stolen-glass-bottle · 2 years
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⚔️⚔️ Sword gays showdown, grand finale ⚔️
*Camilla fanart by @friendamedes, used with permission
For Camilla:
she prefers dual-wielding two short blades but can fight with pretty much anything. she's ambidextrous she's autistic she's even sex-repulsed ace. she sighs longingly when reunited with her weapons. she's from planet academia and dresses like an off-duty librarian. literally one of the most iconic moments of the entire series is when she gets challenged to a duel and absolutely wipes the floor with her opponent even though she doesn't even like rapiers that much. 'swords don't lie.' 
OK I’m sure you’re getting just about every character from The Locked Tomb but Cam is my favorite. She's a nerd AND a jock. She is in this deeply intense and loving and unhealthily codependent soulbond partnership with her best friend second cousin and prince. She is smart and deadpan snarky and fights like a grease fire and I have never been able to get that line out of my head.
For Gideon:
she's incredibly good w/ her two hander and less good with her rapier but she's still pretty good!! she is a horny lesbian who's taste in women seems to exclusively be "girls who have tried or are going to try to kill her". she's a redhead. i love her
Gideon’s a HUGE Butch lesbian and literally always wanted to use a broad sword. Specifically a broad sword. She said fuck rapiers. Uhhh literally dies to save the girl she cares for and the sword she uses then becomes like an altar for said girl. Gideon Nav Supremacy <3
oh she is the most badass swordswoman lesbian in media. she’s her gf’s cavalier, defends her in battle, she’s incredibly butch and buff
C'mon shes THE sword lesbian like... canonically 
Loves her broadsword more than anything on her home planet and practices whenever she can. Spoiler it’s possessed by her mom. Gave everything so her best enemy could eat her soul and become the new saint. The character of all time child of two separate threesomes, child of the god emperor, she’s dead, she’s butch, she’s a dork, she’s doomed by the narrative. She’s my favorite.
girlie is literally the swordswoman supreme. she’s the cavalier primary to her necromancer. she has a fuckoff huge longsword. she gets absorbed into another person SPECIFICALLY to swordfight for them. in a gay way too.
While everyone else was developing common sense, she studied the blade. This dyke's main weapon and true love is the long sword, but she's also passable with a rapier. The sword is, in her own estimation, pretty much all she's good for. That and her smoking hot bod and terribly charming sense of humor. 
"While we were developing common sense, she studied the blade." (Direct quote from the book). She's the most useless lesbian to ever exist, and she's obsessed with an absolute wet cat of a woman. Learned longsword mostly on her own and is such a genius with the sword she learned rapier in a few months (by personal experience, it's really really hard)
Most badass broadsword wielding lesbian easily slaying bone monsters and evil space wasps
The cavalier to her necromancer. very gay. in a complicated codependant lovehate relationship with the only other person her age she knew growing up.
For Xena:
It is HER! The OG woman with a blade! 
Her show was so iconic that any lesbian over the age of 30 knows her IMMEDIATELY because this show probably helped her have her awakening. Fandom foremothers and fathers rise up and get your gal a title.
An all around badass, bisexual woman, comfortable with many different bladed weapons. Her show was so much better than Hercules people forget his exists.
Xena is one of the OGs: once a baddie who turned good, she's a warrior who uses swords, daggers, and her trusty chakram to defeat evil and defend the innocent, while traveling with her kickass girlfriend Gabrielle. 
She has many skills
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takiisieju · 1 year
I swear I will eventually return to my serious projects, but these are too fun. Also if you ever tag me in anything OC-related (which you never do), I will consider it to be about these girls.
Quiz: how is your soul perceived? by hleneedh Maker: Casual Icon Maker
Putting this under cut so that people that don't want to see it don't have to
CAMILLA CAROTA: the gentle romantic
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your soul longs for connection. sometimes you think you fall a little bit in love with strangers every day. heart shaped candies and sorrowful poetry delight you in ways you wish you could explain. you stare out the window when it rains and pretend you're living all the lives of the beautiful people on tv. your love will find you one day. they're out there slaying their dragons and one day you'll get to wipe the blood from their brow and they'll look at you like you hung the stars. until then you'll learn to love yourself a little better each day.
Carota is always a bit of an enigma to me, she is so aloof... The quiz really helped me get her feelings better and I think it is pretty precise. Especially in that she kinda waits for a better life to find her, taking solace in her duties until then.
PAULETTA PERA: the protecting nurturer
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you have the heart that belongs to a warrior's mother. you ache for your loved ones and you'll fight to preserve their smiles. you take care of the people around you. you want them to feel safe and warm. you do anything to protect those around you, even if it's from themselves. you have an eye for the details no one else realizes they need. you're the one that makes a house a home. you make sure it's safe because you know what it was like to be afraid of the places that should have been comforting.
Pera is... well, a tsundere is a good enough word, lol But it comes from a place of fear and distrust. And once she trusts people, she becomes distrustful of their surroundings, trying to protect them instead.
ANNA ANGURIA: the kindred spirit
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your soul is like a mirror for others to find their own beauty. you see the best in people and you strive to bring it out in them. you draw all sorts of people to yourself and you make them feel seen. but who sees you? you try so hard to take care of everyone else, watering everyone else's garden until there's nothing left for your own flowers. when will you fight for your own heart as strongly as you try to nurture others?
Anna is very much defined by her fears and insecurities. But aside from them, she is an incredibly kind and empathetic woman. Kinda gave up on herself after her injury, trying to uplift others instead, seeing it as the only thing she can do now.
MARIA MORA: the steadfast
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your soul is filled with the strength of one who has watched too many break before them. you set high standards for yourself and those around you, sometimes impossible marks. you know how the world should be and you're determined to make it so. was tough love what you needed? or was it the only thing you were ever offered. there are some things you cannot bend to your will and your bones will break before you turn back the tide. let go a little and breathe in the air. have you even stopped to look at the empire you built? have you noticed how far you've come?
Mora came to Polpo to give up her responsibility on her own life. Only to take responsibility on everybody else's, because having a ton of responsibilities is the only thing she knows. And she does have a tendency to not notice how hard she works, seeing it as normal. Good thing others now remind her to rest a little.
Despite everything, taglist: @roofgeese @poisonedtruth @theelderhazelnut (this is for all posts, i know you've done these already (the quiz for sure))
everybody and their mother has done this so I have no idea who to tag but @spacestephh and @vivilovespink if you want to join...
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catgirlpuppy · 1 year
Paprika runs a tabletop game for her favorite people.
“Alright, is everyone ready?” With a round of nods from the table, Paprika begins:
“'In a dusty tavern on the edge of civilization, four unlikely heroes are about to meet. One day they will topple empires, but for now they are but simple adventurers slaying monsters for gold.'” Her eyes jump from player to player. “Now let’s go around clockwise and all describe our characters. Bru, you start.”
Bruma is sitting backwards in his chair, thick arms folded atop the backrest. The butch wolfgirl has been Paprika’s best friend since they were kids, growing up in their small hometown. I honestly don't think I would've survived that place if not for him. His eyes scan his character sheet. “My guy’s an orc druid named Bo. She’s got big tusks and big muscles.”
“Great! What’s she doing in the tavern?”
“Hmm… I have this power where I can make little plants grow. Can I make little flowers sprout from the table?”
Paprika smiles; Bruma is nothing if not a dedicated plant-mom. “That’s adorable. What kind of flowers?”
“Daisies.” Bruma nods. “They’re growing from the center of the table, like a bouquet.”
“I love it. The innkeeper seems to appreciate it, too. He comes over to talk to you, and as he does you catch the eye of Joule’s character.” The orange tabby nods to her gray-coated girlfriend. Joule is the latest addition to Paprika's life; the nerdy catgirl started as Paprika and Mocha’s cute roommate before she graduated to being their cute girlfriend. It's only been six months since that morning at the coffee shop, and it's hard to remember life without her.
Of all the people here, only Joule has played before. “Oh! So my character is a little goblin chick wearing all black. Her name is Stabitha Greenedge! She’s an assassin, and she’s got all sorts of knives strapped to her. Oh, and she’s hot as fuck—like, eyes-popping-out-of-head AWOOGA-hot. She’s seductive and dangerous, and she’s got a heart of gold, but she hides it beneath a mask of coldness and brutal efficiency. Ever since the death of her parents, she’s been searching for their killer in a mad quest for vengeance!”
“I love her already. What’s she doing when Bo makes eye contact?”
“Uhm, she’s probably sitting in the back corner, where she has a good view of the whole room. When she sees Bo, she thinks like, 'Oh, she seems interesting,' and she’ll get up and start walking over.”
“Alrighty, now we’ll put that conversation on the backburner for a second while we meet the other two.”
The seat to Joule’s left is empty; on the table in front of it is a little mobile chair, its six articulating legs folded into its sides. In the seat is a busty, six-inch tall woman in a fashionable top. Two red antennae part her black bangs. From the waist down, her tanned skin gives way to a segmented shrimp tail curled up beneath her.
