lightninginapuddle · 7 months
So I was gifing a scene from Fun and Games when I noticed something in the background that made me pause. See that brass instrument in the back?
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Another anachronism in the show. You can tell because this looks like a tuba/euphonium (both invented by the mid-19th Century). But the biggest tell is the two piston valves (bottom of the bottom curve) which very much are an early 19th Century invention.
This shoooow.
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r1zingclouds · 1 month
"You can consume alcohol, but don't let it consume you" - Murakumo Ten Initial SR Card Story TL
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This translation was originally posted on my X.
Part 1:
Kafka: Ten, having a nightcap again?
Kafka: Once in a while is fine, but isn’t drinking every night a bit much? Your quality of sleep will take a hit, too.
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Ten: Now, now, the Boss, don’t you worry about that. This is just right for me.
Ten: (I can’t stand people butting into my routine.)
Renga: That’s right, Kafka. Ten likes alcohol, but doesn’t drink recklessly.
Renga: I saw it when we went drinking together, he looked completely fine!
No need to worry.
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Kafka: I see. I guess that’s reassuring, coming from his drinking buddy.
Ten: (To think Renga-san would back me up…)
Ten: Well there you have it, moving on...
Renga: …
Ten: …
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Ten: Renga-san? Kinda hard to drink with you staring at me like this.
Renga: Ah, my bad! You can just ignore me!
Ten:  That’s the problem, I can’t.
Renga: I was just thinking, I’d like to hold my liquor as well as you one day, and before I knew it…
Ten: Ah, right. You were out like a light, weren’t you.
Renga: Tha-That was just one time! I was just more tired than usual…
Ten: Haha, is that so~? Would have been risky if you were a girl, y’know.
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Ten: (It’s not like he’d become a stronger drinker from it, though… Well, just shows how taken he is with me. Just as planned.)
Ten: Then, just for today.
Renga: Sure! Thanks!
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Kafka: (Fufu. These two have something interesting going on.)
Part 2
Staff member: Renga-san, that’s a wrap for today’s shooting! Thank you very much!
Whole staff: Good work today!
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Renga: Phew. I can’t wait to see how the pictures turn out.
Capable producer: Renga-san, you like wine, don’t you? We’ve prepared a bottle of vintage as refreshments for today’s shoot.
Renga: Ah… Thanks.
Renga: (It might be because of the variety show I went on before, but I’m getting more of this kind of stuff recently…)
Capable producer: Please, don’t look at it so doubtfully, it’s real vintage!
Just as you say, “I only settle for the real deal!”
Staff member: Producer, why are you the one saying the line when we have the “real deal” right here?
Renga: Ha, haha… Right.
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Renga: (I’m glad, but what should I do with this… Ah, I wonder if Ten would be happy if I gifted it to him.)
Renga: I’m back~ Huh, where’s Kafka?
Ten: Looks like the Boss is doing overtime tonight.
Renga: Is that so… Oh, by the way, I got a souvenir for you, Ten.
Renga: …Ta-da!
Renga: It’s vintage wine. The producer gave it to me, so I think it must be good! Hey, let's drink this together!.
Ten: Ah, my bad. I don’t drink wine.
Renga: ??
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Ten: (Though I’m sure I could take it better than him… Wine’s the only thing that’ll easily get me drunk.)
Ten: Well, why don’t I drink sake, and you drink the wine?
Ten: That way, we’d still be drinking together.
Renga: That works! Alright, let’s do that!
Renga: I'm tellin' ya~~ Tha-at kind side o' yours, it shows ya're a good guy, Ten!
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Ten: Yup, yup, this is the third time you’ve said this.
Ten: (And he hasn’t even finished one glass, yet.)
Renga: Nuh-uh! I’m not done yet!  Ten, ya wayyy nicer than ya look!
Ten: Oh, dissing me now?
Renga: Nn… Mhmmn…
Ten: Renga-saan, if you sleep with your stomach out you’ll catch a cold. 
Renga: Ten, when the roses bloom, gonna shoooow ya…
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Ten: (Roses? What’s he on about?)
Ten: Oh boy.
