Yet nearly 48 hours after the shooting, investigators are struck by the lack of leads they’re finding about Crooks’ mindset and possible motives. Even after successfully breaking into his phone and searching his computer, scouring his search history and bedroom, and interviewing his family and friends, agents still haven’t found evidence that would suggest political or ideological impetus for the shooting, law enforcement sources told CNN(..)
P.S. Whoops! "Congratulations!" American society just shot its own prestige and future. The said incident is a huge victory for the Chinese Communist Party and the Kremlin...! Make yourself comfortable, make a coffee and watch as the American populists. politicians (right, centrist and left) and big business destroy the concept of West ("free world") with their own hands...! The Americans have put the whole West in a pretty shitty situation! Now, American society demonstrates unbelievable stupidity...! The election of Trump essentially means the collapse of the classic Western world that existed after the 2nd World War!
It is time for Europe to increase its distance from the US in matters of military security and economy...! American society is mentally ill...and dysfunctional...
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darkmaga-retard · 29 days
Thursday August 29, 2024 Truth Bomb
Karen Bracken
Calley & Casey Means: How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick, and the Dark Truth About Ozempic and the Pill - This is a very long interview with Tucker Carlson but RFK Jr. recommended we watch this interview when he made his step down speech last Friday. It was an excellent interview with VITALLY important information. RFK Jr and President Trump have been meeting and working with Calley and Casy Means and after you watch you will understand why - 2 hr. 21 min. VIDEO
Kamala Harris Agrees to Interview with CNN with One Major Catch - so what does this tell you? She has not given one interview since she was anointed. Why? It tells me that Kamala is even more brain damaged than her boss Joe Biden. This is clear sign that Kamala is not even competent enough to run for school board. I am now feeling that if she is elected President Tim Walz will end up running the country. Tim Walz, A dyed in the wool, CCP owned communist. It gets worse each day!! ARTICLE
Do You Know Where Your President Is? MY President was visiting the graves of the 13 Americans killed because of the incompetence of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris when they recklessly withdrew from Afghanistan. While the “selected” President was on vacation and the usurper VP Kamala Harris was nowhere to be found.
Kamala Harris’ ‘Equity’ Speak Is Code For Communism: ARTICLE/VIDEOS (2 videos both less than 1 min. each)
At the DNC Convention their slogan of the week from many of the speakers Harris and Walz included was “Strength Through Joy.” Well here is some information about where that slogan originated and believe me this is not a coincidence folks they know exactly what they are saying - STRENGTH THROUGH JOY
And if that is not enough to convince you that Harris and Walz are dyed in the wool marxists/communists how about her favorite saying that most folks think is Kamala being the air head she appears to be. “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” - This phrase has its roots in Karl Marx - ARTICLE
She is not stupid people. She is evil. She is dangerous.
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madamspeaker · 8 months
There is a certain hit dog/hollering predictability when it comes to Nancy Pelosi saying something and how the far-left react to it. Firstly it is important to make clear that during her CNN interview on Sunday she said "some" pro-ceasefire groups should have their funding investigated. Some, not all. Of course that distinction immediately got lost in the hoopla of faux outrage that followed from some quarters of the internet. She also said that there are large numbers of people out there who are sincere in their concern and their protests. You wouldn't know this though from the storm that followed.
Let's be clear, only a naive person would believe that there aren't some nefarious outside parties using the current situation in the Middle East as a wedge among Democrats. It's a pattern that we have seen before - notably in 2016 and again in 2020. It makes perfect sense to assume that it will happen again in 2024, and indeed is already happening. If it hadn't been the issue of the Middle East, then it would have no doubt been something else. 
Israel/Palestine isn't a new conflict, in fact it is very old indeed - but the sheer number of new groups popping up in the last new months should raise red flags as to what their exact concerns are. Another red flag is that only Democrats are targetted. Now you might counter that a Democrat is President, but given the GOP control the House (and in turn the money), and that Israel is one the very few issues that most Democrats and Republicans agree on, you would assume that the GOP should be getting some of the flak from protest groups too. I have yet to see one GOP member get yelled at or protested on the issue of Gaza. Speaker Mike Johnson appears to be sailing through life without so much as a whimper in his direction from the ceasefire contingent. Trump sure as hell is. I have yet to see one person ask him to call for a ceasefire, and he a) besties with Netanyahu, and b) running for the job that so many of the protestors say they don't want Biden to have anymore because of the current situation. Red flag number three is that some of these groups have infiltrated Dem fundraiser events. Those events aren't cheap to attend. A seat at a dinner, like the one that Nancy attended on Saturday in Seattle, and that she was interupted repeatedly at, is at least a couple of grand per person. How many protest groups do you know that have that kind of income to hand to just use on stunts like the one at the weekend?
The thing is, much like Cassandra of Greek myth, and indeed Hillary Clinton of modern times, Nancy Pelosi knows what she is talking about but frequently pisses off people who don't like to hear what she has to say. She has been around long enough to know that causes get corrupted, used, taken over by forces that couldn't give a fuck about the issue, but instead seek to create chaos and division. She has seen it for 17 years on her own door step in the form of Code Pink - a supposedly anti-war group that is actually funded by the CCP, and who among other things take the view that the Uygurs are absolutely fine in China, that the war in Ukraine would just end if the US and the rest of the West stopped giving them money and let Russia win, and that Iran should be allowed to build missiles because the US has them. Incidentally, Code Pink were the group in the clip that did the rounds yesterday. For the record, none of the women in that clip are Asian, it was from a couple of months ago (some brazenly claimed it was from this week), and Nancy was again hitting the nail on the head when she said they should go back to their headquaters in China - because, as verified by the New York Times, that is indeed where their money is coming from - the CCP. If China can so easily fund a group in the US like Code Pink, then it stands to reason that other countries are doing the same. It makes perfect sense to question how some groups can afford to pull off stunts costing several thousand dollars. Where is the money coming from? Why are they only targeting Democrats? In a Presidential election year, in which the choices are a guy that Putin hates or a wannabe dictator who does his bidding, it's not unreasonable to ask the question as to how some protest groups can afford to do what they are doing. Asking that question doesn't undermine legitimate protests.
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itsslowsonic · 2 months
Tumblr media
What is the value of freedom? Currently, in the US, you can say you support Hamas. You can support Hamas to torture, rape, and chop the breasts of Israeli women. You can support them to chop the heads of Israeli babies. You can also support them in murdering Israeli children who are burned alive. That's your freedom, right? You can also support the brave Israeli soldiers who are fighting those Hamas terrorists to defend their country.
In the US, the dangerous sign is, that no matter when you watch the news from CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, CBS, or other left media, you will find that Trump is forever bad, Trump is forever stupid, Trump is forever evil. His existence is a mistake, and he must disappear from this world immediately.
You know what, in the Chinese Communist Party Empire, only one voice is allowed. Because they fully controlled every field of the country's society. The General Secretary of the CCP, the God of the CCP, also known as one of the most brutal dictators, Xi Jinping. He only has an elementary school education (You can do your research or read this https://www.firstpost.com/world/chinese-president-xi-jinping-only-has-elementary-school-education-11519951.html) but he became the ruler of China with absolute power. He can do whatever he wants with no restrictions at all. In China, he is forever great, he is forever distinguished, and he is forever correct. Their God Xi Jinping has never and will never make any mistake. He is perfect and pointing the way forward on every field for the whole world 24/7. If you don't worship him, you will get punished. If you criticize him, they will silence or detain you. But if you are against him, they will arrest you or even make you disappear from this world.
If one day there's someone from the Democratic Party who is forever great, forever distinguished, and forever correct. If that day comes, that's the end of the US. You all know what happened yesterday. Imagine that a 78-year-old man is fighting every day. Is he just fighting for himself? No. He is fighting for every American people, including you. He is fighting for your safety, your freedom, and your future. Do you want to be fooled and brainwashed by fake news and disinformation? Do you want to give the federal government more power to control and monitor you? Do you want to have less and less human rights? This legendary person of the world is fighting for you. The evils are using all methods to stop him, impeachments, lawsuits, investigations, threats, and even assassination. But, he is blessed by God. He is still fighting.
If you want a good economy, your freedom, your human rights, law and order, and a better future, vote for this legend. If you want inflation, keep all illegal immigrants' free housing, free food, and free health care. If you want to enter the ladies' restroom legally (if you are male). If you want to make Pedophilia and human trafficking legal, vote for that stupid old bastard.
He represents the American spirit.
Never give up!
Never surrender!
Never say die!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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Yu's allegations, part of a larger wrongful layoff's lawsuit filed in the Superior Court of San Francisco In May 2023, emerged as US lawmakers are voting to pass a new law to finally be able to legally enforce a TikTok ban. In that case, people in the US would need a VPN service to keep accessing the video-sharing app.
"The Committee maintained supreme access to all the company data, even data stored in the United States," Yu's complaint said, according to CNN.
Working as ByteDance Head of Engineering for US operations between August 2017 and November 2018, Yu also claimed that the CCP had a special office in the company known as the Committee responsible to monitor and guide ByteDance in how to advance "core Communist values."    
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mariacallous · 2 years
Over the past decade, Beijing has invested heavily in trying to upgrade its major state media outlets such as China Global Television Network (CGTN), Xinhua News Agency, and China Radio International (CRI), and to make them seem more professional. It has tried to normalize them to audiences as little different from the BBC, CNN, or Al Jazeera—most likely Beijing’s preferred model—a station based in an authoritarian state but producing respected work.