Natalia has a side-gig as an online influencer, and Paprika has been a fan of hers since her follower count was only in the dozens. When the two of them learned they both lived in San Orchidia, they started hanging out in person, too. Now she's Paprika's girlfriend, and her followers are in the hundreds of thousands. Even though Joule and Mocha are only friends with the shrimpgirl, the three have bonded over their shared love of Paprika.
“Your turn, Nat!”
The shrimpgirl looks at her character sheet. I hope it’s the right size, thinks Paprika. That specialty print shop is supposed to be the best in town…
“Right! So her name is Camilla, and she’s a demon-blooded bard! She plays the guitar…”
“Nice,” nods Bruma.
“...and she’s wearing these poofy medieval-style shorts with red queen of hearts patterns, tucked into these black thigh-high leather boots that lace up the front. Her top has the same print with a low neckline and a leather cropped jacket with padded shoulders and silver spikes. She’s got huge tits, by the way…”
“Nice,” nods Joule.
“…and she likes to wear outfits that show them off. On her head she’s got this pale white beret that sits behind her red horns.” She turns to Paprika. “GM, is there a stage in the tavern? I think if there was, Camilla would be playing guitar for the crowd.”
“There is! What kind of song are you playing?”
“Ehh… a fun one? Like, a drinking song.”
“Nice, the whole taproom is stamping their feet to the tune, and a few patrons are even singing along.”
Paprika turns to the final player, Mocha. She and the half-cat, half-cowgirl met while skipping class in college, and they hit it off immediately. Now, the two of them have been together for almost a year. They hadn't expected to add Joule to the relationship, but it became obvious they all had feelings for each other. Now, the three of them are building a life together in their shared apartment. “And last but not least, Mocha’s up. Tell us about your character, Mo.”
The cowgirl straightens her character sheet, then adjusts her posture. How does she make herself look so flawless at all times?
“Well… I think I may be a bit unprepared. Everyone’s got so much to say about their characters! I didn’t think to go into that level of detail.”
“You don’t really need all of that fluff,” Natalia assures. “Joule and I are just extra like that.” Joule nods.
“Exactly,” Paprika agrees. “Whatever you have is enough. What’s their name?”
“Ah! I think I’m going to go with Madoka, like that show Joule was watching! It sounds similar to Mocha, too.”
“Cute! What class did you go with?”
“She’s a healer. But her goal is to…” she pauses, considering. “To open a cafe!”
“And what ancestry is she?”
“Minotaur.” replies the cowgirl.
Paprika smiles. This character’s starting to sound familiar. “Perfect. So, Madoka the healer minotaur, what are you doing here in the tavern?”
Mocha puts a finger to her lips, thoughtful. “She’s… ordering a coffee. Actually, she’s ordering four coffees, one for each of us.”
“Aww thanks Madoka.” “Yeah thanks!” “‘Preciate it.”
“In that case, the innkeeper isn’t just coming over to check out Bo’s flowers. He’s also got four mugs in his hand.”
“Stabitha sits at the table, grabs a drink, and toasts to Madoka.”
“Camilla grabs one too! She waves at Madoka and says, ‘Thanks for the drink, friend. Come over here and let’s all get down to business!'”
“Madoka goes to the table, and compliments Camilla’s style!”
The players engross themselves with their in-character conversation. Paprika watches them, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
“Whoa, hey babe, are you okay?”
“Love, what’s wrong? Am I not doing it right?”
“Why are you crying, Ricky?”
Her friends are surrounding her now. Joule holds her tight, purring next to Bruma. The wolf is hugging her with the ease of over a decade of familiarity; Mocha stands behind the chair and pats her head. Natalia has moved her chair up to Paprika’s paw where it rests on the table, and is hugging a finger.
How have I been so lucky? How did I get to be with so many amazing people?
She speaks through sobs. “I love you all so much.”
“We love you too,” coos Mocha with a kiss. “Now let’s help you calm down—your chair is starting to smoke.”
Burning cloth and leather waft into her nose. The orange tabby chokes out a laugh, and begins her breathing exercises. “Alright. Let’s get back to the game.”
I had a hard time getting started with this one. I knew I wanted to write a story with the framing device of a D&D game, but I didn’t know where to go with it. Once I’d written everyone’s character intros, I thought I could tie that into Paprika remembering how she met all her girlfriends (and Bruma!).
Also, setting name drop! I'm still workshopping the details of San Orchidia, so that's all the details im gonna share for now. Thanks for reading!
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things that feel more like a black widow movie than the black widow movie go:
- do i have to say it. i will. suspiria
- buffy s3 ep12 helpless except obviously natalia has never trusted an authority figure in her life. she obeys them but the idea that they would protect her or worry about her wellbeing is laughable. so in this sense its not about the betrayal re: what giles does to buffy seeing as she constantly expects something to happen but just because she knows its coming doesnt mean she doesnt have a brief moment of terror where the loss of her capabilities leaves her absolutely manic with fear
- the last third of mulholland drive (2001) where laura harring is angry and paranoid. also the obsessive dynamic is similar to nat and yelena’s
- laura palmer. the red room. vibes
- exit music for a film by radiohead. sorry
- a short term effect by the cure
- they got like ten percent of her right in catws i will not lie. “is this the smithsonian im here to pick up a fossil” slay queen
- hmmm lady lazarus by sylvia plath. specifically here:
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- velvet crowbar by lana<3 if someone made buckynat into a campy arthouse neonoir spy film an instrumental of it would play over a scene of them fucking with the exact same amount of passion as spike and buffy in that episode where they fuck down a house
- every time richard mentions camilla’s lovely ankles in the secret history
- the first 15 seconds of the change (in the house of flies) mv looks like the apartment she hides in when she escapes from the red room for the first time
- that which resembles the grave but isnt
there r more i just cant think of them. its not that hard to find any considering the bw movie doesnt feel like a bw movie but rather a half-baked american feel-good family movie with cool explosions and a flimsy storyline to make natasha look like a badass. they didnt even give her cool outfits OR a decently scary antagonist that isnt just a pathetic old man OR use any of the immaculate source material they had. whatever
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dagcutie · 2 years
I really liked it too. It’s really well cast and the outfits are to die for. Which bits were you disappointed they changed because I was thinking the same thing
ok so first i finished reading the book this week so now im fully prepared for the full experience!! i missed the show so much i couldn’t wait for today and after i finish typing that i will run to see the new episodes!!
so first the thing i was disappointed they changed was the five instead of six, like i can understand it meant having an actor less to pay and pete wasn’t a big big part of the book etc but it doesn’t make any sense with the title you know?? even tho they tried to explained it (and even make fun of it) in the show i really doubt in real life this would have made sense lol
also chuck going to college instead of dying during the vietnam war… it’s sad they removed that bc the war was a big part of the culture at the time so not talking about it is weird but i like the aspect of showing that it is be hard to pursue your dreams when you know you could have a more secure career by going to college and pleasing your parents.. so i’m not against the representation either
also at first i didn’t like that camila already knew who billy was when she met him like i liked how they met in the book but then i read some people’s opinions about it and actually that’s genius bc it means that she was a whole mastermind since the beginning and it really fits her personality i think, of her always being in control and always being a step ahead!!
some things i miss from the book are the miscommunications they had in the interviews where they were saying the opposite of what the others were saying.. it was very interesting seeing how everyone was interpreting things differently i wish they put more of that in the show, also for more comedic relief, but i appreciated the comedy in the third episode !!
im sad they didn’t include the karen karen thing :’)
also the fact that they cut the powerful line of camilla saying "who do you think you are, cheating on me?"
also im confused on how they are portraying daisy in the first three episodes like she’s way too clean and polish, in the book she was a drug addict and a mess most of the time while still slaying and being a girlboss… so im waiting to see how they’re gonna make her evolve in the next episodes
And not showing billy going to rehab is a weird move bc for me it’s such an important part of the book… i feel like they passed too quickly on billy and his relationship to drugs knowing how it’s affecting the rest of his life and how tortured he is to stay sober..
now things i really like about the show:
i liked that they’re hinting at graham and karen relationship from the beginning, graham being all over karen since day 1 is so cute i love that
i loved how they portrayed teddy, very paternal i love this!!
i love warren funny unbothered king, i love graham, i love karen, i looove camila they did such a great job with the casting!!
i loved the touch of gaynest with simone
also camila being a photographer that’s a smart move
Now we can talk about the biggest change :
eddie and camila…. honestly maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but i love it!!! like i think that’s genius!! it’s adding such a thing idk im curious about what they’re gonna do with that but like now it almost makes me want to like eddie while in the book he was insufferable now at least he has a reason to be insufferable!! the jealousy the tension i love it!! it’s giving something very interesting and im excited to watch more
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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Fantasy Au
I did work more on it because it seemed like the most fun to develop and so I did make some more infos and a small drawing to go out of it.
