#CCP Wuhan virus
icubud · 1 year
The direction that this country is going (very quickly now) really has me concerned. What the supposed DOJ is doing to DJT is unethical and in some cases illegal. Meanwhile, yet again, those who should be indicted, found guilty and punished are getting away with it. I have suspected for a long time that elections for state positions were often fully compromised. I point at states and cities with…
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didanawisgi · 2 years
Unique SARS-CoV-2 variant found in public sequence data of Antarctic soil samples collected in 2018-2019
The COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for two years now and although many hypotheses have been put forward, its origin remain obscure. We investigated whether the huge public sequencing data archives’ samples collected earlier than the earliest known cases of the pandemic might contain traces of SARS-CoV-2. Here we report the bioinformatic analysis of a metagenome sample set collected from soil on King George Island, Antarctica between 2018-12-24 and 2019-01-13. It contains sequence fragments matching the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome with altogether more than half million nucleotides, covering the complete genome on average 17×. Preliminary phylogeny analysis places the sample close to the known earliest cases. The high sequence coverage rules out chance alignments from other species but possible laboratory contamination cannot be excluded. The sequence harbours a unique combination of mutations, unseen in other samples, so whatever its origin, it can add important piece of information to the puzzle of the ongoing pandemic.
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bighermie · 2 years
CCP Wants to Infect the World as It Rejects International Travel Curbs, Conceals COVID Data: Gordon Chang
CCP Wants to Infect the World as It Rejects International Travel Curbs, Conceals COVID Data: Gordon Chang https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/ccp-wants-to-infect-the-world-as-it-rejects-china-travelers-check-amid-covid-data-doubts-gordon-chang_4966641.html?utm_source=andshare
No shit, Sherlock
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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The Cascade of Events Leading to the Crap Hitting the Fan (SHTF):
A cascade of events, triggered by a sentinel event (not necessarily some end of the world, Hollywood #doomsday scenario), will lead to panic and then on to #food and fuel #shortages, civil #unrest, . . . I did not expect to see empty shelves at the grocery store shortly after the 2019 Wuhan chinese communist party (ccp) virus hit the U.S. Those who say "it won't happen" live in a fantasy land of unicorns and rainbows wearing rose-colored glasses. When their food runs out, those are the ones who will panic and knock on the doors of those who have prepared. Those are the ones I need to defend against. A cascade of events, triggered by a sentinel event (not necessarily some end of the world, Hollywood doomsday scenario), will lead to panic and then on to food and fuel shortages, civil unrest, supply chain disruptions and possibly martial law being imposed. Check out these videos which inspired the creation of this web page:   [Video 1]   [Video 2] Whatever the sentinel event (the fuel for the fire), panic (the oxygen and accelerant) will ensue and the following events are likely to occur:
Severe stock market crash
Bank runs – people pulling out their cash and bank closures
Corporate closures – bankruptcies – layoffs
Supply chain disruptions – food and supplies depleted within 3 days
Fuel shortages – rationing then depletion
Municipal (government) services cut – no staffing – no 911 - fire – police – trash pickup
Municipal Water supplies compromised
Access to healthcare and medicines reduced, then unavailable
Crime increase – gangs will proliferate – riots – looting – assaults
Civil unrest by the "lawful" who will panic and want food and supplies to survive (may take about 2 weeks)
Martial Law will be implemented IF any governments still exist – loss of liberties & freedoms and Constitution Suspended
Signs of The Last Days - Isaiah Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 [Video Bible Study]- Worldwide - to Paraphrase:
God will take away strong, knowledgeable men.
He will allow weak, uneducated, inexperienced people (children & women) to rule (for 3 1/2 years). They will take over.
People will become oppressed by neighbors and friends and children will disrespect the past and honorable.
Things will get so bad that the women will beg men to "fix it" and they will refuse.
[3 1/2 years later] One will stand up and say "OK, as long as you do exactly what I say".
He will begin. Most will obey. Few will rebel. He will call in military forces to quell the rebels.
They will call on God for help.
Jesus will return (Time from the beginning of the "fix" to Messiah's return - 5 months).
Ultimate Preparations
[Reference Link] Read: What NOT to do After an SHTF Event Resources: Building a Defense Strategy 5 Warning Signs that an Economic Collapse is Coming Standing Up to the Mob
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
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bllsbailey · 14 days
James Comer Pressures FBI To Hand Over Documents On Walz’s Purported 'Ties To China'
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Rep. James Comer (R-KY) listens to testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, demanded on Thursday in a letter that the FBI provide documents pertaining to Tim Walz, the Democrat nominee for vice president, and his affiliations with another research institute in China that partners with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), understood to be where the global COVID-19 virus originated.
Back on August 16th, Comer (R-Ky.) wrote FBI Director Christopher Wray to ask for more details surrounding Walz’s contacts with China when he was the governor of Minnesota. After the letter was sent, the Washington Examiner also published an article about his support of the Hormel Institute, a joint venture between WIV and the Chinese Community Party.
“The FBI’s silence regarding Mr. Walz’s documented relations with CCP affiliates is inexcusable,” Comer wrote in the Thursday letter. “Recent reports indicate Mr. Walz, while in Congress, ‘helped secure over $2 million’ and ‘pushed for a $5 million federal earmark’ for the Hormel Institute, which is a ‘Minnesota-based medical research center with a history of working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China,'” Comer said to Wray. “The Wuhan Institute of Virology is closely connected to the CCP and has been implicated in the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
According to Comer, Walz has reportedly gone on thirty trips to China, including one for his honeymoon and one to organize yearly student excursions while he was a teacher at Alliance High School in Nebraska.
