ceilidho · 3 days
i have been readings since e first chapter pls i beg of you LET HER BE HAPPY (and more spanking scenes my liege 🤲🤲🤲)
ahahah don't worry, she will be (happy, that is). it's coming to a head now (only 3 ish more chapters, MAYBE an epilogue if i think the last 3 are getting out of hand). i promise this cliffhanger won't last as long as the last one lol - i'm going to get started on writing chapter 18 asap.
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minijenn · 1 month
If you had written it, what would've been your favorite moments from the stonemason arc?
Oh man there's like... so many little moments, but here are some of the bigger ones I had in mind (in mostly chronological order, across the entire arc and even beyond it with stuff tied into it):
EPretty much any confrontation between Dipper and Yellow, especially earlier on when he still has some fight in him
Dipper's initial reaction to losing his arm ahahahah oh no plus adjusting to it being gone (he'd lose it pretty early on into the process)
The slow development of the bond between Dipper and Amber, Amber realizing this human isn't like the zoomans she's dealt with before and coming to genuinely care about him and feeling grief when she realizes she can't bc she's too afraid of being found out and shattered
Bouncing off of that, the two of them bonding as Dipper tells Amber about all his friends and family back on earth, bittersweet af bc he misses them so much
The HBO playing off each other in general, especially Hessonite and Amber, there's a lot of... tension there.
The slow burn effect of Dipper's deteriorating mental state and the impact the conditioning/brainwashing is having on him as he realizes he's losing himself to Yellow's control
Bill was gonna show up and "inspire" Yellow's methods with some fucked up ideas of his own because of course he would, he'd be delighted to see something like this happen to "Pine Tree"
White was also gonna be involved, totally aware of Yellow's little "pet project" and joyfully supporting it, giving her the idea to use the song to control her new assassin effectively
Tied back up into Bill's involvement, he was def gonna give Dipper some nightmares about being back home but being unable to reach Mabel, Steven, and so on bc of what's happening to him ahahah fuck
THE moment when Dipper finally becomes Stonemason christ it would have been just So Much
Stan and Ford's reactions to Steven and Mabel coming back to Earth without Dipper. Wooo boy
Lapis' initial reaction to them coming back without Dipper. WOOO BOY
Fuck, Pacifica's reaction too jfc pain all around
The Gems and the Stan twins basically being at each others throats the entire time Dipper is gone bc christ there would be so much blame being thrown around
Steven just being... insanely guilty during the entire arc, especially once Stonemason is unmasked (more on that later)
Kevin Party would have had a scene where Mabel reunites with Gabe Bensen (puppet guy from Sock Opera) and basically explodes at him when he tries to flirt with her, bc whoops she still feels guilty about Sock Opera even a year later esp now that Dipper is gone/potentially dead
Oh yeah the fact that nobody even knows if Dipper is dead or alive during the entire time he's gone oop
Jungle Moon was gonna see Mabel seperated from Stevonnie, basically lost on her own until she's briefly captured by none other than Stonemason, recently deployed from Homeworld to track down "Rose Quartz" and shatter her; that entire subplot would have been somethin else bc Mabel has no idea who her captor is and the irony that its her brother and neither of them know it? woo baby
The scene where Stonemason is finally unmasked, the reactions to it... lord (it would have been a cliffhanger ending aahah), also bonus points bc Mabonnven was gonna be the one to unmask him so its basically the MK vs the one they thought they lost oh fuck oh no
Literally every encounter between Stonemason and the Pines and Gems after that, incredibly tension filled and upsetting hahah
Scenes of Stonemason on his own, showing signs of Dipper slipping through the cracks of the conditioning more and more as time goes on thanks to all of the encounters Stonemason has with his friends and family getting through to him
Stonemason vs. Maven. Nough said
Steven using his dream powers to finally find and communicate with Dipper inside his own head; it'd be kinda like that one bit in Dimensions but hhhh ya know even more gay and fucked up
Yellow would have had Stonemason attack Gravity Falls to lure "Rose" out; he's unmasked the entire time so that basically instills a lot of fear and mistrust in the townsfolk toward Dipper later on (more on that later)
Basically a redux of this oneshot I wrote a long time ago
The gang finally successfully capturing Stonemason
Steven and Mabel going inside his head to rescue Dipper, encountering Stonemason who tries to stop them; Dipper overpowering him and taking back control of his mind and body
Everyone's relieved, overjoyed reactions to Dipper finally being back golly
Dipper having to essentially get used to living like a human again (bc on Homeworld he didn't actually get food, he got "nutrition suplements" instead and Stonemason's armor probs had something in it to make sure he didn't need to sleep I don't fucking know) so ya know, adjustment period angst
Also Dipper adjusting the metal arm, not knowing how to control its strength at first, being upset that he has it and that it can't be removed, ect.