Nightwing House (Head Flynn)
Loketon House (Rubinas parents)
Dawnstar House (Emmas Family)
Swordborn House (Samuels Family)
Hopesteria House (Komes Family)
Thunderrain House (Parton Family)
Fullblossom House (Marcell)
Lakeside Kingdom (Henrys Family)
Ashwood Kingdom (Led by Belia as Queen)
Grimstone Kingdom (Tesa and Gabrielle)
Flamestone Kingdom (Dragiselles Kingdom)
Leroy: Assassin who worked with his father until they didn’t agree on Visions and so they split the clans apart, Leroy is a Tiefling
Henry: Sea Creature race, Is a prince of a Kingdom, however didn’t want to be stuck in a castle forever so he snuck out and traveled the world, Leroy faked his death so Henry can finally be free and learn about the world
Mellow: Half Elf Merchant… many people trust him and his wares go all across the kingdom, however thanks to his hobby of making paintings he wished to one day find his significant other
Carol: Runaway half-elf, her parents wanted their daughter to marry rich and she was against that so she became a traveling mage, working with a Researcher to try to find cures for diseases and spread hope across the country… she also takes students to teach them magic.
Lyla and Eikichi: Inventors who work hard to modernize the kingdoms… They tried to keep up with many new ideas and developed some machines that improved everything.
Grey: He still writes stories, however these spread rumors and even caused some wrong assumptions about kingdoms as well as rumors that broke relationships, so he only shares them in secret, especially because his body got a curse after one story that stole his voice.
Bolt: A secret experiment of the kingdom who became quite the dangerous creature so Bolt is trapped in the basement of the Kingdom… hopping to one day be like the other humans
Naomi:  Sea creature monster that works like a Siren and eats humans when they fall for her gaze.
Camilla: Basically the same as in Canon... she guarded Phobetor as a prince... however instead of the tragedy, he was cursed one day and she is now trying to find a cure for his curse.
Bengal: Peasant who wants to be a well known noble or performer when he can. Often sells odd items. Moonlights as a singer in some bars. Specifically often stops by Vanessas tavern
Eiji:  Has a cursed shop in the underground, often going out scavenging corpses from the war and using the material for artifacts and magic potions... has been backstabbing anyone who didn’t approve of him. Was actually created by a witch as a golem.
Kumo:  Thief slowly dragged into the Assassin buisness for a kingdom, having a bounty as high as anyone for what he does. Works alone and not like leroy in a guild... Known among many villagers as the midnight shadow.
Meyra:  Noble countess forced into a marriage like in canon but instead she is still stuck in her mansion and only sometimes sneaks out to dance in some illegal facilities to at least feel somewhat free.
Fuan:  Angel hiding among the humans to watch over them... became part of the Hopesterias knights but also seems plagued by some pain going near the heiress.
Phobetor:  Being popular and rejecting a witch cause he loved Camilla he got cursed and turned into a demon... he tries hard to keep control and not harm her while Camilla tries to find a cure for his condition.. they both hide away.
Flynn: Nobleman of the Nightwing Family, Flynn may seem like a caple head of the house, however he has lots of secret dirt behind the back with Leroy taking out people for him, and him collecting many shady or lost people
Nanoya: The most Loyal Guard to Flynn, was found by him after slaying half of beast that attacked his village which is why he has many scars on his skin in this world as well
Rubina:  A noblewoman of the Loketon family, Rubina was supposed to marry the Noble of the Parton Family, however she was very against this idea… at a mask ball Flynn kidnapped her out of there and made her a Guard of his… now she poses as a man to hide her identity
Peko: Peko Is a young girl who became a Traveling Songstress after telling her parents she doesn't want to marry to become a Queen. She is still naive of the world and usually ends up as the damsel of the situation.
Emma: Also has many sisters, part of the Dawnstar family they were however forced by her mother to be perfect Ladies for marriage into riches, Emma escaped and became a Mercenary and tries to become strong enough to protect herself. She often rescues Peko out of harm's way.
Gregory: Carrying the title of Dark Knight of the Nightwing Family… Gregory is a very powerful dark mage who always carried Tonics to help him. He still has that gem in his chest in this universe however he got it carved in as a kid being used as an experiment on many other kids like him. A witch fell in love with him however cursed him with a seal that one day would be the death of him…
Tyler and Rachel: They worked for the Royal palace to make the finest dresses and clothing, but after Rachel made inferior products, Tyler stayed and she got fired and sent away from the Kingdom. She instead became very popular in the enemy Kingdom. And so they compete usually with each other…
Gabrielle and Tesa: They basically have the same roles as in Canon, only their Kingdom is seen in a worse light given the people fear dragons more.
Aiden: He was cursed and is now half Human and turns on full moon into a beast creature…usually he wears an eyepatch in his human form and hunts animals to sell them to the kingdoms and villages ... also known as the wolf warrior.
Media:  Media is a simple farmers boy, working with Mellow to provide his wares and Aiden to bring his wares to people, he was a bishop for the town… however he quit this cause he wanted to help the people with more important work to him.. providing food for hunger.
Tenera: Is a mythical being… immortal and giving advice to passing travelers and blessing some with her powers…
Dragiselle: Her kingdom exists however her parents died more through the war and now she is quite a ruthless queen who slowly grows into the role. In this Au she is not a fairy anymore.
Inessa: The queen's advisor and probably the reason Dragiselle is more ruthless, she was a witch previously and now although still being lightly in love with Dragiselle, manipulates her into her will.
Taron: They are  an actual Scientist of the Dragiselles kingdom… providing her with all the newest ideas They have. It was that cause he is a Human Fairy hybrid, many look at him odd.
Tiam and Zyan: Work together as Alchemists at the Nightwing house to make all the Tonics for Greg and the Poisons for Leroy to achieve their goals. While Tiam is insecure about what they make, Zyan is the one who might seem odd to people but can sell them better.
Kayne: Was an assassin of the Violet assassin clan however is now the Guard of Samuels noble family. Calling Samuel Young master.
Quora: Barbaric Warrior that works for the Ashwood Kingdom most likely, she usually takes charge in war and has more scars
Kome: Noblewoman who wants to get out of her mansion, but her sickness makes her stuck their and her parents search desperate for something to keep her alive
Ame:  Spirit haunting a painting in the Hopesteria house, wanting to one day get to the heiress and take over her body to live again... not releasing the Heiress might not have the most stable body.
Ronnie: plays the Jester of the Flamestone kingdom, however he is partially the reason for pulling the strings with Inessa and making the kingdom a mess… in this universe he is not a experiment but has a evil being in him
Eleafy: Priest of the Flamestone kingdom, Ronnie has power over him and makes him gather a cult with his influence and so Eleafy is like only a puppet for him to manipulate
Emil: Lost his arm fully after confronting Ronnie about his evil plans… worked for Dragiselles castle before but now thanks to his lost arm is back in the village with his parents plotting his revenge to disrupt Ronnie's plans.
Sindren: Knight of the Grimstone Kingdom, Sindren bent to protect the kingdom at all cost and became a Knight captain because of that. She had past relation with the noble of the Parton Family, however she never wants to speak about it
Mythra: A alluring witch who lured many men and women into her trap of falling for her and getting lost in the woods… more that they usually arrive at her house and she uses their lifesource for her spells and looks… she is a myth among the village.
Feena: Lost her legs in battle and now became the first experiment to make her artificial legs… works with Sindren as a knight.
Fennec: A traveling adventurer seeking for artifacts and looking for a antidote for curses so he can save his brother
Vanessa: Is secretly a Witch but works in a tavern as bartender making her drinks special and tries to improve her tonics. Her goal is to make special potions with special effects.
Macie: Commoner who met Peko as a songstress and got annoyed by one boy she had a crush on fell in love with her and since then she tries to also become a singer to impress him.
Barry: Nobleman of the Thunderrain house, originally he was supposed to marry Rubina, now he tries to woo as many women as possible with his status till his parents find him a marriage candidate again.
Francine: Barry's Advisor and a powerful fighter. She is annoyed by his antics and gets him out of trouble but hopes herself to find a different job one day.
Gilly: Cyclops hiding thier face, playing a hero in the thunderrain kingdom, catching thiefs and thugs all around. Often joining Joel on a day with some paintings.
Yuzuha:  working in a brothel as an informant, he searches after the so called Grim reaper and investigates how to stop him, stopping at nothing, not even the temptation of dark magic.Secretly learning to be a warlock.
Louis:  Same as in Canon.
Kaeru:  Fisherman in the Lakeside kingdom, known to investigate Ghosts at night.
Paula: Noblewoman of the Thunderrain house… however she wanted to escape and became a secret dancer in one of the taverns outside the kingdom… Hoping her family would never find her again.
Brenda: A Witch who is after the riches of many nobles... She often would try to blend into a kingdom, marry into money, fake a death and run away with it.
Osyron and Lydia: Basically are still gods however they didn’t enter the human realm and just through Shrines sometimes talk to the humans.
Fabio: A Mythical Wood creature who often only appears at night... he is mainly seen by those pure of heart but many also set hunt for him so he rarely shows himself.
Saneria: Living in a dark cave she works together with Eleafy to spread more cult like influences... keeping control
Ione: Is a direct messenger of Osyron and Lydia and often as vessle for their messages.
