#C reaches for A's forehead and either 1: A involuntarily leans into the touch and C notices how warm they are
plasmodiumpyrexia · 1 year
A short thing inspired by @warmblanketwhump‘s post about fever chills that's been in my drafts for way too long 😅
The conversation had become a distant blur of sounds A no longer had the energy to follow; they ceased the polite nods and “mhm”s miles ago, opting instead to sit quietly, gazing out the window at passing scenery with half-lidded eyes while the others chatted around them.
"...'bout you A?" Who? "Think they fell asleep" C gently nudged A's arm and repeated B's question "We're stopping soon, do you want anything?" "No..." They shivered. "...could you turn down the AC?" B's brow furrowed in concern from behind the wheel. "A, the AC is off. You ok?" Now that they though about it, A had been unusually quiet. "Mhm" A mumbled. They were still half-asleep, still exhausted and aching and freezing... but they didn't to ruin the trip. A straightened up in the seat and did their best to keep the next shiver at bay. "Yeah, I'm fine."
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honekitteh · 5 years
Fic: Countdown - Chapter 8
Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight Rating: M Genre: Angst, H/C, Romance, Canon-Typical Violence, Humor,  Canon-typical levels of poor decision-making Synopsis: A distress call leads the Jedi Battlemaster to Ziost, but time is running out.  Follows the storyline of The Rise of the Emperor and inserts missing scenes.   Author's Notes: Thank you to @storyknitter​ for giving this chapter a once over.  You have no idea how much that means to me! Warnings: See Chapter 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |  Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Crossposted to AO3
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Theron Shan was talking to his mother on the holo as I entered the room, I stayed slightly out of view and allowed him to finish.
“Understood.  Thank you.”  He shut off the holo and gripped the edge of the console, looking down. “Thank you…” he murmured.
“What was that about?” I asked cautiously, hoping to not have an accusation in my voice.
He looked defeated as he responded.  “Master Surro.  She went catatonic for a while—now she’s responsive.  Not in the greatest shape, but they say it’s promising.”
Without really thinking, I found myself responding, “She knew the risks going in, Theron.  You have to remember that.”
“It’s one thing to know it’s true in your head…”
I nodded in understanding and glanced down as the memories of everything I’d done while under the Emperor’s influence years ago flooded to the surface, the feeling of the dark side and reveling in it and its power.  Every so often, these feelings would wash over me like it was yesterday, just yesterday when I stopped and snapped to reality before I saw Kira strapped to that torture device.  The nightmares still haunted, lurking behind my conscious thoughts.  Up until the death of Ziost ran over me like a rampaging bantha, the memory had faded, replaced by more pleasant memories.  But the nightmares remained… infrequent, but never truly gone.  
For a brief moment I remembered telling him of my own experiences with the Emperor.  How gentle his hands were as he cradled my face as I spoke to him about it.  How soft his voice was in that moment.  How the breeze blew around us over the Yavin cliff, leading to the jungle below. Leading to where I had needed to go. How I wished to stay in his arms at that moment.  How I wished to be in his arms now, but I could sense his own exhaustion.  He was right… it is one thing to know it’s true in your head.  I didn’t want to point out the fact that she is going to have to live with those nightmares for the rest of her life, no matter what healing they could give her on Tython: he didn’t need more guilt on top of what he already had.  
Another burden I will bear.
He had turned to face me and continued.  “Saresh finally saw reason before things got too bad, got a bunch of our troops out of there—still, we lost so many, nevermind the rest of Ziost.”
I tried not to wince as he mentioned Ziost.  Tried to push down the feeling of complete failure that tried to crush me.  This conversation wasn’t about me.  He had his own pain to deal with.  He didn’t need mine too.
He sighed as he continued, “Add to all that, that I found out that Agent Kovach was actually working for Saresh this whole time.”
I looked down and took a deep breath. “I know.  I overheard him talking to Saresh back on Ziost.”