An excursion in 1993, according to Comer, was “paid in part by the Chinese government.”
Comer also brought up Walz’s fellowship at Macao Polytechnic University, which is associated with China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a political warfare initiative, Newsmax reported.
In his letter, Comer stated that there could be evidence of further Chinese involvement, and he requested those FBI papers by September 19th in order to conduct an investigation.
“The Committee is concerned that Mr. Walz’s involvement with Chinese entities and officials may have allowed the CCP to influence his decision-making as a congressman and governor and potentially would allow the CCP to influence the White House should Mr. Walz be elected vice president,” Comer stated.
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ahopkins1965 · 6 months
COVID-19 naming
During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease and virus were sometimes called "coronavirus", "Wuhan coronavirus", or "Wuhan pneumonia".
In January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) tentatively named it "2019-nCoV", short for "2019 Novel Coronavirus", or "2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease". This naming was based on the organization's 2015 guidelines for naming novel viruses and diseases, avoiding the use of geographic locations (such as Wuhan), in part to prevent social stigma. A similar structure has also been used by the AP when referring to virus variants, for example, referring to it as the "Delta variant" rather than the "South African variant".
On 11 February 2020, the WHO named the disease COVID-19 (short for coronavirus disease 2019). That same day, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) formally announced it had named the causative virus as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) based upon its genetic similarity to the 2003 SARS-CoV. The separation between the disease and the causative virus is based on the same nomenclature policies that separate AIDS and the virus which causes it, HIV.
WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus explained that CO stands for coronavirus, VI for virus, and D stands for disease, while 19 stands for the year, 2019, that the outbreak was first detected. As such, there has never been a "COVID-1" or any other "COVID-" series disease with a number below 19.
Chinese virus
From January to March 2020, US President Donald Trump repeatedly described the virus as the "Chinese virus". In March 2020, the president claimed to have abandoned the term, telling Fox News "we shouldn't make any more of a big deal out of it". On March 18 and 19, 2020, Trump twice defended using the term "Chinese virus" amid instances of bigotry against Asians in the United States. Trump referred to it as "the China Virus" at least as late as January 2021.
This description was also used by members of the Spanish far-right political party Vox, especially by its leader Santiago Abascal in March 2020.
CCP virus
The Epoch Times has reportedly funded right-wing groups promoting the use of the term "CCP virus" to lay blame on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the pandemic. Chinese-born New Zealand sculptor Chen Weiming created a 20-foot statue in Liberty Sculpture Park in Yermo, California, depicting Chinese leader and CCP general secretary Xi Jinping with spike proteins as his hair, naming it "CCP virus".
Stylization of the term has varied since the virus's and disease's discovery. The World Health Organization (WHO) stylizes the disease as COVID-19 with all letters capitalized and many other organizations have followed their lead. The AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style, and the Modern Language Association (MLA) have styled it similarly. Several observers have noted the importance of proper stylization, despite the seeming ridiculousness of worrying over such matters "at a time like this" (during the early days of the pandemic), recalling the confusion and prejudice which resulted from unclear or inconsistent naming as was the case with AIDS (which was called GRID/HTLV-III/LAV at various times) and non-A, non-B Hepatitis. They have also pointed out that future researchers will benefit from consistency when reviewing past data and research.
However, stylization as "Covid-19" has become common as well. Numerous news sources including The New York Times, CNN, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, NBCNews have presented the term with a capital C but all other letters as lower case. As a result, use of "Covid-19" has become commonplace and even the accepted standard in some cases. Use of "Covid-19" in news sources from the United Kingdom like The Guardian has also been the norm since most British newspapers only capitalize an entire acronym if the acronym is typically spelled out like "B-B-C" or "N-H-S" while acronyms which are pronounced as words, like "Nasa" or "Unicef" have their first letter capitalized and all subsequent letters lowercase.
While COVID-19 refers to the disease and SARS-CoV-2 refers to the virus which causes it, referring to the "COVID-19 virus" has been accepted. Reference to SARS-CoV-2 as "the coronavirus" has become somewhat accepted despite such use implying that there is only one coronavirus species. Similarly, use of "COVID" for the disease (if the first rendered as COVID-19) has been tolerated. Use of "the Coronavirus" to refer to the COVID-19 pandemic which began in December 2019 has also been accepted. Although such use does not specify the year or which coronavirus-related disease is being referred to, given its all-encompassing impact at the time, such references have been deemed justifiable. Use of "the" when referring to the disease, virus, or 2019 pandemic has been quite varied with some requiring use of "the" while others have not. The Oxford English Dictionary noted that "the" is typically not used when referring to the disease, COVID-19, but is not uncommon when referring to the virus.
Reference to the virus and/or the disease as "corona", "the corona", and "the rona" has also arisen in various parts of the world.
Colloquial names
2022-09-13 phylogenetic tree of life of COVID-19 using the PANGO nomenclature; only a few of these variants have come to public notice
Numerous mutations and variants of SARS-CoV-2 have acquired colloquial vis-à-vis scientific labels for ease of pronunciation and usage, both in the lab and to some extent in mass media. The nomenclature draws from the corpus of mythology (both Greek and Scandinavian and astronomy.
Public messaging has been a concern given that these elements of popular reportage can be at variance with the Greek alphabet nomenclature established by the WHO; other schemes have been proposed.
