#Button Factory Writers
One of the most vital parts of any college application is the personal essay. All potential students are required to submit an essay, that is written based off of a specific prompt for the college you are interested in. Different colleges will have different prompts. Here at BFW, not only have we been helping students prepare these since 1991, we also have professional training in exactly what…
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Write once; edit twice. Button Factory Writers' editing services.
Recently I noticed something disturbing with the students I have been working with in a writing center, and that is a spate of assignments from their teachers that ask them to fill out a grid form with QUOTES from their sources. *sigh* C’mon people, who is proofreading these things? Quote is a verb, as in TO QUOTE QUOTATION is a noun, as in this is a QUOTATION from John Lennon, “All you need…
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uniquexusposts · 5 months
Her || Charles Leclerc
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fanfiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 8/? Word count: 2014 Co writer: @mistrose23
Story summary: Matilde Jørgensen, the new Scuderia Ferrari team principal, faced the nerve-wracking challenge of reviving the team's fortunes and aiming for a championship. Leading a historic team as a 'newbie' and separating her work and personal opinions posed a significant challenge. The big question: is she capable to do so?
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Chapter 6. Barbecue Sauce On My...
Matilde was in her office, finishing her final task of the day; writing an email to the factory. It had been a long, but productive and interesting day for the team. The first two free practices in Miami were over, and the results were helpful and fine.
A knock on the door made Matilde look up from her computer. The door opened, and her assistant entered the office. Matilde removed the special blue light glasses from her nose and smiled.
"A reminder: your interview is in ten minutes," Galileo said.
"Thanks," Matilde said. "I will be finishing up now. Give me a few minutes."
Galileo nodded and stepped back, leaving Matilde to her work. As he closed the door, Matilde took a deep breath and stretched her arms, feeling the tension from the tasks slowly melt away. She glanced at the clock on her computer screen and realised that her interview with Lissie Mackintosh was just around the corner.
With a renewed focus, Matilde typed the final lines of the email, ensuring that all necessary details were included. Satisfied, she hit the send button and leaned back in her chair. It wasn't her first interview, but it was her first interview with Lissie and her first interview together with Charles and Carlos. It would be a casual interview, more like a chat, and Matilde was glad that was the case. She wasn't waiting for an in-depth interview with a lot of details.
She stood up, logged off and put on some deodorant, perfume and lip balm before leaving her office on wheels. When leaving the room, she picked up a reflection of herself; she got used to the bright red outfit, and she looked fine in it; her hair still looked fine as well, so she had nothing to do with it.
Outside her office, Galileo was waiting for her. He flashed a reassuring smile, and Matilde returned it with a nod. Together they made their way to the designated interview spot in the paddock.
When Matilde arrived, Lissie approached the team principal to introduce herself and exchanged a few words with her. Matilde greeted the Ferrari drivers and sat down next to Charles, around the table. A few minutes later, the camera started rolling.
"Today, we will be sauce testing," Lissie said and looked at the three people from Ferrari.
Matilde only smiled, but looked waitingful at Lissie, not knowing what to expect, Charles looked questionable at Lissie, and Carlos only looked amused. "Sounds interesting," Charles mentioned.
"Sounds exciting, too," Carlos replied to Charles, who sat on the other side of him. They both giggled.
Lissie smiled. "We're in America, and they are known for their sauces," she said. "It's like wine tasting, but then with sauces and chips." She became silent. "Fries," she said again and chuckled.
Matilde smirked. "Can't wait."
The friendly conversation continued as the interview kicked off. Matilde decided to stay in the background, as Charles and Carlos were sharing laughs and anecdotes with Lissie. The atmosphere was relaxed, but Matilde, on the other hand, felt a growing sense of exclusion. It seemed that Charles was intentionally directing most of his attention towards Carlos and Lissie, leaving Matilde out of the conversation.
"There is something that I really want to talk about," Lissie began, changing subjects. "There has been a lot of talk about the dynamic within Ferrari since Matilde took over as team principal. And I think we are all wondering one thing: what are your thoughts on Matilde after four races? How is she doing as team principal?" Lissie asked.
Matilde looked at Charles and Carlos, waiting for their reactions. She knew it would be a generated answer by Silvia, not their honest thought.
Charles kept his expression neutral, his mind quickly processing a response. However, Carlos chimed in with a response the fastest.
"Of course, we had to adjust to Matilde, and she had to adjust to us, but I think we are doing great," Carlos said and looked at Matilde with a smile on his face. "It feels quite weird to say it when she's sitting next to us," he added with a smirk.
"Please, don't hold back on my account," Matilde smiled.
Lissie nodded and pressed further with another question. "The media spoke about the way of working, and they have their opinions on it. It is known that you, Matilde, have a completely different way of working and that you all have your differences. How are you managing to work together effectively? Charles?"
Charles felt a slight twinge of irritation at the mention of Matilde, but he kept his composure. He expected questions about her, but he had hoped that people wouldn't spend this much attention on her when interviewing them. "Every team principal has their own style of working, so we have to find a way to work with it and what works for both of us. But we focus on achieving the best results. We're professionals, and our focus remains on our performance on the track." Charles looked in Matilde's direction. "And as Carlos said, we have to adjust, and it takes time. But so far, it's going well." He moved his eyes to her face, scanning for a reaction. To his surprise, she didn't show much emotion, it looked like it didn't do anything to her.
It was noticeable to Lissie that Charles didn't mention Matilde's name, but she decided to let it go. The interviewer looked at Matilde, scanning her face for a reaction. Lissie thought that Matilde was a woman with an honest reaction, but she stayed neutral and showed the same professional smile over and over again. Lissie became impressed by her media skills. Even though she admired the team principal, she wondered when the world would see the real Matilde. "And what about you, Matilde? How is it to work with these two young and talented drivers?"
"It is an honour to work with Charles and Carlos," Matilde replied, her tone steady and professional. "They are incredibly talented. And of course, this is all new to me, but we are finding a style that works for us all. We are getting there, and I'm just grateful to work with the entire team. I'm happy that they support me during this journey and that they are willing to teach me all those things."
As the topic shifted to fry sauce, Lissie introduced the condiment, explaining that it was a combination of ketchup and mayonnaise. Matilde's eyes lit up at the mention of it, evoking a sense of nostalgia. She couldn't resist sharing her own experience with the sauce.
"I used to eat this as a kid," Matilde chimed in, her voice filled with a touch of fondness. "Put mayo and ketchup on a plate and mix it with a fry. Best way to eat it." She couldn't help, but smile as she recalled those childhood moments. Picking up a fry, she dipped it into the sauce and took a bite, savouring the familiar flavour.
"My sister used to do this," Carlos said. "And I never understood why. It tastes horrible," he remarked, tasting it anyway. "It looks like cocktail sauce, but it tasted nothing like it," he breathed, shaking his head with a playful expression.
Charles turned to the group, a quizzical look on his face. "Is this an American sauce?" he asked, looking at the others. "Because we all know it, it's not new to me. I didn't even know that it was American. It was a thing...we just did?"
The four Europeans exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of neutrality and amusement. They happened to look into the same camera at the same time. Their shared cultural familiarity with the sauce seemed to bond them in a humorous moment. The people behind the cameras started to laugh, making them look at each other. As the laughter rang out between them, Matilde found herself smiling genuinely. It felt like the ice broke between them.
"Before we move on to the next sauce; the ratings. Matilde?" Lissie asked.
