#C.C. reblogs
Heyyy, we're the Cosmos Collective! We're an OSDD system that's bodily in our 20s, and fictive heavy. We mostly made this to chill and connect with friends. :] <3
That being said there are some boundaries and all to discuss SO if you've read our DNI and still are still here then go ahead and read below! ^^
Masterpost of donations for Palestine (you can look in our fundraisers tag, too).
Masterpost on Bad Internet Bills (and how you can stop them).
Firstly, because we ARE bodily an adult, minors should be careful when interacting! We're an adult interacting with adult blogs; please filter tags and content where needed, and you can always just block us if what we have isn't your cup of tea. This is your internet experience; curate it the way you want to– and most importantly, stay safe!
Secondly, we are fictive heavy as of now; and a lot of us love our sources! We'll all be talking about them and posting it. Please be kind to everyone about this. If you're going to give any of us grief about it, we'll just block you. We don't want any trouble.
Also, we do tend to use tonetags a lot– this is moreso because we worry about communicating clearly and ensuring our tone isn't misread (and also because we need tonetags ourselves for various reasons)! Please try to use tonetags when communicating with us. :]
Tag dump!
C.C. posts: Us talking about things!
C.C. reblogs: all reblogs go here!
intergalactic meme hoard: Aaaaall the memes >:]
our art! ☆: We might post art and doodles here occasionally! This is where it'll go. :]
friend tag ♥︎: A tag for our friends, or things our friends tagged us in!
family tag ♥︎🫂: The same as above, but for our family system. :]
self-love and reminders ♡: A self love and reminders tag :]
save for the future ◇: Anything that we might save to look back on! This could be a recipe, a website, or just something to keep in mind!
important: If it's important and something that needs to be shared, then this is where it will go.
vents from the void ¤: Vent posts. We'll try not to do it often, but when we do it goes in this tag and is hidden under a read-more so it doesn't make anyone uncomfortable.
system stuff ♤: Anything system specific goes here!
sent to us 📩: Anything that's been sent to us! :D
cosmic mailbox (asks) 📬🌌: This is for answering asks and whatnot!
friend art 🎨: Art that our friends have made that we reblog!! Anything not made by them goes under "cool art". :]
If we make more tags or if anything changes, we'll add onto this! But for now, that's it. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Please take care of yourself. <3 /p
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I promise I will get to reading and reblogging some things soon. There's a lot going on with our dog right now, so I'm short on downtime.
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callmebread · 1 month
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Sharing can be difficult sometimes, Fredbear glitches or malfunctions when both of the children wants to possess the suit at the same time…
Golden Freddy is Cassidy (Black Hat) C.C. Aka Crying Child (Darker Purple hat) for Fredbear his hat’s lighter than Cc’s…
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lorelaisla · 5 months
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New-ish?? Simblr-Intro Post
Heyy I've been more active so I thought I'd do a new pinned post. I'm Kevie or C.C. I'm not new to simblr I've been around since like 2012-2013?? but I left my old blog and old ocs back in like 2018-2019 lol. I play both sims 3 and sims 4 and post my silly pics here! Sims 3 is mainly story telling and sims 4 is mainly gameplay pics. Anywayss I would love to follow more ppl so if you can like and reblog this so I can follow some cool ppl.
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cotc-terminal · 3 months
Clash of the Cubes - C1 Voting Period
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“Welcome back, everyone. Hope you had a good time, I sure did, heheh!”
“Anyways, now that everyone (but one) has fell for the joke, it’s time to start the voting. Remember, we have two separate voting polls. The one here in Tumblr is for your favorite vote, where a vote is worth double. The other poll is in Google Forms, where you can cast up to 4 normal votes.”
“Now without further a do, here’s a list of all the entries, and the polls.”
(ps: you can view all the entries through the cotc terminal’s reblogs, or by going through the reblogs of the original post)
(or here > https://forms.gle/yb8eBTDv15CzMJRa9)
@lumhere @shaidai @orchuris @itzhosya @missmaydae @alionanight @dragongirl2k6 @acn97414 @mahoganystudios830 @pricklythepearcat @blockheadblog @nacora-najita
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So I know there's a lot of "Bruce or a Bat or Superman" is Danny's father or Danny is their AU "Jack Fenton" son. Likewise with being related somehow to Diana Prince or John Constantine.
I know I mentioned these in a reblog before but here's the two ideas on their own.
Johnathan Kent, as in Superman's father, is an alternate timeline Jack Fenton. The parallels are fairly decent there what with a mid-western father whose son is not... quite human but the man loves him. The differences are plenty since the man is less bumbling than Jack and knows his son isn't human but as far as I know never judged people for what or any of that. This I think would lean more towards wholesome family stuff.
C.C. Batson is Danny's AU father. That one is more leaning on the fact that Billy Batson is also a magically transforming kid hero who has a mentor figure that is an ancient cryptic force of... maybe good but probably balance. I don't really know much of C.C. outside of being Billy's parents being dead but you could argue the whole archeology thing being a fascination in death/the afterlife to mirror Jack's ghost research. This one would lean more towards dramatic reveals and fighting magically powerful enemies.