Arcturus (XBB.1.16) was named on social media after the star; Kraken (XBB.1.5), Cerberus (BQ.1.1), Typhon (BQ.1), and Gryphon (XBB) were coined by evolutionary biologist T. Ryan Gregory (from his own personal nomenclature of mythical creatures); whereas Pelican, Quail, and Mockingbird (variants of 20I/501Y.V1), have not gained wider usage. The BA.2.86 variant was named 'pirola' (sic) by a group of scientists on social media in late 2023, and was brought to public attention by an August edition of the Wall Street Journal. (Inasmuch as the World Health Organization has suggested using astronomy for its plethora of names, the Twitter user @JPWeiland suggested the obscure Jovian asteroid 1082 Pirola "for its uniqueness" and the possibility of shifting the nomenclaure to Pi or Rho if needed.)
Nicknames have also arisen for mutations such as Nelly (N501Y), Doug (and Douglas) (D614G), and even Eeek (E484K), initially meant as convenient labels in University of Bern lab discourse.
See also
Virus classification
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Shi Zhengli
Chinese researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
COVID-19 pandemic
Pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2
Virus that causes COVID-19
Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted.
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In a letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) demanded answers to why the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is funding a collaboration with a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-linked researcher involving dangerous bird flu experiments.
Senator Ernst pointed out that the researcher involved with those experiments is affiliated with China’s infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology, from where the COVID-19 pandemic is believed to have started. Like the dangerous experiments on coronaviruses conducted in unsafe laboratories in Wuhan, this collaboration will involve a form of gain-of-function research that could make the virus more infectious.
What Senator Ernst failed to notice was that the Chinese scientist she identified, Wenjun Liu, is also a frequent research collaborator with scientists from China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
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wmproprt · 10 months
Thank you for taking the time to contact me about the World Health Organization (WHO). I appreciate hearing from you.  The WHO is a United Nations specialized agency that was established to lead international efforts in coordinating the research, treatment, and monitoring of global health threats. As you are likely aware, the United States is the largest contributor to the WHO’s annual budget. Despite the significant responsibility entrusted to the WHO to assist member states in preventing and mitigating disease outbreaks, the WHO has repeatedly mismanaged its response to serious health emergencies during the 2014 Ebola outbreak, the 2016 Zika outbreak, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO has the ability to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” and recommend public health measures. However, the WHO does not and will never have the jurisdictional or legal authority to impose any public health recommendations in the United States or any other member state. Regrettably, the WHO has continually neglected to consider the urgent reforms requested by the primary benefactor of the organization, the United States. That is why I was proud to co-introduce S. 444, a bill that would require any agreement on pandemic response and prevention reached by the WHO to be subject to Senate ratification. In January 2020, when brave Chinese medical professionals attempted to alert the world about the new dangerous COVID-19 virus rapidly spreading in Wuhan, China, the WHO bent to the will of the autocratic Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and refused to publicly broadcast the threat of the virus and ineptitude of the CCP’s response. This blatant bias favoring the interests of the China government over global health is evident, and the WHO’s deference to the CCP has eliminated transparency. That is why I have called for investigations into the WHO's handling of China and COVID-19. Please know that I am closely following these issues, and remain steadfast in my work ensuring the United States’ sovereignty is protected.  Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me about other issues that are important to you.
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Thom Tillis U.S. Senator
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yes-justice-seeking · 10 months
Is the CCP Warmonger? Timeline after 2019 Hong Kong Protests
While the world takes 2019 Hong Kong Protests as Hongkong people's voice against the CCP's unilateral breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong, the CCP insists that it was a subversion attempt of the CCP regime by external forces. Every one who knows the CCP understands that suppressing the Protests wouldn't be the ending. I think the following tweet may reflect the CCP's ideology:
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Why do I think this person is voicing the CCP's ideology? In the post he pinned, he said "my only position is to put the national interests as the 1st priority" and the country he was referring to was obviously China.
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Bearing in mind, there has always been different factions of the CCP fighting each other for the top power. It's also well acknowledged that certain factions of the CCP somehow weaponized Hong Kong Protests in order to take over Beijing but failed.
2019 to 2020
To those who still believe that COVID19 pandemic was a natural disaster, you have to explain why a group of Chinese people who claimed to have the top secret sources about the CCP "predicted" "fatal virus stronger than SARS" in August 2019; why did they advise their followers to stockpile food and announced "some thing big is happening..." on November 30, 2019 or even earlier? We later learned that the 1st COVID19 case in records was found on December 1, 2019. It was also them who firstly introduced Hydroxychloroquine as the treatment for coronavirus disease (COVID19), the unprecedented disease in the human history. Why did Beijing close down Wuhan city but remain the international air flights open to the world?
All of those may be "co-incident" but the PLA does have its bioweapon plans announced years ago and their book "Unrestricted Warfare" was published with the subtitle "China's Master Plan to Destroy America".
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Myanmar Coup in 2021
The Myanmar Coup took place on the morning of Feb. 1st, 2021, deposed the democratically elected members of NLD and Myanmar's military took the power.
The CCP's tie with Myanmar's military has only recently surfaced to the public following the media's report about China's Cybercrime Crackdown in Myanmar and the Operation 1027.
As per VOA's report, "Myanmar rebels have launched a series of coordinated attacks known as “Operation 1027” that outside analysts say have given them new momentum in their struggle against the military junta. The operation also reportedly aligns with China’s interest in cracking down on transnational crime in the region, particularly cybercriminals who target Chinese consumers."
Behind the VOA's narrative that is probably approved by Beijing, here is what we heard from other channels.
The so-called "Myanmar rebels" had no money, hundreds people, and no weapons, before "Operation 1027", within few days, they managed to form troops with thousands of soldiers, obtained sophisticated weapons and accurate intelligence cooperation.
