destielmemenews · 21 hours
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James Fitzjames was First Officer of the HMS Erebus, one of two ships from Sir John Franklin's failed 1845 expedition of the Norwest Passage. According to markings on some of Fitzjames' remains, he was cannibalized. This has long been the suspected fate of the crew.
The first season of the AMC series The Terror depicts a fictionalized account the expedition.
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incognitopolls · 8 months
In this hypothetical situation, it's not out of desperation. There's still other food available.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 2 months
Aemond Targaryen x niece!reader
Cannibal chooses his rider
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The battlefield was a chaotic swirl of fire and steel, the air thick with the acrid scent of smoke and the metallic tang of blood. The clash of swords and the roars of dragons filled the sky as the Targaryen civil war, known as the Dance of the Dragons, raged on. Aemond Targaryen, riding his colossal dragon Vhagar, was a fearsome sight as he soared above the fray, his one remaining eye scanning the ground below for his next target.
Aemond's heart beat with a fierce hunger for victory. He sought his niece, the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, a reminder of the rivalry that had fractured their family. The sight of her, a symbol of the enemy, filled him with a cold resolve. He urged Vhagar lower, the massive dragon’s shadow casting a pall over the battlefield, and spotted her below—alone and vulnerable, her silver hair a stark contrast against the dark armor she wore.
He grinned, a sharp and cruel smile. This was his chance to deliver a devastating blow to Rhaenyra's cause. As Vhagar descended, the ground trembled beneath the dragon's immense weight. Aemond could see the panic in the soldiers' eyes as they scattered, leaving his niece isolated. He reveled in the fear he inspired, the power he held over life and death.
But as he prepared to unleash Vhagar's fiery breath upon her, a sudden roar pierced the din of battle. It was a sound unlike any other, a primal, fearsome bellow that seemed to come from the depths of the earth itself. Aemond's eyes widened as he turned, his gaze snapping towards the source of the sound. A shadow, darker and more menacing than Vhagar's, blotted out the sky above him.
It was Cannibal, the wild and untamed dragon of legend, feared even by other dragons. A dragon so fierce and untamable that it had never been ridden, until now. The massive beast swooped down, its black scales glistening in the dim light. Its eyes, a piercing green, locked onto Aemond's niece with an almost sentient awareness. Cannibal roared again, a challenge and a warning, as it positioned itself between her and Vhagar.
Aemond hesitated, momentarily taken aback by the sudden appearance of Cannibal. He had heard tales of the wild dragon, but seeing it in the flesh was a different matter entirely. Vhagar, too, seemed unsettled, growling low in her throat. For the first time, Aemond felt a flicker of doubt. Cannibal was an unknown quantity, a wild force of nature that could not be predicted or controlled.
On the ground, his niece watched in awe and confusion as Cannibal landed before her, its great wings stirring the air into a frenzy. She had always admired dragons from a distance, respecting their power and majesty, but she had never imagined encountering Cannibal, the most dangerous of them all, in such a way. Yet, as she stood there, staring into the dragon's eyes, she felt a strange, inexplicable connection. It was as if the beast recognized something in her, something kindred and ancient.
Cannibal lowered its massive head, and she hesitantly reached out, her hand trembling. The dragon did not recoil or growl; instead, it seemed to accept her presence, leaning into her touch. A surge of emotion welled up within her—fear, awe, and a strange sense of belonging. It was as if the dragon had chosen her, recognized her as its rider.
Aemond, seeing this interaction, felt a surge of anger and fear. He knew what was happening—Cannibal was bonding with his niece, a wild dragon choosing a rider for the first time. He couldn't let this happen; it would be a significant advantage for Rhaenyra's side. He urged Vhagar forward, intending to stop this bond before it could fully form.
But Cannibal was faster. With a roar that shook the very ground, the wild dragon reared up, its wings spreading wide to shield its new rider. Flames erupted from its maw, creating a barrier of fire between them and Vhagar. Aemond was forced to pull back, shielding his eyes from the intense heat. Vhagar snarled, frustrated and enraged, but even she seemed hesitant to challenge Cannibal directly.
On the ground, his niece climbed onto Cannibal's back, her heart racing. She had never imagined riding a dragon, let alone the legendary Cannibal. Yet, as she settled into place, it felt natural, as if she had been meant to do this all along. The bond between dragon and rider was forged in that moment, strong and unbreakable.
Aemond watched in frustration and disbelief as Cannibal took to the skies, his niece safely astride the dragon. He had lost his chance, and worse, his enemy had gained a powerful new ally. As Cannibal ascended, Aemond knew the tides of the war might very well be turning. The wild dragon and its rider would be a force to be reckoned with.
But as Cannibal and his niece disappeared into the clouds, Aemond felt a cold determination settle in his chest. The war was far from over, and he would not be bested so easily. He urged Vhagar to follow, but the wild dragon had vanished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving him to seethe with frustration and anger.
For his niece, the bond with Cannibal marked a turning point. As they flew together, she felt the wild, untamed power of the dragon beneath her, a power that was now hers to command. She knew the war was not over, and that there were difficult battles ahead. But with Cannibal by her side, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and strength. She would fight for her family, for her mother, and for the future of the realm.
And as they soared through the skies, the once-wild dragon and his new rider, it became clear that the Dance of the Dragons had taken on a new and unpredictable dimension. The flames of war would burn hotter, and the outcome was now more uncertain than ever. But one thing was certain: the Targaryen princess, bonded with Cannibal, would be a force to be reckoned with, a beacon of fire and fury in the cold, uncertain times to come.
