#Butterfly People of Joplin
jaybrd-webtoons · 7 months
Behold my favorite legend
The Butterfly People of Joplin Missouri (but I drew them to look more cryptic and like an actual human-butterfly hybrid)
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Below is a piece of an article about the Joplin Butterfly People. The article is titled 'The Butterfly People of Joplin' by an unknown author published on Paranormal Catalogue.
"Not long after the tornado had dissipated the people of Joplin began sharing stories of the strange things they had seen during the disaster.
Most of the stories came from small children who told eerily similar stories of seeing beautiful humanoid creatures rescuing people and protecting people from the storm. Some reported seeing the creatures take people up into the sky to “heaven”. Others saw the creatures covering people with their wings to shield them.
The stories came from people all over the city from different ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Mason Lillard suffered life threatening injuries during the tornado as the truck she was in was thrown 300ft by the tornado. She was pinned inside the vehicle with an inch wide metal rod that came through the roof of the tuck, penetrated through her shoulder and exited out the side of her body piercing deep into the truck seat.
As the storm was approaching Mason recalled seeing the butterfly creatures walking about in the streets. After the tornado had passed and she was pinned inside the truck she recalls feeling a touch on her shoulder and assumed it was her cousin. When she turned around to look she saw two angels in white robes, one with dark hair and one with blonde.
In another account of the butterfly people a mother and her daughter fled their vehicle to try find shelter from the tornado. They jumped into a culvert and braced themselves. The mother recalls seeing their car flying towards them as the tornado approached and closed her eyes expecting to be killed.
A few moments later she opened her eyes to see that the tornado had passed and her and her daughter were miraculously unharmed. The daughter than says “Weren’t they pretty?”. The mother was confused and asked “Who are you talking about?” The daughter replied “The Butterfly People. They saved us!”
Another popular story tells us of a grandfather and two young boys who were stuck outside during the tornado. The group huddled together on the ground and the winds were so strong that the soles of the man’s shoes were ripped off. They boys reported seeing butterfly people hovering above them, protecting them from the winds.
A Mural in Joplin painted after the disaster titled “The Butterfly Effect”.
Since the events of the 2011 Tornado a mural of the butterfly people has been painted in downtown Joplin. Butterfly artworks have popped up all over Joplin and the butterfly has become a symbol of hope and recovery after the tornado."
If you want to read more, here is the article:
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cartoonscientist · 1 year
what if mothmen and butterfly people are like donkeys and horses (both are attracted to accidents and disasters, although mothmen seem to only be able to give warnings whereas butterfly people take a more active protection role) and can interbreed and that’s why some mothman encounters describe him as headless and owl-like and others describe him as more humanoid
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cryptid-quest · 2 years
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Cryptid of the Day: Butterfly People
Description: On May 22nd, 2011, people around Joplin, Missouri claimed to have seen Butterfly People after a deadly tornado devastated the town. Some claimed Butterfly people protected their kids during the storm, and a mural was erected of the supposed creatures.
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crmsnmth · 6 months
I Went to Pridefest with My Drug Dealer
I went to Pridefest with my drug dealer well, he would become that title that night We went in the morning first before the grounds were fully set up looking around, laughing at some of the booths just spending a morning rambling He knew my depression and had seen it well He had seen me cry through marijuana smoke screens And he had been there as a helping hand when I didn't even have a finger
We left for a while to go smoke weed and listen to Janis Joplin records in his room the smell of hippy is unmistakable But with marks on our hands and tight squeezing wrist bands on our wrists we had enough and headed back Amanda Palmer was supposed to play that night and I wanted nothing more than to see her
Now the grounds were full with people laughing and singing and dancing a whole culture that is never ashamed of life and we drank, and talked and joined in not focusing on the world just another minor event that turned into something so much more important Seemingly unimportant decisions. The butterfly effect claims it can change the world.
And I saw you. I saw you and instantly broke I had to sit and set my beer on the ground in front of me He moved it so I didn't tip it over and looked around for a face he wouldn't know but he knew exactly what had happened
You sent your friend to me to see if I was ok and I could barely speak I had nothing to say I had only lost you a month earlier and you were already with him
We left after. I didn't stay to see the show I just asked him for something stronger something that would make my heart beat slow At first he was against it being my friend before anything else but it's not hard to talk them into a deal and at the end of the night I was eyes closed on his couch while he played Janis Joplin records on repeat.