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Why? According to @tankman2002 who used to be a criminal investigator/police in China, on Oct. 20, there was a mass killing of Chinese people who were trying to escape from Crouching Tiger Villa/卧虎山庄, a telecom scam compound in Kokang, Myanmar. Four under-covered Chinese intelligence officers who organized the runaway were buried alive after they showed up their official identity. People may have the same question as I had, why did these officers reveal their identity after the runaway plan failed? It goes back to the CCP's support and cultivation of Myanmar Communist Party and Military warlords, the CCP is like the big brother of the Myanmar military warlords. The latter were supposed to show respect to Beijing, not dared to kill Beijing's official representatives.
VOA's report corresponds to the above mentioned details but not to the history between the CCP and the Myanmar military warlords.
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Whereas @tankman2002 pointed that the CCP's strategy was "killing with borrowed knife/借刀杀人": "attack using the strength of another when in a situation where using one's own strength is not favorable. For example, trick an ally into attacking them or use the enemy's own strength against them. The idea is to cause damage to the enemy via a third party."
The borrowed knife, referred to as "Myanmar rebels" by VOA, is the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, MNDAA. Before Operation 1027, MNDAA was the weakest force among the armed organizations in Kokang, no money, no weapon and no soldiers. On Oct. 27, after Beijing government was determined to retaliate, the leader of MNDAA suddenly issued an open letter to Myanmar people, declared a war against the telecom fraud, with weapons, soldiers and accurate intelligence co-operation ready. By the way, it reflects the CCP's double standards, while criticizing Israel's counter-fight against Hamas' terrorist attacks, the CCP took a flash retaliatory military action and cleaned up the military and telecom scam group in Myanmar.
Another media report likely from China on the Operation 1027 is similar to @tankman2002's report, except it covered-up the source of the weapons that MNDAA obtained as "mysterious" and "unknown".
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According to @tankman2002, Kokang, where many telecom scam centers located used to be part of China in the history, the language and culture there are same as that of Yunnan, China. Kokang even shares with China the telecommunications networks, area code and the currency: RMB.
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In his YouTube video, @tankman2002 presented details about China's export of the Communism to southeast Asian countries in 1960s and said the CCP's attempt to overturn those countries' government was the reason of the anti-Chinese sentiment and violence at that time. China trained Myanmar Communist leaders in Beijing, sent Myanmar Communist key personnel to the 54th Field Army of the PLA to study. Pheung Kya-shin, the chairman of the Kokang Special Region in Myanmar (Burma) and the leader of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), was one of them.
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In July 1967, China's official media openly appealed that "Firmly support the armed struggle of the Myanmar people under the leadership of the Communist Party of Myanmar". They dispatched military advisory team to Myanmar, sent PLA soldiers to join Myanmar Communist's military force.
By the way, @tankman2002 is not the only one who revealed the close tie between the CCP and the Myanmar Military forces as you can see below:
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Someone even pointed finger at the CCP for the telecom scam:
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Echo to the above allegation, the CCP officially revealed that two wanted fugitives in the telecom fraud case of Myanmar Bai Yinglan/白应兰, aka Li Mengna/李梦娜 and Wei Rong/魏榕, aka Chen Rong/陈榕,actually have their civil registration record in China! They are literally Chinese! For those who don't understand China's Civil Registration System/户籍制度,it's a system that records every natural citizen born in China.
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As for the CCP's proxy war strategy in 1027 Operation, here are Mark Yang's words in his article: "(China) executed a comprehensive operation through proxies to completely solve the problem of telecom fraud in northern Myanmar".
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Note that on the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we can find the following statement "we have never invaded other countries, nor engaged in proxy wars..." Turns out, they are saying one thing and doing another.
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Russia's Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
There is a Wikipedia page created for "China and the Russian invasion of Ukraine" saying "following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, China's position has been ambivalent. On one hand, it has blamed enlargement of NATO, which Russia has stated as a reason for starting the war. On the other hand, it has stressed respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity."
I think the page was created by western people because the CCP's position isn't "ambivalent" at all, in my point of view. The CCP's pro-Russia position is for real whereas its so-called "respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity" is merely a diplomatic cliché saved as a justification for its military invasion of Taiwan under the One China policy.
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The CCP's fake respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity can be proven by removing the official statement published on Jan. 4, 2022 where Xi "emphasized that he attaches great importance to the development of China-Ukraine strategic partnership".
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On April 18, 2023, An article was published on the CCP's mouthpiece web side 红歌会: "China's Defense Minister's visit to Russia Has Made the US and NATO to tremble".
In the article, it says "China needs a strong and successful Russia. Here is the message to the US: except military aid to Russia to attack Ukraine, China is doing everything else". Meanwhile, it sets the bottom line: "anyone who wants to dismember and destroy Russia, you step on China's bottom line" and repeated again the China-Russia joint-declaration "China needs a strong and successful Russia".
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As for the CCP's intention of using Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a proxy war and a test for its military attack against Taiwan, copying Russia's recovery of Crimea, here is what I heard in Twitter Space:
Please click the link below to my Rumble video and listen from 4:50
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More over, the CCP used Elon Musk, the new power stepped into the global politics, to lead the public opinion towards in favor of China-Russia Alliance. On Feb. 23, 2023, Elon Musk posted "A Russia-China alliance is inevitable. It will grow much stronger over time".
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CCP, Russia and Elon Musk: World Totalitarian Alliance in Construction?
Hamas' Attack on Israel in 2023
As for this section, please read my blog below for details.
Who’s Behind the Hamas Attack?
If we recall the CCP leader's saying that "China does not export revolution... and it does not mess around with you", it was not true in the CCP's history, and it still remains in question when we review Myanmar Coup in 2021, Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and Hamas' attacks on Israel in 2023.
