#CCP corporate fascists
americanmysticom · 2 years
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The globalist agenda started decades ago with the U.N.’s "Sustainable Development Goals"
[They only reconstituted the Reich]
The WEF and Globalists Are Losing | How We Win Mark Moss Published December 1, 2022
where the Whole World was to fall in line with their goals and plans. However, since then we have seen it transform into other names and goals driven by other very similar players. We now have the WEF calling for 'stake holder capitalism' and 'public private partnership' and of course, ESG scores, that will be the ultimate form of control.
Slides; https://go.1markmoss.com/blackrock [valid link]
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nicklloydnow · 11 months
“While China celebrates its victory over fascism, perhaps it would be helpful to discuss exactly what sort of benefits China has gained from victory over the “fascists.” This requires us to take a look at what “fascism” actually is.
Key characteristics of fascism include strong, often belligerent, nationalism; corporate organization of state, economy and society; and either state-­sponsored socialism or heavy state investment in the economy.
A look at these key characteristics of fascism and comparing them to China’s current political, economic and social systems, one would have to ask which conquered which: Did China conquer fascism, or did fascism conquer China?
China has certainly not been lacking in nationalist bellicosity since 1945. And as China’s military capabilities and economic clout have grown, especially since the 2008 financial crisis, experts and politicians alike have expressed concern over China’s increasingly vocal discontent with the international system in general and US policies in particular. China’s continuing claims to Taiwan, as well as its growing adventurism in the South China Sea and the waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula, further demonstrate China’s growing assertiveness.
The corporate organization of state, economy and society in China almost goes without saying. Although economic reforms beginning in the late 1970s attempted to create a sense of local economic initiative and decentralization of authority, the latest reports show Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOE) gaining market share in China and edging private enterprises out.
Moreover, anyone who believes that the CCP is no longer a Marxist-Leninist organization is only partly correct: China is no longer ideologically Marxist, but it is certainly Leninist. The top-down Leninist party structure and its concentration of power among a group of top party members resembles more closely a CEO and board of directors of a corporation than it does any other authority structure. Indeed, authoritarianism in any form, regardless of economic organization, strongly resembles fascism.
Even though Beijing has in the past touted “greater democratization,” that democratization occurs within the CCP itself and not within greater Chinese society.
What “greater democratization” within the CCP has amounted to, it seems, is that individual party members and certain groups within the party are allowed to express their ideas to some extent. However, in the end they must toe the party line after the party leadership makes decisions. This still demonstrates a strong downward flow of authority. This is still a Leninist-style corporatist state.
Taking these developments into account — China’s growing nationalism, increasing government involvement in the economy (while still paying lip service to Marxist socialism) and the corporate organization of the state, economy and society — one has to wonder exactly what the Chinese government is celebrating. Are they celebrating China’s victory over fascism, or are they celebrating fascism’s victory over China?”
“To the casual observer it didn't appear a steep sum. It was less than the cost of a single modern fighter jet. Taiwan already has on order more than $14bn worth of US military equipment. Does a miserly $80m more matter?
While fury is Beijing's default response to any military support for Taiwan, this time something was different.
The $80m is not a loan. It comes from American taxpayers. For the first time in more than 40 years, America is using its own money to send weapons to a place it officially doesn't recognise. This is happening under a programme called foreign military finance (FMF).
Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year, FMF has been used to send around $4bn of military aid to Kyiv. It has been used to send billions more to Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and Egypt and so on. But until now it has only ever been given to countries or organisations recognised by the United Nations. Taiwan is not.
After the US switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China in 1979, it continued to sell weapons to the island under the terms of the Taiwan Relations Act. The key was to sell just enough weapons so Taiwan could defend itself against possible Chinese attack, but not so many that they would destabilise relations between Washington and Beijing. For decades, the US has relied on this so-called strategic ambiguity to do business with China, while remaining Taiwan's staunchest ally.
But in the last decade the military balance across the Taiwan Strait has tipped dramatically in China's favour. The old formula no longer works. Washington insists its policy has not changed but, in crucial ways, it has. The US State Department has been quick to deny FMF implies any recognition of Taiwan. But in Taipei it's apparent that America is redefining its relationship with the island, especially so given the urgency with which Washington is pushing Taiwan to re-arm. And Taiwan, which is outmatched by China, needs the help.
He says the $80m is the tip of what could be a very large iceberg, and notes that in July President Biden used discretionary powers to approve the sale of military services and equipment worth $500m to Taiwan. Mr Wang says Taiwan is preparing to send two battalions of ground troops to the US for training, the first time this has happened since the 1970s.
But the key is the money, the beginning of what, he says, could be up to $10bn over the next five years.
Deals involving military equipment can take up to 10 years, says I-Chung Lai, president of the Prospect Foundation, a Taipei-based think-tank. "But with FMF, the US is sending weapons directly from its own stocks and it's US money - so we don't need to go through the whole approval process."
This is important given that a divided Congress has held up billions of dollars worth of aid for Ukraine, although Taiwan appears to have far more bipartisan support. But the war in Gaza will undoubtedly squeeze America's weapons supply to Taipei, as has the war in Ukraine. President Biden is seeking war aid for Ukraine and Israel, which includes more money for Taiwan too.