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lesp1een · 1 year
Little question game since I'm bored
• name: Giona (Spleen)
• relationship status: taken ❤️
• sexuality: gay homosexual (i also like girls)
• gender: male
• pronouns: he/him
• birthday: 17 of july
• zodiac sign: Sun-cancer, moon-libra, rising-virgo I think
• hair colour: dark brown
• eye colour: brown
• height: 165 cm
• weight: i dont remember
• what brand of shampoo do you use? A vegan shampoo of a brand i don't remember but it smells good
• what are you currently listening to? Plastic Jesus - Tia Blake
• who were you on the phone with last? My aunt
• favourite animal: DOGS, mice and rats, bunnies, snails, whales and cows
• favourite colour: green 🍃
• favourite drink: blonde beers, red wine, black tea
• favourite periodic table element: WHAT ARE THOSE
• favourite food: rice and pork, blueberries, lasagna, ramen and pasta with bacon and asparagus
• favorite game: disco elysium
• favourite show: south park
• favourite movie: I have a lot of them. Dog day afternoon, the first Rocky, Scarface, Thelma and Louise, Dance with the devil and Paris, Texas are some of them
• favourite song: the day that music died, a lot of janis joplin songs, sultans of swing, a lot of mf doom music
• favourite school subject: italian lit and philosophy
• favourite fruit: blueberries, cherries and grapes
• have you ever given someone a bath? Only to my dogs
• have you ever smoked? I have an addiction 😂
• have you ever bungee jumped? Nope
• have you ever skinny dipped? No
• have you ever been in love? Yes!!
• have you ever made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I WISH I WAS ABLE TO DO IT
• have you ever pictured someone naked? Yes
• have you ever actually seen someone naked? Yes
• have you ever cried when someone died? Yes, a lot of times
• have you ever lied? Yes
• have you ever fallen for a close friend? Yes but it was only something platonic mistaken for a crush
• have you ever used someone? No, I hope not
• have you ever done something you regret? Some things buit my philosophy of life tells me that everything comes with a reason, even bad decisions
• current clothes: white wife beater and marvel shorts
• current desktop picture: sylvester stallone collage
• current cd in CD player: janis joplin- cheap thrills
• current dvd in dvd player: i dont have a dvd player anymore
• who's the last person you touched? My boyfriend
• who's the last person you hugged? My boyfriend
• who's the last person you kissed? My boyfriend ❤️
• who's the last person you talked to? My flatmate
• who's the last person you sexted with? I dont do sexting that's gotta be the cringest thing to do to me
ARE YOU... ⬇️
• are you understanding? Yes, maybe too much even
• are you open-minded? Yes I try to be as open minded as possible
• are you arrogant? No and I would hate myself if I was
• are you insecure? Too much
• are you random? What does this mean
• are you hungry? Most of the time
• are you intelligent? Im really not that smart
• are you moody? Unfortunately yes
• are you organised? Sometimes
• are you shy? I'm a little shy but mostly an introvert who likes to talk with people
• are you difficult? I hope not but I'm sure I kinda am
• are you bored easily? No
• are you entertained easily? Yes
• are you obsessive? Only when I fail to control myself
• are you angry? I repress my anger to the point I don't think I'm capable to feel it anymore
• are you happy? I'm trying
• are you hyper? No
• are you trustworthy? Yes, I suppose I am
• in the morning: I have to have breakfast for at least an hour
• i dream about: happiness and satisfaction
• when i'm into someone, i first notice: expression and voice tone, eyes and demeanor
• turn ons? I dont talk about this shit
• turn offs? Impatience
WHO... ⬇️
• who makes you laugh the most? My boyfriend, my close friends
• who makes you smile the most? Also them
• who gives you butterflies when you see them? My boyfriend
• do you ever stay up all night and wait for a specific person to contact you? Sometimes but I don't talk with a lot of people
• do you ever wish you were younger? No
• do you ever wish you were older? No
• do you ever cry when someone's rude to you? Yes lmao
NUMBER... ⬇️
• number of times i've had my heart broken: Two times I think
• number of cd's: 6
• number of scars on my body: I don't think I have any
• number of broken bones: None
• number of accidents you've been in: A car accident (but nothing bad happened except for emotional trauma)
BASIC... ⬇️
🍃 day or night? Day
🍃 introvert or extrovert? Introvert
🍃 cubed or crushed ice? Cubed?
🍃 comedy or drama? Both, I love dark comedy and grotesque the most
🍃 veggies or fruit? Both!!
🍃 ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice cream
🍃 summer or spring? Summer
🍃 winter or fall? Fall
🍃 cookie butter or peanut butter? Peanut butter
🍃 pancakes or waffles? Waffles
🍃 hot tea or iced tea? Both
🍃 hot coffee or iced coffee? Hot coffee
🍃 smoothie or juice? Juice!!