Townsfolk being angry and accusatory towards Dipper for the destruction Stonemason caused in town; surprisingly enough, Gideon of all people would have stood up for him, bc he understands what its like to have essentially an entire town turn against him too
Raising the Barn being so much more fucking devestating because Dipper begs Lapis to take him with her bc he's so scared of Yellow finding him and controlling him again; Lapis says she will, but ultimately doesn't (both because she doesn't want to take him away from his family so soon after they got him back and because she's worried Yellow might be able to track him through the arm)
Steven being ridden with guilt to the point that he considers making a deal with a certain dream demon to undo all this shit hehhehe
All that ^^ culminating with a Stepper appearence when Dipper assures Steven that he doesn't blame him for what's happened and still cares so much about him
There's a TON more but those are the standouts I have right now. Gotta keep all these fresh in my mind because I may actually end up writing this out after all. Just cause.
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chuluoyi · 4 months
OMG CHUU don't laughing while writing cliffhanger like that? I will haunt this page for second part. I believe Gojo is not using empress T.T
But I really love that Gojo is pining us every universe. When Gojo Satoru shows himself in my life AU? I want him. And thank goodness I never read manhwa, so can't get spoiler *∆*
I appreciate that chuu address that empress is using him and he is okay with that *chef kiss*. I keep thinking on that until you write it, and feel happy afterward *´∨`* 🍼
mission accomplished😗 is he or is he not…? well, even i haven’t thought more on that AHAHAH😋
but yes—the fact is, he’s been pining on the empress for years🤧 he’s seen her all, from when she becomes the crown princess of eastern empire, marries naoya and then becomes the empress but he can’t do anything about it😫 HAHAH i’ve been waiting for him too milk nonnie, don’t worry you’re not alone😗
ehehe ofc he’ll be okay with that🙂‍↕️ but is the empress okay with him using her…?😗
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when i say i'll get you back for that cliffhanger i mean it 👀 i hope you're prepared for my next fic to contain copious mentions of really awful dishes to cook like beef wellington and handmade croissants and puffer fish and-
(i feel compelled to tell you that this is a joke, HOWEVER-)
Ahahah I think I deserve it after that cliffhanger tbh!! Using my fic-writing powers for evil 😈
And I do kinda want to try making homemade croissants one day, so…
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novantinuum · 2 months
Thank you friend!
(Fanfic writer ask meme- I am still taking these!)
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Ahahahah, good question...
I suppose every time I leave a chapter off on a cliffhanger I'm being just a LITTLE "mean" to my readers. But of course, I'm also being mean to myself- because damn, even as the writer, even I am dying to know how they'll get out of this one! Smh, would love if the author would update one day.
Beyond that I'm not sure if I could classify any of my writing decisions as me specifically picking on the readers. Mean to myself? Sure! I overtly have a line in Crack the Paragon that's me making fun of myself for being a slow writer on long fics. But overtly mean to readers? Not super my style beyond cliffhangers.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
While it's more of a fandom trope than a more small-scale story trope, I will never personally touch the "all-human AU."
I have read a few stories that make this set up work, but I think an author has to have a REALLY solid grasp of the characters, their dynamics, and the overall themes of the source material to make it work and have it still feel like a transformative work.
And that's my main thing with this fandom trope... very often, they become so detached from the source material that they no longer feel like a transformative work at all, but rather a completely different story with only the names of characters and a few vague plot beats in common. If I go looking for fan works to read for a sci-fi/fantasy story, then I ideally want to SEE those sci-fi/fantasy elements represented in some way. The reason why I enjoy characters such as... say, Steven, is in PART because they aren't like anything we know. I like toying with those inhuman aspects of such characters.
So yeah, you'll never see me doing an all-human coffee shop AU, or what have you. It can certainly be done in a satisfying way with the right setup, but it's not for me.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Steven. Not even a contest. Anyone who knows me, and my icon, and my blog title, and the subject (whether it be the POV subject or the focus subject) of the bulk of my works can probably tell this very easily, ahahah.
I don't think I've ever been so sucked in by a single fictional character in my whole life. I could probably write a 50 page collegiate level paper on Steven at this point.