The assessment of long-time observers is blunt: the island is woefully under-prepared for a Chinese attack.
The list of problems is long. Taiwan's army has hundreds of ageing battle tanks, but too few modern, light missile systems. Its army command structure, tactics and doctrine haven't been updated in half a century. Many front-line units have only 60% of the manpower they should have. Taiwan's counter-intelligence operations in China are reportedly non-existent and its military conscription system is broken.
In 2013 Taiwan reduced military service from one year to just four months, before reinstating it back to 12 months, a move that takes effect next year. But there are bigger challenges. It's jokingly referred to as a "summer camp" by the young men who go through it.
In Washington there is a strong sense that Taiwan is running out of time to reform and rebuild its military. So, the US is also starting to retrain Taiwan's army.
For decades, the island's political and military leaders have leant heavily on the belief that invading the island is much too difficult and risky for China to attempt. Rather like Britain, Taiwan prioritised its navy and air force - at the expense of its army.
But now China has the world's largest navy and a far superior air force. A war-gaming exercise conducted by a think-tank last year found that in a conflict with China, Taiwan's navy and air force would be wiped out in the first 96 hours of battle.
Under intense pressure from Washington, Taipei is switching to a "fortress Taiwan" strategy that would make the island extremely difficult for China to conquer.
The focus will switch to ground troops, infantry and artillery - repelling an invasion on the beaches and, if necessary, fighting the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in the towns and cities, and from bases deep in the island's jungle-covered mountains. But this puts the responsibility for defending Taiwan back on its outdated army.
"After the US cut relations in 1979 our army experienced almost complete isolation. So they are stuck in the Vietnam War-era of US military doctrine," Dr Lai says.
This didn't worry Taipei or Washington until more recently. Through the 1990s and 2000s Taiwanese and US companies were building factories across China. Beijing was lobbying to join the World Trade Organization - and did. The world embraced the Chinese economy, and the US thought trade and investment would secure peace in the Taiwan Strait.
But the rise of Xi Jinping, and his brand of nationalism, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine have blown apart those comforting assumptions.
Taiwan's vulnerability is forcing Washington to act. It's why Taiwanese ground troops are being dispatched to the US to train and US trainers are coming to Taipei to embed with Taiwan's marines and special forces.
But William Chung, a research fellow at the Institute for National Defence and Security Research in Taipei, says Taiwan still cannot hope to deter China by itself. This is the other lesson from the war in Ukraine.
"International society has to decide whether Taiwan matters," he says. "If the G7 or Nato think Taiwan is important for their own interests, then we have to internationalise the Taiwan situation - because that's what will make China think twice about the cost."
Dr Chung says China's behaviour has, unwittingly, been helping Taiwan do just that.
"China is showing it is expansionist in the South China Sea and the East China Sea," he says . "And we can see the result in Japan where the military budget is now being doubled."
There is now fierce debate in Washington about how far the US should go in supporting Taiwan. Many long-time China watchers say any public commitment from the US said would provoke Beijing rather than deter it. But Washington also knows that Taiwan cannot hope to defend itself alone.
As one long-time China watcher put it: "We need to keep quiet on the whole issue of strategic ambiguity, while arming Taiwan to the teeth."”
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grandhotelabyss · 3 years
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A few extracts from the leftist thinker of the hour. In his latest piece, he inveighs against an unrelated group of philosophers, political actors, and cultural traditions, using mostly guilt-by-association and ad-hominem attacks, with some puerile schoolyard epithets (e.g., “man-childs [sic],” “Boomer Theory”)  thrown in, all in the name of what he calls “positive biopolitics,” defined, if the following vague jargon is a definition, as
inclusive, materialist, restorative, rationalist, based on a demystified image of the human species, anticipating a future different from the one prescribed by many cultural traditions. It accepts the evolutionary entanglement of mammals and viruses. It accepts death as part of life. It therefore accepts the responsibilities of medical knowledge to prevent and mitigate unjust deaths and misery as something quite different from the nativist immunization of one population of people from another. This includes not just rights to individual privacy but also social obligations to participate in an active, planetary biological commons.
Because “many cultural traditions” remain extant, it’s hard to see how we get from here to there, which makes this discourse little more than apologism for present arrangements: the corporate monopolies will, with the financial, legal, and coercive assistance of the state, manage us down to our atoms, and we will be obligated to participate whether we like it or not. Though our author makes a few faint-heartedly woke noises, his vision is, to repurpose his own argumentative tactics, fundamentally indistinguishable from neoreaction with its dream of hyperracist face tentacles—except that I suppose Land or Yarvin would allow for more dispersed authority centers, making their cyberpunk paradise, ironically, the less fascistic of the twinned accelerationisms. 