🍃 comfort or adventure? I like both at the right times
🍃 Netflix or Hulu? I dont do this shit
🍃 online or in-store shopping? In store, unless we talk about second hand online stores I usually avoid buying from apps
🍃 left or right handed? Left handed
✨ Obsession: cinema, comic books, building my stories whether it's writing or drawing them, wrestling
✨ Any bad habits: smoking, skin picking, a little bit of an alcohol problem
✨ How many pets do you own: three dogs, two birdies and two big ass turtles
✨ One weird thing you do: I cannot control my language, so I end up swearing a lot without even realizing
✨ Do you like your name? Yes
✨ What color underwear are you currently wearing: White as always
✨ How many relationships have you been in? Only one serious one and I'm happy like this
✨ Ever been cheated on: No
✨ Do you believe in long distance relationships: Yes but I don't think I could do it
✨ Ever cheated: No
✨ How many people do you trust: A few but I trust them with my life
✨ How many kids would you want: I don't kmow, it's too early for that
✨ Someone you find attractive: My partner and Sylvester Stallone
✨ Ever been heart broken: Yes
✨ Ever broke a heart: I surely have in the past
✨ Why did your last relationship end: Never had a serious relationship so I dont remember
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bestgorillazpoll · 2 years
hello gorillaz nation!!
because i have far too much time on my hands, i thought it would be fun to make a poll for gorillaz songs, pitting them against each other in a fight to the death until the one true best gorillaz song emerges victorious.
this poll is made up of 150 songs total, comprised of every song from the main 7 albums, as well as the fall, d-sides, some songs from g-sides, and the various EPs and side songs that have been released throughout the years. it does not, however, include laika come home, or any live or remixed versions of songs already featured on the poll.
this poll will not include a bracket system, because i don't want to. after every round is completed, the remaining songs will be once again sorted into new randomised pairs, to try and make things as fair as possible.
round one will be released in several parts across multiple days, to make things less overwhelming for both myself and all of you. whenever possible, I will include a screenshot of lyrics from both songs on each poll, in case anyone is unfamiliar with the songs and/or their titles.
find the current song matchups below! i'll see you all at the beginning of round one.
5/4 vs. 911
Intro (Demon Days) vs. Hallelujah Money
The Swagga vs. Captain Chicken
Interlude: The Elephant vs. The Joplin Spider
White Light vs. Bill Murray
MLS vs. Out of Body
Spitting out the Demons vs. Simplicity
Pirate Jet vs. Andromeda
Sweepstakes vs. Rock the House
Tomorrow Comes Today vs. Punk
Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach vs. Revolving Doors
Detroit vs. Humility
Momentary Bliss vs. Strobelite
The Lost Chord vs. Some Kind of Nature
Interlude: New World vs. Momentz
Tranz vs. Phoner to Arizona
Sex Muder Party vs. Last Living Souls
Chalk Tablet Towers vs. The Apprentice
Superfast Jellyfish vs. Fire Coming out of the Monkey's Head
We Got The Power vs. The Sounder
Charger vs. Dirty Harry
M1 A1 vs. Empire Ants
Plastic Beach vs. All Alone
Feel Good Inc vs. Idaho
O Green World vs. Halfway to the Halfway House
Ticker Tape vs. The Tired Influencer
Cracker Island vs. California and the Slipping of the Sun
Silent Running vs. How Far?
Déja Vu vs. Little Pink Plastic Bags
Stop the Dams vs. Let Me Out
Every Planet We Reach Is Dead vs. Controllah
Carnival vs. Possession Island
Ascension vs. Glitter Freeze
Rockit vs. Double Bass
12D3 vs. Désolé
Aries vs. Interlude: The Non-Conformist Oath
68 State vs. The Pink Phantom
The Parish of Space Dust vs. Baby Queen
Submission vs. Interlude: Elevator Going Up
Skinny Ape vs. Dracula
Meanwhile vs. Busted and Blue
Sleeping Powder vs. Kansas
Stylo vs. Magic City
Man Research (Clapper) vs. One Percent
Sorcererz vs. Hip Albatross
Amarillo vs. Kids with Guns
Doncamatic vs. DARE
Hong Kong vs. Highway (Under Construction)
Saturn Barz vs. The Valley of the Pagans
White Flag vs. Slow Country
El Mañana vs. Hollywood
To Binge vs. Interlude: Penthouse
Strange Timez vs. Oil
Jimmy Jimmy vs. Broken
Fire Flies vs. Aspen Forest
Orchestral Intro (Plastic Beach) vs. Tarantula
Friday 13th vs. Sound Check (Gravity)
New Gold vs. Opium
Circle of Friendz vs. We Are Happy Landfill
New Genius (Brother) vs. She's My Collar
Clint Eastwood vs. Re-Hash
The Snake in Dallas vs. Starshine
Murdoc Is God vs. Ghost Train
Demon Days vs. Lake Zurich
People vs. DoYaThing
Bobby in Phoenix vs. November Has Come
Tormenta vs. Garage Palace
Pac-Man vs. 19-2000
Hongkongaton vs. Left Hand Suzuki Method
Shy-Town vs. Cloud of Unknowing
Don't Get Lost in Heaven vs. Seattle Yodel
With Love To An Ex vs. Interlude: Talk Radio
Dead Butterflies vs. Severed Head
Souk Eye vs. Faust
Rhinestone Eyes vs. Crockadillaz
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date in the world of music…
October 26th
2019 - Paul Barrere
American musician Paul Barrere died age 71. He was a member of Little Feat, which he joined in 1972. Barrere later played with Phil Lesh and Friends and also toured with Bob Dylan.