Renga: Ten, let’s go drinkin’ agaiiin…
Ten: … C’mon, let’s get you tucked in the futon.
Ten: (What a hopeless guy…)
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curryfury13 · 7 months
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Hello again!!
I'm back again for the next retrospective of my first ever fan-fiction, True Friends. This time, I'm going through the second and third chapters.
As a reminder, you can click on the banners to go read the chapters for yourself in full. I'll just be giving some commentary about them about where I was as a creator at the time and my thoughts.
Thank you for reading!
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Hinata awakens!
And I've realized I had her awaken with brown eyes, rather than golden as she has in the rest of the story. Ah well!
There's little bits of description in this chapter that have still held up for me, but I was still very much to the point and direct with a lot. Still caught up in the, much to do, much to see. Chop chop! It's fun to see at the beginning, considering things slow down soon when I get caught up in the fun of being on Destiny Islands.
I remember when I chose the name Aiko. I thought I was so clever! If any of my old readers are going through this, did I trick any of you with that? I'm certain I didn't. I won't say the spoiler on the off chance someone is reading this that doesn't know, but Aiko is something Hinata still refers to in her current story. It's stuck around even after all this time! Even if I cringe a little bit every time I use it. I will keep insisting on its usage.
And then we get to Kairi and Sora beginning their research about her memories! I liked this concept. I still do in theory. It reminded me a bit of the Twilight Town shenanigans and the 7 Wonders in Sunset Terrace. But, I will be honest, I was coming up with that "research" for Sora and Kairi on the fly and it shoooows in later chapters.
Outlines are important, guys!
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"That would be nice," Riku unknowingly said aloud.
A sigh escaped Riku's lips as he leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling, thinking about Hinata. He remembered that she looked about the same age as him, and maybe she would end up being in the same grade.
"Excuse me Riku," Riku's History teacher, Mr. Zhoa called; bringing him out of his thoughts and making him look up front at the teacher. "You think that forcing children to do manual labor would be 'nice'?"
When I tell you I thought this was hilarious writing back when I wrote it... I thought I was the bee's knees. And who, may I ask, also picks up on the super subtle ATLA reference with Zhoa as the history teacher, soon to also be the sparring teacher? That's right. I was both amusing and with the times a decade ago.
There's so many lines in this series that make me groan now days. That sort of groan that actually aches your soul a little bit, like why did I do this? Ok, maybe that's a little bit dramatic. It's more like when Facebook likes to remind me of a status I wrote when I was in junior high and thought I was hip and everyone just needed to know when I needed a snickers.
In the end though, both those statuses and those silly lines aren't bad. Sure, they might make me groan a bit or snicker, but they are harmless and fun, too. And why can't we all have fun with storytelling?
Moving on with the rest of the chapter, we had Sora and Kairi getting to meet Hinata officially! It was all under the guise of the "research" that quickly led to Kairi's adopted parents also adopting Hinata. Like a domino effect, I guess. There was a cleaner way to do it, but I understand the reason I went with it the way I did. Kairi's family already handled this in the past, they'd be the go-to people for it again. I don't think the research needed to be tangled up in it.
It is also where we first learn that Aiko isn't Hinata's younger sister's real name, but a nickname! This was an interesting concept to me and is why I'm not sure I like Aiko for it. The idea behind it, that I don't recall if I ever really explored in the story, is that Hinata's parents were split on the name for her sister. Mom wanted Aiko, Dad wanted the other name that ended up getting chosen. After she was born, the mother continued using her chosen name, claiming it as a nickname.
In that sense Aiko works. Without that explanation, Aiko isn't like her real name at all and is just confusing as to why it's used. It's my story, so why didn't I put that explanation in from the beginning? It's because I didn't think of that explanation at the time and figured it out later.
Another point goes towards story planning!! And multiple drafts, I suppose.