From this unseemly polemic, one concludes that Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault are essentially equivalent to Alex Jones and Marjorie Taylor Greene and that only a simplistic reactionary with a pathological attachment to “lost objects” could have any objection to “any artificial governing intervention in the biological condition of human society.” And I’m not Agamben: I don’t object a priori to any, but surely I may object a posteriori to some. See how his abstraction serves his case: he argues at the level of ideas and would probably dismiss any assessment of the actual forces in play (pharmaceutical giants, the U.S. security state, the CCP, Bezos, Gates, etc.) as “conspiracy theory.” (If the conservative’s attachment to “lost objects” is deluded, by the way, what should we call the radical’s investment in an imaginary and basically impossible future, that famous omelette they will never be able to prepare no matter how much albumen they spill?)
The personal slam against Illich is particularly grotesque. Leaving aside the expert class’s new conviction that only a Trumpist CHUD could possibly think medical interventions must be consensual, I know people who died of tumors they had treated in exactly the way doctors recommended—they died a few months later than they might have otherwise, in agonies they might have been spared, from costly and ineffectual treatments with severe side effects. There’s no cure, after all, for cancer, though I wonder how much cancer might be prevented if the biopolitical agents our author extols did not devote themselves to coating the entire planet in a shell of plastic. But I’m sure his endorsement elsewhere of “deep climate governance”—i.e., “You’ve used your heat ration for the winter, pleb!”—will solve this problem. 
Note, too, the contradictions, flagrant in so swaggering an author. First he bizarrely and scornfully attributes to the soixante-huitards a belief in “subjective moral intentionality,” as if a bunch of Nietzscheans talking about the death of the author believed in any such Kantian thing. Then he delivers a moralistic little sermon on masks—wholly ignoring the actual disputed science on the topic—that only makes any sense at all if we subjectively recognize ourselves as moral agents rather than merely biological organisms. These intellectual misanthropes who insist we’re exactly the same as spores and houseflies always run aground on the same problem: if you’re saying it, and especially if you’re saying it to change people’s minds, then it can’t be true. Human exceptionalism, at least on this planet, is not an article of faith but an empirical fact. Marx certainly thought so—see “Alienated Labour” (1844), but then I suppose he was still a Romantic when he wrote that.
As for the wholesale dismissal of Romanticism, I suspect our polemicist hasn’t done the reading. There is no total “disgust with rationality and technology” in Wordsworth or Shelley or Emerson or Melville or Whitman—yes, comp-lit kids, you have to read the English and Americans as well as the French and Germans—only a complaint about their inability to coexist with other dispositions. I have no problem with rationality or technology, but believe their proper role is to serve us, not to master us. I would recommend Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), but I imagine it comes pre-proscribed by our ardent technologist. And demystification? Please wake me if it’s ever anything other than a rival myth. “Humans are organic objects that should be managed by centralized power” is also a story, not a very good one. A better story, if our author will condescend to read a Romantic, is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818, 1831). Often interpreted as a warning about overweening science, it is also a caution—from a woman whose father, mother, husband, and friends were all left-wing radicals who made worse messes of their lives than Ivan Illich made of his—against what one critic memorably calls “Promethean Politics”:
By representing in her creature both the originating ideals and the brutal consequences of the French Revolution, Mary Shelley offered a powerful critique of the ideology of revolution. An abstract idea or cause (e.g. the perfecting of mankind), if not carefully developed within a supportive environment, can become an end that justifies any means, however cruel. As he worked to restore life where death had been, Victor Frankenstein never considered what suffering his freakish child might later endure. 
Mary Shelley’s middle-class gradualist liberal female politics—what Nancy Armstrong denounces as the domestic ideology of the English novel tout court—has its own dangers, and is nowadays complicit with the technocrats, as we hear “Think of the children!” used to justify every excess. Still, Frankenstein, with its gain-of-function experiment gone awry, remains a powerful vision of rampant radical technocracy, what may be unleashed on humanity when the quest to master what cannot be mastered meets its nemesis. Positive biopolitics, on the other hand, given its implicit endorsement of the powers that be and its emptily denunciatory rhetoric, is yet more evidence that we no longer have left-wing ideas in America but only “irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas.”
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queernuck · 5 years
Do you think that pop-philosophy blogs like we-Kant-even engage in a kind of fascistic patronizing towards their readers by over-simplifying philosophers to the point where they misrepresent certain philosophers?
this is true to at least some degree of a great deal of pop-philosophy online, both on here and on facebook, although part of that is how often this is not quite fascistic but rather flippant, ironic, the sort of dismissal that one would expect from someone who understands a great deal about a philosopher rather than very little. that is, to understand the critique at hand, a simplistic dismissal or affirmation, one must have a working knowledge of the greater context, the development of a concept within a work, so on. 