2013 - Quincy Jones
Producer Quincy Jones was suing the estate of the late Michael Jackson for millions of dollars. He said the singer's estate and Sony Music Entertainment improperly re-edited songs to deprive him of royalties and production fees. Mr Jones stated that they also broke an agreement giving him the right to remix master recordings for albums released after Jackson's death in 2009.
2011 - Aerosmith
Aerosmith were forced to delay a concert in South America after Steven Tyler fell in his hotel bathroom. The singer suffered cuts to his face and lost two of his teeth ahead of a concert in Asuncion, Paraguay. He was said to have received stitches and had emergency dental work, forcing the gig to be postponed by 24 hours.
2010 - Top Earning Dead Celebrities
Forbes Magazine released its annual list of the Top Earning Dead Celebrities. Michael Jackson led the way at $275 million, Elvis Presley was second at $60 million and John Lennon was fifth at $17 million.
1984 - Ozzy Osbourne
19-year-old John D. McCollum killed himself with a .22 caliber handgun after spending the day listening to Ozzy Osbourne records. One year later, McCollum's parents took court action against Ozzy and CBS Records, alleging that the song "Suicide Solution" from the album Blizzard of Ozz contributed to their son's death. The case was eventually thrown out of court.
1979 - AC/DC
AC/DC appeared at The Mayfair, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, supported by Def Leppard. The bands were booked to appear the night before but after a fire at the venue in the afternoon, the show was cancelled.
1970 - Janis Joplin
A wake was held at the Lion's Share in San Anselmo, California to celebrate the life of Janis Joplin. The singer who died of an accidental drugs overdose had left $2,500 in her will to throw a wake party in the event of her demise. The party was attended by her sister Laura and Joplin's close friends; Brownies laced with hashish were unknowingly passed around amongst the guests. Joplin was cremated in the Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Mortuary in Los Angeles; her ashes were scattered from a plane into the Pacific Ocean and along Stinson Beach.
1968 - San Francisco Pop Festival
The two day San Francisco Pop Festival was held at Alameda County Fairgrounds. The Animals, Procol Harum, Iron Butterfly, Jose Feliciano, Deep Purple, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Canned Heat all appeared.
1966 - Alma Cogan
English singer Alma Cogan died of stomach cancer aged 34. She scored the 1955 UK No.1 single 'Dreamboat', plus 20 other UK Top 40 hits. In the 50s Cogan was the most consistently successful female singer in the UK and the youngest female act to top the charts during the 50s.
1965 - The Beatles
Queen Elizabeth II invested The Beatles with their MBE's at Buckingham Palace, London. According to an account by John Lennon the group smoked marijuana in one of the palace bathrooms to calm their nerves. Many former recipients gave their MBE's back in protest, to which John Lennon responded "Lots of people who complained about us receiving the MBE received theirs for heroism in the war, for killing people." He continued: "We received ours for entertaining other people. I'd say we deserve ours more."
1962 - The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones (known as The Rollin' Stones), and consisting of Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Brian Jones pianist Ian Stewart and drummer Tony Chapman recorded their first demo tape at Curly Clayton Studios in Highbury, London. They recorded three songs, Jimmy Reed's 'Close Together', Bo Diddley's 'You Cant Judge A Book By The Cover' and Muddy Waters' 'Soon Forgotten.'
1958 - Bill Haley
Bill Haley and his Comets played the first rock 'n' roll concert in Germany. Over 7,000 rock 'n' roll fans turned the show into a riot.
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robbyrobinson · 5 years
Favorite Monsters and Cryptids
1) Black-Eyed Children: What these beings are no one knows. Some cite them as being demons or vampires who require permission to be allowed in. Some say they're alien-human hybrids or tulpas (thought beings). Even interdimensional entities or the ghosts of deceased children. They are described as either wearing old-timey clothing or dark-colored hoodies. They have extremely pale, oftentimes peachy skin tones and speak in a monotonous, adult-like fashion. They approach their target's home or car to knock or their door or window saying that they needed to get in because of bizarre reasons. If they are further denied entry, they become increasingly enraged and reveal their dark, turquoise eyes. In some cases, the witness almost considers opening the door...at least until they catch a glimpse of their eyes. 
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2) Mothman: A large, red-eyed creature that was described as stalking Point Pleasant from 1966-1967 in West Virginia. Typical descriptions depict the Mothman as bat-like in appearance that had a deafening screech. On December 15, 1967, the Silver Bridge collapsed killing 46 civilians. Strangely enough, Mothman seemingly disappeared after the tragedy, many believing that the Mothman was a harbinger of the bad omen. 
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3) Reptilians: Crazy conspiracy theory aside, Reptilians are shapeshifting extraterrestrials said to hail from the Alpha Draconis star system. David Icke, in particular, believes that they infiltrated the Earth to take over each of the world's governing bodies. Some also say that they terrorize humanity because they feed on negative emotions and what better way than to stoke the flames of anger and fearmongering than with propaganda? 