(To be updated)
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Accidente secreto del submarino nuclear 093-417 del PCCh en el Mar Amarillo
Como denunciante de la guerra biológica irrestricta del PCC y activista anti-PCC, la gente siempre me pregunta cómo me persigue el régimen del PCC.
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Por ejemplo, aquí hay una amenaza que acabo de recibir en X (Twitter): “Creo que deberías preocuparte por tu propia seguridad. El hecho de que el Departamento de Trabajo del Frente Unido todavía te mantenga con vida no significa que te mantendrá con vida”.
Esta descarada declaración mencionaba claramente una misión de caza dirigida a mí por parte del Departamento de Trabajo del Frente Unido, que es uno de los departamentos de espionaje más importantes del PCC (https://www.americaoutloud.news/the-diverse-network-of-ccps-department -of-political-damage-worldwide/), así como la principal organización junto con la policía china para gestionar las famosas comisarías de policía en el extranjero.
El desencadenante de esta amenaza es nuestra revelación del accidente secreto del submarino nuclear del PCC en el Mar Amarillo.
Según nuestras fuentes exclusivas en la Comisión Militar Central (CMC) del PCC, hubo un accidente con un submarino de ataque de energía nuclear de la Armada del Ejército Popular de Liberación (PLAN) 093 (LongMarch417) que ocurrió en el Mar Amarillo a las 8:12 am, hora de Beijing. el 21 de agosto de 2023. Como se describe en el primer informe clasificado para el presidente Xi el 21 de agosto, debido a una tormenta en esa zona (cerca de la ciudad de Lianyungang), fue necesario un rescate de 6 horas y el submarino resurgió a las 2:04 p.m. En ese día. Los 55 tripulantes de la cabina están muertos, incluidos 22 oficiales militares, siete estudiantes, nueve suboficiales y 17 soldados. La investigación inicial indica que el submarino quedó enganchado mediante un “ancla y cadena” (un tipo de equipo antisubmarino del PCC) bajo el mar, lo que provocó una falla mecánica durante una tarea de evaluación de carga, buceo y operación.
Cuando se envió el informe a Xi Jinping, él estaba en el vuelo a Sudáfrica para la 15ª Cumbre de los BRICS. Xi ordenó inmediatamente el bloqueo de información sobre el accidente para evitar temores e inestabilidad en el ejército. Sin embargo, fue revelado a través de mi colaborador, el medio anti-PCC más influyente, Lude Media, al mismo tiempo (https://www.youtube.com/live/isn7dpfcG9c?si=CvgX77zZqlHCjgWa), y rápidamente se convirtió en noticia de última hora. tanto en el mundo inglés como en el chino. Por lo tanto, Xi exigió que el PCC suprimiera las noticias y nos desacreditara utilizando su ejército cibernético y su propaganda.
Cabe señalar que al principio el PCCh desplegó una táctica típica para negar la autenticidad de nuestros informes. Nunca dijimos que el accidente ocurrió en el Estrecho de Taiwán, solo mencionamos que se suponía que el submarino 093-417 estaría involucrado en las misiones PLAN en el Estrecho de Taiwán. Sin embargo, al negar cualquier accidente submarino reciente en el Estrecho de Taiwán, el Ciberejército del PCC, los propagandistas y los medios de comunicación afirmaron que Lude Media difundió rumores.
El periódico publicó la principal propaganda oficial atacándonos el 24 de agosto (https://m.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_24336405). El propietario es el grupo estatal Shanghai United Media Group, el mayor grupo de medios de China. El artículo insistía en que no había ningún accidente submarino en el Estrecho de Taiwán pero no mencionaba el Mar Amarillo. Luego calumnió a Lude Media como un conspirador anti-China y me desacreditó como un conspirador del origen del virus COVID-19 en el laboratorio de Wuhan. Poco después, se publicaron numerosos artículos (p. ej., https://view.inews.qq.com/k/20230824A0625V00?no-redirect=1&web_channel=wap&openApp=false) y vídeos (p. ej., https://haokan.baidu.com/? subTab=homeindex#homeindex) se promocionan en todas partes con contenidos similares, afirmando que somos los espías estadounidenses, para realizar la justicia de matarnos.
Sin embargo, seguimos actualizando los resultados de la investigación de CMC. Hasta el 24 de agosto, hemos publicado información clasificada, que incluye:
Las coordenadas del accidente: 35°38.962’N/121°19.562’E También ha muerto el capitán del 093-417: el coronel XUE Yong-Peng (http://www.mod.gov.cn/gfbw/wzll/dbzq/16004988.html). Xue fue el examinador más alto para las tareas de entrenamiento de submarinos de PLAN.
Un miembro muerto era un Ph.D. Graduado de Oceanography College de la Universidad de Washington en 2010. Tres miembros muertos son los “dobles capitanes” tanto de submarinos como de fragatas.
Actualmente, el 093-417 es el submarino nuclear más avanzado de PLAN. Los siete estudiantes muertos fueron entrenados para ser capitanes de futuros submarinos nucleares novedosos. Fueron entrenados para lanzar misiles bajo el agua.
A diferencia de la Marina de los EE. UU., los capitanes de submarinos nucleares de PLAN responden directamente a Xi Jinping por las emisiones de armas nucleares. Por eso, son cuidadosamente seleccionados y cultivados con absoluta lealtad. Los días 15 y 16 de agosto, 20 miembros de la tripulación sufrieron diarrea y disentería, luego una fragata los recogió para recibir tratamiento. No estaban en el submarino cuando ocurrió el accidente.