conversely, this is true, as well, to some degree of discussion around Marxism, socialism, and various issues it impacts: the way in which a kind of memeification of Hong Kong as a concept, as a hyperobject, as a space wherein the subject of “freedom” is singularized, is used to mean an incredible range of things, ones which interface with larger critique of, to examine a contemporary issue, China and the CCP in a way that the discussions and references to them are unable to understand. part of this is the argument (which has at least some merit) that China is not acting in a communist fashion, is not interested in extending a genuine socialist process of justice in the case of extraditions as part of a larger network of means through which socialist justifications are offered as part of retaining capitalist relations within China. And indeed, capitalist relationships are present and prevalent within China: this is undeniable specifically because of how the attempt at structuring a sort of contained, structured capitalist body through development of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has lead to a much wider range of related developments, apparatuses of capitalist recapture which replicate the very sorts of landlords and petit-bourgeoisie that Mao warns about, that capitalist development has created in neocolonial states, that characterize post-socialist nations in the Balkans, in Russia itself, so on. this is very obviously not communism, but can this “development” meaningfully create the conditions for socialism? certainly, Marx has described the means by which capitalist development relates to socialism, and the denial of capitalism as maintainable, as an ontological necessity, an “end of history” is vastly different from denying that Marx and Marxists more generally have discussed and offered critiques of capitalist development in relation to creation of capitalist hegemony and counter-hegmony, creation of a meaningful hegemony otherwise. there is a great deal of depth to this, and indeed it becomes encapsulated in the kind of discourse around “freedom” which is so popular in American perspectives: freedom is an indescribable good, a singular and moreover eternal value that is not merely post-historical, but in fact extra-historical, one that carries with it a kind of insistence that not only is there a unified and singular vision of the same in Hong Kong, but that there is a unified movement toward it and any singular, hegemonic notion of “freedom” being forwarded. Either kind of colonial simplification, either sort of reliance on colonial tropes about an Orientalist Other to either describe China as a whole under the influence of capitalism and the structure of police in creating and maintaining class society in a supposedly socialist state, or the ideation of “freedom” not as freedom from this very capitalist process but rather recapture by the same system of capitalist exchange that Hong Kong is already embedded in, a sort of American fetishism, is due to a misunderstanding of exactly how American vocabularies of “freedom” are used, and how the American liberal establishment has seized upon this in order to attempt to combat China as a competing power, regardless of its class character, its potential as a socialist state. The ideation of China as communist-but-actually-capitalist is itself useful for the metapolitical consideration of American legislators, specifically because of how it invokes American ideology and creates a kind of hyperreal representation of struggle without regard for class, and rather for “freedom” akin to various representations of struggling-for-freedom that are prevalent in American fetishism and fantasy, the ideals of acceptably American political resistance. @we-kant-even seems to be pretty shallow as far as that goes, and that was part of why I mentioned Hong Kong: I went to check out their blog and they had a meme referencing Xi Jinping, Winnie the Pooh, and the association between the two, which is often lost once it moves beyond its original association. the misunderstanding of this association, that it arose because of a joke about Xi Jinping’s looks and the way it could be used to subtly hint at him without explicitly naming him, lead to another discourse about Disney as a major corporation, and then the use of Disney characters as supposed symbols of resistance mostly in English, for an American audience, was the spread of a certain sort of ideological posturing that all but explicitly encouraged reactionary support of yet another fetishized version of Hong Kong. Meanwhile, as @postcitywave mentioned to me, a more genuine symbol of resistance would be the Cantonese version of the Digimon theme song specifically because of the popularity among a specific generation that finds a kind of identification and resonance with lyrics about fighting for one’s dreams. The way in which it has taken on symbolic resonance is akin to that of Winnie the Pooh: a specific aesthetic reference, a specific convergence of certain conditions (Pooh being a well-known character who looks like Xi Jinping, Digimon being a popular franchise easy to reference) has been part of their commonality, what has given them meaning.
Pages like these tend to be based on a certain knowledge of a philosopher’s work, and pages that mention philosophers like Baudrillard, Deleuze, Derrida, and so on that are at least slightly off the usual Philosophy 101 track. However, the “philosophical” is rather wide-ranging, and the way in which discussion of postmodernism is a kind of hallmark of these pages is indeed fascist in a sense, is part of how postmodern modalities of critique are reduced, in a sense akin to Marxism, such that Foucault becomes “EVERYTHING IS A PRISON” rather than one means of describing apparatuses of control, such that the Nietzschean character of Foucault’s work is forgotten (and Nietzsche’s role as the most nihilist nihilist not to be a nihilist is itself held as a kind of dual structure, is a sign of fascism himself), the reduction of Heidegger to a figure of fascism and the uncritical result of phenomenology becoming a fascist discipline (without any actual critical analysis of Adorno’s proposal of such, or for that matter any meaningful inquiry into Adorno) and postmodernism itself becoming a kind of point of blame for neoliberal change, such that the anti-political-corectness philosophy of say, Jordan B Peterson seems a fresh change to the Gender Nonsense and so on we see every day, or that Žižek quotes are enough to combat this for the left when Žižek himself advises us not to take him seriously, one indeed sees a kind of fascist tendency within converging discourses. 
Simplification of opposition to anarchist and tankies, the realization of critique both on philosophical and epistemic grounds alongside the political and metapolitical consideration of such critiques, that which they require, and so on is absolutely aided by how shallow some of these blogs and pages are. They are not outright contributing at a point of origin, but rather are part of a kind of hyperreal and hyperconnected Virtual, one which moves faster than even the digital apparatuses it appears within, are symptomatic of just how neoliberal recapture operates after the End of History. (and if you can name all of the influences on this analysis I have drawn on, you have done a good job)
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ibeargrills · 5 years
If you are actively sharing how hyped you are for Overwatch 2 or Diablo 4, then you are a coward.