"An eight," she said. "Because it's nostalgic."
"A six."
"Zero points."
"Lissie?" Charles asked.
"A seven, I think. I'm not a huge fan, but I also do not not like it," Lissie replied. "Anyway, the next one: barbeque sauce."
While Lissie was giving some backstory of the barbeque sauce, Matilde stared in front of her. She squinted her eyes, her mind wandered momentarily. Something seemed to tickle the edge of her memory, a hint of a sound or a phrase associated with barbeque sauce. She tried to grasp at the elusive thought, but it slipped through her fingers like sand.
A memory surfaced with a jolt, and before she could control herself, the words tumbled out of her mouth. "So I'm sitting there, barbeque sauce on my-" Before she could finish the sentence, people were looking at her.
The entire crew turned their head to Matilde; this was the first time they saw her break her role. Her slip of words had caught everyone off guard, including herself. Charles widened his eyes. When his eyes met Matilde's gaze, they both erupted into laughter.
Charles was the first to recover from the surprise. His gaze met Matilde's, who was still laughing, and they shared a moment of shared amusement. It was as if their inside joke had formed a connection between them, breaking down some of the invisible barriers that often stood between the team principal and drivers.
"Sorry," Matilde mumbled and dried her eyes, hoping her mascara wasn't ruined. She sniffed. "Okay," she said and ran her hand through her hair.
As Lissie moved the conversation forward, asking them to rate the barbeque sauce, Matilde and Charles exchanged a quick glance, their laughter still twinkling in their eyes. "Charles?" Lissie turned to him, a knowing grin on her face.
"I would say; a seven," he replied. "Let's say it's a tribute to the sauce that brings back the best of unintentional moments," he chuckled.
Matilde started to laugh again, wanting to stop, but she heard Charles' laughter next to her. The iconic Vine kept replying in her mind, unlocking memories of her younger years with friends at the university, during the prime time of Vine. "Sorry, I'm getting the giggles now." She took a deep breath. "A seven, by the way."
The camaraderie and shared laughter continued throughout the interview, creating a light and enjoyable atmosphere. As they tasted and discussed different sauces, their interactions were sprinkled with spontaneous giggles and playful exchanges. Charles and Matilde had the giggles, they weren't able to stop. It made Matilde enjoy the dynamic, it was the first time they had fun as a team.
By the time the interview wrapped up, Matilde had almost forgotten the initial tension she had felt. The shared laughter and light-hearted moments had formed a bridge between them, breaking down the barriers and bringing a genuine warmth to the conversation. As they said their goodbyes to Lissie and the crew, Matilde exchanged a smile with Charles, the bond between them feeling a little stronger and more genuine than before.
"What was that?" Carlos asked as they walked back towards their hospitality.
Charles looked at Carlos. "You don't know it?"
"It's from Vine," Charles shrugged.
"What does it mean then?" Carlos looked utterly bewildered.
Matilde smirked mischievously. "So I'm sitting there, barbeque sauce on my titties," she quoted. "Orange Is The New Black... Vine..."
Carlos blinked. "Oh."
"If you know, you know," Charles replied.
"And if you don't, well, now you do," Matilde added.
The drivers said goodbye to their team principal as she excused herself from them. Charles watched her walk away with a newfound sense of understanding. Her ability to let loose and share a laugh had surprised him, but it also showed a side of her that he hadn't expected. Within the team, she was formal, professional and serious. This interview showed some of her own personality. Charles glanced at Carlos, who was still processing the Vine reference, and couldn't help, but smile. It seemed like they were starting to find their footing as a team. 
Next chapter
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Hello Cas I've wanted to ask this for a while and I didn't know who to ask and I'm hoping you can help, I see a lot of posts about how we shouldn't allow AI to study fanary and fanfiction and I wanted to k ow why I'm just curious and want to understand I see its a boundary for a lot of people and I don't really get why. I mean nothing hurtful or offensive and I'm sure there is a good reason I just don't know it. Also I wanted to tell you that I think it's soo cool how you do ballroom dancing as a hobby and how much I love your microfics I look forward to them everyday much love ❤️
Hi! No problem at all! There's a few reasons.
First, AI creating fanart and fanfiction is super harmful because it reduces the demand for human-created works. Which is horrible, because humans spend so much time and effort writing and drawing, while AI can do the same in minutes. AI works always have flaws, and by increasing the supply of works, it gives human creators less credit for the amazing and superior work they do, that they spend a lot more time on.
Think of it like fast fashion- people want clothes so bad they'll take the cheap, factory-made stuff, but they don't realize that this causes poorly-made clothes to be the norm, and it takes money (credit) away from designers, workers and everyone else in the industry. (It's also horrible for the planet.)
Creators deserve so much love and credit for what they do, because it isn't easy, and to be replaced in minutes by a machine that creates work that isn't as good is upsetting and insulting, you know? AI gives the illusion that with a few clicks of a button, anyone can instantly create something akin to the work I spent 10 months on, and that's just not true.
Second, using fanfiction to train AI isn't okay because, simply put, it's stealing. If someone uses my writing to train AI, they didn't ask me, and I essentially did labor for them by writing the work they're using- I deserve pay (though I wouldn't want it, I would rather them just not use my work, because of reason three).
Third, it's also important to know the reason why people are so touchy about a lot of fanfiction issues is copyright laws. When we start sell fanfiction, bind and sell fanfiction, etc (which sometimes AI users do) it could bring up issues with copyright infringement, because we're making money from creating work from a copywritten work. This might allow fanfiction to be censored and policed, which would basically ruin the entire thing.
Last, it just takes the humanity from it. Fandom is supposed to be a community. Writers, artists, and readers all work together on so many different forums to create works and discuss their favorite fandoms. To me, it just feels icky that people want to take away that community (intentionally or not) by computerizing the process.
I hope this all makes sense, and feel free to add things, guys!
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reluctantjoe · 9 months
‘Baddies are my new type’: Mathew Baynton on Ghosts, Wonka and wicked villains
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He is about to say goodbye to his role in beloved spectral sitcom Ghosts. But dastardly turns in Wonka and the a festive Agatha Christie drama suggest the actor’s future is bright – if somewhat nefarious
“I feel like I’m moving into really wanky territory now,” says Mathew Baynton, looking a little anxious. We are talking about Ghosts, the much-loved comedy about a gaggle of spirits consigned to spend the afterlife in a crumbling country mansion, which Baynton co-writes and in which he plays a deceased Regency poet. After a triumphant five seasons, Ghosts officially breathed its last in October – except there’s now a Christmas episode on its way. (Last year’s Christmas special drew 5.9 million viewers, making it the BBC’s biggest comedy of 2022.)
When I ask Baynton what it is about Ghosts that struck a chord with viewers, he worries he might sound pretentious. “But here goes,” he says. “I have learned that, as a writer, you don’t always know what you’re writing. There are the quite boring times where you have an idea and it comes out as you imagined, and there’s no mystery in that process. But when it’s exciting, you have an idea and it leads you to places you don’t expect.”
With Ghosts, he and his co-writers initially imagined hundreds of spirits haunting Button House, which would have allowed them to tell different stories with a new set of characters each week. “But when we looked at the taster tape we made, we all went: ‘Hang on, there’s something much richer here,’” Baynton continues. “We realised it was a show about people being stuck together, potentially in eternity, and how they find ways to get along. All of which is to say that I’m enamoured with Ghosts too because, right from the get-go, we had absolutely no idea what it would become.”