Theron growled, “You did?” I involuntarily winced.  “And you…” He stopped, looked at my face and then sighed looking down.  “Makes sense I guess.  It… It wasn’t the best time to sort all that out.”
“I didn’t intentionally…”
“I know.  Sorry… this has been rough for all of us, I guess.”
“What’s Kovach’s status now?”
Theron shrugged. “Far as I know, he’s still pretending to work under Lana and reporting to Saresh. Anyway, it’s all out of my hands now. Suppose I shouldn’t even be here, technically.”  I tilted my head as he explained. “Saresh and Master Satele weren’t all that excited to find out I had a team of black ops Jedi on call without their knowledge. I’m on administrative leave—indefinitely.”
I frowned. I understood the reasoning, but Theron wasn’t really the sort to be very comfortable sitting on his hands and doing nothing.  “Forget about the SIS.  I could use someone like you at my side.”  As soon as the words left my mouth I almost cursed myself.  Well that isn’t awkward at all.
He chuckled, looking slightly grateful, but instead responded, “I’m sure.”  He paused for a bit and I wasn’t sure if he noticed my slight fidget.  “Growing up, I had an idea of who and what I would be.  In a lot of ways, that didn’t happen, but in the ways that matter…” he looked up at me, offering a small smile.  “What I’m saying is, I belong with the SIS.  I’m not throwing in the towel.”
I nodded, then thought for a moment.  “Why don’t we pay a visit to the station cantina—for old times’ sake?”
Theron picked himself off the console he’d been leaning on and walked towards me.  “I’ll have to take a rain check, but…”  He reached out, cupping my face with warm, calloused hands, and kissed me softly.  I hadn’t realized he wasn’t wearing his gloves, so the touch of his skin on mine startled me before I eased into the sensation of his tongue lightly brushing against mine as our mouths were merged.  I sensed his exhaustion and untreated injuries and understood.  As he pulled back, he smiled at me, and lowered his voice and rested his head on my forehead, “I might be persuaded another time.”
I fought against the small ache I felt, the one that didn’t want him to let go.  How at that one moment I longed to just stay right here, or perhaps just with him, in his arms.  In some sort of odd sort of safety that I didn’t truly expect to feel.  I didn’t really want nor need much more than just this.  But the time was not right, not for either of us.
We parted; his fingers slowly lingering as they brushed my arms as he pulled away.  He gave a weak smile and turned, walking towards the door and then paused to look up at the ceiling.  “I should have reached out to you sooner,” he continued.  “Whatever’s next, whatever insanity comes our way… I won’t make that mistake again.”  He looked back to me.  “May the Force be with you.”
I watched as he left the briefing room on Carrick Station.  Another time I might have taken a glance downward to appreciate the view. However, all my training couldn’t hold back the dampness that began to pool in the corner of my eyes.  His guilt, while I tried to encourage him otherwise, reflected my own.  I turned and braced my hands against the holo console, where his had once been.  And for the first time, since… I honestly cannot remember if it was some point after that first failed attempt against the Emperor or a little more recent than that… but perhaps the first time in quite a long time… I allowed myself to cry.
After a time, I turned to leave the room, ignoring a nagging sense that I wasn’t alone.  I ran into a wall of Theron Shan, standing awkwardly out of the door, who then proceeded to wrap me tightly into a hug.
“I thought you had to go?” I choked out.
“I do, but that Sith was insistent... I get it now.  I’m sorry.”
I wrapped my arms tighter around him, burying my face into his chest, “Don’t…”
He ran his fingers lightly down my back in a continuous motion.  A few times I felt him about to speak, but he didn’t for a time. Something beeped on his wrist and I felt him sigh heavily.  “Raincheck… I promise…” he said and kissed me on the forehead.
I just nodded and let him go.  He offered a weak smile and motioned for me to head out first.  As I did, Lord Scourge was just standing at the outside of the lift, waiting, staring at Theron with an unreadable expression.
“Right,” he paused, staring at the Sith pureblood in his way.
I sighed, “Let him go, Scourge.”