The runner-up to this right now is either Greg or Connie. Both very fun characters to watch bounce off of Steven and the Gems, not to mention just all the wild Gem stuff that's going on otherwise.
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weixuldo · 9 months
AHAHAH, torturing u all with cliffhangers is my specialty 😈😈 angst is just too damn good to pass up
thank you all for reading though! and i’m so glad ur enjoying :)
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avocadoguru · 1 year
Y/n: oh yeah I literally heard you wanking off from like ROOOOOOMS away. Isn’t that crazy???
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I always wanna throw my phone when I’m all caught up cause then I have to wait and pout like a child while I wait. The cliff hangers are so perfect and so cruel😭😭😭
Chapter 12 has me feral. Period.
(@fkinavocado here) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️ ahahah omgosh that's so spot on lol. and uff i agree about our cliffhangers, sorry not sorry😅😅💋💋
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shellshocklove · 8 months
70s? check! porn? check? big dick joel miller? CHECK! oh my god your series might be the best thing on this hellsite!! i cannot wait until part 3!!! please say that it’s coming soon?!? it was cruel (affectionate) to leave us on a angsty cliffhanger!
ahahah thank you lovely <3 (joel miller's dick is always big tho what do you mean 🤭) yeah sorry about that cliffhanger 🫣 i'm writing a little bit every night before bed but still have 2-3 kinda long scenes left to write, but i'm hoping to finish before the end of the month!
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aprillikesthings · 8 months
I might not finish this one tonight, we'll see, but the last one was a cliffhanger and I no longer remember how it resolves!!
[edit: I did finish]
s1 ep9 no princess left behind
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awww I know she's being evil but still
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You know damn well Hordak would want to know it was actually Catra, you manipulative bitch
it'll be easier to do these now yayyy
wait they buzz a lot. hm. like, constantly.
Angella: I never should have let her leave this castle
That's....a little much
"As a leader of the rebellion" you haven't been doing shit lately tho that's actually been Glimmer and Adora but whatevs
OH SHIT i just remembered one of my fave moments in the entire show is in this episode. hghhhh anyway you'll see lol
The buzzing in the headphones is A Problem. >:(
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"sorry for eavesdropping on your crying :D" you know it was Sea Hawk's idea to pose dramatically
Okay I'm just amused by this screenshot (after Sea Hawk lies and says he's an inspector and Scorpia appears to buy it)
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just. look at her.
"Harmonious teamwork with Entrapta can be...a challenge." and Entrapta NODS she knows this about herself it's fine
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it's not YOUR black garnet >:(
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i love her
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i love her (example 2)
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bow's emotional intelligence wins the day (...and also wins them intelligence in the sense of information)
(actually the scene later reminds me of situations where you're just sort of polite to a dude in a situation where you can't leave, like working a cash register, and he just tells you his whole life story and you're just like...I didn't ask...why are you doing this.)
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I mean, she's not wrong
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Does anyone have just like, a list of every time Adora does this kind of self-sacrificial shit
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this is gonna backfire on you so bad
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*squints* am I the only one seeing parallels to "conversion therapy."
"this isn't the REAL you, I'll make it so you were like before" (aka when you were faking being cishet)
also HAS SHE DONE THIS BEFORE I forget I think they talk about it later??? fuck
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more face-touching!
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that's the power of love, bitch!
(also how many screenshots have I accidentally saved to "documents" instead of clipboard? they used to all auto-save to my desktop and I've never cleaned them out, which means I have literally thousands of images on my desktop, which I never look at, ahahah)
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--and my heart rate just shot through the roof lol
no you don't understand
this moment is one of my absolute faves in the whole fucking show
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She's SO FUCKING PISSED, and she's realized that Shadow Weaver will never ever reward her efforts, and she hates Shadow Weaver SO MUCH, and she'd rather help Adora in revenge at this point, fuck it all
And think about it--handing Adora the sword means Adora's going to leave again. And she still does it.
ALSO Catra didn't overhear that Shadow Weaver was going to try and wipe Adora's memory. I'm...not sure Catra would've helped them leave if she'd known that. Oof.
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(yeah yeah it's technically because she hates Shadow Weaver but also bc she likes Adora, she's just refusing to acknowledge that)
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Her expression as she watches Adora transform is something else. She still (understandably) sees She-Ra as part of what took Adora away from her. She also knew damn well what Adora would do the moment she got the sword back.
