!!!Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't finished YHS yet!!!
If Gareth and Salex's ghosts appear and were set free due to Yuki's """death""", what about Rowan and Paul's ghosts? It'd make a lot of sense if they appeared as ghosts too since Yuki killed them like she did Salex.
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theclixuebitch · 3 years
headcanon: uneasy
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Sadie rolled her eyes, keeping a curse word from escaping her lips when Alex entered the room. “I just got him to start latching,” she complained, trying to calm her son down. Their fight had lasted for almost a whole day. His customers at their house was stressing her out, not to mention their son. “It’s one thing to yell at Toby for leaving coke on the fucking floor, but the fact that you’re still selling to random strangers at our house?” Sadie sighed heavily, pretty damn shook up by her boyfriend’s attitude at the moment. Listening to him talking made her want to mute him shut. “That’s no excuse!” she shouted, glancing Axel seconds later who was starting to get really uneasy. Biting her lower lip, she focused on making him latch again, well… until Alex started opening his mouth again. “Seriously?” she raised a brow, “get out…” as their eyes locked, she could see the annoyance in his hazel ones. “Get out!” she repeated, her voice lacking patience, instead packed with frustration and anger. Left with some stupid slurs from her boyfriend who slam the door shut, she took a deep breath, keeping her son close to her chest… hearing him cry was the worst thing in the world. “It’s okay… shhh…”
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yhs-taurtis-kinnie · 4 years
I hope u know it's time, im doing this @yhs-grian-rights
The First Kiss
Grian was walking home from school with Taurtis and Sam when Sam brought up the topic of first kisses "so Who were your guys first kiss? mine was J" Grian rolled his eyes "of course yours was J Sam, you're dating him and Dom"
"uhhh, I think either Chan or Salex was mine" Taurtis says that while trying to remember which girl it was "So what about you Grian?" Sam asks while looking over at the Brit "uhhh- I haven't kissed anyone yet I don't think"
"what? not even when you and Ellen were dating?" Grian shakes his head at Sam's question "nope not that I can remember, it's not really a big deal" Sam laughed "Grian your the only one out of us three that hasn't kissed anyone"
after a few week Taurtis confessed to Grian that he likes him, Grian of course liked Taurtis back so they started dating, they haven't told anyone about it yet
Taurtis after a while of him and Grian dating was wanting to see if Grian was okay with him taking his first kiss he of course was nervous about asking Grian if he could, I mean who wouldn't be nervous about asking they're boyfriend that?
Taurtis was nervous about asking, here he was, on a date with Grian about to ask him if he can kiss him "hey uh Grian?" "yeah? what is it Taurtis?" "c-can I uh, kiss you?" Grian of course was a bit shocked to hear that he never really thought taurtis would ask that before kissing him "oh, um..Yeah of course you can Taurtis, you don't have to ask"
Taurtis scooted closer to Grian and leaned in a bit "you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable" Grian only nodded as he turned and looked at Taurtis "yeah..im sure" he leaned in as well, Taurtis smiled and whispered "I love you" before slowly going in and kissing Grian softly
it was a soft kiss on the lips, Grian couldn't believe how soft yet sweet the kiss was, he didn't know his first kiss would be like this, it was so sweet and full of love
he knew he would never forget this kiss, not even years into the future
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centralian-updates · 2 years
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First PNAA Balik-Turo held online.
The Philippine Nurses Association of America, Inc., Philippine Nurses Association, Inc. and the Association of Deans of the Philippine Colleges of Nursing – in collaboration with Central Philippine University (CPD Provider), and Schools of Nursing in the Philippines held the First Virtual PNAA-Balik Turo 2022 – via Zoom from January 30–31 (Sunday & 7:00 PM USA NY EST) and Monday (8:00 PM, PH Manila).
This year’s Theme is “Connecting the Spark from West to East in Enhancing Nursing Education, Research & Practice.” The Virtual PNAA Balik-Turo was supported by C& E Adoptive Learning Solutions.
The Balik-Turo program highlighted PNAA as an organization consistently advocating its mission and goals for its membership. The program showcased inspiring leaders and speakers described their advocacy ingenuities in clinical practice, nursing administration, nursing leadership, and nursing research. The participants were able to identify and gain various pathways on how to advocate effectively for themselves, patients, families, colleagues and the community.