Firstly, this does not target people who aren't actively posting support for Hong Kong or disdain of Blizzard. There's a ton happening in the world, many people don't feel comfortable weighing in on those conversations, and there is little that some people can do besides provide solidarity. You deserve no scorn or guilt for not posting about it.
HOWEVER, if you are an individual posting trailer gifs or expressing your hype for those games, then you're one of two types of people (maybe both):
1. You have no problem with the current, state-Capitalist (likely fascist) regime of the CCP and their many human-rights abuses.
2. You're a coward who's love for the shiny toys that Blizzard makes you is more important than any moral code, and you don't want to feel guilt over playing them. People's lives are provably less important to you than disposable entertainment.
Either way, despite your best efforts, you should feel guilty. Guilty of being complicit in a corporation's horrific actions to secure profits and pitiful attempts to brush that under a rug with a mealy-mouthed, non-apology that didn't even reference what Blizzard did wrong!
You're a coward, and cowards deserve nothing but scorn.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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CCP Chinese Police Coming For Protesters in Their Homes - Episode #137
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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YU OFF, DEMS ELECT BRAIN DEAD & LITERALLY DEAD! The Prather Point Published November 10, 2022
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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China’s ‘Walking Dead’: Inside the Warped World of China’s Communist Officialdom | Special Episode Featuring Kay Rubacek
We live like walking dead—without souls.”—former Chinese police commissioner and deputy chief of the Ministry of Public Security
An opaque regime now at the helm of authoritarianism globally, the Chinese Communist Party has managed to hide much of its inner workings with a massive propaganda apparatus and surveillance state.
Those who expose the regime’s secrets face imprisonment, torture, or death.
In this special episode, featuring never-before-released interviews with former insiders, Kay Rubacek and Jan Jekielek dive into the warped world of China’s communist leadership, one largely hidden from public view by a massive propaganda apparatus.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Episode 272: BREAKING FORMATION The HighWire with Del Bigtree Published June 16, 2022
mim·ic - they are the mimics of real ethical people
To copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression, and gesture:
ANTI MMIC [anti-medical/military/industrial complex representing technocratic corporate fascism]. Stand against the mimics of true, genuine and considerate medical, political, military, and media leadership representative of the public good.
The answer to the despotism of the CCP is not another CCP! [Input program error. An error of poor quality input. Programmed corruption.] The correct answer is the true application of good G-dly conduct that stands the test of the threshing floor of G-d.
The truth of the Aborigine is to be a REAL HUMAN BEING. Media has made many into ‘actors’, touting ‘narratives’ and programmed ‘scripts’.
[Frankly, this is where learning meditation, breath work, and Qi Gong are so helpful in maintaining a healthy frame of mind. When times of understanding towards our fellow are most important.]
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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This FREEDOM Revolution Is Unstoppable! Jun 13, 2022 INSPIRED
Jim Gale is the founder & CEO of Food Forest Abundance, a company & movement that is revolutionizing gardening & food independence by bringing a simple but effective solution for our most complex problems.
▹ Visit the Food Forest Abundance website 👉🏽 Blueprint https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/
SEE ALSO; The Food Shortage Solution in Your Own Backyard https://www.globalresearch.ca/food-shortage-solution-your-own-backyard/5783022
pdf https://www.globalresearch.ca/food-shortage-solution-your-own-backyard/5783022?pdf=5783022
How to Grow Food After The World Ends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB8HUF2UZy8
Online Gardening School https://onlinegardeningschool.com/
[This is very hopeful and promising. If we all became victory garden farmers, we could lighten the burden and improve food produce yields available for the poor.]
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Prisoners and Families Expose Brutal Truth About Jail Lockdown
By Patricia Tolson September 8, 2022 Epoch Times
Mistaken Identity or Intentional Retaliation? - Answer; carte blanche
carte blanche; unconditional authority; full discretionary power: It appears that the government has given the military carte blanche. She was given carte blanche to decorate her room as she wished, perhaps an unwise decision by her parents. a sheet of paper that is blank except for a signature and given by the signer to another person to write in what he or she pleases. Cards. a hand having no face card but with a special scoring value, as in piquet.
Despite repeated pleas to U.S. senators, representatives, the Bureau of Prisoners, and U.S. marshals, Bonnie Nichols says nothing has changed. As reported by The Epoch Times in July, her husband Ryan faces 11 charges, including multiple infractions with the words “Deadly or Dangerous Weapon” attached. The “Deadly or Dangerous Weapon” was pepper spray.
In the early morning hours of Sept. 7, Bonnie received heartbreaking series of text messages from Ryan describing both his physical and mental state after he was assaulted by Lancaster and thrown into solitary confinement. He believes he was attacked by Lancaster in a case of mistaken identity.
[There is no mistaking tyranny, and the goal of this particular tyranny is the destruction of the Republic of America, to be replaced by techno-fascist corporate interests in alignment with the CCP. Ryan is being ‘re-educated’ - and so are we all.]
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Pfizer Trial Data is Null and Void - Parents should be demanding that the decision makers explain themselves
Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children
The fact that this [fraudulent] trial existed at all is unbelievable! There are other issues in there which I haven't highlighted, but those are the key ones. Parents should be demanding the decision-makers explain themselves.