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sickhackbassist · 1 year
[text] I'm a zombie the law can't stop me.
text message prompts
[txt]: wait you are?! [txt]: does that make u zombie moosh? [txt]: can you throw your arms or something? [txt]: shoooow me next time
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electrivolt · 2 years
@rockheadcd​ asked : It's errand day and that's the only reason why Roark is even being so loud ( well, so is the music of course, but that's normal ). "—COOOOOOOME, I'LL SHOOOOW EVERY GHOOOOOST IN MEEEE—" It's amazing that his fucked up lungs even have the capacity to handle this part of the song, huh? "TAKE MY PAAAIN INTO YOOOU—" If Volkner was trying to work on something, good luck! He's vibing a little too hard and he's unfortunately not half bad with those long low notes.
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Maybe, just maybe, Volkner should’ve expected this to happen the moment Roark decided to busy himself with chores and errands alike. He should’ve known, really, neither of them are normal enough to not blast just about anything from the playlist they had put so much work into to tailor specifically to their niche and not so niche tastes. And of course with that came the singing at the top of his lungs. Somehow. ( it’s a wonder he can pull this off without keeling over and killing himself over it. )
And maybe Volkner should be finding this annoying with how it’s so loud he can’t hear basically anything else— but it’s just too endearing to ever be able to be mad at him over it, stupid smitten smile on his face that he can’t really hide and all. Damn it, Roark really has his heart right there melting in his hands and there is not a damn thing he can do about it. As if he’d ever want to have it any other way, really.
Well. He certainly is not going to get anything done until his love is done with this improvised concert of his, work or not. No point in trying to focus long enough to make any amount of progress, so might as well— even when the lyrics are over already by now, he can just put down whatever he was trying to work on and just... sort of sneak up behind his love to hold him right there and then and wait right where he is. He has no intention of letting go, does he?
“Can’t believe you didn’t even invite me. For shame.” Guess he has to wait for the next song to start up, then.
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daydreamodyssey · 2 years
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asktheboywholived · 6 years
(( OOC: For my followers who have been with me for a while, just because I’m curious. 
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If you were to pick one of the threads that I’ve done, which would be your all-time favorite? 
Post either the link or title below. *thumbs up* )) 
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aarafox · 7 years
Arrrrrrggh it costs me all my willpower to not go in the Klance tag but I just HAV E TO K N OW where we stand after season 3!!!! Hhhhhhhhh!!!
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noodle-mum · 6 years
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Tumblr actively calling me out @jamminy-dodger
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feather-dancer · 3 years
And "never you without me, me without you" (from Chevrefoil, translated by Judith P. Shoaf)
So in the brief period yesterday morning before I was in too much pain to think straight (But before the nausea bandwagoned) I read the original and it shoooows. Anyway it had Zadra and Izita vibes and this comes complete with my inability to double check anything other than names /o/ I've done a run over edit as what I wrote in my hazed state (Two and a bit paragraphs) were not fit for reading.
Or else. An unspoken threat hanging in the background of the offered words that if accepted would grant her a promotion to Commander of the beloved Taylon Phalanx that turned their back on their duties. Such things should have come while kneeling before the throne not while laying strapped to a bed where wounds festered with their fresher brethren until the motion is made to seal the oldest and grant more canvas space. While she suffers Morando had the sheer audacity to hum politely while awaiting an answer while staring at the tool in his hand in wonder as though it were a delicate instrument. In a surgeon’s hand it might well have been, the ex-general is too tactless to share the same grace of their greatest healers and makes the irony of her current surroundings feel almost toxic.
“As much as our little chat has been entertaining, lieutenant, I do have places to be you realise? It appears things in our fair system have… Changed somewhat during my long exile and my time would be far better spent in ensuring such information is brought back up to date.” The laser edge thrums back into life with threatening intent contrasting the sickeningly jovial smile and were it not for the bindings she would prove just how capable she can be even without weaponry. Alas the situation calls for burying any satisfaction that could be gained at the thought under an expression of barely composed neutrality.
“I will ask one final time; will you take your place by my side in bringing order or do you wish to be target practice?”
To live and have even a chance of returning the Akirdion throne to House Tarron as it belongs what choice is there but to agree to keep your head down even if saying so feels like poison rolling down her throat? Seklos forgive this treasonous act for a living core will do far more than a crushed one. A stuttered breath is drawn unwilling to give the satisfaction of how much even using her voice aches while fingers attempt to clench into a broken fist, the tiniest act of defiance she dares risk.