It's such a fantastic character moment, and ALSO, bonus, it's hotter than hell.
so good
Oof, I forgot that's why they abandoned Entrapta there--they really did think she was dead.
Anyway I rewound and watched the sword-dragging scene again
A few times
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analogwriting · 8 months
STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS I WANT THE BASTARD TO WAKE UP okay okay I jest i love your writing it makes me want to FUCKING SCREAM
- number 1 kese hater
dogpile sleeping ftw
I literally cried when I wrote that scene bc I'm a big baby (and I also miss my brother lmfao he's not dead he just lives 23 hours from me)
I CANT HELP IT. THE CLIFFHANGERS HOLD ME A GUNPOINT I HAVE NO CONTROL. fjskfksdk thank you thank you, your aneurysm gives me life 🙏🙏
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cosmobrain00 · 1 year
Your fandom reputation? Phenomenal writer who *understands* the individual characters, their struggles, and opportunities to grow. Plus, you've got skillz when it comes to psychological horror and you love a good cliffhanger...This is becoming a "i know the end" fan post lol.
Hmmm. You're a double threat; your writing and art is *chef's kiss*--no matter what you say. You also appreciate a healthy dash of haterism and aren't afraid to call out the "duffer dickriders" (you left something like that in my tags once XD).
Anyways, you're fabulous. Great chat~~
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DOOZZYYYYYYYYY STOP!!!!!!!!!! literally had to let this stew in my inbox bc the minute I looked at it I felt like I was going to explode into a thousand billion pieces (yes I say tht a lot wht abt it..)
first off SO honored u consider me a Character Understander too for obvs reasons like tht part still makes me grin like a little freak I cant believe I have the official stamp of approval<3 n ofc the "skillz w psychological horror" comment made me kick my feet n giggle bc I consider it one of my specialties n glad tht I live up to tht reputation!! also abt cliffhangers ahahah I truly have nothing to say for myself there- but!!! love a dash of haterism in my tea n LMAO I do vaguely remember saying tht in ur tags n I love tht ill always remember tht now too bc wht an iconic saying amiright?
(also love how ur trying to raise my self esteem up w art bc ive been trashing n my doodles a lot lately LOL ur the best🫂🫂)
tysm again doozzyy ill be cherishing this ask for the rest of my days🫶
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hiddenmoonbeam · 10 months
wait wait update the wolf ask was sent to greenvlvetcouch too?? how many ppl is this being sent to im invested now
what a cliffhanger.... is this a random alpha wolf spam bot that found people talking about wolfstar or is it an actual person? either case I'm strangley honoured I got one ahahah
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
Ah , Nothing Better Than Lying Down Outside And Looking At The Aurora Monstralis ! It’s Really Pretty , And It’s A Huge Relief From All The Worrying A Few Days Ago .
Wait ,, what ?? Worrying ??
crysta, you probably-
When I Got The News About The Music And Light On Light Island Going Out , I , Uh , Panicked .
I Thought Everyone , Including Crysta Lost Their Ability To Sing !
(Ritika winces.)
But It’s A Good Thing That You Didn’t . At Least You’re Safe !
Yeah !! Least we’re safe !!
* Sigh *
(Toorie lays her head down on one of her pompoms.)
you know what, crys, maybe we should try and leave toorie be. i think she deserves to relax on her own.
Awh ,, but —
crysta, come on.
But the Monstralis !!
we can always see it tomorrow night, right?
…… Right ..
(Toorie’s sisters head back into their house, going to eat dinner or something.)
… Huh . I , Uh , Didn’t Know Being Alone Could Feel Nice …
… Unlike Before My Sisters Came Along …
… Hm .
(Suddenly, it hears a rustle somewhere behind her.)
Mondo ? Is That-
Ah !
(Mondo somehow tripped on themselves and landed face-down on the ground next to Toorie.)
… Mondo ? You Okay ?
(Mondo gets up and dusts his matted fur.)
uh nothing just
i was trying to walk outside but i didnt wanna bring a fire lantern to light the way so here i am
Ahahah , Okay ! That’s Understandable .
* Snrrk *
whats so funny
You Have Something On Your Face , Silly !
whats on my face
Here , Let Me Get It .
oh uh
(Toorie awkwardly inches closer towards Mondo and plucks a small piece of thread off of their face.)
There !
(It’s the same shade of brown as the stitches on his beanie, which is kind of coming apart. She looks down at Mondo’s face, and notices that it’s as pink as her fur usually is.)