According to the webinar, “The rapidly changing and advancing science in medicine and nursing continuously bring many challenges in clinical practice. Improvement in the delivery of care is impacted by the influences of technology and evidence-based practice. Research and innovations are the major drivers in enhancing the knowledge base that is vital to the nursing profession for delivery of quality and safe patient care. Nurses continue to provide optimum care despite the demands of the nursing profession. Nurses of today and the future will benefit from an enhanced clinical knowledge and skills leading the way to excellence in the nursing profession and advocacy.”
The one-day education seminar has informed, updated, and enhanced advocacy, nursing knowledge and skills through the global sharing of nurse experts in their field of expertise. One of the planners and organizers of the event is Atty. Salex Alibogha, Dean of the CPU College of Nursing.
The Philippine Nurses Association of America (PNAA) Inc., is a US-based national organization comprised of 55 chapters with 4000 + members nationwide.
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CPU College of Nursing presents virtual Pinning Ceremony for BSN Class 2021.
Centralian Jose Ariel Lañada was the speaker of the CPU College of Nursing Pinning Ceremony for class 2021.
The CPU College of Nursing Pinning Ceremony for Class 21 premiered on January 8, 2022 via the CPU Facebook TV Channel page. Centralian Nurses and Alumni the world over watched the significant event which is a time-honored tradition of nursing schools. It symbolizes “the right of passage” of the CPU Nurses Class 2021 – into their professional careers. The ceremony was done on October 28, 2021 at Rose Memorial Auditorium.
The ceremony started with a prelude- a musical rendition by Prof. Rona L. Edemni, MAN, RM. Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian led an invocation followed by the playing of the Philippine National anthem and the Alma Mater Song.
Dr. Teodoro C. Robles in his Welcome Remarks acknowledged the candidates for pinning, parents and students, the faculty and staff. He challenged the students, telling them that “You will be thrust into the practice of the nursing profession in the new normal.”
He thanked the CPU College of Nursing for preparing the students for a challenging yet rewarding career in the nursing profession. He commended the College of Nursing headed by its Dean Atty. Salex Alibogha with the Faculty and Staff “for ensuring that the excellent quality of nursing education which the College has always provided is maintained even in this new normal.”
He reminded the students that “as you wear your pins, you should always remember that you are a Centralian Nurse.”
Joy B. Lacson, MN (Level 4 Coordinator) introduced the Guest Speaker. Prof . Ariel E. Lañada (CPU Nursing Batch 1993), delivered an inspirational message with challenges that would be essential to the need of the new Centralian nurses.
He encouraged the candidates to be determined to conquer any hardship. “God is my rock, but I have to do my part”, he said. “We cannot serve from an empty cup,” he added.
Lañada shared his three ingredients for success: Willingness to move on, Tenacity in not giving up easily and Resilience by strengthening oneself.
Lañada started working in the United Kingdom at Oxford University Hospital in 2002. He is presently President of the Centralian Nurses Association in U.K., and has been popularly known to the Filipino Community in the United Kingdom.
Maria Lourdes N. Sampiano, MAN, Apollo Simulation Coordinator read the significance of the Pin. Lena O. Giron, MAN , Clinical Coordinator presented the candidates for pinning. The confirmation was done by Dean Salex Alibogha before the pinning ceremony.
Melba C. Sale, MAN, Research Coordinator read the International Code of ethics. The recognition and awards were read by Dr. Charlie D. Baldon, Scholarship Committee Chair. Awardees Mia Maricar Bulauitan, Class 2021 Coordinator and Angel Dema-ala, CPUR CON Representative delivered their response.
The BSN Class 2021 rendered their Class Song. The benediction was led by Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian and was followed by the recessional.
The program was hosted by Annalie D. Gilongos, MN,RN.
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coolblog2stuff-blog · 5 years
German human resource agency promises jobs to Filipino nurses from CPU
By Cyrus A. Natividad with notes from Nestle G. Taala
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Mathias Hallerbach, Business Development Manager of C&C Human Resource Pro Civitate and his Senior Supervising Consultant during an interview with Mr. Natividad.
Mathias Hallerbach, Business Development Manager of C&C Human Resource/Pro Civitate (a German health provider) based in Germany and his Senior Supervising Consultant Kristine Brisenio, based in Metro Manila announced their commitment to recruit Filipino nurses particularly, CPU graduates.