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4) Shadow People: Ever thing you catch something moving from the corner of your eye? Shadow People are believed to be different things ranging from guardian angels; demons; interdimensional beings, etc. The Hatman is often considered to be the leader of the Shadow People and is considered as being the most dangerous out of his wicked kind, but many say that he is an entirely different being. 
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5) Kuchisake-Onna: A Japanese urban legend, it is said that Kuchisake was once a beautiful woman married to a samurai. When the samurai felt that she was being unfaithful, he cut her mouth and killed her. Since then, she had become a vengeful spirit wearing a trench coat with a surgical mask. Carrying a pair of scissors, if she approaches a victim, she would ask them if they thought she was pretty. If they say no, she kills them. If yes, she would remove her mask to reveal her Glasgow grin and asks the question again. If the victim said yes again, she would make their mouth like hers. 
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6) Teke Teke: Another ghost from Japanese folklore, Teke Teke was a woman or schoolgirl who was bisected by a train. One take of the legends have her ask her victims if they knew where her legs were. If they said no, she would rip their legs off. Another variation has Teke Teke go after the listener if they heard the story. 
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7) Eight Foot Tall: A demon disguising itself as an 8-ft tall woman wearing a sundress and straw hat. She targets children and is recognizable by her demonic droning. 
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8) Machine Elves: They are extradimensional entities often described as being sighted by those taking DMT. They claim to be the architects of different planes of existence but have unstable forms that continually contort. Everything happens at a fast pace in their world with all of them having high-pitched voices.
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9) Greys: The stock character many think of when the possibility of extraterrestrial life is speculated. They are buglike in depiction with almond-shaped black eyes. Some say they were created by the reptilians as a slave race that deflected. They are commonly associated with alien abductions.
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10) Butterfly People of Joplin: In 2011, a devastating tornado hit Joplin, Missouri that killed several people. But from the disaster, many children claimed that they experienced winged beings that saved them by holding back falling debris with their wings. One boy was found miles away in a field claiming that the Butterfly People wrapped him in it to smoothen his fall. 
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11) Chupacabra: Later takes of the cryptid posit the creature as being more canine in its features. They are accredited to draining the blood from livestock such as goats. 
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12) Jersey Devil: its origin story is really unique. The story goes that when a mother of 12 kids was due to have a 13th, she in annoyance, prayed for that child to be a devil. The baby is born and appears to be relatively normal. But then it, of course, transforms into a horrible abomination, escaping into the woods. 
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13) Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman: Bigfoot or the Sasquatch is an ape-like, humanoid creature believed to have been sighted in several parts of North America. Some believe that the Sasquatch is either an ancient ape species that had escaped extinction, or some even assume that Bigfoot is the missing link that researchers have been searching for. The Abominable Snowman is similar to Sasquatch in some fashion, the exception being that the creature was sighted in the mountains of the Himalayas. There have been some samples of hair believed to have been those of a Yeti's that were analyzed to be the fur of an extinct species of bear from the time of the ice age. 
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14) Mongolian Death Worm: In the Gobi Desert, there is believed to be a large species of worm that is said to have lethal venom that could kill anyone who even slightly touched the creature. It can even generate electricity. The worm was also known to hunt camels, and would then lay its eggs in the intestines. 
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15) The Loch Ness Monster: Probably one of the most famous examples of a cryptid in cryptozoology. Believed to be an ancient creature such as a plesiosaur, the Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, is believed to inhabit Loch Ness. Described as having a long neck, flippers, and endless humps, accounts of the creature date far back to the time of Saint Columbia. Interest in the creature continued until in the 1930s, an alleged photograph of the monster dubbed the Surgeon's Photograph goes down in history as one of the best cases for the existence of Nessie. Even though the photograph was a hoax, many others had given their accounts of the Loch Ness Monster through the use of sonar and photography. 
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16) Black Stick Men are what happens when you take drawings of simple stick figures and give them sentience. They are believed to be two-dimensional in appearance, and can even generate electrical discharges. Unlike with other paranormal entities, Black Stick Men are not connected to supernatural events. So, they just appear randomly for no real rhyme nor reason. They are believed to feed on negative emotions and their presence incites aggression and uneasiness. 
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17) Wendigo: In Native American myth, a Wendigo is born when a hapless human commits the act of cannibalism in desperation. As punishment, they are transformed into a monster with an insatiable hunger that would never be quenched. They don't have a corporal form, but they are often represented as antlered-humanoids. 
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18) Ningen: These are giant, aquatic humanoid entities that are commonly sighted in the waters of the Arctic. Some species are alleged to grow to great lengths.
