
Yeah, killing off Mariana the way they did got a reaction outta people when it happened, and we got the burial scene if you stayed with Clementine... but you didn’t consider the future of this storyline? You pretend you did by name dropping Mari when it’s convenient, but then throw it out the window when it comes to characters like David or Gabe.
Listen, I know that ANF is a mess and what’s the point in telling the mess that it’s a mess? Well, I’m still annoyed at the writers for wasting the biggest opportunity for this game’s story, something that could’ve saved it from being a mess.
And I get it, you gotta make a death quota, so instead of killing Mariana off... why not kill Kate off instead? Oh no? We don’t get the stupid love triangle that no one actually enjoys or is engaged in?
Instead of this dumb story about Javi falling in love with his sister-in-law but oh no David’s back.... we could’ve had a story about Javi losing Kate and being left to care for two children by himself. Mariana and Gabe are all he has left, and he going to do whatever he can to keep them safe all while the three of them are mourning Kate.
Then David comes back, and he immediately takes these kids away from Javi.
There is no stupid storyline with Kate, but an actual conflict between two brothers who were never on the same page and two kids caught in the middle.
Plus, Mariana herself as a character really could’ve brought something to the table. She could’ve brought out a lot in David’s character since she seems to be more like Javi.
Her death is just... annoying. It’s frustrating when you know they could’ve told a better story with her alive, something ANF desperately needed.
My side-eye is one of disappointment and annoyance.
4.Luke and his easily preventable drowning
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Ugh.... where to even begin? 
Luke really just gets butchered as a character throughout the second half of S2, and the writers end up demolishing the set up they placed at the beginning of the season for a Luke vs Kenny thing. 
Why? Well, Luke vs Kenny was the initial ending they were gonna go with, but because this season went through all kinds of bullshit, they scrapped that and replaced Luke with Jane... and it’s so dumb.
Hell, it kind of ruins a lot. Not only did it ruin Luke, a character that many players loved, but it forces the new character of Jane, who we only get two episodes to get to know, so they can fade Luke out. 
But that’s not all. 
His death is so... ugh. It’s stupid, okay? Stupid and easily preventable, but noooo... we gotta kill Luke off for reasons because all we know is that S1 killed off a lot of characters and we’re gonna do that again but worse because we failed to understand what made those deaths impactful in the first place. 
Lots of character death and despair = good game. 
Yep, uh-huh. Okay. 
So we all know that Luke’s leg is hurt, yeah? Great, so you’d think that the group that has an injured man and a new born baby would be extra cautious and go around the frozen lake. Yeah, Arvo says that it’s safe but let’s not take any chances. 
But no. We gotta go across like a group of dingdongs and whattya know-- the ice begins to crack beneath Luke’s feet. Now, even here, we coulda got him outta there safely... if Bonnie wasn’t a dingus. 
Think about it. If we shot the walkers who were coming towards Luke with all their weight, he could’ve slowly scooted away, even if he’s already fallen through. BUT NO. Bonnie either guilts Clementine into going towards him, adding more weight to the already fragile ice as Luke tells her to stop, or Bonnie will go over there herself... and she’s a full grown woman soooo her weight breaks the ice. 
Good job, you dipsticks. 
When you have to make your characters into morons in order to move the plot along and kill off characters....maybe do some rethinking, yeah? 
 3. Mitch and his shock-value death
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This death is so dumb... so incredibly, dumb. Even now, I can’t help but give full side-eye to the writers every time one of them tries to justify this death. 
I’m sorry, but this death didn’t have the impact you wanted it to have. And because there’s always someone who says, “Mitch didn’t die for shock value, you just can’t tell the difference between a good and bad death” lemme tell you a thing. 
What was the point of killing of Mitch? Well, according to those who worked on TFS, it was to show that Lilly and the delta are serious. This is when shit gets real, and when Lilly is established as a bad bitch who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. We should be scared of her now. 
Except no. 
This scene doesn’t tell me that Lilly is a bad bitch. It tells me that she has good reflexes, and going off her reaction after killing Mitch.... I’m not fucking scared of this dumbass. If anything, this scene says more about Mitch than it does Lilly. It says that Mitch is also a dumbass for running at her like he did. 
Y’know what would’ve been more impactful? If Mitch didn’t immediately get stabbed in the throat, but instead, actually got her on the ground and struggled with Lilly. Then, Lilly gets the upper hand and when you think she’s about to send Mitch to the cart, she fucking murders him in front of everyone to prove a point. 
There’s no remorse, it’s slow enough for Lilly to actually process what’s happening and show that she does know what she’s doing. That would scare me. That would show me that these people aren’t fucking around and they’re willing to kill some of them if that means getting the rest for their army. 
You still get your shock value death but it actually does something other than kill a character off. 
I’m really supposed to believe this is the same Lilly who can order to have Louis’ tongue cut off? 
But it doesn’t end there. No, no... there’s another part to Mitch’s death that annoys me, and it’s how insistent everyone was that his death is going to have a greater impact on the second half of the story. It had a purpose within the story, we did it for a reason.
...I mean, it has an impact on Willy and his arc for the second half. 
But that’s it. 
Oh... oh, what’s that? Oh, you were referring to those throwaway lines about Tenn? “He was screwing up again, just like when he got Mitch killed.”
OOOOOH.... I see, that’s what Mitch’s death was really amounting to... some lines dealing with whether or not AJ shot Tenn. Well, I guess I was wrong. Mitch’s death wasn’t just shock value. It really had a big purpose. In fact, Mitch’s death has the biggest impact on the series. Fuck Marlon and Brody’s deaths, and Lilly and James, and hell, fuck Tenn’s death, too. They’re meaningless compared to Mitch’s death. You did it, guys. You really did it. 