Lennox: Rumored sea creature  guarding a very enchanted weapon.... hoping to interact with the human world but struggling to do so cause many want to hunt him for who he is Izar:  Similar to canon he is a banned prince but found in another kingdom influence as an informations salesman, slowly building an army in the underground to one day take his throne back, secretly also cursed
Zariyah:  Knights apprentice in the Swordborn house.... daily one to give Kayne courage and a symbol of inspiration to many villagers
April: A Succubus that fools humans on the streets and if they lose a game against her… she takes their souls and moves on
Julian: An Incubus who seeks out mainly young nobles to get revenge on them for misdeeds
Taylin: She lost her eyesight to a witch and since then… Most of the Village took care of her however she waits for someone she sends out that could help her cure this.
Beelby: Similar to Osyron and Lydia he is not really present aside maybe being the cause of some people turning into beasts.
Joel: Street artist who often amazes with small tricks... has been in the dungeon before and is on the run.
Serena: As distant Relative to the Parton House, Serena disguises herself as commoner to see what the people need and tries to make their lives easier.
Elvira: Priestess of the Ashwood Kingdom, Elvira spreads her morals which often lead along the people but also cause uprisings.
Kuze:  A young painter who often paints awfully dark things and has a cult following
Yasuno: Also known as the Grim Reaper, he is in actuality a traveling warlock which often kidnaps people to test spells on them.
Erena:  A fire Spirit living in a Vulcano, often prayed to for good food and many cook inside of the Vulcano they reside in... so she is never really alone.
Slice:  The main Jester of the Dawnstar House. Often Slips however into the Nightwing house having some friends there, and keeping good relations between both houses.
Sylva:  Noble Countess who often sneaks among commoners and brings starving children something to make their life better. Often target of thiefs trying to steal her riches.
Jin-Lou:  Half-Dragon who protects a mountains treasure with her life... often gets visited by Sylva who checks up on her and befriended her over time... being an ally to her noble house
Erwin: A Scholar who teaches many young inventors and Alchemists his ways… has a war scar on his neck
Seraphim:  Loyal Guard of the Ashwood Kingdom and usually trains new recruits in fencing
Malorie: Owns a small cabaret where she often dances, only to give the people entertainment in hard times,
Marcell: Nobleman of The Fullblossom house who had some habits of keeping his past lovers in his basement so they never try to run from him… he too would turn into a beast at full moon.
Amalia: Head of the towns newspaper and usually very busy spreading messages and news
Sol: Mage on Quest to reclaim His memory, necromancing creatures of Darkness
Belia: Queen of the Ashwood Kingdom with her little daughter Bethany being the princess. Her warriors are loyal and strong however she is afraid of letting Bethany outside of the castle walls.
Beatrice: A Witch that lives of Fortune telling and has prophecies about the Future.
Valeria: Knight for the Ashwood kingdom striving to be more and more Powerful each day… probably half demonic in secret
Pherea: Familiar of Beatrice, curse by someone else to be a Cat
Shadman: Merchant who usually gets thrown out the Kingdom or bullied (my cabbages guy)
Nakamura: again Mentor of Gabriele and Tesa
Angelica: The Royal chef of Belia but also she usually has her own Restaurant in town
Kaden: A mythical being living in the woods having ties to Heaven and Hell, said to be cursed to bring nightmares.
Soyana: A roaming Demon who sells wares in the underground.
Marin: Underground information person who is a spy against all kingdoms
Fumiko:   A Pixie spreading courage to by passing humans by whispering songs in their ears... often gets hunted
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fairybaby777 · 2 years
my met gala takes (just my opinion):
vanessa hudgens: it’s just not doing it for me, also i see no relation to the theme and i feel like she just wanted to be nude when this was no time for it /:
miss emma chamberlain: top half SLAY, bottom half is giving cheap zara skirt
lala: mm not a fan tbh
anna wintour: literally what is that & WHY is it so hard to stay on theme
blake lively: ABSOLUTE SLAY !! kills it everytime
tommy dorfman: ummmm what ? it’s giving batman in the worst way possible
austin butler: looking fineeeeee goddaMN
kacey musgraves: look, it’s not terrible, it’s just not that great either. at least it’s on theme ?
cami mendes: i just don’t really like this & i really think it’s because of her hair. it’s giving i just woke up
janelle monae: stunning but not on theme
maude apatow: definitely feel like this was more american lexicon theme then gilded age. also not very flattering
shawn mendes: got lost on his way to fantastic beasts ?
amy schumer: giving security guard/inspector gadget
camilla cobello: traumatised. needs to fire her stylist asap
joe jonas: not a black suit so it’s a win in my book !!
normani: absolutely SLAYED. STUNNING.
evan mock: actually on theme. also hot af
emma stone: giving night slip dress. dislike
sebastian stan: HE LOOKS SO HOT BRO LITERALLY WHO LET HIM but sadly not on theme at all
laura harrier: absolutely killed it ! finally a cinched waist
sjp: killed the silhouette ! not sure about the dress tho. oh well at least on theme. classic carrie bradshaw hat too
phoebe dynever: stunning but is this on theme ? feel like her daphne dress wouldve been more suited then this. also why is everyone wearing black it’s so boring 😭
fredrik robertson: LOVE IRIS VAN HERPEN BUT WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS DOING AT A GILDED AGE THEMED EVENT ?? it’s more futuristic than anything ??
jack harlow: im bored
hoyeon: beautiful as always but not on theme
winnie harlow: idk what she was thinking. again giving futuristic
kris jenner: ew. i expected more, then again, no i didnt.
madelaine petsch: stunning. on theme !
tessa mae thompson: completely missed the mark
taylor hill: absolutely stunning ! idk how i feel about the embroidered flowers tho
hailey bieber: eh simple. not terrible not amazing
cole sprouse: i hate this
chloe bailey: if the theme was golden nugget, sure
gigi hadid: loveeee ! i love a wild and bold look always. bonus points for being on theme
dove cameron: slay !!!!! such a cool idea to wear the boning without the fabric over top
kourtney kardashian: i- 🤦🏽‍♀️
anitta: honestly a slay
addison rae: she looked really pretty but again, why is she here ? also not on theme babes x
kendall jenner: is it just me or would this look have been 10x better if she had eyebrows ?!
kylie jenner: 😮‍💨
olivia rodrigo: love the dress. HATE the butterflies
kim k: sue me but i loved this.
nicki minaj: respectfully, no. also what’s with all the baseball caps
khloe: beautiful but wouldve liked to have seen something a bit more wow
bella hadid: kinda disappointed tbh
syndey sweeney; beautiful !!! is it on theme tho ?
em rata: HATE
cara delivigne: giving willy wonka
yeah so overall no one was on theme and most people are boring. so disappointed considering this theme had SO much potential 🥱
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lelandpalmer-chw · 4 years
Camilla was sitting on the kitchen island with a bowl of grapes on one side of her and her song book on the other side, humming under her breath, jotting down some words and legs swinging when her sister came into the room. She gasped, “Oh my God, is that IT girl, Valora Palmer?!” She hopped off of the counter, “I caught your set at the Christmas and July party and ugh your vocals? They forced me to shave all of my hair off, donate it to locks of love. Then demanded I purchase the finest of wigs just so they could snatch it. I’m bald under here, girl. This is wig two. Don’t hit a high note, I can’t afford number three on my own.” She shook Val’s shoulders, wanting her sister to ride the buzz for as long as she could. The fame shit wasn’t her jam, but she saw how much she loved the affirmation, “Sooo how you feel? How you feel? How you feel? Bitch, you slayed that shit so hard, I’m legally obligated to call you Buffy now.” 
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royalintown · 4 years
Another Top Royal Wedding Dress List That No One Asked For
9. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
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She looks really really beautiful. This dress was so flattering and so fashionable without looking matronly. Also, she married my main mans Prince Charles, so you know I had to sneak in this pic. Seriously, she looked immaculate. Very chic.
8. Lady Charlotte Wellesley
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When I was doing my research for Royal Wedding dresses, this immediately caught my eye. Like, wow, just wow. It’s a beautiful subtle ballgown dress that fits her so well. I love the (flaps?) and the off the shoulder look. This was just a beautiful dress.
7. Princess Eugenie
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I love Eugenie and Jack. They are my favorite young royal couple. Eugenie looked very very elegant on her wedding day. Very clean cut and flowy. The green theme emphasized her beauty and the beauty of the entire outfit as well.
6. Lady Helen Taylor
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Lady Helen is honestly just genetically blessed and I’ve been amiss that so few royal wedding lists doesn’t feature her dress. She looks like a princess. The tiara, the hairstyle, the necklace, and the style of dress makes her look delightful. The open neckline is very appealing and it compliments her very well.
5. Countess Olympia von und zu Arco-Zinneberg
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The design and uniqueness of this dress is enough to let the charm of the dress speak for itself. It was tailored very well and it is not tacky at all. She looks extremely chic, modern and it’s not offensive at all. I’m obsessed with this dress. I appreciate that an aristocrat went a bit risky with her dress and didn’t feel the need to expose her neckline or over exaggerate the ballgrown. Have you also seen the cape? Just chefs kiss.