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Baynton, who is 43, is talking from his study at home in north London where he lives with his partner, the film historian and film-maker Kelly Robinson, and their two children. He is self-effacing and thoughtful, choosing his words carefully and, at intervals, wondering if he could be expressing himself better. “I think it’s partly the writer in me,” he says, “but I do come away from conversations thinking how I’d like to rewrite things I’ve said.”
As an actor, Baynton has cornered the market in ultra-sensitive men who walk a fine line between pathos and silliness. Along with his lovelorn poet in Ghosts, there was his turn as a Victorian psychiatrist in 2017’s Quacks, who masterminds a new treatment for patients called “talking”; his lute-playing bard in the 2015 film Bill, about the early life of Shakespeare (“London is not going to know what hit it!”); and good Samaritan Sam in The Wrong Mans (2013-14), which he co-wrote and starred in alongside James Corden.
But this winter heralds a new set of projects that Baynton has dubbed “my Christmas of villainy”. In Murder Is Easy, based on the Agatha Christie novel about a spate of killings in a sleepy English village, he plays a doctor who, he says, “is an awful person with some very awful views”. Next year brings A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, based on Holly Jackson’s bestselling YA novel, in which a young true-crime enthusiast investigates a five-year-old murder case; Baynton can’t reveal too much, although he confirms his character is a far cry from the puppy-eyed romantics for which he is known. And in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory prequel, Wonka, released in cinemas earlier this month, he plays the devious Fickelgruber, Wonka’s Brylcreemed rival in the confectionery business.
Baynton can’t account for this sudden pivot into treachery beyond the fact that “a few [casting directors] had the same idea at the same time … Acting is strange like that. You do one notable thing early on and you are put on a track that for 10 years that can be hard to get off. Perhaps baddies are my new type.”
Wonka was co-written by his friend and Ghosts compadre Simon Farnaby (who also co-wrote Paddington 2) and was filmed at Warner Bros Studios in Hertfordshire. For Baynton, it “felt like you were with the same kids but in a plush playground … Even though you’re working with this huge Hollywood star [Timothée Chalamet, who plays Wonka] and you’re on a set that probably cost the same as an entire series of Ghosts, it’s still a comedy with a big heart, so for me it felt like home.”
Baynton and Farnaby first came together on the set of Horrible Histories, the anarchic children’s sketch show that recreated history’s most ludicrous and bloodthirsty moments, alongside Martha Howe-Douglas, Jim Howick, Laurence Rickard and Ben Willbond. Shortly after it finished its decade-long run, the six of them wrote the madcap puppet comedy Yonderland, largely because “we couldn’t bear that we weren’t going to get together for more mucking about in front of the camera”. This was followed by Bill, and, four years later, Ghosts. They have even given themselves the collective name Them There, mostly for production credits, though “no one actually calls us that”. Aren’t they more Britcom’s answer to the Brat Pack? “I don’t know about that,” Baynton says, bashfully, “though it depends on which of them you think I am.”
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The youngest of three children, Baynton grew up in Southend on a diet of sea air and his dad’s Monty Python cassettes. He reckons being lowest in the pecking order at home contributed to his desire to perform and be noticed. In his teens, he went through a morose period during which he was overtaken by self-consciousness, but then he discovered theatre via a production of Bruno Schulz’s The Street of Crocodiles by Theatre de Complicité “which moved me to tears in ways I couldn’t understand and ignited something in me. I knew I wanted to be in that world in some way.”
Baynton went on to drama school, where he studied directing, but when he got there he realised acting was his calling. He spent a summer as assistant to Cal McCrystal, then director of the physical theatre group Peepolykus, who pushed him to join in with improv games. Later he went to Paris to study under the renowned clown Philippe Gaulier, which cemented his love of slapstick. Upon returning home, McCrystal gave him his first break on the stage in a production of Joe Orton’s Loot.
But it was Horrible Histories that really opened doors for Baynton, both as an actor and writer. On being offered the job, he nearly turned it down, fearing that he might get stuck doing nothing but children’s TV, but his agent persuaded him to take the job by telling him: “No one will see it.” In a talk last year at the Oxford Union, Baynton remarked how, were they making it today, they would do certain things differently, such as not using white actors in tanning makeup to portray Egyptians.
“I think it’s important that we examine where the line is [around portrayals of other cultures],” he says now. “It’s a murky area where intention sometimes doesn’t match reception. Certainly, no one had bad intentions making Horrible Histories and none of us at that time, in the culture as it was, hesitated and thought: ‘Hang on, maybe I shouldn’t play an Egyptian.’ But times have changed and I would hesitate now.”
If the odd Horrible Histories sketch hasn’t aged well, it is worth observing the sensitivity and inclusivity that runs through Ghosts. Baynton notes how throwing together characters from different historical periods allowed them to “highlight wrongful attitudes and interrogate how they had arrived at them. At one point, there’s a gay wedding at Button House and [the ghost of] Lady Button is appalled and goes on this journey in which she faces her own homophobia. When we were writing that story, it felt like I was having a conversation with my homophobic nan.”
Baynton is content moving between acting and writing, not least because “if I’m between acting jobs, it means I get to dream up new projects for myself and my friends”. Keen to avoid any signs of egotism as his career soars, Baynton keeps his feet on the ground by recalling the “pure dystopian hell” of his time as a school leaver working in a call centre. There, every second of the day was monitored and he was once upbraided by a manager for taking too many toilet breaks. “So when I’m on set in a scratchy costume or I’m feeling a bit tired and thinking what a terrible time I’m having,” he says, “I remember that time, and what a privilege it is do what I do.”
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 11 months
I keep seeing posts saying that the sylki kiss from 1x06 was retconned. Obviously I don't know for 100% certainty, the writers/show producers would have to confirm if anything was retconned or not for us to be certain. But I don't think anything was retconned. It is a bit confusing with all the time skipping etc, you've also got the fact that when Loki went back and spoke to OB in the past it changed things in the future. But when he went back in 2x06 to speak to Mobius and then Sylvie after those timelines dissolved away, so what's the difference? Well here's how I see it, and I am going to try my best to explain it using a metaphor and hope it makes sense. So Loki at the end transforms all the timelines into a tree, so lets run with that imagery and look at time like its a tree. You've got all your branches, that's the different timelines, then you've got your leaves on that branch which represents different moments in time. These moments/leaves exsist on multiple branches. Here is a diagram for you, I apologise for the crudeness, I was only able to put on coat of paint and it is not to scale:
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I think we see Loki travel two different ways on this time tree I think when he goes back and speaks to OB he is jumping between different points on the same branch like this:
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When he jumps back to speak to OB it kind of rearranges slightly the branch from that point forward, so now future OB remembers the conversation but everything else stays the same.
HWR says the way the loom works is that it deletes anything that isn't supposed to be there and just keeps the sacred timeline aka the events that HWR wants to happen. We know that the events of season 1 and 2 were what HWR wanted to happen, he says he paved the way, which is why I think after speaking to past Mobius in 2x06 the timeline dissolves. I think the way Loki is time-slipping in this episode where he is trying to find the right actions that will solve the problem and save the day is more like he is skipping between branches as opposed to the same branch, like this:
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Only when he skips out of that the branch falls off and dies like after he spoke to Mobius and Sylvie.