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sbpstudios · 6 years
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meet Monika LaClair. one of many cryptids you can form close bounds with in my cryptid relationship sim
Monika wants only the best for the people around her and is a high key mom friend. she’s got a sort of prep personality with a mild goth/punk aesthetic.
facts about the butterfly people of Joplin: stories of the butterfly people of Joplin spread the first few days after the Joplin tornado in 2011. people who claimed to have seen them call them guardian angels and the like, as all that spotted them thankfully survived the disaster. many of which came out unharmed. it is thought the butterfly people are omens of safety and good luck.
my personal thoughts on butterfly people of Joplin: i have said this once and i will say it again, the butterfly people are the only cool cryptid MO has. so they have a special place in my heart. design wise for Monika i was inspired by Star vs the Forces of Evil’s ‘mewberty’ forms in many ways.
bonus: look at this cute face!
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tags: @mixed-fandomhype @tis-i-bat-anon @smolopaltree @callingcardinal @that1theatregirl @ellen-charlie @sternspatreon @taylor-draws-stuff @kirbynomica @amnestycooldudetrio @ask-indrid
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dragoncreator312 · 5 years
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The Butterfly People are humanoid butterflies found in Joplin Missouri. The Butterfly People are described as human sized butterflies with arms and legs and are similar to the Mothman. The Butterfly People were first seen on May 22, 2011 during a very bad tornado that destroyed Joplin. During the tornado people reported that the Butterfly People protected them from the tornado. Eventually the town commissioned a mural called “The Butterfly Effect” as a reminder of what happened that day. 
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cryptid-quest · 2 years
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Cryptid of the Day: Butterfly People
Description: On May 22nd, 2011, people around Joplin, Missouri claimed to have seen Butterfly People after a deadly tornado devastated the town. Some claimed Butterfly people protected their kids during the storm, and a mural was erected of the supposed creatures.
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dean-boese-universe · 3 years
Episode 58 A Fierce Dan, the Mothman and the Butterfly People
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"Can you post about the weird stuff that happened in Joplin?" -@lilahjohnsons
On May 22nd of 2011, an EF5 hit the city of Joplin, Missouri. This is currently the most costly tornado in US history.
The most notable "weird thing" that happened is referred to as 'The Butterfly People of Joplin.'
Following the storm, many children from different schools and social backgrounds all began describing the same thing. Humanoid creatures with beautiful wings who protected them. A few parents also described seeing them, as did a red cross volunteer. The children had never met prior to this, but they all told similar stories. As many of the stories were told by young children, we don't have names, but we do have the name and testimony of then 10 year old Mason Lillard.
At the time of the tornado, Mason Lillard was in the back of a pick-up truck in a Home Depot parking lot with her cousin Lage Grigsby. Mason was impaled with a piece of angle iron in her right shoulder, breaking 7 ribs and puncturing her lung. The piece was only a 4th of an inch away from both her spine and liver, and if it had been slightly in a different direction, doctors say she would've died. Mason claims to have seen two people in white robes, one with blonde hair and one with brown, with their hands on her shoulder as the storm hit. Mason personally considers them to be angels.
Another story recounted second-hand goes as follows: "When the storm hit, the mother, holding her little child, ran for shelter. The force of the winds knocked them to the ground. Terrifyingly, the mother looked back to see a car picked up by the tornado and flung right in their direction. She couldn’t escape, she didn’t have the time. So she curled up and cradled her daughter, hoping to protect her from the impact of the car that was literally right above them. But it didn’t hit. She had closed her eyes, but her daughter didn’t. When the seconds passed by turned into minutes, she opened her eyes and the car was nowhere to be seen. “What happened?” she asked her daughter. “Didn’t you see the butterfly people mommy?” Her daughter was sure the Butterfly People were carrying humans through the sky."
There are many stories of the Butterfly People, most, as Joplin is a very religious community, believe them to be angels. Some such as 14 year old Emily Huddleston, belief the presence of butterflies is a sign that they're still watching out for you. Following weeks of treatment after the impalement of her leg, while walking through the ruins of her neighborhood, Emily describes being circled and landed on by butterflies. From an article which mentions her story specifically; "She explains with tears streaming, there “was no [logical] reason for the butterflies to even be there.” No bushes, trees or anything to naturally attract them. For her, she says, those butterflies are “a sign that angels are still here and watching over us. They’re not leaving,”"
Butterflies are now used as a symbol of Joplin's recovery. They're featured in the many works of public art that sprung up following the tornado. In Cunningham Park, there is a plaque that tells the story of the Butterfly People, all of which are stories not mentioned here.
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"As the tornado lifted, the stories began... stories of butterflies, butterfly people or angels that protected children from the storm. The stories were many and miraculous but very believable when set against the backdrop of the physical devastation caused by the storm.
The stories spread rapidly and gave peace and hope to a community so badly hurt. While there were many different accounts, the following three are representative of the miracle that happened on May 22, 2011.
A father laid on top of his daughter in the yard grasping at the grass to keep them both down. His shoes were pulled from his feet but when the storm lifted and they were both unharmed, his daughter simply said, “Daddy, it was OK, a butterfly was holding us down."
A young girl was lifted into the air by the storm, but a butterfly quickly wrapped its wings around her and brought her safely to the ground.