....Okay, I’m done. I’m just... salty, I fully admit. 
Being serious again, Mitch’s death is probably the worst in TFS as far as unpreventable deaths go and the real reason I side-eye the writers is because they tried to tell us it was going to have this huge impact in the future and it just... didn’t. 
2. Nick and his offscreen death.
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I’m sorry, but what the fuck happened here? Why- what are you- how the hell did this happen??
I’m actually baffled. 
Someone wrote this. 
They set up at the end of ep3 that Nick is shot.... then ep4 comes and we find him like this. I just... did someone on the writing staff not wanna do their job that day? Someone was working on the story and at the last minute forgot Nick was a character, so they were like “Eh, he’s not important anyway, and it adds to the shittiness of everything so we’ll pretend this was 100% intentional.” 
Nick was one of your more interesting characters and you really thought killing him off like this was the way to go, huh? 
Like, his first death is shitty, but in the very least it kind of makes sense. 
But this? 
This is horrible. If I wrote this, I’d be embarrassed. 
I just... I’m so tired of S2 right now. 
This is at #2 because it’s just lazy, bad writing. At least with Luke, Mitch, and Mariana, we got to see their deaths and they had some, even if just a little, impact on the story afterward. 
But Nick? 
Even Luke, who is the closest person to Nick, name drops him maybe twice? It’s just.... nothing. 
And yeah, you can come at me with the “oh well not every death has to have meaning!” 
This is a story, okay? This is a story crafted with characters who have arcs by people who wanted it to be a success, and usually that means having satisfying conclusions.... or, intentionally unsatisfying if that acts as a natural conclusion to their story or is a reoccurring theme. 
Nick’s death is just the writers falling flat on their faces and hoping no one would notice. 
1. Sarah and both of her shitty deaths. 
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Ugh. UGH.
I’m not even side-eyeing anymore-- I’m fully glaring.
I don’t have to tell you how shitty both of Sarah’s deaths are. We all played S2, we all know that no matter what you do, Sarah dies in ep4. You can try to save her, she lives a little bit longer, and then falls to her death... and both deaths have her being devoured alive by walkers. 
Now, this is enough to annoy me. First off, I guess my choices don’t really matter. Sure, you can justify this as one of those “sometimes you can’t save someone, no matter how hard you try” ...and fine. Sure, if they had bothered to execute that point well, then great. 
But I disagree that the writers had that in mind when they were killing Sarah off. 
In fact, I know what what going on in their brains-- “God, can’t wait to kill Sarah off! Give us any reason to do it! She’s so damn annoying!”
The writers have openly admitted that a lot of the team were just waiting to kill Sarah off, waiting for any reason, so when the major part of the community who take everything at surface level because why think? kept complaining about Sarah, they jumped on the opportunity to kill her off.... but the deaths are dumb.
Listen, this isn’t like when the writers planned on killing Lee off. You can plan a death and even be excited about it because you’re excited about the story and execution of it all. You can be excited to see the heartbreaking end of this character’s story that you crafted because you know you put everything you had into it.
These deaths were lazy and the product of a team who didn’t care about the character. Sarah dies and no one cares. 
Sure, you leave her to die the first time and Jane does her thing about how you can’t save everyone, she talks about Jaime, and then Luke exposes himself as the fake Luke by agreeing that leaving Sarah behind was probably the right thing. Like what?
Now as much as I hate that first one, the second one is even worse. 
For some reason, Sarah is standing in the corner while they’re trying to fight off the walkers instead of being inside with Rebecca... y’know, where she would be if this was logical. 
Then the deck breaks and Sarah falls, trapped under a pile of wood. Jane, despite being the one who sees Sarah as a liability, goes down there to try and help her after Clementine begs her to. 
But because the writers don’t know what they’re doing, Jane gets hit by a random piece of wood and can’t get Sarah out in time, leaving her to be eaten alive by walkers. 
Then AJ is born and no one cares about Sarah ever again. 
I just.... 
Could’ve had an interesting story arc with a character who just lost her father in such a gruesome way, a character that already deals with anxiety and other problems that you never bothered to explain other than “she isn’t like Clementine” and you could’ve had her grow. 
But I guess that would’ve taken effort.... and screen time away from Kenny, and god forbid we ever do that. 
Honorable Mentions
-Ava falling to her death in the most comedic way possible, made even more hilarious by David’s two seconds of mourning. -Omid.... because hope is dead. Do you get it? Hope? is dead? Because Omid means hope? Do you get it?? -Honestly you could put most of S2′s deaths on this list because oh my god. -Ben because I’m still a salty bitch.  -I also wanna add Louis and Violet’s deaths on the bridge mostly because they die, Clem is sad for two seconds, Tenn says sorry, and then no one cares. Yeah, yeah, they mourned off screen and I call that lazy bullshit. -Hell, throw Tenn’s death on here, too, for similar reasons-- no one but Louis/Violet and AJ seem to care. Even Clementine is like “whatever” after it happens. 
Y’know, picking this one seemed like a good idea at the time, but by now I’m just annoyed by all these dumb deaths. So, what are your thoughts? Are there any deaths that make you question the writers that didn’t end up on the list? Do you agree or disagree with my list? Lemme know, we can have a friendly discussion about it. 
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F Top 5 Favorite Louis Moments
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