For years in the 2010s, China hired respected foreign reporters to staff bureaus of outlets such as CGTN in the United States, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, and other places, and initially gave them a bit of room to cover interesting stories—as long as those did not directly affect China. The global journalism market is terrible: Between 2001 and 2016, newspaper publishing in the United States lost more than half the jobs in the industry, a higher rate of loss than in coal mining, not exactly an industry of the future. China’s outlets found many willing and credentialed reporters to join. Today, the Chinese government’s funding for state media dwarfs that of any other country’s state media funding, including that of the United States. In 2018, CGTN reportedly spent around $500 million to promote the network in Australia alone; it has also engaged in extensive promotion in Europe and North America.
In an effort to expand its influence within the domestic politics and societies of other countries, China in the past decade dramatically expanded other tools of influence as well, which I chronicle in my new book, Beijing’s Global Media Offensive: China’s Uneven Campaign to Influence Asia and the World. These have included the use of disinformation online, payments to politicians to spout pro-China ideas, control of Chinese student associations in many countries, the funding of programs at universities, and other tactics.
But state media has been central to China’s efforts to influence other countries, control information about and protect the party, and gain what Chinese leaders and officials have called “discourse power” to amplify China’s narratives about its policies, its party, its leader, and its role in the world. Beijing’s cause is helped by a global environment in which resources for quality media are decreasing, democratic and authoritarian leaders alike are demonizing media, and publics’ trust in journalism is falling. Such a set of circumstances would seemingly make it easier for Chinese outlets to win readers, listeners, and viewers.
Yet China’s state media (excluding local-language Chinese media within specific countries), other than Xinhua, has hardly been a triumph for President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), even with money gushing in.
Indeed, Xi’s bold goal to wield state media power globally, a priority noted in CCP documents, has not worked to great effect—and that goal is fading even faster as the world sees the failure of Xi’s China model, which was heavily advertised in state media abroad. China’s global influence efforts, fueled in part by state media, have not prevented publics in many countries from souring on Beijing’s increasingly assertive diplomacy; being angry at the initial cover-up of COVID-19; fuming at how China increasingly uses economic coercion against other states, even tiny ones like Lithuania; or seeing the flaws in China’s own politics. In public opinion studies released in 2020, 2021, and 2022, such as those conducted by Pew, opinions of China in states from Sweden to South Korea to Australia turned sharply negative. Negative views of China reached historic highs in many states.
What evidence shows how China has failed to use state media effectively? China’s biggest state media outlets, other than Xinhua, have not sold many programs abroad or gained noticeable audience shares in most countries. China’s training programs for journalists, while rapidly expanding (at least before zero-COVID), have not created a shift in how foreign reporters cover China.
Take one example, the appeal of Chinese TV show exports globally. South Korea, a far smaller country, regularly outpaces the value of Chinese TV show exports. South Korea also has exported increasingly successful films and scripted shows—as well, of course, as one of the most popular bands in the world.
Similarly, while China ranked second in the Lowy Institute’s annual Asia Power Index, Beijing’s lofty numbers come mostly from its high rankings in economic relationships, diplomatic influence, and future power. The Asia Power Index’s measures of China’s influence over the region’s information landscape, including the influence from state media, show far less impressive results. The Lowy study uses influence maps based on internet search trends to assess Asians’ interest in regional media outlets. These maps have shown that CGTN is only the 10th-most popular broadcaster in the Asia-Pacific, and its reach is a fraction of outlets such as CNN. The maps show that CGTN’s “reach is inconsequential,” as noted by the coordinator of the influence maps. Other Chinese outlets save Xinhua also fare badly on these influence maps.
Using the Freedom of Information Act, I obtained more than 20 studies, produced by Gallup as a contractor for the U.S. government, of viewing habits in countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, and South and Central Asia, among other regions. They generally show that even though Chinese state media are widely available in many countries, they usually attract minuscule viewership or listening numbers. In Laos, for instance, a country on China’s border with a growing population of Chinese speakers, one Gallup study of viewership in Laos found only 1.2 percent of the country’s population regularly watched Chinese broadcasting, a much lower figure than those who watched Voice of America or Radio Free Asia or Thai channels.
Chinese media outlets’ audience shares and perceived credibility lag behind local news sources, the BBC, and other Western broadcasters even in regions like Africa, where public opinion toward China is not as negative. In Ivory Coast, for instance, CRI has expanded its programming, but the Gallup study I obtained shows that CRI was listened to by less than 1 percent of Ivorians weekly, among the worst figures of any radio station’s reach in the country. (The BBC was listened to by 13.7 percent of Ivorians.) In Nigeria, a bigger target for Chinese state media, both CGTN and CRI performed abysmally in a similar Gallup study. In Nigeria, CGTN had 3.7 percent viewership, a quarter the audience of the BBC.
Even in Kenya, the hub of CGTN operations in East Africa, Chinese outlets have fared poorly. Studies suggest most Kenyans who consume news do not even utilize Chinese state media.
These figures are consistent with the still-low audience shares of CGTN, CRI, and state media outlets, save Xinhua, in many other regions of the world. In Asia, Chinese broadcast and radio state media outlets have not reached a large audience. A Gallup study of the weekly reach of television stations in Vietnam found that CGTN was only watched by 0.7 percent of Vietnamese adults, far less than the BBC, CNN, France’s TV5 Monde Asie, and South Korea’s Arirang TV. Two-thirds of Vietnamese who watched the BBC said they trusted that outlet a great deal, but only about 7 percent who watched CGTN said the same.
In Western democracies, too, in Europe and North America, CGTN has largely fizzled. In the United Kingdom, which has a sizable audience of people who are fluent in Chinese, a study found that CGTN was being watched by a minimal number of Britons—even before the British government kicked CGTN off the air in 2021 because it did not have autonomy from the Chinese state. Similarly, though CGTN launched a European subsidiary in 2019 via its London hub, it has made few inroads into the continental European market. And throughout Latin America, including in several large democracies, CGTN’s Spanish-language channel has significantly expanded the number of households in which it is available over the past decade but has not proved popular. A comprehensive study of CGTN-Español, CGTN’s Spanish-language channel, by Peilei Ye and Luis A. Albornoz, suggests that the Chinese government usually releases information only about the size of the audience CGTN potentially reaches—the number of households it is available in—and not the actual audience, most likely because the actual audience size is embarrassingly low.
Why has China’s state media—other than Xinhua, which I’ll come to later—failed so badly? It simply produces, in the Xi era, content that is too boring, staid, and timid. In an era more restricted than the 1990s, one in which China has today become much more authoritarian, state media reporters now instinctively tailor their stories to ensure they do not anger anyone at headquarters back in Beijing, which makes for weak and bland reporting.
CGTN reporters note that while they had more freedoms six or seven years ago, now the biggest focus in their minds is whether the stories will prove acceptable to the top leadership in Beijing rather than news consumers in foreign countries. This is “domestic signaling,” as the Guardian called it in an exposé of China’s soft- and sharp-power efforts—“telegraphing messages [via reporting in state media] that demonstrated loyalty to the party line in order to curry favor with senior officials.”
This does not make for exciting journalism. Further, a considerable part of the state media’s efforts to reach foreign audiences was designed to advertise China as a developmental success story—Xi was the first recent Chinese leader to openly embrace a Chinese model of development. But the past three years of China’s disastrous zero-COVID strategy, protests, supply chain disruptions, and serious economic slowdowns—all visible to the world, and even more so now that protests are raging in China—have undermined that main prong of the state media’s foreign messaging.
Chinese state outlets are going to find it harder to gain audiences as many leading democracies put roadblocks in their way. These have included the United Kingdom pulling CGTN’s license and the United States forcing state media to register as agents of foreign influence, which drives away U.S. national and Chinese national reporters who do not want to be tagged as influence agents. Some democracies have created commissions or legislation designed to closely examine foreign investment and influence inside their borders, such as Australia and Singapore. European states, too, are assessing ways to better monitor foreign investment and influence in media and information sectors.
Xinhua, alone among China’s biggest state media outlets, has expanded significantly while also boosting its global audience and gaining some credibility. Beijing has placed a high premium on modernizing Xinhua and getting foreign news outlets to use Xinhua stories by signing content-sharing deals, in the process legitimizing Xinhua to some editors and readers. Xinhua has inked many such deals, including for stories in many languages other than Chinese, and because it covers so many topics unrelated to China, its reporters sometimes have more room from Beijing to operate. It is likely that, in the next decade, with the pandemic forcing more outlets to cut staff, and with media outlets around the globe continuing to suffer financially, the appeal of signing deals with Xinhua, a cheap or free newswire, will only increase. Indeed, Xinhua could become China’s most powerful information weapon.
As of this writing, Xinhua has not yet forged enough connections to consistently write the first draft of global news stories, as wires do. Since some major outlets such as the BBC and the New York Times do not regularly use Xinhua stories, distrusting them, Xinhua still does not circulate as widely among elite publications as stories from Reuters or The Associated Press or Bloomberg. But that may be changing rapidly. In recent years, Xinhua has inked cooperation agreements with major global and regional newswires, including Agence France-Presse; news services in Australia; Germany’s Deutsche Presse-Agentur; Poland’s Polish News Agency; Class Editori in Italy; Le Soir in Belgium; Athens News Agency in Greece; RAI, Italy’s public broadcaster; and ANSA, Italy’s leading wire service.