Without a scratch, a child in a car seat emerged from a car filled with glass and debris. When safe from the wreckage, the child described a butterfly wrapping its wings around him, protecting and making him feel safe."
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parisheds · 3 years
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[ PARISH LEE VAUGHN, SHE/HER, CIS WOMAN, DIANA SILVERS ] is a TWENTY TWO year old MECHANIC from HAZZARD, WV. They are CLEVER and INDEPENDENT but also IMPULSIVE and GUARDED. They put up a really good front but we know they are afraid of REDACTED and REDACTED. @panic-hub
full name:   parrish lee vaughn
nickname(s):    na/tbd.
birthday:   april 25,  taurus.
age:  twenty-two.
current residence:   hazzard, wv.
birthplace:   baton rouge, la.
religion: spiritual, not religious. 
mother:    tamar stein. ( very much alive despite parish sometimes referring to her as dead )
father:     matthew vaughn.
sibling(s):   abel vaughn ( 17 ), jackson vaughn ( 30 )
pet(s):  parish is very much an animal person in general, but she’s always been more fond of dogs than cats for whatever reason. two pitbull rescues, pinky and the brain. 
—  Parish is what her brothers always said was too tall for a girl, just topping five foot nine inches. She wears her hair down more often than not, even having to settle for just pulling it back when she works because she’s constantly forgetting a proper hair tie or a scrunchie. Truth be told, part of that comes from her mother somehow driving home that her damn hands would fall off if she let one cut off her circulation for too long. Because of her often makeshift ways of dealing with it, her hair is often wild or messy.
—   Typically, she has been working either at the shop or in her own makeshift garage so the people who know her could safely guess she doesn’t have a single pair of pants that aren’t splashed with oil stains or even blood from cuts acquired while being in the “zone” while working. It’s also not far fetched that when she ends up popping up at the bar or a party for a drink on a Friday night, she’s forgotten to rub some of those stains off her cheeks.
—  She carries herself in a way that is unintentionally confident. Eventually, she isn’t concerned with what other people are or aren’t going to like in her, and she’s come to terms with who she is in a way that allows her to move without worry about other peoples gaze. Her parents had a very brief stint where they thought their only baby girl was going to become a regular southern debutante, which is probably the spite the fuels her into typically slouching or indulging a little bad posture.
—  She speaks with an accent straight from someone’s best ideals of the perfect bayou princess, something she is very much not. However, the tone of her voice holding a gravel, a deepness to it, typically makes up for that. She is also a stone cold stunt double, vocally, for Janis Joplin if she had a touch of drawl. She wears four rings, religiously and despite the risk considering her profession. Her fathers wedding ring decorates her thumb, her mothers engagement ring on the same index. The other two are stupid little mementos, silver as well, one made of a pressed, car crash metal she snagged, molded, and polished from the first junkyard she worked in, and the other a spoon ring from her family’s set of silverware.
—  To that vein, she has several scars and cuts along her hands and arms here and there. It’s not uncommon for her to have a few bruises, either. It’s not that she’s bad or even that she indulges in unsafe practices, she’s just a little bit impatient. So, most of the time it’s either form of work that will get her either way. There is a burn mark on the top of her knee where her oldest brother spilled hot Campbell’s chicken noodle when they were kids, a noticeable but not too intense scar on her left side from a swimming accident when she was seventeen, and she has a butterfly shaped birthmark on the inside of her right thigh.
—Parish has a nose piercing she typically wears in, alternating from a hoop to a simple stud, but nothing really more involved than that. She also has a host of Friday the thirteenth flash specials decorating one of her arms, mostly generically spooky designs. Once she started getting tattoos, her little brother was fascinated, so she ended up getting a stick figure her drew on the inside of her right forearm. Eventually, she hopes to get better, maybe even more well thought out tattoos in the future.
—  Parish dresses typically to be comfortable rather than anything else, examples can be found below. However, she does still own a few nicer, “girlier” items, and can define the words “cleans up nice” if she felt so inclined. This is an extremely rare occasion, and only a select few have probably ever seen it.
—  one
—  two
—  three
—  four
—  five
Abandonment, broken home, mommy issues tw
— Parish and her brothers lived in Baton Rouge all their lives, spending the majority of their time with their mother. They did all, however, get shipped off to Lockhorn every summer to spend that time with their father, so says the custody agreement. The pair had been split up as long as she could remember, and truth be told, she doesn’t know if she believes they were ever really in love, or if that’s just the story her mother thought she wanted to hear.
— Once she was thirteen, all of that changed. The end of summer kept getting closer and closer and still no drop off plans, not a single word from their mother. It wasn’t until her phone turned up disconnected that her father started to look a little distressed, worried about what he would do with a houseful of kids. A week before they were supposed to return to the only home they’d ever known, they received a letter stating she simply couldn’t do it anymore. She didn’t want to be a mother, not to anyone, but especially not them, and they wouldn’t hear from her again. The letter wasn’t postmarked, which was only another stab in the back - the fact that her mother had been there in the flesh, and was too much of a fucking coward to have even looked them in the face and said goodbye.