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heartsouls · 1 year
no plz tell me all your thoughts about the gregory hate so I can reblog it💀
OHHH boy this is gonna be a long one buckle up
Ever since Gregory was first announced I believe most of the fandom have interpreted him as this frail child who was always on the verge of tears and needed G.Freddy’s protection (think C.C 2.0), but once the game came out most ppl were shocked to see this kid actually has a lot of bite to him and kicked ass (ppl’s first reactions to him destroying the animatronics still make me laugh).
This was MY first introduction to him, so I wasn’t completely taken aback but still pleasantly surprised. Most if not all his actions made sense or at least made sense for a 10yr boy to think/act. Giant robots coming after me with the intention to kill (and insulting me for no damn reason)? Yeah I’d probably add an extra kick in there for good measure. Then came the first repair scene, when Vanessa revealed the high possibility of Gregory being an homeless orphan everything just clicked into place for me.
OF COURSE that’s why Gregory was so aggressive, he had to learn how to fight on his own to survive he’d probably had to face even worse than this! He wasn’t going to let that all go to waste bc some weird murderous rabbit lady wanted to drag him into her plans. It explains why he brushed off G.Freddy’s worries about him bc he’s used to have to just keep moving and bare thru pain, especially in an environment where that’s really the ONLY thing you can do. It’s why he’s so blunt and can come off as rude bc he was most likely never taught how to behave “correctly” bc really who has the time?
He was just using all the knowledge he learned on how to survive from a cruel and harsh environment for another. But this time he has an ally for once, an adult (father) figure who actually cares about his wellbeing, it’s no wonder why he became so attached (but struggles to show it bc he’s not used to it). And through all that easily irritable aggression, there are moments to remind us he’s still a kid.
A useless fridge magnet? Yeah that is pretty lame man.
Now imagine my shock when I see others hating on him and calling him a villain. “How could he KILL the poor animatronics? He was so mean, he’s the true monster!” Wh- DID WE WATCH THE SAME GAME? You mean the same animatronics that says he doesn’t have anyone to care about him? Yeah real sweethearts they are. Gregory isn’t a damn monster, he’s a survivor! He’s doing what he only knows best, IT’S TO SURVIVE!
“How could he be so mean to G.Freddy??? Those are his friends! He made Freddy feel bad!” Trust me when I say that Gregory cares about G.Freddy ALOT, did you see his reactions whenever G.Freddy got hurt??? That’s his father thank you very much!
“How could he have killed Vanny in that one ending?! He’s the real villain!” …Do I even need to explain this one?
And ohhhhhh don’t get me started on the awful “bratty gremlin devil” Gregory HCs. Now this isn’t to say that Gregory can’t be a gremlin or whatever. He can be, he is a bit cheeky, but then some started to intensify it and made it his entire personality. No, Gregory wasn’t just itching to rip Roxy’s eyes out or do the next batshit insane thing, he noticed the other upgrades and put two and two together (It gets more weird and slightly disrespectful when they add in the homeless thing as if that automatically makes someone act “feral”….tiktok.)
And then we have the complete opposite where some portray him as what I mentioned in the first paragraph. The poor helpless child who cant handle anything by himself…even though that’s complete bullshit (he’s also usually portrayed to be obnoxiously sweet for some reason). I don’t think many ppl realize how often were not in G.Freddy during SB, and Gregory is described to be quick on his feet and wits (plus his tools) and he doing damn well by himself! [Obviously this isnt to say that he didnt need G.Freddy’s help and protection, ofc he did, he just didnt need to RELY on it like some ppl make it seem he did].
(I know we went a bit off-topic for the last two paragraphs, trust me it connects)
All of this comes down to simply that some just can’t accept the fact that Gregory isn’t their perfect victim. He doesn’t crumble to the floor and beg for G.Freddy to help him up like they want him too. He’s not shy and sheepishly asking for help like they think he’s supposed to. And when they realize that part they try to push him into the other far end where he’s crazy, cold, and cruel. But he’s not. He cares, and he cares deeply. He’s still a little boy, he cried and tried to cover his face when he saw Vanny die. He should be leaping in victory, he killed his killer after all right? But he didn’t, bc despite everything she was still a human being, and he was so scared.
He has complex trauma (duh), he’s not this way or that way, and I get it. It’s hard to write or draw that kind of trauma for Gregory, especially when SB didn’t really give us much. But the way ppl act as if that’s what he actually is is soooooo frustrating. In my opinion the fact that his trauma is so complex and the fact he’s not your typical written victim is what makes him so interesting! And I feel like a lot ppl were slowly getting around to it…
Until GGY and Ruin happened and the hate came back so much worse, Welcome to the real Freddy Hell.
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lowobotomy · 2 years
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C.C. and Lelouch (matching) icons
reblogs are appreciated ★
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Peace be upon you, I am Mohammed in Gaza, specifically in the south. 🚨🚨We are exposed to heavy bombardment every day. Please help me promote my campaign and publish for me so that people can donate a small amount of money on this link. We need your help because everything has been destroyed😭😭💔, Please don't ignore me, consider me your friend and brother 🫶
Our campaign is verified by Genei Moon and this is their TikTok account @femmeintifada she has a group of verified families from gaza on telegram also it's vatted by @transmutationisms you can see in my pined post 🇵🇸🇵🇸🍉
Here is my Gofundme link you can post https://gofund.me/68c086c2 and here is my Instagram account:@palestinian_survivor19 so you can take the content about me videos and pictures of me and my family so that you can repost it in your account
I can't donate, but I'll share for those who can.