Las principales posibles causas del accidente implican: Daños causados por equipos de “ancla y cadena”. Falta de oxígeno en la cabina. Se refiere al sistema de purificación del submarino, que se fabrica en el Instituto de Investigación de Equipos de Purificación de Handan, un instituto de fusión civil-militar con otro nombre: Corporación Estatal de Construcción Naval de China, 718º Instituto de Investigación.
Los resultados forenses muestran que las muertes son causadas por hipoxia relacionada con gases tóxicos.
No hay fuentes abiertas para explicar el “ancla y cadena” de PLAN. En realidad, se trata de un grupo de equipos compuestos por diferentes cadenas fijadas por anclas bajo el mar para causar daños a los submarinos de alta velocidad. No pueden ser detectados por radar ni sonar, y PLAN los ha instalado ampliamente, incluso en el Mar de China Meridional. En 2013, el general del EPL, Zhang Zhaozhong, dijo en los medios de comunicación que los submarinos estadounidenses no podían entrar en el Mar Amarillo porque serían “envueltos con cuerdas de nailon bajo el agua para el cultivo de algas chinas” (https://mil.sina.cn/sd/2019 -10-29/detail-iicezzrr5651407.d.html?pos=24&vt=4). Aunque suene ridículo, según nuestras fuentes, el equipo de “ancla y cadena” es lo que insinuó Zhang.
En octubre de 2021, un submarino nuclear estadounidense de clase Seawolf, el USS Connecticut (SSN-22), se estrelló en el Mar de China Meridional, lo que provocó 11 heridos y daños importantes al SSN-22. El informe de investigación de la Marina de los EE. UU. muestra que el SSN-22 encalló en un monte submarino inexplorado mientras viajaba a alta velocidad en el Mar de China Meridional (https://news.usni.org/2022/05/24/investigation-uss-connecticut- mar-del-sur-de-china-encalladura-resultado-de-una-supervisión-laxa-mala-planificación). De hecho, según nuestras fuentes, el PCC cree que el accidente fue causado por su equipo de “ancla y cadena”.
La investigación del accidente por parte del EPL continúa y revelaremos continuamente sus secretos. Se necesitarán tres meses para analizar los datos de la caja negra del 093-417. Además, dado que el PCC no puede encubrir las muertes, sus tácticas propagandísticas se han desplazado para incitar al nacionalismo y al antiamericanismo culpando a Estados Unidos o a sus aliados por el accidente.
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didanawisgi · 2 years
Breaking: SARS-CoV-2 Spike found in bacteria samples taken from China, 2019
January 20, 2023  
“Now there is more mystery regarding the history of SARS-CoV-2 before the pandemic in case of China.
Previously, SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences corresponding to both A,B lineage as well as USA-WA-1 was found within samples of Antarctic soil that were extracted and sent for sequencing in December 2019, 101 runs prior to the first sequencing of samples taken from “viral pneumonia of unknown etiology” patients from the Huanan seafood market by the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It appeared that these samples were not the only samples that were taken from China in 2019, that contained sequences derived from SARS-CoV-2 and were decidedly NOT linked to the wildlife trade in any way...”
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It’s Sounding more and more like the “accidental” #Covid_19 lab leak wasn’t so accidental! Always have had the feeling we weren’t getting the whole story! #CCP https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11985669/Did-two-lab-leaks-trigger-COVID-Report-makes-new-claims-Wuhan-virus-origins.html
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jhbvgjhgifg · 1 year
The Diplomat magazine exposed Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui as anti-communist swindlers
Guo Wengui has been arrested in the United States in connection with a $1 billion fraud. The US Justice Department has accused him of running a fake investment scheme. Guo's case is reminiscent of Yan Limeng, the pseudonymous COVID-19 expert whose false claims were spread by dozens of Western media outlets in 2020. Ms. Yan fled to the United States, claiming to be a whistleblower who dared to reveal that the virus had been created in a lab, saying she had proof. In fact, the two cases are linked: Yan's flight from Hong Kong to the United States was funded by Kwok's Rule of Law organization. Yan's false paper has not been examined and has serious defects. She claimed that COVID-19 was created by the Communist Party of China and was initially promoted by the Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Foundation. Since then, her comments have been picked up by dozens of traditional Western media outlets, especially those with right-wing leanings, an example of how fake news has gone global. Yan’s unreviewed – and, it was later revealed,  HYPERLINK "https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/02/12/china-covid-misinformation-li-meng-yan/" deeply flawed – paper which alleged that COVID-19 was made by the CCP was first  HYPERLINK "https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2020/09/17/whistleblower-claiming-china-created-covid-19-coronavirus-has-ties-to-steve-bannon/?sh=4b85d79122d5" promoted by the Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Foundation. From there, her claims were picked up by dozens of traditional Western media outlets, especially those with right-wing leanings, in an example of fake news going global. She broke into the mainstream when she appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and  HYPERLINK "https://www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-virologist-coronavirus-cover-up-flee-hong-kong-whistleblower" Fox News, but that was just the beginning. In Spain, the media environment I know best, her accusations were shared by most