The older man gave a glance to me first, then looked back at Theron.  He slowly stepped aside, but did not lose eye contact with the younger man as he slid past.  Theron gave me a slight wave and a small smile as he punched in his destination in the lift.
“You didn’t need to do that… I am fine…”
“First, Jyana, you are a terrible liar.  Second, you need to take care of yourself.”
I pursed my lips, looking at the elder Sith.
“Third, he needed to look past himself too.”
“Do you feel your point was made?” I raised an eyebrow.
“For now.  We will see.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose.  “Let’s get going.  I have a feeling Master Satele or Saresh have an idea of where I can be useful…”
I could sense a slight bit of distaste from Lord Scourge as I mentioned the Chancellor, but he did not argue and we took the lift and headed back to the Defender.
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“I wondered if I’d find you here.”
I looked up from my meditation perch on a bench in front of one of the many waterfalls near the Jedi Temple on Tython.  Grandmaster Satele Shan stood behind me, her hands behind her back, face serene yet kind. Grey specks had multiplied in her brown hair since the last I’d seen her.  “I suppose I have gotten predictable when I’m on Tython,” I responded and looked back towards the waterfall.
“Everyone needs to find peace on their own time.  This seems to be yours.”
I nodded.  Looking up at the waterfall, I sighed softly. “Change is annoyingly difficult.”
“There is some peace in predictable routines.  Some things don’t need to change.”
“True enough.”
She allowed silence to linger for a few minutes.  I closed my eyes to just listen to the water as it flowed into the streams below. It’d been a few months since Ziost ceased to be a living world, and though the nightmares still lingered, they no longer occurred every night.  I took a couple trips back to Rishi, going to Master Orgus’ old house and trying to remember the paths that he had suggested I take.  Help people out, do the little things.  Heal the sick, fix people’s technology so that they don’t get flooded, tiny little things I could do.  I kept my ear to the wire though.  Tried to follow the reports as they came in.  Any hints that another Ziost was in the works.  But there had been silence.
It wasn’t as if Theron had access to that information to forward me right now as it was.  Not that he’d reached out to me either.
“The anger seems to have passed,” the Grandmaster said softly.
“There is little need to dwell on what cannot be changed,” I sighed a bit.
“To which do you refer: The Chancellor or Theron?”
I shrugged.  “Both.”
“You disagree with his punishment.”
“It isn’t my place,” I said shaking my head, “I am more concerned with the blame he places on himself.”
Satele tilted her head curiously but remained silent.
“If I could take his burden from him, I would.  But it will make him stronger.  A better man, I think.”
“You care for him,” she responded softly.
I took a deep breath. “I know what he’s going through,” I deflected, “I bear similar scars I feel.”
She studied me in silence for a moment.  “Some scars are necessary.”
“It is our scars that make us.  Our pain, our regrets.  Our joy, our sorrow.  What is, is. What will be, will. We cannot turn back time, and even if we could, would we truly make different decisions?”
Satele shook her head. “No, we wouldn’t.”
She turned to look over at the waterfalls I had been focused on.  I wondered for a moment if she was fishing for something, choosing to stay where she was.  I didn’t allow myself to dwell too much on that and opted to return to what I had come here to do.  Close my eyes, focus on the sound of the rushing water, and let the tranquility of the moment wash over me.
Sometimes, in stillness, in quiet, one can find peace. With all my training, meditating at a temple just made me restless.  The quiet produced a pounding hum that drowned out my own calm, while the white noise provided by a waterfall gave me something to focus my mind on.  Soothe the shaking of my knee that the Masters always had commented on:  A prodigy at combat but she couldn’t stay still with meditation.  Once I had discovered waterfalls on that world, it had become easier.
It was hard to think of Master Satele or Master Orgus as younglings with youngling restlessness. I never felt they would truly understand me now.  But maybe they would.
What I would give to hear his reassuring voice again.
Or at least, just a hug.
“Attachments can be dangerous.”