When it comes to him repeating the same moment I see as him kind of bouncing from say his branch to that same moment on a different branch:
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When it fails he slips back to that same moment and tries again. And its the same with the citadel. I suppose it would look more like this:
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With that moment as a sort of fixed moment.
Actually another way of looking at it (and probably a simpler way if I am honest) is like every time Loki skips back after a failed attempt he's hitting the return to factory settings button, when you do that on a computer it erases everything you have added, everything you have done. In this case the factory settings are season 1 and season 2 up to 2x4.
So the sylki kiss and citadel moment weren't retconned or erased, neither was that first interview with Mobius in 1x01 because when Loki slipped back to the loom room for the last time he had hit the reset button. So the events of season 1 and 2 up to ep 4 stay, they are the in universe canon you could say. So the Sylvie we see talking to Mobius at the end is the same Sylvie who kissed Loki in 1x06, and went through all of season 1 and 2.
So what parts were retconned/ erased. Anything between the end of 2x4 and the end of 2x6. So sadly we have lost the bar scene from ep 5, we get to keep the kiss and the pie room scene though. The other scenes that got erased in this episode is Loki's conversation with Mobius where he asks how to choose who lives and dies. Also the conversation with Sylvie where he tells her he might have to kill her to stop her killing HWR is gone too. Though to note Loki still remembers it all.
Anyway that's my take on it, I hope it makes sense.
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racingliners · 18 days
HELLO i'm asking two fic asks i hope that's okay!
✑ PROCESSING for The Rules of Strategy and ♡ SMALL THINGS for Slowly And Then All at Once please🥰
it is ALWAYS okay to ask me to yell about more than one of my fics!!!
✑ PROCESSING: pick a fic and I’ll tell you what it was like to write it!
Oh my beloved TRoS... (ao3 link)
So one thing to know about is that because I'm autistic I will research the shit out of anything. And while I watched the 2017 season at the time, there was a lot of Mercedes-centric things I missed out on. So a lot of my research for each race weekend chapter consists of tag surfing here on tumblr for pictures and video clips (mainly to see what Lewis was wearing on a specific day if I need it, and if there was anything notable that happened across the weekend), looking up free practice/quali/race reports, and also watching the Mercedes strategy debrief videos so that when I'm writing Strategist!Seb, I have a really good idea of what I'm talking about. In a couple of instances (Bahrain, China and Spain) I've also watched the full races back just to get a proper feel for when writing the race sections, and for any team radio clips.
Then, I'll get writing. I'd actually planned out the vast majority of the chapters many months ago based on the season results and what I could remember from 2017, as well as the various relationship development points. But I do the above stuff to get my brain into the frame of mind for whichever specific race chapter I'm writing (I like to do a balance of actual racing and mushy romance bc that's just how my brain works, and because in a way they both influence each other in the plot).
Sometimes I'll be going about my day and I'll have an idea drift into my head for a future chapter, or even a bit of dialogue, so I'll write it down in whichever relevant notes doc I have so I have it on hand for later.
Obviously when I actually get to writing things will change a bit in terms of what scenes I do end up including. I have my notes as a guide and just go with the flow in terms of what feels best for the development of the story. The only exception when I've done a complete 180 for what I originally had planned was the Monaco chapter, which I ended up setting post-race at the Mercedes factory and at Seb's house. IRL it was a rough weekend for Mercedes and I felt like I'd already written that to an extent with the Bahrain chapter, so I opted to change it and I'm really happy with how it ended up turning out.
♡ SMALL THINGS: pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favourite minor detail from it!
I am SO happy someone asked me about this fic bc I just love it so so much! (ao3 link)
I'd say I'm definitely a very detail orientated writer, so I just love sprinkling little things in here and there in the hope that someone else notices them and loves them as much as I do.
One of which was definitely in the hotel room confession scene towards the end, where I very specifically had Jenson wear a mint green shirt (what was about to become Team Brackley aka Mercedes colours) to foreshadow him and Shov getting together.
He adjusted the fabric of his shirt, a mint green button down with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and slowly walked over towards Shov. The best case scenario of them going to be at different teams in a couple of months’ time meant that if what Jenson was about to say completely blew up in his face, it would be somewhat easy for neither of them to see or speak to each other ever again. As painful a prospect as it was.
Team colours are such a huge identifier, especially in F1 where every team has their own distinct colour scheme, so it's something I love to play around with a lot for the symbolism of it all (I did a very similar thing in Life In the Fast Lane where I had Sophie and Benedikt wearing each others helmet colours, also to foreshadow their romantic relationship). And at this point in 2009, Jenson had already signed his contract to join McLaren in 2010, so it was because of that I had Jenson wear a Mercedes colour (instead of BrawnGP white or yellow) to signify to the reader that they're about to become each other's person as he and Shov only had a very short about of time left at the same team.
fic ask game
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neon-junkie · 2 years
Sorry but I gotta rant. I recently decided to call it quits on the writing blog I’ve had for years. Admittedly posts were inconsistent and I hadn’t put out anything for a while, but most of that was just due to lack of time and motivation. Plus I just feel like my time with it has passed. I’ve made multiple posts about how I was probably going to leave it soon and finally just decided to officially go on what will likely be a permanent hiatus. Nothing. I know it’s kinda attention-whory to wish people paid attention or showed they cared, but I’ve given up years to this thing and even weeks ago people were ignoring my many “hiatus” remarks to send in unprompted requests. I put in so much effort to everything I wrote but apparently that wasn’t enough. I dunno I just feel I guess “used”?? Is the word?? Like if I had been this factory of fanfiction and less of, you know, a human being with a life that exists beyond here, there might’ve been more of a reaction. Instead it just feels like nobody cares. Which is probably all the more reason to ditch the blog ig but still yknow 😒😒😒😒 This site is horrible to its creators
I hate to say this, but I'm not surprised!! As in, I'm not surprised that nobody paid any attention to you leaving. I've noticed that people starve content creators - not just writers, but all of us! We'll get a like for all of our efforts. No reblogs, comments, nothing. Just a like.
And then they'll be like "why is nobody creating content any more?" uhhh probably because you've not fed us. This stuff goes two ways - I post the content, and you say a quick thank you!
I remember when I first started posting during lockdown, and I received a lot of praise then. People were so sweet and kind. I understand that we're all back to our working lives now, but if I have the time to post, you have the time to thank me for it.
And anybody who has the nerve to moan about content creators demanding attention is up their own ass. Like, why weren't you doing that anyway? And better yet, why are you shaming someone for wanting a little praise and feedback?
I'll admit that I haven't been active with sharing recently as I've not read anything for... shit, weeks? Busy af with work. But when I do, I hit that reblog button, I leave kudos and comment. It takes me... maybe a minute tops? A minute of my time, in exchange for hours, days, weeks of theirs.
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peddling-rp-memes · 2 years
Repost, don't reblog. I didn't make this meme, but can't find the op. Please tag them if you know who they are.
Bold all that apply to your muse as a child. (In modern verse if you write a historical or fantasy character.)
FUTURE JOB  - ninja, pirate, vet, actor, astronaut, cooker, builder, knight, indiana jones, wizard, a parent, barbie, action man, writer, prince or princess, hero, villain, teacher, doctor, nurse, army man, rapper, singer, dancer, youtuber, twitch streamer, zookeeper, gardener, sailor, fisherman, carpenter, monarch, pilot.