4. Princess Eugenie of York (Reception Dress)
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As an American, Eugenie’s day dress was the only thing really exposed to me. Then I saw her reception dress and I had to do a double take. I thought it was a joke. Then I did more research and colored me shocked. Wow wow wow wow wow wow. The color, the fit, the design, the tailoring, the shape, her frame, HER BODY?!? She looks insane. This is honestly the best modern/contemporary royal wedding dress I’ve ever seen. Eugenie looked glamorous in this. I will always be enchanted by this dress. Chef’s kiss. 😘
3. Katharine, Duchess of Kent
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There’s gonna be a trend with the top three dresses. Whoops 🤪. Katharine is stunning, there’s no need to avoid it. This is really one of the very few royal dresses that has full ballgown and long train that is classy (Diana should have took notes). I feel like this dress is timeless and I love it so so much. Also, this couple was so cute on their wedding day. I just love her confidence in the dress. The whole ensemble was amazing.
2. Princess Alexandra of Kent
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So a lot of the royal wedding dresses at this time were...questionable. However, Princess Alexandra came to say the day and she slayed. I love how fitted and simple this dress is. It’s a very chic, classy dress and she looked so elegant. Like the Katharine dress, I love the subtle collar in the dress. The dress just complement her figure very well.
1. Princess Anne
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I don’t think this should be a surprise to anyone who’s been on my page. This dress has been THE MOST under appreciated, dismissed, and disrespected royal wedding dress when it’s the best one. The veil wasn’t too long or too short, it was styled to let the dress speak for itself. I love high collar so much because it just looked so goood. The sleeves were enchanting and the stripes of dress are perfectly subtle. The way the skirt just flairs out into a soft ballgown is alluring. This complements her figure so well. *Sigh*. The dress is just lovely. 😍
Honorable Mentions
1. Kate Middleton & Grace Kelly’s dresses
They looked very pretty and beautiful. I mean Grace Kelly’s dress is iconic. However, I don’t like these two dresses all that much...to feel passionate about them.
2. Princess Diana
Princess Diana looked immaculate on her wedding day. But that dress is horrendous. She is the only one that could ever pull it off and the only person that should wear it.
3. Meghan Markle
So I try really hard to see the beauty in Meghan Markle’s dress but I just cannot. She looked immaculate - she’s a beautiful woman - but the dress was boring, plain, and not as fitted as it could be. Maybe I just don’t have the eyes to appreciate such a dress.
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stole from myself i’ll tag some people because i love them and wanna know more about their muses so do it for u want @brynwieldr @sorrcerii @royclguard @bestowedfate (Lian & Sian if u wanna do both) @illusionaryjustice @stratesia and literally everyone else because i just grabbed a bunch of people from my dash i love u all 
—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? Kirin is p tall and he wears 4 in heels just to be taller, he likes being tall !! 
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? 100%, makes him feel powerful and cool to be rly tall, he doesn’t usually find people who are taller then him 
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? Always styled in a rats tail ponytail that lays on his shoulder with his bangs styled to go perfectly around his face, his hair is clearly well kept and silky smooth though it can be unruly so he usually has to fight with it to get it to lay so nicely. 
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? yes ! He spends a lot of time washing it in the bath as well as brushing it when he is done in the bath and in the morning before he goes to see everyone, he always has cute accessories in his hair and he always has to make sure he is presentable, like a doll baby.
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? A bit to much, it’s something that matters to him greatly for many of the wrong reasons. He thinks of himself as a doll and that’s where a lot of his self steem comes from ! if he is a doll then he must be pretty and presentable at all times otherwise he will be a disappointment. This is why he always wears fancy clothes, even into battle ! and won’t le people see him oten if he is hurt because he doesn’t think it’s cute of acceptable.
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ?  Indoors ▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?  Sunshine ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?  Beach ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?   Gems ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ?   Perfume ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?  Personality ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ? Being in a crowd ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   Order ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?   White lies ▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?   Magic ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?  Peace ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  Day ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ?  Dawn ▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ?   Warmth. ▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ?  Few close friends ▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?   Reading
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? Wearing a mask to hide his sadness as he doesn’t deem it’s accepting for a prince and a doll to show sadness or cry or be sad, as he is suppose to be both strong and cute so he can’t be sad and finds his sadness and painful past to be something he shouldn’t worry about as well as the weight her has on his shoulders. Refusing to sleep or eat until he thinks he has finish enough work to be allowed too, even if others give him permission. Flirting with random men and toying with them as bit on accident because he himself is lonely and just wants someone to care about him, this only happens with other humans though as he feels his title as a prince make relationships complicated for him.
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? He lost his father at a young age and it shapes much of his life and his goals, he claims his goal in life ti to bring peace into the world by slaying anankos but really he just wants to both see his father again as well as safe him. After being taken away with his mother at the age of six and very vaguely remembering his father he was very bitter about his ‘’new father’’ inhoshido and refused to accept him as his dad, often asking his mother when they were going to be leaving and when he’d see his own dad again.
when he was kidnapped to nohr, he once more was an unruly child and blamed his ‘’new father’’ in hoshido for his kidnapping for a while, thinking that it was his fault for keeping him and his mother there as he didn’t understand the situation at hand since he was to young. As he got older, as stated before, his whole goal in life was to be able to see his father again and then in the end to safe his father from himself basically.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?  
Playing with his father when he was very young. Having his mother sing him to sleep. Spending time with Leo and Elise. Bonding with Xander and Camilla. Shopping for things he likes in his own free time. Ending up together with Flannel.
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? In some cases yes. It heavily depends on the situation, but if he has to he will bring his sword down on anyone if he thinks they have crossed him in a irredeemable way.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? It can be loud or it can be quiet. It really depends but sometimes he’ll get angry and yell and cry and ask why him and other times he’llseclude himself to a quiet corner and dig his nails into his arms until it goes away, in the worst case scenerion he’ll attempt to stab himself to make himself pass out from pain or blood loses so he just does not have to deal with it, but that would have to be a very bad breakdown.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? Not really, He doesn’t trust people with his life other then maybe 3 select people and even then he doesn’t want to put that responlbity on them so he tries his best to take care of himself.
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ? At first he’s incredibly flustered by almost anything as he isn’t use to it bu after a week or so he’ll relax into it and once he does, he becomes much more openly affectionate with his partner. He becomes much more flirty and affectionate and open about his feelings, going as far as allowing his S.O to follow him around on his daily tasks if they so wish and give them kisses or holding their hand in public
When it comes down to more intimate things he is a bit clueless admittedly, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want too. The idea of being able to bite or touch or kiss his partner in a more intimate or private sense is very nice to him, he would just fumble a bit and be clueless at first, not really knowing how to do much as books that are suited more for guy x guy relationships are hard to find and even then doing an act as opposed to reading it is still quite difficult. 
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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia’s Character Analysis of Faye
Unable to get Alm out of her mind, Faye returned to her old life in Ram Village. Eventually, she met and married a suitor who claimed he did not mind her pining for the king, though her habit of vanishing without notice for days at a time continued to worry her new family.When IntSoft decided to remake the black sheep of the series, Fire Emblem Gaiden, they decided to add in another character to the roster and to Alm’s villager friends. An original female character known as Faye in the West.
After her debut, she was met with comparisons to series’ previous Camilla and Tharja due to her odd lines and dubbed a Catria archetype--a young woman who falls in love with the main lord of the game and has her feelings unrequited. 
However, I feel as though there’s more to Faye than most of the fanbase says there is. Accusing her of being a shallow, yandere girl meant to be pander to the audience and the writer’s kinks is a large disservice to some of the most self-aware writing in Fire Emblem. There’s more to her, and while it all does tie back to Alm, there’s more to it than a simple crush played for laughs and endearment.
A disclaimer for his post is that I have only played the English version of Fates and lack access and the knowledge of the Japanese script. However, judging from the quality of the localization, it’s safe to assume that, for the most part, Faye’s character remains intact as the game traveled from east to west.
First, I want to talk about the collective fanbase’s perception of Faye as a continuation of Tharja and Camilla’s legacy as a clingy, obsessive girl meant to act as fanservice and her role as a Catria. To put it as bluntly as possible, Faye is 100% a Catria archetype. A young woman/girl in an unrequited romance with the protagonist/main lord of the game. However, as a successor of Tharja and Camilla, Faye could not be any different.
Tharja is a yandere and that makes her hot and attractive to people. Her obsession with Robin, her quirks regarding hexes, and her creepy demeanor are what made her such a standout and popular character in Awakening’s cast. However, Tharja’s unhealthy love and adoration towards Robin is never truly a flaw in her character. In two of her supports in particular, Tharja expresses her love for Robin and how it eclipses the love she has for her two potential partners, yet neither them nor the writing seem to call her out or present this as an awful thing to say. Henry’s alright with it, and all Libra can do is make a small joke about it. In her support with Robin, she curses the man in order to get her way with him, and it’s all played for laughs and humor.
For Camilla, it’s arguably worse, because her obsession doesn’t simply end with Corrin, but with potential love interests and her subordinate, such as Selena. A Youtuber already made a character analysis regarding Camilla’s twisted love, so I’ll link it here. 