“It would be my … Honour … to hold such a position, Genera Morando.”
“Excellent! Though can I assure you that such a lowly title is only such a temporary thing I hope you understand, the throne might not be vacant just yet but it will be.” It takes everything to bite her tongue at the concept of a coup being treated with no more importance than table settings.
“You, finish tending to her wounds then show Zadra to her quarters once stabilised. Afterwards report to the infirmary and finish tending to those involved in the little disagreement earlier. The announcement of the change in guard will be within two horvarths and I want every single one of them standing, understand? Dismissed.”
Izita keeps her head bowed and hands draped in front of her palm over back giving little more than a curt nod in acknowledgement while watching him depart only out the corner of her eye. You are not here to speak, he’d snapped after giving the order to stabilise her beloved, unless you would prefer to operate on yourself? Zadra had heard it happen in fractures and it only made her curse the name out more. Even the doors sealing closed offers no form of reassurance and the pair continue to remain silent until time endless has passes with no sign of a return. Only then are the bindings released in a frantic series of button presses on the console and the lack of pressure coaxes a groan thanks to a distorted wrist no longer supported swiftly followed by a warm sensation determined to smooth it away. Her eyes slide shut in appreciation feeling like she had fought away out of a warzone with nothing more than her fists instead tortured into compliance for the pleasure of a monster. Her body desperately needs to recharge but there is so much yet to do, to happen though one even greater fear manages to bob above even that maelstrom that tightens in her chest.
“He - He didn’t threaten Davaros, did he…?” Her voice chokes into being as a hand reaches up to lovingly cup the side of her jaw and it does not stray when a blaze of neon turns to admire.
“No my love, our secret remains ever safe,” she reassures letting her attention slip for but a moment in order to twist the instrument and ensure not a line is missed.
“My core fractures with yours.”
And oh! The relief that follows is immense making it so much easier to breathe. Their relationship is an open secret amongst those who know either well, it is kept hidden only for the virtue that one could be used against the other by those without moral. Their precious daughter vulnerable to far worse through mistaken identity or deliberate knowing and it’s in a horrid moment like this it makes every single precaution they take beyond conceivable value.
“Thank Seklos and Gaylen, a child would mean nothingin order to get what he wants.” There is a hum of agreement while she is being helped to sit upright with still tender limbs and the balance little better than that of a fresh born.
“A resistance is already forming underground where even his threats cannot penetrate, Loth Saborian promises to lend his support or information wherever he’s able. The holo might be weak but as long as we tread carefully we will make it to the other side yet.” Her mind is stretched too thin to even contemplate the intricacies of such things and yet while she was fighting, buying time for the royal children to escape, Izita had already been dipping her hands into diplomacy to prepare the board for when the players could be initiated. It’s hard to escape the smile of admiration that blooms amongst the bruises.
“You should rest while you can, I doubt he will take too kindly to you of all akirdions being idle for a moment. I suppose we will have to use the old methods once again too, hm?”
“Indeed, though I believe we are beyond primitive scratchings in hopes the other might see, it would be too difficult to pass along bedtime stories in such a manner.”
They laugh because what else can they do without everything turning into tears? The royals have been lost and though her own sacrifice was worth it if nothing is done entire systems will burn in pursuit of fully extinguishing their line. This will likely be their final moment normalcythis side of a full-blown war for not only their lives but planet wide they can truly be together again. It is Zadra this time who places her palms around her beloved’s head and carefully brings their noses close as if in prayer.
“Never you without me,” she whispers softly.
“Nor me without you,” Izita replies then together they finish their vow.
“As long as life remains within our cores.”