FEARS  -  thunderstorms, strangers, space, abandonment, the dark, clowns, loud noises, dogs, spiders, masks, puppets, boys, girls, cooties, bugs, big objects, water, hell, being told off, police, new places, bullies, being wrong, ghosts.
PAINT YOUR  BEDROOM  -  pink, blue, green, brown, yellow, orange, purple, neons, pastels, beige, mismatched multicolour, dark blue, wall mural, black, grey, white.
DECORATE YOUR BEDROOM  -  posters torn carefully cut from magazines, maps of fictional lands, books, cassettes or cds, lavalamp, minifridge, your very own tv, games console, teddies, pirate ship, floor length mirror, fairylights, funko dolls, vhs or dvds, dinosaurs, beanbags, animals, framed posters, stickers, pokemon, princesses, glow in the dark stars, corkboard full of photos, awards, your own art, disney princesses, marvel heroes, ben 10 theme, cartoon network show theme, animes, space theme, fantasy theme.
TOYBOX  - barbie, ken, action man, my first science kit, csi lab kit, tamagotchi, cuddly teddy, pirate ship, horse, lego, furby, easybake oven, archeology kit, pokemon cards, beyblades, disney princesses, baby doll, sword, gun, crown, recorder, spy gear, slinky, beanie babies, colouring set, paints, play doh, simpsons, disney princess dolls, marvel action figures, books, puzzle books, wizard broom, robes, dollhouse, space ship, ray guns, walkie talkies, craft kits, slime, fidget spinners, fake tattoos, football, basketball, skateboard, swings, mini ant farm, seamonkies, rock em sock em robots, stretch armstrong, he man, my little pony, care bears, girls world styling head, mostly broken, sticky, pristine, no batteries, perfect working order, crayons, sunbleached, well loved.
BOOKBAG  -  harry potter, bfg, the hunger games, wheres wally, winnie the pooh, the very hungry caterpillar, matilda, the cat in the hat, the lord of the rings, charlottes web, northern lights, lion witch and the wardrobe, goodnight moon, where the wild things are, the tale of peter rabbit, charlie and the chocolate factory, stuart little, alices adventures in wonderland, a series of unfortunate events, bridge to terabithia, diary of a wimpy kid, anne frank diary of a young girl, the outsiders, the jungle book, the wonderful wizard of oz, peter pan, the secret garden, the wind in the willows, how to draw.
WARDROBE  - tshirts with your fave cartoon characters, youtuber merch, scuffed jeans, plasticy fancy dress costumes, pretty dresses, button down shirts, woolen sweaters, floral skirts jean shorts, cargo pants, handmedowns, brand new, grass stains, mud stains, three days worn, clean on, all one colour, too many different colours, plain tshirts, hoody, custom printed novelty tops, bows, animal onesies, pufferjackets, bodywarmer, mittens, bobblehats, hats with ears, sunglasses, earmuffs, pastels, oversaturated dark colours, crinkled, ironed, smells floral, smells musky, animal print, sparkles, double denim, too big, too small, just right, karate uniform, scouts uniform, school uniform.
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sciencestyled · 2 months
The Clockwork Carnival: Steampunk's Mad Mashup of Art and Science
Alright, gather 'round, my chronologically-challenged compatriots! Let’s embark on a whirlwind tour through the most bonkers, button-busting blend of old-school chic and high-tech geek: Steampunk. Imagine Victorian London threw a rager with today's tech nerds and costume designers, and they all decided to live in an alternate timeline where steam-powered gadgets rule the roost. Welcome to Steampunk, where brass goggles are mandatory, gears are the new black, and every top hat hides a technological marvel. Buckle up, kids; this ride's wilder than the final season of Game of Thrones (minus the disappointment).
So, what in the name of Elon Musk's latest brainchild is Steampunk? Picture this: a universe where Sherlock Holmes rides a jetpack, Queen Victoria's royal decrees are typed on a steam-powered typewriter, and the only thing tighter than a corset is the grip of nostalgia on our collective imagination. Steampunk is the ultimate mashup of retro and future, where the sci-fi fantasies of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells crash into the industrial age like a Tesla in autopilot mode with a glitch.
Now, before we dive headfirst into this cog-laden chaos, let's time travel back to where it all began. Steampunk’s origins are more literary than the Kardashians are dramatic. It was birthed in the brains of 19th-century writers who loved the smell of coal and the thrill of mechanical monstrosities. Think "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" with a side of steampunk submarines that look like they could moonlight as DJ booths at Coachella. These tales spun worlds where steam power reigned supreme and innovation was limited only by imagination—and, apparently, the availability of brass fittings.
The aesthetic of Steampunk is like a Victorian fashion show got hijacked by a robot rebellion. We're talking leather, lace, and lots of gears. More gears than you can shake a wrench at. It's as if every outfit was designed by someone who thought Rube Goldberg machines were the pinnacle of sophistication. Imagine Iron Man if he were designed by Charles Dickens: intricate gadgets, oversized goggles, and enough brass to make a marching band's tuba section weep with envy. Steampunk design elements scream, "I built this in my garage with a hammer, some old clock parts, and a dangerously cavalier attitude towards safety regulations."
But it's not just about looking like you raided a Victorian thrift store during a power outage. Steampunk's scientific inspirations are as legit as the latest iPhone rumor mill. Back in the day, Victorian technology was all about steam engines, mechanical computers, and the kind of wild experimentation that makes today's tech look like child’s play. Charles Babbage’s difference engine, an early mechanical computer, is basically the great-great-granddaddy of your gaming rig. And those steam engines? They powered everything from trains to factories, turning coal into motion like the industrial equivalent of a Red Bull-fueled all-nighter.
When it comes to the artists and creators who’ve put the "punk" in Steampunk, we’re talking some next-level genius. H.G. Wells and Jules Verne might be the OGs, but modern steampunk artists have taken the genre and run with it like they’re being chased by a robot dog. Take Gail Carriger, whose novels mix steampunk with parasols and werewolves—because why not? And let’s not forget the visual artists like Jake von Slatt, who makes steampunk computers that look like they belong in a Tim Burton movie set in a steam-powered future.
Steampunk's cultural impact is bigger than Kanye’s ego and just as hard to pin down. It’s infiltrated everything from movies to fashion to music. Remember "Wild Wild West" with Will Smith? Yeah, that was Steampunk. Not the best example, sure, but hey, it had giant mechanical spiders. Steampunk fashion is everywhere, too—just check out any comic con. Folks are decked out in corsets, top hats, and more gadgets than a Swiss Army knife convention. It's like Halloween for the historically inclined, except every day is a costume party, and everyone’s got a monocle.
And let’s not forget the future of Steampunk, because this trend’s not slowing down—it’s picking up steam (pun totally intended). As we push further into the digital age, the charm of combining vintage aesthetics with futuristic tech only grows. The next big thing? Augmented reality goggles that look like something out of a Victorian inventor's fever dream, or maybe smartwatches encased in ornate brass. The steampunk ethos of innovation and imagination is timeless, ensuring it’ll keep evolving, much like the plot of any long-running soap opera.
At the heart of it all, Steampunk is the madcap marriage of art and science. It’s a world where the boundaries of the possible are stretched thinner than an influencer's patience during a social media outage. It's about taking the best bits of history and mashing them up with our wildest technological fantasies, proving that sometimes, looking backwards is the best way to leap forwards.