In an interview on CPUTV public affairs program Looking Forward, Hallerbach and Brisenio detailed on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the German Agency and Central Philippine University at the CPU Administration Conference Hall on Friday June 28, 2019.
Hallerbach impressed upon the viewers that Filipino nurses are much needed in Germany. He also admired the attitude and quality of service of the Filipino nurses in several nursing care facilities in Germany.
The MOU was signed by Dr. Teodoro C. Robles for Central Philippine University, and Atty.Wolfgang F. Schutze for Pro Civitate gGmbH. CPU College of Nursing Dean, Atty. Salex Alibogha served as witness during the signing Ceremony.
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Jumping on the Taurtis support bandwagon, I'll give my hot take: Taurtis is the only reason why the series functions. Think about it, Taurtis causes most of the conflict in the series. First, Gareth's wife is killed because of Yuki's jelaousy, causing Gareth to commit suicide in the process. Then the school becomes haunted and Taurtis, Sam, Dom and his friends, and Salex all end up there on a dare and a warning from Ellen. This culminates with Salex dying and the yandere plot finally starting for real. And there's more after this like the gang getting sued for the Toritos buisness, getring evicted from their house, the Yakuza showing up and that plot point with Yuki getting more intense, ending the original YHS with the gang going into the witness protection program. And we all know that Sam's character fully relies on Taurtis for everything, but heck, Grian's character, as great of an actor as he is, gets his most interesting and impactful plot points in YHS because of how he interacts with Taurtis personally and how he tries to protect him from Sam (and the whole Taurtis 2 thing). In fact, Taurtis is so much the life blood of this series that he's the ONLY thing holding Sam and Grian's psyches together, and once he disappears in season 2, (since it's revealed he never died and went away on a vacation to learn more Japanese, good for him my son deserves it), ALL the characters (besides my fave son Dom), get more and more depraived, and the series in Tokyo Soul goes downhill as a whole. I even have a theory that Cthulu got rid of Taurtis because Taurtis was warning Sam about using the Necronomicon and was the only thing holding him back from destroying the universe. Cthulu also worked it so that Sam became so depraved that he did the whole Taurtis clone fiasco and then, when that failed, was so desperate to get him back that he went back in time and destroyed the universe, becoming Ruler of the Universe Boy.
TLDR: Taurtis is the conduit of all life in the series and has ascended to god levels, so when he disappears the universe collapes.
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Tautis’ experiences aren’t talked about enough, he literally saw his gf die, was a huge if not main reason they got evicted, nearly got killed by and was partially the reason Gareth died. (There’s a lot more but I’m lazy) we should talk about him more tbh
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if yhs fandom was bigger i just KNOW the whole salex/taurtis + grian/taurtis ship 'discourse' would be hilarious to watch
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theclixuebitch · 6 years
* blocks alex’s number *
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CPUCN Batch 2023 holds virtual Capping, Pinning and Candle Lighting Ceremony
The first three-in-one virtual ceremony for CPU College of Nursing batch 2023 was held on February 5, 2022 at 10:00AM on CPUTV Facebook Live. The ceremony included the Capping, Pinning and Candle Lighting.
The program started with a prelude- a musical rendition by Prof. Rona L. Idemne, Faculty-CPU College of Nursing. The Host, Prof Analie D. Gelongos welcomed everyone, before the candidates marched in from different entrances. Rev. Roger T. Quimpo, University Church Associate Pastor led the Invocation. The CPU hymn, Central, My Central followed the playing of the Pambansang Awit ng Pilipinas.
University President Dr. Teodoro C. Robles in his Welcome Address recognized the dedication and commitment of the level three nursing students. He congratulated the parents and the families for their unending support to their students. Dr. Robles pointed out the significance of the ceremony. He encouraged the candidates to “embrace it as a milestone in your career.” He added that “You will not be just a nurse, but a Centralian Nurse. Nurses have always been at the forefront of health care, as CPU nurses remain one of the best in the country.”
Atty Salex E. Alibogha, LLM, MAN – Dean CPU College of Nursing introduced the Guest Speaker, CPU Grand Alumni Homecoming Queen Ms. Edna Pelopero (BSN Class 1978) as a woman with substance, ranging from local, national and international settings. Pelopero undergone the mandatory government service at St. Lukes Hospital before migrating to the U.S. in 1982. The speaker is “pride of CPU College of Nursing.” Alibogha said. He added that “Pelopero is hardworking, diligent with admirable leadership and management skills. From 2008 to 2012, she was Director of a 20-bed capacity Intensive Care Unit of a Hospital she was working in the U.S. She retired in 2012.