Though my eyes were closed, I could not entirely control the twitch my right eye made at Master Satele’s quiet words rang through my mind.  I opened my mouth and closed it.  The quick response originally coming to mind would not be helpful, so instead I took a deep breath and opted to say nothing.  I tried to clear my mind to the flow of the water over the rocks, as opposed to the rushing torrent between my ears, threatening to turn my cheeks red. I had no way to be sure what she was talking about, no way to be sure if she meant Master Orgus, who I had been thinking about at the moment of her words, or on Theron.  She didn’t need me to snipe about how she didn’t really have much of a right to lecture me about feelings for her son.  I definitely did not need that either.  I simply needed peace.
“He cares for you,” stated Satele, with a slight push to her tone.
I opened my eyes slowly and gave her a side glance.  Her eyes were closed, as if she was attempting to focus on the waterfall as well, or some other item that gave her peace.  I took another breath in and then out, slowly, trying to relax my own heart.
“Jyana,” she spoke firmly.
“I came here to find some peace and some focus,” I sighed heavily, “Not to hear a lecture about the Jedi Code or some concerns about ‘Attachments.’”
She sighed a bit.  “No lecture.  Just concern.”
Emptying myself of emotion never worked for me.  My eyebrow twitched in slight irritation.  I tried to soothe my emotions so they didn’t radiate out my sleeve as others did.  But I didn’t like the concept of denying my feelings or emotions either.  I felt if I denied how I felt — however it was that I did — that would be the easiest thing the Emperor could latch on and pull on me. It was just as much of a slippery slope as embracing them or letting them fuel me could be.
But while I could express my slightly controversial thoughts on emotions to myself, I wasn’t really sure how to articulate them properly out loud.  As well as I probably was overthinking the implications that I would be putting upon the Grandmaster herself.  She had a son.  She had some feelings for Theron’s father to at least get to that point.  She’d also had decades of practice of cutting herself out and shielding her own feelings from showing.  Whether she took time to herself to let herself feel whatever it was that she did in privacy or not, I had no way of knowing.
But what I could tell was pretty evident:  She was concerned.   For her own son.
Master Satele frowned slightly, but did not speak.
“How is Master Surro’s recovery?” I asked softly after a few minutes of silence.
“Slow, but there has been progress.  Have you tried to speak with her?”
“I offered, but I remind her too much of her failure.”
The Grandmaster nodded. “In time.”
“She knows how to reach me should her decision change.”
She nodded in response as well and looked back to me.  Whatever it was she had considered saying, she didn’t end up speaking aloud.  It was difficult to read what was going on in her thoughts through the Force, but that was perhaps by design.  She just gave me a curt nod and then walked back to the Jedi Temple.
I looked back towards the waterfall, closing my eyes again.  Trying to focus on the whirlwind of the water instead of the whirlwind of dust upon the Ziost surface in my mind.  Trying to focus on the peace and calm around me as opposed to the frantically growing louder beeping at my side.
Beeping at my side...
I blinked and looked down at the beeping and blinking holocomm.  Tilting my head at it as I looked at the sender, I opened it.
“Hey,” Theron Shan appeared, scratching the back of his neck.
My heart skipped a beat. “Theron?”
He offered a small smile, still scratching the back of his neck and giving a glance to the side before looking at me directly through the holo. “About that rain check?”
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Vintage Love: Part 2
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Part 1
Bucky Barnes x Plus!Size Reader
Prompt: “I love every single part of you, even if you don’t,”
Warnings: +18 ONLY! ABO, all that kinky shit that comes with knotting, heat & animalistic behavior that we all hate to admit we love!
A/N: PART 2! This is part of a @hollandroos​ Sophs 15k celebration as well as request for @moonfaery​! I hope I did both justice! It’s long so its in two parts!
Words: +2,300
This time it was unbearable, slick soaking the sheets under Y/N, prompting her to wake earlier than usual, never before had this happened, not even when she presented as a feral alpha at 11 or her first heat here at the compound. No one even knew & were it not for the slight twinge every now & then to be knotted Y/N would have never known it. Calling out to the AI to inform those needed that she wouldn’t be making it out of her quarters for a while but was OK.