So there you have it, my digitally distracted darlings—a crash course in Steampunk, where Victorian vibes and futuristic fantasies collide in the most splendidly spectacular ways. Now, go forth and don your brass goggles, tinker with some clockwork contraptions, and remember: in the world of Steampunk, the future is always a little bit rusty, a lot bit classy, and endlessly fascinating.
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A long time ago now Dianne opened her house to about 15 strangers who showed up for the first meeting of a workshop she wanted to have because she needed community in order to have the stamina to keep working on the lonely business of writing a book. At the time she was living in a little town called Milton. She has since moved, and, after 7 years of opening her front door twice a month to a…
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mrkhan75090 · 1 year
AIdvantage Review-Full OTO Details + Bonus
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AIdvantage Review - Product Overview
Product Name: Aldvantage
Crafted by: Neil Napier
Release Date: August 24, 2023
Launch Timing: 11:00 AM EDT
Cost: $17
Category: Software
Assistance: Responsive Customer Support
Assurance: Backed by a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Explore further at the Official Website: Click Here
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AIdvantage Review - Product Creator
About the Product Creator
Neil Napier, the ingenious mind behind this product, is a dynamic entrepreneur, digital marketing luminary, and proficient software architect. Renowned as the co-founder of Kyvio, an all-inclusive online business hub, he has also spearheaded the establishment of numerous enterprises within the realms of digital marketing and software innovation.
With a distinguished acumen in lead generation, email marketing, and sales funnel optimization, Napier's repertoire shines with the creation of various software solutions in these domains. His profound insights have been encapsulated in multiple books that delve into the realms of digital marketing and the art of entrepreneurship.
AIdvantage Review - What is Ai Graphics Factory?
Aldvantage is an innovative AI-driven content generation tool that reimagines content creation, marketing, and revenue generation. Powered by advanced AI technology, it empowers users to effortlessly produce diverse, high-quality content with a single click. From engaging social media posts and compelling ads to SEO-optimized articles, persuasive sales letters, and captivating video scripts, Aldvantage caters to a wide array of content needs across various niches.
Aldvantage's standout feature lies in its distinctive potential for monetization. Beyond its content creation prowess, it opens avenues for users to sell or distribute agency seats, transforming content creation into a profitable income stream. By providing Aldvantage access, users can generate earnings without actively participating in content creation, offering a fresh perspective on content monetization.
Prioritizing content quality and authenticity, Aldvantage ensures all generated content is free from plagiarism. This safeguards user reputation and builds audience trust, positioning them as authoritative figures in their fields. Its user-friendly dashboard suits novices and experienced marketers alike, boasting an intuitive interface that enhances efficiency and minimizes the learning curve.
With versatile applications, Aldvantage proves a valuable asset for businesses and content creators. It enriches content marketing, social media management, SEO optimization, affiliate marketing, digital advertising, and video scripting, among other uses. Its all-in-one nature eliminates the need for multiple tools, streamlining workflows and ensuring a cohesive content creation process.
How Does AIdvantage work?
Log In and Pick Your Adventure:
Just like choosing your favorite ice cream flavor, you get to decide what you want to create. Log into our super-user-friendly software, and pick what kind of marketing copy you want to whip up today.
Click, Click, BOOM
Generate Your Marketing Copy: Like a genie granting your wish, you just need to press a button, and - BAM! - your customized marketing copy appears. No more head-scratching, no more writer's block. We've made it as simple as hitting the 'play' button on your favorite cartoon.
The Cherry on Top:
Profit by Sharing the Magic: Now, here's the surprise twist. You don't just create an awesome copy - you can also make sweet moolah by giving away or selling access to this nifty little app to others. Think of it as sharing a secret treasure map with friends - only you all find pots of gold!
Features and Benefits Of  AIdvantage
Features :-
AI-Powered Content Generation : Positions you as an authority in your niche
Plagiarism-free Content : Protects your reputation and credibility
User-Friendly Dashboard : Saves time and improves efficiency
Premium Support : Resolves issues swiftly, keeps your business running
Sell or Giveaway : Sub-Accounts & Make Money Without Doing Any Work
Precision Infused: Craftsmanship prevails. Aldvantage doesn't craft mere words; it crafts impact. Your goals align seamlessly, whether conversion-driven or engagement-sparking.
Simplified Video Artistry: Crafting captivating videos becomes fluid with Aldvantage's script-to-edit prowess. It refines video production, making it accessible to creators.
Branding Made Effortless: Fortify your brand identity with Aldvantage's grace. Craft mission narratives, taglines, reviews, and more, fostering company recognition and prestige.
SEO Elevation: Aldvantage refines content for search engine success, beckoning organic traffic and elevating search engine rankings.
Assurance of Investment: Backed by a 14-day money-back assurance, explore Aldvantage's features with confidence, aligning them with your aspirations.
Effortless Content Generation: Aldvantage harnesses AI to create high-quality content across a range of formats, saving you time and effort in crafting engaging materials.
User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive dashboard ensures that both newcomers and experienced users can easily access and utilize the tool's capabilities without a steep learning curve.
Versatile Content Options: Whether you need social media posts, SEO-optimized articles, persuasive sales letters, or captivating video scripts, Aldvantage offers a diverse array of content creation options to meet various marketing needs.
Authenticity and Credibility: With a guarantee of plagiarism-free content, Aldvantage helps maintain your reputation and build trust with your audience by ensuring the content's originality and authenticity.
Monetization Potential: Beyond content creation, Aldvantage provides an opportunity to earn income by sharing or selling access to the tool, allowing you to transform your content creation efforts into a profitable revenue stream.
Enhanced Brand Identity: Establish a strong brand identity with ease by creating mission statements, taglines, customer reviews, and other branding elements that contribute to your company's recognition and reputation.
Improved SEO Performance: Aldvantage aids in creating SEO-optimized content, increasing the chances of your content ranking higher on search engines like Google and Bing, driving organic traffic to your platforms.
Who Can Use AIdvantage?
Aldvantage is designed to cater to a wide range of users across different industries and roles, including:
Content Creators: Writers, bloggers, and content producers can utilize Aldvantage to quickly generate high-quality articles, blog posts, and other written content.
Digital Marketers: Marketing professionals can leverage Aldvantage to create engaging social media posts, email marketing content, ad copies, and other promotional materials.
Business Owners: Entrepreneurs and business owners can use Aldvantage to craft persuasive sales letters, compelling product descriptions, and impactful marketing content.
Affiliate Marketers: Individuals involved in affiliate marketing can create persuasive reviews, product comparisons, and promotional content that resonates with their audience.
SEO Specialists: Aldvantage can help SEO experts in generating SEO-optimized articles and blog posts that attract organic traffic and improve search engine rankings.
Video Content Creators: Video creators can benefit from Aldvantage's video scripting and editing assistance, making it easier to produce engaging and effective video content.
Marketing Agencies: Marketing agencies can offer Aldvantage's content generation capabilities as a service to their clients, enhancing their offerings and streamlining their content creation processes.
Freelancers: Freelancers in the content creation, marketing, and copywriting fields can use Aldvantage to efficiently meet the needs of their clients and deliver high-quality content.
How Does AIdvantage Help You in Your Business?
Efficient Content Creation: Aldvantage's AI-powered content generation accelerates the process of creating various types of content, freeing up your time to focus on other critical aspects of your business.
High-Quality Content: The tool ensures that the content it generates is of high quality, maintaining your brand's reputation and engaging your audience effectively.