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tomoruna · 2 years
have you ever visited one of tomoya's theater shoooows? 🎶 if so.... what did you like most?? and have you ever thought of.. performing a piece together? ♡♡
Ehe~ I indeed have~☆ They're always amusing to watch since he's always trying his best to absorb into the role he's given! Hmm, what I liked most huh~ I love a lot of things from his performances, but if I had to choose... I really love how he sometimes slips character and slightly injects himself into the role, it's a little silly but that just means he's finding a sense of self in him kinda. It always makes me chuckle at the mishap, but that's what makes his acting more unique than just sticking to a black and white script~☆
I'm not too much of a performer, but I have indeed thought of wanting to perform a piece together ehehehe... Though I'm a bit too shy to go onstage as well as I have major stage fright ueueueue,,, but maybe he can teach me the basics fufu~
From: Runa~☆
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darkicedragon · 3 years
darkicedragon Hmm. Incubus!kentas being used to shapeshifting into whatever is his summoners preference, but finds hes in his born form with m21? Either bc m21 doesnt care, or bc big is his pref aZure yesss XDD Kentas' all like 'shoooow me your desires' and nothing happens or he finds himself dressed in a burger costume bc M's hungry at the moment Kentas' like ಠ_ಠ bc his shapeshifting powers don't work on M he's not changing into a different form or being clothed into seductive lingerie he changes into pajamas if M's sleepy or a giant burger costume if he's hungry and at one time, he changed into an inflatable dinosaur costume bc M thought it'd be funny Tao tried it once on M and he turned into a giant shrimp costume
darkicedragon XDDDD 'why do u keep summoning me if i keep looking like this' 'i dont even fucking know how u keep breaking into my house' 'im just hallucinating, right?' aZure 'you signed the contract???" "I didn't! I signed the... rent... contract... shit' oh my god darkicedragon 'so do you get my soul if we fuck?' 'no? the contract is for sex. you get sex, i get energy' eAe? aZure M finds out he can change how Kentas is dressed by thinking about it and as Kentas sits down on the couch to explain him the contract again he just goes PWOOF rabbit costume PWOOF giant tomato costume 'pls pay attention' 'I am, this is entertaining' darkicedragon 'yeah, totally hallucinating' 'youre not!!' 'see ya, hallucination. im going to bed' o-o! 'can i -' 'no' aZure M wakes up to Kentas being dressed as a stack of pancakes bc he dreamed about that XD darkicedragon XD aZure Kentas would ask for help but who'd be the incubus Muzaka or Franken? darkicedragon muzaka who is similarly having troubles bc frankenstein just wants to Science ... and also Science muzaka aZure oh my good XD dressed in a labcoat with like glasses looking all smart darkicedragon 'im trying to seduce ya, ya know' 'yes yes, just give me a blood sample' aZure but is a dumbass darkicedragon 'thats why you want me to take off my shirt??' 'i said roll up your sleeve. and i cant very well find your vein through your clothes now, can i?' aZure Franken will bone him tho eventually ... eventually darkicedragon needs all that scientific data uwu✨ aZure absolutely XD
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sarroora · 7 years
Tell me your fave scene from your fave Ducktales episode
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dramaramarama · 4 years
start up episode 7
aw do san realizing everything began with this grandma
that awkward meeting with ji pyeong and grandma pretending not to know each other 🤣
do san in his slippers slowly retreating back behind grandma when ji pyeong said they need to talk 🤣
omg the boys fighting to change the light and then “i’m in my 20s so i’m stronger” 🤣
“i don’t just help anyone” when he said that to dal mi...😭 (as you can see i might be ji pyeong bias...)