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I have liked a bunch of things to read later so I don't lose them, I promise I will get to them once I defeat my migraine
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bobbiflekmann · 9 months
To my C.C lovers!
I was wondering, for every C.C Babcock appreciator out there (great taste btw) I would love to know why is it you like her? what makes her a fun and special character to you? I know lots of us love the Fran and C.C pairing, but loving C.C is a bit rarer as Fran we’re meant to love after all, so I’m curious about everyone’s thoughts! I’d love it if you could reply to this post or reblog sharing your personal thoughts, why do you love the woman everybody loves to hate?
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xeiilys · 2 years
. . . new template !!
— c.c from code geass themed rentry ♪
; don't delete credits at the bottom please thank you (⁠*⁠˘3˘*)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
reblog if you're gonna use it!/nf
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heerocks · 1 year
CURIOUS CAT — the betrayal
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SYNOPSIS! Curious Cat is an app that peaked three years ago where people use it to flirt with their crush anonymously and then suddenly forgot about it.
or wherein, Y/N was devastated when her crush, Lee Heeseung indirectly rejecting her in high school. Three years later, both of them have this unknown beef between them that even their friends don't know the real reason behind. One day, Y/N suddenly remembered and opened her C.C. account, and saw that someone by the name 'Ethan' confessed to her three years ago.
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chapter 49 — niki's adopted parents
< prev | m.list | next >
GENRE! smau + written, on crack, slow burn, mutual pinning or past pinning, university au, kinda enemies to lovers troupe, heeseung is a simp, reader is kind of dumb, friends bullying friends
𖥻 notes! : 👀
𖥻𖥻 taglist! : @ckline35 @meinapricity @gugudone @xoxodinaryheroes @lov3niki @ahnneyong @raikea10 @bigtoewinwin @tlnyjoong @sungookie @uwudaizy @jeongintwt @paragonofroyalty @captivq @lavisha7 @prdxinvade @lockburn-castle @chaemmie @xtra-cheese @mimikittysblog @zhaixiaowen @pb-n-juju @luvkait @myjaeyunn @redm4ri @oceanyocean @diestheticu @liliansun @yenqa @xiaoderrrr @flower-lise @mymeloem19 @jungwon-kitten @hoonieluv @vantxx95 @asherbl @alexayoonlee @spilled-coffee-cup @mdavt @kyexvly @would-bee @jhopesucker @tiramis-hoon @noascats @beomibeom @iea-tsand @ronnierites @flwrshee
likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated ❤️
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The C.C and Niles scenes from Making Whoopi Season 6 Episode 8. The attractive scenes are just great! And I get a kick of watching them😍😂🥰.
Hi Baby❤️❤️
Hi Dumpling ♥️♥️
And that sponge scene 😳
And the interrupted kiss 😒
And the hand holding❤️
The whole thing with them being attracted was just perfect 😭! I wonder if Niles still feeds C.C cookies lol 🤣.
Feel free to reblog, share I don't mind! We are all C.C and Niles shippers and have a love for them🥰.
They definitely hid their deepest feelings well for a while.
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f0rtuned · 10 months
hiyyaay !
could i have a crying child stimrboard with blankets, dino’s, and shakerr stims please ??
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C.c stimboard with blankets, dinos, and shaker toys for anon!
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greglow03 · 8 months
HI There! Welcome to my fnaf blog!
~ I'm gone indefinitely, or may comeback. Mental Health issues have taken over! Enjoy what's left here!
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I go by Gregory💙/Bobby🧡 or just Glow💛 for short. I create fanart on this account which is focussed on the fnaf fandom. I'm also a fic writer.
I'll also reblog fnaf stuff I come across! (and a few other random stuff i find)👍🏻
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My art is tagged: #my art <3
My fics are tagged: #greglow fics
My hc are tagged: #my hc
My ao3 account - here
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~ You can send asks with random fnaf questions and others! Just be nice, and no spam! Please do not send me donation asks!!!
DNI - NSFW, proshippers, and the usual!!! ALSO, FUCK ZIONISTS!!! 🍉 <3
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My art is usable as pfp, just credit me!🙆🏻 Also if you draw or use my designs, then tag me, since I'd love to see it!🧡 I DO NOT SUPPORT AI ART!!!
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Founder of the tag - Victim Duo (C.C./Evan and Tony Becker), and the tag Glitchtrappery Duo (Vanny and Dr. Rab)
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Fnaf AU Fic QFTH - link (art is linked in the tags below)
Fnaf x Pokemon: The Tronpolis Mystery - link
+ Fnaf Oneshots
[I'm going to link all fics here, eventually]
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link to the 2 last ones :)
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~the little mix ones are mine (feel free to use them😊)
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