And on many occasions, in places where it has a massive manpower advantage, like Southeast Asia and, of course, China itself, Xinhua is beating competitors to stories or is covering stories competitors do not have the resources to cover. As Xinhua grows (and offers its service free to many outlets in developing countries), and as other newswires struggle financially, the Chinese newswire will get to more stories first—and earn editors’ and publishers’ trust. It is rapidly opening bureaus. By early 2021, Xinhua had a reported 181 bureaus globally. This would give Xinhua a reach close to that of The Associated Press, which has around 250 bureaus worldwide, or the BBC, which is a giant in Africa, Asia, and other regions. Meanwhile, the Chinese newswire has a massive advantage over most of its competitors in that it does not have to make a profit.
Xinhua also is attempting to boost its credibility in other ways in Southeast Asia and other areas physically close to China or where populations have relatively positive images of China. In Southeast Asia and Africa, where Xinhua has poured resources into expansion, the Chinese state newswire can cover stories that may not get mentioned by other media organizations such as Reuters, The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, or large international newspapers with foreign staffs. One former U.S. official analyzing China’s expanding state media called this a “hyperlocal approach,” a strategy focused on offering detailed stories in regions that some global outlets ignore.
Eventually, if governments and news organizations do not put roadblocks in its place, Xinhua copy, via content-sharing deals, will appear in more and more news outlets, shaping public and elite opinion in a growing number of countries, as it already does in places such as Thailand. A range of evidence shows Xinhua’s growth in size and influence. There, Xinhua has signed content-sharing deals with many top Thai publications, including those of the Matichon Group, the most-respected Thai-language news organization. These deals have allowed China to shape news narratives in Thailand, where many more Thai outlets now run Xinhua copy. Overall, not only is China portrayed more positively in the Thai media than in the past, according to many Thai journalists, but serious critiques of China are vanishing from many Thai outlets.
A range of evidence shows Xinhua’s growth in size and influence. The Lowy Institute’s maps of digital influence in Asia show Xinhua is making inroads across the region. Indeed, the maps show that Xinhua has become the second-most-influential news agency regionally, behind only The Associated Press, and that Xinhua is making significant gains in influence in the media environment of several Northeast Asian and Southeast Asian states. And unlike with, say, a television station that a viewer has to actively turn on, and probably knows the channel, most print or online readers do not check the bylines of news articles—making it easier for Xinhua copy to slip through to readers.
Notably, media outlets have been signing deals to carry Xinhua even in countries where the U.S. government—and private nonprofits hailing from democratic states—have invested heavily in promoting the creation of a vibrant local media. In Afghanistan, for instance, where donors including the United States have plowed money into the local media, an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) report shows that Xinhua has inked contracts with 25 to 30 Afghan media outlets. These deals include ones with the biggest television stations and websites in the country.
The IFJ report notes that China’s content-sharing deals have helped reshape journalists’ messaging about Beijing in multiple countries, including those known for robust local journalism. Its survey of Philippine journalists found that China’s increasingly close links with the Philippines’ state television, the Philippine News Agency, and the Philippine Information Agency, built through content-sharing and training programs, are having an effect on Philippine news outlets’ coverage of China.
Indeed, China’s closer links to Philippine media, and the spreading use of Xinhua in the Philippines, are depriving Philippine news consumers of independent reporting on Beijing. These shifts are depriving Filipinos of independent coverage even as Beijing squeezes the Philippines in the South China Sea, and even though the population as a whole in the Philippines has not become markedly more pro-China. “The way they write their stories now, they reflect the way how Xinhua or how the state media in China is writing their stories,” one Philippine journalist told IFJ. “It’s normally propaganda.” Another told IFJ, “Instead of getting insights on journalism from free countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Western Europe and even Japan, they [journalists in the Philippines] are learning state control.”
Xinhua is gaining readership in many states through such content-sharing deals, or simply because more news outlets are choosing to use Xinhua stories. And as Xinhua buys access—and gets into more websites, newspapers, and magazines—its stories will become as ubiquitous as those of The Associated Press. Then Xinhua, still a state company, still a propaganda organ that provides intelligence briefings to top Chinese leaders, will be able to shape even more of the world’s news coverage. It is indeed the only true weapon, among China’s state media, that has come of Xi’s grand desire for more control over global “discourse power.”
If Xinhua, inking more and more content-sharing deals, is able to write the first draft about stories outside of China, which is what wires provide, and set the tone and parameters for international coverage by other outlets, as wires do, it could have a huge effect on how the global public understands the news. As The Associated Press and Reuters have done for years, Xinhua would be able to initially define many news stories for the world—a dangerous proposition for free and independent media and for honest coverage of China.
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newsource21 · 23 days
On the menu today: Tear your eyes away from campaign coverage for a few moments and contemplate a pair of bombshells regarding the Chinese government’s far-reaching efforts to influence U.S. policy and suppress critics of the regime — violently, on U.S. soil. First, the Washington Post unveils a shocking report, showcasing how agents of the regime in Beijing attempted to curb-stomp pro-democracy activists during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco last November. Then, federal prosecutors announced charges against Linda Sun, the former deputy chief of staff to Kathy Hochul, for being an agent of the Chinese government in exchange for “millions of dollars in bribes.”
You know whom I want to win the 2024 elections? American elected officials who work for Americans, not Xi Jinping. Apparently, they’re rarer than you would expect.
Who Runs the Streets of San Francisco? Apparently, the Chinese Government Does
It will not surprise you that I feel more warm and fuzzy toward the Washington Post than the typical conservative.
When the mainstream media does good and important journalism, I think conservatives ought to applaud and encourage more of it, and yesterday, the Post unveiled a doozy, showcasing the scale and range of violence during Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s visit to San Francisco for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in November — violence that appears to have been directed and facilitated by agents of the Chinese government, targeting democracy activists and critics of the regime. Among the highlights:
While there was aggression from both sides, the most extreme violence was instigated by pro-CCP activists and carried out by coordinated groups of young men embedded among them, verified videos show. Anti-Xi protesters were attacked with extended flagpoles and chemical spray, punched, kicked and had fistfuls of sand thrown in their faces.
The Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles paid for supporters’ hotels and meals as an incentive to participate, according to messages shared in WeChat groups reviewed by The Post. At least 35 pro-CCP Chinese diaspora groups showed up to the APEC summit protests — including groups from New York, Pennsylvania and Washington state.
Videos show at least four Chinese diplomats from the consulates in Los Angeles and San Francisco among the crowd of pro-CCP protesters, sometimes directly interacting with aggressive actors over four days of protests from Nov. 14-17. Some Chinese diaspora group leaders with ties to the Chinese state participated in some of the violence, the videos show.
Chinese diplomats hired at least 60 private security guards to “protect” Chinese diaspora groups gathered to welcome Xi, according to seven people involved in the arrangement.
The FBI is investigating the violence at the APEC summit, according to two officials familiar with the matter.
This isn’t over in Beijing or Hong Kong or Wuhan. This is on the streets of San Francisco — U.S. soil. This is America, where you have every right to say, “F*** Xi Jinping” without some Beijing-financed thugs leaving you bloody and unconscious in the street. That happened!
This isn’t really a foreign-policy issue anymore. This is a question of sovereignty, and whether the Chinese government gets veto power over certain American citizens’ rights to free speech and free assembly.
This is the sort of thing that ought to outrage every American, and none more so than the self-described “America First” nationalists. (My guess is that today you’ll hear them spending more time complaining about Brian Stelter returning to CNN.) I notice that, as of this writing, very few other publications or news organizations have picked up the report from the Post. I’ve heard the argument that modern nationalist populism is obsessed with “enemies within,” but can never get around to rousing itself over enemies outside our borders. How many people who perceive every temporary suspension of a social-media account as an assault on the First Amendment will even notice the Chinese regime’s assault — its literal, physical assault! — on the First Amendment rights of our fellow citizens?
Unsurprisingly, the Chinese government is saying that its people were the victims, and those big, mean, pro-democracy activists were the real bullies assaulting people:
In response to extensive questions from The Post, Liu Pengyu, spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, and spokespeople from the Chinese consulates in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles sent identical emailed statements, stating that members of Chinese communities traveled to San Francisco voluntarily to welcome Xi and were instead the ones subject to “multiple incidents of provocations and violence.” “A few U.S. organizations and agencies have been piecing together fabricated ‘evidence’ to make defamatory assumptions and groundless ‘investigations’ about the voluntary welcoming groups, as well as smearing allusions to Chinese diplomats and consulates in the U.S.,” the emailed statements said. “Such narratives are sheer political maneuvering, which China strongly opposes. The Chinese side urges the U.S. side to immediately stop the erroneous practices of hyping up falsehoods.”
Contacting multiple representatives of a regime and getting the same statement emailed back over and over again is perfect symbolism. The Chinese government might as well make its embassies and consulates look like giant windowless cubes.
This puts San Francisco’s herculean effort to clean up its streets before Xi Jinping’s visit into a new light, doesn’t it? It was always an embarrassment that the city government could “clear out the tent cities of homeless, remove the human feces and hypodermic needles from the sidewalks, and make the downtown look sparking clean and shiny in just a matter of days” for a visiting dictator, but couldn’t or wouldn’t make the same effort for its own citizens. The Chinese government acts as if San Francisco is de facto territory it controls, and apparently quite a few San Francisco city officials see the matter the same way.