lol this petty fight that continues and ji pyeong looking so smug with dal mi thanking him and then do san strikes back 🤣 (also love the difference in how ji pyeong struggled to tell dal mi she had something on her hair and how do san just casually took it away)
ji pyeong talking to his AI like his best friend 😭
knitting boy do san 🤣
omg finally a real life reaction to being kissed off guard and also i guess technically first kiss
lol at the friend saying he could relate since he got milk in his eyes
awww…i love do san’s idea, and the fact that he was inspired by the grandma 😭 him describing it gave me goosebumps, and i love how there’s just so much more meaning behind it
and omg that last scene at the end 😭 why you do this to us shoooow. why did dal mi have to say the do san from 15 years ago!! WHY GIVE US THIS FALSE HOPE. because we all know it’s not gonna happen, lol. ugh
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vaguely-concerned · 5 years
the mandalorian episode 5 rewatch thoughts! I cannot and will not be stopped
- I LOVE that he talks to the baby even during a pitched dogfight lol. “Hold on” 
also this is another great episode for mando’s hilarious petty streak. “That’s my line,” he says, like that’s the thing this dude has done to offend him more than trying to shoot him and the kid out of the sky fsdkhafds sorry din some people just have no manners
- the way he puts the baby down and the fond tilt of his head still has me. so soft. my heart 
- the droids cheat prodigiously during the card game and Pelli probably knows and is cool with it. that’s kind of adorable 
can I just say that ‘middle aged semi-sketchy car mechanic’ is a fictional stereotype that is long overdue some female representation and I really like ‘the mandalorian’
- again the physical acting in this shoooow -- when Pelli asks him if 500 imperial credits is all he has he’s even out of focus and we only see one arm/shoulder and you can tell from that one sliver of his forearm we get to see that he does a little shrug/turns his arm in a ‘what you see is what you get’ sort of way. he’s so annoyed this whole episode god bless him
- the baby cries when he wakes up and can’t find his dad :( I hadn’t watched this ep with my good earphones yet, that’s devastating  
- oooooof when the baby realizes his dad is leaving again when they go outside to the speeder bikes D: he’s like ‘oh there you are pls could you take me from this weird lad -- no wait where are you going!!!’ 
actually he doesn’t start properly crying again before toro speaks and is looking at him, so I’m guessing the baby had an extra Bad Feeling About This once he got toro’s Force vibe or whatever. god I look forward to the day he learns to talk and can give his dad some advice 
- the way mando so immediately and naturally starts mentoring toro has me wondering so much about whether he’s done it before and who raised him within the mandalorians. they’ve left themselves a ton of space on this one -- he was rescued by one specific person in the flashback with a very steady and parental air but he also says that ‘they’ raised him in the fighting corps so it might have been a group effort as well, they could go in any direction they want. from how he acts I’d say he might have had at least one stable and pretty good mentor/parental figure (and uh if that’s how it went down they don’t seem to be relevant to his life at all today... doesn’t bode great for them does it 😬)
- oh shit I never put two and two together on this one before but mando lets himself get shot in the chest to give toro a chance to sneak up on her! he just gambled that the beskar would still hold up and that she hadn’t caught on yet? din I love you so much but you ARE a crazy person 
- ah fennec’s dig about nevarro hits differently after episode 8 huh
also she’s so cool surely they have to bring her back again right? star wars characters can come back from getting literally cut in half she could easily return with a few new robot parts and a vendetta, it’s practically tradition 
- the fml energy around mando when he goes to get the dewback lol he KNOWS he’s getting screwed over but he can’t just shoot this dumb kid in the head unprovoked either. it’s hard to be honorable and secretly kind of nice behind your tough guy exterior Y____Y
- apropos of nothing some of the storage crates in the hangar look exactly like portal companion cubes. no I’ve got nothing more on that let’s move on
- it’s SUCH a good detail that once toro stabs him in the back mando literally does not give him another word; he’s silent the entire time in the last scene until after toro is dead. there’s nothing left to say he’s just going to kill him once the chance presents itself (toro even kicks the dog a bit pointing the gun at the baby with his finger on the trigger so like rest in fucking pieces asshole I’m sure no one’s going to miss you)
- the baby makes a little purring sound when he’s handed over to mando and then finally settles down <3<3<3 too much for my little heart to bear 
- I still super enjoy this ~*mysterious dark stranger*~ showing up at the end, it’s an effective hook and feels so western-y! despite having never given a shit about boba fett before I actually sort of hope it could be him, I think he could be a very effective dark mirror to what mando is and he comes with some father&son Thematique Implications all his own (isn’t there something thematically irresistible about bringing in the character who spawned the entire titular culture of the show and taking a look at how it’s all changed since him, reexamining his place in it? I don’t give a shit that george lucas says he’s not a real mandalorian or whatever, that’s clearly what EVERY faction of mandalorians says about all the others literally all the time it’s the easiest thing in the world to write around lol)
- can’t get over this concept art where toro is clearly drawn from a reference of orlando bloom ca. pirates of the caribbean 2. also this seems like one of the episodes where the concept art and the final product deviates the most?  