There was actually one child who was hospitalized in this trial. They had a fever and a seizure. They had been vaccinated.
They had ignored 97% of the Covid that occurred during the trial!
There were 12 children who had Covid twice, and all but one of them were vaccinated, mostly with three doses! 
So you have to wonder what in earth they're thinking when the claim of reduction in Covid was only four children, and here we have 12 children who got Covid twice, 11 of them vaccinated!
[They will continue to push the ‘emergency use authorization’ shams in order to obfuscate medial atrocity, to obfuscate Ukraine, to obfuscate the heists - all at the expense of our children! WHO has a history of such atrocities? Suspect is the Chinese Communist Party!]
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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The West takes national survival and security for granted. Our strategists and security analysts tend to be facile, academic, and easily misdirected. As simple as it sounds, a “war by all means” is a war in which you must identify your enemy before you can do anything meaningful. Once you do that, there is no riddle. Deception then becomes a less effective weapon. War “by every means” no longer works. The only thing we need, after that, is courage.
For who is there to trust but G-d?
The problem with devious strategies is that they inevitably provoke violent counter-reactions. Clausewitz famously explained that you cannot safely rely on disarming an enemy without a fight. He wrote:
Kind-hearted people might of course think there was some ingenious way to disarm or defeat an enemy without too much bloodshed, and might imagine this is the true goal of the art of war [see Sun Tzu]. Pleasant as it sounds, it is a fallacy that must be exposed: war is such a dangerous business that the mistakes which come from kindness are the very worst.
AN ANTIFA [FASCIST] POSTER indicating to communist [corporate fascist] supporters to disguise themselves.
Corporate fascists may not know that they act for the CCP, by affinity, the puppeteers become the puppets.
image; An Antifa [Fascist] poster [There is always hope for peace.]
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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“America’s Top Ten” Most Important Conservative Stories of the Week 04-22-22
Turns-out that departing from the clean-fun family-friendly Walt Disney enriching entertainment agenda, in order to champion the heavily political leftist transgender campaign of subversive moral relativism, effectively grooming each and every child that passes through those sparkley-white castle gates, was not a good idea. Go figure.
The mask mandate was defeated in court! In addition, solid statistics comparing masked populations with unmasked populations showed absolutely no difference whatsoever - none. “Good Riddance!”
Elon Musk says he has enough capital investment to buy Twitter, and restore free speech! “G-d bless him! G-d bless America and G-d bless Elon Musk.” [To Elon - Please un-ban Wayne Root and all the rest of the population that wasn’t politically correct in the globalist fascist leftist Nazi cause.
That’s right, Nazism is extreme Leftist.]
Spotify parted ways with the Obama's! “Watching Barack Obama saying me, myself, and I every minute is more boring than watching wet paint dry.”
News about the dangers and deadly results of the COVID vaccine. We found out this week that the deaths among millennials (typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996) are up 80%, right after the vaccines were introduced! Young fit americans in their 20′s and 30′s! That is a statistic that we’ve never seen before in the history of America!
This is of course terrible news, but it’s exhibit A to STOP THE VACCINE PROGRAM, NOW!
This week the C.O. of Moderna was recorded telling his own staff that “the millions of people with compromised immune systems should not take the COVID vaccine,
It’s too dangerous!“
This week released by the Biden HHS secretary, the COVID vaccine is killing black and brown Americans at twice the rate of White Americans!
That’s funny, did he just say that the COVID vaccine is killing Americans?
[How many Americans need to be killed before the mRNA ‘biologic’ is taken off the market?
The corporations themselves should take the responsible step - but are they? Are they to be trusted at all?]
Wayne Root cont’d; We need to change strategy. We, the deplorables, need to work together 24 hours a day to take down one ‘woke’ company at a time. Disney continues to be top on the list !
The  Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book: The Priceless List for  Conservatives, Christians, Patriots, & 80+ Million Trump Warriors to  Cancel "Cancel Culture" and Save America!    Kindle Edition
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“GIRD FOR COMBAT” PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF G-D https://godblesstheusabible.com/
https://rumble.com/user/GlobalTreePictures [Ukraine on Fire]
https://2000mules.com/  https://rumble.com/v13v4sv-2000-mules.html
CAMPAIGN https://campaigns.dailyclout.io/campaign/home
ONE CORPORATION AT A TIME - The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book
[I now have a new favorite Friday night weekly news roundup video to watch at - ROOT FOR AMERICA! https://rootforamerica.com/
Addendum; Consider also that mRNA components may well be coming from the CCP, and that overt CCP prejudice is well demonstrated, against blacks especially.
Article; BioNTech and partners Pfizer Inc and China’s Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd are among the leading developers of experimental COVID-19 vaccines, based on molecules carrying a genetic code called messenger RNA (mRNA).
By all appearances, fact of death, injury and drive for continuation, we are looking at a straight-out eugenics program experiment, mainly targeting black and brown people, Americans.]