 It didn’t bode well for Bucky who paced out in the hall but thankfully left after an hour, Steve coming to make sure that they cleared the area for a while. Y/N making up her mind to leave slick drenched bed to get a shower & returning to find several messages informing the alpha Wanda had went into heat as well, the floor cleared of all males to be safe.
 That hurt Y/N, the pining alpha wished Bucky had stayed pacing outside the door, but her heart leapt when spotting the sheet of paper slid under the door. Going to pick it up, immediately scenting it was Bucky, gunpowder scent stronger, mingled with leather & the bitter sting of the soap used to cover up a rutting male.
 The letter read. I wanted to ask you out to dinner, but this puts a hitch in things. When we’re both allowed on the same floor again I hope you take me up on my offer. Bucky
 Scenting the paper, smiling at how old fashioned he was, the rutting males scent triggered a gush of slick to run down once clean thighs causing a loud groan at the inconvenience at having to change clothes once again with the overwhelming urge to be knotted hitting hard this time that caused knees to buckle.
 “Oh shit,” Y/N began, trying to stand but slumped to the floor clutching the note scenting it, this only happened to her kind when the only alpha capable of breeding them was close.
 Getting to shaky feet the struggling alpha made it to the bed fumbling for suppressants but knew it wouldn’t help grabbing for the phone instead, texting Bruce there was a problem. The scientist should have no problem with her heat & possibly a way to hinder it. The scientist calling a few minutes after the text went through, answering to explain what was going on.
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“Y/N, feral alpha’s aren’t this simple, you do understand that there is only one exact cure for this,” Bruce began, sitting worriedly at the bar of the small kitchenette while Y/N sat in the middle of slick drenched sheets, doubled over, letting out another groan of frustration & need.
“There has to be something, I can’t put this on any….,” Y/N groaned, tank top drenched with sweat before Bruce began to speak once more.
“You know as well as I that your kind, your strain are totally unknown & ancient. The research, even current on feral alphas has yet to figure out how to suppress heats or ruts. Not to mention they aren’t working for Bucky either,” Bruce explained with an exasperated sigh, Y/N finally looking up at him.
“What…,” Y/N began as he got to his feet.
“If we don’t do something this could permanently ruin you,” Bruce admitted.
“Like kill me?”
“No, as in make following heats so unbearable you are no longer able to leave your room Y/N… I…. just give me a minute to get a plan,” Bruce acknowledged, quick to grab the tablet & hurry out of the room.
The alpha quivering with need in the darkened room as the overwhelming scent of gunpowder, leather & male musk telling Y/N that the rutting male had washed the concealing soap off before he entered. The stout soldier pausing in the door way, sure to step in to shut the door, caerulean irises swallowed up as nostrils flared taking in the whimpering alpha that remained where Bruce said she was. Thick female body drenched in sweat making the shirt cling to ample curves, scenting the sweet slick that drenched boy shorts & sheets.
“Bucky,” she began sadly the alpha watching tears prick at the corner of Y/E/C eyes, even in the darkness acute sight couldn’t mistake the worry, the fear.
“You don’t want me as a mate…. I….,” Y/N whimpered silently, killing the feral in heat to turn Bucky away when he was the only one that could help.
“How do you know what I want sweetheart,” his husky voice began quietly, it was all the male alpha could do to keep from rushing forward to take Y/N harshly, to knot the whimpering feral unforgiving, no Bucky didn’t want to be like other alphas he wanted to be gentle especially with her.
“Oh god… Bucky… this… this hurts. If. If you’re sure,” weak voice shook with pain eyes pleading but not about to rush to him like a deprived omega.
“Do YOU want me as a mate is what I’m asking Y/N. Do you want this,” He hinted to ridged male body, Y/N knowing how marked it was, knew his nightmares, fears.
“Yes,” Y/N finally breathed out, forcing herself to sweaty, shaky feet.