But the Post story was only the second most egregious example of illicit and threatening Chinese government influence on American life to come to light Tuesday:
Linda Sun, a former aide to New York governor Kathy Hochul, acted at the direction of Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party officials while serving in state government, federal prosecutors alleged in an indictment Tuesday. In a statement, the U.S. attorney’s office in the Eastern District of New York said that Sun was arrested Tuesday morning with her husband, Christopher Hu. They were expected to be arraigned later in the day. Sun is a former deputy chief of staff to Kathy Hochul and has served in numerous roles throughout New York State government since her first post under the administration of former governor Andrew Cuomo in 2012. Before that, she served as Representative Grace Meng’s chief of staff, when the Queens Democrat served in the New York State assembly. “As alleged, while appearing to serve the people of New York as deputy chief of staff within the New York State Executive Chamber, the defendant and her husband actually worked to further the interests of the Chinese government and the CCP,” U.S. Attorney Breon Peace said. The federal government is alleging that Sun was an unregistered agent of the Chinese government and that her husband engaged in money-laundering while they benefited from millions of dollars in bribes from Chinese officials.
As I lamented yesterday afternoon, “Hard to get mad at the Chinese government for buying our elected officials when so many of them are for sale.”
When we see the Biden administration contradicting congressional findings and insisting that the People’s Republic of China is subsidizing the export of fentanyl analogues and precursors; when bipartisan leadership in Congress call the Biden administration’s response to escalating repression in Hong Kong “not adequate”; when we see the late senator Dianne Feinstein’s driver and Representative Eric Swalwell’s special friend “Fang Fang” . . . are we certain our elected officials still work for us?
Pound for pound, the very best reporter on the China beat is our Jimmy Quinn. He had the story on Chinese backing of the assaults in San Francisco back at the end of July, and the story on the FBI’s raid of Sun’s home a week earlier.
In just the past month, Jimmy has uncovered another example of Chinese diplomatic “private security” violently assaulting protesters:
A Chinese man who protested in front of China’s consulate general in Manhattan was allegedly knocked unconscious by a private security guard who pushed him last month. . . . [Yonghong] Wang says he left China in 2019 after the authorities there detained and harassed him over his participation in a pro-democracy group and his decision to report corruption in the ranks of a state-owned railway corporation.
And have you noticed that as newspaper vending machines for big-name papers have disappeared from city street corners, the number of China Daily machines is growing like mushrooms after a heavy rain? Jimmy noticed:
They’ve become such an ordinary part of the streetscape in midtown Manhattan, downtown D.C., and a few other American cities that we’ve forgotten just how unusual this is: China has placed communist propaganda newspaper boxes on dozens of streetcorners. . . . Chen Weihua, China Daily’s EU bureau chief and therefore a central propaganda department official, replied to my post and said that the newspaper boxes are intended “to keep you informed and not brainwashed by crazy warmongers in Washington.” Those are the words of a foreign dictatorship that knows it can get away with brazen propaganda campaigns on U.S. soil. So far, it has.
Who runs the streets of American cities? Right now, it kinda looks like the Chinese government does.
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eb3yr · 3 months
Give us your sources on the supposed ‘Uyghur genocide’, with the caveat that you cannot use British (colonized and brutalized China to the point where they got mass swathes of the population addicted to opium so the Chinese would be forced to rely on them) or American (be fucking for real, the average US lapdog would rather blow his brains out than give China a single ounce of the praise that it deserves) state media, so no BBC, no FOX, and no CNN. You have 1 hour, which is more than generous enough to find all these supposed ‘sources’ that back your lies up.
Lmao fuck off, just like the US and UK your precious CCP isn't immune to being a corrupt piece of shit. It's obvious who you are, there's no need to hide behind anon.
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ahopkins1965 · 6 months
COVID-19 naming
During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease and virus were sometimes called "coronavirus", "Wuhan coronavirus", or "Wuhan pneumonia".
In January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) tentatively named it "2019-nCoV", short for "2019 Novel Coronavirus", or "2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease". This naming was based on the organization's 2015 guidelines for naming novel viruses and diseases, avoiding the use of geographic locations (such as Wuhan), in part to prevent social stigma. A similar structure has also been used by the AP when referring to virus variants, for example, referring to it as the "Delta variant" rather than the "South African variant".
On 11 February 2020, the WHO named the disease COVID-19 (short for coronavirus disease 2019). That same day, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) formally announced it had named the causative virus as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) based upon its genetic similarity to the 2003 SARS-CoV. The separation between the disease and the causative virus is based on the same nomenclature policies that separate AIDS and the virus which causes it, HIV.
WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus explained that CO stands for coronavirus, VI for virus, and D stands for disease, while 19 stands for the year, 2019, that the outbreak was first detected. As such, there has never been a "COVID-1" or any other "COVID-" series disease with a number below 19.
Chinese virus
From January to March 2020, US President Donald Trump repeatedly described the virus as the "Chinese virus". In March 2020, the president claimed to have abandoned the term, telling Fox News "we shouldn't make any more of a big deal out of it". On March 18 and 19, 2020, Trump twice defended using the term "Chinese virus" amid instances of bigotry against Asians in the United States. Trump referred to it as "the China Virus" at least as late as January 2021.
This description was also used by members of the Spanish far-right political party Vox, especially by its leader Santiago Abascal in March 2020.
CCP virus
The Epoch Times has reportedly funded right-wing groups promoting the use of the term "CCP virus" to lay blame on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the pandemic. Chinese-born New Zealand sculptor Chen Weiming created a 20-foot statue in Liberty Sculpture Park in Yermo, California, depicting Chinese leader and CCP general secretary Xi Jinping with spike proteins as his hair, naming it "CCP virus".
Stylization of the term has varied since the virus's and disease's discovery. The World Health Organization (WHO) stylizes the disease as COVID-19 with all letters capitalized and many other organizations have followed their lead. The AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style, and the Modern Language Association (MLA) have styled it similarly. Several observers have noted the importance of proper stylization, despite the seeming ridiculousness of worrying over such matters "at a time like this" (during the early days of the pandemic), recalling the confusion and prejudice which resulted from unclear or inconsistent naming as was the case with AIDS (which was called GRID/HTLV-III/LAV at various times) and non-A, non-B Hepatitis. They have also pointed out that future researchers will benefit from consistency when reviewing past data and research.
However, stylization as "Covid-19" has become common as well. Numerous news sources including The New York Times, CNN, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, NBCNews have presented the term with a capital C but all other letters as lower case. As a result, use of "Covid-19" has become commonplace and even the accepted standard in some cases. Use of "Covid-19" in news sources from the United Kingdom like The Guardian has also been the norm since most British newspapers only capitalize an entire acronym if the acronym is typically spelled out like "B-B-C" or "N-H-S" while acronyms which are pronounced as words, like "Nasa" or "Unicef" have their first letter capitalized and all subsequent letters lowercase.
While COVID-19 refers to the disease and SARS-CoV-2 refers to the virus which causes it, referring to the "COVID-19 virus" has been accepted. Reference to SARS-CoV-2 as "the coronavirus" has become somewhat accepted despite such use implying that there is only one coronavirus species. Similarly, use of "COVID" for the disease (if the first rendered as COVID-19) has been tolerated. Use of "the Coronavirus" to refer to the COVID-19 pandemic which began in December 2019 has also been accepted. Although such use does not specify the year or which coronavirus-related disease is being referred to, given its all-encompassing impact at the time, such references have been deemed justifiable. Use of "the" when referring to the disease, virus, or 2019 pandemic has been quite varied with some requiring use of "the" while others have not. The Oxford English Dictionary noted that "the" is typically not used when referring to the disease, COVID-19, but is not uncommon when referring to the virus.
Reference to the virus and/or the disease as "corona", "the corona", and "the rona" has also arisen in various parts of the world.
Colloquial names
2022-09-13 phylogenetic tree of life of COVID-19 using the PANGO nomenclature; only a few of these variants have come to public notice
Numerous mutations and variants of SARS-CoV-2 have acquired colloquial vis-à-vis scientific labels for ease of pronunciation and usage, both in the lab and to some extent in mass media. The nomenclature draws from the corpus of mythology (both Greek and Scandinavian and astronomy.
Public messaging has been a concern given that these elements of popular reportage can be at variance with the Greek alphabet nomenclature established by the WHO; other schemes have been proposed.
Arcturus (XBB.1.16) was named on social media after the star; Kraken (XBB.1.5), Cerberus (BQ.1.1), Typhon (BQ.1), and Gryphon (XBB) were coined by evolutionary biologist T. Ryan Gregory (from his own personal nomenclature of mythical creatures); whereas Pelican, Quail, and Mockingbird (variants of 20I/501Y.V1), have not gained wider usage. The BA.2.86 variant was named 'pirola' (sic) by a group of scientists on social media in late 2023, and was brought to public attention by an August edition of the Wall Street Journal. (Inasmuch as the World Health Organization has suggested using astronomy for its plethora of names, the Twitter user @JPWeiland suggested the obscure Jovian asteroid 1082 Pirola "for its uniqueness" and the possibility of shifting the nomenclaure to Pi or Rho if needed.)
Nicknames have also arisen for mutations such as Nelly (N501Y), Doug (and Douglas) (D614G), and even Eeek (E484K), initially meant as convenient labels in University of Bern lab discourse.