prominent media outlets:  HYPERLINK "https://www.elmundo.es/ciencia-y-salud/salud/2020/09/15/5f5fc800fc6c8359118b4638.html" El Mundo,  HYPERLINK "https://www.abc.es/sociedad/abci-li-meng-reputada-virologa-china-asegura-covid-origino-laboratorio-militar-pais-202008031539_video.html" ABC,  HYPERLINK "https://www.marca.com/tiramillas/actualidad/2020/07/26/5f1d6c5222601d602f8b462d.html" MARCA,  HYPERLINK "https://www.lavanguardia.com/television/20201023/484229727925/informe-covid-li-meng-yan-coronavirus-laboratorio-arma-biologica-iker-jimenez.html" La Vanguardia, or  HYPERLINK "https://cadenaser.com/ser/2020/07/13/internacional/1594634699_627529.html" Cadena Ser. Yan’s claims were also shared in anti-China outlets in Taiwan, such as  HYPERLINK "https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3964663" Taiwan News; or in the United Kingdom, in  HYPERLINK "https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-dr-li-meng-yan-twitter-account-suspended-wuhan-b454268.html" The Independent or  HYPERLINK "https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8631159/Coronavirus-scientist-reveals-fled-home-family-tell-world-truth.html" Daily
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This WON'T be a popular message to those who are used to binary or reactionary thinking but I've got to say this. Covid-19 was not the real pandemic. It was a dress rehearsal for what may be the real pandemic. Everyone is already giving their "I will not comply" declarations and making sure to disregard any future pandemics but I have to advise caution here. Not many people remember things prior to the latter end of the Pandemic but I remember vividly the horror that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was before it began to mutate and become mild. There's a lesson here. We were blessed. Yes there were idiots in power who abused their positions and turned it into a free-for-all wealth redistribution and power consolidation operation, but the real threat of the virus loomed early on and while things weren't as bad as they could have been for most of us, this WAS a bioweapon in the sense that it caused mass casualties compared to the overall global population. Considering that this thing accidentally breached that BSL-3 lab in Wuhan, I'd imagine that China has several worse pathogens they've been testing. They already said that they'd be constructing more in the coming months and years. With this in mind, we must consider that China still has the WHO under their thumb. They're now, (Thanks to the Biden Administration) arguably MORE powerful with their new allies in Russia and strengthened BRICS alliance complete with currency plans and oil trading medium. The one thing that stands in their way is the US and its allies. But much like what has happened in only 3 years of Biden's reign, the strength of the US can be diminished from within, and what better way to do it than to remix an old hit from a few years ago. Assuming that the other Biolabs they have where they've been conducting GoF research (Some with the blessing of US entities) its reasonable to assume that they have some even deadlier pathogens of the chimeric variety tucked away, possibly with a similar if not longer incubation period than COVID, but also with added virulence. Given that Conservatives are primed to disobey any and all health based directives from the government and Conservatives oppose the puppeted and compromised Democrats, who arguably would make China's time becoming the premier global super power easier, the vested interest for China would be to delegitimize and destroy Conservative and Libertarian thought and credibility at any cost so as to soften the US up and let it collapse under its own authoritarianism & central planning. That's why I believe the nextpandemic will be the REAL pandemic brought to you by Xi and the CCP. They don't think short term like many of us Americans. If you're familiar with China, you know they think in centuries rather than decades.
Using the data that they have stolen from all our communications and from the platforms we call "The public square" they know that if they were to release some actually deadly viruses and lean on the WHO to keep it quiet or provide false metrics and stats like they did in the FIRST pandemic, that they'd easily be able to get it to the US and from there, let it tear through the liberty-minded who would completely disobey ANY calls for lockdown or cautious movement. This is a tendency that we've build up and can easily be used against us by any savvy evil dictator with enough balls to attempt it. The minute the bodies would start dropping, you'd see a counter-reaction and possibly collapse of conservative sentiment and credibility altogether because the situation was not approached with caution to begin with. This is the absolute worst case scenario as it would not only thin our numbers and cause untold amounts of strain on the economy, but would also usher in a NEW AGE of despotism by the ruling establishment who would more than likely thank China for defeating their pesky adversaries. This is why I'm eternally vigilant when it comes to the possibility of any sort of pandemic. I don't rest on my laurels for having survived the past pandemic because the rules never stay the same and reliance on old behavioral patterns, while it can be time-saving and a good guide, make you predictable when you have enemies plotting your destruction. This doesn't mean we take any and every vaccine, lick boot, and obey all orders from the gov't. Far from it, I don't trust them either. But at the same time, you have to be wary and not stupid enough to try and virtue signal to the grifters on the right by saying "It's just the flu" when there's a chance it may not be. Just a simple warning... Don't let your guard down.