Slick trickling from between thick thighs, making the female alpha so uncomfortable to pull the sheet around her. In an instant Bucky was close looking sweat drenched curves over, shivering for a knot. Y/N pausing in unfound worry for the soldier to place flesh hand to flush cheek, relishing in the cooler feel of it on scorching flesh & leaning into it
“Jesus doll. Bruce said you were having a rough go, but I didn’t realize you had the fever,” he worried dipping close to taught jaw to bury his nose in the glands there.
“Feral,” Bucky, no the alpha growled out, remembering meeting only one other feral, an omega, their entire breed prone to fever heats but well known for alpha females.
“Yes,” Y/N breathed out, releasing the sheet as the hand on her cheek pulled her flush to sweltering body, sweat drenching once dry clothes, a growl escaping taught chest.
“Let me take care of you? Let me take you to the shower get you cooled off,” Bucky hushed, voice gritty as they finally locked gazes, pupils blown wide, nostrils flared & bodies shivering with the excitement of what this all meant.
“Please,” the female alpha pleaded.
Sweaty arms draping around burning neck as Bucky reached down to thick thighs, pulling them up & around toned waist, slick drenching clothed arousal. Hard to stop ample hips as they involuntarily bucked at it, body shaking with the need once more while burying nose into his glands the brunet proceeding to carry shivering form to the shower.
The older alpha fussing over the younger, helping Y/N peel off soaked clothes the moment bare feet touched the cool tile, Y/N quick to return favor. Bucky tugging compliant body into the shower with a firm grip around ample waist holding her flush to cut on cool water and hold tight to the shivering creature. The cold water felt wonderful over overheating flesh as feverish forehead laid into hot chest, metal & flesh soothing over shivering spine.
The need for a knot hitting worse, quick to catch the whimpering alpha before she hit the floor, scorching hands going to the back of strong neck to push them together for a passionate kiss. Bucky quick to instinctively grab thick thighs to hover Y/N over leaking cock that begged to knot slick drenched cunt.
“Please Bucky… I want this… I want you… I need you… alpha, please” Y/N whimpered out in a pant.
Looking down at the alpha holding her to take in his dark smirk as she felt herself slowly lowered over throbbing cock, knot already formed at the base, letting out a gasping moan as cunt sunk maddingly slow over throbbing cock. Y/N quivered violently as he finally seated fulling in silky soft pulsing cunt, pulling tight to toned body as the burn & stretch.
“Ok sweetheart? Talk to me doll am I...,” Bucky worried, holding tight, thick thighs shaking around toned waist as she buried into the crook of his neck, bucking slightly but daring no more than that, the continued burn & stretch sending shivers of pleasure up her spine that over road pain now.
“No. I’m fine give me time,” a quiet voice quivered next to his ear filing her nose go to clinched jaw, burying into the glands before moving to press hot lips to flesh that would bare HER mark.
“Tell me when I can move,” Bucky’ voice pleaded this time, shivering himself as sharp fangs cherished over soft flesh, recalling the fact that feral alpha females marked their mates.
“Then please move,” she panted, moving to face Bucky with a smirk, bucking on swollen cock swearing that his knot was already trying to stretch slick drenched cunt.
“Fuck,” Bucky snarled
Chestnut head falling to the crook of her neck, scenting along her jaw, fangs running over bond flesh, he couldn’t help it, tongue flicking out to taste, the scent of honeysuckle, cool summer breeze & fresh cut hay taking him. The scent of Y/N’ heat making Bucky thrust harshly into clenching cunt, lips moving to hers to swallow the raspy moan that escaped at his actions, hot hands threading into wet auburn locks to rake short nails over prickly scalp as tongues tangled.
“Mark me,” Y/N panted, breaking the kiss, knot making its way into soaking cunt, the fill of cool water over scorching flesh causing sensations that neither thought possible.
“No, you mark me doll,” he panted back.