See also
Virus classification
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Shi Zhengli
Chinese researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
COVID-19 pandemic
Pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2
Virus that causes COVID-19
Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted.
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owlmygod · 6 months
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In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party’s ambition to dominate global hegemony has become clearer and more explicit, with the Chinese government becoming more radical and aggressive in its attempts to suppress and persecute those who do not agree with them or share different values, aiming to completely silence voices different from the government.
Domestically, they have set out to purge dissidents and eliminate diverse voices. For example, for the Uighurs in Xinjiang, the CCP has built numerous “re-education camps,” using technology for massive cultural cleansing. Additionally, China has erected the “Great Firewall,” preventing Chinese citizens from accessing foreign information and strictly monitoring major internet communities like Weibo, WeChat, and NetEase to block sensitive topics’ discussion and spread.
However, the CCP’s suppression of freedom of speech is not limited to within its borders; it actively uses various means to harm the public opinion environment in other countries. A recent CNN report revealed that the Chinese government has been organizing large-scale online fake news attacks, investing billions of dollars to influence foreign public opinion and suppress criticism of Beijing. In recent years, they have used pro-China hacker groups for rigorous and increasingly blatant intimidation to harass U.S. residents, smear U.S. politicians, and American companies.
A 2022 report by cybersecurity company Mandiant even pointed out that China created at least 72 fake news websites in 11 languages to spread false information in line with the Chinese government’s narrative. These news sites, masquerading as Western media, were found to be built using Chinese HTML web structures and transcribing a large amount of content from Chinese and Russian official media, aiming to create chaos and affect people’s confidence in their own countries and systems, leading them to doubt democracy and embrace authoritarianism.
Freedom of speech and civil society are the cornerstones of a well-functioning society and are indispensable to democratic countries. However, China’s ambition to become a world leader and universal ruler has made “freedom of speech” a thorn in their side - domestically, they must suppress and purge dissenting voices, and internationally, they seek to remove international public opinion unfavorable to them. China’s various actions and methods are a serious infringement on freedom.
More importantly, the CCP’s continuous restriction of freedom of speech and execution of cross-border suppression aims to completely silence domestic dissent, creating a stark contrast with the United States, which is divided due to presidential elections. Xi Jinping hopes to see the United States and the Western world in chaos, too preoccupied to pay attention to China’s actions. We must recognize the threat of China, be aware of any CCP tactics, and bravely defend our democracy and freedom.
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444namesplus · 6 months
bbb bbc bbd bbf bbg bbh bbi bbj bbk bbl bbm bbn bbp bbr bbs bbt bbu bbv bcb bcc bcd bcf bcg bch bci bcj bck bcl bcm bcn bcp bcr bcs bct bcu bcv bcz bdb bdc bdd bdf bdg bdh bdi bdj bdk bdl bdm bdn bdp bdr bds bdt bdu bdv bdz bfb bfc bfd bff bfg bfh bfi bfj bfk bfl bfm bfn bfp bfr bfs bft bfu bfv bfz bgb bgc bgd bgf bgg bgh bgi bgj bgk bgl bgm bgn bgp bgr bgs bgt bgu bgv bgz bhb bhc bhd bhf bhg bhh bhi bhj bhk bhl bhm bhn bhp bhr bhs bht bhu bhv bhz bib bic bid bif big bih bii bij bik bil bim bin bip bir bis bit biu biv biz bjb bjc bjd bjf bjg bjh bji bjj bjl bjm bjn bjp bjr bjs bjt bju bjv bjz bkb bkc bkd bkf bkg bkh bki bkj bkk bkl bkm bkn bkp bkr bks bkt bku bkv bkz blb blc bld blf blg blh bli blj blk bll blm bln blp blr bls blt blu blv blz bmb bmc bmd bmf bmg bmh bmi bmj bmk bml bmm bmn bmp bmr bms bmt bmu bmv bmz bnb bnc bnd bnf bng bnh bni bnj bnk bnl bnm
bnn bnp bnr bns bnt bnu bnv bnz bpb bpc bpd bpf bpg bph bpi bpj bpk bpl bpm bpn bpp bpr bps bpt bpu bpv bpz brb brc brd brf brg brh bri brj brk brl brm brn brp brr brs brt bru brv brz bsb bsc bsd bsg bsh bsi bsj bsk bsl bsm bsn bsp bsr bss bst bsu bsv bsz btb btc btd btf btg bth bti btj btk btl btm btn btp btr bts btt btu btv btz bub buc bud buf bug buh bui buj buk bul bum bun bup bur bus but buu buv buz bvb bvc bvd bvf bvg bvh bvi bvj bvk bvl bvm bvn bvp bvr bvs bvt bvu bvv bvz bzb bzc bzd bzf bzg bzh bzi bzj bzk bzl bzm bzn bzp bzr bzs bzt bzu bzv bzz cbb cbc cbd cbf cbg cbh cbi cbj cbk cbl cbm cbn cbp cbr cbs cbt cbu cbv cbz ccb ccc ccd ccf ccg cch cci ccj cck ccl ccm ccn ccp ccr ccs cct ccu ccv ccz cdb cdc cdd cdf cdg cdh cdi cdj cdk cdl cdm cdn cdp cdr cds cdt cdu cdv cdz cfb cfc cfd cff cfg cfh cfi cfj cfk cfl cfm cfn cfp cfr cfs cft cfu cfv cfz cgb cgc cgd cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgp cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgz chb chc
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gsb gsc gsd gsf gsg gsh gsi gsj gsk gsl gsm gsn gsp gsr gss gst gsu gsv gsz gtb gtc gtd gtf gtg gth gti gtj gtk gtl gtm gtn gtp gtr gts gtt gtu gtv gtz gub guc gud guf gug guh gui guj guk gul gum gun gup gur gus gut guu guv guz gvb gvc gvd gvf gvg gvh gvi gvj gvk gvl gvm gvn gvp gvr gvs gvt gvu gvv gvz gzb gzc gzd gzf gzg gzh gzi gzj gzk gzl gzm gzn gzp gzr gzs gzt gzu gzv gzz hbb hbc hbd hbf hbg hbh hbi hbj hbk hbl hbm hbn hbp hbr hbs hbt hbu hbv hbz hcb hcc hcd hcf hcg hch hci hcj hck hcl hcm hcn hcp hcr hcs hct hcu hcv hcz hdb hdc hdd hdf hdg hdh hdi hdj hdk hdl hdm hdn hdp hdr hds hdt hdu hdv hdz hfb hfc hfd hff hfg hfh hfi hfj hfk hfl hfm hfn hfp hfr hfs hft hfu hfv hgb hgc hgd hgf hgg hgh hgi hgj hgk hgl hgm hgn hgp hgr hgs hgt hgu hgv hgz hhb hhc hhd hhf hhg hhh hhi hhj hhk hhl hhm hhn hhp hhr hhs hht hhu hhv hhz hib hic hid hif hig hih hii hij hik hil him hin hip hir his hit hiu hiv hiz hjb hjc hjd hjf hjg hjh hji hjj hjk hjl hjm hjn hjp hjr hjs hjt hju hjv hjz hkb hkc hkd hkf hkg hkh hki hkj hkk hkl hkm hkn hkp hkr hks hkt hku hkv hkz hlb hlc hld hlf hlg hlh hli hlj hlk hll hlm hln hlr hls hlt hlu hlv hlz hmb hmc hmd hmf hmg hmh hmi hmj hmk hml hmm hmn hmp hmr hms hmt hmu hmv hmz hnb hnc hnd hnf hnh hni hnj hnk hnl hnm hnn hnp hnr hns hnt hnu hnv hnz hpb hpc hpd hpf hpg hph hpi hpj hpk hpl hpm hpn hpp hpr hps hpt hpu hpv hpz hrb hrc hrd hrf hrg hrh hri hrj hrk hrl hrm hrn hrp hrr hrs hrt hru hrv hrz hsb hsc hsd hsf hsg hsh hsi hsj hsk hsl hsm hsn hsp