To summarize, Camilla’s obsessive behavior is a core aspect of her character to the point that it slithers into nearly each and every single one of her supports, even the ones that don’t mention Corrin in any capacity. However, the writing and narrative don’t really give her any consequences for this controlling behavior. In fact, it makes light of it several times. Even when Corrin attempt to establish his/her independence, Camilla brushes it off and gets her way in the end anyway. Only when her family is torn apart by Hoshido in the non-canon Birthright ending does she wind up unhappy--but she’s not challenged nor held back by these explicitly unhealthy habits.
This is where Faye differs from the two, both in terms of her presentation and her execution. For starters, we need to take a look at Faye’s supports. While speaking with Alm, Faye says the typical, “Now, shall I head back out there and slay more of your enemies for you?” much like Camilla does with Corrin. Later, she says, “You touched my hand! I was up all night thinking about it.” Again, this is behavior that wouldn’t be too out of character for Tharja to say. So far, just your typical funny haha yandere character.
However, the support drops this line from Alm, “I’m worried about the toll this war is taking on her.”
It’s a this point that the player is given a hint that this type of behavior isn’t normal for anyone, and that the narrative is acknowledging it. The support ends quite sadly, with Alm rejecting Faye’s dream of the two of them returning to Ram village to live out their lives together--and in the process tells her that he doesn’t love her.
For her support with Silque, things start out rocky. When Silque approaches her, excited to find another girl in the army, Faye rejects any offer of friendship with, “I’d rather spend time with Alm than stand around gossiping,” and later, “talking about Alm isn’t fun unless Alm himself is there,” in their B rank. In other words, Faye isn’t interested in socializing if Alm or her friends aren’t involved. Yet, at the end of the support, Faye approaches Silque this time. “After you stopped approaching me...I realized I missed your company. I guess I needed a friend after all.”
Faye isn’t someone that wants to be alone, nor is she someone that’s bad at communicating with other people. However, her obsession with Alm keeps her from being social or from expressing herself in a healthy manner. She pushes Silque away, preferring her more stable relationship with Alm. It’s not only with Silque, but with her own family. In the game, Faye has three base conversations, and the last one is particularly interesting.
Faye: It’s so cold in the Rigelian Empire— nothing at all like Zofia. When we first left Ram, I never dreamed we would come so far. I hope Ma and Pa and Nana are doing all right without me… I send them letters, you know? Just the other day, I got one back. They said I talk too much about you. They want to know what’s happening with me, not you. But they don’t understand that I AM writing about myself! Or at least I’m writing about what matters to me…
In Fire Emblem Fates, Camilla is portrayed a motherly figure and is rather involved in her family’s lives. She is also able to form a wide variety of supports with the various different soldiers in. In Awakening, Tharja is established as a loner from the beginning, so her reluctance to make friends--even though she does--is independent of her love for Robin. In Echoes, Faye’s obsession directly interferes with her various relationships. Whether it’s establishing new ones such as with Silque or alienating her family with her ramblings about Alm, it’s shown as a negative aspect in her life.
It’s not an accidental part on the writers, either. The game mechanics themselves make this clear that her love of Alm has a negative impact on her. In the game, character gain bonuses for supporting with each other and standing close in battle. Faye is no exception. In fact, her supports with Alm give her quite a hefty bonus, with a +20 in Hit and +15 in crit. However, there’s something that makes Faye stand out in the game in terms of bonuses, and even in the entire series.
Faye gets a -15 Avoid bonus. 
She is the only character this happens to. Every other character in the game, and to my knowledge the entire series, never gets a negative support bonus. Her relationship with Alm, while still granting her benefits, negatively impacts her and her chances of survival.
It’s at this point that the writer’s intents become clear: they know that Faye’s love in unhealthy, and that speaks volumes about the self-awareness that went into crafting this character. It’s as though Faye was written in response to characters like Camilla and Tharja. Although love is a wonderful feeling that is present in quite a few of the relationships amongst the casts of FE games, here they portray what an obsessive love can do to a person, and how it can negatively impact her. 
While Tharja and Camilla’s obsessions were quirks that added to light-hearted scenes, it’s a legitimate flaw for Faye. It’s something that she needs to work on because it gets in the way of her relationships and her performance in battle. It threatens her life with the -15 Avoid bonuses, making her more prone to be hit by enemies in the battlefield.
The final piece of evidence I have is her ending.
Unable to get Alm out of her mind, Faye returned to her old life in Ram Village. Eventually, she met and married a suitor who claimed he did not mind her pining for the king, though her habit of vanishing without notice for days at a time continued to worry her new family.
Even after the war, Faye could not get over Alm, and that creates such a sad and tragic ending for her. It’s not a quirk, it’s a legitimate problem she has and cannot work around it. It interferes with her everyday life and makes it hard to form other relationships.
Faye is not a quirky yandere character. Her obsession is portrayed in an unhealthy manner and as a concern both by Alm and by the narrative. While at first it might’ve been amusing, the joke stops being funny once the player gets deeper in. By the end of the game, it’s heartrending how this girl attaches herself to this man she cannot have.
It’s quite sad as well how most of the fanbase doesn’t acknowledge how the poor girl really suffers because of how little screentime she gets as a minor character. However, it’s clear just how much time and effort the writers put into Faye to make her stand out. She’s not just another Tharja and Camilla, she’s a girl with a problem that she cannot overcome. It’s a legitimate flaw for her, and haunts her even into adulthood.
Love is a wonderful thing, and that’s something that’s expressed in Faye as well. She goes out into war out of love for Alm. Because of this, she transforms from a mere village girl to a soldier that successfully rebels against a god. This is illustrated by her monstrous bonuses in her support with Alm. It pushes her forward, and she is able to reach her true potential. However, her love also damns her. Faye is trapped in this obsession and really has no way to overcome it.  For the rest of her life, she’ll watch the new king reign on while she mourns her broken heart.
Faye is a tragic character and flawed character, and that’s what makes her such a complex unit despite having so little time. The self-awareness the writers had while making her went a long way to making a seemingly pointless addition and flat character into such a tragic yet subtle story about unrequited love and what obsession can do to a person.
TL;DR ur waifu a shit #Fayeisbae
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bringmetolife-pwff · 4 years
Part One : Chapter Twenty-Six - Dinner with the Prince and Duchess
The holidays were almost done with for a while as they still had the New Years Eve celebration in less than a couple of weeks.  The Royal family was back home in London and Evelyn couldn't be more excited to see her boyfriend one last time before he went back for the military.
Evelyn had a busy day ahead of her as they had just finalised and shipped out their New Years Eve outfits for Anthropologie and H&M.  Everything was black, white, silver and gold and had loads of sequins.  She couldn't tell which collection has been her favourite so far but she had to agree that this came a close second.  Her favourite probably being their holiday collection.  They had sent them along with the Christmas holiday collection set so that the stores already had them and they would be good to go.  
Later that night though William wanted her to come to dinner with his Pa and Camilla and him.  She had agreed to the invitation and was closing the office at five that day.  
Evelyn had also given her workers Christmas presents as well even if they didn't celebrate the holiday.  She wanted to thank them all for their hard work this year and how they had handled a lot of stressful situations with grace.  She couldn't do this without them.  They all loved their gifts and had chipped in on a gift card to her favourite restaurant which was an italian and Mediterranean food restaurant called Figo Stratford.  They bought enough money on it to where they figured it could have enough of a meal for two - a nice date for her and William whenever he came home.  She absolutely loved the gift.
"Have a good night, everyone!" She heard choruses of 'you too' from her workers as Mary-Kate and Antoine stayed behind.  "That includes you two!  Everyone is supposed to be out of here at five o'clock and it's five now."
"Okay, okay," Antoine let out a loud laugh and shook his head at his boss.  "We are leaving.  Right Mary-Kate?"
And so they left leaving Evelyn to lock everything up and then she left herself.  She made it to her apartment thirty minutes later and took a shower wanting to scrub clean for the dinner tonight with William's dad and Camilla.  She knew she needed to look her best.  She used her favourite vanilla moisturising body wash as well and once she was done out of the shower she slayed out her outfit on her bed nicely.  
She had only met the prince and his wife one other time at Princess Diana's concert and she was rather nervous.  
William had sent her texts through out the day to try and calm her down - words of encouragement.  He knew how strongly he felt about her.  How right this was this time.  It was those words that was all she needed to know to get her through the night.  It wasn't that she was worried that they wouldn't like her.  She knew that they did already.  William had told her after the concert how much they all loved her and that encouragement enough but it was normal for those worried thoughts to creep in every once in a while.
She chose to wear skinny black pants, a black and white shirt that had longer sleeves and a scallop design at the edges on the bottom.  She paired it with a long tan coloured dress coat along with some tan faux-leather booties to finish off her outfit.  Evelyn left her blonde hair down straight.  It was chillier at night as Evelyn brought her scarf and mittens as well to make sure she stayed warm while driving to his parents place.  
William had briefed her slightly on what to wear and what not to.  From their conversation on the mobile she gathered that she shouldn't be dressed like she was going to a party but she shouldn't be dressed down either.  She shouldn't be showing any skin that she didn't want them to see which was a given and she was to wear closed toe shoes.  She would have done that anyway as it was a bit nippy outside.  Evelyn also brought a bag for tonight in case she stayed the night.