Meeting bucking hips with well-timed thrust,  causing the creature above him to shiver violently at the action, swearing juicy cunt was about to close up on twitching cock, dawning on the older alpha Y/N was hitting her first orgasm. Pounding harder, the soldier helped Y/N to chase the first wave, knot slipping further in, overwhelming pleasure taking over for the woman to cling to Bucky. Rutting hard, filling the knot nearly catch as stars shattered in front of her eyes, begging the alpha that held her to not stop, to mark her.
“Mark me,” he breathed back, helping her through her blinding orgasm, looking into hazy blissed eyes, knot almost catching once more to grind down hard on it with a devilish smirk.
“As you wish…,” Y/N began slyly, leaning down to rake fangs over bond flesh but pausing to speak into his ear, “MY alpha,” she finished possessively.
The sharp sting of fangs penetrating soft flesh driving him closer to the edge but not yet. Hot metal flooding their senses as crimson ribbons ran down metal shoulder, following the plates of black vibranium before dripping to the tile to flow with cold water. The female quick to force his lips, sharp fangs to her own tender neck demanding Bucky claim her or it wouldn’t work.
“MY alpha,” Bucky breathed out before latching on.
Hot metallic saturating his mouth, flowing over ample chest to coat both in the feral alphas blood. Thick knot finally catching to lock them together, the alpha above him letting out a keening cry of release as velvet walls fluttered around swollen spilling knot to fill greedy womb to the brim, both holding tight, vision going black as Bucky fell against the tile wall to slide to the floor. Panting Y/N rutting at strong hips gently, kissing the bleeding bite she had given him, only pausing when he done the same.
“Hold tight,” was all blissed out brain could force out, getting shakily to his feet to cut the water off, stumbling back to the bedroom, a trail of water in their wake but not caring for that or the slick drenched bed as the soldier fell back holding tight to Y/N as he scooted around to get both comfortable, cock still pulsing inside slick soaked cunt.
“Ok sweetheart? Speak to me alpha,” Bucky hushed to the creature that still shivered in his arms but was thankfully cooling down, moving to nuzzle at bloody fang marks, hot hands falling to thick thighs as he laid on his back, Y/N draped over him like a limp rag.
“Just fine alpha,” a bleary voice answered, Y/N moving to gaze into azure eyes that had softened from their usual state of worry to one of reverence for the creature he gazed up, Y/N’ hands moving to taught chest, hand going to marked neck to cherish over the raw flesh.
“This looks beautiful on you doll,” Bucky breathed out, calloused fingers cherishing over the mark he had gifted her with, smiling happily.
“Alpha,” he smiled up into sparking Y/E/C orbs that looked at him differently now, Bucky’ hands sliding along pliable spine & filling her shiver against bare torso.
Y/N moving ample hips against strong ones in an effort for a bit of friction, obvious it wasn’t over, possibly not for a few days as the rate she was heating up again, the alpha under her chuckling at her need, but bucking still swollen knot inside of overfilled cunt, combined arousal trickling down his balls.
“So glad you picked me doll,” Bucky smiled at the sleepy alpha that went lax on bare chest despite scenting her need, obvious the fever had taken a toll.
“Glad you picked me Buck,” Y/N breathed, hot breath fanning across wet chest as he slid against the pillows to prop, pushing wet Y/H/C locks out of the way to peer down at the alpha that was attempting to get rest before the next wave.
“MY alpha,” Bucky breathed out, turning to his side best he could to snuggle with Y/N who was nuzzling at toned chest, thumb cherishing fresh bond mark as his done the same, flesh arm under wet Y/H/C head, pulling thick thigh over his own to keep her comfortable while they remain locked together.
“No….,” Y/N murmured across his chest, barely audible, “MY alpha.”
Tags open! And re-blogs are ALWAYS welcomed!
Tags: @dark-night-sky-99​  @prettybubblesintheair​  @gramaeryebard​  @reallyheckinggay​  @jovanna-shewolf​  @andiyholly​  @katstablook​   @nickyl316h​  @beets1bears1battlestargalactica​ @aslandia726​ @moonfaery​ @furstinnajoelle   @itsbqueenthings​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​
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