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queernuck · 5 years
So do you see any cognitive dissonance with worrying about internet "fascists" reblogging a post, while promoting an instrument of torture employed by the Cheka? That "cool ass knuckleduster" was likely used to beat and bludgeon innocent people marked for death by the Bolsheviks.
oh dont worry, it wasnt internet “fascists” in a sense where im talking about a conservative military historian or, say, someone i just dont get along with. i mean an honest-to-goodness fascist, i mean someone genuinely invested in the growth and spread of fascist ideology, who believes in the kind of ideology that leads to neoliberalism extending into fascism (as it does in the current structure of neoliberal hegemony, the exact kind of ideals that saw Allende deposed in favor of Pinochet, that sees Neo-Confederate police chiefs working with alphabet agencies) but has such an overflowing death drive, has such a libidinal investment in the emergence of fascism that they are unable to even keep themselves contained to the vulgarities of contemporary conservatism with its worrying about neomarxists and so on, when contemporary discourses give them as much of a fascist vocabulary as ever before 
one could say that this is as good of a time as ever to look at juxtaposition, irony, and the examination of historical art-objects (paintings, films, architecture, music, and so on) as part of critique, discussing what counts as rebellious and what counts as hegemonic, and for that matter the way in which an empty condemnation of the figure of the “tankie” is something that far too many land on in an attempt at critique, an empty one at that. 
Brutalist architecture, often associated with Soviet and post-Soviet governments despite its prevalence in the West and other spheres of influence, is a vastly misunderstood style of architectural development which provides numerous means of “reading” a building in the postmodern sense, an exercise which is often rejected by contemporary development as useless in favor of incredibly bland duo-postmodern architecture, the reactionary turn in architecture that various forms of gentrification have driven, the impetus to put a kind of apparent-scientific and anti-artistic touch onto architecture on college campuses, of corporate headquarters, the vaporwaveization of the architectural field into an empty exercise in signification and resignification through the writing of various corporate creeds on the very buildings within which these actions are planned. This misunderstanding, an inability to read the potentiality of the building as brutalist text, one to be overgrown with ivy and which forces certain sorts of engagement by those within, is one fundamental to contemporaneous thought, the post-postmodern, the post-socialist turn seen in NATO geopolitics as ideology. 
I enjoy posting pictures of various militaries, of various armed forces, that are currently engaged in that NATO-dictated order of battle, be it American, British, French, or some other current-or-foreign colonial-unto-neocolonial force. I have some pictures ready to go of Soviet forces in Afghanistan, and have plenty of pictures like those of unified forces from Bosnia and Herzegovina deployed to Afghanistan that work as part of looking at exactly what war and moreover policing, the militarization of police over the course of the past half-century, and the police-like quality of military occupation, the transition of American forces into a hybrid of elite soldiers and stereotypical donut-eating cops before they come home and join police forces themselves, an interest in the aesthetics of these mundane, accepted brutalities as carried out specifically because of how they represent hegemony, the realization and enacting thereof, the way in which hegemony is developed and defended in a contemporary sense, as part of questioning the exact same kind of ideologies that build those new corporate monuments, apartment blocs that are only striking in how they displace already-existing expression, the way in which areas like Brighton Beach have all kinds of uneven development, an interest in exactly what kinds of ideological maneuvers are seen in how the city becomes a zone of war for neoliberal capital, how forces maneuver in ways influenced by the IDF’s readings of Deleuze and the 75th Ranger Regiment and Delta Force’s readings of their own white supremacist missions from Somalia to Syria, and the way in which technology, techniques of interaction and the very means of recognizing humanity are often dragged through this space: we would be remiss without mentioning how “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” became a referendum on gay personhood almost by accident it seemed, despite coming so soon after the enormous and principled antiwar movement whose common refrain seemed to be “DON’T JOIN, DON’T GO!”, who seemed to understand that there was not something “worth” joining for, that this had been true all throughout the wars of the 90s, back into Kosovo, the non-events of the Gulf War (a kind of television improvisation that set the field for discourses of Modern Warfare)
Being able to look at, examine, meet these critiques, to see objects that represent a kind of knowing self-reference like NKVD agents who received commemorative knuckledusters (ten years after the revolution began, mind) that were more likely to see use as paperweights than as actual weapons, the kind of nakedness of the ideological seen there, the parting that occurs is, very much, something worth preserving, something worth interrogating just as design and its influence goes into the very concept of weapons design: what does it say, what does it imply that derivatives of the AR-15 have become so ubiquitous alongside various Kalashnikov-patterned weapons, even to the point where one sees militaries adopting AR-patterned rifles in 7.62x39? What does the rejection of the HK416, the 5.56x23, and the 300 BLACKOUT round alike by GIGN, instead adopting CZ BREN rifles in that very same calibre, the notorious 7.62x39 say about the state of terrorist assemblages today, where GIGN is concentrated on city-based operations and 7.62x39 is especially effective against vehicles, when vehicle-based attacks have become far more common in response to developing tactic and counter-tactics? What can we learn through study of this? That police, intelligence agents, state forces of various sorts, would find some kind of rejoicing in their own actions, would band together and see themselves as a force against an indeterminable Other is hardly new, and is seen plenty in the weird company the CIA enjoyed keeping during the 1960s as it played Gladiator in Italy while scoring acid on the West Coast, examining how and why and with what means wars are fought is part of studying the enemy, learning their tactics and identity, being able to develop from this a kind of reterritorialization in culture, fashion, in antifascism.