hsr hss hst hsu hsv hsz htc htd htf htg hth hti htk htl htm htn htp htr hts htt htu htv htz hub huc hud huf hug huh hui huj huk hul hum hun hup hur hus hut huu huv huz hvb hvc hvd hvf hvg hvh hvi hvj hvk hvl hvm hvn hvp hvr hvs hvt hvu hvv hvz hzb hzc hzd hzf hzg hzh hzi hzj hzk hzl hzm hzn hzp hzr hzs hzt hzu hzv hzz ibb ibc ibd ibf ibg ibh ibi ibj ibk ibm ibn ibp ibr ibs ibt ibu ibv ibz icb icc icd icf icg ich ici icj ick icm icn icp icr ics ict icu icv icz idb idc idd idf idg idh idi idj idk idl idm idn idp idr ids idt idu idv idz ifb ifc ifd iff ifg ifh ifi ifj ifk ifl ifm ifn ifp ifr ifs ift ifu ifv ifz igb igc igd igf igg igh igi igj igk igl igm ign igp igr igs igt igu igv igz ihb ihc ihd ihf ihg ihh ihi ihj ihk ihl ihm ihn ihp ihr ihs iht ihu ihv ihz iib iic iid iif iig iih iii iij iik iil iim iin iip iir iis iit iiu iiv iiz ijb ijc ijd ijf ijg ijh iji ijj ijk ijl ijm ijn ijp ijr ijs ijt ijv ijz ikb ikc ikd ikf ikg ikh iki ikj ikk ikl ikm ikn ikp ikr iks ikt iku ikv ikz ilb ilc ild ilf ilg ilh ili ilj ilk ill ilm iln ilp ilr ils ilt ilu ilv ilz imb imc imd imf img imh imi imj imk iml imm imn imp imr ims imt imu imv imz inb inc ind inf ing inh ini inj ink inl inm inn inp inr ins int inu inv inz ipb ipc ipd ipf ipg iph ipi ipj ipk ipl ipm ipn ipp ipr ips ipt ipu ipv ipz irb irc ird irf irg irh iri irj irk irl irm irn irp irr irs irt iru
irv irz isb isc isd isf isg ish isi isj isk isl ism isn isp isr iss ist isu isv isz itb itc itd itf itg ith iti itj itk itl itm itn itr its itt itu itv itz iub iuc iud iuf iug iuh iui iuj iuk iul ium iun iup iur ius iut iuu iuv iuz ivb ivc ivd ivf ivg ivh ivi ivj ivk ivl ivm ivn ivp ivr ivs ivt ivu ivv ivz izb izc izd izf izg izh izi izj izk izl izm izn izp izr izs izt izu izv izz jbb jbc jbd jbf jbg jbh jbi jbj jbk jbl jbm jbn jbp jbr jbs jbt jbu jbv jbz jcb jcc jcd jcf jcg jch jci jcj jck jcl jcm jcn jcp jcr jcs jct jcu jcz jdb jdc jdd jdf jdg jdh jdi jdj jdk jdl jdm jdn jdp jdr jds jdt jdu jdv jdz jfb jfc jfd jff jfg jfh jfi jfj jfk jfl jfm jfn jfp jfr jfs jft jfu jfv jfz jgb jgc jgd jgf jgg jgh jgi jgj jgk jgl jgm jgn jgp jgr jgs jgt jgu jgv jgz jhb jhc jhd jhf jhg jhh jhi jhj jhk jhl jhm jhn jhp jhr jhs jht jhu jhv jhz jib jic jid jif jig jih jii jij jik jil jim jin jip jir jis jit jiu jiv jiz jjb jjc jjd jjf jjg jjh jji jjj jjk jjl jjm jjn jjp jjr jjs jjt jju jjv jjz jkb jkc jkd jkf jkg jkh jki jkj jkk jkl jkm jkn jkp jkr jks jkt jku jkv jkz jlb jlc jld jlf jlg jlh jli jlj jlk jll jlm jln jlp jlr jls jlt jlu jlv jlz jmb jmc jmd jmf jmg jmh jmi jmj jmk jml jmm jmn jmp jmr jms jmt jmu jmv jmz jnb jnc jnd jnf jng jnh jni jnj jnk jnl jnm jnn jnp jnr jns jnt jnu jnv jnz jpb jpc jpd jpf jpg jph jpi jpj jpk jpl jpm jpn jpp jpr jps jpt jpu jpv jpz jrb jrc jrd jrf jrg jrh jri jrj jrk jrl jrm jrn jrp jrr jrs
jrt jru jrv jrz jsb jsc jsd jsf jsg jsh jsi jsj jsk jsl jsm jsn jsp jsr jss jst jsu jsv jsz jtb jtc jtd jtf jtg jth jti jtj jtk jtl jtm jtn jtp jtr jts jtt jtu jtv jtz jub juc jud juf jug juh jui juj juk jul jum jun jup jur jus jut juu juv juz jvb jvc jvd jvf jvg jvh jvi jvj jvk jvl jvm jvn jvp jvr jvs jvt jvu jvv jvz jzb jzc jzd jzf jzg jzh jzi jzj jzk jzl jzm jzn jzp jzr jzs jzt jzu jzv jzz kbb kbc kbd kbf kbg kbh kbi kbj kbk kbl kbm kbn kbp kbr kbs kbt kbu kbv kbz kcb kcc kcd kcf kcg kch kci kcj kck kcl kcm kcn kcp kcr kcs kct kcu kcv kcz kdb kdc kdd kdf kdg kdh kdi kdj kdk kdl kdm kdn kdp kdr kds kdt kdu kdv kdz kfb kfc kfd kff kfg kfh kfi kfj kfk kfl kfm kfn kfp kfr kfs kft kfu kfv kfz kgb kgc kgd kgf kgg kgh kgi kgj kgk kgl kgm kgn kgp kgr kgs kgt kgu kgv kgz khb khc khd khf khg khh khi khj khk khl khn khp khr khs kht khu khv khz kib kic kid kif kig kih kii kij kik kil kim kin kip kir kis kit kiu kiv kiz kjb kjc kjd kjf kjg kjh kji kjj kjk kjl kjm kjn kjp kjr kjs kjt kju kjv kjz kkb kkc kkd kkf kkg kkh kki kkj kkk kkl kkm kkn kkp kkr kks kkt kku kkv kkz klb klc kld klf klg klh kli klj klk kll klm kln klp klr kls klt klu klv klz kmb kmc kmd kmf kmg kmh kmi kmj kmk kml kmm kmn kmp kmr kms kmu kmv kmz knb knc knd knf kng knh kni knj knk knl knm knn knp knr kns knt knu knv knz kpb kpc kpd kpf kpg kph kpi kpj kpk kpl kpm kpn kpp kpr kps kpt kpu kpv kpz krb krc krd krg krh kri krj krk krl krm krn krp krr krs krt kru krv krz ksb ksc ksd ksf ksg ksh ksi ksj ksk ksl ksm ksn ksp ksr kss kst ksu ksv ksz ktb ktc ktd ktf ktg kth kti ktj ktk ktl ktm ktn ktp ktr kts ktt ktu ktv ktz kub kuc kud kuf kuh kui kuj kuk kul kum kun kup kur kus kut kuu kuv kuz kvb kvc kvd kvf kvg kvh kvi kvj kvk kvl kvm kvn kvp kvs kvt kvu kvv kvz kzb
kzc kzd kzf kzg kzh kzi kzj kzk kzl kzm kzn kzp kzr kzs kzt kzu kzv kzz lbb lbc lbd lbf lbg lbh lbi lbj lbk lbl lbm lbn lbp lbr lbs lbt lbu lbv lbz lcb lcc lcd lcf lcg lch lci lcj lck lcl lcm lcn lcp lcr lcs lct lcu lcv lcz ldb ldc ldd ldf ldg ldh ldi ldj ldk ldl ldm ldn ldp ldr lds ldt ldu ldv ldz lfb lfc lfd lff lfg lfh lfi lfj lfk lfl lfm lfn lfp lfr lfs lft lfu lfv lfz lgb lgc lgd lgf lgg lgh lgi lgj lgk lgl lgm lgn lgp lgr lgs lgt lgu lgv lhb lhc lhd lhf lhg lhh lhi lhj lhk lhl lhm lhn lhp lhr lhs lht lhu lhv lhz lib lic lid lif lig lih lii lij lik lil lin lip lir lis lit liu liv liz ljb ljc ljd ljf ljg ljh lji ljj ljk ljl ljm ljn ljp ljr ljs ljt lju ljv ljz lkb lkc lkd lkf lkg lkh lki lkj lkk lkl lkm lkn lkp lkr lks lkt lku lkv lkz llb llc lld llf llg llh lli llj llk lll llm lln llp llr lls llt llu llv llz lmb lmc lmd lmf lmg lmh lmi lmj lmk lml lmm lmn lmp lmr lms lmt lmu lmv lmz lnb lnc lnd lnf lng lnh lni lnj lnk lnl lnm lnn lnp lnr lns lnt lnu lnv lnz lpb lpc lpd lpf lpg lph lpi lpj lpk lpl lpm lpn lpp lpr lps lpt lpu lpv lpz lrb lrc lrd lrg lrh lri lrj lrk lrl lrm lrn lrp lrr lrs lrt lru lrv lrz lsb lsc lsd lsf lsg lsh lsi lsj lsk lsl lsm lsn lsp lsr lss lst lsu lsv lsz ltb ltc ltd ltf ltg lth lti ltj ltk ltl ltm ltn ltp ltr lts ltt ltu ltv ltz lub luc lud luf lug luh lui luj luk lul lum lun lup lur lus lut luv luz lvb lvc lvd lvf lvg lvh lvi lvj lvk lvl lvm lvn lvp lvr lvs lvt lvu lvv lvz lzb lzc lzd lzf lzg lzh lzi lzj lzk lzl lzm lzn lzp lzr lzs lzt lzu lzv lzz mbb mbc mbd mbf mbg mbh mbi mbj mbk mbl mbm mbn mbp mbr mbs mbt mbu mbv mbz mcb mcc mcd mcf mcg mch mci mcj mck mcl mcm mcn mcp mcr mcs mct mcu mcv mcz mdb mdc mdd mdf mdg mdh mdi mdj mdk mdl mdm mdn mdp mdr mds mdt mdu mdv mdz mfb mfc mfd mff mfg mfh mfi mfj mfk mfl mfm mfn mfp mfr mfs