— Parish and her fathers only common denominator had always been mechanics. From an early age, she loved to take things apart, and put them back together again. After the man got stuck with her, it was the only constant, and the only escape. He allowed his daughter to disappear into the garage, while he was a ghost, a man who happily worked himself to death to avoid the three broken children he had at home. This, along with the fact that she was left to pick up the pieces, was what bred her abandonment issues and helped them bleed into resentment, avoidance, and sometimes, a deadly sort of anger. It wasn’t just him, though. It was that she was the one left at home, even though she wasn’t the oldest, answering to both her brothers. Both of them that kept asking why mama left, when mama was coming back, and eventually, both of them sobbing when they crawled into bed with her after having nightmares about their reality - she was gone.
—The thing about Tamar is she didn’t even have the common decency to stay gone forever. Sure, it lasted until all the kids were nearly grown, but then the letters started. Always addressed to a different child, always looking for a money, or help with some stupid scam. These were postmarked all over the United States, never one place for too long, and the one time she did ever attempt to send a letter back? It was returned. The envelope marked return to sender, is still tucked away in the back drawer of her work desk at home.
— Her living situation is different from most in the sense that she was able to move out of her dads place early. Almost to early to have actually scrounged together that money on her own, especially when it was one of the only real “houses” in hazzard, not a trailer. This was her only real requirement because she needed a proper garage to work on restoring her baby, work on her own daily driver, or fix things for folks around town when it was “off the record” or off the clock. It’s a three bedroom, two bath, that she has put a literal fuckton of work into herself to turn it into something that was both livable and almost even nice, on a good day.
— A surprise to most people, there is also a garden in the backyard. It’s mostly fruits or vegetables, herbs, or plants she deems “useful”, but it’s a garden nonetheless. There is a row of peonies in the front flowerbed that she seems attached to tending, though.
— Parish is the typical story when it comes to a traumatic event that changes who, and what you are. She’s only mildly glad that her teachers back in louisiana never got to see how bad things had gotten, having to take a few rounds of summer classes before she finally straightened her shit out. She was always exceptionally gifted at working with her hands, so anything that involved that, and was usually a more “elective” vibe was more her style, over the true blue academics.
— She managed to do well enough that she was able to take a few official mechanics classes during school, enough so that she was able to obtain the certifications she needed almost fresh out of high school. Unlike most people who dreamed of college to get out, she was happy to skip that so called dream and head right into doing what she knew she actually liked. That part of herself, she didn’t need any help figuring out.
— The first thing you’d be met with if you asked her most days what she wanted, where she wanted to go, would be a solid fuck off. That requires opening up the parts of herself that she had sealed off a long time ago, it requires the kind of self reflection that is most certainly going to reopen all her old wounds, with only the intention of pouring salt in them. That being said, there are two separate sets of dreams when it comes to Parish Lee.
— The first set came before she was forced to grow after what happened with her mother, before her innocence, and her sense of normalcy was stolen from her like a thief in the night. She wanted to build things, still, but she wanted to go to college too. Maybe even study something else she would be free to fall in love with. Life was so much simpler then, she had time to figure out who she was, what she was going to be. She had dreams, but now, she can’t even really remember what they felt like.
—If she dug deep enough, really spent sometime trying to convince herself she was allowed to have something, before it would be stolen or run away, she might own the garage or open one of her own. Let that little so called exchange program she is running on the side become a real part of business, let genuinely helping people be something she didn’t have to hide. She might also have a few more projects, a few more smiles. Shit, she might even remember what it’s like to stop being so fucking afraid of falling, or trusting, or loving anyone that wasn’t herself.
— Parrish moved to Hazzard when she was thirteen, and to say it was a shock is an understatement. She doesn't feel any attachment to either of the towns because of the fact that she's never really been involved in the "rivalry", however for her, it's plain to see the differences between the two. If she had to make a choice, she'd side with Hazzard, and part of her is a little proud of have landed there rather than prosper. You might even catch her calling a prosperite a pretentious bitch if they act up in the shop or cause too much of a fuss. 
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thiscastielhasflown · 3 years
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chapter 1: try (just a little bit harder) coming halloween, october 31st!
[inspired by true events]
After a tornado wipes through and destroys the small town of Joplin, Missouri, stories begin popping up across town of unidentified creatures protecting citizens during the storm. These beings with large wings and insect-like antennae start making their mark within the tight-knit community.
So when an old hunter friend asks for help in tracking down these beings, Dean, Sam, Eileen, and Cas go on the hunt.
Along the way, the crew makes new acquaintances, challenges their beliefs, and even enlists the help of a rag-tag group of storm chasers. In the end, though, they only have one goal: to come face-to-face with The Butterfly People.
–my ao3 page –accompanying playlist
let me know if you’d like to be added to the upcoming taglist!
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