Diverse Content Formats: Aldvantage assists in crafting a wide range of content, from social media posts and articles to video scripts and sales copy, catering to various marketing needs.
Streamlined Marketing Campaigns: By swiftly generating content, Aldvantage enables you to execute well-coordinated and consistent marketing campaigns across different platforms.
Enhanced Engagement: With compelling and relevant content, your audience is more likely to engage with your brand, increasing interactions and potential conversions.
SEO Optimization: Aldvantage helps create SEO-optimized content, boosting your website's visibility on search engines and attracting organic traffic.
Time and Cost Savings: By automating content creation, Aldvantage reduces the need for outsourcing or spending excessive time on crafting materials, leading to cost savings.
Brand Consistency: Aldvantage ensures that your brand's voice and messaging remain consistent across different pieces of content, reinforcing brand identity.
Confidence in Content: The tool's plagiarism-free guarantee and content tailoring ensure that your content is authentic, trustworthy, and aligned with your goals.
My Special Bonuses For AIdvantage
If you pick up AIdvantage today, you also get access to:
Making 6 Figures With AIdvantage
When you purchase AIdvantage today, you also unlock access to our 3-part bonus session series. In each session, we will go deeper into AIdvantage, sharing with you effective ways in which you can monetize your AI marketing. This alone is worth 5x what you will pay today, and it’s yours for free!
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Create your own simple ads using AdSauce. Within a few clicks, you can have perfect ads at your fingertips. Simply choose one of the 95 mind-blowing templates. Customize to match your product or service. Crushing Ads was never this simple!
Frequently Asked Questions On AIdvantage
Question: How much extra work do I need to do after purchasing AIdvantage?
Answer: The beauty of AIdvantage lies in its user-friendly interface and automation capabilities. Once you've set up your preferences, the system will automatically generate high-quality content for you. There's minimal extra work required - AIdvantage handles the heavy lifting!
Question: How quickly can I start seeing results with AIdvantage?
Answer: AIdvantage is designed to deliver results from the get-go. The time to see results may vary depending on your specific business context and strategy. However, with its powerful AI capabilities, you should begin to see a positive impact on your content quality and engagement almost immediately.
Question: When and how do I get access to my AIdvantage purchase?
Answer: After your purchase is confirmed, you will receive an email with your login details for AIdvantage. From there, you can access the platform from any internet-enabled device and start reaping the benefits of AI-powered content creation.
Question: Can I use AIdvantage if I don't have a background in technology or AI?
Answer: Absolutely! AIdvantage has been designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. You don't need any prior experience in AI or technology to get the most out of it. Plus, it comes with step-by-step training to help you navigate the platform easily.
Question: What if AIdvantage doesn't meet my expectations?
Answer: We're confident in the value that AIdvantage brings. However, if for any reason you're not satisfied with the product, we offer a "No Questions Asked" 14-day money-back guarantee. Simply email [email protected], and we'll process your refund.
Question: Can I really cancel all my other expensive content creation subscriptions when I start using AIdvantage?
Answer: Yes, you can! AIdvantage has been designed to handle all aspects of content creation, from ideas, to frameworks to the final written content. It aims to replace multiple expensive tools, saving you both time and money.
From my own personal experience, buy the product and you will benefit a lot.
Grab AIdvantage
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ginnyzero · 1 year
It’s hard to stomach reading Youtube comments about the writer’s strike. Mostly the people who believe we shouldn’t support writers because robots are taking over factory worker jobs. How sad (and disgusting) you can’t see your children doing something other than... exploitative and hard on the body... factory work. They can’t see their children wanting to create art, write original work, or make music, or design and engineer, or study history or philosophy or literature. Instead they must be tied to manufacturing. (An industry riddled with as much corruption as everywhere else.)
I’ve done both. The best manufacturing is where I press a button on a machine, keep an eye on it while it’s going through the process, and can write. But I’d rather write, even on days when it is hard. It’s more satisfying.
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Glory to thermodynamics in general...
and generation of heat in particular cuz yours truly spoiled with trappings
of Western Civilization.
How ideal I imagine
to dwell in a self sufficient domicile, where thrum of the central heater...
automatically activated
upon advent of twilight, or self adjusted/regulated
based on outside temperature
since writer of these words thankfully linkedin to PECO grid, (counts CAP and LIHEAP programs
for low income earners a dogsend),
subsequently scribe of Schwenksville not resident within "smart home",
nevertheless manually pressing button
invites emulation of Donald Trump zippered smile, when mechanisms set in motion
to spark convection currents warming cockles and muscles versus skin feeling cold and clammy.
One anonymous homo sapien appreciates basking, and luxuriating,
within climate controlled environment,
whether bone chilling deep freeze when/where old man winter furiously blows frigid air
into lovely bones of mine
sets indentured jaws chattering,
as on this dreary
and rainy April 30th, 2023,
or contrarily when sweltering
hazy, humid and hot
dawg days of summer
necessitates setting air conditioner
at refreshing sixty six degrees fahrenheit.
I could never survive
alone in the wilderness,
which dependence on creature comforts
inured me since birth,
but all the more power to people
(such as Dick Proenneke
pronounced pren-icky)
who lived off the grid,
and minimize their carbon footprint.
Truth be told, a non impactful lifestyle
tantalizes, teases, titillates...
yours truly, a garden variety generic human
dependent I vow woolly admit
on consonant contrivances
and conveniences conditioned
courtesy capitalistic consumeristic credo
decrying his dependence
upon flow of electrons,
whereby flip of switch (rather than fight) when systems of a down fully functional
instantaneously allows, enables,
and provides electricity
with absolute zero ability
to stave off blackout
attributed to sudden disruption
regarding power outage
linkedin with severe
kickstarted meteorological phenomena
or terroristic machinations
(possibly even homegrown unrest)
worst case scenario signaling the end
of the webbed wide world
reducing to rubble
(think being bombed
back into stone age)
annihilating comp fur table trappings
of twenty first century civilization
forcing survivors to learn basic skills
cooperation, integration, proletarian
and utilitarian virtues
altruistic, democratic, humanistic,
mechanistic, and socratic zest
begotten, distilled, and forged
nsync with opposable thumb.
Angst crimps existence
generating dystopian thoughts
despite countless factorial permutations,
differentiations and combinations,
this cyber surfer avails two alms
boot Grinchian genes snatched such balms
when tethered in utero umbilical connection,
etched bromide, which hankering calms
embryonic sensation this corporeal being lacks
constantly subjected to exams
from the school of hard knocks,
which I bewail sets back and gloms
mine aim to revel in blissful contentment
but circumstances decreed otherwise
cursing this chap tubby haunted exhibited by sweaty soles of feet and palms
by veritable elfin grotto dwelling phantoms
hovering over sweet clover dials a mirage where dreams comprise psychedelic qualms
yes...Iris sieve blurbs from gals and guys
that spans the world wide web, and exude
premature ejaculatory ecstasy, puzzled if fie
totally tubular trod a tedious trek
along the boulevard of broken dreams.