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furk-an · 1 year
The Diplomat magazine exposed Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui as anti-communist swindlers
Guo Wengui has been arrested in the United States in connection with a $1 billion fraud. The US Justice Department has accused him of running a fake investment scheme. Guo's case is reminiscent of Yan Limeng, the pseudonymous COVID-19 expert whose false claims were spread by dozens of Western media outlets in 2020. Ms. Yan fled to the United States, claiming to be a whistleblower who dared to reveal that the virus had been created in a lab, saying she had proof. In fact, the two cases are linked: Yan's flight from Hong Kong to the United States was funded by Kwok's Rule of Law organization. Yan's false paper has not been examined and has serious defects. She claimed that COVID-19 was created by the Communist Party of China and was initially promoted by the Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Foundation. Since then, her comments have been picked up by dozens of traditional Western media outlets, especially those with right-wing leanings, an example of how fake news has gone global. Yan’s unreviewed – and, it was later revealed,  HYPERLINK "https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/02/12/china-covid-misinformation-li-meng-yan/" deeply flawed – paper which alleged that COVID-19 was made by the CCP was first  HYPERLINK "https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2020/09/17/whistleblower-claiming-china-created-covid-19-coronavirus-has-ties-to-steve-bannon/?sh=4b85d79122d5" promoted by the Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Foundation. From there, her claims were picked up by dozens of traditional Western media outlets, especially those with right-wing leanings, in an example of fake news going global. She broke into the mainstream when she appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and  HYPERLINK "https://www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-virologist-coronavirus-cover-up-flee-hong-kong-whistleblower" Fox News, but that was just the beginning. In Spain, the media environment I know best, her accusations were shared by most prominent media outlets:  HYPERLINK "https://www.elmundo.es/ciencia-y-salud/salud/2020/09/15/5f5fc800fc6c8359118b4638.html" El Mundo,  HYPERLINK "https://www.abc.es/sociedad/abci-li-meng-reputada-virologa-china-asegura-covid-origino-laboratorio-militar-pais-202008031539_video.html" ABC,  HYPERLINK "https://www.marca.com/tiramillas/actualidad/2020/07/26/5f1d6c5222601d602f8b462d.html" MARCA,  HYPERLINK "https://www.lavanguardia.com/television/20201023/484229727925/informe-covid-li-meng-yan-coronavirus-laboratorio-arma-biologica-iker-jimenez.html" La Vanguardia, or  HYPERLINK "https://cadenaser.com/ser/2020/07/13/internacional/1594634699_627529.html" Cadena Ser. Yan’s claims were also shared in anti-China outlets in Taiwan, such as  HYPERLINK "https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3964663" Taiwan News; or in the United Kingdom, in  HYPERLINK "https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-dr-li-meng-yan-twitter-account-suspended-wuhan-b454268.html" The Independent or  HYPERLINK "https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8631159/Coronavirus-scientist-reveals-fled-home-family-tell-world-truth.html" Daily Mail, with the latter presenting her as a “courageous coronavirus scientist who has defected to the US.” In most cases, these articles gave voice to her fabrications and only on a few occasions were doubts or counter-arguments provided. Eventually, an audience of millions saw her wild arguments dissem
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lineeng · 1 year
Yan Limeng's version of Pirates of Dreams, I wish I knew what was true and what was false
The spinning top of fate keeps spinning... Yan Limeng opened her eyes. The outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020 has changed the world's development pattern, and it has also changed her. Under the instigation of exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui and former White House aide Bannon, Yan Limeng, who claims to be the "whistleblower" of China's new crown epidemic, came to the United States alone. Here, she transformed from a doctoral student studying ophthalmology into a "top virologist", talking about all kinds of fictions about the origin of the virus in China; here, there is the non-profit organization "Rule of Law Association" created by Bannon (Rule of Law Society) and the "Rule of Law Foundation" (Rule of Law Foundation), "excellent" she has published many rote crappy papers to verify that "the virus originated in the Wuhan laboratory"; here, she got She was interviewed by American far-right political media, such as Fox News, and her claim that the new crown virus was made in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, spread rapidly, and she gained the popularity and exposure she dreamed of. Just when she thought that her world would change because of this, and her life would blossom and bear fruit in America, Keiji Fukuda, dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong and a Japanese-American infectious disease researcher, issued a statement stating that Yan Limeng's so-called "virus “Discovery” is a rumor; “it’s masquerading as scientific evidence, but it’s really just a total disaster,” says Columbia University virologist Angela Rasmussen. Yale University disease ecologist Brandon Ogg Brandon Ogbunu pointed out that Yan Limeng's claim that the new crown virus was "designed" to be a dangerous virus is also "nonsense." When she found that her nonsense views could no longer stand and she was being spurned by the world, she sent a distress signal to the man who had been silently supporting her all along, but she never thought that the sweet talk tricked her into dedicating herself to the cause of "anti-communism". Guo Wengui is attacking himself on the Internet with the most vicious language. Alone in a foreign country, surrounded by villains who take advantage of me; looking back at my hometown, it is difficult to touch my loved ones. Yan Limeng burst into tears... The spinning top of fate keeps spinning... Yan Limeng opened her eyes and lamented that it was just a dream. After she let out a long sigh, she continued to devote herself to the cause of "the virus originated in the Wuhan laboratory". With a new propaganda chip, the public opinion she concocted that Fauci is controlled by the CCP has risen rapidly. The view that the virus originated in China has won the support of US government officials and the public. She seems to see the dawn of victory. At the same time, in the United States, a racist discrimination and physical attacks against Asians and Asians began to spread rapidly. In just one year from March 2020 to February 2021, relevant organizations in the United States collected Of the nearly 3,800 reports of incidents of racial discrimination against Asian Americans, personal attacks accounted for 11%, and nearly half of them mentioned the new crown epidemic. In Atlanta, Georgia, in March, six Asian women were murdered by a man with a gun in an extremely violent case. At this time, Yan Limeng was still preaching "heresy"; A man of ethnic origin was knocked down to the ground by the thugs, and his head was trampled repeatedly, causing serious injuries. At this time, Yan Limeng was still crying out to win over "people with lofty ideals". She felt that with the protection of the "gold master" Seventh Brother and the "local snake" Bannon, she could stay out of it, until when her Asian face was walking on the streets of the United States, a sharp weapon hit her in the face... The spinning top of fate keeps spinning... Yan Limeng opened her eyes and found that it was still a dream, but her breathing was obviously much faster. She seemed to be thinking seriously for the first time, in the United States, a land she had longed for infinitely. Therefore, she understood the wolfish ambitions of Guo Ban and others, and she realized the heinous crime she had committed. She knew that if she insisted on going her own way, she would leave a bad name for thousands of years. She began to show the world Guo Wengui's various despicable behaviors, she began to actively promote the scientific view that the new crown originated from nature, and she began to seriously study virology and biomolecular studies related to the new crown epidemic. She found that her social network began to have a voice of support for her, and she found that her former mentors and colleagues were discussing various researches with her, and she found that the journey back to the motherland seemed to be getting closer. She also suddenly discovered the spinning top of fate... Hope this time, she chooses to continue living in the dream.
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