"Hello, darling, you look beautiful," William greeted her at the door and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.
"Thank you, Wills," she smiled up at him as he took her coat from her and hung it up as he held her hand and led her in further into his Pa's room.
It was beautiful.  There were intricate, delicate designs all the way up the ceiling.  The colour was a powder blue and they had different pictures on the walls and furniture of the family and different places.  
"Hello, dear," Charles greeted the young blonde with kisses on both cheeks and Camilla did the same.
"Hello, it's lovely to see you both again," Evelyn told the couple with a smile on her face.
"Well its about time William didn't hog you all to himself," Charles joked.
"What can I say?  She's irresistible.  I have to have her to myself."
"Okay you two," Camilla put an end to their joking banter.  "Let's get ready for dinner, shall we?"
The father-son duo smiled at each other as Evelyn saw Charles' apples of his cheeks turn a rosy colour.  They headed into the room and sat down at the dinner table that was a nice dark wood.  They had started out with a hearts of romaine caesar salad with garlic croutons and parmesan cheese then moved onto the main course which was herb grilled chicken.  They all had either wine or champagne with water on the side.  Evelyn loved the meal they provided and happily ate it as their was conversation going round the table.
"We all loved your gifts for the holiday," Charles told the blonde.  "You didn't have to get me anything but I very much appreciated the hunting book."
"And I loved my present as well," Camilla told her with a smile.
"So, Evelyn, please tell us about your family," Charles asks the young girl who was dating his son as they were eating their caesar salad.
They had briefly met her family when they were at the concert but they weren't able to really talk to them much at all.  At the first meeting they had thought they were all lovely and well respected.  
"Well," Evelyn started to get nervous as William placed an encouraging on her hand.  "My father is the owner of his own company Bennett & Co. and my mum is technically retired now.  My sister Vivienne is a midwife, my brother Eric is in the military and that is actually how William and I met was through him.  My brother Jake has two twin boys - Samuel and David and a fiancé, Mia.  Sorry, it's a lot - " she started to apologise.
Whilst she was rambling on about her family life - William was rubbing her knee but she couldn't tell if it was for reassurance or for comfort.  Though it could be both.
"Oh heaven's no," Charles laughed lightly.  "A big family, yes.  But the more the merrier.  You have two more brothers, correct?"
"Yes, Noah and Theo.  Theo is an actor and Noah is a photographer taking family portraits and does wedding photography."
"Well, they seem lovely dear," Camilla joined in with a smile gracing her features.  "We would love to meet them properly sometime."
"They would like that as well."
William sent his girlfriend a playful smirk and patted her knee before bringing his hand back to his lap.
"What's been your favourite place you've been to on one of your tours?" Evelyn asked wanting to get to know more about the husband and wife.
"Well, we've been to so many wonderful places, haven't we dear?" The prince asked his wife.
"Oh yes," Camilla told the blonde.  "We both have different favourites.  Mine would be Australia.  The people are so warm and welcoming and it's such a beautiful country."
"Mine would have to Scotland.  It's also where we often go on holidays.  A place I go to get away from all of this," he looked around his room as a sigh escaped his lips.
"I have a friend from Scotland," Evelyn told him.
"Really?  And does she live here?"
"She does," Evelyn nodded her head.  "Her name is Ivy Morton."
"Which does she prefer?  Here or there?"
"Scotland will always be her home but she loves it here."
"So, was it as bad as you had imagined?" Will's asked later that night as they were in his room and he was drawing circles on her him as she leaned into him.
"All right," she let out a huff knowing he was gloating.  "You were right and I was wrong.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."
"I'm sorry, what?" he asked in a joking manner.
"Shut up," she joked back pushing his shoulder slightly making him laugh.
"You know you aren't the only one who has good ideas in this relationship."
"I know that.  I never said that - you have plenty of good ones!"
"Good.  Glad we acknowledged that I'm the better one of us two."
"Hey," she cried out.  "That's not fair and you know it."
"All right, all right," he waved a hand.  "You win.  Geez woman, keep me on my toes.  Now gimme a kiss."
Evelyn laughed into the kiss which didn't really last very long but neither seemed to mind.  Evelyn was laying with her back on the mattress as William had his head on her chest and he pretended to sleep.  She ran her fingers through his blonde strands of hair in a soothing way.  Evelyn cherished these times with William.  The simple ones where there was hardly anyone around and it was just the two of them.  Not having to go anywhere or worry about what they were doing.
They could be who they wanted to be.
They both knew that the time was soon when they would come out to the world and show their romance for the public - but that time wasn't now.  Now they were cherishing their moments they got with each other.
"You know," Evelyn spoke quietly after they lay in a comfortable silence.  "We should do that though.  Have both families really meet each other."
"I agree," he nodded his head and lowered it to kiss her chest.  "It would be nice to have them all come together instead of running around like little ducklings over at the concert.  How about we discuss with both our parents on when a good time would be for them?"
"Sounds good to me."
i wasn't super motivated to write this chapter but i hope you guys enjoyed nonetheless.  i start back to work on the 5th of january so i may or may not be able to update as much.
i hope you all are doing well.
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camillasgirl · 7 years
70 reasons to love Camilla
People always ask me why I love Camilla so much.
Well, here are 70 reasons why:
She’s an inspiration
She raises awareness for victims of rape/ sexual abuse/ domestic violence
She was the one who had the idea to give washing bags to victims of rape/ sexual abuse
 She’s an adorable cupcake
She proved all her critics wrong
Her work for the NoS is tireless
She promotes literacy
She’s an invaluable asset to the royal family
She’s hard-working
She loves books more than I do
She sticks to her word
Her speeches are amazing
She’s humble
When I told her I was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 and my world was upside-down she was the one telling me that I could do anything despite my illness
Her chuckle is the cutest thing on earth
She made me believe in love
She’s brilliant with veterans
She’s got style and grace
Her legs are beyond perfect
She engages with people
She stood against an entire nation for Charles
She has the ability to make people feel good about themselves
She makes no secret about wearing Spanx every once in a while
She always has something intelligent to say
She has never ever set a foot wrong since she married Charles 
She’s the most amazing Mummy ever (I have no doubt in that!)
She adopted two dogs from Battersea
She had the idea for the Big Jubilee Lunch
She’s taught me a thing or two about confidence
Also about life
She has that certain twinkle in her eyes
She once sent me the DVD of her wedding
She always tells the cutest stories
Her grandchildren call her Gaga- that’s all we need to know
When I told her my grandfather was ill and that I hoped he’d make it till his birthday she wrote she was keeping him in her prayers
She replies to every letter
She smiles with her eyes as much as with her mouth
She sticks to what she likes- not her bad if people don’t like it
She reads my tumblr (and I’ve got the letters to prove it ;) )
She has the most amazing voice ever
She’s the real Dancing Queen
She’s incredibly witty 
She’s always there to try on hats
Or to eat all sorts of things
She’s more charme and esprit than most people ever will have
She’s still very much “Milla”
She cares about people
And animals
She’s never lost her good spirits
She sees the funny side of life
She was my first “love at first sight”
She’s, at heart, a down-to-earth country girl
She has the ability to make people smile when they have a bad day
The way she looks at Charles will always kill me
In a way, she’s one of us
She watches Downton Abbey
If she could be any fictional character, she’d like to be Winnie the Pooh because she’d love to have her fingers stuck in honey
She’s a Harry Potter fan
She’s magical- eventhough she couldn’t pass platform 9 ¾
She totally slays in big tiaras
She has a heart of gold
I’m sure Tom Jones wrote “She’s a lady” just for her
She’s very strong, but she also allows herself to cry
Sometimes she has a bit of lipstick on her teeth and it’s damn adorable
To see her with animals and children melts even the coldest heart
She has the je ne sais quoi  
She exudes self-confidence and warmth at the same time
She still gets prettier day by day
She once sent Arthur Edwards flowers when he was in hospital
She has always stayed true to herself
Happy birthday, Camilla! You’re amazing!
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theaeneidnyuad-blog · 7 years
Character Descriptions
The Human Characters
Character List and Descriptions Sourced from CliffsNotes
Acestës (uh-sehs-teez) The king of Drepanum, in western Sicily, he gives refuge to Aeneas and his people in Books III and V after storms drive them off course.
Achaemenidës (a-kuh-mihn-ih-deez) A Greek crewman of Ulysses, he is accidentally abandoned on Sicily, home of the Cyclopes, when his companions flee from the angry one-eyed giants. The Trojans rescue him in Book III.
Achatës (uh-kay-teez) Known as "the faithful Achatës," he is Aeneas's armor-bearer and a devoted follower of the Trojan hero throughout the epic poem.
Aeneas (uh-nee-us) Romans regarded Aeneas as the ancestor of Augustus — the emperor for whom Virgil wrote the Aeneid — and of the entire Roman state, since Romulus and Remus, Rome's legendary cofounders, were believed to be descended from the race of kings established by Silvius, Aeneas's son by his second wife, Lavinia. Aeneas became the object of exceptional veneration by the Romans, the embodiment of all of the virtues that they prized most: steadfastness, courage, patience, obedience to the will of the gods, and reverence for ancestors. As such, he was not only the ancestor of Rome's first emperor but also Augustus's moral prototype, or model, exemplifying in his heroic person all the qualities that loyal Romans attributed to their first emperor.