mft mfu mfv mfz mgb mgc mgd mgf mgg mgh mgi mgj mgk mgl mgm mgn mgp mgr mgs mgt mgu mgv mhb mhc mhd mhf mhg mhh mhi mhj mhk mhl mhm mhn mhp mhr mhs mht mhu mhv mhz mib mic mid mif mig mih mii mij mik mil mim min mip mir mis mit miu miv miz mjb mjc mjd mjf mjg mjh mji mjj mjk mjl mjm mjn mjp mjr mjs mjt mju mjv mjz mkb mkc mkd mkf mkg mkh mki mkj mkk mkl mkm mkn mkp mkr mks mkt mku mkv mkz mlb mlc mld mlf mlg mlh mli mlj mlk mll mlm mln mlp mlr mls mlt mlu mlv mlz mmb mmc mmd mmf mmg mmh mmi mmj mmk mml mmm mmn mmp mmr mms mmt mmu mmv mmz mnb mnc mnd mnf mng mnh mni mnj mnk mnl mnm mnn mnp mnr mns mnt mnu mnv mnz mpb mpc mpd mpf mpg mph mpi mpj mpk mpl mpm mpn mpp mpr mps mpt mpu mpv mpz mrc mrd mrf mrg mrh mri mrj mrk mrl mrm mrn mrp mrr
mrs mrt mru mrv mrz msb msc msd msf msg msh msi msj msk msm msn msp msr mss mst msu msv msz mtb mtc mtd mtf mtg mth mti mtj mtk mtl mtm mtn mtp mtr mts mtt mtu mtv mtz mub muc mud mug muh mui muj muk mul mum mun mup mur mus mut muv muz mvb mvc mvd mvf mvg mvh mvi mvj mvk mvl mvm mvn mvp mvr mvs mvt mvu mvv mvz mzb mzc mzd mzf mzg mzh mzi mzl mzm mzn mzp mzr mzs mzt mzu mzv mzz nbc nbd nbf nbg nbh nbi nbj nbk nbl nbm nbn nbp nbr nbs nbt nbu nbv nbz ncb ncc ncd ncf ncg nch nci ncj nck ncl ncm ncn ncp ncr ncs nct ncu ncv ncz ndb ndc ndd ndf ndg ndh ndi ndj ndk ndl ndm ndn ndp ndr nds ndt ndu ndv ndz nfb nfc nfd nff nfg nfh nfi nfj nfk nfl nfm nfn nfp nfr nfs nft nfu nfv nfz ngb ngc ngd ngf ngg ngh ngi ngj ngk ngl ngm ngn ngp ngr ngs ngt ngu ngv ngz nhb nhc nhd nhf nhg nhh nhi nhj nhk nhl nhm nhn nhp nhr nhs nht nhu nhv nhz nib nic nid nif nig nih nii nij nik nil nim nin nip nir nis nit niu niv niz njb njc njd njf njg njh nji njj njk njl njm njn njp njr njs njt nju njv njz nkb nkc nkd nkf nkg nkh nki nkj nkk nkl nkm nkn nkp nkr nks nkt nku nkz nlb nlc nld nlf nlg nlh nli nlj nlk nll nlm nln nlp nlr nls nlt nlu nlv nlz nmb nmc nmd nmf nmg nmh nmi nmj nmk nml nmm nmn nmp nms nmt nmu nmv nmz nnb nnc nnd nnf nng nnh nni nnj nnk nnl nnm nnn nnp nnr nns nnt nnu nnv nnz npb npc npd npf npg nph npi npj npk npl npm npn npp npr nps npt npu npv npz nrb nrc nrd nrf nrg nrh nri nrj nrk nrl nrm nrn nrp nrr nrs nrt nru nrv nrz nsb nsc nsd nsf nsg nsh nsi nsj nsk nsl nsm nsn nsp nsr nss nst nsu nsv nsz ntb ntd ntf ntg nth nti ntj ntk ntl ntm ntn ntp ntr nts ntt ntu ntv ntz nub nuc nud nuf nug nuh nui nuj nuk nul num nun nup nur nus nut nuu nuv nuz nvb nvc nvd nvf nvg nvh nvi nvj nvk nvl nvm nvn nvp nvr nvs nvt nvu nvv nvz nzb nzc nzd nzf nzg nzh nzi nzj nzk nzl nzm nzn nzp nzr nzs nzt nzu nzv nzz pbb pbc pbd pbf pbg
pbh pbi pbj pbk pbl pbm pbn pbp pbr pbs pbt pbu pbv pbz pcb pcc pcf pcg pch pci pcj pck pcl pcm pcn pcp pcr pcs pct pcu pcv pcz pdb pdc pdd pdf pdg pdh pdi pdj pdk pdl pdm pdn pdp pdr pds pdt pdv pdz pfb pfc pff pfg pfh pfi pfj pfk pfl pfm pfn pfp pfr pfs pft pfu pfv pfz pgb pgc pgd pgf pgg pgh pgi pgj pgk pgl pgm pgn pgp pgr pgs pgt pgv pgz phb phc phd phf phg phh phi phj phk phl phm phn php phr phs pht phu phv phz pib pic pid pif pig pih pii pij pik pil pim pin pip pir pis pit piu piv piz pjb pjc pjd pjf pjg pjh pji pjj pjk pjl pjm pjn pjp pjr pjs pjt pju pjv pjz pkb pkc pkd pkf pkg pkh pki pkj pkk pkl pkm pkn pkp pks pkt pku pkv pkz plb plc pld plf plg plh pli plj plk pll plm pln plp plr pls plt plu plv plz pmb pmc pmd pmf pmg pmh pmi pmj pmk pml pmm pmn pmp pmr pms pmt pmu pmv pmz pnb pnc pnd pnf png pnh pni pnj pnk pnl pnm pnn pnp pnr pns pnt pnu pnv pnz ppb ppc ppd ppf ppg pph ppi ppj ppk ppl ppm ppn ppp ppr pps ppt ppu ppz prb prc prd prf prg prh pri prj prk prl prm prn prp prr prs prt pru prv prz psb psc psd psf psg psh psi psj psk psl psm psn psp psr pss pst psu psv psz ptb ptc ptd ptf ptg pth pti ptj ptk ptl ptm ptn ptp ptr pts ptt ptu ptv ptz pub puc pud puf pug puh pui puj puk pul pum pun pup pur pus put puu puv puz pvb pvc pvd pvf pvg pvh pvi
pvj pvk pvl pvm pvn pvp pvr pvs pvt pvu pvv pvz pzb pzc pzd pzf pzg pzh pzi pzj pzk pzl pzm pzn pzp pzr pzs pzt pzu pzv pzz rbb rbc rbd rbf rbg rbh rbi rbj rbk rbl rbm rbn rbp rbs rbt rbu rbv rbz rcc rcd rcf rcg rch rci rcj rck rcl rcm rcn rcp rcr rcs rct rcu rcv rcz rdb rdc rdd rdf rdg rdh rdi rdj rdk rdl rdm rdn rdp rdr rds rdt rdu rdv rdz rfb rfc rfd rff rfg rfh rfi rfj rfk rfl rfm rfn rfp rfr rfs rft rfu rfv rfz rgb rgc rgd rgf rgg rgh rgi rgj rgk rgl rgm rgn rgp rgr rgs rgt rgu rgv rgz rhb rhc rhd rhf rhg rhh rhi rhj rhk rhl rhm rhn rhp rhr rhs rht rhu rhv rhz rib ric rid rif rig rih rij rik ril rim rin rip rir ris rit riu riv riz rjb rjc rjd rjf rjg rjh rji rjj rjk rjl rjm rjn rjp rjr rjs rjt rju rjv rjz rkb rkd rkf rkg rkh rki rkj rkk rkl rkm rkn rkp rkr rks rkt rku rkv rkz rlb rlc rld rlf rlg rlh rli rlj rlk rll rlm rln rlp rlr rls rlt rlu rlv rlz rmb rmc rmd rmf rmg rmh rmi rmj rmk rml rmm rmn rmp rmr rms rmt rmu rmv rmz rnb rnc rnd rnf rng rnh rni rnj rnk rnl rnm rnn rnp rnr rns rnt rnu rnv rnz rpb rpc rpd rpf rpg rph rpi rpj rpk rpl rpm rpn rpp rpr rps rpt rpu rpv rpz rrb rrc rrd rrf rrg rrh rri rrj rrk rrl rrm rrn rrp rrr rrs rrt rru rrv rrz rsb rsc rsd rsf rsg rsh rsi rsj rsl rsm rsn rsp rsr rss rst rsu rsv rsz rtb rtc rtd rtf rtg rth rti rtj rtk rtl rtm rtn rtp rtr rts rtt rtu rtv rtz rub ruc rud ruf rug ruh rui ruj ruk rul rum run rup rur rus ruu ruv ruz rvb rvc rvd rvf rvg rvi rvj rvk rvl rvm rvn rvp rvr rvs rvt rvu rvv rvz rzb rzc rzd rzf rzg rzh rzi rzj rzk rzl rzm rzn rzp rzr rzs rzt rzu rzv rzz sbb sbc sbd sbf sbg sbh sbi sbj sbk sbl sbm sbn sbp sbr sbs sbt sbu sbv sbz scb scc scd scf scg sch sci scj sck scl scm scn scp scr scs sct scu scv scz sdb sdc sdd sdf sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk sdm sdn sdp sdr sds sdt sdu sdv sdz sfb sfc sfd sff sfg sfh sfi sfj sfk sfl sfm sfn sfp sfr sfs sft sfu sfv sfz sgb sgc sgd sgf sgg sgh sgi sgj sgk sgl sgm sgn sgp sgr sgs sgt sgu sgv sgz shb shc shd shf shg
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xtruss · 6 months
TikTok Threat Is Purely Hypothetical, U.S. Intelligence Admits
“We Have Nothing to Add,” the FBI Said, When Asked For Evidence of TikTok’s Actual Threat.