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mapsontheweb · 10 months
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The word for "Cannibal" in European languages.
by geography_addicted_
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darkpoetryshop · 5 months
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Cannibalism is a metaphor for love
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xreapurr · 1 year
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I made these blinkies lol
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just-some-user-hunny · 2 months
This is a silly though, but the dragonstone castle is so big, it takes ages to go anywhere 😭
Imagine a young teenager bastard!reader getting into an argument with her father and storming off with tears. She has to take a whole ass journey to the beach, like fast walking up and down stairs and corridors for a straight 10 minutes whilst ugly sobbing 😭
It'd be so embarrassing.
Eventually she gets to the beach and just throws herself onto Cannibal like he was a pillow, and cries into him (like how Disney princesses throw themselves dramatically onto their beds and sob into a pillow). Cannibal is so confused and just wakes up because 😭 girl what are you doing
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brokestrapmountain · 2 years
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Love me and eat me. Possession, Andrzej Żuławski // Tanaka Mhishi, Literary Sexts // Hélène Cixous, Stigmata // Jennifer’s Body, Karyn Kusama // Postcolonial Love Poem, Natalie Diaz // Killer, Phoebe Bridgers // Bones and All, Luca Guadagnino // Famous Last Words (An Ode To Eaters), Ethel Cain // Hannibal, Bryan Fuller
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
I love your style. I honestly adore it. I want to chew on it while frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal because it’s ✨DELICIOUS✨to look at, so it must be delicious food too, right? <3
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I dunno, but Alastor sure would like to agree! =3 -Bubbly💙
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angeloftuesdayy · 1 month
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Cannibal! Sam Winchester because blood was not enough anymore
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marieevi-art · 8 months
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THE Lady 🛐🛐🛐
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cannibalmeowmeow · 1 month
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cupsofsilver · 2 years
Alright let’s kick off Tumblr polls right.
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I have complex feelings about cannibalism and god
Credit - https://www.tumblr.com/taxidermychrist/704464632111349760
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How would the Targaryen’s react to reader who is the first and only person to ever claim the cannibal dragon?
~ I love ur work btw! ~
The wind rushes through your hair as you soar through the skies on Cannibal’s back, the ancient dragon’s powerful wings beating steadily beneath you. You had never imagined this — never thought you'd find yourself not only near this monstrous, untamable dragon but riding him. And yet, here you are, guiding Cannibal toward Dragonstone, your heart pounding in your chest with a mix of adrenaline and awe.
Below, the black waters of the Narrow Sea glisten in the fading light, but it is Dragonstone ahead that commands your focus. As you near the ancient seat of House Targaryen, you see the castle come into view. You wonder how they will react—your mother, your brother—when they see Cannibal descend from the heavens.
Rhaenyra stands on the balcony, her gaze fixed on the sky. She spots the shadow first, a black mass against the fading sun, and her heart skips a beat. Cannibal. Fear grips her. The stories of Cannibal’s savagery are well-known, even to her. The beast had never been tamed, never bent to any rider’s will.
But then she sees the silver gleam of hair, bright against the dragon’s dark hide, and her breath catches. Her eyes widen in disbelief. It's you—her daughter—riding the most dangerous dragon known to the Targaryens. The fear melts into shock and confusion as she watches you guide Cannibal toward the landing yard.
Jacaerys stands beside her, equally stunned, his mouth slightly agape. “How…” he breathes, unable to finish his sentence as he watches you bring Cannibal down to a landing. He can't believe it; his sister has done the impossible. The awe and disbelief in his eyes are mirrored by the soldiers around him, who step back cautiously as Cannibal settles on the ground with a low growl, his immense presence making the earth beneath him seem to tremble.
You slide off Cannibal’s back, landing with a soft thud, your legs still trembling from the sheer power of the dragon you had ridden. Your mother rushes forward, unable to contain her relief and shock. She cups your face in her hands, her eyes searching yours.
“How?” she whispers, her voice choked with emotion.
You offer her a small smile, feeling the weight of everything that has just happened sink into you. “He chose me,” you say simply.
Cannibal lowers his head, nudging you gently, as if to confirm your words.
Meanwhile, in King’s Landing, the tension in the Red Keep is palpable. Aemond storms through the halls, his face twisted in fury, his eye burning with a dangerous light. He shoves open the doors to the council chamber, where Alicent and Ser Criston Cole are already waiting.
“She has claimed Cannibal,” Aemond announces, his voice cold and filled with venom. “My niece has tamed the wild beast.”
The room falls into stunned silence. Alicent’s face pales, her hands clenching tightly around the arms of her chair. “No…” she whispers, her voice trembling with fear and dread. She had thought the war already teetered on the edge of destruction, but now it seemed that the stakes had risen impossibly high. Her daughter’s life, her sons’ lives—they all hung in the balance. And with Cannibal now a weapon in Rhaenyra’s hands, the war seemed all but lost.
Criston Cole, usually so calm and composed, falters for a moment as the weight of this revelation sinks in. He had underestimated the strength of Rhaenyra’s side, but this? The claiming of Cannibal? This was a disaster. The dragon has bound to a rider loyal to Rhaenyra.
But as the shock fades, Criston’s resolve hardens. “This does not change our course,” he says, though his voice lacks the confidence it once held. “The girl must be dealt with. Kill the rider, and the dragon will have no direction. Cannibal is dangerous, yes, but without her, he is a force of nature with no aim.”
Alicent flinches at Criston’s words, the idea of yet another child lost in this war filling her with despair. “We cannot kill her,” she whispers, though her voice is weak. She looks to Aemond, hoping for some sign that he might have mercy. But her son’s eye is filled with rage, his jaw set in a grim line.
“She’s a threat,” Aemond hisses. “A dragon rider, with Cannibal at her command is not something we can allow to live. I will kill her myself if I must.”
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