As a result of this patriotic role assigned to him, Aeneas sometimes appears too good to be true. He possesses a superhuman excellence that makes it hard for us to believe he is a man and not a symbol or a god. Still, Virgil endows him with his share of human qualities: He is subject to discouragement in Book I when his fleet is struck by Aeolus's storm; in Book II, he is uncertain as to what course of action to take on the night that Troy is invaded by the Greeks; and in Book IV, he is torn between his love for Dido and his need to fulfill his mission. Only gradually does he obtain heroic stature, but he is all the more believable because of his initial weaknesses.
Amata (uh-mah-tuh) The wife and queen of Latinus, her name — Latin for "beloved" — ironically contradicts the actual nature of this highly disagreeable character. From the moment of her first appearance in Book VII, she is an obstacle to the harmony that Latinus and Aeneas seek. Her influence is always negative: Favoring Turnus rather than Aeneas as the husband for her daughter, Lavinia, she is easily swayed by the fury Allecto, sent by Juno, and becomes a human agent of that goddess's campaign against the Trojans.
Anchises (an-ky-seez) As the father of Aeneas by the goddess Venus, Anchises is a venerable figure of wise counsel and instruction, above all in Book VI, when he reveals Rome's future to Aeneas. Aeneas's respect for Anchises exemplifies an important aspect of the Roman virtue pietas, the appropriate deference one shows to parents, gods, and country. Virgil strongly implies that the respect paid by Aeneas to Anchises, especially in Book V in the form of funeral games, foreshadows the pietas shown by Augustus to his father by adoption, Julius Caesar.
Andromachë (an-drah-muh-kee) The widow of the Trojan prince Hector, and later the wife of his brother, the prophet Helenus. She and her husband are visited by Aeneas in Buthrotum in Book III.
Anna (ahn-nuh) The warmhearted and impulsive sister of Carthage's Queen Dido, Anna has little importance as a character in her own right, but with her unwise counsel she initiates a series of actions and events that have overwhelmingly important consequences. Good-intentioned, she disastrously encourages Dido to give in to her love for Aeneas and forget her vow to remain chaste and faithful to the memory of her dead husband. Anna's only wish is to see her widowed sister find happiness; ironically, she puts Dido in jeopardy and prepares her to become the victim of two overpowering goddesses, Juno and Venus.
Ascanius (as-kay-nee-us) Also known as Iulus; the son of Aeneas and his first wife, Creusa.
Camilla (kuh-mihl-uh) A female warrior of the Volscians and Turnus's ally in his battle against Aeneas's forces. In Book XI, she leads a courageous but doomed cavalry attack against the Trojans and their allies. Slain by the Etruscan Arruns, she is avenged by the goddess Diana, who sends the nymph Opis to slay Arruns in turn.
Creusa (kray-ooh-suh) Aeneas's first wife, Creusa is a one-dimensional, colorless character, whose sole function is to appear as a sacrificial victim to the great cause of the future Roman Empire by exhorting Aeneas to escape Troy without her.
Dido (dy-doh) Unlike most female characters in the Aeneid, Dido is a strong woman who possesses heroic dimensions and a will of her own. Leading her people from Tyre after her brother murders her husband, she founds the new city of Carthage, whose construction she is directing when Aeneas arrives there.
Virgil portrays Dido as Aeneas's equal and his feminine counterpart. Her hopeless passion for him is not a flaw in her splendid character: She is forced by Juno and Venus to become his lover, a role that she cannot play for long because fate wills otherwise. Her decision to commit suicide gives her a tragic stature.
Diomedes (dy-oh-mee-deez) A Greek hero of the Trojan War. In Book XI, he refuses, via a messenger, Turnus's request to fight against the Trojans and their allies.
Drancës (dran-seez) A Latin nobleman, in Book XI he acts as an ambassador between Latinus and Aeneas, decrying Turnus's aggressive stance and calling for a peaceful settlement with the Trojans.
Euryalus (yu-ry-uh-lus) A young Trojan warrior and the inseparable companion of Nisus, in Book IX, he is slain by the Rutulians while attempting to inform Aeneas of Turnus's attack on the Trojan camp.
Evander (ee-van-duhr) Pallanteum's king and Pallas's father, he allies himself with Aeneas, who visits him in his city, built on the site of the future Rome. Related to Aeneas through their common descent from Atlas, Evander is depicted as a benevolent ruler who favors the Trojans's mission.
Hector (hehk-tuhr) A son of Troy's King Priam and Queen Hecuba, and the first husband of Andromachë. Hector's ghost appears to Aeneas in Book II on the night Troy is invaded by the Greeks and warns the Trojan prince to flee the stricken city.
Hecuba (heh-kyoo-buh) Priam's wife and Troy's queen.
Helenus (heh-lay-nus) The ruler of a group of Trojan exiles living in the city of Buthrotum, and Andromachë's second husband. In Book III, he warns Aeneas of the dangers along the sea route to Italy and advises him to consult the sibyl of Cumae.
Laocoön (lay-ah-koh-uhn) In Book II, suspecting trickery on the part of the departing Greeks, Laocoön warns his fellow Trojans against bringing an immense wooden horse, left behind by the Trojans's enemy, inside Troy's walls. He and his two sons are slain by two giant sea serpents sent by the goddess Minerva.
Latinus (luh-tee-nus) Because the civilization of Rome was supposed to have arisen from the cooperation of the Latin natives with the Trojan newcomers, Virgil found it appropriate to depict the Latin king, Latinus, as a man of moderation and goodwill, ready from the very start to marry his daughter, Lavinia, to Aeneas.
Although Latinus is an admirable character, he is rather ineffectual. He has little place in the action after Book VII, in which he makes his futile bid for peace after having experienced supernatural portents that dispose him in favor of the Trojans. In Book XI, when it appears certain that the Trojans will win, he is again eager to make peace with them, and his terms are generous.
Lausus (law-sus) Mezentius's son, killed by Aeneas in Book X.
Lavinia (luh-vihn-ee-uh) This sole surviving child of Latinus and Amata is probably the most passive and one-dimensional character in the Aeneid, even more so than Creusa, Aeneas's first wife. Destined to become Aeneas's second wife, Lavinia has no will of her own, no personal expression. In Book XI, she is designated as the prize that will be awarded either to Aeneas or to Turnus, depending on who wins their personal battle.
Mezentius (muh-zihn-tee-us) The former king of the Etruscans, he was deposed by his own subjects because of his cruelty toward them and becomes Turnus's ally. Virgil portrays him as a complex character: Villain though he is, he is devoted to his son, Lausus, who is slain by Aeneas while defending his father. Mezentius's attempt to avenge his son's death by killing Aeneas endows him with a tragic nobility.
Nisus (ny-sus) A Trojan warrior and Euryalus's inseparable companion. In Book IX, he is slain while trying to rescue his friend from Rutulian troops, who waylay the two young Trojans as they are crossing enemy territory with a message for Aeneas.
Palinurus (pa-lih-noo-rus) Aeneas's steadfast and loyal ship's pilot, whose life Neptune exacts as the price of the Trojans's safe crossing from Sicily to Italy in Book V. Murdered by savages as he swims ashore after Somnus, the god of sleep, induces him to fall overboard, Palinurus, more than any other character in the epic poem, dies as the result of a god's mere caprice.
Pallas (pal-luhs) The son of Evander, Pallas resembles Lausus, Mezentius's son, in his youth, bravery, beauty, and pietas. Pallas's death at the hands of Turnus in Book X is avenged when Aeneas kills Turnus, who brazenly wears Pallas's swordbelt slung unceremoniously over his shoulder.
Pandarus (pan-duh-rus) A courageous Trojan warrior slain by Turnus in Book IX while defending the Trojan encampment.
Priam (pry-am) Troy's aged king, who is cut down in his palace by Pyrrhus in Book II during the Greeks's siege of the city.
Pyrrhus (pihr-rus) One of the warriors who hide in the wooden horse, he slays Priam's son Politës and then the king himself.
Sinon (see-non) The Greek warrior who cleverly persuades the Trojans to bring the wooden horse inside Troy's protective walls.
Sychaeus (sy-kee-us) Prince of Tyre and husband of Dido, he is already dead at the time of the Aeneid's action. His spirit is united with Dido's in the underworld, where Aeneas sees them together in Book VI.
Tarchon (tahr-kahn) The leader of Aeneas's Etruscan allies.
Turnus (toor-nus) A prince of the Rutulian tribe and the leader of the Latin forces who oppose the settlement of the Trojans in Latium, Turnus is the only male human character in the Aeneid whose stature is comparable to Aeneas's. However, unlike the Trojan hero, who always tries to act for the good of his people, Turnus is motivated by intense pride and a desire for personal fame. His doomed future, sealed by fate, signifies the triumph of the ideal of civic virtue embodied by Aeneas.
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