— Ken Klippenstein | March 16 2024
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A TikTok Advertisement at a Metro station in Washington, DC, US, on Thursday, March 30, 2023. “Singaporean NOT Chinese TikToks Chief Executive” Appearance in Congress Last Week Did Little to Calm the Bipartisan Fury Directed at the Viral Video-Sharing Service. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
The Purported Threat of TikTok to U.S. National Security has Inflated into a Hysteria of Chinese Spy Balloon Proportions, but the official record tells a different story: U.S. intelligence has produced no evidence that the popular social media site has ever coordinated with Beijing. That fact hasn’t stopped many in Congress and even President Joe Biden from touting legislation that would force the sale of the app, as the TikTok frenzy fills the news pages with empty conjecture and innuendo.
In interviews and testimony to Congress about TikTok, leaders of the FBI, CIA, and the director of national intelligence have in fact been careful to qualify the national security threat posed by TikTok as purely hypothetical. With access to much of the government’s most sensitive intelligence, they are well placed to know.
The basic charge is that TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, a Chinese company, could be compelled by the government in Beijing to use their app in targeted operations to manipulate public opinion, collect mass data on Americans, and even spy on individual users. (TikTok says it has never shared U.S. user data with the Chinese government and would not do so if asked. This week, TikTok CEO Shou Chew said that “there’s no CCP ownership” of ByteDance, referring to the Chinese Communist Party.)
Though top national security officials seem happy to echo these allegations of Chinese control of TikTok, they stop short of saying that China has ever actually coordinated with the company.
Typical is an interview CIA Director William Burns gave to CNN in 2022, where he said it was “troubling to see what the Chinese government could do to manipulate TikTok.” Not what the Chinese government has done, but what it could do.
What China could do turns out to be a recurring theme in the statements of the top national security officials.
FBI Director Christopher Wray said during a 2022 talk at the University of Michigan that TikTok’s “parent company is controlled by the Chinese government, and it gives them the potential [emphasis added] to leverage the app in ways that I think should concern us.” Wray went on to cite TikTok’s ability to control its recommendation algorithm, which he said “allows them to manipulate content and if they want to [emphasis added], to use it for influence operations.”
In the same talk, Wray three times referred to the Chinese government’s “ability” to spy on TikTok users but once again stopped short of saying that they do so.
“They also have the ability to collect data through it on users which can be used for traditional espionage operations, for example,” Wray said. “They also have the ability on it to get access, they have essential access to software devices. So you’re talking about millions of devices and that gives them the ability to engage in different kinds of malicious cyber activity through that.”
Wray is referring to the potential ability, according to U.S. intelligence, to commandeer phones and computers connecting to TikTok through apps and the website.
In testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee in November 2022, Wray was even more circumspect, stressing that the Chinese government could use TikTok for foreign influence operations but only “if they so chose.” When asked by Rep. Diana Harshbarger, R-Tenn., if the Chinese government has used TikTok to collect information about Americans for purposes other than targeted ads and content, Wray only could acknowledge that it was a “possibility.”
“I would say we do have national security concerns, at least from the FBI’s end, about TikTok,” Wray said. “They include the possibility that the Chinese government could use it to control data collection on millions of users or control the recommendation algorithm which could be used for foreign influence operations if they so chose.”
The lack of evidence is not for lack of trying, as Wray alluded to during the same hearing. When asked by Harshbarger what is being done to investigate the Chinese government’s involvement in TikTok, Wray replied that he would see whether “any specific investigative work … could be incorporated into the classified briefing I referred to.”
The FBI, when asked by The Intercept if it has any evidence that TikTok has coordinated with the Chinese government, referred to Wray’s prior statements — many of which are quoted in this article. “We have nothing to add to the Director’s comments,” an FBI spokesperson said.
The fiscal year 2025 FBI budget request to Congress, which outlines its resource priorities in the coming year, was unveiled this week but makes no mention of TikTok in its 94 pages. In fact, it makes no mention of China whatsoever.
Since at least 2020, the interagency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States has investigated the implications of ByteDance’s acquisition of TikTok. The investigation followed an executive order by former President Donald Trump that sought to force TikTok to divest from its parent company. When that investigation failed to force a sale, a frustrated Congress decided to get involved, with the House passing legislation on Wednesday that would force ByteDance to sell TikTok.
In testimony to the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, the highest-ranking intelligence official in the U.S. government, was asked about the possibility that China might use TikTok to influence the upcoming 2024 presidential elections. Haines said only that it could not be discounted.
“We cannot rule out that the CCP could use it,” Haines said.
The relatively measured tone adopted by top intelligence officials contrasts sharply with the alarmism emanating from Congress. In 2022, Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., deemed TikTok “digital fentanyl,” going on to co-author a column in the Washington Post with Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., calling for TikTok to be banned. Gallagher and Rubio later introduced legislation to do so, and 39 states have, as of this writing, banned the use of TikTok on government devices.
None of this is to say that China hasn’t used TikTok to influence public opinion and even, it turns out, to try to interfere in American elections. “TikTok accounts run by a [People’s Republic of China] propaganda arm reportedly targeted candidates from both political parties during the U.S. midterm election cycle in 2022,” says the annual Intelligence Community threat assessment released on Monday. But the assessment provides no evidence that TikTok coordinated with the Chinese government. In fact, governments — including the United States — are known to use social media to influence public opinion abroad.
“The problem with TikTok isn’t related to their ownership; it’s a problem of surveillance capitalism and it’s true of all social media companies,” computer security expert Bruce Schneier told The Intercept. “In 2016 Russia did this with Facebook and they didn’t have to own Facebook — they just bought ads like everybody else.”
This week, Reuters reported that as president, Trump signed a covert action order authorizing the CIA to use social media to influence and manipulate domestic Chinese public opinion and views on China. Other covert American cyber influence programs are known to exist with regard to Russia, Iran, terrorist groups, and other foreign actors.
In other words, everybody’s doing it.
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darkmaga-retard · 16 days
BREAKING: In the wake of shocking CCP infiltrations into NY state government, tomorrow the House Committee will be conducting a hearing with former NY Governor Cuomo on the state’s COVID-19 policies.
Karen Kingston
Sep 10, 2024
September 9, 2024: Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, brother of former CNN reporter Chris Cuomo, was the Emmy-award winning U.S. governor for his engaging, charismatic and “masterful” COVID-19 briefings providing updates on cases and deaths while persuasively convincing New Yorkers (and viewers from around the world) of the critical importance of New York’s strict COVID-19 lockdowns.
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justiceheartwatcher · 10 months
☕️ HEROIC OFFICER HARPER ☙ Saturday, November 18, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Good morning, C&C, and welcome to the Weekend Edition! Your roundup today includes: Speaker Mike Johnson hits home run by fulfilling the long-promised release of the J6 videos; a minor defense of the Republican House; Rep. Kevin Kiley and the CCP Committee release a shocking report on the secret Chinese  biolab in Reedly, California; SADS cancer professor; SADS airline pilot (another one!); weird increase in airline mayday calls; SADS top cardiac scientist; big retail sours on self-checkout; Russia having a great year despite Biden sanctions; and a fun clip of Vivek Ramaswamy torpedoing a testy CNN anchor
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erikacousland · 1 year
I have better healthcare in China than in the US! - YouTube
In this video I take you on a trip with me to the hospital!
Western media always criticizes China as not free, pollute,poor and backward.But I see that City is very new, the sky is very blue, and the air is very good.
Ironically, two months ago, a highly-educated 60' Chinese man in China swore to me that in America every single citizen has health insurance and it costs nothing for a healthcare visit.
Then the scene was like: "Surely you never take any local news about U.S. right?" "All bad news about America were propagandas that made by the CCP." (It's should be "CPC" BTW) "Ehhhhh… but the Chinese medias only translated CNN's English reports into Chinese." "Nah, you are not American, you know nothing about the truth of them." "But I read the original reports…" (Open the full English web page and show to him.) "I won't see it, I can't read English." (Not real, his English is far better than me.)
Now you know why young Chinese calling those old man who born in the 60' as "the brainwashed generation".
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theyoungturks · 2 years
The U.S. Energy Department concluded with "low confidence" that the COVID-19 virus likely started with an unintentional lab leak in China. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/democrat-on-cnn-says-lab-leak-news-not-surprising-at-all-hundreds-of-thousands-dead-due-to-chinas-mismanagement-at-every-step/ "Massachusetts Democrat and Armed Services Committee member Rep. Seth Moulton told CNN anchor Jim Acosta on Sunday that the pandemic being caused by a lab leak in China should be no surprise, considering CCP covid mismanagement we already knew about cost hundreds of thousands of Chinese lives. Acosta asked Moulton, who also serves on the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, about the report this morning that the Department of Energy has joined the FBI in assessing a lab leak in China as the “likely” cause of the covid-19 pandemic. “There’s this updated classified intelligence report that says the US Department of Energy has assessed that the source of the covid-19 pandemic likely came from a lab leak in China,” said Acosta. What’s your reaction to that?” *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230227__TA01Covid by The Young Turks
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