Huh ? Why Do You Look-
Looks Like We’re Gonna Have To Get Someone To Fix Your Hat Tomorrow .
(The two Monsters exchange an extremely awkward silence.)
You Know , The Monstralis Looks Super Pretty Tonight !
it does
Do They Have Stuff Like That On Cold Island ?
its called moon rainbows for some reason
Ooh , Moon Rainbows ! That Sounds Pretty .
it is
Hey , If We Ever Visit Cold Again , Do You Think We Might Be Able To See The Moon Rainbows ?
wait wdym we
by the time this journeys over all of us will probably just go home to our home islands
By “We” , I Mean The Two Of Us . I’d Like To See The Moon Rainbows Without Sprigg Taking Notes About Everything , Haha !
Cool !
enjoying your date?
(A very flustered Mondo looks up to see Flitz flying above them and Toorie.)
Oh , Flitz ! Hi !
Wait What Date
y’know, since you two are togeeeether, under the staaaaaaars, aloooooooone, talking about stuff…
Yeah ! We’re Just Hanging Out Under The Stars And Talking About Things That Are Special To Us , Like Friends Always Do .
i dunno, sounds like a date to me.
alright, alright, fine!
(Even more awkward silence.)
… Anyways , Where’s Jeeo ?
what about the others?
Huh ?
you know, Sprigg, Mauna, and that Fluoress—I dunno, Mop Opera—she’s dating?
i think you mean moperetta
yeah, Moperetta. where are they?
I , Uh , Don’t Know .
oh ok
Probably Still Looking For Where The Light Is .
I’m Sure They’ll Be Back Soon Though , Right ?
sorry for leaving on a cliffhanger shgsjhgsjyvusybuysbuysb
anyways I have summer school tomorrow so gn 🛌
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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chuluoyi · 3 months
...You know, I find it funny that I have no reaction for Crown of Diamonds. As in, yeah that was surprising and there was a cliffhanger, but I'm surprisingly not sad.
I don't remember what happened that day, I have a bad memory, but either I'm now desensitized to cliffhangers, or I was too happy to react much. And reading it again, I think that's now affecting my feelings because I'm still not sad 😆
Am I heartless for not veing sad?
– 🌸
no no i don’t think you’re heartless🥹 bc truth to be told, maybe bc i was struggling too much with how to bring conflict between them that i kind of losing the “sad” feeling halfway through writing :’) and now only after i revised some parts and rereading them that i regain that feeling ahahah
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cookielixie · 2 years
Hi yes hello, first I wanna say I hope you're having a amazing day / night whenever this reaches you
yes to epilogueeeee
The cliffhanger was asdfghjkl
ahh thank you, and the same goes to you 💕🥹
it seems like the interest for the epilogue is there ahahah
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zahri-melitor · 6 months
Oh no, it’s ‘having brainrot about my poor little meow-meow Intergalactic Genocide Boy, the Angel of the Abyss himself, Marc Remillard’ hours again in my brain.
Because I want to use a quote from Magnificat to illustrate something but it just occurred to me to me that I’d have to be REALLY careful to word around one of the Big Three Series Spoilers.
And then I remembered how good the Three Big Spoilers are and how two of them are revealed as wham line cliffhangers at the end of books:
“Good night, Marc.” at the end of Intervention (ahahah I can say this one you can’t get the context of it from the line)
And Diamond Mask’s classic “And then Anne Remillard spoiled it all by coming into my shop and telling me [GIANT SPOILER ZONE].”
God. The absolute BALLS Julian May had of dropping the biggest spoiler of the entire series in the very last sentence of the second last book.
Because you COULD have figured it out, by that point, but the entire series has deliberately been obscuring you from considering that solution the whole time. I had to WAIT to get my hands on Magnificat and the line TORTURED me.
I still think “Good night, Marc.” is the most mindblowing line of the entire series though, as it just PUMMELS you no matter which books you’ve read up to that point. Saga of the Exiles? WHAM. Jack the Bodiless and/or Diamond Mask? It’s how I read it and then I sat there staring at the page, gobsmacked, as everything realigned in my brain. Just Intervention? You’ve still got enough context to go… “wait what???” and realise this is very very worrying.
The only title where it’s extremely obvious from context and you’d already have to know is Magnificat.
The craft of the whole thing, as a story with a stable time loop.
My poor little genocidal meow-meow. I adore you more than words can express, you Demi-romantic little freak.
(Also no, your Mental Man thing remains deeply creepy and the end result of it is still one of my go to’s for depicting horror)
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