In working for their dreams, Pelopero reminded the students to “Focus- always expect darkness before dawn.” She enlightened them with insights like, “There is light at the end of the tunnel”; “Treat yourself well”, “Treasure your family, loved ones and friends, and educate your children to be happy”. She challenged them to be advocates of healthcare, adding that, “To succeed and realize your dreams, you must be headed to the right direction.”
Pelopero thanked Central Philippine University and the College of Nursing for the foundation of her career. She also expressed admiration of Dean Salex E. Alibogha, for the initiatives in the developments of the CPU College of Nursing. Alibogha was instrumental in procuring modern equipment (including maniquins for the Nursing Laboratory).
Weni Marie V. Braza, MAN – (Level 1) Coordinator read the History of the Country’s First Nursing School- Iloilo Mission Hospital. It was opened in 1906 with a rich cultural heritage. The history involved the Florence Nightingale of Iloilo City – Loreto D. Tupaz whose name is embedded in the CPU College of Nursing Building.
Prof. Rita Penaso, MAN (Level 2 Coordinator) read the significance of the Nursing Cap, Pin and Lamp. Dean Alibogha then conferred upon the students their caps and pins – with all the rights and privileges thereto appertaining.
Dr. Charlie D. Baldon (Academic Coordinator) led the students in reciting the Florence Nightingale Pledge. It was followed by the Nurse’s Prayer led by Prof. Joy B. Lacson, MAN (Level 4 Coordinator). Mrs. Regina G. Coniza, MAN, RN (Director NSO /IMH) extended a warm welcome in behalf of Iloilo Mission Hospital.
Rev. Roger T. Quimpo, Associate Pastor-University Church delivered the benediction. The recession followed.
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coolblog2stuff-blog · 5 years
CPU Signs MOU with Pro Civitate
By Nestle G. Taala
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Everyone is smiling after CPU President Dr. Teodoro C. Robles and Mathias Hallerbach of Pro Civitate gGmbH signed an MOU that could help Centralian nurses work in Germany.
Central Philippine University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Pro Civitate gGmbH. The document was officially signed by both parties on June 28 at the Administration Building.
CPU was represented by its President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles while Mathias Hallerbach signified for Pro Civitate gGmbH, a German health provider. CPU College of Nursing Dean, Atty. Salex Alibogha, served as witness during the signing ceremony. The MOU is a cooperative agreement relating to education, exchange of knowledge and related cultural and scientific matters.
Moreover, both parties agreed to work together in “conducting German language trainings for Filipino nurses in the premises of CPU, develop joint projects and establish cultural activities.” The parties planned to start classes on July 2019 and August 2019.
Pro Civitate gGmbH is a company that “offers elderly care, provides nursing care for the elderly, disabled, assisted living services, ambulatory care, and related medical services. Pro Civitate serves communities in Germany.” (https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/6282479Z:GR)
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coolblog2stuff-blog · 5 years
CPU Signs MOU with Pro Civitate
By Nestle G. Taala
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Everyone is smiling after CPU President Dr. Teodoro C. Robles and Mathias Hallerbach of Pro Civitate gGmbH signed an MOU that could help Centralian nurses work in Germany.
Central Philippine University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Pro Civitate gGmbH. The document was officially signed by both parties on June 28 at the Administration Building.
CPU was represented by its President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles while Mathias Hallerbach signified for Pro Civitate gGmbH, a German health provider. CPU College of Nursing Dean, Atty. Salex Alibogha, served as witness during the signing ceremony. The MOU is a cooperative agreement relating to education, exchange of knowledge and related cultural and scientific matters.
Moreover, both parties agreed to work together in “conducting German language trainings for Filipino nurses in the premises of CPU, develop joint projects and establish cultural activities.” The parties planned to start classes on July 2019 and August 2019.
Pro Civitate gGmbH is a company that “offers elderly care, provides nursing care for the elderly, disabled, assisted living services, ambulatory care, and related medical services. Pro Civitate serves communities in Germany.” (https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/6282479Z:GR)
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