Even the US Military admits that, in looking at counterinsurgency, the work of Mao is some of the best when it comes to proscribing a program for guerrilla warfare, and it was former Maoists in Angola who became the favorite collaborators of the CIA. World War II is perhaps the best example of recapture tactics being used on a large scale: while the PPSH was a phenomenal weapon, Russian troops were by no means against using captured MP40s, and used them well to kill plenty of Nazis. Stocks of captured MP40s were important to Yugoslav Partisans, along with cheaply-manufactured Sten guns, the likes of which we are likely to see alongside clandestine Glocks and AR-15s and M11s in any kind of upcoming insurgency within the United States. Reading gun magazines is fucking grating, given the editorial slant of even issues devoted to AK variants (which remind one of the endless brutalities of the Soviet regime while failing to mention even a single misdeed by the US or any remotely related force, many of whom ran dedicated death squads with plenty of AKs in hand!)
When it comes to the DPRK, to Cuba, to the aesthetics and philosophy and anti-philosophy of Maoism, of Maoist struggle (including Maoists against the CCP and the aesthetics of the CCP and the PLA itself throughout history, including current developments in weapons technology) and furthermore the way in which one looks at countries such as say, Russia or China as counter-hegemonies to US Hegemony (that are rearticulated as hegemonic forces themselves, reminding one that hegemony is neither good, nor bad, but again not by necessity good even in reversal, as it implies a certain strategic power as laid out by Laclau and Mouffe) and of course the Orientalist concept of power and “despotism” as occasionally named in Deleuze and Guattari but the sort of Orientalist fetishization that one sees in complete, uncritical refusal of even a cursory glance at exactly what acts such as Chinese “counter-terrorism” entails or any attempt at analyzing Hong Kong coherently (coherent analysis of such a large movement built around a spontaneous series of events, acts of assembly as part of a movement developing and demonstrating over time, one claimed across the political spectrum in Western discourses that read it in relation to numerous neoliberal forces) one must engage in an analysis that critiques state power, the enforcement thereof, and the various means by which this develops through at least some kind of act of reterritorialization due to the near-inherent liberalism and eventual fascist recapture of posting such critique on capitalist spaces like any website of note
so, as a means of questioning, as a means of presenting an alternative to those wishing to engage, question, deny, argue, and interact with an object such as those knuckledusters that is not going to implicitly support not only a fascist order of power but a fascist who themselves posted the knuckledusters with “this machine kills comrades”, who rejoices in the very kind of bloodshed you stand so principled against? I have no qualms about that. 
I am not against finding new weapons, I very much want to “find” many of the weapons I post pictures of in the hands of dead cops and treat them as they deserve to be treated. That BREN in 7.62x39 I mentioned earlier? I want one! I want a Zastava M76 in 8mm because that is such a strange example of how the AK Pattern was adopted by various socialist nations based on their own doctrines, and I sure as hell wanna rob someone who has a Tavor or Galil ACE because I am not gonna break BDS just for a cool rifle. Organizations like the EZLN and the NPA have no qualms about using captured weapons, and why should they? good rifles are good rifles. And looking at the aesthetics of war and hegemony in current contexts in order to juxtapose that with the cyberpunk futures we imagined and the post-cyberpunk Virtual Hyperreality we find ourselves in now, the infinite expanse of Silicon Valley to Hipster Runoff from Brooklyn now gentrifying Queens, learning the language of the enemy is important.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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WEF holds annual meetings in China too, not just in Davos
Guest research and opinion by Jeremy Harrigan
To set the record straight, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting (“Winter Davos Forum”) is held in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, at the beginning of each calendar year, bringing together the world’s academics, politicians, business, and media participants from dozens of countries. But did you know: The WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions(“Summer Davos Forum”) has been held each year in China going back to 2007, with Tianjin and Dalian taking turns to host. WEF also holds several regional summits each year in the region.
see also; Excess Mortality Doubled for Americans Aged 35 to 44: Edward Dowd on New Society of Actuaries Data https://www.theepochtimes.com/84-percent-rise-in-excess-deaths-among-millennials-edward-dowd-on-new-society-of-actuaries-data_4710431.html
We Accidentally Found out Why There Are No Birds in China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZGXO5Aln9w
What Does a Future of Billionaire-Bureaucrat Partnerships Look Like? We Don't Have To Guess. That Future Is Now. The techno-fascists at the WEF want to see the world run by corporate-state “partnerships”. That’s not a good idea. https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/what-does-a-future-of-billionaire
Welcome to our future, if we don’t win the information war against the techno-fascist Elite$. https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/its-already-been-three-years
[The Techno-Fascists altogether seem a well-meaning bunch who don’t realize that their imaginations and good intentions do not match their practical means - meaning that you end up like the CCP, unconcerned about the means to your ends - mostly worried how you look, for the next party-gathering within an echo-chamber of wonderfulness and hidden knives. Cutting corners is justified because the peasantry is found more cost-effective to do away with, in, every increasing novelty.]
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