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darkboysroadtrip · 5 years
Two hours have passed in relative silence, the boys put on music when there was a lull in asks and cranked it up.
Their singing fills the car along with the vocals of My Chemical Romance, P!nk, ABBA, a slew of broadway songs, Mindless Self Indulgence, Disney and many more.
They arrive in the nearest town, it’s not a super large town but it’s big enough to have a nice sized mall that they can get what they need.
The mall seems to have a year round Halloween store, to all of their delights. Where else would they get a skeleton this time of year?
Going into a Halloween store, might not be the best idea considering who we’re talking about here, but I digress.
Virgil already loving it before they step foot into the store rushes to get a mall cart.
They go directly to the skeletons before they can get distracted though.
“Alright, we’ve gotta choose the perfect skeleton! They’re gonna be with us the whole way” Remus says, rummaging through the different ones.
Some are flimsy and won’t last the trip, but they do eventually find a good sturdy one that will probably stay intact.
It comes up to Dee’s height and has limbs that can be arranged in multiple poses.
They put August in the cart and continue to look around.
There’s so many costumes, clothes and cool accessories they spend a while in the shop.
“Hey, you know what’d be fun?” Remus asks.
“Oh no” Virgil whispers.
“Do go on” Dee prompts.
“Fashion shoooow!!” Remus yells.
“Are... we allowed to do that?” Virgil asks.
“Who cares! They have changing rooms for a reason!”
“True true, okay lets do it, Who’s up first?”
They both look at Dee.
“You guys always do this, like dressing me up like a doll.”
Remus kisses Dee’s cheek “yep, now get in that changing room and we’ll hand you things doll!”
He rolls his eyes but complies.
He waits in the dressing room for about five minutes when some things are flung over the stalls door.
It’s a riddler costume, really? Well if that’s what they chose. He puts on the cheaply made suit, it’s a tad too big on him but that’s to be expected. A green and purple bowler hat is tossed over the door too.
“Can’t forget that!” Remus shouts.
He puts it on to complete the look and looks at himself in the mirror. Green and purple. Ah, he gets it now.
He steps out of the changing stall and does a little twirl.
“It doesn’t fit but damn do you look good in a suit!” Remus complements.
“I know, I don’t really like the feeling of this fabric, but” he says, touching the rim of the hat “I do like the feeling of the hat.”
“Oh! You should get one then!” Remus suggests.
Virgil blinks then puts a finger up “one moment.”
He walks off but he’s not gone for long, he comes back with a black bowler hat with yellow stripe of ribbon around it.
Dee takes the hat and smiles “oh, yes I do like this one.”
“Okay! I already have another costume in mind! Get back in there and get naked!” Remus says rushing off.
Virgil and Dee share a look before Dee gets back in the changing room.
“Oh my god” he hears Virgil snicker, then there’s a red coat and black garments flung on the door, he grabs inspects them.
Edward Elric? He didn’t even know Halloween stores had anime stuff.
Whatever, he puts it on anyway. It’s a perfect fit, he leave the dressing stall.
He crosses his arms, eyebrow raised “Edward Elric?”
“It’s cause you’re short!” Remus laughs.
Dee glares.
“Really getting into the character huh?” Virgil says behind his hand, laugher in his eyes.
“Okay I’m done, what about you two goobers?”
Just then an employee walks up to them “I’m sorry guys, the store is closing soon you’re gonna have to go to check out.”
“It’s only six? The mall closes at nine” Dee says.
“Yea when it’s not October we close early.”
The employee leaves, Dee changes.
There’s a tentacle staff in the cart, Dee is not surprised that Remus found something like that. There’s also a stuffed Zero plush that Virgil no doubt fell in love with on first glance.
They head to the check out and buy their things.
Dee puts on his new bowler hat, Remus struts around with his staff, Virgil has his plush poking out the side of his bag.
August is riding in the cart.
Where shall they go next.
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