What happenstance oft finds thyself to flail
amidst difficulty to maximize
optimal opportunities
searching for Holy Grail
or whatever constitutes such lofty
personal objective, perchance being hale
and hearty of body, mind and spirit
spurs the furies of fate tut test this primate
while he aims to gallop with mighty industrial
vim and vigor leaving a virtual cloud
of dust, though mindfulness helps
to pass go, and chance avoid jail
time, then maybe monopolized feedback offered and accepted
to this married caucasian nasty and shortish brute with one percent Neanderthal
toothless though I possess gumption pseudo quasi-vegetarian
enjoying poetry stone soup,
yet also subsisting
on supplementary vitamin and mineral packed glue tin free
NON GMO fruity tall tales for a male
thirty six years shy sans bing a centenarian,
which span of life best cut short acquiring tetanus courtesy rusty nine inch nail
hammered into faux coffin, cuz this impossible mission
(aery faced nincompoop) doth turn pale
at the prospect to fill up a space of land
best utilized by twittering
and tweeting birds - such as quail
mongoose, or ibis (though aye ne'er saw
one), where cremated ashes sail
across some verdant plain under
cerulean skies putting to rest every travail,
which thoughts of dem eyes spells
the main impetus explaining
this rambling spiel
warp and woof ova gauzy veil
imperceptibly looms closer upon
turrets of my digital sea faring gunwale
unwittingly capsized courtesy
Moby Dick sized whale,
and thus desperation
finds me pleading for salvation while swinging from vestigial yellowtail.
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beck-a-leck · 1 year
for the asks! 7, 17 + 32!
Questions for fic writers
Thanks for the asks!!
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
You know, I was trying to think of a specific example of worldbuilding that I am particularly fond of, but I just kept coming up blank. It's not that I don't do worldbuilding, because I know I do, but it's not the part of my writing that I hinge my pride and sense of accomplishment on. It's more of just another tool in my tool box that I use to help craft the stories into their finished projects. For example, in a lot of my farm sim based fics, I have to expand on the world a lot to make the town the characters are in make sense and feel more realistic as opposed to a dozen one-room houses that make up the entirety of a thriving community.
And doing that kind of world building is a lot of fun, but it's never been a point of pride for me. It's just part of the process.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I mean... almost everything I write is a high specific AU that I assume is the only person who appreciates it but I unleash unto the world anyway 😂 AUs are my bread and butter. But most recently an AU that I've been having fun turning over like a rotisserie chicken in my brain has been a Star Wars AU of Rune Factory 4. It started as just a fun joke from a prompt on Discord, but the more thought I put into it the more seriously I begin to take it. I'm having more fun than should be allowed assigning Star Wars-isms to the RF Characters.
A lot of my AUs tend to be niche, but I think this one might end up being written for the target audience of Me, Myself, and I.
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read?
I don't really have an ideal. It really depends on what I'm looking for. With my limited reading and free time I do tend to read more short fics and one shots, or I get into long wips early. But I also really do love getting caught up in the wealth of a 100k+ fic that will take me days/weeks/months to read fully, but I'll know that for quite some time when I click that next chapter button there will be more story waiting for me.
The only problem with getting into a long fic late into its posting is knowing I want to wait to start reading it until I have the chance to catch up and/or finish it in a reasonable time. And RIP to all the long fics I have waiting on my to-read list. I'll get through you all some day. I hope.
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technotub · 2 years
8 Top Notch Crazy AI tools , You’ve Never Heard Of
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Lex.Page Runway.ml DiffusionBee.com Lexica.art Metaphour.Systems Soundraw.io Clipdrop.co Talk To Books (Google) 8 Top Notch Crazy AI tools , You’ve Never Heard Of. The realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a constantly evolving landscape that never fails to fascinate us. In this article, we've gathered a list of Our aim was to steer clear of the usual suspects found in most "Best AI Tools"
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Credit: Lex.Page Jasper and Copy.ai are among the most popular AI-powered content generation tools used by marketers and SEO experts worldwide. However, their performance often leaves much to be desired, and their output can be subpar. Fortunately, there's a new player in town that's been designed specifically for writers, by writers. Meet Lex.page, a revolutionary content generation tool that offers an exceptional user experience and produces high-quality content in no time. One of the standout features of Lex.page is its user-friendly interface that's incredibly easy to navigate. If you ever find yourself stuck while creating content, simply hit the "..." button, and let Lex take over. With Lex.page, content creation has never been easier or more efficient. Official Page : Lex.Page
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Credit: Runway.ml When it comes to video editing, most people turn to well-known tools like Climpchimp or Adobe Premiere. However, there's a new player in town that's quickly gaining popularity among content creators worldwide. Meet Runway.ml, a cutting-edge toolbox that offers a wide range of features to help you create stunning videos. With Runway.ml You Can: - remove the background from your videos with a single click - generate image-to-image content, or track motion - integrate a green background and transform text into 3D textures With Runway.ml, you'll be able to take your video editing skills to the next level and produce exceptional content that stands out from the crowd. Also Read This: Create Professional-Quality Videos on Your Phone-Top Rated Video Editing Android Apps 100% Free
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Caption: Diffusiobee If you're an avid user of Stable Diffusion AI image generation tools like Midjourney or Dall-E, you'll be excited to know that there's a new application that's completely free and easy to use. Meet Diffusion.Bee, a MacOS-based app that lets you create stunning images with just a prompt. Just like Midjourney and Dall-E, DiffusionBee uses AI-powered image generation to produce high-quality visuals that are sure to impress. However, what sets DiffusionBee apart is that it's completely free to use since it's an open-source technology that you can run on your Mac. With DiffusionBee, you'll be able to create beautiful, eye-catching images without breaking the bank.
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Caption: Lexica Generating images with AI can be a complex task, and mastering it often requires spending countless hours trying different prompts and approaches. However, there's now a search engine that can make this process a lot easier. Meet Lexica.art, a search engine that lets you find prompts that were used to create beautiful images with AI. Instead of spending hours trying to generate an image of a factory using Dall-E or Stable Diffusion, you can simply search for what others have done with factories on Lexica.art. This saves you time and helps you find the perfect prompt to create the image you want.
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Caption: Metaphour.Systems It's no secret that Google can sometimes be frustratingly dumb. This is because Google still relies on back-links and keywords to index and rank pages, which can lead to irrelevant search results. However, with modern AI, it's possible to understand exactly what the user is looking for and predict the most relevant links, much like GPT-3 predicts the next paragraph of your marketing blog post. Enter Metaphor, the world's first "smart" search engine that allows you to prompt your search just like you would prompt GPT-3. By using Metaphor, you can improve your search experience and get more accurate results that are tailored to your needs. So why settle for a basic search engine when you can use Metaphor and take your searches to the next level?
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Caption: Soundraw Soundraw is an AI-powered music generator that allows you to create custom music tracks for your videos. With Soundraw, you can set the genre, duration, and beats-per-minute of the music you want to generate, and the AI will do the rest. The best part? The music generated by Soundraw is of such high quality that you won't be able to tell it was created by an AI.
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Caption: ClipDrop Editing product photos for e-commerce or blog posts can be a time-consuming task. But, with ClipDrop, you can easily remove backgrounds, upscale your photos, and clean them up with ease. This tool is especially helpful for those who are not skilled in graphic design or photo editing.
Talk To Books (Google)
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Credit: Talk To Books Including authoritative quotes in your writing can enhance reader engagement and trust. However, finding unique and relevant quotes can be a daunting task. The good news is that you can now search for quotes from a database of over 100,000 books indexed by Google, avoiding the overused quotes commonly found on the internet Also Read This: 2023 Top Secret to Earning Money by Copy and Paste: 100% Effective Method Revealed. Also Read This: WhatsApp Privacy Hacks: How To Hide Whatsapp Profile Photo And Last Seen From Specific Contact Read the full article
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